cklukilutz · 2 months
12 for ask meme pls :D
Whilst she prefers super sunny days, she actually doesn't mind the rain at all (unless it's cold/windy).
So on those colder/windy rainy days, she'd probably catch-up with writing postcards to friends back home. A shower with the window open so she can see and hear the rain is also something she'd enjoy.
And if she got bored, like really bored, she might even do some cleaning. Maybe. She'd probably just nap instead though.
PS: If we ever get proper video games in FFXIV, she'd totally be a gamer. So she'd also be doing that.
Thanks lots, @arinaxiv! 💖
🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣 Get To Know My OC 🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣
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cindernet-explorer · 5 months
🎭 What is the one thing your OC regrets most? Would they undo it, considering how their life turned out? For ask game meme pls! o/
(gonna do this for U'nia because it's always on my mind)
100% not sharing her feelings with Ysayle.
It'd be easy to assume that U'nia would regret something 'grander', like the one decision that led to her own death (and rebirth with no memories). But that decision spiraled her into the person she is today, and she has said in no uncertain terms that she wouldn't ever change it. But her not telling Ysayle how she felt while Ysayle was still alive to act on them? It haunts her. Could she take it back and do it over again she would in a heartbeat. Would losing her have hurt more with this change? Absolutely, but it would be worth it. ---
[ask game]
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thefinalwitness · 8 months
3 and 4 for OC ask pls I am very curious! :3c
3. favorite oc
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MY LIGHT MY EVERYTHING MY GIRL OF ALL TIME!!!!!! l'aiha kh is a mixed keeper-seeker miqo'te, sharlayan born, and a profound amnesiac who, in losing her memory, found the version of herself she was always meant to be. she is, funnily enough, the perfect culmination of two ocs i had in a previous mmo who were tied for my favorite!!! it was more or less unintentional but i perfected them into the perfect, singular Baby (Figurative*) Girl (also Figurative*) Of All Time.
(*she's 40 and nonbinary. but you get it.)
4. any villain ocs?
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l'aiha's narrative foil and arch nemesis, esmerales! (not her true name, but the name of the reworked "seat of azem" post-sundering.) they're two shards of the same soul, and where l'aiha represents that soul's "good ending", esmerales represents her "bad ending". don't let her sad face and sorrow-colored flowers fool you, she thinks emet-selch was right and is just as genocidal as he was.
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eriyu · 6 months
Lyna for NPC ask \o/
so i saved this one for last hoping i'd come up with something good to say. but the truth is that while they certainly get along, they never got particularly close;;; Ehryu just has a bit of a harder time cracking more straitlaced people?
still, she really admires Lyna's dedication to the Crystarium and its people... and her love and eternal concern for G'raha. likewise, Lyna respects Ehryu both as a warrior and as someone irreplaceably special to her grandpa. :)
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sayonaramidnight · 11 months
Here's someone Arianna doesn't talk about (but I do. A little).
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Tinnelot Noirterel, her big brother. They grew up together in a foster home in Gridania, unloved, angry kids, belittled and bossed around, more of workers than wards.
They always had each other's back and Tinnelot protected her sister every time she got in trouble (which was often). He was the sensible one, while Arianna was the wild one - but she considered him a role model and knew she could always rely on him.
Or so it seemed.
Until Tinnelot turned 14 and decided to go on a journey to find fortune. On his own. Because the wide world would be too dangerous for his baby sister. Ha-ha-ha. And then he went to the sea and became a pirate - not one of the domesticated Lominsan pirates, mind you - and kind of sort of never contacted her again, because he A) didn't want her to follow his footsteps (which she did anyway, for a time, but on dry land) or B) didn't want her to see her admired big brother fallen from grace. Take your pick.
But he's still tried his best to keep tabs on her, especially since she participated in the Operation Archon and the battle against the Ultima Weapon. He just... doesn't want her to know. Because that wouldn't end well for him.
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disciple-of-frost · 8 months
If it hasn’t been asked yet can I ask 1 more? :3c
Top 5 Memories (from MSQ, raiding, with your FC, anything!) ((this seems like such a fun one~))
Of course!
1.) I ran maps with a bunch of Tumblr friends recently, I say recently but it was a couple months ago. Anywho, it was super fun AND it was the first time I ever made it to the bottom!
2.) Getting through The Aitiascope for the first time. Don't get me wrong I was emotional throughout the whole dungeon, but the moment I saw Shiva at the end in the fight against Amon I was in tears.
