#archie xxx
hollytoshaw · 2 months
idk if you feel comfortable writing about this but maybe social media about dilf Harry (he gives this energy sm in all those golf vids), so Harry and y/n parents moments 🫶
ahhh love this idea and as we all can tell from my blog i love golf harry its like my roman empire &&& i can just imagine a cute little blonde bubba harry :((( so cute! hope u enjoy <3 not proof read so might be some typos
dilf! | harry lewis
summary: social media of y/n & harry as parents
face claim: emily ratajkowski
yourusername posted a photo!
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liked by faithlouiseak & 680,029 others! yourusername happy two years of my little archie harry lewis. two years of being the best boy we could ever ask for you & your dad's mini me. we love you lots and lots angel boy! tagged wroetoshaw view all 10k comments
faithlouiseak happy birthday to olive's bestie!!! -> yourusername unbeatable duo olive & archie
taliamar oh he's tooo cute -> yourusername if he had instagram he'd say thanks auntie talia xxx
freyanightingale gorgeous boy and milf xxx -> yourusername me and arch love u xxx zerkaa happy birthday archie (from your favourite uncle) ->vikkstagram that's me! -> calfreezy lads there's no competition, i'm his godfather...?
wroetofan omg he's harry's twin 😭
sidemenfan i'll never get over the fact that wroetoshaw has a two year old, 2014 me is crying 🥹🥹🥹
harryfan1 my fave youtube family
wroetoshaw ❤️
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wroetoshaw posted a photo!
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liked by ksi & 982,029 others! wroetoshaw Happy 2nd birthday to the 2nd most famous guernsey-born boy. Archie Harry Lewis.
view all 23k comments
yourusername shut up 😭😭😭
zerkaa happy birthday again archie (from your favourite uncle) ->vikkstagram stop the fake news on social media
wroetofan archie is defo more famous than harry at this rate
sidemenfan omg him and the bubba i can't 😭😭😭
harryfan1 so cute archie and their two dogs, such a wholesome family
wroetofan aww he was born in guernsey
ksi happy birthday bro! -> wroetoshaw did you just call my child bro
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a/n: just a little short social media au for you all. hope you enjoy! going to be a bit slow with posts as of now because i have loads of uni exams but will post part 3 of noisy neighbours soon <3
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tojisun · 8 months
ghost vibes
idk how it ended up on my algorithm i don’t
ive had this one post where i think ghost is the type to talk you through it and the video (which we both dont know how it could ever end up on ur algorithm!!!) kinda resembles that <33
him makin sure she understands how to communicate to him that she wants to stop or take a pause is making my stomach flip!! n the thing with seein her cry… dacryphilia is just quite hot i fear
no because
the way ghost wipes at your eyes, cooing, whispering to you how good you’re taking him. how good it feels to slide down your throat. tells you how to hollow your cheeks just right, how to drag your tongue on the underside of his cock. tells you how beautiful you look on your knees, looking like a beautiful mess. his beautiful mess. the way he slowly pulls out, groaning at the moisture and the wet drag of your tongue along the entirety of his length, his breath hitching when you take a last lick on his slit, your swollen lips glistening against his flushed tip. the way he has to hold the base of his cock when he sees the way you look at him, all dazed and satiated, your lips parted open like you want his cock back. and so he gives it to you again, murmured praises mixing with his hitched moans, because ghost always luvs to give you what you want :((
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piraterefrigerator · 13 days
I’m watching criminal minds at the moment and the guy that plays Archie from Once is a serial killer in one of the episodes xxx the whole time I’m just imaging a a well dressed little cricket stabbing his vics 😂 x I just needed to share this you’re welcome. Xxx
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crusherthedoctor · 1 year
3, 5, 6, 13
Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
No. I would only unfollow someone if they're being extremely unreasonable, and their asshole behaviour is escalating.
Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
*looks over at Sonamy*
I was always indifferent to it, but the sheer spectacle made over it has made me beyond sick of it. In fanworks, Sonic is often made OoC for the sake of the ship, or his side of the matter in general is an afterthought at best, because it's said that Amy deserves his love because "she's earned it". They'll waste valuable question time on the Twitter Takeovers over Sonamy stuff. If Sonic and Amy are onscreen together for even a moment, no matter what it is they're actually doing, everyone will hail it as proof of Sonamy. And of course, they'll go crazy when they actually do tease it, using it to shut everyone else up because "Sonamy is Canon, deal with it", even if that teasing is incredibly minor and fated to never go anywhere.
It's a weird feeling looking at all the Sonamy VS Sonally wars over the decades, and not giving a solitary fuck about either of them. And yes, this was already the case long before a certain cardinal sin was initiated on my end. *coughs over horse noises in the background*
Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?
Can't think of any.
Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
Sonic: I'm sick of people going one extreme or the other with him. He's not Mr. Principles, nor is he completely selfish to the point of only helping others for his own enjoyment. And I especially dislike when fans misinterpret his role in Black Knight and use it to claim that he's a full on anti-hero. No, he's a legit hero and good person who just so happens to enjoy what he does rather than adopting the usual superhero mantra, and has to make the occasional tough decision for the good of the long run for everyone. What's hard to get about that?
Tails: "I'm wildly inconsistent" does not count as fixing him. Neither does repeating the exact thing that Forces!Tails got slack for to an even more inexcusable extent.
