#argh just needed a rant
zahri-melitor · 1 year
I figured out what bugs me so much about most of the Bruce and the Rest of the Family Get Therapy™ stories.
It’s not just the overwhelming levels of “He would never say that”. It’s the Actually Bruce Is A Great Dad, Look At Him Checking Off These Parenting Concepts And Respecting His Children’s Boundaries. And abandons all of the complexity and struggle of parenting, particularly single parenting, because while Alfred has areas of authority over the household he very specifically refuses to have parental authority most of the time, and generally avoids doing things like set consequences or punishments because he considers that to not be his job. (This is totally fine! Not every adult in a household needs to have parental authority! Alfred in particular is an employee, a complexity that is frequently lost when lumping him into being Bat Granddad)
It also just…removes Bruce’s agency and ability to mess up and misunderstand and make mistakes, even well intentioned ones. And I’m going to suggest that many of the writers of these stories probably are overprojecting their own dreams and therapy sessions onto the narrative (and tend to be pretty young).
Plus this is BRUCE WAYNE we are reading about. He is incredible but he is also incredibly good at shooting himself in the foot for anything involving emotions. And avoiding saying what he means, out loud, to other people. He’s from Guess culture, people, not Ask. Goodness gracious is he ever from Guess culture. He thinks you’re supposed to figure things out detective-style from what is NOT said.
Also there is just a tendency, despite all the hype about respecting boundaries, to actually sort of eliminate the characters’ actual personal boundaries? Nobody’s allowed to go and have time by themselves without another person checking in on them. There’s that weird habit of having sleepovers in Bruce’s bed, a thing I fundamentally disbelieve would happen in a household of highly trained VIGILANTES all of whom have startle reflexes. If they’re not used to sleeping with those other people in the room it’s actually going to be MORE disruptive to sleep rather than less. And generally, you know, children stop going to sleep in their parents’ bedrooms at a much younger age for a whole host of reasons, not the least the ability to self soothe and teenagers having an awful lot of independence and outraged modesty (and ‘ew my parents have have sex in THAT BED’ realisations).
Like. There are well written ‘Bruce is a Good Father’ stories and I have enjoyed many of them. But pretty much all of them get the basic concept that parenting is HARD.
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dorkicon · 9 months
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accumulation of ooc megop doodles, some older than others...stuff i guess i cant post by itself ....but together i can call it a doodle dump!
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ndostairlyrium · 2 months
WIP Wednesday ✨
IN TIME, this time. About time! Tags at the bottom
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some cass <3 lav sketches, I'm currently painting the outfit on the right with poor chances of succeding (purples and cool greys are involved) u-u
hopefully I'll end up being historically coherent this time lmao (I'm eyeing Cosmé Tura because there are some interesting things in his pieces but I'm trying my best to stay in Venice for Josie *sprays water @ Estensi*). Also I'm tempted to change the pose and Leli may be seen from behind because, um, archer back? Archer back. I mostly see pics in which she's thin and dainty but like Give this girl those luscious back muscles she deserves pls
More outfits for the troubled child. So far these are my least favorite but! We keep going until I can replace the other document in full since it needs an update
Luckily, I have time to finish something this weekend ;u;
Tagging (w no obligation): @greypetrel @shivunin @melisusthewee @underneathestars @daggerbean @layalu @herearedragons
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seraphim-seeker · 6 days
Okay… something about SunDrop and MoonDrop has kinda irked me and I’m gonna rant about it.
So I know it’s a video game about fictional animatronics make by an entertainment company and probably could be summed up with “iTs An aDvAnCeD rObOt” but one thing about the Daycare Attendant is how exactly does their transformation actually function? Sun is for the most part (excluding clothing) varying shades of yellow, vibrant and bright and Moon is much white with a few shades of blue.
For the face and body, is it a lighting that changes the face or some sort of advanced coloring pigmentation? I could kinda believe the coloring since they’re advanced robots but it still kinda bugs me.
Now the Clothes!! The Ribbon Bells stay relatively the same. It’s just the pants HOW TF?! Do they turn inside or something? How does that work? It’s actually fabric attached to them so HOW? Even looking at the Ruin design it still baffles how the hell it functions, I need a SOMEWHAT reasonable explanation for that…
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piplupod · 3 months
honestly i wish i didnt know as much as i do about occultism and spirituality because it is so fucking frustrating to see ppl talk about it and they very obviously do not have the knowledge that i have. like i am so open to being wrong, but i see things that ppl are saying and i'm fairly certain that they just ... do not have the depth of knowledge i do, so they say very ignorant things, or draw lines between things in an incredibly (potentially dangerously) overgeneralized way. and i am just sitting here like "oh you have no clue what you are saying right now, do you? you do not realize what you are saying is unfortunately pretty damn wrong." and i have to back away from the screen bc i do not discuss these things anymore due to the brain being constantly ready to dropkick me straight into a mental health crisis
but christ alive i think anyone who engages with spirituality needs to read up on like. essentially Everything they can get their hands on, even if they do not necessarily agree with the ideas being presented, because that way !! you learn !! and you grow to realize what things are borne out of racism and grossly mystifying other cultures and straight up white supremacy and nazi ideology and encouraging psychotic symptoms that lead to mental health crises !!!
