rosieshipper · 2 years
This is your free pass to gush about your parental f/os if you have any!
Just reblog this post with a pic of your parental f/o and just go ham with the gushing! I wanna see your guys moms, dads, parents, the whole shabang
Parental f/os deserve so much more recognition! So please tell me all about your parental f/os!
I’ll go first!
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This is Hopper, he’s my dad! He loves Jim Croce, puzzles, watching westerns late at night, coffee, cigarettes and most importantly me and my little sister El
Tags: @astralshipper @aricka-and-her-fictional-others @magicalpuppyprincess @recordplayershipping @wolfofthedead
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kittyandco · 2 years
If your OC was made royal (or is royal) how would they use their power? Are they a good leader or bad? Do their subjects like them or is it ‘off with their head’? Do they enjoy being royal?
For any one you want to answer for-! ( @aricka-and-her-fictional-others )
thank you!!! 🥺
so my mind goes to my frozen s/i immediately! she was born a princess, but like hans she never had much actual power. she's always seen her role as pretty useless, so she would abandon her responsibilities pretty often. but she wanted to keep her family satisfied enough with her... it wasn't until she got older and was ready to leave it all behind that she began to really speak her mind and act on her own accord. (at the expense of her betrothal to hans, too.)
eventually she's promoted to queen thanks to hans, but again... this is his operation, not hers. all she wanted was a life with him, everything else was secondary. she wants to be a good leader, she cares about others generally (unlike hans) but her desires aren't so selfless... like hans, she's in it for personal satisfaction, which is a lasting love with hans. it doesn't benefit their people at all. i don't think hans is like some cartoonishly tyrannical king, but his moral compass is a bit wonky, and his only example was his father, who oversaw a lot of questionable operations in the southern isles. like in canon, his schemes are just that: sly and underhanded. bring his victims in, gain their trust, and pull the rug out from under them (hot 😻)
still, i believe that hans swore long ago that he would never become like his father or his brothers; he wanted to be better. in his mind, this doesn't mean ethically better, but doing the exact same things his father would do is in bad taste to him. reminds him too much of that era of his life, and i remind him of that. i don't want to be reminded of it either
UNLESS he legitimately believes it's justified. and again, he mainly wanted this position because of the pain related to his family. he wants to upstage them, he wants to overcome them. so i think he makes very brash decisions toward the southern isles to punish them. he also finesses other kingdoms that we make alliances with to build our wealth and influence (mostly as an ego trip).
on the other hand, kitty is fine with her royalty now because she has hans, no strings attached, no gods or masters. she just wanted him... and a little bit of freedom. i'm sure she would try to guide hans' decisions, and he does respect her perspective. but he's had this grand idea in his head for years. it will take a bit of convincing.
anyway, the people of arendelle like me a lot! they see me as quiet, but intelligent. "lovely" is the word they usually use. and that i'm a great fit for hans. very loyal to him. also, they are fully convinced that hans did the right thing, given that he bolstered the idea of elsa's malevolent witchcraft being a lasting threat to them. she wasn't fit to be their queen, and he had already gained their trust while anna went to look for her before. he's charming and attentive to everyone (except perhaps certain officials where he has to stand his ground and maintain a stoic character). they remember him out there helping them while their kingdom froze, and now, likely forever grateful and seeing him as a legendary figure, they believe that he saved them from an eternal winter --
༓・*.☽25 OC QUESTIONS☾.*・༓
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tsundere-selfship · 3 years
Dear ally of Glay Don Wood
We are most pleased to invite you to the Royal wedding of Aricka Potter and Bo Duke. The wedding will commence at 7:30 P.M., at uncle Jesse’s barn.
The theme is, “Country Love Story.” Dress like you’re in a Hallmark romcom!
The reception will begin at 9:30 at the Boar’s Nest and will last until the final guest leaves!
Aricka and Bo will be sent off with a sparkler parade at 9:00 sharp, and will drive off in the General Lee!
We hope to see all of you there, and to RSVP (be added to the tag list) reply to this ask!
Most warmly and affectionately,
Queen Evelyn Rose Grimhilde- Gibson of Eastern Glay Don Wood
Hi! This sounds awesome and I'd love to attend!
One thing though, you do know that the General Lee car is a huge problem, right? As far as I've heard the source itself is fine, but the car is,,, named after a confederate general,,, and has that flag on it-
Bestie please tell me your idea of "Country Love Story" is not the confederacy
- Python
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mariposalass · 2 years
Dear friend,
You are hereby invited to the royal wedding of Queen Aricka of Glay Don Wood and her fiancé, Crown Prince Peter Parker, fondly nicknamed Tobey.
