#archer fic
maaxverstappen · 2 months
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help me hold onto you | T | 6/12
f1driver!max and streamer!charles
The man– Charles, Max assumes– sounds French. He loves that. He should be used to a French accent, he was forced to converse with Pierre often enough, but it sounds different coming from Charles. More melodic. Almost similar to someone he used to know once. “And that made me think,” Charles says, voice bellowing from Max’s speakers. “That it was stupid that we didn't have carrots before. Like, come on, it's a farming game.” Max has no fucking idea what the hell he is on about.
or: Max is lonely and finds Charles streaming on Twitch.
based on this prompt sent to @f1prompts
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hitrone · 3 months
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hey hey hey i have something for you ;)
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moonlightspencie · 1 year
Help Me Hold on to You
Description: Ted and the reader struggle with balancing mental health and everyday life. (Based on The Archer by Taylor Swift)
Pairing: Ted Lasso x fem!Reader
Warnings: depictions of anxiety and panic
Word Count: 8.9k
A/N: one of my all time favs that i’ve written (and, not to sound conceited, one of my favs in general bc it was super self-indulgent hehe). originally posted on tumblr. then dropped onto ao3. now it’s back on tumblr.
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“Hey, Y/N. Whatcha up to?” Ted burst into your shared office, a wide-eyed look on his face.
You shook your head with a smirk, “Just going over the last game, trying to figure out what we can do better next time.”
You paused the video on your laptop, shutting it and looking up to him expectantly. He pulled a chair up next to you, suddenly looking a little nervous.
“I know that look, Ted. What’s wrong?”
He shook his head, plastering on a smile. “Nothing.”
“You wouldn’t have come interrupting me unless you had something you wanted to talk about.”
His face dropped, nodding slowly. “I’m getting kind of sick of you reading me like a book, sweetheart.”
“No, you’re not.”
He chuckled, looking back at you. “Okay, guilty. Uh, I’m not sure how to address this, so I guess I better just come out and say it, huh?”
You nodded back at him, silent, but with a reassuring smile.
He clapped once. “So, uh, nobody really knows about this, but I’ve been dealing with some anxiety lately. I, uh— I don’t really want anyone knowing about it, so if you could…”
“I’ll be quiet as a mouse in a trap.”
He raised a brow. “Morbid.”
“My colloquialisms can’t be as silly and polished as yours, friend.”
He smiled. “Guess not. Don’t really have room in my head for ‘em right now, though.”
You shrugged. “That’s okay. I like you whether or not you’re acting like a landscaper’s favorite machine.”
He paused for a moment, trying to put the pieces together. Then, his face lit up.
You simply pointed at him with a wink.
“Nice,” he said with a smile. He looked back down to his hands, smile melting. “So, um, I guess I just wanted you to know. That was the reason I had to leave the game, actually. It wasn’t food poisoning, but it just seems easier to let people believe that, you know? But, anyway. You seem to be good with these kinds of things, and I just… I don’t know.”
“Sometimes it’s nice just to tell someone, yeah?”
He nodded with a small grin. “Rebecca’s seen it happen once, but I think that’s about it. I made an appointment to speak with the doc, but I just couldn’t.”
“Why not?”
He shrugged, head shaking. “It’s bull.”
“Ted, you remember what you told me when I talked to you about my issues with trust?”
He raised a brow. “I told you nobody good would hurt you like…”
“You told me that all people are different people. You’ve said it a few times around me, I know you’ve told other people the same. And you know what?”
“What?” His brows sat raised.
“You need to start taking your own advice.”
“I don’t like when you do that.”
“Do what?” You laughed.
He chuckled with you. “When you’re right. I’m not supposed to be a quitter, either.”
“Not for the good things, anyway, huh?”
He nodded. “Thank you.”
He started standing, but you stood with him before he could go anywhere.
“Hey, there’s something I want you to know, too.”
“Shoot,” he said, gesturing for you to continue.
“I deal with anxiety, too. A lot, actually.”
He furrowed his brow. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Didn’t want you to worry.”
“Well, now I am.”
“Don’t. I can cope, I just— I want you to know you’re not alone in this, okay? I get panic attacks, anxiety attacks, I deal with more minor symptoms pretty much every day. And you know what? It doesn’t make me any less of a person. Doesn’t make you, either.”
You saw the tears that began to prick his eyes, but decided to leave that situation alone. Instead, you pulled him in for a hug. He hugged back hard, burying his face in the crook of your neck. You heard him take a few shaky breaths before he pulled back, wiping at his eyes.
“I’m sorry…”
“Don’t ever apologize for vulnerability. Least not to me, cause I know exactly how you’re feeling and it’s okay. I promise,” you reached for his hand, giving it a squeeze.
He smiled at you, trying to hold back from letting any more tears fall.
“Thank you.”
“It’s nothing, Ted. I do want you to try going back to doctor Sharon, though. She’s a good woman.”
He nodded, glancing at where your hand still held his own. He squeezed it again, then left you to get back to your work. You sat for a while, unable to focus on anything but what he’d told you. You hoped like hell he had really listened to you.
It wasn’t until the next day that you’d found he’d both listened to and simultaneously completely ignored you. You were walking down the hall from the office when you saw him.
“Hey,” you called out to him, both hands on his chest to stop him from moving when you got close enough. “Your appointment is supposed to be right now. What happened to—”
“I can’t do it.”
He grabbed one of your wrists, trying to move you. You refused to budge.
“No. Uh-uh. Why did you leave?”
“I’m not talking to someone who’s only there cause she’s paid.”
You raised a brow. “Excuse me, Lasso. Are you not getting paid to do your job?”
He huffed out a sigh.
“Don’t you get attitude with me,” you dropped your hands, but didn’t move from where you stood. “I gotta go, but you’re trying again tomorrow, you hear me?”
“You’re going. Non-negotiable.”
He dropped his shoulders. “Fine. I’ll try.”
You nodded once, a smile of victory on your face. “And by the way, I think Keeley’s smoking in the boot room. Might wanna see what that’s about, yeah?”
He tilted his head, a chuckle leaving him. You patted him on the shoulder as you passed to leave the building.
Your day from then on was a long one. You were running around with Beard for part of it, trying to work on strategy for the upcoming game against Man City. The whole Richmond team was on edge, and you were beginning to worry that the nervousness alone might end up being the end-all to the game. You were a firm believer that winning had as much to do with the power of the mind as the power of the body. If they were going in thinking they were going to lose— lose they would.
“That’s a little dramatic,” Beard said over his beer.
You rolled your eyes, sipping at your drink.
“It’s not. Same line of thinking as Ted’s ‘Believe’ sign. I’m just being a little more explicit about what I mean when I say it.”
He chuckled. “You two are more alike than I think you even realize, you know?”
“I think I realize.”
“Do you?”
You shrugged, nodding slightly.
“Both crazy about this team, and even more crazy about you,” you teased, flicking at the brim of his hat.
He hid a smile behind his glass. “Your never-ending optimism and knack for flattery is also pretty similar.”
You hummed in agreement. “Can’t argue with ya, there.”
“So, what do you think we should do, then?”
You shrugged. “Find some way to cheer up the team. Get them excited for the game rather than scared of losing.”
He nodded, brows raised. “Any way of implementing that?”
“I’ll figure it out, I’m sure.” You leaned back. “Remember that game against Kansas State? Our boys were so freaked about it all, then Ted did his thing and got them so excited to play…”
“Beat their asses.”
“Yeah, we did.”
You both went in for a quick high five before continuing.
“Remember how he did it?”
“Told ‘em they needed to loosen up. We had a dance party and ordered pizza.”
You smiled. “Yep. What do you say we make something like that happen again? Day before we travel, let’s do it.”
He smirked, a brow raised. “Sounds perfect. You gonna tell Ted?”
You shrugged. “I think he could use the surprise just as much as the players.”
He narrowed his eyes at you.
You put your hands up. “What’s that look about?”
He just shook his head silently.
“I’m not treating him any different.”
He raised a brow, sipping at his drink again.
“Ted’s been going through it lately, I just think he needs a little cheer up. Nothing else.”
He set down his drink, then sat up straight, eyes still trained on you.
“Quit lecturing me, Beard,” you chuckled. “I know you always think I have some thing for him, but why can’t it just be that I care about people, huh?”
“I see through it.”
You paused for a moment. “I hate that.”
He smirked, and you both finished eating.
You went home yourself, denying a walk-back from Beard. You appreciated the gesture, but the air was beginning to feel thick and suffocating. The last thing you wanted was for him to see you like that.
As much as you tried pretending like the state of the team wasn’t affecting you, you knew that trying to be the fixer for this situation was weighing on you. More than you thought it would.
You tried swallowing, feeling your throat pretending to swell just to spite you. You rushed even faster towards your flat, feeling that the oncoming attack wasn’t going to be so routine.
As soon as you were in your door, your knees hit the floor, head between your arms on the carpet. You tried to control your breathing, but it was no use. Tears fell, though you’d hardly noticed as you’d refused to open your eyes. The bleariness you were bound to find if you opened them would only make the situation worse. You began to worry about passing out if you couldn’t control your breathing, and decided to roll yourself onto your side, whole body pushing through tremors you hadn’t felt in a few months, at least.
The ringing of your phone didn’t aid your situation. You desperately hoped it wasn’t an emergency, because there was no way you’d be able to make it over to where you’d dropped your purse. But, it kept ringing. Four separate calls over the span of probably half an hour.
It was another good half an hour after the calls had stopped before you were composed enough to open your eyes, and pull yourself into a sitting position on the ground. Though, you wouldn’t have known. Time never seemed to make any sense in those situations.
You worked on breathing in and out slowly, wiping away at any remaining tears. The shaking hadn’t yet ceased, but at least that was manageable. Right as you started trying to stand, you heard the loud buzzing of someone asking to be let in. You made it over, asking who was there.
“It’s me. Are you okay?” Ted’s voice came through.
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine. Hang on,” you said, letting him in.
It wasn’t long before a knock was at the door, and you wished he wasn’t so quick. No amount of post-panic-primping in a fifteen-second slot could make you look presentable enough to get past him. You opened the door, putting on a smile and hoping he would be too preoccupied with something else to look directly at you for too long.
His face dropped the second he saw you, of course.
“What’s wrong?”
You shook your head. “I’m okay.”
He walked in, leaving you to close the door and follow him.
“No way, McConaughey. You can’t hide tears from me, I got eagle eyes for that sort of thing.”
You crossed your arms. “I’ve just had a long night.”
He watched you for a moment, picking up on the fact that you wouldn’t be sharing any time soon. He nodded slowly.
“Okay, that’s fine. If you don’t want to talk right now, that’s okay,” he smiled softly, then wrapped you in a tight hug.
You welcomed it, arms wrapping around his middle, head buried in his chest.
“You were honest with me,” you started after a moment, “so, I guess I should be with you. I just came down from a pretty bad panic attack. I couldn’t breathe, hardly made it home… I just—”
“It’s okay,” he said, rubbing your back as he spoke. “We don’t have to talk about details. Thank you for telling me.”
You nodded. “Thank you for coming.”
