#archdemon girlfriend
dracomeir · 3 months
Anyway, I had enough of paranoia preventing me from posting stuff. I haven't said shit about any AU of mine for a hot minute, so today I'll say something about King's Guard. I won't be writing this story for awhile (like a year or more in the future since I write slow), and this is prologue stuff anyway so it isn't that much of a spoiler. If you're like me, you'll probably forget this by then anyway. Still going to put it under the read more though. :3
Warning: Major character death, but also not.
For better context, Pico and Boyfriend had no idea about the other's true identity as an assassin and prince respectively. They happened to bump into each other in the market when dressed as commoners, and increasingly frequent encounters made them slowly fall for each other.
When the night the crown prince was going to be named arrived, Pico used the masquerade as an opportunity to sneak in. A few other assassins from the Ravenlight Order, the group he works for, joins him to ensure the prince with the Voice of Authority wouldn't escape. All the ginger was told about his target was that he had blue hair, and that he would be wearing a raven mask. He was also told to proceed with caution since there were rumours about the danger of the prince's Voice. It alone could cause the heaven's light to smite him, and he didn't want to get into a fight if the rumours were true. He could only do so much as an ordinary human after all.
As the target was walking to the throne to accept his role as crown prince, Pico emerged from the crowd to strike. He ended up slashing the man's mask in half, and saw his lover beneath it. With no time to think, he betrays the Ravenlight Order to protect him. An unknown third party overwhelms him as a curse of silence was placed upon Boyfriend. The ginger was stabbed in the back, and his vision faded as the prince was taken away. He thought it was over when a female voice echoed in the darkness.
"I can give you the means to live until you avenge your king. All I need is your soul."
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vigilskeep · 2 years
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@komsomolka the codex entry is this:
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irving is an interesting guy, extremely cunning and manipulative, who is willing to lure those apprentices willing to explore blood magic into trying it and then expose them. that’s objectively horrible! but his stated reasoning is: “deviant traits must be exposed early, or the whole of the circle suffers”. so i wouldn’t want to discuss this without saying a) that irving like all circle mages is locked in a life or death struggle and is trying to preserve the majority of the circle, although that does mean he has lost sight of his compassion for these apprentices, and b) that it’s the chantry who taught both irving and anders that blood mages are evil, and i can see why any circle mage would be desperate to prove that it’s an innate “deviant trait”, and as long as we can get rid of those mages the rest of us are fine and normal we promise
i’ve never betrayed jowan but i’m pretty sure that if you do, he wants you to still go along with jowan’s plan specifically so that he can bring jowan’s chantry girlfriend down with him. if the mages are going to lose one, then the templars are going to lose one; he’ll expose jowan but he wants an eye for an eye. yes what irving does sucks and he’s by no means a good guy but he is this cutthroat because that’s what rising to power in a circle involves. as for his perspective on mage rights, i wouldn’t say he has immaculate politics or anything but he’s certainly in favour of more freedom for the circle. here’s what he has to say if the mage warden asks the crown for freedom for the circle after slaying the archdemon:
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hating blood magic isn’t an extreme opinion it’s to be expected of any circle mage without it really saying much abt their political leanings. i believe world of thedas vol 2 also confirmed irving protected anders from being made tranquil between his escape attempts but i cannot be bothered to get up and check. anyway as an aside it’s worth noting that in the above codex entry, he’s clearly sharing what he’s doing with the other enchanters, so someone like wynne is just as culpable
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paris-rokin · 6 months
Aight I'm starting this over cuz the version I was tagged in is super long
Last song: Those Who Resist Indignation (Dalamadur phase 2 theme from Monster Hunter 4u)
Favorite color: purple, or red. Love em both equally
Last movie/show: Adventure Time rewatch! I'm mid season 3 rn
Spicy/sweet/savory: I like spicy and sweet, but my favorite is both simultaneously
Relationship status: two girlfriends :D but less than a week ago I had three ;-;
Last thing I googled: security battle droids. I was painting them for Star Wars Shatterpoint
Current obsession: just got Star Wars Shatterpoint, potentially the best skirmish game imho. And Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, I just entered High Rank with charge blade
Mutuals feel free to answer even if I didn't tag you :3 @archdemoning @shaysnake-eater @strawberry-crocodile @mousegard @daughter-of-sapph0 @wizardyuri
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heniareth · 11 months
B2 for Zevran and Astala c:
BIG OLD CW FOR gore, blood and death. I gotta say, this one was a ton of fun to draw. I am evil and this scene lives rent-free in my head until I finally get to write it, which will probably be in 8 years with the speed at which I'm progressing. But!! Nothing stops me from talking about the angst. Heed the warnings, and enjoy ^^
[Ask game here]
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You then boyfriends killed your girlfriend while you watched and laughed. A few weeks ago, you killed him in turn. Now the person you have truly come to love has killed a world-ending monster and died as a result. Either you are cursed or god hates you personally, but you are seriously thinking about swearing off romance alltogether. If you can pick up the shards that are you and decide to keep on living, that is.
(Don't worry, don't panic: Astala isn't quite dead. The blast from the Archdemon burned half her face off—she will have those scars for the rest of her life—and the fall after being launched into the sky by the blast badly broke her left hip, but other than that she is physically fine. The Archdemon's soul did kind of did try to do its ussal thing of immolating itself against the nearest Grey Warden, which was she. It did do a lot of damage to the hold Astala's own soul has on her body. But no worries, that tether will recover. Mostly. She will just spend the next week and a half / two weeks unconscious, and then take two weeks more to recover her faculties, memories, ability to recognize people and remember who she is... But she is very definitely not dead! She just looks very dead. Zevran is reacting appropriately 😌😌)
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bluupxels · 1 year
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what if you ran into SHEMS with your childhood best friend newly turned LOVER and they said they found some RUINS so you go explore and find a CURSED MIRROR and your boyfriend gets SUCKED IN and you almost DIE and he goes MISSING so now you have to leave your family FOREVER to go be cured of the BLIGHT but before you can become a WARDEN they send you on a test where you meet a HOT GOTH WITCH whose MOTHER ends up saving you when your entire order is BETRAYED and MASSACRED and during your travels you end up falling in love with the MEAN HOT GOTH WITCH and she asks you to KILL her mother who SAVED YOU so you do because you LOVE  her  and then your FORMER LOVER and BFF shows up at your camp as a GHOUL and asks you to MERCY KILL him so you do and before the FINAL battle to save the WORLD your girlfriend says the only way to kill the ARCHDEMON and LIVE is to have an OLD GOD BABY with her so you AGREE and then she says you CANT follow her and DISAPPEARS after the battle so you go look for her and when you find her she KNEW you were coming because you KEPT the RING she gave you so SHE could always FIND YOU but you REFUSE to let her go again so you FOLLOW HER through a MAGIC MIRROR so you can be a FAMILY
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lhazaar · 1 year
sorry to talk about my d&d characters on main but cy is my babygirl. the plague on my life. she left a cult four hours ago and it hasn't really sunk in for her yet. she wrestled the closest thing she had to a friend in said cult to get a dragon mask away from her. she's convinced god abandoned her to die because she chose to do so on his archdemon sister's doorstep. she's a frat boy dyke. she's deeply unwell. she needs to call her fucking girlfriend and tell her she's ALIVE
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crossdressingdeath · 2 years
Sometimes I remember that everything that happens in the mage origin is ultimately for nothing unless you take one very specific dialogue option while talking to Jowan in Redcliffe's prisons and it hurts me. I mean, if you're playing a mage I guess it's not really for nothing, because it's the impetus that gets the Hero of Ferelden on their Blight-stopping, country-saving journey. But in terms of Jowan's story? His girlfriend is sent to Aeonar (which, there are things that could be said about Lily being sent to a mage prison for unknowingly assisting a blood mage, but that's beside the point). His best friend (if you're playing a mage) is sentenced to join the Wardens, which may well end in their death either slaying the Archdemon or from the taint. And if you're not playing a mage, his best friend presumably suffers one of the many horrible fates available to a Circle mage, especially in Kinloch Hold on the eve of Uldred's failed rebellion (and I've already gone into my feelings on the way a mage Warden's fate is never made clear if they aren't the player character). And for what? Jowan is almost immediately captured by the Templars and has to be bailed out by Loghain, and unless you chase him away when you meet him in Redcliffe he'll be either executed or made Tranquil... the exact fate that his entire scheme was supposed to help him avoid. If you're not playing a mage and you don't save Jowan in Redcliffe, then Lily is sent to Aeonar and Surana/Amell dies horribly for nothing.