The wedding will be Tuesday May 31, at the Central Glay Don Wood Royal Castle, beginning at 5:30.
The theme is, “We’re Each Other’s Hero.” Dress like a wedding casual version of your favorite superhero from any media-!
The reception will be comfy/casual; in the Central Glay Don Wood Community Park, and begins at 6:45 with appetizers while the wedding party takes photos.
The dance floor will open promptly at 7 and close at 11:30. We will then relocate to the entrance of the park and send Aricka and Peter off with a flower petal toss that their carriage can ride over!
We hope to see all of you there.
Queen Evelyn Rose Grimhilde of Eastern Glay Don Wood.
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Oh thank you! Will be looking forward to it!
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qutequeersstuff · 2 years
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"Wait for us. "Always” (Aricka × Steve × Billy) by @aricka-and-her-fictional-others
Even in Hawkins Series by @barbarasbae
Tell Me No Secrets Series by @inyourwildestdreamslove
“Wake Up” Series by @jordanlahey
The Boys of Summer by @littlewinter1917
Can't Be Green by @radicalbilly
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The end of Dabi
Ehehe a self insert fic, with my enemy fo Dabi, from my hero academia. Don't mind me tagging you ah ah!
@somethingscarlet13 @aricka-and-her-fictional-others @frienah @thetotallyfakeishabbey @bitchyvoidpeach @sacredempressnatlyia
She had finally found him.
She had tracked him down for months, hell she even stole documents and files about him at the school for heroes, and she had stolen some from Hawks too... She didn't care: all what mattered now is that she would knew exactly where he would but... she needed to know if the moon would be in the right position.
She checked on her phone the latest news about the night sky and smirked slyly when she found out it would be a red moon. It was perfect. She looked up to the sky, and mouthed a "thank you" before returning into her shop to help some clients.
The moon was blood red. The most perfect moon that could activate one part of her quirk no one knew about. She knew that it was for the best if she stayed low, so no one would know about her powerful nature. She hiding amongst the shadows of a dark looking building and stared at Dabi for afar. He was the same after those years. It was incredible: he didn't even change a bit. She watched as he left alone, probably thinking he would be better off on his own, and thinking he was the most powerful in the room. Her eyes hardened as she followed him, still in the shadows, like a lioness spying on his prey. He would go down. Now.
Swiftly, she flew over Dabi and grabbed him to throw him in a hidden alley, where she knew no one would bother to see what happens. The scarred man stared at her, distraught about what happened but soon offered a smile, tilting his head to the side.
"You got me hero... What will you be doing now?" He chuckled dangerously, as flames started to engulf his body. He was looking for a challenge.
"I am not a hero." She replied, not bothered by the fire. "I bet you don't remember the professor Uchiyama Shigeru?"
Dabi stayed silent for a moment then started to laugh, his flames shining even brighter. He really didn't care, a true monster. She needed to put an end to his motives right now.
"Lady, if I remembered every of my victims, that would mean a give a damn about them... which I fortunately don't."
"He had a quirk that made him remember everything." She went on, stepping toward him with a scowl. "I was fourteen when you killed him, he was my mentor. It is time you pay for your crimes: you had made people mourning their loved ones for too long. I will end you, once and for all!" She roared, activating her quirk fully.
Devil was the right name for it: as soon as her horns sprouted from her forehead that she felt him being a little distraught. Her wings always hurt when they were forming but it didn’t matter. She loved the expression he had on his face: surprised, fearful... She smiled at him dangerously, showing him her fangs.
Tentacles tackled him against the wall, and the flames didn't injure her. She was immune to it. It was actually tickling her, a little. She resisted the urge to mock him: she needed to act as fast as possible.
"Now now, Dabi... what are your worst fears?" She muttered as she forced her mind into his, clearly violating him.
"Stop it!" He yelled, trying to claw at her, clearly uncomfortable.
That's it. She found it. His worst fear, his nightmare... she could understand it, but she would take it away with pleasure. That's why she was here after all. She truly felt blessed to have her unique quirk.
"Extraction." She chuckled, as Dabi screamed in pain.
She bet he was starting to feel his energy drained, good, it meant it was working. He needed to, he had to suffer for all the crimes he had done. She didn't care if he had any "good intentions". Dabi had murdered, injured and did worse to many people, and she couldn't let him get away with that. The red moon was fueling her, accepting her gesture, for the good of all mankind.
