#aroace spec keith
komohine · 1 month
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Did some kimono life drawing at my local Japanese culture festival yesterday!
In the meantimw. PLEASE send asks abt my aroace spec keith headcanons because he makes me nauseous
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leonscape · 1 month
im sorry for the confusion huhuhu 🥹
anyways ill answer your questions :
looks like we are soulmates (platonically) were same but different.
and as you can see I BRO ZONED EVERY IKEPRI SUITOR because i don't imagine myself being on a romantic nor sexual relationship with any of them...it feels...weird..and odd at the same time.
of course that doesn't mean i won't stop simping nor having a crush nor fangirl over them, especially towards leon 👀 (besides most of them are jokes and is satire, i didn't mean most of the words i said-).
also despite me liking both men and women, AND SUPRISINGLY IM ACTUALLY NOT BISEXUAL- im in the ace spectrum just like you 😊🫶🏼, and my sexuality can be a bit confusing...so anyways, im actually aego aroace (in closet) just search it in google 😅.
actually my faves are LEON and CHEVALIER, the faction leaders eifnekdmedkw.
as for jin, i used to like him at first impression then he became meh to me but then slowly i liked him back now, dang i feel moody to my liking of jin-.
i liked jin a bit because his name is jin (i have a thing for fictional characters that are named jin), he is leon's bro, best big brother figure, likes women, mantiddies, caring for his younger brothers 🥺, handsome to me (idc about his haircut), a sweet tooth like me 🫶🏼, etc. (suprisingly he's one of my least faves, doesn't mean i disliked him tho).
about the pig emoji, it just suits me...i love pink, im a foodie, likes getting dirty (not THAT kind), im average looking, i can be fun and enthusiastic, im a bit fat, etc.
well that's a lot of yapping...please let me know if you want me to stop, i don't wanna bother you lots you know 😔.
anyways take care of yourself, alright? 💟
im sincerely sorry...(im not og keith i swear-).
hmm perhaps we are platonic soulmates. i also don’t see myself and any of the suitors in a romantic/sexual relationship. well except for leon of course he confuses me a lot. i just thought you’re some kind of bi because you said you’re into women as well. but i think i understand, you just like the idea or seeing romantic/sexual relationships? i am curious to know what your journey was like when you found the aro/ace spec because i think mine is kinda funny.
i don’t trust people that like chevalier and leon tho it’s suspicious to me 🤨 how are you gonna like someone that threatened you over a book but also like someone that would save you and dust off the book? as for liking jin, i’ve always felt like you either like him or you don’t so i can see how you’re going back and forth on it 😹 i actually don’t mind his haircut too i think it has a certain boyish charm. it’s much cleaner than leon’s mullet bc leon seems to have hair going everywhere💀
i also like food too. i like regular meals but i prefer baking dessert over cooking.
you’re not a bother, i don’t mind 😸👍 take care of yourself as well!!
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blurred-pride · 2 years
Blog updates, BYF, Tagging System, Information about the system and body, and more.
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Hello to anyone who's sent us asks and/or requests!! We unfortunately have been taking a long time to do things regarding MOGAI stuff due to a lack of energy, motivation, and a LOT of stress recently. There's been some family situations that have happened, as well as personal things regarding our chronic pain, disabilities, and some other stuff. Hopefully we'll be able to coin stuff again soon, and be able to fill requests sometime soon.
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-Keith (he/they)
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And More!
Collective Information
Name: Oppy, Orbit, Opportunity
Pronouns: Any!
Age: 19
Queer Stuff: Agender, Pangender, Genderfluix, Genderqueer, M-Spec Gaybian, M-Spec Lesboy, M-Spec Turigirl,  AroAce-Spec, Queerplatonic
Extra Info: I’m a system, and otherwise kinda brain weird, and I will post about it! I don’t want to share my system origins on the internet, as that is personal information. I don’t particularly enjoy discourse, such as syscourse and shipcourse, and find it to be usually unhelpful, so I try to avoid it. I don’t mind genuine questions, but I will probably ignore any rude or hateful comments. I enjoy cooking, baking, art, computer games, reading, writing, and exploring new things. 
