#aristotelis maragkos
lonely-dog-song · 4 hours
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It's coming, don't you understand? It's coming! And if we haven't gone by the time it gets here, we're all going to die!
The Timekeepers of Eternity (2021)
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scenesandscreens · 1 year
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The Timekeepers Of Eternity (2021)
Director - Aristotelis Maragkos, Cinematography - Paul Maibaum
"We know what happens to today when it becomes yesterday. It waits for them. It waits for them, the timekeepers of eternity. Always following them behind, cleaning up the mess in the most efficient way possible: by eating it!"
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ogradyfilm · 8 months
Recently Viewed: The Timekeepers of Eternity
[The following review contains MAJOR SPOILERS; YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!]
With The Timekeepers of Eternity, Aristotelis Maragkos accomplishes the impossible: he makes Tom Holland’s The Langoliers watchable.
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The experiment is far from perfect, of course; the raw footage is, after all, so fundamentally flawed that no amount of re-editing, remixing, and recontextualization can totally “fix” it (the dialogue, for example, remains infuriatingly nonsensical, plagued by constant inconsistencies, contradictions, and inorganic leaps in logic). Still, by condensing the multi-episode miniseries—a format that is, in my opinion, inherently ill-suited to sustaining a narrative that features only two locations populated by roughly a dozen people—into a comparatively lean hour-long film, Maragkos at the very least addresses the source material’s clunky pacing, trimming a lot of excess fat and bloat.
Don’t get me wrong: I like rich, well-developed characters as much as the next viewer. The meat of this particular conflict, however, lies not in complex interpersonal relationships, but in the novel premise: our protagonists (a ragtag group of airline passengers) find themselves inexplicably stranded in an empty “past” that is rapidly vanishing beneath their feet, and must escape before they are devoured by the metaphysical forces that govern the universe. Although this dilemma is more than substantial enough to keep the audience invested in the action, the ‘95 cut of The Langoliers includes an overabundance of extraneous melodrama that stretches the otherwise straightforward plot to its breaking point, resulting in a severe lack of urgency. The Timekeepers of Eternity, on the other hand, omits nearly every detail that isn’t immediately relevant to the central concept, thus crafting a more economical, suspenseful experience.
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But the movie’s remarkable metamorphosis is not merely structural; Maragkos remixes even the visual style. While The Langoliers’ cinematography was perfectly serviceable, it was also rather unambitious and uninspired, betraying its made-for-TV budget. The Timekeepers of Eternity’s shift to black-and-white adds depth and texture to the compositions, evoking the moody, haunting atmosphere of The Twilight Zone. The aesthetic alterations don’t stop with the color palette, either: Maragkos utilizes a variety of digital effects and filters in an effort to depict the story’s somewhat abstract, unconventional approach to “time travel” in literal, concrete terms. The image frequently warps and distorts, fragments and fractures, crumples and tears. Certain scenes are repeated in quick succession; others are truncated or overlap with concurrent events. Beyond contributing to the surreal tone, these expressionistic flourishes are also thematically appropriate, reinforcing the idea that the fragile fabric of reality itself is gradually unraveling around our hapless heroes.
Maragkos’ bold choices aren’t always beneficial; his revised ending is especially egregious, repurposing the original version’s final complication into a cruel, dark twist—an abruptly and arbitrarily nihilistic conclusion that left a bitter taste in my mouth. Nevertheless, the project is ultimately a resounding triumph, redefining the meaning of the term “transformative work.” The Timekeepers of Eternity is no shallow parody—a fan trailer that reimagines Ace Ventura as a tense thriller, or audio clips from Sonic the Hedgehog chopped up and reassembled to make Doctor Robotnik say dirty words; on the contrary, it’s a charmingly sincere reinterpretation (and rehabilitation) of an old, forgotten Stephen King adaptation that is, in retrospect, genuinely deserving of reevaluation. It is, in conclusion, innovative, audacious, and absolutely revolutionary.
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cinematitlecards · 6 months
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"The Timekeepers Of Eternity" (2021) Directed by Aristotelis Maragkos & Tom Holland (Animated/Horror/Mystery)
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nonbinaryhatboxghost · 8 months
The Timekeepers of Eternity, Aristotelis Maragkos
This is an amazing re-edit/animation of the miniseries adaptation of Stephen King's The Langoliers. It's only up for a month, I highly highly recommend checking it out while it's available.