“You always answer when I call. I knew something had to be up.”
“What if I was just in the shower?”
“You still always call me back right away. I had over an hour of radio silence from you.”
You chuckled. “I didn’t know you had it down to such a science.”
He laughed back, pulling away from you just enough to see your face.
“There she is,” he said, a smile on his face.
“And she is a mess.”
“We all get a little messy sometimes, though, don’t we?”
You nodded. “Gotta agree with that.”
He looked at you for a moment or two with a soft smile on his face, and as much as you didn’t want to admit it, especially since Beard was also on your ass about it, that was the moment you knew. You felt your heart rate pick up, and didn’t know what to do but escape. You stepped back, leaving him looking a little confused.
“I think I need some sleep, Ted.”
His eyes were wide, looking at you. “You sure you’re okay?”
“I’ll be fine. I just need time alone, now. I need rest.”
“Okay, yeah,” he nodded, shoving his hands in his pockets. “Uh, alright, well I will see you tomorrow bright and early, right?”
You nodded, giving him a quick smile.
“Anything else I can do for you?”
You shook your head. “No. I’m okay.”
He nodded again, watching you with those big, worried eyes. You wished he would stop with that. He waved a quick goodbye, leaving you alone.
You settled into bed, though you were unable to sleep. You couldn’t stop thinking about the team. Or Ted. Or the fact that you couldn’t help but self-sabotage any chance you got. You wiped away a few stray tears, and closed your eyes, hoping sleep would take over soon.
You woke up from a couple hours of sleep to a text. Of course, from Ted.
- Excited to see you today for coaches meeting :) I’m proud of you
You sighed, setting your phone down next to you. The guy didn’t seem to have a single mean bone in his body, and here you were wallowing in the fact that you couldn’t help but feel like you brought down everyone around you. As much as you tried to remain positive in every situation, you knew your mood affected the people around you whenever you were a little down in the dumps. You got up, hoping you could at least try to disguise it as well as possible for the day. At least for the morning.
You stopped to get coffee on the way in, delivering each drink with a smile. You sat next to Ted to watch the tapes, giving him the most convincing smile you could.
“You seem better today,” he said quietly, a smile on his face.
You nodded. “Yeah.”
The next few days you were preoccupied with setting up the party for the team, and luckily it kept you busy enough to not fall back into the hole you’d had to crawl out of. If there was one thing you were proud of, it was your ability to pull yourself out of the hardest places. Maybe it wasn’t always through the best methods, but you figured that doing what you needed to was working just fine. If it ain’t broke, after all.
“Howdy, howdy!” Ted chimed, walking in.
You shut your laptop quickly, still taking pride in the fact that you were successfully keeping the event from him.
He quirked a brow, nodding towards your laptop. “What’s that about?”
“Nothing you need to worry about right now. What’s up?”
He rubbed his hands together, leaning against your desk with a cheesy grin.
“You got another jar of barbecue sauce?”
He laughed. “Yes, actually, but that’s not what this is all about, buttercup. It’s about you.”
You furrowed your brow. “What?”
“Well, kinda,” he said with a light chuckle. “I’ve been seeing the doc a lot more frequently, now.”
You lit up. “Oh, I’m so proud of you!”
“You’ll be even more proud in a second. Get this, she actually said that she’s glad me and you are friends.”
You crinkled your nose, laughing. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I told her about all of your help over the past few sessions, and she told me to tell you, little lady, that I am lucky to have you.”
He nudged your shoulder as he ended the sentence, and you hoped he wouldn’t notice how you tried hiding a smile.
You felt heat rise to your cheeks as he finished out by saying, “I gotta say, I agree with her.”
“In that case, you’re welcome.”
He smiled again, hopping up to sit on your desk. “So, what are you up to?”
“You’ll find out later. Later today, actually.”
He raised his brows. “Oh yeah?”
You nodded, “Mhm. I really think you’re gonna love it, too.”
He gasped, “Did you get me those funky shoes from Gucci I showed you the other day?”
“What?” You scrunched up your face. “No, of course not. Those things were horrible.”
He paused, as if to say something, before raising his brows and nodding in agreement.
“Okay, so what is it?”
“Wouldn’t be much of a surprise if I told you, would it?”
He dropped his shoulders. “Aw, come on. Telling me you have a surprise and not saying what it is… That’s worse than telling your dog you’re going on a walk then leaving him home.”
“No, it isn’t.”
“You’re right, that’s just evil. But you know I like to know things.”
You reached over, patting his knee. “I know, but I think you can survive til after practice.”
“Training,” he corrected.
“Ted, we’re both American. You don’t need to adjust your language with me.”
“See, that’s why I love talking to you,” he laughed, poking at your shoulder.
You shook your head, “Okay, now get out of here so I can finish up.”
“I’ll see you at practice, huh?” He raised an eyebrow, looking a little too pleased with himself for switching up his terminology.
You laughed. “See you there, coach.”
Beard walked in a while later, looking at you expectantly.
“Yes, I’m almost ready. Pizza will be here about ten minutes before we’re done, so I’ll excuse myself a little early, and I’ve got Keeley and Higgins doing some decorating in the locker room while we’re out.”
“You know my favorite thing about you?” He asked as he sat down in his seat.
“Fact that you don’t have to actually say anything to talk to me?”
He smirked, nodding. “Exactly.”
You both laughed, then sat back and waited for the boys to make it to the locker room. Ted came in, a big smile on his face as he did.
“Hey, there are two of my favorite people on this whole planet!”
“Still not telling you,” you said, giving a glance at Beard.
He only shook his head, going back to his book.
“Hey!” Ted exclaimed, pointing to Beard. “You know, too?”
“Know what?” Nate asked as he walked in.
You kept talking, “Keeley and Higgins, too. Oh, and Rebecca, actually, but she can’t be a part of it today.”
Ted glared at you as he went to his desk chair, Roy coming in behind him as he did.
“You talking about what Keeley told me she can’t tell me about?”
“Yep,” you responded, leaning back in your seat.
He grunted in response, arms crossing over his chest. You all worked on the game plan for ‘training’, then headed out with the team to get started on the last home practice before the big game. You knew nerves were high the whole time, and were all the more focused on making sure your little pizza party was a relief for everyone. You excused yourself to bring in the pizzas with your two accomplices, and then waited outside the door until the team came barging in. You heard shouts of approval from them all as they saw the decor and food, smiling as the work you’d done was starting to prove to be a good idea. Beard and Ted wandered in a moment after the last boy was in the locker room, a smile on Ted’s face as he heard them all.
“This the surprise?” He asked as he approached you.
You smiled, nodding. Beard moved past you to enter.
“Remember Kansas State?”
He raised his brows, smile only growing. “You didn’t.”
You nodded once more. “I did.”
He scooped you up in a hug, spinning you around.
“You are the best,” he said, setting you back down with a kiss to your cheek. Luckily, the smile on your face could easily be chalked up to the surprise paying off rather than the show of intimacy from your friend. “Well, come on, let’s shake a leg so I can shake some booty.”
You laughed at that, following behind him into the chaos.
“Hey!” He called out to everyone. “Y’all say thank you to Y/N for all this.”
A chorus of ‘thank you’s erupted, and you laughed as Ted pulled you into his side.
“Couldn’t have done it without Keeley and Higgins, y’all. They did all the decorating, I just recycled an old idea of coach, here.”
The team chuckled, then went back to celebrating as the music started.
He looked to you, eyes narrowed. “You’re being way too modest. This happened cause you put your heart and soul into this team.”
“I learned from the best, Lasso.”
He looked at you quietly, a small smile on his face, then shook his head. He pulled you into the small crowd, and you all spent the next couple hours letting loose before you had to check in with reality again.
The party seemed to have helped. Morale was up as you prepared for the game, and at minimum you knew that even if you still lost, they likely wouldn’t take it quite as hard. That helped your conscience, if anything.
One more thing that took a weight off of your shoulders was what happened before the game even started. Ted told the other coaches about his struggles with anxiety before the game. He came clean about it all, and you knew he felt good about finally letting it go to them. As the others started walking out, you held him back, making sure he knew just how proud of him you were.
“I wish I had your confidence.”
He patted your back. “But, you also love your privacy. That’s okay, you know? You also do a much better job holding it down than I do when it comes to this type of thing.”
You swallowed. “I’m not so sure about that. I know how to cope the best way I can, but I think it’s much more brave that you decided to open up to them about this.”
“Hey, don’t be hard on yourself about this,” he said, a hand on your shoulder. “Besides, I’m only doing okay right now cause I’m seeing the doc so often.”
“You saying I need to see someone about this?”
He shook his head. “No. You helped me realize that, for me, going to see her was what I needed. I hope in some way I can help you realize that you should do whatever is best for you. We’re all different people with different experiences, right?”
“Right. Thanks, Ted.”
You sighed. Leaning into his side for a moment, then broke away, clapping once.
“Okay, now let’s go win this.”
The game was lost, but everyone moved past it. You knew most of that was because of Ted and his affection for the goldfish attitude, though he tried like anything to convince you they wouldn’t be feeling so okay if it wasn’t for the little morale boost you’d given everyone before it all started.
He’d also inadvertently managed to convince you to see Dr. Fieldstone.
You knocked on her door, and she looked up from her seat to see you staring at her with a smile from the doorway.
“Come on in, coach,” she said, gesturing at the chair in front of her.
You nodded, looking around the room as you sat. You noted the little bird next to you, tapping it just enough to get it going.
“I like your decorations,” you said with a smile, then looked back at her. “Also, please call me Y/N. I hardly let the boys get away with calling me coach outside of games.”
She smiled. “I see.”
“So, uh, it’s good to finally talk with you. I know we’ve seen one another in passing a few times, but I’ve been exceptionally busy lately or else I would have come and given a proper hello. I really appreciate all of the work you’ve been doing with the team. You seem like a very kind, compassionate woman. I’m happy to have you here, honestly.”
She just watched as you talked, a light grin on her face as you did, though most of the humor rested in her eyes.
You paused for just a moment, though when she didn’t speak up, you took it as an invitation to keep going.
“Uh, so, I’m not really sure how this goes. I’ve only been to see a therapist once before and it didn’t go great. Though, I promise I won’t hold it against you. I’ve just learned how to cope on my own after that experience, but Ted kind of convinced me to try to find what would work best for me moving forward, and I thought—”
“I see why you two are so close,” she chuckled. “I feel as though I know you already.”
Your brows raised. “Really? How so?”
“Well, between how talkative you’ve become now that you’re nervous, and the fact that I’ve heard quite a lot about you in general, I’d say I have an idea of who you are.”
You let out a quick laugh. “Gosh, I’m sorry. I get kind of chatterbox-y when I talk to someone new.”
“Or when you get nervous, yeah?”
You nodded slowly, looking down for a moment. “Yeah. That, too. Guess it kinda goes hand-in-hand with some of my anxiety business, huh?”
She shrugged, though gave you a look that implied she’d agreed with your statement. You smirked, as did she.
“You said you’ve seen a therapist once before?”
