#arrow 150th
myarchitectphil · 1 month
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Amo l'Italia!! In Philadelphia we were treated earlier this week to a flyover of the Italian flight demonstration squadron the Frecce Tricolori (tricolor arrows), their version of the Blue Angels. And what fun it was! It reminded me of the lights on the Via del Corso in Rome on the occasion the 150th anniversary of Italian unification.
In Philly we love Italy of course, but as architects we do as well. The entire history of architecture through the middle of the last century is really the story of Italian architecture, and its influence has hardly diminished since then.
Vai Italia!
Photos by Jose Moreno, Yong Kim, and me.
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philaretey · 1 month
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Amo l'Italia!! In Philadelphia we were treated earlier this week to a flyover of the Italian flight demonstration squadron the Frecce Tricolori (tricolor arrows), their version of the Blue Angels. And what fun it was! It reminded me of the lights on the Via del Corso in Rome on the occasion the 150th anniversary of Italian unification.
In Philly we love Italy of course, but as architects we do as well. The entire history of architecture through the middle of the last century is really the story of Italian architecture, and its influence has hardly diminished since then.
Vai Italia!
Photos by Jose Moreno, Yong Kim, and me.
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didyouknow-wp · 5 months
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55.  100th Episodes
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Not all of the Arrowverse Shows reached a 100 episodes, but those that did, did celebrate accordingly, and all four episodes were true highlights among the impressive body of Arrowverse Episodes. „Arrow“ also got to celebrate the 150th episode, while „The Flash“ had one, but did not really celebrate it. In any case a 100 episodes is impressive, but taking the time to celebrate it by making the 100th an extra special episode is also something very impressive to do.
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smoakmonster · 6 years
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Arrow’s 150th Episode “Emerald Archer”
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jbuffyangel · 6 years
Legacy: Arrow 7x12 Review (Emerald Archer)
Spoiler alert: I loved the 100th episode. I know this is a controversial opinion because it is universally hated in the fandom (I think), but I truly loved the episode for where Oliver was at in his story. So, I didn’t go into the 150th with a lot of expectations. The 150th didn’t need to fix anything for me. Were there some misfires? Yeah and we’ll get into those, but overall I enjoyed this episode. 
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Let’s dig in…
Queen Family
William is home and our Queen family is reunited. FINALLY. 
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Yes, I know it’s technically the Queen-Smoak-Clayton family, but nobody is really expecting me to hyphenate three names over a dozen times? If you are then that’s crazy. I won’t do it.
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Oliver and Felicity are overjoyed to see William, 
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but unfortunately the sentiment is not returned. 
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Source:  olicitygifs
“Emerald Archer” introduces us to William’s alter ego: THE MOODY TEENAGER. 
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This may be the toughest foe Oliver and Felicity have ever faced. 
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Kidding. Not really. I’m knee deep in preteen years and the teenage ones are barreling at me with lightning speed, so I identity with this storyline A LOT.  
Felicity deftly navigates the creature otherwise known as MOODY TEEN by complimenting his ability to find her virus (our budding computer genius. I am so proud.) 
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and then lovingly prodding William into discussing whatever is bothering him 
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by threatening grounding (for a rude & sassy attitude). 
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Source:  felicitysmoakgifs
Y’all I am taking notes. MOM ICON AT WORK.
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William is ticked because his parents didn’t bring him home for Christmas. Is that what happened? 
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It’s so hard to figure out what holidays Arrow is acknowledging. Oliver said in 7x08, “Christmas vacation seems like 20 years from now,” so I assumed William came home sometime after 7x09, but I guess not. 
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Yeah, I get it kid. That sucks. #TeamWilliam.
In your parents’ defense they were hashing out the emotional evolution of their marriage while Oliver was body swapping with Bart. But that’s just a regular Monday for Arrow, so I understand the kid’s beef. 
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Source: ebett
Oliver playing television star (hehehe SO META) via this documentary doesn’t exactly scream crisis to William either. But-but-but all the shaky camera shots for gritty realism are cool though right honey? Yeah, William doesn’t care.
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HOWEVER, if I spoke to my mother the way William spoke to Felicity and violently shoved an electronic device she paid for in her face while making demands regarding the wifi security (which she also pays for), I would be taking my life into my hands. My mother would have removed me from this earth, which is her right.  
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Same goes for my kid. I once asked my child during a temper tantrum if she wanted to do this the nice way or the nasty way. She put her little hands on her hips, all of age 3, and said with absolute conviction while glaring at me, “NASTY.” She is now 11, going on 12, and I assure you she has never made that mistake again. So, I commend Felicity’s reserve. I’m afraid I do not share that level of parenting patience.
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Why is Felicity taking all the heat when it was Oliver who screwed the pooch by going to prison in the first place? Well, yes one can always trace the source of the problem back to the biggest pine tree to ever live, 
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but in this particular circumstance I agree with William. It was Felicity’s decision to send him away to boarding school. I’m not saying she shouldn’t have done it. Felicity had extremely good reasons to send William away.
