#carl levitt
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asgoodeasgold · 8 months
"I met him and he had a spectacular energy to him. He was all over the "I met him and he had a spectacular energy to him. He was all over the room. He had a real danger to him, yet he was also funny and charming, which were two really important things to me."
Scott Frank, director of The Lookout, on why he cast Matthew Goode as Gary Spargo, seemingly against type. I love this quote, so telling about the mercurial actor that Matthew is. He will always surprise you.
I thought I would do a Lookout edit today (an under-rated gem of a film noir, I love it so much) to celebrate the fact Scott and Matthew are being reunited in Department Q. This makes for a great team!
🎶 One Big Holiday by My Morning Jacket
📷 The Lookout (2008) my edit
📖 Quote from The Movable Fest interview with Scott Frank and Matthew Goode
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emdroberts · 2 years
This story is based on the episode Stress Analyzer. I don’t own them. It I did there would be more hugging.
Ron Harris was in a deep sleep. Suddenly he felt a strange, wet sensation on his nose. He slowly opened his eyes to find himself staring at a happy ball of fluff licking his nose.
A few months ago Harris was at the lowest point in his life. He had been sued for $300,000 and lost the case. His friend, and coworker, Arthur Dietrich had taken him home that night and stayed up with him all night talking. They both finally decided to get over themselves and admit how they felt about each other. He moved in with Dietrich a few weeks later this time as his partner instead of his roommate. A few weeks later Arthur found a stray dog and Ron couldn’t say no to him when he asked if they could keep it. The dog was a small solid black mutt. So, of course, Dietrich named him Snowball.
Snowball was currently licking Ron’s nose to let him know he was hungry. Ron turned over to tell Arthur to feed him and discovered he wasn’t there. So he dragged himself out of bed and headed to the kitchen.
“Morning, you’re up early.”
“That’s because your dog is hungry.”
“He’s already been fed and walked. I think maybe he just missed you.”
“I think it’s more likely he was trying to score second breakfast.”
“Maybe. I’ll make it up to you tonight. We can try that new French restaurant you wanted to try.”
“And, conveniently, that also gets you out of cooking,” Harris laughed.
“Well, that too.”
They set off for work together but made sure they separated before they got too close to the police station. The department was being more open about gay officers recently. But having two detectives in a relationship with each other would be pushing their luck. The day started off with Ron dealing with a sweet old lady who wanted him to arrest her neighbor for having an affair with her husband.
Suddenly Harris looked up and realized that Dietrich was shirtless. His brain short circuited for a minute. After he sent Wanda home he wondered over to find out what was going on. Arthur was wearing a heart monitor for a stress study for the department. Harris wanted to tease him about it but he and Wojo got a call.
As soon as he returned with Wojo, Dietrich was sent out on a call. Ron was feeling a little impatient because he really wanted to make the heart monitor go crazy. Everyone would assume it was because he was annoying Dietrich so he could safely torment his partner at work without getting caught. He couldn’t wait to get started.
Arthur Dietrich was not having the best of days. When he had signed up for the stress study he did not take the time to think it through. As soon as the heart monitor started to increase when the doctor started to annoy him with small talk he realized he had a problem. At some point during the course of the day there was a good chance he would have to volunteer information related to a case. And when that happened Barney would sigh and roll his eyes. The minute those eyes went up so would his heart rate.This study was definitely a mistake.
He also knew Ron was going to do everything in his power to get his heart rate up. He didn’t blame him though because he would do the same thing if the situation was reversed. At least that part of the day might be fun.
Unfortunately, as soon as Harris got back Dietrich had a call of his own to handle. Fortunately, Levitt was back on full duty so he was able to bring him on the call. He had nothing against the other uniforms but he had worked with Carl many times and trusted him to have his back.
When they arrived at the apartment where the disturbance was taking place Dietrich recognized Wanda who had been in the precinct earlier that morning. She was holding a high pressure fire hose and blasting everything in the apartment. There was another woman there who was obviously very confused about what was happening.
Arthur knew he needed to get the situation under control but he couldn’t seem to stop laughing. He has never been on such a strange call. He and Levitt tried to take control of the hose but it was hard to get too close without the danger of being hit. Suddenly Arthur was hit in the chest with the water and felt himself blasted over some furniture.
He wasn’t as amused now. That had hurt and now he was soaking wet. The surge of adrenaline he got from his brief anger allowed him to grab Wanda and take control of the hose.
Barney Miller was currently hiding out in his office. He was trying to avoid awkward conversation with the doctor who was out there analyzing Dietrich’s heart and blood pressure for some kind of department stress study.
He felt a surge of annoyance at Dietrich for volunteering without discussing it with him first. But he tried to push it down realizing it was ridiculous to feel that way. It wasn’t like it was interfering with his duties.
That annoyance was quickly forgotten when an even bigger annoyance arrived, Inspector Luger. Could this day get any worse? He quickly discovered it could when Luger brought up those stupid letters again.
Ron was feeling excited. Luger had shown up so Barney would be held hostage in his office for the foreseeable future. When Arthur got back he would have free reign to torture him. He wondered how fast he could get his heart to go. Right now he was listening to a slow, steady beat. It was kind of comforting.
Suddenly that beat sped up. When it continued to be fast Harris started to get concerned. But he tried to comfort himself with Arthur probably just dealing with a runner.
Everything was fine. And then it wasn’t. He looked over at Wojo and they both moved to the monitor by unspoken agreement. The doctor was muttering something and then went to get Barney.
That was good. Barney would know what to do because Ron was currently having a hard time thinking. Then he realized he could make himself useful and call dispatch. Dispatch would tell them it was just a silly misunderstanding and then Arthur would tease him about it when he got back.
FLATLINE. This wasn’t happening. Barney refused to believe that he had lost a man. He looked over at Harris and Wojo and saw they were just as dazed as he was. Luger walked out to see what was happening and started barking out orders when the doctor told him what was going on.
“Harris, Wojo, take some uniforms and see what’s going on down there. Barney, call dispatch and find out what they know.
“You,” he pointed at the doctor” “figure out what is wrong with your little machine that’s making my men stress out.”
This seemed to kick everything in motion. Harris and Wojo ran out the door and Barney got on the phone. Dietrich was the calm one. Barney never had to worry about him. Unlike the others, Arthur wasn’t constantly in his office with one emotional problem after another. This could not be real.
Harris was in the passenger seat of a police car. He was trying to figure out how he got there. He had been at the precinct. And Luger had started giving orders. That couldn’t be right. Why wasn’t Barney giving orders? Does Luger even give orders? Maybe he was dreaming.
Wojo was talking. What was he saying?He really needed to pay attention. What was wrong with him? Not him, Arthur. Arthur was dead. No, that couldn’t be right. They had a dog now. Arthur wouldn’t just die and leave him alone with the dog.
Suddenly they were there. Uniforms were everywhere. There were lots of onlookers gawking. The bomb squad was there. Harris didn’t remember an explosion. He slowly got out of the car. Wojo was talking again. He really needed to shut up.
And then he saw it. Dietrich was coming out of the building. Harris wasn’t sure what happened next but suddenly he was hugging his very wet partner.
Dietrich walked out of the building and discovered he had walked into some kind of police reunion. There were uniforms everywhere. The bomb squad was there. The bomb squad? How had he missed a bomb threat? What the hell was going on?
And then Harris ran up and hugged him. At work! That was not something they did. He needed to find out what was going on.
“What’s wrong? Why is the Calvary here?”
Because Harris hadn’t said a word since they left the station Wojo answered, “Your heart monitor went dead. We were worried.”
Oh. Oh, no. No wonder Ron was holding on. Had they ever hugged that long?
“I’m fine, just a little wet. The monitor must not be waterproof.”
Ron started laughing. He had to or he was going to have a nervous breakdown in front of half of his coworkers. Arthur was fine. He hadn’t died and abandoned their dog. Why was he obsessing over the dog?
Okay, time to go into police mode now. Right now Dietrich was his work partner, not his life partner. He needed to deal with all this later. Or never. Never was probably best.
After they returned to the station Harris realized that never was not an option and neither was later. As soon as he got the chance he dragged Dietrich to a storage closet that no one ever went into because it was filled with things they never used and it smelled bad. Arthur had suggested the hiding place to him when Luger had been assigned to the station and Ron needed a break from him. Ron quickly discovered he’d rather be around Luger than the bad smell but it was the most private place he could think of.
“I thought you were dead.”
“I’m sorry. I wish you hadn’t gone through that.”
“You don’t understand. I thought I was going to have to go home without you and try to make Snowball understand you were never coming home.”
“ You were worried about the dog?”
“Of course, I was worried about the dog. You love the dog. I love you. What if I screwed up with the dog when you weren’t here to fix it?”
“Ron, you would’ve been fine taking care of the dog. Just like you are fine taking care of me. If something had happened today it wouldn’t have been your fault.”
“I never said it was my fault.”
“That’s the great thing about knowing you for so long. You don’t have to say it. We can’t always go on calls together. You can’t always have my back. Sometimes things happen and it’s nobody’s fault.”
“But I wasn’t there. What if you had really died and I hadn’t been there? What if this morning was the last time we had breakfast together?”
“But it wasn’t. Someday one of us will be here and the other one won’t be. But dwelling on that isn’t going to make life better.”
“I know,” Ron pulled Arthur in for another hug. “I just need this day to be over.”
“It will be soon. Then I’ll take you to the French restaurant just like I promised.”
“No way, Dietrich. Tonight we are going home and ordering a pizza. We are going to sit on the couch so close we are touching while we eat that pizza. Then we are going to the bedroom where you will be keeping that sweatshirt on while I show you how much I love you.”
“You like the sweatshirt?”
“Very much.”
Barney was feeling very relieved that Dietrich was okay. He was also feeling guilty. Dietrich hadn’t even thought to call and tell him he was okay. Barney saw the realization in his eyes as he apologized for not calling. And he had just left Barney’s office thanking him for being concerned. Like he was surprised.
Barney could pretend like he didn’t know why Dietrich was surprised. But he knew why. The very first time they had met Fish had tried to quit. This left Barney with an attitude about Dietrich he had never bothered to adjust. They never really talked about anything important. Dietrich had tried a few times to but Barney had always blown him off or gotten frustrated with him. Dietrich wasn’t like the rest of his men. He didn’t keep pushing like Wojo and Levitt did. Or fight back like Harris would. He just backed off. And Barney always let him because it was easier that way.
Barney needed to go say something to him. He had no idea what but he realized today how much he cared for the man. He knew Dietrich liked to hide out in a smelly storage room when he needed to get away. He never said anything because he spent less time hiding there than Harris and Wojo spent hiding in his office. So he started walking that way.
He heard voices in the storage room and peaked through the crack of the slightly open door. It took him a minute to make sense of what he was witnessing. Maybe he would talk to Dietrich tomorrow. It looked like he would have his hands full today trying to deal with Harris. Barney smiled. He wondered how long this had been going on. The strangest part of it all was that Harris had a dog.
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saturdaynightmatinee · 3 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Título Original: Frank Miller's Sin City: A Dame to Kill For 
Año: 2014
Duración: 102 min
País: Estados Unidos
Dirección: Robert Rodriguez, Frank Miller
Guion: Frank Miller Cómic: Frank Miller
Música: Robert Rodriguez, Carl Thiel
Fotografía: Robert Rodriguez (B&W)
Reparto: Mickey Rourke, Josh Brolin, Jessica Alba, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Eva Green, etc
Productora: The Weinstein Company, Dimension Films, Aldamisa Entertainment, Demarest Films, Miramax, Solipsist Film, Troublemaker Studios
Género: Action; Crime; Thriller
0 notes
ironingmusic · 1 year
Past shows: other projects
as Andrew Chadwick
06/11/2011 @ Apartment Music #11, Hal McGee's Apartment, Gainesville, FL with Otto Van Rhinau, Otolathe, Andrew Weathers & Hal McGee, Nicholas Rejack, more http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K58qFBw5BCk
03/03/2012 @ Laboratory Music #5 improvisation fest, The Laboratory, Gainesville, FL in a randomly chosen duo collaborating with Steve Ladensack http://www.facebook.com/events/102227553234769/ video: youtu.be/F_WQbma7CDk audio: http://halmcgee.bandcamp.com/track/steve-ladensack-and-andrew-chadwick-at-laboratory-music-5
03/24/2012 @ John Cage's 100th birthday festival Jacksonville, FL event: https://www.facebook.com/events/120524111408760/ birthday celebration site: http://www.facebook.com/events/179725752134711
01/19/2013 @ Apartment Music #18 for Hal McGee's birthday with Cool Person, Hal McGee & Lumen Kishkumen, Canned Ham, Jim Ivy & Mark McGee, Kris Gruda, Jamison Williams, Fiver's Stereo & The Glyph, Jiblit Dupree, Lucy Bonk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyPUZunexcI
10/12/2013 @ Apartment Music #20, Gainesville, FL with Aaron Abrams, Fivers Stereo & Mark McGee, Hal McGee & Josh Tippery, AJ Herring, Trevor Luke, Steve Ladensack, Vasectomy Party, & Two Woos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0aABu4y8COo
03/29/2014 @ The Harn Museum of Art, Gainesville, FL collaborating with Adam Scott Neal, Zach Lovitch, & Hal McGee in response to and accompanying the exhibit of Helen Levitt's street photography titled "Public Dramas, Private Dreams." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5B-FKHToX-k
09/13/2014 @ Apartment Music #27, Gainesville, FL with Richard Orlando, Captain Mission, Bluesharp, AJ Herring, Trevor Luke, Hell Garbage, Rauh https://halmcgee.bandcamp.com/album/apartment-music-27 09/29/2015 @ Doomed Unicorn’s Epic Show #20 @ Muddy Waters, Gainesville, FL w/ Andrew Weathers Ensemble, Andrew Virga, The Andrews https://www.facebook.com/events/1616697355257123/ https://youtu.be/Iixjsv7nKEs
10/20/2018 @ Apartment Music #31, Gainesville, FL with Canned Ham, Shelby Radcliffe, Tomokie's Cup, Aaron Abrams, Dylan Houser, Emmy Lou, Mullarkey, Lumen K., Jiblit Dupree http://halmcgee.bandcamp.com/track/am31-andrew-chadwick
09/06/2019 at Action Research 202 at Portal 4, Gainesville, FL w/ Ryosuke Kiyasu, Bluesharp, No Coding, Jonas, Van Den Bossche, Frog https://www.facebook.com/events/573371499860935/ https://youtu.be/nywk1lU3Qlw
09/18/2019 at Sun-Ray Cinema, Jacksonville, FL w/ Carl Stone, Fiver’s Stereo https://www.facebook.com/events/1122534884800681 https://youtu.be/2OpzRKw9cBw
11/16/2019 at Apartment Music 36, Gainesville, FL with Hal McGee, Formaldehydra, Danger Games, Fiver’s Stereo, & more http://www.haltapes.com/apartment-music-36.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibahVNt-v3A Alternate: https://youtu.be/iHeYya3sdoE
11/10/2021 at Squared Wave, 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DcIUX_kNpT8
11/13/2021 at Apartment Music 39 at Hal McGee’s apartment, Gainesville, FL w/ Hal McGee, Firestroke, Agna, DJ Hollow Life, Jason Irvin, Orphling, Aaron Abrams https://youtu.be/wBaPsAJ_iuo
03/08/2023 at Squared Wave, 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL https://youtu.be/vSYsZ8mvL7w 02/14/2024 at Squared Wave, 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBCsMPvRt1c 08/21/2024 Action Research 240 at The Atlantic, Gainesville, FL w/ Danny Kamins, Hal McGee, The Healing Center, A.J. Herring, Frog https://www.facebook.com/events/1007423117521773/ -------------------------------
as Capstan Drive (all microcassette)
7/21/2007 @ Action Research #4, 2nd Street Bakery, Gainesville, FL with Pax Titania, Free Space, Jijimuge, Aaron Zarzutzki https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4q7kARWRmM0
09/30/2007 @ Microshow, The Photobooth, Gainesville, FL with Hal McGee, Jijimuge, Revolucion Al Azar http://youtu.be/1mxBlZZrQzw