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1day1movie · 2 years
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The Timekeepers of Eternity (2021) Aristotelis Maragkos.
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pablolf · 2 years
Film Journal
“The Timekeepers of Eternity“ by Aristotelis Maragkos
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pierreism · 8 months
The Timekeepers of Eternity (2021) directed by Aristotelis Maragkos
Footage from the 1995 Stephen King TV movie The Langoliers is edited, printed and animated into a paper nightmare.
62 minutes. Available to stream throughout October only.
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paulvtx42 · 8 months
The Timekeepers of Eternity from Aristotelis Maragkos on Vimeo.
The Timekeepers of Eternity a film by Aristotelis Maragkos Greece / 62' / 09/2021 / experimental animation
Mr Toomey has an important business meeting in Boston, but he dreads the thought of arriving. The only relief from the screams of his father in his traumatic dreams of childhood, is obsessively tearing paper - ripping it into strips. When he wakes on his flight, there seems to have been a tear in reality as most of the other passengers have vanished. When the survivors land, the airport is eerily empty of life, like a blank page. Something is coming to rip this weird paper purgatory of the mind apart - Monsters only Mr Toomey can confront.
Footage from the 1995 Stephen King TV movie The Langoliers is edited, printed and animated into a paper nightmare.
starring Bronson Pinchot
Sound Design: Lowtronik Composer: Amulets World sales: Square Eyes
Festivals Fantastic Fest, United States (23 – 30 September, 2021) Official Selection Denver Film Festival, United States (3 – 14 November, 2021) Official Selection Thessaloniki International Film Festival, Greece (4 – 14 November, 2021) Greek Competition Sharjah Film Platform, United Arab Emirates (19 – 27 November, 2021) Experimental Competition Won: Best Experimental Feature Film Film Maudit 2.0, United States (12 – 23 January, 2022) Official Selection Glasgow Short Film Festival, United Kingdom (23 – 27 March, 2022) Opening Film Kaboom Animation Festival, the Netherlands (28 March – 3 April, 2022) Feature Competition Festival du Cinéma de Brive, France (4 – 9 April, 2022) International Competition Wisconsin Film Festival, United States (7 – 14 April, 2022) Official Selection Fanatastic Film Festival Australia, Australia (16 April – 1 May, 2022) Official Selection BAFICI – Buenos Aires International Festival of Independent Cinema, Argentina (20 April – 1 May, 2022) Official Avant-Garde & Genre Competition Special Mention Fantaspoa – International Fantastic Film Festival, Brazil (20 April – 1 May, 2022) Animated Feature Competition Young Film Fest, Czech Republic (21 – 24 April, 2022) Official Selection Won: Best Youth Film Las Palmas de Gran Canaria International Film Festival, Spain (22 April – 1 May, 2022) Band A Part Competition IndieLisboa International Film Festival, Portugal (28 April – 8 May, 2022) Director’s Cut Bilbao Fantasy Film Festival, Spain (6 – 14 May, 2022) Panorama Beldocs – International Documentary Film Festival, Serbia (11 – 18 May, 2022) Fireworks Jersey Festival, Channel Islands (12 – 15 May, 2022) Animafest Zagreb, Croatia (6 – 11 June, 2022) Feature Film Competition Transilvania International Film Festival, Romania (17 – 26 June, 2022) No Limit Chattanooga Film Festival, United States (23 – 28 June, 2022) Official Selection Slaughter Fest: The International Festival Of Art Horror Film, Serbia (1 – 3 July, 2022) Official Selection Neuchâtel International Fantastic Film Festival, Switzerland (1 – 9 July, 2022) Official Selection Festival ECRÃ, Brazil (1 – 10 July, 2022) Official Selection ANIMATOR Festival, Poland (8 – 15 July, 2022) Feature Film Competition Guanajuato International Film Festival, Mexico (21 – 31 July, 2022) Special Showcase: Movies with Mummy Atlàntida Film Festival, Spain (24 July – 24 August, 2022) Main Online Programme Popcorn Frights Film Festival, United States (11 – 21 August, 2022) Official Selection Fantoche – International Animation Film Festival, Switzerland (6 – 11 September, 2022) Official Selection Sydney Underground Film Festival, Australia (8 – 11 September, 2022) Official Selection Bafici Itinerant – Santa Fe, Argentina (22 – 28 September, 2022) SLASH Filmfestival, Austria (22 September – 2 October, 2022) Official Selection Tacoma Film Festival, United States (6 – 13 October, 2022) Official Competition Won: Best Late Night Film Lima Alterna Festival Internacional de Cine, Peru (13 – 23 October, 2022) Opening film Archivio Aperto, Italy (20 – 24 October, 2022) Midnight Special