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Source: ebett
However, a large part of Felicity’s beef with Oliver after his release from prison was his constant Monday morning quarterbacking of her decisions. Oliver can hero however he wants, but he doesn’t get to question how Felicity deals with the consequences of his heroism. That was the agreement right? RIGHT. Felicity said the buck stops with her.  So, the buck stops with her. Sending William away was her call, so now she’s dealing with some fallout.
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Source: felicitysmoakgifs
Don’t worry, I fully expect Daddy to get looped in, but I like how they are focusing on William and Felicity first. It’s rare to run into problems with your child when both parents are in the room. One or the other fields the play first and then you loop your partner in. At least, that’s how it works in my house. (Seriously, I don’t know how single parents do it. Y’all are kings and queens among peasants.)
Side note: you never ever contradict your partner’s parenting decisions in front of the little human. It shows weakness. The wee nugget can smell it like fear and it gives them a tactical advantage. These are tools of the trade. Get a pen. Write it down.
It was just William and Felicity for six months. They built their own family without Oliver together. Of course, Oliver was still a part of the family and they missed him like crazy, but the day to day was just the two of them. Some of those decisions are coming home to roost, so it makes sense to me Felicity is taking the parenting lead. She was William’s only parent for quite some time.
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Felicity, being the super hacker mom that she is, figures out what is really going on – William is lying to her. It seems he has been expelled from school. Oops.
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The reason for his expulsion will be revealed to us next week I am sure, but I would say now is the time to loop Dad in.
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Source: felicitysmoakgifs
These scenes between William and Felicity were the best in the episode and it never ceases to amaze me how far their relationship has progressed in such a short amount of time. There is nothing Felicity can’t do and no man she cannot smoak. Life with a teenage William is going to become more complicated and the parenting more challenging. But William will be a better person for having Felicity in his life. No matter where this story goes that’s a solid fact.
It’s been 150 episodes and we’ve come a looooong way with Oliver Queen. 
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He’s so at peace with himself in these interviews. 
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Oliver has merged both personas, the hood is down, mask is off, he's married to the love of his life, his boy is home, and his life is filled with purpose. 
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Source:  smoakmonster
This man was snapping necks in the pilot and now he’s the softest teddy bear to ever exist because his son is home from school. MY HEART IS FULL.
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Source: olicitygifs
To begin where Oliver began, and to be where he is now, is nothing short of miraculous. He may not be a saint, as Curtis notes later, but that’s exactly where he is headed. That’s who fully realized superheroes are.
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But we still have some road to travel. Oliver’s only real area of doubt is his leadership abilities. I still don’t understand what mistakes Oliver made with Team Arrow. 
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Source:  smoakmonster
He’s constantly referencing these “mistakes” particularly in “Emerald Archer.” This is a failing of Season 6. I truly think the writers believe the NTA versus OTA storyline was evenly handled, but in reality Oliver was completely in the right and the Newbies were acting like spoiled toddlers.
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Oliver went to jail in some part to atone for his sins, but I do not feel any of those sins happened in Season 6. I view Oliver’s stint at Slabside as atonement for killing. 
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We can debate the necessities of that atonement, but this season feels like an ultimate purging of Oliver’s sins – venial and/or mortal. Whatever debt Oliver owed society, he paid it and then some. This only makes his soul more pure. If you don’t believe Oliver deserved to go to prison at all then it just adds more fuel to the martyr fire - all good things in the evolution of a saint.
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However, now Oliver is questioning his ability to lead because of these so called “mistakes.” Based on statements Oliver has made in previous episodes, those mistakes would be lack of trust and lying. 
I’m with him on the lying. Time to nip that in the bud, but that doesn’t mean Oliver owes everyone the truth immediately. He’s perfectly within his rights to take some time, yes even a month, to process the introduction of a new sister in his life. The man still has a right to some privacy and space.
Oliver’s guilt over not trusting the Newbies is fairly ridiculous since they gave him very good reasons not to trust them. 
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In case Oliver has forgotten, Dinah had a secret criminal boyfriend and Rene sold him out to the Feds. These are untrustworthy actions and they have consequences. I can’t remember what Curtis did, if anything. His crime is  unceasing uselessness, so Oliver can and should ignore the man.
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Oliver is not sure he’s meant to lead, which of course means he is absolutely the right person for the job. Only true leaders question their worthiness. 
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Source:  smoakmonster
He returns to the destroyed bunker with a renewed commitment to rebuild the bunker
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(with handy dandy deputy badges for the team) and learn from his mistakes.
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Source:  smoakmonster
I imagine Oliver’s new leadership style will be more trusting and democratic, but inclusion only gets you so far. Team Arrow may be the kindling in the Star City fire, but the citizens need Oliver Queen to set it ablaze.
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The Team Arrow table is round both in the destroyed present and flash forward bunkers. It gives it a very Knights of the Round Table feel. Everyone can have an opinion and equal say, but in the end it was King Arthur’s kingdom. He pulled the sword from the stone, built Camelot and paid the ultimate price for his dream.
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Oliver is King Arthur and Star City is his Camelot – or what he dreams Star City may one day become. He may pay the ultimate price for that dream like Arthur, but ultimately the loss of the hero teaches us the dream isn’t possible without the hero. Oliver may need Team Arrow, but the team and the city will soon discover they need him even more.
