#arabella shelby
kendallspussy · 8 months
the usage of some arctic monkeys songs in peaky blinders is so funny to me, there’s tommy shelby on his way to some dirty ass factory to presumably whoop someone’s ass and arabella keeps playing in the background…… i know for a fact alex turner is giggling and kicking his feet whenever he watches cillian murphy doing a little stroll to his music
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ohwarnette · 10 months
Statistical “which characte” personality quiz
tagged by besties<333 @tommishelby @theresebelivet @kuroes thank you for tagging! this was fun!!
tagging: @lorenlily @arabellas @camiladune @deadpoets @hollyfhumberstone @mandy-lane @reputayswift @ravenclairee @delilahsbard @iknowitwontwork @thefancyshit @tbosas @permanentreverie
rules: take this test and present who you got as the characters most similar to you
belle french ( ouat ) 84%
pam beesly ( the office ) 83%
jane bennet ( pride & prejudice) 82%
Meg march ( little women) 82%
kate pearson ( this is us ) 82%
jane eyre ( jane eyre ) 82%
jess day ( new girl ) 79%
peeta mellark ( thg ) 74%
amy santiago ( b99 ) 73%
inej ghafa ( s&b ) 72%
allison hargreeves ( tua ) 71%
violet Baudelaire ( asoue) 71%
sookie st. James ( Gilmore girls ) 69%
chidi anagonye ( tgp ) 68%
ada shelby ( peaky blinders ) 68%
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Chapter 13: The Rush of Blood
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Alfie feels sweat trickling down his back, his eyes lacerate into the interloper in front of him, who dirties and taints the elegant hall as if by osmosis.
Michael McCleary. To Arabella, just a name scrawled in Tommy’s handwriting, but now here he stands, a short and stout man with filth escaping his every pore.
‘You’ve been ignoring my calls and letters, Solomons.’
His Scouse twang echoes strongly in the affluent surroundings.
‘Yeh well there’s a very good reason for that, ain’t there?’
Alfie’s stiff shoulders and heavy-set back, wrap an unwelcome presage around Arabella, as if confirming Tommy’s suspicions that the High Rip gang have prior dealings with her fiance.
Swiping a cocktail from a reluctant waiter, Michael smirks and downs the alcohol. He bites aggressively, with what few teeth he has left,  into the cherry that decorates his glass.
‘I don’t like being ignored you see. It gets me all angsty.’
He putters the cherry stem.
‘Maybe I need to get me a good looking tart like yours? Bet she helps relieve the tension at night, doesn’t she?’
With a filthy leer, Michael flicks the tied stem down Arabella’s cleavage. Reacting almost before Alfie has the chance to form a fist, she pulls back his hand.
‘Stop, think where you are and who is around you. It’s just what this fucker wants. Don’t play into his hands.’
Alfie grunts a response, the blood bouncing in his veins in abundance.
‘She speaks a lot of sense, you should listen to her’.
‘She has a name, you know’.
Michael’s laugh fills the darkening space.
‘Oh I know your name, Ms Arabella Shelby. I know all about you and your family. Modern day Romeo and Juliet, you two are. Star-crossed lovers from opposite ends of the trotting tracks.. .  and well  . . . we all know how that tale ends’.
With a calming composure, Alfie’s bulky shadow casts shade over the Liverpudlian’s pockmarked face.
‘You might be better served expressing your profound views on literature to someone who gives a fuck, mate. You waltz in here thinking you’re a brave lad, when we all know that the only reason you are still stood vertically, thieving my oxygen is because I am choosing not to put a bullet in that thick skull of yours. Now tell me what you’re ‘ere for and then you can fuck off or I will  stick my boot so far up your arse that you’ll fly back to Liverpool and hit the Mersey with a breathless sense of having tumbled like Icarus from the sky’.
Michael’s delusive grin cultivates his face, Alfie’s resolute words land beside him like a grenade with the pin still attached. The malodour of old garbage fires thrives from their unwelcome guest and as foul in her nostrils as it is, Arabella inhales deeply in an effort to slow her breathing.
Michael’s drawing quite the crowd.
‘Alfie is right, make your point and then fuck off’.
‘Bad words from such a beautiful broad- be careful none of these toff-nosed Jews hear it. You wouldn’t want to give the game away.’
Alfie’s eyes slice like the ambiguity in Michael’s rhetoric.
‘Oh don’t worry Solomons, your secrets and skeletons are safe with me. . . for now anyway’.
The twine possessing Alfie’s composure splinters and with a constricting grab of an upper arm, he whips Michael away from prying eyes, with Arabella’s plea of his name falling on death ears and Rubin hot on their tail.
At the main entrance a huddle of elderly Jewish women’s discussion on knitting patterns is firmly interrupted by a grapple they look shocked to be witnessing.
‘Now, don’t you worry about this ladies, I’m just taking out the rubbish’.
Alfie’s tone is jovial, but Arabella can see every vein in his body is amplifying to cardinal proportions.
Taking a sharp right, he hurls them into a deserted back alley, before ricochetting Michael’s back off the cold and damp bricks, making Arabella wince and Michael bellow breathlessly.
Years of fighting and taking back meant dealing with dregs like McCleary was almost autonomous. Despite his incensed demeanour, his brain remains utterly calm, firing off a lightening series of automated responses. A continuous of experience distilled into substance.
A multitude of action happens simultaneously and all before anyone has time to anticipate.
Arabella isn’t sure where he pulled it from, but Alfie is now pivoted firmly in front of Michael, a Webley Mark revolver held unwaveringly on his trigger finger.
‘My boy, no!’ Rubin clamours out as Arabella surges to the end of the alley surveying the surroundings.
Her panicked expletive reaches the ears of a well-to-do couple dressed in all their finery. Casting her a scandalised look, the lady tuts an ‘oh really’ under her expensive furs.
Arabella swallows her bottom lip. There is no way a gunshot is to go unnoticed and uninvestigated in these surroundings. She makes a dash back to Alfie, tugging at his arm once again.
‘Alfie, Alfie. . .Alfie, put the gun down’.
His eyes pirouette with torment, his fiance's pleas sequestering to the background. He gently bats away her arm.
‘Sweetie, you might want to stand well back for this one, because when I drop this bullet from it’s resting place the blood and matter that will ascend this little cunt to the heavens will deflect itself all over this pigsty. Now green and red just don’t go together and I’d hate for that dress to be ruined.’
‘Alfie, you need to stop. If anyone hears that thing go off and calls the police . . . he’s not worth that’.
‘My dear boy, Ms Shelby is right, put away that weapon. A man like this is not laudable for the ammunition’.
Ignoring Rubin entirely, Alfie addresses Arabella without ever leaving his attention from the snivelling creature caught firmly in his cross-hairs.