3.) I have a lot of very great memories recently cuz I've been going through MSQ with my friend Bird. She has a thing for fairies/the fae and so going through Il Mheg was a delight, hearing her squee and giggle with delight. Seeing this game make such an impact on other people is one of the reasons it's one of my all time favorites.
4.) The entirety of patch 5.3. Like I can't even begin to describe the emotions I felt. Heroes' Gauntlet was amazing, The Seat of Sacrifice was amazing, we got To the Edge! Just so much cool shit in one patch! (I was also terrified we were gonna lose G'raha. 😭)
5.) The Healer Role Quests in Endwalker. I'm gonna be real I love Fordola, she is a great character and seeing her fight to redeem herself of her past sins and actually get to be a person and not just a soldier makes my heart swell. She was a literal child soldier and she made many mistakes doing what she thought was right, now she gets to atone.
Thank you again for another ask! 😁
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selnyam · 8 months
Top 5 Primals or Bosses? ^^
Oh a tricky one! There's just so many to choose from!
Spoilers contained within of course!
1. Has to be Statice from Aloalo Island. It's just such a fun silly fight. After all the war and danger it's awesome to fight a fairy with a gun who uses toys and pranks. I laughed so hard at the 'dodge the knock up by landing on a whoopie cushion'
2. Titania. I love the pixies and il mheg and the aesthetic and feel of the fight just hits me right!
3. Athena. The music, her wings, just... I'm weak to evil monster women! She's also one of the first patch content fights I tanked blind and I felt so powerful
4. Shiva. Shiva has been one of my favourite summons from the series, Diamond Dust always makes me happy. So getting to be on the receiving end? With Oblivion blasting? Amazing!
5. Menphina. That's Flidais's patron which I picked randomly, her being this magical girl style badass of the moon, with a giant pet Wolf felt like a "you 100% picked right and she was made for you" her music also being so good is the best!
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mikechampa · 7 days
27- what's your favorite relic :D
thats a good question, I still haven't fully finished a stormblood or shadowbringers one, but I've done a handful of lux/HW ones and the smn one, mimesis lux is probably my fave 😍
I'll try to add my smn portrait to this post tomorrow if I remember!!
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alexissero · 1 year
32. Do they have any “props” that are a significant part of their life, identity, activities, or self-presentation somehow? What are they, how are they used, and why are they so significant? How would these props’ absence impact them, how would they compensate, and why?
41. What associations do they bring to mind?
32. Alexis' Character doesn't have any significant props to identify him by, I made him this way so as to focus on his character himself. I attempted to make a WoL (IN MY OPINION) quite generic in design but still unique in terms of character and personality, I don't know if I managed to check this mark. BUT~ the few props he would have on him at most times would be his eyepatch, his monk gloves and his dagger.
I gave him the ability to surpass his limits but at the cost of his own life force, yes, it sounds like LB in-game HAHA. In doing so, giving the incentive that it is made as a last resort action. This has to do with his eyes, because his father gave him that scar on his right eye. Therefore, limiting his use even further and possibly endangering himself to a higher degree as well. Did I also mention that he goes apeshit and consumed by the power that he is a threat to both sides? :3c
His monk gloves will always be on him, unless he's doing spice with someone. I don't think he punches during the spice-making too. Due to his training, Alexis has mastery over the bow and dagger. But feels that he is not dishing out as much damage as he actually could, so he decides to use his fists instead.
Though he has his own skill and variation with the Dagger, he hates using it. The way he was taught to wield it feels very dirty to him, but necessary as he was once a Wood-Warder.
41. I made Alexis a Viera for a reason, it is something that I struggle with as well. He has a saying that I was considering on giving him.
'Though the life you once lived has shaped you into something you did not choose, it is still within your power to change, no matter the time you realise it.'
Thank you for asking!!! I love my boi ;-; and wanna see him interact with so many other WoLs.
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paintedscales · 3 months
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Also, now that I am checking my inbox for both this account and my @primamchorus blog. Thank you @arinaxiv, @disciple-of-frost, @amalthea-felsblood, @ubejamjar, and @mimble-sparklepudding
TT u TT ♥♥
I've been at low spoons for a while when it comes to checking anything and being social rn. Coming back into my inbox and scrolling to see all of these put a smile on my face today. Even if they were all sent, like, a month or two months ago at this point. Thank you and right back at all of you. ♥
I hope that the days and weeks since have been treating you as best they can, and I hope that you have good days and times ahead of you.