Knuckles: The idea that he tries to see the good in people despite his standoffish nature is fascinating to me, and it's a shame that it's only been brought up for the sake of making him look stupid when he falls for another one of Eggman's tricks. It'd be nice if this got delved into more, in a way where it doesn't screw him over for once… Just don't turn him into Principles the Echidna.
Amy: Like @colony-drop-program, I recognize the… importance(?) of Amy's crush on Sonic, but I find all her other traits infinitely more intriguing.
I also wish people would remember Tails was the one who actually blasted his way through Prison Island. It's become common for fans to give Amy all the credit for that one.
Bean and Bark: Not that I'm super invested in them or anything, but I suppose it'd be nice if they got more opportunities to be the good guys they were intended to be rather than always being pigeonholed with Fang as the Hooligans thanks to Archie. Fang strikes me as a loner type anyway.
Shadow: I don't think I'll ever be on-board with him officially joining G.U.N. I'm fine with him forgiving them, and maybe having a connection of some sort with them afterward, but being a full-on agent himself? I dunno man. After his long life as Gerald and Black Doom's tool, I'd rather he carve out a future where he can be truly free, without needing to answer to any superior.
Rouge: She's not a villain. She's not a villain. She's not a villain. She's. Not. A. Villain.
The entire point of her role in SA2 is that, oh shit, she was only pretending to be on the bad guys' side, and ever since SA2, she's been a loyal ally to Shadow and helped out the other heroes with little hesitance on multiple occasions. She may be a jewel thief, she may have her rivalry with Knuckles, but she's proven time and time again that she's a far better person than most people and comic writers give her credit for.
Cream: I've seen some Amy fans hate on her for supposedly stealing some of Amy's traits, but that's a disservice to her. You can have more than one character in a franchise with similar traits, since they can be explored from different angles. Compare this to a character like Eggman Nega, who really is nothing more than a leech who requires the real Eggman to be split in half in order to seem more impressive.
Silver: Of the many reasons why I'm not interested in him, one is that his schtick gets old very quickly. There's always something to turn his future into yet another Bad Future, and after a while it becomes comical how often his efforts to avert one catastrophe and make a Good Future get revoked by the following catastrophe. Combine that with how he has actual friends in the present, and he might as well just stay in the present full-time and kill two birds with one stone… but then fans would complain about him losing something special to him. Cue frustration.
Also, fans can insist all they want that Silver trusting Mephiles was due to sheer desperation, but until they release the Snyder Cut of '06 where this is actually shown, it's nothing more than a headcanon. You can explain writing fumbles with headcanons, but you can't defend them with headcanons.
Elise: She's not a bad character. Underdeveloped, yes, but the hate she receives is largely exaggerated.
Marine: Her accent annoys me far less than Bunnie's. *mic drop*
Eggman: This notion that he needs to be softened up in order to be fleshed out is ironically a shallow one. He was fine the way he was. There's more than one way to expand on a villain.
Also, he shouldn't be underestimated just because he's a human instead of a god, a demon, an alien, etc. Bowser is an overgrown turtle who can breathe fire when all is said and done, and he still came close to conquering the universe on two occasions. If Bowser can do great things, so can Eggman.
Metal Sonic: It's possible to explore his identity crisis without making him turn traitor. If anything, him staying devoted to the guy who is the real Sonic's arch-nemesis adds an extra compelling layer to his insanity.
Lyric: I actually like his design? Yeah, he's still a crap villain and another one to throw onto the Fucks Eggman Over pile, but his design is at least more interesting than Mephiles the Druggie and Dark "Waiter, There's An Eyeball In My Taco" Gaia.
Infinite: Even if he was meant to be played completely seriously, and the idea of him being parodic to at least some degree isn't actually true, he's still a better maybe-parody of tryhard villains than either Scourge or Surge.
Sage: While Eggman using her for his own ends is preferable to him genuinely caring for her, the mere idea and circumstances of her character is something I'm very opposed to. I just don't like anything that could even vaguely be fitted into the role of Eggman's Bowser Jr, because no matter how it's presented in canon, fans will reduce Eggman to little more than Sage's father regardless. And I'm forced to see a shitton of "wholesome" family bonding regardless.
It doesn't help that beyond her relationship with Eggman, she doesn't have a whole lot of character anyway. The Heavies had more character in Mania, and they had no dialogue whatsoever. Black Doom arguably had more character, because at least with him, I can remember that he doesn't know what lightning is.
The Egg Bosses: They don't work. There is no reason why Eggman would forgo his robots in favor of anthros who, despite his ways of keeping them under his control, still talk back at him, something that the doctor has consistently been known to hate. Eggman having one organic right-hand as the Lefou to his Gaston is fine (like Starline or Agent Stone), but anything more than that just feels wrong IMO.
Tangle: Out of all the IDW-exclusive characters bar pre-Flynned Starline, Tangle is the one I'd be willing to give a chance if she were in something where her characterization wasn't exaggerated to the point of having room temperature IQ. I like the basic concept going on with Tangle, with her being well-intentioned but just a tad overeager for her own good, so I feel kinda sorry for how hard she got flanderized. Compare that to many other characters exclusive to this comic, who I instead wish would just fuck off and never return.