‘Treacle, since my resurrected partnership with your brother, I have no need to worry about the old cop shop. It’s all justifiable housekeeping.’
Arabella glances across to Rubin. Beads of sweat interspersing his forehead catch the oppressive luminosity of the gas light.
Alfie lurches forward pushing the weapon straight into Michael's windpipe with force.
‘Now McCleary, don’t ever think you can come into my world, and take an upper-hand. That ain’t ever gunna happen is it? Did you think I’d let you get away with it, what you thought you’d sensed a weakness in the Israelite?’
‘No need for senses when there’s certainty’.  Michael splutters  through the cold constriction of gun metal. Alfie’s eyebrows shoot up, the lines in his forehead increasing with magnitude.
Driven by instinct, he pushes the barrel of the gun under Michael’s chin as his eyes twitch at his adversary’s cool composure and audacious words  His heart races but his mind is icy.
‘Talk to me about this certainty of yours’. The clicking of his gun cocking into place and his detached tone sounds almost deafening to Arabella in this confined space.
‘Alfie stop! He’s winding you up!’ Her voice going an octave higher.
‘Your uncle, Charles Solomons. He’s an interesting fellow isn’t he? Or at least he has some very interesting cargo that comes through Liverpool docks’.
Arabella hears the gasp Rubin drops at the name Charles Solomons. Alfie’s eyebrows lower and pull even further together as his lip curls.
‘You see Alfie, you might have a hand at what goes through Camden Lock and thanks to this new allegiance with Lady Muck there, you have a finger in the pie at Poplar, but Liverpool and the Albert Dock? They’re mine. I control them and with  no foot hold there for either of your little gangs, I have a lot of leverage in way of your Uncle Charlie’s cargo from Boston.’
Alfie catatonic eyes continue staring at Michael, looking straight through him.
‘Charles Solomons’ business has nothing to do with me!’
Spittle flies from his mouth along with his indignant rumble of words.
‘Funny that because his business of bootlegging, narcotics and the like has certainly bank rolled a lot of your warehouses and labour. How do you think he’d feel knowing his own nephew had a hand in the fallout of his empire eh? Because between me and my lads, we could make it very difficult for his goods to make their destination points’.
The barrel of Alfie’s gun collides with Michel’s cheekbone, splitting the skin wide open. Michael grabs the wound with his hand shouting a series of expletives.
‘Lets say I shoot you right here, right now. In the fucking face. I’d be doing everyone a fucking favour then wouldn’t I? Including my Uncle Charlie.’
‘You can kill me now, but it wouldn’t make a difference. There’s not just me in on this’.
Alfie swallows, the saliva bounding down his throat like poison. How did this fucker, this scruffy backstreet gang member know so much of his business? Alfie didn’t want this fight but it has come looking for him and battle it, he will. His finger tightens on the trigger, snatching at it. But by now, galvanised by the chaos, Arabella steps into the fold.
Alfie turns his head sharply at her, but she doesn’t react. In that second panic sets in. He didn’t panic ever. Panicking got you killed. A straightforward equilibrium. But, just like panic, distraction gets you killed and when he sees her step into the combat zone, his focus goes to keeping her safe. Already, she is becoming detrimental.
Unfazed by the weapon and the weight of the situation, Arabella looks Michael up and down, her eyes set to a primitive gaze.
‘So, that’s your leverage is it?’
‘Arabella, go the fuck back inside!’
Rubin wrings his hands behind them.
‘Ms Shelby, perhaps Alfie is right and you should. .’ Rubin’s attempts to mediate are cut off by Alfie’s growl.
‘Fuck off Bella, Now!’
‘I’m going nowhere! I want to know what Mr McCleary is using Charles Solomons as a bargaining chip for?’
Nursing his bleeding cheek, Michael winks at Arabella salaciously.
‘I mean, you ask all the right questions don’t you babe? If she’s half as good at emptying your balls, Solomons then she’s too worthy for you.’
Alfie’s anger hits crescendo and just as the adrenaline spikes to manipulate his limbs, he feels the soft skin of Arabella’s hand entwine with his around the gun. With a firm grip she pulls the focus of the barrel between McCleary’s legs.
‘I’ve got more than one method for draining balls, now get the fuck out with what it is you want’.
‘Alright sweetheart, as it’s you. You see, us up North we haven’t got it as good as you bastards down here. You Southern ponces have it perfect, business must be booming with everyone’s love for trotting spectacles’.
Arabella rolls her eyes.
‘Fuck sake, you men and your fucking horses! All this is about the tracks!?’
‘The tracks that have got you were you are standing now, love. Well, me any my lads are feeling a bit left out and we reckon it’s about time you did some sharing’.
Alfie pouts at the fanciful fucker in front of him. That thick-lipped mouth of his on display, that Arabella notes makes him look amenable and cordial, hiding the steel that lays beneath the easy smiles.
‘Carry on down the road to Little Italy and you can discuss all this with Darby Sabini -we hear he is in need of allies at the moment’.
Michael grins wide, oozing more blood from the gash to his face. He likes her, shame really when he considers his end game.
‘Oh no Miss Shelby, I’m not in this to share or be a worker bee for any Italian mob cunt. We want space and pitches and with those we will agree to a truce at the Liverpool docks and no more trouble with the cargo of a Mr C Solomons as well as a new trade network at my end.’
‘Fuck your truce! I don’t do fucking truces mate! Don’t think for a single second of your measly,  miserable existence that I would work with a cunt like you. You, yeh, are the lowest and most de sanctified piece of scum and I don’t do deals with men willing to kill the rats that live among them by biting them’.
Either McCleary was mentally deficient or he has more up his sleeve that he can pull out when he wants. Arabella was yet to decide which.
‘Look, how many good-natured businessmen have you lot bullied, hounded and baited for pitches? That’s how it works. Now don’t come the incensed with me when the same thing happens to you’.
Alfie works his way closer into Michael’s space, the gun pushing further into McCleary’s gut with each step.
‘Now, I’ve been very patient of you, considering the circumstances but now your just getting on my last fucking nerve. You come ‘ere to seek me out, you know the road, you know I offer a deal or death. Un-fuckin-fortunately for you mate it’s no deal’.
The sound of a cocking gun fills the expanse around them. Alfie’s eyes knit together as his gun was already rearing to go.
A cold chill fills his body.
As quick as a snake he whips his head in Arabella’s direction. A tall and lanky man with a soot covered face and eyes like piss holes in the snow looms behind her. The same revolver as his own sequestering into the parting of her hair.
‘Well, I did tell you I wasn’t in this alone. What’s say we call a truce that you famously don’t do?’
Alfie’s tongue darts out across his lips to add moisture to his acrid mouth.
‘Take that gun from behind her head now or so help me I’ll paint this alleyway with every ounce of your intestines’.
