#armtankhun fanfic
ae-azile · 3 months
Progression - Chapter 30 Preview (Part 3!)
I wasn't going to share another preview, but since it is Pride Month and Thailand legalized same sex marriage, it felt appropriate to share this scene - which can sort of stand alone, even if you don't follow this particular story but love ArmKhun. 🙂
Scene/One-Shot under cut:
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Tankhun had planned a private laser show on the beach!
“We can still watch the laser show,” Arm says, sounding like he is incredibly nervous, “I don't see why we wouldn't. I didn't realize you planned something like that. I just…This morning, you said you wanted tonight to be low-key. I didn't realize you planned a surprise of some sort. So I planned this because…because I love you. I never thought falling in love was in the cards for me. I just didn't. But I have had feelings for you for years, and they have only grown stronger since we got together and…was this not good enough? I had them decorate a secluded bridge over a koi pond with your favorite flowers and tea lights. There is a string quartet playing the song we first slow danced to. Did I do something wrong?” 
“Yes!” Tankhun says accusingly, putting his hands on his hips. Arm’s expression immediately looks crestfallen and Tankhun would normally feel TERRIBLE for making Arm feel that way, even for a second. 
But Arm beat him. He came up with this beautiful proposal with just the right amount of romanticism and intimacy. Even if Tankhun still had the opportunity to one up this, he wouldn't be able to. The laser show was supposed to be private and fun. Tankhun was going to play dumb and act like it was a surprise for him too. Songs that had meaning to them were to play before the daunting question spelled itself out across the sky. It had been incredibly expensive to come up with and make happen within forty-eight hours, and it isn’t even going to happen. 
“You…” Tankhun tries to explain, then lets out a groan, pulls the box out of his pocket, and waves it in the air, “You ruined MY proposal! It is scheduled for midnight. That is just in twenty minutes, and you beat me! Do you know how long I have been carrying this ring? Almost nine months! You could have developed a healthy baby in your womb during that time, and don't say that isn't possible! You’ve ruined my proposal with your perfect one, so you get to be knocked up with our child in this scenario and not point out the flaws in my logic! I want a girl! Accept!” 
When Tankhun finally calms down enough to take in his boyfriend's demeanor once more, he sees that he's holding back a laugh. He thinks this catastrophe is funny. 
“Arm!” Tankhun says, stomping his foot once, “Stop.” 
“I'm sorry,” Arm says quickly, then steps closer, “If I had realized you were going to propose to me, I would have just let you do the honors. It was very daunting and stressful to plan this out.” 
“And you think I didn't have the same experience?” Tankhun asks, “You should have given me a head's up! I would have cast my plans aside and geared myself up for such a beautiful moment!” 
“You’re the one who should have given me a head’s up!” Arm says defiantly, “You’ve had a ring for longer. I only got this one right after Kim moved back into the compound.” 
Tankhun looks at Arm sullenly, “You have only wanted to marry me half the time I’ve wanted to marry you?” 
Arm lets out a groan and steps closer, “Of course not. I was fooling around with different designs for months. I wanted something that would represent your taste and personality. I was looking at different shops online, visiting stores during my free time, and making calls. I finally decided on an online store when I looked into customer reviews, but even then, I spent a long time trying to figure out what would work for you! You can be picky, Khun! And I wanted to get something you would love but would still compliment mine if I designed one for myself because I want everyone to know we belonged to each other. I know I said I didn't mind that your family didn't know back when we were keeping this a secret from them, and that was mostly true. Your reasons for keeping it from them for so long were valid. But I knew that I would face them - or even approach them alone - if you said yes. I love you, Khun. I love how smart and charismatic you are, how devoted you are to your brothers. You love my sisters and nieces like they're your blood, and I love that about you too. I love how you treat your fish like they're your children and how creative you are in so many different ways. I especially love how strange, dramatic, and demanding you can be-” 
“I have never been strange, dramatic, or demanding!” Tankhun says shrilly, only for Arm to take his face in his hands. 
“You are. And if you suddenly stopped being that way, I would hate it. I love everything about you and want to marry you because you're it for me.” 
Arm lets his hands drop at that point and Tankhun lets the words sink in. While he is still slightly frustrated his proposal plan was derailed by Arm’s proposal plans, that was a beautiful declaration of love. A bit of a ramble at times, but Arm is more introverted than he is and was never on the debate team like Tankhun was. And even though Tankhun has the skills to make a beautiful speech, he supposes he would also be flustered if the situation was reversed. 
The situation could have easily been reversed if Arm had just waited a little longer. But Tankhun does appreciate the effort he has put into this. 
“Let me see the ring,” Tankhun says, then realizes that sounds slightly demanding and is proving Arm right, “Would you please show me the ring?” 
“You don't have to ask. I was going to show you when I got down on one knee and you interrupted me.” 
“You took me by surprise!” Tankhun says, then lets out a sigh and pushes the box back towards Arm, “I'm sorry I ruined your proposal. But to be fair, you ruined mine first. Take two!” 
Arm stares at him in bewilderment, “Huh?” 
“It means try again. Sheesh, Arm! Don't you watch any of the behind the scenes clips I send you for the dramas we binge?” Tankhun says, then pushes on Arm’s shoulders, “Go on. Get on one knee. I’ll be quiet this time, I promise!” 
“You promise?” Arm asks cautiously but slowly starts to lower himself to the floor of the bridge. Once he is fully in position, Tankhun nods in approval and Arm takes it as a signal to go ahead. 
“Tankhun,” Arm starts as he looks up at him, “I’ve cared for you since the first day I met you and loved you since that day my biological father unexpectedly visited the compound to bug me about money and you punched him so hard that he fell into the pool-” 
“That was five years ago!” Tankhun cuts in with surprise, but then lets out a laugh, “That was really funny! I punched him in front of all the guards! Even Chan laughed and…Sorry. I interrupted. Continue.” 
Arm smiles a little, then pulls the box out again, “I’ve loved you a little more and more each day - both the good ones and bad. I didn't think it was possible to love someone more, but when you made your feelings known too, I felt emotions I had never experienced. They were terrifying, exhilarating, and a comfort, and I will cherish you and what I feel for you every single day for the rest of our lives. Will you marry me?” 
When Arm shows him the ring, it's beautiful. It's a rose gold band with a larger inlay of a dark green stone, and a smaller one underneath that is white. It will stand out, but still be sleek and subtle, just like Arm’s is. 
In fact - other than the inlay colors - it looks a LOT like the one Tankhun made him. 
“Did you order that from this site?” Tankhun asks, pulling out his phone to look up the site in question.
Arm leans in to look at it, “How did you know?” 
“I had to pay so much in shipping costs just to get them to do yours!” Tankhun says, “I can't believe they profited so much from our love!” 
“Malai helped me out with it. She has embassy connections from her old job and access to an address they would freely ship to,” Arm says, “I didn't have to pay for the ridiculous fee they were asking for that way.”
