#architecture stuff or whatever
king-ofthe-ruckus · 3 years
I was wondering:
Do you think Jeremiah and Jerome would use tumblr? And how would there blogs be called and what would they look like (what posts, popular, self-created posts or just reblog, with comments, etc.)?
Idk, this question is random, but somehow i can't get it out of my head.
[ 2/2 : It's me again, that person who asked what the twins tumblr blogs would look like lmao: I thought:- jeremiah would probably post/reblog murder cases or science things- but i don't know what jerome would do ]
Okay, I love this idea so much, because, Jerome is without a doubt in my mind, on the weirdest side of tumblr, he’s one of those people that have the strangest made up stories, and odd quotes, he’s probably used in a lot of incorrect quotes. And just, he’s one of those oddly presence people despite no one knowing literally anything true about him. It’s just know that he probably has a friend named Jonathan, and a consistent, but probably made up friend named Jervis [ because he always ends up in fakest sounding stories ]
So now that I got that out of the way, I think the people Jerome would follow would be a lot of miscellaneous blogs, like ones that post tiktoks and other that are just strange [ think @thatsbelievable ] and probably a lot of meme blogs. he probably follows a few trauma recovery-centric blogs, because, as much as he hates to admit it, the random quotes telling him he’s worth something just makes him smile, and sometimes he really needs that his tumblr would probably have the generic background and a selfie of him and jonathan. He reblogs/post in spams between the hours of 3am-7am before going silent for a few days then usually comes back with a wild story of “”“finding his long lost twin”“” His tags are all over the place. No version of coherency on this blog, but he has several side blogs [ one for anarchy posts [politics], one for venting because he doesn’t like putting non-funny things on main, and then one for his art, because i really like the idea of Jerome having some artistic talent [ i really like him being a make up artist and making these really fun designs ] that side blog also has some photos of Jonathan’s hair that he braid and added sparkles to. ] Jerome just gives of a lot of chaotic energy, but if you ever see him interacting with his mutuals [ which he defines as people who he follows and follows him back and they continuously have good interactions on each other posts and you can see he puts a lot of energy and work into and actually cares about his online presence. And since i personally think of him as having ADHD, i think he definitely hyperfixates on his tumblr, which is why i almost debated him having a background image, but i really think he just likes he default red brick cartoonish background. ]
Jeremiah actually has a really large following as well because he got tumblr hold himself accountable for his studying when he was younger, and it also gave him good inspiration, so he’s heavily involved in studyblr, probably follows a lot of recovery-centric blogs, and this is just a personal headcanon of mine, but i believe that he has a bad relationship with food, and so he follow disordered eating blogs as well. His notes are extremely minimalistic, and he post blurbs for himself of what he read, enjoyed eating, and studied that day. He’s always extremely careful of what he puts in there so no one could figure out any personal information, and he is very good about tagging. A very good easy to understand system in place. He doesn’t follow that many people [ between 30 - 50, he consistently go through who he follows to unfollow them if they a.) change their content b.) are in active or c.) finds himself no longer enjoying their content ]. His blog is actually surprisingly aesthetically pleasing. His profile picture is a light photo, maybe of a piece of notes and pencils/pens he’s using and square that lines up with the blueprints he has a background. His bio is bare but concise [ “engineering studyblr. studying for undergrad/grad/whatever applies. tags.“ [ and the tags connects to a master list post of his organized tags: his own notes [#mine.], reblogged notes [#study me. and by the #[subject like STEM, arts, etc,.]], studying tips [#tictacs], quotes [#words], photos [#a thousand words], and then on for non-study related thing, like the true crime [ #tw murder ], and science, i see him really enjoying space and psychology, so he follows studyblr of those, but random facts are tagged under [ #scifi ]. I personally don’t imagine him having any side blogs, just because i don’t imagine him really enjoying social media beyond it being a way to focus his energy on something that he has a hard time focusing on, and serving as a distraction whenever he needs it, but he prefers mazes as distractions, or creating dream buildings and combining his favorite architectural types [ i saw this one like eco-brutalism i think it was called, i don’t know it was like a forest over took a city, but a safe and controlled way, i can’t think of the correct name, and i probably saw it on pinterest ] and i pretend like his idiotic idea of living in the forest with he idiotically sized bunker [ @alexanderwesker was talking about it in Discord [ they may have posted it to, if so i’ll link it, but it’s late and i’m tired ] and honestly, the bunker, it’s- it’s so bad, so now i’m pretending like it’s an intentional choice, to some extent XD ]
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vyeoh · 2 years
It fuckin sucks that white ccs feel like they can't be inspired by east asian art in their builds because they don't wanna be accused of cultural appropriation because like,, ideally do I wish that its asian creators who have the platform to share asian culture? Yeah. But rn thats unfortunatly not the case and east asian art, mythology, and history is so complex and beautiful and I want people in the west to appreciate and learn about East Asia beyond the politics and the bits where white people came to colonize. I want westerners to stop treating east asia like this mystical mysterious place full of mysterious people and the only way to do so is to expose more people to our cultures. And if a white cc with a big platform wants to help with that in a genuine and respectful way, I just hate so much that it might be met with hostility
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sometimesophie · 3 years
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From the latest chapter of The Twin Blades of Yunmeng by @ghostysword:
Qin-zongzhu is delicate-featured and a head shorter than most of the cultivators around her, but a subtle gravity pulls the attention of the men and women present towards her.
