#armand sheran sharm wakfu
cocogum · 4 months
Each passing day I'm more and more convinced of the fact that Aurora is unworthy of the Sadida throne, not only because she's an Osamodas who refuses to have the one (1) person she actually needs around (Amalia), but because it's blatantly obvious she never cared about her husband's people and, more glaringly, his family.
And the biggest evidence I have of that, besides her scornful treatment of Amalia, is the Sheran Sharms' tomb-trees.
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Season 4 opened up with what seemed to be Armand bidding his father goodbye and then returning to the palace with Aurora, instead of, you know, his wife being there with him as he mourned his father like in any good marriage.
At first I attributed that to the possibility that the tomb-trees were meant to be a sacred place only the royal family had access to, but the webtoon has swiftly debunked that theory.
Because upon returning in chapter three she announced she and her father (an even bigger outsider than she is) would be waiting by Armand's tomb-tree while Amalia got her things in order. Likewise, in chapter 5, Yugo was there beside Amalia as she spent time with her late family and reflected on what to do, supporting her.
And while it could be argued Aurora simply didn't want to intrude upon her husband's grief, it should also be pointed out the second Yugo learned Amalia lost her father his first instinct was to go and be there for her, only being stopped by his mother pointing out Amalia would most likely prefer to be alone. Whereas, as I mentioned before, married couples are expected to be there for each other when one of them loses a loved one.
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(Which already reflects how Yumalia is the superior royal couple, but I digress).
This all comes to show Aurora never cared about her in-laws and, therefore, even if she came to care for Armand and vice versa, what they had was never true love, they just grew fond of each other with time. And, quite frankly, someone with so little regard for the people and family she's supposed to serve just doesn't deserve to be queen, period.
Hey geekgirles ✨
Let me just say that I 100% agree with you on the fact that Aurora DOES NOT deserve the kingdom for all the reasons you stated.
What’s funny is that before The Great Wave chapter 6 was released, I believed that there was one thing that was acceptable about her.
And I now hate that idea for even thinking about it.
And that was her view on the sadidas.
Yeah, I’m not going to stand here and tell you that she actually absolutely cares for them or secretly wants to be with them rather than in her father’s kingdom. No way in hell.
She fled like a coward from the necrome war that would have completely annihilated the entire Sadida race so her level of care for the sadidas is extremely low. Lower than a bottom feeder.
Despite this, and the very accurate facts that you enumerated, I used to think that she strangely had some kind of…endearment towards her late husband’s people?
(I genuinely don’t know if I’m making any sense saying this)
What I mean by that is that she might have felt some type of pride or emotional pull to them. She never ruled anything before, much less been married to another royal. So seeing all these people praise and call for Armand, a man who she genuinely loved, made her feel pure joy at the idea of being with them.
When she and Armand walked up to the balcony to talk to the people, we can see Aurora smiling while Armand looks much less happy (due to his father’s passing).
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She has a hand behind his back, supporting him through this moment.
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When they walk up to the balcony, the people rejoice in their new king and we can see Aurora’s smile getting bigger at the praises. She was even going to shed a tear!
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As much as I loathe this woman, I cannot ignore the fact that she does care about Armand, and due to that, loves the attention he is receiving from his people.
So to make it short, I used to think she loved the sadidas on her own accord but it turns out she used to appreciate them because she loves Armand.
That’s how I would describe her relationship with the sadidas.
Everything that relates her to them is because of Armand. That’s it.
And she keeps on loving him even after his death in the worst ways.
(spoilers for chapter 6 under the cut)
She was angry at seeing a sadida and an eliatrope get married because Armand hated eliatropes.
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Aurora: “My Armand would have never permitted this!”
Aurora: “He hated the eliatropes!”
She was saying how Armand would have never accepted the eliatropes so therefore she hates the idea of them being here as well.
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Aurora: “This little pest doesn’t waste any time!”
Aurora: “In only a few months, she had given some funny ideas to my subjects…”
She was referring to the sadidas as “my subjects” because she still believes she has the right to call them like that, reminiscing about the time she used to be with Armand. If she wasn’t reminiscing, then she would’ve called them “my children’s subjects” or simply “the sadidas”.
Aurora is the embodiment of a trophy wife.
She had been promised to get married to Armand.
She hates and likes what Armand hates and likes.
She doesn’t do anything besides being by Armand’s side and holding his hand every now and then.