02/09/2008 @ Action Research #14, OAF House, Tallahassee, FL with God Willing, Unicorn Hard-On, Leslie Keffer, Darker Florida, The Penetralia, The Viirus, Kristin Calvarese, Keep Bullfighting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpC9o3fHo60
07/24/2009 @ Action Research #42, Spagandyland, Gainesville, FL with GayBomb, Matt Rabin, Psychic Friends Hotline, AG Davis & Jamison Williams, Hal McGee, Frog http://youtu.be/ZW0BRKjpwA0
11/7/2009 @ Dictaphonia Fest, The Laboratory, Gainesville, FL with M.Stactor, Richard Orlando, Hal McGee, William Wesley & The Tiny Sockets, Projexorcism, Mannequin Hollowcaust, minimum of none, S.O.S., Vagina Teeth/Jesus Teeth, Waterdigger, Otolathe, Krysten Davis, Jamison Williams with Jay Peele, Black Beast of Arrrghhh, Mark McGee, Su Sous Toulouse En Rouge, and Lindsey Leepe http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=poLf9ztF29E
1/16/2010 @ Hal McGee's 52nd birthday show, The Laboratory, Gainesville, FL microcassette duel with Hal McGee. Also: Naked City Cinema, Action Sound Painting Orchestra, Hal McGee/Mark McGee/No Limit Cycle, Blast & The Detergents, Kris Gruda/Jamison Williams/Hal McGee, Jiblet Dupree/Hal McGee, Matrix Infinity w/ Hal McGee, and more part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrCjglsqZyg part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hzfp8vhwo-I alternate clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJETp46vvAA
3/18/2011 @ Action Research #66, The Laboratory, Gainesville, FL with Headwar, John Makay, Koonda Holaa, Hal McGee, (MC)², Time Ghost, Hurricanes of Love, Frog filmed by Hal McGee: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7p-8EmJ9Gg filmed by Keaton: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ya0eLVt3zgs
5/14/2011 @ Apartment Music #9, Hal McGee's Apartment, Gainesville, FL with Hal McGee & Jim Ivy, Travis Johnson & Kris Gruda, Keahota Hota, Loren Knack, Greg Owens, Kevin Lewis, Natalja Marie & Mark McGee, Greg Owens http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ox1xa_d94fg
12/22/2012 @ Apartment Music #17, Hal McGee's apartment, Gainesville, FL with Zebulon, Subversive Intentions, Panther Sequoia, Canned Ham, and more. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mD7hMSIxrVc
02/15/2014 @ Apartment Music #23, Hal McGee's apartment, Gainesville, FL with Hal McGee, Jiblit Dupree, Rauh, A.J. Herring, Jay Peele, Hell Garbage http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oChJAVZb6rM
09/27/2014 at Rain Dogs in Jacksonville, FL with Royallen, Rollercoaster, Creep City, Mouth Mouth https://www.facebook.com/events/790274151024022/ https://youtu.be/EdCFZnGBKuM -------------------------------
as The Pete/Repeat Experience (manipulated CD players)
11/15/2010 @ Tom Miller's Summer Unspectacular, The Laboratory, Gainesville, FL with other open mic weirdos
01/15/2011 @ Laboratory Music #2, Gainesville, FL with 37 other solo free improv performers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdylayxFyEU
05/27/2011 @ Tooth House, Tallahassee, FL with John Mannion, Monolith Transmission No. 2, Philospiders, more http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=228787217136917
05/28/2011 @ Apartment Music #10, Hal McGee's Apartment, Gainesville, FL with Hal McGee & The Subliminator, Jackie Kennedy, Nicholas Rejack, Frog, Clutter, Drinking, Lucy Bonk, Jiblit Dupree http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=226325814050459 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7bnd3Sspe4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4I2HNFr9hao
10/26/2011 @ Action Research #76, The Laboratory, Gainesville, FL with Dylan Tietze, Styrofoamswamp, Cheryl Borja, Nicholas Rejack, John David Eriksen, Hot Whale http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=243615052352806 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QW5OUga_Lk8
12/23/2011 @ Invermere House, Jacksonville, FL http://www.facebook.com/events/154204401351965 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4A0Jq77VEc
10/16/2012 @ The Tom Miller Summer Unspectacular, The Laboratory, Gainesville, Florida http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrZy0wIuNpE
03/09/2013 @ Action Research #102, Display, Gainesville, FL as a duo with Id M Theft Able with Id M Theft Able, Tussin, Ice Jet, Frog http://www.facebook.com/events/547618215268595/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXa6XtehVrE
02/02/2014 @ Groundhog's Day edition of Sunday Schoolin' at The Midnight, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/271410086346750/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnGMpbhUeh0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPbkF81IXo8
06/06/2015 @ Action Research #146 at P.Arts & Labor, Gainesville, FL with Severed+Said, Ben Varian, Kane Pour, Flower Child, Frog https://www.facebook.com/events/413948738784852/ https://youtu.be/hVAqHJVkfg4
02/09/2022 @ Squared Wave at 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL with Sam, Chris Bailey, AsleepZZZ, Arv7z, Covered In Bugs https://youtu.be/xXHFwcsIL9o
02/22/2023 (The Petesa/Repeatsa Experience) @ Squared After Dark, Satch Squared. Gainesville, FL w/ Landforms, Hogtown Slow Club, Mal Func
as Heirloom (ambient drone tones)
02/19/2011 a house in Tallahassee, FL with Transmuteo, Plastic Flowers, Off Balance Atlas, Great Beer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BayodQL1_A
05/20/2011 @ Mannateas house, Gainesville, FL
04/04/2012 @ The Laboratory, Gainesville, FL with Tracey Trance, Roamer, Michael Collins, Kathleen Kennedy
04/07/2012 @ Citrus Party #8 / Electronic SubSouth House Show #9, ESS HQ, Gainesville, FL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSDDqUYtm_w
08/07/2012 @ Action Research #94, Display, Gainesville, FL with Andrew Weathers Ensemble, Justin Clifford Rhody, Kathleen Kennedy, Frog
09/01/2012 in the afternoon at Nicholas' & AJ's housewarming, Hostage House, Gainesville, FL
11/17/2012 @ Amplifier Cenotaph: Boardwalk Music #1 at ESS HQ, Gainesville, FL with John David Eriksen & Loren Knack, Deathtraps, '...and the earth will speak in sun cycles' https://www.facebook.com/events/336559126442106 Heirloom: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WyMUAgLX_k John David Eriksen & Loren Knack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_S77gWryCA
02/15/2013 @ Display, Gainesville, FL with Aster, Michael Collins, Witch Titz, Raja Vidya http://www.facebook.com/events/556295881056692/ http://youtu.be/MCaM24v1YyI
06/03/2013 @ Action Research #107, Display, Gainesville, FL with Zack Kouns, Velma & The Happy Campers, John David Eriksen, Bluesharp, Frog http://www.facebook.com/events/515913651802648/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7NAdgysx2I
06/15/2013 @ Ambienfest at Heart's Desire in Tallahassee, FL with Cult Cosmos, Great Beer, blacksunblackmoon, Caribiner, Ironing, No Face, Centipede Switch, Fountainpen http://www.facebook.com/events/641326082562687/ http://youtu.be/WJpW-sOBA7c
08/23/2013 @ F.L.A. Gallery, Gainesville, FL with Roamer X, Dust Congress http://www.facebook.com/events/542532649147575/ http://youtu.be/4-OPCsNFpGQ
09/14/2013 @ Apartment Music #19, Hal McGee's Apartment, Gainesville, FL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_T8aJo6jh-8
10/13/2013 @ with A.J. Herring at Action Research #117: Boardwalk Music #2 at The Boardwalk, ESS HQ, Gainesville, FL with Nagual, No Face, Peace Arrow & Bois, The Hifi Envelope, Deathraps, & Frog https://www.facebook.com/events/457699084345061/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvrCR9c4mAU
5/22/2014 at Display, Gainesville, FL with Peace Arrow, Grommet, Hastur https://www.facebook.com/events/1420548214877009/ http://youtu.be/LGsB70r5Aw8
01/25/2015 at Action Research #136, A Space, Gainesville, FL w/ Drekka, Bluesharp, Ben Varian, Daydream, & Frog https://www.facebook.com/events/776772319043221/ https://youtu.be/bJ7BXlQn468
03/27/2015 at The Blueprint Show by P.ARTS at Poole Building, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/789056294516833/ first set: https://youtu.be/dd5u-cyR6ps second set: https://youtu.be/gXqQfXvNlJ8
06/29/2015 @ Sunmoonstar party, Gainesville, FL w/ Sunmoonstar, T. Whitehill https://www.facebook.com/events/562403643899854/ https://youtu.be/1gCtPTolb9M
03/24/2016 @ Sun-Ray Cinema, Jacksonville with William Basinski, Tim Albro https://www.facebook.com/events/103754016680960/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teDXbqAY1S4
06/08/2016 at a house, Gainesville, FL w/ Ben Varian, Jake Tobin, Sunmoonstar https://www.facebook.com/events/129650680779079 https://youtu.be/ZCL588ssocU
06/18/2016 at Shitty Life, Gainesville, FL with Destructive Bodies, Dunce Party https://www.facebook.com/events/480465932157177 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52pqwQA54uQ
06/29/2016 at Doomed Unicorn’s Epic Show #21 at Muddy Waters, Gainesville, FL with Majid Araim, Flower Child, The Andrews https://www.facebook.com/events/1258149994225692/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRnXOm5QpnM
02/20/2017 at Alix Hyde’s album release at Gallery Protocol, Gainesville, FL with Alix Hyde, Nagual, Animal Prince, Goode Bye https://www.facebook.com/events/1562838157067326/ https://youtu.be/QPbNXNiBZ3I
08/12/2017 at Boxcar, Gainesville, FL w/  Plake 64 And The Hexagrams, Rayya https://www.facebook.com/events/1932645560328315/   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dtZmGLtJlg
10/12/2017 at Action Research #173, The Limin Room, Gainesville, FL w/ Burnt Hair, Fjshwjfe, Fleetwood Snack, Frog https://www.facebook.com/events/1844032172574974/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4nqgIJx4HI
10/21/2017 at Racket Music, Liv Apartments, Gainesville, FL w/ Hal McGee, Bluesharp, Orphling, Amigos, Hell Garbage, Petit Laffite, Fiver’s Stereo, A.J. Herring, Vasectomy Party http://www.haltapes.com/racket-music.html by Francisca: https://youtu.be/M6Vv8-5CK1I by Trevor: https://youtu.be/95TzTDtdI3Y
04/11/2018 at Portal 4 in Gainesville, FL with In Sonitus Lux, Severed+Said, Deterritory https://www.facebook.com/events/183357525791501/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXRbyjjWb7k Audio released as “Portal” cassette on Hideous Seed: https://www.discogs.com/release/12616909-Heirloom-Portal
10/03/2018 “Portal” tape release show at Action Research #190 at Portal 4, Gainesville, FL w/ Lavas Magmas, Bluesharp, Penance, Frog https://www.facebook.com/events/720943908268052/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWZqZpXljRs Audio released as a 3″ CDr on Hymns titled “October 3, 2018″ : https://www.discogs.com/release/22248496-Heirloom-October-3-2018
01/11/2019 at Action Research #193 at Portal 4 in Gainesville, FL w/ Lauren Tosswill, Bluesharp, Millenial Matter, Frog https://www.facebook.com/events/1228989560589796/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=capeUE4gPGU
08/25/2019 at Portal 4, Gainesville, FL collaborating with Blacksunblackmoon w/ Toned, The Andrews https://www.facebook.com/events/848665352182893/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcIwukpwUxU
02/26/2022 at Action Research 218, 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL collaborating with The Andrews also performed: Landforms, Heirloom, AsleepZZZ, Covered In Bugs, Frog https://www.facebook.com/events/371406024413773 https://youtu.be/jSBOZKQNppE
07/07/2022 at the Wormhole, Gainesville, FL with Miracle Roy, Kevin Pm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLM3cuNNtyk
02/09/2023 at Moisturizer Gallery, Gainesville, FL w/ Hifi Envelope, Ash, Baby Arms, Bugbaby https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6J6Xd0KW-a0
03/27/2023 at Action Research 228, Moisturizer Gallery, Gainesville, FL w/ Colby Nathan, Ash, Goode Bye, & Frog ------------------------------- as Tall In Front: 06/29/2019 at Action Research #200 at The Atlantic, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/648817502258787/ https://youtu.be/t6AS3v4GhUo ------------------------------- showing Gainesville Shuffle, 2005-2015 12/13/2014 at Curia on the Drag, Gainesville, FL
01/13/2015 - 01/29/2015 in the window at Gallery Protocol, Gainesville, FL
05/26/2015 at The Backyard in Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/1447338938913674/
04/17/2016 at the Main Library, St. Petersburg, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/1737865619766191/
07/18/2018 at The Backyard, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/2078129689128012/
08/16/2018 at 777 International Mall in Miami, FL as part of Third Saturdays, presented by MANA Contemporary Miami & Vidium https://www.facebook.com/events/1905169436211100/ https://www.manacontemporarymiami.com/20180818thirdsaturdays ------------------------------- collaborating with Troy (Pairs) as Bearses 04/19/2005 @ Javatropolis, Tampa, FL with The Windshield Death Threat Procedure 05/05/2005 @ Seizure Overpalace, Orlando, FL with Meneguar 05/14/2005 @ Masquerade, Tampa, FL with Lightning Bolt, The Band of the Name, Bug Sized Mind, The Windshield Death Threat Procedure. 06/17/2005 @ Vulture Tower, Tampa, FL with Yip-Yip, My [Left] Uterus, Limplungs, Uh-Oh Spades! and others. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8gfpK73PRA ------------------------------- as part of the SLAUGHTERIN' SLOBBERSVILLE tour: variety show in a two act musical format featuring the talents of Kevin Blechdom, Blevin Blectum, Irene Moon, Justice Yeldham, Elisabeth King, Ching Chong Song, Maryclare Brzytwa and more
25 April 2009 -- Leipzig, Germany - Skala Leipzig
28 April 2009 -- Munich, Germany - Lothringer 13 Blectum from Blechdom: https://youtu.be/u4AxR6xOZAc Justice Yeldham: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHj1b84Pa6M
30 April 2009 -- Krems, Austria - Donau Festival w/ Aphex Twin, Luke Vibert, more https://youtu.be/-mBWlnGmKJg?t=27s 01 May 2009 -- Rotterdam, Netherlands - the WORM 02 May 2009 -- Hasselt, Belgium - Kunstencentrum w/ Twig Harper, more 03 May 2009 -- Hamburg, Germany - Golden Pudel http://freemusicarchive.org/music/slaughtering_slobbersville/live_in_hamburg_030509__golden_pudel/ 04 May 2009 -- Amsterdam, Netherlands - OCCII 06 May 2009 -- Brussels, Belgium - L’Ecurie 07 May 2009 -- Wetzlar, Germany - Franzis 08 May 2009 -- Nijmegen, Netherlands - EXTRAPOOL 09 May 2009 -- Utrecht, Netherlands - Vecht Club ------------------------------- half of Beach People 12/6/2008 at Action Research 32 at the beach in Panacea, FL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNvk03OoSVE 07/18/2009 at Action Research 41 at the beach in Panacea, FL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZK4DDsxNpIE0 8/07/2010 at Action Research 59 at Hickory Pond, Waldo, FL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HbezEoY8cg ------------------------------- collaborating with Hal McGee & No Limit Cycle as Deep Trench (low bass oriented marianas trench influenced sounds) 06/25/2009 @ Action Research #39, Story House, Gainesville, FL with Aaron Zarzutzki, Skeleton Warrior, Globular, Frog http://youtu.be/mlaYHUjMqTE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5mwbbYaWf4 10/10/2009 @ Action Research #45, The Laboratory, Gainesville, FL with The Lady Of Situations, Sean Earl Beard, Glockenshock, Frog, Zhinsinura, The Viirus https://youtu.be/AXBYaXm3GTo ------------------------------- collaborating with No Limit Cycle as Bros 12/12/2009 @ Action Research #46, The Laboratory, Gainesville, FL with Layne Garrett, Hal McGee, Hydrogen Arm, Kane Pour, Cowabunga Blood, Frog https://youtu.be/W9tTkq63iTM 03/05/2010 @ Action Research #49, Ironing's 5th birthday party @ The Laboratory, Gainesville, FL with Ironing, Hal McGee, Janet Night, The Lady Of Situations, Dubbio Nil, The Hifi Envelope, Frog, and DJ Smooth Guy https://youtu.be/k7pDdi-rSRA 06/18/2010 @ Action Research #55, @ Spagandyland, Gainesville, FL with Female Topics, The Lady Of Situations, Philospiders, Fill Spectrum, Slam Dunk Millionaire, Frog http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiaA1V7pLpA alternate view: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zss6uHL_E18 08/07/2010 @ Action Research #59, Bryson County, Waldo, FL with Aloonaluna, Attachedhands, Beach People, Birdfeeder, Black Circle Boys, Burlington Coke Factory, Diamonds Guns Gold, DJ Thanatos, Dubbio Nil, Frog, Ironing, Lads of the Lake, Lady of Situations, LZRKMMNDR, minim, Perspectives, Philospiders, Rabbit Punch, Saving Twilight, Ylayali ------------------------------- collaborating with John David Eriksen & Brian Lee as Ice Jet as a duo with John David Eriksen: 06/05/2010 @ Action Research #54, The Laboratory, Gainesville, FL with Screwed Anthologies, J.Thelonious, Roamer, Rainbow Blood, DJ Smooth Guy, Frog https://youtu.be/wRzKbNOTWGY 07/07/2010 @ Liminal Collisions, Museum of Contemporary Art, Jacksonville, FL with Ironing and John David Eriksen https://youtu.be/mxL9yfRwPpY 01/19/2012 @ The Laboratory, Gainesville, FL with Double Morris, Human+Plus, EarthMasters http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0d8U60u4taQ 03/15/2012 @ Action Research #83, Display, Gainesville, FL with Doggebi, Chairs, Loïc Bertrand, Cox Populi,  Glass Dog, Frog http://www.facebook.com/events/395082253838735/ first 5 minutes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QznCHekK1ow Brian Lee joined on drums & electronics: 05/02/2012 @ Action Research #87, The Laboratory, Gainesville, FL with No Milk, Mike Bison, Lung of Flowers, Roamer X, Kathleen Kennedy, Frog http://www.facebook.com/events/338810346186176/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CzwKHXcAFiE 05/04/2012 @ Total Bummer 3D, Sip, Orlando, FL with Kitty Pryde, Acoqui, Digital Natives, Koas, Lung Of Flowers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IY3DBZ1Aois 06/09/2012 @ Action Research #89, The Laboratory, Gainesville, FL with Profligate, Father Finger, Craow, Cox Populi, Hal & Mark McGee, Frogunmueller http://www.facebook.com/events/238302396282933/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmKZwcxlwPw 09/27/2012 @ Action Research #96, The Laboratory, Gainesville, FL with No Babies, Die Hoffnung, Scientifically Speaking with Irene Moon, Fujoshi, Frog http://www.facebook.com/events/401266653272802/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGt5TTMH9sM 10/28/2012 @ Urban Rethink, Orlando, FL Gatto Pazzo, Velma Trotsky's Ghost of Mass Control, ARS, Jamison Williams & Dan Kozak http://www.facebook.com/events/432971506760882/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RAsXGDh_5w 11/26/2012 @ Display, Gainesville, FL with Aloonaluna, Christopher Fleeger, Charlet http://www.facebook.com/events/165887410223642/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVvQk1J8aPs 
