#aro dlsmp
ghost-inacup · 2 years
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I posted 23,307 times in 2022
That's 14,034 more posts than 2021!
896 posts created (4%)
22,411 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,188 of my posts in 2022
#asks - 312 posts
#friend verity - 42 posts
#anon -
#flower child<3 - 25 posts
#bears in trees - 23 posts
#<3 anon - 20 posts
#spotify - 19 posts
#personal - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#also if skizz was in dlsmp and he didn't get impulse as his soulmate im sorry but that'll be a crime. they share hearts all the time already
My Top Posts in 2022:
if bdubs changes his skin to a healed one we're gonna have so many impulse helped him heal, finally provided him space to , comforted him etc etc
and i for one want exactly that
116 notes - Posted June 18, 2022
Pearl was alone.
In a world where people were soulbound, where the old stories all ended with a happily ever after, she thought she would never end up alone. The world operated on that simple principle, that somewhere out there, there's someone perfect for you, so perfect you share all your hurts and all your happinesses even when separated. So, no, Pearl never thought she would end up alone. It was a fact as obvious as the sky was blue, that her twin soul existed somewhere out there, and that when they would meet, they would be happy.
So Pearl was alone and confused.
This wasn't what everyone had said would happen. Soulmates were supposed to meet, supposed to come together and be happy. All the old stories said that your struggles would vanish when you meet your other half, that it would be magical, that life together would be full of bliss and trust. That the moment you know you would never leave each other's sides. So then why, why was she the one who was faced with revulsion? Why was she berated for something that wasn't her fault and left alone there standing, staring as her soulmate loudly declared that they refuse the soul bound?
Pearl was alone and confused and a little bit hurt. And she would swear that she was fine with her dog and her adventures, but she was still hurt. To be left alone not only by Scott but by Martyn as well, Martyn, the one who she had spent the day with, who she had adventures with, to be blamed for something out of her control, it hurt deeply.
The old stories didn't say anything about this. They didn't tell you your soulmate would berate you and leave you for not setting out to find them, for believing you would meet when the time was right and not actively searching for them.
The old stories lied.
And Pearl was left sad and confused and all alone.
129 notes - Posted June 19, 2022
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Fungi:cause of bad
169 notes - Posted January 7, 2022
So, how does amatonormativity fuck a person up? (i made the aro survey)
omg okay so hi bestie sit down have some tea cause i might go on an endless rant here:
okay, so lets begin by defining amatonormativity: it is the societal expectation of everyone wanting an exclusive, long term romantic relationship and would be better off with it. some common assumptions made due to this are :
Assuming that everyone wants to get married, and unmarried/unpartnered people are unhappy or lonely
Treating romantic relationships as more important than friendships
The structuring of society around married couples (housing, taxes, etc.)
“Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend yet?” (sourced from: https://sophia.smith.edu/aace/about-asexuality-and-aromanticism/allonormativity-and-amatonormativity/)
Now, while this affects many queer identities, i can only provide an aro perspective on it.
Growing up, all around me, from as young as kindergarten, romantic relationships were prioritised. even 3 year olds who didn't even grasp the concept of romance were like, oh they're dating now, oh they're married now, etc. throughout my life, the expectation that everyone will eventually pursue a romantic relationship was a constant.
And that fucks you up.
Lets start with the fact that it forced me into thinking it would be my end all goal. i would meet a guy, have a romantic relationship, marry him, have kids, the whole package. And that led to quite a few situations where i forced myself to act like i felt romantic attraction, to convince myself to do things i was not ready for. It led to heartache and probably contributed to my depression. It led to destruction of friendships and led to an unhealthy relationship, which i will say is still affecting me. half a decade later and i still berate myself over those things, it has affected my self perception a lot.
then, when i discovered i was aro,(and its still going on tbh) it made me think i was not normal. it led to the realisation of my othering in a way, for i would never truly know what it is that society prizes and lauds so much. It led to a feeling of isolation and forced me to internalise a lot of shit, and probably bottle up things which i still haven't told anyone about.
then, the linking of my self worth with someone showing romantic interest in me. the feeling that something is wrong with me, physically, mentally, emotionally, just because someone never said hey i like you. the fear thats still within me that i am undesirable and not worthy. that even in movies the "ugly" girl sometimes ends up with a boy so why cant i? it led me to cling unhealthily to anyone who shows/ed me even a modicum of affection, to such an unhealthy degree that it destroyed a friendship, all in the wish that i was worthy of someone's love. all in the feeling that if no one likes me romantically, i do not have worth. i would be just someone people barely tolerate and leave as soon as they can.
also, as a cupioromantic: it fucks me up even more. cause i know wanting a relationship is sort of enforcing amatonormativity but fuck, it would be nice to have. and also, the fear that what will i say to an unsuspecting person, who gets in a relationship with me? with the expectation that it will be romantic? " hey sorry i can never love you romantically but i love you with my whole heart and i hope thats enough?" and then watching them leave cause if there isn't romance whats the damn point?
it hurts every time i think people getting in relationships, expecting me to relate about romantic attraction, them saying "you will also get one don't worry" them being allies but not even knowing aromantic and treating me like i'm a cold hearted monster who could never love truly and its the mourning in the corner of my heart for the fact that i can never experience what people say is a fundamental feeling and in the end,
it fucks you up.
232 notes - Posted September 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Self love is stored in watching bears in trees videos
400 notes - Posted February 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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spacedykez · 2 years
get your aromantic double life content!
do you want aromantic double life smp? do you wish there were more aromantic fics in the world? do you love misunderstandings, angst, and/or hurt/comfort? do you love pearl, scott, cleo, and/or martyn and simply want more content about them? look no further! we’ve got it all, folks!
presenting: love loses, a now fully completed four-chapter fic with each chapter centered around one member of the divorce quartet for maximum angst!
(ao3 link, individual tumblr posts:scott/cleo/martyn/pearl) REBLOGS > LIKES!
Scott was done with games.
He’d never wanted to be part of this. From the start of Third Life Scott had tried to find a bit of happiness despite the blood and war. He’d spited whatever god had created these twisted games and even managed to find a tiny bit of joy: a friend and a bright valley of flowers hidden away from the world.
A friend too good for him. A friend who, when Scott told him he couldn’t love him like he thought Jimmy wanted, had assured him it was okay. That he knew what Scott was trying to say, because he didn’t love like that either.
But they could still be each other's dearest friends; Jimmy could be Scott’s sunflower and Scott his poppy, and they could still love, just not in the same way, and that was enough for them. They didn’t need to fit into the mold of what love was; they loved in their own different way and they were content.
But it hadn’t lasted, and Scott’s happy life had been torn away from him. Jimmy had died, torn away unfairly, and Scott had failed to protect him. A beacon of joy as bright as his sunflower had no place in a world like this, devoid of the happiness and light he deserved.
When Scott had died for his third time, that day in the forest, he’d thought it was over. He’d accepted his fate as the axe swung downwards; closed his eyes in defeat and didn’t bother fighting back. What was there here for him, now that his light had been torn away?
Scott didn’t even feel it hit, already gone from the world. He’d thought that would be the end of his story; just a sad ending to a tragic tale. Dead and gone, forever.
But then, by the powers of some twisted god, he’d reawoken, and taken it as a second chance. Maybe his first life had been a tragedy, but his second would not be the same.
He found a new friend. Not one as special as his Sunflower, but a companion nonetheless, and he was loyal to her. They built a home, and Scott grew almost attached. He began to wonder if maybe, in time, if all went well, he would get a happy ending.
But fate didn’t agree with his ideas for a second chance. He had tried once again to find a happy ending; a bit of joy even in this dark place. But once again, it was ripped away from him.
It was almost worse to win; to watch everyone around die, to somehow survive only to see everyone he cared about be ripped away. He never regretted trying to be kind, but he instead grew to hate the world that constantly destroyed his every attempt at hope.
