#art supply reccomendations
jenjibear · 3 months
What I think the dreamies twitters would look like
A bullet point imagine
This idea came randomly to me and thought it was a cute concept lmao
so i hope you enjoy my mind
2am quotes, drunk thoughts, poems or just how he is feeling he always manages to say the deepest things at 2am
guitar videos, hes just practising silently humming the melody along with his playing
he posts his song wips hoping to find inspiration from the people who read them and offer advice
if he isnt posting his likes are filled from his time spent doom scrolling
just a bunch of sad quotes in those likes
artistic is the only way to describe it, proudly shares his art with everyone also offers commissions for some money on the side
laughs slightly when a nctzen asks for a drawing of a member not knowing its him doing the commission
loves sharing his art with everyone
shares tutorials and videos of supplies he reccomends
very artsy
this account is barren
you'd think it was a bot acc honestly
mostly posts about his bike and the things he sees out on his bike rides
genuinely forgets it exists posts every 3 months if that
he's just a pure soul and doesn't really use the app that much
meme lord #1
he's posting candids he's taken of the members like he's a menace
he interacts with nctzen's and is living for the memes they post too
exposes the members on the tl constantly
i'm talking out of context screenshots of convos and starting random hashtags
cat pictures hourly
literally has alarms set up to remember to post a picture of his cats
doesn't matter what he's doing he will drop everything to post on the tl to not let the fans down
replies to the fans as if hes the cats like "thank you - luna"
very proud cat dad
meme lord #2
unlike haechan hes fully making memes and reaction pics
is the most followed nct meme acc on twitter and no one knows its him
very very proud of himself honestly
almost exposes himself in a video because he was editing a meme he takes his meme lord position seriously
he doesnt really know what hes doing so just posts like most of stan twitter does
joins in on all the quiz thread trends
interacts with the fans, hes became a nct fan acc of himself without realising
people think hes a sasaeng because he posts unreleased photos and is at the same events
he comes clean and does a space to reveal its him and gains millions of followers
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luluxa · 7 months
Hi! I absolutely ADORE your art!!
I was just wondering - what's your process like? (And what supplies you use/reccomend & do you have any tips for beginners? 😅)
Sorry if this is too many questions, just excited about discovering your tumblr!
Thank you very much! 🥰
My supplies are Photoshop and a Wacom Intuos tablet lol, since I draw almost exclusively digitally.
I don't like recommending anything specific, everyone should try stuff and find what feels best/is most suitable for their style, goals etc. As for the beginners then the universal tip is to practice A LOT which is true for any skill (every waking hour isn't realistic but yeah).
Otherwise, I have no artistic education, so I understand fuck all about drawing, I just flail around and hope for the best, so I'm not the person to ask for the tips lmao. There are tutorials out there. I sometimes google them. Or not. I don't know what I'm doing, it's just vibes.
I can offer you some of the drawing processes I've managed to save, they're mostly useless but demonstrate what I normally do with any given art.
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And also a sped-up screen recording of the first 20 minutes I've spent on an art. Usually I do a sketch first, but for the sake of getting out a comfort zone, decided to just get on with it
end result
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pansyfemme · 10 months
your art inspires me so much, i adore your use of color and texture and composition. i love love making art, getting drawn into a piece and layering and highlights and shadows and and and. but, i struggle quite deeply with subject matter, i feel, donno, like i don't think about the world in that way? everytime i see your art it evokes this visceral need to create but i just end up staring at a blank page. I admire so much art from afar but when I try I feel so overwhelmed with how to just, make the inspiration i get into art? i struggle with this in writing too, ideas are so few and far between and generally tend to be very vauge, like a smell or a color combination, or a collection of words. i dont know how to devolp it or explore it really. I did art in high school, and a year of architecture, and im struggling so much without having a brief to launch off of. feel free to ignore this if its too personal or familiar, but do you have any suggestions for me?
first of all, thank you so much!! and you sound like someone who has a deep interest in the process itself, which is super adrimable! i run into a lot of people who are more concerned with the output than the process and so they lack experimentation, so being process focused can lead to a lot of great possiblity!
As for ideas, it sounds silly when the idea is to generate insporation organically, but drawing from life and photos more was one of the steps to me being able to generate organically. i was for years, one of those ppl who draw a detailed character standing hands by side on a blank background. Learning more about how the figure moves from studying it was the 1# way to be able to organically draw poses the way i do. It’s hard to be like ‘use references!’ when finding refs is a whole other thing but sites like line of action have helped a lot bc i dont even have much choice in the ref lol!! My subject matter is based a lot on personal experience, i’m someone who has struggled with personal connection my whole life, i’m both autistic and have a case of social anxiety so severe i ended up permentantly stunting my development as a child bc i refused to interact with kids my age (oops) so a lot of my work about personal connection between trans and disabled people comes from a desire for close relationships with people who possess the same traits that made me feel undesirable for so long. I can’t also, tell you to generate a list of things about you and put those into your work because not everyone’s work is that personal and it’s not really something that can be forced, everytime a teacher told me to play into my other traumas i ended up hating the peice. i will say though, having a philosophy towards your work can do a lot. Journaling and writing down ideas, problems and aspirations as well as your attitude behind your work can sometimes help roadblocks. I also reccomend building up the process of making thumbnails and doodles and trying to generate ideas in very rough concept sketches rather than expecting to immediatly know what to do with a blank page. It adds more time and can also be frustrating, but it helps break down the blank page anxiety if you have a scrap sheet to try things out on before you go onto your final paper. another thing that helped my process is just always having a sketchbook and pencil on me. I don’t have to use it, but having my supplies with me often helps me be able to do quick sketches when im at coffee shops, doctors waiting rooms.. etc. It helps me be able to get any momentary inspiration down to work with later. the reality with rough Sketches is they do not need to be readable by anyone but yourself. it’s not just that they don’t have to look good, they could be three lines and a few notes if that’s what you need to be able to translate the vision to your head. A lot of my peices come from just wanting to draw certain perspectives or settings, and my sketches can be quite literally a grid sometimes. Again, this probably seems quite overwhelming. if your problem is generating ideas its tough to here ‘just draw!’ but it does help to build up a habit of sketching (even just circles and lines) and notetaking because it can help get the ideas flowing.
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rollsinactive · 2 years
Dip Pens For Artists: A Guide
This is the ultimate guide for artists that are curious about dip pens. I will be talking about ther advantages, disadvantages, the best options for artists and how to use dip pens. Hopefully this will answer all the questions you have so that you won't have to suffer like I did.
Why Use A Dip Pen?
Dip pens are used as art tools to this day. Much like other art supplies, they have their own unique look. You can tell if an art piece is made with a brush pen, a dip pen or a fineliner. They are also like the middle ground between brush pens and fineliners.
Dip pens provide line variance without being out of control like brush pens.
The inks! You can pick whatever color you want and use that. For brush pens or fineliners, you just have to hope your favourite brand produces the color you want.
Dip pens last a long time. The initial cost is more than other inking supplies but they last a long time to compensate for that.
Inking with them is similar to inking digitally with a graphic tablet. So if you are a digital artist that likes using pen pressure, dip pens might be the best pick for you.
It's fun. The noise it makes when you draw with it is pleasant.
You have to dip them in ink. It's in the name. Some nibs are especially good at holding ink so you won't have to worry about them interrupting your workflow. However, some others do require more dipping.
They don't work with textured paper. At all. The nib damages the paper and the paper damages the nib. The ink might also bleed. A bad combo all around.
Not good for travelling. I'd reccomend against it if you like drawing outside.
Dip pens can be hard to find in some places. You might have trouble finding the nib you want. I live in a megacity but even then I could only find them online in two stores... in the entire city.
If you decided to try dip pens like me and searched them online, you might have noticed there are a lot of different nibs and nib holders. A good chunk of them are not good for drawing. I have compiled a list of nibs good for specific art styles.
List of Nibs That Are Good For Art
If you don't want to bother with all these options just buy a few manga pens or a Brause Steno.
Manga Nibs
Manga nibs are specifically made for drawing.
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Say hi to the infographic I stole form the internet. I could not find who did this.
The G pen is the most popular one. It is a flexible nib. Which means it can go from thick to thin by applying pressure. Its flexibility makes it hard to use for beginners as flexible nibs can be hard to control. I have one of these and they are a good option if you are planning to buy only one nib. They hold a lot of ink too.
The Saji pen creates thin, uniform lines. It is used to draw in details or backgrounds. If you tilt it to it's side you can make thick lines with it, but you can't go from thin to thick like a g pen. This is a good pick if you don't want line variance. It is good for beginners.
The School pen is slightly more flexible than a saji pen. It is good for drawing architecture and objects.
The Nipponji pen is moreso used for writing japanese. It is like a mix between the g pen and the saji pen.
The Maru pen is a small size nib, unlike the nibs I mentioned before. Which means you need a pen holder that can hold one of these. This pen is draws uniform lines. It is a bit thicker than the saji pen.
The Soft Maru pen is a flexible version of the maru pen. It is notoriously difficult to use. It is delicate and can spray if used roughly. It has a lot to offer though. Definitely an interesting nib.
Brause Nibs
Brause is known for their high quality nibs. They are most known for their popular Brause Steno 361 (also known as the Blue Pumpkin) nib.
