#arthur dietrich
spicy-suns · 1 year
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Practicing on my iPad
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legobiwan · 9 months
A fellow Barney Miller fan omg!!
There are dozens of us out there. Dozens!
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I'm still upset they took it off Amazon Prime. Thank the gods I actually went out and bought the box DVD set ages ago.
Now I feel like I'm due for my 500th rewatch of the menace above in particular.
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corporal-p-newkirk · 2 years
Ten characters from Ten different shows that my family says I'm like + A few words of their description of the character
If this proves anything it proves that I'm crazy
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10. Arthur Dietrich - Barney Miller - My Mother + Smart and calm
You know, my mom says I spout off information like him
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9. Danny Williams - Hawaii Five 0 - My father - Brave and a stand up guy
For some reason my father feels this one is too obvious for him to explain.
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8. Jack Moffitt and Sam Troy - The Rat Patrol - Friend 1 - Leads, gay, good bois
Yes they broke my rules but they feel like they can't have one without the other, because they both lead the team.
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7. Inspector Japp - Poirot - My sister - Annoying but means well
I was told this is once again obvious to everyone.
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6. BJ Hunnicutt - M*A*S*H - My therapy group - Dad™
Well they do all call me dad....
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5. Murdoch - The A Team - The Lead Barista - Wild card
....You know she ain't wrong...
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4. Dr. Jack Morrison - St Elsewhere - Friend 2 - Caring and Kind
She said it was a toss up between Samuels and Morrison and I feel those two are on very different sides of the spectrum.
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3. Bones - Star trek TOS - My brother - realistic and sarcastic
My brother would like to inform you that I do say I'm a doctor not a ____ alot.
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2. Patch - Days of our life - Friend 3 - Goofy and Sweet
I love my friend but I get more compared to John.....
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1. Louis Lebeau - Hogan's heroes - My Boyfriend - Short™
He looked me in my stupid fucking face said “HAHA, YOUR BOTH SHORT„
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emdroberts · 2 years
This story is based on the episode Stress Analyzer. I don’t own them. It I did there would be more hugging.
Ron Harris was in a deep sleep. Suddenly he felt a strange, wet sensation on his nose. He slowly opened his eyes to find himself staring at a happy ball of fluff licking his nose.
A few months ago Harris was at the lowest point in his life. He had been sued for $300,000 and lost the case. His friend, and coworker, Arthur Dietrich had taken him home that night and stayed up with him all night talking. They both finally decided to get over themselves and admit how they felt about each other. He moved in with Dietrich a few weeks later this time as his partner instead of his roommate. A few weeks later Arthur found a stray dog and Ron couldn’t say no to him when he asked if they could keep it. The dog was a small solid black mutt. So, of course, Dietrich named him Snowball.
Snowball was currently licking Ron’s nose to let him know he was hungry. Ron turned over to tell Arthur to feed him and discovered he wasn’t there. So he dragged himself out of bed and headed to the kitchen.
“Morning, you’re up early.”
“That’s because your dog is hungry.”
“He’s already been fed and walked. I think maybe he just missed you.”
“I think it’s more likely he was trying to score second breakfast.”
“Maybe. I’ll make it up to you tonight. We can try that new French restaurant you wanted to try.”
“And, conveniently, that also gets you out of cooking,” Harris laughed.
“Well, that too.”
They set off for work together but made sure they separated before they got too close to the police station. The department was being more open about gay officers recently. But having two detectives in a relationship with each other would be pushing their luck. The day started off with Ron dealing with a sweet old lady who wanted him to arrest her neighbor for having an affair with her husband.
Suddenly Harris looked up and realized that Dietrich was shirtless. His brain short circuited for a minute. After he sent Wanda home he wondered over to find out what was going on. Arthur was wearing a heart monitor for a stress study for the department. Harris wanted to tease him about it but he and Wojo got a call.
As soon as he returned with Wojo, Dietrich was sent out on a call. Ron was feeling a little impatient because he really wanted to make the heart monitor go crazy. Everyone would assume it was because he was annoying Dietrich so he could safely torment his partner at work without getting caught. He couldn’t wait to get started.
Arthur Dietrich was not having the best of days. When he had signed up for the stress study he did not take the time to think it through. As soon as the heart monitor started to increase when the doctor started to annoy him with small talk he realized he had a problem. At some point during the course of the day there was a good chance he would have to volunteer information related to a case. And when that happened Barney would sigh and roll his eyes. The minute those eyes went up so would his heart rate.This study was definitely a mistake.
He also knew Ron was going to do everything in his power to get his heart rate up. He didn’t blame him though because he would do the same thing if the situation was reversed. At least that part of the day might be fun.