“Ugh, I should have asked around!” Tankhun says, “I thought about it, but I didn't want word to get back to Pa and-” 
“Tankhun, you still haven't answered.” 
Tankhun gives him an exasperated look, “Well, of course it's a yes. I literally planned a proposal. You thought there was a chance of me saying no? You're so silly, Arm. You know, for someone so smart, you can be unsure of the undying and unconditional love myself and others have for you and-”
Before Tankhun can finish, Arm is back on his feet, slipping the ring onto Tankhun's left ring finger, and pulling him in for a deep kiss. Tankhun fully returns it as he wraps his arms around his boyfriend's shoulders and pulls him closer. 
His fiancé’s shoulders. Because that is what Arm is now. His fiancé. 
“So you talked to Malai about this and she didn't tell me even though we are going to be lawyers together,” Tankhun says with a sigh, “Did you tell the rest of your sisters?” 
“Just Hansa,” Arm says, still holding him close, “I figured Nalin and Preeda would bombarde me with different suggestions on how to ask you, which would just overwhelm me more. But other than Malai and Hansa, I told Pol.” 
Tankhun feels a jolt of annoyance, “I told Pol! I can't believe he knew we would have conflicting plans to propose to each other and he just let it happen!” 
“To be fair, he risked pissing both of us off if he would have said anything.” 
…That's true. 
“Did you ask Pa or Kinn for their permission?” Tankhun asks. 
Arm shakes his head, “It's your decision. Not theirs. I don't think either of us need their permission for this. We are our own people.” 
Tankhun grins at that, brings him in for another kiss, then cups his face, “I only told Pol and Nam at first, but I ended up telling Kim and Kinn on weed brownie night. Everyone approves.” 
“Even Kinn?” 
“He was much more supportive than I thought he would be,” Tankhun says, “Granted, that brownie hit him hard. He was concerned about having cancer. He thought there was a freckle on his nail bed, so I suppose his impending doom made him prioritize his concerns. It turned out to be speck from a marker when your nieces begged him to color with them. All of that worrying for nothing! But the few people who do know have been very supportive.” 
“Good,” Arm murmurs, “I'm glad.” 
“Me too,” Tankhun says gently, then kisses him once more. He could stay in this moment forever. 
“The laser show will start any minute!” Tankhun says with a shout as he breaks off the kiss, then presses his finger against Arm’s chest, “This didn't happen, okay? This proposal can re-enter your mind after I propose to you, but for now? You have to pretend to be surprised.” 
Arm bites back a smile, “Ah. Of course. So you said there was a good view of the beach over this way?” 
Tankhun preens under Arm’s willingness to play along, “I did! I can't wait to show you. I just thought of it a few minutes ago, but it's a new moon tonight. The sky should be dark and the stars will be easier to see. Oh, look! A string quartet! I wonder why they're here?” 
And while he hears Arm break character by laughing at the remark, Tankhun lets it slide. As soon as they are on the blanket and the laser show starts, complete with songs and impressive graphics, Arm is sucked in. And despite having a general idea of what the show is made up of, Tankhun finds himself sucked in as well. When the words, “Will you marry me?” are made up with a group of lit up drones, Tankhun lets out a sound of delight before sitting up. 
“Look at that!” Tankhun says, pointing at the sky, “I wonder who that is for?” 
“I wonder,” Arm says. When Tankhun glances down at him, he is taken aback when he sees tears glistening in Arm’s eyes. 
“Are you crying?” Tankhun asks, then glances up at the sky, “Is it that bad? I went with both privacy and technology, which are both things you like-”
“I loved it,” Arm says, his voice gruff, then quickly wipes his eyes, “And I'm not crying.” 
“Lies!” Tankhun declares, then claps his hands, “I moved you that much! So? Does that mean yes? Or are you not sure?” 
Arm squints at that, “Why do you think I wouldn't be sure? I just proposed to you less than ten minutes ago-”
“Shhh!” Tankhun says, hushing him, “Remember our agreement. That particular memory is wiped from our minds until my proposal has passed and we can make both proposal stories fun and sweet anecdotes to tell our seven daughters later.” 
Tankhun huffs, “I was robbed of sisters, Arm! There are plenty of reasons I call Kimberly by what should have been his name. I would have been a wonderful older brother to girls and I got younger brothers instead! Let me be a girl dad! I was cheated!"
“I am sure Kinn and Kim are both very grateful that things worked out the way they did.” 
“They better be,” Tankhun says, “So what do you say? Seven daughters? I was thinking one who is biologically yours, one who is biologically mine, one who is a surprise, and four adopted.” 
“...I am not opposed to having all girls.” 
“I didn't think you would be,” Tankhun says, “It suits you, being outnumbered by your sisters and nieces. Let's add onto the count-” 
“But I think we should only have two.” 
“Four,” Arm says with a pointed finality. And even though four is technically closer to Arm’s original number than Tankhun's original number, he will accept it for now. There could always be a surprise twin or triplet that will pop up in their future surrogate’s pregnancy, or a group of several sisters who deserve to have the same home with two loving parents, or-
“Can we focus on the engagement and wedding planning before we have babies?” Arm asks, “We can look into egg donors or adoption websites as soon as we get back from the honeymoon, but-” 
“You need to say yes first.” 
Tankhun sighs, “You got on me about not giving you a clear answer to your proposal to me, but now you are delaying giving an answer to my proposal! It's rude, Arm! Not to mention hypocritical. We can only be engaged if you say yes.” 
“Even though you said yes to me already?” 
Tankhun raises an eyebrow, “You really need to learn how to roleplay. We shall add it to our sex lives and practice in the bedroom.” 
Arm sputters at that and while Tankhun genuinely enjoys making him this flustered, he wants a real answer. 
“Do you need to see the ring before you say yes or no?” Tankhun asks, pulling out the box again. It's only when he flips it open that he realizes how dark it is. 
“I don't need to be able to see the ring to tell you yes,” Arm tells him. 
“Fine, but hold onto your answer until you see it!” Tankhun says dismissively, “I worked really hard at designing it and I'm proud of it! I think you will really like it!” 
As Tankhun turns on the flashlight from his phone, Arm looks down at the ring and his smile gets wider. 
“It's a very nice ring. I love it.” 
“Good,” Tankhun says with a nod, then takes it out of the box and has it ready between his fingers, “You can give me your answer now.” 
Arm holds his left hand out and lets Tankhun hold it, “Yes. I will marry you.” 
Tankhun finds himself smiling ear to ear. And maybe - just maybe - there are tears in his eyes too. 
