#arma and his teacher hat
bossarmadimon · 1 year
@digi-noir mentioned you on a post “I’m right and I’ll keep saying it Side note:  I...”:
@bossarmadimon Mayhaps I don’t remember my Adventure lore correctly but I don’t remember it contradicting any timeline stuff? Causes a lot of questions and inconsistencies yeah, but I can’t think of any specific timeline stuff. Can you elaborate more?
​I'm not particularly knowledgeable on this, but @shihalyfie is, and I'll quote her on the WonderSwan Games that are the source of the problems: "Tag Tamers…doesn’t make sense with the anime, and despite what a lot of people like to claim about it being “necessary” to understand what was going on with Ken, it actually makes it even more confusing"
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nightingaelic · 3 years
Companions reacting to A courier who loves nerding about guns and info dumping about how they work and when they were used in the war? So much so that one time they gasped in awe mid battle Becuase the legionnaire that was attacking them had a battle rifle, or an “M1 garand.” As Six called it.
TW: Guns, gore
Something changed, halfway through the team of legionary assassins that had surprised the courier and their companion beside their campfire in the desert. The vexillarius' first shot had missed, sealing his fate, and the veteran legionary that had rushed in to fill the gap had fallen afoul of one of the protective land mines placed before the sun went down. That left the black-feathered Prime decanus firing 10 mm rounds and swinging around a machete to fill the gaps, and the red-crowned centurion that was wielding some kind of semi-automatic rifle with obvious finesse.
It was this gun that drew the courier's attention, so much so that they gasped and abandoned cover, even as the centurion was still firing rounds. Amidst the bullets, the courier ran the decanus through with his own machete and turned on the man with the gun that sounded like thunder trapped inside a tin can. It took a few well-placed kicks and both barrels of a caravan shotgun before the centurion lay still. The courier pried the fallen soldier's rifle from his hands, held it up in the dim firelight and whistled, long and low.
"It's an M1 Garand," they said with reverence, looking down the iron sights. "Yep, eight-round clip, conversion to .308 for pre-war naval use. You beauty. How did you wind up in Legion hands?"
Arcade Gannon: "Same way everything winds up in Legion hands," Arcade answered, exasperated. "They took it. Because they could. Let's talk about how you keep tossing yourself into the line of fire just to get a good look at whatever's being fired at you, hmm?"
The courier ignored him and shot a round into the dusty earth, gasping in delight again at the soft clink of the automatically-ejected cartridge. "He was almost out," they said, checking the chamber and ignoring Arcade's startled yelp, before launching into a lengthy explanation of the gun's history.
"Christ." Arcade shook his head and turned back to the campfire, picking the fallen legionaries' canteens up as he went.
Craig Boone: "Attacks on NCR troops, most likely." Boone kicked the centurion aside and joined the courier in examining the gun. "Lieutenant Boyd at Camp McCarran has one. The NCR just calls them battle rifles."
"Here, look." The courier handed Boone the rifle and pointed at its various pieces. "It needs some refinishing, but most of the parts are original USGI - er, United States government issue - except the spacer block."
Boone nodded solemnly. If there was one thing he and the courier could talk about safely, it was weapons.
Lily Bowen: "Dearie!" Lily bellowed. "You can't keep jumping into things every time you spot some new, shiny gun to collect!"
"Lily," the courier protested, clutching the rifle close. "You can't find these just anywhere, nowadays. This'll run you over a thousand caps at the Gun Runners, and that's just for the ones they're currently making. Something this old needs to be taken care of."
"You need to be taken care of!" Lily argued.
"But Lily..."
"No buts!" Lily stomped over and easily deprived the courier of the gun. "Now go sit down and eat. You can have the gun again after supper."
Raul Alfonso Tejada: "There you go again, adopting antiques," Raul joked. "Good condition for a pre-war rifle."
"No kidding." The courier cast a glance at the centurion lying at their feet. "Whoever he was, at least he knew the value of this thing. Look, he even polished the stock and handguards regularly."
"Órale," Raul said with a nod, accepting the gun from the courier and feeling its weight. "Buen arma."
He made as if to snatch it away for his own, and the courier slapped his arm playfully. "Get your own, viejo."
Rose of Sharon Cassidy: Cass rolled her eyes. "Well, third time this month they've sent a squad after you. It's about time they tried sending one with a bit better gear than the last few."
"Here, try this on for size." The courier tossed her the gun and checked the centurion over for other finds.
Cass caught the rifle easily and checked the chamber. "I've seen guns like this before. What's so special about this one?"
The courier launched into a dramatic re-telling of the gun's history, and Cass sat herself down by the campfire again with a smile.
