enbeemagical · 4 years
Happy Aro Pride Day!!
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just a reminder ^_~
You can be aro and straight, aro and gay, aro and bi, aro and pan, aro and ace. All are valid. You're not "less queer" or "less aspec" if you're aro/het. Being aro does not make you less capable of love, whatever your sexual orientation. Your worth is not determined by your relationships. You are amazing and beautiful, and I love you.
Part of the Aro Pride Collab with @siriuslyremus @mossypebbles @logandeservesbetter @marathegreat @emmytheace @fandom-trashowo
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siriuslyremus · 4 years
hello everyone! happy valentine’s day! On February 15th, i am taking part in an aromantic valentines day collab with my closest online friends! @theoneandonlymagiscientist @logandeservesbetter @mossypebbles @fandom-trashowo @emmytheace !! our one and only intention of this collab is to share some well-needed and well-earned aromantic postivity! if you have any hateful comments to share, you will be immediately blocked. anyone and everyone is welcome to participate! all you have to do is create something like a picture or a poem, and post it with the tag #arovalentinesdaycollab !! thank you!
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enbeemagical · 4 years
Part of the Aro Pride Day collab (kind of) with @siriuslyremus @mossypebbles @logandeservesbetter @marathegreat @emmytheace @fandom-trashowo!! I didn't plan this at all, but I looked at my dresser ten minutes ago and happened to see these cute little plastic toys I got awhile back. Both of these dragons together are smaller than my thumb, so that's why the photos are a touch blurry.
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Enjoy the li'l aro dragons! ^_^ 🖤💚
(unfortunately, I do not have white or gray ones. do aros like dragons as much as aces do?)
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