Also, I am haunted by the possibility that one of the conversations a non-mage Warden could've had with companion Jowan would've revolved around him hoping that he'll be able to ensure that his girlfriend and best friend's undoubtedly horrific fates will ultimately serve some purpose via him doing something suitably heroic and world-saving. ...And now that I've said that even more haunted by the possibility that, since Jowan becoming a companion would've involved conscripting him and so likely he would've been put through the Joining in Denerim once the Warden got access to Riordan and all the requisite materials, it might have been possible for him to sacrifice himself to kill the Archdemon specifically out of a desire to make his best friend's death worth something, because Surana/Amell would've died to set him on the path that made him a Warden. Or alternately if the Warden is a mage to save them from suffering anything else on his behalf.
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varricscrossbowbianca · 10 months
Letter from King Alistair to his romanced Warden
i wrote something for my fic a while back and just wanted to post that part here as well (under the cut because it's long)
for context: the warden (amell in this case) had disappeared after the celebrations when the archdemon was defeated and they only reappeared ten years later (at the start of inquisiiton)
‘’My dearest Mary,
to be quite honest with you, I do not know how to start this letter properly. Well, I guess I just did. I don’t want to take too much away, since I want to tell you so, so much, in person. I need to know it’s really you who came back after...ten long years. And I know I’ll say that I keep this letter short but you know me, once I start rambling I won’t be able to stop. You always listened to my ramblings anyhow, so I might just as well make it as long as I please.
I miss you. I know this simple sentence is not enough to express just how much I miss you. How much I have missed you. All I want is to see your beautiful, your extremely beautiful and wonderful face again. I know you’d punch me if I didn’t say that. And all the things I’m not saying you’d probably punch me for, too. This may sound odd and makes it sound exactly like I’ve been raised by dogs but...I miss your scent, even. You had left your purple scarf at the feast, which I have kept ever since. I tried giving it to Barkspawn, maybe he would have been able to find you but I think it just made him more sad, as it did make me, as well. You told me you had made your own perfume while we were out on the road. We didn’t have much time for bathing. Not like there’s a bathtub in the middle of the woods, anyhow. Anyway, you made this perfume which had...lemongrass and basil in it? I just remember thinking ‘’Why does it smell like lemon cakes and where can I get them?’’ And it was you. I have to admit, I used your perfume on one occasion. Alright, maybe twice. For my hair. Zevran actually asked me about it but your secret ingredients were safe with me.
I miss you at night as well.
The dreams of the darkspawn happen more frequently recently. I don’t know what it means, perhaps you have an answer to that? I miss being able to ask you to sleep next to each other when the nightmares were too much to bear alone. When it was the middle of the night and I awoke from one of those dreams. I went to you. And of course you were already awake, having had the same dreams. No one could ever replace that, you know. I couldn’t. When the nightmares get bad again, I imagine you lying next to me, hugging me and telling me it will be alright. I don’t know if that’s-- if that’s odd and you think of me as some creep who imagines his girlfriend best friend when she’s...when she was—well.
I don’t know what force has brought you back but I am very much glad that you are. I don’t know why you haven’t written me first, why Leliana gave me the news, but to be fair, she was always like this, wasn’t she. She knows everything, and I mean everything, probably even what I’ve had for breakfast when I barely remember. Was it cheese? Who am I kidding, it was obviously cheese.
I am also sure she secretly read this letter, she just needs to stuck her nose into everything hah. So, uh, hi Leliana, please don’t kill me for writing this.
You know, I actually had dreams about you. Made me think I knew where you were and if I just concentrated enough, I could find out where you were hiding. I never did. You never answered me in those dreams, either. It was very strange and different from the time we were stuck in the Fade at the Circle. The dreams I have had of you felt somewhat real. Were you by any chance searching for something? You looked like you did. You also had a jester’s hat on and were playing lute. Alright, that part was a lie. Honestly, you looked tired most of the time. I was trying to reach out to you but no matter how loud I screamed, you couldn’t hear me. I know you wouldn’t purposely ignore me, you wouldn't.
Were you searching for me?
It was probably my imagination that got the better of me.
Why did you leave?
You will tell me when you get here, which surely will be soon. There are some things that I have said. You have no idea how much I wished I could go back to that day and…
I never wanted you to leave. I wanted you to—I want-- I will tell you when you are here.
You deserve that much. You deserve. Mary, you deserve so much more than that.
I- oh wow, I seem to be as bad as ending letters as I am at beginning them.
I can’t wait to see you again. I mean it. I can not wait. It has been ten very, very long years.
Just come back to me. I will hug you for all the times you’ve been gone. Which would result in us hugging for...a long time. I wouldn’t mind. I would stay that way until the end of time.
Did you...did you think of me? In those ten years. I mean, of course you must have. Not easy to forget, am I? Right? I have been wondering all that time what you had been up to, I knew you weren’t dead, you couldn’t have been. You are the strongest woman that I know. You know that, right?
So? Did you- think of me? I have thought about you. Well, that’s an understatement.
You know, you must know. I’ve always believed in you. And I always will.
Come back. Be here. With me.
In love You are always on my mind,
Alistair (you know the guy with the perfect hair and expertise for cheese)''
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moss-flesh · 2 years
I'm incapable of choosing just 1 or 2 questions, oops! 💖
Aila/Alistair - 2, 7, 16 Adahlen/Solas - 3, 19, 31
i dont know what possessed me but i loves these questions so much i wrote a lot ! so here u go !! <3
aila x alistair
2. What would they do if the other woke in a manic state after a nightmare?
Grey wardens and their nightmares am i right ? Both of them had really bad nightmares before killing the archdemon, but Aila suffered from nightmares most of her life already. They morphed her fears of her father, of the circle, n everything she went through there, with the archdemon stuff n it rlly fucked her up. She’d toss and turn and scream herself awake, on these occasions Alistair wraps his arms around her and brings her to his chests, stroking her hair gently. He’d hush her and reassure her of where she was, safe with him.
when Aila was not able to sleep (which was most of the time), she would see alistair struggling in his sleep, and get as close as she could to him with her ear against his heart and hug him gently, listening as his heartbeat and breathing became calm again.
7. Would they build a pillow fort together just because?
yes !!! god of course, this is very them, and they would make it everyone elses problem too.
alistair: STEN! give me your pillows
sten: no.
alistair: but your kadan is my girlfriend!
sten: something i still do not understand.
aila: wow morrigan youre looking hotter than ever, new necklace?
morrigan: yes. you gave it to me. what do you want ?
aila: …… gimme ur blankeys….
morrigan: take them. i dont want to know.
16. Can they stay up all night just talking?
Thats like all they did the first few weeks of knowing eachother. they would move their cots a little closer to eachother and talk for hours staring at the stars. Alistair would mindlessly throw logs on the fire listening to Aila intently as she goes on about flowers, herbs, arcane histories and silly shit her few friends (jowan n anders) use to get up to. And she would stare at him wide eyed as he told her stories of duncan and his warden friends. They wouldve continued but wynne and zevran complained about losing sleep coz they wouldnt shut up. They continued once they started sharing a tent lmao.
adahlen x solas
3. Do they wear the other’s clothes? (sweatshirt, bandana, necklace, etc.)
oh yeah Adahlen is a little thief n she always takes Solas stuff lmao. she usually just likes to wear his necklace or sleep in his tunic. But the first time she wore his tunic as an undershirt everyone in skyhold was like
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Shes pretty small so he cant really fit in her clothes but he ALWAYS steals her fave blanket and uses it for naps.
