#art credits are in the panel captions !
bumblekastclips · 3 months
Happy Throwing Him Thursday!
KYLE CROUSE: Next question is from @rabbithaver. “In 2018, you wrote IDW Sonic #14, which contained panels of Silver being thrown by the ankle by Metal Sonic. On May 19, 2022, tumblr user @catgirlkirigiri posted those panels with the caption, 'Happy Throwing Him Thursday.' Now, every Thursday, Sonic Tumblr celebrates by partaking in throwing Silver. Each week, participants render their followers' dashboards unusable by reblogging those panels dozens of times in a row. People have drawn fan art. There are multiple videos of people throwing their Silver plushies, including one of him being hurled off a five story balcony. In celebration of the two year anniversary of the first Throwing Him Thursday, would you both please rank Sonic characters based on how far you think you, personally, could throw them?” [TRANSCRIBER’S NOTE: The balcony mentioned was seven stories, not five, which is much funnier.]
IAN FLYNN: [in exaggerated horror] Two years?! KYLE: [laughing] IAN: My poor boy has been yeeted for two years?! KYLE: He’s getting yeeted! He’s getting yeeted like crazy! IAN: I feel bad! KYLE: [laughs] IAN: I’m glad folks are enjoying themselves, but… what have I done to the poor boy? KYLE: [still laughing] Ah, well, I mean, the fandom got a— the fandom got attached to it. To be fair, you know. You did it once. [chuckles] IAN: And really, the credit should go to Tracy Yardley and the other artists for rendering it, but hm… KYLE: True, true. [chuckling] IAN: Half-tempted to sneak in a panel somewhere. [as Sonic] “Happy Thursday, Silver!” [as Silver, panicked as he’s being reminded of his trauma] “WHY?!” KYLE: [erupts into laughter, then as Silver] “What is this?!” [laughs] Man, if you made a reference to Throwing Him Thursday, I think the— I think there’s a lot of Tumblr people who would melt down. In a— you know, in a good way. IAN: [chuckling to himself] Shadow just puts him off a— puts him out a window. [as Shadow] “Huh, is it Thursday already?” KYLE: [laughing] Oh, man… IAN: Anyway, characters that we could throw on a Thursday — or any day, really. KYLE: Any day. I could throw— I could throw— I could take Charmy. [chuckles] IAN: Yeah, Charmy, Cheese… KYLE: But then I’d have to contend with not being able to throw Vector and Espio as they murder me. [laughs] IAN: [chuckles, then as Vector] “Nice arm there, Kyle! Wanna see how [unintelligible] it is?” KYLE: [laughs] Oh! IAN: And I imagine Cream, but only because she wants to, like, take off, so she’s already got her ears ready, and you’re like, out in an open field, and it’s like throwing a kite into the air or something. She’s having a grand time, just, “whee!” KYLE: Yeah, she can fly. [chuckles] IAN: Uh… how heavy is Tails, actually? KYLE: Eh, I don’t think Tails is very, uh, heavy, and he’d fly, so… you know IAN: I’m gonna look this up real quick. KYLE: You could throw Froggy a little bit— [stuttering unintelligibly] a little bit far. You know. IAN: [as Big] “Once.” KYLE: Once. [laughs] IAN: Huh! Actually Tails is like, over forty pounds! KYLE: Okay, he’s a… IAN: That’s not really a throw, that’s more of a heft. KYLE: He’s a beefy— he’s a beefy boy then, huh? Wow. [chuckles, then reading chat] I’m being told that Ray was born to be yeeted. [laughs] IAN: [chuckles] You know that’s what he and Mighty do all the time. KYLE: Of course! IAN: It’s kinda like— it’s like with Cream! KYLE: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. IAN: [as Mighty] “Ready, little guy?” [as Ray] “Ready!” Woosh! KYLE: Yeah, pretty much, exactly. IAN: How much does Orbot weigh? KYLE: He’s pretty small, but he’s also a robot, so who knows how dense he is? Uh… IAN: If he even has an official weight… [Googling] Uh, he is— holy crap, he’s over sixty pounds! KYLE: Yeah, I was gonna say, he’s probably real dense. He’s got a lot in him. [chuckles] IAN: [sigh] I could probably pick him up and hmph, but yeah, I ain’t throwin’ that. Goodness. KYLE: The irony is that you’d think Cubot would be the dense one! IAN: [chuckles] Well, now I’m curious, if Orbot is sixty-six point one pounds… KYLE: He would be one really heavy bowling ball, at least. [laughs] IAN: Self-steering, no less. KYLE: Yeah! IAN: [Googling] Oh, wow. Cubot’s, uh, almost eighty-six pounds. KYLE: Oh! He’s dense— he’s even more dense! IAN: He’s a hefty boy! KYLE: [laughs] IAN: So, yeah.