Dabi fell on the ground with a groan, clearly passed out. She nudged him with her tail then realised she took away his quirk. Perfect. It meant the moon allowed her and granted her wish. It was time to have him put behind bars: she hoped jail would be a hard time for him without his quirk.
She had found two of them: her dear friend Hawks, who immediately told her of his quirk and of who he was undercover and a bigger man, whose quirk seemed to be the same as her old enemy. She flew over them, and they seemed surprised to see her. She didn't believe Hawks recognised her, she looked very different with her quirk. Once she was near them, she walked toward both men.
"Here, heroes." She spat as she threw Dabi on the ground, at the feet of Endeavour and Hawks. "He is harmless now." She informed as she turned to leave. "I hope he will stay in jail forever for what he has done." She growled before leaving again.
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softselfships · 3 years
I have a few f/o’s that I write fics for but make them reader inserts because I feel.. I dunno.. selfish for wanting it to be just mine, and that no one will read it if it isn’t x reader. I dunno I just think I need reassurance, cuz I want to make it with specific stuff about me but I feel bad
dude youre so valid!! i totally get where youre coming from. i don't post any of the fics i write for the same reason—the fics i write with my f/os are way too personal, and i can't just make them into x readers because there are a ton of facts about me in there (like my skin tone, disabilities, and gender, which wouldn't be fair to assume for a reader and that i feel weird erasing from the fic).
what i've learned from posting art and writing over the years is that you dont have to post everything! youre allowed to make art for yourself. it can be full of errors and whatnot, but if it makes you happy, it's worth creating.
personally, someone i look up to on here that posts selfship fanfic of themself/ocs is @aricka-and-her-fictional-others!! they're so cool and have given me a few ideas over the past few months. i've considered posting a few of my things once i started following her. :D interacting with others that post what you want to and getting feedback/reads can help you find an audience and gain confidence in your stories.
hopefully this late-night ramble suffices for some kind of advice. sorry if it is a little wordy, my dyslexia is going through the motions today.
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letsgofoletsgo · 3 years
Hey There, Stranger
While the sun went down, the hum of the streets was still present on the isle. People whispering and scheming within the alleys, always on guard for unfriendly faces or unsuspecting targets. Street rats and no-gooders darting across stoney paths into the shadows, avoiding confrontation or stashing whatever goods they could get their hands on. It was an unforgiving environment, one that required constant vigilance and sharp street smarts. 
This was a life Jay knew quite well, initially out of necessity due to his father’s shop, and eventually becoming a source of fun. He had long since mastered the art of the heist, developing a clever wit and quick hands for pickpocketing and knicking trinkets. Though honesty wasn’t a key virtue among the islanders, it was an effective way to make a living, along with Jay being able to steal a few personal items for himself. 
However, tonight the boy found himself not wanting to think about either of those things. Normally, even if he was sneaking about in the shadows, he had a cocky grin on his face, expertly navigating the isle with confidence; Instead, he wandered about the worn down streets with his hands in his pockets, sporting an unusually disgruntled expression. He shot a threatening glare to anyone emerging from the alleyways, most knowing not to cross him on a bad day. After traversing the streets for a bit, he came into a quieter part of the island near the barricaded water. He walked onto a rotting wooden plank that was held up by the edge off a low roof, and stepped onto the building with practiced ease. He ambled across the slightly unstable buildings, cautiously hopping across a few roofs, before arriving at a certain building and sitting down against the cold material of its raised wall.
Jay sighed as he looked upon the island that he called home, trying to quiet the thoughts plaguing his mind. Frustration clawed at his chest, a feeling he wished would just go away. 
More than ever he just wanted to be away from here. 
He wanted to get off this island and go anywhere else. 
“Hey there, stranger.”
He glanced to his side, his gaze meeting the green-haired girl who interrupted his train of thought, giving him a lopsided smile. 
“Wha- Azalea! What are you doing here?” 
She slid down next to him. “I happened to spot a certain thief I know sulking about in the streets.” 
“What makes you say I was ‘sulking’?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. 
“C’mon, the Jay I know doesn’t walk around aimlessly in the middle of the road with his tail between his legs.”
“I wasn’t walking around with- I was just!-” He began, but eventually slumped back down, “...Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
Azalea’s expression softened a bit. “So… Is something going on?”
Jay shifted, eyes not meeting her sight. 
