#aries sun gemini moon
carouselpony · 9 days
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aries sun, gemini moon, leo rising, pisces mercury, pisces venus, aries mars assertive leadership and tender communication. charismatic confidence and empathetic sensitivity. passionate drive contradicts their dreamy idealism... bold actions are balanced by a profound compassionate grasp of emotions and relationships.
art by maxfield parrish, nc wyeth, chevalier bayard
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baccan0pe · 3 years
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delaneydiaries · 5 years
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INTP // aries sun // gemini moon // scorpio rising
•aloof, disorderly, ambitious•
requested by @notabunny
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zodiac--signs · 6 years
Aries Sun + Gemini Moon: Zayday Williams
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You are pragmatic, intelligent and ambitious. You don’t take guff from anyone, and are not one to back down when threatened. You’ll always defend yourself and you friends, choosing to deal with the consequences later. You don’t mind working 24/7 when trying to accomplish a goal, but you also need time to relax and have fun, go on random adventures, and enjoy life for the moments. You might be quite restless, always on the move, non-stop. Due to this, you are talkative, overly excited about life, speedy and impatient. Always following the ultimate rule that if you want to do something, you better do it now because tomorrow might be too late. Although stubborn in your ideas, you can be quite flexible and open-minded, and say yes to almost anything others propose to you. You are driven and are able to motivate yourself and others, coming up with innovative ideas and extraordinary solutions for problems, so you’d sure make a great leader... As long as you keep your snarky remarks to yourself. Despite this ability to lead, you prefer being free to roam and release your energy taking on multiple projects at a time. As a friend, you are loyal and humorous, people generally love being around you... Until you start being too honest for comfort, or too direct & aggressive in your words. We get it, you’re a quick-thinker, you always know what to say and aren’t afraid to speak your mind, but avoid being senselessly mean or too dominating in conversations. What gets to you the most is not being heard, or being ignored- you get extremely angry and upset, and if nothing is made to soothe your spirits, you might even hold a grudge (which is very uncommon for you).
-Crystal Melbourne, Within the Zodiac | tumblr *DISCLAIMER*  | Info On Sun x Moon Combinations & Link to Posts
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lgbtastrology · 7 years
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ARIES sun, GEMINI moon, LEO rising // nonbinary aesthetic, requested by anonymous
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aestheticsigns · 8 years
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Aesthetic - Aries Sun, Gemini Moon, Aries rising. 
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thezodiacsigns · 8 years
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Aries Sun/Gemini Moon
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thuglolita · 8 years
I’m a fucking gemini moon I knew I was a two faced bitch deep down
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182-astrology · 9 years
aries sun, ____ moon
Gryffindor: aries moon, taurus moon, sagittarius moon, capricorn moon
Hufflepuff: cancer moon, libra moon, pisces moon
Ravenclaw: virgo moon
Slytherin: gemini moon, leo moon, scorpio moon, aquarius moon
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passivecosmicaura · 9 years
The Hustler
Aries Sun – Gemini Moon
Your presence is always felt by others, partly because of your talkative nature, but also because of your movements, which are non-stop. If something comes into your mind, whether it is an idea, emotion or thought, you talk about it and sometimes very emphatically. Furthermore, you have an authority figure mentality and believe that you are always correct. The easily excited Gemini is tense and superior at communication, while Aries is speedy, driven, and flexible. A golden tongued, fast acting individual with tons of energy and motivation is the result. You have a very strong sense of freedom about you and are a unique individual. Solutions as well as answers come easily for you and you have a steady mind. This tendency to communicate everything can tire you out as well as those around you. Another caution is that your sense of humor can be mean and direct sometimes. Others might very well think you are aggressive if you are not careful. Allow others their chance to speak and give up dominating a conversation. Relax, think a bit and refrain from being so self-directed and stubborn. You are a very popular person in spite of all of this and the reason is your confidence and knowledge, which you wear on your sleeve. People cannot help but respect and look up to you. If you are ignored or unappreciated, that is about the only time that you will brood. This is one of the rare occasions where you will get exceptionally and memorably angry. Being edgy is one of your traits and as a result, you need to have meaningful places to release your strength and energy. You have a natural talent for grasping everything around you quickly. An open minded and flexible partner is best for you, but you need to learn how to appreciate such a partner just as you do yourself. You need a partner who is tolerant and receptive to that constant flow of ideas. You do not miss anything in your environment. You let a fake person know immediately what you think because of your ability to spot them and your desire to communicate. On occasions you put people off because you do not beat around the bush. Keeping some things to yourself is something you need to do sometimes. Work is an excellent outlet for you, but the key is to stay busy and put your inventive, original talents to use. These talents are wide ranging and there is very little that you are not good at. The Aries-Gemini personality can be excellent at everything from science and engineering to investigative reporting and law.