Surge: If a character has been shoved in my face relentlessly as the central focus of a character study for over a year, yet I feel as though I know nothing about who they really are by the time it's concluded, I'm gonna say that character might not be very good.
Mario: I cheered when he appeared at the end of the second movie, but why Chris Pratt?
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julsredesigned · 4 months
Oh Cary Grant...
So long before Madonna became the queen of reinvention...there was a boy from Bristol who grew up in poverty and lack, with no one that really cared if he lived or died. That boy used his sad circumstances as a spring board to become maybe the most iconic movie star of his time. Definitely one of the highest paid and in demand.
That boy was Archie Leach and he created a character named Cary Grant.
Upon learning about the biopic about him...I paid the $9 BritBox subscription fee and fired up the snacks for a full on binge.
No, I'm not that old but I do have an old soul and hey--even though he's gone, he was really handsome.
***Jason Isaacs plays Cary Grant and he is fantastic. Truly. Buuuuut...it's still a little hard to side with Lucius Malfoy. Which is actually a huge compliment that he created such an iconic character. I think I would have just really like to have seen someone that maybe naturally looked a little more like him. They did a great job making Isaacs look like him, he's just got that gaze sometimes that makes me feel the way I did all those years ago sitting in that theater watching him terrify the shoes off of me in Harry Potter. Cary Grant was charming and winning and lovable and gorgeous and charismatic--among other things...so feeling fear at anything about him was surely not meant.
I could go on and on but the jist of why I'm writing about this today is this:
Cary Grant toward the end of his life started doing one man shows, a sort of q and a sesh about his life.
When asked about how he created his characters, he responded that he did it just like he created his most successful character...Cary Grant.
Cary Grant is a lie.
Cary Grant is fiction.
He was the alter ego of Archie Leach, a boy from Bristol that was abused, unwanted and mistreated.
Archie assigned all the things he could dream of onto Cary...even the name. And he manifested them all.
That got me thinking.
I can help anyone but myself. Seriously.
The worst friend can text me that they have a headache and I trip over myself to make them tea and suggest things that might help, come over and nurse them yet my life is in shambles and I do nothing.
Archie Leach was the origin story of the star, the success, the amazing avatar...Cary Grant.
Could this sad pathetic Juls be the origin story for the amazing XXX (whatever my Cary Grant name is)?
Maybe I need an avatar.
Screw what everyone around here thinks. Screw every single person that doesn't agree. I'm so effing sick of caring about everyone else's opinion.
It's never too late.
Always keep in mind that Kris Jenner was nearly broke at 50.
She had to move out of her home because they couldn't pay the mortgage...now...she's just the most successful thing in existence.
Let's put a nail in the shitty origin story.
Let's create an avatar today.
Let's assign all the good things we can think of to it.
Let's be the happiest version of ourselves possible.
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pacifymebby · 7 months
Hello! 1-3 and 5 for the book ask. If you’ve already answered those numbers, feel free to choose a different number. 🙂
Eek thank you xxx
How many books did you read this year?
Every year I set out to read loads every year I fail miserably!!!
25, if I'd finished half the ones I wanted to it would be closer to about 35 but I get distracted easily and my moods or interests change too quickly at the moment.
I might really start trying to read again though
Did you reread anything? What?
The dear green place / Archie Hind, God's Silence and Kindertotenwold both by Franz Wright. I also reread a few Daisy Johnston short stories and some Mariana Enriquez too!
I reread the birds by Daphne Du Maurier, Pride and Prejudice and also the faraway tree books and brambley hedge haha.
What were your top five books of the year?
Eat Or We Both Starve - Victoria kenefick
Eating disorder poetry at the peak of my relapse it was comforting to read someone who understood
Pine - Francine Toon (honestly wasn't ground breaking literature but it gripped me, it spooked me, it made me long to live in a little Scottish village, it featured the term peely wally)
The Story of a New Name - Elena Ferrante
I fucking love everything this womans ever written I think she's a fucking genius
Slowness - Milan Kundera
Kind of gorgeous, beautiful lyrical prose made me love writing again felt like I was reading something genuinely profound and thoughtful.
Gods Silence - Franz Wright
I reread this again this year his poetry speaks to me on such a spiritual level I adore adore adore him
What genre did you read the most of?
I got very into horror this year I think that's mostly what I read, folk horror specifically that's really my jam
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orchid-151 · 1 year
💐 April Ask Event 💐
Starting March 24th, I will open the ask box for ALL ASKING CHARACTERS to be asked... This Event will NOT be cannon to the main comic but a chance to learn about these characters.
I'm doing the event early so it can have a chance to spread to others, and... I can't really wait... Inpatient as usual...
This is my first hosting event so please do leave asks~
(note: you cannot ask Valkyrie, Senpū Windd, or Damien Windd unfortunately as they have their own creators)
This means you can ask more than just Orchid, Smith, Jay, or Mason.... You can ask everyone; Yumi, Archie, Kale, Valorie, Syrus, Betty, Jenny, Mathew, George, Rose, Tool, Stone, Hawk, and yes... Even Drake...
(When asking Syrus, Betty, Jenny, Mathew, and George you can ask BOTH Vex/Allay form and Villager forms... Just specify which version you are talking to...)
This will obviously lead to Spoilers, so those will be put under the readmore cut of asks for those who want to be spoiler free. They will also have a spoiler warning on them as well.