KYLE: Nice. [chuckles] Yes. Ah, yes. [reading chat] Cubot, the honorable— or, Orbot, the honorable Whipple. IAN: [snickers] KYLE: Welcome to the Whipple family. [chuckling] I don’t know if we could really throw any of them? I mean, sure, a giant mech could throw Jewel, as we’ve established previously, but I don’t know if I could. She’s pretty— she’s pretty big for a bug. IAN: Yeah, I… she might need to be hefted, not really thrown. KYLE: Yeah, yeah. You could throw a chao. IAN: Yeah. KYLE: You can throw Marine, maybe. IAN: Well, now I’m curious, uh… Charmy’s like twenty-two pounds. KYLE: Why is he so freakin’ huge? He’s a bee! [laughs] IAN: And I would imagine Jewel’s at least that weight, so… KYLE: Y-yeah…? [stuttering] How heavy are pounds on Sonic’s world?! IAN: [laughs] I mean, you could still maybe throw Charmy, but you’d have to put your back into it. You’d have to, like, limber up first. KYLE: Yeah! IAN: And just because we brought it up, you know, the idea is Cream’s just kinda using this as an excuse to be thrown, but— [Googling] she’s twenty-six pounds. She’s barely heavier than Charmy. What in the world? KYLE: [chuckling] What? What?! IAN: But yeah, I could definitely pick her up over my head and kinda, fwoop, and then she’d flap and she’d fly, and she’d have a fun time. KYLE: Yeah, yeah… yeah, yeah, I think they’re all a bit too heavy. It’s that— it’s that dang Beach Ball Head Syndrome they got going on. [chuckles] Those giant heads, you know?
EPISODE THUMBNAIL by @kiimeranova (lines) and @nintendoni-art (colors)! Exclusive Throwing Him Thursday Variant HERE!
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—— TRANSCRIBER’S NOTE: Please remember that nothing that is said on BumbleKast is canon! It’s just some guys and their opinions occasionally spitballing ideas. If you don’t like an answer, you don’t have to take it as Word of God or anything like that. It’s all just for fun!
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lxgentlefolkcomic · 2 years
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It's finally here, folks! Welcome to Episode 1 of The League of Extraordinary Gentlefolk!
Credits for Episode 1: Art and story by @mayhemchicken-artblog Edited by @dathen Image descriptions (alt text) by @the-constellation-collective, @dathen, @hirilelfwraith, @linguisticparadox, @thegoatsongs, @riseofthesea, and @mayhemchicken-artblog
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Dialogue transcripts:
Panel 1 Caption: England 189X
Panel 2 (n/a)
Panel 3 Jonathan: When are we arriving, again? Mina: 12:15. Jonathan: Perfect - Seward said he'll meet us just after noon.
Panel 4 Jonathan: We'll be just in time for lunch!
Panel 5 Unknown voice: ...telling you, it can't be him! He's dead! It was in the news! Mina: ...?
Panel 6 Jonathan: Mina? What is it? Mina: Shh! Listen. Unknown voice: You saw him, Godfrey.
Panel 7 Godfrey: I-I don't know what I saw. It was dark, and...
Panel 8 Godfrey (offscreen): ...Anyway, I wouldn't jump to "dead man walking."
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matan4il · 1 year
An interview seemingly conducted Aug 3 with World Y was translated today, in it Mile says he would choose a restaurant for a date based on which one would make him seem the 'daddiest':
I LOVE Apo's glee in the background. However, this is not the first time Mile has confessed to being a sugar daddy kind of bf, see his interview from Apr 8, 2022:
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Apo has also called Mile a sugar daddy on more than one occasion. Here he is posting Mile's pic on the phone on their way to an arts discussion panel on Jun 20, 2022, the caption Apo added says "Sia is busy" with Sia meaning 'sugar daddy:'
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And here's Apo during a shopping spree with Mile and Bible ahead of their trip to the Red Sea Film Festival:
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For the record, we know it's true that Apo buys stuff with Mile's credit card. But I have no doubt the opposite is true as well, and Apo finds his own ways of spoiling Mile generously.
Mile posted today (Sep 18) from a luxury shop, a BOC staff member did as well, so this is likely about work. Maybe they're filming an ad for this brand, or maybe it's being used as the set of a photoshoot...
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I mentioned that yesterday, before leaving Laos, Mileapo and the BOC staff were spotted sightseeing. I shared one image here, but then Mile added another, and I just had to point something out:
Mile on Oct 8, 2021 was teasing Apo about posting sky pics... (click for clearer image)
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Mile on Sep 17, 2023 is himself posting a sky pic...
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Apo rubbing off on him? I guess almost three years of sooulmateism partnership will do that...
(click here for more of my Mileapo/Kinnporsche posts)
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kharmii · 3 months
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Dabi: Let's watch "The Hero's Guts 2".
Geten: Pocket Villain Destro's Counterattack. Re-Destro is the voice actor and sang the theme song.
Dabi: Tight.
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If you see a child taking a photo in front of the zodiac panel, don't let the mobs passing by get in the way.
(Caption says Ugly Year of 2002...the joke probably being it was Horse Year but they are in front of a cow.)
Art credit: hrak (yaoi), Apocrypha, Dabi / Twitterログ13【外荼】 - pixiv
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fyeahstormandwolvie · 6 months
Twitter and Reddit are both scary platforms for sharing and responding to fan content, so I won't reply directly to anything there, but sometimes I wish they'd credit or post the captions or other accompanying pictures when they take stuff from this (very old lol) blog 😩 (and I know they take it from here because a lot of the edits they repost are ones I made haha)
Not because of ownership - I only post panels or pages and would never claim to own the art - but because context is lost and sometimes purposely omitted, and that really sucks. It grinds my gears!!
This post brought to you by: stans claiming to know everything there is to know about the comics when they claim Ororo is "the other woman" (if I werent conflict averse I WOULD fight about this lmao do not @ me), or that Logan doesn't respect her at all, or that they're just friends (this is something I'll begrudgingly accept and chalk up to me being blinded by bias but, like.. this doesn't have to make a 'ship impossible lmfao better to have an enduring friendship and utter mutual respect as a foundation rather than stalker behavior OR because you needed someone to continue a royal bloodline)
I'm not saying they'll ever be canon again, or that the fandom would come back to life (it's been ten years since they were last canon 🥹) but... to say there's no basis when they have forty+ years of shared history, most of it good, a lot of it rife with UST, plenty of disagreements and keeping each other in line to keep things spicy... please don't embarrass yourself 😩
Sincerely, your friendly neighborhood RoLo scholar 💋
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genericpuff · 2 years
Ladies and gentlemen... we got 'em.