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legendaryrooftopscene · 4 months
As a male escort with a high-end agency, Arm assumed it would only be a matter of time before he was called to the Theerapanyakul mansion. But when he gets a booking, it’s not with Khun Kinn as he had expected. Instead, he’s booked to see the eldest son, Khun Tankhun. As they work through Tankhun’s issues around intimacy and sexuality, Arm finds himself more and more endeared to the man. Developing feelings for a client is dangerous enough for any escort, but especially when the client has a last name as powerful as Tankhun’s. Still, Arm can’t resist returning again and again to coax pleasure and trust out of Tankhun.
It's finally ready! This is the first chapter of my 50k ArmTankun sex worker!AU. Chapters will be posted as edits are made.
If you enjoy this fic, please share/comment/reblog. ArmTankhun is a smaller, less popular ship, so I appreciate any engagement I can get back.
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kinnbig · 1 year
For the kiss promts: 63 or 47 with ArmTankhun?
47 - "I've had a terrible day at work so just kiss me"
“Ough, ai’Arm,” Tankhun laments, flinging himself onto the couch next to Arm with an exaggeratedly exhausted flourish, “if I’d known that plotting to overthrow my father would involve so much paperwork, then I never would have agreed to get involved!” 
Arm flashes him a sympathetic grimace. He holds his arm out for him and Tankhun tucks himself under it immediately, curling up at Arm’s side. 
“Give it to me. I can help you with it.” 
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Tankhun says into his shoulder, “you know no one else is permitted to touch my gel pens, and even Kinn would probably notice if the ink suddenly changed.” 
It would be hard not to notice. Tankhun’s favourite gel pen writes with a pink, glittery ink that smells like strawberries. Arm knows Kinn and Kim would not take kindly to an unauthorised addition to their scheming - even if Tankhun’s promised him that he and a few other trusted parties will be looped in on the plans eventually. 
He also knows that the real reason Tankhun doesn’t want him involved has nothing to do with access to fruit-scented gel pens. 
It’s a strangely giddy feeling, knowing that Tankhun is the one trying to protect Arm for a change. 
For weeks, Tankhun and his brothers have been meeting in secret; carefully weaving elaborate plans to remove Korn from the head of the business and outlining every possibility and consideration in painstaking detail. It would be one thing for them, as Korn’s sons, to be caught plotting treason. It would be another thing entirely for any staff who were found to be involved. 
Tankhun had been at the table the last time a bodyguard traitor had been uncovered. Arm, thankfully, had not been - but he’s heard enough whispers to know that he certainly can’t fault Tankhun for being cautious with him. 
As much as he hates the powerlessness, as much as he wants to help; he trusts Tankhun. He likes that Tankhun wants to keep him safe. Even if Tankhun would never admit the motivation aloud. 
Arm presses a gentle kiss to the top of his head. 
“You’re right, of course, Phi,” he says, and Tankhun wiggles happily against him, at being called Phi. 
It’s been a few weeks since he convinced Arm to drop the ‘Khun-nu’ when they’re alone, but Tankhun still reacts to it every time. 
“Of course I’m right,” Tankhun assures him - but then he suddenly sighs, small and spiritless; unperformative; and sags at Arm’s side. “But it was all very dramatic, today,” he says quietly, “ridiculous, really.” 
Arm hugs him tighter. “I’m sorry.” 
“Oh, it’s all been dealt with now, of course,” he waves a hand in half-hearted dismissal, “but you know how stubborn ai’Kim can get. Ugh!” 
Arm kisses his forehead. “You know, if you’re having trouble with Khun Kim-” he pauses, and Tankhun pulls back slightly to meet his eyes, “then that footage of him in the storeroom with nong Chay could always… find its way into Porsche’s possession.” 
Tankhun gasps loudly in mock affront, swatting at Arm’s chest with his oversized sleeve. 
“Ai’Arm!” he scolds, but he’s smiling, fighting back a laugh, his eyes lighting back up with his usual captivating mischief. 
“I’m terribly sorry for my insubordination, Khun-nu,” Arm says, as straight-faced and formal and faux-sombre as he can manage, and watches how Tankhun’s eyebrows raise at the return to the formal honorific, “that was a highly inappropriate suggestion. How could I possibly make up for such a transgression?” 
Tankhun titters, blushing, and pretends to consider. 
“Well,” he says, drawing out the word in his mouth, “I can perhaps think of one way you could make up for your rudeness-” he twists, throwing a leg over Arm’s lap and straddling his hips, “-and make me feel much better after my terrible, awful day.”
Arm grins up at him. 
“Really?” he ghosts his hands purposefully up Tankhun’s thighs to settle on his hips. “What way is that?” 
Tankhun pouts. “I think it should be quite obvious.” 
He draws closer, pressing their hips together, pointedly demonstrating his awakening desire and instantly discovering Arm’s own. 
Arm bites back a gasp, the sudden friction sending sparks of heat igniting under his skin, and tightens his grip on Tankhun’s hips. Holding his gaze, Arm guides him, gently, to rock down against him. 
Tankhun hisses in pleasure, his mouth falling open into a perfect, pretty ‘O’. 
“I don’t know,” Arm says, even as he rolls Tankhun’s hips down to meet his own again, “I’m going to need you to give me an order, Khun-nu.” 
Tankhun’s eyes are dark and burning. 
Slowly, intentionally, he traces his fingers up Arm’s jaw. 
“Well, nong.” he skates his fingers back, behind the shell of Arm’s ear, and carefully removes his glasses from his face. “You can start by kissing me. That’s an order.” 
All the air seems to have left Arm’s lungs. 
“Yes, Khun-nu,” he breathes, and then, obediently, he does. 
✨ more kiss prompt ficlets ✨
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dramarec · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: KinnPorsche: The Series (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Arm/Khun Tankhun Theerapanyakun Characters: Arm (KinnPorsche: The Series), Khun Tankhun Theerapanyakun, Kim Khimhant Theerapanyakun, Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakun, Porsche Pachara Kittisawat, Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakun, Pol (KinnPorsche: The Series), Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, First Time, Getting Together, Sex Toys, Explicit Sexual Content, Sexual Fantasy, Vibrators, Blow Jobs, Masturbation, Lingerie, Dresses, Underwear Theft, Exhibitionism, Voyeurism, Mirror Sex, Dildos, Urethral Play, Intercrural Sex, Porn with Feelings, Misunderstandings, Self-Esteem Issues, Jealousy, Power Imbalance, Self-Harm, not exactly self harm but possibly triggering, please check Author's Note for a detailed warning, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Mutual Pining, Idiots in Love, nobody has a single braincell here esp the author, no beta we die like elizabeth and sebastian, you know the way kinnporsche jumps between humor heartbreak and filthy sex?, yeah that's the tone of the fic Summary:
What Tankhun did have; however, was the most extensive sex toy collection in Bangkok. In whole Thailand. And no Pete meant no one Tankhun could trust with organizing, restocking, and cleaning his toys. As Pete was busier with Vegas' collection, even if it clearly dwarfed in comparison. No matter what others said, Tankhun couldn't just outsource this role to anyone. He was very aware how pathetic and lonely his collection would make him look in their eyes. Pete had suggested to let Arm take over his duties. Ridiculous. Arm? Ex international beauty pageant Arm with his perfect body and stupid perfect face? Smart as a whip and cute as hell? Tankhun would join Elisabeth and Sebastian from the embarrassment.