‘Alright, calm yourself will yeh! Take this gun out of my ribcage and I’ll ask me mate here to throw back your princess once we’ve discussed our bookmaking arrangements for Kempton and Earls Park. We can discuss Epsom when . . . ‘
Smug words drown out to the ear piercing shriek of agony, followed by a gunshot.
Alfie can hear the blood swilling around his ears as they ring. A cold sweat like the ones he experienced in France drapes around him.
Rubin, who has ducked down, cowering like a child to avoid the fired bullet, turns to look at the damage inflicted to the brickwork behind him.
Alfie’s eyes search with frantic need. Never has he felt relief like the kind her green scowl is bringing.
Arabella’s provoked patience melded into fury and flashing her hand from inside her cleavage she had retrieved a flick knife.
McCleary’s cadaverous assailant falls back, nursing his eye socket. His muck filled knuckles struggle to contain the cascade of crimson.
Alfie spots a blood stain growing on the young man’s upper arm. One flow of movement from her had caused the damage.  Alfie didn’t know if he was turned on, worried or infuriated- the dilemma was nauseating. He quickly pulls her arm a little too roughly, placing her behind his frame, an action that makes Michael sneer.
‘There’s part of that weakness of yours, Solomons. A devil always protects his angel’.
‘You are pushing your fucking luck mate!’
Alfie bellows the last three words as they spark a fire in his eyes like every demon and monster laying dormant inside him is suddenly awakened.
‘She’s fucking blinded me, you stupid fucking bitch!’
‘That is just a scratch. Rest assured that I think before I act so had I wanted to blind you then that eyeball would be on the end of my knife edge.’
‘Yeh and make another sound and both your fuckin eyes will be in my next batch of rum, mate’.
Michael keeps his eyes on Alfie. Watching him warily and attempting to second-guess what his next move will be, irritating Arabella to no end. She points at him with the tip of her knife, dripping with red.
‘Let me explain a few things to you. For one, I am not in anyway some hapless princess that gets what she wants through the strong-arming of her brothers. Secondly, should you wish to know where my brothers get their violent tendencies from, it’s from having to try and fight back at a sister who has always been two steps ahead of them. As for the devil, well, even the devil doesn’t know where an angel sharpens their knives’.
Despite the situation Michael’s countenance lifts into a smile that reaches his eyes. He knows he’s playing a dangerous game with Solomons, but now he understood that this broad is more strife than he has given thought to. The only thing left to do is see everything through and watch who would be the victor.
Alfie transfixes a snarl to Michael’s assailant who is using his flea invested blazer to wipe away the blood. He reaches into his pocket sending all eyes to his actions with cautious worry. Pulling out a white handkerchief, he condescendingly tosses it across.
‘Why don’t you wipe yourself the fuck up and then the pair of you can trot on down to the end of this road and fuck off from where you’ve crawled from?’
‘Alright, we’ve said what we need to say, no need to labour the point’.
Alfie’s shoulders hunch. Going without a fight seems suspicious and he can almost feel the charge coming off Michael as he pushes the still drawn pistol in the bakers hand out of his way to saunter to his mate.
‘This isn’t a finished conversation though, Solomons. Earls Park races start in a fortnight and we want in on the pitches and not the shitty cheaper rings that you Jews have been used to before now. We can discuss another meeting in the coming days. Don’t ignore my telegrams this time- I’d hate to come back for your princess’.
‘And she would hate to come back for this fucker’s other eye’.
Arabella spits out through gritted teeth as Alfie once again finds himself squaring back up to Michael with all the menace of a mad man. A dense darkness spiking in his eyes forcing devilry to dance in his pupils. Arabella watches warily through the silence. Maybe all the schemes of the devil were nothing in comparison to what this man could muster up.
In one swift blow, Alfie’s knuckles collide with Michael’s conspirator. The sound of bones crunching fill the space as the gangling lad plummets to the concrete,. Rubin gasps in shock and turns his head to the side, scrunching his eyes as if it would remove him from the situation.
‘That there yeh, is just for starters. Consider it a warning to both of you that children do not belong in a man’s world.  No fucking deal. No fucking meeting. Take your friend and fuck off.’
Alfie steps over the body below him, barging into Michael's shoulder in the process. He holds out his hand to Arabella, which she accepts as they walk off down the narrow space.
‘Before you go anywhere there’s something else you should know’.
Alfie spins around, his expression dripping with malice.
‘What’s that old saying- an eye for an eye? You might want to check on your little right hand man. He got in our way when we were looking for you at that warehouse you use belonging to her brother. Not sure how long it takes to bleed out from a leg wound but he’s already been there quite a while, so I wouldn’t leave it too long.’
Alfie’s brain feels like it’s in overload. They have got to Issiah. He drops Arabella’s hand. With hunching shoulders, he storms back onto the thoroughfare of the street. He needed to get to Issiah and get to him fast. Everything else could wait.
TAG LIST: @theworldisforeverours @hotchlover @bekkarific @jarvisrocks
@fairypitou @azulawayne @quarterpastmidnight @clintbartoris @gameofpot @doomwhathouwilt @lokigirlszendaya @inkinterrupted @misselsbells-blog @soloalfie @hades-dogsitter @buttercupsandboys @sunshineyourethebesttime​ 
Sorry for the super long update delay! I hope there are people still willing to read this labour of love. 
Let me know if you would like to be added to the tag-list and as always please comment and reblog! 
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calosplaylists · 8 months
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tommy shelby tingz — a playlist for the king
1. Evil Eye — Franz Ferdinand // 2. Arabella — Arctic Monkeys // 3. Want You So Bad — The Vaccines // 4. Francesca — Hozier // 5. Black Velvet — Alannah Myles // 6. The Devil Wears a Suit and Tie — Colter Wall // 7. Little Lion Man — Mumford and Sons // 8. De Selby (Part 2) — Hozier // 9. Bottom of the River — Delta Rae // 10. God’s Gonna Cut You Down — Johnny Cash // 11. Man of War — Radiohead
listen on spotify
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wrongarmofthelaw · 11 months
Character Info Sheet
name: Samantha Maria Arabello
name meaning:
Samantha: feminine version of Samuel, Antha might be based on the Greek antho which means flower
Maria: Variation of Mary, Biblical, meaning beloved or love
Arabello: I made it it up, but found out later Arabella is a real name coming possibly from the Latin orabilis, which means invokable, yielding to prayer
alias(es)/nicknames: Sammy
ethnicity: American with Polish roots on her father's side and Irish-Italian roots on her mother's side
one picture you like best of your chara:
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She looks a little thoughtful here, maybe a little sad as well.
three h/cs you've never told anyone:
Sammy inherited her dad's strength, meaning she can absolutely yeet people through walls or tear off car doors like he can if a situation forced her to do so.