You nodded. “Yes, but it didn’t seem to help. They hardly listened to me, and then told me that maybe exercising and breathing exercises would help. Gave me that advice four sessions in a row without really ever caring to know why I was dealing with panic and anxiety and everything else.”
She raised a brow. “I’m sorry you had to experience that. Now, I know you might not be able to trust me—”
“Oh, no. I totally trust you, Doc. I’ve seen how great you’ve been with the team, and I learned from a good friend a long time ago that everyone has a different story. You don’t deserve to be compared like that.”
Her brows really shot up with that being said. She nodded slowly, writing something down as she did.
“Well, thank you for that. That was kind of you to say.”
You smiled at her. “I appreciate you. Really.”
“This need to reassure the people around you, do you think that might have anything to do with what you’re struggling with?”
Your eyes widened, almost shocked at the statement. You understood now how she’d made so much progress with Ted. You continued talking about what you needed to, but the session was coming to a close quickly.
“Uh, one more thing, doc?”
“Yes, Y/N?”
“Thanks for what you said about me to Ted.”
She quirked a brow. “And what was that?”
“You told him I was good for him.”
“You are,” she said, nodding. “I think the both of you need to be reminded that you don’t always have to turn on the personality for someone to love you. I think you do that well. Both of you.”
You chuckled. “You… Are one wise woman, Dr. Sharon.”
She laughed. “I am pretty great at my job.”
“Well, thank you again,” you said, starting to walk towards the door.
“Y/N,” she called out, and you turned. “Try to remember that the whole world isn’t on your shoulders, yeah? You believe everyone deserves to know love and comfort, but you are one of those people, too.”
You nodded, taking in a deep breath, then said your goodbyes. You pulled out your phone as you left her office. Being the last appointment for the day, you knew most people had already gone home, but you felt like getting some food. You dialed Ted’s number and waited expectantly, heading towards the door.
He answered, but didn’t speak.
You furrowed your brow, exiting the building.
“Ted?” You asked, waiting for a reply.
His voice came through, shaky and nervous-sounding. “Hey, what’s up?”
“Whoa, hold on, what’s up with you?”
“I— I’m kind of…” he trailed off, taking in a hard breath.
“Are you at home?”
You started walking more quickly, heading towards his flat.
“I’m coming to you, okay?”
You heard a sniffle on the other end, and a weak ‘okay’ in response. You hung up, and practically ran the rest of the way there. He buzzed you in, and you were up the stairs, bursting into his apartment in no time. He was sitting on his couch in his undershirt and khakis, clearly having been in the middle of undressing when he got hit with whatever ailed him.
You rushed over to the couch, standing next to him. He looked up at you, still crying.
“Do you want to talk about it?” You asked softly, reaching over to touch his arm.
He shook his head. “Not yet.”
“Can I hug you?”
He nodded quickly, standing up and clinging to you like a child. You held him, hands rubbing up and down his back as he cried, head shaking every so often, disagreeing with the thoughts in his own head.
“I can’t even…” he trailed, mumbling against your shoulder.
“What is it, hun?” You asked, still trying to calm him as much as possible.
“Am I a shitty dad? I don’t—”
“No, no. Of course you aren’t.”
“I can’t even pick up my son from a sleepover. He had a nightmare and wanted to go home and I couldn’t be there for him,” he turned his head, cheek against your shoulder now.
You reached up to run your nails through his hair. “You’re like the best dad I could think of. Even thousands of miles apart, you spend more time talking to your kid than I ever got with my dad in the same house. He knows you love him.”
“I quit on his mom. I’m not supposed to be a quitter.”
“You didn’t quit. You didn’t forfeit. Game time was up, the match was over. Nothing you could do at that point, Ted.”
He sniffled, then nodded. “You really think so?”
“You were both fighting so long for something that only hurt the both of you. It was coming to an end naturally. You just finally had the strength to let it end, even though it was hard.”
He nodded again, and fell silent for a few minutes, still holding on to you for dear life.
“Ted?” You asked.
He hummed in question.
“Can I get you some water? I don’t want you to get dehydrated.”
“Yeah,” he said, then let you go, sitting back on the couch.
You filled up a glass from the tap, handing it to him and kneeling in front of him. He drank some, then handed the glass back to you to set down on the coffee table.
“Good, thank you for drinking some,” you smiled.
He laughed humorlessly. “I’m a child.”
“You just need to be cared for a little bit right now. I know stuff like this is all new to you still, I don’t think being comforted and coddled a little is gonna hurt all that much.”
He smirked. “I guess not. Thank you. For coming here.”
You stood, going to sit next to him.
“It’s nothing. You’d do the same for me. Heck, you kind of have already, you just didn’t have to witness the crying part.”
He chuckled. “That’s… Embarrassing. I’m sorry.”
“It’s not embarrassing at all,” you said, then leaned back into the cushions. “You feel like food?”
“I don’t know if going out right now—”
“I was going to order in. Thought we could watch tv or a movie or something and hang out for a while.”
He looked to you with a soft smile, nodding.
“Yeah, I’d like that.”
The next day, you woke up feeling better than you had in a while. You felt well rested, and even went to pick up coffee for everyone despite it not being a film-watching day. You made your way to the office, though you found it much more somber than you were expecting.
“Whoa,” you started as everyone watched you walk in with the tray of drinks. “Who died?”
Apparently that was a poorly timed question.
You showed up at the funeral, heading right to Rebecca for a hug.
“Hi, love,” you said, squeezing her a little tighter than normal. “You okay?”
She nodded. “I’m alright.”
You pulled back, giving her a smile. “For what it’s worth, you look hot.”
She laughed, “Charming as always, my friend.”
“It’s what I do best.”
You heard the squeal of Keeley before you saw her.
“You look gorgeous!” She said as she hugged you.
“Babe, it’s a funeral.”
“Still look hot,” she said with a grin before moving on to Rebecca.
You gave a quick hello to Roy.
“She’s… Weird about funerals.”
You nodded. “Right. Well, I’ll be back. Ted was supposed to be here before me and isn’t picking up his phone now.”
Roy furrowed his brow. “Really? I’m shocked you didn’t come together.”
You tilted your head. “Why would we?”
“You realize how fuckin’ obvious you are?”
Your face dropped. “Nothing’s happening, Roy.”
He grunted with a shake of his head, and you headed off away from people to try giving Ted another call.
Still no answer.
When it hit his answering machine, you decided to leave it and send a text instead.
- hey, are you okay? i’m at the funeral now. if you show up, i’ll be in the back row waiting for you. if not, i’m coming to you as soon as we’re out of here
You shoved your phone back into your purse, making sure to leave it on vibrate in case he called back. Getting through the day was already hard, and you knew your anxiety was likely going to be more of a when-than-if kind of situation. It only built with the fact that Ted wasn’t getting back to you. You felt like everything was dragging on forever, and it wasn’t until Rebecca was struggling to find the right words in her eulogy that he came in. He sat next to you, squeezing your knee lightly to reassure you as he did, and you gave him a soft smile. Something was off, but even then he had the ability to comfort Rebecca all the way from the back row, continuing to sing the song she’d begun. And, of course, everyone else couldn’t help but join in.
You walked with him to the repast, and took that as an opportunity to ask him about what was going on.
You fell quiet for a moment, unsure of where to start. He started for you.
“If you’re wondering, it was anxiety again. I’m sorry I didn’t respond…”
“Did you at least reach out to Dr. Sharon?”
You smiled at him. “Okay, I’m glad. Proud of you.”
He smirked, then looked around the neighborhood for a moment.
“Uh, we talked about my dad.”
Your eyes widened. He’d hardly ever talked to you about what happened because he could never get through without crying.
“Wow. Are you okay? I know that’s always really hard for you…”
“She helped me see the good in him again, you know? I was always so angry with him for leaving us, but he did more than leave us. He was…” He trailed off with a shaky breath. You reached over, taking his hand, and he held onto yours firmly. “He was a great dad. She helped me remember that.”
“I’m happy you could talk to her about it, Ted. Seriously.”
He nodded, one hand going up to wipe at his eyes. “I guess it just hit me thinking about today…”
“I know. I’ve been pretty on edge today, too.”
“Are you okay?” He rushed out, looking at you.
You nodded with a smile, “Much better now that I know you are.”
He squeezed your hand, lacing his fingers with yours. You tried to stave off the sick feeling in your stomach telling you to run the other way. You wished you could just enjoy a nice moment with him, but you couldn’t help but feel guilty somehow. He was too good for most people, and you considered yourself one of the ones he was too good for. You let it happen for a few seconds longer before you pulled away, pretending like you needed to check your phone in your purse.
“Get a message?” He asked after a moment.
“Uh, I thought I felt it vibrate. Guess not,” you chuckled a little.
He nodded quietly, shoving hands back in his coat pockets. You walked silently side by side until you reached the house, walking inside and beginning to mingle with some of the other guests there. You felt anxiety building, but tried putting it off. You couldn’t tell why it was getting worse and worse, but it was. Your pulse kept speeding no matter how easy you tried taking it.
But, you knew it was about to get way worse when you were suddenly being pulled away from Ted by Beard as a woman approached him. He watched after you with eyes wide for a moment before he turned to her, and you furrowed your brow at Beard when he deposited you in a different room.
“The hell was that about?” You snapped.
Immediately, you knew you needed to get away. It was hard enough feeling anxious, but the last thing you wanted was for your feelings to manifest as anger. But, manifest they did.
“You said you didn’t feel anything for him like that,” he said, testing you.
You scoffed. “Now is not the time, Beard. Who was that, anyways?”
“Remember the name, ‘Sassy’?”
Your stomach dropped, and you could swear the air had just gotten thinner.
He shrugged, a little smug. You let out a hard breath, beginning to walk away.
“You said—”
You whipped around. “Cut the shit, Beard. It’s none of your business.”
Eyes fell on you, and the barely contained attack was coming into swing. You started walking towards the back door and into the fresh air, hoping you could contain it all until you could get out of there and go home.
The door opened only a moment later, and you turned to find Beard staring at you.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have snapped like that, I just—”
“You have feelings for him. I know you do.” He shrugged, coming to stand next to you. “What I don’t know is what’s wrong besides that.”
“I’m fine.”
“You’re shaking.”
You looked down to see your hands shaking hard as you grasped your arms.
“I—,” you felt tears prick your eyes, and looked away. “I can’t fucking tell him. I’ve known him for years, do you have any clue how shitty it’d be to drop something like that on him? Besides, clearly he’s having fun with…”
You stopped, unable to even say another person’s name.
“The doc told me I self-sabotage, but I don’t think this is that. Is it wrong to want him to be happy? I don’t think I’m the bad guy for that.”
“Nobody said you were.”
“Nobody needs to. I’m a fucking mess. I have no right being upset that he’s happy. I’m a piece of shit,” you whispered at the end, closing your eyes. “I— I need to get out of here. I gotta go, I’m sorry.”
You felt your chest heave, trying to get in air through the invisible smoke that surrounded your head. There was no escaping it, now.
Beard reached out for you, but you already started leaving. He called your name, but you couldn’t handle facing him.
“If anyone asks, please just say I got sick,” you said, back still turned to him.