Anyone can join in and ask anything, we just need some rules first:
No xxx/18+ asks, we are all mature here but I will only go as far as tw:Gore... If you send a 18+ xxx ask, (troll or no troll) it will be DELETED!
Yes, these characters can interact with your OC's for the month of April...
I want everyone to have fun so do not hesitate to repost this to let others know~
You have the whole event to ask them anything! Don't wait, because after the event asks will close until the characters show up in the comic again...
And who knows how long that will be...
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nebulein · 2 years
The cat already changed his insta header to the senators 😭😭
"Shit." It just occurred to him.
"What," Dylan asks, stretched out on the couch next to him, not looking up from his doomscrolling on Twitter. At least some things never change.
Alex bites his lip. "I'm gonna have to do an Insta post, won't I?"
"Oh, yeah." Dylan looks irritatingly unbothered by the revelation. Alex kicks his ankle. At least that gets Dylan to look at him, even if he's making an outraged 'what was that for' face.
"I don't even know what to say!"
Sure, there'd been rumors for months, but it's the NHL. When weren't there rumors. Alex had somehow, stupidly, foolishly, always thought he'd be a part of whatever rebuild would be happening. Well. Looks like Kyle had had other plans. Maybe Alex should've put more stock in the increasingly pinched looks Jonny had been wearing after every meeting with the FO, but it's a moot point now.
"Oh, pssh, that's easy. I basically had a draft sitting ready in my notes since forever," Dylan waves him off, face already buried in his Twitter timeline again. "I wanna thank the team and the fans for an amazing time in Chicago," he drones on, voice entirely flat like he's reading this out, except Alex can see that all Dylan's got open right now is a video of Noodle. Apparently it's a super bones day. "And then you go on, like, super excited to come play in," Dylan frowns, faltering.
"Ottawa," Alex supplies.
"Ottawa," Dylan repeats, like it's the first time he's heard it, like Alex hasn't been freaking out about this trade for the last hour and a half.
"How's your own talks going?" Alex asks more to keep Dylan talking than anything. He still doesn't know how to feel about this damn trade. "And send me that draft, will ya?"
"Yeah, sure." Dylan nods absently, chewing on the drawstring of his hoodie, tapping away on his phone before throwing it to the side with a huff, finally looking at Alex. "You know how talks are going, man, there are no talks."
It used to make Alex' heart sink. Now, though, it's maybe not so bad. Alex won't be in Chicago anymore anyways, there's really no reason for Dylan to stay here any longer, either. Not when the Hawks never could see what they had in Dylan.
Alex's phone buzzes with a text. He pulls up the notes app, copies over what Dylan has sent him and starts editing to make it sound like himself. It's a good starting point. Alex very carefully doesn't think about what it means that Dylan has had this draft on his phone since who knows how long, ready to whip it out whenever. All it's missing is the new team name. He deletes the XXXs, fills it in with 'Senators' instead.
Dylan's an RFA, but with the Hawks not even offer sheeting him he's basically free to sign wherever.
"What does Morris say?"
Dylan sighs. "That we'll talk next week. But he asked if I had any, like, destinations in mind."
Dylan makes a face. Alex hums in agreement. He doesn't want to move, either. The mere idea of having to pack up this whole house, with Archie and Burt and Ralph, and move it all to a whole different country... it's a lot.
Still. Ottawa isn't the worst place in the world. And then Alex has an idea. It doesn't take him long to find it, there's always someone quick to do those jersey swaps and Alex only feels a little bad swiping the picture without asking. This is more important though.
By the time he's done he's got a post on Instagram thanking the Hawks for five wonderful years, likes count already going up as Alex watches, and a shiny new Insta bio and profile pic. At least this way Dylan will hopefully remember who Alex plays for now.
"How do you feel about moving to Canada?"
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soyforramen · 2 years
Part 4: (Parts 1-3 Here)
“The first thing you have to do is figure out your classes.”
It was only Forsythe’s second day in this new world, and J.B.’s voice rings out in his head, reminding him of all the things he needed to do to seem normal.  They’d cracked the case about the locked phone (J.B.’s birthday of all things; “Seven: My brother would never forget my birthday”) and the laptop (Jughead’s full name, of all things, still a closely guarded secret in the books; it turned out Forsythe Jones and Forsythe Pendleton Jones III shared more than just a last name). Now he just had to figure out the rest of it.
He stares at the journal in front of him – a sparkling pink eye sore, regifted to him by a grinning J.B. With her help he’d been able to string together some of what had already happened in Riverdale. Between the text messages on the phone and Veronica’s Sharebook page, Forsythe has narrowed down where they were in the story. If he’s right, they were somewhere between book two, ‘Homecoming Hero’, and book three, ‘Mystery at Sisters of Quiet Mercy’.
It's now mid-September, which means Archie has already made first-string on the football team, but he hasn’t yet had Thanksgiving dinner at the boxing gym. Veronica’s father should be getting out of prison sometime in mid-December, just in time for the holidays, and Reggie’s family would be gearing up for their annual car-liquidation at the dealership.  Betty was all consumed with her classwork – 18 hours as a journalism major while volunteering at the local homeless shelter and interning at her parents’ newspaper – so there hadn’t been much of her storyline in that book.