Scott didn’t remember his final death on Last Life. All he knew was that everything was gone, again, and now he awoke standing in a circle of players: his friends and companions and killers and victims and enemies, and he knew he would spite whatever twist the universe threw at him, as he always did.
But nothing prepared him for soulmates.
This was what he always wanted, right? A friend, someone- he’d been fighting for this since the beginning! And yet, why did it feel so wrong?
Because Scott didn’t want a soulmate. He’d never wanted a lover. He’d just wanted a friend, and instead he was forced into this by the cruel universe.
He was tired of being controlled by these games. Forget lives, forget soulmates, forget everything; Scott didn’t care. He wanted a choice, for once.
And when Scott found Cleo, who was also alone, abandoned by her chosen soulmate, who didn’t want a lover either, he knew exactly how to spite the universe that had brought them here.
Run away together, Scott told her. Let’s be our own soulmates.
And Cleo agreed. No more bowing to the whims of a world that didn’t care for them; they would choose their own paths, their own friends, their own lives.
When Martyn and Pearl walked into their lives, Scott almost regretted his decision. But he knew he couldn’t agree to go along with a written fate, and not when it was abundantly clear his soulmate didn’t care for him.
She’d already left him to go adventuring in the Nether with her new friend Martyn. Great for her! But Scott didn’t need her trying to crawl back to him, and he told her so.
Maybe they’d been friends in the past, but that was behind them. Scott was refusing to play by the rules, and maybe that would end in a few lost friends, but there was a part of him that hardly cared anymore.
He almost hesitated at the hurt look in her eyes, but it was for the best. He couldn’t let himself give in and go along with what the universe wanted.
He didn’t need soulmates, he didn’t need love, he didn’t need Pearl, and he didn’t need a predetermined destiny.
Scott was done playing their game.
Cleo didn’t want to abandon her friends.
She’d panicked when she found out what this game’s concept was: soulmates. One simple word, but it set Cleo’s nerves racing with dread. Not because she hated anyone on Double Life; no, of course not! She adored her friends, they got along great, and it wasn’t that she didn’t want to spend time with them.
No, Cleo hated soulmates because Cleo hated soulmates.
Cleo couldn’t love one of her friends, and she didn’t want to. She was happy to share a base with one of them, to spend weeks on end with any one of them, but she couldn’t love them.
She couldn’t do this.
Cleo hated being forced into things, and now the universe itself was forcing her to do something she didn’t want to do, couldn’t do. She couldn’t love her soulmate, and she didn’t want to ruin any of her friendships with anything like love.
Cleo went caving alone, dread and guilt gnawing away at her. She just wanted to go back to when the worst thing she had to deal with was friends betraying her and red lives turning former allies bloodthirsty. And then, as if every part of this wasn’t bad enough, she felt a pain that wasn’t her own shoot through her body.
Cleo froze in horror, back pressed against the stone behind her. Not only did she have a soulmate, their lives were linked. Her soulmate’s pain was her pain, and her pain was probably theirs.
Cleo didn’t want to do this. She didn’t want to be bound by a soulmate, trapped by a game she never wanted to play. At least before, she wasn’t truly bound to anyone; she’d made friends, but she was never really forced to look out for them. But now her closest ally was being chosen for her, and to be her lover, no less. Love: something else Cleo didn’t want.
Cleo sat and leaned against the cold stone wall of the cave. She was alone now; there was no one to see her breaking down. No one to see her on the verge of tears over something as stupid as not wanting a soulmate.
Cleo wanted to sob. She’d never let herself cry over anything; not the death, the betrayal, the pain. But the realization that she was being forced into a life she didn’t want and she couldn’t change a thing about it was breaking her.
She let herself break, alone in the dark cave, where no one could find her. Where just for a little bit, there was no one forcing anything onto her.
Cleo shuddered again as she felt a pain in her leg. She wasn’t moving, so it had to be her soulmate’s injury, and she hated it. Hated that she had to be bound like this to someone else. Hated everything about this.
She rubbed the tears off her face and scolded herself for crying. She was supposed to be strong, fierce; she wasn’t supposed to get emotional over losing control. After all, she’d never had control. None of this was her choice; not the death games, not the bloodshed, and not her friends turning on her. So why was this different?
Maybe because for once, she couldn’t fight it off. She couldn’t change that her very life was dependent on someone else, and she got no say in who.
Cleo shoved those emotions away, back where they belonged and stood up, continuing on through the cave. Small droplets of water hung from the ceiling, splashing onto the ground with an echoing drip, drip, drip, which grew louder and more frequent as she walked. The cave must be going under a river, Cleo decided.
She eventually emerged in a decent-sized cavern with a large opening letting sunlight spill in. Small stalagmites poked up from the ground in the deeper sections of the cave. Ren was already there, wandering around and lighting up the place.
Ren was excited to find his soulmate, which was great for him! But that only left Cleo more worried. In flooded her fears of whoever her own soulmate was and her deep want to not be bound by the rules of this world.
Scott wandered in and they talked some more, gossiping about who was soulmates with who like a group of high schoolers spilling tea about crushes. Cleo played along reluctantly, not wanting to lose them to her fears. After all, Scott and Ren didn’t mind having soulmates, and they were trying to find their own!
And so Cleo went along with them. She couldn't change it anyways, so she couldn't let it get in the way of her other friendships.
When Ren and BigB discovered they were soulmates, Cleo cheered them on. Great for them! And two less people Cleo could potentially ruin her friendships with (well, she still could, just not over this).
Every new pair of soulmates looked so happy together. Grian was groaning that it was Scar, but he didn’t seem to mind the soulmates part. Nobody else complained about being forced into this, so how could Cleo?
And then Pearl and Martyn came back, and oh, Martyn. Of course it had to be him that was her soulmate: reckless, distant, stubborn, stupid Martyn.
She hated him (she didn’t. She hated what the universe was forcing her into). She couldn’t spend her life with Martyn. It was a cruel joke, just another way that the world proved it didn’t care about Cleo.
Martyn was nice enough, really, but he was insufferable. She didn’t want to spend ten minutes with him, let alone forever.
And so they bickered. While Scott and Pearl had a civil conversation, like every other pair of soulmates before them, Martyn and Cleo were at each other’s throats. She hated him, and he hated her, and oh it was so awfully fitting. Each equally as stubborn and unrelenting.
But Cleo refused to fall perfectly into place like the universe’s little puzzle piece. She and Scott would defy their fates, leave their despised soulmates, and forget Martyn and Pearl. Cleo felt the tiniest bit bad for Pearl, but Scott looked at Pearl with contempt, just like Martyn was looking at Cleo, and Cleo couldn’t give in. She wouldn’t give fate what it wanted. She wouldn’t be a perfect little love story like everyone else (couldn’t, anyways).
And so Cleo abandoned her former friends, knowing they wouldn’t want her after she couldn’t be a lover.
If you asked Martyn his opinion on soulmates, he would tell you they were lame.
After all, his soulmate had rejected him before he’d even met her. Not like he’d wanted a soulmate, but still! It hurt!
If that was how it was going to be, fine! Screw Cleo! Martyn didn’t need her or anyone, thank you very much (even if Cleo was actually a great partner, with her natural survival instincts and fighting skill. But never mind that)!
Cleo had always been stubborn, and so was Martyn (It was almost funny, how no matter how much neither of them wanted one another they matched each other so well). And so of course neither would give in and admit to caring about the other.
He didn’t care about Cleo, Martyn decided. If she didn’t care about him, then he didn’t care about her!
Never mind the giant heart he was currently standing atop. He didn’t want Cleo as a soulmate. He didn’t care that she’d left him!
“Hey Martyn!” Jimmy yelled, brandishing his goat horn. His little yellow canary wings fluttered excitedly behind him.
“Aw, come on!” Martyn groaned lightheartedly. “You got one now?”