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Source: ebett
This is something Felicity Smoak has always understood. Her belief in Oliver Queen and crystal clear understanding of who he is has never wavered in seven years. Even when they were separated romantically, Felicity saw Oliver as the man who would save Star City. 
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This belief became a compass for Oliver- his North Star. Felicity became the voice in Oliver’s head guiding him on his hero’s journey. 
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Her belief made Oliver believe and thus became a self fulfilling prophecy.
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Edward: So what happens after he climbs up and rescues her?
Vivian: She rescues him right back. (Pretty Woman)
There is no Green Arrow without Felicity Smoak and there is no Felicity Smoak without Green Arrow. Each is dependent on the other. Their love is amalgamation of give and take & push and pull. Oliver and Felicity never cease in their pursuit to become their best selves, yet remain a beautiful example of unconditional love, acceptance and forgiveness.
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Love changes us and it cements who we are. It is a constant drive of two diametrically opposed forces working in perfect cohesion. We find clarity in the swirl of finding love, falling in love and then settling into love. Oliver and Felicity found themselves in each other. It’s how we all do, regardless of whom or what you love.
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All it took was one sweet and simple smile for Felicity to know exactly who Oliver Queen is.  
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Yet, who is he is equally about who they became together. Felicity saw Oliver’s light because of how brightly hers shined. Their heroic evolution is perfectly entwined.  
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Source: @olicitygifs
So, there is no better person to speak on this topic. The word vigilante falls woefully short. It cannot encompass everything her husband is or what their love has built together. It barely hints at the goodness Felicity saw hiding behind a ridiculous lie and a bullet ridden computer.
Felicity’s interview doesn’t shine a big enough spot light on her own contributions, but I think that’s primarily because she hasn’t been outed as Overwatch to the city.  However, she has always been the truthsayer of Arrow and that’s her role in the documentary as well.
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Felicity understands who Oliver is because she is his equal in every way. 
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Recognition of his heroism is recognition of hers as well. And someday the world will see everything Felicity sees with unwavering
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Source: @olicitygifs​
Should there have been more of Felicity and Olicity in "Emerald Archer”? Yes, absolutely. 
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My thirst will never be satiated, but I’ve long since acclimated myself to quality over quantity. This was Felicity as she’s always been. I love whenever this show showcases her ability to cut through the bullshit and shine a light on the truth. The scenes between her and William were the best in the episode too. That said, an Olicity kiss and/or joint interview wouldn’t have killed them.
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Welcome Back Guest Stars!
A good returning guest star angle works for me 99.999% of the time on any television show. What can I say? I’m nostalgic. Let us wile away the dull hours and spin a tale or two about the days of old.
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Nostalgia in these types of retrospective episodes can get a little tricky. You need a good reason to bring back five or six actors who’ve left the show and we’ve heard almost nothing from for a few years, particularly the dead characters. Arrow’s documentary film idea for the 150th episode really works for me. It gives a legitimate reason to bring all of these characters back, but not necessarily keep them around. It’s not aliens so right there we’re already light years ahead. 
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HA! Get it? Light years? Yeah, you might not be laughing now but you’ll realize how funny that is later on.
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Source:  fatedxdestiny
Arrow starts with Quentin and boy is that ever the right call. This documentary is very pro vigilante. It was put on the shelf because Star City became anti vigilante, so who better to advocate for the masked heroes than the man who ran the SCPD for the last twenty odd years? 
Quentin was always the touchstone to the real world. He was the bridge between Oliver and the citizens of Star City. He was also someone Oliver wanted to earn the respect of and that’s what he’s trying to do now. He’s trying to earn Star City’s respect EVEN THOUGH THESE UNGRATEFUL TWATS SHOULD ALREADY RESPECT HIM. Even though I believe it was time to let Quentin Lance go, I still miss him and whenever Paul Blackthorne comes on my television screen I cry big baby dumbo tears.
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Source:  fatedxdestiny
Then we roll right into the reason Oliver began this mission in the first place: FAMILY. Family for Oliver is and will always be Thea Queen. I shrieked when I saw her.  I officially take back my “We’ll never see Willa Holland again” prediction. I was happy to be wrong.
Thea being the representative for all her dead family members is the most Thea thing this show has ever done. Kid is a walking poster child for bereavement. I think it’s really important to remember Starling City was a hot mess before Oliver showed up. This city wasn’t hitting anyone’s nifty top fifty places to raise a family. There was a serious cost to all the violence and Thea’s interview is a powerful reminder.
Oliver is seldom given his due. The newbies, Star City, officials, villains, and other superheroes are always ragging on him. But when Thea found out Oliver was the Arrow she thanked him. She was one of the few people who understood right from the start the good Oliver was doing. (Felicity is the other few people).
Oliver started this fight for many reasons, but chief among them was his love for his family. Thea has always returned that love tenfold. She is ride or die for her big bro and even though we had AMAZING Queen sibling scenes in the 100th it’s nice to see them honor their relationship no matter how far away Thea is. They do lose points for zero Queen sibling interaction though.