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idalenn · 2 months
Without taking new pics, post one of your OCs as a:
(turns out I lied about getting to this next week; the photos were already here and they're not TOO crunchy lmao)
Tagging @zoroarkthief and @nhaneh and @arinaxiv and @veryoats. For those who haven't done this yet, here's your sign!
Romanceable NPC
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Quest Giving NPC
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Final Boss
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cindernet-explorer · 1 year
1: their voice ((for all ocs if possible! But if not I understand!))
4: their insecurities ((to all applicable! ^^))
24: what motivates them ((also to all applicable ;w;))
((Okay this kinda backfired, I think you have 3 ocs? I included 3 characters so we could hear from each of them but I kinda want them all answered but IF YOU DONT WANT TO! let me know and tag me and I’ll go through which character to ask it for or ask different questions that can be applied individually instead of collectively!))
Putting under the cut cuz its a lot of text.
1: their voice U'nia: She mostly uses sign language, so she doesn't use her voice much unless she's with people she trusts implicitly (or is overrun with emotions). BUT, when she DOES speak: It's airy but not light, soft but not dainty. Kinda scratchy in her throat so the tone skips a bit like when you would walk with a portable CD player. Tenor-ish in terms of pitch range.
A'vyra: His voice is pretty high, but still has that low undercurrent at the base of it. Like, if you played 2 notes with one being an octave lower and slightly softer in volume.
Oketra: Warm and rich, while being fairly deep.
4: their insecurities
U'nia: Oh where to begin. From ARR start until like, the start of Stormblood she was convinced everyone (or at least most people) were just using her because she was strong and capable.
A'vyra: He gets really nervous about people seeing her without his prosthetic arm for the first time, each time it happens.
24: what motivates them
U'nia: Funnily enough, it's the sense of belonging she found with the Scions that kept her going (once it was driven into her skull that she was appreciated not just for the things she does, but for who she is).
A'vyra: He really just likes to explore, and any way to see new places she's gonna take up and go for.
Oketra: Prior to Endwalker it was to free her homeland (Gyr Abania) from the Garleans, and then when that happened it shifted to helping free any peoples under their boot, including the empire itself.
TY for the asks! You're fine don't worry!
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thefinalwitness · 1 year
hi hello i realllyy wanted to ask 18 but im not sure if it’s a boring one with how applicable it is with the WOL so I found another one too just in case \o/
15. What places hold significant meaning or memories for your OC? Do they have a positive or negative association with those places?
18. Has your OC ever had a prophecy made about them? Was it a big deal or did they ignore it? Was it straightforward or cryptic? Did it ever come to pass or did they circumvent it?
15. What places hold significant meaning or memories for your OC? Do they have a positive or negative association with those places?
l'aiha has a weird... how do i put this. you know when people have an attachment to something that causes more hurt to them than peace? l'aiha feels like that about the phantom amaurot. she visits it A LOT after defeating emet-selch, just to sit there and watch the simulacrums go about their daily lives. it haunts her, but she can't look away. she goes there until she and her friends are all returned to the source and everything gets a little too busy to sit around being melancholy in another reflection's fake city, and she feels strangely empty without it. almost like a lesser form of an addiction, a place she needs to go to 'feel normal', even though it just seems to cause her more pain.
she doesn't know why, but it feels like 'the key'. l'aiha suffered profound amnesia during the seventh calamity, and has no memory of her life or identity prior to it. amaurot, emet-selch going on and on and ON about this old world she used to know but forgot—it triggers this obsession in her. she wants to remember. she wants so fucking badly to remember anything at all. the memory loss hasn't bothered her since ARR, but emet-selch tears it open like an old scar, and she can't close it up again. she needs to remember. she will stare at this city with no answers for her until she remembers. only getting dragged back to the source severs her from that particular 'fix'—but at a price, cus see, what happens after 5.3 ties in WONDERFULLY with question #18. :)
18. Has your OC ever had a prophecy made about them? Was it a big deal or did they ignore it? Was it straightforward or cryptic? Did it ever come to pass or did they circumvent it?
so the answer here is "KIND OF". at the final battle with elidibus in 5.3, l'aiha feels something 'awaken' within her, prompting her to use the memory crystal she was given by hythlodaeus. what awakened was the semi-rejoined consciousness of her ancient life, artemis—azem.
and artemis is... NOT a pleasant presence for l'aiha. l'aiha finds her terrifying, finds it terrifying that every memory artemis experiences, l'aiha feels like it's her own. she finally, FINALLY is remembering what emet-selch wanted her to, and it's wrong and terrible and it scares her to fucking death. this isn't her. this IS her. this HAS to be who she was, even before the 'who she was' she was looking for; this has to be the ultimate, the 'first' who she was.
