#arthur fleck/reader
twistedgameswewrite · 13 days
I need to tear that man apart with my teeth(/pos)
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charliedawn · 1 year
(is it alright if I send a request?! Feel free to ignore this if not. I've heard there are some new rules regarding that?) So what if their s/o had to travel somewhere outside the country/state (could be something work/family related) for like a week or so, which Slashers would take it the hardest/easiest (basically who has separation anxiety and who is chill lol)?! Hopefully this makes sense, sorry for bad english?! I have a feeling Brahms (and maybe Jason) are in the first category, but your stories are always full of suprises so 🤷
Mature themes mentioned. You've been warned.
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Jason would be the worst when it comes to abandonment issues. He would be too afraid of you leaving him forever.
He'd come up with various excuses to make you stay.
He'd wrap his arms around you and refuse to let you go. The man is touch-starved. He'd beg to come with you.
If you didn't let him ? Well...I think he'd be miserable.
Jason *whines and cries against your shoulder while holding you close* : "Stay. Please. Stay."
For him, to speak takes tremendous effort—so when he does ? That means it is important.
Do not leave the poor man alone without anything to contact you with, or you'd come back to a mess. He'd have turned the whole house into a target practice.
And believe me, you don't want to be in the way of his machete...
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Brahms would be close second after Jason. He'd make you stay by any means necessary.
Brahms *breathes heavily* : "DO NOT LEAVE ME !"
His parents told him they would be gone for only a few days—but they never came back.
He wouldn't let you do the same.
He tried to get Greta to stay, but it failed. He wouldn't make the same mistake twice.
Brahms *grabs you and groans* : "If you leave me, I'll find you...I'll find you, Y/N."
The way he uttered your name made you shiver. Brahms would be close to a break down if you were gone for a few minutes. Imagine his state if it was for more than a few days ?
The moment you got back, he'd be borderline hysterical and crush you in a bear hug—crying and sobbing for you to never leave him again.
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Bo has serious abandonment issues as well but—unlike Brahms or Jason—he would be more radical in his ways to make you stay.
Bo *grabs your arm and grits his teeth* "OH NO YOU DON'T !"
Bo was hated by his mother and it only aggravated his loneliness until he became...well...very self-centred and afraid of the pain.
The moment he gets attached to someone—their freedom is of no interest to him whatsoever.
Bo would rather tackle you to the ground, attach you or even have sex with you for you not to leave him.
That redneck isn't a quitter. Good luck trying to make him stay away.
Yeah...He's not going to cry, but you might. Sorry.
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And in the category worse abandonment issues we also have Vincent. Of course the other twin wouldn't be very far from the first.
Vincent is...gentler than Bo ? He wasn't hated by his family. He was actually rather liked.
So, his wouldn't be as bad—but still.
There is a reason he wanted to make all his wax statues from actual people. He is scared of being lonely...He likes to be surrounded.
And since all the people in his town treated him and his family as freaks—he couldn't make a lot of connections apart to his brothers.
He was lonely. And hence, he'd be afraid to lose the only person he ever cared about than them. You.
So, he'd be very hesitant to let you go and try to make you stay with gifts and soft touches. Try to make you understand how much you mean to him before eventually letting you go. Just so you know that you'd be taking a part of him with you.
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You might be surprised, but Pennywise belongs to the category of the slashers who would be very upset by the lack of physical proximity.
Indeed, even though he hates physical touch, he is still clingy when it comes to the presence of the people he loves—one of the reasons why he stays with Penny.
So, he'd be upset, a little bit more moody than usual without you around. He'd be constantly looking at the road and unconsciously hoping you'd come back.
Pennywise *sighs deeply to himself* : "Come on, you old clown...Don't be so stupid. Come on. Stop thinking about...about..."
He'd fight against his inner demons and believe that you'd come back on your own...until the very end.
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"...Oh, you're leaving, human ?"
Surprisingly enough, Penny isn't as clingy as people think he is.
He does like physical contact a lot and would be very sad to see you go, but he also knows he is a god and would be able to get to you whatever happens.
Penny is confident in his abilities, maybe too much.
So, he'd keep a smile on and giggle while waving to you when you go.
But, remember...
He's always watching.
You try to escape ? He'd know.
And he'd hunt you down. He'd make you regret ever trying to escape. He'd drag you back if he has to.
Penny *giggles darkly* : "Aww...Poor poor Y/N. Don't look so sad. We'll be together forever. Isn't that what we wanted ?"
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Freddy would take it badly, but old habits die hard. He'd find a way to blame you and move on...no matter what.
"Ya think you can hurt me, huh ? Well, I've got news for you, ~sweetheart. You can go. I can always find ya a replacement."
Douchebag attitude is Freddy's defense mechanism.
You want to leave ? Fine. He'll find a way to fill the hole. Booze. Brothels. Chaos...
Whatever he can do, he'll do. Freddy needs a moral compass in order to stay in check. You and Michael fill that position.
But, if you're gone ? Then, Freddy would be missing an important part of his functioning mechanism and would go back to his old ways.
He'd be lost. Trying to find himself all the wrong ways all over again...
For his safety and others, make sure to remind him that you care for him from time to time—especially if you're going somewhere he can't follow.
And be sure to invite him into your dreams from time to time. 😉
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Michael would remain himself. He'd watch you go and stay impassive. Because he knows it wouldn't change a thing.
He expects you to never come back. It would be better.
Every time he takes a knife in his hand, he wouldn't find that tingling feeling...the little voice in his head telling him to kill you.
He wouldn't be so afraid of hurting you every single day. He wouldn't have to lock his door every night because he's afraid he might wake up with your blood on his hands.
He'd even tense up when you come back.
You *smile when you see him* : "Well, hello there. Missed me ?"
Michael : "..."
You *smile falter* : "Oh...Well, okay then."
Michel *slowly approaches you and slowly hugs you*
He did miss you. He just didn't know how to tell you...or stop himself from grabbing the kitchen knife and plunging it into your heart over and over.
Michael would die before hurting you, but it doesn't mean he isn't a slasher. Or that your love for him isn't dangerous.
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Arthur would put his feelings aside and try to appear cruel.
"You think I care ? ~Oh, sweetie. I've spent most of my life caring about people. Not anymore. Not ever again...So, if you want to leave me ? Go ahead. There's the door."
You have to understand, Arthur has been hurt most of his life...by life itself.
He was never lucky. He never had any friends. He was basically alone most of his life.
He wouldn't want to be kept down, and so wouldn't want the same for you. He understands the need to leave. More than anyone else.
He'd prefer you leave than stay and be miserable—like he was. So, he would never stop you from leaving, no matter if there was a risk you wouldn't come back.
Arthur *smiles and holds your hand* "...Please. Don't let me stop you. Be free."
If you want to leave ? He won't stop you.
Because that's how much he loves you.
He'd let you have your freedom. No matter what.
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"I'm going out.", you said.
"Have fun, honey.", he replied. He didn't even look up from his newspapers.
"I may be out for a couple of days.", you added—waiting for a reaction.
"Sure. I'll be right here when you come back.", he answered and smiled—but it didn't quite reach his eyes.
Jack is a ghost. He doesn't really have feelings anymore and can sound cold sometimes. But, it's not because he doesn't care. It's just he knows what it is to have responsibilities.
He failed at being human—and he wouldn't want the same for you.
He would of course be worried that you'd leave forever, but honestly ? He'd be happy to let you live your life as you intend.
He doesn't have abandonment issues.
Matter-of-fact, he's the one who leaves most of the time. Of course, he wouldn't want your relation to stop so suddenly and would prefer you to come clear to him.
He wouldn't get mad, but he'd feel a little more dull and emotionless inside.
He'd become even more of a ghost than he was—but wouldn't let you see.
Jack *smiles before you close the door* : "...Bring back a souvenir, alright ? Something...something nice."
And that would probably be the only attempt he'd do to hint that he wants you to come back.
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jokingmisfit · 7 months
Different Jokers Reacting to you Needing to Take Medicine
Jeremiah Valeska
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-This man is a genius. He already knew before you told him. He already did research on any and all medicine you have to take. 
-Jeremiah may keep you on your toes for a lot of things but he’s pretty chill about this. You could even take medicine for your mental health when it comes to Jeremiah. If it makes you feel better he’s all for it.
- God forbid the doctor drops you or the pharmacy won’t run the prescription. Jeremiah will not hesitate to start bombing buildings just so you can get what you need.
- If you have to get off one medicine to switch to another he’s going to be right there to analyze your every move (like he doesn’t already) to make sure nothing goes wrong. The second you act off he’s getting you back in there for a better med. Also if you start showing any symptoms he’ll know because he read everything on that medicine.
- He makes sure you take your meds on time everyday. He kind of likes the domesticity of it, the pattern. Jeremiahs stopped mid planning or meeting just to tell/text/call you to take your meds.
-Overall the perfect Joker for having to take medicine. 10/10
Jerome Valeska
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-Jerome is the complete opposite of his brother. The man is a loose cannon and is always doing something or other. He had absolutely no idea you were taking meds.
 -Let’s hope you bring it up because if you don’t and he finds them he’ll flip shit. He’ll scream and rant and break things. He may even threaten you. He’ll feel so upset and so betrayed. You’ll have to explain very carefully what they’re for.
-If you bring it up, introduce it slowly, mention what’s physically “wrong” that makes you need to take it, then explain what the medicine does. At first he’s going to be hesitant but at least you can hold his attention. He takes things like this very seriously (especially if it’s you).
-He’s not going to be 100% happy about it but he understands. This isn’t about you not liking your brain, it's about you being in pain. He hates when you’re in pain.
-You can’t take mental medication with him. Jerome refuses to “let you destroy your precious mind.”
- If your doctor drops you or there's a problem with the pharmacy he’ll just cause problems. By that I mean he’ll start blowing the brains out onto the floor. Only to steal the medicine.
-You might think that Jerome will continue to know nothing about your medicine but as soon as you stop talking about it he’ll hyperfocus on it for a few hours. He’ll, by the end of his research, know everything about this/these medicine(s).
-He’ll notice if you start having physical or other symptoms he’ll notice but it’ll take a day or so because he’s so all over the place. Once he notices though he’s threatening people to get you back in there to “fix” you.
-He often forgets you even take it until you take them or need to go to the doctor. He just doesn't see it as something he should butt too much into
- He hates seeing you in pain so he’ll let you take them and he’s pretty good with it so I’d say he’s a solid 6/10 for this situation.
Dark Knight/Ledger!Joker
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-He’s smart but he’s busy. Joker had an inkling that you were on something, he just didn’t know what.
-He finds out when he comes just waltzing in while you’re taking it or maybe while you’re filling a pill case. He doesn’t freak out on you but he dances questions off his tongue. As long as you’re honest he’ll be fine with it.
-However if you’re taking medicine for your mental health he’s going to put up a bit of a fight. He’s not going to get loud or aggressive, no. Instead he’s going to praise your mind and your way of thinking. He’s going to try and manipulate you into stopping. If you're strong enough to tell him you’re going to take it then he’ll let it go. It’ll come up every once in a while because he doesn’t like it but he won't force you to stop.
-If something goes bad with your doctor or pharmacy, it's sad to say you’re on your own. Joker is busy constantly and doesn’t have the time for any of that. That being said, if it goes on too long you’ll notice the exact type of medicine you need is found in bulk in your living room with a little bow on the top.
-Now let's say you need to switch meds. Jokers going to be right on top of that shit. You’ll probably mention it in passing but the Joker's biggest fear is something happening to you, so he’s going to make sure no stupid pill or shot is screwing you up. The second you show any “odd” symptom he’s crashing into a hospital, stealing a doctor, doing whatever to make it better.
-Joker acts like a distant caregiver in a way. He doesn’t get involved with it often but the moment you make a comment about any struggles you’re having with it he’s going to find a solution
-I’d say he’s pretty good with the medicine unless it’s mental cause then he may be petty sometimes. Overall a good 8/10.
Arthur Fleck/Joker
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-He’s the most understanding for physical medicine and the least for mental. Arthur is 100% down for you taking medicine so you’re not in physical pain. Mental medicine is another story. He thinks it’s stupid and useless, he doesn’t take any and he was supposed to, look at how good he’s doing.
-He’s not letting it happen, you can’t take mental medication.
-He probably knew you needed to take it from the beginning. There’s a big chance it’s one of the first topics the two of you even talked about.
-If your doctor or pharmacy drops you or causes issues he’s on top of it. He’s probably the most calm towards them. It’s when they don’t budge that his gun gets drawn. He refuses to let you suffer in pain.
-He knows you really well and he’s always asking how you are. If you get symptoms from a new medicine he notices immediately. It doesn’t matter what is going on, he is going to make sure you’re taken care of.
-He just loves you so much. He’ll always be there, he just can’t let you take meds that will “hurt” your mind.
-He’s great with physical medicine, not mental. He’s an absolute sweetheart. 8/10 just for the sugar.
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ledgerserious8 · 6 months
..My Masterlists..
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A Fact : Me as fan of heath ledger doesn't mean that i can't write for any another actor but most of this imagines is about him
My Wattpad..
Heath Ledger Imagines :
Break up with Him
Meeting your ex boyfriend
Roses from your lover
In the prison of the joker
Patrick want your heart
The joker fighting with batman
Heath survived because of you
Your boyfriend becomes playful
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Joaquin Phoenix Imagines :
Interview with him
Waking up your boyfriend
Your neighbor is arthur
Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale) Imagines :
Trust Issues from Bruce
He's Your Home
He's fighting the joker for you
Your boyfriend is so sick
Smut Imagines (soon) :
Put A Love (Patrick Verona)
Birthday Gift (Bruce Wayne)
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Note : this post will keep getting updated or edited time by time in the future i will add a lot of characters and actors
Have 4 Nice Day..
