#arr headcanon
shonenkun309 · 3 months
I have a headcanon that Koga's mother's name was Kohime, and her and Ouga brought the name Koga by mixing their names together :
Ko from Kohime
ga from Ouga
(the second part can be also "uga" since Koga's name in Japanese pronounced actually "Kouga")
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lost-khione · 2 years
You know after reading Yakumo's main story, I have this headcanon:
If it were Gaku's route she would definitely drink that potion, at least I would if I were in her shoes 🥺
Just so she won't have to leave him ever again.
Sorry to Yakumo for using him that way tho
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alsteneldoeight · 9 months
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sevun teene
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eidingate · 12 days
FFXIVWrite2024 #11 - Surrogate
Early ARR Characters: Tataru, WoL Eidin Words: 868
"This has happened before. Hasn't it?" 
The sun was dipping toward the horizon, casting Vesper Bay in a cloak of red and orange as the savage midday heat burned itself down to embers. Eidin dangled one foot off the edge of the rock, lounging in the evening light with a feigned composure she did not feel. Compared to her companion, she was all limbs sprawled over the sparse patches of grass that had managed to find a hold on the rockface. 
Tataru took a slow sip of her wine before answering. She had provided the cups from the Waking Sands kitchen, snatching them up with the kind of confidence that only the receptionist who was responsible for stocking the shelves could harbor. She'd nestled into a little nook on top of the rocky outcropping where they had retreated together, and it struck Eidin that the dainty little receptionist could make any stone appear to be a throne. 
"It has. Not for a long time. Not since – well, we really haven't seen full Primals like that since the Calamity." 
If Eidin had learned anything in her time in Eorzea, it was that everything came back to the Calamity. She had been far from these shores when Dalamud fell, but even she remembered when the sky burned red. The blood currant wine lingered on her tongue, heady and cloying, a gift from a woman in the Shroud in return for a few favors. "And how did you deal with it then?" 
Tataru gazed down at her cup, her eyes clouded with a memory that Eidin's Echo did not deign to share. "We had… heroes. The Warriors of Light. I wish I could remember their names."
Eidin returned her gaze to the sea, where the sun's fiery reflection was cut through with fishing trawlers. "Heroes. With the Echo?"
"Yes. Like you."
Something in Eidin bristled at the comparison, and her hand tightened around the cup. It was a little too small for her hand, but on the balance, it was probably a little too big for Tataru's. "Why was I never told? All that talk about what made the Echo so special. Yet nothing about this? About tempering, and what it means?"
"It wasn't for any malicious reason," Tataru said quickly. "I promise, we weren't hiding it from you. Minfilia always planned to tell you, but…" she sighed, setting her cup down to turn to face Eidin fully. "She won't say it because this is an old argument, but Minfilia never wanted the Echo to be used in this way. She's always believed in its power to reach across languages, to open hearts, to be used for diplomacy. She always wanted that to be its first and primary use. And as long as Primals never fully manifested…" 
She sighed, and reached for the bottle between them, falling back on her skills as a hostess to cover the tension of this moment, and topped up Eidin's cup. "She didn't want you to feel pressured. If you knew you might one day be the only one who could face such a creature and escape with your will intact, would you not feel obligated to take on that role?" 
Eidin sipped at her drink, feeling the wine swill uncomfortably in her stomach. Tataru's face was open, earnest. She trusted that Tataru believed what she said. And as Minfilia's friend, of course she was inclined to see the more noble intentions behind her actions. 
But the excitement that had radiated off of the Scions when she had been recruited, the glances they had thrown each other, the haste with which they had brought her into the fold, all of that was finally crystalizing before her. This had always been her purpose, for them. "So for want of your lost heroes, the Scions sought a surrogate. Someone who could stand in for them, now that they've gone."
Tataru froze, nearly spilling her wine down her tunic. Her mouth opened and closed a moment, as if trying to find which part of that statement to react to, before finally landing on, "you're a hero too, Eidin."
Eidin set the cup down, carefully setting it in a dip in the rough stone, because Tataru had been very kind in offering it and the inclination to throw it into the sea was too strong. "I didn't save them, Tataru. I didn't save anyone." 