12/21/2012 @ End of the World party, The Church of Holy Colors, Gainesville, FL with Ghost Fields, Michael Collins, Pospulenn, Roamer X, Golden Arc of Three Returns, Ironing http://www.facebook.com/events/306940246072769/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2BEOITyizU
03/09/2013 @ Action Research #102, Display, Gainesville, FL with Id M Theft Able, Tussin, The Pete/Repeat Experience, Frog http://www.facebook.com/events/547618215268595/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SuHQzMpdtw
------------------------------- collaborating with Loren Knack as Lads Of The Lake
08/07/2010 @ Action Research #59, Bryson County, Waldo, FL with Aloonaluna, Attachedhands, Beach People, Birdfeeder, Black Circle Boys, Burlington Coke Factory, Diamonds Guns Gold, DJ Thanatos, Dubbio Nil, Frog, Ironing, Lads of the Lake, Lady of Situations, LZRKMMNDR, minim, Perspectives, Philospiders, Rabbit Punch, Saving Twilight, Ylayali https://youtu.be/BVbIYMg4GQc alternate: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQAtlWoJKfc
------------------------------ collaborating with Aaron Zarzutzki as Bee Tongues
01/06/2011 @ Action Research #63, The Laboratory, Gainesville, FL with Yebo Gogo, Kreb Drawn Hoops, Atomic Populist Melt Machine, Back Pockets, Frog http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRb05-qwNZA
01/07/2011 @ Branch Ranch Pervert Pit, Tampa, FL with Yebo Gogo, Kreb Drawn Hoops, Southern Nights, Booga Boooga
------------------------------- collaborating with Nicholas as Prescient Orphans
03/02/2012 @ Ante-Scientia: The Laboratory Music #5 Preshow, The Laboratory, Gainesville, FL with Bluesharp, Cheryl Borja,  John David Eriksen & Amir Rios, Hal McGee - "Op. 25 (Fluxscore)", Dan Reaves & Mark McGee, Styrofoamswamp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVvZNPsOIG8
03/29/2012 Action Research #84, The Laboratory, Gainesville, FL with Tonstartssbandht, Michael Collins, Jason Harvey, Hear Hums, Sean McDonald, Digital Natives, Frog http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkBKTBkKbbg
03/30/2012 Fooles Holy Eve. @ Venture Compound, St Petersburg, FL with Styrofoamswamp, HOW RUDE, Whitey Alabastard, DC9V, Poisson d'avril, Solid Action, Tree http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nPturf_JrM
06/15/2012 @ Action Research #90, Display, Gainesville, FL with Voids, Glass Dog, Mike Bison, Photogenic Memory, Oedipus Complex, Frog
09/09/2012 @ Uncle Lou’s Entertainment Hall, Orlando, FL with Newton, Togna Bologna, Rat Bastard, Jiblit Dupree, Whitey & Trotsky, Windsor's Ghost, Cardiel
11/11/2012 Transflorida Feedback at Hostage House, Gainesville, FL with Blast & The Detergents, Memphibians, Velma & The Happy Campers, Danger Games, Fujoshi http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ylk_ot7UCzw
11/13/2012 at Boca Fiesta, Gainesville, FL with Royallen, Do Tell http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YC3VN1AJ0hI
02/02/2013 @ pre-INC Jacksonville, Burro Bar, Jacksonville, FL with Slasher Risk, Proud/Father, Jamison Williams & Scott Smith, Faker, Nequam Sonitus, Creep City, Helen, Cellular Terror, The Glyph, Julie Gem, Mason McGough Ensemble, Dan Kozak, Sasquatch On Mars http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQf0GQgOcOw
07/19/2014 at Hostage House, Gainesville, FL with Poncili Creacion, Velma And The Happy Campers, Burnt Hair, Permanent Makeup, Danger Games https://www.facebook.com/events/816294115049004/ http://youtu.be/96DLJnPC29E
10/05/2019 at Moisturizer Gallery, Gainesville, FL with A.J. Herring, Serpentlightprism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4koTssltRU0
09/18/2021 Action Research 217 at 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL w/ Error Mortal, A.J. Herring, LZRKMMNDR, Frog https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9SzNwnxPVw
-------------------------------------- collaborating with Rosemarie Romero as tl:dl
03/15/2014 @ Apartment Music #24 at Hal McGee's Apartment in Gainesville, FL with Danger Games, Vasectomy Party & Trevor Luke, Zach Lovitch, A.J. Herring & Fiver's Stereo, & the Pots N Pans Orchestra http://youtu.be/A-Ehp-sTxlM as Big Purr: 09/21/2014 at Action Research #128 at Display, Gainesville, FL with Besito Negro, Rauh, Royallen, Ben Varian, Frog https://www.facebook.com/events/312173178968482/ http://youtu.be/aob8xwppzn8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - collaborating with Jen Downey & Pat Hughes as Chrysocolla: 11/12/2016 at Cyclops Cinema, Gainesville, FL at the showing of the “Borbetomagus - A Pollock of Sound“ https://www.facebook.com/events/1692972547694148/ https://youtu.be/EIaymAs0zjA 12/14/2016 at Action Research #160 at Superfun, Gainesville, FL w/ Jamison Williams, Charles Pagano, & Majid Araim; The Andrews; Frog https://www.facebook.com/events/1590850047888960/ https://youtu.be/fzGFcmakEgo Room recording: https://chrysocolla.bandcamp.com/ 05/19/2017 at Action Research #168 at the Hardback Cafe, Gainesville, FL with Newagehillbilly, Comfort Link, Frog https://www.facebook.com/events/777716809049578/ https://youtu.be/W4IvIV-GzGQ
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - collaborating with Frog as The Actioneers:
08/03/2018 at The Worst Show Ever, The Limin Room, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/1021312331369854/ https://youtu.be/qJVl8A_aSkk
12/01/2018 at The Worst Show Ever 2, The Limin Room, Gainesville, FL (as The Actioneers 2) https://www.facebook.com/events/284962982148913/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ooUA3TwPQY
06/29/2019 at Action Research #200 at The Atlantic, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/648817502258787/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqxRzHSRPjs
08/05/2022 at Action Research 222 at The G8, Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/983441592348531 all duos show with Senski, Choice Hymns Of The Faith, Dragon’s Breath, Frog, Life Alert, Industry Plant https://www.facebook.com/events/983441592348531 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - collaborating with Mark Rodriguez as L😎L DETH🌴 /  Lull Deth:
07/14/2021 at Squared Wave, 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL https://youtu.be/Ce4fmQezNjc
10/13/2021 at Squared Wave, 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UdmTRyb5fS8
01/12/2022 at Squared Wave, 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL https://youtu.be/34IhNvviXnk03/31/2022 at Satch Squared, Gainesville, FL with Mal Func https://youtu.be/1r8zvUvdglE
04/13/2022 (Lull Deth) at Squared Wave one year anniversary, 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL https://youtu.be/Jq9rxdeyVJw
04/21/2022 at Portal 4, Gainesville, FL with Blu Anxxiety, Severed & Said, Visitation, Error Mortal, La Elipse & Pozzo https://youtu.be/IfPXBtQMMns
07/03/2022 at Action Research 221, Portal 4, Gainesville, FL w/ Echo Beauty Terror, Isthmus Ov Styx, Mal Func vs Gener8er, Frog https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRUVOrskutE
08/10/2022 (as Lull Def) at Squared Wave, 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1fuV7NGpJE
08/13/2022 at Portal 4, Gainesville, FL w/ CRT, Mother Juno, La Elipse, Error Mortal https://youtu.be/f4S0qaGvAoM
10/12/2022  (Lull Deth) at Squared Wave, 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UO9Mb37vjAk
10/15/2022 at Moisturizer Gallery, Gainesville, FL w/ Error Mortal, bugbaby, Waterpepper https://youtu.be/w2r_kCqBrVs
10/22/2022 at Circuit Church at the Nook on Robinson, Orlando, FL with She Dreamed in Pixels, Isomanalog
10/31/2022 (L🎃L Death 🧛‍♂️) Halloween house show at Davis’ house, Rochelle, FL Banshee Boogie, Room Thirteen, La Elipse https://youtu.be/zDUxen0ptGQ
12/01/2022 at Portal 4, Gainesville, FL w/ Dot Com Bubble, Cabo Boing, Euglossine, Heel, Baby Arms, La Elipse https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Y2WGbi_5Us
01/11/2023 (Lull Deth) at Squared Wave, 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjpG6xCTN9Q
01/10/2024 at Squared Wave, 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xe7bnX_4QiI 02/082023 (Lull Deth) at Squared Wave, 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h85Go5rKE_A 04/12/2023 (Lull Deth) at Squared Wave, 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL  https://youtu.be/xKS80dtqPPY
05/10/2023 (Lull Deth) at Squared Wave, 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL https://youtu.be/2Vle8eSPwVk
06/14/2023 Landforms, Lull Deth, & Haptic Mass at Squared Wave, 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL https://youtu.be/FG86D08v0dw
07/02/2023 at Portal 4, Gainesville, FL w/ Ghstflwr, Putty Knife, Penance, Mal Func https://youtu.be/BLHmYwusR04 08/09/2023 (Lull Deth) at Squared Wave, 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL https://youtu.be/8f8EcfxliMU 09/13/2023 (Lull Deth) at Squared Wave, 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL https://youtu.be/Bq8qKFWujfA 01/29/2024 at Action Research 231 w/ Secret Boyfriend, Error Mortal, Work From Home, Frog https://www.facebook.com/events/1130677164776750 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYiwkJxrhhI
02/02/2024 (LOL Birth) Greg’s birthday party, Dry Wrought Cider, Gainesville, FL w/ Vap, Work From Home, Mal Func, Hogtown Slow Club https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KXS_lbptYc 03/08/2024 at Action Research 235, Portal 4, Gainesville, FL w/ Bubblegum Octopus, ISYA, Cloutpics, Penance, Frog https://www.facebook.com/events/959733725818017/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYdXopbtjBs 03/14/2024 (Lull Deth) at Squared Wave, 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-9Wg_mPMQM 04/01/2024 Action Research 236, Portal 4, Gainesville, FL w/ Some Pepper, arvoffline, Ash Shadow, White Sands, Frog https://www.facebook.com/events/2319113044964514/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMvosDTu85w 04/10/2024 (Lull Deth) 3 year anniversary of Squared Wave, 4th Ave. Food Park, Gainesville, FL https://youtu.be/mc55vsyPwCo 06/30/2024 Action Research 238 at Portal 4, Gainesville, FL w/ GATERROR, Tympanic Rupture, Black Caligula, Kill Zach, Frog https://www.facebook.com/events/3611648525812422 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - collaborating with Greg Hudalla as Flatiron Estate:
09/24/2022 at Portal 4, Gainesville, FL with Storage Music Unit, Haptic Mass https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqSvynd8XKc collaborating with Storage Music Unit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RuGIVu5vjzk
11/26/2022 at Moisturizer Gallery, Gainesville, FL with Euglossine, Ash, Jupiter From Earth https://youtu.be/HnHECaD_8E4
04/01/2023 at a house, Alachua, FL w/ Other Rooms, Ceramicats, Bear Maze, Loris, Kyle Keller, Austin Brockner https://youtu.be/_c0YzAXybIM
07/10/2023 Action Research 229, Gainesville, FL w/ Arritola / Ayn /Hickerson / Milovac, Black Mayonnaise, Freak Traction, Frog https://youtu.be/E5j6XOPmuSk 03/01/2024 at Action Research 234, Portal 4, Gainesville, FL w/ Danny Kamins, Majid Araim, Mike Baggetta https://youtu.be/1nicTP2MROA 04/12/2024 at Kyle’s, Alachua, FL w/ Ted The Block, Hiri Hiri, baby arms, Kestral Sky, Haptic Mass, Work From Home, Spirit Tramp, A.sunroom, Flatiron Estate, Glare   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - as a member of My Despair:
1993 Club Nowhere, Orlando, FL 11/26/1993 at The Hustler, Indialantic, FL with Exploding Horse Boy, Mama Spider https://youtu.be/0fBt2VFW9gI
05/10/1996 at the Lyons Den, Titusville w/ Thanatos, Allison With One
1996 house show, Melbourne, FL other shows I need to find the date for: Marz, Cocoa - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
as a member of the Cling-Glows:
04/29/1995 at The Old Schoolhouse, Ft. Pierce, FL with Point of Anger, Failsafe - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - as a member of the Action Sound Painting Orchestra
10/09/2010 @ Solder VII, The Laboratory, Gainesville, FL as part of the Action Sound Painting Orchestra with Perspectives, Neuborn, Ars Phoenix, Hear Hums, Michael Parallax, The Viirus part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=po1MQM1Xpog part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvXRdLDL3YM
11/13/2010 @ Droney Woods #2, Kanapaha Botanical Gardens, Gainesville, FL with Ironing, Clay House Stories, Dubbio Nil, Frog, minim, Perspectives, Paulapart, CV-P
01/15/2011 @ Laboratory Music #2, Gainesville, FL with 37 other solo free improv performers
02/26/2011 @ 727 Showcase, Cafe Bohemia, St. Petersburg, FL with Hal McGee, Atomic Populist Melt Machine, Kris Gruda & Jim Ivy, Young Egypt, J. Thelonious, and more
04/30/2011 @ The Laboratory, Gainesville, FL with If, Bwana, Brian Eubanks & Ironing, Dan Reaves & Kathy Burkett, Hal McGee & Kris Gruda & Jim Ivy & Mark McGee, Travis Johnson & Keaton Orsborn & Jill Burton, Al Margolis & Hal McGee, Florida League For Indeterminate Performance, Frog
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - as a member of the Laundry Room Squelchers:
04/30/2010 @ Action Research #50: INC on tour, Civic Media Center, Gainesville, FL with Alien Overmind, B. Baphomet, Boy+Girl, Diamonds Guns Gold, Dubbio Nil, Florida, Frog, Gainesville, Gem Of Skin, Glockenshock, Hal McGee, Ironing, Janet Night, Jugu, Laundry Room Squelchers, Marcus Aurelius, No Limit Cycle, Rat Bastard, Sloweater, The Lady Of Situations, The Uh, minim https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDbGKoe3FdE
08/17/2013 @ Voice of the Valley Noise Rally V, Alderwood campground, Chloe, WV http://www.facebook.com/events/357893040982614 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GCEJb21MDo8
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - as a member of the (Neu)Sonics Orchestra:
03/16/2015 @ Timucua White House, Orlando, FL performing the program “When You Wish Upon A Star” in an ensemble with Jamison Williams, Jim Ivy, A.J. Herring, AG Davis, Elizabeth A. Baker, Charles Pagano, Dan Kozak, Nick Boutwell, Thomas Milovac, Evan Shafron, and more video from the front: https://youtu.be/atJEs1ktrfU stationary house camera in back: https://youtu.be/5D_vJ-y1ox8
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - as a member of Hidden Language (Mike Baggetta, Dave LeBleu, Robert Edmondson):
10/18/2022 at Action Research 223, Portal 4, Gainesville, FL w/ Jaap Blonk, Frog, and a duo of A.J. Herring & Greg Hudalla part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOJIGyaeP4U part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aWkMHO4J3M
11/07/2022 at Baby J’s, Gainesville, FL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXvpBofHmsg
03/14/2023 at Action Research 227 at Portal 4, Gainesville, FL w/ Tatsuya Nakatani, Greg Hudalla, Frog
0 notes
xaracosmia · 2 years
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"Z" Johns
Byleth Eisner
Carl Jenkins
Eichi Tenshouin
Jason Peter Todd
Rindo Kanade
Sonia Nevermind
Bruno Buccellati
Faust Lavinia
Marry Kozakura
Mia Fey
Nergui Sarnai
Oksana Astankova
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spicy-suns · 2 years
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There's barely any audience for this show but who cares! I love it anyways!
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blogglgrogan · 3 years
Oldies Observations
I've been enjoying some TV oldies from the 1950's, 1960's and 1970's and made a few observations from my 2022 perspective. Check them out below.
We were unable to get any local stations while traveling this summer and found a TV station playing some prime-time oldies.  Watching shows from the past leads to some interesting observations. This includes the way people were portrayed in the ’50s, ’60s, and ’70s. Perry Mason (1957-1966) Perry Mason is an attorney who always wins his case. This almost always happens during a trial by showing…
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extrabeurre · 3 years
15 nominations pour LA DÉESSE DES MOUCHES À FEU au Gala Québec Cinéma 2021
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Une autre année pas comme les autres pour le Gala Québec Cinéma, alors que les salles ont longtemps été fermées, ce qui n’a pas empêché une vingtaine de longs métrages de fiction de prendre l’affiche.
Dans la catégorie Meilleur film, on retrouve quatre des films qui ont été le plus vus et appréciés, soit Le club Vinland, La déesse des mouches à feu, My Salinger Year et Nadia Butterly, ainsi que Souterrain, dont la sortie a été maintes fois reportée, mais qui sera le film d’ouverture des Rendez-vous Québec Cinéma cette semaine.
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Alignement semblable dans la catégorie Meilleure réalisation, avec Anaïs Barbeau-Lavalette (La déesse des mouches à feu), Sophie Dupuis (Souterrain), Philippe Falardeau (My Salinger Year) et Benoit Pilon (Le club Vinland), mais l’industrie a préféré Daniel Roby (Target Number One) à Pascal Plante (Nadia Butterly).
Dans la catégorie Meilleur scénario, encore là, les gros joueurs sont tous là: Normand Bergeron, Benoit Pilon, Marc Robitaille – Le club Vinland, Sophie Dupuis – Souterrain, Philippe Falardeau – My Salinger Year, Catherine Léger – La déesse des mouches à feu, Daniel Roby – Target Number One.