19. How do they feel about PDA?
Solas is surprisingly fine with it as long as its not too inappropriate, sometimes even so he shocks her by how affectionate he actually is in front of others. Sera would say some shit about them to tease him and hed just grab Ada and smooch her. At first Adahlen was actually so nervous about it though, like she wants to do pda but shes like “oh no what if he doesnt, will he think im weird, oh gods oh fuck” coz sadness alert, solas is her first love, lonely baby. But while she’s distracted vibrating from anxiety, he would just grab her hand and kiss her head as hes really perceptive of her emotions.
31. Can they sit side by side without touching the other or are they handsy? (lacing fingers, touching knees, etc.)
absolutely not lmao, solas likes to think adahlen is the touchiest out of them but they both cant help mindlessly grabbing onto the other, neither of them even notice until varric is like “i gotta write that shit down” because it’s embarrassing, they practically stand on top of one another.
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sangfielle · 1 year
Mila (actively trying to use the archdemon as a suicide method) & Surana (hates any magic they do not understand or are not personally capable of) fuming that Calim fucked his girlfriend the night before their big fight .
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tsukiyadori · 13 days
Reading Log 2024.05 - May
Previous: Reading Log 2024.04 - April
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Trying to grasp the moon. Wonder if anyone would ever want to come over to my moon? Maybe we can try grasping it together?
Reading languages: German, English, French, Japanese, not listing which was what. (There's also been some feeble attempts at Chinese.)
Titles are as I’ve read them either first or most and thus remember it for that title mostly
Not going to bother putting in the original titles of translated reads unless there is something worthy of note to it
Cursive titles have been completed
If it says a volume number it may mean it has been finished or is still in progress
Some notes’ content may be subject to repetition here and there, as I also copied some older notes from casual conversations over and didn’t go through any rounds of cutting things down.
JNC (English) puts A Pale Moon Reverie into this month' Catchup Lineup, so there goes a subscription. You gotta make most use the buffet, do you?
I still failed to finish trying out all that was in the catchup...
Also struggled with the JNC Nina deadlines
The JNC quota of my monthly reads have not been counted, but they must make a notable percentage.
What does that tell me again? I get the most things done with a deadline leash.
The distinction between LN/WN regular novels is a bit fuzzy this time due to the potion of Rosmei previews...
Light Novels/Web Novels/Novels:
A Pale Moon Reverie v1-2 At the World’s Mercy Rosmei Preview Brunhild v3p1 By the Grace of Gods LN v14 Chillin’ in Another World with Level 2 Super Cheat Powers v1ch1-2 Don't You Like Me Rosmei Preview Fushi no Kami v1 Hell Mode v3p4-6 How to Survive as a Villain Novel Rosmei preview ch1-5 How to Survive as a Villain Novel ch137-235 Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? v10 Kaleidoscope of Death Rosmei Preview Marriage, Divorce, and Beyond: The White Mage and Black Knight's Romance Reignited v1p1-v2p1-6 Mushoku Tensei v1p7-8 Nanchan Rosmei Preview The Defectives Rosmei Preview The Earth Is Online Rosmei Preview The Killer of Killers Rosmei Preview The Rebirth Of The General Who Always Sees Himself As A Replacement ch1 The Saint's Magic Power is Omipotent LN v3p7-8 Unnamed Memory LN v1p2-5 Wolf and Parchment v5-6 Zilbagias the Demon Prince: How the Seventh Prince Brought Down the Kingdom v1p1-5
12 Jahre v18 A Livid Lady's Guide to Getting Even: How I Crushed My Homeland with My Mighty Grimoires (Manga) v2ch7-11 An Archdemon's (Friend's) Dilemma: How to Babysit a Crybaby Knight ch1-5 An Archdemon's Dilemma: How to Love Your Elf Bride v1-10, ch52-54, ch60-63 Are You Okay with a Slightly Older Girlfriend? ch16.3-21 Arte ch86-87 Bibi & Miyu v1ch5 Buta no Liver wa Kanetsushiro ch36.1-2 Daijuukou to Unicornis no Otome ch15.2 Dead Mount Death Play v6 Dekiru Neko wa Kyou mo Yuuutsu ch109, ch88-91 Domestic na Kanojo v9-11 Endo and Kobayashi Live! The Latest on Tsundere Villainess Lieselotte (Manga) ch1, ch6, ch10, ch14, ch18, v5ch23-26 Everyday Escape v1-4 Fragtime v1-2 Girl Crush ch85-87 Hari to Hitsuji no Fune ch10.2 Heart Gear ch4-10 How I Attended an All-Guy's Mixer ch5-16 I'm a Noble on the Brink of Ruin, So I Might as Well Try Mastering Magic (Manga) ch1-5 Is Love the Answer? ch1 Isekai de Ane ni Namae wo Ubawaremashita ch18.2-4 Just Because I Love You Kakan no Oukoku no Hanagirai Hime ch13.2-13.3 Knitter's High ch27.3-4 Living With My Brother's Wife ch49-65 Loop 7-kaime no Akuyaku Reijou wa, Moto Tekikoku de Jiyuu Kimama na Hanayome Seikatsu wo Mankitsusuru ch32 My Not-So-Fair Lady is Doomed! (But Not If I Can Help It) ch4.2-9.2 My Unexpected Marriage ch10.3-14 Nagiko no Hanashi (re-read) Okazari Ouhi ni Nattanode, Kossori Hataraki ni deru koto ni Shimashita ~Usagi ga Iru no de Hitorine mo Sabishiku Arimasen!~ ch26.5-6 Oshi no Ko ch145-147 Shinde Miro to Iwareta no de Shinimashita. ch11-12 Shuumatsu Touring ch38.1-3 Sleeping Moon v1 Solange wir zusammen sind v8 Sonna Kazoku nara Sutechaeba? ch68sample, ch69sample, ch70sample, ch70-71 Suicide Notes Laid on the Table ch35.2-50 The 6th Loop: I'm Finally Free of Auto Mode in this Otome Game ch3.3-10 The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses ch81-99 Unnamed Memory ch37.1 With the Light v1
Closer Heartbeat ch0-1 Fall in the Night with You ch74-101 Ice Lamp: The Chronicles of Kira ch49-51 Taberare Usa ch102-105 The Goddess of Healing ch80-92 The Silent Concubine ch1-32 To be or not be ch95-101
A Pale Moon Reverie v1-2: What a gob smack disappointment. I really (really) do like Unnamed Memory, but this thing from the same author is just… doing everything UN does right, not all that right. I'm kind of… just astonished. And makes me a bit wary of the rest of the author, which I had planned to buy and read in JP if it doesn't get licensed.