 In which Arm is jealous, Tankhun feels unloveable. Eventually, they fuck about it.
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ae-langan · 2 years
So, I'm writing a semi-crackish fic in the KinnPorsche fandom. It's somewhat hard to describe, but currently in the fic, Vegas is drugged up on pain medications and is completely fine with Tankhun, Arm, Kim, Chay, and Porsche visiting his hospital room to play Nintendo Switch. While I do have a Nintendo Switch, I only play it sporadically. So this question is for anyone else in the KinnPorsche fandom: What games would you like to see them play? I have a few in mind, but would love to hear your opinions. The more off the wall and weird, the better.
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ae-azile · 10 months
New Fic!
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Title: I Do (Not Understand What's Going On)
When Kinn wakes up to the news that his father is dead, he focuses on the tasks at hand:
1. Plan the funeral
2. Settle all estate matters
3. Avoid his complicated grief, as well as seeing Pa's body.
4. Tend to Khun's grief, since Kim claims to not have any. Plus, focusing on Khun's mental health means not focusing on what's happening in his own head.
The problem is, his older brother seems FINE. He cried upon finding out about Pa and at the funeral, but he's doing better than Kinn has ever seen him. It makes Kinn more concerned, and it tells him the inevitable breaking point will be bad. He needs to be prepared for whatever comes.
But nothing could have prepared him to receive an invitation to Arm's and Tankhun's wedding.
Read here:
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ae-azile · 5 months
I didn't realize I needed ArmKhun on a deserted island, but this short, fun, and in character fic is giving me just that! I saw that it didn't have any comments (although they are moderated, so maybe some - like mine - are just waiting for approval) and I think it deserves some love.
Title: Swimming Fool
Author: captainunicornxoxo
Rating: T
The one where Arm and Tankhun are stranded on an island and work on some issues
aka the Arm-Tankhun version of Kinnporsche forest episode.
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ae-azile · 5 months
Since I didn't do a poll for chapter 26, here is one for chapter 27:
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ae-azile · 9 months
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Chapter 4 of I Do (Not Understand What's Going On) is now up!
Story Summary: When Kinn wakes up to the news that his father is dead, he focuses on the tasks at hand:
1. Plan the funeral.
2. Settle all estate matters.
3. Avoid his complicated grief, as well as seeing Pa's body.
4. Tend to Khun's grief, since Kim claims to not have any. Plus, focusing on Khun's mental health means not focusing on what's happening in his own head.
The problem is, his older brother seems FINE. He cried upon finding out about Pa and at the funeral, but he's doing better than Kinn has ever seen him. It makes Kinn more concerned, and that tells him the inevitable breaking point will be bad. He needs to be prepared for whatever comes.
But nothing could have prepared him to receive an invitation to Arm's and Tankhun's wedding.
Chapter Summary: Tankhun organizes a brunch with his close friends and family members. Kinn struggles to open up to people, then crosses paths with someone he hasn't seen in a year.
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ae-azile · 1 year
I have posted 5, 3, 1, and On to Wattpad for any readers who prefer it over AO3!
5, 3, 1, and On covers the course of five years and is solely from Arm's POV. It focuses on his friendship and eventual romance with Tankhun, but also on their past traumas and how they help each other heal. It's roughly 144k words and a prequel, companion story, and sequel (at least in the last chapter) to season one. It is set before Giant Dancing Hedgehogs are Nightmare Fuel, which is also on both AO3 and Wattpad. I know this is a rare pair and will naturally have a smaller audience, but it is probably the fic I am the most proud of in any fandom I have written for. So if you like my other work, maybe give this story a shot! ❤️
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ae-azile · 1 year
The last chapter of 5, 3, 1, and On is now up! This is a story centered on Arm/Tankhun and is from Arm’s POV. It takes place before, during, and a month after the series and mostly follows the canon storyline. It is a prequel to Giant Dancing Hedgehogs are Nightmare Fuel, but it is overall much more serious. There are themes of past childhood sexual trauma with both of the main characters. It is also a slow burn that focuses on navigating feelings and relationships when you have significant trauma in your past. 
While it does center around a ghost ship, I am really proud of it. If ArmKhun appeals to you at all, I would love to hear what you think of the story. It can stand alone without reading GDHaNF, although some of the dialogue from the last chapter is from the parent story. 
Chapters: 18/18
Fandom: KinnPorsche: The Series (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage Relationships: Arm/Khun Tankhun Theerapanyakun, Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham/Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakun, Porsche Pachara Kittisawat/Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakun Characters: Arm (KinnPorsche: The Series), Khun Tankhun Theerapanyakun, Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham, Pol (KinnPorsche: The Series), Korn Theerapanyakun, Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakun, Kim Khimhant Theerapanyakun, Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakun, Porsche Pachara Kittisawat Additional Tags: Angst, Caretaking, Mental Health Issues, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Childhood Trauma, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Childhood Sexual Abuse, Revenge, Demisexuality, Minor Character Death, Original Character Death(s), Self-Harm, Gaslighting, Grief/Mourning, Canon Compliant, Pre-Canon, Canon-Typical Violence, Canon Era, Post-Canon, Agoraphobia Series: Part 2 of Masks Summary:
“Khun Nu doesn’t get therapy. He isn’t in his right mind and used to be the heir until he was seventeen, so he knows things. He can’t be trusted not to say them. That’s why Khun Korn set up this training. It’s a compromise and having his guards trained in therapeutic crisis intervention has made the use of sedatives much less frequent.”
Looking back, that had set the tone of bitterness Arm secretly felt for years when it came to Khun Korn.
Prequel to Giant Dancing Hedgehogs are Nightmare Fuel. Can be read as a stand alone.
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ae-azile · 6 months
Progression, Chapter 21: Preview
“Would you like me to call Pete?” 
“No!” Tankhun says, feeling a buzzing, hurt rage in his head as he updates his Instagram feed. Again. Still no pictures or announcements.
“Why haven't they posted anything?!” he says, tossing his phone to the side, “Pete just posted the kittens yesterday! Vegas posted a story of Pete helping him cook breakfast with a heart as the caption this morning! Where’s the baby? Vegas was NOT holding some doll in the cemetery, and he referred to Pete as Papa!” 
“Maybe they adopted her and it isn't finalized yet,” Arm says gently, “Or maybe they are fostering her and can't post pictures. We don't know the situation, which is why I am offering to call and ask Pete for clarification. We talk to him pretty regularly, and I don't see him keeping this from us unless he had a reason.” 
“The reason is Vegas,” Tankhun mutters, “He probably told Pete to not tell us. He's rude like that.” 