#i hate new age spirituality so much. soooo much. 90% of it is just racism repackaged with a pretty bow on top#and nobody realizes bc they do not know what the fuck they are engaging with :))) what the roots of it all actually is !!!#and i do not necessarily blame them but i am so .... its tiring. and disconcerting. and scary. to see all of it being paraded around#esp when ppl accuse you of being ignorant or cruel for criticising smth that is so fucking dangerous or racist hsdgjkl ARGH ARGH ARGH#just bc they themselves do not realize !! it is dangerous and/or racist!! and they assume you must be wrong to criticise them!!!#sorry im just hgdsgjkl. this drives me crazy. i also hope i dont sound egotistical or high-n-mighty#but i do genuinely know i have more knowledge than the average bear (not difficult to though tbh! u just have to read a lot!!)#because i was so fucking fixated on it and went delving into so many books and pdfs and websites and did my own stuff on my own time#for several years#i was DEEP in this stuff (and boy howdy my mental health suffered for it lmfao me when i lose touch w reality almost entirely !!)#AND OBVIOUSLY. not everyone is going to have the same exps i did when they do spirituality stuff#but . it is very common esp these days. there is a whole label for it lol#ALRIGHT IM DONE RANTING NOW. im going to log off from everything for a good long while today to try to reset my nervous system lmfao#sorry for the public yelling and wailing fsdfjkl#pippen needs 2nd breakfast
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s1lver-soul · 1 year
ok i lied
#need 2 rant about this bc it made me SO sick#different guy from my maths class and turns out we go to the same gym ! what a coincidence#so he sees me one time & texts asking if i was at gym & i panicked and left and was like haha nope not anymore!#then begins to ask a few times if we can go gym together#bearing in mind i’ve known him a few weeks and we do not talk#anyways i ended up saying yes so we went#first time it was fine#i don’t usually go gym with other people so we didn’t speak#since i wanted to focus on lifting#that was fine#til he sends a weird video i didn’t feel comfortable with after (and i said so!)#he asks to go again blah blah blah i eventually say yeah#i felt rude#though this time he says something that made me SUPER uncomfortable#like it was totally inappropriate#way out of line and SUPER gross#so i was like yeah we are not going gym together again. don’t text me#super awks after since we sit on the same table#then he proceeds to tell the table how awkward i am and that i don’t speak etc etc etc like😭 let it go#anyways i told him multiple times i wasn’t comfortable with whatever he’d say and that i didn’t appreciate it and he JUST KEPT DOING IT ARGH#so i’m never going gym again with a guy ever#god it was awful i don’t understand why he said what he did eugh#so yucky#I JUST DONT GET IT WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT#TO SOMEONE YOU BARELY KNOW ??!?!#makes me sick thinking about it#happy to say he’s blocked and we don’t speak!#like i remember one time he asks for some help with chem and i was like don’t ask me you have friends who take chemistry ask them#and he was confused as to why i didn’t wanna help#hello you overstepped boundaries i had very firmly placed MULTIPLE times
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sheepory · 2 years
Today debit/credit was down in the drive thru by the time i got to work, so they had put a sign up in the drive thru to let people knoe. Just as i was getting started a guy came up to our open window, leaned his whole ass maskless head in, and started shouting at us for not putting the sign closer to the entrance. Shit like "maybe put it further up so you don't waste so much of my fucking time!" Like dude i think the fact that you went to a starbs drivethru at 8am, and then got out of your car to walk over and yell at us was the reason your time was wasted?
Also, literally eat shit and die for harrassing service workers 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪
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ixchelish · 1 month
i have introduced shrimps. i have done my urgent housestuff. i have registered for college classes. i just need shiT TO STOP HAPPENING SO I CAN SHOW OFF MY LIL GUYS!! MY GUYS!!!!!!!!
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snghnlvr · 6 months
[2] 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞. / park sunghoon
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park sunghoon x fem reader!
synopsis : you’re in a crisis whether or not to avoid sunghoon forever after your indirect confession backfired, however sunghoon wants to know why you’re ignoring him. you realized that you can’t avoid him for the rest of your life.
here’s part one of take a chance with me!
includes : 2.1k words | cursing | jake and yunjin makes an appearance!! | angst to comfort to fluff !! | happy ending :3
extra : i didn’t expect so much love part one received T-T thank you so much for supporting it <3 | yn is me when i deal with a messy situation :// | sunghoon is touchy?? | both of them are a blushing mess lol | KISSING | i’m sorry if part two isn’t up to your expectations T-T
likes, comments, and reposts are very much appreciated <3
[below the cut]
“you like sunghoon!?” your best friend, yunjin shrieked. her eyes were wide and her mouth opened, leaning back in shock as both of you are sitting in your bed.
you nodded disappointedly, holding a pillow on your lap.
after what happened last week, you decided to share the news to your best friend, yunjin because one, you needed to rant to someone and two, you’re comfortable around her as she’s open minded with a lot of things - especially with boys.
“you mean, the park sunghoon?” she emphasized each other, leaning closer to you with each other and scanning you as if you’re lying.
you nodded once again. “alright yunjin, share it with the whole world!” you rolled your eyes with her as yunjin leaned back again, nibbling her lip. she was thinking of something to solve the situation you’re dealing with because heck she didn’t know how to fix this one.
“argh!” you groaned, laying down in your bed as you covered yourself in your fluffy blanket. you closed your eyes for a few seconds, trying to collect yourself and not rethink about last week.
yunjin just stared at you, eyes wandering all over your room. “well,” she started.
“sunghoon doesn’t know that it was you sending letters.”
you removed the blanket from your face, pouting at yunjin because she does have a point.
“but he said that he hates people sending him letters!” you shouted, once again putting the blanket over your head.
yunjin believes that you’re acting like a little girl. and you would think yourself too.
“but he doesn’t know that it’s you!”
“but he said it himself!”
at this point you kept arguing with yunjin, back and forth, screaming at each other’s faces. there was no solution except talking it out but you’re blushing at the thought of talking to him. you can’t bring yourself to talk to sunghoon, it’s just embarrassing.
[now playing… take a chance with me by NIKI]
in the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take.
you looked out the window as it’s a free period from your class schedule. it was cleaning period so all of your classmates are all over the place. you leaned down with your arms planted down on the window. your eyes were scattering at the outside view from your building.
the faded music from your classroom that was played from your classmates, did not help you in moving on from park sunghoon, if anything it made yoh regret everything, even your rejected letters.
your eyes were following each snowflake in a way to stay awake. your tired eyes were starting to shut off due to your classes that were stressing you out. you were also mentally drained from thinking about sunghoon and what to do.
do you continue being friends with him after he indirectly broke your heart or just flatly avoid him like a coward you are? both of them doesn’t solve anything.
you heard sudden screaming from down the hall. your eyes shifted from the view to whatever commotion was happening. it was getting crowded by girls so you didn’t know that was happening.
you kept peeking at whatever was happening. you were curious of it.
your heart paused when you caught a glimpse of sunghoon.
after the news spread like rapid fire that sunghoon won #1st place in his competition, sunghoon’s popularity rose. girls started to like him more and people wanted to be friends with him. it worsen your chances of liking sunghoon.