The sun skimmed the edge of the water, red as the flame of Ifrit's gaze. The angry wine-soaked bile that rose in Eidin's throat was not for the fear that she'd felt at her capture, or the days she spent recovering with burns and smoke-filled lungs. It was that Minfilia and Thancred, in their wisdom, had let her spend those days thinking that at least she had saved those people from Ifrit's fire. At least the men who'd sat tied up shoulder-to-shoulder with her could go home to their families. 
None of it true. Everyone she thought she had saved was doomed from the moment they beheld the Primal. Once again, nothing she did resulted in a single life saved.
She stood, the edge of the cliff dizzyingly close. Tataru looked so much tinier below her. "Don't cast me in the role of your dead heroes."
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ilikecutecat · 2 months
How I think the ARR boys would react if you throw a cake at them
before we start, i haven't read much about the lore/ i forget most of them now. So some characters might be off character sorry.
reader/mc is gender neutral
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Koga Kitamikado
Uh pretty good 6/10 Definitely would say he enjoys the fun and challenge (?) 100% would laugh at it. -1000000 points if you throw a peach cake at him
Ehh… 5/10 This could end in 2 ways Bro definitely fly up if you throw it or he not was enough ( idk if he have a fast reflex) The second outcome and the more likely. Wouldn't even care. He definitely would like the cream of his face then just fall asleep -1 point cuz koga won't like the floor/ bed dirty
-10/10 Mad as hell, you might get the silent treatment Definitely made you clean up or help you clean up a bit. +1 if he like you he will try to be kindish more and won't yell at you that much Keyword: try
4/10 Might be confused about what u doing I say depends on your relationship, if you 2 close he might laugh it off (?) if not uh yeah. Might blushes if you clean up his face ( if you a woman ) i say he would
( Idk how to write him)
100/10 Would very like it His brother don't so mins 10 points Yura would say something like: " this cake is yummy or thou art a teaseing woman or something" ( I'm not good with old language ) 100% would like the cream. All the cream of his face. Might ask for some more.
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Toichiro Yuri
-1/10 not good. Mad definitely mad. But I think he might smile and laugh at it. Not sure if he think this might be childish but ehhh.. maybe. Gonna be a little shit about it. +5 point if you help him pranks koga with peach. 100% would get revenge on you. Watch your back.
0/10 yeh Might swap the tochiro point and shizuki point together idk.
Toichiro could like bring him booze and lock him and you togethers He either have a good reflex and freeze the cake before it gets to him. Or he fail. Would say he pretty disappointed and will told you that you are imatured (?)
-100000 points if you tell that he fail to kagemaru.
10000000/10 I love him Would laugh at it like koga ( love his silly smile ) 100% would lick the cream and taste it. 99% put some creams on your face as revenge. 1% stand for he no wanna hurt your pretty face <3 Enjoy the fun and might make a cake war with everyone ( Good luck ) He could like make a cake theme circus like some of the event and invite you guys in. +100000000000 point cuz he is kuro and I love him part
"Young people/ youngster these days… " Or "I'm too old for this" He definitely said something related to that. You can't change my mind, I will take it down with my grave. +1 point if you help clean the mess and his mess. He would rewards you with the Rice Omelet. if not i will say poor Aoi...
he might escape the cake war if he ran out and smoke before it stared.
2/10 no. Really don't. More no if you throw one at his brother. Even if yura like it. He doesn't tho. -2 point if the cake is sweet. Unless yura calm him down he will be hella mad. Don't tell toichiro about this.
(idk what else)
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8/10 meow I'm not sure if he like cake or not but it's you… Soo I suppose he doesn't mind much? You better apologize with sardines. Many many many many sardines Don't tell anyone tho. Who does not want to be the "butt of everyone's joke" Get it? :3
Oh dear… You have guts 5/10 I say it's a 50/50 thing. In his profile he does like the strong.. idk if being bold like that is considered strong but.. you do you. Um would ask a fight about it. Idk if geisha allowed to make new ideas in the way to "seduce" customer but would add cake fight for the fun of it. Like tochiro+10 points if you do it to shizuki.
Well he have 2 persona before the event and after so… ( Spoiler)
Aki ( before the event)
6/10 Say something like "a-ah! Oh it's you! Haha.. I never knew.! Don't do it again pls.. I hate being scared (?" Uh yeah idk if he does say something like that I forgot but close to it. Would be shy about it tho
All now for the evi one.