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The Steno 361 is really similar to the g pen. It has good flexibility. It's spoon shape allows it to hold more ink than the g pen. It doesn't go as thin as a g pen though.
The Cito Fein 46 has no flexibility. It is similar to using a fineliner.
The L'Ecoliere 65 also has no flexibility. It is thicker than the Cito Fein. Its spoon shape allows it the hold more ink.
Extra Fine Point 66EF is super thin and flexible (might be too flexible honestly). Can hold a lot of ink for its size. It is rather delicate and hard to work with for a beginner. You can buy it along with an easier pen.
Medium Soft 511 and Hard 513 are pretty similar. 511 is a bit more flexible and scratchier. 513 works slightly better with textured paper like a hot press. These guys are super delicate.
Important note: These nibs and fhe 66EF are 3.5mm wide. The mapping/small size is 3.0mm. So depending on your holder these guys might not fit. I reccomend an universal insert but speedball's crow quill holder can hold these as well. I don't have access to any of the speedball products so I can't speak on them.
The Tube 515 is hard to find. It has a really small point, high flexibility and a good ink capacity. Not worth the hassle but still an option. It's mapping size.
Manuscript Nibs
The Manuscript Leonardt nibs can be quite good for drawing. Manuscript also has kits they sell if you want those. The kits have a few of these nibs and a nib holder.
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The Copperplate: Crown Nib (or the Leonardt 41 Hiro) is like the blue pumpkin nib but with thicker hairlines (hairline is the thinnest line the nib can produce reliably).
The Shorthand Nib (or the Leonardt 40) is blue pumpkin nib produced by Manuscript. It is the exact same as the Brause Steno but slightly less smooth. I have heard it has a shorter lifespan but I have not been able to confirm it. You can find this nib for a lot cheaper compared to the Brause Steno in some places.
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Manuscript also has drawing nibs. I haven't heard much about them. I can't reccomend them with the little knowledge I have. (Mapping ones are small sized, keed that in mind.)
Some Important Notes
These are the list of nibs that are similar to a G pen or a Brause Steno. The only one I haven't mentioned above is the Hunt 101 (Hunt 101 is a bit too flexible for drawing in my opinion.).
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Image from here.
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There is also different brands of G pen. Which one should you buy? Well, the general consensus is that Nikko G and Tachikawa G are the best ones. Zebra is fine, leonardt one is the worst one and not worth it. Mine is Tachikawa and it is pretty good but also is hard to start. I need to keep a seperate paper with me so I don't accidentally ruin my drawing. Tachikawa is also more expensive than the Nikko G (but it also writes better.). Just buy either one, it doesn't matter.
Image from here.
Nib Holders
Insert Size
Nibs come in two standard sizes. The Regular size and the small/mapping size. A good majority of nibs fit into one of these categories.
Holders for the Regular size are the most common. If the product doesn't say which size it is, you can assume it's this one.
Mapping pen holders are for small size nibs.
There are also holder with two sizes on them. They have two holes for both sizes. Tachikawa T40 Holder is the most popular.
Universal inserts can hold almost any nib. They have a hole with four pieces in them like teeth. Speedball makes one of these I think.
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If you are only looking to get one get the 2 insert one or the universal insert one. They aren't hard to find. I couldn't find any good priced holders so I got a super cheap Mont Marte set and used the holder from that. Even that holder had two inserts.
Straight vs Oblique
Oblique holders are for writing with an angle for right handed calligraphers. I can't see why an artist would use them. They are usually made for specific nibs, so they are less versatile.
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Image from here.
You won't have to worry much about the type of ink. The best ink for dip pens are Indian Inks (moreso known as Chinese Ink in most languages), Sumi Inks and Walnut Inks. Fountain pen inks naturally work well with dip pens.
Sumi is the cheapest because it's not waterproof. This might not be the case if you live in a place where sumi ink is exclusively imported.
Walnut ink is a lot less acidic compared to other inks listed. It's a good practice ink and it damages your nib less.
The brand of ink matters a lot more. Some inks might be toxic of prone to feathering so watch out for that. Drying time or the odor might be a consideration for you too. Popular inks on the market generally don't have these problems, but you can check just to make sure.
This part is really important. Like I said before, dip pens don't work with textured paper.
For finished artworks, bristol paper and Deleter Comic paper work best. Bristol is thick and smooth. Deleter comic paper is specifically made for dip pens and drawing.
As for sketching and practice, printer paper works pretty well. If it's smooth enough and can handle ink, it's good with dip pens.
Fountain pen paper, again, works well with dip pens.
Paper Gsm²
One more thing I want to mention is the gsm² of the paper. It means gram per square meter and refers to how thick the paper is. This doesn't matter as much as people say on the internet, but it is something to consider. If you don't want your inking to show through the paper you'll need 120+ gsm² minimum. If you don't care about bleeding anything over 60 gsm² will do. For reference, most printer paper is between 80-100 gsm².
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How to Prepare and Use Dip Pens
Dip pen nibs come with a coating of oil to avoid rusting. In order for the nib to work well, you will need to remove the coating. There are a lot of ways to do it. Dish soap, acetone, toothpaste, fire, boiling water, even patatoes and fucking spit. Just use dish soap. Clean it for a minute. You can keep the ends with oil. That part goes in the holder so it might be nice to keep it from rusting.
How to Use Dip Pens
Insert the nib into the nib holder. Don't push it too hard, you might not be able to get it out.
When dipping it in ink, make sure the ink cover its vent hole. But don't go above that. Remove the excess ink. It might spill and ruin your drawing.
Keep the vent hole facing up while drawing. Please. Try to use your pen gently.
When drawing, draw your lines towards yourself. Don't push. If you have to turn around your paper while drawing you're doing a good job. Drawing to the side is fine for thin lines but becomes and issue with thick ones.
Lines done with a dip pen take longer to dry compared to other art supplies. Be very careful about smudging your ink.
If your pen has trouble starting, get a piece of paper to start the ink flow.
Make damn sure the ink is dried up before erasing your sketch, thicker lines take a surprisingly long time to dry.
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Make sure to clean your nib after use. Keep it away from water.
And this is it! Enjoy your dip pen!
How long do nibs last?
Google might have told you 10-30 years or just a few weeks. Neither is correct. Only fountain pen nibs last years. Dip pen nibs are much more flexible and brittle. How much they last depends on how much you use it, how you clean it, what brand it is and what ink you use. They last around 3 months, if tou draw as much as the average artist does.
How many nibs do I need?
I reccomend 2 or 3. Only one will be just fine though.
What about glass dip pens?
They are not for style only, surprisingly. Their tip allows it to hold a lot more ink. They don't rust like metal nibs but they are also more brittle than them. Rusting wasn't a big issue for nibs since most don't last long enough to start rusting anyway. Lines from the glass pen also gets thinner as it runs out of ink, so the lines aren't consistent. They feel like a worse version of a fountain pen to me. The only advantage it has over fountain pens is that you can write with whatever color you want.
How do I know when to change my nib?
When it starts causing trouble for you. This is a bit vague so I'll give some examples:
Once the slit has opened up enough for you to see through it. You will not get the thin lines you want.
The two tines have split apart.
The tip is damaged.
The ink doesn't flow well anymore.
And this is all the information I have compiled about drawing with ink pens. I hope this was helpful.
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ratmoved · 1 year
what are those little guys you've been rebloging? the queer office supplies.
Oh my god this is literally my favorite ask ever. Okay, so theres like 4 main ones i reblog, they're called object shows, its a whole genre of media and i couldn't recommend it enough!!
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Battle for dream island was the first of its kind and kickstarted this lil genre, its really great and lighthearted while having some cool lore and stuff.
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Inanimate insanity i think is the 2nd most popular object show, following bfdi. It has much more lore i beleive, and is one of my personal favorites!
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Burner only has one episode, but it's super fucking silly and should 100% be checked out
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One is a really meaningful and completely different style of story, its dark but it's beautiful, and it has a really strong fanbase. 100/10 reccomend
There is a LOT of object shows, and i cant reccomend you give em a try. If u see smthn that isnt like, here, it probably is some object show ocs from mutuals, or a special object show that they r working on and u should 100% check out!
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trans-axolotl · 2 years
What things would you reccomend bringing with you to residential treatment?
It will vary slightly depending on the rules of the treatment center that you're going to, so defintely check that before packing. I'll share my fav things that I brought though!
A huge squishmellow to use as an extra pillow
Lots of comfy clothes, sweaters, sweatpants, fun socks
A couple books
I'm someone who loves art, so I brought many craft supplies like a paint by number set, diamond painting sets, origami paper, coloring books, markers, children's craft kits
journal and stickers!
a robe to wear in the morning during weights
slippers + flip flops for the shower
pictures of friends and good memories :)
It can be helpful to bring all the meds you're prescribed in case it takes their pharmacy a few days to process it so that you don't run out of anything
list of important phone numbers of friends, family, and any advocacy groups if you know that info.
hygeine supplies if you have specific scents or brands you want.
basically i'd just reccomend bringing comfy, familiar, fun things in and defintely things for spending freetime. check what isn't allowed (usually no sharps, drugs, food, stuff like that.)
hope this helps <3
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garyfischy · 1 year
regardless of what mediums you wanna use how you wanna draw ever heres what you need to do
-if youre a cartoonist be very specific with anatomy studies. if youre gonna stick to really stylized cartoony shit then keep anatomy studying to just basic forms, joints etc and focus on figure drawing. id reccomend 'figure drawing methods for artists' but for fucks sake just go on youtube, watch a couple videos they all say the same thing anyways. as long as you're not getting blatantly incorrect info from a guy that doesn't actually know how things work and cuts corners. it's better to sweat and bleed learning how to draw basic forms like the torso and pelvis than do what i did (go through as many shortcut pinterest guides as possible, develop a flawed and stiff understanding of anatomy, use it as a crutch) .
but yeah figure drawing is useful because learning how to set characters up in different poses and composition are useful. for every cartoonist!
