butchybats · 8 months
have you some headcanon about Lesbian Devil’s Minion that you’d like to share?
Compilation of lesbian devil’s minion thoughts!!
Soft hcs + face claims - fluffy thoughts about r63 devil’s minion taking care of each other!! Plus face claims for both of them
General world building hcs - how would the chronicles change with them being women?
Butch4butch devil’s minion meet cute - in which Daniel’s captor is a hot butch
Fright night au - is Daniel’s new next door neighbor a vampire?
Armand discovering the wlw scene - Daniel is Armand’s teacher for the new world and gay subculture
Butch Armand hcs - butch!Armand and how her butchness would change the chronicles
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gellavonhamster · 2 months
I want to know the silly leggend of the house too! Ahahaha
The most popular version is that the owner of the house was a wealthy merchant who wanted to become a member of the Great Guild (a tradesmen organization) but was refused. Offended, he commissioned cat statues with raised tails to be installed on the roof in such a way that they would show their asses to the building of the Guild. (In another version, he had a row with the city council; both the council and the Guild were located in the same direction then). This, in turn, offended the Guild, resulting in court proceedings which ended in the statues being turned the other way. I think I've also heard a version that they were turned after that guy was admitted to the Guild, but I can't find it anywhere online.
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1 and 12 for My Brilliant Friend please!
the character everyone gets wrong
I've actually been impressed so far by how well this tiny fandom seems to understand its source material. Even with someone like Pietro, I've seen very few if any people suggesting that he's either irremediably turboevil or, like, actually a decent guy. He's better as an ex than as a partner, like a lot of generically shitty men, and this fandom seems good at not letting the fact that Nino is ten times worse make them lose sight of that.
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
People seem not to like Franco Mari very much, and it's true that there's not a ton "to" him, but I developed a lot of sympathy for him by the end. He's also one of the series' least world-historically bad parental figures, not that that is saying much.
🔥 choose violence ask game 🔥
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themagicalmysticalboy · 4 months
keep us updated about the tiger! Omg
a lil update: my gf was driving for Lyft and one of her passengers told her that her friend had just seen the tiger on the outskirts of a kroger parking lot. the friend said it was huge and she refused to leave the store for like 20mins after it went out of site.
police still haven’t found it but it seems to be staying around the university somewhere. there’s some small wooded areas up there but that’s it. i’m not sure how police haven’t caught it yet lol
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hurremsultanns · 4 days
Alicent for the character's bingo
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ginkovskij · 9 months
hi! Your top five poems?
Stabbing me in the chest would have hurt less (':
Fr. 346 V, Alcaeus
Canto XXXIII, Paradiso. Divina Commedia, Dante Alighieri
Ed è subito sera, Salvatore Quasimodo
Mattina, Giuseppe Ungaretti
Love at First Sight, Wisława Szymborska
I feel like I cheated. Does a fragment count as poem? And a whole Canto from the Comedy? To be honest I don't care (:
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mathilda-1819-1820 · 11 months
💌 ashahagha
Where to start about what I love about you?
First of all you introduced me to the Neapolitan Novels which have quickly become my favourite novels.
Secondally your meta is consistantly well written and insightful.
You're also the mutal most likely to send me well wishes and greetings and have talked to me about many interesting topics lots of times.
The vibes and aesthetic are your blog are imacculate too. You consistantly put beautiful quotes, artworks and photographs on my dashboard.
These are only a few things that I love about you.
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grecocerullo · 5 months
List 5 things that make you happy then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged from you! ✨❤
Thank you <3
Hanging out with my friends, especially if they invited me first
Putting on music and dancing around the room when I'm home alone
People laughing at my jokes
Nice feedback on my fics or anything else I made (but especially on fics)
Receiving letters/postcards from my friends
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vashhanamichi · 5 months
you’re a darling ❤️ you’re the wonderful one
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pristina-nomine · 1 year
@en-theos tagged me to post 9 of my favourite books ever ✨ (for one dollar name someone who was not English or Jane Austen):
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This was difficult so here are the runner-ups: Orlando and To The Lighthouse, Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, the Bacchae, To Kill a Mockingbird, David Copperfield and A Christmas Carol, Il nome della rosa, Northanger Abbey, L'amica geniale (the whole saga), Hamlet
I also tag: @shiningnorthernlights @girldante @artemideaddams @marthanielsn @pasdetrois @thepointlessmasterpiece @pioup-pioup @counterwiddershins @st-hypatia @makawicja @mathilda-1819-1820
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thevampiricnihal · 7 days
It was honestly so subversive for Uşaklıgil to make Nihal the vampire instead of Bihter. It is not the sexualized “outsider” who newly arrives at the house and shakes up the status quo who is the vampire, it is the virtuous young daughter of the house, the ultimate “insider”, who is the vampire.
In this manner Aşk-ı Memnu shares more with the Female Gothic novels where a young heroine arrives at a mansion where something sinister is going on than with narratives like Coleridge’s “Christabel” (which served as an inspiration for Carmilla). Though of course the poor Bihter never learns the truth about Nihal’s nature, being so caught up in her own psychosexual drama with her mother and Behlül.