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Source:  fatedxdestiny
Sara gives one hell of a speech doesn’t she? It’s in a similar vein as Thea’s – reminding Star City of the cost of unchecked crime. She acknowledges it doesn’t matter whether or not a person is wearing a mask. This is a classy way of calling out Star City’s double standard. Honestly, who cares if it’s a cop or a guy dressed in leather saving your ass?  What matters is someone stepped up to save your life. 
It’s also a nice subtle acknowledgement of Felicity’s contributions. Sara has worn a mask as the Canary and fought without one as White Canary. She knows what matters is a person’s heart and not what they wear.  Sara has always understood the importance of the unmasked in this line of work.
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This feels like a not so subtle way of sticking it to anti Felicity fans, but that’s just me.
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Source:  fatedxdestiny
SIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHERE YOU BEEN BABY GIRL? Honestly, my biggest annoyance with these return guest star scenes is we didn’t get much of an update on where the characters are at. Does Sin have a home now? Does she know Sara is alive? I have questions. 
Sin was a fairly minor character in Season 2 and even more so in Season 3, but seeing her brings back all those Season 2 memories. 
Memories, Like the corners of my mind Misty water-colored memories
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Sorry. Sidetracked by Barbara Streisand.
Again, the use of Sin is brilliant because she represents the people Team Arrow has saved. We spend a lot of time on Oliver’s mistakes. We remember all the people Oliver couldn’t save and how deep those losses cut him. However, we seldom talk about those he has saved and Oliver has saved THOUSANDS – maybe even millions. The man deserves a cookie at the very least. Sin is a box of double chocolate chip.
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Oliver is not the only unmasked vigilante – Ragman is too. He’s out doing good, but the people know he’s Ragman. We don’t know if he unmasked before or after Oliver, but I would bet after. Oliver is always the first domino to fall in this universe. 
Rory’s interview is super short and is therefore criminally underused. He is primarily used to set up the Star City Slayer. Ragman’s mask is among the first Oliver found. Even the angles on his documentary interview have an artistic/retrospective/forlorn feel to it like we are seeing someone who is gone. I swear to God if this serial killer killed my Rory I am going to light things on fire and throw them.  I’m not even sure killing Curtis will ease my pain (but it’ll help).
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Rory’s albeit short message is pretty simple as is the premise of this show.
“People need help.”
What matters is there are those in the city willing to help the helpless (NAME THAT SHOW). Their methods matter less. Rene, Curtis and Dinah COMBINED still do not compare to Rory Regan. How we ended up with those three louts and lost that beautiful sparkling jewel of a character remains a mystery and still chaps my ass.
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Source:  fatedxdestiny
Who invited Bart? I am only tolerating his appearance because he needs to pay his respects, but – UNBELIEVABLY DAMAGED??? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? YOU BETTER COME UP WITH SOMETHING BETTER THAN THAT YOU LITTLE DICKHEAD BECAUSE YOU WOULDN’T HAVE A SHOW WITHOUT THE UNBELIEVABLY DAMAGED OLIVER QUEEN. Oh wait he’s still talking. Rewind... alright, Barry said some nice stuff. I’m better now.
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Honestly, just the way this scene played it’s like the writers anticipated all my yelling after “unbelievably damaged.” They wrote the rest of the scene like Barry was reacting to my yelling as he cleaned up his statement. HAHAHA. That’s damn right fool. I’ll come for your ass. You better run.
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If you’re going to pick a character among the four shows Arrow has launched I guess you go B*rry All*n. It makes a statement about Arrow’s influence on the DCTV universe, which I appreciate for the 150th episode. This was something extremely lacking in the 100th episode. Arrow is the reason a whole lot of people have jobs, so it’s an apropos time to pay due respect.
We’re constantly stuck in this Barry is light and Oliver is dark comparison and it annoys me to no end because I don’t believe either character is that clear cut. Both men have light and dark. But I do love how Barry acknowledges that the darkness Oliver survived also fuels his light. 
Oliver Queen is incredibly protective. He doesn’t want anyone to suffer like he did, which includes not only his family and friends but strangers. Oliver uses his pain for good. He finds the light in the darkness, which why I love him so much.
Barry isn’t saying anything Felicity or Diggle haven’t already said for years. However, as the likely pass-the-torch candidate, Barry is commending the essence of Oliver in a way the insanely disrespectful crossover failed to do. Of course, we all know there is a reason for this disrespect – Oliver must be persecuted even by those who “know” him before he can be seen as the Messiah of superheroes. 
But we are Arrow fans. We know the truth. We see Oliver for who he truly is and for just one moment, in this 150th episode milestone, the comic f*ckboys’ fuzzy bunny, rainbow puking superhero acknowledged the truth.
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Also his faux shock about Oliver being the Green Arrow was hilarious.
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Source:  flashallens
Diggle and the Newbies
Sweet holy Moses. There are times this show is so tone deaf it truly blows my mind. It’s sort of like watching Wile E Coyote barrel off the mountain top. Does he see the ledge or does he simply not care there is a ledge? These are my deep thoughts for the day.
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Diggle didn’t even know Emiko was Oliver’s sister.  That’s where we’re at folks! These two brothers could finish each other’s sentences and predict one another’s movements at one point, but now they are like strangers. Ugh, I hate this. FIX IT NOW.