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five-miles-over · 2 months
Hi Mun 👋🏼 just found your blog off some tags lol
I would love it if you could do an age gap hc for joker? How would Arthur deal with developing feelings for a partner who is 10 or even 15 years younger than him?
Thank you so much!
Thanks for your patience, anon! I truly appreciate it. Also, Arthur's head canon turned into a bit of a fic, so I apologize for that.
Headcanon: Arthur Fleck Having an S/O Younger Than Him
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"ID Please."
While Arthur accompanied you to the grocery store after your shift at work, you bought a bottle of wine to enjoy with the dinner you planned to cook for Arthur. He was coming over to your apartment for the first time, and you wanted to spoil him with a recipe you saw on a cooking show. So you bought all the ingredients, and a bottle of red.
The cashier glanced at you. "You're twenty-two huh? You look like you should be in high school."
You shook your head, flustered. "Um...thanks?"
After paying, you quickly left the store with your bagged groceries. But just when you reached for Arthur's hand, he flinched.
You didn't think much of it at first, but when you tried to talk to Arthur about something, he simply shrugged it off and said it was nothing
The truth is that, Arthur was still processing the fact that you were in your early twenties.
He knew you were a young beautiful woman, smart and kind. A total catch. And that part of Arthur, the part of his mind that told him he was an outcast and fed him nothing but negative thoughts, constantly said, "She could do so much better than you. You don't deserve her at all. She's the whole package, and what are you? Just some guy who can't even take her out to dinner."
He tried to hold it back as he saw other, bigger guys in Gotham walking with their partners, giving them bouquets of flowers wrapped in shiny plastic and other gifts, telling himself that someday he would do exactly that with you. But knowing that you were at ten years younger than him? That was just more fuel to the fire burning inside him.
"She's got her whole life ahead of her. She's going to find someone better, wait and see." The negative thoughts materialized again. "She's just with you out of pity. Date the sad clown, maybe she just wants to fool around. Wait and see. She's going to meet someone with a lot of money, a lot of status...She'll marry him, and when they're all sitting around at cocktail parties, she'll laugh about the time she dated a sad clown. And say she dodged a bullet."
"Arthur?" You tried to get his attention, and repeated his name a couple of times. "Arthur?"
Arthur, seemingly lost in thought, didn't respond until you stood in front of him, stopping him from crossing the street. "What happened?"
"Nothing," he lied. You crossed your arms, not having any of it. And this made Arthur laugh a bit, not out of amusement but out of fear. "Nothing, really," he lied again between laughs.
"Just tell me."
After a few moments of silence, Arthur simply asked. "Are you really twenty-two?...You're twenty-two."
"Yes. I am."
"That's young."
You shifted your weight to one foot. "I know that."
Arthur mirrored your gesture and swallowed. "So...well, I don't care. It's just young."
"I'm not that young," you rebuffed.
"Young enough that the cashier thinks you're in high school."
You put your hands on your hips, still carrying the bags of groceries. "Is that what this is about? He wasn't hitting on me!"
"No, but someone will," Arthur raised his voice a little. "You're young, what the hell do you know?"
"I know that you're my boyfriend and I love you. I don't care what some cashier says about me, and neither should you."
He shook his head. God how he loved the way you'd get so stubborn about your opinions. It was one of his favorite things about you, but right now, in this moment, it made him even more annoyed. How could you say such a thing, lying through your teeth? And with those three special words? "Bullshit," Arthur muttered, walking away from you to cross the street.
You followed him, huffing with your groceries. "Arthur Fleck, what is wrong with you?! Can't you just...Why are you so mad? Nothing happened! I'm still the same person I was twenty minutes ago."
"No. You're twenty-two." He turned around and lashed out. "You're twelve years younger than I am. What the hell's wrong with you? Hanging around with some old clown, waiting until some rich guy makes you his wife and you can leave me behind!" Your eyes widened. "Is that what you think of me?" Your lips quivered and tears formed in your eyes. "Is that seriously what you think this is, just...hanging around? Oh my god." You looked down as you felt a tear roll down your cheek.
Arthur visibly softened, reaching his hand out but stopping himself just before he could touch you. "I'm such an idiot," you sniffed. "You're right, what do I know?" "I'm sorry," Arthur sighed. "I didn't mean to make you cry." Arthur looked down, into your eyes. "I...was just shocked that you were younger. I thought it would...I don't deserve you. You're great, you're a perfect girl and I don't deserve you." He added, "I love you so damn much."
"I love you too," you looked up. "And I don't want to leave you." He laughed for a few moments with pain in his eyes, and bit the inside of his cheek to quiet down. "I'm so sorry," Arthur repeated and put his hands on your shoulders. "Oh my god, please don't cry. I'm so sorry." He took your grocery bags in his hands. "Let's go."
You and Arthur went back to your apartment, and didn't talk about your age for the rest of the night. But you did spend the evening together, telling each other - and showing each other - how much you really loved each other.
Joker Having an S/O Younger Than Him Would Include...
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In complete contrast to Arthur, Joker finding out you were ten or fifteen years younger than him would excite him
He'd turn it into a complete kink, calling you his "personal little baby doll"
Whenever you'd go out, you'd be on his lap, him stroking your thighs and your hair.
Unless you were absolutely against the aesthetic, Joker would love to dress you in coquettish clothing - plaid mini skirts, knee-high white socks, white and pastel blouses that he would ruin with grease facepaint while making out with you, and corsets he would rip off you before having his way with you
And if you ever called him "daddy"? Watch out and be prepared to be dragged into the most private area by the Joker. Hope you didn't have any plans for the next...hour
In general, the Joker would be extremely protective of you, keeping his arm around your waist while you walked.
He'd spoil you with anything you ever wanted, acting almost like your sugar daddy while you window shopped.
And when it got cold, he'd put his red suit jacket over your shoulders saying, "Daddy's not going to let his baby doll freeze."
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darknessisafriend · 9 months
I was wondering if you could write one with Joaquin's characters about how would they react to getting neck smooches from their S/O I hope you are well in these crazy times 💓
It's finally here! I finally got time to write! I hope you will enjoy anon, @galos-writing helped me a bit with Abbe ;)
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Commodus is always a man on his guard. So, naturally his neck wouldn’t be an easy part to reach, even for his lover. 
The truth is also that his neck is very sensitive. Commodus is secretly very ticklish, and his sister and mother used to tickle his neck as they played together before bed. No one had been touching his neck in years. 
The first time you tried to, you joined Commodus in his study. He was working late at night as usual, but you missed him dearly lately. You wrapped your arms around him, kissing his cheek first. “My love…it is getting late...” you whispered, hoping it was obvious you needed him to warm your bed up and cool your body down. 
“I have important work to do, Y/N. I have to stay a little longer.” He replied, his eyes focused on whatever he was scribbling. As always, he would work so hard, from early in the morning to late at night, more than anyone else. Thankfully you were there to make sure he would take a break and not kill himself at the service of his People. 
You pouted at first at his answer and then grinned, leaning closer to his ear “His Highness won’t regret it...” you purred in his ear, nibbling his ear lobe, kissing his jaw and then daring a plant a kiss in his neck, right on his calmly pulsing jugular.
He froze at first, not expecting a kiss there, used to a feeling of coldness due to his armor. Your lips felt soft and warm, the opposite of a cold and hard blade he could have expected.
His skin had goosebumps and he looked down, pondering how to react, if he should let down his defense like he did so many times with you before. He made his quill lightly roll between his thumb and index as he thought. The kiss had been surprising, and yet it felt nice but too quick. “Y/N, can you do that again?” he quietly asked. 
You smiled in relief, you had been holding your breath the whole time, fearing it might have triggered him badly. Surprisingly it didn’t, probably because he had a lot more trust in you than he would think. 
This time, you would place your kiss slowly, your lips tracing kisses along his jugular where you felt his pulse had increased frantically, his skin warm and soft, with a strong scent of cinnamon myrrh, his favorite and prestigious perfume. It was intoxicating, just like the rest of his being. 
This time you would feel him relax under your kisses, his eyes almost closing entirely, his quill escaping his fingers that had become weak. His posture would remain high and yet his neck tilted to give you more space as one of your hands caressed his strong chest. “If my Emperor is willing to join our bed…I shall give him plenty of those...” 
“How dare you try to imp….” But Commodus wouldn’t manage to finish his sentence that a moan escaped his lips as you sucked his skin on a particularly sensitive spot. “Run…if I catch you before you get in bed, I will be the one ravaging your body.” He said, making you giggle, he knew you were fast, and he wouldn’t manage to catch you. What he wouldn’t do to make it seem like he had control while he entirely gave it up willingly the moment he fell for you.
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Arthur adores your neck smooches, he is ticklish too but loves it anyway, probably due to his childish spirit.
You had first tried during a tickle battle actually, both of you laughing as you threw pillows at each other and tickled each other. You ended up straddling Arthur beneath you (or rather he loved to let you win). You blocked his arms and placed your lips in his neck to tickle him, something your mom used to do. 
Arthur would let out a squeal, a loud and boyish noise before laughing heartily, a happy laugh. He was fully relaxed, and he had discovered something new about himself. You would lift your head and smile at him, giving him a tender kiss on the lips. 
“Can I try?” he would ask eagerly, his eyes shining with fondness, his fingers delicately caressing your fingers. “Of course. But on one condition…I won’t go easy on you.” You teased him, challenging him to another play of pillow. And slowly a grin would form on his face, a confident one, that you knew from Joker “Don’t complain what comes afterwards darling.” He would purr. 
One thing you had noticed is that Joker had much more raw strength than Arthur, the madness sometimes gave inhuman strength. And you would be able to resist for long, Joker would be quick, naughty and sly; managing to win rapidly. You would gasp as he sent a last pillow hit that was a little too strong, making you lose your balance to fall off the bed.
But thankfully he would catch you in his arms, throwing his body first so he would take the hit and not you. He would laugh with a big smile, not reacting at all under the pain. “Told you I’d win.” He would say, already filling your neck in kisses, making you squirm as you started to giggle. 
His hand would instantly start to roam your body, Joker was more sexual than Arthur and winning you over a battle was even more exciting to his eyes. Even as he would make love to you afterwards, he would keep on filling your neck in kisses, making you laugh in that moment of intimacy. Arthur was still in there after all.
Bruno Weiss:
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Bruno is a grumpy man and he doesn’t like to show himself vulnerable, only when drunk or very tired he does truly reveal himself.
His attitude does change after a while, once the trust builds up.
The first time you did it, was to tease him. He was annoyed by paperwork, keeping on muttering to himself while smoking his cigarette. “Is paying taxes such a headache?” you would ask in a chuckle, making him crush his cigarette in the ashtray. “I’m not working hard to have our money taken away from us.” he would mutter.
“Y/N” he would protest as you sat on his lap. The thing was that he was very weak for you and when you were so close to him, he wouldn’t be able to focus, and he would hate his inability to do so. 
You would grin, you just had to do one thing for him to snap. “You just have to pay darling, or should I do it?” you retorted and quickly smooched his neck before running off, chased by an angry Bruno who would soon calm down under your sweet caresses. 
After this episode, a kiss on the neck would become a soothing gesture for Bruno, one more reminder that he didn’t have to keep his defenses in front of you, that he could be vulnerable. It would be a reminder you would always be there, that you wouldn’t abandon him like everyone else did.
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The first time you kissed Charlie in the neck, it didn’t go well, he had the worst reaction you could have expected from him.
You were sitting by the fire with a few companions and his brother. In a moment  of tenderness you would have sat behind him to hug him, placing a kiss on his cheek then neck. However, would quickly tense up, ignoring the soft smile of his brother at the scene. “What the fuck are you doing!?” Charlie would exclaim, instantly leaving your embrace “I’m not some kind of fag!” he would storm angrily to smoke a cigarette. Everyone would turn their eyes away from you in embarrassment except Ellie, patting your shoulder reassuringly “You know he didn’t mean it.”
And indeed, despite hurting, you knew Charlie was keeping a rough mask in front of everybody and you had brushed it off without thinking.
You would leave him alone for some time to process his gesture. He would be silent, feeling awkward after his outburst, shifting his weight from one leg to the other.
“I’m sorry Charlie. I didn’t mean to make you feel bad” you would apologize sincerely. You knew he had a rough past and he was the little brother always acting tough to protect the ones he loved, it had cost him half of his sanity. 
“I don’t trust everyone here. I don’t want them to think…” he sighed, throwing his cigarette on the ground and crushing it with the heel of his boot.
You would approach him, wanting to hug him from behind but as you reached out your hand you wouldn’t dare to touch him.
I know. You don’t have to explain yourself. I won’t do it again.” you would offer softly, doing your best to accommodate your struggling lover.
“What are they doing? Are they looking?” he would ask after a moment of silence. You would look back “No, they went to sleep. Ellie is kissing his…scarf.” you replied, an intimate gesture his brother didn’t fear to show.
“Can you do it again?” he would ask in a mutter, you would hear his voice on the edge like a great effort he would make to let down his barriers and he would not repeat himself, fearing.
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The neck would be a triggering part for Joe, always has been as a soldier. This was part he would have to protect often during the war. But you wouldn’t be aware of this specific trigger point. 
One day, as he would be reading, you wouldn’t pay attention and would come to hug him from behind, you were light footed so he tensed up at first. But when it instantly followed with a kiss on the neck, something cool applying to his skin, triggered a past trauma. 
He would gasp and under the flash push you away strongly, making you fall heavily on the ground, pretty much hitting your head at the same time. “Joe what…” you would manage to say, blinking a few times the stars in your eyes. You would find him curled up in a corner, his arms wrapped around his head and neck as an attempt to protect himself.
Your eyes would widen at the sight, understanding he had been severely triggered. In fact, you now remembered reading some articles about it, how strangling and throat slitting was attempted on some factions of soldiers by the enemy and it was surely what had triggered him.