Akiyasu Kurahashi
0/10 yeah I think it kinda self explain. But would ignore it. Or like uh used some onmyoij art to make it miss or something. But imagine if it does hit him. Wouldn't care. Would get annoyed tho.
Tatsuomi Oyama
6/10 if you are like futuba not so bad. But even if you are not. I say he still haddle it well. Not gonna yell or be mad he would be like normal. +1 point if you give him some apologize gift like nachi.
Yakumo Koizumi
8/10 "My doll you are so interesting…" Something like that. Not so sure if he hate cake or sweet or anything like that but yeah. I say he wouldn't mind cuz it's.. you after all. Maybe tiny bit minded that he have to change his clothes ( does he hate being dirty?? Idk) Make him high cuz he like you better then anyone. If it's something else? Oh they be dead.
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Kyonosuke Aizen
?/10 idk tbh but -1 point cuz his name is long as hell and I have a difficult time writing it. I say he have good reflex and dodge it.
might called you childish Yeah. Sorry. Idk tbh. But would say he haddle it calm and collected. (maybe)
Mototaka Saotome 
8/10 would only work if you see the reader as futaba or you see him as your father yourself. Cuz he best dad. But would like some father and daughter/son( if you oc is a boy) moment I don't think he would be mad at you. If you look at how he gone to business so much he would think it nice to got some moment like mentioned above.
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myimaginationplain · 4 months
imagine: professor utonium mentoring dexter vs professor membrane mentoring mandark
#dexter & mandark are the only two kids in their district to qualify for some young scholar program & arr bussed off to take classes from#their assigned mentor once or twice a week.#dexter is at odds with himself about it at first. on one hand he's glad that his intelligence is finally being appreciated & nurtured in#some official capacity. let alone by a mind as lauded as the creator of the powerpuff girls. but on the other hand he would prefer to just#move on up to taking college courses entirely rather than have to go through this half measure. & he also gets a little disillusioned with#utonium when he realizes 1) that pretty much everything utonium is famous for was invented by accident including the ppg#& 2) outside of the ppg utonium hasn't achieved much more than dexter himself already has#meanwhile mandark practically kisses the ground that membrane walks on because he's so glad someone in his life recognize's his potential#& membrane sort of sees mandark as the son he wishes dib could be. he's never very open or affectionate about it though because y'know.#it's membrane#he never talks about his kids & sees them so rarely that mandark didn't even realize he had children of his own until like 3½ months into it#whereas utonium cannot shut up about his girls. nor would dexter want him to since they seem to be the most interesting thing about the man#utonium realizes pretty quickly that dexter doesn't need academic guidance so much as he needs social interaction with 1) people who won't#bully or belittle him for being who he is & 2) children his own age. so he starts subtlety encouraging his daughters to meet & befriend him.#I imagine that they come to visit him during his office hours regularly anyways so this happens pretty naturally.#also I think that even though utonium & membrane would definitely respect one another & collaborate well in a professional sense they don't#really mesh personality wise. utonium finds membrane to be far too cold & callous.#membrane thinks that utonium is basically a baby man who doesn't hold himself the way an accomplished man of science should.#ppg#powerpuff girls#the powerpuff girls#dexter's laboratory#dexter's lab#invader zim#headcanon#au#professor utonium#professor membrane#dexter mcpherson#(why is that his fanon last name again? where did that come from)
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anneapocalypse · 4 months
🫂 for the headcanon asks!
🫂how do they feel about friends with benefits?
Ariane has had exactly one friend with benefits... and that was Hildibrand Manderville, toward the end of the ARR patch quests. She was feeling increasingly alienated from the Scions and lonely and emotionally isolated, she had a crush on Minfilia and was moping about how Minfilia would never feel the same way about her (not that she ever took her shot there), and she met Hildy, and... for as absurd as that whole adventure was, he was just so earnest and had a good heart, and she didn't want a relationship but it was fun and a halfway decent distraction.
Then she watched Briardien fall in love with Ellie, and promise to be there for her when she got out of prison if she'd have him... and she knew deep down that that's what she really wanted. Hildy was a good pal but he just wasn't it. So she broke it off with him, and of course he was disappointed, but they stayed friends. (Also she was starting to think Nashu had a real thing for him and would rather give that a chance to happen if it might.)
At the end of the day, Ariane is just more of a committed relationship person. She doesn't think that sex has to be about love, she's just figured out from experience that that's what she prefers. She doesn't regret that experience; she learned some things about herself from it.