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Arrow is going to fix Diggle in an extremely Arrow way. Anyone who has listened to Watchover with Jen & Calli knows this is what we said would happen. The writers are never going to dive deep like I do in these reviews. For one, they aren’t crazy and two it just ain’t the show fam. The Arrow way of fixing a problem is:
1. Pretending it never happened.
2. Slap a bow on it and call it fixed without doing any of the actual character development to earn the moment.
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Annnnd that’s what we got. Things are a little tense between Diggle and Oliver. John is put out Oliver didn’t clue him in about Emiko, even though he’s known for about a month. Oliver correctly points out Diggle hasn’t run in his circle for the better part of a year, so he gets the info when he gets it. YASS! PREACH IT SON.
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John at least has the good sense to admit what Oliver said was true. He also decides this superhero slayer is too much for the SCPD to handle (isn’t everything though?) and it’s time to get the band back together. 
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Source:  legends-of-today
There’s some back and forth between the two men about the other team members risking jail, but Oliver going to prison never sat right with Diggle. 
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Source:  fatedxdestiny
It is good John is acting honorably, steadfastly having Oliver’s back, and just generally dispensing some good old fashioned Yoda wisdom. 
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However, he says what has to be the most ridiculous line I have heard on this show in a loooong time.
“Oliver when you were in jail we had each other’s backs.”
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I swear to God I screamed. And then I fell off the chair laughing because NONSENSE. 
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Arrow ignores its own storyline when it doesn’t fit with the goals of the episode. It’s so blatantly obstinate and counter to what their audience wants, hell I almost admire them a little for it.
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Writers: The storyline is not what you’ve witnessed on screen. The storyline is what we tell you and that will change week to week.
Us: Umm that’s not how television works but okay. Have at it.
Obviously, the writers wanted to reunite Team Arrow in a very “Ra Ra Go Team!” way, but haven’t done any of the leg work so the moment feels earned or makes any sense at all. 
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Of course, the team didn’t have each other’s backs. 
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Diggle abandoned Felicity and was upset when any of her attempts to free her husband interfered with his useless A.R.G.U.S. soldiering. His annoyance, admonishments, refusals of help and threats weren’t limited to Felicity. It also included anyone who helped Felicity like Rene, Bl*ck S*ren and Emiko. He also did bupkis to help free Oliver from prison. But okay, you had their backs John.
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Maybe he’s speaking about Curtis who joined A.R.G.U.S. John seemed okay with Dinah policing. Perhaps he has a highly compartmentalized way of looking at team support. Regardless, it’s a ludicrous statement and is one that makes you wonder if the Arrow writers actually watch Arrow.
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But as I said, we were expecting this because this is typically what Arrow does. Sometimes they force the story even when its counter to everything we’ve seen for weeks on end. That’s what happened in “Emerald Archer.” The writers are done with the team fighting. They want everyone to reunite and rebuild the team, so it has to begin with Oliver and Diggle. 
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Team Arrow started with the two of them, which is why they repeated their iconic handshake basked in the sunlight. And yes, to a certain extent what Diggle said is true. They are family and families fight, but it doesn’t mean you stop being a family.  
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Source:  legends-of-today
But you also don’t get to act like a selfish jackass for the better part of a year and then sweep it all away by playing the family card. Families have to work through their issues by 1) being honest about what those issues are 2) talking about the issues 3) and apologizing. The writers missed steps 1 through 3.
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The scene felt like Oliver was apologizing to Diggle when really it should be the other way around. When did this become about Oliver’s mistakes and not John’s? Am I watching the right show? Let’s not forget in the midst of all this bromance healing the one who really needs an apology is Felicity.
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I’m not too mad because I don’t think this is the end of the conversation. I think Arrow put the cart before the horse and reunited Oliver & Diggle before they actually dealt with their issues, but what else is new? They decided it was time for the reunion because it was the 150th episode. Uhhh... okay then.
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It’s entirely possible additional conversations are coming though. Hopefully ones including Felicity. Diggle still has to confess about Diaz, which he was about to do but was interrupted. It should drop a bomb on OTA and kick up some very much needed, no holds bar, come to Jesus style drama. We have ten episodes to go which is a lot of season left. I haven’t given up completely on Diggle’s arc for this year.
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But also, I’m tired y’all. If they aren’t going to examine John’s actions with a modicum of reflection then I’d prefer for it to be over as quickly and painlessly as possible because this is terrible storyline. I’m sick of Pod Diggle. I miss his friendship with Oliver and Felicity. I hate whatever the hell he’s doing at A.R.G.U.S. I’m tired of everyone doing their own thing. I miss OTA. I want the show to go back to vigilantes hunting bad guys.
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And yes, that goes for the Newbies too. They aren’t going away – well two of them aren’t. Arrow is completely ignoring all of their horrible behavior in Season 6, so fine. They will never resolve this storyline to my satisfaction so let’s just be done with it. Does the reunion fall flat because Arrow refuses to deal with the consequences of the Newbies’ actions in a truthful way? Yes. But I can’t care more than the writers do. So, I’m done. Moving on.