-2... i ran out of points to make. Think about artists you like, you don't even have to make long rambly analyses , just jot down why you like their art and what appeals about them to you. anything from that vintage mustang poster you saw the other day, to a 'fine art' artist you'd see in a museum to your favorite blog
3: study practically.
read artbooks, look at tutorials online, watch youtube tutorials from a variety of sources: but remember, regular practice is the goal here. don't get too hooked on watching tutorials or studying and just go outside and draw a little. try and apply those skills bit by bit.
4 here are my (amateur guy that draws online and isn't going to art school)'s random advice bits
supplies i think are a godsend no matter what: one really good pencil. doesn't matter what kind it is. i got fancy ones but in all honesty light or dark you just need one that feels comfortable to write and draw with. practice those artist grips! consciously think about lines: do i want thick or thin lines? and what can I do to change it? Are my lines unsteady? and am I unhappy with that? sure, then try a different grip, or see if a thicker, more bulky pencil works! but hey, i'm just some guy on the internet telling you to do things.
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ironically, even as I wax poetic about how fun it is to collect wood/mechanical pencils, my favorite thing to draw with is a #2 pencil.
I could go on and on about art supplies and practical applications but all I can say is if you really like something, splurge on it and if you're not sure about it get cheap ones. It's not really about the subtle intricacies of each medium but if you even like it in the first place. Cheap vs expensive watercolors aren't gonna matter if you don't LIKE using watercolors.
..that being said I think color pencils are the exception to this as each brand varies in quality regardless of price.
here are some artbook reccomendations to finish off this jumbled, disjointed and haphazardly written post
-Sketching People by Lynne Chapman: I tend to lean towards the more practical when it comes to any advice. something that really boils down the way you do something and why to its core. This book is really good for that.
-Figure Drawing Methods for Artists by Peter Boerboom and Tim Proetel: it's a really fun exercise book.
-Space Drawing and Perspective by Superani: once again, practical, well translated , and really fun to do. Don't get superani's anatomy book though it's racist and pervy as fuck
-and so many more that I can't even list here. Just go to your local library and open up one of these babies, grab a sheet of paper, and just jot anything down that seems interesting to you. Capiche?
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bedlamgames · 2 years
No Haven 0.972
Highlights for this one includes new Assignments, a new Race, Weapons, Emissary rework, Destinctions, and more
Download links can be found on the No Haven page. 
If you don’t have RAGS and you need a copy to run it there’s one on the help page here or the one pinned on the patreon you can find a link to in the attached read me which is more up to date. If RAGS has never worked on your system despite the help page suggestions then it might be worth trying with one of the alternate players. There’s also improvements on there to the RAGS player that can also help with performance.
One thing I've noticed on the discord is that some people are using 3 and it's looking to me like less of a good idea than I might once have said for an incrasing number of reasons from usability to memory errors. If there's a red background when there's choices then regardless of what it says in the player (that's says what the game was made with, not what you're using) then I reccomend uninstalling the rags you're using and installing the version I've hosted on the link that can be found on the attached text file. There are more requirements than 3, but if you follow the guide there though then I'm sure that you won't have any problems.
0.97 to 0.972 Change logs under the break:
0.972 Change Log
-New Commissions: ---Changing Places. ---Decadence Like No Other. Old commission for this one is now used for Listening to Whispers which has had a rewrite to the intro and Success text to reflect the change in art from the former placeholder. Decadence has variants used for the intro, Female Gorgon Slaves, Futa Gorgon Slaves, Female Cityborn Slaves, and Futanari Cityborn. ---Supply Run and Sell Excess Supplies. Has three variants which will be chosen at random when you start the Assignment.
-Emissary Rework: ---You can now set a focus for your Emissary under General Orders. There's some new text when you assign one to notify that this is a thing you can do. This can be set to any of the Assignment types (yes even Crafting) and this can gain a variety of buffs, penalties, specific assignments of that chosen type, or improvements to rewards. ---The Emissary is now much more resilient with a variety of alternative bad things that can happen to them rather than just being removed or wounded. ---It's now possible for the Emissary to gain or lose a number of traits depending on the focus chosen. Though some of the better rewards like these do need the Emissary to have been on a number of trips before they are eligible to begin receiving them. ---Now how a slaver feels about Emissary work will also affect how good they are at the Scouting Assignments in the same way Guarding preferences works with Abandoned Watchtower.   ---The previously helpful traits of Cunning (Cun), Fleet (Flt), Flying (Fly), Seductive (Sed), Persuasive (Per), Tactful (Tac) now help more often and also now stack rather than just having one of them. Mind Reader (Min) has been added to those and work in the same way with the same larger bonus that Flying (Fly) has. Other traits now help too for the type of Assignment chosen to focus on. Specifically there are : Slaving=Trainer (Trn), Infiltration=Sneaky (Sne), Trading=Logical (Lgl), Diplomacy=Friendly (Fnd), Exploration=Tracker (Tra), Marauding=Leader (Lea), Corruption=Depraved (Usc+), Defending=Honourable (Hon), Scavenging=Perceptive (Pcp), Crafting=Creative (Cre)
-Miscellaneous additions: ---Rewrote and improved the intros to all five Scouting Assignments. ---As I changed the corruption wording to be updated on Examine a while back to be more generated on Examine there's no need like there used to be to have Males as gender neutral in case of some transformation so I've changed that to be more specific and fixed some grammar issues caused by those variables in the process. ---Various Harpy types have had their favoured Trait of Singer (Sin) replaced. Icewyld got Elementalist: Water (E:Wa), Kestrae got Magic: Nature (M:Na), and Tsumi got Magic: Illusion (M:Il). Icewyld also should have had Nethemir as a Favoured Race but on checking incorrectly had Elementalist: Air so that's now been fixed. ---Updated the starting Harpy Trait packages. Lyonixin are now far more likely to also have Aggressive (Agg) if a Slaver or Defiant (Def) as a Slave, with a small chance for Slavers to have Onslaught (Agg+). Tsumi have lost Singer (Sin) entirely, and now are more likely to have Herbalism (Hrb), Loner (Lon), or Magic: Illusion (M:Il). Kestrae and Icewyld now have their own specific starting trait packages rather than sharing the Carrakar one and then just adding Agile (Agi) or Resilient (Res). ---Updated the starting Drider Trait packages to the proper full varied set most races get compared to the three options they used to come with. ---Changed the Harpy lore page to remove the comment about extra limbs which is no longer a thing for either NH Harpies or NH lamia. ---Updated the Neko racial to give them a Success bonus on Gloryhole Box, Saving Glory, and A Taste of Glory. ---There's now a variable cooldown between Forced Encounters with about ten days as the average but depends on the roll can be shorter or longer. The cooldown result is then reduced by three days on Hardcore Difficulty. ---Added an alternate oath during dialogue for Night Goblins and Drow to represent their totally not the same entity racial Goddess. ---The auction official who had such a grudge at their opposing number at the arena has mysteriously disappeared, and as such the penalty for selling an arena prize has been reduced from -300 to -100. While it has no gameplay effect it should be noted that the arena official in question now has a much better morale at work which could be put down to their new slave who they've been bringing in to keep under their desk. ---The addition to the examine gained from Basic Lesbian Training now has an Assignment bonus which is the same as having an Established Lesbian Mantra (does not stack if they have both). Now also has a Value Estimate bonus (does stack if also has a Fully Embedded Lesbian Mantra).
-New Content Improvements and fixes ---Many, many, many fixes for the Arrogance Storyline starting with the cock length that had been breaking things. Also a heavy amount of re-writing, and way, way more entirely new writing. A lot more depth and variation compared to the first attempt that was locked off by the cock length bug so probably a good thing you're seeing this version instead. This can result in a new Enchanted Item, and the potential Encampment Upgrades you can get are more potent and interesting, Some of the new text is based on your chosen race including an ending outcome that you can only get as a Lizardman. Had missed the asked for new planning out assignments text and bonus so that's also now in there and can change based on how things work out.