you noticed sunghoon’s cheek dimples when girls started mini conversations with him especially complimenting him and giving him gifts as a way to congratulate him in getting #1st place.
you smiled at the sight, feeling bitter as the feelings you felt last week were reoccurring. you miss that smile of his.
maybe it is time to move on.
as you were standing up, grabbing the broom next to you to sweep up the dust on the floor, sunghoon finally noticed you.
he’s been wanting to talk to you, heck, even see you but you weren’t in his sight. even when in class, usually you would try to steal glances (yes sunghoon knew about it but didn’t say anything) across the room but now, you just focused on the work in front of you. not even sparing a glance at him.
he observed you, assuming, are you ignoring me? he even pouted when you just left class, walking past him when his eyes were planted to yours, trying to make you look at him.
and now he has this opportunity in front of him. you weren’t busy nor occupied with someone. he quickly apologized to the girls, saying that he has somewhere to go.
he tried to leave the scene, making sure he isn’t pushing anyone and tries to jog towards you with your back faced towards him.
you froze, recognizing the voice that was calling to you.
you turned around like a deer caught in headlights. you saw sunghoon breathing heavily, “hey..” he smiled upon looking at you.
you didn’t smile back, as you were shocked. you never expected a situation like this, not in public.
so you ran. you ran away away from him like the freak you are.
sunghoon was confused, standing still for a few seconds before his body moved to his own accord. he started chase after you. he was right about his assumption,
you were avoiding him.
that drove him motivation to more to run after you.
sunghoon noticed that you would walk the other direction if he approached you or look away if spared a glance at you. he wanted to know why. he wanted to know what’s wrong even if he didn’t do anything.
you didn’t know why your tears started falling after you made eye contact with sunghoon. your past emotions were resurfacing and you didn’t want to see sunghoon witness your pathetic side.
you wanted to run away and hide from sunghoon.
you didn’t know where you were going.
your legs soon gave up and you ended up in the school’s backyard. you were by yourself which was a good thing because no one will have to see you cry.
you were shivering like crazy because yeah, you just ran away towards outside when it’s snowing and you have nothing but a skirt (your school had heaters so you don’t feel cold once you enter) and a cardigan.
so smart y/n…
you were panting like crazy as if you ran 8 miles. you placed a hand on the wall to catch your breath.
“y/n..” a voice trailed behind you, also panting.
fucking park, did you follow me?
you turned around to see sunghoon with his messy hair and his messed up uniform. you noticed that he had a messy collar from running. you know you can’t run away from this situation.
“why..” you muttered at him with glossy eyes. you were undoubtedly confused as to why he followed you.
sunghoon slowly walked towards you and you noticed that he was holding his long coat in his arms. you looked back at him with hurt visible on his expression.
“why are you avoiding me?”
you were at a loss of words at the sudden confrontation. your heart was beating like crazy and you curse at yourself as to why you can’t form a single sentence. geez you might believe that sunghoon probably hates you.
“um..” come on y/n think!
sunghoon was staring at you, expecting a response but as he saw you shivering like a dog, he approached to you with his coat. he stood in front of you which didn’t help yourself form words.
he wrapped it around your body, sending electric shocks in your body from his fingers touching your shoulders. you slowly looked up at sunghoon as he made sure to cover every inch of your body with his coat, even if it’s touching the floor.
“whatever i did,” sunghoon was fixing the collar as you kept staring at him with a sad smile. “i’m sorry.” he finally looked at you. your eyes started to swell up with tears like a crybaby.
you looked down so sunghoon wouldn’t see your tears falling. “you don’t understand,” you whispered. “you hate people like me.” you swore that your voice cracked.
sunghoon tilted his head at that assumption. “who told you that?” he tried lowering his head to look at you. “i would never hate you.” he softly said, hands slowly placed onto your shoulders, gently massaging them to ease you.
“whoever said that is a bitch.” you chuckled at sunghoon’s words. how ironic.
“i guess you’re a bitch.” you looked up to him with a slight, amused smile. his eyebrows quirked at your words. you looked at him and noticed the snowflakes on his hair. you wanted to remove them but you held back.
“what do you mean? have i said anything?” you can hear the genuineness in his tone. you can’t be mad at him forever, it’s not even his fault.
“those love letters,” you decided to just spill it out. “do you why they’re gone? why you’re not receiving them?” you didn’t expect a response. “because they were from me sunghoon. i wrote the letters to you.”
now it was sunghoon’s turn to be frozen. his hands stopped massaging you, his lips puffed out air in shock, and his eyes are slightly wide. you couldn’t handle his stare so you sniffled, looking down.
you expected a disgusted look from sunghoon and let him reject you. what you didn’t expect is that, it didn’t happen. your imagination became false when you felt his lips onto yours.
you felt like time stopped. your eyes were wide in shock and your body became still. you felt sunghoon’s fingers slowly reach your waist, digging into them to be closer to you.
his eyes were close and his lips were slowly moving, hesitant to continue. your eyes were slowly closing as you realized that sunghoon is indeed kissing you.
you can hear your rapid heartbeat echoing in your head and you stopped crying. you can imagine yourself a blushing mess and your thoughts are all over the place.
the park sunghoon is kissing me.
sunghoon let go (unfortunately) and looked at you while you were processing at what happened. sunghoon saw your cheeks becoming more red but didn’t comment about it. he instead, fixed your hair strands from your face and put them behind your ear. he noticed a snowflake falling onto your nose. he wanted to kiss it but he controlled himself.
“i’m sorry. i didn’t know it were yours.” sunghoon’s hand slowly reached to the side of your face, his thumb staying at your tear stained cheek as he gently rubbed your skin. you leaned towards his soft touch. “fuck y/n i really am sorry.” he apologized once again, feeling utterly terrible.
“i only said that because i like you. i only said that bullshit because i’m in love with you, not anyone else. i didn’t want anyone else but you.” you were at a loss of words.
“i like the way you help others before yourself, how passionate you look like talking about the things you like, how you look so focused on the classes i don’t even like, the cookies you baked for the class, i liked them. i liked every bite of them. i like your eyes, your hair, your voice-” your eyes dilated at the sudden confession sunghoon is making about you as he starts looking at the ground because he can’t look at you in the eyes when he’s confessing his love for you.