A Livid Lady's Guide to Getting Even: How I Crushed My Homeland with My Mighty Grimoires )Light Novel) v1: It's interesting how the hook is basically identical to 7th Time Loop, but the route it goes down is already so completely Anti-Fluff as can be. The hook is easily the least interesting thing, as it's a complete dumpster trope by now, but so far MC doesn't feel like a bad person per se, or more like not even really a person, but more like a completely OP mirror. She does not set out to do evil, but if you do her bad, she will reflect it, as she would honor you doing her good. And then the world is full of evil and incompetence, so it just winds up her mirroring all the mud and dirt of it. Which creates all the more of it in the process. That's very much an Anti-Fluff spiral and kinda somewhat uncomfortable…. Tho, she remains a badass female MC with some brains and guts at least. I think another issue probably is. This whole revenge objective. It's not even really feeling like it's genuinely her own. It came from her servant, who had a moment of being passionately full of hate. And she was like "oh you're right" and just adapted it. So she really just feels like a mirror, absorbing and reflecting what crosses her path. And she's unlucky that apparently she's not granted the blessing of meeting anything fluff on her way. I suppose another bit that makes her very different to Rishe from 7th Time Loop is that Rishe got her OP cheat skills over time though effort and maturity, and she got it all through teachers who were nice enough to take her in. In this one's case, she is simply a prodigy, and it all came from herself. She knows modesty by advantage/disadvantage calculation, etiquette not really having any real innate greed and pride, but there is also a sense of natural condescension that comes out of it towards anyone else, even if she can honor people doing things for her. German first impressions: Uffz. Das Inciting Incident ist praktisch 1:1 identisch zu 7th Time Loop, aber die Route, die das hier einschlägt ist so Anti-Fluff wie es nur irgendwie sein kann. :NotLikeThis: Es ist dabei nicht nur "nicht fluff" sondern geradewegs anti-fluff. Die MC, mal abgesehen, dass sie viel zu OP ist, sie wirkt ein bisschen wie nicht wirklich wie ein Mensch, sondern eher eine Art gut geölte Maschine + ein Spiegel. Sie reflektiert quasi alles, was ihr widerfährt irgendwie in gleicher Art, und offenkundig hat sie nie was Fluff oder wirklich emotional Gutes erfahren, jenseits von Loyalität, die sie erfährt, weil sie es sich irgendwie erarbeitet hat. Und sie reflektiert das irgendwie und dabei verstärkt sie es noch mehr, was am Ende zu einer Spirale von evil begets evil führt. Und dann ist sie dabei auch noch vollkommen methodisch, effizient, ohne jedes Mitleid oder Verständnis für irgendwelche Motivationen, die dazu geführt haben, dass ihr widerfuhr was ihr widerfuhr (obwohl sie es z.T. auch genau weiß) und das wäre noch eine Sache, aber ihre ganze Rache fühlt sich nicht mal richtig emotional an (so wie bei Brundhild oder so), sondern geradezu Secondhand übernommen, nachdem die Dienerin einen emotionalen Rant voller Hass ob der Ungerechtigkeit (und auch Mitgefühl) abgelassen hat. Buchstäblich quasi "oh you're right" und dann zieht sie, ohne mit der Wimpern zu zucken ihre Konsequenz daraus und alle, die ihr im Weg stehen, kümmert sie nicht, egal was. KA, irgendwie wirkt sie wie ein leeres Gefäß voller Skills, Wissen, Etikette und Macht. Sie hatte ihren Job, den hat sie wunderbar gemacht, wurde dafür aber nie honoriert und dann wurde der infrage gestellt und sie hat die Rache zu ihrem neuen Job gemacht und das ist irgendwie alles, was sie ausmacht und sie scheint auch nicht das geringste Interesse zu haben daran, großartig was zu ändern. Am Ende vom Band ist sie geradezu teuflisch, aber irgendwie auch, das Teuflische wurde erst erweckt durch Missetaten und irgendwie ist das so eine Dynamik, die nur das Schlechte vom und im Menschen weiter propagiert.
Fushi no Kami v1: The Maika side of things are still extraordinary uninteresting. Unfortunately, you can't exactly skip them. Probably.
Marriage, Divorce, and Beyond: The White Mage and Black Knight's Romance Reignited v1p1, v2p1-6: Maybe skipping the rest of v1 because streaming has expired was not the most bright thing there, but it somehow worked out still decently fine??
Mushoku Tensei v1 finished: Aaand somehow there's now yet another pervy guy. Side character: "He reminds me a lot of you [….] like stealing underwear or watching me while changing […] Maybe all heroes are just sex-addicted?" This series is really….. How to have some good moments and then just throw of pervy curveball to ruin it, and then it gets better again and yet another curveball…. It's kind of interesting how at first I thought it structurally was very much Hell Mode, but now I was thinking structurally it's a lot like Fushi no Kami, but obviously both are younger so much rather they got inspired the other way round. Fushi no Kami's switches of PoV are definitely more obnoxious, tho. Cheese striken Maika is for the trash bin, but here there's a strange comicalness to it in MT.
The Rebirth Of The General Who Always Sees Himself As A Replacement ch1: From the same author of How to Survive as a Villain. I had read the beginning of the webtoon, but wasn't exactly wowed, but the novel is coming around with poetry, idioms and literature and everything, and I'm already liking it a hundred-fold more just because of this and how it's used to depict the MC's inner turmoil.
An Archdemon's Dilemma: How to Love Your Elf Bride v1-10, ch52-54, ch60-63: Sooo, this was also in the JNC May Catchup list. Me, before reading: Nothing but a doubtful stare.
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But I was being told it it would have fluff, and that came from the same one who made me read Otonari, so....
Me, upon noticing I've been binging this rather fast:
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Me upon finding out, I'm liking this, despite, let's say a bit of a wacky beginning: (It screams cheese! It screams it!!)
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If A Pale Moon Reverie was a complete flop, reading this directly afterwards immediately amortized the JNC subscription all on its already. And then it was pwoerful enough that sorta everything else tasted staler and worse than it actually was so I needed several days of a reading break to avoid souring me on the other stuff.
The series' primary draw definitely are the masses of good faces (especially Chastille is Lady Good Faces), but even behind that it has a really strong going Found Family aspect to it and while the romance bit is there from the beginning and a central part to it all, it considerably overlaps with found family in its most foundational aspects, which makes it that much less just your ordinary cheese. (And they are kinda doing things backwards, that's also a nice pattern I vastly prefer, but is seen all too rarely.) I also like it how the series has the girl coming from the slave trope, but quickly ties over all the apparent submission into a deeper going characterization and turns it all on its head. She is definitely not your a naive innocent something, not an obedient, subservient damsel in distress, if she exhibits it, it's out of self-loathing and self-punishment and there is a component of active choice and agency to it. And that conversation between her and Chastille about how she refuses to stand at the frontline (despite actually being more than qualified to be there), because she has decided upon which role she considers to be most needed by her and therefore leaves the frontline part to Chastille was such a great way to avoid the trap of both Damsel in Distress or OP Mary Sue. How she's fairly wary of her powers also implies an additional reason why she chooses to continue wearing the mana-sealing neck-chocker (and thus not engage with sorcery on top of her mysticism) aside it from being basically their the engagement ring-replacement. (Altho, her wearing it while confronting an unknown demon alone that turned out to be an archdemon may have been a bit silly.) Chastille's holding it somewhat together while on clock vs. a bit of a hopeless idiot when clocked out is also a streak I find, uhm, hitting a bit too home. She is a great dork in any case. The only thing that did me more in were the good question mark faces. Like, they are glorious. And despite all the dorks, fluff and compf, the thing also has an actual plot to follow, that is both having acute stakes (due to danger baring it fangs already), but also not (because no one knows about any sort of concrete time limit beyond it's coming). And there is a whole mystery component surrounding not only that, but characters themselves as well. The romance aspect comes off as downright simple in comparison, and that also makes for a decent balancing off the scales that gives even the more regular simpleton romance elements more flavor.
But in any case:
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Question mark faces ftw!
And Chastille
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is just adorkable.
Also this is such a mood, aside from the question marks:
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An Archdemon's (Friend's) Dilemma: How to Babysit a Crybaby Knight ch1-5: This guy's dense, an airhead and a tsundere. Also, he's already very much done for. The spin-off is also having a fine amount of good faces, but beyond that I still find it a bit lacking. In part because the side characters aren't as engaging and the two MCs don't exactly have as much freedom for development due to constraints in the main plot (where still nothing much as happened). And kinda, it lacks a proper plot of its own to draw you in. But it also has Lady Good Faces. And maybe it needs not be more. (It just makes me not so sure about its re-read value.)