She doesn’t speak in any political situation and just sits next to Armand most of the time.
She doesn’t fight alongside Armand and simply stands in the back waiting.
She doesn’t have a throne seat of her own. She sits in the only small space available to her in Armand’s seat.
Her only excuse for getting the throne back is her pregnancy.
She listens to her father most of the time.
She listens to her husband most of the time.
Her only accomplishment was getting married.
This pretentious blue cow has nothing special or charming about her.
The only skill she has is literally looking petty.
So yeah, based on what I gathered, it doesn’t even matter if Aurora did like the sadidas because she’s not even suited to be their ruler. I think Armand was just horny so he accepted the arranged marriage (if he couldn’t get Eva then he might as well pick another blonde lol)
But with the things she has said, I believe Aurora only likes the sadidas by default because she likes Armand. That’s it. If Armand never existed, she wouldn’t have even glanced at the Sadida Kingdom, let alone think about these people for a millisecond.
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geekgirles · 6 months
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I'm high-key obsessed with their interaction here, not only because of the Yumalia crumbs, but also because Yugo's insistence on reminding her, of all people, not to overdo it with the Eliasphere is kinda hilarious as it reads a little bit like this:
Yugo, to Amalia: Remember, Amalia. The more power you draw from the Eliasphere, the more wakfu it draws from you. Whatever you do, don't overdo it. Because if anything happened to you, I will not be able to handle it and will probably become a bigger monster than Nox, Qilby, Oropo, and Toross combined. Please, I can't afford to lose you.
Yugo, to the rest: Oh. Uh... you be careful not to die too.
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the-world-of-twelve · 6 months
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wakfu the brotherhood of the tofu
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ichyamleck · 6 months
I don't have the opportunity to communicate with my older half brother because of the difficult relationship in our family, and these two scenes were literally a mental breakdown for me
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onyichii · 6 months
Oakheart was proud of Armand
As I was doing my hair, Armand came to mind (for some reason). Then season 1 finale of Wakfu came to mind.
King Oakheart looked at Armand and told him he was proud of him before his death. HOWEVER time was rewound, so Armand never heard those words.
We don't know if King Oakheart ever gave Armand genuine words of praise again, after this. In the OVA' Armands great idea to build a damn gets overshadowed by Amalia's idea to use her friends newly found godly powers. Even on his deathbed, he was talking about Amalia.
I'm glad he was able to talk about his struggles with Amalia in season 4.
I can't think of anything more to add. My head is pulsating with all these scrunchies. I need to do my hair and go to bed.
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tishots-skvad · 6 months
Даже если ты умираешь.. ПОДСТЕБЫВАТЬ РЫЖЕГО ВСЕГДА ТВОЯ ✨СВЯТАЯ ОБЯЗАННОСТЬ✨☝️Even if you're dying.. Banter of a redhead is your sacred duty!!
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wakfu-weekly · 5 months
Eliocalypse pt 1.5: you're drifting out inside the room where I was born
During inquiry, we get an interesting tid-bit about the Sheran Sharm family after the queen's death that I thought was worth dedicating the sole post to.
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"I've got far too much work to do since the… since the mother of my children has been gone.
It's not easy for me to lead a whole people while also raising a family, and taking care of the Tree of Life too. My little Amalia still doesn't know that her mother is gone, and Armand has got it in his head to take on all kinds of dangers just to get some attention."
Of course, Armand views it differently...
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"(...) My sister is nothing but a dreamer, and my father is grieving... So it falls to me, the prince, to take care of it!"
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chi-xion · 8 months
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also I made this inbetween the brotherhood designs, yugo is a nb lesbian if you even care
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kilfeur · 4 months
Vu le dernier chapitre de Wakfu la grande vague, je me demande ce que dit Amalia sur Aurora, sur le fait qu'elle est ignorante de leurs coutumes, ne révèle pas en soi une forme d'hypocrisie ? Alors avant que vous venez m'incendier, laissez moi m'expliquer ! Quand elle a dû gérer le conflit entre le peuple Sadida et celui des éliatropes. Elle s'est mise du côté des Eliatrope malgré que tout comme Aurora, ils sont tout aussi ignorants de leurs coutumes. Bien que les Eliatropes sont un peu plus justifiés car ce sont des enfants venant d'un autre monde.