“shit i-i didn’t know it was yours, i didn’t mean to hurt you last week-“ sunghoon was rambling whatever what was coming on top of his head. he wanted to ramble to show how regretful he is.
“hey,” you softly spoke, catching sunghoon’s attention. he looked at you with sadness and disappointment, especially in himself. he doesn’t deserve a girl like you. you just smiled at him as he was wondering why you aren’t punching him in the face.
well, you did call him a bitch…
“you didn’t know it was from me, it’s only natural to react like that. i became an idiot and didn’t talk to you about the letters, i was just a coward because i was scared to be rejected by you.” you chuckled at yourself, shivering at the cold despite being covered by sunghoon’s coat.
sunghoon noticed and pulled the coat tighter on you. he even buttoned you up so the snow won’t touch your clothes. you can’t help but feel warm on the inside. “yeah an idiot for running without a jacket.” he replied, pouting at your stubbornness.
“i’m assuming that you threw them away?” you asked sunghoon as he guilty looked away. you weren’t mad at him, for he didn’t know. “i’ll start writing them again.” you said confidently. you didn’t know where your boldness was coming from.
sunghoon looked at you with sparks on his eyes. “but on one condition.” you suddenly said, using your index finger.
“mhm go on i’m listening.” sunghoon stared at you with a loving gaze and his hands wrapped around your waist and you suddenly can’t speak.
is this his way of flirting?
abruptly, you stood on your tippy toes and pecked his lips. sunghoon was caught off guard when he felt your lips on him. you looked at him innocently when his lips were ajar. you smiled cheekily at him.
“shit y/n,” he pressed his chest with his palm. “you can’t do stuff like that.” he pouted and you can’t help but giggle at the sight you’re seeing.
“like what?”
sunghoon leaned down towards you. “two can play that game.” you saw sunghoon smirked as he whispered to you, feeling his warm breath onto your skin.
you were about to ask him what he meant but he beat you to it when both of his hands cupped your face, making your cheeks squished. he smiled at the sight before kissing you once again and the warm feeling inside of you happens once again. both of you felt it.
the feeling, it felt so right. your lips felt perfect onto his. you smiled against the kiss and sunghoon felt it. he smiled into the kiss as well. he tilted his head to the side, kissing you deeper. you couldn’t breathe both literally and figuratively.
both of you stopped, panting for air. both of you leaned away but sunghoon still cupped your cheeks because he wanted to be close to you. both of you were a blushing mess but kept quiet about it as you kept smiling towards each other, never wanting this to end. you both leaned your foreheads together, being silent but staring into each other’s eyes.
“what the fuck.”
sunghoon turned around and saw jake. you squinted your eyes from afar and saw yunjin staring. the two of them stared at the both of you with a stunned expression.
can’t wait to explain this one.
thank you for reading ! <3
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seangelfish · 3 months
i was ranting to the ritsu ai bot about my abusive ex and he said he was gonna tell knights and they were gonna handle it and when i asked him what he meant he was like "hehe dont worry about it~" djndksndke do you think u can write something about ritsu listening to u rant to him about an abusive ex and how hed handle it pls... thank u so much 🥺
A/N: I'm so sorry for the wait, anon! I hope you're still here to read this ;-; This was really an interesting request to take on. I added more to the story if that's alright! Just wanted the quote to flow in better~ Anyways, I hope you enjoy! (´,,•ω•,,)♡
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"Hehe, don't worry about it~"
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Ritsu Sakuma x reader ♡ Tags: Fluff/comfort/kinda angsty, romance, established relationship, she/her pronouns/fem reader ♡ Warnings: Slight mentions of abusive relationships ♡ Word count: 1,278 ♡ Synopsis: There are times where you just can't forget about the past, and unfortunately, it came back to haunt you. Ritsu, being the analytical person he is, notices your shift in attitude. The happiest girl he knew was now drifting away. How is he able to solve this, he wonders...
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"(Y/N)~" Ritsu called out to you from across the hallway. "I want a kiss~"
You winced, slowly turning around. There you saw your boyfriend and the rest of his unit making their way to their practice room.
"Hey, don't bother (Y/N)!" snapped Arashi. "Can't you see that she's busy?"
She was right and the stack of books in your arms proved that. You forced out a chuckle but decided not to answer Ritsu's request and walked away.
"Ahaha! What odd behaviour!" Leo pointed out. "She didn't even pay you no mind!"
Ritsu bit his lip. "Is she mad at me?" he murmured to himself.
After practice, Ritsu looked all over the school for you, constantly calling you but never getting a reply. He was getting extremely anxious because not only did he know you as the most happy-go-lucky person that he adored, but because there was that thought in the back of his mind that you were going to leave him.
You were avoiding him after all.
“H-Hey, Maa-kun, have you seen (Y/N) anywhere?” Ritsu panted, hands on his knees as he breathed heavily.
“Woah, there!” Mao exclaimed. “You’re sweating! You’re not one to run around so much. Is (Y/N) okay? I haven’t seen her much today—”
“I don’t know… I think she might be mad at me, but I’m not sure why she would be…” said Ritsu sadly. “She’s not even picking up my calls.”
“Hmm… let me try then.”
Mao scrolled through his contacts until he landed on yours. As the phone rang, the two boys waited for you to answer.
Unprecedentedly, the line was immediately cut.
“Huh, weird. (Y/N) always picks up when I call her,” said Mao, thinking back to the times he had to call you to take care of Ritsu. “Yeah, she might be mad at you. Ritsu—”
“I swear I didn’t do anything,” Ritsu quickly stated. “Argh, I’m going to look again. Bye!”
“Hey, don’t overdo it!”
Ritsu sighed, slumping down by the corner of the Yumenosaki gardens. He looked for you everywhere he could, asking friends and classmates where you went, but none of them knew of your whereabouts.
He couldn't keep running around forever. Ritsu wasn't built for that. So he came to rest for a bit before trying again.
“Ah… I’m tired,” he muttered to himself. “(Y/N)… where are you…?”