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"Erm, I'm... not here to listen to your lovey-dovey talk, am I?"
Domestic na Kanojo v9-11: I still do not know what I am reading, beyond that it is definitely a series about a bunch of idiots. Reactions per volume as they were being read: Volume 9: Somebody please isekai them to a place where bigamy is legal already… While at Volume 10: This author really seems to have a thing for lingerie… The ecchi situations are a bit much atm, I'm stuck with this book for 3 days already :NotLikeThis: As in the sense of them being extraordinarily dumb and feeling artificial. Like if Rui goes to undress herself while telling the guy to not look and then withdraws without him ever knowing that's kinda fine, it's clearly for the reader, but it's still making sense in character. But like the whole thing around Rui's father's new daughter-in-law with the tripping and everything is just =_= (Also the hell you go to shower yourself without preparing towels and change of cloth, or if you were dumb enough to forget, then just tell them to leave the room and get it yourself, instead of screaming kyaaa and hitting the other for being a pervert, draahhhh) Across v11: [An assortment of screaming idiot at just about any of them one after another]
Endo and Kobayashi Live! The Latest on Tsundere Villainess Lieselotte (Manga) ch1, ch6, ch10, ch14, ch18, v5ch23-26: Good Faces and lots of tsundere tsun tsun, and I'll probably complete reading this (will it drop in a catchup maybe?), but I worry about its re-read value or general amount of being memorable. Considering how I could jump all those gaps and not feel too much like I missed out on a lot of plot, so there is that…
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I still laughed at this.
Everyday Escape v1-4: It has nice covers. The art is decent and pretty at places. Its content for me, however, is kinda for the garbage trash bin. (Right, you can't get the feels of winter in summer, so turn the air conditioning on to freeze, and then turn on a heater, because it's too cold? Excuse me?) Also, I feel like I picked it up thinking it was GL, but if anything it's just GL-bait.
Fragtime v1-2: I didn't know anything about it beyond the Anime movie key illustration used as the Blu-ray cover, so kinda read into this blindly. From the manga covers I did not expect anything too great, but it was to a surprising level kinda garbage yet again. (What up witht eh GL grabs this month being bad ones?) Peeking panties in any case was not something I expected…
Girl Crush ch85-87: Tenka is great, but now there are even more clear signs of a budding potential romance and between her and that guy, that may get to be a male lead or not, there's now a very interesting dynamic: She's kinda tsundere to him and only him and part of it is she can't help it because his character's obnoxiousness just provokes it and in part because he's a total tsundere himself hiding behind arrogance (which has substance to it, as he is capable however) and she just does him the favor to be just like that in turn. He clearly enjoys it. And to her, it in a way widens her horizon as well as being silly like that just puts away the tension she tends to build up herself. This is a pretty interesting dynamic.
Is Love the Answer? ch1: Read the German sample as it came out, which is ch1. It's still good and authentic, but also just makes my face muscles go rather grumpy.
Isekai de Ane ni Namae wo Ubawaremashita ch18.2-4: These two totally are going openly dorks from now on, now that the cat is out of the sack.
Loop 7-kaime no Akuyaku Reijou wa, Moto Tekikoku de Jiyuu Kimama na Hanayome Seikatsu wo Mankitsusuru ch32: Pouts. Pouty Pouts!!
My Unexpected Marriage ch10.3-14: This… could have been so much more interesting. It had all the good ingredients, but in the end it just served up a decent, but nevertheless rather standard narrative dish, tho I am not particularly surprised, as it seemed more simple from the get-go. The court intrigue was still decently wrapped up, although it does feel a little bit anticlimactic. (And to have a fortune-teller have actual supernatural abilities was rather unneeded, especially as he was kinda painted and implied as a gross pedophile at first.) The entire supernatural bit at the end was kinda weird, but oh well. To have a tsundere mother-in-law was definitely a kinda very interesting dynamic and the thing I'll probably remember from it most.
Nagiko no Hanashi (re-read): It's still just great, but this time I realized, having read Archdemon right before it: It also has the sort of good cute question mark faces! Apparently that latent preference has been there since forever, I just didn't notice??
Sonna Kazoku nara Sutechaeba? ch68sample, ch69sample, ch70sample, ch70-71: Ok, me messing up the time limited free reading deadlines yeet again and the gaps are not going it any good, but it's rather interesting where this has gone. The initial hook and premise is solved, for the time being at least, but the arc that is now ongoing is kinda dark in its own different way. I unfortunately missed the chapters where the new teacher characters explained themselves, but it really now has a plot surrounding someone nonbinary who has a few issues about that, while there's also somebody else with some entirely different issues herself, will be interesting where this is going.
Suicide Notes Laid on the Table ch35.2-50: finished. The ending twist reminds me a bit of Be My Slave in its mood, it has a sense of something quietly sinister but at the same time still being really human in its own way on the character, who turns out to be quite different from what was painted and then overturned twice. The lesson it comes out with is still a nice thing, while also not and somehow it leaves me with a similar feeling Piece ~Kanojo no Kioku~ left me as well: That inconspicuous character has kinda ruined somebody else's life with their lack of care and manipulations, but also it was the ruined persons own choice as well to a good extent, and to a considerable number of people the learnings coming from the incident probably may stick and improve their life, although, you definitely can't do anything about human nature in itself either. And that's also interesting to just observe.
With the Light v1: The English omnibus vols are definitely bricks. I had read v1 in JP before, and it has been on the back of my mind from time to time, but I can see that this series will take a while to read. While it's informative and interesting in a learning something you maybe didn't know already way, it's also kinda just so very unpleasant to read, too. So far, at least.
How to Survive as a Villain Novel ch137-235: How to just shy away of reading the last chapter, because you don't want it to end, but then also you've long since read it anyway, because while reading you read out of order. So technically I had finished it already at ch223. In any case, everything I blurbed about it last month still holds. Xiao YuAn really is about as aroace as you can be at the beginning and even after he notices how important Yan HeQing is to him, he's just approaching the things is more directed by his rather misguided ideas of being that tyrannical president (that he never wanted to be, that is against his nature, but he still is proficient enough to be… until Yan HeQin who naturally is the real thing takes over). Like, aside from suggesting they could just have sex for him to "find out", he's also talking about it like "And then we do the things we should be doing". Should be doing? And there is this bit in the fan translation that has him consider him "attractive", but the Chinese word is more like dazzling. And it still just feels all too aesthetic whenever he looks at him and has his eyes stolen, because he's just, well, so dazzling. And then he also seems to jump at doing things spicy for reasons like, he knows Yan HeQing is weak to his seductions, so it seemed like a go to way for him for distracting from the thing at hand or a means of reconciliation, or later it sounds more like it's just become a habitual activity, and he feels "nostalgic" about it, and then maybe because he doesn't have this hunger and appetite he goes and does all the strange ideas he has about it and a playful way. It just comes off very different to Yan HeQing who really is very horny, knows it and therefore keeps trying to restrain himself. What, in the end, I find most interesting: it works out regardless. So at the end of the day: Same difference. And the series makes a good case just how much it complements each other's flaws or gives them what they need most in their life, even if some other aspects they may have liked as well may fall short of it. The novel also has none of the things I felt like were lacking when I finished the webtoon. I still find myself wanting more of it, the characters and the world, even as the main plot is over. And if the extra bonus stories prove, the characters alone are engaging even without an overarching big main story plot hanging around. Also in terms of Isekai: I find is very pleasant that the narrative never flaunts Xiao YuAn's modern life knowledge as cheat skills. Something that gets frequently used to drive the plots forward in the genre otherwise. The extras do shortly reveal that he makes use of them, like suggesting the imperial exam system ancient has had, but other than that, the only modern knowledge ever gets to be shown is his first aid for saving Xiao Fengyue. Usually it's just his songs and weird words nobody understands that make him a oddball for the rest, but as for the narrative, trying to blend in bits of modern civilization does not drive it whatsoever, but character relationships and politics. Speaking of him singing, the amount of poetry and idioms or also contemporal slang and tropes just needs another mention. I really do like how every single emotionally tangent thing is expressed in classic literature quotes. You have trouble to express things in your own words? Maybe just let the masters of old do it for you. It's not a new thing, is it? (And they still talk and act on their own, too.) Xiao YuAn's self realization and the nature of his love and how it was just there, there never was a start proper, but simply has sunk into his bones to notice some when just seems even more plausible with there not being any sort of Love at First sight for him, or any of the overtly deep infatuation and cravings that otherwise usually get sung and talked about over and over. I am also quite interested how this will be translated officially:
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Also, I finally found all the footnotes together, well, bar one, which I know on my own I think. (The Internet Archive ftw. Why didn't I think about this from the beginning?) Anyway, Rosmei's official Singapore English one is coming next month or so, will be fun to have another re-read.
