#aro ace characters
Can we just remind ourselves that a character not wanting a relationship doesn’t necessarily mean they’re aro/ace.
Being a human being is so complex. People with romantic and sexual orientations can choose to be alone and not want relationships at all, and aro/ace people can want companionship and to get married and have children, and that doesn’t at all make the relationship they’re in romantic or sexual in any way and we need to stop assuming that marriage and having children means you automatically have a romantic/sexual orientation.
Also we should stop assuming that marriage and having children equals romance!!! It can certainly mean romance, but it can also have other meanings. It can mean people coming together and cherishing each other for the rest of their lives, or until they decide to divorce, or whatever. Also having children doesn’t automatically mean they had sex, or that they’re no longer asexual because they had sex. They also could’ve very well adopted.
I see so many aro/ace people saying they want companionship, life partners, etc. are they not aro/ace anymore just because the common idea of an aro/ace person is to dislike or downright hate relationships and marriage??? NO.
Are people with romantic/sexual orientations suddenly not that because they hate, or simply dislike the idea of being in a relationship and getting married and whatnot??? NO!!!
These type of characters deserve representation!!! Always!!!
I have a character who is Aro/Ace and they are married with children, are they suddenly not aro/ace because of having life partners??? No the fuck they are not!!! They are still aro/ace, and always will be, because that’s how I made them!!!
They are married to more than one person, but the first person that they married is someone who is aromantic/pansexual. Is that person no longer aromantic because they got married and had children with somebody they love non-romantically??? FUCK NO!!!
What you do in life, whether you get into a relationship, or don’t, does not erase your sexuality or romantic orientation in any way. You are still who you are whether you are single, married, etc. You are still who you are unless you say otherwise.
Just like there are asexual people who are indifferent, repulsed, favorable, etc, towards sex, there are also aromantic people who are the same, but for relationships.
Aro/Ace people and people with romantic/sexual orientations are complex and deserve complex representation. Let’s not reduce people to stereotypes.
Also asexuality and being aromantic is a spectrum. Let’s not forget that greysexual/greyromantic and demi-sexual/demi-romantic people exist!!!
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OC Aesthetics: Trace, Aro/Ace, Hacker, ex-junkie, 15 year old Killer In Training
A beating heart of stone You gotta be so cold To make it in this world Yeah, you're a n a t u r a l
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shiraglassman · 9 years
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Demisexual lady knight rescuing aro ace damsel in distress: Rivka and Stella from "Rivka in Port Saltspray" drawn by pomeloprince. In this scene, they discover that they have something unexpected in common--something that will help save Rivka's honor, and Stella's life.
Tales from Perach is $1.99 and consists of seven short stories including this one plus a sci-fi comedy about a bi woman escaping from biphobic aliens, a royal family with two moms, two dads, and a dragon celebrating Purim (six of the seven stories star Jewish characters), lesbians on a romantic scavenger hunt date, and what a trans teenager does when his date finds a malicious fairy in her purse.
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New OC: Trace
Ok ok so for that WIP Girl Killers i started thinking about last night, I made this girl, her name is Trace.
Shes fifteen, East Asian, aro ace, a hacker with a genious level IQ, she was homeless, but also was addicted to heroin, like a lot of homeless people are
She gets approached by this school bec she successfully hacked into one of the most heavily fortified databases in the country with a stolen laptop. She gets clean, learns how to up her game with state of the art computer systems while also learning how to fight and use weapons
She has a bit of a punk aesthetic going on, has dyed red hair and tattoos. Has a Killer Sweet Tooth and loves coffee and suckers.
Her weapon of choice is a butterfly knife she keeps in one of her boots, which she gives to the Main Character when she comes in and she befriends instantly
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