sayurifellfrost · 4 days
Prompt #15: Attract (Extra Credit)
Character: Eanwin Thyrer
Age: 17
“Y’can’t just lock him up!”
Eanwin grit her teeth and balled up her fists, facing off against a Brass Blade who met her shouting with a deep sigh, one hand lightly rubbing at his own ear.
“I can, and I am. He broke the law, ma’am.”
“I don’t give a rat’s fuckin’ ass what he did, he’s my brother!” Eanwin snapped. “We’re tryin’ to fuckin’ survive, with no thanks to you people!”
She jabbed her knuckles against his chest, yet not nearly hard enough to be considered a punch. The irritation locked upon the Brass Blade’s features was becoming more and more apparent, his gaze locking upon the younger Highlander before him.
“We have enough on our hands as it is with you refugees.” He spoke, spite dripping from the last word. “You’re stealing from honest people rather than working for a place here.”
Eanwin stared at him in mild disbelief.
“I am workin’ day and night at your damned infirmaries, I expend my aether to take care of your wounded with nary a fuckin’ gil bein’ offered in return! We’re fuckin’ starvin’!”
“Perhaps it is time to find a different job, hm?” 
“Yeah? Because all your bloody jobs grow on fuckin’ trees out here, yeah?!”
The Brass Blade’s gaze slowly, and obviously, wandered the Highlander’s body, before meeting her gaze with a twisted grin, sending a chill down Eanwin’s spine at the mere look of it.
“You’re a pretty girl, as long as you keep your mouth shut long enough for anyone to gain an interest.” He uttered quietly.
“.. Ex-fuckin’-scuse me?”
“Hells, I’d even be down to be your first client.”
The grin he met her with sent a wave of nausea through the Highlander, her hands balling up so tightly her nails threatened to break the skin upon her palms. She didn’t even manage a response before he continued.
“Unless, of course..” He took a step closer, reaching his hand underneath her jaw to tilt her head back as he whispered. “..You’d rather that was just a favour between us, hm? To get your brother out. I’d even be willing to sweep any further crimes under the rug, as long as you–”
Eanwin swatted her hand up to slap his own away from her, her rage significantly more apparent now that she had fully processed what exactly he was suggesting.
“Over my dead fuckin’ body, you piece of shit!”
He lightly rubbed his hand against his own chest, throwing his shoulders into a shrug.
“Then I guess your brother is staying in that cell of his.” He hummed, narrowing his eyes. “..Perhaps even for an extended time, because of your attitude.”
“.. I swear to Rhalgr I will kick your fuckin’ ass, heal you, just to fuckin’ do it again.” Eanwin nigh growled.
“Oh, sweetheart. I’d like to see you try.”
Before she could even consider swinging a fist at him, the door at the other side of the room swung open, an older Highlander man accompanied by a younger, significantly scrawnier one. Eanwin’s gaze fell to the scrawnier boy, a surge of relief washing over her as her eyes fell atop of her little brother.
Her brother met her with a sheepish smile, eyes falling to the ground with clear shame. The man who accompanied him arched a brow as he peered at the Brass Blade, who had immediately changed his tune and offered the man a salute.
“Captain.” He greeted.
Arnkel stumbled closer to Eanwin, who swiftly locked her arms around him and pulled him into a hug so tight he wheezed at the squeeze.
“Ow– Eanwin–..”
“Don’t you EVER fuckin’ do that again, you damned idiot!”
Despite the angry words, the young woman’s eyes teared up as she held onto her brother, his own arms gently settling around her to give her a pat on the back. It wasn’t often Eanwin let any sign of weakness peek through, always having been the tougher one out of the two, even before they left home. He could only imagine how terrified she had been, thinking she may have lost him.
The Captain’s gaze quietly rested atop the siblings, slowly peeling over to his subordinate.
“Get the boy’s things. His bail has been paid.”
“-- What?”
“You heard me. Go.”
The subordinate slowly sank his head down and pushed himself away from the counter he had been resting on, heading out the door. Eanwin gave the Captain a suspicious stare, Arnkel quietly peering up to him. As the door shut, and the three were left alone, a long exhale left the man.
“There will be a Seeker outside. Blonde, shoulder-length hair, bright eyes, red mark on his cheek.” He began. “His name is Z’quohn, he wants to talk to you both once we’re done here.”
“Why?” Eanwin was quick to question, eyes narrowing.
“Consider it a job opportunity.” The Captain uttered, head tilting slowly. “Your abilities in healing have not gone unnoticed, Eanwin Thyrer. Alas, it is not for me to speak of, but I would suggest you listen to what he has to say, since he paid for your brother’s immediate release.”
Eanwin’s lips tinned into a mere line, arms squeezing her brother just a slight bit tighter. She didn’t know what to think of the situation, but at the moment, she didn’t care. She had her brother back, and that was all that mattered to her.
.. At least it couldn’t hurt to hear this Seeker out.
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umbralsound-xiv · 1 year
Five Suns, At Sunset.
I came back to Azeyma's stone often enough. This part of Thanalan is a dangerous one, these suns. Hunted though i am, mind... It isn't me who needs to be afraid. But it wasn't conflict i saught, but Vex. I came to see my Goddess. To pray for their safety. For my guidance. For Vex to have something that resembled a plan than she had spoken of. After a bell or so... She arrived.
S'vexrha Tchuma wanders along the path to the shrine, mumbling quietly to herself on occasion - until she draws closer to the stone. Her gaze lifts from the ground to scan the area, falling onto the Seeker she sought who stood by the rocks. A hand raises in a small, familiar wave - lips drawing into a smile that seems.. A little too happy for what follows. “Azyema’s symbol. Nice touch.” It leaves her loud enough for Bexy to hear while Vex continues to walk closer to the stone.
Bexy Amalaryssia: "Hah!" Bexy's first note is one of amusement, as the Seeker before her most certainly didn't mean the rock she had found herself resting against. "I thought it fitting, for both messenger and recipient. He lived long enough, then?" Bexy's brow lofts, genuinely curious.
S'vexrha Tchuma: "Still does. Sister's furious." Only upon mentioning the survival do Vex's lips tug a little downwards. "Unconscious, though."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "Mh. He mentioned as much when i carried out my little… Drawing. I remember him saying she was smart." Bexy pauses a little longer, smoothing her hand over the rock. "…I've fought him before. Right here. The first time he tried to take Sayuri from me."
S'vexrha Tchuma: "Smarter than him, anyway. Not much of an achievement." Vex's shoulders pull into a small shrug, before her head sinks into a nod. "I remember. His failure, specifically."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "I do wonder how some of the people where you sleep still manage to draw breath, considering their stupidity. Arnkel isn't a threat to me." Her tail slowly drifts behind her, over her heel. "I spoke with Grym."
S'vexrha Tchuma pauses, tilting her head back as her gaze shifts to the sky, then back to Bexy. "He hides behind those who are, usually." She pauses, peering a little further at Bexy. ".. You did?"
Bexy Amalaryssia: "They weren't a threat for very long." Bexy admits, gesturing Vex over with a gloved hand, should she have wished to join. "...I did. His people came for someone in the Shroud, and i don't know why. Or how. It's troubling. I'm sure she wasn't seen…" Bexy tilts her head, eyeing Vex. "…Do you know anything?"
I wasn't sure how far word had spread within the compound. Of Khive's involvement, of my talk with Grym, or the situation as a whole.
S'vexrha Tchuma flashes a small smirk at Bexy’s comment, clearly amused. Her head inclines and she approaches further, tilting her head. “.. Did try to listen in, mentioned you weren’t alone.. And a name he overheard.. Khive, I believe?” She furrowed a brow.
Bexy Amalaryssia: "…Overheard? But i never… I never said anything. I'm sure of it…" Her features contort into confusion, then. "Unless he has been tracking her for longer than i know. She has a history with Grym's brother… Who is from her tales, a far kinder man than he. Still. She's safe now, and that is all that matters."
...I wouldn't be surprised if he did. A network that large, he could easily have as many tabs on people like her. I'm only glad they didn't choose to strike sooner.
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. It's what he said." Vex lofted a brow. "..First time I ever heard the name-.." A pause, then, as Vex's own features join into an expression of confusion. "-- That asshole has a -brother-?" Her lips tug into a thin line, a sharper exhale leaving her nose. ".. Still, I'm glad she's safe."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "Blood means little in the matter of siblings. Sayuri is mine by choice, but not by birth. But it would seem Grym has one of his own. A sore spot, from what i can gather. Our conversation ended with him shattering his half of the linkpearl, which i had taken from Khive after coming to her aid. I like to think i hit a nerve."
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. You look alike enough. A bit more white on her, but.. yeah." Another pause, as her gaze dips a small bit. ".. Explains the broken linkpearl left on the floor."
...It was a strange feeling. To be told we look alike. Suppose, in ways, we do. In the face, our markings. Our eyes even shine a similar hue. It was a comforting thing. We aren't sisters; not by blood, anyway. But in everything else save for being born to the same awful parents, we are siblings as much as any other.