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ternaryflower53 · 4 years
3, 4, 8, 18 for aro awareness asks?
(arospec awareness week asks)
3. How long have you identified as aro-spec?
uhhhh 4 years-ish? i think? something like that
4. How old were you when you first heard the term?
i was 14! it was basically the same time i heard of asexuality as well and i sorta started identifying as both/as aroace at the same time
8. What are some aro headcanons you have?
kaladin stormblessed is aromantic and i will fight on this
other than that, most of my headcanons are sorta fluid depending on what i want to read/write, but i have headcanoned most of my faves as aro/arospec tbh. including but not limited to: obi-wan kenobi, adolin kholin, renarin kholin, nile freeman, keith and pidge (voltron), enjolras (les mis). all the characters.
(let’s be real most characters are aro until proven otherwise bc it’s just not on my radar to write allo characters)
18. What are some positive experiences you have had from being aro-spec?
not so much a specific experience but being aro has changed a lot of how i understand the way relationships (both romantic and non-romantic) are treated/perceived by society and how i relate to that?
i’m very tired and this is kind of abstract but like. being aro helps me understand more about how i choose to define the word love and how i choose to love, and how i choose to define my future, how i define intimacy and relationships, etc. it’s given me this sense of freedom that’s hard to explain but is so incredibly important to me. just being aro is a positive experience, for me.
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some-other-number · 5 years
aro pride month day 2: pride in aromantic identity 
as I said yesterday, this is the first pride month I’m spending as aromantic! I discovered I was aroace last year after a very awkward experience almost-dating, which upon reflection was because I’m aro. as a matter of fact, it feels super right to say I’m aro, which usually means it’s the right identity. 
anyway, I show pride in my aro identity mainly through ocs right now. a lot of my ocs are aro or aro-spec. keith... grey... snowy... teddy... all aro/aro-spec! in the future when I get a bit more money I will get some merch, I’ll definitely get an aro flag (and a trans flag to match) and some pins/patches. because pins and patches are amazing and I like stimming and fiddling with them so much. I’m kinda closeted irl right now but online I’m out and proud 
my aro identity stands out against my ace identity I feel. it’s more distinct than my ace identity, which is strange because it took me two years longer to figure out I was aro than ace. (I discovered the ace label back in 2016, and the aro label not too long afterwards. I didn’t think I was aro because I had experienced ‘crushes’, which tbh? I think that was more platonic attraction/wanting to be like those boys because I’m transmasc) anyway, the aro label for all its short time as part of my identity is hugely important. why else would my blog theme be green, after all? 
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tugboatringo · 6 years
rate the rolling stones least to most fuckable i dare u!
(i will also be doing only the original lineup of them)
keith richards!!! i would love for him to catch this sinus infection i have right now.
charlie watts; again, the stone your mother wants you to bring home. gentleman. will treat you right. and to my aroace-spec lesbian understanding, nothing says sexy like a clean, freshly shaven, cologned, dapper ass man punching mick jagger in the face.
i guess here is where mick jagger belongs because he is probably sexier than bill wyman although if i’m being honest i never saw the same sex appeal in him that i understand why people have in say david bowie or robert plant. he’s just not close to being on that level to me, even if his reputation suggests otherwise.
bill wyman. #4 is just the last available seat in the car for him.
brian jones because i can’t bang sister’s boyfriend (or “Lover Separated by Time and Circumstance”) and also i’m not physically ready to bear his next child.
this was not as exciting as diana’s probably was but here you go anon thank you
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tenitchyfingers · 7 years
Steve Rogers? Biromantic ace.
Bucky? Grey-ace and biromantic.
Cas? Aroace.
Dean? Bisexual and aromantic
Sam? Aroace.
Pearl? Grey-ace and homoromantic
Steven? Aroace
Keith? ace and homoromantic
Shiro? biromantic demi
Allura? Aroace as hell
Pidge? Also aroace
Hunk? Heteroromantic and ace
all your faves are a-spec. I spoke to all of their creators and they confirmed it to me sorry not sorry C:
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cherry-bomb-k · 6 years
About me.