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Du côté des actrices, on retrouve Émilie Bierre pour Les nôtres, Marie-Evelyne Lessard pour Jusqu’au déclin, l’actrice américaine Margaret Qualley pour My Salinger Year, Karelle Tremblay pour la coproduction Death of a Ladies’ Man, ainsi que Sarah Sutherland pour Like a House on Fire.
Les acteurs en lice pour l’Iris sont Réal Bossé pour Jusqu’au déclin, Paul Doucet pour Les nôtres, Patrick Hivon pour Mont Foster, Antoine Olivier Pilon pour Target Number One, et Sébastien Ricard pour Le club Vinland.
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Dans les catégories « rôle de soutien », on retrouve Sophie Desmarais pour Vacarme, Marianne Farley pour Les nôtres, Éléonore Loiselle et Caroline Néron pour La déesse des mouches à feu, et la mythique Sigourney Weaver pour My Salinger Year chez les dames. 
Chez ces messieurs, les finalistes sont Normand D’Amour et  Robin L’Houmeau pour La déesse des mouches à feu, Rémy Girard pour Le club Vinland, ainsi que James Hyndman et Théodore Pellerin pour Souterrain.
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La catégorie Révélation de l’année est l’une des plus intéressantes selon moi, car c’est un aperçu des visages marquants du cinéma des prochaines années. D’ailleurs, Émilie Bierre et Théodore Pellerin, en nomination cette année respectivement pour un premier rôle féminin et un rôle de soutien masculin, font partie des lauréats passés du prix Révélation. Donc, en 2021, les finalistes sont :  Kelly Depeault – La déesse des mouches à feu, Jasmine Lemée – Mon cirque à moi, Rosalie Pépin – Vacarme, Joakim Robillard – Souterrain et Arnaud Vachon – Le club Vinland.
Voici le reste des catégories :
MEILLEURE DISTRIBUTION DES RÔLES Iris de la Meilleure distribution des rôles
Deirdre Bowen (Deirdre Bowen Casting) | Heidi Levitt (Heidi Levitt Casting) | Bruno Rosato (Rosato Casting) | Supattra « Pum » Punyadee – Target Number One Marjolaine Lachance (Balustrade casting) – Les Nôtres Marjolaine Lachance (Balustrade casting) – Souterrain Murielle La Ferrière, Marie-Claude Robitaille (Casting Murielle La Ferrière et Marie-Claude Robitaille) – La déesse des mouches à feu Pierre Pageau, Daniel Poisson (Gros Plan) – Le Club Vinland
MEILLEURE DIRECTION ARTISTIQUE Iris de la Meilleure direction artistique
Patrice Bengle, Louise Tremblay – Le Club Vinland Elise de Blois, Claude Tremblay – My Salinger Year Sylvain Lemaitre, Louisa Schabas – Blood Quantum David Pelletier – Mon cirque à moi David Pelletier – Target Number One
MEILLEURE DIRECTION DE LA PHOTOGRAPHIE Iris de la Meilleure direction de la photographie
Jonathan Decoste – La déesse des mouches à feu François Gamache – Le Club Vinland Mathieu Laverdière – Souterrain Tobie Marier Robitaille – La nuit des rois Sara Mishara – My Salinger Year
MEILLEUR SON Iris du Meilleur son
Pierre-Jules Audet, Emmanuel Croset, Michel Tsagli – La nuit des rois Sylvain Bellemare, Paul Col, Bernard Gariépy Strobl, Martyne Morin – La déesse des mouches à feu Sylvain Bellemare, Bernard Gariépy Strobl, François Grenon – Jusqu’au déclin Stéphane Bergeron, Olivier Calvert, Martyne Morin – Nadia, Butterfly Luc Boudrias, Frédéric Cloutier, Patrice LeBlanc – Souterrain
MEILLEUR MONTAGE Iris du Meilleur montage
Aube Foglia – La nuit des rois Michel Grou – Souterrain Stéphane Lafleur – La déesse des mouches à feu Arthur Tarnowski – Jusqu’au déclin Yvann Thibaudeau – Target Number One
MEILLEURS EFFETS VISUELS Iris des Meilleurs effets visuels
Alchimie 24 – Sébastien Chartier, Jean-François « Jafaz » Ferland, Marie-Claude Lafontaine – Jusqu’au déclin Real by Fake – Michael Beaulac, Marie-Hélène Panisset – Target Number One The Workshop – Barbara Rosenstein, Josh Sherrett – Blood Quantum
MEILLEURE MUSIQUE ORIGINALE Iris de la Meilleure musique originale
Olivier Alary – La nuit des rois Patrice Dubuc, Gaëtan Gravel – Souterrain Guido Del Fabbro, Pierre Lapointe – Le Club Vinland Jean-Phi Goncalves, Éloi Painchaud, Jorane Pelletier – Target Number One Martin Léon – My Salinger Year
MEILLEURS COSTUMES Iris des Meilleurs costumes
Caroline Bodson – Souterrain Francesca Chamberland – Le Club Vinland Patricia McNeil, Ann Roth – My Salinger Year Noémi Poulin – Blood Quantum Sharon Scott – Mon cirque à moi
MEILLEUR MAQUILLAGE Iris du Meilleur maquillage
Kathryn Casault – La déesse des mouches à feu Dominique T. Hasbani – Jusqu’au déclin Audray Adam, Sandra Ruel – Souterrain Joan-Patricia Parris, Nancy Ferlatte, Erik Gosselin – Blood Quantum Larysa Chernienko, Natalie Trépanier – Target Number One
MEILLEURE COIFFURE Iris de la Meilleure coiffure
Michelle Côté – My Salinger Year Stéphanie DeFlandre – Mon cirque à moi André Duval – Le Club Vinland Marcelo Padovani – Blood Quantum Johanne Paiement – La déesse des mouches à feu
MEILLEUR FILM DOCUMENTAIRE Iris du Meilleur film documentaire
Errance sans retour – Mélanie Carrier, Olivier Higgins | Mö Films – Mélanie Carrier, Olivier Higgins The Forbidden Reel – Ariel Nasr | Office national du film du Canada – Kat Baulu | Loaded Pictures – Sergeo Kirby | Ariel Nasr Je m’appelle humain – Kim O’Bomsawin | Terre Innue – Andrée-Anne Frenette Tant que j’ai du respir dans le corps – Steve Patry | Les Films de l’Autre – Steve Patry Wintopia – Mira Burt-Wintonick | Office national du film du Canada – Annette Clarke | EyeSteelFilm – Bob Moore
MEILLEURE DIRECTION DE LA PHOTOGRAPHIE | FILM DOCUMENTAIRE Iris de la Meilleure direction de la photographie | Film documentaire
Sarah Baril Gaudet – Passage Hugo Gendron, Michel Valiquette – Je m’appelle humain Olivier Higgins, Renaud Philippe – Errance sans retour Mathieu Perrault Lapierre – The 108 Journey Marianne Ploska – Prière pour une mitaine perdue
MEILLEUR SON | FILM DOCUMENTAIRE Iris du Meilleur son | Film documentaire
Pierre-Jules Audet, Luc Boudrias, Olivier Higgins, Kala Miya – Errance sans retour Stéphane Barsalou, Claude Beaugrand, Julie Innes – Le château Marie-Andrée Cormier, Olivier Germain, Marie-Pierre Grenier – Prière pour une mitaine perdue Benoît Dame, Catherine Van Der Donckt – Jongué, carnet nomade Olivier Germain, Marie-Pierre Grenier – Wintopia
MEILLEUR MONTAGE | FILM DOCUMENTAIRE Iris du Meilleur montage | Film documentaire
Anouk Deschênes – Wintopia Olivier Higgins, Amélie Labrèche – Errance sans retour Annie Jean – Le château Annie Jean – The Forbidden Reel Alexandre Lachance – Je m’appelle humain
MEILLEURE MUSIQUE ORIGINALE | FILM DOCUMENTAIRE Iris de la Meilleure musique originale | Film documentaire
Tom Brunt – Prière pour une mitaine perdue Martin Dumais – Errance sans retour Justin Guzzwell, Tyr Jami, Eric Shaw – Sisters: Dream & Variations Mathieu Perrault Lapierre – The 108 Journey Claude Rivest – Jongué, carnet nomade
MEILLEUR COURT MÉTRAGE | FICTION Iris du Meilleur court métrage | Fiction
Aniksha – Vincent Toi | Vincent Toi, Guillaume Collin Comme une comète – Ariane Louis-Seize | Colonelle films – Fanny Drew, Sarah Mannering Écume – Omar Elhamy | Les Films Rôdeurs – Jonathan Beaulieu-Cyr, Paul Chotel Goodbye Golovin – Mathieu Grimard | Golovin Films – Simon Corriveau-Gagné, Mathieu Grimard Lune – Zoé Pelchat | MéMO Films – Mélanie S. Dubois
MEILLEUR COURT MÉTRAGE | ANIMATION Iris du Meilleur court métrage | Animation
Barcelona de Foc – Theodore Ushev | Theodore Ushev The Fourfold – Alisi Telengut | Alisi Telengut In the Shadow of the Pines – Anne Koizumi | Nava Projects – Sahar Yousefi Moi, Barnabé – Jean-François Lévesque | Office national du film du Canada – Julie Roy La saison des hibiscus – Éléonore Goldberg | Embuscade films – Nicolas Dufour-Laperrière
MEILLEUR COURT MÉTRAGE | DOCUMENTAIRE Iris du Meilleur court métrage | Documentaire
Clebs – Halima Ouardiri | Halima Ouardiri Le frère – Jérémie Battaglia | Les Films Extérieur Jour – Amélie Lambert Bouchard Life of a Dog – Danae Elon, Rosana Matecki | Entre deux mondes Productions – Paul Cadieux, Danae Elon Nitrate – Yousra Benziane | Yousra Benziane Port d’attache – Laurence Lévesque | Elise Bois
Le Club Vinland – Benoit Pilon | Normand Bergeron, Benoit Pilon, Marc Robitaille | Les Films Opale | Productions Avenida – Chantal Lafleur La déesse des mouches à feu – Anaïs Barbeau-Lavalette | Catherine Léger | Entract Films | Coop Vidéo de Montréal – Luc Vandal Félix et le trésor de Morgäa – Nicola Lemay | Marc Robitaille | Maison 4:3 | 10e Ave Productions – Nancy Florence Savard Flashwood – Jean-Carl Boucher | Jean-Carl Boucher | Entract Films | Go Films – Jean-Carl Boucher, Nicole Robert Jusqu’au déclin – Patrice Laliberté | Charles Dionne, Nicolas Krief, Patrice Laliberté | Netflix | Couronne Nord – Julie Groleau Like a House on Fire – Jesse Noah Klein | Jesse Noah Klein | Entract Films | Colonelle films – Fanny Drew, Sarah Mannering | Woods Entertainment – William Woods Mon cirque à moi – Miryam Bouchard | Miryam Bouchard, Martin Forget | Les Films Séville | Attraction Images – Antonello Cozzolino Mont Foster – Louis Godbout | Louis Godbout | K-Films Amérique | Les Films Primatice – Sébastien Poussard My Salinger Year – Philippe Falardeau | Philippe Falardeau | Métropole Films | micro_scope – Luc Déry, Kim McCraw | Parallel Films – Ruth Coady, Susan Mullen Nadia, Butterfly – Pascal Plante | Pascal Plante | Maison 4:3 | Némésis Films – Dominique Dussault Les Nôtres – Jeanne Leblanc | Judith Baribeau, Jeanne Leblanc, | Maison 4:3 | Slykid & Skykid – Benoit Beaulieu, Marianne Farley Rustic Oracle – Sonia Bonspille Boileau | Sonia Bonspille Boileau | 7th Screen | Nish Media – Jason Brennan Le sang du pélican – Denis Boivin | Denis Boivin | Les Distributions Netima | Productions Dionysos – Denis Boivin Slaxx – Elza Kephart | Patricia Gomez Zlatar, Elza Kephart | Filmoption International | EMAfilms – Anne-Marie Gélinas | Head on the Door Productions – Patricia Gomez Zlatar Target Number One – Daniel Roby | Daniel Roby | Les Films Séville | Caramel Films – Valérie d’Auteuil, André Rouleau We Had It Coming – Paul Barbeau | Paul Barbeau | MK2 Mile End | Reprise Films – Melissa A. Smith, Paul Barbeau
Association coopérative de productions audiovisuelles (ACPAV) Représentée par Marc Daigle et Bernadette Payeur
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Barney Miller (1975-1983) ♥
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roughsexwithgaga · 3 years
Rank these "partners" you enjoyed writting Gaga with the most: Luc Carl, Taylor Kinney, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Finn Wittrock, Matt Bomer, Christian Carino, Justin Theroux, Mark Ronson, Lukas Nelson, Bradley Cooper, Adam Driver, Michael Polanski, Jared Leto (These are the ones I remember lol if you remeber others you like you can put in the rank).
Everyone, including Gaga, forgets about baby face Dan Horton.
It’s so hard to rank but I enjoyed writing about Justin Theroux, Mark Ronson, Father John Misty, Dada, Carino, Adam, Taylor and Lukas.
Michael is still growing on me even if I liked writing about how they met. I just think he’s hard to do because he’s just smiling all the time and not revealing much characteristics.
The others are pretty much ‘neutral’ to me. They filled a function but can’t say I preferred one over the other as a partner or truly disliked anyone super much. Plus it’s more of a matter concerning the story they’re in and how many times there’re featured. So if I might’ve enjoyed Carino more than Cooper it could be because I found the story better, but not the partner. Carino was easier to use because he caused a lot of controversies and so did Taylor. Cooper is too different from her. The one that has the most potential is Dada. I love Mark and Lukas but they’re so sweet and cute and admiring her talent more than her as a woman.
A rough rank of the ones that comes to mind (including the ones you mentioned) would be:
Justin T, Mark, Lukas, Taylor, Carino, Michael, Dada, FJM, Lüc, Jared, Adam, Bradley, Burns, Joseph, Finn, Matt, Dan.
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plutau · 5 years
tension between the ascendant and midheaven; part one
many people will have their ascendant and midheaven signs square one another in their charts, meaning the signs will be of the same quality (cardinal, fixed, mutable). the struggle presents itself due to the ascendant's presentation of identity and approach to life, vs. the midheaven’s presentation of the person’s desired public image, i.e. the person they wish to become, or wish to be viewed as. 
this post applies to charts that don’t necessarily have the ascendant and midheaven aspecting one another (as we’re looking more so at how the signs present themselves in these positions), however the tension will present more strongly should they aspect.
aries ascendant -- capricorn midheaven
aries risings tend to come off as the more boisterous of the bunch. the heads of the zodiac, they have a “large and in charge” attitude, as they’re fiercely independent and enthusiastic. they keep their emotions within arm’s reach, and can come off as aggressive or blunt, or bubbly and sensitive -- they’re highly reactive to their surroundings. they’re the first leaders of the zodiac, and they know it; they’re also known as the “children” of the zodiac, and can come off as impulsive. 
the capricorn midheaven, on the other hand, wishes to be more subdued -- its saturn influence shies away from aries’ temperament. while aries wants to have fun and get involved with others, capricorn tends to be more inwardly-focused; he wants to sit down, gather himself, and get to work. capricorn has a more serious demeanor that screams “business,” which is often read as being more mature. growing into this midheaven will mean toning down some of the rising’s brashness and gaining self-control over their reactive emotions.
how they work together: they’re both cardinal signs, which means they’re ambitious and looking to start projects. aries’ fiery enthusiasm and capricorn’s earthy steadfast work habits can form a powerhouse once the person has a clear focus on what they want to do. others can see this person as fun and bold, while also being able to get serious and down to work.
people with these placements: aisha tyler, joseph gordon-levitt, brie larson, hunter s. thompson, louis armstrong, lin-manuel miranda, stevie nicks
taurus ascendant -- aquarius midheaven
taurus risings tend to have a practical, gentle aura about them that manifests as moving somewhat slowly through the world. they take their time to smell the roses -- ruled by venus, they appreciate beauty and possessions. but they’re cautious as well, which can give off an “old school” vibe as it encourages sticking to traditions and what is known. practicality is their middle name, and they tend to look long and hard before they leap.
the aquarius midheaven wants to take that caution and throw it to the wind. it tends to embody the things that taurus is wary of: innovation, progression, novelty, and rebellion. aquarius here can feel agitated by taurus’ seeming inability to move, and wants to push taurus out of her comfort zone. aquarius wants to take what is known and flip it on its head, wanting to take action. growing into this midheaven will mean getting past a discomfort with the unknown, and looking past traditions to explore what could be.
how they work together: this is a balancing act between caution and rebellion. too much caution can leave one stagnant, while too much rebellion can be reckless. striking a balance can assist in the person taking much-needed risks, while also keeping a level head in how they pursue changes in their lives. others may see this person as timeless and calm, with minds that produce innovative and rebellious work.
people with these placements: toni morrison, carl sagan, peter jackson, ronda rousey, gene wilder, george r.r. martin, miley cyrus
gemini ascendant -- pisces midheaven
gemini risings tend to be social and chatty, yet detached, jittery, and even nervous. as the first air sign, they can be particularly hard to pin down; they just want to keep things lighthearted and fun. they’re intrigued by the fast pace of life, the coming and going of trends, topics, and fashions. they’re also focused on the intellectual side of things, and can be sponges gathering information. they tend not to dwell too deeply on things.   
the pisces midheaven can struggle with gemini’s detachment on some level, as this is an emotional, deeply sensitive sign. this isn’t to say that pisces isn’t detached themselves -- they can seem to be off in their own worlds -- but their tendency to get deep into emotional ventures can make airy gemini shy away. gemini’s lightheartedness and attraction towards novelty clashes with pisces’ “old soul” nature. growing into this midheaven will mean accepting these deeper inclinations and slowing down a little to dwell on the emotional side of things, as well as the intellectual. 