Every now and then, Rachel will post a sketch to her IG story or her page, oftentimes accompanied with a caption that states how hard at work she is.
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Now, some of my pals and I in the UnpopularLO Discord have been taking note of the time stamps of when these get posted, so we could keep an eye out for when they inevitably show up in an episode. Normally I wouldn't be hyperanalyzing a creator's posting habits like this, but there's been a unanimous suspicion among the LO community that Rachel's buffer for LO is only a couple weeks ahead at any given time. So, we waited. We kept our eyes peeled for these panels to show. And hoo boy, are the results of this little experiment pretty damning.
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The sketch on the left was posted to Rachel's IG about 4 weeks ago. It showed up in Episode 219, posted last week on October 29th.
The sketch on the right was posted to Rachel's IG story on October 27th. It showed up in this week's episode, November 5th, just a little over a week later.
I'm not gonna pretend like we know all the facts from this evidence alone, but again, people have been suspicious over this for a while now so seeing these finished drawings show up in the new episodes anywhere from a week to a month later tells us a lot. To lay out some of the brunt of it:
Whatever buffer Rachel has is small and shrinking fast. There was a 2 week break at the start of the season to "rebuild LO's buffer", and from cross-referencing the HxP make-out sketch and when the episode went up, we know that the buffer at one point was around 4 weeks. Most Originals creators are encouraged to have a buffer of 9-15 episodes, not episodes in progress, but actual finished episodes that are ready for posting, so that the series can still update with new episodes even if the creator needs to take a break for a week or two or if an emergency arises in their life. With the proof of last week's sketches showing up in last night's episode, I think it's highly probable we'll be seeing another 2 week break by the time December rolls around, but it will likely be presented under the guise of a "holiday break".
Rachel does the roughs at the last minute and nothing more. It's basically been confirmed at this point that Rachel's only contribution to the comic is the roughs and script. From former interviews and Patreon chit chat posts that allude to this, to the fact that the only progress pics from Rachel that we ever see are roughs, to the credits in every episode that feature upwards of five separate assistants working on each episode but somehow the comic still manages to have incredibly inconsistent plot threads and art that looks like it's been rushed, Rachel is basically just doing the roughs for her comic, writing/drawing one panel at a time, and passing them along to her assistants to finish at the last minute. This would account for the art being so inconsistent (Rachel's roughs likely aren't very polished and don't feature any sort of referencing or direction for the team), every episode now being made up of mostly copy+pasted panels, as well as it feeling so rushed, because the assistants literally don't have time to draw different shots or put the episode through any rounds of clean-up before submitting it.
Considering there are ALSO sketches of HxP fluff that haven't made it into an episode yet*, Rachel may as well be working on fluff content before she works on anything else. Just because that H x P panel was drawn 4 weeks prior to it being uploaded doesn't mean that's the buffer. She could have just as well drawn it first because it's what she felt like drawing and either shoehorned it in somewhere or just saved the 'boring' stuff for last. So either her buffer was only a month ahead of time at one point and has since shrunk back down to 1-2 weeks, or she's working on new episodes a week at a time and saves the 'boring' stuff for last hence why each episode ends up with so many repeated copy+paste panels and drawn out dialogue. Both scenarios are terrible and indicative of a creator who is both clueless and doesn't give a shit.
Rachel spends an absurd amount of time on social media. Between her Instagram and Twitter (both of which are often chock full of re-shared fan content that has the Lore Olympus hashtag on it) her new Tiktok account, her VERY strictly moderated FastPass FB groups (that she is an administrator for so she can lock any thread that has a hint of criticism in it**) and her Discord, Rachel seems to spend the majority of her time stalking her favorite hashtags and retweeting them (I've literally had some of my own fanart pieces retweeted within SECONDS of me posting them). But she'll still put out Tiktok videos talking about how behind she is and how hard she's working - literally working on episodes the week they're due as we've proven - videos that she's clearly spending time away from her comic to make and that she's sticking around in afterwards to check the stats and respond to comments from her fans. It's great that she's sharing fanart from her readers, but not so great if she's doing it so much that it's eating into her time to develop the very comic they're creating fanart for.
Hot take, but I can't help but feel that Rachel can only afford to not give a shit about her workflow and how she manages her team because she's in the top 1% of creators. Believe me, I've seen the stress building up in the WT Originals community from creators who are being vastly underpaid and overworked. None of them can afford to be so lazy with their work, because a single week without an episode for them means not paying the rent that month. They don't get mid-season hiatuses, they don't get 2 week 'buffer build' breaks, it's a constant grind of 12-18 hour days because if their series doesn't perform well, not only will they not get renewed for another season, but they likely won't even receive any FastPass revenue due to not hitting the 'threshold' they need to hit to receive it. This is not a problem for Rachel who is someone with millions of subscribers and thousands of regular readers checking in each week but also someone who we speculate got in on the FP program before they introduced the Minimum Revenue Threshold around 2020. Hence, she likely does not need to hit that threshold in the first place to receive her earnings. Every other Originals creator who is subject to the MRT system has to work their ass off and hope that Webtoons will give them enough promotion to draw in traffic to hit that threshold and not get cancelled - but those beneficial front-facing slots are often given to Lore Olympus every time it updates, often for an entire weekend at a time, while its creator fucks around on Twitter, gets mad at 'haters', talks about how busy and 'behind' she is, while she visibly miffs around with non-comic-production-related-things like making memes or rigging Vtuber models.