Kin with Keith from VLD
Totally open to talking to any other VLD kin, including doubles, doesn’t matter if we’re from the same canon or not (you can talk to me even if you’re not kin, I’m fine with whatever)
Haven’t found anyone from my canon yet but I’d love to
About my canon.
Dated and eventually married Shiro
Sexuality was a bit confusing, mostly identified as gray aro-ace (tbh I can’t remember being seriously attracted to anyone other than Shiro)
Showed heavy symptoms of ASD and BPD but never got diagnosed
Took Shiro a while to get me to warm up to him at the Garrison, I was extremely stubborn and untrusting
Pidge was afab and used she/her pronouns but gender didn’t really seem to mean much to her
I have a lot of random little memories, maybe I’ll share them periodically
About me irl.
Just call me Keith
Gay-ish, aroace-spec, polyamorous
Professionally diagnosed with depression, Autism, PTSD, and a bunch of other things I don’t care to share much about
Ask me whatever you want and as long as I’m comfortable with it I’ll answer
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komohine · 27 days
hi! So, I wanted to write a klance ff in a cool zombie survival au but mid-creating it I realised it wasn't klance dynamic at all but 100% pure jaith material. Except. I haven't even READ jaith yet. Could I possibly get the chance to be guided through my ignorance by the illustrious Official Jaith Guardian themself and get some fanfic recs? Some of your fav headcanons/artists perhaps? also thank you for all your work 🙏
The only jaith fic you need to read is this
All of my headcanons and stuff come from these two fics. Theyre so good. Also be sure to listen to the jaith playlist (in order! Not shuffled) i linked while reading. Double ouchie.
Their relationship is very much a constant push and pull.
Keith pushes james away because he doesn’t even know if he can love and doesnt want to lead james on (aroace spec keith for the win) and because of his perceived faults and flaws, james tries to pull him closer because keith has been one of the only people to like him for him, not for the facade he puts up in public and because he doesn’t care about Keith’s small flaws he makes out to be huge
James pushes keith away out of fear that his constantly suppressed anger and jealousy will rear its head and hurt keith (and also because of internalized homophobia), keith tries to pull him closer because james was the only one who stubbornly stuck by his side even through all the years where he was horrible to james
Basically one of the fundamental differences i feel exists between jaith and klance is the idea that james and keith grew up together and only had eachother for a significant period of time. Keith lost his father and tried closing himself off to the world, but james refused to let that happen. Keith saw right past james’ charade of charming smiles and well ironed shirts to see the real him who was in desperate need of a significant connection. For every insecurity one of them has the other vehemently insists on loving them despite (or because of) it. For every bad thing one of them does the other will insist that its alright and that people grow and change.
They exist together through mutual respect, mutual rivalry, mutual love for eachother, and mutual hatred. They’re complicated little guys but no matter how much they claim to hate eachother they know that if they were separated they’d miss eachother desperately, almost violently.
Only when they’ve matured emotionally do they finally realize just how much they like eachother lol. Things get much better when teenage hormone’s aren’t in the mix
Only when they’re older do they realize how much they needed, and still need, eachother
Theyre made for eachother but the universe seems hell bent on tearing them apart.
They are mirrors of eachother but also opposites. They love eachother so much but dont dare to let that love fully show. Im in pain i hate them sm 😞
Here is a sort of masterlist of my headcanons ive made, and also heres a few more: 1, 2, 3
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vldsideblog · 10 months
Okay, just for a moment I will speak about my Keith sexuality headcannons.
First off, he’s asexual and sex repulsed. (Aka I’m projecting and having a great time doing it) he doesn’t care for it at all, he doesn’t mind jokes tho,
He’s also demiromantic and gay. He’s had like two crushes in his life, the first being some kid in elementary school who moved away when they were 11 and the second being lance. Though the crush didn’t quite start until the space whale when he realized he missed him so much and started thinking about it more.
You obviously don’t have to agree with me, but this is how I write him
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vldsideblog · 11 months
Very quick sketch of Keith for ace week
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Ace Keith is very important to me as a fellow asexual. So here I am spending my agenda as per usual.
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