Unfortunately, as soon as Harris got back Dietrich had a call of his own to handle. Fortunately, Levitt was back on full duty so he was able to bring him on the call. He had nothing against the other uniforms but he had worked with Carl many times and trusted him to have his back.
When they arrived at the apartment where the disturbance was taking place Dietrich recognized Wanda who had been in the precinct earlier that morning. She was holding a high pressure fire hose and blasting everything in the apartment. There was another woman there who was obviously very confused about what was happening.
Arthur knew he needed to get the situation under control but he couldn’t seem to stop laughing. He has never been on such a strange call. He and Levitt tried to take control of the hose but it was hard to get too close without the danger of being hit. Suddenly Arthur was hit in the chest with the water and felt himself blasted over some furniture.
He wasn’t as amused now. That had hurt and now he was soaking wet. The surge of adrenaline he got from his brief anger allowed him to grab Wanda and take control of the hose.
Barney Miller was currently hiding out in his office. He was trying to avoid awkward conversation with the doctor who was out there analyzing Dietrich’s heart and blood pressure for some kind of department stress study.
He felt a surge of annoyance at Dietrich for volunteering without discussing it with him first. But he tried to push it down realizing it was ridiculous to feel that way. It wasn’t like it was interfering with his duties.
That annoyance was quickly forgotten when an even bigger annoyance arrived, Inspector Luger. Could this day get any worse? He quickly discovered it could when Luger brought up those stupid letters again.
Ron was feeling excited. Luger had shown up so Barney would be held hostage in his office for the foreseeable future. When Arthur got back he would have free reign to torture him. He wondered how fast he could get his heart to go. Right now he was listening to a slow, steady beat. It was kind of comforting.
Suddenly that beat sped up. When it continued to be fast Harris started to get concerned. But he tried to comfort himself with Arthur probably just dealing with a runner.
Everything was fine. And then it wasn’t. He looked over at Wojo and they both moved to the monitor by unspoken agreement. The doctor was muttering something and then went to get Barney.
That was good. Barney would know what to do because Ron was currently having a hard time thinking. Then he realized he could make himself useful and call dispatch. Dispatch would tell them it was just a silly misunderstanding and then Arthur would tease him about it when he got back.
FLATLINE. This wasn’t happening. Barney refused to believe that he had lost a man. He looked over at Harris and Wojo and saw they were just as dazed as he was. Luger walked out to see what was happening and started barking out orders when the doctor told him what was going on.
“Harris, Wojo, take some uniforms and see what’s going on down there. Barney, call dispatch and find out what they know.
“You,” he pointed at the doctor” “figure out what is wrong with your little machine that’s making my men stress out.”
This seemed to kick everything in motion. Harris and Wojo ran out the door and Barney got on the phone. Dietrich was the calm one. Barney never had to worry about him. Unlike the others, Arthur wasn’t constantly in his office with one emotional problem after another. This could not be real.
Harris was in the passenger seat of a police car. He was trying to figure out how he got there. He had been at the precinct. And Luger had started giving orders. That couldn’t be right. Why wasn’t Barney giving orders? Does Luger even give orders? Maybe he was dreaming.
Wojo was talking. What was he saying?He really needed to pay attention. What was wrong with him? Not him, Arthur. Arthur was dead. No, that couldn’t be right. They had a dog now. Arthur wouldn’t just die and leave him alone with the dog.
Suddenly they were there. Uniforms were everywhere. There were lots of onlookers gawking. The bomb squad was there. Harris didn’t remember an explosion. He slowly got out of the car. Wojo was talking again. He really needed to shut up.
And then he saw it. Dietrich was coming out of the building. Harris wasn’t sure what happened next but suddenly he was hugging his very wet partner.
Dietrich walked out of the building and discovered he had walked into some kind of police reunion. There were uniforms everywhere. The bomb squad was there. The bomb squad? How had he missed a bomb threat? What the hell was going on?
And then Harris ran up and hugged him. At work! That was not something they did. He needed to find out what was going on.
“What’s wrong? Why is the Calvary here?”
Because Harris hadn’t said a word since they left the station Wojo answered, “Your heart monitor went dead. We were worried.”
Oh. Oh, no. No wonder Ron was holding on. Had they ever hugged that long?
“I’m fine, just a little wet. The monitor must not be waterproof.”
Ron started laughing. He had to or he was going to have a nervous breakdown in front of half of his coworkers. Arthur was fine. He hadn’t died and abandoned their dog. Why was he obsessing over the dog?
Okay, time to go into police mode now. Right now Dietrich was his work partner, not his life partner. He needed to deal with all this later. Or never. Never was probably best.