“Just… Stuff with my dad, what else is new.” He gave a solemn chuckle. “I end up breaking one stupid vase and off he goes again with his usual spiel about how irresponsible I am and all this shit I’ve heard a million times. Wasn’t in the mood for it, so… Here I am.” 
 Azalea hesitated for a moment before speaking. “... Jay, I-”
“And like, you just get sick of it after a while, you know? I get that I’m a useless bum that does nothing helpful, but he doesn’t need to remind me every other day! Why does he keep me around if I only ever seem to inconvenience him, huh? Riddle me that!” He finished with a huff.
The two remained silent for a few moments, Jay staring into the darkness trying to quell the anger he had unbottled. He attempted to regain himself, when he suddenly tensed at the feeling of Azalea leaning against his shoulder. 
“I’m sorry.” She said with a genuine tone, one rarely heard on the island. 
The boy stumbled briefly with his words, not knowing how to respond to the unexpected act. “I-I mean, well, hey, ‘s just a matter of time before I find some way to ditch him, right?” He sputtered, attempting to lighten the tone somewhat. 
Azalea shrugged weakly in response, and they went quiet again. She tried to think of something to say, something to ease his mind; when she got an idea. 
“Hey, you wanna know something my mom told me?” She asked. “She said whenever she was upset about something, she’d look up at the stars and make her own little constellations. I always thought it was sort of silly, but she said it always made her feel a little better.”
Jay looked down at her, tilting his head. “Constellations?”
“Yeah! It's probably a bit harder to do on the isle, but I think we could give it a try.” She said with a playful smile. 
Still learning against him, Azalea positioned herself upwards, and began scanning the fairly cloudy sky above them. Jay was rather skeptical of this idea, yet followed her finger as it reached up to the sky.
“I think I see… a little mountain!” She traced a set of stars, outlining her newfound constellation. 
It took him a bit, but he could just about see the shape she described. “Huh. If you tilt your head and squint, I guess I can see where you’re coming from.”
She giggled. “Alright, your turn now.”
Looking up at the stars, Jay tried to mentally trace them in his head, seeing which ones he could piece together. 
“Look! It's a circle!” He said, circling his finger around a group of stars just barely resembling the shape. 
“You call that a circle?” She chided.
“Hey, this was your idea, leave my circle constellations alone.” He returned.
The next half hour was spent with the two pointing out whatever constellations they could string together. Some were rather impressive, some hardly looking like what the other was describing, but ended up being a fun time nonetheless. As time went on, the two exhausted the starry sky of possible designs, mapping it all out to the edge of their vision. However, there was one more pattern she could spot, and she had a clever idea of how to show him. 
“You know, I think I just found my favorite constellation yet.” 
She put both her hands around Jay’s left hand, lifting it to the sky. He was caught a bit off guard, but he let her push his finger into a point and slowly drag it across the sky.  
“See? It's heart!” 
He detected the heart constellation, taking a moment to admire it from the edge of his finger. Upon realizing his hand was still in Azalea’s, he drew back. 
“When did you become such a sap?” Jay teased. 
“When I started following boys onto rooftops and tracing stars with them, I guess.” She said with a smirk. 
“Better be careful Zale, wouldn’t want word getting out how much of a softie you are.” 
“Eh, I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Never turned down an excuse to beat someone up before, heheh.”
The two laughed, the tension that once filled the air no longer present.
“You really know how to make a guy feel better, huh?” 
“Well, glad I could be of service.” 
Jay felt Azalea nuzzle into him further, this time allowing himself to lean into the affection himself. He couldn’t remember the last time he felt like this; safe, happy, carefree. His life was so full of thieving and hustling and being on the move, that just sitting here and existing… It was an unfamiliar feeling, but one he welcomed nonetheless.
“Hey, Jay?” Azalea spoke after a moment, yawning, “Do you think… we could stay out here for a bit longer? Don’t really feel like going back home just yet…”
Hearing the sleepy tone in her voice coupled with the warmth of her body next to him, something came over the boy that he couldn’t quite place. He found himself wrapping his arms around her snuggled frame, holding her even closer to him.
“I’d like that.”
Azalea sighed in contentment against his neck, beginning to close her eyes. Jay felt himself start to drift off as well, resting his chin on the top of her head. That night, the two of them let the stress and doubt that surrounded the isle wash away. For just a little bit, they didn’t feel trapped.
In that moment, they had each other, just the two of them. 
They both felt like things would be alright. 