Jimmy frowned, but continued on in a hopeful voice, sounding quite proud of himself. “Yeah!”
Martyn pulled out his communicator and typed out a message, then watched as Jimmy looked down at it, face falling. “Hey-”
<InTheLittleWood> what does Jimmy’s horn sound like?
Jimmy blew his horn defiantly right as Grian replied, a high-pitched “do-do-dooo!”
Nobody responded to the call. Jimmy frowned, looking incredibly sad, until a lone horn, a faint, matching “do-do-dooo!” called out in reply.
Tango skipped up behind Jimmy, his own bright flame-colored wings perfectly matching Jimmy’s. “Hey, what’s up?”
“Aw, Tango!” Jimmy grinned wide.
“Having fun with your husband?” Martyn called teasingly, and Jimmy flushed.
“Yes, thank you!” Tango answered coldly as he grabbed Jimmy’s hand and said something to him Martyn couldn’t hear, turning and leading Jimmy back towards their house.
Martyn sighed and turned back to gazing at Cleo’s base unhappily. He wasn’t jealous of Tango and Jimmy. He didn’t need a partner to care about him like that (he didn’t even want a partner as in a lover! He just wanted a buddy! A friend)!
He hated Cleo. They could have been a great team, but no. Cleo didn’t want him. Cleo left him for Scott, to ‘defy fate,’ and she didn’t care that Martyn was more than willing to help her. Instead she denied him without giving him a -chance.
A figure walked out of the door of Cleo’s house and Martyn watched intently. He didn’t want to see her! …but he didn’t have anyone else to go to. So here he was.
Martyn jumped down onto the bridge he’d made and walked closer, waving at Cleo. She scowled, but built her own bridge out to talk to him.
“What do you want?” Cleo demanded impatiently, standing with her hands on her hips.
“I just wanna talk,” Martyn told her. Cleo turned away, ready to leave, but Martyn called out to stop her. “No, wait-”
“What is there to talk about?” Cleo whirled and crossed her arms angrily. “I don’t wanna be soulmates.”
“I was trying to get resources for us!” Martyn yelled. He had been trying to help, but she despised him for some reason! And Martyn didn’t know why!
“You left me!” Cleo yelled back. And now there she went, offering her excuses for not wanting him!
“I didn’t know everyone else would be looking for their soulmates!” Martyn replied, throwing his fist to the side in frustration.
“You didn’t think maybe your soulmate wouldn’t want you risking our life in the nether!?” Cleo asked, clearly not listening to what he was trying to say.
“I was careful!” Martyn protested. Couldn’t she see that he was completely competent!? “I didn’t get us killed- I barely got us hurt!”
“But you could have! And you went to the Deep Dark!” It was Cleo’s turn to punch the air angrily.
“But I didn’t!” Martyn exclaimed. And that was the issue- she was dwelling on what-ifs to justify leaving him. She didn’t even care that he’d brought back valuable supplies. “What is your problem with me!?”
Cleo froze, like she thought he hadn’t noticed. Whatever her reason for hating him was, it went beyond a reckless trip to the Nether.
“I don’t want a soulmate,” Cleo spat finally. “Are you happy? Is that what you want to hear? That I hate this stupid game and I don’t want my life bound to you?”
Martyn paused a moment, considering. He didn’t want his life bound to her either, but it didn’t do them any good to work against one another. “What’s so different about this? Everybody else has accepted their soulmates, why can’t we?”
“Everybody else can love their soulmate!” Cleo screamed, immediately backing away in horror and stumbling backwards to get away from Martyn.
“Wait, Cleo!” Martyn called, but she was running away. Martyn pillared up to her bridge and ran after her, chasing her to the door of her house.
“Leave me alone!” Cleo turned suddenly and pushed Martyn away.
Martyn stopped, yelling after her. “Cleo, wait!”
Cleo stopped, turned, and asked desperately, “What is there to say, Martyn!?”
Martyn tried his best not to let her harsh tone hurt him. Cleo was upset, and he couldn’t take it personally. “I don’t want to love you!”
“You- what?” Cleo blinked. “That’s what soulmates are!”
“But do they have to be?” Martyn pleaded, talking quickly before Cleo ran again. “I just want to be a friend! And it’s not helping anyone for us to keep avoiding each other.”
“Can we be just friends?” Cleo asked hopelessly.
“If we can spite the universe? Yeah, of course,” Martyn grinned. “You wanna spite the universe together?”
“I like the sound of that.” Cleo smiled faintly. “Martyn, I- I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Martyn told her. “Lord knows I hate things being decided for me too.”
“We’re a bit fucked up, aren’t we?” Cleo chuckled. Martyn nodded and they both laughed.
“Hey, be fucked up together?” Martyn asked cheesily.
Cleo sighed with a grin on her face and shook her head amusedly. “Yeah, sure.”
Martyn couldn’t believe they’d ever let themselves get mad at one another for something so easy to change, but neither of them were great with actually telling people things. Yet another thing they had in common.
For how much they’d hated each other, they were quite similar. And Martyn loved that. Cleo was great, and he couldn’t ask for a better friend.
Soulmates were lame, but Cleo wasn’t. And Martyn would never forget that again.
Pearl didn’t want to be alone.
But as she stood in slight shock, staring numbly at Tilly lying sprawled out limply in front of her, Pearl wondered if she was destined to be alone.
Her soulmate and her best friend had both abandoned her. It hadn’t even been a day when Pearl’s soulmate had somehow rejected her before they’d even spoken. She’d been trying to help, and yet somehow that had only made Scott hate her more. She didn’t want a soulmate, really, but it still hurt that no one wanted her.
At least she still had Tilly: the only creature in the world that didn’t care what Pearl did, who would follow her blindly into anything. Pearl wished her friends trusted her that much- even a little bit would be better than being hated!
“Pearl?” A voice called questioningly. She snapped her head up angrily to meet worried green eyes, internally grimacing. Of all the people to show up now, it had to be him.
“What is it?” she said brokenly. She was one wrong word away from snapping. It wasn’t like she had anything left to lose.
Scott stood in front of her with an unsympathetic expression. Good, she didn’t have any sympathy for him, either. “What are you doing?”
“What do you think I’m doing?” Pearl snapped back. What did she have to be doing? It wasn’t like she had any sort of goal.
Scott didn’t seem to have an answer. Pearl turned her back to him, debating whether to stay or go. She wanted friends, but did she want him? She didn’t want… that. She wanted no part in the strange act called romance, the thing she didn’t understand, that had no place in her life, especially in a death game like this.
“Pearl-” Scott began unsurely. “Are you okay?”
Was she okay? Was she okay? Were any of them okay!? They were in a death game, with no way out, their friends turning against, murdering and/or marrying each other. Her companions had all chosen to leave her and no one seemed to care about her at all anymore. But yes, she was just great, thank you!
“Oh, I’m fine, Scott,” Pearl said sarcastically, not missing the way Scott’s eyebrows raised in concern as she laughed brokenly.
Scott took a deep, steadying breath before replying. “Do you need-”
“Oh, now you’re gonna ask what I need?” Pearl interrupted scathingly. “Now, that you’re seeing what you caused?”
“I didn’t cause this! You were the one that decided to abandon me to go the Nether on Day One!” Scott protested. Of course he wanted to blame her for all of this, when she hadn’t even gotten a choice in any of it!
“I was just trying to be helpful! I didn’t know what everyone else was doing!” Pearl told him (which was true, no matter how much he denied it). “And you abandoned me, too!”
Scott looked down in slight embarrassment, and then, like the words were paining him, he asked, “Do you want to try… being soulmates again?”
“I don’t want to be soulmates,” Pearl scowled. She didn’t need him, or any chosen soulmate. She could make her own life without anyone else.
But then Scott cried out her name, panicked, and she turned to him annoyedly. Before she could even speak to defend herself from whatever he was going to say, he yelled again. “PEARL, LOOK OUT!”