After they returned to the station Harris realized that never was not an option and neither was later. As soon as he got the chance he dragged Dietrich to a storage closet that no one ever went into because it was filled with things they never used and it smelled bad. Arthur had suggested the hiding place to him when Luger had been assigned to the station and Ron needed a break from him. Ron quickly discovered he’d rather be around Luger than the bad smell but it was the most private place he could think of.
“I thought you were dead.”
“I’m sorry. I wish you hadn’t gone through that.”
“You don’t understand. I thought I was going to have to go home without you and try to make Snowball understand you were never coming home.”
“ You were worried about the dog?”
“Of course, I was worried about the dog. You love the dog. I love you. What if I screwed up with the dog when you weren’t here to fix it?”
“Ron, you would’ve been fine taking care of the dog. Just like you are fine taking care of me. If something had happened today it wouldn’t have been your fault.”
“I never said it was my fault.”
“That’s the great thing about knowing you for so long. You don’t have to say it. We can’t always go on calls together. You can’t always have my back. Sometimes things happen and it’s nobody’s fault.”
“But I wasn’t there. What if you had really died and I hadn’t been there? What if this morning was the last time we had breakfast together?”
“But it wasn’t. Someday one of us will be here and the other one won’t be. But dwelling on that isn’t going to make life better.”
“I know,” Ron pulled Arthur in for another hug. “I just need this day to be over.”
“It will be soon. Then I’ll take you to the French restaurant just like I promised.”
“No way, Dietrich. Tonight we are going home and ordering a pizza. We are going to sit on the couch so close we are touching while we eat that pizza. Then we are going to the bedroom where you will be keeping that sweatshirt on while I show you how much I love you.”
“You like the sweatshirt?”
“Very much.”
Barney was feeling very relieved that Dietrich was okay. He was also feeling guilty. Dietrich hadn’t even thought to call and tell him he was okay. Barney saw the realization in his eyes as he apologized for not calling. And he had just left Barney’s office thanking him for being concerned. Like he was surprised.
Barney could pretend like he didn’t know why Dietrich was surprised. But he knew why. The very first time they had met Fish had tried to quit. This left Barney with an attitude about Dietrich he had never bothered to adjust. They never really talked about anything important. Dietrich had tried a few times to but Barney had always blown him off or gotten frustrated with him. Dietrich wasn’t like the rest of his men. He didn’t keep pushing like Wojo and Levitt did. Or fight back like Harris would. He just backed off. And Barney always let him because it was easier that way.
Barney needed to go say something to him. He had no idea what but he realized today how much he cared for the man. He knew Dietrich liked to hide out in a smelly storage room when he needed to get away. He never said anything because he spent less time hiding there than Harris and Wojo spent hiding in his office. So he started walking that way.
He heard voices in the storage room and peaked through the crack of the slightly open door. It took him a minute to make sense of what he was witnessing. Maybe he would talk to Dietrich tomorrow. It looked like he would have his hands full today trying to deal with Harris. Barney smiled. He wondered how long this had been going on. The strangest part of it all was that Harris had a dog.
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hoffmans-hoffman · 2 years
Happy birthday Steve Landesberg
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gawrkin · 2 months
I was today years old when I remembered that Beowulf, Hrolf Kraki, some of the Irish King cycle characters and Dietrich von Bern (Theodoric the Great) all lived together during the reign of King Arthur.
500 A.D./Early 6th Century was a wild time.
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womansfilm · 7 months
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"[Jean Arthur] was alone there. You see Marlene wants to engage her in some kind of dialogue. She was a real kibitzer, you know. When an electrician had a sneeze, she would run out, barefoot in the rain, climb up the steps, and bring some aspirin. She was a great great doctor, that's what she was." Billy Wilder on Jean Arthur and Marlene Dietrich, Conversations With Wilder (1999)
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citizenscreen · 1 year
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Billy Wilder’s A FOREIGN AFFAIR celebrates the 75th anniversary of its release this week.