how they work together: as mutable signs, these two are very flexible, and are able to adapt to what life gives them. they’re both highly creative, with gemini’s need for novelty and pisces’ neptunian affinity for art and music. pisces brings some depth to gemini’s lightheartedness, while gemini can keep things moving so pisces doesn’t dwell too long. others may see this person as fun and fast-paced, with soulful, meaningful work in the arts or with helping others.
people with these placements: kamala harris, ricky martin, ben stiller, julianne moore, lebron james, rupaul, ally sheedy, katey sagal
cancer ascendant -- aries midheaven
cancer risings tend to have a soft and shy outer shell, while keeping their rather strong emotions on the inside. this is a placement about nurture and comfort, both needing to bring comfort to themselves as well as to those they’re close to. they can be prone to moodiness thanks to its moon rulership, and find their emotions are easily swayed by their given situation. this rising in particular enjoys the coziness of home. they have a tendency to see the world through rose-colored glasses, but can be very intuitive.
the aries midheaven wishes to be bolder and more straightforward with their emotions. aries is a sign that encourages action and movement, and can even be restless or reckless in how it manifests. this doesn’t sound immediately desirable for homebody cancer to take on themselves; for the most part, they would rather not have their coziness disrupted. growing into this midheaven will mean moving out of their comfort zone to embrace some of the more outwardly confident aspects that aries brings, learning how to be assertive in the midst of their gentleness. 
how they work together: even though they display it differently, both cancer and aries have a well of energy within them, and finding the right outlet can be conducive to stabilizing that energy. actionable aries encourages cancer to rise to the occasion, while cancer can bring a comforting presence to the aries midheaven’s public persona. others may see this person as approachable and sweet, while also being surprisingly bold and risk-taking in their work.
people with these placements: tyra banks, jack black, zach braff, octavia butler, elisabeth moss, marvin gaye, julien solomita, julia roberts, paul rudd, angelina jolie
leo ascendant -- taurus midheaven 
leo risings tend to be more open and extroverted, exuding warmth to those around them. they’re rather friendly types, and can be generous to people they hardly know. this is partly due to their ongoing search for acceptance and validation among their peers; despite their self-confidence, they’re sensitive to rejection. they like being a part of social and competitive events, enjoying their time in the spotlight. their search for attention can make them rather showy in their personality and fashion. 
the taurus midheaven wishes to be more mellow and self-validating, finding issue with how leo seeks out reassurance from others. taurus is known for being occupied with their possessions, and this can give some pause to leo’s giving streak. ultimately, their differences lie in how they go about obtaining self-worth, and how they feel reassured in their accomplishments; taurus tends to depend on herself in both of these areas, while leo looks to others. growing into this midheaven will require trusting themselves, and building that self-value from the inside out, rather than from the outside in. 
how they work together: both placements like to indulge in pleasures, wanting to feel good about themselves and their accomplishments. personally, this is my favorite duo, as it’s favorable for those wishing to be on the stage. leo’s friendly disposition can give way to many opportunities for practical, stability-seeking taurus, bringing a combination of charm and extroversion to the more modest midheaven. others may see this person as outgoing and proud, able to channel their wants and talents into work that is practical and long-lasting. 
people with these placements: ella fitzgerald, maya angelou, tina turner, justin timberlake, josh groban, vanessa hudgens, natalie cole, selena gomez, jake gyllenhaal, marilyn monroe
virgo ascendant -- gemini midheaven
virgo risings tend to be on the more serious side, as they’re rather controlling of themselves and their surroundings. they have a deep appreciation for research and analyzing, and tend to process these things internally rather than talking about it right away. there’s a perfectionist side to them that can cause them to be preoccupied with their bodies and environment, but above that, they are helpful, practical, and detail-oriented in their day-to-day lives. 
the gemini midheaven, frankly, wants virgo to loosen up a bit. gemini is known for being more of a dabbler in things, versus virgo’s tendency to focus on a few things extensively. while they’re both ruled by the same planet, gemini tends to look at the larger picture, interested in a multitude of things and not focusing on the deep stuff; this is a struggle for detail-oriented virgo. growing into this midheaven will mean moving away from the critical details in order to appreciate the unexpected, fast-moving nature of life, while also holding onto virgo's grounded common sense. 
how they work together: this is an interesting combination, as they’re not only both mutable, but also both ruled by mercury. there’s a lot of mental stimulation here, and this combination can either encourage a more outgoing, searching intelligence, or intelligence gathered by being more secluded and “in their head.” others may see this person as practical and serious, perhaps being more fun and unpredictable in their work life.
people with these placements: michael b. jordan, uzo aduba, elizabeth olsen, renee zellweger, gene kelly, sarah paulson, sean astin, donald glover, tom hanks
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kisskissbanggang · 4 years
Movie Tag
Okay so 1 million years ago @starxblossom tagged me in this and I JUST NOW GOT AROUND TO IT.
7 of my Comfort Movies (In No Particular Order)
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The Birdcage (1996)
I feel like this is pretty self-explanatory. It’s a fun romp in a quasi-progressive execution that really just wants to make an approachable argument for a very apparent point. I adore everything Nathan Lane does. His bit with the John Wayne walk kills me every time.
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10 Things I Hate About You (1999)
I feel like every list like this needs a hometown hero if possible. This, of course, was filmed at Stadium High School in Tacoma, and that is the only notable thing about Tacoma for me. It’s witty and shameless and the soundtrack rocks. Heath Ledger always (understandably) takes the lion’s share of the praise but I love Joseph Gordon-Levitt here. It’s fun to see him and Larissa Oleynik outside of their also super cute pairing in 3rd Rock From the Sun, one of my favorite sitcoms.
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Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988)
I watched this so many times as a kid, but as a young teenager getting into movies and filmmaking, it really made me step back and look at what movies could be, and what could be done with genre. Even now this entirely holds up as a great take on noir and is very much so my favorite Zemeckis film. Bob Hoskins is such a champ here. His eyeline is impeccable. The biggest crime on the planet is Kathleen Turner not being credited as Jessica Rabbit. Roger Rabbit’s Car Toon Spin is also my favorite Disney ride and if it gets shut down I’m boycotting the Mouse.
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Detroit Rock City (1999)
This is my favorite teen comedy, bar none. I loved the feeling of bonding with my dad as a teenager by going through his Kiss albums, and there’s something about a raunchy road comedy that really gets me. Jam is a dream, and Eddie Furlong could’ve been such an incredible actor. The teen freedom and rebellion is so strong and effective here. Also, what up church kink?
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Jaws (1975)
While not my favorite Spielberg (what’s up, Poltergeist?) Jaws is so very special to me. I grew up a very scared and sensitive kid, and my parents regularly enjoy the occasional horror blockbuster. As a teenager, I started dipping my own toes into horror to try and grow a backbone, and this became a seminal part of my growing up. I don’t care that the shark looks fake. I still have a huge crush on Matt Hooper. I went to a film festival and shook hands with Carl Gottlieb. I asked him what the hardest scene was to write, and he told me that it was the scene with Mrs. Kintner confronting and slapping Chief Brody, because all the writers and production crew were so young they’d never gone through a personal loss like that before. I’m very upset I didn’t bring a pen that day, but I still have the memory.
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Beetlejuice (1988)
I was the most extra Hot Topic poster child from ages 14-17. Lots of sarcastic black t-shirts, lots of chains on my pants. The first movie my parents ever took me to was The Nightmare Before Christmas when I was almost a year old (my mother swears I was a quiet baby) and I grew up with that and all of Tim Burton’s other films in my house even though my mother gets weirded out by any stop motion that isn’t Wallace & Gromit. So, of course, Lydia Deetz was my hero growing up. I, too, was strange and unusual and very obsessed with death. The older I get, though, the more I connect with the Maitlands. I, too, want to spend eternity sprucing up my house and making it perfect on a perpetual honeymoon and enjoy my privacy.
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The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (2004)
I made a huge move across states to my hometown right before eighth grade. Growing up with a deploying dad, my mom was a pro at putting down roots and becoming familiar with a new place. We went thrifting, we borrowed books, we rented movies. Blockbuster had a sale bin, and this was sitting on top. This movie put me on a Wes Anderson path before I even knew who he was, and I grew to appreciate this as more than just a security blanket. This is Wes, bare and shameless, all daddy issues and exotic locales and stunt casting and incredible soundtrack. I still cry every time.
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thehomemadehooligan · 5 years
10-64K Jenkins - Cody Saintgnue
Aashi Stone - Naomi Scott
Aayan Shaw - Jackson Rathbone
Abilene Wagner - Natalie Portman
Ace Chase - Sebastian Stan
Ace Spade - Taron Egerton
Adam Elliot - Leland Chapman
Addi Valiant - Allison Scagliotti
Addie Brewster - Idda Van Munster
Ae Chihu - Wooshin
Agent London Clark - Chris Evans
Agent Peter Burke - Tim DeKay
Agron - Dan Feuerriegel
Aiden Wright - Dean O’Gorman
Akkeri kom Podakru - Alex Høgh Andersen
Alana Meridian - Ksenia Solo
Alaric Saltzman - Matthew Davis
Alastair York - Jai Courtney
Alec Lightwood - Matt Daddario
Alec MacDowell - Jensen Ackles
Aleda Kingsleigh - Dove Cameron
Aleks Lubomirski - Bartosz Gelner
Alex Avanyu - Avan Jogia
Alex Fierro - Avan Jogia
Alex Rider - Alexander Ludwig
Alex Taylor - Richard Harmon
Alex Wright - Richard Harmon
Alf Tungri - Will Peltz
Alfred Pennyworth - Sean Pertwee
Alice Rula - Madeline Brewer
Aline Penhallow - Arden Cho
Alix Kirkland - Daniel Sharman
Allanon - Manu Bennett
Amber Amberjack - Dom Sherwood
Ambrose Spellman - Chance Perdommo
Amity - Elizabeth Gillies
Anand Morrígu - Sean Maguire
Anastasia Cloe - Eiza Gonzalez
Anders Johnson - Dean O'Gorman
Andreas Vasilescu - Luke Camilleri
Angel Eyes - DJ Cotrona
Angie Landers - Tatiana Maslany
Anjisnu - Kim Coates
Anya Price - Gina Rodriguez
April Hare - Theo James
Arawen Annwn - Stuart Reardon
Archie Andrews - Kat McNamara
Archie Andrews - KJ Apa
Ardal Cody - Kendall Schmidt
Arika Longan - Harry Shum Jr
Arrow kom Boudalankru - Tatiana Maslany
Arsena Larken - Zendaya Coleman
Art Gremellion - Daniel Gillies
Arthur - Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Ash Houndsworth - Sean Teale
Atticus Bane - Will Tudor
Atticus Philo - Grey Damon
Austin DeSantos - Ludi Lin
Avery Durin - Aaron Paul
Axe kom Boudalankru - Aiden Turner
Azmodeus - Landon Liboiron
Baby Collins - Ansel Egort
Baby Driver - Ansel Elgort
Baby Grant - Garrett Hedlund
Balance Grant - Charlie Hunnam
Bane - Tom Hardy
Barclay Kirby - Zane Holtz
Bard Sinclair - Cameron Monaghan
Barnabé Klausen - Bradley Soileau
Baron Remi Goldwyn-Mayer - Michael Fassbender
Barren Guilderson - Iwan Rheon
Bart Putnam - Aaron Taylor Johnson
Bas Norsewood - Sam Steele
Bash de Poitiers - Torrance Coombs
Bax Adamson - Finn Roberts
Bea Cres - Bill Skarsgard
Bea Porter - Rachel Skarsten
Bela Talbot - Lauren Cohen
Bellami Blake - Shay Mitchell
Bellamy Blake - Bob Morley
Belle Amanita - Freeman Agyeman
Ben Bartlett - Jensen Ackles
Ben Fringe - Matt Daddario
Ben Hargeeves - Justin H Min
Ben Kilmartin - Jacob Elordi
Benjamin Heritage - Kellan Lutz
Bent Williams - Tom Payne
Bertie Cooper - Will Tudor
Berto Vega - Jai Courtney
Betsy Shrivatsa - Dichen Lachman
Betty Cooper - Lili Reinhart
Big Grant - Travis Fimmel
Bika kom Azgeda - Michael Eklund
Billy Barton - Brandon Flynn
Billy de Lauro - Cody Christian
Billy Hargrove - Dacre Montgomery
Billy-Ray Sanguine - Michael Fassbender
Bishop Smith - Jack Falahee
Black Hat - Karl Urban
Blade Hood - Grace Phipps
Blaise Caelia - Joe Manganiello
Bliss - Matt Daddario
Bo - Henry Cavill
Bo Grimm - DJ Cotrona
Bobby Mercer - Mark Wahlberg
Bobo Del Rey - Michael Eklund
Bod Chayton - Booboo Stewart
Bosse Ljung - Anson Mount
Bothain Gladstone - Skeet Ulrich
Bowyn Coke - Ian Bohen
Brad Coleman - Jaren Brandt Bartlett
Brennan Mulwray - Victor Webster
Brian O'Connor - Paul Walker
Briar Eglantine - Evan Ross
Briar Jones - India Eisley
Bridget Barker - Natalie Dormer
Brigid Nic Dagda - Kaya Scodelario
Brodie Reston - Jordan Connor
Bunnymund - Norman Reedus, Shawn Mendes
Burke - Michael Fassbender
Burn Milburn - Chris Wood
CA Cupid - Dove Cameron
Caden Lovell - Keiynan Lonsdale
Cai Ryers - Cody Saintgnue
Caine Dunbar - Jonathan Rhys Meyers
Cairns West - Alexander Skarsgard
Cal August - Aaron Jakubenko
Caleb Danvers - Steven Strait
Calleigh Rousseau - Sammi Hanratty
Cam Thompson - Max Thieriot
Capp Hertz - Mchine Gun Kelly
Captain Barbie Barbara - Mike Vogel
Captain Dutch Deadwood - Anson Mount
Captain Harriet Hook - Emeraude Toubia
Captain Jack Sparrow - Johnny Depp
Captain Jim Kirk - Chris Pine
Captain Mal Reynolds - Nathan Fillion
Captain Steve Rogers - Chris Evans
Cara - Allison Scagliotti
Carl Gallagher - Ethan Cutkosky
Carlos DeVil - Cameron Boyce
Carny South - Finn Jones
Carol Danvers - Brie Larson
Casi Riqui - David Castaneda
Cassidy - Joe Gilgun