“Joe it’s me. I’m sorry baby, I didn’t mean to scare you.” you would apologize on the verge of tears from the state he was in.
After that it would take a while for him to calm down, he would be closed into silence, feeling guilty of his own reactions to a simple kiss. But you would work things out as always, taking baby steps in trying to eliminate that trigger, his service dog helping as well, nuzzling his truffle in his neck while cuddling.
You would make sure to eliminate the effect of surprise during that gesture, coming to stand in front of him, caressing his chest and slowly tying your arms around his neck, asking for permission to kiss his neck. And it would work out well after many months of trial. You wouldn’t do it much tho cause you didn’t want to push this too fast, besides you loved kissing his lips, chest and arms much better.
With time Joe would grow to like it as well, it was much nicer to open his neck to a loving kiss rather than a cold blade. 
Max California:
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- Max California loves neck kisses. He is a very physical lover so when he is with you he is rather clingly, and especially loves PDA, he is a possessive lover but not in a toxic way, he would simply be very proud of you. 
-  Very early in your relationship you would have gone onto neck kisses, at the shop as you assisted you would often lean against him hugging you from behind, placing lazy kisses from time to time as you both await clients to pick their next dirty products. Your neck was constantly filled with hickeys so the clients wouldn’t bother you. 
- However, Max himself was often subject to passion from clients and strangers, men and women desiring the dark punk boy working in a sex shop wearing a crop top. That would make you terribly annoyed and you knew an efficient way to mark your territory. Just do the same!
-  As you had gone to refill a shelf of porn magazines, you would decide to surprise him. Instead of going to insert yourself between his arms, you would hug him from behind as he chatted with a female client, filling his neck in small smooches, looking at the client in the eyes. Without surprise she would understand the message and leave promptly.
- Max would grin and turn his head to meet your eyes “Do you think she had any chance with me?” he would ask, making you blush and bite his neck in protest, making him chuckle. “But keep going, I like it.” He would add, his hand coming to caress your cheek before focusing on work again. 
-You would retain a happy squeal, muffling it against his skin before kissing it. Max wouldn’t be too sensitive on the neck so at first, he wouldn’t get aroused. He would simply be very happy of your attention, that you took the lead. He was a feminist after all so he would encourage such things in public and also loved to be under your control. 
-One day, after a weekend apart Max would even surprise you with a tattoo, red lips modeled on the lipstick you often left in his neck. He would wear a proud grin on his face. “What’d you think?” he asked, very pleased with himself and to show he was a marked territory already.
- “I think I still need to add a little bit more purple to it, you know, to make it livelier.” You grinned back, opening your arms and wrapping them around his neck as you would passionately make out.
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As the composed and religious man of God he is, the Abbé has never experienced an intimate touch from no one. 
This has given him incredible awkwardness when he started feeling carnal desires for you besides romantic feelings, his religious trauma and brainwash made him believe he was a sinner and regret his own nature of man. Your love for him made you feel bad for his condition, so of course you tried to help him.
You already knew he would go crazy in the worst way possible if you had taken the lead without psychologically telling him, so you planned to slowly introduce him to physical affection. So you invited him for tea to ‘innocently chitchat’.
During the talk, he seemed still pretty nervous about the topic, but less than usual. It felt like a good sign for you, but you didn’t expect his next request.
The Abbé was actively avoiding your gaze as he parted his lips to speak, his cheeks turned a bright red. “Might I… dare to kiss you?” He asked in almost a whisper, making you blush and then scoff; his excessive politeness was adorable to you. You nodded, and approached, ready for a quick peck. You didn’t expect him to grab your shoulders and capture your lips for a goofy yet extremely heated kiss. 
You could hear him let out little noises already despite you weren’t touching him either. So, when the kiss was over, you smirked, licking your lips, delighted by that kiss, and leaned closer, brushing your lips against his neck. You could hear a gasp escape his lips, which lowkey turned you on. 
So you started by giving his neck a first soft kiss, noticing his chest moving up and down faster and his heartbeat louder. He swallowed down, trying to reluctantly pull back, it was obvious he was loving those kisses yet he thought it was wrong. “Y/N…”, he whimpered, letting out soft moans for every kiss you gave him. Every moan of his was one more shiver of excitement running through your spine. 
You suddenly felt your clothes being grabbed by his fists, his noises became a bit louder and his hips were starting to slightly jerk forward. Unfortunately that thick pitch black cassock was leaving no room for imagination, but you knew underneath he was fighting against a massive boner.
Suddenly, after you gently nibbled a spot on his throat, he let out a high pitched whimper, obviously choking other noises in his throat and trembling a bit, his mouth was agape. You stepped back, thinking you hurt him, but after some seconds, he was heavily painting and squeezing his legs together: he came just with your neck kisses. 
You would have lied if you said you weren’t proud of yourself. Especially after he looked at you dead in the eye and said: “There’s no turning back after this, right…?”. He seemed defeated, yet somehow relieved when you shook your head, hopeful to get further with him. Finally.
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Merill is a lover of PDA and of neck kisses as well. Which means that naturally he would give them to you.
He is a protective man and possessive. In public he would especially love to stand behind you and wrap his arms around your waist to place a tender kiss on your neck.
Naturally you would return the favor. Merill wouldn't be surprised or taken aback, he would let you do and even lean into your touch.
For Merill, neck smooches would represent letting himself get vulnerable willingly for the one he loves.
It was something he was proud of. Merill was known across town for his strong character, his stubbornness, and impulsivity. And many thought that he wasn’t an easy man to handle, that despite attracting many girls with his look, when they got to know him they would run away. 
It wasn’t the truth actually, ladies loved how he knew what he wanted and his passion, his love for his family. And you were the lucky one, the only one he ever allowed neck kisses from, encouraging you to mark him with hickeys, show who he belonged to. 
You would especially enjoy tickling him with your lips during a baseball match, distracting him when he was getting too agitated by the bad talent of some. It would work wonderfully, to the point he would melt in your touch, his attention drifting away more and more from the match to focus on you. During the final match you would end up making out and more in the lockers room where no one would come to find you.
Tag list: @skaravile @lyoongx @weirdflecksbutok @charlie-sisters @stardancerluv @sgtsavoytruffle @ohcarlesmycarles @rajacero @niniitah-ah @morrisonmercurryphoenix @fly-like-a-phoenix @galos-writing @sparklygardenerlove
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ajokeformur-ray · 10 months
Imagine being overwhelmed and just wanting to... hide from the world.
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So when you get off work, you go to Arthur's apartment and let yourself in; he gave you a key months ago, after you told him that his home made you feel safer than your own did.
You lay on the bed. Arthur's scent surrounds you but it's not quite right; light is streaming in through the window and it's distracting you from your own thoughts. Sometimes you just have to wallow for a bit before you can pick yourself up. You lay on the sofa; same thing. Light creeps into the room through the window and that isn't what you want right now. You try sitting on the kitchen floor - same thing again.
Arthur's apartment is just flooded with light but you don't want that. You want it to be night time, so that it's dark and cosy and warm.
Like a cave. Or... the embrace of your beloved when you bury your face into his clothes.
Finally, the sofa seems good, but you don't sit on it, no. You sit behind it. And then you lay down, flush to the floor, and grab the blanket which is hanging down over the back of the sofa where Arthur had flung it haphazardly this morning, and you drape it over your face and upper body; legs kicking it down over you.
You want the floor to open up and eat you, you want to disappear for a little while. You're so tired. Slowly and then all at once, you slip into your threshold consciousness, quite forgetting about everything except the fact that, for the first time all day, you feel safe and at peace, and second, that Arthur will be home soon.
You're trying to imitiate the feeling that only Arthur can give you as best as you can, by laying up against the back of the sofa, which served him as a bed for most of his life, using a blanket which is saturated in Arthur's scent like a shield, in his home. Your thoughts of him keep you company, though it's a mere echo of the real thing.
But it'll do. For now.
You know not how much time passes but soon, there is the familiar sound of metal scraping against metal as Arthur lets himself in, the door shutting and then the drag of a chain against the deadbolt. Keys are tossed into the bowl on the sideboard, a pharmaceutical bag full of medications is thrown haphazardly ino the kitchen. You hear it hit the wall near the toaster before it settles with a loud rattle next to the microwave. You know these precise details because Arthur's home routine is almost as old as he is; for so long has he been the man of the house that it's almost as if it's all he's ever known.
Perhaps it is.
You hear Arthur pad around the apartment, but you can tell by the way he hesitates slightly before entering and leaving each room that he knows you're in here somewhere. Your work bag and shoes are on the floor. And he can feel that the air in the apartment is different to how it is when he is home alone. Arthur knows you, he knows you, and he knows you're here.
He just doesn't know you're curled up behind the sofa, wanting to disappear from the world for just a little while so you can breathe and recentre before you resume your life.
You hear him pause by the coffee table in the living room and you can almost see him tap a long finger to his thin lips as he considers where you could go. Indeed, you hear a "hmm" and the mental image combined with the sound reminds you of how Carnival pretends to be confused by the way his wand flops around unless it's held a certain way... It makes you smile for the first time that day.
It dies as quickly as it's born when you realise it's already evening. The fact you've been feeling like this for the majority of the day just makes you even more tired, somehow.
Finally, it all becomes too much for Arthur. "Y-Y/N? Are you in here?"
Through your threshold consciousness do you find the strength to raise a hand from your makeshift cocoon. Your arm is barely visible over the back of the sofa but Arthur sees your fingers and he almost bumps into the coffee table as he rushes over; peering down at you.
He gasps quietly, and then slowly, he comes and kneels down by your head. His fingers hover in the space between you, hesitant is he to touch you. But now you're leaning forward, and he hums in weary understanding. Arthur's ability to get it, no matter what it is, is one of your favourite things about him.
"How long have you been hiding?"
You shrug. "End of shift."
Arthur glances at the clock above the television; your shift ended almost two hours ago. Minus commute time... You've been here longer than either of you would like, but Arthur doesn't tell you that. He simply shifts so that he's sitting with you, and somehow your head ends up in his lap and his fingers end up rubbing across your scalp, and something deep within you clicks back into place.
Your body brought you to Arthur's home, apartment 8J, but now in Arthur's warm embrace, are you finally home.
Tomorrow is for tomorrow. For now... Rest.
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jokerislandgirl32 · 3 months
The Urge To Lean Over And Kiss Him Is Real…
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Can you imagine it? Because I can 🥰…
You could start by kissing his exposed neck and work your way up to his beautiful lips. The sunlight shining on his face as you close in for the kiss, he’d be smiling throughout the kiss, maybe giggling from the intimacy of the moment. He’d likely throw his arms around you and pin you to him in a bone crushing embrace. Tangling his hands in your hair (or gripping your scalp if you do not have hair 😊), and you’d be doing the same to his gorgeous locks. And when you’d finally pull away, you would both be breathless. You’d stare down at him, and he’d stare up at you. The sunlight reflecting on his face making his green eyes glitter with pure joy…
I hope you guys enjoy thinking about this as much as I have 😉!
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montimer · 9 months
Btas!Scarecrow,Btas!MadHatter,Tnba!Joker (seperadet) x dom!reader
Warning: smut
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He'll try to muffle his moans, which rarely works.
He'll hate to admits it but hes into being a sub, being controlled by you.
He would only do it in private. He has a reputation to uphold.
I think hes a virgin so he comes pretty fast from the first time.
He can get flustered pretty easily. Even if you just tease him a little you got him blushing crazy.
Make him stutter out what he wants. Embarrassed but he'll say it, wanting more.
He is fine w/ a little degeneration. Like calling him ur slut and stuff like that. But please be gentle and don't call him worthless etc... He already has a low self esteem
He can't hold back when you go too fast on him. He'll turn into a moaning and blushing mess. He'll grab onto you or whatever is the closest.
He'll moan ur name out as he comes.
Btas!Mad hatter
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He'll obey whatever you tell him. He is so happy he can get intimidate w/ you.
He also loves being a sub but isn't embarrassed to say it.
He usually wants to pepper you w/ affection but he just can't say no to you. Especially when it feels this good.
You got him all red in the face w/ just a kiss. He'll be gasping for air after a make out.
He loves to worship you.
He'll hug you close if he can. Or wants to be held by you.
He can hold back some of his moans so he'll whine and let out gasps instead. Not for long tho. As more close he gets the more he loses control over his moans.
Aftercare is that he will hold you to him, smiling ear to ear. Maybe saying a quote from alice in wonderland.
Oh how did he deserved some one as perfect as you?
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At first he thinks he can handle it and he'll be top. Oh how wrong he was.
You can get this man so flustered he is lost for words.
He is very loud. He'll be a little embarrassed when he moans a bit too loud.
This man is into almost everything.
He gets all blushy when you tease or compliment his body.
He might let out some giggles. Enjoying the moment.
The more closer he gets the more he'll obey you.
He'll let you use toys on him or vibrator. He'll be biting his lip.
He can get impatient if you go slow/gentle. He just can't take it, he'll start begging you to go faster.
You can turn him into a mess, going fast. "What if others would see you like this,huh? The clown prince of crime getting dominated like this?"
He can completely lose it. He can't say a word to that only moans come out.
He will throw his head back as he cums
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jokeringcutio · 8 months
Helloooo I have a Halloween request for Arthur Fleck x female reader
I was thinking it could take place on Halloween while he's working for Ha Has, so he's walking home in his clown costume not realizing it's Halloween until he's passing a house/apartment party and gets invited inside by someone assuming he's their friend who also dressed as a clown. Maybe he goes along with it because he's never been to a party he wasn't performing at, but doesn't know how to act. Maybe the host pulls him to introduce to the reader and he has to come clean that he's not the guy everyone thinks he is. And she's just really sweet relieved because she didn't like the guy she thought he was, and tells him how she's never dated so people keep trying to set her up.