-Bug fixes: ---Fix for an issue where Common Deep Mountains Assignments other than Hold Back the Dark weren't being generated. ---Fix for losing a Spiritual Leader potentially removing the tracking of your Emissary instead. ---Fix for an issue where along with getting the eight day version of Pillow Talk as a reward you'd also get the Cathayan Caravan. That also blocked getting that Cathayan Caravan as a reward. ---Fix for the hidden wings corruption also giving you butt wings. ---Fix for being able to get Mind Reader (Min) on the player character with corruption. ---Fix for an issue where trying to cancel any of the Opportunity type assignments including Green Wooden Door could break the game. ---Fix for Gorgons not having a base race estimate value. ---Fix for the oversight with the new fae player character being able to go on Corner of your Own as the whore and getting removed for good on a Disaster. I've also now updated the Success, Fail, and Disaster text to better reflect the change in who is in charge. I've also added a couple of extra paragraphs to flesh out the regular Fail result. ---Fix for being able to buy slaver upgrades for yourself while you're not in the encampment. ---Fix for a whole load of issues that had been affecting Bed Warmers including other slavers using them. ---Fix for the Unique Aspect - Not So Unbreakable not working when being used for the bonus to coming along on Assignments. ---Fix for mercenaries not having weapon descriptions. ---Fix for some issues with the rewards on the last part of Temple Takeover.
0.971 Change Log
-Slaving Distinctions: ---To encourage more engagement with some of the mechanics now selling a a slave with one of the Tertiary Trainings via Opportunities, the Auction, and from certain Assignments where the gold you receive is based on the Slave's Estimated Value will earn a Slaving Distinction. ---Spending one of these will result in the next Assignment having a roll of 1% which likely will guarantee a Critical Success. ---There are limits on when these can be earned, when they can be spent, and how many can be earned which are covered in greater depth ingame. ---These can be found on the player as a new option like if you wanted to Examine yourself or do a Personal Assignment.   ---As part of this you can now earn progress towards the Seller of Quality Special Encampment Upgrade from selling in the same place as earning Distinctions so that's now not Auctions only. This includes Tribute of the Lost where you earn Favour instead of Gold.
-New Commissions: ---Coastal Corsairs now with two parts. First part is also used for the Human Northerner Male Slave Examine and second part is also used for the Human Northerner Female Slave Examine. The first part will also be used as the Examine for Dark Elf Female Slavers with Black hair. Other colours will use the existing one. ---Dance the Night Away. Has a maskless version used for the Critical Success and the non Fel Tainted Slave Examine to replace the old cropped one. ---Savage Orc Portrait. Replaces the placeholder Far Ranger portrait with the new Far Hunta keeping her former traits and updated her description to match the new commissioned art. Has variants which replace the Orc Succubus and Orc Demi-Angel Portraits. They've also had their descriptions updated too.
-Miscellaneous additions: ---New playable Unique Fae start. Has a new Aspect which will increase the chance of Forced Encounters and allows them to go on A Corner of Your Very Own in the Slave position which has an alternate Critical Success instead of the normal one with some different text. ---New Super Negative: Meeting of the Miraculous (TF Edition only). Allows a full encampment with a choice of some of the rarest races such as Demi-Angels or Draki at the cost of increased Disaster chance on all Assignments outside of the Encampment. ---It's now possible to obtain a Unique Slave with a new Aspect from To Hunt a Paladin if you go on it and meet the requirements to be able to get her by having enough Rank Ups in one of two Assignment types. Uses the part 2 commission for To Hunt a Paladin for her Examine, normally but this will change if you give her Favoured Pet training. The unique human noble you can find on Centre of Attention will now work the same way with her Examine being updated if she gets the Favoured Pet training. ---Deleted a loop when crafting which checked every entity to see if they were wearing an outfit that wasn't needed anymore. Given this could fire many, many times for each crafting I've decided to see what happens by just removing it. Should make crafting a lot faster than it was. ---Enchantments on a Epic or Quality item now increase the chance of a Critical Success on top of the usual bonus. ---As I don't think anyone has ever been on a Deeper Foray you now only need to have succeeded at A Brief Foray twice to unlock that Assignment rather than having to do it three times. The new Rare Assignment that is also connected to A Brief Foray will also be unlocked to be able to be found when that has been done. ---Dark Elves are much more likely to have black hair than before. Akir, Kreen, and Cathayan have also increased their chances of that with only a rare chance to go blonde instead. ---Expanded several of the possible results on Marshlands Survival. ---Expanded the You going Success result text on A Taste For Glory. ---Expanded the Critical Success results for Heal Slut Training. ---Expanded the You going Fail result on Deluge of Oozes if you end up wearing what's on offer. ---Expanded the Human Wastelander lore page. ---If Shadriel happens to be wearing a maid outfit it will now be shown in her examine. ---On a Critical Success or Success whoever ends up not being the one in charge  for House Sitting will either go from Dominant to Switch, or will gain Submissive if they don't already have it. I've also added some extra text if that slaver happens to be a certain draenei wright with an extended version for the Critical Success. ---To address the logic issue with the Fail on Pillow Talk I've extended the text for both you and for sending a slaver to explain what happened after being turned away. ---Added an extra line to the Fail on Bred to be Broken to make it clearer what's going on. ---Added an alternate version of the Basic Blowjob Critical and Success result text if you or the slaver doing it is Female. ---Added a Submissive version of the Dance the Night Away Success result if you go yourself that increases the amount of gold you earn. I've also made the none Submissive version of that result for you less subby than it previously was. ---Tidied up some of the wordings on the Ooze lore page and added an extra pause to break it up more so it's less of a wall of text. ---Rhys Ashenscale now has a specific weapon.
-New Content Improvements and fixes ---The new special Assignment with a findable Unique which continues one of the Marshlands storylines should now be in fully working order. Greatly expanded the existing text, added a lengthy amount of alternate text on the Failure and Disaster for Submissive players, and added a Lore Page for the Unique. ---The new Rare Deep Mountains Assignment as another branch off from the Foray storyline should now be in fully working order. The special items you can get from this one are now far more detailed in terms of their description, changed a bunch of the mechanics, and generally all eight  should be a lot more impressive. If you've already got the item the clothing or armour you get instead will now have the resilience and strength enchantments on the find something for a leader goal, and a seduction enchantment on the find something for a pet. Rewrote the results text, and now there's a bunch more variety of what races turn up to get involved. ---The Arrogance Storyline should now start correctly with some additional text in the Sable Masquerade result to serve as a better lead in. ---Fix for you not being able to go on Spear Fishing.
-Other Bug fixes: ---Fix for one slave having the estimated value of another. ---Fix for being able to learn Sneaky from Marshlands Corruption if the trainee is glowing from the  luminescence Corruption. ---Fix for Burning Passions having the unable to take a slave messages despite being able to go on that slave when full or having the conflicting order. It was at the end of the assignment so wasn't actually preventing going on it, but the messages still shouldn't have been there. ---Fix for the Girlier modifier not being applied to crafted items if they're specifically not going to be a form of restraints or if they specifically are going to be a form of restraints. ---Fix for Temple Takeover not having the Disaster modifier on the risk check for that result. ---Fix for you being able to go on House Sitting. ---Fix for opportunities where they want a Human Commoner but Humans are a deal breaker. ---Fix for the convent gained from the third part of the Temple storyline not also being a lamia to match the commission for it if you do send Alrissa Cynnesh in the first position. The lamia convent you get will also now always have Hypnotic. ---Fix for incorrectly having Shun the Other or Harmony if you picked the other one or you picked Outcast as part of Quick Start with Extra Options. ---Fix for Sworn Duty being an Exceptional on Road 'Tax' Collecting but it was only being counted for the Suggestions and not the actual Assignment result. ---Fix for the starts with a specific set clothing as standard not getting to have a new outfit if the aspects Pretty Maid or Exhibitionist are taken (TF Edition only). The new Fae start has an exception for Exhibitionist as she gets that as part of her Aspect and so her specific outfit is already appropriate. She will however get a new one if you do customise her with Pretty Maid. ---Fix for some name variable errors when selling a slave via dilemma. ---Fix for assignments that can increase cum addiction were incorrectly overwriting other assignment text. That will also sort if you go on those results starting with:  'you - You...' ---Fix for one of the being bent over text variables having a consistently missing leading space. ---Fix for the broken formatting on the Icebreaker Assignment traits. ---Fix for the broken formatting on the lore discussion about orc ears. ---Fix for that if suggestions are turned off then if you're away and a slave recapture happens the suggestions from that would not be cleared and then turn up on the next assignment. ---Fix for several potential issues that could be caused by cancelling one of the Fulfil Opportunity Assignments. ---Fix for not getting anything for Heal Slut being asked for and provided for on the Fulfil Opportunity Assignments. Also now if Advanced Obedience Training is requested, Heal Slut Training will count, and will be worth more for having it. ---Fix for the Great Plains Dilemma Lead claiming it costs 50g if it should cost 25g. ---Fix for Crafter: Metal (C:Me) not being checked correctly as an Assignment Trait. ---Fix for Connected (Con) not being a positive on Back Alley Abduction despite being listed in the positive Traits. ---Fix for the Wood Elf check not working on Both Alike in Afamy. ---Fix for you doing healing missing some text set by a variable that should have been there. ---Fix for not getting the gold on the Fail of Burning Passions. ---Fix for an issue where completing a training of Neko, Anal, or Favoured and one of the others had been done it would assume another other one had also been done and would incorrectly add that training to the target. ---Fix for Aesandril's race sometimes being incorrect. ---Fix for Nora having her correct commissions shown and instead having the default Human Noble Examine. ---Fix for Visit the Aversol Markets not checking any of the listed traits correctly. ---Fix for Taggerfolk being able to get eye colour changes from the Stylist. ---Fix for a Switch or Obedient Slaver gaining Submissive from the Critical Success while overseeing Advanced Dominance Training. ---Fix for an issue with the slavers that can be trained as slaves in Alice, Bles, and Alyanara where the chack to see if they were still a slaver or not could get confused as create a ghost version. ---Fix for Centaur Demi-Angels having a mount to ride around on when they are already their own mount. ---Fix for accompanying Bed Warmers not getting any benefits from their Training. ---Fix for Maid Training not being added correctly to accompanying Slaves. ---Fix for supply routes and favour tributes being multiplied incorrectly and so the resources can be gained excessively for what should be normally the one return. ---And finally a whole bunch of various text fixes.