-Tag List-   
@aricka-and-her-fictional-others @geronimostiltonshusband @sculkheartz @proton-selfships @ari-shipping-stuff @pastelsceneselfships23
DM me if you want to be added or removed!
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rosieshipper · 2 years
I’m playing another reblog game
Reblog this with a pic of your f/o and I’ll assign them a song from my Spotify playlist, a stuffed animal, and a food, have fun
Tags: @astralshipper @aricka-and-her-fictional-others @magicalpuppyprincess @recordplayershipping @wolfofthedead
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rose-wine-selfships · 4 years
hello! when you get this ask, list 5 things that make you happy and pass this on to the last 10 people that reblogged/liked something on your blog. : )
Thanks for asking me @domithehuman ! That’s really sweet of you to do so. I’ll answer your question on my own post, thanks! 🙏💕
Here’s what officially makes me happy nowadays! 🥰🥰🥰
1. My friends and mutuals ☺️💖☺️
2. My irl boyfriend 💖💘
3. My F/Os 💖💖💖
4. Sailor Moon (90s animated) 🌙✨
5. Lovecore aesthetics 💓💝💘💕💖
I’ll tag @alphaofdarkness @allhailknifeprincess @i-would-rather-be-a-fairy @nougatships @aricka-and-her-fictional-others @tales-of-fluri @cinnabonsweetness @bubblegum-snowdrop @crystalrainwish @child-of-the-nighttime-stars to do this if they want to! Love you all! 😘💕🌹🍷✨
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tsundere-selfship · 3 years
This is Aricka - what fandom is Forsyth from? I’ve never heard of him and I’d love to hear about them
Lieutenant Forsyth, the Only Man I Ever Post About On This Blog Ever, is from a game called Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, commonly shortened to "SoV". It was released in 2017 for the 3ds to be a remake of Fire Emblem: Gaiden from 1992, in which Forsyth also appears.
And if you haven't met this man yet then I DARE you to go through my tag "💚 | Loyal Lieutenant" because hoo boy you're in for an adventure
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mariposalass · 3 years
Dear friend of Glay Don Wood
Once again, it is with great happiness and pleasure I invite you to a royal wedding, but not just any royal wedding- but that of an angel marriage between the following:
Queen Aricka Lilian Rose Genevieve Claire Potter of Glay Don Wood and the Disney Multiverse
Castiel, Angel of Thursday, protector of the Queen.
Jimmy Novak, their fiancé and Prince-Consort of the Queen.
The wedding theme is Boo to You/Halloween! Dress in fall/Halloween/spooky attire, but no scary/inappropriate attire as children will be present.
The date is set for October 17, 2021. The wedding will commence promptly at 5:30 PM however guests will begin being seated at 4:45 PM, (CST) as it is set during the Supernatural themed day of Disney Week.
The reception will be in the Glay Don Wood Royal Ballroom, beginning at 8:30 PM and ending at 10 PM (CST).
We look forward to seeing you all there and thank you for coming to supper our queen and her fiancés’ on their special day!
Warmest regards,
Queen Evelyn Rose Grimhilde of Eastern Glay Don, Confidante Aide and Advisor to Queen Aricka.
Oh yes, me and the fam bunch will be there for the big party!
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disneymarina · 3 years
To: @aricka-and-her-fictional-others​ From: Marina (Me) _______________________________________________ Princess of a fantasy Realm! ~
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“Has Princess of my kingdom I will Protect my People and give them Freedom.” 
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Hi- it’s @aricka-and-her-fictional-others !! For the moodboard ask-
(TW knives)
Loki and Mobius, black and silver, maybe a dagger and clocks cause of the TVA? I really need it after the finale 🥺
@aricka-and-her-fictional-others hope you like it!
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imagineyourfo · 3 years
( @aricka-and-her-fictional-others is my self ship account!)
I have a few anniversaries coming up!
Bucky and mine is July 4th
Jefferson and mine is May 30
And then July 28 I get married to Jay, Harry Carlos and Louis!!! Busy summer coming up but I am so excited to finally be marrying four of my favorite people.
oh, exciting !! congrats!!
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rosieshipper · 2 years
Rose: Oh man it sure smells like henway in here
Ellie: Dad…doesn’t it smell like henway in here?
Joel: *sighs in defeat* What’s a hen-
Ellie: *wheezes*
Joel: You both are weird kids
Tags: @astralshipper @aricka-and-her-fictional-others @magicalpuppyprincess @wolfofthedead
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