Jughead was also largely absent from the book save for a thin plot about rekindling his friendship with the odd-ball Dilton. Forsythe circles the strange teen’s name and drew a string of question marks next to it. Whatever it was that they’d gotten up to it was enough to drive a temporary wedge between Jughead and Archie. There was speculation that the author had just forgotten about Jughead halfway through writing the book, never meaning for him to be anything more than a background character, but his popularity with the fans pushed him to share center stage with the red-headed heart-throb for the rest of their time at college.
With a start, Forsythe realizes he’ll have to attend classes tomorrow. He glances over at the stack of science text books still laying on the floor. There’s no way he’ll ever be able to fake his way through that. Opening the laptop, he scrolls through the school’s calendar. By some stroke of providence, tomorrow is the last day to drop class for a full refund. He jots down the information he needs, where to go, what classes to drop and which classes to pick up; after all, if – no, when – the real Jughead came back, he could easily resume his regular coursework. Sans a few humanities classes that is.
Forsythe lays back down onto the tiny bed, his feet dangling off the end, and yawns. Who knew being a fictional character would be so time consuming?
As he closes his eyes, he wonders whether he’ll wake up in his world, or whether he’ll still be stuck in Riverdale.
The next day, armed with a carafe full of coffee and an energy bar, Forsythe manages to change enough classes around in order to keep Jughead’s FAFSA loans. It does mean picking up a senior level class on Langston Hughes, but at least literary greats were in Forsythe’s wheelhouse. Twenty minutes later, he finds himself sitting in front of what he hopes is the right classroom, typing up a storm on the connection between monetary deprivation and physical lust, sprinkling in just enough blunt conclusions to make it seem as if Reggie had more than a brief understanding of the book. 
He glances up when a blonde sits down next to him, and she gives him a tired grin, opening up her own laptop.  Thankfully he recognizes her from his near constant scrolling through Veronica’s online photos. At least, he thinks he does.
“Hard at work already? What’s Reggie paying you in these days, stocks of Nabsico?” she teases.
Once more he’s struck by the association between Jughead and food – an ongoing comedic bit in the books – and whether his friends really understand the economic situation of the Jones’. For such a close friend group it’s strange how little they seem to know about each other.
“Hey, Bets,” he says, the name strange in his mouth.
She starts and glances at him, a line forming between her brows. Her voice is soft when she speaks “You haven’t called me that in years.”
Forsythe shrugs. He turns back to his laptop to hide his embarrassment at such a simple faux pas. Jughead and Betty don’t really get close until book four when they investigate the disappearance of Cheryl Blossom’s twin brother; before that they’re more acquaintances than friends.
“Sorry, I guess I was just feeling nostalgic.”
“No, I like it,” she says with a smile. She stares at him for a little too long, and Jughead wipes at the corner of his mouth self-consciously.
“Where’s your beanie?” she asks.
His hand flies up to his head, and he curses himself for such a rookie mistake. Jughead’s beanie was infamous. Thousands of fans had made their own version to wear proudly at every book launch; it was the lynchpin of all the romantic fanfiction centering around Jughead; it was as iconic as Betty’s ponytail.
“I.. uh –“
“Jug, Bets, how are we today?” Reggie says as he saunters into their conversation, unwittingly saving Forsythe from an uncomfortable lie.
“I’m fine. How are you?” Betty asks warily.
Forsythe nods his head and returns to his laptop, eager to tune them out and focus on the one thing he can control in this situation. He’s banged out another half page when Reggie waves his hand in front of the screen. Students swarm around them as the class lets out, and Forsythe closes his laptop roughly.
“We still on for Saturday?” Reggie asks. He shifts his gaze towards Betty and grins. “Wouldn’t want to miss our first big college party.”
Betty rolls her eyes and stands up carefully, her laptop balanced in the crook of her arm. “You mean you wouldn’t want to miss your first shot at Veronica without Archie around.”
“Don’t be like that Betty baby,” Reggie coos, slinging his arm around her shoulders and walking her into the classroom. “Besides, it's a win-win for you too. With Ronnie out of the picture you get Archie all to yourself come Sunday.”
She snorts. “As if. He’ll won’t have eyes for anyone other than some cute cheerleader he meet at the game. Besides, who said I wanted Archie all to myself? Maybe I have eyes for someone else now,” she teases, slipping into a seat at the front of the room.
Reggie collapses into the seat behind her, a hand over his heart. “Never such a sweet confession have I heard,-” he says dramatically, raising his other hand to his forehead, “ - the arrow from such ruby lips doth pierce my soul.”
“What’s that from, ‘How to Pick Up Chicks or Die Trying?’” Forsythe quips as he passes them both to take a seat at the back of the room.
“Hah! You wish,” Reggie shoots back. “Only a true connoisseur of romance can speak so soft and sweet.”
“Well then, Mr. Mantle, perhaps you can enlighten us on Felix’s own romantic notions at Clochegourde?” the professor, an older woman in her fifties, says as she takes her place at the lectern.
Forsythe settles down in his chair and, with a smidge of guilty pleasure, watches Reggie try to squirm his way out of this one.
“Jones, thank god you’re here,” Tabitha says when he walks into Pop’s that evening. She tosses him her keys and picks up a full tray of food. “Throw your stuff in the office, grab an apron, and scrub up. I need you in the back, now.”