So they bond at the party and meet up for coffee or something later. Bonus points if they lose their virginity to each other and fall in love.
Sorry if that's too long or not specific enough. I just like a sweet, supportive, Disney princess type girl that brings out the best in Arthur and vice versa 💞
Arthur Fleck x Reader - Sweet Halloween (contains smut)
AN: Follow me for more Halloween Reader Inserts. More stories will follow this month.
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Fandom: Joker 2019 Pairing: Arthur Fleck (as Carnival) x Reader Rating: Explicit Summary: You mistake him for somebody else, but that might be the best thing that happened to the both of you, for you end up losing your virginity to each other.
Warnings: Sexual content, Virginity/First Time.
Those downtrodden streets with their faded yellow lights that made everything seem grey and bleak were familiar to Arthur. As he walked his usual route home, hands buried deep inside of his pockets, clown shoes kicking dirt and thrown-away wrappers and cans. He stared at the potholed pavement. There seemed to be more of a buzz around him, more noises. But he gave it no thought.
His Carnival costume hung loosely around him, his body too thin and too slender. He hadn’t had a good meal for the past God-knows how many weeks, and the lack of food was starting to have its effect on him. Arthur had grown easily tired and vexed and felt as if his hunger had left him completely. And so he kept his eyes pointed at the street, careful where to place his feet in case he might trip over the too-big shoes he had been too tired to swap for his ordinary pair. He would do it at home, he figured. He’d wash off the makeup there.
Being completely focused on the ground in front of his feet, he didn’t notice how he approached a house with an open door. A few young people stood on the porch, observing him as he neared. He felt their gazes, however, and made himself smaller than he was. His shoulders up high, hands even deeper inside his pockets and turned into fists – invisibly to their eyes. He tried not to draw too much attention to himself, eager to pass by without being picked on, laughed at, or even worse – beaten. He knew he was an easy target like this. And though the people he passed usually didn’t care, sometimes they would.
“Ah, there you are.” Before he had time to react, a gentle hand laid firmly upon his arm and he was ushered between the youngsters, pushed passed them, and into the house. It all happened so swiftly, that he had no idea how to react.
Soft hands pushed the small of his back, urging him into a hallway where they paused. Low thumps of music came from down the hall. There definitely was a party going on here. He tried to turn around and protest, but everything was happening way too fast.
“Josh, you can find Emma in the kitchen. She’s busy prepping the punch,” Arthur heard a female voice say from behind. It was a pleasant voice. One that sent sparks of warmth down his tummy.
He slowly turned around to face you, prepared for anything but you. A princess in every sense of the word. From your voice to your looks. You were even dressed in one of the prettiest dresses he had ever seen. Surely, if you were to come to work for Ha-Ha’s you’d be paid maximum wages. You’d have a booking every day. You-
You must be mistaken, he realized crestfallen as he watched you breathlessly. His shoulders slumped, his green eyes upon you. You didn’t want him here. You expected someone else. Some kind of Josh. What should he do? What should he do next?
There was a warm smile on your face. “Come on, let’s get going. I know you came just to see her, and I promise, no one is going to come in between the two of you tonight. This house got more than enough rooms for a bit of privacy.” You smiled at him and, once again, placed your warm hands upon him, pushing against his belly, probably to usher him in the direction of the kitchen. Then your eyes turned wide. Had you spotted he wasn’t Josh?
“Oh, gosh,” you gasped. “You really need to get some food in you. There’s some great apple and cinnamon pumpkin-shaped pies.”
So you hadn’t realized your mix-up, he thought. He followed your gaze as your eyes slid down his form. What must you be thinking of him, he wondered? This shabby clown, tired after a long day’s work. Your eyes darted lower and he followed your gaze. “Your shoes are so big. How can you walk without tripping?” The words spilled from your lips, melodious to his ears. Then your eyes sought his again. But instead of the judgment he had expected, your eyes sparked with joy and admiration. “They are amazing,” you said, warming his heart once more.
He blinked at you, confused. “I- I don’t think,” he started, voice too soft and being drowned out by the loud music that came down the hall. The realization came that you hadn’t heard him when you gave him a gentle pat on his shoulder and smiled.
“I know. Size matters! Well, you have an impressive girth,” you joked.
And then you were gone. The crowd had swallowed you, like a phantom. A ghost.
Arthur stood baffled. Had that just happened? As if in a dream, he glanced around him. The hallway was getting crowded as more people seemed to arrive at the party. He looked desperately but found no clue of you ever having been there. Had he entered the house himself? Had you been another delusion?
He leaned against a wall, his heart thumping loudly in his chest. Taking deep breaths, he tried to steady himself. Another delusion, he thought. Another dream vision.
But then, an unfamiliar girl came to stand next to him, dressed as a pirate in a very revealing short array. Her red bouncy curls danced around her when she reached up to pull him into a hug.
“Ah Josh, glad you could make it,” the girl said with a smile. Arthur could see how the lipstick on her lips cracked at the motion. “Come on over, there’s food and drinks waiting.”
Luckily, she let go when Arthur started to feel the hug was getting too suffocating, and then she gestured ahead, urging him to walk into the next room which appeared to be some kind of large hall, decorated as a ballroom. He felt the girl’s eyes upon him for a little longer, but when he glanced behind him she seemed to have turned away. He saw her at the far end of the hall. Not a vision then. But not the woman he had dreamed of either.
Carefully, Arthur, still dressed as Carnival the Clown, entered the festive hall. The chandeliers were adorned with bats and cobwebs. Tiny fake ghosts hung from the ceiling and pumpkins filled the corners, all with faces like clowns. He could not help but chuckle when he saw what a wonderful room he had walked into. Everywhere, people were dancing.
Had he held any hesitation, it vanished when he saw the pumpkin pies the princess of his dreams had told him about. They stood on a table in front of him, looking every bit as delicious as you had told. For once, he thought to himself, you deserve this. “Well,” he nasally said to himself. “I suppose one bite won’t do any harm. After all,” here he suppressed the upwelling laughter that threatened to leave his lips. “They invited me in.”
The Halloween party was in full swing, the room bathed in a dim orange glow from the flickering jack-o'-lanterns lining the walls. Laughter and chatter filled the air as costumed guests mingled and danced. You expertly wove through the crowd, your body swaying to the haunting beats of the music. You were no stranger to dancing; it was an outlet that allowed you to escape the challenges of your life.
As you moved across the floor, a man dressed as a clown caught your eye. The colorful frills of his costume juxtaposed against the dark atmosphere of the party. You’d seen him before. At the time you had believed him to be Josh, that friend that Emma had invited because she wanted to date him. You knew better now. The real Josh had appeared half an hour later. It made you realize you’d invited a stranger into the house.
But this stranger, this man dressed as a clown… he was fetching. There was something about him that lured you in. Now that you knew he wasn’t Emma’s to claim, you became bolder, more daring. Moving closer to him, you deliberately started moving along with him, feeling the beat of the song resonate within you. When he noticed you, his eyes lit up like fireworks, surprise and delight radiating from his gaze.
The clown began to challenge you with his moves, his hips gyrating to the rhythm of the music. He had good moves, you noticed. Every gesture was graceful, like dancing came as natural to him as breathing. The rotating of his hips, while his eyes rested firmly upon you, was an invitation you accepted without hesitation. You danced closer, enticed by the mystery behind the painted face. His movements were fluid and surprisingly graceful, drawing you in even more.
As the song continued, you found yourselves dancing together, his arm snaking around your waist as he twirled you effortlessly. Your bodies pressed close, the heat emanating from him warming you as his scent – a mix of cologne and something uniquely his – intoxicated you. A sense of desire bubbled within you, fueled by the passion of the dance and the enigmatic connection between you two.
He twirled you around again and then pulled you in close, until your back was pressed against his front. You could feel his hot breath tickle your ear. His fingers splayed on your tummy, holding you like a lover’s embrace as you sensually pressed your hips against his. Your bodies fit together perfectly, like pieces of a puzzle, and you had to suppress a moan.
The sensation of your bodies colliding with each beat was overwhelming. The dance became a sensual exploration, your bodies speaking a language only the two of you understood. And when the song came to an end, you lamented the fact that Emma stood several feet away, beckoning you to help her bringing the snacks from the kitchen. You reluctantly pulled away, feeling the sudden absence of his warmth. "Sorry,” you whispered, unsure if he could hear you over the starting tunes of a new beat, “I need to go help a friend.”
You felt your heart pounding in your chest as you saw the Clown’s lips twitch into a smile. You assumed he had heard you, and quickly turned away, unaware of how the clown doubled over as he watched you go, grabbing his stomach as he tried to bite back the laughter that threatened to spill from his lips. He failed though, and in an attempt to escape the judging gazes from those around him, he turned around and pushed his way through the crowd.
By the time you returned with the snacks, your eyes wandered to find your mysterious dancing clown, but found no trace of him. Crestfallen, you put the snacks down on the table and scanned the room once more. Your clown seemed to have gone. But the tingling sensation deep inside of you still lingered, reminding you of the dance you had just shared.
Time slipped away, the evening deepening as laughter and chatter filled the air. You found yourself wandering outside to get some fresh air. The cool night breeze was a welcome respite from the heat of the party. You’d almost given up on finding him, almost convinced yourself that it didn’t matter, that this stranger you had met was someone you would never see again. But then, there he was.
Sitting on the porch and smoking, was the clown who had captivated you earlier. The sight of him stirred something within you – curiosity, desire, and an undeniable connection that you couldn't shake. You watched him for a moment, silently admiring his enchanting silhouette. Then you stepped closer to him.
"Hey," you called out softly, drawing his attention. “Are you alone?”
His eyes widened in surprise, the cigarette between his fingers momentarily forgotten. As he looked up at you, you caught sight of his vibrantly green eyes and your heart skipped a beat. So beautiful, you thought. You felt your cheeks flush.
"You're a really good dancer," you quickly said, smiling warmly at him.
The man seemed to hesitate, staring at you like a deer caught in headlights, but he quickly recomposed himself. His shoulders relaxed again. "Oh, uh, thank you." He seemed almost embarrassed by the compliment, his cheeks flushing beneath the white face paint.
"Mind if I sit with you?" you asked, gesturing to the empty spot beside him before bunching up your skirt. If you showed him a little leg, well, that wasn’t entirely an accident. You could tell he had seen it, that he must have spotted your bare legs underneath your skirts, perhaps even the outline of your panties, for his cheeks flushed and he quickly glanced away. But you’d seen his pupils dilate.
"Of course not," he replied, snuffing out the cigarette. For a moment he stared ahead while you settled down onto the wooden steps. The warmth of his body radiated through the thin fabric of your costume, sending shivers down your spine.
“I thought I'd dreamed you up." His words caught you by surprise and you stared at him with eyes open wide. When he finally turned to lock gazes with you, his lips carried a shy smile. Almost as if he was afraid to admit it.
“Not a dream,” you assured him. "Definitely real."
For a moment, his smile broadened, an imitation of your own, and you were lost in his eyes. Their depths, their vibrancy… This man made you feel warm and alive.
But then his smile faded like snow in the sun, and he tore his eyes away from yours. Shyly, he looked down at his hands.  A deep frown appeared on his face, twisting his features. "I'm sorry,” he said, voice hardly more than a low mumble. “I’d better go.”
He shifted, jumping up to his feet without a warning, but you grasped him by the sleeve, preventing him from stepping away. He turned to look at you, surprise visible on his face.
“Why would you leave now?” you asked, confused by his sudden change in demeanor. Didn’t he feel the same? You could swear he did. You’d seen it in his eyes, how the two of you had been lost in each other’s gaze.
The clown hesitated. You could see the thoughts running wildly inside his head, the deep frown when he licked his lips before he shyly admitted, “Because I am not who you want?”
“Nobody said that,” you smiled, the grasp on his sleeve diminishing until your hand just laid gently upon his arm. There was no pressure there. If he still wanted to leave, he could.
“But I,” his voice had turned nasal, like a whine. Whatever was going through that pretty head of his was making him worried. “I know you mistook me for a friend of yours," he finally admitted, a frown still on his features.
You shook your head and smiled, your hand slipping from his arm for a moment. But he did not run away. Instead, he remained rooted to the spot, standing there, looking down at you with eyes full of uncertainty. It was obvious he wanted to stay. And you did not want him to go.
Your hand reached out once more to gently touch his arm. "I want you to stay," you whispered.
In the dim light of the Halloween-lights, you could see how his eyes widened in surprise. You felt his body grow slack underneath your hand. "All right.”
Slowly, he sat down again. His hip slotted against yours, the warmth instantly returned, making you breathe a sigh of relief. He was here again, where he needed to be.
“My name's Arthur, by the way," he hesitatingly said, as if he were shy to introduce himself to you.
"Nice to meet you, Arthur," you replied, your heart racing as you studied his face. Beneath the makeup, there was a vulnerability that drew you in. Your thoughts raced, emotions swirling as you tried to make sense of the magnetic pull between you two.
"The boy I confused you with, he is Emma’s new friend,” you confessed, your gaze drifting to the ground. "She’s always dating, never able to go without a boyfriend for long, so I hadn’t really seen him yet.”
Arthur remained silent, just watched you, his gaze enough to encourage you. “She keeps trying to set me up, but it never feels right," you quietly admitted, feeling how Arthur shifted by your side. He placed his hands in front of him, fingertips touching.
“Truth is, I've never had a boyfriend before," you continued, voice a soft whisper. You tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. “I've never even dated.”
Your eyes gently slid back to seek his. He was still looking at your face, his eyes desperately seeking yours. And when your gazes met, you could tell there was a quiet understanding in his. A deep warmth.
“How come,” he started, but had to pause to clear his throat. His voice was hoarse, filled with emotion. “How come no one ever claimed you as their own? Who wouldn’t want you?” he asked you, warming you up inside because that was a high compliment. Who wouldn’t want you? Who would? Then again, you shrugged and shook your head.