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This will not preclude me from snarking however. Nothing ever will stop the snark. Dinah and Rene were in rare form in “Emerald Archer.” Both were pretty snotty. 
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I actually liked Rene’s interview, but then he has the nerve to cop an attitude with Oliver.  Apparently, Oliver didn’t fawn over Rene enough. This is their first conversation since Oliver’s release and Rene is bitching about Oliver not asking how he is. FOR REAL???? There is only one person who should be asking how the other is doing and it’s the one who turned state’s evidence.
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He’s also annoyed Oliver has gainful employment with the police department while Rene “I Can’t Go Down That Road With You Hoss” Ramirez is left out in the vigilante cold. POOR BABY. Maybe if you hadn’t sold Oliver out to the feds the team could have stayed together.
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Dinah cops an attitude as well (pun intended). Oliver is about to share deeply personal information with her and admits he’s had the information for some time. Dinah says it’s par for the course with him. ANY NEW SECRET BOYFRIENDS  DINAH? I do not know where the Newbies got the idea they were on the moral high ground, but this horrific writing keeps perpetuating that myth. For the love of God writers REWATCH SEASON 6.
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On to happier developments.
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Source:  legends-of-today
Curtis called Oliver a hero, had a cool moment with his T-spheres and remarked about being a team “even if it was for one last time.” Cue close up and Oliver looking fondly at him as if Curtis was already a ghost. Of course, he’s talking their impending jail sentences for breaking the anti vigilante laws, but we know different. CURTIS IS GONNA DIIIIIIIIIIIE.
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I was supposed to be pressed when Diggle, Curtis and Rene were arrested, but they all were annoying me so they can go to prison.
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Finally the show does away with one of their more ridiculous plot holes. The mayor deputizes all of Team Arrow so they can fight crime in leather, but legally. Did she not see all the other times Team Arrow saved lives? They are only worthwhile if they are saving her life? They are friends with the DA too. BS is not going to press charges. So, why even have a law the DA won’t enforce? You know what? I’m not even gonna go there. Whatever.
It took Dinah several episodes to show some loyalty, but she was prepared to resign if her friends went to jail. Of course, Oliver “I’m Trying To Be Jesus” Queen puts his head on the chopping block again for these dinks too.
“After speaking with my family, I’m here to turn myself in.”
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Here’s something I’ve been mulling over. Clearly some of the Newbies are here to stay and a great deal of the 150th episode was devoted to this concept of legacy. 
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Source:  1-crazy-dreamer
These characters exist so what Oliver has built can live on beyond him. It doesn’t automatically equate to Dinah, Rene and Curtis being good characters, but Arrow is incredibly invested in the idea of Oliver Queen’s legacy.  
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Source:  1-crazy-dreamer
We want the show to be about Oliver, Felicity and Diggle. They want the show to be about more than Oliver, Felicity and Diggle. And thus an immovable force meets an unstoppable object.
The problem is Arrow, once again, is putting the cart before the horse. They are focusing on Oliver’s legacy (and all the superhero characters he’s launched), but he hasn’t achieved what he set out to do. Camelot doesn’t exist yet! Oliver’s legacy can’t be built until the dream is achieved. There’s still work to be done. We need to focus on Oliver, Felicity and Diggle before worrying about the next generation. I wish Arrow could do both at the same time, but they can’t. 
Do I think we’ll ever get that kind of focus? Nope. Arrow is committed to these new characters and their definition of legacy. It is what it is my friends. Either I make my peace with it or turn the channel, I guess.
Flash Forwards
Blackstar’s name is Mia. I couldn’t be happier. 
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I still think it could be a nickname for Moira, but they aren’t going to cough up that golden nugget yet. Obviously, yes all the comic f*ckboys are going to think she’s Mia Dearden and Oliver’s ward. Go ahead and keep thinkin’ that. We’ll see who lands on top.
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Source:  smoakmonster
Mia obtained a bootleg copy of the outlawed vigilante documentary and she practically bored holes into the television watching her father speak. There is no other reason to shoot the scene like that, with Oliver reflecting in Mia’s eyes, if she’s not his child. The shot clearly communicates a connection to OLIVER. She wants to find the location of Team Arrow’s bunker and the video provides the necessary clues.
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Source:  amunetblack
JJ, Diggle and Lyla’s son, makes his flash forward debut and he tags along with Mia. I felt a protective vibe from him. I think Mia gets into trouble all the time and JJ tries to keep her out of it, but absolutely they are ride or die. I may have been picking out wedding dresses for her during the scene. If Arrow does not put Diggle’s son and Oliver’s daughter together and make OTA in-laws then it is a crime against humanity.
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I don’t know why JJ is going by Connor Hawke. He adopted the moniker in the Legends alternate future because he didn’t feel worth of the name John Diggle Jr. Frankly, I think Connor Hawke is a code name similar to Blackstar and the sole function of it is to make us think John is dead. But we know Diggle is alive because David let the cat out of the bag. *blows kisses to that beautiful man*
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Mia hates vigilantes because the vigilante lifestyle stole her father and childhood.  Simple is that.