“Helluva day to quit drinking,” Forsythe mutters to himself.
Dutifully, he follows her instructions and in minutes he’s back on the grill. At the sight of the old industrial range his entire body relaxes. He cut his teeth in the back of diners like this, paying his dues as a line cook years ago. His reverie is cut short, though, when Tabitha rounds the corner like hell on wheels.
“I don’t have time to train you,” she says quickly, flipping over the burgers already on the grill, “but you’ve eaten almost everything on the menu by now and know what goes on what. Cooler’s through that door, fryer’s behind you – set the time to five minutes or it’ll burn – and watch out for Rosemary, she’s got a temper today.”
Tabitha gives him a quick, tired grin and runs back out of the kitchen as another customer comes in. Forsythe glances at the string of orders and cracks his knuckles, ready to get to work. It’s not until three hours later that Tabitha comes back in to check on him with a cup of coffee in her hand.
“I thought you said this was your first job?” she asks, handing him the mug.
Forsythe takes a sip and winces at the heat from the mug and from her question. 
“It is, but I cook a lot at home. And watch a lot of MeTube cooking videos.”
“Right. Because they’re so similar.”
She stares at him and he forces himself not to fidget.
“I also helped Pop’s out some during high school. When things were rough,” he says, dropping his eyes to the cup.
Forsythe doesn’t know whether this is a lie in this world, but it certainly wasn’t in his life. It was a trade after his parent died; a small, eight-year-old bussing tables for a warm meal and a cot in the back, out of the rain. He’ll always be grateful to his own Pop for taking him in and, after a week of living at the diner, bringing him into the family as his own son.
Tabitha places a warm hand on his arm, the touch sending goosebumps along his skin. “He was always good at picking up strays,” she says, eyes glistening. “Sometimes I wish he was still here, helping me out, instead of living it up in Boca Raton. He claims he’s a lady killer there.”
Forsythe barks out a laugh. “I’m sure he is. He’s had a lot of practice dealing with the moms of Riverdale.”
“Now on E!,” Tabitha adds.
A bell rings, and she sighs, tightening her apron strings. “It never ends.”
Forsythe picks up the coffee cup and relishes the comfort it brings. It’s the first moment of peace he’s had since he’d arrived in this world, and he’s grateful to Tabitha for taking a chance on him. It doesn’t last, though, as Tabitha slides another two papers across the small window. He glances at it, then picks up the spatula and gets back to work.
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leiawritesstories · 2 years
13 & 22 please!
13. Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
Okay hear me out I'm going on a minor Sam Cortland ramble. I think Sam was the support Celaena needed during her assassin days. Was he "right" for her like as a life partner? No. Was he the companion she turned to when she was young and impressionable but basically being forced to act much much older and being desensitized to all kinds of horrific violence? Yeah. He was. Celaena needed someone to whom she could turn during those days, someone who'd be there and listen to her and keep her from potentially succumbing to the darkness in which she was entrenched, and she found a sympathetic ear in Sam. The guy was far from perfect, despite how she remembers him, but given that she was a literal child, it wasn't wrong of SJM to give her a guy to whom she could turn when shit got overwhelming. Which, as a child assassin, was often.
22. Popular character you hate?
ABBY ARE YOU TRYING TO GET ME CENSORED?! I don't hate any characters, not really, but...um...I've never been the biggest Mal Oretsev fan. Oops. I love the show and the way Archie Renaux plays Mal, but I'm not entirely on board with the whole Mal is the knight in shining armor thing. Sorry 😬
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kimmimaru · 1 year
Finally doing some more writing today. I have no idea what this is yet but thought I’d play around with the fake dating tope maybe, just because I don’t think I’ve ever done it before. A little Reno/Tseng fic but from the POV of an old ex-military man who just wants to be left the fuck alone, lol. It’s not yet edited, just getting it down before I do any of that. But I’m starting to like Archi (the oc).
