#artakha bull
sepublic · 1 year
This is the second part of my unfinished Rahi Beasts WIP from sixth grade:
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Domain: Le-Metru
An Artakha Bull defending its home against Visorak.
The Artakha Bull is one of the oldest Rahi known to Matoran. It is oftenly believed to be the inspiration for the legend of the mutant Kane-Ra who guards a tunnel network.
In another tale, the Artakha Bull had beyond Matoran-level intellligence, allowing them to live on Artakha.
All of this is most likely false. What we do know is that it is strong, swift, an excellent tracker, and hostile. Attempts to catch them are futile.
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Domain: Po-Metru
An Ash Bear lumbering in the mountains.
Ash Bears are ursine Rahi that are famous for their sharp teeth and claws.
Ash Bears are peaceful, if territorial. They are two to three times larger than a Matoran.
Their left arm is equipped with two large, overgrown talons.
In Po-Metru, the Ash Bears lived in peace and harmony with their neighbors, the Kikanalo.
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Domain: Karda Nui
An Avohkah attacking.
Avohkah are dangerous Rahi, which looked like lightning bolts.
Before the GSR was activated, these Rahi attacked settlements in Karda Nui. The Matoran dismissed them as weather until someone was injured.
Seeing this as a probiem, the Great Beings sent in the Toa Mata to help.
It was a tough battle, but Toa won. It is unknown the fate of the Avohkah.
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Domain: Archives Sub-Levels
A Blade Burrower sniffing tracks.
One of the most powerful Rahi known to bein, the Archives Sub-Levels they dig tunnels similar to Matoran ones. Some Matoran wonder down them on accident.
Having poor eyesigt, these Rahi hunt by smell, using their club-like tails to take down enemies.
Their tunnels form the Unity, Duty, and Destiny symbol to remind Mata Nui of his mission.
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Domain: Visorak
Boggarak vs Doom Viper.
One of the six breeds of Visorak, the Boggarak are the only ones whose spinners contain two powers. Under water, they cause a target to swell up and float to the surface. When used on land, they remove all moisture from a target, reducing it to a pile of dust.
Boggarak are also able to create a sonic hum that can transmute solid matter into gas.
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bomonga · 2 years
Quick list of all (known) powers a Faxon user could access
In case you were wondering just how overpowered this mask actually is.
Land Rahi:
Artakha Bull - Incredible intelligence
Boggarak - Rhotuka that rapidly dehydrates a target, skating on water
Cable Crawler - Rhotuka that causes vertigo in an enemy
Crystal Serpent - Absorbing light to power a heat ray
Dermis Turtle - Having an impenetrable shell
Dikapi - High endurance and stamina
Doom Viper - Breathing highly toxic chemicals at prey
Energy Hound - Tracking targets
Fader Bull - Teleporting to safety
Frost Leech - Sucking all the heat out of prey
Furnace Salamander - Clinging to any surface
Gate Guardian - Being invisible and making a smaller decoy of itself
Ice Vernin - Rhotuka that makes the target vibrate real hard
Kahgarak - Rhotuka that opens a gate to the Field of Shadows
Mavrah’s Kavinika - Detecting Kanohi use
Keelerak - Rhotuka that acidicly melts anything
Keetongu - Producing any antidote
Kikanalo - Powerful sonic roar
Kinloka - Eating anything
Kraawa - Growing larger every time it gets hit
Kratana - Seeing the future and the past
Lava Rat - Can burst into flames
Mana Ko - Firing energy blasts
Nui-Jaga - Venom that causes blindness
Oohnorak - Rhotuka that causes numbness, voice mimicking
Roporak - Near perfect camouflage
Spine Slug - Feeding off of Skakdi battle rage
Suukorak - Rhotuka that makes an electric net around a target, perfect mimicry of a corpse
Vako - Incredible speed
Aerial Rahi:
Air Serpent - Acid spitting
Avokah - Being a beam of electricity
Fireflyer - Stinging someone so bad they feel like they’re on fire
Kanohi Dragon - Breathing fire, being resistant to cold
Klakk - Sonic beam that cures Shadow Leech effects
Lava Hawk - Total immunity to extreme heat
Phase Dragon - Turning intangible
Venom Flyer - Rhotuka that makes a target unable to fly
Underwater/Amphibious Rahi:
Cave Fish - Absorb Protodermis to become bigger
Hydruka - Firing solidified air bubbles
Makika - Poisonous skin
Sea Spider - Venom that shrinks prey
Underground Rahi:
Archive Beast - Shapeshifting
Blade Burrower - Digging, good sense of smell
Catapult Scorpion - Materializing balls of magma, eating Protodermis
Dagger Spider - Having a paralyzing venom
Fire Entity - Being made entirely of fire
Hoto - Giving off intense heat
Krahka - Shapeshifting
Tunneler - Turning into whatever you shoot at it
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downtofragglerock · 5 months
Welp, better time than any for some more Makuta
A Makuta who became infatuated with a centaur-like body plan, creating rahi that used it like the Artakha bull and even modifying themselves to have this kind of body. The land they were given was covered in expansive grassy planes, which allowed their centaur rahi and less prolific non-centaur rahi (that were still designed to run long distances) to thrive. Slain in the Brotherhood-Dark Hunter war.