With a small smile, you looked up at him again. “It’s not fully up to them, is it?” you said, a small smile curling your lips. It took him a moment to understand what you were saying, but then his lips curled into a smile as well, the red of his makeup curling upward even more.
“You didn’t want any of them,” he concluded, and you let out a sigh of relief that he caught your meaning.
“Never really felt a click with any of them,” you admitted. Your eyes drifted down to his hands. Carefully, you sought out his hand with your own, placing your palm on top of his. He allowed you to touch him, even waited till you liked up again before he flashed you another smile. Emboldened by his reaction, you gently squeezed his hand.
"I meant what I said earlier on,” you started, shyly but suggestive. “Maybe we could, uh, find some privacy inside?" Your voice was playful, teasing. "There are plenty of rooms."
Arthur's eyes sparked with mischief as he met your boldness head-on. "I'd like that." He returned the squeeze with his hand, then carefully rose, holding your hand in his own. He waited for you to lead the way, an unspoken invitation that sent a thrill through you. With your heart pounding, you led him back into the house, your warm hands still touching. You could hear his rapid breathing and realized he was excited too.
Upon entering one of the unoccupied rooms, you closed the door behind you and locked it, your heart pounding with anticipation. The room was clean enough, pleasant enough for sure. A cream-colored bed, ordinary and plain, invited you to take this further. If Arthur hadn’t wanted to go this far, he would not have followed you in, would he? And so you turned to face Arthur, who stood there, hesitantly shifting his weight from one foot to another.
"Go on," you urged gently, "take off your costume."
He looked at you oddly, as if you had said something preposterous, but then slowly started to unbutton his waistcoat. “You want to do more than just talk,” he murmured, and you blinked at him. For a moment he had you confused.
“I mean,” you started, suddenly feeling insecure. Where you going too fast for him? Was this the right thing to do? “Only if you…”
A deep groan tore from Arthur’s lips, interrupting you before you could finish. The waistcoat slid down his shoulders and without hesitation, he started to unbutton his fly. “You think I’d say no?” his voice was husky and low, thick with arousal. Hearing it sent a spark of lust deep down your core, making your pussy slick and moist at the sound of him.
“Oh no, my beauty,” Arthur continued, the words drawn and a low hum. His hand revealed his aching cock, firmly stroking up and down the hardened flesh. “No, pretty girl, I am going to make you all mine.”
Your mouth had turned dry at the sight of him. So eager. So wanting. “You’re beautiful,” the words spilled from your lips, earning you a groan as Arthur squeezed his cock hard.
“Don’t lie to me, princess. I am not much to look at,” he grunted, moving his hand up and down his shaft. His eyes never left your frame though, silently undressing you with his gaze. “Too thin, too meager. Not much of a man at all.”
“I disagree,” you said without giving it a moment’s thought. Your hands moved up your sides, slowly peeling the dress from your body, revealing all that you had hidden beneath it. His eyes lit up at the sight of your skin, then darkened with sinful desire. "You're more handsome than you give yourself credit for, Arthur."
He blushed at your compliments, his cheeks warming beneath the fading clown makeup. Despite his thin frame, you were drawn to him, captivated by the vulnerability in his eyes. The dress pooled at your feet, and then you stood there in just your underwear. His eyes roved over you, eager to take you all in. You loved it, loved the way his eyes took you in as if he wanted to remember all of you.
"Come here," you whispered, beckoning him closer. And when he was within reach, you cradled his face in your hands, looking deeply into his eyes before pressing a sweet, lingering kiss upon his lips, uncaring of the makeup that would surely smudge your own.
When you broke apart to catch your breath, the words that escaped you were a whisper.
"I want you to be my first, Arthur."
Something seemed to shift within him then, as if your words had unlocked a hidden desire. His restraint vanished, replaced by a hungry passion that matched your own. Arthur's hands found their way to your back, pulling you closer as he returned your kisses, tracing the contours of your body.
The two of you moved together as if you were dancing again. His body fit perfectly against yours, his hands led the way. You didn’t even notice that he had led you toward the bed until you felt the back of your knees bump against the mattress. His wig cap tumbled off his head, revealing brown curls underneath. It suited him, you thought. He was gorgeous.
Another kiss as his lips met yours hungrily. His hands ran past your skin, fondling your breasts eagerly, squeezing a bit too hard but making you feel exceptionally good.
Breaking the kiss you were sharing, you murmured against his skin. "Be gentle with me."
His green eyes sparked as he lay you down on the bed. The world outside the room ceased to exist; all that mattered now was this intimate connection between you and Arthur. The way his hands ran past your body and his fingertips danced down your skin, the way his scent enveloped you entirely like an embrace, the way he sunk deep into your core, letting out a shuddering moan.
If there had been pain initially, it soon ebbed away at his gentleness. He allowed you time to adjust, panting heavily above you while his eyes sought out yours. When you felt he was able to move again you gave an encouraging nod. He followed your command without a pause, gently thrusting his hips, first shallowly but deeper and deeper as time and your body allowed.
There was an experimental thrust of his hips, followed by another moan from his lips. His eyes squeezed close and his face contorted in ecstasy. As he slowly started to pick up a pace, murmuring obscenities about how good this all was, you suddenly realized that this might be his first time as well. As your bodies entwined and he gently rocked inside of you, you arched your back, spreading your legs to give him a little more access to rock deeper inside.
Arthur bit his lip and grunted. Another thrust, this time firmer, bolder. He hit a delicious spot deep inside and your walls fluttered around him as a result. It tore another deep moan from him. Again.
“There,” you pleadingly said, “there.” He obliged, seeking the right angle and thrusting inside of you with deep strokes.
“Is that good, princess?” You heard his low voice rasp. He sounded nearly dangerous now, voice drenched with lust. “Do you like my cock deep inside your pretty little cunt?”
“Y-yes,” you stammered, hardly able to speak as pleasure overtook your body. Your pussy clenched down hard on his cock, gripping him like a vice, making him grit his teeth and groan.
“Hmm, too tight, princess,” the low murmur sounded near your ear. He was bent over you, rutting into you like a frenzied animal. You loved this wild side of him, his forceful thrusts. They helped sent you over the edge.
The intensity of your shared passion was overwhelming, yet you both navigated your newfound intimacy with care and tenderness. Your breaths mingled, hearts racing in unison as you reached the peak of your shared experience, an exhilarating crescendo that left you both breathless.
Exhausted and content, you held each other close, your body pressed against Arthur's as he cradled you in his arms. As the adrenaline subsided, you looked into each other's eyes, warmth and affection radiating between you.
"Was this…your first time too?" You gently ran a knuckle past his cheek, caressing him as you softly whispered your question.
His green eyes held yours even as he nodded, barely able to speak as he muttered, "Yes...” A pause, a bob of his throat as he swallowed. And then an admission. “I love you so much."
He buried his face against your shoulder, cradling you close to his chest. His brown curls brushed past the skin of your jaw. A smile formed on your lips as you basked in the feeling of being held in the afterglow. It felt good to be held by this man. It felt good to have been pleasured by him and to know you’d given him pleasure in turn.
You knew that something truly special had just transpired, a moment of beautiful vulnerability shared between two souls in a world where such tenderness was all too rare.
“Happy Halloween,” you whispered.
~ Fin ~
AN: Hope you enjoyed it :) ♡ Support me on Ko-Fi ♡ Love you all
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charliedawn · 1 year
How would they react to a fan ?
(Only one of the stories will have a bad ending. Can you guess which one ?)
Penny :
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To be honest, it was a surprise for Penny to find an adult who could actually see him.
He usually stayed hidden until a nice prey came along, but he had just finished one of his "dinners" when you found him.
He ha no escape and sought to mess you up with some freak show and very loud sounds of cracking bones...But, was surprised when you started clapping enthusiastically.
"LOVE the show ! And LOVE the fake blood !", you told him with the largest smile on your face and he tilted his head quizzically at you before looking at his bloody hands...What fake blood ?
He was certainly a little surprised at first, his surprise quickly turned into amusement.
He laughed and just thought you were entertaining. He had never met anyone like you...And he didn't know if it was a compliment—but he liked you.
"You're funny ! I think I'm gonna call you puppy !"
He then leaned forward, all amusement having left his face as he whispered.
"...Tell me. Do you like my smile, puppy ?"
Suddenly, your smile faltered as you started smelling a very metallic smell from his bloody mouth.
Okay...Maybe, it wasn't fake blood afterall.
Pennywise :
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Pennywise had been practicing his magic tricks away from the sewers, in case Penny would see him and make fun of him.
Penny had told him that children weren't interested in magic tricks anymore, but he still had the will to practice...Just in case.
He sighed as he made a coin disappear in one hand and reappear in the other.
But, there was no joy in it.
Maybe Penny was right afterall...Maybe...Maybe, people just didn't like simple magic tricks anymore ?
But then, he heard someone clap.
His head snapped towards the source of the sound and he was surprised to find a surprise guest to his little solo show.
"Loved that. Do you have any other magic tricks ? Would love to see them."
His eyes widened a little and he suddenly stood up before his lips split into a malicious grin.
"Well, aren't you the little cutie pie...Tell me, what or who made you think it was a good idea to come here ? Wanna thank them for getting me my dinner for free."
You laughed. It threw him off.
None of his victims had ever laughed in his presence...It was strange. That's when he started digging in your head and realized why you weren't scared. He chuckled.
"Oh ? I see now. Seems like we got ourselves a little fan of horror stories, huh ?"
You wiped a tear away and nodded.
"Yeah. Sorry...I just can't. I love the whole 'horror clown gig' you got going on."
He bit back a dark laughter and the urge to correct you. It was no 'gig'. But, it had been so long since he last had an audience.
He sighed and sat back down before smiling and eyeing your pocket significantly.
You understood and checked your pocket, only to smile at the penny now in your pocket.
'Don't thank me yet, sweetheart.', he thought. '...~Not when you just got sold for a penny..."
Freddy :
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To be completely honest, Freddy hadn't expected when he got summoned into someone's dreams.
He was minding his own business in his own dream world when he was sucked into one particular dream.
But, not anyone's dreams...One filled with missing posters of the kids he killed and many of his old belongings.
....Why in the heck was everything there ?
The only thing he couldn't recognize was the sleeping angel on the bed, staring at him with wide eyes and a rapidly beating heart.
He first thought you were afraid, but no...You weren't afraid.
You were...thrilled. He then realized what was happening and chuckled to himself before letting his bladed run-on your bedsheets until reaching you.
"...So, you're a fan, huh ?", he teased while letting the tip of one of his blades run down your face. "Pretty too...Lucky me."
He hummed appreciatively before cackling mischievously.
"...I wonder how much you can take before you break ?"
Freddy is narcissistic. Knowing you're his fan would end up in a significant boost to his already gigantic ego.
One I'm not sure you'd survive...
Jason :
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Jason's sole objective is to protect Crystal Lake. So, he never imagined someone would actually enter willingly to find him and ask for his autograph.
His first reaction ?
A...fan ?
Michael never had a friend. Imagine his astonishment when he hears that he's got fans. He'd be hella confused.
What...What was he supposed to do with you ?
You weren't particularly disrespectful or destructive towards his nature. But, he did feel kind of weirded out by the fact that you would have a portfolio on his every crime...
But then, he realized exactly why you were a fan when he found you tending to a squirrel with a broken leg.
It wasn't about the murders.
It was about his mission.
You knew he protected the fauna and flora of the forest and you respected him for it. It brought him a bit of comfort and reassurance on your true purpose.
He then started trusting you more and more and even started to enjoy your company to a certain extent.
He then offered you to stay with him and you didn't hesitate before accepting.
You had SO MUCH to learn from him afterall...
Michael :
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You : "Boop. Got your nose."
Myers *trying very hard not to pull out his knife and stab you where you stand*
The first time you met Myers, he was needed someone to watch over his 'kids' (including Brahms, Jason, Five and Ester) while he was away to find a job.
You were the most...ANNOYING...babysitter in the world. But, he had no choice as every other babysitter had quit on sight of the 'kids' in question—especially Brahms.
So, he had to accept you.
Finally, after a couple of months...he had learnt to accept your presence, but didn't understand why you would be so excited around him.
You even insisted on reading when he was and helping him on cooking. Two of his favorite SOLO activities.
He finally decided to face you about your clearly weird behavior around him and didn't expect it when you answered with a large grin.
"Why Mr Myers...I am just such a BIG fan of yours."
He was renderer speechless, even though is mute.
Then, you leaned forward, as if to share a secret. But, when he bent forward, you booped him again.
Michael was surprised, but you were gone before he could as much as react.
He watched you intently as you hopped away and his eyes narrowed in slight worry.
That's when he noticed something....His knife was missing.
Brahms :
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Brahms was thrilled when he realized that you were a fan of his. He didn't know why though ?
But, it didn't matter to Brahms. The only thing that mattered was that you liked him.
"You...fan of...Brahms ?", he asked before smiling from ear to ear. "Brahms...Brahms have fans ?!"
He was so excited and even though he had absolutely no idea how you found him or became a fan—he immediately invited you to stay with him.
You accepted and then started explaining that you had always wanted someone to play with. You knew you were too old for dolls, but you ha always wanted to play with someone.
And he couldn't have been happier to consider you a playmate.
You started playing together and Brahms could finally be himself around someone who understood him.
Brahms can be wary with strangers, but he is quick to befriend when the other person shows as much interest in him than him on them.
So, it wouldn't be too difficult to earn his trust, as long as you follow his rules.
Norman :
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"Get away. Shoo. Shoo."
He would try to push you away.
Norman is the most famous slasher. The oldest. The most experienced. He perfectly knows that having fans isn't necessarily a good thing.
He had his fair share of psychos and paparazzi following his crimes over the years, some who even made it a personal challenge of theirs to hurt him.