Scott jumped for her, drawing his sword, but not looking to attack her. Pearl whirled to see a tall, green-ish figure behind her, which she could hear making a hissing sound as she watched it.
The creeper flashed a blinding white and Pearl stood not reacting as several things happened all at once.
Scott shoved her behind him and threw his shield up to protect them. Pearl stumbled backwards, tripping and landing on hard dirt. And a booming noise sounded as the creeper exploded, knocking Scott back to land beside Pearl, thankfully uninjured.
The two sat gasping for several seconds before Pearl spoke. “That was close.”
“Yeah,” Scott agreed shakenly. Neither of them spoke for a few minutes, neither wanting to break the uncomfortable silence.
Footsteps came from in front of Pearl and she looked up to see Martyn standing above them, watching them curiously. “What happened to you two?”
“Creeper,” Scott said bluntly, shutting down his questioning, and Martyn didn’t press further. But from out of nowhere, Cleo brushed past him, running up to the two of them, meaning they were not in fact spared from an interrogation.
“Scott, are you okay?” Cleo asked worriedly. Pearl glanced down at the ground. Of course Scott was all Cleo cared about; never mind that Pearl was sitting right next to him, no less shaken.
“I’m alright, it was just a creeper, I’m not hurt,” Scott assured her. Yeah, sure, just don’t bother asking Pearl. She was just fine, thanks.
“Hey Pearl,” Cleo greeted (like an afterthought, like Cleo just had to deal with her being there). That was okay, though. Pearl was used to being left out, and anyways she was fine on her own. “Do you want to come back with us?”
“Come… back?” Pearl repeated disbelievingly. To.. they were… what?
“To where Scott and I live,” Cleo explained. Pearl didn’t reply for a long minute. Hadn’t they told her not to come near them? They certainly hadn’t wanted her company before. What had changed?
“You guys left me,” Pearl answered. Which wasn’t an answer to the question, but Pearl was still scrambling for words. “Now you want me back?”
Martyn frowned and turned to Cleo, exchanging an unsure glance before looking back at Pearl. But before he could speak, Scott. Scott sighed and stepped forward. “I left you because I didn’t want a soulmate. Not because I didn’t want you.”
“But…” Pearl trailed off unsurely. She wanted a friend so badly. But she had Tilly… And did she want a soulmate? Wasn’t that what Scott had just said? “You didn’t want a soulmate? Why not?”
“We thought soulmates had to be, you know, lovers,” Cleo explained sheepishly. “Scott and I, at least.”
Pearl’s heart nearly leapt out of her chest. Was Cleo… was Cleo saying what Pearl thought she was? “You just didn’t want arranged love?”
“Exactly,” Scott agreed, staring at the ground. “I’m sorry for abandoning you, Pearl-”
“Scott!” Pearl interrupted him giddily. “I don’t want that either! Love, I mean.” She grinned and laughed happily, jumping up from where she was sitting to rush over to Cleo. If that was all that had been keeping them from wanting her, then maybe, just maybe, she could have friends! Friends who didn’t want love either!
“Pearl!” Cleo exclaimed excitedly, then steadied herself. “Does that mean you’ll join-”
“Yes!” Pearl practically yelled, barely able to contain her joy. They wanted her! “Yes!”
“Fuck love, right?!” Cleo said determinedly, raising her voice as if to scream to the very heavens that she wanted nothing to do with their games.
“Hell yeah!” Martyn cheered, punching the air in agreement with his soulbound. Pearl nodded eagerly, and Scott quickly joined them, standing up and walking over.
Pearl beamed, a warm feeling spreading in her chest. She had friends now, people like her, and Pearl was happy to say she would never be alone again. if you’ve read this far, thank you and consider reblogging if you enjoyed! also, here have some bonus content!
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avephelis · 2 years
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lunarblazes · 2 years
grian’s probably not gonna tell scar about bigb because he’s a little bitch but imagine how funny it would be now man. like yes this is me, my soulmate, his giant collection of pandas, and my red life boyfriend who got kicked out of being soulmates with someone else because he was talking to me and we all live in a red velvet cake together :^)
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worldsworststairs · 2 years
As an aromantic person, I’m constantly dealing with friends excluding me from their lives once they’ve found their partner(s). This is why this pride month I’m partnering with double life pearlescent moon,
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noelani906 · 2 years
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messy painting of the coolest dlsmp soulbounds + cornflowers
intended as ambiguous, tagging as trafficshipping is fine, i usually interpret them from a romantic lens but me being aro and autistic tends to still shift it from the ‘norm’
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cuuno-moved · 2 years
are we talking about aro headcanon ?? cause if so then i have a few <3
scott gives off aroflux gay vibes, he just does, he was in a qpr with jimmy for pretty much the entirety of 3rd life, last life n empires before breaking up with him on good terms, theyve been friends since
tango gives off lithromantic vibes, he constantly thinks he wants to be in a romantic relationship but the moment the opportunity arises he immediately doesnt wanna be in one
hes only in dlsmp in my heart </3 but skizz gives off romance favorable aromantic, like that man is a lovequeer aro if i ever seen one
again, only in dlsmp in my heart </3 but lizzie is definitely demiaro or grayaro, either way she doesnt experience romantic attraction often n was prolly clueless that joel was attracted to her until she developed romantic attraction towards him herself
pearl is on the exact end of the feelings-towards-romance spectrum then skizz n is a romance aversed aro, prolly even a loveless aro ? idk but she is romance averse <3
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spacedykez · 2 years
hey trafficblr can i offer you some aromantic soulmates
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spacedykez · 2 years
love loses
aka: a four-part tale of defiance and companionship aka: the aromantic divorce quartet fic
ao3 link
Scott was done with games.
He’d never wanted to be part of this. From the start of Third Life Scott had tried to find a bit of happiness despite the blood and war. He’d spited whatever god had created these twisted games and even managed to find a tiny bit of joy: a friend and a bright valley of flowers hidden away from the world. 
A friend too good for him. A friend who, when Scott told him he couldn’t love him like he thought Jimmy wanted, had assured him it was okay. That he knew what Scott was trying to say, because he didn’t love like that either. 
But they could still be each other's dearest friends; Jimmy could be Scott’s sunflower and Scott his poppy, and they could still love, just not in the same way, and that was enough for them. They didn’t need to fit into the mold of what love was; they loved in their own different way and they were content.
But it hadn’t lasted, and Scott’s happy life had been torn away from him. Jimmy had died, torn away unfairly, and Scott had failed to protect him. A beacon of joy as bright as his sunflower had no place in a world like this, devoid of the happiness and light he deserved.
When Scott had died for his third time, that day in the forest, he’d thought it was over. He’d accepted his fate as the axe swung downwards; closed his eyes in defeat and didn’t bother fighting back. What was there here for him, now that his light had been torn away? 
Scott didn’t even feel it hit, already gone from the world. He’d thought that would be the end of his story; just a sad ending to a tragic tale. Dead and gone, forever.
But then, by the powers of some twisted god, he’d reawoken, and taken it as a second chance. Maybe his first life had been a tragedy, but his second would not be the same. 
He found a new friend. Not one as special as his Sunflower, but a companion nonetheless, and he was loyal to her. They built a home, and Scott grew almost attached. He began to wonder if maybe, in time, if all went well, he would get a happy ending.
But fate didn’t agree with his ideas for a second chance. He had tried once again to find a happy ending; a bit of joy even in this dark place. But once again, it was ripped away from him.
It was almost worse to win; to watch everyone around die, to somehow survive only to see everyone he cared about be ripped away. He never regretted trying to be kind, but he instead grew to hate the world that constantly destroyed his every attempt at hope.
Scott didn’t remember his final death on Last Life. All he knew was that everything was gone, again, and now he awoke standing in a circle of players: his friends and companions and killers and victims and enemies, and he knew he would spite whatever twist the universe threw at him, as he always did.