To be or not be/How to Survive as a Villain Webtoon ch95-101: Uh, well, this is a case of you read something liked it quite well enough, then read another version, and then it just falls from your graces a bit… And one of the scenes I found hilarious (the bit about Zhang Changson caughing because he knows they were doing the spicy stuff last night), suddenly makes no sense whatsoever. Yan HeQing wouldn't have done that and then even go to overtly humiliate him by spanking his butt, or like running away from him, leaving him alone all night while knowing he can't sleep without the breathing sounds. And them having done it already before he came back in his new body being all like he wants to sleep with him, also comes off considerably more different. (Like one is, he just comes off as irresponsibly unreasonably horny. While the other is he'd otherwise he'd regret it, especially if he considers it something that he should be doing. And then he's using the entire speech to mentally torment the guards and just generally he as a habit of elevating his anxiety of talking distracting nonsense.) Or like he realized his feelings, because he couldn't imagine Yan HeQing being with a woman? Oh come on, after all the shipping attempts and thinking it to be the natural state of things for him to have his harem? Mere jealousy as a realization trigger makes no sense at all here and more than that it really comes off as trite compared to how he realized it only in the cave in a life and death situation and the prospect of maybe loosing him for good and really really not wanting it. It's still good when it's good tho, some other bits were just cut in a too bad way and I reaaaaalllly would have preferred the other extras over the AU arc, but oh well. The first third is still good and on the whole also what got me to the novel and that one has opened some gates to getting interested in Chinese stuff generally, something that has lingered in the back of my mind behind a bit of a blockade, so just that alone is a pretty enormous thing.
The Goddess of Healing ch80-92: The two MCs are just such nice fluffy dorks.
The Silent Concubine ch1-32: I saw this on the Monogatari Novels webpage (the publisher that licensed up How to Survive a Villain's webtoon for English release, but still has yet to release anything in English.) Then I noticed it's also up on Comikey, to trying it out it be. Uuuuh. So the premise is kinda the same as The Male Bride (aka Lala no Kekkon), but unlike The Male Bride which has ostensibly the MC make his own choices only to then get drugged, sexually assaulted, kinda confined only to then reveal his agency was fake, because he was being all kinda manipulated in it, while the other guy ostensibly is also a good guy at heart, just the other one is way to seductive to him so he's frequently out of his mind (i.e. your usual questionable BL tropes), this one……….. has all that, but it doesn't even try to put things in a better light. Things are happening to MC Shen Yu, because he's mute and thus disabled, because he's poor and at the mercy of those in power. He never had a real choice in the matter. And so his being all subservient is a literal matter of survival rather than just the trope. Even his winding up going all happy and romanticizing both the guy and his circumstances seems more like Stockholm Syndrome proper and desperately trying to find the silver lining in the hell he's stuck in, and it's delusive, and the plot never even tries to paint it differently. And the other guy is a cruel, controlling, violent man and he stays it. He just finds out, that if he stays as cruel, his gonna break his latest concubine whom he finds himself drawn to, so he goes and does a few uncharacteristic nice things to keep him safe or humor him, but quickly enough the narrative makes it very clear: He did that with expectations. Nothing about it changes his fundamental nature. Of him looking down on everyone else, of him thinking that MC being subservient is what is to be expected. Ultimately, the romanticized dream pops as exactly that, just a dream. And Shen Yu actually goes to set out finding real agency using everything he can use, despite his handicaps. Which makes things interesting, because the plot is a power struggle between the Male Lead and the emperor, but at the same time it's also a power struggle between him and MC Shen Yu and also an internal conflict inside the latter, because of lingering attachment to the man that doesn't exactly do him good, but still gave him a few things he needed and wanted most in his life for the first time (and still isn't really getting from anyone). At the beginning I thought this was going to go terrible things happen, but the oh so holy grail of love is gonna reform the heinously cruel Male Lead and then everything's good afterward despite all the terror inflicted in the beginning. It put that one on its head, at least so far. It's quite an interesting read, but it's also rather very toxic in all the ways that be.
But then it also wrecks pouts like these:
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Which looks almost like an entirely different series. Well, I suppose it's a scene from the middle of the delusive dream era. Artwise it's solid, but it does seem to take 'shortcuts' by using real life images thrown through some filter and sometimes not even that, which at times feels a bit weird, because those and the drawings themselves don't always blend too well.
0 notes
dracomeir · 6 months
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Revenant Pico was given another chance at life by Girlfriend after failing to protect Boyfriend. When in dire situations, or more intimidation is needed, he reveals his undead form to gain access to powers granted by his patron. His goal is to find out what happened to his lover, and to avenge him for what happened in the past.
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vigilskeep · 2 years
i’ve just realised that zevran and irving only meet in my worldstate at the final battle, specifically when minerva slew the archdemon and didn’t get up for a couple of really bad minutes for everyone involved. what a way to meet your girlfriend’s dad
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newsintheshell · 2 years
ANIME RECAP: il cestone delle news in offerta
Tanti nuovi video e annunci da non farsi scappare prima di Lucca!
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A distanza di un mese esatto (mi piacerebbe sistemarmi gli occhiali per fare la scenetta del “all according to keikaku”, ma in realtà è un caso) ecco il nuovo episodio della rubrica per tutti gli amanti dello scroll e delle scorpacciate di news veloci!
Pur avendo tempo ed energie limitati, essendo da solo, sono anche testardo e sapete che odio farmi scappare le notizie da sotto il naso. Ovviamente non sempre riesco a riportare tutto e quindi, eccoci di nuovo qua. 
Seguendo il mondo dell’animazione ormai da un bel po’, devo ammettere di essere quasi del tutto certo che i pr giapponesi abbiano a disposizione una sorta di cestone, pieno di annunci e video da qui a un paio d’anni, dal quale pescare ogni giorno, pur di tenermi sempre sull’attenti. Dunque mi sono detto: “Allora mi faccio un cestone tutto mio!” (...su black jack e squillo di lusso ci sto ancorar lavorando :v). 
La seconda stagione dell’originale serie di corti, incentrata sull’insospettabile vita quotidiana di alcune, pucciosissime, divinità egizie, andrà in onda da gennaio 2023. 
Tutti i 10 episodi della prima stagione sono già disponibili in streaming su Crunchyroll, con sottotitoli in italiano.
Inizialmente programmata per gennaio 2023, la seconda stagione dell’originale serie animata targata BANDAI NAMCO PICTURES (Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun, Raven of the Inner Palace), è stata posticipata ad aprile 2023.
I primi 13 episodi che compongono la prima stagione, sono disponibili in streaming su Crunchyroll, sottotitolati in italiano.
Il gruppo di sceneggiatori GoRA (K) e l’etichetta King Records hanno svelato il loro prossimo progetto originale, che farà il suo debutto nel corso del 2023.