I don't think there are any other headcanons I haven't mentioned before. XD
three things your character likes doing in their free time:
Learning new animal facts
Listening to music
Hanging out with her family
eight people your character likes / loves:
Her mother Fiona Arabello -Mine
Her father Matt Cordell -Canon, Mine
Her brother Matt Jr. -Mine
Emily Brass, friend of her mother - @punchedharder
Liz, friend of her mother - @mxgicshxrd
Shelby O'Viere, family friend -@mehrere-musen
Ginger Fitzgerald, possible new friend? - @fcrcecfnature
two things your character regrets:
Not able to be more open with others due to being supernatural
Possibly putting friends and loved ones in danger due to being a potential slasher magnet
two phobias your character has:
Fear of others reacting badly to finding out she's the daughter of a supernatural slasher
Friends and loved ones being killed by slashers
tagged by: @fcrcecfnature (thanks!)
tagging: @tiffanyxvalentine, @darkvitas, @diamondvoicedprince, @eludin-muses (any muse), @mehrere-musen (for Shelby), @lettherebemonsters (any muse), @mxgicshxrd, @feralhippie anyone else who wants to do it. I'll probably do it on my other blogs too.
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babygirlcowboy · 1 year
Love when they play random arctic monkeys songs in peaky blinders like yes Arabella was the perfect choice for this scene of Tommy Shelby negotiating with rival gangster Alfie Solomons 👍 really sets the mood 👍
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Hi so we’re the snitch anon system. We’re a system in the body of an able bodied white minor. We’re here just to cause general chaos. I’m in a system (this is run by 2 members of it) so let’s give u a rundown. We’ll also update this with the name and pronouns of any other alters who post something. Oh and I’m headmates with @karnakthegreat.
Asks are open. Asks are always open unless we say otherwise
Any systems can interact with us just no spreading hate. We want to stay respectful on here so no spreading hate. WE DO NOT WELCOME HOMIPHOBES TRANSPHOBES FAKECLAIMERS TURFS PEOPLE WHO SEXUALISE LITTLES OR PET REGRESSORS. IF U INTERACT U WILL BE BLOCKED OR REPORTED. Don’t spread hate it’s not very bachelor man of u okay it’s not cool.
Hi I’m Apollo the actual host.
My pronouns are he/him
Hallo folkrockers I am Art, German pirate and musician and yk I’m pretty cool
My pronouns are he/him they/them
Hello my name is Frau. I’m a caretaker and mother in this system. I am a fictive of Frau Schneider from Rammstein
My pronouns are she/her
Hi I’m Talia and I’m the actual snitch anon. I’ll sign off any posts I’ve done with my name.
My pronouns are she/her/he/him/they/them feel free to use any of them when talking to me.
I’m Scarlet. I’m a bimbo from the Aurora cycle. Also I’m married to a pink alien and i always talk about them.
My pronouns are she/her
Hi I’m endi and I’m an enderwoman
My pronouns are she/they
Hi I’m Heather. I’m not from the musical heathers or anything but I’m a witch. At least that’s one half of my memory’s it’s confusing you can ask about it if u want
My pronouns are she/they and sometimes it/it’s
Hello I am Caercan. I am also a fictive from the Aurora Cycle. I am an ‘alien’ from a race called the Syldrathi
My pronouns are He/him
I’m Saedii. Caercan’s daughter and eldest child
Pronouns she/they
Hey im Olivia. Im a zombie thing that was made by aliens and I sorta came from the song living dead girl by Rob Zombie
Pronouns are she/they/it
Bonjour I’m Monique and I’m friends with Talia. We both like causing problems.
My pronouns are she/her.
I’m Virgil the rat. I’m from rtc and I’m tired of everyone and everything
My pronouns are he/they/rat
Hello my name is Isabella. I have my own account here @themostcuriousgirlintown
My pronouns are she/they/it
I’m Arabella. I’m a marionette puppet made of porcelain.
My pronouns are she/they/it
My name is Zefaria. I’m from the planet Zolar and I’m a cat girl.
My pronouns are she/they
Hi I’m Thomas barrow. I’m a fictive from Downton Abby who was in the First World War
My pronouns are he/him
Hello my name is Persephone. I’m a goddess and I make moderately good pasta and have pasta night once every week. Im also a caretaker and I am very motherly.
My pronouns are she/they
Hello I am General Iroh. You can call me uncle Iroh or grandpa or even just Iroh. I’m always here if you need advice or help.
My pronouns are he/him
Hello I’m Jane.
My pronouns are she/they/it
I’m Thomas Shelby. I have 3 children within the system and I somewhat identify with my source.
My pronouns are he/him
My names Y/n I’m from a video game yes that’s my real name
Pronouns are she/her they/them
Hello darlings my names Lucifer
I tend to use he/they however I have been known to use she/her at times
I’m David. Fictive from The Lost Boys movie yk the one with the pretty vampires
My pronouns are he/they
I’m Stacy daughter of stacys mum. She’s she’s got it going on
Pronouns are she/they
Im Richard. Factive of RzK from Rammstein. Also lead singer in Emigrate
Pronouns are he/him sometimes she/they
I’m Anon yeah that’s my name. I’m a trauma holder and stuff and I don’t like loud noises
Pronouns she/her they/them
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cathygeha · 11 months
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Christmas Belles – A Holiday Regency Anthology
Happy Holidays for more than one regency couple can be read about and enjoyed at any time of year! I have not completed all the stories yet, but plan to do so and update my review over time.
I started Tracy Sumner’s THE DARING DEBUTANTE because I have read and am invested in The Duchess Society series that precludes this charming story. Nigel Streeter and Arabella Macauley have known each other since childhood. Arabella is a bit like her mother in that she knows what she wants, is willing to go after it, and she wants Nigel. Fun story that made me smile
Bree Wolf’s story came next. In ONCE UPON A NOT ALL INNOCENT KISS Charles Beaumont, Viscount Hawthorne is back in England with his family attending a party and Beatrice Hartley catches his eye.  He sees her sadness and wants to provide succor and is persistent as he feels he fell in love immediately. Beatrice has a big secret and delicate issue to deal with but will Charles be the one to help her and perhaps also claim her heart.
The final novella read is by Collette Cameron and titled A YULETIDE TOSS OF THE DICE. Aubrielle Penford considers herself on the shelf, a bit awkward, and kept from pursuing her dreams due to being a woman. Jackson Matherfieild, a friend of her brother’s, has been in her life for years but more as a pain in the patoot than anything else…until one day…things begin to change. This was a great story that had me wanting to see how the two would find their way to a happy ending. I also want to know about the side story of Shelby Tellinger and Roxina Danforth. I wonder if their story will show up in the series this author is starting in 2024.
I enjoyed the stories read and look forward to reading the remaining five stories in the near future.
Thank you to Wolf Publishing for the ARC – This is my honest review.