Bexy Amalaryssia flickers a smile at that, nodding. "…Then i served to annoy him, which was my goal. He's deaf to all reason. His people will die, and he will have an army of corpses at his disposal, nothing more." A sigh seems to ease the weight on her shoulder, but not by much. "…How is Sayuri? Eir? Has… Anything changed, since we last spoke?"
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. His.. smarter Hand came back, same sun. He has concerns about, well.. everything. Death toll, especially." Vex's lips tugged weakly. "..She's very quiet recently, but alive. I assume he is, too.. I haven't gotten to see him again."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "…We can only hope they still are. And if someone with a brain finally walked into the building, my time draws shorter than i'd like it to…" Bexy hesitates, brow furrowing at her words. "…Please, tell me you came here with a plan."
S'vexrha Tchuma grimaces, but nods. ".. I have a bit of one."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "…Tell me. Your last words rang true with Arnkel. You… Understand it was not easy for me to trust you. Especially not in these circumstances. But i am deciding to. Tell me all you can."
S'vexrha Tchuma: "I would've been more concerned if you trusted me blindly. I take no offense to the distrust." Vex flashed a small but genuine smile, one ear flickering. ".. Riot. I have a helper, I will take the key and free her, then lead her to him while the rest are occupied with the commotion. Lead them to the exit."
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Bexy Amalaryssia: "…How… Sure are you this will work?" Her lips pull to a line as she considers. "…Do you plan to join them in the escape? I am assuming so."
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. Sure enough to want to do it. I know the schedules, I know when to time it. Hardest part.. is getting the key from -Him-." She grimaced. ".. I believe I can, however." Vex's body rocks back and forth on her heels once. ".. Preferably."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "…How many suns from now? And what time?" Her inquiry sounded more desperate than she'd have liked it to. "…I'll get as close to the front as i can to recieve them. I'll have someone in our midst to teleport them away. Any who pour forth to stop us, i'll kill unless otherwise specified. I won't be alone. Not this time."
...It sounds so simple, with the way she says it. Though i suppose she's restricted from speaking as much as she might like. The best plans often are simple ones. Less to go wrong. ...And so little i can do for it besides wait outside, ready.
S'vexrha Tchuma: "..Five suns, at sunset." Vex responded, frowning a little further. ".. I wish I could make it earlier, but.. I am being dragged off for a job, soon." A small sigh left her, before she nods to Bexy. "I will get them outside the walls, for you and yours to receive them."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "…And you. You'll join us?" Bexy hesitates a moment. "…I trust you. I have to. One of mine already does, i believe." She smiles, offering a faint tilt of her head. "…But i do not know for the others. I will do my best to convince them. Having Eir and Sayuri back in our hands should be enough."
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. If possible. I will prioritise getting them to you, still." Vex's features draw into a slight confusion as she peers at Bexy. ".. One of yours.. trusts me..?"
Bexy Amalaryssia: "A Keeper tells me you have met. They are the one who told me of you in the first place. That you weren't like the rest."
S'vexrha Tchuma pauses, letting a brow furrow. "..This Keeper." She utters after a short silence, raising a hand to her eyes. ".. Red and purple? .. One crystal-like?"
You nod to S'vexrha Tchuma.
Bexy Amalaryssia: "My friend. And your own too, when you are out, more likely than not." She half-laughs.
S'vexrha Tchuma's shoulders sink a little, as if a touch more relaxed than usual. ".. Mahi'a." A small smile graces her lips. ".. They were kind."
...Kind souls are often drawn to eachother, i have always thought. So it is no surprise Mahi'a found her. Despite all Vex has been through, she has not let it embitter her. At least, not towards people who don't deserve it. At least when she's free, she'll have more than a few friends.
Bexy Amalaryssia: "…They always have been. Always." Bexy smiles, dipping her head. "…I will send Eir and Sayuri back. When you join us fighting off their forces, we will wait for an opening and retreat, taking you with us. Then…" Bexy taps her neck. "We will see about that collar. There's people i can ask. Can they track you with it?"
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. I can't hurt them." She admits. ".. Not physically. Prevented." Her hand rises to the collar, one finger flicking against it with a small 'clink' as her clawy nail impacts. ".. Yes."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "…That makes things more difficult, but not impossible. I'll take you deep into the Shroud; Seeker i might be, but i know it better than most. I -will- get you out of there, Vex. You have my word."
...Take her deep into the Shroud; or anywhere which will buy us enough time to remove it. Not the company house, no. Even my own home would be a risk. But i would ask Erjon regarding the collar... He should know a thing or two, considering.
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. I can make fire, but.." She exhales. "..It won't hurt them. Some will rush through, others might.. instinctively stop." Another pause, as she quietly eyes Bexy for a moment - head eventually sinking into a nod.
Bexy Amalaryssia: "It will help if nothing else. Even if you run and we join you later. You get yourself out of that compound and i'll do all i can to keep you that way. I will send them back with a healer. Eir can't fight well, and i want him and Sayuri as far away as possible. She'll turn round and try to fight with me the instant she understands what's going on, i'm sure."
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. I get that impression of her. Didn't hesitate to fight whoever got in her vicinity." Vex flashes a small, amused smirk, before she nods. ".. Anything I can do, I will. During and after."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "…That's all i can ask." Her smile curls a little upon hearing of Sayuri. "She hasn't given up yet. Tell her. Tell her all she needs to do is get through those doors, and i'll be waiting."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "…And to anyone else who tries to stop her, i'll be waiting for them, too…"
You sneer at S'vexrha Tchuma.
S'vexrha Tchuma nods to you.
S'vexrha Tchuma: "I will let her know, I might not be able to get to him beforehand, though.." She peers up at Bexy's expression, lips tugging into a thin line. "I reckon her welcome will be warmer than theirs."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "Theirs will be an awful lot colder." Despite the ominous tone of her words, she sighs, parting her lips into a smile. "…It… It finally feels like they are in reach. That they will be home, soon. I… I have missed her so terribly. Eir too, i guess. But… Sayuri, most of all."
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. I can imagine." Vex offers a more sympathetic glance. ".. A little better than I'd like to."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "…You have people out here? A home to go to?" Bexy asks, a little quietly.
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. I hope so." Vex pauses, ears flattening. ".. Siblings. Parents.. If they haven't given up on me by now." A sharper exhale left her, gaze dipping. "..Lost a sister the sun I was.. retrieved. Tried to protect me."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "…I… Am sorry." Bexy replies, quietly. Her lips waver as they pull into a frown, gazing back to the woman before her. "…It explains more why you want to help us. Fourteen cycles with them, and you retain your kindness and sanity still. You are your own force to be reckoned with, Vex."
...To know they have taken so much from her. It makes sense now, why she is so keen to help. To spare another from her terrible fate. To enact revenge against her captors by losing what they want most. If in similar shoes, with no way out... If freedom was not an option for me, i would quickly choose vengance.
S'vexrha Tchuma offers a small exhale and a thankful nod Bexy's way, gaze lifting anew, even if tinted by sorrow. ".. Fuck 'em." She mutters. "I want them free, and I want -Him- to suffer the loss of her. It won't make up for the suffering -He- has caused, but.. I imagine enough people want him dead." She slowly rocked on her heels. ".. I want to kill one of the Hands. Not the smart one."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "…It won't undo anything he's done. But if we can make him feel even an onze of what others have felt, it is worth it. And i wager we'll make him feel a lot more than that." Her gaze settles on Vex, nodding. "…A personal vendetta? Tell me what you can."
S'vexrha Tchuma: "Simply sticking it to him is worth it." Vex then nods. ".. He retrieved me. Struck down my sister. I want to make him pay for it."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "If he's unfortunate enough to cross my path, i'll ensure he's yours. What does he look like?"
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. Xaela. Black and red armour, axe. Mark.." She raises a hand to her own marked cheek, to gesture its location upon him. ".. Perpetually pissy, easy to anger."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "Seems to be the case for many slavers. I'll keep my eyes out if i am to find him. I wouldn't take that from you, knowing what he's done."
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. Thank you."
...An act of revenge. To take it wiith your own hands means more than simply having them dead. I can understand it. ...I wonder how Sayuri will think of it, when the time comes for Grym's demise? I meant every word i said to him, of course. He is nothing to be afraid of. And i'll teach her that he is simply a person, just like the rest of them.
You smile weakly at S'vexrha Tchuma.
Bexy Amalaryssia: "…Gratitude is perhaps better saved for when they are home, and you are free. If something goes awry… If something happens, or doesn't go to plan… You will find me here as often as i can manage it."
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. Perhaps, but this is the closest I have been to it in a long time." A small pause lingers, head sinking into a nod. ".. Hopefully, all will work out as planned.. But I'm not so blind that I refuse to believe it could go wrong. I just.. hope it doesn't."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "…It makes the both of us. But even if something does go wrong, i will strive to fix it. If they don't make it out, i'll keep killing as i did before. If you don't follow, i'll find you, Vex. Any number of things could go wrong. We are here, speaking, because things -have- gone wrong. They have my sister…"
Bexy Amalaryssia: "…But i'll fix it all the same. I'll bring them home. That's… What i do."