Cassie Diaval - Lindy Booth
Castle Baxter - Jon Bernthal
CC Clair - Claudia Lee
Cerise Hood - Marie Avgeropoulos
Champion Barrow - Tyler Posey
Charlie Bradbury - Felicia Day
Charlie Stephenson - Willa Holland
Chase Collins - Sebastian Stan
Chase Stein - Dom Sherwood
Chef Daniel Addams - Christian Kane
Cheka kom Trikru - Blair Redford
Chelle Reilly - Sonequa Martin-Green
Cherry Cash - Colin O'Donaghue
Cheryl Blossom - Madelaine Petsch
Cheshire Liddell - Sebastian Stan
Chess Cat - Harry Shum Jr
Chev Arthur - Jason Statham
Chibs Telford - Tommy Flanagan
Chic Smith - Hart Denton
Chief Osprey - Tyler Posey
Choi Trio - Jeonghan
Chris Argent - JR Bourne
Chryso Brach - Hart Denton
Chuck Hansen - Rob Kazinsky
Chul Bora - T.O.P
Ciaran Byrne - Skeet Ulrich
Ciel Quinn - Hale Appleman
Cinda Wocky - Lucy Hale
CJ Hook - Kat McNamara
Clark Griffin - Austin Butler
Clarke Griffin - Eliza Taylor
Clary Helstrom - Tyler Blackburn
Clint Barton - Jeremy Renner, Luke Mitchell
Clove Sageseed - Jonathan Whitesell
Coco Cash - Dave Franco
Cody Pine - Logan Lerman
Col. Basher Moran - Michael Fassbender
Cole Higgins - Monty Geer
Colonel Jack O'Neill - Richard Dean Anderson, Michael Welch
Colonel John Sheppard - Joe Flanagan
Colossus - Danila Kozlovsky
Connor Angel - Vincent Kartheiser, Chandler Riggs
Connor Kent - Robbie Amell
Connor MacManus - Sean Patrick Flanery
Conrí Faolán - Cole Sprouse
Coop Lachlan - Dacre Montgomery
Cooper Rose - Konstantinos Laios
Copper kom Yujleda - Kristin Stewart
Corbin kom Ingranronakru - Shane West
Costin Comescu - Scott Eastwood
Cotton Thistle - Hansol Vernon Chwe
Countess Marishka Tepes - Kiara Glasco
Court Silver - Richard Harmon
Crawford Leather - Charlie Weber
Crina Demetra - Lyndsy Fonesca
Cyneric Ashworth - Nick Bateman
Daci Larken - Tammin Sursok
Dag Ryden - Daniel Di Tomasso
Daisy Diaz - David Castro
Dalia kom Azgeda - Sophie Turner
Damon Salvatore - Ian Somerhalder
Daniel Hale - Tyler Hoechlin
Danihel Ranger - Alexander Calvert
Dante Fischer - Dylan O'Brien
Daria Sabriel - Jaimie Alexander
Darien Hale - Tyler Hoechlin
Darius Sabriel - Samuel Larsen
Darko Pover - Dom Sherwood
Darling Charming - Eliza Taylor
Darya Ryden - Meghan Ory
Daryl Dixon - Norman Reedus
Daya Kitchell - Zendaya Coleman
Deadpool - Ryan Reynolds
Dean Winchester - Jensen Ackles
Death of the Endless - Summer Glau
Deck Chelios - Joe Manganiello
Declan Hale - Tyler Hoechlin
Declan Harp - Jason Momoa
Del Clover - Jordan Connor
Delia Midford - Allison Scagliotti
Delirium of the Endless - Hayley Williams
Delta - Clive Standen
Denny Toombs - Greyston Holt
Deputy Avi Callahan-Constantine
Derek Hale - Tyler Hoechlin
Des Carter - Frank Grillo
Desire of the Endless - Ruby Rose
Det. Kee Cavanagh - Tom Hardy
Detective Ainsley Mansfield - Christian Kane
Detective Danno Williams - Scott Caan
Detective Danny Messer - Carmine Giovinazzo
Detective Dyson Thornwood - Kris Holden-Reid
Detective Javan Bengal - Michael Fassbender
Detective Konstantinos Cruz - Colton Haynes
Dew DeWitt - Francois Arnaud
Diana Derrick - Brooke Williams
Diana Prince - Gal Gadot
Diego Hargreeves - David Castañeda
Dirk Gently - Samuel Barnett
Dmitry Kelso - Jay Ryan
Doc Holliday - Tim Rozon
Doc Holliday Jr - Matt Daddario
Domino - Keira Knightley
Dot Baum - Becky G
Doug Reston - Joe Manganiello
Dr Bones McCoy - Karl Urban
Dr Gryphon Trent - Chris Hemsworth
Dr Hank McCoy - Nicholas Hoult
Dr Harley Quinn - Hart Denton
Dr Hart Hansen - Tom Mison
Dr House - Hugh Laurie
Dr Jake Stone - Christian Kane
Dr Jill Holtzmann - Kate McKinnon
Dr Johann Stein - Richard Harmon
Dr Juneau Moone - Dane Dehaan
Dr Lane Reston - Skeet Ulrich
Dr Paddy Doyle - Andrew Scott
Dr Palmer Isley - KJ Apa
Dr Pamela Isley - Natalie Dormer
Dr Sindri Vidarr - Dane Dehaan
Dr Trick Grimsby - Ian Bohen
Draco Malfoy - Tom Felton, Miles Heizer
Drak kom Trishanakru - Alexander Dreymon
Draki Astarot - Troye Sivan
Dru Vritra - Santiago Segura
Dsimu Runihura - Michael Fassbender
Durant Fischer - Dylan O'Brien
Dusty Djura - Kat Dennings
Dwalin, Son of Fundin - Graham Mac Tavish
Eames - Tom Hardy
Eddie Brock - Tom Hardy
Eddy Williams - Adam G Sevani
Edric Lange - Anthony Mackie
Eggsy Unwin - Taron Egerton
Eight - Bob Morley
Eira Candace - Alycia Debnam-Carey
Eirlys kom Azgeda - Kit Harington
Eli Barros - David Castaneda
Elijah Mikaelson - Daniel Gillies
Eliot Spencer - Christian Kane
Eliot Waugh - Hale Appleman
Elise Gerard - Troian Bellisario
Elodie Kerstoph - Abbey Lee
Emerson Topper - Zach McGowan
Emery - Miss Psycho Cat/Minja Cvetković
Emma Austin - Scout Taylor Compton
Enzo Ferris - Brock O’Hurn
Enzo St John - Michael Malarky
Erik Lehnsherr - Michael Fassbender
Erin Strife - Ash Stymest, Cher Lloyd
Ethan Connors - Derek Theler
Evan Bilingham - Daniel Gillies
Evan Williams - Dan Stevens
Evgeni Shankarov - Paul Wesley
Evie Weiss - Max Schneider
Exy Enger - Caitlin Stasey
Eyes Auriemma - Rob Raco
Fabien Mariani - Bob Morley
Faith Firenze - Zoey Deutch
Faith Zora - Arielle Kebel
Falco LaPointe - Francois Arnaud
Fangs Fogarty - Drew Ray Tanner
Faolan Finn - Shawn Mendes
Faraday Jones - Chris Pratt
Farmer Quentin - Vin Diesel
Father Daine - JR Bourne
Father Gothel - Kim Coates
Father Robert King - Gabriel Macht
Felix Mosley - Jade Hassouné
Fergus Carter - Cole Sprouse
Fey Sprite - Natalia Dyer
Fi Kapua - Jungkook
Filarion Gaelin - Chanyeol
Fili, Son of Dis - Dea O'Gorman
Finn Collins - Thomas McDonell
Finn Liebrecht - Charlie Carver
Finnlee Camdyn - Hart Denton
Fionn Collins - Nina Dobrev
Fitz Luck - Lucas Till
Five Hargreeves - Aiden Gallagher
Five Voelkel - Dan Feuerriegel
Fletcher Herangi/Searanke - KJ Apa
Flick Fawkes - Lindsey Morgan
Flint Gladstone - Rob Raco
Flynn Addams - Norman Reedus
Flynn Rider - Jared Padalecki
Foma Comescu - Armie Hammer
Ford Waters - Jon Bernthal
Foster - Jade Hassouné
Fox Asterphilos - Michael Fassbender
Fox Tempest - Harry Shum Jr
Frank Castle - Jon Bernthal
Frank Martin - Jason Statham
Frazer Parkes - Zane Holtz
Fred Walter - Ellen Page
Freddie McClair - Luke Pasqualino
Freya Mikaelson - Riley Voelkel
Friday Ginger - Bradley Cooper
Garnet Porter - Danielle Harris
Garrett Burroughs - Amadeus Serafini
Gem Topaz - Jade Thirlwell
Geniy Kirova - Danila Kozlovsky
Geo kom Ingranronakru - Christian Kane
Geo Tyson - Christian Navarro
Gideon Kirkland - Nate Buzolic
Gil LeGume - Dylan Playfair
Ginger Breadhouse - Vanessa Morgan
Gladys Jones - Morena Baccarin
Gleb Mychajlovich - Luke Guldan
Glenn Dixon - Robert Buckley
Grace Zora - Claire Holt
Griffin - Jamie Bell
Gus Speedle - Jesse Metcalfe
Gwaine the Younger - Will Tudor
Ha Minsu - Yongguk
Haf kom Podakru - Clive Standen
Haihefa Roan kom Azgeda - Zach McGowan
Haiplana Rowan kom Azgeda - Olga Kurylenko
Han Seong-Jin - Seo In Guk
Han Seoul-Oh - Sung Kang, Jung Ji Hoon
Handsome Rob - Jason Statham
Hannibal King - Ryan Reynolds
Harley Keener - Ty Simpkins
Harp Wilson - Ashley Rickards
Harper - Gordon Michael Woolvett
Harry Addams - Sharlto Copley
Harry Hook - Thomas Doherty
Harry Osborn - Alex Høgh Andersen
Harvey Kinkle - Ross Lynch
Hayley Gold - Alberto Rosende
Hazel Haven - Kyle Gallner
Heave - Brock O’Hurn
Heda Lex kom Trikru - Greyston Holt
Heda Lexa kom Trikru - Alycia Debnam-Carey
Hendrix Mars - Odiseas Georgiadis
Henry Greyson - Brenton Thwaites
Henry Mikaelson - Richard Harmon
Herc Hansen - Max Martini
HG Graham - Jaime Murray
Hiram Lodge - Mark Consuelas
Hope Zora - Penelope Mitchell
Hush kom Azgeda - Tasya Teles
Hyde Jackson - Lucas Till
Ian Gallagher - Cameron Monaghan
Ianto Mumbles - Idris Elba
Iefan Mumbles - Idris Elba
Illyiad Barakan - Johnny Strong
Indigo Basile - Will Tudor
InDo Montoya - Cole Sprouse
Ink Marburg - Stephen James
Isaac Lahey - Daniel Sharman
Isias Apgar - Kim Coates
Issac Lawson - Luke Evans
Iva Malone - Stephanie Bennett
Ivo Ramsey - Keegan Allen
Izzy Swango - Matt Ryan
Jace Lightwood - Dom Sherwood
Jack Frost - Troye Sivan, Sean Patrick Flanery
Jack Morton - Jake Manley
Jacob Finnegan - Ian Bohen
Jade Jordan - Hailee Steinfeld
James Moriarty - Andrew Scott
Janet McCullogh - Emma Roberts
Jannick Boden - Robert Sheehan
Jareth the Goblin King - Brett Dalton, David Bowie
Jarvis Huish - Jake Abel
Jason Schuchard - Logan Henderson
Jason Todd - Bob Morley
Jasper Jordan - Devon Bostick
Jax Harley - Ricky Whittle
Jax Lewis - Noel Fisher
Jay Abanazar - Booboo Stewart
Jazz Hills - Nick Jonas
Jean Morau - Eliza Dushku
Jefferson - Sebastian Stan
Jem Fenrirson - Michael Fassbender
Jensen Ames - Jason Statham
Jensen Slick - Stephen Dorff
Jeremy Gilbert - Steven R McQueen
Jerry Lucas - Sam Heughan
Jess Gambino - China Anne McClain
Jett McCreighton-Hill - Cole Sprouse
Jia Nix - Justin H Min
Jim Moriarty - Andrew Scott
Jimmy Malone - Landon Liboiron/Tom Sturridge
JJ Jenkins - Megan Fox
Joaquin DeSantos - Rob Raco
Joe Addams - Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Joe McAlister - Colin Ford
Joel Bissainthe - Andy Biersack
Joel Gregory - Benedict Cumberbatch
Joel Shmishlyaev - Ash Stymest
John Avanyu - Karl Urban
John Constantine - Matt Ryan
John Mbege - Keiynan Lonsdale
John Murphy - Richard Harmon
John Silvini - Ryan Reynolds
John Vaako Grimm - Karl Urban
Johnnie Cooper - Tom Ellis
Johnny Jaqobis - Aaron Ashmore
Johnny Law - Vincent Ventresca
Jojo Cash - Chris Pine
Jon Byers - Charlie Heaton
Jon Snow - Kit Harington
Jonah Howard - Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Jones Templeton - Brock Kelly
Jordan Howard - Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Jory Kulkarni - Tyler Hoechlin
Jostus kom Sankru - Brock O’Hurn
JR Murphy - Richard Harmon
JT Jones - Bill Skarsgard
Jughead Jones - Cole Sprouse
Juice Ortiz - Theo Rossi
Jukebox Jones - Hannah Marks
Julio Richter - Diego Boneta
Jumpcut Jones - Dylan Sprouse
Kacey Patton - Dylan Sprouse
Kade Arcino - Zachary Quinto
Kaede Oshiro - Sehun
Kai Anderson - Evan Peters
Kai Parker - Chris Wood
Kaios Godfrey -Bill Skarsgard
Kaleb Westphall - Daniel Sharman
Kara Kaa - Eiza Gonzalez
Karolina Dean - Virginia Gardener
Kaya Carter-Reston - Dove Cameron
Kayla Doll - Emily Browning
Kaylee Sanderson - Gal Gadot
Kelly Benton - Darya Goncharova
Kelly Pryor - Brandon Larracuente
Kensington Banning - Will Tudor
Kenzo Malikov - Kim Heechul
Keri Graves - Marie Avgeropoulos
Kerry Holt - Richard Armitage
Kesa Brandt - Tom Hardy
Kevin Keller - Casey Cott
Ki Tilo - KJ Apa
Kid Loki - Cole Sprouse
Kili, Son of Dis - Aiden Turner
Killian Salvatore - Scott Caan
Kim Hart - Naomi Scott
Kincaid Jericko - Victor Webster
King Aim Dagonet - Jordan Connor
King Asnee Ambrocio - Choi Min Ki
King Beem - Jordan Connor
King Ben French - Mitchell Hope
King Christoph Henderson - Henry Cavill
King Lionel Reginus - Jason Momoa
King Papi Palma-Picarzo - Rob Raco
King Ragnar Lothbrok - Travis Fimmel
King Rey Bolivar - David Castro
King Rí - Joseph Morgan
King Rook Smith - Thomas Doherty
King Rory Reagan - Richard Madden
King Sigourney Algernon - Francois Arnaud
King Tru I Tania - Clive STanden
King Vlad Tepes III - Luke Evans
Kingsley Hopkirk - Kris Holden-Ried
Kintsu Kuroi - Jhope
Kisa - Eiza Gonzalez
Kit Barton - Luke Mitchell
Kit Corwin - Rob Raco
Kit Pryde - Dylan Sprayberry
Kit Rook - Colin Ford
Kito Jewel - Kit Harrington
Kitt Banning - Dom Sherwood
Kitten Byrne - Kit Harington
Kitten Kirk - Chloe Grace Moretz
Kitty Cheshire - Alyssa Claire Joynson
Kitty Kole - Kay Victoria
Klaus Mikaelson - Joseph Morgan
Knight Jack Knave - Dom Sherwood
Kol Mikaelson - Nate Buzolic
Kona Leilani - Dacre Montgomery
Kostia kom Trikru - Adelaide Kane, Emilia Clarke, Nyane Lebajoa, Hannah John Kamen
Kostin kom Trikru - Kit Harington, Lucky Blue Smith, Jordan Calloway
Kozik - Kenny Johnson
Kristoff of Arendelle - Chris Hemsworth
Ku Yejun - Jaejoong
Kuba Kowalski - Antoni Porowski
Kurgan Reina - Daniel Gillies
Kyda kom Trishanakru - Josefin Asplund
Kyle Bathory - Jake Manley
Kyra Badd - Alexa Davalos
L Lawliet - Ken'ichi Matsuyama
Lace Rainer - Jason Ralph
Lachlan Camdyn - Reilly Dolman
Lady/Lord Lara Croft - Alicia Vikander, Tom Hardy
Lán Sé Límíng - G-Dragon
Lanta kom Trishanakru - Harry Shum Jr
Lara Montgomery - Shelley Hennig
Lark Malone - Chloe Bennet
Laveau McQueen - Richard Harmon
Lavrenty Comescu - Mike Vogel
Lee Christmas - Jason Statham
Lee Druitt - Brett Dalton
Leigh Trace - Christian Slater
Leith Camdyn - Will Tudor
Lena Crighton - Hannah John-Kamen
Leon Strong - Johnny Strong
Leonard Snart - Wentworth Miller
Leone O'Ray - Dylan Sprouse
Levi Livingston - Jackson Rathbone
Lexington Wallander III - Travis Fimmel
Lia Santiago - Eiza Gonzalez
Liam Dunbar - Dylan Sprayberry
Liander Tybalt - Harry Shum Jr
Libby Tazzno - Mollee Gray
Light Yagami - Tatsuya Fujiwara
Lightfingers Bourne - Colin Ford
Lilah Sanderson - Danielle Campbell
Lily Highsmith - Crystal Reed
Link Fawkes - Thomas McDonell
Link, Last of the Hylians - Austin Butler
Lip - Jared Padalecki
Lip Trembuey - Reilly Dolman
Lissa Anderson - Jessica Lu
Logan - Hugh Jackman
Logan Cale - Michael Weatherly
Lola Locorant - Eiza Gonzalez
Lolli Baxter - Vanessa Morgan
Lonnie Li - Dianne Doan
Lord Albrecht Holmes - Tom Hiddleston
Lord Marshall Richard B Riddick - Vin Diesel
Lorelai Vierra - Lana Parilla
Loren Knowles - Shannon Kook
Lorna Lexington - Emma Dumont
Lou LaBelle-Ferretti - Tasya Teles
Louisa Giroux - Danielle Campbell
Loullabelle Jones - Allison Scagliotti
Lt. Col Switch McKenna - Alex O’Loughlin/Brock Kelly
Lt. Col. Anders Fontaine - Chris O'Donnell
Lt. Faceman Peck - Bradley Cooper
Lucien Judith - Michael Johnston
Lucifer Morningstar - Tom Ellis
Lucilla Nike - Charlize Theron
Lucius Philo - Kellan Lutz
Luke Castellan - Jake Abel
Luke Collins - Zak Henri
Luke Dusk - Mark Pellegrino
Lupe Lito - Miguel Ángel Silvestre
M’Ari Walker - Ksenia Solo
Macallan - Shawn Mendes
Mack Wilson - David Guintoli
Maddie Moreau - Sarah Hyland
Maddy Trevor - Bella Thorne
Madrigan Hatter - Landon Liboiron
Mae Coombs - Lili Reinhart
Maeve Aella - Phoebe Tonkin
Magnus Bane - Harry Shum Jr
Magpie TwoSpirit - Ruby Rose
Magret Spector - Vanessa Morgan
Maj. Ty Fontaine - Stephen Amell
Mak Timoti - Wentworth Miller
Makena Kysely - Colton Haynes
Malachai - Nicholas Hoult
Mangjol Ji-Tae - Minhyuk btob
Marc Wilder - Avan Jogia
Marcus Addams - Kim Coates
Marcus Berry - Godfrey Gao
Margo kom Sankru - Natalie Dormer
Marie Thompson - Meryl Streep
Mark Hobb - Jensen Ackles
Marley McCaffrey - Skeet Ulrich
Martin Rowdy - Michael Eklund
Mary Qazi - Sofia Boutella
Marzio Altamura - Jimmy Quaintance
Mathew Paterson - Tom Holland
Matilda Zolnerowich - Sygin
Matt Jeevas - Luhan
Matt Murdock - Charlie Cox
Mattie Brightley - Asa Butterfield, Cillian Murphy
Maven King - Diego Barrueco
Maz Lorne - Charlotte Best
McCorrigan Holmes - Tilda Swinton
Mekhi Kennedy - Bill Skarsgard
Mel Putnam - Jackson Rathbone
Meliorn - Jade Hassouné
Merlin Emrys - Colin Morgan
Merrick Finn - Dylan O'Brien
Mi Se-Yeon - Jimin
Mick Sweeney - Pablo Schreiber
Mickey Finn - Callum Blue
Mickey Milkovich - Noel Fisher
Midge Conlon - Colin Ford
Midge Klump - Nick Robinson
Mikael Whistler - Wentworth Miller
