bellshazes · 5 months
i knwo im sleep deprived as hell because i just had a sudden conviction to invent a distinction between smps-in-videos and smps-as-played-by-real-people a la c! and cc! distinction. i think if we are going to keep using c! and cc! we should also do the same to our entire concept of "the server"
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cryptidm0ths · 2 years
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another collection of sketchbook photos
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lucapizzelles · 4 months
every time i see the luca tag fic count go down an angel loses its wings
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doomzday-zone · 1 month
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lets kill these guys
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tibli · 2 months
honestly i think a person's personality can he easily determined by asking how they interpret The Giving Tree
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jazzrj · 6 months
Just a thought.
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duodusk · 2 years
WIN ! my mom really liked cmwyl
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22-b · 5 months
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garadinervi · 6 months
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The Indians of Palestine. An interview between Gilles Deleuze and Elias Sanbar [originally published in «Libération», May 8-9, 1982 with the title Les Indiens de Palestine], Translated by Timothy S. Murphy, «Discourse», Vol. 20, No. 3, 'Gilles Deleuze: Areason to Believe in this World' (Fall 1998), pp. 25-29 (text here) [Wayne State University Press, Detroit, MI. Verso, London]
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anti-katsuki-lounge · 2 years
Thank you for doing this. There is not enough critical Bakugou content or real consequences for his behaviour and actions. And sorry for any kind of mistakes englisch is a foreign language for me.
I agree with you on this situation. Bakugou attacked an unconscious person and threatened violence. The teachers had to make sure he wouldn´t hurt someone, while their way wasn´t right and he shouldn´t attend the ceremony or should be disqualified his behaviour was concerning. But again he didn´t get consequences or at least anger management or so bec,ause it wasn´t the first time. The teachers are kind of incompetent and suck at their job. Everyone is bashing All Might for the things he did at the beginning which weren´t quite fine but HE tried and learned to be better at his job, while everyone praises Aizawa who does a bad job. His lie at the beginning would make it hard for the students to trust him, he didn´t do anything against Bakugou´s behaviour when he attacked Midoriya, insults his classmates and so on but he singled out Midoriya without learning the context prior an then he says about himself he is the logical one. When Aizawa was introduced as the logical character I thought for moment maybe he will do something about Bakugou, that hope died like five minutes later.
And about Bakugou throws temper tantrum like a child. Yes. He overheard Todoroki´s past and issues so he knew what was going on but did he the logical and right thing? No he demanded that Todoroki use his fire and not because it would hepl him no Bakugou wanted it for HIS EGO. And of course he won and got no consequences being disqualifed or so.
This no consequences thing is also areason why I think his supposed character development isn´t written good and it is mostly told to us but we don´t see much of it.
Sorry for the rant. I don´t know if it is a trope but there is this whole thing were fans claim that Bakugou had no fault because he was always praised and had apparently no power over his actions. While it is true that our environment can has effect on us and often has even he should have known that telling someone to kill themself is wrong. Also I can´t imagine that everywhere he went it was always perfect for him and no one ever criticized him besidnes Midoriya at the beginning.
All of this. You've highlighted several of the issues I have with Katsuki, Shota, and Hori's writing
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eulchu · 11 months
The specific type of spanish speaking racism and lack of caring for other cultures especially if they dont speak spanish pushed me away from qsmp
😍theres. areason . why im here and not in spanish twitch
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tipsypup2 · 5 months
If I may ask?
what happened to your other account?
Emaial got adeelted forwano areason :(
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absentmoon · 1 year
theyre called cuties for areason
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clatterbane · 1 year
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Apparently Husqvarna doesn't just make chainsaws. Who knew? Besides, presumably, pretty much everybody in Sweden. 😅
On the plus side of these current appliance woes, Mr. C had been talking about wanting to get a bigger fridge for a while now. Preferably one of the side-by-side models, which I hadn't considered. Partly because I never lived in a household where that might even be a semi-affordable option before.
We do tend to keep a decent amount of food around, and he has always been super bothered by fridge crowding. And I know I keep driving him up the wall with the amount of shit I'm happy enough Tetrising in there.
He is well aware that with this own extreme "out of sight, out of mind" variation, if he can't see the thing he wants immediately near the front of a shelf? He is liable to just shut the door and walk away without the food. Which, fair enough. I have more tolerance (and frankly stubbornness) with rummaging around and keeping some vague idea of what I personally put in there somewhere. But, no wonder we always have ended up with so many things--especially that he has brought in--lurking toward the back of the fridge and going bad.
If he thinks we can afford what they're wanting for side-by-side models, why not. I wouldn't be sorry to have the extra space, and certainly intend to try not to cram that to full capacity the same way.
This store is looking like a pretty good option, if primarily because they are apparently handling all the deliveries/installations at the store level. Even if you order an appliance online, they will apparently ship it to a nearby store location where they will then contact you to set up delivery.
It seemed like areasonable plan to go in person to try and get something that's already in stock at one of their local stores, and hopefully be at least one step ahead with getting it delivered ASAP.
And that way we should hopefully also not need to worry about their contracting the delivery out to DPD or fucking Bring--who, if they even show up, would likely dump the new one out at the parking lot and take off without hauling the busted one away even when you have paid for that service too. 👿 Speaking from some experience trying to get larger items delivered, yeah.
But anyway, this Husqvarna Not-Chainsaw is looking like a decent possible option. As much as Poverty Brain blenches at the cost of any of them. There are some in stock at one of their locations in town. I would probably go for a stainless finish over the white, tbh, but this would match better with the rest of the existing kitchen stuff.
ETA: I forgot to add that this also appears to be separate narrowish fridge and freezer units sold together with the option to be used side by side, rather than one piece. Tacks a little extra onto the price, but that way you also don't have to replace the whole side-by-side unit whenever one side fails. Like happened for us to need a replacement at all. 😑
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deepdarkdelights · 1 year
Hi, Maybe I missed it in my reading but is there areason Jungkook went from kind as a human to cruel as a vampire. I know who they are as humans influences their turning but maybe I missed what made him change.
It is insinuated in Yoongi's fic that JK was kind of an outcast in his human life. No one really cared for him, even his own family. He was on the shyer, quieter side and that often made him a target for other kids. If there's anything we know about bullying in the 80s, it was pretty bad. And that abuse most likely could have continued in his own home. So, when he was given real strength and power as a vampire it gave him the opportunity to lash out and be rageful and that was only amplified by his vampiric nature.
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kiuda · 2 years
I loved c!dnb but I never wanted to admit because of technos boundaries against shipping. But it was so good, like there dynamic was based on mutuak respect and like the fact that c!dream never betrayed c!techno when c!techno just kept getfing betrayed was chef's kiss.
Like there was areason why George was jealous of them in his Dream.
I'm happy you are having fun Anon ^^
Remember that fandom is for the fans and that as long as you are not hurting anyone, it's okay to have fun with it <3
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