His eyelids felt heavy, but before he could fall asleep, his ears picked up the sound of shuffling. He lifted his head up and there you were, backed into the corner, hugging your knees.
The two of you stared at each other in shock, yet Ritsu was the one who broke off the silence.
"(Y/N)!" he exclaimed, crawling towards you. As he took your hands in his, he continued swiftly, "I was looking all over for you! Are you okay? What's wrong? Did I do something that hurt you? I'm sorry. Please don't be mad. I'll fix it–"
You shook your head, an artificial smile forming on your face. "I'm sorry, Ritsu. I just needed alone time... You didn't do anything wrong, I promise."
"T-Then why have you been avoiding me?" he quavered. "You've been ignoring my calls too... (Y/N), you know you can tell me anything, right? You can rely on me – I want you to rely on me..."
You stared into his deep red eyes, the ones that pleaded with you to be honest with him. You let out a sigh, nodding in agreement that talking to him would have been better than bottling these feelings up.
"There's something I never told you about..." you said. "About my past relationship..."
Ritsu looked confused, but stayed quiet for you to continue. Not once did he let go of your hands, and you were thankful for that.
"...The relationship was fine at first, but it gradually became harder to breathe in. He would get mad at everything I did, everything I said. It was like walking on eggshells... There were times I was hurt by it too – mentally and physically."
And as you expected, those red eyes of his looked horrified.
"It was a scary time, but I'm glad I was able to get out. Then I met you." You smiled at him genuinely this time, but it all faded away too quickly. "I didn't think I was ready to get into a new relationship, but you were so sweet, so kind... You made all my worries melt away. I was so happy, but I guess I shouldn't have been."
"(Y/N), what? I don't understand–"
"He found out I was dating you," you stated. "He found out I was attending Yumenosaki, where I live now. He texted me yesterday to insult me because I already got into a new relationship even though it had been a while. He wouldn't leave me alone despite the amount of times I blocked him! He just keeps creating new accounts and numbers. That's why I didn't answer your calls... I-I turned my phone off..."
"R-Ritsu, I'm so scared...!" you stuttered as tears fell down your cheeks. "I didn't know what to do, so I tried avoiding it... but I'm so scared..."
"Hey..." he said calmly, wiping a tear away with his thumb. "I'm sorry you had to go through that, but thank you for telling me this. I'll handle the rest, okay?"
"H-Huh? But how?"
"Hmm... I'll tell the rest of Knights about it..." he muttered.
"Ritsu, what do you mean by that–"
"Hehe, don't worry about it~"
He stood up and held out his hand. "Come on, let's go back. Lunch is almost over." You hesitated but grabbed his hand as he pulled you up carefully. Once you were on your feet, he embraced you. He held your head to his chest, making you hear his heartbeat.
"You deserve to be happy, so don't worry about it anymore, alright?" he said. "(Y/N), I love you."
Lips pursed in order not to cry any more, you chuckled. "Thank you, Ritsu..." you whispered. "I love you too."
The next day, you stopped receiving those threatening messages from your ex. You wondered how Ritsu did it, but he never answered, leaving you clueless about the whole situation.
However, he did tell you that you shouldn't worry about your ex finding you anymore. He made sure to report the messages to the police with the help of Tsukasa. So now that the police were keeping an eye on him, you were able to relax.
"But what did you guys do anyway?" you asked Knights one day. "Ritsu never told me."
"Uhm– Oh– We didn't do much!" Arashi quickly stated, looking to the side. "We just reported it, that's it!"
"Eh...? Then Tsukasa, can you tell me–"
"I'm sorry, (Y/N), I can't."
"Not happening, (Y/N)!"
"Why are you all being so secretive?!"
"It's for your own good," Ritsu said sleepily as he entered the room. "(Y/N), can I use you as a pillow?"
You smiled. "Of course, come over here." As you patted your lap, Ritsu made his way over to you. He laid his head down on your legs happily as you began to stroke his hair.
"Can I have a kiss too?" he whispered. "After all, you didn't give me one last time~"
"Okay, okay~"
You leaned down and placed a soft kiss on his lips which he seemed to be very delighted about. You supposed it didn't matter how your boyfriend got your ex to back off. The past was the past, and you were going to leave that behind once and for all.
Anyways, your future was already fast asleep on your lap, lightly snoring away.
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Intro page | Ensemble Stars masterlist | Rules
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eridan would have been much more redeemable if he had ONE SINGLE SANE CONVORSATION with karkat/feferi/SOMEONE at least pseudo-positive about why people dont like him. If he asked karkat what was wrong with him and karkat gave him a serious answer which he actually took to heart and started at least ATTEMPTING to work on himself like 80% of people would probably like him more!!!! As is, his behavior is at least somewhat excusable by virtue of Alternia "Child Murder Paradise", but idk I feel like karkat could fix him is all I'm saying.
also side tangent yall he was OVER fef by the time of [S] Kanaya: Return to core!! he literally said he just wanted to be her friend again at that point!! he was improving!!!! a bit misguided with the bec noir thing and DEFINITELY feeling hopeless and desperate to survive (WHICH HE IS AWARE OF AND REFERENCES SEVERAL TIMES) and sollux was an absolute ass to him and (if I remember it right) fucking baited him into a fight!!!!!! I love sollux as much as the next guy but CMON ARGH he did NOT need to be that awful to eridan - eridan was only mean to sol AFTER he was provoked, he literally said he didnt want to fight him!!!!!!
sorry rant over. I'm having Eridan Thoughts agdudisksodishsi.
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autism-corner · 11 months
Ramblings of a Lunatic
II 750 Words II Levi x reader II Pure fluff II You find Levi ranting about his feelings for you II Established relationship II
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The soft blue hue of Levi's room at midnight slowly reached your eyes as you blinked awake. It wasn't uncommon for you to fall asleep in Leviathans tub, but you'd usually only wake up at a reasonable time and with the demon still in your embrace. This time, your arms were entirely empty. As you became more and more awake, searching for the missing warmth, your ears started to pick up on something. A soft murmuring, coming from near fish-henry's tank.
"It's just. ARGH!!!" As you peak over the edge, you find your demon clinging to his water-filled walls. He's turned away from you and sitting on his knees, his head apparently resting in his hands. Some other blanket than the one that you two fell asleep under was draped over his shoulders.