[This is a part of her story I've actually reworked a bit! I finished the ARR Hildy quests a bit late, while I was already well into Heavensward, and at the time I headcanoned Ariane breaking things off when she realized she had feelings for Haurchefant. But in hindsight that just doesn't work real well with her story in Heavensward, and so I put the timeline back where it is canonically.]
Sinday Headcanons ask meme
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fxckin-blackbeard · 11 months
Start of Redemption
ᒥ🐙ᒧ—         Finally, his fever from the infection broke a few days prior, but the wound itself was not healed, trapping the eccentric man on bedrest for awhile longer.
He sucks in a breath, feeling the burning pain of a bullet passing through his abdomen. Shot. Edward, shocked by the feeling overwhelming him stumbles back. He hits the railing of the ship and falls over into the water below that swirled with a sinking naval ship. A line form the ship's rigging wraps around his ankle and his wrist dragging him down with the warship that sunk.
Had it not been for Stede, Edward certainly wouldn't be all patched up, alive, and laying in this bed. But that wasn't what was on his mind, no. His mind swirled with all he done leading up to the battle with the British Navy. The agony he not only felt himself, but inflicted upon his crew-once-friends.
Bedridden meant you were left to your own devices, and Edward spent all of his time tormenting himself with reliving what he believed were his final thoughts.
He see flashes of the night he strangled his father, turning him into the very thing he sought to destroy. His time on Hornigold's ship where he was whipped to the point of bleeding should he so much as look at his captain wrong. And then he sees flashes of his own treatment of his crew, where they walked on eggshells around him as he spiraled further and further into madness. He became the monster those men were, he was no better.
His features twist into a cringe, and a tattooed hand rises to rub away the headache he felt coming on from his temple. A monster, the Kraken, the Devil...Those words repeated over and over in his skull, making him feel sick with overwhelming guilt. Guilt wasn't something unprecedented for Edward, what was unprecedented was his inability to escape from it. Opium, alcohol, and violence were his means of escape, but stuck on bedrest he was left without any of those options to numb himself.
"Fucksake..." He groans, pushing himself slowly to sit up while trying to not aggravate his gunshot wound. Tangled, knotted hair falls down his back covering the skull and snake tattoo, but leaving his 'TRUST NO ONE' tattoo still exposed. Ed had too much energy, and the more he was stuck feeling his guilt the more restless he grew. He hoped a change in position would ease something, but as he stared blankly at the wall in front of him, Ed realized there truly was no escape.
The feeling, the guilt, was overwhelming. His chest felt tight making air hard to draw in, a feeling of anxious energy overtakes his limbs leading to him moving his legs around endlessly, it was not a comfortable feeling. He craved some kind of vice, something to just make it go away.
It wouldn't come. He wished to rip the room apart, but a simple twist to move off the bed saw a sharp pain shooting up his side, leaving him gasping for air and tensing up.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck..." He curses, reluctantly laying himself back down to see if the ache of his injury would subside. And, it did, but to a dull, throbbing pain. Now he wished he had the opium for more than just the guilt.
Brown eyes stare at the ceiling of the cabin, looking almost through the wood as if his mind was off somewhere else. And it was, he was back to spiraling down his path of regret. All his choices leading up to this point had been wrong, stupid, and irrational. Dammit, he was a problem-solver, but when it came to his own messes he mind seemed to draw blanks. What would make it stop if he couldn't get to a vice? Would it ever stop? Or, was this the misery he sought to escape to begin with?
Edward pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs, finding himself thinking in circles now. He wished, for a small moment, he wished he wasn't alone in the cabin. Someone, anyone as company would be nice...But who would come to see the monster? Stede, who had been up his ass since he was lucid, but he didn't wish to see Stede...Not yet. That wound was still too fresh...Izzy? Unlikely, he shot off the guy's leg. The thought makes Edward's chest tighten again, and he feels as though he'd be ill at any moment.
No one. He was alone in this battle, utterly alone...And he had done this to himself. There was no denying how all the consequences of his actions seemed to pile up on him. Maybe that was why he felt a weight on his chest.
And there was no escape.