A Makuta who was one of the Brotherhood's top scientists. Just as mad as Mutran, her specializations involved augmenting rahi with bits and pieces of other unrelated rahi for experimental purposes. This eventually evolved into the creation of full on hybrid rahi species, many of them extremely dangerous and unpredictable forces in the Brotherhood's armies. Though she was eventually killed by the Order of Mata Nui, her research and techniques were treasures of the Brotherhood for millennia to come, with Teridax himself using them as the basis for his creation of the infamous Rahi Nui.
A Makuta who, in an experiment to try and revolutionize teleportation that involved various tools, Kanohi, and Rahkshi, accidentally teleported themselves outside of the GSR and into the endless void of space. They are presumed dead by the Brotherhood, but are in fact still out there, floating aimlessly. Maybe if they're lucky they'll finally hit something, but to say space is big would be quite the understatement.
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custombonkles · 6 years
Rahi Headcanon:
The Artakha Bull, Mahi, and Mukau were all created by the same Makuta.
These were three of the few mammal Rahi to be successfully incorporated into widespread Matoran ecosystems, though the Artakha Bull population decreased to critical status due to the overabundance of predatory Rahi created by Makuta Chirox, which disrupted their habitats.
Mahi and Mukau proved timelessly popular and Turaga found themselves constantly commissioning the creation of more from the Brotherhood of Makuta in the years prior to the Great Disruption.
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kanohivolitakk · 3 years
Fixing Bionicles species problem Part 1: Inhabitants of Stelt
(This post is part of a headcanon series where I try to tackle Bionicles issues regarding how the series is rather infuriatingly vague with its worldbuilding surrounding most non Matoran and non Makuta species in the Matoran Universe by expanding the lore of those other species. The introduction to the series is here, while the masterlist for every post in this project is found here)
Soo, lets start this series relatively simple by tackling a species (or multiple species) we actually DO have some vague information on, that being the inhabitants on Stelt. Because we have some information on them already, this is less coming up with new ideas and more just ironing out the concepts we have.
Stelt is in my opinion one of the more interesting underdeveloped locations in the Matoran Universe. This is due to how the island has a very specific set of hierarchies: There’s an upper class of warrior-king like rulers and a lower class of workers. Yet at the same time theres an unrest due to the constant infighting for power of the higher class. This makes Stelt an interesting warrior like society.
So first things first:I do like to divide the steltians into two main species, those being the upperclass Steltian Rulers (like Sidorak and Voporak) and the lowerclass Steltian Bruisers (like Krekka). These species are LOOSELY connected to each other from a biological standpoint, as the bruisers were designed by the Great Beings to serve as workers both in general but especially for Steltian Rulers. Neither of the Steltian species have any direct biological connection to other/relation to species. The Steltian Rulers were just one of the many creations by the Great Beings that could serve a purpose as leaders that saw the different civilizations in the world functioned and communicated with each other. That being said Steltian rulers do interact with other ruling/leader species as not only did they fight against others for dominance they also founded alliances and bonds with them, such as the “marriage” between Sidorak and Roodaka.