4-5 Stars
Can you hear the Christmas Bell(es)? It's that time of a year.. Step back in time to the enchanting world of Regency-era romance this holiday season. In “Christmas Belles," join eight extraordinary couples as they navigate the glittering ballrooms of London and the snow-kissed landscapes of the countryside, where love blooms amidst mistletoe and the promise of a yuletide happily ever after. From stolen glances beneath twinkling chandeliers to secret rendezvous by the roaring hearth, these timeless tales of passion and desire will warm your heart and leave you longing for your own Regency romance. Surrender to the magic of the season and discover love that transcends time in this captivating anthology. Celebrate this Christmas season with 8 brand new holiday Regency romances by some of your favorite USA Today and bestselling authors: Bree Wolf, Tracy Sumner, Collette Cameron, Charlie Lane, Jennifer Monroe, Meredith Bond, Shannon Gilmore, and Rebecca Paula.
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liquid-reign · 3 years
Here we go with another one. There’s a PART II to this
Tommy x Arabella
Word Count- 1k (approx)
Trigger Warnings- Miscarriage, hints of sex, emotional a bit 
The title is as always from a song. It’s Reflections by The Neighborhood
Apart from the show of being a happy married couple, she and Tommy had found a middle ground between fucking like married people and behaving like business friends in general.  Last she checked they were still married. But Tommy hadn't come home in over two weeks now. Or since she saw him, particularly. Because he apparently had come home twice in between to see Charlie, but only during the day when she had been away at work.
She still wasn't sure whether she had recovered from the loss. She had no idea why it affected her so much. Maybe she really wanted to have the child. But why hadn't she told her husband in over a month of carrying it in her? Maybe she herself didn't want it, anyway. But she knew it wasn't the truth, she just knew.
 A week after the loss, the endless night where there was no one to hold her in her misery, not even her own husband, she decided she wanted to see him
"Good Afternoon, Lizzie. Is Tommy in a meeting in his office?", she said stopping at her desk.
"No, he's not in any meeting and yes he's in there", Lizzie answered before looking up at her boss's wife "Though he has asked to not let any visitors in"
He was in there. That's all that mettered to her. She nodded and walked up to go to his office, ignoring Lizzie's warning.
She locked the doors from the inside as soon as she entered.
He looked up from his work and started questioning her "What are y-" only to be interrupted with her lips on his. A deep kiss that said what she wanted. He parted, pulling her face away with his hands, a little breatheless, question clear on his face
She nodded, "I have forty minutes. Fuck me"
He stood up, locking her between him and the desk with his hands on either sides on the desk. "In the middle of the day, when I asked for no visitors?"
"I don't think i'm any regular visitor" and proceeded to kiss him only to be held back with his hands on her face. He was evidently confused. She dragged her hands from his waist, unbuttoning the waistcoat, to the top of his dark purple striped tie to bring him closer "Just do it, Tom, please" and grazed on his lower lip.
And as if that was all he needed to get to work, he crashed his lips onto hers and lifted her up to place on the desk.
She reached down to unbutton his pants and his hands roamed her entire body to finally pull the skirt up.
After almost more than fifteen days of not doing it he fucked her like it was the only thing that mattered, eyes fixed on her. Holding her close the entire time, the grip of her legs wrapped around his abdomen sending him to another dimension. Just like him going so deep, yet so painfully sweet, was sending her.
She finished with her legs gluing him to her and hands clutching tight on the open waistcoat, teeth digging into his flesh right where his neck met the shoulder. And he followed right after her. Kissing and biting her shoulder in equal measures. Both a bit sweaty, bodies still stuck together, they stayed like that till their breathing evened a little.
She snuggled her face in the crook of his neck, taking in the the familiar scent, before she felt him part, landing his lips on hers, ever so soft.
Tommy pressed his forehead to hers, looking at her, for answers maybe or in adoration he didn't know.
Roslyn kept her eyes closed, savouring the moment because she didn't know when she'll get to be this close to him again in the coming days. Her hands held his face softly "Tommy", she whispered, just before she opened her eyes finally, ready to part.
She took one longing look at him, wanting to ask him to come home. His thumbs were making little circles on her stomach where he held her from the waist which was making her dizzy in all the good ways.
It took all her willpower to step down from the desk, onto the floor. She walked towards the bar cabinet, adjusting and smoothening her dress on the way.
She poured herself some water, not wanting the taste of his kisses to disappear into the flavour of some alcohol. Leaning on the cabinet helped stabilize.
"What is it, Roslyn?" his velvet voice bringing her back from her thoughts
Taking a sharp breathe, she turned around to face his way, "Why haven't you been home in more than two weeks?"
"I have"
"In times when I'm not there"
She let out a little sad smile, nodded and turned to leave the office.
Just when she was almost about to wear hear overcoat, his hand pulled to him, their chests almost touching.
"I just wanted a good fuck. That's it"
"No it's not" he said, shaking his head
She looked away, rolling her eyes. It was the only way she could keep it together, not looking at his face.
"I need to know" he said moving her face by the chin to look at him, but she looked anywhere but at him.
He would have to know someday. And she couldn't hold it in anymore.
A tear escaped her eye, "I was carrying our child, Tommy. Lost it last week" and her voice cracked.
He held as his wife as she fell into him. She wasn't sobbing or crying but she was miserable inside, even he could tell.
"Why didn't you tell me?" he asked
She kept quite. Didn't have have an answer for that, she.
Suddenly she remembered she had to conduct a meeting and not much time was left.
"Have to go, right now. Goodbye, Tom" and she left
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sighonahurricane · 4 years
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This is a rough Arabella Aesthetic
Also, her full name is Arabella Roslyn Asheton
She signs her letters as A.Roslyn Asheton
Everyone knows her as Roslyn but only Alfie and Tom call her Arabella
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Arabella Shelby is tired of the antics of her twin brother Tommy. She hates how she is always left on the back-foot of what is going on. As a fierce and intelligent force to be reckoned with, she knows she is more than capable of dealing with the more unsavoury side of the Shelby Company Limited.
She’s made a decision that if Tommy won’t allow her to come out of the shadows, then she will make light of her own, elsewhere. But will a deal with the devil be the answer to her problems? Tommy has a proposition for Arabella and one that will see her tied to his most untrusting of business associates. Will Arabella take the plunge and start a new life in Camden, beside the most eccentric and sadistic bread makers and leader of the Jewish Gangs in London, Mr Alfie Solomons?
CHAPTER ONE: Satisfaction Seems like a Distant Memory CHAPTER TWO: SHE'S THUNDERSTORMS CHAPTER THREE: Middle of Adventure such a Perfect Place to Start CHAPTER FOUR:  Judith & Holofernes CHAPTER FIVE:  All Things are Subject to Decay and Change CHAPTER SIX:  A Fugitive, But You Don't Know What You're Running Away From CHAPTER SEVEN:  'I've Done Some Things that I Shouldn’t Have Done CHAPTER EIGHT: How Many Secrets Can You Keep?