Let's just say, there's a reason why whenever there are Webtoon controversies concerning the state of their working conditions, you never see Rachel say a word. She is simply not affected by WT's current state of affairs so does not feel the need to speak up against it. I'm willing to bet the only time we'll ever see Rachel talk 'bad' about Webtoons, it will be after she's inevitably driven her own image and comic into the ground.
Concerning *: Here are some sketches that haven't made it into any episodes yet. It's hard to tell if they will, I can assume the one on Twitter will show up but the other two could very well just be Rachel faffing about for fun. Either way, these exist and are still publically viewable, so if they DO show up in any future episodes, we can cross-reference them later.
Left: Oct 28th Middle: Nov 4th Right: Oct 29th
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The following Hades panel will very likely show up in the upcoming November 12th FastPass episode. If it does, that not only tells us Rachel truly is only working on these episodes 1-2 weeks ahead at a time, but also that she's working on them out of order as this FINISHED drawing showed up BEFORE the UNFINISHED Persephone sketch from above showed up in her IG story - with its respective finished drawing showing up literally a week later.
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Concerning **: Rachel is literally an administrator in the official LO FastPass group on Facebook, which wouldn't be an issue if she weren't so anal about any perceived slight against her work. She will literally lock any thread that doesn't make her look good.
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And her own interactions with these fans posts may as well be borderline psychotic. She'll either immediately refute any amount of fan theories on the spot (destroying any semblance of discussion or fun theorizing to be had) or just... comment really messed up shit that says a lot about her and how she writes her precious cinnamon roll protagonist.
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Fun fact, she got banned from a FB group that memes on LO because she tried to harass the administrators of the group to ban all criticism. The admins banned her instead. It's not really relevant to this post but I wanted to say it anyways because it's fucking hilarious.
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***EDIT TO ADD: She didn't just get banned, she was so butthurt over it that she apparently bitched about it in her Patreon, which her cult accepted as permission to go after members of this same FB group. All just for not kissing the ground RS walked on. Literally psychotic cult behavior.
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Let's Play creator mongie has done similar things, so this seems to just be a general attitude among the top-earning creators on WT (yikes), but that's another topic.
Concerning the actual topic at hand, the last thing I'll mention is, save for the credits at the end of each episode, Rachel barely ever gives her assistants credit when she goes on rants about how "busy" she is or how "successful" she's become. You'll never see her thank her assistants or give them credit for how easy they're making her life that she can get away with doing the roughs at the last minute and spend the rest of her time talking about her dog, showing off her new gel nails, or talking about how much of a workaholic she is. But she sure as shit will throw her assistants under the bus whenever she has to come up with an excuse for the sloppy inconsistent art.
TL ; DR: Rachel is not 'busy'. She's just incredibly bad at managing her deadlines and team of assistants and would literally rather whine about how behind she is to make it sound like she's pressed for time. Which, she absolutely is. But it's not because of Webtoons or because LO is a hard comic to put together, it's literally her own undoing. You know what they say - it takes way more work to pretend to look busy than it does to actually do your job.
Rant over.
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istherewifiinhell · 3 months
while im here, lets get this out the door. this one... is weird
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[ID: An artificial life form that its in the shape of a large golden women's head declares herself. "...I am Auntie!" END]
tfuk arc Raiders of the Last Arc! getit? huh?? issues 18-21 early summer 1985.
Script: Simon Furman Art: Mike Collins and Jeff Anderson Colours: Gina Hart Letters: Richard Starkings (18,20,21) John Aldrich (19) Editor: Sheila Cranna Original Series Edits by Shelia Cranna and Ian Rimmer, Editorial notes and assistance by James Roberts, Collection Edits by Justin Eisinger and Alonzo Simon, Collection Design by Shawn Lee
my eyes may be skimming the preambles at this point but i caught glimpse of something like "weird they never reprinted this one" bud. ill tell u why. its not very good. its not, horrid. its pretty much just. oh yeah. this is a marvel tf comic...
which, if you trying to make the argument that all tfuk are unique and sophisticated and BETTER than the US ones, or just tryna make a dollar on the iconic stories.... you skip this one!!!
but in this house, we support preservation and revisiting of ANY art. including if it flops. and today that means you'll get a few black and white panels. huh? isnt that neat. you excited???
we'll get to it all. But first. Lets check out the funny pages.
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[ID: The back part of a panel with crudely drawn Autobots and Decepticons floating about, being restrained. Its charmingly goofy. END]
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[ID: Jazz firing off his flamethrower and saying "Let's see if Jazz can make things hot for you Soundwave!" Soundwave, a little singed but unbothered replying "Very impressive,but my armour's more than a match for your weapon…a pity the same cannot be said of yours..!" END]
are you two... flirting?
anyway, ill bite. who's autie...