Mike Plisskin - Colin Ford
Miles O’Shaughnessy - Robert Sheehan
Miller Petroff - Mike Vogel
Million Pearce - David Castro
Milos Toplaski - Tommy Flanagan
Mim Fayette - Katie McGrath
Minka Vodnik - Olivia Wilde
Mira Bellami - Victoria Justice
Misty Lombardo - Adelaide Kane
Mitchell - Aiden Turner
Monroe Lorenzo - Michael Malarky
Moose Mason - Cody Kiersley
Morbid Kitchell - Machine Gun Kelly
Morgan Julius - Landon Liboiron
Morrigan Wallace - Lena Headey
Morrison Wallace - Tommy Flanagan
Ms. America - Gina Rodriguez
Murphy MacManus - Norman Reedus
Murtagh Reston - Thomas Doherty
Natalia Miller - Ashleigh Murray
Nate Spooner - Toby Hemmingway
Nathan Miller - Jarod Joseph
Nathaniel Barton - Grant Gustin
Natshana kom Trishanakru - Chai Hansen
Nell Reba-Barnes - Steve Howey
Neptune Hollins - Noah Centineo
Nia Bradbury - Andy Biersack
Nic Janson - Troye Sivan
Nick Agave - Dom Sherwood
Nick Scratch - Gavin Leatherwood
Nick St North - Kris Kristofferson
Nico DiAngelo - David Mazouz
Nico Minoru - Lyrica Okano
Nico Prentís - Cody Saintgnue
Nicolai Duchamps - Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Nik Ellis - KJ Apa
Nile Gwynnne - Nate Buzolic
Nix Arthur - Charlie Hunnam
No Preston - Max Riemelt
Noah Johnson - Mitchell Hope
Nolan James - Norman Reedus
Nonna Narrington - Caleb Landry Jones
Note Scofield - Cameron Boyce
Nova - Adam Lambert
Nysse Hamilton - Dayana Melgares
Nyx Greymark - Nyané Lebajoa
Oaklee Zaharis - Marie Avgeropoulos
Oddmund Bodilson - Brett Dalton
Oli Delfino - KJ Apa
Ong Minjae - Sehun
Onyx Frost-Haddock - Cole Sprouse
Opie Winston - Ryan Hurst
Orin Suelita - DJ Cotrona
Orion Hunter - Jai Courtney
Os Avanyu - Oscar Jaenada
Owen Anton - Devon Sawa
Owen Grady - Chris Pratt
Owen Palomino - Sean Patrick Flanery
Oz Keen - Cody Christian
Patricia Llewelyn - Scout Taylor-Compton
Paul Rumancek - Landon Liboiron
Paul Tristan - Nick Jonas
Paul Trubel - Miles Heizer
Paw Cavanaugh - Alisha Wainwright
Peg Simon - Joe Manganiello
Peilani Salvatore - Jason Momoa
Pen Carpenter - Hale Appleman
Percy Jackson - Cole Sprouse
Pern Sorrows - Colin Morgan
Perry Avanyu - Drew Fuller
Peter Hale - Ian Bohen
Peter Parker - Tom Holland
Peter Quill - Chris Pratt
Peter Rumancek - Landon Liboiron
Peyton Bennett - Dove Cameron
Philip Pearson - Reilly Dolman
Pike - Milo Ventimiglia
Pitch Black - Jude Law
Pixie Trix - Lena Scissorhands
Poe McCreary - Ruby Rose
Prali Kus - Sendhil Ramamurthy
Prince Alby Escamillia - Bob Morley
Prince Ali Ababwa - Avan Jogia
Prince Arthur Pendragon - Bradley James, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau
Prince Babylas French - Tom Holland
Prince Dubh of Dunbroch - Matt Daddario
Prince Fin Bratomil Leonidus - Jamie Campbell Bower
Prince Fionn of Dunbroch - Matt Daddario
Prince Greyson Rutherford - Robbie Kay
Prince Hans of the Southern Isles - Max Martini
Prince Hung Tae-Hee - TOP
Prince Kieran of the Wild Hunt - Nils Kuiper
Prince Kory Westergaard - Eddie Redmayne
Prince Mee-Dee Pendragon - Dom Sherwood
Prince Rapunzel - Jensen Ackles
Prince Tobias Morei - Pedro Aurelian
Princess Amberle Elessedil - Poppy Drayton
Princess Anna of Arendelle - Karen Gillan, Molly C Quinn, Miranda Otto
Princess Beth of Crims - Adelaide Kane
Princess Evie Grimhilde - Sofia Carson
Princess Merida of DunBroch - Rachelle LeFevre, Kat McNamara, Sadie Sink
Princess Ruby Henderson - Adelaide Kane
Princess Shuri of Wakanda - Letitia Wright
Professor Charles Xavier - James McAvoy
Professor Chuck Marks - Joe Manganiello
Professor Dai Ignotus - Frank Grillo
Professor Hartley Badeau - JR Bourne
Prudence Night Blackwood - Tati Gabrielle
Pubert Addams - David Mazouz
Pugsley Addams - Cole Sprouse
Q-ee Quire - Aaron Yoo
Quade Reeves - Froy Gutierrez
Queen Becci Doherty - Lucy Hale
Queen Elsa of Arendelle - Kathryn Winnick, Dove Cameron
Queen Juno Smith - Ariana Grande
Queen Lyria of Leah - Vanessa Morgan
Queen Rosalee Lette - Taylor Momsen
Queenie Scarlett - Bailey Jay
Quentin Coldwater - Jason Ralph
Quentin Cruikshanks - Zane Holtz
Quentin Quire - Machine Gun Kelly
Quinlan Cruikshanks - Zane Holtz
Quinn Dolan - Richard Harmon
Race Tabytha - Christopher Gorham
Rachel Summers - KJ Apa
Radley Finch - Stephen James
Radovan Zivkovic - Tom Hardy
Rainy Bright - Osric Chau
Raiven Reyes - Avan Jogia
Raleigh Beckett - Charlie Hunnam
Ran-Mao - Brianna Hildebrand
Randall Carpio - Adam DiMarco
Raphael Santiago - David Castro
Ratchet Rosston - Cher Lloyd
Raven Reyes - Lindsey Morgan
Ravi Enrico - Robert Sheehan
Ray Mantle - Ross Butler
Rayner Pope - Seth Gabel
Reggie Mantle - Charles Melton
Rei Kawahara - Dichen Lachman
Reid Garwin - Toby Hemmingway
Rell Hartfield - Chloe Bennet
Remus Godfrey - Bill Skarsgard
Rev. Jesse Custer - Dominic Cooper
Revolver - Lucas Till
Rex Rexford - Daniel Sharman
Ric Road - Gustaf Skarsgard
Richard Amore - Adam Levine
Richie Brooks - Andrew Scott
Richie Gecko - Zane Holtz
Rick Hobb - DJ Cotrona
Riko Velli - Niko Pepaj
Riley Barrick - Luke Bilyk
Rina Dust - Kat McNamara
Rip Finley - Arthur Darvill
River Green - Ezra Miller
Robert Lockshood - Taron Egerton
Robin Downes - Cole Sprouse
Robin Locksley - Colin Ford
Rocket Jameson - Alberto Rosende
Rogue - Jacob Elordi
Rogue - Victor Webster
Roman Godfrey - Bill Skarsgard
Roman Mercer - Avan Jogia
Roo Carter - Luanna Perez
Rory Harker - Cole Sprouse
Ros Carman - Emeraude Toubia
Rosco Domitan - Tommy Flanagan
Rose Parker - Sasha Lane
Rosie Dainty - Sarah Hyland
Ruairí Gunnrarr - Sean Patrick Flanery
Rune kom Azgeda - Jason Momoa
Rusty Ryan - Brad Pitt
Ryl Lytvynenko - Jamie Campbell-Bower
Ryl/Lyra Connors - Caleb Landry Jones, Holland Roden
Sadie Rosati - Jon Kortajarena
Saiya Erembour - Kiernan Shipka
Sam Lee Fisher - Kiersey Clemons
Sam Shankerov - Joel Kinnaman
Samael Abigor - Tom Hardy
Sameen Shaw - Sarah Shahi
Samira Avanyu - Rihanna
Samoset Ramirez Avanyu - Theo Rossi
Santa Muerte - Riae Suicide
Sassy Caitsidhe - Asa Butterfield
Schrödinger Cat - Godfrey Gao
Scorpius Malfoy - Troye Sivan
Scott Canterbury - Nate Buzolic
Scott McCall - Tyler Posey
Scott Summers - Tye Sheridan
Scout - Richard Harmon
Scud Buchanen - Norman Reedus
Sean Gallagher - Dane Dehaan
Seb Reid - Toby Hemmingway
Seb Shankerov - Joel Kinnaman
Sebastian Michaelis - Jared Leto
Sebastian Morgenstern - Will Tudor
Sébastienne Morgenstern - Dove Cameron
Seth Gecko - DJ Cotrona
Severin Moran - Michael Fassbender
SFC Bob Brown - Scott Foley
Sgt. Axel Miller - Jonathan Scarfe
Sgt. Bucky Barnes - Sebastian Stan
Sgt. Cougar Alvarez - Oscar Jaenada
Shalimar Fox - Victoria Pratt
Shalimar Rose - Emeraude Toubia
Shane Kilmartin - Noah Centineo
Shelby Kiyaya - Jason Momoa
Sheriff FP Jones - Skeet Ulrich/Cole Sprouse
Sherlock Holmes - Benedict Cumberbatch
Sherry Holmes - Benedict Cumberbatch
Sicario Montoya - David Castaneda
Sigla kom Podakru - Katheryn Winnick
Silas Kyle - Charles Melton
Silas Prince - Avan Jogia
Sim Chunho - Kiseop
Simon Bellamy - Iwan Rheon
Simon Cooper - Grant Gustin
Simon Jogia - Rami Malek
Simon Lewis - Alberto Rosende
Sinclair Lorentz - Aidan Turner
Siobhan Mbege - China Anne McClain
Siobhan Murphy - Lyndsy Fonesca
Sion Brass - Wentworth Miller
Sir Percival of Albion - Tom Hopper
Sky Vance - Dylan O'Brien
Sol Whitecrest - Nadia Hilker
Song Xieren - Xiao Meng
Sonnie Smythe - Dane Dehaan
Sophie Brightborn - Kat McNamara
Soubi Agatsuma - T.O.P
Sparkle Soleil - Virginia Gardener
Spot Conlon - Bill Skarsgard
Spring Heeled Jack - Jordan Connor
St.John Allerdyce - Aaron Stanford
Staff sergeant Jake Stingman
Stan Rotor - Machine Gun Kelly
Steffen Dumah Vigo - Aaron Stanford
Steve Harrington - Joe Keery
Steve Hopper - Tyler Hoechlin
Steve McGarrett - Alex O’Loughlin
Stiles Stilinski - Dylan O'Brien
Stirling Argent - Joel Kinnaman
Stuart Twombly-Stilinski - Dylan O'Brien
Sue Cash - Jeremy Renner
Suk Hyun-Woo - Jin Young
Suk Jung-Hee - Kim Jaejoong
Suk Pyong-Ho - Hong Bin
Sully Harper - Norman Reedus
Sunny Magnum - Ash Stymest
Sweet Pea - Jordan Connor
Syl Maier - Alex Watson
T-Bag - Robert Knepper
Takeshi Kovacs - Joel Kinnaman, Will Yun Lee
Takuya Rain - Jung Ji Hoon
Tali Bell - Stirling Knight
Talia Trent - Arden Cho
Tara Blackfeather - Taylor Momsen
Tara Orlov - Ksenia Solo
Teasaidh Addams - Aidan Turner
Teddy Altman - Alexander Ludwig
Teddy Lupin - Noah Centineo
Terry Jasper - Dwayne Johnson
Tex Malcolm - Dave Franco
Theo Abbott - Evan Crooks
Theo Crain - Kate Siegel
Theo Putnam - Lachlan Watson
Theo Raeken - Cody Christian
Thomas Addams - Jensen Ackles
Thomas Teller - Travis Fimmel
Thor Odinson - Chris Hemsworth
Tig Trager - Kim Coates
Tiger O’Hanigan - Sebastian Stan
Tihomir Bosko - James Marsters
Tim Blaise - Ben Barnes
Tim Drake - Cole Sprouse
Time Thorin - Brock O'Hurn
Tinkerbell - Dove Cameron
TK Bell - Emilia Clarke
Toby Cavanaugh - Keegan Allen
Todd Brotzman - Elijah Wood
Tokala Ramirez - Raphael Alejandro
Tolly Nichols-Dix - David Castro
Toly Sorrows - Cam Gigandet
Tommy Conway - Jensen Ackles
Toni Topaz - Vanessa Morgan
Tonio Oliver - Luke Pasqualino
Tony Parker - Dom Sherwood
Tony Stark - Robert Downey Jr
Tony Stonem - Nicholas Hoult
Tony Topaz - Keiynan Lonsdale
Tori Markham - Maggie Q
Torrance Green - Parker Hurley
Trace Georgia - Shiloh Fernandez
Tracy Rose - David Gandy
Travis Buchanen - Norman Reedus
Trevor Holden - Jared Abrahamson
Treyu kom Sankru - Charlie Hunnam
Tribute Jones - Thomas Doherty
Tristan Gaheris - Bradley James
Tulip O'Hare - Ruth Negga
Uma Scylla - China Anne McClain
Unity Candor - Dom Sherwood
Urban Candor - Theo James
Uriah Reyes - Peter Gadiot
Urumi Bello - Ben Barnes
Valentine Morgenstern - Nikolai Coster-Waldau, Ryan Kwanten
Van Torrence - Max Martini
Vanya Hargreeves - Ellen Page
Vanya Kalantarova - Theo Rossi
Vasily Kalanatrova - Ksenia Solo
Vel Grant - Garrett Hedlund
Ven Kuznetsov - Zane Holtz
Venus Van Dam - Walton Goggins
Verity - Ekilateral
Verity James - Cole Sprouse
Verna Piette - Victoria Campbell
Verona Lodge - Michael Trevino
Veronica Lodge - Camilla Mendes
Vex - Paul Amos
Victor Mancha - Alberto Rosende
Viktoriya Nadedja - Ivanna Anatoliyivna Sakhno
Vilko Rosenfeld - Tyler Hoechlin
Vivien Tancredi - Taissa Farmiga
Vogel Rowdy - Osric Chau
Vu Inlustris - Matt Lanter
Walden Sommers - Dylan Sprayberry
Walker Simon - Adam Levine
Warren Avanyu - Steven Strait
Warren Fafner - David Gandy
Warren Peace - Steven Strait
Wart Addams - Evwan McGregor
Waverly Earp - Dominique Provost-Chalkley
Wednesday Addams - Camila Mendes
Weiryn Cernonnus - Adam Copeland
Wes March - Avan Jogia
Will Herondale - Andy Biersack
Willow Queen - Katie McGrath
Win Palencia - Frank Grillo
Witchita Nichols-Dix - Jared Padalecki
Woda kom Floukru - Joe Manganiello
Wolfgang Bogdanow - Max Riemelt
Wood Woodley - DJ Cotrona
Wyatt Halliwell - Wes Ramsey
Wysteria - Aaron Stanford
Xander Harris - Nicholas Brendan
Xav Tanner - Richard Harmon
Xavier Nichols-Dix - Bill Skarsgard
Ya Min-Ki - Kan F.Cuz
Yara Preston - Armie Hammer
Ygraine Artio - Depika Padukone
Young Fred Andrews - KJ Apa
Yuki Musume - Freya Tingley
Yukio Hamada - Shiori Kutsuna
Zac Nicwood - Joseph Morgan
Zana Trembuey - Carlson Young
Zane Gallo - Andrew Lee Potts
Zarina Dust - Clara Paget
Zarina Tintagel - Holliday Grainger
Zeb Avenue - Chris Hemsworth
Zef Doe - Evan Peters
Zeke Benton - Manu Bennet
Zhu Bái - Park Soo Young
Zhu Jiāháo - Leo
Zhu Zhēn - Niel
Zin Kuznetsova - Dove Cameron
Zo Cezoram - Hale Appleman
Zuck Florentine - Luke Evans
17 notes · View notes
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Biblioteca MT 
-13 escalones del mentalismo
-Arte de ler mentes-Henrik Fexeus
-O mentalista
-Tricks of the mind - Derren Brown
-Absolute Magic-Derren Brown
-Pure effect-Derren Brown
-Easy mentalism
-Practical Mental magic-Theodore Annemann
-Manual de psiquiatria portugues
-Cinema e Loucura
-Psicologia Facil - Ana Merces Bahia Bock
-Introdução à programação neurolinguística-Joseph 0'Connor e John Seymour
-despertar do gigante interior
-PNL Programacao Neurolinguistic - Steve Andreas
-Usando Sua Mente (PNL) Richard Bandler
-PNL: A Nova Tecnologia do Sucesso
-Neurociências - Desvendando o sistema nervoso Bear, M. F., Connors, B. W., & Paradiso, M. A.,
-As bases biologicas do comportamento-marcus brandao
-Truques da mente-Stephen L.Macknik & Susana martinez-Conde
com Sandra Blakeslee
-Subliminar - Leonard Mlodinow
-Hipnoterapia Ericksoniana Passo a Passo-Sofia Bauer
-hipnose - dicas, métodos e técnicas
-o homem de fevereiro-erickson
-Manual hipnose completo-fabio puentes
-Hackeando mentes - Marcelo Maia
-A Realidade é Plástica- Anthony Jacquin
-Como se dar bem com as Mulheres - Ron Louis e David Copeland
-A Arte Natural da Sedução - Richard La Ruina
-Manual de Artes Venusianas
-O Jogo-Neil Strauss
-O livro negro da sedução
-Biblia da sedução
-linguagem das Emocoes-Paul Ekman
-O código de Ekman -A.Freitas Magalhães
-Inteligência visual-Amy E.Herman
-As Armas da Persuasao - Robert B. Cialdini
-Manual de Persuasão do FBI - Jack Shafer
-A preparação do Ator-Stanislavski
-Mentes Geniais - Alberto Dell isola
-Mentes Brilhantes
-A Arte de Argumentar
-tratado de argumentação a nova retórica-Chaim Perelman
-logica juridica-chaim perelman
-Argumentação Juridica-Vitor Gabriel
-schopenhauer - como vencer um debate - dialetica eristica
-schoppenhauer - do pensar por si
-Oratória-Reinaldo Polito
-Introducao a retorica-Olivier Reboul
-How to Argue & Win Every Time- Gerry Spence
-tecnicas basicas de redacao-branca granatic
-A encantadora de Bebes
-Adestramento Inteligente
-Como Criar o Cao Perfeito Desde - Cesar Millan
-Magica de Pensar Grande-David J SchwartzA
-Mitologia Greco-Romana - René Ménard
-Os Mitos Gregos-Robert Graves
-Ultimate secrets of card magic
-Expert card technique -Jean Hugard & Frederick Braue
-Apostila aprenda a investir na bolsa corretora xp
-Analise Fundamentalista
-Os supersinais da analise técnica
-Investir cada vez melhor
-Sobreviva na bolsa
-Aprenda a operar
-Manual do pequeno investidor em - Fabio Almeida
Transações imobiliarias
-apostila TTI
-como montar uma imobiliaria
-dominio da venda imobiliaria
-SuperFreakonomics O Lado Oculto do Dia a Dia - Steven D. Levitt
-Curso basico de macroeconomia
-Historia Pensamento economico
-manual de Economia da USP
-Economia nua e crua - Charles Wheelan
-Manual do CEO
-O CEO é o limite
-os axiomas de Zurique
-Pai rico pai pobre
-investimentos O segredo de George Soros e Warren Buffet
-O X da questão
-Investimentos inteligentes - Gustavo Cerbasi
-Sonho Grande
-A jogada do seculo-Michael Lewis
-Bumerangue-Michael Lewis
-Flash Boys-Michael Lewis
-O homem que roubou Portugal
-Os Genios dos Negocios-Peter-Krass
-Golpes bilionarios-kari nars
-A ascensao do dinheiro - Niall Ferguson
-A bola de neve-Alice Schroeder
-crash-uma breve histria da economia
-O Lobo de Wall Street - Jordan Belfort
-O Sequestro da America - Charles H. Ferguson
-Por que sai do Goldman Sachs - Greg Smith
Anatomia Humana Basica Dangeloe Fattini
Atlas de Anatomia Humana  Netter
Atlas Fotográfico de Anatomia - Yokochi
Grays p. estudant.