Arm lets out a sigh and takes his hand, “Tankhun. You have been worried sick about Vegas the last few nights-” 
“You said you thought Douglas hurt him too, and then you have been blaming yourself ever since,” Arm continues, “Why don't you…talk to him?”
Tankhun stares at his deranged boyfriend incredulously, “Absolutely not.” 
“You said you used to babysit him a lot,” Arm says quietly, “And when you made a mad dash out of the safe room to get to me during the attack-” 
“To save you, which I did!” 
“You crossed paths with him, and he left you alone,” Arm says, “And when we found out about him getting shot, you broke down and cried.” 
“Hmph!” Tankhun says, because it is much more preferable than admitting Arm is telling the truth. 
“He's been the main thing keeping you from actually hanging out with Pete in person, but he never stopped it from happening the few times it has occurred,” Arm says, now massaging his hand, “He seems to be very content out of the business as well, and you just found out you, Kinn, and Kim may share an abuser with him-” 
“We don't know if that's true,” Tankhun says, feeling his voice grow hoarse, “He may have just had to pee.”
Arm breathes out, “...And he just so happened to drive out of his way to a cemetery to pee on the freshly dug grave of a man associated with your family?” 
“...Fine. That is far-fetched,” Tankhun says, “Maybe it was a witchcraft ritual, and that is why he was so okay with us holding a fake seancé. Vegas had a fixation on witchcraft when he was eight! I still think he likes the aesthetic, to be honest, but when he was little? He and I would be dark witches, and Kim would be a nice witch. That's all he would play for a while. Uncle Gun hated it, but Auntie Milan thought it was funny, especially when Vegas made a Ouija Board and we insulted our stupid, dead grandfather through it because we both hated him-” 
“Tankhun,” Arm cuts in, “You're doing it again.” 
Tankhun tilts his head at that, “What do you mean?” 
“Talking about your cousin with fondness.” 
“I did no such thing!” Tankhun says with a gasp. 
“Lies,” Arm says simply, and that is true, but still! 
“Will you be okay with never knowing for sure if Douglas hurt him?” Arm asks, “Because I would understand if that is the case. There is a lot of bad blood, and the feud your father had with your uncle strained things between you and your cousins. If you want to keep your distance, I will support you. But I thought…I don't know. We have been together long enough-” 
“Two years in a little over a month,” Tankhun reminds him. 
“It's coming up very soon,” Arm says, a small smile forming on his lips, “You have opened up to me a lot during that time. More than you ever did when I was just your friend and your guard. So I know enough to know that at one point, you really cared about Vegas. Loved him, even. And when we found out about Namphueng, you told me you wondered if we had fought for the right side.” 
Tankhun looks away at that, “...I felt that way because Pa faked his death, let us mourn him, and got people killed. And because Kinn told me Pa kept Namphueng locked in a room and away from her sons. I also felt that way because he told me Uncle Gun saw her and cried, which wasn't like him. Uncle Gun wasn't good either. He became despicable too. But he wasn't evil enough to lock a woman up in a room and keep her from her family for years, let alone medicate her with...whatever she was being given."
Arm says nothing, and Tankhun understands. No answer Arm can give will be a good one. If he defends Pa, it undermines everything horrible he did, and how many lives were ruined or ended because of him. If he sides with Uncle Gun and Vegas, then it would ignore the fact that several of his coworkers died by their hands.
But there is no denying Pa is the one who set it in motion, regardless of what happened to any of them. He and Kinn were just expected to fight for their lives until Pa thought it was appropriate to make himself known, and they just went along with it because that was all they knew. 
And when he thinks about it that way, he supposes Vegas was in a similar situation and trying to meet his own father’s horrible expectations, that he was groomed by him, just like Pa tried his best to groom his own sons, albeit in a different way. 
Just like he might have been groomed by Douglas like Kinn was. 
Just like Vegas may have been threatened or hurt by Douglas like he and Kim were. 
“Ugh, I'm mad at you!” Tankhun says, jumping to his feet to glare down at Arm, “I don't want to talk to you for the entire night!” 
Arm’s entire face drops, “Khun-” 
“The entire night! You can sleep on the couch!” Tankhun reiterates, then storms off to his room and slams the door behind him. He shuts his eyes and tries to stick to his resolve. How dare Arm make him overthink their strained family ties? He is supposed to be on his side! Also, it makes no sense for Arm to encourage him to reach out, even if Vegas had been hurt. Vegas hurt and killed several of their guards. They may not have been guards Arm was close with, but they were allies and their lives meant something. 
Even though Pa clearly felt differently, since he triggered the whole attack purposely. 
Arm is so annoying! If he weren’t so smart, compassionate, gorgeous, and incredible, Tankhun would be DONE. 
Although, Tankhun supposes he has made mistakes of his own in the past. Arm has just taken them in stride, or sometimes worked with him on the occasions Tankhun expressed he would like to change the way he reacts to certain triggers. 
But that doesn't make him less annoying! Arm is supposed to be aligned with HIM, with Pol coming in second because Arm loves Pol as a brother and Tankhun loves Pol too. 
Just like they love Pete. And Pete is with Vegas, which makes that relationship strained because their relationship with Vegas is strained. And now, Pete and Vegas have a baby, and Pete hasn't said a word. That's probably because a baby binds him and Vegas together forever, and that means Pete will never leave Vegas. 
Especially if Vegas actually treats him well and truly makes Pete happy. 
“What are you still doing on the couch?” Tankhun asks sullenly as soon as he opens the door again. 
Arm meets his eyes and lets out a sigh, “I did pace for a little while and hover my fist over the door. But I wanted to give you space if you needed it.” 
“No,” Tankhun says, lightly stomping his foot, “I want you in here.” 
“Ah,” Arm says, standing up, “I must have misunderstood.” 
Tankhun nods once in agreement, then leads Arm to his bed so they can both sit down. 
Their bed. Arm stays here more than enough for this to be their bed. 
“I can understand your concerning willingness to make up with Vegas,” Tankhun says, “You just found out one of your best friends is raising a baby with him. Of course you would like to extend an olive branch. Of course you would like to hang out with Pete in person a lot more. I get it, because…because I want those things too. It's just hard.” 
“I know.” 
“And…” Tankhun continues, swallowing the sudden lump in his throat, “The thought of getting Vegas’s confirmation that Douglas hurt him upsets me. I used to babysit him when he was younger. I used to adore him, and I know there is no point in denying that. So if he admits Douglas hurt him too, that means I failed him as well, and I don't know if I can handle that.” 
Arm puts his hand on his back and rubs it, “Would you be able to handle never getting a confirmation, always wondering, and just continuing to have weekly FaceTime chats with Pete? Or is that preferred over finding out what Vegas went through and possibly...mending things? I don't know if that's possible, but it might be a step in the right direction if the issue is thought out and approached in the right way.” 