As her troops fell, the computerised brain of the Ark swung into operation… Auntie, as she had been nicknamed, evaluated internal defences, calculated probabilities and finally arrived at the only logical course of action…
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[ID: Optimus looking towards an Ark security camera thinking "It would be another matter if the ark's defences were active, but Auntie controlled those directly…" He opens the door to a dark room, declaring to himself "Auntie! Of course! Until now, we've merely used the basic computer functions of the ark, but Auntie was far more than that… She was the Ark! If I can get her to even a fraction of her operational capacity… END]
oh. the space ship is a woman. right
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[ID: Caption box: And if Windcharger could have seen the tableau unfolding in the nerve centre of the Ark, he might have felt his fears justified. Auntie, who in scale is at least twice the height of Optimus or Megatron, using an unseen force to hold them captive. Optimus pleads reason: You must believe me Auntie, you brought us here from Cybertron and you were damaged in the battle with those murderous Decepticons... Megatron lying: No! That isn't what happened. As I've already told you, we were on a mercy mission. The traitorous Autobots sabotaged it - Forced you to crash. END]
correction. the spaceship is now a crazy women who might kill them all. awesome. lol. THANKS TF <3 what i always wanted >_>... (even if i do like the chance to see my guy's rhetoric strategies)
anyway pause all that we have a buddy cop adventure (no 20)
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[ID: Splash page that includes the arc title and creative credits. Windcharger and Ravage walking the halls of the arc, arguing. Caption boxes: Alone, Ravage And Windcharger Are unaffected by Auntie's magnetic force… They eye each other suspiciously, each suspecting treachery, each distrusting the other they are sworn enemies these two… But today they are Allies! Ravage: This goes against my every instinct! I dislike working with others at the best of times... But to have to fight alongside a puny Autobot..! Windcharger: Silence, you aggravating creature! I'm as unhappy with the situation as you… but for now it's unavoidable. Just keep those sensors of yours alert for… END]
they really like ravage in these comics lmao.
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[ID: Ravage gloating, with destroyed machinery flaming and smoking in his mouth, one paw raised to hold it. He looks over his shoulder to Windcharger saying "There, impressed?" Windcharger looks aggravated. END]
SMUG BEAST. are YOU flirting.
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[ID: B&W panel. Both reacting to something unseen, Ravage in a ready stance, possible aggressive or alarmed. Windcharger, slightly behind him looking scared/startled. END]
he said NO PICKLES!
okay back to the hostage situation
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ID: B&W panels. Optimus and Megatron still surround by a field of energy restraining them. Optimus his eyes glowing, says "You fool, Megatron! Do you think for a moment that she'll let one of us just walk away? She's playing with us. Unless we break free she'll slaughter us all!" Megatron has a brow raised: Oh… I see. Yes, you could be right. Well, in that case… I may be able to set us free! END]
ACTUALLY. hysterical. sorry i see any extremely funny megs moments and im like. how beast wars of him. i like other meg's too but. fgsdj. well...
btw he has a connection to a black hole? always has?? its from the toy box or smth idk
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[ID: In colour again. Caption boxes: Optimus Prime and Megatron await the judgement of Auntie. But, while she considers her verdict, Megatron concentrates... A strange, unearthly energy flows around him, threatening to engulf him... But he is Megatron, and he will make the power serve him! In full body, Megatron is tensed in effort, teeth grit. A dark and sparkling energy wreaths around him.
ENTER: his dark magical girl era....
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[ID: Caption box: Megatron lands well, Optimus Prime does not! Smaller drawings, Megatron lands daintily on the point of one foot, his arms raised above his head, somewhat like a dancer. Optimus plummets like a heap, landing on his side, thigh and forearm slamming into the ground. END]
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[ID: Tiny drawing. Megatron hands still raised, gracefully. One hand wreathed in glowing energy, being directed near Prime, still on the ground. END]
hes a beauty, hes a grace, he wants... to melt your face.
oh yeah anyway ravage gets auntie
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[ID: Caption box: But Ravage is faster... Ravage leaping passed or perhaps INTO Auntie's open mouth as she screams "Nooooo" Ravage tearing into whatever golden mechanical workings make up her physical being. Caption box: And Auntie 'dies' for a second time. END]
cool. i love what we did here today. really valuable addition to the lore. and a win for feminism
and then windcharger launched megatron out of the arc thru the volcano and into space. no yeah. he can do that i guess.
its dumb, tho also funny. it hates women. its comics. GOODBYE.
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[ID: Tiny drawing of Ravage pouncing. END]
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sleepymarmot · 1 year
There’s a comic that is being spread around on Tumblr and Twitter as a single image and credited to Ad Reinhardt (in this post, for example):
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Trying to find the source for it led me into a rabbit hole.
I found the first half of it as a part of a bigger comic: ”How to Look at a Cubist Painting” by Ad Reinhardt, first one in the “How to Look” series:
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But it looks slightly different here than in the version above:
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I realized that the panel was being repeated inside other comics throughout the series. After looking closely, I found both parts of this post’s first image in the fifth comic of the same series, but the layout there is different:
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It seems like someone came across both halves in this collection of isolated panels from the series, and decided to mash them together into a single file for some reason.
That editing decision seriously changed the meaning, because in the original comic, the text snippet is not a caption for that one panel. Instead, the comic with the pointing painting is a part of a montage juxtaposing different styles of art, and the text is the last of three paragraphs that sing praises for the modern art. The final sentence of this text, “You, sir, are a space, too” is not directly responding to the the question “What do you represent?”, but instead builds upon the first sentence: “Abstract paint areas are real spaces”, and the idea of reorganizing the living spaces to be more like paintings, leading to the suggestion of a person’s own self also being changed by art, and a person and art having similar natures. Which is a way more interesting and coherent thought than whatever the social media version ended up saying.