Press quotes “The Timekeepers of Eternity is an ambitious, unexpected experiment in remixing art with multiple techniques and mediums. It’s a singular vision and a complete story that mines new ideas from a nearly three-decade-old made-for-TV miniseries” Review: Meagan Navarro – Bloody Disgusting
“The Timekeepers of Eternity is a shining example of the infinite creative lifespan of art.” Review: Noah Ramer – Silver Linings Reviews
“It was the overwhelming, painstaking artistry of director and animator Aristotelis Maragkos that kept me seriously riveted.” Review: Aundria Parker – Daily Grindhouse
“The Timekeepers of Eternity is a combination art cinema project, labor of love, and eerie science fiction/horror tale. It truly needs to be seen to be believed.” Review: Joseph Perry – Scariest Things
“it takes one of the worst Stephen King adaptations and – just like Toomy – rips it up and reshapes it into something far more interesting.” Review: Padraig Cotter – Screenrant
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saladieciocho · 2 years
3er Lima Alterna Festival Internacional de Cine: del 13 al 23 de octubre
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Gráfica: Lima Alterna Festival Internacional de Cine.
Escribe: Luis Vélez.
El Lima Alterna Festival Internacional de Cine viene consolidándose como uno de los eventos cinematográficos organizados en Latinoamérica más sustanciales y consistentes a nivel de programación. Es propiamente una curaduría formulada con trabajo, preocupación y amplitud de radar sobre la base del más interesante cine independiente contemporáneo que se hace en los cinco continentes, desde la creación libre, las vanguardias y la experimentación, pero también en torno a un conjunto de películas que, bajo formas cinematográficas alternativas a las hegemónicas, abrazan géneros clásicos como el fantástico, la comedia, el suspenso, la animación, el documental, entre otros.
Con una particularidad en su observación del fantástico/experimental. Muestra de ello son sus películas inaugurales: Jesus Shows You the Way to the Highway, proveniente de Estonia y Etiopía, en su primera edición; la surcoreana Digital Video Editing with Adobe Premiere Pro: The Real-World Guide to Set Up and Workflow, en su segunda. Así, Lima Alterna inaugura esta noche su tercera edición con Alegrías riojanas (Velasco Broca, España, 2022) y The Timekeepers of Eternity (Aristotelis Maragkos, Grecia, 2021). 
Tenemos la fortuna de tener Lima Alterna en su tercera edición a disposición en proyecciones presenciales en Lima, Trujillo, Chiclayo y Arequipa; así como virtualmente para todo el territorio peruano en la plataforma de streaming Cineaparte. A excepción del Centro Cultural PUCP (S/ 12.00) y el Centro Cultural Cine Chimú (S/ 8.00), la entrada es gratuita en las demás sedes del festival, así como en la versión online en cineaparte.com. Con 108 películas provenientes de 65 países, incluido Perú, el #3LimaAlterna y va hasta el 23 de octubre. 
Serán días de cinefilia que arriesga y gana.
Información completa sobre programación y horarios en sedes presenciales:
Lima: aquí.
Trujillo, Chiclayo y Arequipa: aquí. 
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“The Timekeepers of Eternity” (2021) a film by Aristotelis Maragkos
Footage from the 1995 Stephen King TV movie The Langoliers
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lonely-dog-song · 6 months
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How could someone disappear and leave their hairpiece behind? ... It's quite a mystery, don't you think?
The Timekeepers of Eternity (2021) dir. Aristotelis Maragkos "Footage from the 1995 Stephen King TV movie The Langoliers is edited, printed and animated into a paper nightmare."
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haverwood · 6 years
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A Portrait Aristotelis Maragkos Greece, 2014
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parpatrickkennelly · 3 years
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‘Timekeepers of Eternity’ 2021. Aristotelis Maragkos PLAY
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