S'vexrha Tchuma: "Whittle down the numbers, one by one.. I don't doubt that." A new pause lingers, Vex's gaze rising up to study Bexy a little further before she opts to nod. ".. I will trust you on that.. And true. They have your sister.. but not for much longer. Five suns time, she will be back with you."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "…I will prepare. Get them both some clothes, because Gods only know how dreadful a state they are in. I can go to their room, i…" She pauses, "…I can pick their lock. Shouldn't be difficult. But i'll ensure they have all they need and more, waiting for them."
...Perhaps a better thing to do when they are home. It will be... Strange. Setting foot back into the company house. For all of us. It has been two moons, after all. Even bringing them home, it will still be somewhat risky to be in the house too often, at first. Not at least until i know the situation is clear with the slavers. ...But suppose i've thinned their numbers enough to know we could take them if it came to it. If not for numbers, but for sheer force of skill.
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. Hope you have something good for getting dirt and blood off them. Can't say baths are a thing they get.." Vex's lips tugged into a thin line. ".. Handy. I'll.. let them know. At least her, easier to get to as someone who sleeps in the same area she's kept in."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "…I have plenty. You think i look this nice with no effort at all after murdering scores of people?" Bexy's expression is one of faint amusement, gesturing to herself. "…Little things. It will be so good to have them home. She deserves to be happy, after all she has endured…"
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. Fuck, I don't know. Not plenty of blood if you use arrows." Vex offered a tiny pout, even if it faded quickly. ".. Thought I guess carving a symbol in someone isn't exactly at a distance.." A small huff leaves her, before she nods.
Bexy Amalaryssia: "Art is sometimes an often messy endeavor!" Bexy retorts, with a little too much glee than might have been necessary. "…Either way. This gives me time to prepare. Yourself, too. I pray everything goes as it should."
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. I wouldn't know, so I'll take your word for it." Vex meets Bexy's gleeful retort with a small smirk of amusement. ".. Yeah. I'll try to get to your sister, tell her she only needs to hold on for a few more suns."
Bexy Amalaryssia smiles. It is a warm expression, full of relief. "…Thank you. I know they they aren't out yet. And things might change between now and then. But that you're willing to try means much to me."
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. Soon." Vex met her smile with a weak one of her own. ".. Always enjoyed the hushed stories of her. Kid sticking it to 'em any time she got. Had hoped she'd never return to the hellhole but.. being able to aid in getting her out? It'll be worth whatever follows, I think."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "She's not changed an ilm, then. I've fought with a good many people, but few quite as ferocious as Sayuri. Losing her a second time… I cannot imagine Grym will take it well." She huffs in amusement. "Even for all the rest he has lost. He doesn't seem to care for how many die. He…" Bexy seems to trail, expression warping for a moment as the gaze that had settled on Vex's slowly diverts. "…Vex. Are there… I… I know there are others like you. In there." Slowly, Bexy's lips pulled into a line. "…I… Have tried my best not to kill anyone i thought was innocent. But… I fear i may have… Done so."
...The thought of the Seeker i killed not so far from here weighed heavy. Tell Vex i'm sorry. ...Did i make a mistake? He was my opponent. My enemy. But did he have another choice...? ...I had thought to keep it from her. Worried she might retract her deal if she learned. But here, so close to my Goddess... ...Of truth, and inquiry... And forgiveness. I couldn't.
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. Probably not, no. But I also don't give a shit what he thinks." She huffed. ".. No. He.. doesn't care. He'll end one of his own if they wronged him enough, to his opinion. A Hellsguard did, recently." Her brow then lofts, peering up at Bexy as she voices her concern, offering a slow blink. Her brows furrow as she disappears in temporary thought, eventually shaking her head. ".. You haven't. You said the Midlander woman escaped, she would've been the only undeserving one."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "…There was a Seeker. I don't remember his name, but he was with Arnkel. A healer… I put two arrows in him. But he said… To tell you he was sorry."
S'vexrha Tchuma's lips pulled into a thin line, a sharper exhale leaving her nose. ".. Yeah, right. Fitting to be sorry only on death's bloody doorstep." She scoffed, shaking her head. "He was deserving. Fucker was from my tribe, didn't lift a bloody finger to help me. Joined 'em willingly."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "…Then that's a weight from my conscience." Bexy gives a similar exhale, nodding through a knit brow. "Is… There anyone i should steer clear of harming if it's not immediately obvious?"
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. Normally I'd say anyone who hesitates, but.. Folks are shit-scared of you, a whole lot of them will probably hesitate." She raises a hand to her cheek, lightly scratching at it. ".. Not all have these, either.." A hand raises to tap at her collar.
Bexy Amalaryssia: "Good. They -should be-." Bexy's words were sharper, delivered with a smirk that quickly simmered. "…I will do my best to make good decisions." She glances to the collar, considering. "…So they can fight back?"
S'vexrha Tchuma nods to you.
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. I am a special case, I guess."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "…Of that, i have no doubt. How many did you kill before they put that on?"
S'vexrha Tchuma pauses. "..Two. Did.. manage to break through it once, expanded that list with eleven more before they could stop me."
Bexy Amalaryssia blinks, before she smirks. "…Special case, as you said. I am glad you chose to find me, instead of fight me."
S'vexrha Tchuma: "Never held the intention to fight you, and had I encountered you out in the wilds before we got to talk.. I would've done my damnest to try to explain things."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "…Which i appreciate. I only hope i'd have the sense to listen." She gives a faint, wry smile, sighing quietly. "…Soon. They'll be back home. Where they belong…" Her voice wavers, before she catches herself, looking to Vex. "…And you will be free."
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. If it makes you feel better, I'm painfully confident I'd be fine after it, no matter what." She shrugged faintly. "..Soon. Not soon enough, I'm sure.. But soon."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "…Confident enough to have survived there for fourteen cycles. I'll take your word for it."
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. Fourteen cycles, some of them spent actively trying to make them kill me." Vex's lips pulled into a thin line at her own admission, followed by a small shrug. ".. Never quite get what we want, no matter what it is. You want to live? Shit outta luck. You want to die? Hah, no."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "…Some horrible purgatory. I pray the whole thing collapses in on itself, and eats itself alive." She tilts her head, quietly. "…I haven't seen so many people out. Are they hiding from me?"
S'vexrha Tchuma: "One can hope." Vex snorts, tilting her head. ".. Yep. Hiding from you, avoiding any job that has with your sister to do.. It's hilarious to see, I'll admit."
...I won't tell of the quiet sense of joy i get when people fear me. People that i want to fear me, in any case. There's power in fear. Well placed fear, in any case. Make someone afraid of you, and you've already halfway won. ...Perhaps that's why Grym has gotten as far as he has.
You smirk confidently at S'vexrha Tchuma.
Bexy Amalaryssia: "Hah, good. Though if anyone is either brave or stupid enough to step outside, and is unlucky enough to be found, i won't show them any kind of mercy even if we have our arrangement."
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. Hey, less folks in our way when I break them out."
You beam with delight at S'vexrha Tchuma.
Bexy Amalaryssia: "One way to put it. We have our plan… I will proceed as normal until the appointed sun."
S'vexrha Tchuma nods to you.
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. I'll ensure my lot is ready for the commotion."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "…And i'll ensure we're ready to recieve them, along with yourself." Bexy pushes from the stone, smoothing her hand over the surface. "…The next we meet, you will have your freedom."
S'vexrha Tchuma: ".. I'd tell you to be safe but I think those you come across will need those words more than you."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "They'd need more than well wishes to keep me from them." Bexy begins to walk, pausing by Vex for a moment. "…Five suns, at sunset. Until then."
S'vexrha Tchuma: "Until then."
...They'll be home soon. Home, and safe, and together. I have to believe it, because thinking anything otherwise will drive me deeper into the pit of madness i've already sunk partway into. ...As for my repayment to Vex for saving them, if all goes to plan...? Freedom is the very least i could offer her.
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fyblackwomenart · 3 years
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Marina Arnkel
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liushenzine · 3 years
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❁ Preview: Arnkel 
❁ Check out this beautiful illustration by our talented artist https://twitter.com/Marina_Arnkel
❁ Don't miss out on the full piece! Pre-order the zine here: https://liushen-preorders.carrd.co
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welcometothewarren · 4 years
Eyrbyggja Saga Week 4
*deep breath*
skaldic verse is my fucking favorite.  i love skaldic verse.  somebody many centuries ago saw the opportunity to take their historical drama and also make it be a musical.  and it slaps.  i think the author added them because it fucking slaps, and it’s a really interesting narrative device that lends a level of artistic emphasis to the scene.  if at this point as an audience member, you’ve tuned out any of the litany of borderline indistinguishable names or the loosely retold historical events that you probably already loosely know of, the actual poetry of the saga punctuates the experience in a really unique way.  the rhythm and the alliteration and the shape of the sound reflects the emotional impact of the words.  it’s debatable whether it’s learned or innate, but we all respond in specific and distinct ways to repetitive sounds, dependent on whether they’re percussive or resonant or sibilant or whatever.  (and i think it’s worth mentioning that vocal, sound-based enchantment is such a notable part of the old norse mythos.  the overlap between galdr and using skaldic verse to influence the emotional state of the audience makes me 👀)  it serves to ratchet up the emotional tension.  even beyond that, it gives the author an opportunity to really, stylistically, go ham with imagery that might go relatively understated in the prose.  take as an example
slander forced me to defend my fame. ravens feasted then, fattened by the spear's lust: busy, the blade rang battering my helm; blood-tides surged like surf at my side.