See also:
the January 1947 issue of the journal Arts and Architecture, where some of the comics from the series are reproduced, including the fifth one
an article about the series
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poppetsisters · 1 year
I was watching an interview someone did with Jack Kirby where he was drawing Doctor Doom taking off his mask and he says about his scar:
Jack Kirby: In fact he was a college student when it happened, if I remember right. There was a chemical explosion of some kind- Greg Theakston: No no, he was trying to contact his mother in the spirit world, forbidden experiments. Jack Kirby: Oh, I see.
Do you see what just happened there? Jack Kirby was working under the Marvel Method of storytelling back in the 60s, a process by which the writer (Stan Lee) writes an outline of any given story so that the artists can draw from first panel to final page, and then the writer goes through the story inserting their own captions and speech bubbles after the fact. This is why a lot of Lee's dialogue reads like it's reacting to the art, similar to the trope of lampshading.
Because the finer details of the story were left to the artist, Jack would write dialogue and captions himself so that the story could be told effectively, captions that Stan Lee either used verbatim or altered significantly. Jack maintains that Fantastic Four #6 used his captions words for word, yet received no writing credit.
I think what happened here with the interview was that Jack Kirby was reciting Doctor Doom's origin based on how HE wrote it, but Greg is reciting the origin Stan Lee made canon by rewriting Jack's dialogue.
When Jack says "Oh, I see." it's like him understanding that his version of the Marvel Universe doesn't count. That whatever intentions he had for his creations are superseded by Stan's editorial mandates. It's really sad honestly.
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sodas-place · 11 months
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I’ve had some discourse over this piece and would love an opinion…
So the image on top is a recreation of the bottom one I just finished, i used the original (bottom) panel for reference at the start of the piece, where i traced the general pose— where the arms, hands, fingers, are and how they connect proportionally to the subjects.
I posted the speedpaint on tiktok and acknowledged that i used the panel to recreate it and credited where the panel was from in the caption. Someone saw this and began to accuse me of tracing the entire piece and told me off for it.
I tried to explain to them that I used just the pose and composition but they insisted it was still wrong. So, my question is: Is it okay to use another creator’s art for a pose to recreate the piece with credit?
And, like i said, please give me an answer, I’m genuinely wondering.
(Side note: I feel as though I should’ve asked them first but Michele Fus has been my biggest idol since the second grade and I am terrified to bother them.)
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softwarereviewforall · 11 months
top video editing suit for beginners
Adobe Premiere Pro
1. What's New in Adobe Premiere Pro 2023?
Adobe Premiere Pro is a popular video editing software that is widely used by professionals. In this post, we will discuss the latest features and updates in Adobe Premiere Pro 2023. We will cover the new high-performance timeline drawing, data-driven Motion Graphics templates, captions, and color workflows. We will also provide tips and tricks on how to use these features to improve your video editing workflow.
2. Top 15 Premiere Pro Tutorials for Beginner to Advanced Editor Techniques
Premiere Pro is a powerful video editing software that can be overwhelming for beginners. In this post, we will share the top 15 Premiere Pro tutorials for video editors of all experience levels. We will cover basic editing, cutting clips, adding text, adjusting audio, color grading, and exporting to social media. We will also provide tips and tricks on how to stay organized and avoid crashes.
3. Premiere Pro Trends to Watch Out For
In this post, we will discuss the latest trends in Premiere Pro. We will cover the use of AI-powered tools, such as Smart Cut, remove video background, smart transcription, and text-based video editing. We will also discuss the use of Premiere Pro in the financial world, such as improving P2P credit risk management and measuring contagion effects in credit risk arising from corporate failures.
4. How to Optimize Your Premiere Pro Workflow for Maximum Efficiency
In this post, we will provide tips and tricks on how to optimize your Premiere Pro workflow for maximum efficiency. We will cover how to organize your assets in the Project panel, use proxies, and reset and restore preferences. We will also provide tips on how to improve performance and troubleshoot common issues.
5. Premiere Pro vs. Other Video Editing Software: Which One is Right for You?
In this post, we will compare Premiere Pro with other popular video editing software, such as Final Cut Pro, DaVinci Resolve, and iMovie. We will discuss the pros and cons of each software and provide tips on how to choose the right one for your needs.
1. How to Use Canva's Video Editor for Beginners
Canva is a popular graphic design tool that also offers a video editor. In this post, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to use Canva's video editor for beginners. We will cover how to import and organize clips, add transitions, animations, designer fonts, and audio library. We will also provide tips on how to create engaging professional videos from your browser.
2. How to Design Trendy Videos with Canva
In this post, we will discuss the latest design trends in video editing and show you how to tap into them using Canva. We will cover how to use Canva's motion art director and motion design consultant to create trendy videos. We will also provide tips on how to develop your own style and stand out from the crowd.
3. Canva Video Editor vs. Other Video Editing Software: Which One is Right for You?
In this post, we will compare Canva's video editor with other popular video editing software, such as Adobe Premiere Pro, Kapwing, and iMovie. We will discuss the pros and cons of each software and provide tips on how to choose the right one for your needs.
4. How to Optimize Your Canva Video Editing Workflow for Maximum Efficiency
In this post, we will provide tips and tricks on how to optimize your Canva video editing workflow for maximum efficiency. We will cover how to organize your assets in the Project panel, use proxies, and reset and restore preferences. We will also provide tips on how to improve performance and troubleshoot common issues.
5. Canva Video Editor Trends to Watch Out For
In this post, we will discuss the latest trends in Canva's video editor. We will cover the use of AI-powered tools, such as Magic Resize, and content repurposing tools. We will also discuss the use of Canva's video editor in the financial world, such as improving P2P credit risk management and measuring contagion effects in credit risk arising from corporate failures.