But nothing prepared him for soulmates.
This was what he always wanted, right? A friend, someone- he’d been fighting for this since the beginning! And yet, why did it feel so wrong?
Because Scott didn’t want a soulmate. He’d never wanted a lover. He’d just wanted a friend, and instead he was forced into this by the cruel universe.
He was tired of being controlled by these games. Forget lives, forget soulmates, forget everything; Scott didn’t care. He wanted a choice, for once. 
And when Scott found Cleo, who was also alone, abandoned by her chosen soulmate, who didn’t want a lover either, he knew exactly how to spite the universe that had brought them here.
Run away together, Scott told her. Let’s be our own soulmates.
And Cleo agreed. No more bowing to the whims of a world that didn’t care for them; they would choose their own paths, their own friends, their own lives.
When Martyn and Pearl walked into their lives, Scott almost regretted his decision. But he knew he couldn’t agree to go along with a written fate, and not when it was abundantly clear his soulmate didn’t care for him.
She’d already left him to go adventuring in the Nether with her new friend Martyn. Great for her! But Scott didn’t need her trying to crawl back to him, and he told her so.
Maybe they’d been friends in the past, but that was behind them. Scott was refusing to play by the rules, and maybe that would end in a few lost friends, but there was a part of him that hardly cared anymore.
He almost hesitated at the hurt look in her eyes, but it was for the best. He couldn’t let himself give in and go along with what the universe wanted. 
He didn’t need soulmates, he didn’t need love, he didn’t need Pearl, and he didn’t need a predetermined destiny.
Scott was done playing their game.
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spacedykez · 2 years
oblivious scar and romance-repulsed aro grian hurt/comfort, anybody? (i couldn’t get the dividers to be centered ;-;)
ao3 link
and now we resume our regularly scheduled aggressively aromantic-ing of your soulmates
Grian was going to be sick. 
Soulmates? Out of everything the world could have thrown at him, did it have to be soulmates? And did his have to be Scar? His best friend? He didn’t want to ruin their friendship with soulmates! Love ruined everything nice, why did it have to ruin this too?!
As Joel punched Scar (who completely ignored the hit, too busy chasing his ‘true soulmate’), Grian’s shoulder suddenly ached in pain and Grian froze for several moments in pure denial.
And Scar seemed completely oblivious to Grian’s misery, chasing playfully after pandas and allays, and there was a part of Grian that didn’t want to tell him. A part of him that naively hoped maybe he could just ignore it and it would go away.
No. No, no, no, no, no. This wasn’t happening. He wasn’t soulmates with his best friend. He wasn’t linked to his best friend. He wasn’t going to have to try to love his best friend.
Grian screamed.
- ♥ -
Grian followed Scar around all day, dread only growing the longer he spent around the man. Scar didn’t know Grian was his soulmate. Would Scar even want him? Maybe Scar didn’t want Grian. Maybe Scar thought Grian wasn’t a good enough soulmate because he didn’t want to love Scar.
Grian didn’t want to ruin their relationship- he wanted Scar as a friend! But he didn’t want any part of anything like love. There was no place for love in a death game, and Grian hated love anyway. He just didn’t get it, and why would anyone want something so… irrational?
What part of love was appealing? It all just seemed pointless to Grian, and he’d been told that was the point; that love was an irrational feeling, that you couldn’t apply logic to it. But that seemed so strange to Grian. Why did everyone seem to long for it, like it was the only thing important in life?
Grian hated love, Grian didn’t understand love, and Grian didn’t want to love. But the universe demanded he do so, and it demanded he love Scar, and Grian didn’t want to love Scar. He didn’t want their friendship to break because Grian couldn’t love Scar like Scar probably wanted.
- ♥ -
Grian was acting strange.
Scar didn’t know what this whole soulmates thing was; he just wanted to go play with the allays and the Jellie-pandas. And who could blame him? They were adorable!
But Grian was following Scar around again, protecting him, like he had back in Third Life- he hadn’t been so protective of Scar in Last Life? What had changed?
It didn’t bother Scar too much. Scar just wanted to play with the pandas.
How could anyone not want to? The allays were precious and the Jellie-pandas were adorable and Scar didn’t really know what was going on with soulmates. And he didn’t think he particularly cared. 
- ♥ -
Grian nearly cried when everyone else realized what was going on.
He knew Scott had realized instantly. Scott had a sixth sense for sniffing out soulmates (which he informed Grian was “the gaydar”) and almost everyone Scar and Grian met looked at Grian pityingly when they figured it out. 
Grian wanted to sob and yell and shout to the skies that it wasn’t fair. That he didn’t want a soulmate. But fate had other ideas, and Grian just followed unhappily after his friend- soulmate- and kept to himself.
Finally, after the day was almost over and everyone had found their soulmate and Scar still hadn’t said anything, Grian decided he couldn’t avoid the problem any longer.
- ♥ -
“Scar!” Grian called, walking into the jungle where Scar sat surrounded by pandas. He sighed; would Scar really rather spend his time with animals than with Grian?
“Oh, hey Grian!” Scar said cheerfully (what right did he have being so cheerful when Grian’s entire world was burning).
“Scar,” Grian greeted miserably. “I have something to tell you.”
This was going to ruin their friendship. Scar would want them to be lovers and Grian would hate every minute of it. He didn’t want to hate Scar; Scar was his friend! But he didn’t want anyone trying to love him, and he didn’t want to, couldn’t return the gesture.
“Look Grian! I found my soulmate!” Scar announced happily, clinging onto one of the pandas. Grian sighed and walked over to Scar, grabbing his arm and dragging him over under the large oak tree.
“Scar, look at me,” Grian told him, putting a dripstone on the branch above Scar’s head. “Okay?”
“Yeah, sure Grian,” Scar grinned. Grian broke the dripstone and it fell down onto Scar’s head, sending a dull pain through Grian’s skull. But Scar had turned to see the pandas and wasn’t looking at Grian.
“Scar!” Grian yelled. He didn’t want to be Scar’s soulmate! Did… did Scar not want to be his either? Did Scar already know that Grian couldn’t be the soulmate he wanted?
“Oh, sorry Grian!” Scar turned back to him and Grian put another dripstone above him.
“Okay, look at me. Watch me,” Grian said, breaking the dripstone without looking, his eyes staring straight into Scar’s.
As the dripstone hit Scar, both he and Grian flinched and their shared health dwindled. Scar stared at Grian for a moment, then punched him lightly on the shoulder. As soon as he did, he glanced down at his own arm silently. “Oh.”
“Yeah,” Grian sighed. He stood waiting for the inevitable, of Scar getting excited or upset, either wanting Grian as a soulmate or not.
“Oh,” Scar repeated. “That’s great!”
Grian felt his heart sink and before he could stop himself, he found himself saying, “No! No, it’s not great!”
“What?” Scar froze, face falling into confusion. Oh, void, now Scar thought Grian hated him- Grian had just gone and ruined everything!
“I don’t want to love you, Scar!” Grian burst out, and looked up at Scar in horror. Oh, why had he told Scar- he should have just stayed quiet! Everything would have been fine!
“Love?” Scar asked. “What- who said anything about love?”
“Soulmates,” Grian replied unhappily. “That’s what soulmates are.”
“Oh,” Scar said dumbly. “Do they have to be?”
“What?” Grian looked back up at him from the depths of his misery. “What do you-”
“I don’t wanna love you, you’re my friend! And you don’t wanna love me, so- we can be like friend-soulmates!” Scar suggested eagerly. 
Grian really… Grian really wanted that. But… could he just- have that? “But- how?”
“Why not? We’re the ones that get to decide,” Scar said. But- no, everything was decided for them, right? “We can be whatever we want to be.”
“I’d like that,” A faint smile came onto Grian’s face. “I’d like that.”
- ♥ -
Scar hummed as he skipped into the clearing Grian had chosen for them to live in. “Grian!”