Mais pour le peuple Sadida, c'est un changement un peu trop brusque. Il ne s'est écoulé environ un an si je me trompe pas. C'est trop peu pour s'adapter avec un peuple qui vient d'arriver et l'autre qui a vécu depuis leur naissance ! Le peuple Sadida a l'impression que leurs voix ne sont pas entendu par leur reine. Et même si Yugo a son mot à dire, ça ne ferait qu'empirer les choses. Ils n'avaient pas la patience ni l'écoute envers le peuple Eliatrope ! Alors pourquoi ce serait différent avec le roi des éliatropes ? Et même si il est le mari d'Amalia, ça ne jouera pas non plus à sa faveur. D'ailleurs, il serait même possible que son peuple l'accuse de favoritisme envers les éliatropes. Ce qui pourrait très vite dégénérer et les Osamodas en profiteraient pour favoriser Aurora pour la prise du pouvoir !
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Pour en revenir à Amalia, je trouve cette phrase intéressante car suite au choc d'apprendre la "grossesse" d'Aurora ainsi que le conflit entre les Sadida et les éliatropes. Elle n'arrive pas à réfléchir correctement ! En tant que reine, elle se sent impuissante, ne sachant plus quoi faire. Elle est censé les guider, les écouter, veiller sur eux mais n'arrive pas à trouver la solution qui pourrait contenter tout le monde. Pensant que "moralement" c'est ce qu'Armand aurait voulu or ce dernier avant de mourir, lui a confié le royaume. Montrant qu'il a justement confiance en elle pour endosser ce rôle et de permettre à leur royaume de prospérer !
Honnêtement si Armand avait survécu, je pense qu'il serait tiraillé. Car si la grossesse est vrai, alors au fond il aurait voulu ramener Aurora et son "enfant" auprès de lui mais de l'autre, il ne veut pas trahir sa soeur. Mais si elle est fausse, il serait toujours autant tiraillé mais serait du côté de sa soeur. Bien qu'il aura des regrets concernant Aurora. Car ouais même si ce couple n'était pas l'idéal non plus, je leur accorde que leur amour l'un pour l'autre était sincère ! Et d'une certaine manière, le fait qu'Aurora veuille reprendre le trône même si par les manigances de son père, c'est aussi pour récupérer la seule chose qui reste de son bien aimé ! Après ça n'excuse pas le comportement d'Aurora ni ses actes. Mais son amour pour Armand donne un côté sympathique au personnage.
Given the last chapter of Wakfu the great wave, I wonder if what Amalia says about Aurora, about her being ignorant of their customs, doesn't in itself reveal a form of hypocrisy? So wait before you come bashing me, let me explain! When she had to deal with the conflict between the Sadida people and the eliatropes. She sided with the Eliatropes despite the fact that, like Aurora, they are equally ignorant of their customs. Although the Eliatropes are a little more justified, as they are children from another world.
But for the Sadida people, the change is a little too abrupt. It's only been about a year, if I'm not mistaken. That's not enough time to adapt to one people who've just arrived and the other who've lived since they were born! The Sadida people have the impression that their voices aren't being heard by their queen. And even if Yugo had his word to say, it would only make things worse. They didn't have the patience or the willingness to listen to the Eliatrope people! So why should it be any different with the King of the Eliatropes? And even if he was Amalia's husband, that wouldn't work in his favor either. In fact, it's even possible that his people will accuse her of favoritism towards the eliatropes. This could very quickly degenerate, and the Osamodas would take advantage of the situation to favor Aurora's claim to the throne!
As for Amalia, I find this sentence interesting because it follows the shock of learning of Aurora's “pregnancy” and the conflict between the Sadida and the eliatropes. She can't think straight! As queen, she feels powerless, not knowing what to do. She's supposed to guide them, listen to them, watch over them, but she can't find a solution that will make everyone content. Thinking that “morally” this is what Armand would have wanted, he entrusted her with the kingdom before he died. Showing that he trusts her to carry out this role and allow their kingdom to prosper!
Honestly, if Armand had survived, I think he'd be torn. Because if the pregnancy is true, then deep down he would have wanted to bring Aurora and her “child” back to him, but on the other hand, he doesn't want to betray his sister. But if it's false, he'd still be torn, but he'd be on his sister's side. Although he will have regrets about Aurora. Because yeah even if this couple wasn't ideal either, I'll grant them that their love for each other was sincere! And in a way, the fact that Aurora wants to take back the throne, even if through her father's shenanigans, is also to recover the only thing left of her beloved! This doesn't excuse Aurora's behavior or her actions. But her love for Armand gives her character a sympathetic side.