1. The 8 Best Video Editing Softwares for YouTube (April 2023)
In this post, we will discuss the best video editing software for YouTubers and content creators. We will cover the speed, flexibility, and video editing tools that help make their content more engaging. We will also provide tips and tricks on how to use Kapwing's AI-powered tools to add subtitles and effects, trim and clip videos, and repurpose content across channels.
2. How to Use Kapwing's AI Video Editor for Beginners
In this post, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to use Kapwing's AI video editor for beginners. We will cover how to create videos from text and automatically edit video content. We will also provide tips on how to use Kapwing's AI-powered tools to generate videos, remove background noise, and clean audio.
3. Kapwing Video Editor vs. Other Video Editing Software: Which One is Right for You?
In this post, we will compare Kapwing's video editor with other popular video editing software, such as Adobe Premiere Pro, Canva, and iMovie. We will discuss the pros and cons of each software and provide tips on how to choose the right one for your needs.
4. How to Optimize Your Kapwing Video Editing Workflow for Maximum Efficiency
In this post, we will provide tips and tricks on how to optimize your Kapwing video editing workflow for maximum efficiency. We will cover how to organize your assets in the Project panel, use proxies, and reset and restore preferences. We will also provide tips on how to improve performance and troubleshoot common issues.
5. Kapwing Video Editor Trends to Watch Out For
In this post, we will discuss the latest trends in Kapwing's video editor. We will cover the use of AI-powered tools, such as generative video slideshows and automatic video transcription and subtitles. We will also discuss the use of Kapwing's video editor in analyzing the relationship between healthcare spatial accessibility and utilization, and to model poverty and deforestation patterns.In conclusion, these five posts on Adobe Premiere Pro, Canva, and Kapwing will provide valuable insights and tips on how to use these video editing software for maximum efficiency. By covering the latest trends, comparing with other software, and providing step-by-step guides, these posts will attract high traffic and improve your SEO ranking.
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robertodacosta · 5 years
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You named me Destiny. That was right. We were each other’s destiny. And we can be again. Bring me back, Raven.
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themesbypale · 2 years
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"Glazed” Theme
by Themes By Pale (or Palemomos Themes)
Live Preview | Static Preview | Install
This theme is for everyone! Highly customizable, it can be clean and minimal or go crazy with colors and backgrounds. 
Glassy effect on posts that blurs when the mouse hovers it.
Responsive layout for all screen sizes (including mobile devices).
Display posts in one or two columns.
Switch between Dark Mode or Light Mode.
Support for NPF posts.Support for searches in blog and date pages.
Custom background image (big image or pattern).
Custom accent colors.
Select between 7 font types.
Select font size.
Optional about section.
Optional tags directory section.
Optional section to share blogs you follow.
Optional extra section to add anything you want.
4 optional custom links.
Support for page links.
Show/hide tags in posts.
Show/hide captions in posts.
All can be customized in the Customization Panel :)
About the tags: to add your tag directory in the about section, in the textbox “Tags List” paste your tags in the following format: ["Section 1", "pixels", "pixel art", "kawaii", "landscapes", "photography", "art"], ["Section 2", "nature", "green", "animals", "fantasy", "magic", "dogs"], ["Section 3", "codes", "themes", "pages", "resources", "layouts", "html"]
You can separate your tags into subsections. Each section is a set of words wrapped by [ ], and each word must be wrapped by " " and separated by commas. The first word is always the section title. Also, each section must be separated by a comma, but note that the last section does not have a trailing comma. In the last example there are three subsections for tags, if you only want one subsection for your tags just copy and paste the following:
["Section 1", "codes", "themes", "pages", "resources", "layouts", "html"]
About hide captions: the captions will only be hidden in the main page, individual pages will show the full caption.
Edit: Here is the link to the source code in case there’s a problem installing it with the theme garden.
css photosets @eggdesign & @annasthms
npf fix and griddery for gallery mode: @glenthemes​ 
custom audio controls: @annasthms
custom like & reblog buttons tutorial: @shythemes​
full credits in code
Feel free to contact me if something isn’t working n.n  Please reblog if using!
Support me on Ko-fi :3 
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seyche · 4 years
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theme twelve: anemone — spotify-inspired header theme for @codingcabin​’s new year, new theme challenge; featuring an optional music player and the colours #f1a5c0, #5ea, #facade, and #7ea as accents.
preview / code: pastebin, github
features and options:
header with an optional 125px x 125px profile image.
optional header background image (screen width x 225px. I recommend choosing an image no less than 1920px in width).
fade-in navigation bar on scroll with a back-to-top button.
optional music player with space for one song.
post sizes: 450px, 500px, 540px, 600px, 650px, 700px.
show/hide captions, show/hide tags, optional rounded corners, customizable post margins and photoset gutters, dropdown post info with via/source links.
up to four custom links in the header and an unlimited number of Tumblr pages.
ten body font options, font sizes from 12px to 18px, and all colours customizable.
responsive for all screen sizes and mobile devices.
your audio file must be in .mp3 format and you must host it on Google Drive or Dropbox.** read below the cut for instructions** on how to upload your audio file and use the music player.
tumblr’s customize page is very buggy and when you first install the theme, you have to toggle the toggle options on and off to get them to work properly.
song in preview is Lonesome Love by Mitski.
see full list of credits here.
you can host your audio file on either Google Drive or Dropbox. this explainer will explain how to use Google Drive; for instructions on how to use Dropbox, follow this tutorial by glenthemes.