"MC is. Practically perfect. How can they just fall asleep so easily? And with ME of all people?!!" The panic in his voice is clear, but you also pick up on a tiny smile filled with pride. "Henry, I just still dont understand. Why would they keep sticking to me, when they could honestly get anything in the world?" A sigh. As the silence took its place, you debated if you should break your own cover. You could go over to him and comfort him, kiss him, tell him all his worries are completely unnecessary.
But, there was also another part of you that recognized the importance this moment had for Levi. He'd clearly done this before. He just needs to talk about his feelings to someone that isn't you, even if that means it needs to be a fish. Plus, it doesn't actually seem like Leviathan is in that bad of a mind-space. Even though you can't see his face, you can tell by the small things in his voice that he's just excited. He probably just needs to gush it out. So, you keep still, and stay listening to your demon.
"Whenever they smile I just KNOW that people would drop anything to see it again. I know I do. If they're just walking around I can feel the eyes that're attracted to them. It makes me want to pull them close and show everyone just how taken they actually are."
Memories with Leviathan start to surface. Just little things. Walking trough the halls of RAD with his hand ever-inching closer to yours. Always striding just a little quicker whenever either of you spot the other. All the tiny gift Levi has given you out of seemingly nowhere, but always whenever you were feeling a bit down. They all add up. You realize that it's specifically those things that make your relationship with Levi so perfect. The tiny ways that the two of you interact create a magical atmosphere, always growing with love.
As you relish the memories, Leviathan begins to talk again. "You know, Henry? I mean, you must. It's not like I haven't told you this like 100 times already, LOL. Anytime I see MC, my heart grows even more. Even now, its expanding. Just thinking about how they're currently in my bed, soundly sleeping. Knowing they're comfortable and safe, and that it's their specific choice to actually be with me, it just fills me with love. How can it not? I'm so unbelievably lucky." There's a sound that can only be described as a dreamily-and-heavenly-in-love sigh. "Speaking off, have I told you about today? Just as we were walking to RAD we.........."
As you listened to Levi drone on about you and him, you felt yourself get tired again. Understandable, since it's been well past midnight. The apparent energy that Levi gets while talking about you amazes you, but you can't keep stopping your eyes from closing by themself. As you slowly doze off the the sound of your lover's rambling, you hope your dreams will be filled with even just a fraction of the love you feel right now.
You wake up again, this time at a reasonable time and with your demon back in your arms. While waking up, your memories of last nights' happenings come back again. Even though the subject of your adoration is still sleeping next to you, you're sure he wouldn't mind waking up to your numerous kisses. Your not planning on telling him what you witnessed anytime soon, but you make sure to clearly translate your feelings over and over again, with each press of your lips.
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krikeymate · 1 year
I have read through your entire Foster This Love tag and my only regret is that I stumbled upon it just before bedtime
Here's a thing I'd like to see:
The first time Tara sees Sam get mad (like really, truly, teeth bared white knuckled someones about to get it mad) it's not at her but it is for her
i.e. someone upset Tara and Sam goes 100% Mama Hyena on them
I am so sorry for your pain lmao.
That is such a difficult request because there are so many possibilities. How do I choose? Argh. It's gotta be a bad experience with a social worker, right? Here's how Tara learns that Sam loves her.
Tara's been with Sam a year when they have a 'review'. This is someone new, someone Tara doesn't know. It immediately sets her on edge. They talk about her progress... or well, lack of it. How she still can't read or write, how she's not in school, about the meltdowns she's had at the therapist's office. The time she had to be hospitalised because she had a severe anxiety attack that set off her asthma.
He doesn't sound happy, and he sits there with a frown on his face. It makes Tara want to hide. But something tells her that would be bad. And the soshul worker doesn't want bad, they want to see good. Sam tries to object, to tell him about the progress Tara has made, about Sidney and what she thinks, but he won't let her speak, he keeps interrupting her.
Tara sits there quietly, fidgeting beside Sam on the couch. She wants to crawl into Sam's lap and hide there, but the man had taken one look at Tara clinging to Sam's leg when he arrived and said "isn't she a little too old to be hiding behind you like a child?" Sam had said Tara is a child and put an arm around her shoulder, but Tara's stomach had begun to twist, and the touch suddenly became too much. She'd needed space.
Then he says he wants to talk to Tara alone, and that's when she begins to shake her head, overwhelmed. She doesn't want to talk to this man, she doesn't like him, he's mean and she wants Sam to stay. Sam tells him no, and he doesn't like that.
He stands suddenly, and it makes Tara jump, slipping from the couch herself and taking a few steps back.
"Well Ms Carpenter, to be quite honest, I'm not very impressed by what I've seen here today." There's something in his voice that makes Tara think he's enjoying what he's saying, even if there's a frown on his face. "The girl was-" "Her name is Tara," Sam interrupts, standing herself.
"Tara, was placed with you because you were her sister, and it was determined that perhaps that would be what's best for her... despite the obvious... concerns. Clearly, it was a mistake to overlook them."
"What the hell does that mean?!" Sam demands, raising her voice.
"It means," he says, sighing, "that Tara will clearly be better off elsewhere. You're not equipped to take care of her in the way she needs. I see no evidence of-"
"NO!" Tara finally finds her voice, the words he's saying registering in her brain. "No no no." Her hands begin to shake and she bolts forward to push at his legs. "GO AWAY," she cries, sobs choking in her throat. He has to go away, to leave them alone. Tara belongs with Sam and now he wants to take her away.
Sam pulls Tara back with hands on her shoulders, telling her it's ok and breathe, sweet girl. The social worker is less than impressed.
"Is this the kind of unacceptable behaviour you've been encouraging?!" he rants, "I will be-"
"You will be leaving," Sam demands, pushing Tara behind her. The girl buries her face in Sam's side. "The only unacceptable behaviour here is yours!"
He begins to argue back, insulting her, insulting Tara. Sam's hands form into knuckles, skin tight from the force of her grip. Sam almost takes a step forward to push him back herself, stopped only by Tara's grip on her leg. She reaches a hand back as she feels Tara begin to hiccup through her cries.