So for physical traits, both species are among the taller species of the MU, bruisers being among the tallest as well as rather bulky. What makes Steltian Rulers interesting is that they are among few species with a similarish build and purpose that is NOT reptilian in any fashion, instead resembling more a humanoid creature that could be seen as bull like thanks to its horns (no relation to the Artakha/Karzhani Bulls or Kanera rahi tho). Both species have small variety in height/build. Both species are monosex (read no sexual dimorphism/clear differences like say Vortixx have) and while they can be of different genders, most steltians are male (still need to iron out my specifics on how gender and sex function in MU but that’s another post for another day).
As for their characteristics and traits, rulers are normally rather territorial and prideful, although they can work with others. Because of their culture and territioral nature they tend to fight against each other, although they do have alliances/clans. Each clan has their leader that’s the most respected member of the clan. Betraying clan leaders is seen as a crime that can lead to exile or even worse. Bruisers are more brawn than anything else, although it should be noted that not every Bruiser is as stupid as Krekka.
For their roles in society, Steltian Rulers were in all sorts of roles from commanders in armies to informants to salesmen. Usually the roles demanded some kind of socialization and/or. Steltian Bruisers on the other hand were warriors and workers. They served as bodyguards, guards, fighters/soldiers and other similar works. They also did hard laborous tasks that few other species were capable of doing.
For characters who are members of the species, Sidorak and Voporak are Steltian Rulers, much like in canon. I also may make one of the Barraki into one (most likely Kalmah or Mantax) although that will be discussed when I get to my ideas regarding the Barraki warlords and what species they belong to.
Besides Krekka, I also like to headcanon the dark hunter Gladiator is a Steltian Bruiser, as he is a strong fighter who orginated as a slave from Stelt. There isn’t anything that suggests Gladiator NOT being a bruiser, so him being a bruiser works well with his character (yes I know his design isn’t similar to Krekkas but thats not something small design rework cannot fix + as said I do hc the bruiser species looking rather diverse soo).
It should be noted that despite their name the Steltian species do exist in other parts of the MU: some Steltian rulers live on other islands either as leaders or as traders/informants/warlords while bruisers are used all over the MU by numerous individuals and factions. It should be also noted that Stelt does have other species than the two main ones. It’s just that Rulers and Bruisers are Stelt natives. Most non-natives belong to the lower class.
So here’s my thoughts on the Steltian species. Feel free to reblog, comment and give feedback/thoughts, I greatly appreciate those. Feel also free to comment on the structure I made for this post as I do want to improve this.
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ghost-mantis · 5 years
Do you think Nuju would use his ability to speak bird to get in on that sweet bird gossip?
Considering that most bird calls are either about telling everyone how horny you are or to get the hell off their lawn Nuju is a guy who hears a lot of filth. But does he actually hear straight-up gossip?
We aren’t quite sure how sentient the bird rahi are since overall rahi intelligence is a bit of a crapshoot in universe. Kikanalo and Artakha Bulls are fairly intelligent, but Ash Bears and Kana-Ra aren’t. 
If they do gossip, it’s probably not going to be about who has the best nest or who swiped someone else’s shiny thing collection. But there are probably mentions here and there about that tall asshole tall red Matoran who keeps setting their trees on fire.
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Using Fantasy Monsters as Rahi
Giant Crab: Ussal Crab
Giant Eagle: Gukko Bird
Elephant or Triceratops: Kane-Ra Bull
Giant Scorpion: Nui-Jaga
Bulette/Land Shark (remove burrowing ability, add immunity to magical sleep): Muaka
Centaur: Artakha Bull
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mind-of-makuta · 8 years
It's clear that some Rahi are sentient, such as the Visorak, Keetongu's and Krahka's species and allegedly the Frostelus given their unique abilities that vary between individuals based on their personalities and Artakha Bull who are known to carry spears. Are these - barring from the Visorak - Rahi created by you and the Makuta, and if so, did you grant them their sapience or did they develop it themselves? And if the answer is former, why are they still referred to as Rahi by the Matoran?