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valentinesparda · 2 months
vale's character is slowly coming together, in that i think I know what kind of personality I want them to unfold in having but I can't do any more than that until I figure out what the fuck is going on
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likemosaic · 3 months
general chiyo headcanon dump regarding ARR + the post patch. tw for emetophobia mention. mild arr spoilers!
chiyo was resistant to joining the scions at first, especially due to thancred and her fear of men (which presented more as "leave me alone", resenting his persistent efforts to recruit her). he convinced her by having her meet minfilia (who encouraged chiyo to join and explained the echo), but chiyo had lingering "annoyance" (read: a big crush) towards thancred. until he was possessed, at which point she felt awful and repentant, and sincerely apologized for misjudging his character. they have a good relationship after that, depending on verse. with @windcovet's verse, they start dating after he's rescued and are currently still together, though in an open relationship that can be...turbulent, to say the very least. they still argue and can't agree on anything, but when shit gets real, they're there for one another.
during her time as a mercenary, chiyo acted as a shinobi and a bard to kill her marks, but not as a samurai, despite being trained as one as a child. she viewed what she was doing (taking contracts to kill less than reputable men) as unclean and not worthy of using her samurai blade for. after she completes the ARR quests for samurai going into heavensward, however, chiyo's childhood love for her blade is returned, and she gives up mercenary work to become a part-time samurai again with the scions.
though she was tasked with killing lord lolorito by teledji adeleji, chiyo chose to give up being a mercenary and to "go straight" just before the praetorium, having been positively influenced by the other scions. unfortunately, this meant that yugiri and the doman refugees suffered the consequences of that, when lolorito refused to accept them into ul'dah. though it was a blessing in disguise as they were able to go to revenant's toll instead. still, chiyo resents lolorito for it and blames herself, as always.
the sylphs were very impressed by chiyo's dancing (her having been a performer for many years) and call her "dancing one" as a result. they also tried to marry her to ramuh (read: temper her). she politely but firmly declined.
chiyo loves moogles and was mostly busy fawning over king moggle mog during the trial. useless bard.
chiyo taught yugiri and the other doman au'ra how to apply a linkpearl behind the horn properly, as when she arrived to the west, she had no one to teach her.
chiyo is obsessed with nanamo: she thinks she's incredibly cute and idolizes the sultana. she actually sleeps with a plushie of nanamo, though she keeps it a secret. her idolization is no secret, though, given her very evident fangirling everytime they interact.
chiyo was shocked that doma had rebelled and been crushed in her absence, as she had left doma years before; she blames herself and feels that if she had been there, she could've helped, though it's more likely she would've just died. during the rebellion, chiyo's ex-boyfriend was killed by a particular garlean, and it comes up again in stormblood. chiyo receives an echo of the event upon meeting yugiri but doesn't know how to decipher it until stormblood.
chiyo is terrified of water and threw up over the railing multiple times during the leviathan trial.
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lost-khione · 2 years
Aki x Aoi WIP!
Note: One day I realized that I haven’t written any Aoi fics yet, then my Aki stan friend actually suggested Aki x Aoi. We had previous convos on how to make this ship sail and I promised her a fic by November which is Aki’s birth month. But a lot happened irl plus the depressing announcement of ARR’s impending end so I still haven’t reread Aoi’s route until now to figure out canon stuff as basis. Wrote a WIP at least to show my friend and here it is.
Since idr the specifics of Aoi’s powers, let’s just say that I headcanon that whenever Aoi banishes wraiths, he activates his powers so in that moment, any contact with him can let him read that person. I think his Satori powers are different from wraith-banishing powers but for the purpose of this ship, I’ll go with that. And I think it is canon that Aoi needs to have contact with a person to read them? Maybe not? ugh I don’t really remember, I rambled for 2 paragraphs which is I think longer than the actual WIP below. Gonna check my facts later for when I complete this thing.
A darkness unlike any other washed over Aoi for a moment just as he activated his powers to banish the wraith in front of him.
That guy...
That person is wearing a monocle and a black and white kariginu. He came out of nowhere just like the girl. He made a fleeting contact with Aoi's arm when he jumped in front of him to take care of the wraith himself.
Just who are these people? I just wanted to paint in peace but one thing after another showed up like this, Aoi thought to himself. He was completely baffled by the sudden turn of events.
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oneiroy · 11 months
What hobby are they good at in private, but bad at in front of others? Why?
