#are you ok day
oceannbby · 5 years
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This video comes from  the dictionary of obscure sorrow and it inspired me to write somewhat of a PSA about mental health and the awareness of it within our society. By no means am I trying to insult of condemn people I have simply put down my thoughts on the issue, I am well aware that there will be those who disagree with me and that is fine but I do ask that negative comments be kept to yourself if possible. Thank you.
On September 10 we have a day to raise awareness for metal illness. For some people it is a novelty, a day to have a morning tea where the infamous caramel slice is bought out but for others, for those who have been affected by mental illness it is a day that both excites them and fills them with dread. What is one supposed to say when posed with the question, Are YOU ok? We often fall to the generic response of 'not too bad thanks' or 'yeah, I'm doing well' but what if... What if every day is a struggle for you and to have someone ask that question of you has the potential to open the flood gates, the potential to overwhelm you with emotion because we are never truly asked 'are you ok?' I believe that today's society is so caught up in itself, people are ignorant of others, we claim to have a society that is all for the little person and yet we often ignore those who need us the most. Mental illness is still treated like some imaginary illness, and that those with it need to 'snap out of it' or 'get over it and just be happy' but that is like asking a blind person to see. Mental illness is real and it affects too many people in this world for it to go unnoticed. One day is not enough, we as a society need to talk about mental illness because pretending it is not there will not make it go away. Take the time to ask someone how they are going. Take the time to look in to someone's eyes and see not only their strengths but also their vulnerabilities. Take the time to talk to someone about how you are feeling. Take the time to ask yourself this, am I ok?
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pepillon · 9 years
Never be afraid to ask for help.
5 months yesterday. :) 
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pythagorastheorem · 11 years
Are you ok?
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bumblea · 11 years
are you okay?
message me xxx
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viddiant-heart · 12 years
Are you okay?
You see, today in Australia it's are you ok day, where we show how much we care for each other and ask people how they are and just make sure everyone is doing alright. So here is me, asking some of the people i care for the most, Are You Ok? I would really like to know. Just remember, all you have to do is send me a message, if you ever want someone to talk to i promise i'm here and i'll do everything i can for you <3
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unformidable · 12 years
'Are you ok day'...
Are you okay day is actually that stupid. Having someone come up to you and saying 'are you okay?' just because of a day won't do anything. And it's not like someone will even tell you all their problems just because you asked if they were okay for some stupid day not even because they care, It actually just makes people feel worse. lol. Australia is stupid.
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northonm31 · 13 years
Hey lovely friends. Are you ok? Make sure to ask someone yourselves today. It's a little question that can make a world of difference.
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