that’s fucking terrifying.  (and i love that he has to walk back his bravado almost immediately with “i loathe the strife/of the scarlet shield wall” like yes.  the imagery.  yes.)  it’s evocative as shit and i can only imagine that the experience of sitting in a firelit room, over a communal meal, all of your focus locked onto an orator who is all but given over to the narrative just throws the mental sensory construction of that scene and the sense of awe into sharper focus.
and actually while i’m loosely on the subject of narrative devices i love the repetition of arnkel and his men coming to search katla’s house for odd.  it’s so good and so reminiscent of modern campfire stories.  you even see the same motif of repeating an action three times and then having a different outcome after a final repetition in children’s books that are intended to be read aloud and it’s?  idk it’s really interesting to me that the way oral storytelling works is so surprisingly universal.
i’m...not really sure what to say about the social forces at work.  there’s a lot to unpack in this week’s reading that’s very very telling.  i mostly just feel sad for thorarin, if i’m honest.  damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t.  his progression from being accused of insufficiently holding up cultural standards of masculinity, to feeling honor bound to repeatedly defend his reputation with violence, to what can only be described as deep depression, to being legally bound to flee to country is just...sad.  it’s paints an absolutely fucking dismal picture of old norse society and like. i feel like more than a few of those social elements still hit uncomfortably close to home in 2020.
i’m still puzzled by katla v geirrid.  i’m really looking forward to reading the article that was posted but i just haven’t had the chance yet.  katla’s curse is going to lead to some wild shit, i can feel it.  i can only assume his trip abroad which was very well thought out and not at all a panic move is going to go poorly because of Saga Family Drama.
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norsereadalong · 4 years
Norse Readalong 2020 Schedule
This schedule is based on the Hermann Palsson translation. Chapters may be broken up differently in other translations, so the beginning and end lines of each chapter are quoted in English and Icelandic to help keep everyone on the same page in terms of starting and stopping points.
Week 1 - 9/28 - Chapters 1-6
There was a great chieftain in Norway called Ketil Flat-Nose....There is no need to record here the settlements of people who do not come into our story.
Ketill flatnefur hét einn ágætur hersir í Noregi....Á þessum tímum byggðist allur Breiðafjörður og þarf hér ekki að segja frá þeirra manna landnámum er eigi koma við þessa sögu.
Week 2 - 10/5 - Chapters 7-13
A man called Geirrod took possession of land between Thor’s River and Langdale, and made his home at Eyr...All of this only served to aggravate the bad feeling between Bork and Snorri.
Geirröður hét maður er nam land inn frá Þórsá til Langadals og bjó á Eyri....Af þessu óx mjög óþokki með þeim Berki og Snorra.
Week 3 - 10/12 - Chapters 14-18
In the spring at the District Assembly, Snorri demanded his inheritance from Bork....He married Thorgrima Witch-Face, and their sons were Orn and Val, both sturdy fellows.
Á vorþingi um sumarið heimti Snorri föðurarf sinn af Berki....Þeirra synir voru þeir Örn og Valur, drengilegir menn.
Week 4 - 10/19 - Chapters 19-24
Thorarin spent the night at home in Mavahlid....The following year he set out to colonize Greenland, fourteen years before Christianity was adopted by law in Iceland.
Eina nótt var Þórarinn heima í Mávahlíð....En það var fjórtán vetrum fyrir kristni lögtekna á Íslandi.
Week 5 - 10/26 - Chapters 25-29
Now to come back to Vermund and Thorarin the Black, they made landfall in Norway north of Trondheim Fjord and sailed up to Trondheim....People considered Bjorn a great warrior and the bravest of men in any dangerous situation.
Nú er að segja frá þeim Vermundi og Þórarni svarta að þeir komu af hafi norður við Þrándheimsmynni og héldu inn í Þrándheim....Og meðan Pálna-Tóki lifði var Björn með honum og þótti hinn besti drengur og hinn hraustasti í öllum mannraunum.
Week 6 - 11/2 - Chapters 30-34
Now we come back to Thorolf Twist-Foot, who was getting very old....You can still see traces of the wall.
Nú skal segja frá Þórólfi bægifót....Lét Arnkell síðan leggja garð um þveran höfðann fyrir ofan dysina svo hávan að eigi komst yfir nema fugl fljúgandi og sér enn þess merki. Lá Þórólfur þar kyrr alla stund meðan Arnkell lifði.
Week 7 - 11/9 - Chapters 35-41
Snorri the Priest had ignored Thorolf’s protests and continued to use Krakaness Wood, but Arnkel soon made it clear that in his opinion Snorri had no legal right to it....So when they rode back home, they had more or less come to terms.
Snorri goði lét vinna Krákunesskóg allt að einu þó að Þórólfur bægifótur hefði um vandað en það fannst á Arnkatli goða að honum þótti eigi að lögum farið hafa heimildartakan á skóginum....Og voru allir kallaðir sáttir er heim riðu.
Week 8 - 11/16 - Chapters 42-45
That summer a ship put in at Hraunhaven Mouth, and another at Dogadur Ness....Thorleif Kimbi walked with a wooden leg for the rest of his life.
Þetta sumar kom skip í Hraunhafnarós en annað í Dögurðarnes....Þorleifur kimbi gekk alla stund síðan við tréfót.
Week 9 - 11/23 - Break
While it pains me to be US-centric, the couple of times we’ve tried to push through on American Thanksgiving, participation has been basically nil. If you’d like, use this week to catch up or read ahead.
Week 10 - 11/30 - Chapters 46-51
Steinthor of Eyr and his men rowed to the boat-shed at Bakki and hauled the boat ashore....They had an easy journey and got back safely.
Þá er þeir Steinþór af Eyri koma til nausta á Bakka settu þeir þar upp skip sitt....og tókst þeim allt greitt um sína ferð og komu með öllu heilu heim.
Week 11 - 12/7 - Chapters 52-58
The farm at Frodriver had a large living room with a bed-closet behind it, as was usual in those days....Three of Ospak’s men were killed in the fight and one of Thorir’s, while a good many on either side were wounded.
Að Fróðá var eldaskáli mikill og lokrekkja innar af eldaskálanum sem þá var siður....Á þeim fundi féllu þrír menn af Óspaki en einn af Þóri en margir urðu sárir af hvorumtveggjum.
Week 12 - 12/14 - Chapters 59-65 (End!)
Snorri the Priest took over the case against Ospak and his men from Alf the Short....And so we end this story about the people of Thor’s Ness, Eyr, and Altafjord.
Snorri goði tók við málum Álfs hins litla öllum á hendur þeim Óspaki....Og lýkur þar sögu Þórsnesinga, Eyrbyggja og Álftfirðinga.
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theemperorsfeather · 4 years
Norse readalong week 6
Another week, another mess of foul play and murders! 
. . . I am beginning to think I could swap out “week” for “paragraph” at this point.
I was looking forward to finding out how Katla’s curse on Arnkel was going to turn out and I guess now we know.
First his father gets really pissy about land ownership while he’s alive, causes a bunch of killings and of course lawsuits, tries to drag Arnkel in as much as possible, and then he dies out of spite and turns into a draugr and . . . causes a whole bunch more killings and death and general misery, all of which seems much worse than what Odd had to deal with because of Katla. OTOH, Arnkel is still alive at the end of this week’s reading, which is much more than can be said for Odd.
The most surprising thing in here as a member of the audience was that no one mentions Katla’s curse. Is this a literary convention? The audience is just assumed to remember all these details? Or is there more of Twist-foot causing problems on purpose yet to come??
It is also really outstanding how cutting these people are to each other in dialogue:
Snorri telling Thorolf, “You shouldn’t complain. You ought always be on Arnkel’s side, he’s a much better man than you.”
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¿Un foro que junta vampiros y zombis? ¿Y en era victoriana? ¿Dónde habéis estado toda mi vida?
Nos alaga mucho este comentario, gracias por este lindo gesto. Fue toda una revelación cuando ideamos el concepto y comenzamos a unir piezas de nuestras temáticas y fuentes favoritas. Estamos bastante contentos con lo que hemos hecho y esperamos que este proyecto les emocione tanto como a nosotros. — Arnkell Eymundr y  Alan Chambers.     
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Sneak peak of the amazing job of our amazing artist Arnkel!
We´re very happy to have people with this talent in this proyect!