0.97 Change Log
-New Assignments: ---A new Uncommon City of Aversol Assignment and a new Training path in Neko Training. Linked these as the before and after commission is for the one and then the other. The Training can provide a crafter outfit like Ponygirl Training, and is available after Advanced Obedience Training. Neko Training is boosted (and has a chance to embed) the Bimbo Mantra. ---A new Training path about making them better at the Bedwarmer and Head Slave roles. Has a commission that was generously funded by a patron. This Training requires Bottom Bitch, Heal Slut, or Fellatrix Training, and will also be an option after other Tertiary Trainings when they are added. Boosted by the Obedience Mantra. From the Disaster on this one and also from regular over use of a slave there's now a new result where the slave can now no longer take this Training, can not be assigned to most encampment roles, takes a small reduction to their Value, but it does also increase the power of the Submissive/Obedient Trait. ---A new Uncommon Great Plains Assignment based on scavenging an abandoned mine and the various things that might be found in such a place. Uses a previously included as an Examine commission. ---A new Uncommon Great Plains Assignment based on the new race detailed below. Has some increased rewards if you send someone with Bimbo or Sex Addict or you go yourself as Submissive. ---A new Rare Deep Mountains Assignment as another branch off from the Foray storyline. Uses a previously included as an Examine commission though this Assignment uses the full piece. ---A new special Assignment with a findable Unique which continues one of the Marshlands storylines. Has a commission for it generously provided by a patron. ---A new Super Rare Deep Mountains Assignment that results from a new storyline that touches on three other Deep Mountains Assignments including one that needs to go very badly to be able to progress on this one. Can result in a new findable Unique with a very complex new Aspect.
-New Commissions: ---Dwarfs. Used for a Feminine Male, Female, Succubus, and Demi-Angel starting portrait. Will also be used as Examines. Replaces the previous Male Tunnel-Runner, Female/Futa Dwarven Nobility, Demi-Angel, Fallen, and Succubus Dwarfs with new descriptions. ---The Unlockable Location. This will replace all the existing placeholder art used at that location barring the Arena which already has a commission, and the current placeholders for two of the characters you meet there when you first unlock the area. ---Mistress of Torments. Also used for Succubi with Neko heritage, and a new corruption.
-Taggerfolk: ---New race of Beastkin, available as all possible genders. Can be played (with Fav/Unf specific to them), can be slavers, and can also be slaves. ---Has their own commission with different variations for gender and also uses the Decadence Like No Other one with variations for slaves. ---For other portraits the Decadence version with Bangs was used for the Transformed Slaver start, and the version without bangs is used for the Promoted Slaver start (TF Edition only) ---Has a new racial for them. ---Has a recruitable Unique using a crop of the main examine. Also comes with a new Sea Elf male start who brings her along when not put through Full Custom. ---Uses the Horned One name generator, but all of the time, unlike Horned Ones who have a low chance to have regular human names. Due to these I've more than doubled the current name variation for Horned Ones including some surnames specific to Taggerfolk.
-The Arrogance Storyline: ---This is getting continued not by new Assignments but by special events that can take place at Finish Day when you have the required Uniques present in the Encampment. ---This has various options, and is based on various factors, so that you have some control over how the various events play out, can change the two Uniques in various ways, and how about another various cause why not.
-Weapons: ---Now slavers you start with and recruit come with a description of what they use when they go off on Marauding and the other more combat focused Assignments. ---These are for description and extra characterization rather than having mechanical effect. They however can change based on mechanical changes. Notably some of the buyable slaver upgrades. ---These are based on their race, traits, corruption, and height. Does more to explore the character of several races via the various implements that they like to carry around when they go out to kick some bottom. ---Many of the Recruitable and Findable Slaver Uniques have a specific weapon rather than rolling a generic one. If you have had a non-player Unique and you want a different weapon description then please let me know.
-Miscellaneous additions: ---The town robbery will now cap out at 100g loss if you have more than that with some new text to reflect that. So no more comely lasses suddenly finding they can now go out and buy their own personal slave princess any more. ---To reflect the new art dwarfs can now have pale-white skin and will be more much likely to do so. If they do they will also likely now have red eyes. ---Changed the Sea Elf dialogue colour mainly as I wanted them to use the same one as Taggerfolk and a shade of blue for them is certainly better than the maroon they had before. ---Redid a ton of code that's used on every Assignment that covers levelling up, a bunch of bonuses from Aspects like Green Soul, the Fae Racial, other random things like the Size Queen'd increase or some of the Events, and the extra bonus text and rewards from Conjured Companion, Slave Driver and Strict Supervision. Basically I'd say I've taken about 5/6 of what was there before so that should be both better, quicker, and more efficient. ---I'm not sure if this is a fix or not so it's listed here. Some assignments like Hold Back the Dark on certain results have extra morale hits that were possibly sometimes being blocked by a check that I'm pretty sure was incorrect so I've made them now automatically apply. ---Added some extra trait description for Fiendish as a separate sentence after their other traits. ---Two new corruptions in hidden bat-like wings (also comes with an Enlarged version), and saurian talons which will display the new Mistress-of-Torments commission when gained via ritual in the Encampment.   ---Sadistic and Fiendish slavers will always be Brutal in training automatically with some new text to reflect that. ---Added a title in bold for the letter from the Ensnared Rose to make it much harder to miss the day it comes out. ---If someone with Impure Origin does end up with Fel Tainted that racial won't be listed on their Examine.
-Bug fixes: ---Fix for the Unique with Flesh Artisan not getting that correctly on their description. ---Fix for Horned Ones who are generated randomly having smaller cocks than those that are found specifically. ---Fix for the Green Wooden Door rarity being a bit too high on the Great Plains compared to the ones in the other regions. ---Fix for Acceptable Quality Slave being a positive not working correctly. ---Fix for Alyanara d'Vyr missing her Aspect in her short traits. ---Fix for the Bonus Gold from Seven Veils which was only half of what it should have been. ---Fix for being able to take Shadowplay with a Fel Tainting of (5) as it was still using the old forehead branding blocking. ---Fix for the orc from Maid to Serve being listed as having previously been through Advanced Dominance Training if you take them on as a slaver. ---Fix for gorgons getting the slaver title of chosen if they don't have the corrupted armour to go with it.
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nedsseveredhead · 1 year
It’s 2:30am and I just saw your slumber party post and as it’s 2am I’m full of slumber party thoughts… Isn’t it cool how the media we love become time capsules of who we once were? I’ve been re-experiencing a lot of formative childhood media this last year and it’s kind of astounding how easily it allows me to connect to the exact emotion I was feeling the first time I experienced it. Like, I’m not 11 anymore, I don’t really relate to anything Nico di Angelo is going through at this point in my life, but rereading PJATO last year I felt every moment like that 11y/o did. I started going through the Kingdom Hearts games for the first time since, like, 2012, but even after having re-picked it up as a teenager when I was collecting supplies for the raft on Destiny Island I could remember being 6y/o and having my oldest brother ask if I wanted to help and hand my the controller. When I collected the log I’d found back then I felt that same ecstatic joy I’d felt being given the controls to a video game for the first time and feeling like I’d achieved something useful for my teen older brother who rarely had time for me. We are always every age that we have ever been and every feeling that has ever existed inside of us we are time capsules of ourselves and we will only ever grow and the next time I re-experience the media I’ve re-experienced recently I’ll re-experience those moments again but also the experience I’m living with them now. Time travel is real, it happens within us, and it is accessible so readily through the arts we have cherished.
^^^^^^^ Love this sentiment so much. Honestly I highly reccomend going back to old media you used to love. Even if it doesnt hold up, sometimes its just fun!
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What are the main tourist spots in Rosedale? What would you reccomend to a tourist coming from Bellhollow to do at Rosedale?
ʷᵃⁱᵗ ᵃ ᵐⁱⁿᵘᵗᵉ ʰᵒˡᵈ ᵘᵖ
Besides the m a n y… m a n y gothic and baroque cathedrals littered about the country, there are also ruins of old temples of gods that were worshipped millions of years ago. Most of the temples are found in the capital (Acanthus) on mountains that have designated pathways and roads to get there. You are allowed to enter the temples and look around, though you are forbidden from touching the statues. The current temples that are available to the public are the ones dedicated to Sansone (god of sun) and his uncle Horatio (god of time). There are ruins you can explore like the Arena of Malkhiel and an old remains of a city located in an island near the coast of Rosedale.
There are other places in the capital like interactive museums, art bars (a place where you can eat/drink and learn how to paint or draw), one of the many huge art supply stores and more! A lot of 3D art is displayed in the city, so you're always bound to find something selfie worthy just around the corner.