He sighed, watching as you walked away, holding onto yourself as if you might crumble otherwise. He was worried you actually would, but knew you’d only get more pissed if he tried following you now.
You stumbled along the street, not really sure where you planned on ending up. The closest location was on Nelson Road, so that’s where you found yourself after it all, sinking onto the floor of the office and letting all hell break loose. It was bad enough with how you’d been feeling today, but coupling it all with how ridiculous you felt over being angry that someone else had his attention… That was the thing that nearly pushed you over the edge. Crying and shaking led to dry heaving, dry heaving led to darn near passing out, and that all led to sitting on the ground for who knows how long. You’d always been able to pull yourself out eventually, but you weren’t sure you’d be able to this time.
If people really believed that hope kills, you wished they never had to know what being completely hopeless felt like.
Pretending like you weren’t ever affected by the things that hurt you could only get you so far, and now you were feeling the hard edge of realization that being hit by the things that pained you all at once was so much worse than dealing with it little by little.
Now, a room full of people had seen you crack, too. They all saw through it. The jig was up in a small way that felt huge. Your cover-up act was all you had sometimes, and you couldn’t afford to lose it all because you couldn’t handle seeing Ted with another person, or deal with your emotions before they blew up in your face.
You sobbed, unsure of how you were still awake with how much air escaped you and how little you were taking in. You almost wished you would just pass out for a few hours. Just to escape for a moment.
You heard footsteps fall heavy and quickly down the ball, and it only worsened your panic. The last thing you wanted was for anyone to see you like this, but you couldn’t bring yourself to move. You were cemented to the ground, a crying, shaky mess.
“Oh, thank goodness,” you heard a voice that sounded far away, then felt a pair of arms scoop you up and hold you tightly against them. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”
You couldn’t stop yourself this time, and just let yourself cry. Ted tried moving your hands away from your face, but you refused to budge.
“Sweetpea, I need to know you’re okay. Can you breathe with me?”
His voice was more clear now, and you heard a tone in it you almost never did.
“Please,” he whispered, and now you knew why he sounded different.
Tears fell against your bare legs, and they weren’t your own.
“Breathe with me, come on,” he coaxed, and you tried your hardest to obey his request.
Once your breathing calmed, you were able to move your hands, though you refused to look up. He pulled you into his lap from where he sat next to you, hands holding you tighter than they ever had before.
“You really scared me,” he said, quiet.
You took in another breath, face against his neck.
“I’m sorry, you shouldn’t be here.”
“What?” He asked, hands gripping you a little tighter. “What do you mean?”
You shook your head. “I’m a mess. You’re supposed to be out having fun.”
He was quiet for a moment before he spoke.
“Why did you…” He huffed out a breath. “I ran to your apartment. Then all your favorite restaurants. I went down all the streets I thought you might have taken, and finally I ended up here. I didn’t know where else to look.”
“Why were you looking?”
“I asked Beard where you were and he said you got sick. You were already not doing so hot, and I knew that was a lie”
“You have better things to be doing right now, Ted.”
“Nothing is more important than being here right now. Nothing. Do you understand me?”
He was taking a harsher tone with you than you were used to. You took a chance and looked up at him to find him in disarray. His tie and jacket were discarded, and his hair was kind of a mess.
“Don’t ever do that again. Please. At least tell someone where you’re going.”
You nodded, taking in the deep worry lines in his face.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered.
“Don’t apologize for that, I just— I was scared.”
You swallowed. “I’m— I’ll be fine. Why don’t you go see your lady friend now.”
He furrowed his brow. “What?”
“I know Beard pulled us away from you two for a reason, Ted. You deserve to be happy. Please don’t let me get in the way of that.”
He raised his brows. “You’re not in the way of anything.”
“Yes, I am.”
“No. You’re not,” he shook his head. “Do you want to know something?”
You sniffed. “What?”
He stroked your cheek with his thumb, then smiled. “She’s kinda pissed at me anyway.”
He took a moment to lean back against the wall, readjusting you in his lap and wrapping his arms around you so that you wouldn’t be able to scoot away. He chewed at his lip for a moment, then looked at you. You stared back, eyes wide, and mascara running all down your face. He couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight.
Hard as you tried not to, you laughed with him.
“Your makeup ran harder than anyone on the team.”
You tried wiping away at it, but he grabbed your hand.
“Quit that.”
He shrugged. “It’s kinda cute.”
“Me having a panic attack is cute?”
His eyes nearly bugged out of his head, but stopped when you laughed.
“I’m kidding. Sorry, I couldn’t help it.”
He let out a breath. “Man, I haven’t been that scared since my mom looked in the shoebox under my bed when I was seventeen.”
You smiled, shaking your head. “You didn’t answer me.”
“I asked why she was mad at you.”
He nodded slowly, chewing at his bottom lip.
“Uh, well, when I asked Beard where you were and he said you were sick, she was in the middle of trying to get me to go to her hotel room.”
You felt your stomach sink again, looking away in hopes he wouldn’t catch the shift in your demeanor.
He continued, “I told her I had something more important to do. She didn’t like that a whole lot.”
“You did?”
You swallowed hard. “So, it is my fault.”
He huffed out a sigh. “Can you quit that? I turned down sex to come sit on the ground with you, and you know what? In any case I would always rather be here with you. Panic attack or not. You could literally just ask me to sit on the ground with you and I would always say yes.”
“Well, that’s just dumb.”
He pulled your head towards his chest, resting his chin on the top of your head.
“You always see right through me like I’m a dang department store window. Now, of all times, is when you decide to just… Not get it.”
You played with the buttons of his dress shirt and quirked a brow.
“What the heck are you talking about?”
“You know, I thought you might get it all the times I asked you to come get dinner or coffee with me. Or maybe every time I come bother you and stick around way longer than I normally would with anyone else— and that’s saying something. I was really hoping you’d get it when we were holding hands on our walk today, but of course not.”
He laughed, pressing a quick kiss to the top of your head before he pulled back to look at you. You watched him with wide eyes, questioning his intentions and hoping you weren’t somehow still misreading this.
“You gonna make me say it?” He asked with a smile.
“I’d prefer if you did.”
He laughed, shaking his head. He then looked up at the ceiling, trying to search for the right words to say. They must have come to him, because he looked back to you, and simply stared for a minute before he finally started talking.
“You’re one of the kindest people I know. Like, Mr. Rogers reincarnated. You always know how to cheer me up. You always know how to help me, and everyone else in your life, somehow. I think you’re incredible. I think you are so funny and so talented and crazy smart. I even think you’re stupidly gorgeous when you’ve got makeup running all over your cheeks,” he said with a laugh, then continued when he got reassurance from your smiling face. “I’ve been scared to get close to anyone since… Since the divorce. You made it so easy, though. I’ve known you forever, but now— I guess I just realized a few months ago that nobody’s ever been there for me like you. You never tell me I’m too much. You never expect me to be… I don’t know. You don’t ever expect me to be on all the time. I can just be me, good or bad, and you still treat me the same.”
You watched him with a rapidly beating heart. Though, this time, it wasn’t telling you to run. It wanted nothing more than for you to stay right where you were.
“That’s something the Doc told me. That we’re good for each other because of that,” you said quietly.
He nodded. “I know, and she’s right. She helped me realize I had feelings for you. Real feelings.”
You bit your lip, then grinned. “Are you gonna crack a joke any time soon? Because all of this serious from you is becoming a little scary.”
His face lit up, and he laughed. You smiled with him, leaning into him for a hug. He held you close, taking in several deep breaths and enjoying the moment, then kissed your cheek as he pulled back again.
“Uh, so… Is this just gonna be me confessing and you get to sit there and tell me to do a crap ton of Hail Mary’s?”
You smiled. “There’s my Ted.”
His brows raised. “Your Ted, huh?”
You laughed, wiggling out of his grip. He let you, and you stood up, reaching for him. He stood with you, not letting go of your hands.
“You’re not going to let go of my hand to check a nonexistent message again, right?”
You smiled, looking down. “You caught that?”
“I can read you almost as well as you can read me. I knew something was up.”
You shook your head, walking into him and wrapping him in a hug again.
“I see things are a little better now,” Beard said, leaning against the doorframe of the office.
You let go of Ted, turning towards Beard.
“Hey. I’m sorry about—”
He held up a hand. “Don’t be. I was kind of being an ass anyways.”
You gave him a tight lipped smile, nodding a little.
“You two figure out… All that business?” He asked, pointing between the two of you.
Ted smiled, “Yeah, we did.”
He waved and left with that, the two of you alone once more.
Ted grabbed your hand, lacing his fingers with yours.
“Let’s go home and maybe… Clean up. We kind of look crazy,” he smiled.
“Can we head to mine first? I want to get out of this dress.”
“Why don’t we just go to mine?”
He raised his brows in question, and you couldn’t help but smile. Now at least you didn’t have to pretend you didn’t think he was adorable.
“I need clothes.”
He quirked a brow. “I think you’d look awfully cute in my clothes.”
You laughed, “Okay, fair enough.”
“Ready to go home, then, sweetpea?”
“Of course.”
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shadowdaddies · 5 months
hi love!! can i request a professor!au with feyre where she gives reader a lesson on nude drawing?? she would enlighten her on the female anatomy… 👀
omg art professor Feyre has me in a chokehold. I'm obsessed with this, truly😅💜
The Study of Movement
professor!Feyre x f!Reader smut (modern AU)
Warnings: smut, oral f!receiving, minors dni
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Rubbing your sweaty palms against the fabric of your dress, you peered through the doorway to the art classroom. You’d been failing in your class, Drawing the Human Figure, and Professor Archeron specifically requested that you come in during office hours for one-on-one discussion.
The blush that dusted your cheeks was immediate as you took in the stunning woman sitting at her desk, golden brown hair pinned back revealing her low-cut shirt as she scoured over paperwork. Shuffling forward into the room, you adjusted the strap of your art satchel, heart pounding nervously.
“Professor?” you managed to ask meekly, breath hitching in your throat as grey-blue eyes glanced up, their focus on you. It was no wonder why you were failing in this course - every time Professor Archeron looked at you, your mind emptied, unable to focus on your work.
She hit you with a disarming smile as she stood gracefully from her desk, long legs striding towards the center of the room. The space was set up as usual for class, with students’ easels in a semi-circle around the velvet couch where the reference models posed. 
“You can call me Feyre while it’s just us, sweetheart,” she spoke, prowling around the back of the sofa, her hands grazing the velvet fabric along the furniture. She sat on the arm of the couch, legs crossed as she silently assessed you. 
“You may take a seat,” she nodded towards the easel in the center of the room. “I asked you to meet me here for office hours to discuss your movement. Your drawings are stiff, they lack the fluidity of human motion. Do you understand?”
Biting your lip, you sat on the stool, sliding your satchel off your shoulder as you pulled your drawing pad out to set on the easel in front of you. “I think so. You’re saying my drawings look lifeless, more like mannequins? I try to capture movement, but I just feel like I struggle to actually see the flow of it - how muscles move, hair... I don’t know.”