Grian stood atop one of the log pillars he was using to form a wall around the area. At Scar’s call, he looked down and smiled. “Hi, Scar!”
“Guess what?” Scar announced excitedly. “Tango and Jimmy are platonic soulmates too!” 
“Platonic?” Grian repeated.
“Yeah, like friends!” Scar explained, just like how Tango had explained it.
“That’s great!” Grian smiled. He jumped down and Scar felt a shock rush through his body.
“Will you stop doing that?” Scar asked lightheartedly. 
Grian shook his head mischievously. “Nope,” he replied. Scar groaned with no real annoyance behind it and watched as Grian built up another pillar. 
Scar was glad they were soulmates. He wouldn’t want it any other way.
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spacedykez · 2 years
and it is here! martyn’s chapter! (scott’s/cleo’s/ao3 link)
it’s not as obviously aro as the other two but i didn’t want to just basically rewrite the other two chapters. and i’m not entirely happy with it but gosh martyn was hard to write
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If you asked Martyn his opinion on soulmates, he would tell you they were lame.
After all, his soulmate had rejected him before he’d even met her. Not like he’d wanted a soulmate, but still! It hurt! 
If that was how it was going to be, fine! Screw Cleo! Martyn didn’t need her or anyone, thank you very much (even if Cleo was actually a great partner, with her natural survival instincts and fighting skill. But never mind that)!
Cleo had always been stubborn, and so was Martyn (It was almost funny, how no matter how much neither of them wanted one another they matched each other so well). And so of course neither would give in and admit to caring about the other.
He didn’t care about Cleo, Martyn decided. If she didn’t care about him, then he didn’t care about her!
Never mind the giant heart he was currently standing atop. He didn’t want Cleo as a soulmate. He didn’t care that she’d left him! 
“Hey Martyn!” Jimmy yelled, brandishing his goat horn. His little yellow canary wings fluttered excitedly behind him.
“Aw, come on!” Martyn groaned lightheartedly. “You got one now?” 
Jimmy frowned, but continued on in a hopeful voice, sounding quite proud of himself. “Yeah!”
Martyn pulled out his communicator and typed out a message, then watched as Jimmy looked down at it, face falling. “Hey-”
<InTheLittleWood> what does Jimmy’s horn sound like?
Jimmy blew his horn defiantly right as Grian replied, a high-pitched “do-do-dooo!”
Nobody responded to the call. Jimmy frowned, looking incredibly sad, until a lone horn, a faint, matching “do-do-dooo!” called out in reply.
Tango skipped up behind Jimmy, his own bright flame-colored wings perfectly matching Jimmy’s. “Hey, what’s up?”
“Aw, Tango!” Jimmy grinned wide. 
“Having fun with your husband?” Martyn called teasingly, and Jimmy flushed.
“Yes, thank you!” Tango answered coldly as he grabbed Jimmy’s hand and said something to him Martyn couldn’t hear, turning and leading Jimmy back towards their house. 
Martyn sighed and turned back to gazing at Cleo’s base unhappily. He wasn’t jealous of Tango and Jimmy. He didn’t need a partner to care about him like that (he didn’t even want a partner as in a lover! He just wanted a buddy! A friend)!
He hated Cleo. They could have been a great team, but no. Cleo didn’t want him. Cleo left him for Scott, to ‘defy fate,’ and she didn’t care that Martyn was more than willing to help her. Instead she denied him without giving him a -chance.
A figure walked out of the door of Cleo’s house and Martyn watched intently. He didn’t want to see her! …but he didn’t have anyone else to go to. So here he was.
Martyn jumped down onto the bridge he’d made and walked closer, waving at Cleo. She scowled, but built her own bridge out to talk to him.
“What do you want?” Cleo demanded impatiently, standing with her hands on her hips.
“I just wanna talk,” Martyn told her. Cleo turned away, ready to leave, but Martyn called out to stop her. “No, wait-”
“What is there to talk about?” Cleo whirled and crossed her arms angrily. “I don’t wanna be soulmates.”
“I was trying to get resources for us!” Martyn yelled. He had been trying to help, but she despised him for some reason! And Martyn didn’t know why!
“You left me!” Cleo yelled back. And now there she went, offering her excuses for not wanting him!
“I didn’t know everyone else would be looking for their soulmates!” Martyn replied, throwing his fist to the side in frustration.
“You didn’t think maybe your soulmate wouldn’t want you risking our life in the nether!?” Cleo asked, clearly not listening to what he was trying to say.
“I was careful!” Martyn protested. Couldn’t she see that he was completely competent!? “I didn’t get us killed- I barely got us hurt!”
“But you could have! And you went to the Deep Dark!” It was Cleo’s turn to punch the air angrily.
“But I didn’t!” Martyn exclaimed. And that was the issue- she was dwelling on what-ifs to justify leaving him. She didn’t even care that he’d brought back valuable supplies. “What is your problem with me!?”
Cleo froze, like she thought he hadn’t noticed. Whatever her reason for hating him was, it went beyond a reckless trip to the Nether. 
“I don’t want a soulmate,” Cleo spat finally. “Are you happy? Is that what you want to hear? That I hate this stupid game and I don’t want my life bound to you?”
Martyn paused a moment, considering. He didn’t want his life bound to her either, but it didn’t do them any good to work against one another. “What’s so different about this? Everybody else has accepted their soulmates, why can’t we?”
“Everybody else can love their soulmate!” Cleo screamed, immediately backing away in horror and stumbling backwards to get away from Martyn. 
“Wait, Cleo!” Martyn called, but she was running away. Martyn pillared up to her bridge and ran after her, chasing her to the door of her house. 
“Leave me alone!” Cleo turned suddenly and pushed Martyn away. 
Martyn stopped, yelling after her. “Cleo, wait!”
Cleo stopped, turned, and asked desperately, “What is there to say, Martyn!?”
Martyn tried his best not to let her harsh tone hurt him. Cleo was upset, and he couldn’t take it personally. “I don’t want to love you!”
“You- what?” Cleo blinked. “That’s what soulmates are!”
“But do they have to be?” Martyn pleaded, talking quickly before Cleo ran again. “I just want to be a friend! And it’s not helping anyone for us to keep avoiding each other.”
“Can we be just friends?” Cleo asked hopelessly. 
“If we can spite the universe? Yeah, of course,” Martyn grinned. “You wanna spite the universe together?”
“I like the sound of that.” Cleo smiled faintly. “Martyn, I- I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Martyn told her. “Lord knows I hate things being decided for me too.”
“We’re a bit fucked up, aren’t we?” Cleo chuckled. Martyn nodded and they both laughed.
“Hey, be fucked up together?” Martyn asked cheesily. 
Cleo sighed with a grin on her face and shook her head amusedly. “Yeah, sure.”
Martyn couldn’t believe they’d ever let themselves get mad at one another for something so easy to change, but neither of them were great with actually telling people things. Yet another thing they had in common.
For how much they’d hated each other, they were quite similar. And Martyn loved that. Cleo was great, and he couldn’t ask for a better friend.
Soulmates were lame, but Cleo wasn’t. And Martyn would never forget that again.
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spacedykez · 2 years
i know i should wait but screw it i’m posting chapter two anyway reblog my fics you cowards
i proudly present: cleo’s chapter - on love, feelings, and betrayal (part two of love loses, but can be read as a standalone)
featuring aromantic cleo, overuse of italics, and angst.
Cleo didn’t want to abandon her friends.
She’d panicked when she found out what this game’s concept was: soulmates. One simple word, but it set Cleo’s nerves racing with dread. Not because she hated anyone on Double Life; no, of course not! She adored her friends, they got along great, and it wasn’t that she didn’t want to spend time with them.
No, Cleo hated soulmates because Cleo hated soulmates.
Cleo couldn’t love one of her friends, and she didn’t want to. She was happy to share a base with one of them, to spend weeks on end with any one of them, but she couldn’t love them. 