In the countryside, in rural cities such as Delphinium, you can always go for camping in the luscious forests, go horseback riding through said forest, or visit one of the many local greenhouses or farms. You can try your hand at gardening, and you can buy from the greenhouses and local farmer's market for produce or a plant you want to take home with you. It's more peaceful in the countryside, cottagecore esque, so you can take an inn and stay for a few days and enjoy the scenery and quiet of it all.
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Heyyyyy Riverrrrrrr
I'm sad.
So mini rant ig???
Cool? Cool.
So like my total bff since like the fifth grade, right? She just got pissed at me. Like, we're talking 10000%, full blown rage fest on me, because apparently I wasn't talking to her enough? And yeah, maybe I wasn't spending a ton of time with her, but she also wasn't talking to me at all either. Plus, it was out of no where, and she just got pissed.
So anywayyy she told me she didn't want to be friends and that I was a "toxic friend because I didn't help her with her problems," but. Um. She didn't tell me her problems, and I was always trying to be kind. Apparently I just . . . wasn't good enough.
She also said she didn't like my personality because it was too . . . soft? She was like "you're just a soft girl that likes to read and do art and scrolls through Pinterest and we just don't mesh "
And I was like ????? What???? Like me being gentle and kind and not mean and not a jerk is a bad thing?
Idk but she basically hates me now, so that's fun, and apparently I have a bad personality.
darling anon i am so sorry
that is so rough
like idk what else to say
im so sorry <3
I've been through similar things, and I know how all that stuff feels.
First of all. Sometimes you're not going to be enough for people. Sometimes people suck like that. You do not have to be enough for everyone. You're not going to be good enough, smart enough, funny enough. But to the right people, that won't matter. Because they'll like you for you. Not because you give them something like advice or let them use your art supplies or something. But because they love you. Love doesn't mean that someone's good enough. It means looking someone in the eyes and saying "I see where you're broken, I see where you're imperfect. And I want what's best for you anyway."
Secondly, none of this is your fault. One of the few best memories I have of one of my old friends is his text message of "Be yourself. No matter what. And if they don't like you then screw 'em." I kept that phrase on my wall for years, because it just filled something in my chest. If you're the soft, readerly, kind hearted girl that other people who don't like soft, readerly, kind hearted girls don't want to be around, I'd say that's a good kind of person to be.
Thirdly. Fuck her and her ideas of who you are <3 You cannot be reduced to one idea. You're a whole and complete person. And you've got dark and light, bad and good, all in you. You're not one simple caricature of something, drawn by her hand. You're not as simple as she wants you to be. Your personality isn't bad. You are yours. If you don't like something about yourself, change it. If you're content, stay content, and slowly work on making yourself a little bit better(because there's always better to strive for). Just. Be content with yourself because clearly your friend had absolutely no idea who you were, if she could reduce you to such a picturesque image of an artsy pinterest reader girl so easily.
Fourthly, this stuff hurts more than breakups. Because friends are supposed to be on your side, longer and harder and stronger. Friends don't have fluffy big emotions. It's all supposed to be easy, strong, and good with friends. They're your back up plan, your personal support team. They're who you call to spend time with for fun, for parties, for birthdays. Believe me, I know how it hurts. I think one of the worst days of my life I spent crying my eyes out in my mother's arms, because my friends had decided that I didn't matter to them anymore, and that they didn't care. So, beloved, grab a thing of ice cream. Grab a sad spotify playlist(may I reccomend mine? it's personally curated and amassed from sad friendship songs/breakup songs that work anyway) and feel some stuff. Because this hurts. This hurts a lot. It always does.
Fifth, if she hates you, let her. Don't bother picking it back up. She seems toxic af, and you deserve better friends. As someone who had toxic friends, it's not worth it. They tire you out, wear you down. They make you exhausted and sad. Leave it be. Don't start anything up until she reaches out again. It's just... it's not worth it. You will find better people. Better friends. Stronger friends. They're all out there waiting for you. Let this moment pass you by. Let her go, as much as it hurts. I lost by best friend of 10 years in a fight that took fifteen minutes. Never spoke to her again. But I'm so much better off without her. And my new best friend? By all the stars in the world, she'd never put me through what my old friend did. Let your friend go. It's going to be okay. I promise you.
I'm so sorry you have to go through this kind of thing. It's rough. I'm so sorry. It will get better. But, in the words of Fall Out Boy, "Sometimes before it gets better, the darkness gets bigger, the person you'd take a bullet for is the one behind the trigger."
So just.
Feel something tonight.
Drown in it for a bit, if you need to. But be sure to sit up. The water is only knee deep. If you sit up, you'll be able to breathe okay again. I promise.
Love you, anon.
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desperatecheesecubes · 4 months
Now that it’s February 1st here’s my reading wrap up for January!
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First up is volume 1 of Hiraeth. The End Of The Journey which I finished on January 7th, and I rated it three stars.
The art in this is phenomenal and I can already it’s going to emotionally devastate me. Like most manga I gave it 3 stars, it’s a slice of the story but not the entirety of it. I don’t know if that makes sense haha but it’s my system! Single issue comics and collecteds rarely crack four stars for the same reason for me. If it’s a whole encased story it’s much more likely to score highly with me.
Read time: January 6-7th
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Next up was volume 10 of My Dress Up Darling, which I finished on January 8th, and I rated it 3 stars.
This volume was so fun. When Wakana had to stay the night and Marin spent the entire time thinking they were going to have sex for the first time felt really organic. That’s just what being a teen is like lmfao.
Read time: January 7-8th
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After that was volume one of Dungeon Meshi, which I finished on January 10th, and rated 3 stars.
My beloved mutual @arataka-reigen has been recommending this manga for some time and I finally got around to it now that the anime is airing and I have zero regrets! It’s absolutely as funny as everyone has suggested. The way Senshi is drawn always gets me cackling. He’s just vaguely bemused the whole time lmfaoo.
Read Time: 8-10 January
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After that I finally finished a book! Well. A play. Savage Conversations by Leanne Howe, which I also gave 3 stars.
This had a whole lot to say, and I’m not entirely sure all of it hit for me? I know what it was going for and respect it, the Rope character just wasn’t my cup of tea (which is notably not the point with a work like this.) I really enjoyed the exploration that Mary Lincoln’s hallucinations towards the end of her life were driven by guilt and the vengeful Dakota spirits that her husband ordered executed. I certainly walked away reconsidering history and the way society chooses to tell the stories of those we idolize.
Read Time: 11-12 January
This is also where I lost my 134 day reading streak on Kindle and I’m very upset about it 😂 At least my 288 week streak is still going strong 😤
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After that I really felt I needed to read something lighter so I put real effort into finishing The Toaster Project: Or A Heroic Attempt To Build A Simple Electric Appliance From Scratch, which I did on January 20th, with a rating of four stars.
I loved this book. I am going to reccomend it to many of my coworkers and friends. The writing is simple and easy to follow and often very funny. I learned a lot about supply chains, material sourcing, and the processes humanity used to refine material into useable objects. This book does an excellent job at asking heavy questions without you noticing the weight, at slowly building up to a point so obvious it seems as though it was a mountain the entire time. What is ethical consumption? What is ethical CREATION? What is a commodity versus a luxury versus a necessity? How did the things on our shelves get there, where will they go after, and how many of them do we need to even have made in the first place? All in all an excellent read.
Read Time: 14-21 January
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After that, still feeling myself in a bit of a rut and not wanting to put much effort into my more emotionally taxing reads I read volume 1 of Bocchi The Rock! Which I finished on January 22nd and rated 3 stars.
My supervisor was a big fan of the anime when it started airing and strongly encouraged me to watch it, saying Bocchi reminded him of me. And that son of a bitch was right. She just like me for real. (Except I’m not nearly as good on violin as she is on the guitar.) I will say though that the kindle edition is formatted poorly for a phone reading set up. Reading this physically or on a larger screen makes it infinitely more readable in its 4-Koma style.
Read Time: January 20-22nd
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The next book I finished was Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt, which I finished on January 27th and rated 4.5 stars.
This was a lovely, emotional tale. I really enjoyed following Tova’s exploration of loss and grief and grappling with the knowledge that the end of her life is approaching. Stories with emotional weight are my favorite, and I love exploring complex feelings and relationships. This gave me just about everything I could have wanted from it. Reading the blurb made me think Tova’s son was going to actually have been alive the whole time but then about 20 pages in or so Marcellus tells us he came across her sons body and it was so emotionally devastating to me hahaha. And Marcellus’ last scene? I wanted to cry.
Read Time: January 13-28th
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Then was the winner of the ‘what do I read next’ poll I had was After The Dragons by Cynthia Zhang which I rated 3 stars.
The title is a bit of a lie considering absolutely none of this takes place after dragons. Dragons are there the whole time. I was expecting for them to like… go away or disappear or be lost or something but no. They’re there the whole time. All in all it was a sweet queer romance about respecting boundaries and help. But… I would have liked it more if it really took place after the dragons…. So really I expected something completely different than the novel had based on the title and I want to read the idea I made up lol
Read time: 22-29 January
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The Island of Sea Women by Lisa See got me hooked after that, finishing it on January 30th with a perfect 5 star rating.