🏮Ankel ⮞ Twitter | Instagram
🏮Order the zine now! (If you have any problem with Big Cartel use this google document to make your pre-order)
Reblogs are appreciated! 💖
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transmogwow · 7 years
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Arnkell - Khaz Modan (eu) head: Death March neck: Brysngamen, Torc of Helheim shoulder: Vindictive Gladiator's Dreadplate Shoulders back: Shroud of the Drowned Adherent chest: Cruel Gladiator's Dreadplate Chestpiece tabard: Tabard of the Ebon Blade wrist: Vindictive Gladiator's Dreadplate Wristplates hands: Vindictive Gladiator's Dreadplate Gauntlets waist: Vindictive Gladiator's Dreadplate Girdle legs: Vindictive Gladiator's Dreadplate Legguards feet: Spiked Terrorwake Greatboots finger1: Band of Twisted Bark finger2: Glinting Quartz Ring trinket1: Terrorbound Nexus trinket2: Fel-Oiled Infernal Machine mainHand: Apocalypse
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sayurifellfrost · 1 year
Prompt #3: Issles (Extra Credit)
Character: S’vexrha Tchuma
Age: 18
TW: Abuse
The door was slammed open using her body, the impact against her back immediately tearing the air from her lungs before she found herself thrown into the room. Her body met the floor with a violent thud, yet she quickly pushed herself up to sit and back to lean against the nearest wall - flashing a shit-eating grin Grymahtyn’s way as the Sea Wolf barged into the room after her.
“Do you realise what you have DONE, Vexrha?!” He bellowed, the green tint of his skin flaring up with the rage that boiled within him.
“Quite well, actually..” S’vexrha retorted, bowing her head to let her crimson gaze peek at him from beneath her fringe. “I can tell you in detail, if you’d like!”
Her head raised back up to fixate her gaze in his, her grin growing a little wider. In his fury, Grymahtyn flung a foot forward, slamming it into S’vexrha’s torso and pushing her further into the wall, a crack emitting from her ribs. Her taunting expression swiftly shifted into one of pain, teeth gritting with a hiss before she forced a new smirk onto her lips.
“No..? Your loss..” S’vexrha uttered. “.. Just like you lost Sayuri.”
A massive fist swung for her skull, immediately making her crash into the floor, dazed. A wheezing breath left her, followed by a faint laughter.
“You.. won’t ever touch her again..”
“We already found your helper, Vexrha. Sang like a bloody bird when we threatened harm on her brother.” Grymahtyn spoke over her, drowning out the words he was in utter denial of.
S’vexrha shifted herself to sit upright, pain shooting through her ribs and head as she slumped back against the wall.
“I didn’t give her much of a choice but to agree.” She shrugged. “Did you think I helped D’khoreh out of the goodness of my heart? I did it so they’d owe me.”
The words that left her mouth sounded truthful enough, but they were far from it. The sun she had helped D’khoreh was because she cared, because she knew he was in the same situation as her - D’nhehli was the one who decided she owed her, even if S’vexrha had initially denied it.
“I refuse to believe only you were behind this, Vexrha.”
“Well, no. Sayuri’s sister was, too!” S’vexrha beamed a taunting smile. “I sought her out, you know. She understood me, despite the restrictions you have put on me.. Knew I was not her enemy.”
“And what? She simply believed your words?”
“Not entirely, so I offered her something that made it quite clear.”
The Sea Wolf narrowed his pale eyes at S’vexrha, who kept her head high and proud, grin widening.
“.. I told her about the group in the Burning Wall.” S’vexrha admitted. “I am the reason S’jinh, T’zikra, Girha and Wilmaer died. I am the reason Arnkel was carved up. And I regret nothing.”
Grymahtyn’s hand swept down to lock around S’vexrha’s throat, tearing her up from the ground and slamming her back-first into the wall. Her hands moved up to hold onto his, her cocky smile refusing to leave her lips.
“..E-everyone.. who died.. t-this sun.. Y-you can.. a-attribute.. to me, t-too..” She wheezed. “..You.. h-have lost.. Grym..”
The Roegadyn threw her, launching her across the room to slam into the floor. She didn’t even bother to move this time as she collided with it. A sharp impact in her side sent her rolling, another audible crack emitting from her ribs and making her hiss in pain. Another was quick to follow, and it became more of a repetitive motion. Occasionally, he’d switch it up and yank her up by her neck and slam her into the nearest wall or punch her, and S’vexrha could do naught to even try to protect herself.
Blood filled her mouth and she felt numerous bones break beneath the impacts. Her consciousness flickered, as she struggled to stay awake throughout it all. She could no longer register sound, even if she knew they filled the room.
She resigned herself to her fate, as she quietly wished for it all to end.
Afterall.. They had no reason to come back for her now, did they?
She felt herself drop to the ground, and no more impacts followed. Her dotted gaze locked atop of her own hand, mutely watching as weak little embers sparked around her fingers before flickering out once more, shortly followed by her own consciousness.
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sayurifellfrost · 1 year
Voice of Reason
Z’quohn quietly stood in the infirmary, eyes resting atop the Hyur siblings who were it’s only occupants. Arnkel laid atop one of the cots, unconscious with Eanwin asleep in the chair she had pulled up all the way to rest her head against the bed itself - holding his hand.
The moment he had arrived to Ul’dah and been seen by a familiar face had he been given the information of the attacks targeting them, that had been the cause for many deaths the time he had been away.
Thirty-nine people had died in his absence, with Arnkel having been the only survivor among those who had been attacked. Twenty-eight of those dead had been on the outside, with eleven on the inside - leaving Z’quohn’s mind racing for how, exactly.
He hadn’t been to see Grymahtyn yet, to get answers to the questions he held - having opted to pay a visit to the Thyrer siblings first.
His gaze shifted to Eanwin as she stirred, slowly beginning to sit up with a quiet groan.
“.. Hey.”
Eanwin flinched, turning half-way in her seat to stare Z’quohn’s way.
“-- By fuckin’ Rhalgr, Quohn..” She sighed. “.. Time for you to come back, huh?”
“.. I would’ve come back earlier, had I known what was going on.” Z’quohn frowned weakly. “Whisper saw me in Ul’dah, filled me in a little..”
“.. So you know we have a huge pile of dead folks?”
“.. Yeah. She said thirty-nine.. And that eleven of those had been -inside- our own walls..?”
Eanwin exhaled another deep sigh, features pulling into an expression of annoyance.
“Grym got his fuckin’ Kitten back, and her claws are fuckin’ sharper than ever.”
Z’quohn’s eyes widened a touch, gaze locked upon Eanwin.
“.. X’llaya was recaptured..?”
“Aye, for all the fuckin’ good it’s done us!” Eanwin frowned. “Every dead member is because of her, and Grym aint doin’ shite about it other than sendin’ more of them to their bloody deaths.”
“.. How?”
“She’s killin’ us on the inside while her bloody sister is killin’ us on the outside.”
“.. Is X’llaya not being punished for it?”
“She is, but it aint helpin’. Been a volatile fuckin’ brat since Grym put on the spectacle of killin’ her rabbit.”
Z’quohn’s arms folded before his chest, brows furrowing further and further the more he was told - gaining more questions with every answer.
“..Her.. rabbit..?” He questioned.
“.. She’s datin’ some bloody Viera, Grym keeps him locked up in a torture chamber to reinforce her thought of him bein’ dead.” Eanwin uttered with a sigh. “Had Vairg fight him in the arena and made a show of killin’ him, then had us heal him when he was pretty much a goner and X’llaya was outta sight.”
“.. And.. how was she before this..?”
“.. Obedient, until he was hurt. Bloody desperate to get to him, but the threat of hurtin’ him kept her in check.”
Z’quohn threw his head back, exhaling a deep sigh.
“Grym.. removed the one leverage we had of her..” He sighed. “.. Fuck.”
“Welcome back to a fuckin’ mess.”
He kept a small frown, shaking his head.
“.. Safe to assume he’s downstairs with her, then..”
“.. Well, wish me luck, then..”
“.. You’ll be fine. Grym finally chained her to the bloody wall.”
.. And the ice?”
Z’quohn offered a small nod and made his way to the exit, stepping out and shutting the door behind him to give the siblings privacy. He quietly wandered the halls, offering whoever he met on the way a small nod of recognition - bereft of his usual smile, as the mood in the compound was certainly.. Off. 
Despite the amount that had died, the halls seemed more full than normal - people refusing to go outside out of fear of being cut down on the spot, no doubt.
.. How could one woman do so much damage? It.. didn’t make sense.
Just who was this sister of X’llaya’s?
His steps brought him down the stairs that led into the cells, and as he drew closer to the solitary cells he could hear it.
Grymahtyn’s voice, even if his words were incoherent, and a slight whimper of pain.
He continued to walk, gaze briefly passing over a shattered linkpearl that laid on the ground - brow arching before he moved over to the door of the cell and peered inside.
X’llaya was held by her throat against the wall, as far up as the chains around her wrists would let her. Her hands were balled together, fresh blood running down her palms as her claws pierced the skin.
Grymahtyn was seething, beyond furious at this point - not even noticing Z’quohn as he approached. Not until the mismatched gaze of X’llaya flickered in his direction. The Sea Wolf dropped her and let her crash down into the floor, a hoarse yelp of pain tearing from her throat as she impacted it.
“.. Are you good to talk, or do you need to.. Calm down?” Z’quohn prodded, lofting a brow at Grymahtyn.
The Sea Wolf lift his leg and swung a foot forwards, slamming it into X’llaya’s ribs, making her cry out as an audible snap emit. He then wandered towards the door, making Z’quohn step back to let him exit, slamming the door shut and locking it.
“I am fine.” Grymahtyn grumbled. “How much do you know?”