They wanted to find out what made him tick, and some succeeded by pretending to be clients at the hotel and take an interest in his business.
He even wiped his hands after shaking yours on your first day.
He doesn't like having nosy people around, and even more those who make it their personal objective to unnerve or hurt him.
But, he quickly realized that you weren't like them.
You respected his business and even though he knew you to be a fan and a journalist, you never seemed to ask sensitive questions.
You were all "How are you's" and "How can I help". He was a little surprised at first, but quickly became used to your presence.
You weren't rude and even though you had inquired more than once an interview, you had never been insistant on it.
"Everything is going to be fine, Norman. I just want you to tell me the truth. The whole truth..."
Finally, he indulged as you had helped more than your fair share and when he sat down in front of you and squeezed his hand encouragingly—he had no choice but to believe in your sincerity.
Norman *sighs* : "Fine. My name is Norman Bates and I...I am the first slasher ever recorded in history. And, this is my story. My truth."
J and Arthur :
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J laughed and Arthur frowned in incomprehension when they found you at their doorstep—asking to become their apprentice.
They both had very different feelings on the matter.
J was amused and took pleasure in carrying you around town while shooting and blowing stuff up.
Arthur on the other hand was wary at first and had asked you to stay behind and gave you a number of things to do in order to keep you safe.
J didn't bother about your safety and made it his personal duty to turn you into his personal Harley Quinn. So, he told you to disobey Arthur and made you follow them.
J *smirks before throwing you off an helicopter and jumping after you* : "CAREFUL ABOUT THE LANDING, AHAHAH !"
...Arthur was the one who jumped after the both of you with three parachutes.
"...Idiots.", he whispered to himself before rolling his eyes.
But, he still cackled as he fell behind the both of you.
J used the helicopter jump as proof of your sincerity and didn't need more.
However, Arthur...Arthur was worried because you were a fan of the Joker.
And Jokers never played fair...
Bo and Vincent Sinclair :
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When Bo opened the door, he really wasn't expecting someone to actually be here to visit the wax museum.
It had been so long, he had completely forgotten about the flyers him and Lester had spread a while ago around the country.
But when you held out the slightly crumpled sheet in his face with stars in your eyes, he couldn't help the large grin that spread across his face.
"Well...Ain't that some lovely surprise ? A fan."
He tipped his head at you before sending you a cheeky wink.
"Came to visit our famous wax museum, huh ? Can't blame ya. It's to 'die for'."
Bo laughed and took a step back before calling for Vincent.
"Vincent ! Visitor !"
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*Imagine that man walking towards you like that. My soul would leave my body*
Vincent came in and stopped dead in his tracks when he saw you, his eyes widened in slight puzzlement.
He turned towards Bo quizzically who clicked his tongue and replied with a smile.
"We got someone real interested in your work. Thought you'd like to give them a tour ?"
Vincent stayed still for a few seconds before raising his hands to his mouth in glee. He then turned back towards you and seemed excited as he grabbed you and threw you over his shoulder to run to the museum with you.
Bo watched the both of you with a mischievous grin and pushed the rifle he was hiding with the tip of his foot under the table.
He would have to deal with you later...
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fleckssadgirl · 6 months
𝓑𝓪𝓫𝔂 𝓘𝓽'𝓼 𝓒𝓸𝓵𝓭 𝓞𝓾𝓽𝓼𝓲𝓭𝓮
Arthur Fleck x Reader
Warning: Gross amounts of fluff.
Enjoy this Christmas Ficlet.
You hated the cold.
No matter how many oversized sweaters you donned, the wind still found its way through your icy skin.
You enjoyed an evening stroll down to the only area in which Gotham had some greenery: a small park. With your feet in fuzzy socks, and double knotted combat boots, you shivered in the Christmas Eve air. This was not the weather you were hoping for, but you couldn't bring yourself to wuss out, simply from the cold, but you soon regretted your decision. Your nose hairs were starting to turn into icicles, and your ears were getting sore. You could use a large cup of coca, with loads of whipped cream on top. The very thought gave you the energy to leave your walk and up the several flights of stairs to reach your dreadful apartment.
When the screech of a gate reached your ears, you knew that the heat from your building would soon relive your incessant chills. It was by no means a burst of warm air, but it was certainly better than outside, and that was enough for you. Even the rattling of the elevator didn't seem to bother you as much as it normally did: it was warmer than the winter wonderland you had exited from.
You were about to slide the key into the lock when you heard the dull sound of footsteps, nearing you. Glancing upward, your eyes met the figure of your next door neighbour: Arthur Fleck. His head was down, and he was carrying a bag of what you presumed were medications from the pharmacy. You knew of Arthur's condition, from the few times you had spoken to him. He was rather quiet, but you could tell he had a kind soul.
"Hey Arthur!"
He turned around in surprise, his eyes meeting yours. It made your heart stop for a quick second.
"Hey, Y/N." He smiled gently, setting down his bag and reaching for his keys.
"H-have you had a good holiday?"
He turned back towards you again, seeming surprised you were continuing this conversation. He opened his mouth, and shut it again, giving a slight nod.
"That's good." You weren't sure exactly how to continue the conversation and you glanced at your snow-slicked boots, trying to think of another question you could ask him.
Before you could he finally spoke. It was so soft you felt yourself stop breathing in fear it would be too loud.
"How has yours been?"
"Great!" You responded far too quickly and enthusiastically. You cringed inwardly.
This response seemed to have startled him, as his eyes widened and he gripped tightly on his door handle.
Before he could beeline for his apartment, you stepped towards him.
"Uhm, I was going to maybe drink some hot chocolate, and listen to some music. Would you....care to join me?" You felt your face get hot, as you fidgeted with the hems of your sleeves.
He looked down the hall, and back to you.
"What, me?" he questioned, gesturing to himself.
You grinned.
"Yeah, who else, silly?"
His hand was clutching the doorknob with all his might, his eyes darting to his door.
"Well, uhm, my mom is expecting me..." He refused to meet your eyes, as he stared down at a stain in the hideous carpet.
"Oh, well that's alright." You bit your lip, trying to hide the disappointment that most definitely was on your face. You liked the guy, what could you say? There was something very intriguing about him, that kept you wondering.
"Sorry." He barely whispered.
"No, it's alright. I get it. Have a good Christmas." You almost scrambled to get your own door open. Once you had closed it, you felt yourself breathe normally for the first time since you had seen him.
You couldn't lie; you were pretty crestfallen when he made his excuses. You were certain you had freaked him out by being too eager, something you were normally quite good at, but for some reason hadn't been. He gave you butterflies, and you weren't sure why.
Sulking, you trudged towards your sofa and let your weight fall down on top of it, not caring if you had even removed your coat or boots.
It's not like you had expected to see him. Why were you so upset he didn't accept your invite?
You know exactly why, a little voice chirped, to which you huffed in annoyance.
You were too lazy to even get up and make your much needed cup of cocoa, opting for a sip of tepid coffee, which made you gag in repulsion.
So much for a nice Christmas Eve.
It had seemed like hours, but had only been a few minutes, you heard a knock at your door.
Part of you wanted to ignore it, but you also were curious who was on the other side.
You, with some difficulty, finally made yourself get up and open the door.
To your utter and complete surprise, it was Arthur Fleck.
The butterflies returned.
"Hey, Arthur."
"I'm sorry."
"For what?"
You could swear you could hear your heart beating.
"I-I wanted to come over, it's just...I got nervous and...." a small fit of giggles suddenly erupted from his mouth.
You looked at him with deep concern.
"No, it's ok. Really. I completely understand. You don't need to explain yourself to me." You reached out, resting a hand on his arm, and rubbing it comfortingly.
He clutched his chest, taking a few deep breaths.
"I-I, appreciate it." he finally got out, blinking back his watery eyes.
You smiled at him, your eyes gleaming with warmth.
"Come in. I'll make you some hot chocolate."
He nodded and let you pull him into the apartment.
You were stirring a packet of chocolate mix into warm milk, your toes bouncing, as you hummed the chorus to a popular Christmas tune. The cocoas were loaded with whipped cream and topped off with a slightly dinky candy cane. You admired your effort, and took both mugs to where Arthur was sitting.
He was admiring your large collection of records, his eyes set on your special edition of Nat King Cole.
"Jazz fan, huh?"
He set the record down, and reached for the cup of cocoa.
"Yeah, I guess so."
You took a sip. You felt it warm your body almost immediately, and let yourself relax and sink into the sofa. There was something so wonderful about this time of year, even if the cold was like Hell frozen over.
And the company certainly made it better.
You supposed he was quiet because he didn't have much to say, but, you wondered if maybe he had so many inhibitions set into him, that he just chose not to talk, in fear of what others would think.
"Why are you always so nice?"
The question seemingly came out of nowhere and took you off guard.
"Because I like you."
You couldn't believe you had said that with so much nonchalance, you wanted to both pat yourself on the back and smack yourself in the face.
He nearly spat out the hot chocolate from his mouth. Choking slightly, he gasped for air.
"Y-you d-do?"
"Of course. Why wouldn't I? You take care of your mom, you work in a place to make people laugh, and you always smile at me when we cross paths. I think you have such a lovely soul, Arthur. I hope that you know that."
He seemed genuinely grateful for your praise. It was clear he didn't hear it often. You feared that people often judged him because of his condition.
"No. I guess I didn't." He ran his hands down his arms as if a chill had run through him. "I think that I don't deserve that."
You wanted to cry at his confession. What a tragic admission, to not know your own goodness.
"Oh, Arthur. I know you do."
Before either of you could comprehend what was happening, had reached out for his face, and had kissed him.
It was brief, and uninteresting, but it sent a larger wave of heat than the hot chocolate had.
You wanted another one.
You hesitated, fearing he hadn't wanted to be touched this way, but were completely shocked when he reached for the back of your neck and kissed you again, this time with a little more movement.
Your head had gone completely fuzzy, and you had forgotten all concepts of time.
When he pulled away, you let out a rattly breath.
"Wow, Arthur I had no i-"
You didn't finish your sentence before his mouth was on yours again.
There was no stopping him now. You had confessed, and now so had he. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer as his hands slid from your neck to your waist, and finally settled on your hips.
Neither of you were sure how long you kissed, but you were certain the moment he released you that you were addicted.
You laughed, your fingers finding their way through his chestnut curls.
"You keep that up, there's no way I'm letting you leave."
He chucked.
"I probably should. My mother might need me."
Before he could stand up, you let your legs cage him between you.
"Nooo, you can't go now. I just got warm." you pouted.
"Y/N, c'mon, you'll be alright. I promise."
And with that he lifted you off him, and made his way to the door.
Before you could feel more saddened at his disappearance he turned just before exiting.
"Don't worry baby. I'll be back."
With a wink, he closed the door behind him.
Merry Christmas indeed.
Hope you like!
Have the most wonderful Christmas!
<3 Lyddie
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ledgerserious8 · 6 months
Comedy For You | Arthur Fleck & Reader
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Warning : Don't copy my writing Don't steal my writing. All rights are reserved for my writing
Genre : Fluff And Sweet Interview
Summary : Arthur Getting Interviewed In Murray's Show But Not From Murray Himself..
Word count : 7.3k
Because Of Murray's Sickness The director decided to put a new beautiful journalist to make the episode of tonight
And That beautiful journalist was You...you was a smart person who can read the breaking news making reports visiting a lot of places and you was having good voice
Arthur was the guest of tonight of Murray's he was named by The Joker and he was wearing red suit with green tie and joker paint on his face
Tonight it's was his new door to be famous comedy clown so he need to be careful with his jokes to make everyone in Gotham loved him
So when he get out to the stage The crowds was clapping happily as Arthur sit on the chair and you was sitting on Murray's chair
Taking his place but not too long of time
Arthur don't need anything more then to be perfect He wanted to be perfect for this night it's now or never for him
So joker tonight it's not Murray who opened this episode because of his sickness We pray for him to get healthy soon But tonight I will be the presenter of the program and I hope we will have fun and laugh with you - you explained politely as the crowds clapped for your words
Arthur's Face Blushed when he saw your beautiful face your hair was very beautiful too making him melting
You was wearing very beautiful red dress with small white dots on it and white gloves covered your hands because it's was winter night for the show
He smiled as was waiting for Your questions to begin the jokes so he could please the crowds and make them laugh
But Arthur was nervous as the crowds was waiting to hear his jokes He wanted this night to be perfect as possible
So i heard that you're comedy clown who made shows on the stage - you started talking gently
It's mean it's not your first time being under the camera sight right? - you added as looking at him waiting for his response
Arthur was surprised with your calm tone your question was so calm, he was expecting some question about how he became a clown
Arthur took a deep breath, and he answered softly - "Yes i am a popular clown on stage, and this is the first time I'm appearing in front of the camera
It's not my first time but it's my first time in this big stage and show like Murray's show I want to entertain the people by my Jokes, by my performance." - he added
Good to hear that joker But it will be more good if you made us hearing your jokes - you explained politely making him smiled
Your beautiful smile with your white teeth..was making his heart beating so fast
Arthur couldn't hold his smile as you smiled and showed your beautiful, white teeth
"Yes, of course I will make you laugh - he thought into his mind
And I will try to provide the best jokes in front of the cameras." he explained calmly.
"I would love to do that, let me begin" - he continued with a slight blush
Arthur tried to breath normally, He was looking at the audience as he was ready to begin his jokes. His mind was trying to remember his jokes carefully, he needed to impress you, and the crowd
Arthur Opened His Notebook of jokes and started searching for good jokes. As you was waiting for him silently
The crowd was staring at him expectantly.
Arthur's mind was searching for jokes in his notebook he was a little nervous but he was focused on making good jokes
But He finally found a Joke
"Why do criminals love horror movies? - he asked you with the crowds.