Regardless of its exact generic origins, there is no doubt that Aşk-ı Memnu is a great vampire novel and that Nihal and Beşir’s relationship is one of the foremost examples of the relationship between a vampire and their main loyal feeder in all of vampire fiction.
@winged-cries @artemideaddams @vickythestrange
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butchybats · 8 months
Okay this is again me obsessed with lesbian Devil's Minion. I had written I have lots of thought about Armand's gender presentation and her way of comforming or not comforming through the century. I want you that it's long and there is lots of projection going on lmao. Sorry if it took me a while to answer but I have an exam some days ago so I didn't have time/energy to think too much about fandom. So my vision of Armand's gender presentation and issues and journey: I just think that as a Venetian Renaissance girlTM she may have been preassured to dress and act and behave in a certain manner. Just as in canon Armand was groomed to be the perfect imagine of the Renaissance young man but like +100. And imho her relationship with gender would change if the boys in the Palazzo remain boys or if we all change them to be girls. In the first case, I can see her resenting more the rigid gender role of their time, because of the fact that others boys were more free than Armand, and skeaking out with Riccardo&Co to go running on the streets dressed as a paige. In the second case, maybe there is less resentement and more "what if we don't try dressing as young men to go in that tavern/fairy" etc. Regardless of that, I can also see all the people around Armand (Marius in primis but not only) to take the whole objectification+"oh you just look like a doll/such a beautiful girl/pretty face" up to 100 if Armand was a girl. Imagine all the canon objectification Armand face in TVA+ the doll treatment that Claudia received in IWTV (the first book)- that's more or less how I think it would have been for a version of Armand who is a girl during the Renaissance. I imagine she would not be called a cherub but a young nynph, which is. Ick. And I imagine that, like in canon Armand had an ambiguous reaction to being called beautiful, that would be true even more in this au. I can see him (her idk) trying to present more masculine to try to avoid objectification (which is ironic giving canon) and idk wanting to distance herself from the idea of a Renaissance painting. I think during the cult years Armand would have not presented either masculine, andronynous or feminine- just long chastizing black dresses and unkept hair. This is also a some sort of way to distance herself from her apparent physical beauty that is the thing that, as a mortal, people always focused on when looking at her. Then- the theatre years. I see the theatre years as years of experimentation in term of gender presentation because well, I'm a theatre person lmao. I can see Armand, in the rare time he enters the stage, playing a male role (again the projection lmao). And then- after Louis burn down the theatre. The Modern Age TM. I can see Armand experimenting with gener presentation and finding a sort of androgynous persona and allure while still with Louis, because I think it was the beginning of last century, during La Belle Epoque etc, that the imagine of women with short hair or occasionally in trousers started become more popular. I can see Armand cutting their hair every evening like Gabrielle in canon, in modern time, or Claudia in the movie, even if for different reasons. Then the 70s/80s happens and Armand is BLOWN AWAY. By all the nuances and variety and freedom of expression in underground scene and culture that she discover through Daniel. (Also lesbian). Daniel is like, 100% butch lesbian, and we know from canon Armand does consider Daniel as the guide to the modern world. I think in this au Armand, with all her past baggage, would find Daniel's way to express herself very freeing. I can see Armand becoming less and less gender conforming in modern time, maybe even wanting to change pronouns in the 00s, maybe not, but otherwise being very fascinated for multiple reasons by the new freedom and the concept of gender as something who trascend physical bodies.
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gellavonhamster · 2 days
Your blog on L' Amica Geniale is very very well-curated and yes it makes useful for others to find post/know others fan and readers through your blog!
But I don't think you are not smart enough to write your own stuff and comments about the show- we are all just having fun and we would gladly read what you have to said about the characters and episodes!
(At least I am curious about your opinions/judgement on the characters)
Thank you! I guess what I mean is that I can't say the thoughts I have are as deep and/or can be put into words as eloquently as I've seen other people do it? Plus I do not remember every detail of the books well - I've only read them once, in translation at that. All in all, I don't think I have anything meaningful to say about L'amica geniale that hasn't already been said better by other people. But who knows, if I suddenly have some kind of revelation, I will certainly try to write it down :)
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List 5 things that make you happy then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged from you! ✨❤
I was skeptical of the lesbian racehorse singer for a long time because her visual aesthetic does not really do it for me, but the music itself is really really good. I've been listening to "Good Luck, Babe!" on a loop all day.
I've established by combing through some old family documents that I am in fact eligible for Italian citizenship. It's just a matter of going through the bureaucratic process, which I can't really afford right now. But! Exciting.
A car problem that I thought was a $2,000-$3,000 fix is probably going to turn out to be a good deal less.
The museum I work for is getting really good Google reviews lately.
I'm enjoying reading a hilariously bad fic right now.
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vlolets · 20 days
@bigthieves tagged me to post two truths and a lie (thank u for the tag 🥰)
tagging @thecrownofflames @lesbin @cromwelll @cityghoull @artemideaddams @barenhaft @thebeautifulsoup
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hurremsultanns · 3 months
Had no time/energy to watch the hotd ep, did blood and cheese happened already???
Yes it did and it was handled incredibly poorly.
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