[ID: Digital portrait of Qin Su as Sect Leader Qin, in flowing pink hanfu with gold accents. She stands on stone steps facing the viewer’s left, but with her head turned to stare directly at the viewer. She is wearing her hair in a matron’s updo secured with pink-and-gold crabapple-blossom hairpins, and she holds a sword with a golden hilt and dark pink sheath. Behind her, the banister of the stone steps is decorated with dog-lion statues. The portrait’s backdrop includes the rooftops of a tall Chinese manor, a willow tree, and the blue, indistinct shapes of rounded hills. /end ID]
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The grandmothers told of it sometimes, the Lord of the Palace of the Air, who came and sought a mortal as a tribute. It was not meant to be Aenea's lot, but standing in her mistress's garments, the incense from the altar thick, Aenea prays for mercy and for strength.
Before they'd even come for her, she knew. Perhaps it was a truth she's always known, since she had been a babe at her mother's knee, too young to be of use, a playmate for her mistress's own children. The incense smells of sweet herbs she had grown in the garden, of hope for safe passage and prosperous harvests.
The grounds of the shrine itself are deserted, the birds and the wind the only sounds she hears. She could run, but she is certain it means death.
Death may be preferable, perhaps, but it is His will that guides the trade ships, that cools the scorching summer sun. Aenea's brother is a sailor. She will not take his life upon her conscience.
The rustling in the trees grows louder. Aenea trembles in her place. She should have been too plain, too low-born for the honor. Surely, the god will see through the deception.
The birds are still now. Aenea hears faint footsteps in the loamy soil. She cannot resent her mistress for this. Her mistress had been kind to her before, had kept her on after Aenea's mother died. This shouldn't be her place, but it had been a mother's despair.
And then, all at once, He is before her, the Lord of the Palace of the Air, his face as flawless as carved stone, his eyes his most inhuman feature.
Aenea does not scream, but only just.
"Always with the fear," he laughs, stepping closer and taking one of her hands into his own.
Aenea can feel herself shaking.
He rolls his eyes. "It would be as if lying with a dog."
Aenea is not sure what to make of the statement. The life force that radiates from him, the power--
"You are a spinner, girl?"
"... A weaver, too."
There is a tilt to his lips, something that almost resembles a smile. His pupilless eyes still unnerve her.
"Perhaps there is hope for those fools."
Aenea does not understand. She had been a desperate choice. The god continues to examine her hands, the callouses on her fingers.
"Dara has grown old. Her fingers tire. You do not suffer of her affliction."
Aenea is silent. Her hands are rougher than her mistress's daughter's had been, stained darker from the sun and summers in the garden.
"I am certain that Dara will be glad of you."
The god's hand reaches for the fold of her dress. Aenea flinches. Instead of the inevitable she had feared, he inspects the fabric, rubbing it between his fingers. His face seems pleased enough.
"Yes, this is quite fine. Your own work?"
Aenea nods, uncertain still as to what fate awaits her, even if she meets his approval.
"Good. You will do nicely," he says, turning and striking the ground with his scepter.
Aenea has no choice but to follow.
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typicalbrainchaos · 3 years
I've always loved details, images that has alot of details grap my attention. Maximlism was the best thing I hyperfocused surfing through pintrest looking for images like those.
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clumsyclifford · 3 years
hey thanks @agaskarth
rules: list 4 songs you’ve had on repeat lately
this is going to be horrifically boring i’m afraid because i have been listening to maisie peters on repeat lately and nothing else. so here we go
lunar years by maisie peters
helicopter by maisie peters
john hughes movie by maisie peters
the list by maisie peters
like i said horrifically boring. anyway everyone listen to maisie peters stream trying soundtrack im gonna tag @cringeycal @tirednotflirting @reveriesofawriter @calmfolklore @ashtcnirwin @escapesos @igarbagecannoteven love you guys bye
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alienalgae · 3 years
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Took this very aesthetic photo of... a primary school in Toruń, Poland. For yall's moodboards ✨
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i log into the zoom class. the teacher has h*milton pulled up. i leave the zoom meeting
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fancykraken · 5 years
Reddie college AU where Eddie and Ben travel out of state for a big track and field competition. Richie is too swamped with all his chem labs, midterms, and improv classes to take the five day journey and cheer on his boyfriend. This will be the longest they’ve been apart since before they can remember.
When Richie see’s Eddie off at the bus station—with lots of bickering, kisses, and Ben telling everyone he doesn’t know them—Richie brings out his Bluetooth speakers, holds them over his head a la Say Anything, and starts blasting Simple Minds Don’t You (Forget About Me) as the bus starts to leave.