CHAPTER NINE- You are the Unforecasted Storm
CHAPTER TEN: It’s Much Less Picturesque Without her Catching the Light
CHAPTER ELEVEN: Under the Warning Light
CHAPTER TWELVE: Have You No Idea That You’re in Deep?
As always, please support my fanfic with a reblog, or even better with a comment. Nothing makes you motivated to write like some fic appreciation,
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My Mother’s Keeper
Summary: You’ve been the only mother that Duke Shelby has ever remembered knowing, and he will do whatever it takes to give you the peace you’ve always given him.
Warnings: Mentions of abuse
A/N: Duke won’t be written as Tommy’s newly discovered son, instead he’s always known about him, and he came into the world under different circumstances
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“Mrs. Shelby, Mr. Shelby is home”
“Already? It’s only three o’clock”
“I mean the other Mr. Shelby madam”
“Oh, well alright then, thank you Eunice, tell him I’m in the dining room”
“No need, I’ve found ya”
Duke’s chipper voice walks into the room with a pep in his step, he must’ve had a ball during his trip, even though it looked to be a short one. He gets closer to you to give you a peck on the cheek before handing Eunice his coat and cap, telling her that he wasn’t hungry or thirsty after she asked if he wanted anything, he had all of his attention on you, looking to want to have no distractions, he was rushing your maid out of the room without blatantly doing so.
“You’re back already darling?”
“What, you aren’t happy to see me?”
“Of course I am love, I just wasn’t expecting you back so early, wasn’t expecting you back home for three more days”
“Yeah, something came up, had to cut it short”
“Oh that’s too bad, what happened?”
“Nothing you have to worry about yet”
“You aren’t gonna question me about my secrecy?”
“Duke, after all these years I’ve come to accept that if you and your dad are gonna keep something from me then you’ll tell me when you feel like it, begging won’t make you spill the beans so why try anymore”
He hated that he had to keep certain things from you, but he and Tommy were very protective of you and his baby sister, for the longest time you were the lady of the house, your boys out numbered you, but you finally had someone on your side when you fell pregnant with your first child with Tommy. Arabella Frances wasn’t planned but she was a lovely surprise, for the longest time you were so focused on bringing Duke up that another baby didn’t cross your mind for some reason.
Duke was Tommy and Greta Jurossi’s child, they had him when they were very young but in love, she was his first serious girlfriend, to save Greta from being shamed for being an unwed mother, Tommy raced her down to the courthouse the moment they gotten the news, he made sure to bribe the clerk into dating the certificate a month and a couple of weeks sooner so that it won’t look like they had gotten married only because of her pregnancy, which in a way was the truth, but everyone else didn’t need to know that.
Greta lived to see only one year of Duke’s life before she succumbed to consumption, he was lost after that, no mother for his son to nurture him, be the softer figure in his life that he would desperately need in this world and especially this life. Without being asked you had taken on the role of an unofficial step mother to the baby boy, you were one of Tommy’s most reliable and only female friends, you and Duke grew a bond stronger than he ever imagined in his wildest dreams. You never wanted him to not know of his biological mother, having two photos of Greta in your possession to show him every now and then, telling him stories about how much she adored him in every possible way, you didn’t want to ever lie to him and take credit in how he came to be, it wouldn’t be fair to his mothers memory, but all of that didn’t stop him from still calling you mummy and eventually just mum once he felt that “mummy” was too childish, you were the only one he’s ever known, he couldn’t help but to not miss a woman he had no memory of.
“It’s to protect you mum”
“I know my boy, I understand that now, really I do”
You kiss his cheek and lean back into your chair, picking up your new knitting project of making a little sweater for Arabella, he could tell that his secrecy was getting to you and you only left it alone as to not irritate him, eventually you would find out but not right now, he needed to make sure that his plan would follow through, he couldn’t risk you interfering with something that he knew would avenge the person he cares for the most, but would also make his father proud, two of the things that he valued, his dads pride and his mothers joy, Duke eventually excused himself to get himself changed out of his dingy clothes from his hunting trip and head to the Garrison where his dad was expecting him.
“I’m here!, dad?!”
“Over here Duke”
Tommy lifts an arm to guide him over towards the back of the empty pub. He was left in worry and suspense as to why his son cut the hunting trip with his friends short to come back home, he had called his dad from the nearest pay phone he could find to tell him that there’s been a change in plans and that he was taking the earliest train back to Birmingham, he was growing tired of the boring posh kids that he ended up having to use to network like his dad was doing while moving up in the political world, they wouldn’t know actual hunting and camping techniques to save their lives, but he eventually made an excuse to leave, telling them that during his call to check in back home he learned that his mother had “fallen ill” and he needed to get back home, the sheltered gullible teens felt bad and understood that he needed to go, not knowing of the true reason.
“I’m glad you could make time to sit with me”
“Well when you tell me that there is an urgent matter concerning your mum then of course I’m gonna come home early”
He smirks at his dad, pleased with the love that he held for you, that he’s willing to drop everything if you were in need. He reached into pocket of his coat to hand him a torn out piece of paper, it looked to be very old and the ink was slightly faded. Tommy was confused with what was handed to him until he was able to make out some words clearly, as the details of the page became more specific he couldn’t help but put two and two together, not to mention that the handwriting looked familiar.
“Where is this from son?”
“It’s from an old diary of mum’s…I didn’t mean to discover it”
“Wendell…I recognize that name”
“Wendell Mercer”
“That’s right, how do you know?”
“He’s been locked up in Emerson Prison for the past twenty years for killing her uncle, that was her step dad right?”
“Not legally, they were courting for about a year, by the time they were supposed to be wed he had shot her brother Aaron in a gambling dispute”
“Yeah but you don’t believe that do you?”
“I always felt that there was more to the story, Aaron wasn’t much of a gambler, but that was the story that her mum always stuck to so what was anything left to say?”
“Come on my boy, what aren’t you telling me?”
“It’s better to let you hear what all the hoopla is about from the source”
He stands up and walks out of the pub without saying another word, Tommy snuffs out his cigarette in an ashtray before rushing behind him, it was killing him about what this was all about, the little bit of details he was given wasn’t enough to satisfy him, what the fuck was his son about to get himself into?
Duke sped all the way to Charlie’s yard with his dad in tow, not saying a word on the way. This was it, the moment he’s been waiting for.
“Duke what the fuck is going on? Ay?!”
“You’ll see, trust me it’s worth the wait”
He marches onto Uncle Charlie’s property, already knowing what was up and made sure Curly opened the gates for them when they pulled up. Charlie gave his great nephew a knowing look along with a nod, further confusing Tommy, whatever was going on he was more than ready to find out, Duke has never looked as ready to put his fists to good use as he did at this moment, it was serious and he wanted his father to be a witness to it.