Tankhun thinks on it, then breathes out, “I think it should be Kinn who reaches out. That would be the best way to go about this.” 
Arm looks slightly startled by that, “But he hates Kinn the most-” 
“But Kinn was also hurt by Douglas the most,” Tankhun interrupts, “And if Douglas actually managed to hurt Vegas, he may be bitter over the fact that Kim and I fought back and managed to get out of whatever Douglas planned to do to us. And if he got away from Douglas like we did, I…As much as he resents Kinn, I can't see him being happy about a fourteen year boy being sexually assaulted. I can't even see him being happy that Kinn went through something like that, because at one point, he loved Kinn.”
“...Do you think Kinn would be willing to admit that to him?” Arm asks. 
“I don't know,” Tankhun groans, “Probably not. But Porsche is in contact with Pete and Vegas and visits them. Maybe he can help set up and facilitate a conversation like that. I just…Fuck, Arm! You are SO annoying!” 
“You have said that before,” Arm acknowledges as Tankhun pulls out his phone. He sets up a group chat with Kinn, Porsche, and Kim before adding Chay at the last minute. Chay games with Macau and talks with him. Maybe that connection could provide a backup plan that Tankhun doesn't fully have formed in his head yet. 
But regardless…
Tankhun: I need to have an important meeting with the four of you. Kim, Chay, I know you two have been working on music all day, but please take a short break. I hope we can come to a decision about this and move forward with my plan within the next couple of days.
Kim: What is this about? 
Porsche: It sounds serious. There are no emojis. 
Tankhun: 🎾🐁🌬️🎫📟🖨️🩻
Kim: You never even use any of those. 
Tankhun: That's because I need to have a serious conversation with all of you. Come here. Now. Kinn, you too. 
Kinn: Is everything okay? 
Chay: What do you want to talk about? 
Tankhun takes a moment, then types one word. 
Tankhun: Vegas.
Tankhun: 🎰
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ae-azile · 2 months
Progression: Chapter 32 Preview
It had taken a while to get Kim to agree to lie down in his room. Tankhun did not like the look in his brother’s eyes as he checked out for too long or would try to quietly excuse himself to who knows where. It hadn't been to his old room here and it couldn't have been to the bedroom he shares with Chay, not after what they read.
Tankhun could kill Chay right now. And that breaks his heart because he loves Chay dearly. Except now, he can't. He can never love or accept someone who undid so much of his baby brother’s progress by cheating on him. After Kim helped him learn sign language, fell madly in love with him, signed him onto his label, falsely incriminated that rapey producer, and treated him to a nice vacation so they could celebrate Chat's acceptance into college.
What was Chay THINKING?!
“You said Arm brought over my meds?”
It's more words than he's heard from Kim since shortly after his breakdown. Tankhun had Arm bring all of Kim’s necessities over since Kim clearly needs to move back in with them.
Maybe they need to switch suites, or move altogether. Tankhun loves living close to Namphueng. Up until today, he liked living close to Chay too. Now, it's something that can't happen for Kim’s sake.
This is so unfair. Kim had fallen in love. This isn't how any relationship should end, let alone his first one, not when they lived together, worked together, shared a dog together, and supported Chay’s mother together.
What was Chay THINKING?!?!?
Tankhun takes a deep breath. They won't focus on moving, not tonight. If Chay is smart, then he won't show his face.
“They're over here,” he says, then goes and grabs the medicine bag-
“I’ll take them,” Kim says, sitting up, “You can go and watch a movie with Arm or something-”
“Absolutely not,” Tankhun says pointedly, then grabs a bottle of water from the mini fridge before squatting next to Kim, “Evening meds only. One dose. And a sedative, if you want. You have plenty. Do you want a whole pill, or just half of one like you used to take?”
Kim stares at him for a moment before looking away, “A whole one.”
Tankhun nods in acceptance, includes a full tablet with the rest of Kim’s evening meds, and watches Kim swallow the medicine. He stays by his brother's side, strokes his hair, and doesn’t bring much attention to Kim’s tears. All he does is try to offer him reassurance.
“It will be alright,” Tankhun murmurs, “I know it doesn't feel like that right now, but it will be. Just get some sleep.”
Kim shakes his head, but falls asleep within fifteen minutes, so the pill clearly worked. Tankhun can only guess Kim was shaking his head over the possibility of things getting better. Tankhun wishes Kim wouldn't be so pessimistic.
But at the same time, it's slightly realistic. While Tankhun truly hopes and will strive for Kim to eventually bounce back from this, it will be very hard after everything Kim has gone through.
Tankhun wants to cry for him. Instead, he just continues stroking Kim’s hair until he's sure Kim is in a deep sleep before grabbing the medicine bag and going back into the living room.
“He's asleep,” Tankhun says to Arm, who is getting to his feet, “He's um…He's not doing well. I think he will need to stay here for a while. Sorry.”
Arm nods, “Is there anything I can do?”
Tankhun walks to his boyfrien-
Fiancé. Arm is his fiancé.
Regardless, he still takes his hand.
“Will you sit with me?” Tankhun asks, “Stay close in case…He had a sedative and he should stay asleep for a while unless someone purposely wakes him up, but I want to make sure he has support. He trusts you and-”
“Of course,” Arm says, then lets Tankhun pull him to the couch, “Have you told Kinn yet?”
Tankhun shakes his head, “He’s at that dinner meeting. And even if he wasn't, he would try to play devil’s advocate for Porsche’s sake. Because that's what Chay is. The Devil.”
Arm breathes out, “We still don't know the whole story-”
“We know enough!” Tankhun says, looking at Arm sharply, “You saw those texts. He's been sleeping around! And…And when you combine Kim’s mental health struggles with his guilt over his past with Chay…”
Tankhun trails off before clearing his throat, “I can't believe I didn't catch onto anything happening between them prior to this. Even when I think back, there were barely any clues. But…I suppose there may have been a couple. Like when Kim cried after Chay left the infirmary and mentioned Chay probably had no reason to visit after that night. I thought that was an odd thing to assume, but chalked it up to how isolated and alone he was feeling. And then, there was that time he wouldn't text Chay to invite him to Cambodia. He asked me to do it and seemed as if it was too nerve-wracking for him to do such a thing, or even ask for his number despite spending time with him at that point. I just thought it was anxiety after cutting himself off from everyone for so long, or maybe the start of a crush and he didn't know how to handle those feelings.”
Tankhun groans and lets his head fall into his hands, “They moved way too quickly. That was probably another hint too. I didn't think much of it because Chay made him happy and I knew they were safe when they were with each other. On top of that, I wanted to see Kim happy. But Kim isn't someone who jumps into relationships. He wouldn't have done that unless he already knew Chay. I let my excitement over it all cloud my judgment. This is my fault and-”
Tankhun waves his hands, “Don't try to talk me down from my spiral, Arm! It's one thing for you to have not caught on. You don’t know Kim like I do, and you never really arranged his security since there has never been much to arrange due to his stubbornness. But I should have known something triggered such a steep decline! I'm his older brother and it was my job to figure out how to help him, even if he was partially at fault-”
“I’ve known for a few months.”