Our reasons varied for each one, but we deliberately gave sapience to most of the above Rahi, or at least the capacity to develop it. The Frostelus, however, was an accident... one for which its creator paid dearly.
The answer to your other question, however, is more complicated. You see, we of the Brotherhood generally used the term “Rahi” to describe the fauna we created, but Matoran used it for races that did not meet their criteria for “civilization”. Did you speak like a Matoran, or behave like one? If not, then in their eyes you were as savage as a common Nui-Rama… hence the term’s literal translation of “not us”.
If it was not already obvious, Matoran are not known for being open-minded.
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sepublic · 4 years
Kojol and his Rahi
           Kojol was someone who delighted in knowledge and secrets. He was a cunning, brilliant linguist, and frequently dabbled in coding and decoding hidden messages, archiving knowledge, and solving dialects. He was well-versed in the art of communication, owning both a Kanohi Rau and a Mask of Incomprehension as well. He prized the archival of knowledge… But it was an elitist safeguarding of secrets, as one would often have to pry what Kojol knew right out of his mouth- He was very selfishly, possessively protective of what he knew.
          Kojol delighted in the secrets he held over others, what he knew that they didn’t- And it gave him a heightened sense of superiority over everybody else, as if he were privy to everything while everyone else was an ignorant fool. Through various intermediaries and scouts, Kojol almost always heard something down the grapevine, and had a clever way to archive this information. It was his work that established the Makoki Stone, after all, by collaborating with various Toa as an anonymous informant.
           His Rahi reflected his passions well. Kojol enjoyed the art of not only creating Rahi, but also studying them out in the wild- He loved to observe Rahi in their natural habitats and environment, and in particular studied fervently the way animals would communicate with one another. He appreciated social creatures that communicated and was quite adept at understanding the ‘languages’ of these creatures… One could call Kojol a ‘Rahi Whisperer’ in a sense, and not just from the Rau he owned either. He was a Rahi linguist and analyst of communications and dialects across all living things, not just sapient civilizations.
           Many of Kojol’s Rahi were clever, knowledgable creatures that could transmit ideas and messages between one another. Kojol experimented in different means of communication, from chemical smells, to dancing patterns, audio cues, etc. For example, he once collaborated with Bitil on a species of swarm insect that regularly sent out scouts. Once scouts returned to report a discovery, they would convey how to get there through a complex dance, one that Kojol understood intimately.
           Another species of Rahi were Corvids that were able to communicate with one another. These creatures were clever and could use techniques and tools to access food, such as by dropping durable nuts in the paths of trampling creatures to be cracked open, and then feasted upon. Almost all of Kojol’s Rahi were curious creatures, and unlike him were much more open about their findings. Kojol’s corvids would often teach others, be it young or new members to the flock, how to use certain tools, techniques, and tricks.
          Many of Kojol’s Rahi displayed a unique ability to transmit the ideas of images and faces to one another as well- For example, if a Matoran wearing a Kadin disturbed a Corvid, it would tell other members of its flock about the culprit. Then those other flock-members would fly off, and encounter and transmit knowledge of that accursed Matoran to those beyond the flock, and so forth. Many of these corvids would’ve never seen this Kadin-wearing Matoran before; But as soon as they did see them, after hearing of how cruel they were to a fellow bird, they would fly down and harass the unlucky soul. Kojol’s Rahi remembered well, and if they ever forgave, they certainly never forgot. A researcher once observed Kojol’s Proto Drakes in captivity- After one was painstakingly taught to perform a flying leap for a treat, the Drake immediately transmitted this realization to the rest of its pod, and soon all of them knew the trick within an hour.
           Kojol’s Rahi were communicators and made excellent intermediaries. One species he created was a species of bird Rahi that would mimic the words and speech of others, perfectly… And then recognize the meanings behind these words to an uncanny extent. Some subspecies of this bird Rahi would even fake the voices of sapient beings to scare off potential predators. Kojol manufactured quite a few messenging Rahi that could travel long distances to carry messages, sometimes by carring a tablet, other times by literally parroting the exact words told to them by their owners upon arrival at a destination.