Honestly I can't really think of a hobby of hers she'd be worse at in public systematically - maybe it would happen at times with any of them because she got distracted by whoever she's with, or wanted to show off a bit too much, but that's about it. I just don't think she'd be nervous or shy about any of her hobbies...
Something she is systematically worse at in front of others however would be reading and writing! Doesn't really answer the question because it's not a hobby for her, and she's not really good at it in private. She can read and write, but slowly. That didn't bother her much before joining the Scions, but given that they're pretty much all scholars, she does feel a bit stupid about their difference of skill on that subject.
If she can, she will avoid doing that in front of them - if she finds what looks like a promising book for instance, she'll hand it over for them to read. She also prefers to be alone when she has to write a report. When she has to do that in front of them, she'll try to go faster to compensate, but it just end up making the fact that she has some issues with it even more obvious.
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hollowfaith · 5 months
What brand of stupid are you?
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Blissfully stupid
They say ignorance is bliss and by god you are living your best life. You skip merrily into a bear's cave to pet it as your friends scream at you to run. The world is beautiful and everyone is your best friend, nothing can possibly go wrong! You are incredibly curious and probably believe in magic. This isn't to say you're an innocent little baby, just that you see the world in a more positive light then most. You face danger with a smile, not because you are particularly brave but because you don't know there's danger to begin with.
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Sib's thoughts on Yugiri
Imma be real with you here, Sib did not give Yugiri her full attention when she first came to the Scions. its not that Sib didn't feel sympathy and didn't want to help she was just very much in her own little world where she was trying to handle her own problems, aka her relationship with Thancred. This didn't leave the best first impression on Yugiri but the woman could see Sib meant well just was always preoccupied, and admittedly Sib did give her a cold shoulder for a week after Leviathan because she was convinced that she and Thancred were havin' some fun. Sib was very shallow and selfish and that didn't reflect well on anyone.
Fast forward to the Heavensward and Sib is very grateful for her having kept Tataru safe and becoming their eyes and ears. Yugiri checked up on Demos and that was something Sib didn't think to do and looking back is pretty sure that had Yugiri not done that he would have left after Haurchefaunt's death and stayed gone. Yugiri much like Demos became this source of stability and reassurance in a very turbulent time for her. She was genuinely sad that Yugiri had to leave to go back to Doma as she felt she missed her chance to get to know her and treat her like she should have when they first met.
In Stormblood she did take the time to speak with her more and felt a connection in their shared experiences of being a stranger in a strange land looking the way they do, especially up in Coerthas. There was a friendship there and understanding in her anger and wanting to do all they could to win back their home, but it wasn't all serious. It was through these conversations that Sib found out how much Yugiri liked Demos and he was pretty obvious in his feelings so it made her go into matchmaker mode, which didn't pan out quite like she hoped (yes in her mind at some point the two of them would kiss on the battlefield confessing their love and then promptly kick some ass).
The two overall get a long really well, but there's an acknowledgement that they just aren't quite two people that mesh for the same kind of relationship that Yugiri and Demos have as friends, before the feelings kicked in. Sib is also very happy for the two of them and finally getting together and enjoying their time with one another. She does ask that Demos let her have a role in the wedding though because she felt she contributed a lot to their relationship happening (yes on the flip side Thancred also thinks he played a big role. No neither of them really did but you try telling them that).
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audaciiaearchive · 1 year
piranesi after he leaves the House like, not piranesi, not matthew sorensen, but a secret 3rd person,
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anneapocalypse · 1 year
Ariane does apologize to Alphinaud, and is really adamant that it's not all his fault, when they get to Coerthas and Haurchefant takes them in. She will always regret that she didn't voice her misgivings more loudly, and there's some complicated reasons why she didn't.
Ariane loves the Scions, but also kind of struggles to feel like she's really one of them. They may call her the Warrior of Light and put all kinds of faith in her, but they also have all this shared history and memories that she doesn't. They're all out here with their Archon tattoos and their memories of Master Louisoix, and she's this adventurer they pulled off the street because she's got the Hydaelyn headaches, for reasons she still doesn't understand. They're a bunch of Sharlayan scholars and she's a hick from the Twelveswood. They don't treat her that way, but she feels it anyway. She still feels like an unqualified outsider. So when everyone else seems to think the Crystal Braves are a great idea, she makes some vague noises of hesitation but doesn't really feel confident enough to speak out loudly.
And gods above, does she wish she had.
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