Why?" - one of the crowds screaming from distance but you nodded silently to him to continue
A little bit smile was on Arthur's face as he was answering you and the crowds
"because the villain always wins" - he concluded making The Crowd started laughing happily and he was smiling in satisfaction.
The audiences laughed and clapped for his joke and Arthur was relieved and smiled at the audiences
You start laughing gently and softly Arthur noticed your laugh, it was beautiful and lovely.
His mind was searching again for another joke to make you and the crowds happy this night
But your words cut his thoughts
How about you made a joke about Murray I mean all the guests getting joked by him but nobody joke about him - you explained cutely in jokingly way making everyone laughing
Arthur laughed a little bit, as the crowds started shouting "yes" and clapping with laugh
"Yes i can do that" he replied to you made you smiled at him and he thought for a moment and thought of joke
The crowd was silent waiting for Arthur's joke about Murray they thought your idea was so smart
"How are Murray and his show similar? - he asked you calmly making your expression get into curious
They're both jokes" he concluded and that's The crowds started Laughing as Arthur was watching you laughed cutely at his joke
But you know why he's sick tonight and made me in his place? - you asked him calmly you was person can make jokes too
The crowd and Arthur was waiting for the punchline, he's wondering what you would say to him and he smiled a little bit but his body language turned to be nervous, he was thinking of what to reply to you
"Why?" - he asked you you with soft tone of voice
The audiences were waiting for you To give the punchline to Arthur too
It's because he can't stop laughing at himself - you give the punchline meaning Murray himself is joke as Arthur punchline
The crowd was laughing of this smart punch line and Arthur laughed softly as your punch line was so genius
He smiled cutely as he was nodding his head slightly as looking at you
"Smart one" - He added calmly
"I see you so creative when it comes to making jokes" - Arthur said softly with a little bit blush.
It's was true Because He wasn't expecting you to joke and that what made the joke so amazing for him
'Yeah thanks but actually Gotham should be lucky to find people who's joking" - you explained politely but seriously
You know this city is depressed and that's why Murray's show is here now - you added politely
Arthur nodded his head in agreement with you, as he was saying softly, "i agree." His face was showing signs of seriousness as he was trying to give the audiences a reality
"Indeed, Gotham is a depressed city and it needs more fun and light." - he continued then looked at the crowds
"I hope my jokes could help the city to get rid of this depression." - he added calmly.
The crowd was surprised by your answer as your answer was so wise and correct but Arthur liked a lot being interviewed by you
You was smart and beautiful face with beautiful body and perfect weight and tall
Arthur's heart was beating fast with love, he noticed your cute expression and that made him feel nervous because of you
"I know an other joke about the weather who want listen" - he asked you and the crowds together
"Oh me me me' - you replied with cute voice jokingly with him
Arthur was so surprised by your cute tone, it was so innocent and child And he started laughing softly as the crowds started shouting "Me too me too".
Arthur was smiling with happiness as he was laughing his mind was telling him that he have found himself in love with you
The crowds was looking at you with a cute impressed smiling face and he noticed it with delight
"Okay, here's the joke" - he replied excitedly and Arthur took a deep breath and began telling the joke
"What do you call a raincoat with a hole in it?" - he asked you as he waited for your answer
You didn't speak but you put curious expressions making him biting his bottom lip lightly trying to not feel high on his cheeks
Arthur couldn't avoid looking at your face as he was about to finish the joke as The crowds and her were looking expectantly your smiling face make him nervous and feel excited in one time
"A raincoat with one less hole then before" - he concluded and make The crowd started laughing again the crowds was surprised by the joke that he gave
And you was laughing too as hearing the crowds clapping for him happily and he was smiling softly by seeing the joy in the crowds
But he also saw your face with that beautiful laugh sound that made him more attracted to you as feeling nervous
Well thanks for this beautiful funny jokes You know everyone deserve to laugh but everyone deserve to get know too - you explained politely as put serious expression
And before this episode going to ended I'm going ask you a few questions that people want to know about you But i will ignore the questions about your name or age because you told me you don't want this - you finished as looking at him waiting for his response
The crowd was shouting "yes" after your announcement And Arthur is ready to answer any kind of question, he was still smiling and feeling proud.
"Alright, go ahead and ask me some question that I can answer and everyone will be thankful to you." - he replied nervously as you would ask him something about himself.
He took a deep breath trying to calm himself down as he knew it should probably be something that he would hate to tell
"Okay so what are your questions?" - he asked you softly
I won't ask you something you don't want okay? - you whispered as looking at him Reading his nervously
Arthur's face showed relief as he was nodding his head in agreement with you in a very softly way as you said you wouldn't ask him something he didn't want he gave a smile to you,
he was really nervous by you staring at him by your shiny eyes and that your soft smile was making him feel more and more attracted to you
As i said before Gotham is depressed city it's like the idea of being comedy is so rarely - you started softly
'So the first question saying how you was fighting this as you're comedy clown How you was trying to be famous." - you asked him calmly as looking at him
Arthur laughed when you said that humor was a rare thing in the depressed and dark city of Gotham he liked how you started your question
But Arthur stopped laughing for a moment to think about your question properly and give you good answer
"Well, as a comedy clown, I've always tried to be famous in this city and bring joy and laugh to the people - he explained calmly as his eyes was shining
"It was a very tough battle, but I fought hard to become popular as a comedy clown in the city." - he finished as smiling at you
Of course there's a lot of comedy clowns need to find a way to be like you Sitting here and make shows in Gotham just like you - you explained politely making him nodded to your question
So what do you have to say to help them as advice - you added calmly as wanted to know how his mind was thinking
The crowd was intrigued by your intelligent question Arthur loved how smart you is, as you knows that there are many people trying to be famous like him but he took a couple of seconds to think about your advice question.
"The advice to help their career in comedy is to be themselves" - he responded.
"And to also be creative and think of different creative ways of making jokes, and that will for sure create a new and exciting career for them." - he concluded as smiling at you but he had a strong feeling that you was going to ask him a hard question
Okay the last question Focus on it okay? But before i asked you - you explained seriously making him focus on you
'Are you a old fan of Murray's show like you watched all the episodes" - you added calmly
The crowds was silent, they were all watching with their eyes glued to him waiting for him to answer your question as Arthur's mind was thinking about the question you just asked him before the final question
"Yes actually, I've been watching Murray's late-night show since it first aired." - he explained calmly
Then his mind started thinking about your final question which seemed like a hard one for him
Well the last question said Who better in Presentation of the program Me or Murray Answer honestly - you asked him calmly as chuckled softly
The crowd was shouting "you!" as you asking him who is better at presenting the program between Murray and you
Arthur was so stunned by your beauty and also your question as he was smiling softly, your eyes alone could melt anyone as the crowd to shout your name
"You, you are better in presentation! You're more beautiful" - he answered in low tone
"You..You're more fun... and comedy than him." - he added softly with a little blush on his face.
Well now because the episode ended and I'm sure Murray now lying on his bed Look like a brown bear from Disney films - you joked making the crowds laughed
And we're enjoying a lot of the joker perfect jokes I believe you all should go to your houses now because the show is ending - you added jokingly to the crowds
The crowd is laughing really hard because of you as you was giving your punchline to their show's ending
Arthur laughed too as The crowd is waving to the screens and him was laughing softly with the crowd.
Arthur had never seen a better crowd before than this one. The crowd started waving their hands and saying good bye. He started waving back to them
"See you next time" - he said with a cute smile.
Arthur's mind thought that he just finished today's show perfectly with a lot of jokes
The lights of the studio shut down and the only thing that was lighting up the room was the camera flash lights making the both of you alone
Arthur was smiling softly and looking at you as you was also smiling softly he didn't know why he was feeling more nervous now than when the audience was there
Well actually thank you for accepting being the guest of this episode I hope you enjoyed a lot and I'm sorry if my jokes getting more then limit - you explained as looking at his face fixed with the light
I don't want you to take this personally and seriously because it's all for fun I'm working as a temporary journalist for this show now, and I wish Murray a recovery, and he know that my jokes about him is a joke and not a personal criticism - you finished making the point clear
Something in your heart was telling you that joker was having sensitive heart that anyone can break it
Arthur was impressed with your intelligence, your wisdom and your knowledge as a journalist he loved the way you was describing yourself and was making him see you in a new way.
Arthur was glad that you was being kind to Murray and that he was understanding that your jokes aren't personal criticism The way you was telling him to not take your jokes personally and as jokes was also making Arthur being impressed by your honesty
"It's okay, I have really enjoyed our time together" - Arthur said softly to you
Good to hear that from you have a good night now and by the way I'm y/n - you confessed politely making him smiled
"Arthur Fleck a pleasure to know you y/n" - he replied softly as his head was tilting a little bit towards your face as you was revealing your name to him his face had a soft, gentle smile that indicated his interest and pleasure in getting to know you
He started leading towards your chair as he was getting closer to you and he didn't want to make you uncomfortable but his face becomes closer to yours
"Please have a good night" - He whispered in a very soft and friendly tone as he was looking at your shiny eyes
You keep silent as your cheeks started getting redder by his manly voice making him smirking at your reaction but he leading back and standing up
No words left your mouth because Arthur started walking away leaving you alone with his joker suit and make up in the studio with the co-workers
Arthur was thinking about you after he left He know there's something he felt in his heart about you there's one thing that made him get meet you again is to be..
Comedy For You
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five-miles-over · 7 months
Joaquin Phoenix Characters Masterlist
updated 08 November 2023
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Multiple Character Headcanons and Listicles
• Joaquin Phoenix Characters as University Students
• Joaquin Phoenix Characters as Cupcakes
• Joaquin Phoenix Characters - Sleepover Headcanons
• If Joaquin Phoenix Characters Went on Dates
• Joaquin Phoenix Characters as Comfort Foods
• Holiday Gift Ideas for Joaquin Phoenix Characters
• Commodus, Abbé, and Joe as Parents 
Abbé de Coulmier from Quills
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• The World’s a Broken Bone: The Abbé comforts the reader - a nurse at Charenton - when they have a severe migraine.
• Let Me Save You: A crossover with Thomas Sharpe from Crimson Peak
• The Ballad of Mona Lisa: The reader confesses to the Abbé about fantasies that they have been experiencing lately. (Smut)
• Abbé de Coulmier x Light Academia (aesthetic board)
Arthur Fleck from Joker
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• Yandere Arthur Fleck Headcanons
• Arthur Fleck and Joker Jealousy Headcanons
• NSFW Headcanons
• Yandere!Arthur and Yandere!Joker Dealing With Rejection in Public
• Joker and Cruella de Ville Crossover Headcanons
• Arthur Fleck x 50s Retrocore
Bruno Weiss from The Immigrant
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• Bruno Weiss x Roaring 20s (Aesthetic Board)
Clay Bidwell from Clay Pigeons
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• Misery Loves Company: Clay meets the reader at a bar and the two of them have a much-needed break from their troubles.
• Hey Good Lookin’: Clay loves it when his girlfriend sits on his lap and asks him for a kiss (fluff)
Emperor Commodus from Gladiator
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• Imagine Teaching Commodus to Slow Dance
• The Courtesan: The reader is a dancer that catches the eye of Emperor Commodus at a party
• ‘Till I Hear You Sing: A song-based fic based on “Til I Hear You Sing” from Love Never Dies
• What I Did For Love: Continuation from ‘Til I Hear You Sing’. A song-fic based on “What I Did for Love” from A Chorus Line
• New Girl: A high school AU of the movie Gladiator. The reader has recently moved to Rome and is now a new student at the Roman Educational Institute
• Paparazzi (Hollywood!Commodus x Reader): Another Gladiator AU in which the reader has a chance encounter in Rome with Commodus, a world-famous actor hounded by paparazzi.
• All Love Can Be: Prince Commodus meets the reader through their fathers working together, and eventually decides to ask for her hand.
• Handsome: The reader gets a little drunk while spending time with Commodus, and turns a bit childish and dorky.
• The Festivals of Saturn: Commodus’s first Saturnalia as a young sixteen-year-old co-emperor.
• Lay All Your Love on Me: Commodus falls unconditionally and irrevocably in love with a confident young woman along the seashores of Lanuvium
• Lose Me In the Sight of You: All you wished for was the blessing of Lady Juno that you would find a good husband, yet little did you know that a certain Emperor has grown passionately and hopelessly obsessed with you. (TW: Yandere)
• Emperor Commodus x Vampire Aesthetic
• Commodus’s Outfits as Chocolates
• Similarities Between Chuck Bass from “Gossip Girl” and Commodus from “Gladiator”
The young prince (and soon to be Emperor of Rome) Commodus falls in love with you, the daughter of a nobleman, and nothing will stand in the way of his obsession.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
A sequel to the events of the film Gladiator, in which Emperor Commodus survives the duel with Maximus
• Chapter 1: The Impossible Dream
• Chapter 2: Proud of Your Boy
• Chapter 3: The Point of No Return
• Chapter 4: Look Down
• Chapter 5: Beneath a Moonless Sky
• Chapter 6: These Palace Walls
• Chapter 7: Wait For It
• Chapter 8: Something There
• Chapter 9: Be Prepared
• Chapter 10: Twisted Every Way
• Chapter 11: All I Ask of You 
• Chapter 12: History Has Its Eyes on You
Max California from 8 MM
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• Max California x Dark Academia
• Max California Proposing to You (Headcanons)
Ray Elwood from Buffalo Soldiers
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• Ray Elwood Taking You Out on a Date Would Include...
Willie Gutierrez from The Yards
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• Blackout: The reader is Willie Gutierrez’s new neighbor, and the two of them accidentally meet during a power outage
• The Light Blinking at the End of the Tunnel: The reader offers some much-needed comfort to Willie after finding out about his dark past.