           The memory of Kojol’s Rahi was impeccable. They recognized flight patterns well, and how to navigate areas and get back to the nest. Ancient techniques were regularly passed down through generations. Additionally, Kojol’s Rahi were creatures adept at survival, and incredibly long-lived with everlasting memories. Knowledge was useless if it was impermanent- Kojol created many Rahi with incredibly long lifespans, beasts that could live for an eternity and retain all of their knowledge. It was Kojol who devised the clever Dermis Turtle, which utilized its memories of the local environment to hide. Many of his Rahi would be characterized in myths as wise, sentient beings that held hidden secrets to be carefully gleaned.
           Kojol wanted his Rahi to last, so amidst them having long lifespans, many were durable, while others required little sustenance and could enter long periods of hibernation. Some were adaptable, capable of being transplanted from one environment, to the next, and doing well there. If an environment was ravaged, Kojol’s Rahi would outlast the rest, oftentimes by simply packing things up and migrating to new lands to survive. There was even a species that would go out of its way to amass food and bury it in hidden locations to remember. Kojol prized the mind, intellect, and memory of his Rahi, and their ability to last… He was fond of a clever type of octopus that could figure out solutions and be creative. The Frost Beetles, rumored to be able to absorb knowledge from crystals, spawned from Kojol.
           Kojol didn’t just want his Rahi to retain information and discover it with curiosity- He wanted them to be creative, to be thinkers and problem-solvers in their own way, further lending to the adaptability of his species! The aforementioned Proto Drakes realized they could do away with parasites by hijacking molten furnaces and pits and bathing within them. One species of cephalopod was able to figure out how to undo its lock, and memorize the routines of a security guard in order to escape. Kojol loved puzzles, as did his Rahi- And his obsession with training the mind led to some species becoming sapient.
           This only inflated Kojol’s sense of importance even more, and he made it a point to be worshipped by his sapient species. Many of them regarded Kojol, and these incidents served as inspiration for other Makuta to be worshipped themselves… Many however became jealous of Kojol, which when combined with his rather uncooperative nature, gave him no shortage of enemies. When Miserix assigned Makuta across various regions, he sent Kojol on a search to decipher clues and mysteries, and pinpoint the location of Artakha- Kojol naturally succeeded, and made his passive, observational intents clear to Artakha.
          Artakha allowed Kojol to retain knowledge and oversight of his region, so long as he did nothing to disrupt things- All Kojol needed to do was ensure that Artakha wasn’t outright threatening the balance of the Matoran Universe, and they could each keep their secrets and allegiances. As a result of this deal, Kojol made it a point not to tell anyone else the location of Artakha, and while frustrated, Miserix allowed this because he knew of Artakha’s role and authority in the universe. Kojol ended up being the Brotherhood’s sole intermediary and messenger between Artakha and Destral, yet another accomplishment that filled Kojol with pride.
           Although Kojol promised to merely observe from a distance, inevitably he got closer and more curious, and sent in a few Spy Rahi or two. Artakha himself wanted to know more of the art of Rahi-making, and one day employed a few tips from Kojol in order to create his Crystal Serpents. They were a disaster, but this nevertheless laid the foundation for Kojol and Artakha to interact more, and for Kojol to get closer and closer to the builder’s secrets and workplace. Artakha even allowed the inclusion of a new species of Kojol’s bulls, named after the builder, into his own island! With the help of Spy Rahi, Kojol learned of the Avohkii’s creation, and Mata Nui’s wariness of the Makuta. It was Kojol who helped code the Makoki Stone, and decipher Mutran’s ramblings into a coherent message that revealed the truth of their universe.
           Kojol ended up betraying Artakha’s trust, although he justified it to himself as Artakha having betrayed the Makuta first, by creating the Mask of Light in the first place. Using his hidden knowledge of Artakha’s island, he led a successful raid to seize the Avohkii, and was able to navigate his strike force through the city thanks to his past memories and expeditions. During the raid, Kojol came across many more secrets of Artakha and hid them away as coded messages that required other coded messages to decipher the locations of. Kojol made it a point to keep many secrets to himself as leverage…
           After the raid, Artakha retaliated towards the betrayal. The Order of Mata Nui assassinated Kojol during a visit to Xia, leading to an investigation by Antroz over the incident. Ever since his untimely demise, various groups and factions have scrambled to find Kojol’s hidden caches, archives, and secrets scattered across the Matoran Universe, ranging from the Dark Hunters, to the Order of Mata Nui, to many of Kojol’s Makuta brethren themselves! Any Spy Rahi he had were killed by the Order of Mata Nui to keep them silent. Many of Kojol’s messengers that remained were hunted down and interrogated, to see if they could divulge any knowledge or messages that had been passed through- One beast was eventually inducted into the Dark Hunters and codenamed Minion.