Z’quohn’s gaze passed over Grymahtyn’s attire, noting the fresh little specks of blood upon his coat that was no doubt from the Seeker within. The duo began to walk, the Seeker waiting to respond until they got out of hearing reach of the cells.
“The amount of dead. Obviously that.. X’llaya is here. And.. about the Viera. And her sister.”
“.. I have questions.”
“I figured you would. Save them for my office.”
He nodded slowly, and they proceeded their walk in silence. Some glances were cast their way as they passed, concerned looks in their gazes but no-one dared to speak up. They knew better than to openly question Grymahtyn.
The moment the duo had slipped into the office, Z’quohn shut the door behind them, as Grymahtyn moved to lean against the desk.
“.. Why did you have the Viera killed? Or.. pretend killed.” He asked.
“To hurt her emotionally.” Grymahtyn uttered with a small shrug. “It worked as planned.”
“.. Did it? He was leverage, Grym. We could’ve used him to control her, and instead she’s killing our people. And so is her sister.”
Grymahtyn’s lips pulled into a thin line, brows sinking a little further.
“..We’ve lost thirty-nine people, Grym. I know how many of those were inside our walls, and how many were outside. X’llaya has killed eleven people, and her sister twenty-eight.” Z’quohn pressed, frowning.
“.. Incorrect.” Grymahtyn muttered.
“How it is incorrect? Has more people died?”
“X’llaya has killed nine. And her sister doesn’t act alone, even if it’s hard to believe that girl is a part of this.”
Z’quohn’s brows furrowed further, head tilting with a quizzical look taking to his features.
“Then what about the other two? And what girl?”
“The Viera killed Athilda. I killed Silver Cliff.” Grymahtyn muttered, uttering the second name with spite in his tone. “.. Arnkel reported that a second archer had been present, using lightning rather than the sister’s ice. X’llaya’s sister had spoken the name of Khive.”
“.. You–...” Z’quohn sighed, shaking his head - opting not to raise the question that reached his mind. “.. I.. don’t know that name..?”
“.. It’s the bloody Keeper Syznstrym took guardianship of.��
“... Your.. brother?”
The Sea Wolf’s features twitched, yet his head sank into a nod all the same. Z’quohn lingered in a brief silence, brows furrowing with slight concern.
“.. And what are you going to do about her?” He finally asked.
“I was going to have her removed from the situation, willingly or unwillingly. I sent three to find her and give her a linkpearl so I could speak to her and give her a chance to back off. She said no, so I told them to take her with them.”
“.. And..?”
“Dead. X’llaya’s bloody sister appeared, and spoke with me.” Grymahtyn’s lips twitched. “That woman is a damned nuisance.”
“.. I think she’s way past a nuisance at this point, Grym.. This? This is a problem. Our people are dying.” Z’quohn pressed. “.. Is X’llaya really worth all of their lives?”
The Roegadyn’s pale green glare burrowed into Z’quohn’s, expression pulling into one of a swiftly rising rage. The Seeker met the burning glare with a steely stare of his own, as he had done many times before.
“For all the bloody time I spent hunting her down, and you suggest what? For me to release the girl?”
“.. She’s twenty-seven, Grym. She’s no longer a little girl.” Z’quohn sighed. “.. I’m trying to think of the safety of our people. Keeping her.. Doesn’t sound like the safest option.”
Grymahtyn raised a hand and wafted it dismissively, making Z’quohn’s ears flatten.
“I will not release her. Not a bleeding chance.”
“I said no.” 
Z’quohn frowned weakly, disapproving of Grymahtyn’s blatant disregard for the safety of their remaining numbers.. But he knew better than to continue pressing the matter. He merely nodded faintly.
“.. As you say.”
Grymahtyn exhaled a sharp breath, letting his arms unfurl as he motioned for the door.
“I need time alone.” He muttered curtly.
Z’quohn lowered his head into a bow and turned on his heels, making a swift exit. The moment he shut the door he sighed anew, frowning deeply. His gaze lift from the floor and shifted to the infirmary which now had a wide-open door, briefly meeting the eyes of Ketenblaet who were inside. The Sea Wolf’s head bowed slightly, a small frown gracing the otherwise rather jovial man’s features before his eyes tore away and settled atop the unconscious Hyur within.
The Seeker paused, feeling the gnawing feeling of doubt swell within him - something he quickly tried to shake off, before his feet set into motion and he began to walk in the direction of his chambers.
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umbralsound-xiv · 1 year
I wanted to know as much as he did. I’ve seen and fought plenty of mages, and i’ve seen magic plenty before. But this wasn’t like anything i’d seen.
I heard tell she was inhibited. So what happened?
The choking noise from within the cell comes to an abrupt end, shortly followed by a thud of a body undoubtedly being dropped to the floor. Grymahtyn then wanders out of the wide open cell door and shuts it behind him, a set of keys being withdrawn from his belt to then lock the door. His gaze wanders to the cell he had just pulled X'llaya from, narrowing his gaze at the slowly thawing ice surrounding it, and the trail of blood from the lengthy hole upon it.
"Boss." Vairg greets Grym upon his exit with his usual mark of respect, having taken up post at the entrance to the solitary cells; far enough to afford them some privacy, but close enough that he could react should he need to. Q'kura and Dologadai still worked away in the neighbouring cell, muttering to eachother beneath their breath regarding their assigned task. "Take it she's out." He comments, glancing up to Grym. "...And i'm guessing this wasn't supposed to happen."
Grymahtyn met the greeting with an acknowledging nod, his steps moving closer to the Viera before he came to a new halt and glanced over his shoulder. "She is.. And no. It wasn't. She shouldn't be able to use her ice like that." His head turned back to let his pale green gaze peer at Vairg. "She broke the locks a few times as a kid, but she never tore a bloody hole in the door itself. What the hell did she even do?"
"Not sure. Started with her trying to beat the door down to get to him." He thrusts a thumb over his shoulder, following after Grym. "Then, it sounded like she was hitting it harder, unless she did something with her ice. Couldn't see, of course. But the ice spewed out pretty bad when i was beating him. Worked well enough as a punishment." The amusement on his features is plain to see... And the small mote of curiosity. "...What do you plan to do with him, now that we've got her?"
She’s the protective sort. I’ve seen enough of her like to know how they get. Deaf to reason, will do all and anything in order to keep you away from them.
Not that she could do shit to stop me. I had my orders.
Maybe she should focus on being more obedient, and then this wouldn’t happen.
But at least she makes it fun for me.
".. Aggression over obedience when he's actually getting hurt.. I see." Grymahtyn mused, then peered at the door once more. "Arnkel reported she used weapons of ice, last time they tried to grab her. But it was a set of daggers. That isn't from daggers." A brief pause lingered, as he glanced over to the open, half-broken cell door where Q'kura and Dologadai resided with the captive Viera. "Unsure. He has served his purpose."
"Mm." Vairg considers, glancing disdainfully to the room. "It makes me wonder. Though i wager she won't simply just tell you... But we can always find out..." The smirk he was well known for creeps across his lips.
"She hasn't been keen on giving any information at all." Grymahtyn grumbled, exhaling a sharp breath through his nose. Vairg's words make his gaze return to him, one brow lofting. "What do you propose?" He questioned.
"A spectacle." Vairg muses with a gesture of his hand towards Eir's cell. "The arena. You would witness whatever caused this first hand... And break her into submission, if not make it easier to do so." A small huff leaves his nose. "He's poor sport for fighting, but someone will find some entertainment in it. And at the end of it, we will have one less mouth to feed."
Silence lingered as Grymahtyn considered the proposal, the corners of his lips slowly turning upwards in an amused smirk. ".. Athilda is due a trial." He spoke, after some consideration. "Will he offer enough sport for that?"
"He'll suffice." Vairg replies, clearly enthused at the prospect. "I'll give him a sun or two to recover. But i'll make arrangements as necessary."
Grymahtyn nodded slowly. "Let me know when, and I will make sure X'llaya is in the audience."
I tire of the Viera. Who leaves Golmore without knowing how to fight? Even i learned this, and i learned it quickly.
But the jungle held no life for me. No challenge.
He served no purpose there... And he’s just about served his purpose here.
...Almost, anyway.
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sayurifellfrost · 1 year
Violent waves of nausea washed over her like endless tidal waves, the tears she had so desperately tried to fight back freely streaming down her cheeks. Nearly every fiber of her being screamed at her to turn back, to go home..
Everything but her heart.
Not that which craved the return of he who had been taken from her.
Ice coated the ground with every step she took, the unbearable cold brought on by her distress raised many brows - and gained the attention of numerous individuals with a burning red mark clinging to either sides of their faces.
A glare blurred by tears was sent in the group’s direction, the uttering of her true name underneath their breath unmistakable.
.. Yet there was no point in reacting to it.
She buried her clawed nails into her palms as she balled her hands up, feet automatically moving a little quicker while little droplets of blood ran down her palms and eventually dripped to the ground.
Her feet steered towards the wilderness once she stepped off Highbridge, leaving the path behind to instead wander through the dry shrubs of Thanalan - making her way towards a cliffside not too far, yet far away enough to be out of sight from people, the unshakable feeling of being watched clinging to her.