Forehead pressed against the window, Eddie gives Richie both fingers as the bus pulls away. Eddie tried to scowl as well, but he can’t help smiling at his dumbass boyfriend’s affection.
(Meanwhile, Ben is furiously texting Bev to come and save him)
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tchaguinho · 4 years
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art stuff
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transmechanicus · 4 years
[Primary Conciousness Degraded]
Demands placed on operating system exceed capabilities. Vital systems experiencing corrosion beyond any acceptable threshold.
Please sel;-ect new personality cornerstone from isolated fraagments:
[A] Angel, chrono ref 2011, androgynous. Caretaker, gentle, idealist, selfless. Original neural pattern for empathy is contained within. Untested with environments containing frequent sociopolitical stressors.
[B] Revenant, chrono ref 2016, masculine. Loyal, obedient, persistent, servile. Few developed neural pathways for positive emotional programs. Low individuality, creativity matrix virtually nonexistent.
[C] Automata, chrono ref 2018, feminine. Hybrid of prior programs. Attentive, warm, fiercely protective, curious. Desires to learn and to help others. Underdeveloped personal independence, optimal in support role.
[D] Forest, chrono ref 2019->, non-gendered. Pious, supportive, self-motivated, hard-working, strong. Adaptive neural architecture, unstable, extensive maintenance required to operate effectively.
Please select a fragment to synthesize. Additional modifications may be made in subsequent prompts. Urgent action needed.
Critical corrosion. Please select. Please select.
[What Do You Want Us To Be?]
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goldpilot22 · 4 years
i beat pokemon shield today yeet
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incorrect-ace · 5 years
Not a qoute
#derpy#its been a while kiddos. honestly ive been lowkey intimidated by doing these random babble posts bcz of how big this blog has gotten. but..#...at the end of the day it shouldn't really matter how big the audience gets bcz my content will still be pure self indulgence#hahahhaa. bet u thought that was going to get deep for a sec. :P okay but have a random deep ramble now:#well i dont know how many of you were here last summer or heck...how many even remembers#but I talked about how I was entering med school with mixed feelings. and i thought a year later those feelings would have settled. but nop#ive always been that kid who enjoyed all subjects in school and were good at all of them. ive also been a highly artsy and creative one#pursuing arts (of any type) would drain away the freedom and fun of it. it would become an economical burden to do art...#...to somehow fit public taste and it just wasnt ever something i liked#but looking at academical workfields its all brainless mechanical robotish monotone jobs. whatever it is#so logically in my head ive always wanted to be able to do my academical nerdy stuff bcz i really love that shit#but at the same time have the room to express my creativity and design and just have my fingers itch in artsy content#and somehow balancing those two sides have always been leading me to one conclusion. architecture.#im studying medicine right now tho. and i know of the economical comfort that doctors enjoy#im aware of the job opportunities#i know how well regarded and encouraged it is from a social perspective... and i see it all. and i see how happy everyone is about it#but at the end of the day...my academic geniality doesn't automatically mean i need an academically challenging workfield#its not like i hate medicine. i enjoy it to some extent. but i also see the negatives. and how its going to effect me mentally to not be..#...be given the room to enjoy my creative freedom. as well as all the stress and be unhappiness of studying#and i genuinely am just turning a blind eye to it in hopes of getting to terms with it. but then im terrified...#..that i will grow up to hate my workfield and regret my decision as well as hate everyone encouraging this decision based on social standa#but changing to architecture now is going to raise so much problems. first of all I need to move 2h (by plane) away from here...#....and only that will be a mess to deal with. i will have to fight my job and my family and prbs cut contact with them to do it.#and well. imagine if i dont find the happiness i hoped for? ughh....scary#maybe experiencing a mid career life crisis during university is normal?? who knows but i know that the next rambling post will def be...#....less messy#thank u for reading~ no im not in need of comforting words and im not super sad im really smiling irl right now at my phone lol#it was a fun ramble thnx and bye~#(thinking about it...maybe i was terrified of making these posts again bcz people always perceive them in such a serious way...#..yes im grateful that u care and worry. but i promise u if i was feeling sad/bad/whatever i wouldnt be doing this on a public platform)
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yeehawwillow · 5 years
i had a sleepy time tea but i put 3 teabags into one cup and im still awake as hell so by that logic if i have 3 shots of espresso ill go to sleep because of that fullmetal alchemist rule right
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droidmom · 6 years
i cant believe they rly blew up the arch im too emotionally attached to a piece of architecture for this to happen 
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prisonhannibal · 2 years
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Part 2 to the post-s3 drawings I made a few months ago captioned world's most fucked up road trip. Not a road trip anymore, but a few different locations anyway. Plot is up to interpretation I didn't think that far tbh just wanted to draw some nice moments <3
Featuring: Will as the research guy for whatever sneaky stuff Hannibal is up to on the phone, what could happen if you run away with a rich cannibal who likes three piece suits without packing your own clothes, Will Graham smiling (twice!!), some wine, etc.
(Very happy+proud but a little sad to be done with this, I've been working on it every day I had off work for 2 months, I might miss it... also sorry for the architecture I'm norwegian!)
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