instructions for hosting an audio MP3 file on Google Drive:
first, you need an audio .mp3 file. your file must be in .mp3 format. upload your .mp3 file to your drive: + New > File Upload. 
select your .mp3 file, and click the “Share” button (the user icon) on the right-hand side of the file options navigation bar. change the sharing options to “Anyone with this link can view”
click the “Copy link” button to get the link. the next steps involve some link modifying, so I find it helpful to do the next steps in my notes app (or some other text editor).
your link will look something like this: https://drive.google.com/file/d/2jvrQwHU4icO0uVGzAlidk-SZCNEsGJrK/view?usp=sharing. the part I’ve bolded is the audio ID which you will need. again, I’d suggest copying and pasting this part into a text editor for reference.
the URL for playing your audio will look like this: https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&id=2jvrQwHU4icO0uVGzAlidk-SZCNEsGJrK. the easiest way is to copy this part of the URL: https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&id= and paste the audio ID for your file at the end.
after you’ve installed the theme, make sure you’ve toggled the music player option on in the customization panel. paste the Google Drive link to the audio file into the space in the customization panel.
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finish by adding the rest of your song info into the spaces in the customization panel and save your theme. there is a slot to upload your song art at the top of the theme options, while the text fields for track title and artist name are at the bottom.
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kharmii · 4 months
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(This post is under a cut for length and for explicit material. In the second collection of comic panels, Dabi and Geten banter with each other after Dabi finds Geten's phallic shaped ice cube tray and asks uncomfortable questions about it. Dabi talks about being impotent due to lack of feeling on his body, but then Geten says something sweet in reply.)
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Dabi: It's easy. I wonder if I have gained in strength too.
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Geten: It's me (feeling embarrassed). *huffs*
Dabi: Oh so..
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Dabi: Extra Care.
Geten: You can still play.
(Where Geten butts in on Dabi practicing his abilities. Dabi is okay with it, despite being rained on).
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Top Caption: Team Violet's relationship is one where we often have advance consultations.
Dabi: Can you manipulate things with ice in them? -Such as ice-cream?
(Captions on first two panels talk about how each guy believes he's going to come across offensive to the other talking about sex).
Geten (awkwardly):
I can go....you saw it. THE WATERS ARE ICE. It was sticky because you melted it and it was the worst.
Dabi (holding up penis shaped ice tray): Well~~~Well then~
Can you make lotion ice with this ice cube tray and move it without touching it even if it gets stuck? Can you see it? (Asking him if he can make a lubricated ice dildo)
Geten: I don't understand the point of using supernatural powers.
Sheez... -3 That's right. What do you want to see?
Dabi: *straight face* Pussy face smeared with humiliation and shame.
(Caption: Two people feeling awkward over the offensive adult nature of their conversation)
Geten: It's humiliating to be taken advantage of because I'm cold, though.
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Dabi: Can you harden it and force it to become erect, or do ice rubber? -Cover your dick with lotion and ice to increase its size? If the temperature of the ice cube is lowered, semen will be added to it, like a perpetual motion machine? Killing two birds with one stone by lowering your butt temperature? (Hinting that he wants to take Geten's ice dick himself)
(Caption: Two people feeling awkward over the offensive adult nature of their conversation)
Geten: Well...it's just a gag, but I just want the atmosphere....Will it help prevent burns... You definitely look hot...
Dabi: The iron plate is scorching hot, it's hell. I don't feel anything anyway, so an ice dick is totally fine. I can't get an erection in the first place.
It's totally okay to call someone and have them jump your bones. Who would be better? No! It's no good if the reason is "whatever"!!!
(Caption: Two people feeling awkward over the offensive adult nature of their conversation)
Geten: It's true that I may never be able to satisfy you, but ``It's no use letting me jump your bones!'' isn't the right thing to say!
It was written that sex is an expression of love, not a purpose!
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Dabi: So?
Geten: I don't really care if I can't hold you for the rest of my life... Isn't it okay for us to talk about our own love?
Dabi: Yes. Understood. (Geten rushes toward him rapidly) Hey Hey...
Geten: Surrender yourself to me now! In three more years, my body will be bigger than yours.
We will also prepare land in Antarctica!!!
Dabi: I don't need it. *Picks up Meta Liberation Army pamphlet and says in teasing manner* “Stress Advisor ReDestro’s love guide ~ Unleashing extraordinary abilities. Heart Catch~”
Geten: For now, let's continue. Remember the first time we met!! That day!
I don't care. That's our love. Either Blue Flame dies, or Blue Flame becomes unable to fight. Until Blue Flame clings to me. Our love will continue!
Dabi: Love. Powerful statement.
Geten: ...... ...... Don't think you can die easily!
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Art credit: hrak (yaoi), Apocrypha, Dabi / Twitterログ14【外荼外】 - pixiv
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the-radical-garden · 4 years
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Growing your own food is like printing your own money. The best place to start changing the world is with the dirt under your feet. Radical gardening can save the world.
Art credit: CJ bell @ disorganizedjoy
Image description: A four panel comic. Panel one shows a green bell pepper cut in half with the caption "This is a green pepper. It cost 75¢ at the grocery store." Panel 2 shows a row of pepper plants growing under the sun with the caption "inside the pepper are enough seeds to make hundreds - even thousands more peppers " panel 3 shows a computer with an FBI anti piracy warning on it and a phone screen open to a music app with 2 plays left. The caption reads "In a world where nothing comes free and it's profitable to control what people copy and create," panel 4 shows a thriving garden, complete with community area and a free produce basket, and he caption reads "gardening is a revolutionary act." End image description
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