Feyre gave you an approving nod, a small smile gracing her face as she studied you. “I think you need more practice with observing movement. Maybe you feel too rushed during class. Do you have time now to practice?”
You nodded, settling into your seat as you anticipated whatever she had planned for you. Or so you thought. 
A gleam shone in her blue eyes, Feyre smirking at you as she whispered a “good girl,” undoing her hair and standing up to unbutton her blouse. 
“Profess- Feyre,” you stuttered, cheeks turning red. You couldn’t bring yourself to look away, her full breasts strained against the silvery lace of her bra. Your breaths grew shallow as she continued to strip in front of you, tongue flicking out absentmindedly over your lower lip as you took in her form, bared to you save her bra and underwear.
With a smirk, Feyre laid against the sofa, back arched dramatically as her long hair splayed out beneath her. “You are here to watch and learn, pet,” she murmured, stretching out along the sofa, a soft sigh leaving her lips as her head tipped back against the cushions. 
“Watch my muscles, the way that my body moves. Tell me how my hair flows, my legs, my breasts,” she whispered, hands sliding up and down her form as she twisted around in the cushions to face you.
With a shaky exhale, you dared yourself to focus on each part of her body - the way her hair draped like silk over her shoulder, the folds of her stomach as her hips shifted, the toned muscles of her legs. Her breasts were pressed together, covered by her bra. Your gaze lingered there for a moment, mind working to understand how her flesh would move and appear if it were free from the confines of her undergarments.
A silky soft laugh left your professor’s lips, pure amusement glittering in her eyes. “You are enjoying this, aren’t you?” she teased.
Panicking, you tried to alleviate the awkwardness you felt from the situation - being so inappropriately attracted to your professor. “N-no, ma’am. I mean, yes, but not like that. I just...”
“You just...?” Feyre teased, biting her lip as she flipped onto her stomach, her perfect ass on display as she laid her head against the pillows.
“I... see the movement, of your legs, your hair. But, um- I’m stuck on your breasts. Oh my god, I mean I don’t know how to draw them! Like, how they’d fall in that position. I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to-“
You broke off mid-sentence as Feyre leaned up slightly, her eyes never leaving yours as she unclasped her bra, letting it fall to the ground. “Is that better, pet?” she purred.
Your pussy clenched around nothing as you found it impossible to hide your arousal by this point. “Yes, ma’am,” you breathed, hand shaking too much to hold your pencil properly. 
“You are still so stiff,” Feyre taunted you, her gaze roving over your tense form. “I think it would help if you loosened up as well. Come here, pet,” she cooed, crooking a finger at you. 
You couldn’t think straight, so overcome by the image of her splayed out on the couch, bare before you. Your feet led you to stand near her, hands woven in front of you as you awaited her next direction. 
“Loosen up,” she reminded you, her hands taking yours, sliding her fingers up your arms as she opened your body to her, and hers to you. “Good girl,” she praised, releasing her hold on you to lean back against the sofa, lounging like a queen before you. 
“Would you like to join me?” she whispered, eyes darkening as she gestured to the couch. “You can take off your clothes. Feel the freedom, the movement of your body. Unrestricted.”
You swallowed thickly, not allowing yourself to overthink as you pulled your dress over your head. A smug grin settled on her full lips, her tongue flicking out as she noticed your lack of bra.
“Beautiful,” she whispered. “Come, sit.”
You sat down on the couch, self conscious as you glanced to where she lay slumped, so comfortable in her own skin. “You are stiff again. What feels natural for you now? Follow your instincts,” she guided, eyes earnest as she gently nudged you.
“I- I want to touch you,” you whispered, eyes raking over her body. You craved her soft skin, her warmth, her wet mouth on you. “Please,” you practically begged, the wetness pooling in your underwear uncomfortable at this point.
Like a spider who caught you in her web, Feyre nodded, leaning flat against the velvet in invitation. “Touch me however you please, pet,” she purred.
Quickly pulling her panties down, you kneeled over her for a moment, simply allowing yourself the indulgence of seeing her laid bare underneath you. Sliding your hands up her smooth thighs, you hooked her legs over each edge of the couch, tracing lightly along her skin. You smirked at the hitch in her breath as your fingertips as you skated around her core, sliding your body along hers as you lowered yourself to her.
“You are so beautiful, I can’t focus in class because of you,” you admitted, hand brushing through her long hair, trailing down her jawline. 
Feyre gasped underneath you, rolling her hips against your own. “Then we will have to see each other outside of class more,” she breathed.
You nodded, biting your lip. “I think that might work,” you murmured, lowering your lips to where your fingers had just brushed her jaw, trailing wet kisses down her throat, in between her perfect breasts. Sitting up slightly, you cupped each of her breasts in your hands, running your thumbs over her nipples as you ground your hips against hers.
“God, I need to taste you,” you murmured, lowered your mouth to her left breast as you flicked your tongue over the peaked bud. She moaned, writhing underneath you as her hand wrapped around the back of your head.
“Take what you need, pet,” she whimpered, hand subtly pushing your head down. You chuckled against her, taking the hint as you moved to the other breast, making quick work of licking and tugging the nipple, blowing cold air over the skin as you enjoying her squirming at the sensation.
Kissing your way down the soft skin of her stomach, you paused above her pussy, pried open and dripping for you. Drawing one finger up her core, you felt your own arousal grow against your underwear as you sucked on the digit, moaning at the taste of her. 
“Please, love I-“ Feyre began to beg, but you didn’t allow her to finish before licking a broad stripe up her center, hand pinning her hips to the sofa as you thrusted your tongue inside of her. Gathering her slick, you moved to her clit, spitting on the bud before wrapping your lips around it. You sucked in a pulsating rhythm, flicking your tongue out as she moaned lewdly under you. Pushing in one finger, you swirled against her walls, stretching her out before adding the second. Curling your fingers, you found the spot that had her head tipped back, perky breasts arched, chest heaving as she came undone under your touch.
Pulling your fingers to your mouth, you grinned around them as you envisioned the drawing you could create of this moment. Catching her breath, Feyre looked up at you from where she lay, a knowing smile playing on her lips. Her hand reached out, tugging the waistband of your underwear as she pulled you up towards her.
“Hurry up and sit on my face already,” she murmured, impatiently tugging as she helped you shimmy the fabric off quickly. Hands found your hips, pulling you down where you could feel her warmth breath against your core.
A small mewl escaped you, clenching as you dripped onto her face. “Oh my god, you are perfect,” she muttered, tongue flicking out as she lapped at your pussy. Moaning loudly, you gripped the sofa as she pulled you further down, her nose pressed against your clit as her tongue thrust inside of you, back and forth.
Head thrown back in ecstasy, you felt the muscles in your body tighten as her tongue found your clit, fingers plunging into your core as she urged you to ride her face. With a shuddering breath, you moaned her name, reaching your high before collapsing next to her with shaky legs. Blue eyes locked on yours, shy laughs leaving both of you as you remembered where you were. 
“So, do you have a better understanding of movement, or would you like to come back for office hours in the future?” Feyre questioned softly, almost nervously.
You dared to reach a hand out, brushing her golden hair behind her ear. “I think that I understand movement, and that I would like to come back in the future. Maybe outside of office hours.”
Her answering smile sent butterflies through you, and you pulled her close for a lingering kiss, committing this moment to memory, for you would draw, paint, sculpt it for years to come.
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freyapoststhings · 12 days
Okay so I'm writing a fic about Artemis finding out about how Apollo was treated before, after, and during the trials and I need help making a choice.
Do I write her losing it and "killing" Zeus?
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talshiargirlfriend · 2 months
@sun-lit-roses and I were talking about Star Trek food and human eating habits throughout the Trekiverse. So, this happened…
T’Pol eyed the lightly seasoned strips of grilled plomeek carefully arranged on her plate and then glanced across the table at her dinner companions. She found the familiar desert hues and savoury aroma of the three varieties of Vulcan root vegetable enticing. She wondered what the humans would make of it.
“Thank you for sharing this with us, T’Pol,” the man on her left smiled.
“Yeah, I’m looking forward to seeing what passes for grub on Vulcan,” the man on her right added with a smirk.
Captain Archer took the first bite and chewed thoughtfully, “Mmm, not bad.”
Commander Tucker spoke next. “It’s real good, actually, but you know what’d be even better? … if we fried it!” he declared, eyes bright with enthusiasm.
T’Pol did not allow her eyebrows to rise more than a millimeter or two.
“Like Vulcan French fries! Trip, you’re a genius! I’ll comm Chef.” The captain leaned back in his chair.
T’Pol silently took a bite.
“T’Pol? We're only joshing you,” Jonathan grinned widely when he caught her eye.
She looked back and forth between the two men. “You planned this.”
“Yeah,” Trip leaned toward her slightly with his own bright grin. “We just wanted to see you make that face you make when you’re trying not to make that face.”
T’Pol attempted to parse that statement.
“Ah! There it is again, Cap’n!” Trip hollered. Both men laughed.
T’Pol had been immersed in life onboard a human starship long enough to understand that this sort of teasing was frequently used to indicate social acceptance.
Setting her fork down, she eyed her companions seriously. “It is perhaps fitting that you chose such a jest, as frying is a traditional method of preparing this dish… for young children,” she attempted to infuse her voice with a subtle hint of wry amusement.
“Ahh, she’s got us there, Trip!”
“I don’t know about you, sir, but I do try to maintain a youthful exuberance,” the commander declared with a theatrical twirl of his fork.
Both men grinned again and T’Pol’s own lips twitched slightly.
It certainly felt like acceptance.
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raayllum · 6 months
they are getting arrows for Plot Related Reasons (needing to send a message to ethari) but this part made me Cry for some reason so?? sharing it as a snippet ahead of time
The crystal cave was near a smaller mining town by the border, and if they were taking one ‘detour,’ well—Callum wasn’t about to say no when Rayla asked for another one. When she said she’d wanted to find a post office of sorts, Callum had assumed they’d go to whatever was in the town’s square, and barring that, a rookery even. Instead, she’d turned right and gone to a weapons shop, Callum trailing along and not feeling any more at home surrounded by well, weapons. He supposed his staff counted as one, and could be used as a club, but it was more for magic than anything else, and... “What are we in here for again?” he asked. “We just need an arrow, really,” she said, opening the shop door. It was cooler inside the shop, shaded with brightly polished blades and maces on the wall. Rayla bypassed all of them in favour of the quivers of arrows hung up, taking just a singular arrow at first, and then—thinking better of it—took out a few more, pursing her lips. She glanced over at the shopkeep who was cleaning his scales by the counter. “How much for five?”  “One silver coin for each, one gold coin for ten.” Rayla reached inside her pouch, Stella procuring the non-parent coins for her; there were only three silver. But if she wanted to restock her arrows, or anything else, really... Rayla went to put two of them back when Callum caught her wrist, and then the bottom half of her palm, squeezing gently. “Get as many as you want,” he told her. “But—” He winked at her. “What’s the point of being a prince if I can’t spoil you?” Rayla flushed and rolled her eyes, but smiled all the same. She ran her finger over one arrow tip once he’d let go of her hand, hesitating. “You’re sure it’s—” “It’s fine,” he promised. “Buy a dozen or a hundred, if you like. As many as you want in your quiver. You can pay me back by saving my life with one later, I’m sure.” 