Veronica Santangelo: "Oh, oh I remember this," Veronica said excitedly, holding her power fist up in the air like she was waiting for the teacher to call on her. "World War II... Korea... something about the clip being French?"
"En bloc," the courier corrected her with a grin. "It just means it ejects after the last round and locks the bolt open for reloading."
"Yesssss." Veronica pumped her fist. "I've picked up more from you about weaponry than I ever did from Knight Torres. She was always more concerned with power armor than with guns."
ED-E: The eyebot excitedly zoomed around the courier, emitting lower-toned beeps that sounded like coos of admiration. When the courier held the gun up for it to better examine, ED-E turned on its internal radio and began playing "Big Iron" by Marty Robbins.
The courier laughed. "Sure is, ED-E. Sure is."
Rex: The cyberdog sniffed the rifle carefully and let out a low growl, indicating his dislike of the one who, until a few moments ago, had been carrying it.
The courier glanced at the dead centurion and nodded. "Guys with hats, yeah. Or helmets, I guess. I remember. Don't worry, give it some time and it won't smell like him anymore."
Rex barked in agreement.
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bossarmadimon · 1 month
Bit random, but seeing as you're an Armadillomon-fan what is your preferred evo-line for it that doesn't involve jogress?
I've never given it much thought, TBH because I don't have much interest in evolutions beyond adult-level lol.
If I had to pick I'd probably go for the Gomamon line (Zudomon + Vikemon) or keep the dino theme with Triceramon + Dinorexmon.
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bossarmadimon · 1 year
wanna hear some funny soon to be tamer and future partner digimon(s) first meeting prompt senarios? here:
someone who after placing an annoucement in the newspaper and the web for 2 people that they have 2 rooms for a rent, and ended up having a flamewizardmon and sorcermon as roomates.
a young woman who just rescued a box with foster kittens inside and got a gatomon, black gatomon, mikemon and meicoomon instead of normal cats.
a guy who went to check what is that rukus on the trashcans in his house and realised that there's a loogamon, a labradormon, a doggiemon and a black gabumon.
a puppeteer who went on a garage sale and brought without knowing a uncoucious puppetmon.
a guy who works as a mechanic keeps wondering why some of his tools keep getting missing then return after a day and realizes that a injuried hagurumon is sneaking in and trying to repair themselves.
a young woman who loves gardening gets 2 flowers in 2 plant pots without knowing there's a palmon and a aruamon sleeping in there.
"the ad didn't say anything about species" ⁠— A classic. I've RPed that scenario, actually. A+
"adopted kitties" ⁠— This one goes to the slush pile solely for failing to include fav babu Leormon. F
"DOGGIES" ⁠— Also excellent. A- though for failure to take advantage of the tensions of the three others all arguing that Gabu is not, in fact, a doggo.
"Chucky meets Digimon" ⁠— Let's just hope for everyone's sake that Puppetmon is not familiar with puppet horror movies! B 'cause I'm not a huge puppetmon fan in general.
"It's not like someone is eating my goddamn tools, right? Right?" ⁠— Eeeeeh, poor choice of digimon species to be honest. Hagurumon are more parts themselves than repair-requiring (which we have seen in other digimon like Andromon, Guardromon, Mekanorimon or Ballistamon). D
"Pruning gone wrong" ⁠— Who the crap keeps selling these poor Digimon?? D
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bossarmadimon · 2 years
Hiya! I what do your tags “Imma slap a bitch” and “asswipe” mean? I have some stupid tags for organizing on some of my blogs & it’s fine but I’d like to know what my art is being reblogged with. Thanks!
They're mostly humorous tags that may be used literally or for vibes reasons. Jellymon or Impmon causing problems or purpose is a standard "asswipe" fare. I can't say I like Jellymon lawl. I try to be consistent, but... heh, I'm not very good at it ^_^;;;
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bossarmadimon · 2 years
episode 21 thoughts
Oh, those are NOT good sounds.
Interesting, I always thought the transformation ability was linked to the fact Oikawa used his own DNA to create them in 02
Hiro, you little gullible moron.
Higacchi’s not doing much better. You’d think Jellymon and her “connections” would be better equipped there.
Ah, I guess Ruri’s the one holding the braincell today.
oh yeah,those were some BAD noises earlier.
Gammamon, couldn’t your vibe alerts go off earlier?? (also when was the last time they met  a new digi that had actual good vibes?)
I’m 100% sure they weren’t that far away from the elevators...
Arukenimon has a surveillance ability? that’s definitely new.
How does she know Gammamon has multiple evolutions??