Oh my god. Lisa See is so so SO brilliant at conveying deep, complex, often overwhelming emotions. The way she writes characters is so beautifully fleshed put, and the relationships with each other live in your soul. I read Lady Tans Circle of Women last year and also rated it 5 stars so it’s safe to say Lisa See is becoming a favorite of mine. This book was an absolutely brutal, raw, honest and devastating look at the history of Jeju island told through one woman’s life. If you can handle hard historical novels I do highly recommend this.
Read Time: 1-30 January
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Wanting to get just one more read in before the end of the month I finally picked up the most recent of Seanan McGuire’s Wayward Children novella- Mislaid in Parts Half Known which I finished on January 30th and rated 4 stars.
I have a lot of love for this series, and I reccomend it frequently. Seanan McGuire is another author that is deeply deeply empathetic and it shows in her writing. The cast in this series is extremely diverse, and their motivations and actions are complex even with such a short time to express them. This entry was fun, Sumi was a particular highlight for me, and I’m very eager to pick up the next one. If I recall correctly it was her last planned novella? I wouldn’t mind if she kept going but if it’s the culmination I will be ready. My plan as it stands now is to reread the entire series next January haha.
Reading Time: 30 January
Tumblr won’t let me put more pictures into this post but after this I realized that there are in fact 31 days in January so I knocked out volumes 2 and 3 of Dungeon Meshi as well, reading both on the 31st and eating them 3 stars.
All in all in January I read
1 play
1 nonfiction
2 novels
2 novellas
6 manga
Bringing me to 12 titles read so far in 2024. According to my overall goal of 450 I am behind by 26 haha. I didn’t read any comics at all this month, so once I get to catching up on those I’m sure I’ll make a dent in my deficit.
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bad-ads · 7 months
does anyone here on tumblr do specifically old comic book style art? im trying to find a present for my dad for christmas. he loves soing comic book style art but i havent seen him really use his sketchbook since i was like 5, just like random sheets of paper. im graduating hs this year and im hoping that with all his kids graduated he’ll be able to spend more time on art, so what kind of art supplies would yall reccomend for someone doing comic book art?
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in an effort to distract myself from what a fuck up asshole I am sometimes I am going to treat my Tumblr like its livejournal 2004
Alex reccomended I look at the municipalities arts initiative listings 3 fridays ago, there was one that was like juat over minimum wage and had requirements i didnt think I could meet, and then one for the pitch a program initiative 25$ an hour the hours were low for one program but it would equal what i was making. i send in my resume with my freelancing added.
2hrs later I'm setting up an interview.
i spent all of this week approaching this the same way i pitched concepts when I worked on the game, and then putting that into a formal pitch format. I made a lesson plan overview and samples for most of the lessons, I had market research bc I am the person people come to when someone is looking for somewhere to learn crochet and I know that its popular on social media rn, I did a supply list with a cost analysis.
i showed up in a cardigan i made, to interview with people who see me actively volunteering at the rink every friday, i had a refrence in the office. they basically had no questions beyond would i travel within the county and what kind of space did i need. the head of parks and rec said i did all his leg work for him. I clarified that I could also prepare lesson plans/teach budget costuming classes, crochet pattern design, drop in crochet classes, and illustration techniques and supplies.
i was clear that everything i do is flexible and adaptive to multiple age and skill ranges and I let them know if they wanted to stream classes I have the equipment and would just need a space with a reliable connection. i could run multiple classes and locations a day.
they told me theyd get back to me in January if they're interested
they emailed me yesterday to let me know we'll work out the details in january
0 notes
cricketdrawings · 2 years
Traditional art supplies I like: ✨Cheap Edition✨
I noticed my last post had a lot of more expensive materials, which are great if you save up or are able to get them more easily, but I figured I’d make another post about more affordable materials for my friends out there who don’t have access to an employee discount at a craft store like I do, or family members who like to give gift cards and such!
1. I mentioned this in my last post, but ballpoint pens will never fail you. I recommend BIC if at all possible. You can get a pack of 60 in red, blue, and black for around 6 bucks, as well as just a 60 pack of one of those colors for the same price. You can get some really nice shading out of these, surprisingly, and a pack that big will last you years!
2. Paper mate flair felt tip pens. I used to love these growing up!! They still hold up pretty well, and have the same basic effect as, say, a tombow brush pen, which is my favorite. A pack of 3 in black is around $3-4, which is half the price for a pack of tombows! You can also get them in a lot of different colors. A 12 pack in rainbow is about 12 bucks. If a dollar per pen seems a little much, trust me- if you’re able at all to save up for these guys, they’ll last forever and won’t let you down!
3. I also mentioned pentel sign pens in my last post, and they are just slightly more expensive than the paper mate flair. You can get a box of 12 for $14, which is still more on the expensive side, but if you’re able to then these guys are really fun to use and really reliable!
1. In the school supply section of walmart, you can get a pack of generic HB pencils. They usually have either stars, pastel or neon colors, or are holographic on the barrel. Especially in the back to school season, go and get you a pack of these; any sharpener will do. They are surprisingly soft and lay down pretty dark! I get a pack every year and they never fail me. A pack of 20 is only a couple dollars. (Dixon and ticonderoga I do NOT recommend. Ticonderoga has great colored pencils, but their regular pencils are WACK. They’re way too hard so their lines are way too weak for my taste. As for dixon, they don’t erase cleanly, and splinter when they sharpen. No bueno.)
2. BIC mechanical pencils. These are probably the best mechanical pencils on the cheaper side. They write nice and dark, and you can get a pack of 40 for about 8 bucks, which will last you literally years!! Just like their ballpoint pens! If you really want a good cheap sketching set, I’d get a pack of their ballpoint pens and pencils. Basic as basic gets, but it’ll get you far.
3. For colored pencils: I swear, you can never go wrong with crayola. They’re not the softest or most pigmented, but when you’re balling on a budget they’re perfectly fine! I also love crayola crayons. They are my #1 most favorite affordable art material!
1. Back to crayola: crayola super tips markers. These are PERFECT for sketching. You can layer the colors pretty nicely with these, and they start out nice and transparent, almost like watercolor. With the shape of the nib, which is almost cone shaped, you can get some pretty nice line variation! I recommend a pack of 50, which is around 7 bucks, and if you’re feeling really fancy, a pack of 100 is about 14 bucks.
2. Artist’s loft fundamentals triangle markers. When I was in high school, I had a pack of these that I wore absolutely ragged. They are pretty much always worth it, and also perfect for sketching. I even still have a set today, along with the super tips! They’re just that good! These babies are skinner than the super tips, so they’re more like the width of a pen, but not exactly like the penmate flair, which you can press down like a brush. With these you can also take a brush with water and use them like watercolor pencils and get some beautiful results! A pack of 36 is about $5 at michael’s. Probably one of the best purchases you could ever make at that price and I cannot recommend them enough, no matter how experienced you are.
3. For alcohol markers: Ohuhu is fantastic. They’re a bit on the pricier side, but that’s mostly because alcohol markers usually are compared to water based markers. A pack of 60 is usually around $20 on amazon, which is how much I got mine for, but I just checked and they’re about $25. Don’t panic though- prices change all the time! The colors on these are absolutely lovely, and it comes with a nice carrying case with a handle, and a plastic sheet you can place underneath the paper you’re working on so it doesn’t bleed through to your desk or the next page of your sketchbook. Absolutely worth the price tag. Ohuhu also has water based markers for slightly cheaper, but I can’t speak for those since I haven’t tried ‘em.
4. Sharpie is a household name, and there’s a reason why! I don’t always prefer them since at times they CAN be overpriced, but depending on which set you get, the price tag becomes more reasonable. For regular black, I recommend getting a pack of 6 with 2 chisel tips, two fine (regular) tips, and two ultra fine tips for around $7. They last forever, and that way you’re getting a pretty wide range of lines you can get! As for their colored markers, I honestly can’t recommend them as much since I find their colors to be a little darker than I’d personally prefer as compared to the ohuhu markers, but if you so choose you can get a pack of 12 for about $9 on amazon! My favorite color has to be the fuchsia. No matter what they’re fun to color with and easy to obtain just about anywhere!
What’s this? A sketchbooks section? (You didn’t have that in your previous post, Cricket! Well, no, I did not, but I’ll have to fix that soon!)
1. Artist’s loft hardbound sketchbooks. You can get these at michael’s for about $6, and they pretty frequently go on sale for bogo or bogo 50%. The paper is actually super nice, a little on the smoother side, and just thick enough where you’ll feel pretty fancy using it, and also not guilty if you need to tear out a page. They’ve got classic black, and also currently they have a lovely pink, blue, and green. The inner cover page is the same color as the cover, and it gives for a more professional, almost published feel. They come in 6x9 and 9x12 sizes. Artist’s loft is generally a pretty reliable, affordable brand!
2. Pacon sketch diary. If you prefer spiral bound, these guys are also pretty nice! They’re about $5, and there are other similar generic brand sketch diaries you can get that will never lead you astray. Walmart has some pretty good ones too for around the same price, and some even have a clear plastic pocket on the front where you can insert whatever you like!