and all artemis wants, all artemis ever communicates, is that she wants l'aiha to give up. "lay down your life, and let me take up the mantle of burden in your stead." because to artemis, l'aiha is this sweet, precious, HOPELESS creature. artemis feels terribly for the sundered, because they are so full of life and love, but how, how could they EVER face what she, a full and whole ancient, couldn't? how could they ever, ever, ever withstand the final days when people bigger and fuller and More than them couldn't? she pities them. she pities l'aiha. she's like a kitten in the cold, unable to understand that no matter how she cries or searches, she will not survive this.
the "prophecy" is artemis's. "you are going to fail, just as i did. so give me your life, so that you do not have to face that failure. let me fail in your place again, so that you may embrace the peace and sanctuary of ignorance, so that it may never be broken. let me spare you."
and l'aiha is PARALYZED by it. through 5.4, through 5.5, and all the way to the moon in 6.0. she's haunted by this inevitable failure, this thing she cannot possibly do because how could she? how could she, when a soul fourteen times MORE than her couldn't? artemis has her in a chokehold and tells her it's mercy, it's kindness, it's pity. she tells her how sorry she is. she tells her she will take the pain, if only l'aiha lets her end it swiftly.
as for how the "prophecy" plays out... in the face of zodiark, in the face of everything that she believes has caused this pain artemis speaks of, l'aiha does something incredible: she does what artemis couldn't. she resists artemis's attempt to take over her body, she refuses to be spared—and she kills zodiark. she frees all the souls artemis mourns, the lives the convocation stole for an insane, doomed to fail bid to stop the sky from falling. artemis is speechless. she no longer haunts l'aiha's mind. she's there, l'aiha can feel her, but she is wordless.
she is realizing, over the course of vanaspati and then elpis, that l'aiha is not JUST a fragment of her. l'aiha is a person. every sundered soul is their own, unique person, irregardless of whose soul they were once a piece of. she realizes that l'aiha, somehow, fulfills the potential artemis couldn't. l'aiha is the light that shines through the darkness. she comes out the other side. she lives. she succeeds.
the "prophecy", the conviction with which artemis died, that the final days could not be circumvented, that the world was doomed—is shattered. l'aiha is not artemis. l'aiha is l'aiha, and she might just be able to do what artemis couldn't. the "prophecy" is one of failure, of doom, but l'aiha breaks it, and shows artemis it can be hope. it can be light. l'aiha breaks the song of oblivion that has seized artemis's heart for twelve thousand dead, silent years.
and artemis realizes that the reason she couldn't stop the final days was because SHE didn't have the hope. she didn't try until the end. she gave up. she despaired. and l'aiha won't. l'aiha will cry and mourn and scream and bleed but she will hope. she will try until there is nothing left of her to try with. she will not be spared. she will not give up. so no matter that l'aiha's soul is "smaller", no matter that l'aiha is not, physically or spiritually, what an ancient was—she is more. she is more because she dares to hope in the face of nothing but despair. she meets the potential artemis had and couldn't meet herself.
sorry i am. so so so so so insane about l'aiha and artemis in shb and enw hehehe. they're so important to me. l'aiha's journey to realizing "i am not anyone else, i am not anyone who came before, i am me, i am here now" is soooooo precious to me, and artemis finding peace in realizing that l'aiha is not lesser, is not a tiny, doomed fragment of her own failures, but is the potential that was met, is the successor, is the bird that came of the ashes, is so!!!! it's like a story about a mother and daughter to me. l'aiha is not artemis. l'aiha is l'aiha, and she will face her life in ways artemis never could, and she will succeed where artemis failed, and she will be things artemis couldn't be and WON'T be things artemis COULD be. it's. rolls around on the floor. i'm insane about it thANK U FOR THESE TWO EXTRAORDINARILY GOOD QUESTIONS ;_;
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eriyu · 1 year
7. How do they physically engage with other people, inanimate objects, and their environment? What causes the differences between these?
Ehryu is a very tactile person. she loves hugs, she loves cuddling, she loves sex, and if she's just sitting around, she'll often just grab or lean on the closest friend as something to do with herself (the Scions are very used to it by now).
with enemies, on the other hand... well, hand-to-hand combat isn't her go-to, but it's not for any kind of desire for physical distance; she's just aware that as a smaller-than-average Miqo'te, she has more effective options at her disposal. she did very much enjoy punching Zenos, but she also broke her hand doing it, so she's probably not doing to pick up MNK any time soon.
as far as inanimate objects and her environment... i've got to go back to the "learn by doing" thing from my last post again. she really loves to engage with the world around her!!! it serves a very different purpose from being physically affectionate with people, but it's just how she is.