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Jean Arthur and Marlene in A foreign affair
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telaviv-delhi · 1 year
Hátigen A vicc, hogy az Apollo 11 legénységének is van csillaga a tv-ben nyújtott tevékenységért. Talán a Holdtagadók Társasága szponzorálta :) Végülis: Churchill meg irodalmi Nobel-díjat kapott :)
A lencsevégre kapott valakik, benne néhány kivándorolt/elmenekült/elűzött magyarral:
Elvis Presley, Orson Welles, Clark Gable, Audrey Hepburn, Arthur Spiegel, Apollo 11 Crew (Neil Armstrong, Edvin E. Aldrin), August Lumiere, Johnny Cash, Humphrey Bogart, Ernest Borgnine, Mariska Hargitay, Kim Novak, Kevin Bacon, Lassie, Ronald Reagan, George Cukor, David Niven, Marlene Dietrich, Jane's Addiction, Richard Pryor, Alfred Hitchcock, Frank Sinatra, Orson Welles, Joseph Szigeti, Tom Jones, Eva Gabor, Larry King, John Cusack, Vladimir Horowitz, Daniel Radcliffe, Celine Dion, Bee Gees, Matt Damon, Forest Whitaker, Martin Landau, Billy Bob Thornton, Harrison Ford, Kevin Costner, Russel Crowe, Anthony Hopkins, Martin Scorsese, Charlize Theron, Nicole Kidman, Halle Berry, Steven Spielberg, Jamie Foxx, Jamie Foxx, Susan Sarandon, Whoopi Goldberg, Bela Lugosi, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Rod Stewart, Hugh Laurie, Ella Fitzgerald, Aerosmith, Janis Joplin, Mötley Crue, Marilyn Monroe, Ozzy Osbourne, Jay Leno, Sandra Bullock, Keanu Reeves, Anthony Perkins, Britney Spears, Antonio Banderas, Peter Jackson, Ryan Reynolds, Ricky Martin, The Doors, Slash, John Travolta, Salma Hayek, Charles Bronson, William Shatner, Godzilla, Tom Selleck, Tom Selleck, Jodie Foster, Quentin Tarantino, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Elton John, Billy Crystal, Bruce Willis, Tommy Lee Jones, Bruce Lee, Orlando Bloom, Eddie Murphy, Drew Barrymore, Julio Iglesias, Glenn Close, James Dunn, Alice Cooper, Henry Fonda, David Hasselhoff, Patrick Swayze, Richard Chamberlain, Samuel L. Jackson, Johnny Depp, RuPaul, Peter Falk, Thomas A. Edison, Helen Mirren, Tony Curtis, Dwayne Johnson, Groucho Marx, Greta Garbo, Kermit the Frog, Mariah Carey, George Clooney, Colleen Moore, Eddie Murphy, Denzel Washington, Walter Matthau, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Peter Sellers, Sophia Loren, Anthony Quinn, Sean Connery, Al Pacino, Johnny Depp, Robert de Niro, The Hunger Games, Kevin Costner, Kim Novak, Henry Fonda, etc.
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As of 2023, the Walk of Fame comprises 2,752 stars, which are spaced at 6-foot (1.8 m) intervals. There is a $75,000 sponsorship fee upon selection. The fee is used to pay for the creation and installation of the star, as well as maintenance of the Walk of Fame.
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Donald Trump valamivel leöntve. Nem akarom tudni, hogy mivel öntötték le ennek a derék, becsületes, szőke, fehér hazafinak a csillagát.
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spicy-suns · 2 years
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Pen drawings
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legobiwan · 1 year
Random idea I had this evening while trying to tackle some writing projects:
Many of us have commented on how movie!Luigi is able to fight off a whole army of Dry Bones AND take on Bowser with literally no training after he and Mario get a hold of the Super Star.
What if Luigi, pre-movie events, was secretly going to work out at a gym once or twice week, so he would feel equal to his brother? Of course, he's too anxious to actually try it out in real life and gets little to no practice outside the one or two hours a week he convinces his old high school classmate (who definitely picked on him back on the day) to teach him some moves. Meaning, it's not going to be his first instinct, especially when he gets dropped into the Darklands, but something that he can do, when he overcomes that fear and acts on instinct.
It would give a little explanation as how he is able to pull what he did at the end of the movie. Which would lead to a hilarious conversation post-movie between him and his brother. ("Uh, Lou? When did you learn how to fight?" "Huh? What do you mean? I don't. I didn't. I can't." "Uh-huh. Then what was that when you helped me beat Bowser?" "Oh that. Uh...hehe, adrenaline, you know. Funny thing, isn't it?" "Weeg." "Alright, alright. Maybe all those times I told you I was going for a walk in Prospect Park I might have been taking a few lessons with Vinny Mastriani." "Vinny Mastriani as in called you Loogy Loser Luigi Vinny Mastriani?" "I mean - " "This is great! Once we're healed up, we're definitely going to spar. I want to see what you can do." "Mario I don't think I can - " "You absolutely can and you will." *cue Luigi groaning*)
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letterboxd-loggd · 3 months
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A Foreign Affair (1948) Billy Wilder
June 23rd 2024
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ghassanrassam · 3 months
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1952 Marlene in a Fritz Lang western
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haveyouseenthisromcom · 6 months
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