Tankhun freezes at the words, the remainder of his monologue stuck in his throat because what Arm just said makes no sense. How could Arm have known?
“Please elaborate,” Tankhun says stiffly.
Arm wrings his hands together, but does just that.
“When Kim went missing, I was going through any of his accounts I could find,” Arm says quietly, “Not much was popping up, at least nothing that would imply his whereabouts. When I hacked into his phone to read over recent texts, nothing was suspicious either. So I tried going further back, even though it was a long shot that potential subjects would have reached out. It was only then that I saw…I saw undelivered texts from Kim to Chay. They were often distressed, and I assume that was because Kim got to a point where he felt Chay was never going to unblock his number. I was very confused by them. Concerned. I didn't think Chay was a suspect, but I also found it strange that he knew I was working my ass off sifting through Kim's technological footprint and never said anything about this. So when Chay and I were alone in the room, I confronted him and gave him an opportunity to come clean. He ended up telling me everything. He was still clearly heartbroken, despite how much time that had passed. I…He said that he still had feelings for Kim, but he couldn't come to terms with what he had done. I asked him to put that all aside and really think about if there was anything else I could look into. Kim had texted him from another number. I guess he did this sporadically, likely through an app. But the text that occurred two months before his disappearance was from a second cell phone, one Kim had on him when he was taken. I was able to track that phone down and we found Kim shortly after-”
“You knew.”
Arm tries to take Tankhun's hand, “...Yes, but-”
“You knew and didn't tell me,” Tankhun says, standing up, tossing Arm’s hand away from him, “You saw me scared and worried out of my mind over my brother’s mental health, knew of a secret trigger that contributed to it, and kept it from me while I tried to care for him.”
When Tankhun turns around to glare at Arm in accusation, Arm’s gaze looks desperate and pained.
Normally, that would bother him. But as for now, he simply doesn't care.
“It wasn't my story to tell,” Arm says, standing up as well to step closer, “I…I wanted to. But Chay started visiting Kim not long after he woke up and I didn’t…I thought one of them would say something and admit they had a past, especially after they started developing a relationship again. But then, they never did, at least to my knowledge, and I wasn't sure how to say it and-”
“Well, it sure wasn't supposed to be said like this!” Tankhun snaps, “Five months after knowing and keeping it from me, because I'm what? Too fragile to know the business of my family, even when I was the one caring for the family member in question?!”
Arm shakes his head immediately, “That wasn't why I kept it from you. I didn't tell anyone what Chay told me. I thought they would do it. It wasn’t my business and-”
“Did Kinn know?” Tankhun cuts in, “The three of you shared a hotel room to work out of. So did my other brother know and not me?”
Arm looks away, but it is enough of an answer.
“Get out,” Tankhun tells him, earning Arm’s gaze back.
“Tankhun, please-”
“I told you to get out!” Tankhun says more forcefully.
“Chay only told him because of the second phone number I tracked. Kinn demanded answers once he knew Chay offered that information and that was a conversation between the two of them-”
“I don't care!” Tankhun snaps, “You were still present for it, and then were present as I practically made myself sick with worry while I relived my own trauma by sitting next to my unconscious and suicidal brother! So you either didn't think I was worth telling or you decided to treat me like a child!”
“Neither of those things are true!” Arm says, raising his voice too, “I already told you the reason I didn't say anything to anyone! Not just you, but to anyone! If I could go back and tell you, I would in a heartbeat! The more time that passed, the more I realized Kim and Chay weren't going to do it, so I got stuck with their secret-”
“Which was your decision! I have told you about how much Kim struggles with talking about things! I even told you about his suspected autism! He wasn't going to share shit unless I initiated the conversation! And I'm sure Chay wouldn't dare tell me, not if he has had some plan to break his heart in the works all along!” Tankhun says before he loses his volume control, “You told me you wouldn't treat me like a child and keep me in the dark! You LIED to me!!!”
Arm isn't doing much better at keeping his voice at an acceptable volume level, “I didn't mean to lie to you! And that wasn't what this was! Can you just calm down enough to let me explain-”
“Calm down?” Tankhun says, feeling a fury build up inside of him, “Calm DOWN?! I'm only going to calm down when you get out!”
“Khun, please-”
“GET OUT!!!”
Tankhun screams it, louder than he has screamed in quite some time. And yet, Arm acts resistant to leaving, leaving Tankhun no option but to push at him until he is out the door. Not hard. Tankhun doesn't want to hurt Arm physically, despite being this angry with him. He isn't an abusive partner.
If that's what they still are. Partners don't keep such things from each other. A partner doesn't infantilize the other by keeping important information about their family members from them, especially when Arm knows that is a huge trigger.
And Arm just didn't question it. He never cared to tell Tankhun. He kept him in the dark because he has been trained to believe Tankhun is a child who isn't capable of handling serious matters, even when Tankhun tried his best to structure Kim’s daily activities in a therapeutic way, at least when Kim was at his worst and still living in the same suite.
Kim. He couldn't have slept through all of that.
Tankhun wipes away the tears that have gathered in his eyes to walk towards his bedroom.
His and Arm’s bedroom, if that's even what it is anymore.
Regardless of what it is, Kim surely has to be awake due to the yelling. Despite being so upset with Arm, he doesn't want Kim to be affected by the fight, not while he is in the headspace he is in.
Not when there is a balcony in the bedroom.
Tankhun quickly opens the door, only to find Kim fast asleep, dead to the world and luckily not dead on the concrete outside or from a hidden switchblade. That is something Tankhun would never be able to handle, but especially right now. He's surprised how hard one of those sedatives hits Kim. They are probably similar to the ones Tankhun used to be on, the ones he hated. But that was years ago. That was before Arm bravely and almost recklessly advocated for him to his father, saying that Tankhun didn't like how the sedatives made him feel and that it would be better for Tankhun to explore his options when it comes to medicine, or other coping skills outside of pills and injections, that Tankhun having more control and being more informed about any medical care would be beneficial and ethical.
Arm is SUCH a hypocrite!
One of those old pills would sound nice right now. It would make Tankhun not care as much. He would stop perseverating on Arm keeping all of this from him. He would also stop perseverating on their fight. They have never had a fight like that. Disagreements, sure, as well as the occasional need for space. But nothing like that.
Maybe he should take one of Kim’s pills. Just one. He has plenty since he only takes that particular medication when he absolutely needs to calm down. They have piled up due to months of refills. Kim wouldn't miss just one.
But along with making Tankhun not care about his anger and hurt over Arm, it might just make him more apathetic over Kim’s heartbreak and decline. For his little brother’s sake, Tankhun can't afford to be apathetic right now.