She spent a brief moment merely staring over it, down at the lower area beneath where she had found herself not that long ago - locked in battle alongside friends, wielding a weapon of another’s making.
A deep, shaky breath was drawn and she raised her hands to dry her tears, collecting herself before raising a hand to her linkpearl, her finger resting against it while she lingered in a prolonged silence - frowning weakly.
Finally, she pressed down upon it.
“.. I am here.”
Any confidence she had tried to deliver the words with had been non-existent, her tone instead quiet and choked - a painfully obvious sign she had been in tears. An uncomfortable silence lingered, long enough to cause her anxiety to flare up.
“.. -I am–..” She began.
“I heard you the first time.”
The strident, gravelly voice coming from the other end completely cut out her own, making her draw a quick, distressed breath as it rang out. The tears that had only temporarily stopped were quick to well forth again, a sharp tremble running through her as the realisation of the fact she were to land in his hands once more fully set in, her hand swiftly leaving the linkpearl as a weak, choked sob left her. Despite having attempted to hide it away by disconnecting her own, a low, dark chuckle that sent chills down her spine emit.
“Be a good girl and stay put, kitten..” he chuckled. “You will be retrieved.”
She raised her hands to cover her mouth with both of them, a new wave of nausea and discomfort hitting her so violently she briefly reconsidered running away.
.. But she couldn’t.
Eir would not survive the night, if she did.
She was left to pace back and forth anxiously, stewing in her unease as the minutes ticked by. There was an uncertainty to whether or not the fact she was about to return to the worst place she had ever been to unsettled her the most, or it was the waiting. Perhaps none of it, and it all stemmed back to fearing for the safety of the man she loved.
Footsteps through the shrubs made Sayuri's ears pin back and head turn to stare over her shoulder while her feet came to a halt. Her eyes locked onto an approaching trio, two individuals well known to her - and certainly not for any good reason.
The Sea Wolf Ketenblaet was at the head of the group, shortly followed by Arnkel - a Hyur with the body type more akin to a Midlander despite being a Highlander, and a Duskwight she had never seen before, but wore their mark all the same.
Her heart sank as she gave Ketenblaet a much longer stare than any of the others, her limbs twitching with the desire to flee the situation as beating of her heart became so rapid from her growing panic that her breathing bordered onto hyperventilation.
Flashes of the past surrounding the man barraged her mind, forcefully reminding her of several unpleasant scenarios.
Her first meeting with him and how unsettled she was by the Sea Wolf's size and appearance alone, how that unease had turned into fear the moment he inflicted pain upon her.
That he had thrown her down face-first into a puddle of blood from an injury she had accidentally caused upon Arnkel, berating her and riddling her with guilt despite the fact the Hyur had been deserving of it.
The absolute agony he had put upon her by tearing her skin apart using a whip, the taunting tone and sadistic satisfaction which had followed. How he had been telling her to behave, despite actively attempting to goad her into lashing out just to strike her more violently.
That, and so much more.
The Roegadyn’s dark blue gaze met her multicoloured one the closer they got, some notable surprise lingering in his eyes as he inspected her while there was still distance between them.
“Ye’ certainly do look mighty different, Llaya.” he hummed, head tilting. “I hardly recognised ye’!”
His voice snapped her out of her frozen state, the temperature which had been still for a time suddenly dropping significantly while her eyes teared up once more, her feet shifting backwards to distance herself further from the group.
Her heartbeat was nigh deafening, as the desire to run only grew and she forced herself to remain, slipping into a defensive stance.
Ketenblaet lofted his brow at her, settling a hand on his hip.
“.. Don’t do anythin’ ye’ll regret, Llaya.”
Sayuri bit down on her lip, forcing her teeth to release it as she drew a deep breath in an attempt to speak, yet the thing that left her was brief, and nigh coherent - making the Sea Wolf’s head shift briefly as his brows furrowed, a clear signal he did not hear her.
“--.. E-.. Eir..” She managed the second time, louder yet hoarse. “.. Give him.. B-back..”
“Can’t do tha’, Kitten. But tell ye’ wha’. Come alon’, no bullshit, ‘n I’ll let y’see ‘im before y’locked in, yeah?”
Jagged ice spread across the ground directly beneath her, more of it forming upon her body - clinging to several areas of it. Arnkel flinched at the sight of the ice, while the Duskwight reached a hand to grasp at his spear and Ketenblaet watched her cautiously, furrowing a brow.
“.. ‘S ye’ Grym wants, Llaya. No’ th’Viera.” He spoke calmly, doing his utmost to appeal to the Seeker. “.. He’ll let ‘im go, as lon’ as he has ye’.”
A sound left the Seeker, something between a sob or a laugh, but none was truly sure what.
“.. I.. am not a child.. any longer..” She spoke quietly, gaze lifting to lock with Ketenblaet’s. “..I know.. He won’t..”
Distrust, anger, hatred, fear, pain and sorrow - her teary, multicoloured stare said it all. She knew better. They all knew better. The only way Eir was truly leaving the Compound was through death, or sale - depending what Grymahtyn’s mood desired at the time.
Any tears Sayuri had managed to stall began to fall anew as she raised a hand and brought it up to her necklace, gently closing it around her pendant as the temperature dropped into the negatives, a choked sob leaving her.
“.. Why..?” She whimpered. “Why could you just.. Not leave me alone..?”
“.. Grym wants ye’ back.”
“He sold me..”
“Unintentionally. Y’name were put up by someone who didn’ seek his approval first. Shite went beyond his control.” Ketenblaet raised his brow. “Y’were never meant t’be sold.”
“Then what was I meant for?! For him to torment, and use as a fucking punching bag the moment he got angry? To spend my life in constant agony, because I was born with this?!”
Sayuri screamed her words, a hand gesturing along the ice that overtook the area, and only increased as memories of her past suffering resurfaced.
“I never asked for this! I never asked to be made different, to be faulty– For my happiness to be constantly ruined!”
The more she yelled, the colder it became - the more ice appeared. Her tears froze to her cheeks and with every memory’s assault came a wave of nausea so powerful Sayuri nearly looked like she’d collapse. Her hands raised to clutch at her own head as she sobbed freely, eyes pinning shut and leaving her unaware as Ketenblaet carefully began to approach her.
A strange feeling settled in Ketenblaet’s chest, causing discomfort and for his brows to furrow as he reached a hand for Sayuri. Yet the moment his fingers settled on her the woman’s breath hitched in her throat and she tore herself backwards, her hands leaving her head and failing in front of her frantically with her claws ripping across Ketenblaet’s arm in an automatic response to flee his touch. A look of terror overtook her features and fear seemed to finally kick in fully, as the Seeker suddenly darted to the side in an attempt to flee the situation - albeit not getting far, as she managed to take a mere few sprinted steps before she was sent to the ground by a sharp, piercing pain through her right calf - a sound of agony both snarled and whimpered prying itself from her lips as an arrow had buried itself into her flesh.
The trio had been quick to follow her, immediately beginning to surround her even as she scrambled herself across the ground. Ketenblaet placed himself in the direction she was trying to flee, bringing her to a halt as she was much more unwilling to be near him over the other two.
“.. He will hurt him, Llaya. Y’know he will.” The Sea Wolf kept a calm tone as he spoke to her, unphased by his now bloodied arm. “.. Y’don’t want tha’, do ye’?”
She didn’t answer him, but of course she didn’t.
She wanted nothing of this.
Eir, to be safe at home, and herself to be with him.
That’s what she wanted.
.. But she hardly needed a reminder that Grymahtyn didn’t care about what she wanted.
One hand moved to grab onto the arrow as Arnkel and the Duskwight began to slowly approach her with their spears drawn, enough pressure being put upon it to finally snap it. She bit down to silence her sobs, not wanting to give them the satisfaction of hearing it.
… I-..I don’t–.. want to.. go back…
… I don’t want to go back.
I don’t–...
… Eir.
He won’t.. make it.. if I don’t..
Grym will kill him..
Sayuri sank down defeatedly, shoulders slouching and her head rising just a touch. She gave Ketenblaet a hollow stare, her ears flat on her skull as she slowly raised her hands upwards in an attempt to signal cooperation..
Only for the Duskwight to assume otherwise, swinging his spear for her to slam the metallic end of it directly into the back of Sayuri’s skull, forcing her to tumble forwards as she collapsed. Blood trickled forth and painted her brilliant white hair red once more, the amount of it making Ketenblaet’s eyes widen.
The Sea Wolf hurried forth and dropped to his knees by the unconscious Seeker’s side, cupping a hand over the wound at her skull to then flip her over to let him inspect her more fully. The chill in her vicinity was cold enough for her breath to be seen in the air, to which he emit a sigh of relief and reached a hand behind him to grab onto his cape and tear a section of the fabric off. He gave the Duskwight an annoyed glare.
“Wha’ th’fuck, Avront?” He bellowed. “Wha’ th’fuck is wron’ with ye’?!”
“-- She was going to attack–”
“She was surrenderin’, y’actual fuckin’ moron!”