Archi was 76 years old. He lived in a run-down cottage on the outskirts of the Sector Four slums. He was broad shouldered and had developed a bit of gut in his later years, as a youth he had been a lieutenant in the Shinra Army. Now he sat on the porch of his crumbling cottage, rocking back and forth on a rocking chair that creaked almost as much as his right knee did. In one hand he clutched mug of coffee, in the other was the morning’s newspaper. His wild white and brown hair was tied firmly back from his face in a short pony tail and his button-up shirt open at the throat. There weren’t many people who lived this far out, not so close to the wastes. During his stint in the army he’d developed a dislike for most people, it only got worse after his wife of thirty years passed away. So he enjoyed the solitude. There were a few other little houses surrounding his own but they weren’t inhabited by anything but memories now. The last to leave had been the Jeffersons after the young husband scored a decent job up top. Archi had been glad to see the happy new couple go. It was strange to see anyone about in his part of the slums, let alone a pair of very young men. Archi’s mug rose half-way to his mouth as he watched the two boys walk slowly towards him down the winding path between dilapidated buildings. A frown settled firmly on his face as they drew close enough for him to make out their features. One looked like your average street thug, possibly a pickpocket or something. His hair was a vivid shade of red, styled into a mess of carefully arranged spikes. The other was more subdued in appearance but there was something about him that pricked at Archi’s instincts. There was a sharpness to his gaze that he’d seen before, on the faces of friends and enemies during his military days. The warmth from his coffee seemed to cool beneath his fingers as the boys approached. “Where is it?” The red head was asking, eyes moving around the buildings while he kept one hand inside his pocket. Archi’s frown deepened, he knew the look of an armed man…or boy, in this case. “He said it was the third house on the left.” The other replied, his voice low and cool. Looking closer Archi could see that neither boy could be older than eighteen, they were dressed casually, the red head in a short leather jacket with the collar turned up and the dark haired one in a simple pale blue shirt. The two boys looked towards Archie; their gazes as sharp as blades. The red head grinned, his eyes were a pale shade of green. Archi set down his coffee and wondered if he could reach the rifle he kept under his porch in time as they moved closer. “Hey!” The red head lifted his right hand in greeting, the left never leaving his pocket. “We’re lookin’ for a house.” Archi waved a hand vaguely around, “There’s plenty here.” He grunted, shaking out his newspaper. “The landlord said-” “You’re moving here?” Archi asked, cutting the red head off mid-sentence. He looked from one to the other, “Why?” He asked incredulously. The red head glanced back at his companion, “Rents cheap, yo.” He said in a familiar accent, his grin widening. It did anything but put Archi at ease. “Couple’a young lads like you’d be better off lookin’ over at Sector Six.” “Maybe but…we kinda like the peace and quiet, ya’know?” The red head’s eyes moved around Archi’s porch. “How long you been here, old man?” “Longer’n you’ve been alive, kid.” Archi responded with a growl. “Now, get offa my porch before I call the MP’s.” The red head looked down at where his foot was on the bottom step of the porch, “Oh, my bad.” He grinned and rubbed at his hair, messing it up. His companion cleared his throat, “My apologies,” He said quietly, “We’re just trying to find our new home, if you could point us in the right direction, I would appreciate it.” Archi looked the boy up and down, “You’re not from around here, are ya?” The boy offered him a polite smile, his eyes remained as cold as ice, “You’re very observant, sir.”
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princessmadafu · 2 years
Their Truth is very boring
Episode 1, part 3...
It's snowing, I'm freezing, going to bed shortly in two sweaters and a coat and I'll still be shivering 'cos the dog and cats always hog the duvet.
6:00 Meghan showing off Archie's California accent. Meghan showing off Harry's brainwashing when he says their love story is only getting started and how M sacrificed everything she had in order to join H's world before he had to sacrifice everything he had to join M in her's... which includes chickens. And M enthusing about how nice it is to let Netflix into their world and let everyone see how nice they are.
Cue some private family photos (which they've been keeping private for their monetary value) and letting on that "a friend" suggested they keep a video diary for posterity (ie monetary value) oh and Harry not knowing what day it is again! Does she keep him in a cupboard? Maybe she only lets him out when she wants him to perform tricks.
8:10 She thinks her kids have roles to perform in this really historical family she despises so much! Wth!!! Is she really that thick or is she acting again? The kids have no future as members of the modern, slimmed-down RF. The junior executives left the company, they don't get to send their kids back to Buck Pal for tiaras and trips in horse-drawn carriages.
8:55 There's the line about it making more sense to hear their story from them; her problem there is, she's lied so much already that we don't trust her.
9:00 and it’s London 2016, M travelling with her girlfriends... looks like they're on a yacht! Lindsay Roth pops up to say nice things about her. She was so intent on being single and just having girltime (ROFL). Lucy Fraser pops up to say nice things about her. "And then came H" - she calls him H, remember.
10:15 H says he met her on Instagram, scrolling through his feed, sees M with cartoon dog ears and dog nose on a Snapchat thing of a friend, and the friend then sets them up. Jeez this is so boring. Pics of H in Africa. M at Wimbledon 2016 with some friend called Jill Smoller who was trying to fix M up with an actor. So much for wanting to enjoy being single, eh! Some friend called Silver Tree pops up to say nice things about her. Description of first date. Do I really have to suffer this? We've heard all this before about how late he was - you told us last year. They're just so self-obsessed, so self-indulgent. Nacho pops up to say nice things about them.
17:00 H plays the Diana card; she made decisions with her heart and he is his mother's son, he says. So's your brother William, by the way. Interesting shots of black Londoners cheering Charles and Diana on H's birth in 1984; funny thing that, black and white people all cheering the RF together - racism didn't seem to bother anybody in 1984 - or in 20-whatever-it-was when H&M had their £30million wedding. It must be a recent idea that Londoners have only just been told they've been doing... since, you know, about 2019.
I'm still only 20 mins into Ep.1 and my mind is going numb. Nothing new here. They haven't actually whinged too much yet, just talked too much goo-goo about nice they really are. Going to have a break and put on some Ovaltine - very hard to get in this country so it's tonight's bedtime treat.
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stories-of-c · 1 year
Chef de projet événementiel - 27 ans - français - cancer
Lorsque j’ai parlé pour la première fois de cette histoire à mes proches, tous m’ont dit « c., tu es tombée sur un fou ! »
Commençons par le commencement.
A. est une rencontre d’application mobile. Vous verrez avec le temps je rencontre davantage hors application.
Enfin, nous échangeons et nous nous retrouvons dans un bar proche de chez moi. Nous discutons longuement. A. a les cheveux mi-longs avec les yeux bleus. Il est véritablement très beau. Nous rigolons beaucoup, nous parlons beaucoup, ça marche entre nous !