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mimble-sparklepudding · 3 months
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In longing, you feel hope. You're on a long road, you know this. Your desire is strong, big in your chest but you don't feel weighed down.
You've had your hardships, but you know what you truly seek is, or could be, not far from your grasp. Not to say you don't feel the burning in your heart for something more, but there's still a spark in you, a voice that says, "don't give up, what if?"
You can be patient. You know you must be.
Your yearning is felt like a campfire in rain, the circumstances say the flame should be out, but yet it burns, as long as god willing or sheer effort keeps it alive.
You feel the pull in your gut that makes your throat tighten with the ache of your heart but you softly smile, it's just a reminder of your love.
You aren't afraid of your feelings in the way that would make you push them away because you're familiar with them and you know the payoff would be well worth the grief.
You're doing great my darling, you will find your love if you have not already.
-Take this quiz here!-
Tagged by: @spotofmummery
Tagging: @cimarraskylark @stalwart-spirit @houserosaire @tsukiakurotori @pumpkinmagekupo @elfie-kitten @spellsandtales @dragonsongmakhali @arinaxiv @starrysnowdrop
..and anyone else who wants to try it!
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gatheredfates · 1 year
Dividers! ✧˖°.
As to not flood the original post with reblogs, I'm making a new post of the ones I've done tonight with little lorem impsum descriptions! This means you can see how they will look when you use them. ♥ If you'd like your own, feel free to send me a dm!
For @riftdancing:
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ultrices bibendum ex, condimentum varius quam convallis eu. Proin a quam vel metus gravida gravida eget quis turpis. Praesent efficitur magna in egestas placerat.
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Vestibulum auctor eu massa in tincidunt. Quisque luctus rhoncus ornare. Nam eu magna tristique, aliquet sapien nec, vehicula ligula. Etiam in lacus ullamcorper, tristique ex sed, dignissim leo.
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Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed eget porttitor sapien, eget consectetur dui. Pellentesque nec metus sed purus pharetra ullamcorper. Nullam eget placerat magna.
For @arinaxiv:
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sit amet efficitur dolor. Aliquam interdum sit amet risus dictum feugiat. In placerat porttitor risus, sit amet blandit odio aliquam ac. Morbi ultrices, elit sed tincidunt scelerisque, felis nibh gravida sem, sit amet gravida ligula tortor eu enim.
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Aliquam lacus tellus, porta vitae venenatis id, placerat non risus. Aliquam ac ultricies nibh, at blandit ante. Cras sit amet tortor convallis, mollis arcu nec, tempus ante.
For @irisopranta
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Vestibulum commodo scelerisque odio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut ultricies erat ut quam blandit rhoncus. Aliquam feugiat imperdiet ipsum tincidunt varius. Nunc blandit non felis sit amet lobortis.
For @cadrenebula
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Vestibulum lacinia orci accumsan, posuere lacus vitae, tincidunt ligula. Suspendisse diam leo, maximus nec dolor id, porttitor sagittis ante. In et leo eu augue finibus facilisis nec id erat. Pellentesque eget velit ac nisl molestie venenatis et nec mi.
For @saeta
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Nullam at enim a nisl molestie scelerisque ut eu odio. Integer feugiat nunc et mauris lacinia, eu porta nunc facilisis. Suspendisse euismod condimentum pulvinar. Sed fermentum odio id accumsan dictum. Curabitur vitae efficitur nibh.
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Morbi sollicitudin tortor quis convallis imperdiet. Donec est purus, tincidunt vitae ex sit amet, hendrerit bibendum magna. Nulla consectetur augue et auctor finibus. Donec sodales dictum congue.
For @dragons-ire
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Ut et pharetra tortor. Etiam id leo erat. Nulla rutrum luctus suscipit. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vivamus blandit ex pellentesque, gravida nisi nec, vestibulum mauris.
For @isorawrites
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[best viewed on light theme!]
Donec dictum magna et est sodales, nec maximus eros maximus. Nulla id lectus ut elit efficitur laoreet et gravida nulla. Proin rhoncus diam nec orci tristique, eget faucibus nulla dictum.
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Vestibulum rutrum malesuada nulla, in rutrum ex congue sit amet. Nullam eu velit imperdiet, pretium lacus nec, dignissim massa. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed non consectetur libero.
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