#asexual keith kogane
lilcatastrophe · 9 months
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woke up in a cold sweat at 4 smth am to put this in my notes I am so sorry
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lil backstory I heard a song where the guy was like something something I wanna link with you baby and my first thought was like yah man you form voltron
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the-volts778 · 3 months
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drawn wit curser on da cromebook (lances beautiful blue orbs)
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spacecowboy-01 · 7 months
I might’ve said this before but I swear klance turned me gay- like-
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keithkog · 4 months
Are you on the asexual spectrum?
I don’t believe that I am really.
I would hate to dig too deep into this since this has to do with sexual attraction, a topic that I don’t really like sharing with anyone (especially not the public..)
But I do really respect everyone who is some form of asexual, so it is nice to acknowledge that is more uncommon part of identity that people should take pride in.
Basically, asexual people exist and are valid, they are a minority, they should take pride in that part of them.
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Asexual Keith headcanon 💜 🥺 The Voltron fandom is so dead ….💀😭 I miss it
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freetobeafcknriot · 2 years
happy asexuality awareness week ! — featuring: some of my fellow acespec legends. ✨🐲✌️😎🌙
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genderimpala · 1 year
aight fellow genderqueer folks of any flavour, please help a guy out, how do you tell the difference between romantic attraction and gender envy?
(i'm asexual, so nothing is sexual attraction.)
so there's this guy who kind of looks like a cross between keith kogane and charlie spring and i've liked him for a while, like i want to hang out with him and i get 'butterflies' when i'm with him and i kinda wanna hug him but i don't wanna kiss him or have a romantic kind of relationship with him.
he looks like guys i normally get gender envy from. but when i'm with him and we start talking i'm not that nervous and i just keep looking at him bc he's like really pretty??
is it like aesthetic attraction or gender envy or like
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aroacepilotzine · 3 years
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🚀 Digital Zine Release Day! 🚀
You can view or download the PDF version of the zine by going to the Google Drive link, or read it as a flipbook with side-by-side pages on Heyzine.
Google Drive link
Heyzine link
Thank you to our contributors - the writers and artists who made this zine possible. It's been great seeing your works grow from an idea to your final pieces. You are all so very talented, and it was an honor to work with you all!
Thank you to Emily Ramos and fistfulofgammarays who, in addition to creating their own individual pieces, made our great cover!
And to everyone who has supported the zine, from the beginning or just recently, we appreciate you so, so much.
We're so proud of this zine and hope you all enjoy it as much as we have!
Thank you,
- AroAce Pilot Zine Mods 🚀
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man4jiro · 3 years
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— ace keith icons
ミ★🔪 for anon; like/rb + credit if using
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findmeinthefallair · 3 years
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Perhaps Ranveig found an opportunity to have a new lab rat: who better than the hothead Paladin whose Galra DNA is fitting material for a WereGalra experiment? Loss of human and coherent speech, heightened speed, strength and reflexes, rage and fear that turns him against his own team. 
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spacecowboy-01 · 7 months
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First one is my profile pic
Second one is speed paint
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Keith is Asexual
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dazzlerdrawer · 2 years
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Ahah! A Lion Pride!
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I want to make an aroace Keith zine.
I had mentioned a couple of months ago here on my blog how I’d ended up having to drop out of a Voltron zine due to aphobia, both behind the scenes and in the content of the zine itself.
The thing is, two months later, the whole scenario still is feeling just as painful to me as it was when I first dropped out. I had thought that it was due to certain problems I’ve been dealing with irl coinciding with the incident with the zine, but even when those are being dealt with, the hurt from the zine hasn’t faded.
So, I’ve been giving this a lot of thought, and I think what really needs to happen, is an aroace Keith zine. The only way to counteract erasure is with representation. I need it, the fandom needs it, it’s something that I think could mean a lot to a lot of people in the community. A whole zine of fics, art, and comics specifically focused on AroAce Pilot Keith.
However, I have absolutely no experience with running zines. The zine that I had to drop out of was going to be my first experience participating in a zine at all - one of many reasons I was initially so excited about it, and thus so disappointed with how things turned out - so I have no idea about anything involving promoting, formatting, or coordinating a zine, or any of the business aspects involved in selling the zine and setting up a charity donation (I’d like the zine’s proceeds to go to an aspec-inclusive LGBT+ charity organization; right now my sights are on The Trevor Project, but nothing’s set in stone yet).
That’s why I need help. This is a project I know I’m not going to be able to dive into until the current school semester is over, so I’ve got a couple of months left before really getting started officially, but when I do, I’m going to need other people. Mods who have experience with zines, contributors to create the zine’s content, people who would be able to help promote the project and generate interest.
For now, all I’ve got is this post. I encourage you, if you are at all interested in a future aroace Keith zine, please reblog this post, help get the word out. If you think you could be a contributor or, especially, a moderator, please message me; let me know this project has a leg to stand on. If you know someone who you think may be interested, including on different sites and platforms, share this post with them.
I need this zine to happen, one way or another, and I know I need all the help I can get.
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blueskyportrait · 2 years
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My Ace head canons part 1
1. Reyna Avila Ramirez Arellano, Heroes of Olympus, Graysexual
2. Edward Elric, Fullmetal Alchemist, Demisexual
3. Ruby Rose, RWBY, Demisexual
4. Keith Kogane, Voltron Legendary Defender, Asexual
5. Belle, Beauty and the Beast, Demisexual
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stressedsnake · 3 years
1. Lance, my beloved: Pansexual
2. Keith: Gay
3. Allura: Funky lil lesbian
4. Pidge: Trans and nonbinary , aro/ace
5. Shiro: Bi
6.Hunk: Questioning
I've just started watching it so yeah
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