Nous nous retrouvons vers 16 heures et passons plus de 3 heures à discuter sans relâche. La faim se fait, nous décidons de prendre quelque chose à manger à emporter directement chez moi. Nous dînons sur mon canapé et naturellement faisons l’amour.
Je pense lui avoir offert la meilleure pipe de sa vie. Comme a beaucoup d’ailleurs. Il me fait l’amour comme un dieu. Je le mettrai aisément dans ma top liste malgré la taille corpulente, trop corpulente de son penis. Nous jouissons même plusieurs fois.
L’affaire faite, A. repart chez lui.
Le lendemain je reçois plusieurs messages de sa part. Clairement il a bien kiffé. Je ne suis pas réceptive a son flot d’attentions. Plusieurs jours durant il me sollicite. Jusqu’à peut être 10 ou 15 jours. Mes réponses sont laconiques. Je crois que je ne veux pas.
Il se vexe à plusieurs reprises. Je m’attache à lui exprimer mes intentions. Je lui explique que je ne suis pas très « téléphone » et que mon travaille me prends beaucoup de temps.
Les semaines passent, plusieurs relances jusqu’au jour où je reçois un message qui me glace le sang.
« Tu m’a bien menti. Mais c’est de ma faute j’aurai du me méfier. Fais toi vraiment tester au lieu de dire aux gens que t’as rien parce que t’es archi pas clean.
Je dois aller me faire tester mais d’après mon médecin j’ai chopé un bail et je n’ai eu aucune relation à part avec toi depuis mon dernier test. Donc je te le dis parce que je suis pas une merde va te faire tester pour ta santé miskinne…..
J’espère que tu m’a pas refourgué d’autres dingueries pour le moment mon médecin pense uniquement au xxx je dois me faire tous les tests. Franchement je suis vraiment trop con de t’avoir fais confiance. Pense aux autres gars que tu vois et ne leur ment pas. »
Ni une, ni deux. Je prends rendez-vous chez le gynécologue qui peut me prendre le plus rapidement. J’y passe ma soirée. Le lendemain matin, je suis au centre de dépistage.
J’attends une semaine mes résultats, dans un stresse permanent.
J’appelle A. le soir même, pour lui confier que le gynécologue n’a rien déceler. Bien sûr, c’est un mensonge. Je ne veux juste pas retrouver le type en bas de chez moi énervé. J’essaie de le canaliser.
Pendant une semaine nous échangeons, insultes et tendresse. Je ne suis jamais insultante, toujours froide. Lui est chaud et bouillonnant.
Laissez-moi vous partager quelques uns de nos échanges :
« Je peux te garantir j’ai aucune raison de mentir j’ai vu personne. Avant et après. Et depuis… après j’ai pas une validation avec test à l’appui de mes propos. C’est pour l’instant une suspicion. Mais bon je me devais de te prévenir ».
« Merci. J’ai rendez vous ce soir. »
« Je te confirme »
Hello A ! Je suis négative ! Pas d’antécédent, pas de virus. pour toutes les autres infections (je suis dans l’attente du résultat) prise de sang faite hier matin. »
« J’ai toujours pas le résultat définitif moi si je l’ai j’ai été infecté par le saint esprit »
« Va voir ton médecin il t’expliquera que tu peux l’avoir chopé bien avant. L’incubation peut durer plusieurs mois »
« Pourquoi tu dis « si je l’ai, j’ai été infecté par le saint esprit » si hier tu m’as dit à 20 heures 13 « je te confirme » Franchement A. tu es un gars super malsain… la façon d’agir, de parler etc… de m’accuser et ensuite dire que ce sont des « suspicions » alors que tu sais juste rien. Tu sais rien et tu me blâmes parce que c’est facile. Et même là je sais à 100 % que je l’ai pas, encore heureux sinon tu m’aurais encore insulté. Mais franchement. Pardon mais, arrête d’agir comme ça.
Relis le premier message que tu m’as envoyé avec des miskkiiiiine dans tous les sens là…
J’espère que tu vas bien dealer avec tes problèmes et que tu iras mieux mais clairement, arrête »
« Hello A.
Résultats reçus à l’instant.
Je suis négative partout de mon côté. (Si tu me crois pas, je te les envoie clairement)
As-tu reçu les tiens ? »
« Je suis négatif partout et on est pas sûr que ça soit le xxx il faut un rdv chez un derma pour définitivement le dire ça peut être rien aussi j’avais mal compris mon médecin. »
Moralité de l’histoire, ce gros connard a voulu me faire payer le manque d’attentions que je lui portais.
Il m’a vraiment fait chier cet enculé !
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amateurshentai · 4 years
archie xxx
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archiefm · 2 years
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@meatballstew   um..... no offence but this one is for the boys with the booming system top down, AC with the cooler system ??
❤ liked by  brigedickenergy  and 59 others ✐
     ↳   @bridgedickenergy   throwing up and crying right now      ↳   @btecmiawallace     i thought u were a virgin      ↳   @victorieugh: ok black swan              ↳   @meatballstew: @victorieugh does that mean i get to scissor mila kunis? (idk i haven’t seen that movie i just watched a bad porno of it)
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tylorswift · 3 years
someone do me a wonderful favor of sending "make me choose" asks please
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