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reg-arcturus-black · 6 months
The Room is on Fire, Invisible Smoke
Soft!Billy Russo x Female reader
Part 2/2
Warnings: (kinda major) sexual hints, lots of drinking
Words: it's a lot longer than I was expecting... 3.3 k
Part 1 here
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gif not mine
You sat with your head in your hands, wondering how to get Billy back. He was never really yours to begin with so then why did it feel like you had lost him? So he was too mad to even talk to you but not enough to come save you from a baseless panic attack? What was he even mad about? You were honestly afraid to know the answer. You were sure that you had lost the only good thing in your life, no thanks to your stubborn self. If only you would have fessed up instead of waiting around for him.
You leaned against the door, hearing Bill walk away from the house he had spent countless nights in. In separate beds, of course, except for that one night... Shaking your head of the thoughts of that night, you decided to go for a shower instead and get ready for work. You had a long day ahead of you filled with torturous colleagues and a boss who loved to micromanage.
You had sworn that all you needed from the company was the work experience of three years and then you would fly off to London for a better position and salary. With the three years almost done, you were closer to your dreams than ever. Especially now that you had destroyed the only thing keeping you back in New York.
You could feel yourself physically filling up with dread as you drove closer and closer to your office. It had been a long time now but the feeling never seemed to go away. Bracing yourself to endure another never-ending day, you entered the office building and scanned your ID card. The swivel gate let you walk in to what you thought hell looked and felt like.
'Just till 5...' you muttered to yourself and managed to get in the elevator before it closed. It was so crowded, you barely had any place to breathe, let alone stand.
'Cutting it awfully close, again, I see,' you heard someone say from the back.
Jim. You would have recognised that voice anywhere. Not because you loved him. But because you hated him - and that was an understatement. He had done everything possible to make your professional life miserable. He would steal credit, talk shit about you to your boss and the others and would constantly look down on you. He would take every chance he could to humiliate you publicly.
'I clocked in 18 minutes early, you dickhead,' you whispered the last part without turning back. You walked off the elevator before the doors had even opened up completely and practically threw your bag on the desk. Jim had the capacity to ruin your entire day with just one single sentence. And the worst part was that he knew he had this effect on you so he would do it even more, just of out of spite.
You threw yourself into work to distract yourself from the thoughts of Billy and Jim and your stupid office. It was a pretty uneventful day until your boss came up to the desk right behind you and congratulated Jim for submitting all his work perfectly within the deadline. It would have been fine if that would have been it. But no, your misogynist boss just had to come to you and praise his work and ask you to 'take inspiration from him'.
That day, you didn't even wait till 5 to clock out and left storming out the big glass door at 4 pm. Rushing home, you changed into your comfiest pajamas and grabbed a big tub of ice cream. You were on your fifth episode of The Vampire Diaries when you took a deep breath and turned off Netflix.
You were tired of being stuck in this loop. With your professional life terrible and your love life being uncertain, no thanks to Billy's unwillingness to confess or agree to anything, you wanted to just run away. You grabbed your phone and were about to call him to sort everything out before realising that you didn't care. Well, you did but it was emotionally exhausting. Choosing to put that aside, you put on your best, little-est, black dress and left the house.
It was usually Billy who took you out to all these fancy bars but you were sick and tired of being dependent on him. Or on anyone else for that matter. You wanted to go out tonight, drink till the early hours of the morning and be a woman who needed no one. A strong, powerful woman with red lips and revealing little black dresses. Confidently, you grabbed a seat at one of the shadiest bars of New York.
While ordering 3 tequila shots, you saw the bartender clearly staring at your chest before looking away awkwardly and getting you your drinks. You had gulped down all three one after the other in a single minute when you heard a bar stool being pulled closer to yours.
'Please get the lady's next drink on me,' a handsome man in a black shirt said, looking straight at you, not breaking you eye contact.
'In that case' you addressed the bartender. 'I'll have your most expensive drink please.' You winked at the beautiful stranger. 'All thanks to the gracious gentleman,' you smirked, rubbing your hand lightly on his chiseled arm.
See? This was fun. This was easy. Flirting with men, knowing exactly what you wanted and getting that because the man would reciprocate as well. Reciprocate? Hell, he initiated the whole thing so who were you to back down and deny yourself a handsome man with a sharp jawline, hair of a God and the voice of a rockstar.
You touched him as much as you could, shamelessly flirting- it was your guilty pleasure. And why wouldn't it be? It was not like Billy was waiting for you. And you weren't waiting for him either. Not anymore.
You were on your third glass of scotch when your senses started going numb and you could feel your inhibitions lowering. It was all fun and games and you intended to keep it that way. His hand was on your thigh now and it kept moving upwards every once in a while. You didn't plan to stop it either. Besides, the night was still young.
Being with this name-less stranger was so much better than being with Billy. At least that way, you could just have fun and then forget all about it the next morning. Unlike with Billy. Every word, every moment spent with him seemed to cling on to you. You couldn't get rid of it no matter how much you tried. Even his darkness, his shadows seemed alluring to you. As if it was inviting you in. And the truth was, you did not mind being swallowed up whole by his darkness. He, however, did not want that.
'Lost in thoughts, beautiful?' the stranger asked. His raspy voice sent a chill up your spine. 'I have a few ways to bring you back to earth,' he said, moving his hands even farther up your thighs, dangerously close to the hem of your dress.
Your hand moved from his back to the back of his collar, gripping it tightly as your eyes closed in anticipation.
'It might look because of the alcohol but I do have quite an effect on you,' he said as your answer was let out by a shaky moan.
If this is what destruction felt like, you were ready to embrace it and let it consume you. It was only when you wanted to look at his beautiful face that you opened your eyes and your sight fell on your drink. And you were pretty sure it had changed it's color.
You were drunk anyway, you thought. What's a roofied drink more? You gulped the drink in one go and before you knew it, you were kissing the stranger, your hands all over his face and neck. It was only when you were kissing him that you realised how good it felt. How good it was to kiss someone wantonly and having someone kiss you back.
"Give me a minute, will you? And clear the tab while I am gone." You said, breaking the kiss and walking away without waiting for his answer.
You found a relatively quiet corner of the bar and pulled out your phone. This was a victory moment for you and Billy needed to know. He needed to know how there are others who want you and you are willing to give yourself to them completely.
It had rang barely thrice before he received your call.
"You know what, Bills?" Your words slurred. "I am kissing the most handsome man on the planet and it's not you... And it feels soooo good, you have no idea...."
"Y/N, are you drunk? Where are -"
"His hands are working magic, Billy... I am pretty sure he put something in my drink but I don't care!" You practically screamed. "At least someone wants me... And I am gonna take him back to my place and let him do things to me, Bills... You're welcome to watch if you want but just know..." At this point, you had lost all train of thought. "You had me and lost me and I am gonna have so much fun with him tonight, Bills..."
You hung up abruptly and stumbled your way back to the bar.
"Let's go," you said and grabbed his hand, pulling him towards the door of the club.
"Where?" He asked.
"My place," you said, pushing him against the wall outside the bar and grazing your fingers gently over his neck. "My turn to bring you back to earth..."
He was about to lean in closer and kiss you but you moved away and called for a cab. The entire cab ride home, for some inexplicable reason, you sat as far away from him as possible. All of a sudden, you weren't liking his touch anymore or the way he was looking at you. It seemed almost... Animalistic. The hunger in his eyes, the impatience in his hands, they all seemed very obvious.
You were fine in the dim lights of the bar and the mood that had been set. You were on your way to a night you were sure you would never forget and yet, every part of you felt uncomfortable. Maybe if it would have been Billy -
You did not want to think about him. At all. So choosing to focus on the handsome man next to you, you moved in closer to him, practically on his lap and wrapped your arms around his neck.
"Oh, the things I am going to do you," you whispered in his ear and felt his hand removing the strap of your dress as he kissed your shoulder. "Patience, baby," you practically moaned into his ear and felt his grip tighten on your back.
You wasted no time in getting down from the cab and pulling him towards your building. He had started kissing you in the elevator before you were even at the house, trying to unlock the door. Something about it felt wrong. As if your mind wasn't completely in it and his touch didn't feel right anymore. However, you had made up your mind and were going to take this stranger home, no matter what.
It was only when you were too busy kissing him to unlock your door that you heard someone clear their throat.
"Busy much?"
You would have recognised that voice out of a lineup. Billy.
"Go away man," your lover said, paying no heed to him and continued to kiss you.
Your eyes, however, were now on Billy. His face had seemed to go red and he was clenching his jaw.
Before you knew it, Billy was separating the two of you forcibly.
"Why don't you go away?" He asked angrily. "Given the fact that I am Y/N's boyfriend and you should leave before I beat you to a pulp for putting something in her drink."
"Geez, whatever fucked up agreement you two have, I am out," he said and turned around to leave, buttoning up his shirt's top buttons again.
"No, wait, don't go, he's not my boyfriend!" you cried, trying to follow after him but drunk you on heels was a bad idea and you would have fallen if you had run after him. "Stranger!" You cried, trying to stop him. "Handsome man! Loveerrrrrr!!! Hey, black shirt!! Come back, I'll show you a good time," you giggled, almost falling down.
You allowed yourself to lean against the wall and turned around, only to find yourself face to face with Billy.
Rolling your eyes at him, you made your way back to the door and unlocking it, went inside, slamming the door on his face. He, however, had other plans and followed you inside. "You're NOT my boyfriend, Billy. What do you even want? Why did you send him away? I was having fun!"
"Are you crazy?" He practically screamed but lowered his volume and went to get you a glass of water.
"What were you about to do, Y/N?" He asked worriedly. "Are you really that determined to get yourself into trouble?"
"It wasn't trouble, Bills," you answered. "I just wanted to feel wanted for one freaking night."
"You brought a strange man home, Y/N! You were drunk and practically all over him. What if -"
"It is better than waiting around for you, Bills! I did everything I could for you! Hell, I was even ready to sleep with you! But what did that lead to? Nothing!"
"You pushed me away, Y/N. I didn't want to sleep with you because I didn't want to ruin what we have so you responded by pushing me away..." He replied, seeming tired now.
He knew it was the most cliche excuse but he cherished the bond he shared with you. And a meaningless one night stand would have ruined it. He couldn't risk that.
"Y/N, I-" He started but you weren't in the living room anymore. He found you instead in the kitchen, drinking directly from the vodka bottle.
"Whoa, okay, you need to stop," he said, gently taking away the bottle from your hand.
"You need to stop," you repeated, words barely making sense at this point. "You need to take inspiration from him... You're late... You're crazy... This is what my life has come to, Bills!" You screamed. "My work life is a big joke but I have to do it because I want to be independent! You on the other hand .. I don't have to keep going in circles with you because I am done, Bills! If you don't want me, I will find someone who does! What don't you get about it?"
"So you will intentionally put yourself in danger Y/N? Knowing that you will regret it for the rest of you life?"