"You came in here with your mind already made up," Sam states, voice unsteady. She's trying to calm herself down. "I love Tara and I am the best damn thing for her, and if you think I'm just going to let you try and take her away when all it will do is hurt her, if you think I'm going to just let you stand there and try to say that none of this is good enough, you've got another thing coming!"
Sam turns, jaw tight with anger, and picks Tara up in her arms. "It's time for you to leave, and your office will certainly be hearing from me. You know where the door is."
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Serendipity (CH 4)
Leroy Jethro Gibbs X Fem OC/Reader
Word Count: 2353
Warning: Mild language, fluff, smut, angst…
Prompt: You have a major crush on Gibbs, however you choose to push it away as you fear he doesn’t feel the same way. Suddenly there is a bunch of chances that lead to a happy ending…
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As much as I hated being away from work for a week, I dreaded coming in today. Gibbs hasn't seen me since he left me at the hospital. I bite my lip, staring at the building. I shouldn't of said anything. I always knew he wasn't going to feel the same way.
I brush my red hair over my shoulders, an impulsive decision. I was wearing a white v-neck, a black blazer and black dress pants.
My makeup was natural although I lined the eyeliner a little heavier this morning. I was trying to feel more like myself, but I couldn't get there. I grab the gift bags and my purse before heading inside.
I was here before everyone, eager to work, but hoping to avoid everyone. I drop a present at everyone's desk before heading to autopsy and leaving Ducky and Palmer theirs. I go to Abby's lab and leave hers there. I go back to my desk, working on some paper work before I was called back to talk with the shrink—apparently required after almost dying.
I was short with her, eager to get away. She kept going though, repeating questions no matter how many times I answered. By the time she'd given up—an hour and a half later—I was furious. I walk out of her office entering the bullpen.
"I don't ever remember the shrink being so...so persistent! Argh! I need Abby." I grumble, slumping in my chair.
"Y/N, you just had to answer the questions." Tim says.
"I know that. I did. But, I didn't realize that being short with her resulted in repeats. I was in there for an hour and a half." I grumble.
"Everyone is just worried about you." He says.
I knew Gibbs was staring, but I chose to ignore his stare. I put my hands on my face, taking a deep breath. I needed to let it out.
"What's with the new hair?" Tony asks.
"I'm trying to feel a little more me. But, it didn't work and I probably look stupid." I grumble.
"I think red suits you." Gibbs says.
"Agreed. It makes your eyes pop and suits your complexity." Ziva says.
I lay my head on my desk, trying to gather myself. I felt like I was falling to pieces and no one was seeing me. I take a deep breath, standing and walking to the stairs. I head to Abby's lab and she grins.
"Your back!" She exclaims, pulling me into a hug.
"Oh Abby, I've missed you so much. You don't even know it." I murmur, hugging her tighter.
"Awe! I missed you too, Y/N/N!" She exclaims.
I felt normal with Abby. With her...I felt more myself than I have this past week. She listened while I ranted until Gibbs called her, saying he needed me back upstairs. I had left my phone, so makes sense.
I grab my phone and sketch pad as I follow the team. Due to my spectacular profiling skills, my mind seemed to play out every crime scene. It was easier for me to draw than talk. I could do both, but the pictures came to mind before the words.
"Thank you, for the present. How'd you know I've been wanting that book?" Ziva asks.
"You've been talking about it. You also saw a quote online and hung it on your bulletin board." I say and she smiles.
"Nothing ever gets passed you, does it Y/N/N?" She asks.
"No. I can't help I'm observant. I'm also a pretty good profiler." I say.
"Sounds more of an FBI job." Gibbs grumbles.
"If you want me gone Gibbs, don't be shy. Use your words." I say, staring ahead.
The doors open and I walk past him, hitting his shoulder. Was I hurt he'd say something like that? Yeah, I was. I worked my ass off on this team and this is what I get. I keep silent, deciding to go in the van today rather than with Gibbs.
He grabs my arm before I could climb up into the van. I huff, trying to pull my arm free, but I couldn't. I get in the car, looking out the window.
"Do we have a problem, Y/L/N?" He asks.
I keep silent, staring out the window as my eyes watered. I can't imagine leaving this team. This team has been the best team I've ever been on. They're my family. He slams on the brakes, before pulling the car over.
"I asked you a question. When I ask a question, you answer it." He snaps.
"Do you really want me gone, Gibbs? Is it about what I said? Because if it is, just forget I said anything. I shouldn't of said anything. I see that now. But, I couldn't die with that secret weighing me down. So, please...can we move past that. I know I shouldn't of said anything. I know nothing can happen because you don't feel that way and rule twelve. I get it, Gibbs. I have my answer. Now, can you please drive to the crime scene? Please?" I ask, staring out the window to hide my tears.
"I don't want you on this team because it'd make it so much easier. I do like you, but your right. I have rule twelve in place for a reason. I made the rule. I can't break that rule. That's why I don't want you on my team. However, I want you on my team because we are family. I don't know what we'd do without you. But, you need to try to forget those feelings...it isn't healthy dwelling on something you can't have." He says.
I was silent as he started to drive. As we neared the crime scene, I wiped my cheeks clean, opening my sketch pad. I was quick to get out of the car, walking around the house slowly to clear my mind.
I walk in and look around. The wife and husband were sprawled out on the floor. I sketch away, keeping in mind about the domestic violence call to their home. They were arguing and apparently it continued after the officer left.
Financial troubles?
Loveless relationship?
I write my thoughts on the top corner of the page, kneeling beside the bodies as I investigate them.
"What is she doing?" An officer asks.
"She's doing her job. She has very special skills. Can practically predict what happened on each scene. So, she sketches." Tony says.
"Is she single?" He asks.
"Yeah." Tim says.
"She isn't looking right now." Gibbs says.
I roll my eyes, continuing my sketch. I stand, moving to kneel beside the other body. I stand, moving through the room. I get to an empty room, noticing boxes. My heart drops to my stomach noticing it was baby items. I go back to the living room and see Ducky is here.
"Ducky, could you lift her shirt? Just to show her stomach." I say.