So instead, he stands by the large window in the living room and cries. He keeps it quiet, despite the heaviness of Kim’s sleep making itself known.
And yet it is all-consuming. Tankhun doesn't stop until there is a knock on the door.
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ae-azile · 4 months
I deleted the poll, but for good reason. I have one-shot summaries and tags for each potential one-shot. Read them below and vote for the one you would most like to read! 🩵
After Tankhun gradually and quietly weans himself off of the last of his psychiatric medications, he prepares himself for the worst. There is a chance his emotions will get the best of him and he will cause a scene at a family dinner. Or maybe his sleep schedule will be no more and he will stay up several nights in a row before hallucinating. In contrast, he may sleep the day away and spend his waking hours in a catatonic state. There is always the possibility of the suicidal ideation making a comeback. And if he is perseverating on certain memories intently enough, that ideation could lead to an attempt. So many risks.
But despite the medications being adjusted again and again the first few years after his kidnapping, they have been left as is for over twice as long. 
Tankhun just wants to know who he is, despite the risks. He may have lost Pete, but still has Arm and Pol. They're his guards and his friends. If one of those risks becomes a reality, he knows he just needs to say one word and they will help him. With Arm, he often doesn't have to say anything at all. 
But somehow, Tankhun feels fantastic. Even after the first week completely off his medications, he isn't easily distracted, somehow feels calmer but still has energy, and does not have one suicidal thought cross his mind. In fact, he has only had one side effect: persistent and repetitive sexual arousal all throughout the day accompanied by the most vivid dreams at night. 
Suddenly, saying one word for help seems incredibly daunting, especially when the dreams revolve around the person who helps him the most.
Pairing: Arm/Tankhun, sort of Tankhun/OMC and Tankhun/OFC
Rating: E
Warnings: hinted medical abuse/control, references to past suicidal ideation and attempts, past kidnapping, and past sexual abuse, yet somehow manages to be sassy and funny. 
Key Tags: Masturbation, prostitutes and hookups, confused/concerned/jealous Arm, sexually and emotionally frustrated Tankhun, impromptu vacation, friends (or boss/employee) to lovers, post-canon.
Summary: After gay marriage has officially been legalized in Thailand, Vegas doesn't think it will have any impact on his life. Even though he is in love with Pete and they have formed a small, but incredibly stable family together, their relationship is far from traditional. Vegas doesn't need marriage. At all. In fact, it sort of sounds like a hassle. Vegas isn't going to propose a hassle to Pete.
So Pete not bringing up even the possibility of marriage shouldn't bother him as much as it does. 
Pairing: VegasPete, side KinnPorsche
Rating: Likely M
Warnings: low self-worth moments and Vegas spiraling a bit over not having a ring on his finger.
Key Tags: Proposals, Miscommunication, Pathetic!Vegas, Oblivious!Pete, Post-Canon
Even before joining the mafia, Porsche has had a tendency to find trouble, and occasionally create it. However, he is MINDING HIS OWN BUSINESS during this kidnapping. He doesn't even know how this lady is as strong as she ends up being. He's sort of impressed. She is pretty tiny and just manhandles him. 
However, his respect quickly diminishes into horror when she taps him on the head with a stick and separates his soul from his body. 
“Don't worry. I’ll return you to your body unharmed once you stop being of use to me.” 
What does that even mean?! When Porsche tries to grab her, his arm goes right through her. Eventually, he walks back to the compound to tell Kinn about this bullshit. Or he would, if Kinn, Chay, Khun, Arm, Pol, or even Korn could even see or hear him. 
But despite his ghost form being a huge stressor and annoyance, the grief, fear, rage, and never ending love and determination Kinn shows over Porsche’s whereabouts and his safety makes Porsche feel special. Kinn acting this way is dangerous for everyone, but Porsche thinks it's so cute at the same time. He has come to the conclusion that as long as Kinn doesn't do anything TOO reckless, this will be interesting to see play out until this lady gets whatever she wants from Korn. 
As for the other drama at the compound that Porsche now has a front and center view to? It's pretty eye-opening. 
Pairing: KinnPorsche, side ArmKhun, side KimChay, side Ghost!Chan/Ghost!Big
Rating: M 
Warnings: Characters experiencing grief, anxiety, and fear over their loved one, voyeurism, secrets being revealed, (sort of) temporary character death. 
Key Tags: Ghost!Porsche, Ghost!Pals, Ghost!Gun, Mourning, crack treated seriously, Badass!Kinn, revenge, secret relationships, post-canon
After Chan and Big both survive their injuries and the trauma from the attack, they move in together to lend each other a hand while they heal from their respective injuries. It's not about Big finding the sight of his dead roommate’s bed anxiety inducing, nor is it about Chan questioning his alliance with Korn for the first time since he started working for the family. Even if it was, Chan is good with bringing Big back down from panic attacks. As for Big, he would like to think he can be someone Chan can trust and talk with while he figures out his next move. He wants to be as much of a comfort for Chan as Chan is for him.
Even though that's not the reason they are rooming together. At all.
Pairing: Chan/Big
Rating: E
Warnings: long-term injuries, betrayal from other characters. 
Key Tags: Bed sharing, hurt/comfort, roommates to lovers, age difference, Post-Canon, Canon Divergence
He's so pathetic. He doesn't know why people leave him gifts in front of his apartment building. But none of those gifts cause the confusion he feels when he finds a newborn baby outside his front door. It's the strangest “gift” he has ever received and it's one he has to contact the police over. 
Kim’s fans can be a little…intense. Ever since Why Don't You Stay was released, Kim's fame has continued to rise, but so have the inappropriate comments and flirtations, number of stalkers, and number of strange gifts. And none of those things matter when Chay has yet to say more than a few words to him. He doesn't want any of the excess attention, propositions for sex, or gifts unless it comes from Chay. 
And again. 
And again. 
When the baby appears at the foot of his bed out of thin air, Kim figures he may need help that no cop can offer. But until he can find the kind of help he needs to get this baby out of his life, he is moving back to the compound for the first time since he was seventeen. He hates the thought of it, but he's not staying in his apartment with a cursed baby. At least Khun and Kinn are at the compound, as well as guards who can tend to this thing so Kim doesn't have to. 
As for Chay’s presence? It's a big building. If Chay truly doesn't want to see him, Kim will stay out of his way, deal with this problem, and Chay will be none the wiser. 
Pairings: KimChay, side Armkhun, side KinnPorsche, side VegasPete+Macau
Rating: M
Warnings: forced parenthood 
Key Tags: Magical/Cursed babies, crack treated seriously, KimChay reconciliation, KimChay as co-parents, friends to crushes to enemies to co-parents to lovers. 
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ae-azile · 6 months
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ae-azile · 8 months
Trying to sort out what will be next in the next chapter of Progression. What all would you like to see?
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