Diretta da Nobuyoshi Nagayama (Love Flops, Smile Down the Runway), la serie animata sta venendo prodotta presso STUDIO BLANC (Life Lessons with Uramichi-Oniisan, The Reincarnation of the Strongest Exorcist in Another World).
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Shinshokan ha annunciato che il manga autobiografico di Hiromu Arakawa (Fullmetal Alchemist, Silver Spoon, La leggenda di Arslan) ispirerà prossimamente un anime.
Il fumetto racconta il passato della celebre autrice, quando lavorava ancora nella fattoria di famiglia, prima di diventare la mangaka affermata che conosciamo oggi.
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Lanciato un nuovo progetto crossmediale che sarà composto da una parte anime e una musical; la prima sarà ambientata nel presente, mentre la seconda durante il periodo medievale. 
In entrambi i casi, la storia sarà curata dalla scrittrice Madoka Takadono (Devils and Realist, Gun Princess, Kugutsu Senki). A dirigere la serie presso lo studio GAINA (Il piano nella foresta), sarà invece Itsuro Kawasaki (The Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting, Mononokean l’imbronciato).
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L’originale film horror debutterà in Giappone il 26 maggio 2023. Come per “Aragne: Sign of Vermilion”, anche il prequel spinoff sarà tutto realizzato da una sola persona, il creatore Saku Sakamoto. 
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Annunciato un nuovo adattamento animato per il manga slice of life gourmet di Joh Araki e Kenji Nagatomo (nel 2006 ne era già stata realizzata una serie di 11 episodi); i dettagli in proposito arriveranno prossimamente.
Nuovo trailer per la serie animata, basata sulla light novel adventure fantasy di Kiichi Kosuzu, in arrivo da gennaio 2023 in simulcast su Crunchyroll.
L’adattamento targato STUDIO BLANC (Life Lessons with Uramichi-Oniisan, My Girlfriend is Shobitch) è supervisionato da Nobuyoshi Nagayama (Love Flops, Smile Down the Runway) e diretto da Ryosuke Shibuya.
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L’action fantasy romance di Fuminori Teshima ispirerà un anime; i dettagli arriveranno prossimamente. 
Oltre alla light novel, esiste una versione manga della storia, disegnata da Hako Itagaki.
Svelata la sigla di testa, assieme a una breve clip, della nuova serie antologica dedicata al maestro dell’orrore giapponese.
Ad animare le storie nate dalla mente di Junji Ito torna STUDIO DEEN (Sasaki and Miyano), con alla regia sempre Shinobu Tagashira (Junji Ito Collection). Gli episodi sbarcheranno su Netflix il 19 gennaio 2023.
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Autore: SilenziO)))
blogger // anime enthusiast // twitch addict // unorthodox blackster - synthwave lover // penniless gamer
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Kinktober 2021, Day - 19: Rough.
A/n: Hello y'all filthy bitches! This ones another Lucifer fic because, well, my girlfriend spun a wheel and it landed on Lucifer. Technically, it's the wheel's fault.
Fandom: Shall We Date?: Obey Me!
Pairing: Lucifer x MC (Ariadne Kondos)
Rating: Explicit (18+ Audiences)
Content Tags: Desk Sex, Lingerie, Seduction, Vaginal Fingering, Spanking, Teasing, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Shameless Smut
Summary: MC (Ariadne Kondos) helps Lucifer relieve work-related stress.
Prompt: Desk Sex | Collaring | Semi-Public
Word Count: 1,346
Note: Find the prompt list I am following here.
AO3 Link
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Lucifer was, quite literally, buried in his work. Had been so for at least a few hours now. In his state of overwork, the demon had even ended up completely skipping dinner. With the festival fast approaching, he needed to quickly go through the applications and finalise the acts that would be the most suitable for the talent show. 
As he went through what must have been the hundredth application, he heard a knock on the door that led inside his office. He bristled, ready to flip off at whichever brother of his it was.
“Come in.” He called out to the person in a rather irritated voice.
“Lucifer~” Came in a very familiar feminine voice, causing him to look up.
And fuck everything if that wasn’t a mistake on the archdemon’s part as he felt his slacks tighten around the area of his crotch at the sight in front of him. There she stood, leaning against the doorframe, clad in a black babydoll lace lingerie and matching black heels. It was as if Aphrodite herself had set foot in his study, as ironic as it sounded with them being in the Devildom and all.
“What are you doing out of bed, darling?” He asked her, his voice smooth and enticing. It was evident to her that the Avatar of Pride was not in the least bit complaining about her presence.
The blonde entered the room, sauntering over in his direction, her hips swaying to an imaginary beat. On her way over, she noticed his state of undress; his coat long gone. tie hanging loosely around his neck with the top few buttons of his shirt undone, and his usual, perfectly coiffed hair in disarray. 
“Why, can’t I even check on you now, Lucifer?~” She asked in a purr as he took her hand in his and pulled her into his lap. But before she landed, his hand smacked her rear with a loud clap, causing her ass cheeks to bounce a bit as she moaned.
“Don’t think I don’t know why you’re here, little mouse. I could smell you when you were still at the entrance.” The raven-haired demon informed her with a smirk as she squirmed in his lap, his hard-on poking her ass. He wasn’t wrong though. While he had been elbows deep in his work, Ariadne had gone and gotten herself all hot and bothered. All thanks to the anime she had been watching while waiting for him to finish.
His fingers played with the hem of the babydoll, teasing her. “I-It’s not like y-you aren’t affected-!” She whimpered out, rolling her hips over his very prominent erection in retaliation and causing his breath to hitch before he caught her hips, his fingers moving inside the flowy fabric to run his cool fingertips against the heated, sensitive skin of her toned stomach.
He leaned forward, placing his lips by her ear. “You know…? It should be a sin for you to wear black with that porcelain skin of yours~” He purred, licking the shell of her ear before gently nibbling on it, causing goosebumps to decorate the entirety of her lithe figure. “The sight makes me want to tear it all into shreds and cover your flawless skin in hickeys, marking you in every visible place and letting every being know that you, my mouse, belong to me.”
As he continued to speak, his hand dipped down and between her legs, rubbing her outer labia through the fabric of her panties. “So wet and I haven’t even touched you properly.” He growled out when he felt the drenched, sticky cloth mould to her pussy lips. She whimpered once more, bucking her hips into his touch in search of more.
“Please, Lucifer… this is torture…” She whined as he continued his relentless teasing. “Do you not think that you, arriving at the door of my study while dressed in this slinky lingerie of yours, is torture for me?” He asked her before actually shredding the set with his claws as his demon form flickered into existence, leaving her completely naked and vulnerable. Once that was done, he transformed back into his human form.
The demon took her off his lap. “Bend over, little mouse. And stay still.” He commanded. And she obliged with no complaint, her bare chest laying on the surface of the mahogany desk. Her hips were flush against the edge of it while her hands stretched out to grab at the opposite edge to stay unmoving just as he had instructed her to. With his knees, he spread her legs even more as the room’s cool air brushed past her heated nether region. She could feel her legs tremble in her heels and was silently thankful to have the table to ground herself and keep herself upright.
“You look so good, spread across my desk like this~” He purred, bending forward to kiss the curve of her gorgeous neck. His fingers brushed along her dripping slit, causing her to stifle a whine that had formed against the back of her throat. His teasing seemed to last forever and she could just hear the salacious grin that he had on his face as he fingered her oh so gently, leaving her on the edge of wanting more.
When his finger grazed her throbbing clit, Ariadne keened loudly, body trembling with the desire to get fucked right into the desk she was bent over against. “Daddy please… please please please…” She begged, on the verge of losing all coherency.
“Please what?” He asked, unbuttoning his slacks and pushing it down along with his boxers to free his aching shaft.