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zodiac--signs · 7 years
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Description for Aries Sun + Gemini Moon [Info Post about Sun & Moon Signs]
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zodiac--signs · 8 years
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Aesthetic + Confession Post for Aries Sun & Gemini Moon
I'm very outgoing and fiery to other people, I present myself out very confidently but I'm much more nervous and frightened of being alone inside. It's hard to get my fears out in the open and talk them out, even though I feel like I should.  [Credit x Info on Sun & Moon Signs]
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aestheticsigns · 8 years
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Aesthetic - Aries Sun, Gemini Moon, Leo rising.
requested by @dashuriadesert
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zodiac--signs · 8 years
Aries- Bastille
Aries Sun & Aries Moon: The Weight Of Living / "Shoot it down when you just can't shake the heavy weight of living"
Aries Sun & Taurus Moon: Bad Blood / "All this bad blood here, won't you let it dry? It's been cold for years"
Aries Sun & Gemini Moon: Icarus / "Look out to the future but it tells you nothing, so take another breath"
Aries Sun & Cancer Moon: Pompeii / "But if you close your eyes, does it almost feel like nothing changed at all?"
Aries Sun & Leo Moon: Hanging / "But still through the leaves the wind keeps blowing, so don't leave me hanging"
Aries Sun & Virgo Sun: Laura Palmer / "Would you shoot it at the sky? why? To see where it would fall?"
Aries Sun & Libra Moon: Flaws / "There's a hole in my soul, can you fill it? You've always worn your flaws upon your sleeve"
Aries Sun & Scorpio Moon: Things We Lost In The Fire / "Things we lost to the flame, things we'll never see again, all that we've amassed sits before us, shattered into ash"
Aries Sun & Sagittarius Moon: Of The Night / "Lift your hands and voices, free your mind and join us"
Aries Sun & Capricorn Moon: Poet / "I can't say the words out loud, so in a rhyme I wrote you down, now you'll live through the ages, I can feel your pulse in the pages"
Aries Sun & Aquarius Moon: Oblivion / "When you're in my arms but you've gone somewhere deeper"
Aries Sun & Pisces Moon: Overjoyed / "Oh I feel overjoyed when you listen to my words, I see them sinking in"
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zodiac--signs · 8 years
Aries Sun + Gemini Moon
Key Phrase: Executive Material
Remarkable Traits: Excitable, multi-tasker, always embracing new projects, has heaps of interesting stories to tell, isn't afraid of challenges, highly creative, sympathetic, funny, great companion.
Dark Side: Crazy nervous system, physical or mental exhaustion, short attention span, has trouble doing only one thing at a time, always wants more.
Quote: "Friends are relatives you make for yourself", Eustache Deschamps.
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zodiac--signs · 9 years
Aries Sun & Gemini Moon
People think I'm confident and sometimes even conceited, but really I just act that way to try and convince myself of it. Most of the time I'm scared and have a lot of self doubt. I'm terrified that one day I'll wake up and be 70 and not have accomplished any of my dreams, and I'm also scared I'll end up alone; yet ironically I'm scared of commitment. I feel like a contradiction... But complaining won't amount to anything, so I'll just keep trying my best!
[info on sun and moon signs]  
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