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Source:  amunetblack
I don’t have all the answers yet. I don’t know what happened. I don’t know how the Queen family was separated. I don’t know why William doesn’t know his own sister, but I certainly wasn’t expecting Mia to call Oliver “Dad” anymore than she would call Felicity "Mom” at this point. Answers lead to more questions and I am perfectly content with Arrow revealing the truth when they are good and ready.
If you refuse to believe Mia is Oliver and Felicity’s daughter, fine. If you are convinced she’s Bl*ck S*ren’s daughter, fine. 
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There is literally no evidence they hired the lead of Shadowhunters to play a supporting character’s daughter, but go off I guess. And no, Oliver is not cheating on Felicity with BS. Take that nonsense somewhere else. 
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They held off on introducing JJ because Diggle is one of the three main characters, but sure they’re keeping Bl*ck Si*en’s kid a secret. Not Oliver and Felicity’s kid, ya know, the characters who are the male and female leads of the show. Nope. Bl*ck S*ren’s daughter is the big surprise. 
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It doesn’t automatically make them mother and daughter simply because Bl*ck S*ren was singing the anti vigilante party line and Mia hates vigilantes. By that logic, Diaz, Quentin and the Mayor all have a shot at Mia being their progeny. If BS was as anti vigilante as she said then she would have pressed charges against Diggle, Curtis and Rene. She didn’t. Thank you. Next.
My point is I am convinced she is their daughter.  Every episode just adds more evidence.  My belief is unwavering.  You won’t convince me otherwise, so save yourself the energy. You believe what you want and I’ll believe what I want. Then we’ll see how it shakes out in the end.
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Stray Thoughts
Director Pedowitz might be one step over the meta line, but also hahaha.
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Documentary intro was sweet. Can we make that the permanent one? Source:  1-crazy-dreamer
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Did they reshoot old fight scenes for the documentary? That feels like a lot of work. I wonder if it was film they had on hand but didn’t use from the old episodes. Either way it looked legit and I was impressed.  Source: 1-crazy-dreamer
Slightly odd how Oliver or anyone else on Team Arrow never mentioned they are being followed around by a camera. That’s just details. Imma let it go.
It is official. Star City knows Oliver is the Hood, the Arrow and the Green Arrow. We can stop debating. This means these thankless twiddle twits know he saved them from Merlyn, Slade, Ra’s Al Ghul and Damien Darhk. HOW MANY MORE TIMES DOES HE NEED TO SAVE YOUR SORRY ASSES TO GET SOME RESPECT?
Why does no one ever remember the undertaking on this show? Moira Queen admitted to a long term plan, led by Malcolm Merlyn, to destroy the Glades. This plan was hatched while Oliver Queen was on the island. No wait BEFORE the island. There was a freaking trial! How the hell does this make the Undertaking Oliver’s fault Madame Mayor?
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Overwatch is back and the world makes sense again. Source: arrowdaily
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Oliver shading Curtis with Felicity's superior abilities is LIFE AFFIRMING. Source: olicitygifs
Bl*ck C*nary fighting looks equally as ridiculous on documentary film as she does on regular film, so that question is answered and we can go on with our lives.
I really can't listen to Bl*ck S*ren pretending to be E1 L*urel Lnce. It's too annoying. Zip it fishnets.
I can’t pin point what “season” Thea’s interview was filmed during and it’s kind of bugging me, so hit the comments with your guess.
I’m not talking about Diaz. I cannot even believe they included him in the documentary. He’s gone here for a minute.
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Didn’t love the Annie Hall look on Dinah. Misfire. Source:  redfield5x5
One of the reasons why writers choose to film a faux documentary is so their characters can constantly tell the camera operator to turn the camera off. It’s a trademark of the trope.
“We need to come up with a better name immediately.” PREACH IT SON.
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Baby William and Baby Zoe making friends is adorbs. Rene is all worried William is gonna make a move on Zoe. First of all, they are like 14. Calm down. Second of all, William is a short stop for the other team, but feel free to twist yourself into a pretzel Rene. The wasted energy will amuse me enormously. Source:  feilcityqueen
This serial killer seems to collect masks regardless of whether or not the vigilante is actually dead, so I’m holding out hope Rory Regan is alive. 
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The documentary film shots of the fight scene were AMAZING. The last action scene was pretty sweet. It was nice seeing the team work together cohesively again.  Source: 1-crazy-dreamer
I know I’ve said this before but Rene and Emiko are so happening.
“Fans have a strange way of showing their affection.” Oh yeah this guy was a hired gun by Stan the Fan. Kevin Meltzer was recently released from a psychiatric hospital which I am sure Stan has seen the inside of a time or two. No way is that line a coincidence. Or it’s a commentary on fandom. One or the other.
I had no idea Dinah’s vigilante identity was still secret.
Hahaha. Rene didn't know Emiko was related to Oliver. He's the new L*urel. I just decided.
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Bl*ck S*ren agrees to give an interview for the documentary, but later on acts like she didn't agree to be on the documentary and threatens the camera operator. Yeah, that sounds about right.