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qarlygannn · 4 months
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i hope nothing bad will happen to them
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cocogum · 7 months
the parallels are so-
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geekgirles · 4 months
"The Flower that Blooms in Adveristy Is the Most Rare and Beautiful of Them All": A Brief Amalia Analysis
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I've been meaning to talk about this scene since the episode premiered, as I find it perfectly encapsulates Amalia's character and her development.
On the one hand, we have the fact that she's long outgrown the pampered, sheltered princess archetype she was introduced as and become far more mature and multi-faceted.
Over the course of the show, we've seen how Amalia evolved from a girl who ran away from her responsibilities because she felt stifled in her own home after her mother's passing, to a girl whose reason to break the rules was the sake of her kingdom, determined to save it from Nox. To the point she eventually grew into the Sadida Queen mantle and was ready to do whatever it took to ensure her kingdom's safety and well-being, from accepting to marry a stranger, to finally stepping up to the challenge and ascending to the throne to guide her troops to victory despite having just lost her brother and such heavy burden thrusted upon her.
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All the while dealing with her own trauma, heartbreak and desires as she watched her father wither away, her best friend since childhood was far away living her own life, Armand and Aurora tried to pressure her into marrying, she was manipulated by Oropo into almost abandoning Yugo, and she likewise suffered because she couldn't be with the man she loved despite both of them wanting nothing more.
And on the other hand, that scene also shows how, while not necessarily the most powerful member of the Brotherhood of the Tofu, Amalia's versatility is second only to Yugo and maybe Adamaï's, as well as it once again shows how despite her powers' development not being as flashy as Yugo's, it's still notable and impressive.
In a way, you could say Amalia's character and power development are both subtle, yet a constant of the show.
Amalia's gone from summoning vines and using her doll to being able to overpower a Xelor demigod without help, use her powers to light up dark spaces (seriously, girlie can create literal light out of plants, how?!?!?), growing cotton plants from stone to keep her and her friends in touch, and season 4 has her become the team's weapons provider against the Nécromes; an ability that, as far as I'm concerned, only King Oakheart was able to do back in season 1 when he created a new bow for Evangelyne.
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And it that weren't enough to prove how layered and multi-talented she is, there's her fight against the Sadida Nécrome itself.
Up until that point, except for a few punches here and there, Amalia's been mostly a long-ranged combatant, much like Eva, relying on her plants to fight. However, her summoning that wooden staff and using it to fight against the Nécrome shows that she's actually quite adept at hand-to-hand combat, too, especially when she moves with such grace and her strikes hold that much precision. Which at the same time means that not only Armand received training from the best masters around, so did Amalia.
This all comes to show Amalia is an example of the hardships she's endured slowly molding her into the person she was always meant to be, into the queen she was always meant to be. Grougal already said back in season 1 she had the heart of a Sadida Queen, her adventures were always meant to get her to that point.
Much like his adventures eventually turned Yugo both into the king his people longed for, and the one Amalia needed by her side. Everything they have been through together have led them to this moment, to the chance to stand together as king and queen, as husband and wife.
To stand together as one.
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This is what Amalia had been preparing for her entire life. And I, for one, am proud to say, "All hail Queen Amalia."
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the-world-of-twelve · 6 months
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ichyamleck · 4 months
never seen this thing with wakfu so made it myself
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you can put your opinion on pairings here and feel free to repost
sorry if there aren't the characters you need, you can comment and maybe I'll update this thing
mine (and the example if someone doesn't know how to use it)
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cartoon-worlds · 6 months
Armand is dead!!!! Noooooooo
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He sacrificed himself for his people but to me it felt like it was done to make amalia queen, something that s4 was hitting it but still is not fair especially how they started to have a healthy sibling relationship and they recently lost their dad
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I don’t really like this type of writing, royal characters sacrificing themselves only for their younger siblings to be ruler
Amalia still can be queen, queen of the eliatropes when she marries yugo and still have the sadidas and eliatropes to be united
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I refuse to accept his dead, thank goodness AUs exists
Is the only thing I hate in S4, in my Au he is still alive and well
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tishots-skvad · 6 months
Q: Did you braid Amalia's hair? Q: Let down your hair.
~Pf. Amalia has ladies-in-waiting for this. My duties as an older brother include exactly the opposite.
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