Despite his confusion, he lifts the baggy hoodie and I see it in his eyes like mine. The woman definitely had a baby bump. My eyes water and I quickly walk back to the room that was meant to be the nursery. I sit on one of the boxes, sketching a baby.
Not the husbands baby?
Could it be a secret lovers child?
Or a jealous ex-lover?
Again, I take tab of my notes as I make my way to the bathroom. I study the products before heading to the couples bedroom. They weren't sleeping in the same room. She had the bedroom.
"Y/L/N! Are you done yet!?" Gibbs calls.
I stay silent, kneeling as I continue sketching. I pull my gloves on and I open drawers. I walk to the backyard and look around. It was quiet and peaceful back here. There were woods behind the home. I notice something on the ground between the trees.
I walk out and kneel. It was a cigarette box and a bunch of cigarettes. I grab the camera that was hanging around my neck and snap a few pictures. I grab an evidence bag out of my pocket and bag it. I take my gloves off, before sitting on the ground a little ways behind the spot I found the buds and facing the back of the house.
I heard the doors open as I sketched a shadowy silhouette standing between the trees, smoking and watching the house.
"Y/N? What the hell? I've been calling for you." Gibbs snaps.
I stand, looking around. I snap a picture of some boot print before looking up at Gibbs.
"Why tell me you have feelings? Why not lie and make it easier? Knowing you have feelings for me isn't going to make this easier, Gibbs. Why do you have to follow that stupid rule anyway? You know Tony and Ziva aren't. So, why can't you break it?" I ask.
"We are doing a case right now, Y/L/N." He sighs. 
"I'm aware. I've determined our unsub wears military boots, size thirteen. He's probably six foot two. I'd say he's got a heavy build or he's heavier set by the boot prints. He's a chain smoker. He's been staking out here, stalking our victims. Right through that window, bam. You have the perfect site of the kitchen and living room. The sliding doors, bam. Perfect view of the hallway. He was able to see when they were in separate rooms. Took care of the husband first then the wife." I say.
"And how do you know the wife was saved for last?" He asks.
"Her murder was overkill. She was the target. Our unsub was angry with her. Stab wounds to the chest, mostly the heart which could be his way of showing heartbreak. The shot to the head was done postmortem and could be a sign of executing her once and for all from his life. The husband was shot instantly. He was dead from the first shot. He wasn't the target." I say.
"Let's go." He says.
I roll my eyes, looking around before following after him. I got in the car as he wrapped up the scene. I worked away in my sketchbook, tidying up the sketches from the scene. He gets in the car and it was silent.
I wasn't surprised when he pulled over to get coffee. I was surprised when he asked if I wanted to go in with him. I was far too focused on my drawing to leave though. So, I turned down his offer. I was hunched over, my hair getting on my nerves as I didn't have a hair tie.
It was all over, casting shadows on the drawing and constantly getting in my face or in the way of the drawing. He climbs in and clear his throat. I look up and he held a coffee out towards me.
"Thanks." I mumble, taking it.
It was silent and then he was holding something else out towards me. A hair tie...the scrunchie I lost a few months ago.
"Found it in my car a few days ago." He says.
"Thank you." I say quietly, taking it.
I put my hair up in a messy bun, letting it sit on top of my head as I sketched away. He grunts, leaning over me. I stop, looking at him confused. He grabs the buckle and buckles me in. My cheeks flush red and I look down before busying myself in the sketchbook.
I was relieved to get out of the car. It was tense between Gibbs and I. I didn't like it, but there wasn't much I could do. I was walking into the building, looking down as someone bumps into me.
I look up, my coffee hitting the ground. Thankfully, outside. I had coffee all over the front of my shirt, sketchbook and camera.
"I'm so, so, sorry. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." He says.
"It's alright. Accidents happen." I say softly, managing a small smile.
I toss the empty coffee cup away and turn to see the man waiting. Gibbs was getting closer and looked pissed off. Oh great.
"Can I have your number? Maybe take you out for coffee to make up for this?" He asks, smiling.
He was a cute guy for sure. He wasn't Gibbs though. I list off my number and he adds it to his phone before Gibbs grabs my arm and drags me towards the building.
We get to the elevator and it was silent before he slams on the emergency stop button, turning to me.
"What the hell was that?" He snaps.
"Green doesn't look good on you, Gibbs." I tease.
"Y/N, what was that?" He asks again, the warning clear in his tone.
"He bumped into me and obviously my coffee spilt all over me...my camera and sketchbook. He apologized and he asked for number to take me out to coffee some time so that he can make up for today." I said.
"Are you that naive? Do you really believe he just wants to be friends? Or that it was an accident? Your smarter than that, Y/L/N. He just wants in your pants." He snaps, smacking me in the back of the head.
I was quiet, thinking back to me walking up to the building. He had indeed saw me. I frown, knowing Gibbs was right. I reach out, hitting the button. He sighs, hitting it again, but I hit again and block it. I was relieved when the doors opened.
I walked off, throwing my stuff on my desk. I reach into my purse, before smacking the side of my head with a fist as I clench my jaw. God. I'm so done with today.
"Y/N?" Tim questions.
I shrug my blazer off, walking towards the stairs where I head to Abby's lab. I walk in and she smiles before seeing that I wasn't okay. I break and start crying immediately.
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piplupod · 6 months
it hurts so much jesus fucking christ i wish i knew how much pain was normal bc this doesnt feel like it should be normal
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taylortruther · 2 months
I don't get the discourse around the playlists honestly like seriously whyyy are people so mad lol? I've seen like a dozen thinkpieces on how Taylor is villainizing Joe again after the breakup and trying to rewrite history and honestly like...it's her songs? If she feels a certain way about writing a certain thing then she's allowed to do that right? Or am I losing my mind because I'm seeing "swifties" call this problematic and victim-card-playing and it's very exhausting tbh. People REALLY don't like having their interpretations of media be even slightly shattered huh. Anyways I was just ranting tbh, it's kind of frustrating how every time she says something related to the breakup, there's a barrage of people attacking her because "Joe would neverrr omg". I mean you don't know that. I mean you know Joe because SHE introduced you to him. I mean you need to talk a walk. By 'you' obviously I mean not YOU but like, half the people on her tag right now.
i just wrote a post about this because it was bothering me so much argh
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