“P-Please fuck me…” She whimpered out. “With pleasure, he replied before pushing his weeping cock inside her slick pussy. The archdemon groaned at the lack of resistance from the woman’s hole as he bottomed out inside of her. “Look at you, sucking me all the way in without hesitation~”
He gave her only a few seconds to adjust before he took hold of her hips, pulling out until only his tip remained. With a hiss, he roughly slammed his hips against hers, hitting dead onto her sweet spot and making her moan. Her hips banged against the edge of the desk with every one of his rough, powerful thrusts. No doubt, there would be dark bruises there the next day.
With each pass, Lucifer let a little more of himself go, grunting in effort as he relished in the feeling of her hot walls surrounding him. Pleasure mounted between the pair as he fucked into her over and over until all she could do was moan his name, all sense of coherence gone. 
He knew he wouldn’t last long once he entered her and so, he chased his release inside of her. His hand snaked around her abused waist to reach for her swollen bundle of nerves, bringing her to climax in time with his own. With a grateful groan, he released all the pent up tension in him, spilling his hot seed deep inside of the blonde while her walls spasmed around him, milking every inch of him and accepting what he had given her so willingly. “Very good…” He cooed, his eyelids fluttering as he relished in the rush that came after such an explosive climax.
Ariadne whined, her body bruised and beaten, but also feeling absolutely boneless and euphoric. She hadn’t experienced anything like that with any of her partners before and it was all rather mindblowing to say the least.
Lucifer’s cock slipping out of her was what brought right back to reality as his cum dribbled out of her in a steady stream. Once he had carefully tucked himself in, he scooped her into his strong arms. 
“Come now. Let me draw a bath for the both of us and then I’ll join you in bed. I don’t think I can focus on completing any of that paperwork after a session like that.” 
Flustered, she buried her face into his chest, making him chuckle along the way.
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umbramatic · 2 years
Vaespar Lore Dump
@gay-werewolves inspired me, I'm going to do a lore dump about my special boi(/gurl), my fave OC and secondary sona, Vaespar. (READ BELOW)
The setting I invented that Vaespar is from is a fantasy setting that is both post-apocalyptic and post-human; 
in the near future, a goddess of a forgotten religion, The Midnight Lady, reawakens. She sees the state of the world, which has become even more fucked by cryptocurrency among other things, and is fucking pissed.
She promptly reintroduces magic to the world at an explosive rate, mutating all life on earth (except dogs, cats, and corvids, whom she favors) into strange new forms via a magical blight known as the Raven Plauge, and causing the collapse of civilization. 
(This also wakes up the other gods in the Midnight Lady's pantheon, who advise her that there were probably better ways but are too late to actually stop or undo her actions. They're important later.)
Most humans end up mutating into funky fantasy races, but the worst of the worst get reduced into some kind of shadow sludge. From this sludge the demons were born.
Demons in this setting are basically like the Venom symbiote. They're ineffectual small shadow blobs on their own, but they bond with other beings and give them enhanced magical power in exchange for sustenance. Now, most demons don't require much in the way of sustenance (though what that is tbd) and aren't particularly harmful, but a rarer, more powerful, and more malignant strain exists, known as archdemons. 
Archdemons are much more powerful than normal demons and use their hosts to devour the bodies and souls of others, turning into darkness to engulf and digest them. And one of them manages to find the last human.
Now exactly how one human survived has been lost to time to the point not even the gods know, but this human was once a great hero before being tempted into bonding with an archdemon. And it turns out an archdemon with a human host is EXTREMELY powerful. 
Eventually over time the archdemon and human basically merge into one being. And that being... Is Vaespar.
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He's a cruel, prideful, sorcerous evil overlord type who has ruined countless lives and devoured countless people. He's immortal and nigh unkillable at this point, so many have attempted to seal him away, but he always breaks free eventually. 
His magical powers are incredibly strong, and include some degree of shapechanging ability. However, he can only perfectly *mimic* another being if it's one he's eaten.
He CAN turn into a floating face, or a snake man, or, most importantly, trans his gender. (He's genderfluid babyeeeeee! he/him or she/her pronouns, though leans former, as I've been using)
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And when he absorbs enough magical power at once he transforms into his monstrous Ascending Form, which is powerful enough to devour and kill the local gods.
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And he did in fact do that once!
See, Vaespar's goal in life is to transform into an eldritch god dragon and rule the world, and he attempted to devour a god (exact identity of said god pending) in order to attain that. But he just kind of... Hemorrhages all the power. And also in this setting killing a god has DRASTIC CONSEQUENCES based around whatever the god was a god of, so it fucks things up big time. HOW is again undecided but.
Vaespar eventually learns in order to get the results he wants and have them stick he needs to devour one particular god specifically: Gliar, the god of light, who's sort of a nega-him. This is around when he gets his signature outfit - it matches Gliar's and is Vaespar's most petty way of messing with him.
He does try to get to Gliar in more significant ways, however. 
See, there's this forest spirit goddess lady (name TBD) who is good friends with Gliar. She also has a girlfriend who's a flower goddess named Iuzurva. Vaespar ends up seducing and magically corrupting her to give himself more advantage against the gods and have someone to try and get him to Gliar. 
Gliar is despondent and terrified and goes into hiding. Iuzurva is even MORE despondent and falls into a despair that makes her more malevolent and eldritch. 
(Also said goddess being corrupted does a fucky to the world's forests, making them even more dangerous places. Not as bad as if Vaespar has killed/eaten her but. She has remained an ally of Vaespar ever since)
There is one person who got oh so close to defeating Vaespar. And that was Evithyan Zerdali. 
She was a powerful mage (of one of the more humanlike post-human species) and also a good friend of Gliar, who tried to figure out the secret to killing Vaespar. She was very close to uncovering the secret to killing Vaespar before he ultimately devoured her during a major confrontation, but she got him sealed away again in the process. After her death Gliar became even more reclusive and even started spreading rumors he was a false god. 
It is said something of Evithyan still lingers, however...
Vaespar is assisted in his endeavors by various minions and henchmen, and in the "present day" of the story is most closely aided by Loveland, a member of a race of frog people, who resembles a firebelly toad (and thus is Vaespar's literal toady). While not particularly malevolent in and of himself, he is fiercely loyal to Vaespar and the two work closely together. 
Vaespar also has the power to access other universes, though he hasn't bothered conquering any... Yet. (This is how I explain interactions with characters and species that wouldn't exist in his home universe.) Some notable jaunts:
-Vaespar once visited a CERTAIN Pokemon universe briefly, and even had a child named Seigbert there. However he has yet to engage in Trainer shenanigans in any other Pokemon universes. Yet...
-He has also become a Summoner in the world of Fire Emblem Heroes, and commands a cabal of fucked up and evil heroes, and had a child with one of them too, Arvis. Their daughter is named Igol. 
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-He has also ventured into the world of Final Fantasy XIV, having transformed into a Viera, and is doing Typical WOL Shenanigans there
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Other Vaespar Facts: 
-He has ink blot like markings on his body that reflect his nature as a human/demon fusion, though the exact pattern changes often.
-His height depends on his current form but defaults to 7'6 
-In addition to being genderfluid he's pansexual and autistic
-He does still consume normal food and drink, but the urge to consume those is different from his urge to consume other beings (though can overlap if he transforms someone into food)
-His hood has a long "tail" to it, very important
-Those things on his robe are tassels, not cravats, including the one on his neck
-Here's a chart of how his major forms all link to each other
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-And a slightly outdated size chart of them next to my other sonas
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And finally, because people asked: Even though he's partially a sona I don't mind if people say he's hot. I'm FLATTERED, he's meant to be. (This goes for my other sonas too.)
I tried to keep the images in this thread limited to my own art, but plenty of other people have drawn Vaespar, either because I paid them to or of their own volition. You can see them here! (remove spaces): https :// toyhou.se/ 5157929 .vaespar
This was really fun to write up and do! Feel free to ask any questions. Maybe I'll do my main sona Umbra next.
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