In the giant storage room towards the end of the yard was the sound of a muffled yell and heavy breathing, the body that it belonged to was one that Tommy hasn’t seen in years. Wendell Mercer, now with a balding head of grey thin hair, wrinkled skin and tattered clothes, prison has clearly shown him no mercy.
“Mr. Mercer, you remember Thomas don’t you? I just call him dad but you remember him as Thomas Shelby from Watery Lane right? Sure you do”
“Duke, what is going on?”
“Like I said, you should hear the truth from the source”
He stomps over to the mentally and physically exhausted old man tied to a chair that was also tied to a pole, he warned him to keep his yelling to himself before yanking off the handkerchief from his dry mouth.
“Go on you miserable old fuck, tell me dad the reasoning for all of this, I don’t have all fucking day, mum sent the cooks home and is making meatloaf tonight and I’m looking forward to my welcome home meal”
“P-please I’m sorry, I swear to you I regret it everyday, Aaron didn’t deserve the fate he was given, I’m sorry I shot him, I’m sorry I killed him”
“FUCK OFF, that’s not the only reason, tell my dad the real reason why you killed her uncle, gambling dispute my fucking ass, even he doesn’t believe that, tell him the reason why you did it!”
Wendell coughed up some blood, his health problems getting worse during recent years, and being cooped up in a hot storage room with hardly and way to breathe properly only irritated it more.
“Alright…alright look, I’m sorry for that too right”
“Sorry for what Wendell?”
It was Tommy’s turn to speak up, walking a little more closer to him to hear his confession.
“H-her mother, YN’s mother had ended up inheriting a small bit of money when an aunt of hers passed on, and me, I was so deep in my gambling debts that I needed to desperately scrape up any large amount of money that I could, when I found out that she hid the money from me and wouldn’t give it up I got enraged, I begin to take my frustrations out on her, I beat her almost to the point of killing her, and when YN came to try and get me off of her mother…I did the same thing to her, Aaron just so happened to have come to check in on his sister and witnessed me in the middle of beating his niece, so he gave me just what I deserved, I was able to get him off of me just long enough to reach for my gun and…Jesus look I’m sorry, I’m so fucking sorry, you have to believe me, time in that hell hole has rehabilitated me, I pray every day for forgiveness, for Aaron, YN and the woman who to this day I still love, I ruined everything because I couldn’t stay away from the race tracks, I-“
He didn’t have a chance to finish his pitiful speech before Duke shot him in his forehead, neither Charlie or Tommy was expecting that, maybe helping him beat the man to death yes but not this, he was looking forward to at least torture the bastard first, but his son beat him to it.
“An eye for an eye ay dad?”
“Duke, give me the gun”
“It’s mine dad, you gave it to me”
“I’ll get you a new one, now give it here so I can get rid of it”
He tosses the empty pistol to Tommy, only needing a single bullet to complete his goal in avenging his mother.
“It was unfair, after all the good mum has done for other’s, all the love and peace she gives to the world and it decides to hurt her in return, and forces her to carry it for the rest of her life”
“I know son, I know, come on, let’s go home alright, to collect yourself…Charlie?”
“Yeah, I know the drill, this will get cleaned up”
“Right, alright let’s go”
He guides Duke out of the yard and towards the car, what he needs right now is to change out of the clothes that now has blood splatter on it, take a hot bath and get a hot meal that his mum promised to make for him before he left.
“Are you proud of me dad? I got rid of my first enemy, the cause of the pain that has burdened mum all these years”
“You make me proud every day son”
Duke smirks at the validation he receives, in his mind he did the right thing, Wendell didn’t deserve another day of oxygen while the man who should be still living out his golden years was six feet underground, just for defending his sister and niece.
Wendell Mercer would be the first of many lives Duke Shelby would take in his lifetime, but this would be the one he’d be the most proud of, because he did it out of love.
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horriblehs · 2 years
k's masterlist!
smut= *
non-con= &
fluff= !
angst= ^
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love letter from moi: hi guys welcome to my revamped masterlist<3 and before you look I have one request, please follow the guide above before reading any of my fics! and dont copy my work or ill eat your toes.
harry potter
both generations
marauders era
the marauders
mafia hc's (!^)
p links (*)
sirius black
puppy dog eyes (!)
face sitting
bags (^)
smoke (^)
beautiful boy(!)
she looks just like a dream
remus lupin
isn't she lovely(!)
remus and baby maeve(!)
dumb bunny(*)
james potter
hugs from behind(!)
marry me(!)
you are my sunshine(!)
james and arabella (!)
regulus black
me and my boyfriend (^)
3 years(^)
golden trio era
blaise zabini
try again (*)
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marvel cinematic universe
nsfw alphabet
the avengers
bucky barnes
matt murdock
thigh riding (*)
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peaky blinders
tommy shelby
boo boos
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stranger things
billy hargrove
dating billy(!)
dating billy pt 2(!)
steve harrington
when you're with him(^)
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ethan torchio
nsfw hc's(*)
champagne and sunshine(*)
paul dano + his characters
never mistranslate, okja jay
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six of crows
kaz brekker
marry me(!)
are we too young for this?(^)
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gossip girl
max wolfe
sharing clothes (!)
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baby (&)
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padfootdaredmetoo · 3 years
so, i read the one-shot of the ballet dancer one and IM IN LOVE! could you do one of Tommy just seeing the fem reader who is well toned breaking something really hard or sucker punching Arthur or John and being like "MATERIAL GWORL😍😍".
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Heyo! This request is super cute, so thank you! Hope you enjoy XO
Warnings: Reader is threatened. She saves the day.
You loved being Mr. Shelby’s secretary. As long as you got your work done properly he didn't care what you did as long as you answered the phone. Most days you had everything done by noon and you enjoyed the rest of your day reading.
Occasionally your mind would wander, wondering what he would be like outside of work. Every now and again you thought maybe he was flirting with you, but he never made a move so you assumed he was just friendly and charming like that.
Today was exactly the same, except Thomas was around at his desk all afternoon. You peered up from the tattered book you were reading occasionally to see him in his office. You hoped that he wasn’t making a mess that would require you to stay late to clean up. You had a dance class starting at 6.
The bell rang indicating someone opened the door and you straightened up, placing your book on the desk. A tall man came around the corner, he had a hat pulled low down to cover his eyes. You were used to seeing shady people coming through the shop, but this was unusual. Most people didn't hide their faces and slink around the way this guy did. His posture was all wrong.
“Excuse me Sir? Can I help you?” You called out in your best customer service voice. You felt his gaze fall onto you, his hands were tucked into the pockets of his long black coat. You got a sinking feeling in your stomach, as he pulled his right hand from his coat pocket you saw a flash of silver. Your fingers curled around the book on your desk automatically.