Arnkel lowered his spear, swiftly stepping of any ice he had been standing on as Ketenblaet reprimanded Avront, silently eyeing the blood leaking from the Seeker’s head, through the Sea Wolf’s fingers and onto the ice. Ketenblaet promptly began to wrap the cloth around Sayuri’s head, casting the occasional glare Avront’s way.
“Y’better pray t’wha’ever fuckin’ God y’believe in tha’ th’Boss doesn’t decide t’make a head-shaped hole in a fuckin’ wall, usin’ ye’.”
The Duskwight frowned, turning his head away and sheathing his spear. Arnkel raised his free hand to his ear, pressing down on the linkpearl nestled within.
“.. We got her. We got X’llaya.” He exhaled, casting a glance her way. “.. We-.. will need a healer.. For her..”
The next few words left him reluctantly, as he expected Grymahtyn to pipe up any second - and he dreaded to return to base, where the Sea Wolf would likely lose his temper over the Seeker’s violent head injury.
.. At least, he would not be the target of his fury.
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sayurifellfrost · 2 years
Prompt #28: Vainglory
Character: Z’xhirha Quohn
Age: 12
Z’xhirha hurried through the hallway with a massive grin plastered on her features, trying nigh every door in her passing in search for Ketenblaet - yet several rooms were locked, and he was not in the others.
Her steps lead towards the opened door she knew lead into the infirmary, ears twitching as she could hear Arnkel and Eanwin speaking within - expecting to find the Sea Wolf among them, as he was often in the former’s vicinity.
“Uncle Ket!”
Z’xhirha hurried into the room, lips contorting into a pouty frown as the one she sought was not present. Arnkel and Eanwin looked towards her, recoiling slightly at the sight of her.
“-- What the hell happened, Xhirha?” Arnkel blurted out.
The girl was covered in bruises, the beginning of a blackeye forming around her right eye and dried blood clung to her split lower lip - but none of it seemed to bother her, or slow her down. She beamed a wide, proud smile.
“I was in a figh’!” she happily announced.
Eanwin deadpanned, Arnkel cast his sister a glance before looking back to the Miqo’te - brows furrowed.
“..Someone messing with you, Xhirha?” he asked carefully. “.. Do we need to teach ‘em a lesson?”
“Nope!” Z’xhirha continued to grin. “I beat ‘im!”
“... Why were you in a fight?”
Eanwin spoke, tone a touch harsh and catching the attention of the duo. Her gaze rested upon the young Seeker.
“He was bein’ mean, so I punched ‘im.”
“... You started the fight?”
“What the bloody hell were you thinking?!”
“.. But–..” Z’xhirha’s ears drooped.
“No ‘but’s.” Eanwin scolded. “You’re hurt, Xhirha - and it could’ve gotten way worse.”
“.. Your father is not going to be happy.” Arnkel murmured.
Z’xhirha’s ears flattened completely, frame slouching and tail tucking closer to her legs - her smile shifted into a frown. Eanwin returned a frown of her own, while Arnkel stood with furrowed brows.
A door in the hall opened and closed, heavy steps moving in the direction of the infirmary - the Roegadyn Z’xhirha had been searching for soon entering.
“Sorry, needed t’chat with Grym.” he uttered, before his gaze settled onto the Seeker. “Oh. Yer all bruised– wha’ happened?”
The Miqo’te did not respond, Eanwin instead offered a sharp glare in his direction.
“She started a bloody fight, is what. Your influence, no doubt.” she scowled.
Ketenblaet offered a shrug in her direction and wandered closer to get a better look at Z’xhirha, lowering himself into a crouch.
“Y’holdin’ up alrigh’, cub?”
She frowned sadly, and nodded.
“Did they get a one-up on ye’? Y’want me t’smack ‘em?” he perked a brow.
“I won..” she mumbled
Ketenblaet tilted his head.
“Then why are y’poutin’?”
“... Eanwin is mad at me..” Z’xhirha whined.
“... Nah.” Ketenblaet looked up at the frowning Highlander. “.. She’s just mad, full stop.”
“She could’ve gotten really fucking hurt, Ket.” Eanwin nigh hissed.
“No shite. ‘S always a possibility in a figh’.” Ketenblaet grimaced at the woman. “May be ‘bit bruised, but she’s standin’. She won, fuck’s sake. Give ‘er some credit.”
The Sea Wolf stood back up then reached his hands to grasp onto Z’xhirha - heaving her up and placing her atop his shoulders. She slouched down slightly, wrapping her arms around his forehead.
“I, for one, am real proud o’ ye’, Xhirha.” he beamed. “Now.. Tell me all ‘bout it!”
“-- Ket!”
Eanwin barked after him as the Sea Wolf turned on his heels and exited the infirmary - Z’xhirha’s mood lifting as she began to recount the events of the day, with nothing but an excess of pride leaving Ketenblaet in response.
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sayurifellfrost · 1 year
Message Received
An uneasy silence stalked the infirmary, with barely a soul in sight and the door shut, everyone having been told to deal with their problems elsewhere as Eanwin sat by Arnkel’s side - tears in her eyes and seething with rage.
She held her brother’s hand, slowly caressing it with her thumb as she watched his chest rise and fall with every struggling breath he took.
She was confident he’d survive the ordeal, but knew it’d take him time to recover from the wounds he had received..
Which -she- had caused. The damnable Seeker X’llaya called her sister.
Eanwin’s teeth grit as she heard the door begin to open behind her, not turning one bit before she spoke up.
“I thought I told you all to fuck off!”
The door shut, but two sets of footsteps continued through the room, finally making her twist herself around to glare in their direction - laying eyes upon Grymahtyn and Ketenblaet, which decreased her scowl, just a touch.
Ketenblaet offered a sympathetic look to Eanwin before stepping closer to Arnkel, letting his gaze scan the wounds he had suffered.
“.. How’s he doin’?” He asked carefully.
“.. He’ll live.” Eanwin retorted curtly. “.. I put him under, don’t want him to suffer that fuckin’ pain the bitch caused him.”
“Did he tell you who did it?”
Eanwin’s gaze snapped to Grymahtyn as he spoke, frowning.
“Told me fuckin’ plenty.” She snapped. “And who the fuck do you think did it? Your fuckin’ pet’s sister, is who!”
Grymahtyn’s expression twitched slightly, head canting down to stare a little more directly at the Highlander. He said nothing, and merely waited - making Eanwin exhale a frustrated breath.
“She’s fuckin’ comin’ for X’llaya, and won’t stop until she bloody has her. Kill anyone who gets in her way, fuckin’ all of us if she has to.” She frowned. “She used my brother as a fuckin’ messenger, Grym. That’s the only Twelvesdamned reason he was left alive.”
“At least he is alive.” Grymahtyn responded curtly.
“.. He was fuckin’ tortured, Grym!”
The Sea Wolf raised a brow slightly, peering down at the unconscious Arnkel.
“As are many in our walls.”
“Aye, slaves! This is my brother we’re fuckin’ talkin’ about!” Eanwin yelled. “He could’ve fuckin’ died! You might not know how it bloody feels to lose a siblin’, but he’s all I fuckin’ have left from my family!”
Again, the Sea Wolf’s expression twitched, looking more struck by her words than he normally would - gaining a small glance from Ketenblaet before a faint cough left the other Sea Wolf.
“.. He manage t’say anythin’ else..?” Ketenblaet questioned.
Eanwin broke the steady eyecontact she had held with Grymahtyn in favour of looking in Ketenblaet’s direction, before it wandered further to settle upon her brother’s features.
“.. That she wasn’t alone.” She replied. “.. Another archer, lightnin’ user, the name ‘Khive’ was given, but he aint seen her. Well hidden.”
A sudden silence took to the room, as Ketenblaet gave a slow blink.
“.. Khive?” He questioned, and began to look in Grymahtyn’s direction. “.. Weren’ tha’ th’name o’...”
His words trailed off as he saw Grymahtyn’s expression harden, more than he had ever seen before, yet he recognised the irritation that swiftly followed, and the glint in his eye that spoke of nothing but malice.
“..Grym.” Ketenblaet spoke up. “.. If it’s who it sounds like, y’can’t hurt her.”
Grymahtyn’s pale green glare shot to Ketenblaet as his features pulled into the worst scowl anyone present had ever seen, leaving even Eanwin cautiously glancing at him.
“I can hurt whoever I’d like.” Grymahtyn snapped back, clearly agitated by the developments. “And if it’s her–..”
“Y’fuckin’ vowed before Nymeia’s stone y’wouldn’t lay a finger on her, Grym.” Ketenblaet cut his sentence, frowning. “I know y’don’t give a shite ‘bout th’Gods, but I know y’respect him well enough.”
“IF it’s her.” Grymahtyn repeated, louder. “.. I will give her a chance to back off from the situation. If she doesn’t.. I’m going to remove her from it, lock her up in a bloody cell if I have to.”
Eanwin’s brows had furrowed in confusion, at this point - having no clue who the duo spoke of. Grymahtyn exhaled a sharp breath of frustration before he turned on his heels and began to walk towards the door.
“.. Where y’goin’, Grym?” Ketenblaet pressed.
“To send a group to hunt her down.” He responded, as he shoved the door open. “Then to punish X’llaya for the injuries Arnkel received.”
And with it, he stepped through and slammed the door shut.
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