           Kojol’s sapient rahi, some of them, mourned his death. Many of Kojol’s Rahi became targets of those after his secrets, as countless studied the creatures and their patterns in hopes of a clue. Kojol’s Blade Burrowers remained an enigma to some, and many wondered what he intended when he’d programmed them with their abilities. Some conspiracy theorists saw messages in the movements and migratory patterns of his creatures, and little quirks of communication that seemingly made no sense, but when combined with other species of Kojol, supposedly built up into one grand, hidden message. Kojol’s Rahi would sometimes be dissected to see if there was a hidden message programmed into their minds, or carved inside their very bodies. Some believed the chemical physiology of some creatures even hinted at the makeup of the viruses he’d devised to cast Mata Nui into an eternal slumber.
           It was not out of the question for many of Kojol’s Rahi to bear, knowingly or otherwise, clues and secrets that the Makuta had amassed over the years. It all felt like a riddle and a puzzle hunt deliberately set up by Kojol in case of his death- Many of his Rahi species changed their behavior to become far more elusive and solitary following his demise, as if they could sense it. Rumors to the extent of Kojol’s knowledge were abound, with some believing he had information privy to the Great Beings themselves, and Artakha remained eternally paranoid of any information that the Makuta had secretly discovered and hidden elsewhere.
          Some in the Order of Mata Nui regretted assassinating Kojol, instead of interrogating him- But to Helryx, some mysteries were better left unsolved, with secrets left lost to time. At the very least, she figured it’d be more trouble than it was worth to make Kojol confess what he knew, and decided it was for the best that nobody could access Kojol’s knowledge by killing the Makuta off entirely. Some things weren’t meant to be known… And the knowledge of Kojol’s hidden secrets out there, and things he somehow learned, remained a potential liability to be discovered by others. Kojol kept many secrets as a contingency plan, to ensure his survival as insurance- But in the end, it was this amassed knowledge that made him know too much, and led to his assassination. He had unknowingly guaranteed his own demise.
          Even so, Kojol’s secrets remained a lingering curse for everyone. There was the threat of those secrets being revealed to the public after Kojol’s death, as a spiteful message to the universe on his posthumous behalf towards those who’d killed him. There was always that dreadful feeling that Kojol had planned contingencies for his assassination, or even that his greatest secret –to some conspiracy theorists- was that he was still alive, this entire time! Everybody had considered killing Kojol back when he was alive, but when it finally happened, they all regretted it. Everyone knew that the issue of Kojol couldn’t just be solved with brute force by killing/torturing him... at least they were pretty sure it wouldn’t work that way. But Helryx took her chances and her gamble seemed to have paid off... so far.
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ghost-mantis · 6 years
Head-canon: the Dark Hunter Devastator is the illegitimate son of Karzahni and created by accident. Karzahni praised him to no end because he was proud that him, the one who always screws the Matoran build's up, had created a powerful being on his own. But Artakha (that asshole) secretly abducted Devastator and set him up with a bunch of Artakha-bulls, who were supposed to kill him. But Devastator escaped and met the Dark Hunters and was hired there.
An interesting notion, but please, back up to that first part. How exactly is Karzahni having kids, and who is he married to that makes Devastator his illegitimate child? Also, who is Karzahni dating on the side, the sly dog! 
Did the Great Beings grant the ability to sexually reproduce to Karzahni and Artakha? That would raise a lot of questions about Artakha being daddy to a bunch of flying crystal serpents and the Toa Mata. Sort of a bit like Loki birthing a bunch of kids, some of whom were animals. 
Anon, you’ve raised so many terrifying and interesting questions!!!
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