3. Spiral bound notebooks are easily accessible, and during back to school season in certain places you can get them for a dollar or less. There’s no shame in needing to use lined paper! It works just as good as other paper when it comes to needing to draw something, and no matter what your art is your art, no matter what materials you use! I love getting lisa frank notebooks or notebooks with puppies or kittens on them during the back to school season. (Walmart back to school season SLAPS for cheap art supplies if you can’t tell already.)
4. Daler-rowney simply soft cover sketchbook, 3.5x5.5 in. I list this one because it’s the nicest cheapest sketchbook you can get at Walmart for about 2 bucks. It’s a much smaller size and very flat so you can keep it in your pocket or bag and take it with you. The hardbound 5x7 is also super nice, and it used to be my ultimate top choice. It’s about $4-5. I would get one like once every 3 months, and if you’re able to afford it, they’re great for stocking up and great to take with you anywhere. The paper is a pretty unusual texture that I haven’t seen anywhere else, and in my experience there’s very little transference from one page to another if you’re using pencil, which is always pretty annoying and great to avoid when you can.
5. Royal and langnickel essentials hardbound sketchbook. I came across this one when I was shopping at Ross. Yeah, Ross!! A good tip for cheap art supplies is to check Ross! I’ve gotten some pretty great things from the art section there for very cheap. Since it’s a discount store though, it’s usually a crap shoot regarding what you might find. These sketchbooks have pretty similar paper to the daler and rowney, and you can get a 4x6 for about $3 at Walmart. A larger one, depending on where you look, has pretty inconsistent pricing, but when I was at Ross I found some 9x12’s for 2.99. Although I can’t promise you’ll have the same luck as I did!
1. Jerry Q watercolor palette. I had one of these right before I first tried gansai watercolors, which are my favorite and a little more expensive, but the set I had I kept for around 2 years with almost constant use. They can be a little light and not super pigmented, but if you’re able to get something like a spray bottle and wet them before hand, let the water soak in a little bit, they’re much easier to activate and you’ll get brighter colors out of them. They just need time to soften. You can get a 24 color set for $14, and a 36 set for $18. If you’re able to, I recommend the 36 set since that’s what I had, but 24 works just fine and it’ll be better for learning color mixing!
2. Rule of thumb is crayola is usually the way to go if you can’t afford much else. I will say the older formula for their watercolor paints was much better. Brand new is still good though, and you can’t go wrong with a regular 12 set. (I do NOT recommend prang, which is their similar competitor. Their paints are sticky as hell if you use too much.)
Craftsmart or apple barrel craft paints. These guys were my first acrylics I ever used, and I still have some older pieces that I made with them that still hold up in my eyes today. They have a much different formula than most acrylics, and are powder based, so you’ll notice they sort of have a different texture. Careful not to glob it on too thickly, however! If you do the paint will form huge cracks in it when it dries. I’m pretty sure it’s because of the formula and that it shrinks when it dries, which can also make thinner paper buckle. Also, if you’re painting on paper, if the paper is on the smoother side, areas where the paint is thicker might crack and flake off. It’s still good reliable paint just as long as you’re able to avoid this! You can get a set of 16 colors for $11, or if you’re able to, a set of 36 for $25 at michael’s. You can also buy them individually if you’re only able to afford the primaries like red yellow and blue, or cyan magenta yellow and black (CMYK.) The individuals sell for about $1 each, and the craftsmart paints in particular come in a few different finishes like matte, satin, and metallic. I recommend just the matte to start with though.
1. Canson XL watercolor paper. You can get a pad of 30 sheets in 9x12 at walmart for about $5. The 11x15, if you’re able to afford it, fluctuates from $10-18 depending on where you shop, but michael’s often has a sale on this particular brand of paper pads for bogo or bogo 50% off. They also now have spiral bound books of the same paper that you could tear the pages out of and display, or use as a watercolor sketchbook. Canson also has mixed media paper for about the same price, and the spiral bound book is a very popular choice for a sketchbook, although I’ve used it and I personally prefer the watercolor paper texture much more. If you like your paper on the smoother side though, the mixed media is probably the way to go!
2. Creatology is, I think, a michael’s brand of kids’ art supplies, and they honestly make some pretty nice paper. If you like to draw on thicker paper, they’ve got a paint pad that you could use as just mixed media or regular drawing paper. It’s nice and thick and smooth. Their watercolor paper is also pretty nice! The 9x12 pad is around $3, and has 40 sheets. It’s slightly thinner than the canson watercolor paper, but you get 10 sheets more and it’s cheaper! Also, most regular price items at michael’s (there are a few exclusions, such as their artist’s loft value canvas packs, and their sets of rolling shelves, and cricut products) can be discounted with a coupon! Pretty much every single day the site has a 20% off regular price items coupon, for in store and online (the online code is usually 20MADEBYYOU), so you can always get basically anything for a discount! If you have a rewards account, which you can access through the site or on the app, you’ll get points with the more you buy, and you’ll eventually get $5-10 vouchers! If you’re still trying to be frugal, it’s great for getting basically free items. But I digress.
3. Canvas is expensive as hell, I know. I barely buy it myself, and only started getting it recently, since I mostly worked on paper beforehand. But if you’d like to hang your work easily and are able to put pins/nails in your wall or use command strips, you could get a value pack of canvas from michael’s. I mentioned these before, and they’re one of the items that can’t be discounted with coupons, but they work great and you can get a pack of several at a time. Each pack is the same exact price- $12.99- so it’s easy to remember since it’s consistent. The smaller the size of the canvas, the more canvases you’ll get. For example, in a pack of 8x10, you get 10! If you want the best value and want to create more pieces for less, that’ll be what I recommend! You can also get canvas panels, which lay flat and are easier to store if you’re low on space. The best value there is a pack of 5, size 9x10, for $10. So, it’s not as much material for the price, but if you need the canvas to be smaller, that’ll work just fine!
4. Copy paper!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get a pack of copy paper!!!!!!!!!! It’s literally hundreds of sheets for very cheap, like $5 or less!! Walmart has a pack of 500 for $5. That’s 100 sheets for a dollar. While it won’t work well with paints, it’s great for drawing with basically any drawing material. It’s thin and more fragile than most art paper, but if you need to discard it you won’t feel bad, and there’s literally another sheet right there if you gotta start again. I had a period where I would only basically draw on copy paper when I lost access to free art materials from art school, and it’s fantastic for sketching. Just get a cheap paper folder for about 50 cents to keep your drawings safe, and you’re golden. It’s also great if you don’t wanna use lined paper but can’t afford a sketchbook.
As for digital art; digital is often the most affordable option for a lot of folks, since it requires only, at the minimum, a computer or phone and a drawing program. I’m not as experienced with digital art, but I highly recommend the XP pen tablet. It’s a 4x7 inch little usb tablet, and you can get one on amazon for $20. One purchase that will last you a long time! I’ve had mine for 2 years now, and I haven’t even had to replace the nib yet! For a drawing program, I recommend Krita, which is the only art program I’ve ever used other than microsoft paint 3D. It’s completely free, and has some really lovely brushes. My absolute favorite is the 4B pencil tool, which I use for basically every single digital drawing I make, no joke.
I’d like to also mention that if you’re not able to buy art supplies at all, recycling is a great way to gain materials! Go dumpster diving! Cut open a cereal box and draw on the inside! Draw on old envelopes! Paint on cut open cardboard boxes! Borrow a pencil or pen from a friend! There is sooooo much waste in this country (USA), and even if you’re not on a budget, if you’re able to reduce and reuse, you’ll feel better about reducing your carbon footprint and giving back to the planet.
Lastly, I just wanna say that you don’t need fancy materials to make wonderful art. Nice art materials are good to have, but they’re absolutely not a requirement. You don’t need to pay thousands upon thousands of dollars to go to art school, most often just to get torn down by instructors who don’t care about you or your well being. YOU know what’s best for yourself. Do what feels right. Make art however and whenever you like. Make it for yourself. Learn from yourself and which materials you prefer. I’ve been making art for a long time so I’ve tried a lot of things and a lot of materials, hence why I can make these recommendations, but you might discover something completely different that you really love! Materials do not make the artist, full stop. The art you make will always be valuable and important, no matter what. If you’re still in school, live at home, don’t have a job, or are just not able to buy art supplies for whatever reason, there’s always, always a way to make art. You might have to get a little creative in finding out ways to make art, but I promise you there’s always a way. If later in life you’re able to afford having art as a hobby or a career, you’ll look back on the time you could only access these cheaper materials, and cherish the work you made then. Especially if you’re just starting out, and by the time you’re able to afford higher quality materials, you’re a more experienced artist. I personally think it’s so important to remember where you’ve come from, so you can feel proud of yourself as you grow. There’s nothing more fulfilling than looking back on everything you’ve done and the improvements you’ve made throughout your journey. And like I said, you don’t need to spend thousands on art school to learn. The internet is an amazing resource for tutorials, and there’s no shame at all in using any resource you can to learn and expand your skillset. You deserve to create. You deserve to learn. You deserve to feel proud of yourself and what you make.
❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤Art is for everyone.🖤🤎💜💙💚💛🧡❤️
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mintymash · 5 years
Hey artists, ever wanted a cheap brush pen? WELL NOW YOU CAN GET ONE!
Let me intoduce you to the Sharpie Retractable Fine Point marker!
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It's only 2 us dollars yo
I love this baby
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