Anatomia Moore orientada para a clínica
Fisiologia Humana - Dee Unglaub Silverthorn
Bogliolo Patologia
Histologia Básica - Junqueira e Carneiro
5-Biologia celular
Biologia Celular e Molecular -Junqueira & Carneiro
Bioquímica Médica Básica de Marks
embriologia clinica Moore
Microbiologia Medica - Patrick Murray
Murphy - Imunobiologia De Janeway
Griffiths - Introdução à Genética
Parasitologia Humana Neves
Fundamentos de Radiologia e Diagnóstico por imagem
Tratado de Técnica Radiológica - Bontrager
Farmacologia Básica Clínica Bertram Katzung  
Goodman - Farmacologia
Semiologia Medica - Porto
Semiologia Bates
Exame Clínico-Porto
Semiologia médica - mario lópez
Semiologia Médica - Rocco
16-Clínica Geral
Harrison - Medicina Interna
17-Urgência e Emergência
Manual APH
Blackbook Pediatria
Nelson Tratado de Pediatria
19-Ginecologia e Obstetrícia
Obstetricía Rezende
Obstetricia Basica
Rotinas Em Obstetricia
Ginecologia Fundamental
Rotinas em Ginecologia
A Neurologia que todo médico deve saber - Nitrini
Neurociências - Bear, M. F., Connors, B. W., & Paradiso, M. A.
Cem bilhoes de neuronios
Neuropsicologia - Roger Gil
Compêndio de Psiquiatria - Kaplan
Manual De Psiquiatria Portugues
22-Cirurgia geral
Cirurgia ambulatorial - Savassi
Manual de técnica cirúrgica para a graduação
Propedeutica Cirurgica
Ruy Garcia - Tecnica Operatória e Cirurgia Experimental
Sabiston - Tratado de Cirurgia
Cardiologia para Clinico Geral
Serrano - Tratado de Cardiologia SOCESP
24-Exames Laboratorias
Exames Laboratoriais - Nemer, Neves e Ferreira
Medicina Laboratorial para o Clínico
Renato Failace - Hemograma - Manual De Interpretação
Manual de Medicina Legal - Delton Croce Junior
Fundamentos em Toxicologia de Casarett e Doull
Williams - Tratado de Endocrinologia
Current Reumatologia
Dermatologia - Azulay & Azulay
Nefrologia - Riella
Pneumologia - Série No Consultório
Andrew Holtz - A ciência médica de House
Onde não há medico
Rotinas de enfermagem
-Princípios de Mecatrônica-João Maurício Rosário
Física,Astronomia e Cosmologia
-50 Ideias de Fisica Que Precisa - Joanne Baker
-Física Moderna para iniciados, interessados e aficionados
-O Universo Numa Casca de Noz-Stephen Hawking
-Breve história do tempo-Stephen Hawking
-O universo elegante - Brian Greene
-A Realidade Oculta - Brian Greene
-O Tecido do Cosmo - Brian Greene
-Fisica do futuro - Michio Kaku
-Hiperespaco - Michio Kaku
-Mundos Paralelos - Michio Kaku
-Batendo a porta do ceu - Lisa Randall
-O cerne da matéria
-Cosmos - Carl Sagan
-El grande diseno-Stephen Hawking
-E SE Respostas científicas para perguntas absurdas - Randall Munroe
-50 Ideias de Matematica Que Pre - Tony Crilly
-17 Equacoes Que Mudaram o Mundo - Ian Stewart
-20.000 léguas matemáticas
-As maravilhas da matemática
-Introdução a filosofia da matemática
-O diabo dos numeros
-O andar do bebado
-Em busca do infinito
-Os misterios dos numeros
-Sera que Deus joga dados
-Simetria matematica
-A Matemática nos Tribunais - Leila Schneps, Coralie Colmez
-Mathemagics How to Look Like a Genius Without Really Trying Mantesh Marked
-Mania de matemática
-50 Ideias Genetica - Mark Henderson
-O Maior Espetáculo da Terra As Evidências da Evolução-Richard Dawkins
-A Arte de Pensar Claramente - Rolf Dobelli
-Tratado Lógico Filosófico-Wittgeinstein
-Pinóquio no País dos Paradoxos
-Raciocínio Lógico e Matemática para Concursos CESPE/UNB
-Raciocínio Lógico Passo A Passo -Cabral,Luiz Claudio; Nunes, Mauro César
-Pense Como um Freak_ Como Pensa - Steven D. Levitt
-Guia das falácias de Stephen Downes
-Lógica jurídica-Chaim Perelman
-Modal Logic for Open Minds - Johan van Benthem
-Philosophical Perspectives on Infinity-Graham Oppy
Bibliografia do Combate
-C 23-1 - Tiro Das Armas Portáteis- 1ª Parte - Fuzil-EB
-C 23-1 - Tiro Das Armas Portáteis- 2ª Parte - Pistola-EB
-Caderno de Instrução do Fuzil de Assalto 5,56 IA2 (EB70-CI-11.405)-EB
-Catálogo de Armas-Rodrigo Pereira Larizzatti
-C 5-37 Minas e Armadilhas-EB
-IP-23-90 Morteiro 81 mm ROYAL ORDNANCE-EB
-IP 23-34 Lança-Rojão 84mm(AT-4)
-MCRP 3-01B Pistol Marksmanship - USMC
-MCRP 3-01A Rifle Marksmanship U.S. Marine Corps
-CI 7-5-2 Combate em área edificada-EB
-CI 21-75 Patrulhas-EB
-Manual de Conduta de Patrulha-PMESP
-Apostila Instrução Tática Individual -FNSP
-The Hunter's page-Rodrigo Pereira Larizzatti
-In0531 Combat in built up areas-Us Army
-IP 21-2 Caçador-EB
-CI 21-2-1 contra caçadores-EB
-The Ultimate Sniper -Maj.John Plaster
-B-GL-392-005/FP-001 Sniping -Canada
-MCWP 3-15-3 Sniping-USMC
-MI6-028 Tiradores de élite-Ejército de Tierra(Espanha)
-Atirador de elite-Carlos David
Artes Marciais
-C 20-50 luta-EB
-Ringue Master
-Boxing-Edwin Haislet
-Gracie Jiu-Jitsu - Thomas de Soto
-A Biblia do MMA- Anderson Silva
-Krav Maga-Kobi Lichtenstein
-FM 3-25.150 Combatives-US Army
-MCRP 3-02 Close Combat-US Marine Corps
-Wrestling for Fighting The Natural Way-Randy Couture, Erich Krauss, Glen Cordoza e Eric Hendrikx
-Ninjutsu - Arte da resistencia
-Mystic Art of the Ninja - Stephen Hayes
-Ninja Combat Method -  Stephen Hayes
-Secrets from the Ninja Grandmaster-Stephen K. Hayes & Masaaki Hatsumi
-The Way of the Ninja: Secret Techniques - Masaaki Hatsumi
TFM & Alimentação
-EB20-MC-10.350 Treinamento Físico Militar-EB
-Guia dos movimentos de musculação-Frédéric Delavier
-Musculação além do anabolismo-Waldemar Marques Guimarães Neto
-MD42-M-03 Manual de Alimentação das Forças Armadas-EB
-Manual de Ensino de Esgrima -Volume 1- FLORETE (EB60-ME-25.401)-EB
-Manual de Ensino de Esgrima - Volume 2 – Espada (EB60-25.502)-EB
-C 20-51-Esgrima-EB
-IP 21-80-sobrevência na selva-EB
-Fm 21 76 Survival manual- us army
APH & Medicina
-ATLS Advanced Trauma Life Support-Colégio Americano de Cirurgiões Comitê de Trauma
-Manual de Diagnóstico e Tratamento de Acidentes por Animais Peçonhentos-FUNASA
-SIGN AND THE ART OF TRACKING-Christian Nellemann with Jack Kearney and Stig Nårstad
-SAS Tracking Handbook-Barry Davies
-The art of tracking the origin of science-Liebenberg
-cgcfn 1003 manual basico do fuzileiro naval
-cgcfn 1004 combatente anfibio
-Manual Operacional Do Policial Civil SP
Técnicas Militares
-C 22-5 ordem unida-EB
-C-21-74 Instrução Individual-Exército Brasileiro(EB)
-EB70-MC-10.233 Defesa QBN-EB
-C-6-199 Topografia-EB
-C-5-40 Camuflagem-EB
-Manual de Operações de Choque
-The Ultimate Parkour & Freerunning Book-Jan Witfeld, Ilona E. Gerling
& Alexander Pach
Apronto Operacional
-EB70-CI-11.404 Caderno de Instrução de Aprestamento e Apronto Operacional-EB
-Guia do Aluno Comanf-Marinha do Brasil
-Orientação Cioesp - EB
-Orientação Cigs - EB
-Orientação Cam(Curso Avançado de Montanhismo) - EB
-Orientação PQD - EB
-C 5-37 Minas e Armadilhas-EB
-FM 5-25 Explosives & Demolitions-U.S.Army
-TM 31-210 Improvised Munitions Handbook-U.S.Army
-TM 9-1910 Military Explosives-US Army
-TM 9-1300-214 Military Explosives-US Army
-The Anarchist Cookbook-William Powell
-Guerilla Arsenal- David Harber
-The Anarchist Arsenal-David Harber
-The Advanced Anarchist Arsenal-David Harber
-The Preparatory Manual of Explosives-Jared B.Ledgard
-Kitchen Improvised Fertilizer Explosives-Tim Lewis
-Homemade Semtex-Seymour Lecker
-Science of Revolutionary Warfare-Johann Most
-The Explosives Course-Abu Khabab al-Masri(Midhat Mursi)
-Ragnar's Homemade Detonators-Ragnar Benson
-B-GL-361-007/FP-001 Combat Diving-National Defense Canada
-U.S. Navy Diving Manual SS521-AG-PRO-010
-A Guide to Public Safety Diving-North Carolina PSD Standards
-Manual Operacional de Bombeiros-CBMGO
-FM 3-05.212 Special Forces Waterborne Operations-US Army
MILITARY DIVING OPERATIONS-Headquarters of the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, and
Coast Guard US
-Manual Técnico de Salto Livre (EB60-MT-34.405)-EB
-Manual Técnico Equitação (EB60- MT-26.401)-EB
-Manual Equitação da Federação Paulista de Hipismo
-M016 Manual Tecnica Esqui-Ejército de Tierra(Espanha)
-Ci9011 Assalto Aeromóvel e Infiltração aeromóvel-EB
-Cold Region Operations ATTP 3-97.11/MCRP 3-35.1D (FM 31-70 and FM 31-71)-US Army
-Jungle Operations-FM 90-5-US Army
-CIA-Manual Oficial truques e espionagem-H.Keith Melton
-Techiques of the professional pickpocket-Wayne B.Yeager
-Curso de Introdução à Atividade de Inteligência – CIAI-CGI
Sistemas de armas
-Art of the kill-Pete Bonanni
-Natops Flight Manual F16
-Natops Flight Manual F18
-Natops Flight Manual F14
-FLIGHT MANUAL EuroFighter v1
-Conocimientos submarinos S-70-Armada Española
-Manual de Marinero y del Soldado de infantería de Marina-Armada Española
-Manual de policiamento fluvial-PPMPA (Pará)
-Manual M113-Exército Português
-Fundamentals of Guided Missiles-S. R. Mohan
-AFM 52-31 Guided Missile Fundamentals-Department of the Air Force
-Advances in Missile Guidance, Control, and Estimation
-Gunsmithing at Home Lock Stock & Barrel- John E.Traister
-Building Firearms-Harold Hoffman
Armas Nucleares
-U.S. Nuclear Weapons - The Secret History Hardcover-Chuck Hansen
-Swords of Armageddon - Chuck Hansen
-Dark Sun: The Making of the Hydrogen Bomb-Richard Rhodes
-The Making of the Atomic Bomb-Richard Rhodes
-Atomic Accidents: A History of Nuclear Meltdowns and Disasters- James Mahaffey
Engenharia Naval
-SNAME Ship Design & Construction
-Engineering Economics and Ship Design - Buxton
Estratégia militar
-Field Manual of Military Operations (FM 3–0)-United States Army
-Manual de Campanha C 124-1 - Estratégia-EB
-As grandes estratégias - John Lewis Gaddis
-Techniques of Crime Scene investigation-Barry A.J Fisher
-Procedimento operacional padrão:Perícia Criminal-Ministério da Justiça BR
-Manual de orientação de quesitos da perícia criminal-DPF
-Introduction to Criminalistics-Barry A.J Fisher,
William J.Tilstone e Catherine Woytowicz
-Fundamentals of forensic science- Max M. Houck & Jay A. Siegel
-Ciências Forenses-Alberi Espindula,Gustavo Caminoto Geiser e Jesus Antonio Velho
-Practical Crime Scene Processing and Investigation
-Hanbook of Firearms and Ballistics-Brian J.Heard
C.Hematologia Forense
-Interpretation of Bloodstain Evidence at Crime Scenes-
Stuart H.James & William G.Eckert
-Bloodstain Pattern Analysis -Tom Bevel & Ross M. Gardner
Medicina Legal
-Medicina Legal-Genival Veloso
-Manual técnico-operacional para os médicos-legistas do Estado de São Paulo
-Manual de Medicina Legal - Delton Croce Junior
-Manual de Técnicas em Necropsia médico-legal-Luiz Carlos L.Prestes Jr. &
Roger Ancillotti
Psicologia Forense
-Serial Killer louco ou cruel-Ilana Casoy
-Mentes Perigosas - O Psicopata  - Ana Beatriz Barbosa Silva
-Linguagem das Emoções-Paul Ekman
-O código de Ekman -A.Freitas Magalhães
-Inteligência visual-Amy E.Herman
-As Armas da Persuasao - Robert B. Cialdini
-Manual de Persuasão do FBI - Jack Shafer
-Oratória-Reinaldo Polito
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lieutenanthearted · 6 years
Inception verse:
So I don't have the details worked out on the inception au yet but anyone who is familiar with inception knows that the main cast dabbles in an illegal practice called dream sharing, in an attempt to obtain information out of important people without them even knowing it.
They're hired by rich businessmen, typically. Everything is done under the table.
I feel like Hank would be our Leonardo Dicaprio here (Cobb) just because he's got the most baggage. Cobbs character had lost his wife to suicide, but we can always work with Hank having guilt over Cole's death because he knew he could have spent more time with his son, but he was too busy doing illegal dreamshare work to build up a fund for his son. Yikes.
Connor could be like the Joseph Gordon Levitt character - Arthur. Point man. Always has all the information on the job and on the parties involved. He can also be an architect when need be. Him and Hank are partners that have worked closely together for a while and prefer to work alone in their pair as often as they can. Not always an option.
Markus, Kara, Simon, Jerry, North, Allen, Gavin, Josh, Carl, Alice, Amanda, Rk900, Ocs, ect ect ect can all fill in other rolls either on the team, as the people hiring them, the people they're infiltrating, so on so forth.
Hank brings his projection of Cole into the dreams a lot and it tends to screw up the jobs, just like Cobb projecting his dead wife in the movie.
Any other details need to be ironed out still but that's what I've got so far.
Like this post if you have interest in illegal dream share shenanigans with lots of guns and high stakes scenarios and action!
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