A gun was pulled, and the door to Tommy’s office opened at the same time. Without thinking you stood up and hurled the book at the man's head as hard as you could.
It landed straight in the center of his face. An impressive crack noise rang through the office. He hit the floor, out cold.
“BOYS!” Tommy shouted, his eyes never leaving your face. You couldn't understand the look he was giving you but it made shivers run through your body. Isaiah, Finn, and John came through from the alleyway behind the shop. They took in the scene, then looked up at Tommy.
“Take him to the stables. Need to have a chat with him.” He said coldly. John bent down to pick up your book that was still firmly resting on the man's bloody face.
He picked it up and examined it. There was blood on the top of the spine where it had made contact with his nose.
“Miss Arabella’s Mysteries of Passion.” He started to howl with laughter.
“What, I'm lonely! Give it here.” There was the slightest bit of humor in your voice, that let the boys enjoy the absurdity of the situation. He placed the bright pink hard back on your desk.
“Tommy quit letting her suffer eh?” Isiah said with a cheeky grin.
“If she’s that lonely she’d might consider settling” John quipped as they picked up the man's body. Finn gave you a wink before helping get the door.
Tommy didn't say anything, he didn't really need to though. His face said enough. They exited with quiet snickers. After a moment of silence between the two of you he walked over and poured you a drink. He placed it on your desk.
“Thanks” You mumbled, face stills scorching from their comments.
“Well” He lit a cigarette and took a drag. “That was impressive.”
For a moment you thought that would be it. You would go home, change, go to your dance class. Go to work tomorrow like nothing happened.
“Thank you” You said awkwardly.
“So ‘bout the elephant in the room then.” He looked at you with those piercing blue eyes and your heart stopped. “You want to go out sometime?”
“Yes” You responded softly. You cleared your throat, his gaze making your whole body turn hot. “I would love to.” You said more confidently.
He let you go home early. The night passed with no unexpected events. The next day you came to work to see two books sitting on top of your morning paper work. It was a much nicer copy of the book, it was dark green with gold lettering.
The extended editions
You could have cried. You’d been after this for ages, you opened the inside cover to see a note written in messy scrawl.
Hopefully this one meets a better fate. X Tommy S.
This man was going to be the death of you. You moved your attention to the book below it. It was a thick, dusty, old history book. You opened the book to see the same messy masculine writing.
Just in case there is a next time.
You laughed and placed it on the corner of your desk.
Tags List: @tommydoesntpayforsuits @misselsbells06 @kpopgirlbtssvt
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🧸Stuffie name ideas🧸
(Mr/mrs.) Brown
Dni if nsfw/k!nk/thinspo/...
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liquid-reign · 3 years
Reflections II
Tommy x Arabella
Word Count- 865
Trigger Warning- Mentions of miscarriage, emotional a bit, Tommy being tommy
A/N- They have this language of questions they talk in. No one answers each other. They’re annoying to write
The library was open when she got home. She could hear his voice, through the cracked door, talking to someone on the phone. But she didn't want to see him at all. Didn't have the capacity in her to talk to him in his ways. She almost regretted telling him about the miscarriage.
As the hot water made her limbs relax, she almost dozed off to sleep in the bathtub itself when she heard the door to the bathroom open. She closed her eyes again, getting ready to talk or whatever he was there for.
"We have a bed to sleep in" he said, leaning against the sink, arms crossed She just sighed and tried to ignore him He held out her towel, "The water's getting cold. You should get out" "I will in some time" refusing to look at him He left the towel at the stand nearby and kissed the top of her head before leaving.
. . Those few minutes in the tub were the only ones she could afford to relax because she had tons of papers to read and sign for the new shipments she was about to handle. So she had dressed up light and straightaway gone to her study. 
When she had just settled in her chair and started to sip on her tea, Tommy quietly entered the room.
She watched as he crossed the room to go to the other end to turn the gramophone on. This man was giving her the hardest time of her life right now. She didn't know what he wanted. 
She was still watching when he approached her, extending his hand towards her "May I have a dance? Roslyn" And eyebrow raise was all he got as an answer at first but then he asked again "May I?"
She neither had the energy nor the mood to dance. But since Tommy was home after so long she took his hand.
They swayed together for sometime before he finally broke the silence "You didn't tell me"
"Neither about the baby nor the loss"
"I told you today" she whispered
"Why didn't you tell me, Arabella?"
She couldn't tell why she felt so heavy inside. Why she had water pool in her eyes again. Yes the loss was a reason but  a week had already passed and she wasn't much for babies anyway. But it hurt.
She rested her head on his shoulder "You haven't been home in so long. What do you want me to think?" she whispered
And then she looked up at him "Why didn't you come home?"
A tear must've escaped her eyes because Tommy brushed it away with his fingers, gently.
"It was painful. That night" another tear "I wish you were there" and then she couldn't look at him anymore. 
He kissed the back of her head where it lay on his shoulder and whispered into it, "The sessions at the Parliament were tightly scheduled. Had to stay in London"
"You didn't want to be reached by me. I know you took calls from everyone except me. Why?"
No answer
She looked at his face again "Why Tommy? You know I only talk business with you when you're away, so to not waste time. I want an answer"
Roslyn knew he was jam-packed with work and it was of no use asking him such questions. he would never answer. So she put her head back on his shoulder and prayed that she wouldn't cry.
After a long time of them just swaying there in the warmth, in the comfortable-now silence, he unexpectedly spoke "Arabella"
She was a little startled with rumble in his chest when he spoke so low and realised she had almost dozed off on him
She hummed in response
"I'm sorry" and kissed her head again, hugging her close with the hand he had on her waist.
She nodded, too tired and dizzy to respond. 
"You're tired. Have some sleep and wake up early to finish up the work, eh?"
The idea was too alluring to not take. She was truly tired and figured that she won't be able to work like that. So she broke the embrace they were dancing in "Yes i think I'll go to bed"
She walked towards the desk to put everything back at it's place and then towards the door to finally get out of that room "goodnight, tom"  knowing that Tommy will go to his library.
As she collapsed into the bed, letting it take her entirely, she heard the door to the bedroom open followed by a very familiar whiff of her husband. She felt the bed dip and then body scooping hers from the back. She turned around for he captured her in a warm tight embrace, like she'd slip away if not held properly "We can try again, if you want" he whispered, kissing her forehead.
"What for?" she asked already half asleep
"For a child"
She looked up at him, eyes questioning.
"Yeah. What do you say?", he asked looking at her
"Maybe", merely a whisper. She couldn’t say a straight up “no” to this. To Tommy being like this and also because she wasn’t sure if she even wanted one yet.
And before he could say anything else he felt her relax and knew she was asleep.
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