She couldn’t do this.
Cleo hated being forced into things, and now the universe itself was forcing her to do something she didn’t want to do, couldn’t do. She couldn’t love her soulmate, and she didn’t want to ruin any of her friendships with anything like love. 
Cleo went caving alone, dread and guilt gnawing away at her. She just wanted to go back to when the worst thing she had to deal with was friends betraying her and red lives turning former allies bloodthirsty. And then, as if every part of this wasn’t bad enough, she felt a pain that wasn’t her own shoot through her body. 
Cleo froze in horror, back pressed against the stone behind her. Not only did she have a soulmate, their lives were linked. Her soulmate’s pain was her pain, and her pain was probably theirs. 
Cleo didn’t want to do this. She didn’t want to be bound by a soulmate, trapped by a game she never wanted to play. At least before, she wasn’t truly bound to anyone; she’d made friends, but she was never really forced to look out for them. But now her closest ally was being chosen for her, and to be her lover, no less. Love: something else Cleo didn’t want.
Cleo sat and leaned against the cold stone wall of the cave. She was alone now; there was no one to see her breaking down. No one to see her on the verge of tears over something as stupid as not wanting a soulmate. 
Cleo wanted to sob. She’d never let herself cry over anything; not the death, the betrayal, the pain. But the realization that she was being forced into a life she didn’t want and she couldn’t change a thing about it was breaking her.
She let herself break, alone in the dark cave, where no one could find her. Where just for a little bit, there was no one forcing anything onto her.
Cleo shuddered again as she felt a pain in her leg. She wasn’t moving, so it had to be her soulmate’s injury, and she hated it. Hated that she had to be bound like this to someone else. Hated everything about this.
She rubbed the tears off her face and scolded herself for crying. She was supposed to be strong, fierce; she wasn’t supposed to get emotional over losing control. After all, she’d never had control. None of this was her choice; not the death games, not the bloodshed, and not her friends turning on her. So why was this different?
Maybe because for once, she couldn’t fight it off. She couldn’t change that her very life was dependent on someone else, and she got no say in who.
Cleo shoved those emotions away, back where they belonged and stood up, continuing on through the cave. Small droplets of water hung from the ceiling, splashing onto the ground with an echoing drip, drip, drip, which grew louder and more frequent as she walked. The cave must be going under a river, Cleo decided.
She eventually emerged in a decent-sized cavern with a large opening letting sunlight spill in. Small stalagmites poked up from the ground in the deeper sections of the cave. Ren was already there, wandering around and lighting up the place.
Ren was excited to find his soulmate, which was great for him! But that only left Cleo more worried. In flooded her fears of whoever her own soulmate was and her deep want to not be bound by the rules of this world.
Scott wandered in and they talked some more, gossiping about who was soulmates with who like a group of high schoolers spilling tea about crushes. Cleo played along reluctantly, not wanting to lose them to her fears. After all, Scott and Ren didn’t mind having soulmates, and they were trying to find their own! 
And so Cleo went along with them. She couldn't change it anyways, so she couldn't let it get in the way of her other friendships. 
When Ren and BigB discovered they were soulmates, Cleo cheered them on. Great for them! And two less people Cleo could potentially ruin her friendships with (well, she still could, just not over this).
Every new pair of soulmates looked so happy together. Grian was groaning that it was Scar, but he didn’t seem to mind the soulmates part. Nobody else complained about being forced into this, so how could Cleo?
And then Pearl and Martyn came back, and oh, Martyn. Of course it had to be him that was her soulmate: reckless, distant, stubborn, stupid Martyn.
She hated him (she didn’t. She hated what the universe was forcing her into). She couldn’t spend her life with Martyn. It was a cruel joke, just another way that the world proved it didn’t care about Cleo.
Martyn was nice enough, really, but he was insufferable. She didn’t want to spend ten minutes with him, let alone forever.
And so they bickered. While Scott and Pearl had a civil conversation, like every other pair of soulmates before them, Martyn and Cleo were at each other’s throats. She hated him, and he hated her, and oh it was so awfully fitting. Each equally as stubborn and unrelenting. 
But Cleo refused to fall perfectly into place like the universe’s little puzzle piece. She and Scott would defy their fates, leave their despised soulmates, and forget Martyn and Pearl. Cleo felt the tiniest bit bad for Pearl, but Scott looked at Pearl with contempt, just like Martyn was looking at Cleo, and Cleo couldn’t give in. She wouldn’t give fate what it wanted. She wouldn’t be a perfect little love story like everyone else (couldn’t, anyways).
And so Cleo abandoned her former friends, knowing they wouldn’t want her after she couldn’t be a lover.
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spacedykez · 2 years
sorry for the wait on this, but finally i have completed it
PEARL’S CHAPTER OF LOVE LOSES!! (scott’s/cleo’s/martyn’s/ao3 link) REBLOGS > LIKES!! 
Pearl didn’t want to be alone.
But as she stood in slight shock, staring numbly at Tilly lying sprawled out limply in front of her, Pearl wondered if she was destined to be alone.
Her soulmate and her best friend had both abandoned her. It hadn’t even been a day when Pearl’s soulmate had somehow rejected her before they’d even spoken. She’d been trying to help, and yet somehow that had only made Scott hate her more. She didn’t want a soulmate, really, but it still hurt that no one wanted her.
At least she still had Tilly: the only creature in the world that didn’t care what Pearl did, who would follow her blindly into anything. Pearl wished her friends trusted her that much- even a little bit would be better than being hated!
“Pearl?” A voice called questioningly. She snapped her head up angrily to meet worried green eyes, internally grimacing. Of all the people to show up now, it had to be him.
“What is it?” she said brokenly. She was one wrong word away from snapping. It wasn’t like she had anything left to lose. 
Scott stood in front of her with an unsympathetic expression. Good, she didn’t have any sympathy for him, either. “What are you doing?”
“What do you think I’m doing?” Pearl snapped back. What did she have to be doing? It wasn’t like she had any sort of goal.
Scott didn’t seem to have an answer. Pearl turned her back to him, debating whether to stay or go. She wanted friends, but did she want him? She didn’t want… that. She wanted no part in the strange act called romance, the thing she didn’t understand, that had no place in her life, especially in a death game like this.
“Pearl-” Scott began unsurely. “Are you okay?”
Was she okay? Was she okay? Were any of them okay!? They were in a death game, with no way out, their friends turning against, murdering and/or marrying each other. Her companions had all chosen to leave her and no one seemed to care about her at all anymore. But yes, she was just great, thank you!
“Oh, I’m fine, Scott,” Pearl said sarcastically, not missing the way Scott’s eyebrows raised in concern as she laughed brokenly.
Scott took a deep, steadying breath before replying. “Do you need-”
“Oh, now you’re gonna ask what I need?” Pearl interrupted scathingly. “Now, that you’re seeing what you caused?”
“I didn’t cause this! You were the one that decided to abandon me to go the Nether on Day One!” Scott protested. Of course he wanted to blame her for all of this, when she hadn’t even gotten a choice in any of it!
“I was just trying to be helpful! I didn’t know what everyone else was doing!” Pearl told him (which was true, no matter how much he denied it). “And you abandoned me, too!”
Scott looked down in slight embarrassment, and then, like the words were paining him, he asked, “Do you want to try… being soulmates again?”
“I don’t want to be soulmates,” Pearl scowled. She didn’t need him, or any chosen soulmate. She could make her own life without anyone else.
But then Scott cried out her name, panicked, and she turned to him annoyedly. Before she could even speak to defend herself from whatever he was going to say, he yelled again. “PEARL, LOOK OUT!” 
Scott jumped for her, drawing his sword, but not looking to attack her. Pearl whirled to see a tall, green-ish figure behind her, which she could hear making a hissing sound as she watched it. 