"I don't fucking care, Billy! I don't care!"
This was the point when you finally allowed yourself to sit down and cry. "I got a hundred thrown out speeches I almost said to you, Bills.... But what even is the point? It's better to just be alone than to hurt and be hurt... Enough is enough... I - I have loved you with all my heart, Bills... But there's no point because - because you don't... And I just, I can't give you my heart... It's like, each night I sleep, I know I will wake up in a burning room and be surrounded by an invisible smoke but that smoke is YOU... You make me so helpless, Billy. I - I don't know what to do. Every part of me screams out that you might feel the same way but nothing ever shows it... I am a mess! Look at me... This uncomfortable dress, the make up I don't even like... Each day, all day, I keep asking myself, who could ever leave but then who could stay? And you know what happens whenever I look at you? I feel like you could stay... But you never do, Billy... You never do..." You were sobbing by this point.
"There are times, you know," you continue, wiping your eyes. "What if I don't need you? What if I am alright right here? By myself. It's better than acting like a child who never grew up and will do anything to get your attention but I am sick and tired of it, Bills... Each night, I go to sleep begging you to help me hold on to you... But you just don't care... And I am better off... I really am..."
Billy was not expecting this. He had come prepared to scare away the random guy you were bringing home and then putting you to bed. He did not come prepared for you sobbing on your kitchen floor, drunk beyond words and spilling out your secrets.
He gently helped you up and took you to your bedroom. "I am gonna wait outside," he said, talking your face in his hands and gently wiping away your tears. "Why don't you take all the make up that you don't like off and freshen up and I'll be right on the other side of the door?"
Too exhausted to say or even think anything, you worked like a robot, getting in the shower and changing into comfier clothes.
The moment Billy heard your door lock click, he knocked and entered with a jug of water and Advil. "Come here," he said, leading you to your own bed and sat down with you. "I am so sorry, Y/N," he said, caressing your cheeks with his thumb. "That I ever made you feel like I didn't love you... Because that's all I have ever done and that's all I am ever going to do... And I will probably die doing it... I am sorry that I let you keep building up walls against me... I am sorry that I hurt you over and over and over again... I am sorry I got mad at you for meeting other men when I should have put in efforts to be a man who deserves you... I am sorry that you kept suffering every single day and I only watched from afar instead of holding you through it... I don't know how much of it will you remember tomorrow but I promise you Y/N, this moment onwards, you are never going through anything alone ever again. Not shitty bosses or shitty colleagues, not shitty days and especially not shitty men. I promise I will be there to love you through them all, no matter what... Because I really do love you, Y/N... More than I imagined was humanly possible... My heart fills up to the brim whenever I look at you, Y/N... Every time you laugh, the world seems a lot better and it feels like nothing can ever go wrong... And I am so sorry that I never told you how precious you are to me... You are the light of life, Y/N... I love you so freaking much..."
He placed a small kiss on you head and felt you melt into his arms.
"I wanna sleep, Bills..." You sighed.
He was afraid how much of it were you going to remember but your health was what mattered to him at the moment. He turned off the lights and gently tucked you in.
"I know you're an independent woman, Y/N and you don't need anyone. But I promise that if I cannot be the light that guides you, then I promise to sit with you in the dark... And I hope you always remember that..." He kissed your hand before walking towards the door.
"Stay," you whispered sleepily, your eyes barely open. "Please..."
And stay he did.
Taglist: @dreamyjcel @doriangray-lover @el-de-phi
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blu3cl0v3rs · 8 months
I HAVE AN AU! Again.
Essentially, instead of Morro getting sent back to the Departed Realm, he gets stuck in Ninjago and shares residence of the attic of Sensei Yang's temple.
Cue Cole popping up to just hang out with the two ghosts up there. He eventually befriends Morro, and now Cole has to hide the two ghosts in the attic.
Some months later, there are rumors that say some ghosts from the Stiix Incident lived, and were hiding out in some no-name village near Stiix's remains. Cole volunteers to check it out.
Guess who he finds? Bansha, Wrayth, Ghoultar, and Soul Archer! He makes a deal with them to move into the attic with Morro and Sensei Yang until they find a better place to lie low.
Now he has to hide six ghosts in the attic.
Cue chaos and shenanigans.
Cole should've thought this through.
I will add extra details in a different post if you want?
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uniltaron · 1 year
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Kalin Sully 💙
The Archer. The Cardigan Saga. ❤️‍🔥
@andraga12 , babygirl, I hope you’re having a great time 🥰
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maxfew · 7 months
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new romantics (lando/carlos)
For someone who’s willingly standing in a fraternity basement, Carlos looks remarkably put together, his swept-back hair dark and perfect, his pastel polo fresh off an ironing board, completely out of place here surrounded by snapbacks and basketball jerseys. He’s about as close to regal as you can get on Greek Row, and Lando’s all but about to get on his knees and grovel for forgiveness, but— “Hey. Don’t apologize,” Carlos says over the music, a warm smile on his face. He gives Lando a quick up-down glance, and leans in a little closer. “Everything okay?
aka the carlando frat boy au of my wildest dreams (and most terrifying nightmares). you can find chapter one here. <3
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danikamariewrites · 11 months
First Time (smut)
Nesta x f!Reader
A/n: I love writing for Nesta especially her softer side
Warnings: Smut (18+ only please minors dni)
You straddle Nesta, sitting on her bed as you passionately make out. Your hands we tangled in her long, light brown hair while hers were roaming the skin beneath your shirt. This wasn’t the first time you and Nesta were in this position, but it was the first time you wanted more with her.
Nesta pulls at the hem of your shirt tugging it up, “Is this ok?” You meet her lust filled gaze and nod, “Yeah,” raising your arms she gently pulls your shirt off, tossing it to the side. Your hands go to her hips, snaking under her shirt, feeling her soft skin, “will you take yours off too?” You ask shyly.
She laughs lightly at your timidness, “yeah, you wanna take it off for me?” She kisses you softly and you nod. After taking her shirt off you throw it to join yours on the floor. Her body was absolutely gorgeous. You could see the muscles shift in her toned arms as she flipped you to lay flat on the bed.
Nesta straddles you, running her fingers lightly up and down your sides and across your chest. Then over the edges of where your bra covers your breasts. Your breath catches in your throat from how good her soft touches feel.
You take Nestas hands in yours, threading your fingers together. “Nes,” you say quietly, she looks down at you with love in her steel blue eyes, “I’m ready. I want to…I want to have sex, with you.” A soft smile breaks out on her face as she lets go of one of your hands, caressing your face. “Are you sure? I don’t want to pressure you-“ you cut her off with a kiss.
“I’m sure Nesta. I love you and I want this with you.” “I love you too y/n.” Before you took this next step together you had to tell her what’s been holding you back from this. You’re a virgin. You didn’t think it was a big deal or anything, but it can be awkward for some people. You know Nesta is young but she’s experienced in bed. You’re young by fae standards and you don’t have a lot of experience with intimacy.
Nesta leans in to kiss you, you stop her, “But, I have to tell you something first.” She gives you a worried look and nods, “I’m…not as experienced. I-I haven’t been with anyone before.” You see excitement sparkle in her eyes as you try to avoid her gaze, your cheeks turning crimson. She takes your chin between her thumb and forefinger. “Hey that’s ok baby. We can take it slow, we do whatever you're comfortable with, yeah?” “Yeah.”
“I’m happy that you trust me enough to be your first. I love the thought of being the first female between your legs, because I’m going to ruin you for anyone else.” She kisses your neck, sucking at the spot between your neck and shoulder making you moan. “I’m gonna take good care of you baby, promise.”
She pulls away sitting up, taking off the rest of her clothes. Before she can unclasp her bra you stop her. “Let me,” you plead. She smiles and turns her back to you. Unclasping the garment, you slide the straps down her arms. Your fingers leaving goosebumps in their wake. You leave kisses from her neck to the top of her shoulder.
Nesta turns, her breasts on display. Another stunning part of her. They’re full and perky and you just want to wrap your mouth around those perfect pink nipples. She pushes you back down, tutting as she straddles you again. “Tonight’s all about you baby.”
“But I wanna make you feel good too.” You whine out. “Knowing I’m making you feel good is enough for me.” Nesta reaches under your back, removing your bra. She inhales through her nose. “So beautiful.” She whispers, running a thumb over your nipple causing it to pebble. You let out a tiny moan.
She kisses between the valley of your breasts down to your stomach. Nesta climbs off you, pushing your legs open to kneel between your spread thighs. The scent of your arousal hitting her as she runs her fingers up your inner thighs. “Fuck, y/n. I can’t wait to taste you.”
“Can I take these off baby?” She asks, pulling at the band of your panties. “Yes,” you breathe out. You were soaked, and desperate for Nesta to touch you. She leaves a kiss on your clothed cunt, licking at the wet spot that was growing. She pulls your panties down slowly.
As soon as she discards them her fingers explore your wet folds. Spreading your juices from your entrance to your clit. “So wet baby, so perfect. This all for me?” “Yes, f-fuck Nesta.” “And so sensitive too.”
Nesta lays down between your legs, throwing one of your legs over her shoulder. “I’m going to taste you now baby, if it gets too much just tell me ok.” Your hips buck, in need of her mouth on you immediately. “Words baby.” “Ok. P-please Nes. I need you.”
Holding on to your things Nesta dives in, exploring your entrance, licking up to you clit. You fist the sheets, watching as she explores you. You moan when she starts teasing your clit with long, slow licks. “Gods Nesta! Feels so good.” She hums against you and starts sucking.
It feels strange at first but quickly melts into pleasure. “Aahhh - fuck. Nesta.” You chant her name like it’s the only word you know. Your senses are fuzzy as Nesta alternates between sucking and licking your cunt, occasionally slipping her tongue in your entrance.
You feel a strange tightening sensation in your stomach as your walls flutter around Nestas tongue. “Nesta I-I’m gonna — ahhh,” You moan, throwing your head back, eyelids fluttering. “I know baby, I can feel you. Let go, I got you.”
After a few more licks your orgasm hits you hard. Your thighs shake as you squeeze her head. Your back arches off the bed. As you ride out your high you grind against Nestas face. She doesn’t let up, lapping at your release. When you relax against the bed she pulls back. Her lips and chin glistening with your juices. Her features turned up into a wild smile as she sees your fucked out expression.
You make grabby hands at her, your arms feeling heavy from your orgasm. She leans down and you grab the back of her head crashing your lips into hers. You moan as you taste yourself on her lips.
Nesta breaks the kiss resting her forehead on yours, your heavy pants mixing. “Nesta, that felt fucking amazing.” “Good baby. Do you think you have another round in you or are you too tired?” Your eyes widen, “No, I want more please Nes please!”
She kisses you again. “Ok. Do you think you can take my fingers sweet girl?” She asks softly, caressing your cheek. Your eyes flutter shut, “mmhhmm, please Nes.” Nesta traces your bottom lip. “Open,” she commands quietly. You open your mouth and suck on her pointer and middle finger. Humming around her fingers, you reach up and hold her wrist, looking up at her through your lashes.