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This cupcake owns my heart. Source:  ebett
Disclaimer: Any gifs on the blog are not mine. If you would like a gif removed from my reviews, please message me. 7x12 gifs credited.
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thinkolicity · 6 years
“We had each other’s backs”
John about Oliver being in prison and the Team Arrow situation. WeLL I beg to differ 🤨
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evil-limace · 6 years
After this year crossover (that was awesome and very funny), 7x12 was a fantastic episode and I can tell that it is the best so far in a S7 that didn’t entertain me as much as S6 (but S6 set the bar super high, for me so...).
I really like it when TV show gave me so many, many, many characters to enjoy.
Of course, it can’t achieve anime level fulfillment but I really appreciate this 150th episode of Arrow. Superb !!!
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0 notes
cogentranting · 6 years
Epic Returns in Arrow 7x15
“You have failed this city” 
Oliver’s Arrow growl
Oliver yelling at people in general
The Bunker
Soft, loving OTA scenes
Oliver and Felicity conversations in bed
Ben Turner
Dinah in her Canary suit
Oliver threatening people for information
True Felicity babble
Team Arrow
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saebrfan · 6 years
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“Lord Mesa can sure make a great cake! 😉♥️ 150!” #Arrow
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gingy7891 · 6 years
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opheliaintherushes · 6 years
WHAT my boy Ragman is gonna be on tomorrow night’s episode and nobody told me!
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bookolicitynessa · 6 years
Oh... This flashback with Diggle when he was Oliver's security/"black driver" would almost make me miss Arrow's season 1 if I didn't recall how much I wanted Oliver to get over Laurel and just be with Felicity during that season.
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Arrow 7x12 thoughts
I tried to make one of these last week and I bitch about them every week because all it seems the people I follow can do is point out the negative but you know what? I enjoyed it and I’m going to make a post. And unlike the past few weeks when I try to do this I’m actually posting it.
This episode was actually really good and very feelsy. 
The only thing I didn’t like? I was told Kelsey Grammer was narrating and he only did the opening. 
I really liked the call back to the very first freaking episode. I use those clips a lot for editing (I need new material oof) and I know that fight scene pretty well so even though I’ve only been watching for two years it was epic seeing a reference to the very first ep. I remember watching it in my cousins’ living room with them and just that feeling alone made me practically cry (but I’ll spare you the sad details this is a review)
The interviews were so serious it was epic. I think Oliver’s were the only ones that didn’t feel right. They felt more like Stephen than Oliver but maybe that’s because I watch a lot of Stephen interviews. Felicity’s actually looked legit though and I loved that. Her little faces were cute.
Rene actually said some heavy shit and it makes me wonder what the hell happens from now to the flash forwards. He seems like a different person in those. He said something along the lines of “the worst thing I can do is sit on my hands and let the world get worse” and like I just said damn and thought about that because it’s true to real life. So what happens to Rene?
I’m also excited William is back because usually that means Oliver is gonna be more happy (he’s such a family man, he’s always been) and seeing (young) Will and Zoe in the same frame was so cute. Not in a shippy way but more of a friends way. It’s also nice that William has someone to talk to about stuff. Kids need at least one friend for that. I think we also tend to forget between how quickly Jack is growing and seeing the older flash forward William that he is a kid. I think he’s supposed to be like 12-14 and that’s still a baby to me.
I don’t like the Mayor but giving everyone at the end badges is so great! I didn’t realized how much I missed the team until I saw them working together. They were so torn apart in season 6 and 7A that I didn’t realize how much I missed the season 5 team and now we’re finally getting them back. 
I loved the end with Oliver taking the crew into the old base. It got me so excited for what’s next. I think Arrow is going back to what it was in season 5, slowly but surely and I’m ready for that.
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talknerdywithus · 6 years
150th episode of 'Arrow' to feature Kelsey Grammer and a documentary style
150th episode of ‘Arrow’ to feature Kelsey Grammer and a documentary style
The 150th episode of Arrow is going to be very special and they are pulling out all the stops.
The landmark episode will air on February 4th and will feature a documentary-style show called The Hood and the Rise of Vigilantes. Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) and Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards) will start in the “documentary” special and it will be narrated by Kelsey Grammer as well as feature…
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smoakmonster · 6 years
“I’m not entirely sure I’m meant to be a leader.” 
-- Oliver Queen
Here’s the thing, Oliver. It is because you perceive yourself with honesty and humility that people are that much more drawn to you. All the best leaders maintain a sober perspective. All the best leaders feel unqualified to lead. 
Throughout the documentary, one by one, underneath all the criticism and the uncertainty, each interviewee conveys a thread of respect. And no matter what happens, no matter how bleak the future looks, Oliver Queen has already achieved and surpassed what he set out to do: right his father’s wrongs and save his home. His legacy is set. In his family. In Team Arrow. In the lives he saves every day. 
To quote Quentin Lance: “All these masks. They started with him.” This all started because one--yes, damaged, but also lost, broken, hurting--guy decided to channel the worst things that ever happened to him into something better. He used his own sufferings to try to relieve the sufferings of others. He faced the most frightening parts of himself in order to free others. So, Oliver, you were half-right when you said you were the original vigilante. You’re an original hero. 
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