The creeper flashed a blinding white and Pearl stood not reacting as several things happened all at once.
Scott shoved her behind him and threw his shield up to protect them. Pearl stumbled backwards, tripping and landing on hard dirt. And a booming noise sounded as the creeper exploded, knocking Scott back to land beside Pearl, thankfully uninjured.
The two sat gasping for several seconds before Pearl spoke. “That was close.”
“Yeah,” Scott agreed shakenly. Neither of them spoke for a few minutes, neither wanting to break the uncomfortable silence.
Footsteps came from in front of Pearl and she looked up to see Martyn standing above them, watching them curiously. “What happened to you two?”
“Creeper,” Scott said bluntly, shutting down his questioning, and Martyn didn’t press further. But from out of nowhere, Cleo brushed past him, running up to the two of them, meaning they were not in fact spared from an interrogation.
“Scott, are you okay?” Cleo asked worriedly. Pearl glanced down at the ground. Of course Scott was all Cleo cared about; never mind that Pearl was sitting right next to him, no less shaken.
“I’m alright, it was just a creeper, I’m not hurt,” Scott assured her. Yeah, sure, just don’t bother asking Pearl. She was just fine, thanks.
“Hey Pearl,” Cleo greeted (like an afterthought, like Cleo just had to deal with her being there). That was okay, though. Pearl was used to being left out, and anyways she was fine on her own. “Do you want to come back with us?”
“Come… back?” Pearl repeated disbelievingly. To.. they were… what?
“To where Scott and I live,” Cleo explained. Pearl didn’t reply for a long minute. Hadn’t they told her not to come near them? They certainly hadn’t wanted her company before. What had changed?
“You guys left me,” Pearl answered. Which wasn’t an answer to the question, but Pearl was still scrambling for words. “Now you want me back?”
Martyn frowned and turned to Cleo, exchanging an unsure glance before looking back at Pearl. But before he could speak, Scott. Scott sighed and stepped forward. “I left you because I didn’t want a soulmate. Not because I didn’t want you.” 
“But…” Pearl trailed off unsurely. She wanted a friend so badly. But she had Tilly… And did she want a soulmate? Wasn’t that what Scott had just said? “You didn’t want a soulmate? Why not?”
“We thought soulmates had to be, you know, lovers,” Cleo explained sheepishly. “Scott and I, at least.”
Pearl’s heart nearly leapt out of her chest. Was Cleo… was Cleo saying what Pearl thought she was? “You just didn’t want arranged love?”
“Exactly,” Scott agreed, staring at the ground. “I’m sorry for abandoning you, Pearl-”
“Scott!” Pearl interrupted him giddily. “I don’t want that either! Love, I mean.” She grinned and laughed happily, jumping up from where she was sitting to rush over to Cleo. If that was all that had been keeping them from wanting her, then maybe, just maybe, she could have friends! Friends who didn’t want love either!
“Pearl!” Cleo exclaimed excitedly, then steadied herself. “Does that mean you’ll join-”
“Yes!” Pearl practically yelled, barely able to contain her joy. They wanted her! “Yes!”
“Fuck love, right?!” Cleo said determinedly, raising her voice as if to scream to the very heavens that she wanted nothing to do with their games.
“Hell yeah!” Martyn cheered, punching the air in agreement with his soulbound. Pearl nodded eagerly, and Scott quickly joined them, standing up and walking over.
Pearl beamed, a warm feeling spreading in her chest. She had friends now, people like her, and Pearl was happy to say she would never be alone again.
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spacedykez · 2 years
they’re All aro now. yes. all of them. (double lifers)
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spacedykez · 2 years
off the top of my head, your osmp!scott stuff (which fucken SLAPS btw) and your aro dlsmp fics <333
oh? okay! yes! osmp!scott! was not expecting that but YES! thank you! (i project onto osmp!scott an unhealthy amount)
from what i can tell: If love loses has a million fans, then you are one of them. If love loses has ten fans, then you are one of them. If love loses has only one fan then that is you. If love loses has no fans, then that means you are no longer on earth. If the world is against love loses, then you are against the world. 
thank you eternally for adoring love loses as much as i do <3
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spacedykez · 2 years
mist’s writing masterpost
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i write fanfiction about gay block people and collect my readers’ tears as payment. here’s my ao3 and here’s #paciFics, my writing tag.
FAQS: “can i make things based off your fics?” absolutely yes i WILL go feral. please feel free the only requirement is tag me because i want to see it! also i’ll link it below (unless you tell me not to) ↳ sun and moon (fic based on magic by moonlight!!!) by anonymous. ↳art for bleeding out in your arms tonight by @tis-i-beep-boop​ ↳art for magic by moonlight by @felicityphoenix5​  ↳art for the devil is a gentleman by @jarojam
“do you like to make your readers suffer?” yes. that’s my goal. cry, bitch.
“do you have a tagslist/can i be added?” yes, here, send me an ask.
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afterlife smp vampire!scott threatens endfloran!lizzie wyverns fwhip and joel saving dragon!jimmy from vampire!scott
origins smp backstory for o!scott, featuring my Sparks headcanon and starborne lore scott is lonely and i talk about stars meta post about different origins lorewise slight vent fic abt scott with self-worth issues
hermitcraft grian’s hc s9e9 but as watcher lore
misc minecraft on sculk and stars
empires smp abstract drabble about the deep dark & fwhip magic by moonlight - multichapter about my moon kingdom/moon magic au, featuring moon!phoenix!pearl and phoenix!gem that time e2!scott and e2!jimmy became allies but i made it gay
double life smp scar grows wings dl!pearl meets spider!gem (literal word crimes) love loses - MY CHILD EVERYBODY I WILL NEVER SHUT UP ABOUT IT YOU’RE WELCOME - in which i Aro dlsmp my grian-centric aro dlsmp fic 
lifesteal smp branzypierce brainrot. help me. clownpierce’s one and only weakness - branzy angst. just branzy angst. bleeding out in your arms tonight - hurt no comfort hostage situation ↳and i’d kill for you, my love - sequel to bleeding out! revived branzy but obsessive clown and heaps of angst branzy and clown kill and kiss thats it thats the fic comfort/hurt. clownpierce-centric. there is kissing. branzy's an annoying goofball. he kills a man. clown’s tired. void-touched violet eyes - i gave branzy Void trauma yw. <3 so good at selling lies - how branzy got his scars sickfic & hidden injury the night young love died - more villain!branzy propaganda this tale of reckless love - branzypierce fluff, featuring Rekrap & kissing. yet more villain branzy propaganda. evil gay love <3 Scars Of Your Love - betrayal by clown, branzy traps him in revenge. your terror’s on display - branzy tells clown how he lost his horn. it’s angsty. terminal velocity - some angsty winged!branzy for you clown gets kidnapped. branzy saves him branzy has met Lady Death before what color are clown’s eyes? rek, subz, and vitalasy place bets. short lifesteal ficlets from that one ask game (+1 more) vampirezy - exactly what it says on the tin. “melody” - branzy sees fae clown (it’s not said but heavily implied) “didn’t know you cared” - branzy is bleeding out. clown won’t let that happen. “can’t trust you” - clown knows branzy’s a betrayer. but he plays the game. “fever” - local purple-eyed idiot goes into a fight sick. clown’s not happy. “found you (#1)” - more obsidian box angst, ft clown murdering a man. “found you (#2)” - rekrap angst, ft trust issues. Many trust issues. “delicious” - chlownzy crack, basically “cuts” - villain!branzy drabble “loss of control” - clown is a hunter. he nearly loses himself to that.
otterverse s1 ending, c!felix pov “Just kill me” c!pacix c!felix & divanon snippet a letter to felix. love, paci
tma what do you run from? - a short exploration of the Hunt on the fears: a meta original statement fic on the vast a somft jmart ficlet
other/au cranberryboo and orangeboo original piece abt the Darkness (based on minecraft ocs)
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