“Fuck, your such a good girl for me.” She coos at you. Her other hand kneads at your breast, pinching and twisting your nipple. You groan around her fingers, your pussy getting wetter. Nesta pulls her finger from your mouth and moves back down between your legs.
Nesta rubs your saliva and arousal through your folds and up to your clit. Her two fingers stay on your clit, rubbing in circles. You hum in pleasure, relaxing against the sheets. “Feel good baby?” “Uh huh.”
“I’ll start with one finger ok.” “Ok.” She kisses your clit and slips her forefinger in your hole. Her long, slender digit felt perfect. She started moving in and out, curling her finger against that spot that makes you see stars. “More, please Nesta, please I need more.”
“Good girl, saying please. Ok baby, one more.” She adds her middle finger in the next thrust, bringing you towards the edge of another orgasm. You were still sensitive from your fist so this one was approaching quickly. You clench around her fingers and begin to moan wildly.
She starts rubbing at your clit with her thumb as her fingers continue to thrust into you. “I know your close baby, let go. I’ve got you sweet girl, always.”
Your second orgasm hits you with an intensity you’ve never felt before. Nestas fingers slow down, she pulls out of you and brings them up to her lips. She sucks moaning at the taste of you. “Cauldron, you taste so fucking good baby. I’d not think I’ll ever get enough of you.” Once she’s licked her fingers clean she climbs off the bed, “I’ll be right back.”
She walks into the bathroom and returns with a cloth. She gently wipes between your legs, kissing your hips when she’s done and tosses the cloth in a laundry basket.
Nesta climbs back into bed, pulling the covers back for you to snuggle under. You share a pillow, faces nose to nose as your legs tangle beneath the sheets. “That was perfect Nesta.” You peck her nose, moving to snuggle closer to her, “thank you.”
“Good. I’m happy.” She kisses your forehead and strokes your hair. “Get some rest, you’re probably tired.” You hum in agreement, too exhausted for words.
tags: @auggiesolovey @bubybubsters @baybay123455 @msiecrane
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archer-fb · 4 months
Sigh well I'm here again searching for a fic
It bakugo x reader (they are still at ua) where bakugo gets hit with a quirk where him from different universes come to their universe. The only way to get rid of them is to fuck. And it only stops when bakugo confesses his feelings for reader. I know there is a merman bakugo, a barbarian bakugo, and maybe a werewolf bakugo. Istg I'm so bad at finding fics
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mrssoapmactavish · 3 months
maneater - chapter one
"if you're in it for love, you ain't gonna get too far"
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this is the 'first' part of the andromeda series! still working on an official title for it all, but when it's set in stone, that'll be how you can easily find these works :)
mdni at all times! ageless/empty blogs are not welcome here!!
steve harrington had always had a bit of a thing for the emotionally distant women, even if no one would dare point it out to the boy. maybe it's the abandonment from his parents, but it's most definitely not the healthiest thing in the world for him, in fact more often than not leaving him heartbroken, such is the case with the last 'girlfriend' he'd had, nancy wheeler.
after barb's disappearance, she had gone from interested like the sweet, naive schoolgirl falling head-first for the captain of the basketball team like his parents would've hoped for him– if they were actually around, mind you– to detached, then eventually very obviously palling around with jonathan byers.
after accepting the fact that nancy was never really his to begin with– and accepting the heart-aching sting of unrequited love, another emptiness in his life that swallows him whole with loneliness– things had mostly re-stabilized. he was back to hating classes, having tommy and carol still chirping in his ear like nothing had happened. like him and tommy didn't get into a fight last year around this time, before steve had been back into the endless cycle of girls throwing themselves at him, basketball, and feeling oh so alone.
and now, lo and behold, the year he's bound to graduate and he's been applying to colleges and universities left and right, he saw billy hargrove and his two sisters.
sure, he already had a bone to pick with billy himself– the kid had the whole bad-boy thing going on, all the girls that hadn't had a chance to get swayed or swooned over king steve were utterly enamored– but he was pretty indifferent about the young redhead, knowing that the kids would eventually have something to say and he'd get an earful secondhand from nancy.
no, his interest was in the dirty blonde in the leather jacket with cherry-red lips and a furrow in her brows.
she'd been cold and detached when he had first approached her. fine, cool, he totally gets it. but seeing the way billy had given him the nastiest side-eye for greeting his sibling? it lit a fire in him, something he hadn't really felt for a while, and seeing her in his first class of the day stoked it, the flames licking within him, even if he can feel the sting of guilt knowing that this new student is just as interesting to him as nancy had been.
his eyes were locked on her, even as he pretended to laugh along with whatever stupid jest tommy had made that had carol smacking his shoulder and lecturing him, and the way she shifted her balance from foot to foot in front of the class as the insufferable chem teacher continues to ask her about herself.
"we moved from orange county. me, my brother, our half-sister, step-mom and our dad." her tone is full of boredom; she'd rather be anywhere but here, he can feel it coming off of her in waves, but his curious mind swirls at all the possibilities of what she'd rather be doing.
the thought of the girl in a cheerleading uniform just didn't fit. no, she's not the type of girl to spell out a cheer, to shake those ruffled pompoms and get the crowd roaring with excitement. nor was she the sports type; the idea of seeing her in short volleyball shorts is being filed away for later, though, don't get him wrong.
no, the first thought that comes to his head about what she would be doing is something steve harrington would've avoided a year ago.
it's strange to him; he'd never been a big fan of heavier music, always preferring catchy, danceable songs about love, parties, and other light topics, but he could close his eyes now and hear music blasting from an amplifier. she's the type to smell like vanilla and cinnamon, mostly to cover the smell of nicotine from sharing a pack with that ratty brother of hers.
the longer he watches her clash against the teachers' attempt to integrate the outsider into the class community, the more he can imagine of her. the type to drink beer at a party, to hang around whatever friends her brother had because the girls bore her with their chatty nature and mindless gossip.
as much as he wants nothing to do with the 'hargrove' name, he'd give up as many practices as possible to get so much as a glimpse into this girls personal life.
watching the girl walk with confidence but no real anger in her gait to the back of the class, sitting herself down at a table with no other students to be left the hell alone, steve finds himself staring down at his watch. he could swing skipping practice today, maybe, just to see if she'd talk to him more.
"this kinda looks like your old girlfriend, hahaha!" - scotty, evil dead (1981)
steve is, quite honestly, indifferent about the fact that he didn't choose to just skip basketball practice today. on the downside, hargrove is here, smirking and snide and really just giving far too much sass, making him seem like a scrawny kid who only got called the captain of the team because he was king steve.
he'd be absolutely fuming and ready to bitch and moan about this all afternoon and evening to anyone who'll listen– tommy, probably, and try to tone it down a bit more when he's around nancy later– if there wasn't a certain cherry-lipped blonde sitting on the stands, flipping through some boring, keep-you-busy magazine.
sure, he knows the girl won't talk much with him, but it means that the very least he can do is focus more on the game, if only to selfishly hope he'll catch her eye and at least be talked to more than a scowled out greeting. he's dying to talk to someone who doesn't know him as the same prick he was throughout highschool, he's realized.
someone who doesn't, hasn't, or never will associate him with that horrid label of king steve. maybe someone who'll look at him, what he does hanging around the school and occasionally chauffering around some of the kids, and see someone interesting. valuable. worth her time.
too bad his train of thought distracts him from keeping his footing, because it makes it much easier for billy to knock him off his feet, leaving steve to slam down against the scuffed gym floor. now that's embarrassing, he thinks to himself, what a way to make a first impression.
he's not sure whether or not billy had seen the glances towards his sister, he assumes it's the reason for the abrupt shove to the ground, especially in a no-contact sport like basketball. one thing he's very well aware of, however, is the pair of eyes on him from high up in the stands, watching his movements. it makes part of him feel elated; the idea of finally catching her attention, even if it's just because of a loud noise and a human concern for pain, sends a ripple of excitement through his veins.
steve is helped up to his feet, but not before billy mutters something he doesn't quite catch or process right away. "should've planted your feet," the californian mutters, then continuing on with the game like nothing had happened, the jeering and taunts continuing.
steve is no fool; knows that billy hargrove is aiming to dethrone him as king of hawkins high.
a year ago, that might have irked him. his popularity was all that kept his facade together, the glue that kept steve harrington from being exposed as a kid, desparately seeking meaningful connection, something he'd never gotten from his parents. he doesn't like seeking external validation, but because he'd never truly gotten it unconditionally from his parents, he knows it's what he needs to survive. and christ, what's so wrong with him that he doesn't deserve even a single attaboy?
but now? now that he and nancy have been slowly falling apart and he's having to face the fact that he's lost his first love, who he's been turning around for, reforming from his old ways for? now that tommy hagan and carol perkins are only faking friendship with steve, all because steve wouldn't let them call nancy a whore for hanging around jonathan byers?
he couldn't care less. as long as he has something to keep his mind off of the loneliness that seeps into his bones, a reason to stay as far away from his empty home as possible, a reason to come to school every day.. he's alright. at least, he hopes he is.
as he puts on the facade of not being affected or rattled by this entire revelation from the floor of the hawkins high basketball court, he notices that billy hargrove's sister watches intently from the stands, no longer bored and flipping through her magazine to occupy her idle hands and mind.
it's strange, how even just that brings a smile to his face.
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rizaposting · 5 months
i would also love to know more about your 03 project that i have seen you mention a couple times 👀 Is it something you are drawing or writing¿
Ahh! Man I wish I had more to show for it, but I've basically been thinking about it non-stop for the past several months. I wanted to get it started this year for the 20th anniversary but the latter half of 2023 was chaotic because I moved. o|-<
It's nothing too groundbreaking, just my attempt at reconciling what happened between the end of the anime to Roy deciding he was going to go be emo in the mountains, address what little we saw of them in CoS and how I think they would reconcile, and then also explore what their life together would look like afterwards...
I think it's going to be 3 multi-chapter pieces of writing with supplemental art. It's mostly Riza-focused (because she is my little el wiwi) but I also want to give Roy a fair shake and address the Crippling Mental Illness they both have refused to acknowledge. There will be plenty of angst and me putting Riza through Situations and making her the most miserable she's ever been in her whole life, but it's to highlight her character growth and experiences, and there will be a happy ending. Because I think making them struggle and suffer for nothing goes against FMA's themes, and I'm a sap and want Riza to get all the kisses in the world because she deserves them.
I don't have very much to show for it, but here's a half-finished WIP from way earlier in the year about Roy not wanting Riza to see his wounds
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talshiargirlfriend · 6 months
Giggling to myself about this one… Drabble time
“So does this mean you and my science officer have worked out your differences?”
Trip swung around to face the captain, sloshing some beer out of his glass in the process.
“Don’t sir me, Trip. I’m not asking on behalf of Starfleet. I’m just … checking in, as a concerned friend.”
“Ah, well, thanks, but you don’t need to worry. I’m fine.”
Jon set his glass down and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “You know you’re one of my best friends, Trip… but, uh, so is T’Pol.”
Trip narrowed his eyes, “Wait a minute. Is this a shovel talk?!”
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