Pretty sure they didn’t need to destroy the cameras because the cameras probably can’t see them as long as they’re in the parallel world?
For some reason I get a vague feeling of GulusGammamon in this episode
Edgy boy in da house. How appropriate this happens at the mall
She’s intelligent, but damn is she not smart.
That’s a bad indigestion right there
Wait, who’s that blackgargomon??
Between him, blackgatomon and blackagumon, I’m reminded of the Observers from Fringe
ASDFGHJK Angoramon’s haiku is so WRONG to me because in my native French, the saying goes “Araignée du matin, chagrin. Araignée du soir, espoir.” i.e. “the morning spider brings sadness, the evening spider brings hope.”
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bossarmadimon · 2 years
SymbareAngoramon is a handsome boy!
the word you're looking for is "furry bait", anon :p
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bossarmadimon · 4 years
Tumblr media
@acevaliant replied to your post: autoplaysdigimon: D:
what episode? O.o
Adventure ep 40
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bossarmadimon · 7 years
big-hearted-6 reblogged your photoset: lostintranslationmon: Digimon Savers AU where...
I… always thought it was Biomon.
It’s Piyomon in the Japanese version, and Biyomon in English and some other dubs. All versions usually spell it with a Y, though.
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bossarmadimon · 9 years
goddammit, in the gif of that white leomon, the tags are from your post right? not from the original poster x_x
Source is here and yeah I misremembered. Panjyamon shows in Frontier, (inside Sephirothmon IIRC?) not tamers.
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bossarmadimon · 9 years
owol replied to your post:Why do tags I actually use all the time keep...
Sounds like my favorite troll is getting trolled ;D
I’m not “getting trolled”. Unless you call a website constantly making itself more obnoxious to use “trolling”.
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bossarmadimon · 9 years
I wonder if people didn't do Digimon variants is because some (few?) of them kind of already do have them, in a way. Like Agumon, there's BlackAgumon, SnowAgumon and ToyAgumon, for example.
Oh, come ON, baring ToyAgumon and X-Antibody versions, Digimon variants are nothing but recolors design wise. They are to digimon design what shiny pokemons are to regular pokemons.
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bossarmadimon · 9 years
about the other flamons
Well I haven’t seen them post in some time but they are fla-mon and digital-flames. Well… kinda… Digital-flames is kinda more of a ‘Takuya as Flamon’ role player but, that’s still a flamon to me.
I haven’t seen them post in some time. According to the thing it’s been a month since fla-mon has posted anything and 3 months for digital-flames.
Well, I can tell you that fla-mon has been distracted with adimspark. And still, I knew I could get the best reactions from you :p
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bossarmadimon · 9 years
Recently I've been getting multiple random people approaching me on tumblr (wtf?). In several cases I haven't bothered answering. There are multiple reasons for that.
For starters if you just come at me with "hi"s, you're going to get stared pointlessly at no mater what. (And complimenting me for sounding like a nice person is not going to help. Sycophants annoy me more than anything.) And I,m going to ignore you extra hard if you ask for skype or AIM info.
First, I live with Asperger Syndrome. yes, as in actually diagnosed Asperger's. So interpersonal relationships to begin with? Not my forte. You want to initiate a conversation with me? This is frickin tumblr. Reblog and answer my posts. This is a digimon blog. You want me to talk to notice you? Talk to me about digimon, duh.
Second, it follows from the first that I am not a social butterfly. As much as I like talking with people, I feel like I can not manage what little circle of acquaintances I have without constantly drifting away from some of them. Yes, this makes me feel awfully guilty (both losing contact and not answering the aforementioned messages), doubly in the case of some acquaintances who I have become totally incapable of contacting because they are simply not online anymore.
Finally, I'm not one for random niceties. I want driven conversations not people who just up and go "hi!" and expect me to answer and just be generically polite (there's one person that I've been actively avoiding recently because of that).
So yeah, In short, if you really want to talk to me, at least try to show a little effort, because just writing this post is stressing me out like you wouldn't believe. Internet does not fix everything that makes it hard to approach people when you live with Asperger's.
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bossarmadimon · 10 years
mokeecha replied to your post: “So I'm looking at my activity page...”:
I'm glad I ruined everything with my digimon sushi avatar XD
I'M pretty sure that's digimon curry, actually.
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bossarmadimon · 10 years
balgruufthegreater reblogged your photo: alphadecoder: NO! THAT’S THE ULTIMATE SPOILER
How’s that a spoiler? Isn’t Leomon basically the Sean Bean of Digimon?
Nope.. He's the Kenny McCormick of Digimon.
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