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tally-kiza · 7 months
hello! I was curious, if sometime in the future you could do a Arthur fleck x gender neutral reader, where the reader just gives arthur all the praise, love and care he deserves? Possible smut, if ur up to it 🤭. I think arthur would absolutely just melt at any type of praise, especially from his lover. I imagine he can’t help but cover his flushed face as he’s showered with kisses and love 😖😖😖 thanks for being an amazing author, luv ur work!
I may have forgotten about this ask until a week ago when I realized Arthur's birthday was coming up. 😂 I figured this would work very well for a little birthday fic. 👀👀
Mine And Only Mine
Word Count: 1774
November 21st.
A day you had been looking forward to all month.
Arthur’s special day. The first one that you would be celebrating together.
The heavy weight of a skinny arm slung over your waist beckoned you out of slumber. The fog of sleep lifted, replaced by the warmth of the man nestled against you. Your birthday boy, you thought with a sleepy grin. Your tired eyes cracked open, taking in the vision before you.
Arthur was facing you. His long dark hair was mussed and tangled, curled strands fallen in front of his face, slightly obscuring his handsome features. The midmorning sun rays casted him in warm light. You took a moment to take him in. The gentle curve of his pointed nose; strong cheekbones slowly becoming more full with your every home-cooked meal; prominent collarbones exposed by the open collar of his brown polo shirt, inviting you to kiss and lick. Gentle eyes now closed, minutely fluttering as he dreamed. His face was soft and relaxed. He looked younger, peaceful... almost happy. You wondered what he was dreaming about. His warmth seeped into your heart, making everything feel fuzzy. Arthur’s struggles, his mentality, his everyday stresses and worries, all of them were out of sight and out of mind when he slept, when he was cuddled closely against you. These early mornings were often the happiest you saw Arthur. 
But not today. Your Arthur deserved a birthday free of his usual stresses and anxieties, at least just one day. And you were determined to keep his struggles as far from his mind as you could manage.
You squirmed ever so closer, forehead resting against his. Arthur didn’t even stir. You softened; he must have been exhausted, writing late into last night trying to workshop some new jokes he had thought up. He worked so hard to achieve his brightest dream.
An inkling of an idea blotted in your mind. As softly as you possibly could, you pressed your lips to his forehead over the messy strands of his hair. And then another. And another. A smattering of smooches to his forehead, his hairline, the space between his brows. Arthur made a small noise, soft and cute. Arthur’s eyebrows twitched, but he didn’t quite stir awake. But there were more kisses where those came from.
Slowly you trailed kisses over his face. Gentle presses of your lips to Arthur’s eyelids, down the slope of his nose, over striking cheekbones, and the corners of his thin lips. But never quite on his lips directly; your first true kiss together had to wait until he was awake.
As you kissed, Arthur was slowly roused out of slumber. 
His breathing turned deeper, more regular. He made another soft noise, music to your ears, dimples deepening with a growing grin. You pressed a kiss to the crinkles at the corner of his eyes and smiled in turn. With a slight squint, Arthur’s tired eyes cracked open. They peered at you with mirth. 
“I thought I was just dreaming this up,” Arthur mumbled. His voice was low and creaky with sleep, but playfulness lingered at the edges. It stoked a small flame of warmth in your belly.
“What, this?” you teased, voice just as groggy, pressing another kiss to the scar just above his lip. 
His lips pursed. Still foggy with sleep, his eyes held little of their usual intensity as they locked with yours. “Yes,” he said softly. “And you.”
Your heart turned to putty in your chest. Arthur struck you off-guard so often with sweet words tinged with melancholy. 
“Not this time, handsome.” Eyes slipping closed, you kissed his lips directly. 
It started soft and tender, quiet lips on quiet lips, but Arthur being Arthur, it didn’t remain that way for long. His arm pulled you closer against him; your hand tangled in his messy curls. You molded against him like you were the matching pieces of a puzzle. Fitting together was what you were made for.
It was you who pulled away first. Arthur’s lips sought yours still, but you kept away from his tempting kiss as you both laughed. Your forehead rested against his. “Happy birthday, sweetheart.”
Green eyes stared into yours, wide with surprise. He sounded so small when he spoke. “You... remembered?”
“Of course,” you said, grabbing one of Arthur’s hands and lacing your fingers together. You pressed another peck to his cheek. “It’s your big day; how could I have forgotten?”
“No one’s ever... remembered my birthday before,” he whispered. The bed shook minutely and you knew he was bouncing his foot. Anxiety creeped at him still; you knew you couldn’t let it linger. “Even I forget some years.”
Your hand cradled Arthur’s face. His eyes were shiny and wet, and his eyebrows twitched with soft emotion as you kissed his forehead. 
“Oh darling, I’m so sorry,” you murmured. “But―” Another kiss, and yet another. “― I think that means we have a lot of birthdays to catch up on celebrating, don’t you?”
He closed his eyes. Voice thick with emotion, he whispered, “That would be nice. ...For years, all I have wanted was someone to share it with. I dreamed about it for so long...”
Arthur sniffled and kissed your wrist still cradling his face. “And now I do.”
Warmth filled your chest. “You do, Arthur. You do. I swear, you’ll always have me.”
After a beat, with a soft breath, he melted into you. The tension in him released; his body sagged against yours. Though his arms kept you pressed close against him. “You’re perfect,” Arthur mumbled. 
“I should be saying that about you,” you said, voice thick with adoration and love. You nuzzled your nose against his, gentle point against gentle point. “Sometimes I can’t believe how lucky I am to have you...”
The lines around Arthur’s eyes crinkled; the shadows of dimples appeared around his shy, boy-like smile. Bashful was a look you always adored seeing on him; your affection only grew. 
You couldn’t keep your lips from brushing his nose. “Someone so endlessly sweet...” 
Then his scar. “With such a tender, gentle heart...” 
―The mole on his right cheek. “And the cutest jokes...”
―The sensitive shell of his ear, along with a soft bite that drew a small moan out of him. You smirked. “Not to mention, with that beautiful body.”
Arthur curled further into you. You could feel the heat radiating from his cheeks. Even after the months you’ve spent together, the intimate nights you’ve spent in bed, devoting yourself to his body, and he to yours, he could be so shy. The result of spending almost thirty-four years alone and craving for affection and attention, you supposed. He was still unused to it, in many ways.
It only spurred more loving. 
You brushed the hair out of his face as you tangled your hands into his greasy curls, fully exposing his beautiful features. Arthur’s broad forehead beckoned.
“I’ve never met someone like you before,” you said, with a smattering of kisses to his forehead.
One broad hand sneaked under your shirt, caressing your back, keeping you ever closer to him. Your skin electrified under his touch.
“You understand me like no one else has,” you sighed. One tender peck to his asymmetrical hairline. A second. Before your lips traveled south, pecking a trail down his nose again to connect with his lips. 
Your connection warmed your cheeks, matching Arthur’s own flush. Both of you smiled into the kiss. Arthur pressed all of his tender love against you. Your shirt was pushed up and his hand traveled up your back; his tongue slipped into your mouth, caressing your own. His lithe hips molded against yours and you swear you could feel the beginning stirrings of his erection. Your own arousal was stoked from embers. Fog clouded your mind, lost in this pleasure, in his love.
It was Arthur who separated first. His forehead thumped softly against yours. His cheek and lips were still flushed, and yours were probably just as bright. Voice thick with emotion, he whispered your name.
In response―”Yes?”
Green eyes were half closed, eyelashes fluttered as he stared downwards, away from your gaze. Shy again, after leaving you warm enough to melt a glacier. His smile grew, twitched, preening as he considered.
“Could you... could you keep going? ...I like hearing you say those things.”
Mirth and soft amusement filled you. “Yeah?” 
“I like it a lot.“ Arthur’s eyes were wet when they stared into yours. “...Please?”
How could you resist your gentle-hearted lover? “Of course I can, darling.”.
But before you could lay an ounce more of affection on him, he spoke, fingers softly wandering on your skin. “Y’know? I don’t think I’ve ever met someone like you either. I know it sounds silly but, my whole life, I’ve thought so much about my perfect person. Someone who would actually see me. Someone who could understand me. Someone kind.” His voice dropped to a whisper. “And you’re kind. So kind. It hurts sometimes.”
“Arthur,” you cooed, eyes pricking with tears.
He murmured your name again. You always adored the way it slipped off his tongue, not in an elegant roll, not like cascading water, but in the whisper of an autumn leaf floating on the breeze. “You’re my perfect person. I don’t know what I would do without you.”
Gentle sun rays had slid in the window, lighting up Arthur from behind. His dark hair shimmered in multi-colored strands of copper, chocolate, auburn, chestnut, gold. His face was still cast in shadow, but he seemed to glow regardless. It was as much from his love as it was from the sunlight.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you either,” you soothed, voice thick as honey. “But we’ll never have to. I’m yours, Arthur. And only yours. We’ve only been each others’ for a few months, but I know in my heart, that’s not going to change.”
“Mine...” Arthur whispered, almost too quietly to hear as you returned to laying gentle kiss after gentle kiss on his face, soon followed by more further below. Relief, wistfulness, tenderness, joy, solace all swirled in his voice. His words caressed your heart as gently as any brush of his lips. As the sun rose higher in the sky and the chilly November day warmed, you made good on your promise to make this Arthur’s best birthday yet. To make up for every cold, lonely birthday he’s ever had before. And you would make good on this promise every year on November 21st. For as long as Arthur would have you. 
“...And only mine.”
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fleckcmscott · 1 year
Pillow Talk
Summary: While Y/N spends some time away, she and Arthur find a way to play.
Words: 3,992
Warnings: Smut, Swearing
A/N: This story stems from a request made by @jokerownsmysoul​. I really hope I got it right. 😂 Please enjoy, everyone! And thank you for reading! 💜
If you have any thoughts or questions, please comment, feel free to message me, or send me an ask. Requests for Arthur and WWH are open!
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Y/N's happiness at attending the Atlantic Legal Society's conference had rubbed off on Arthur. Made her upcoming absence worth it.
Often he'd tag along, see the sights while she worked. Check out clubs, sign up for open mics where no one would ever see him again. Low-risk refinement. But this week's jobs were too good to pass up, and Amusement Mile's opening day meant lots of families and plenty of tips.
He could hold down the apartment. Hell, maybe he'd even enjoy it. Pour condensed milk over frozen strawberries, smoke as much as he wanted, catch a movie on Gothamvision. (When their rabbit ears had required aluminum foil to get a TV signal, he'd convinced her cable was a dire need.)
He wrapped an apple in a paper towel, tore a banana from the bunch, and stuck both in her purse. A breakfast that'd tide her over for the three-hour ride to Baltimore. Stirring milk into her coffee, he side-eyed the oven clock. When the java was halfway cold, he made his way to the bathroom.
Toes flexed in annoyance, Y/N grumbled around her toothbrush. "I can't believe I overslept."
"You'll get there," he said, and took the hairbrush from the shelf. "Here, let me." He drew horsehair bristles through her untamed mane.
"Thanks." The foam in her mouth made it sound more like fankhs. She spat into the sink, rinsed and spat again. "I don't want to buy another ticket."
A soft scowl crossed his brow. "You shouldn't've had to buy the first."
"Well, you know my boss. He didn't think it was necessary, which is silly with the WARN act being passed. That kind of ridiculousness makes me want Phil to come out of retirement." She hung her robe on the door hook and jogged to the bedroom, calling over her shoulder. "At least they're paying me!"
Minutes later Y/N emerged, frazzled around the edges but smart. She straightened a ruffle at her collar, tugged the corner of her blazer. She wore her age and era with pride. She guzzled her coffee like an engine on empty, poured herself another and skipped the dairy. "I'll regret this on the train."
They dashed to the elevator, vinyl suitcase in his grasp, her hand hooked at his elbow. As the steel doors parted, he made a show of holding them open with his foot. A beam to rival the rising sun crossed her face. 
"Thank you, sir," she said, and curtsied. The gesture made him want to lift her, spin around. They were running late - and she'd still taken a spare second to be playful.
God, how he loved her.
At this early hour, only a handful of Gothamites rode the subway. A guy sat in a corner seat. Sixty, gray stubble, wearing a flat leather cap. His outstretched arm held a wrinkled centerfold. Ms. December, judging by the Santa Hat, the sole fabric in the photo. A familiar friend that must've been in his pocket for a while.  
Y/N grasped the stanchion at the other end of the car. Arthur moved to stand behind her, a protective arm at her waist.
At every stop she inched towards him. Her round bottom nudged his thighs, her back grazed his chest. She smelled good, like the strawberries he'd eat tonight. He pressed his nose to the crown of her head, filled his veins with her scent.
A scarlet stripe bloomed from collarbone to temple, her ear a crimson shell. The corner of her mouth threatened to curl. Pink tongue darting to wet satin lips.
He squeezed her hip. "What is it?"
"It's nothing," she said. An obvious untruth given how her neck tightened.
Suspicion slanted his stare. But he let it lie. For now.
Wayne Central Station was a Beaux-Arts beauty smack dab in the middle of modernization and commercialization. And it had far too many flights of stairs. After the ups and downs of finding the right track, they landed on thirty-seven, the platform for the commuter line.
"You know," Y/N said, steps slowing to an amble. "I bet there are clown conferences. You could learn to juggle."
His days of working with other clowns were long behind him. But the suggestion was sweet, so he smiled. "My hands are already busy. You're a handful."
She stopped at a concrete column and riffled through her purse. "I'll call you when I check-in and give you the room number. There'll be a direct line." Then her riffling escalated to a frantic search. Patting her coat, the inner breast pocket. Checking her bag one more time. Taking advantage of her distraction, Arthur reached into his jacket. Anticipation tickled his shoulders into a shrug.
"Oh no," she said. "I could've sworn I put my ticket with my credit card."
He reached as if to tuck her hair back. Pulled a green card from behind her ear. "Is this it?" A relieved huff as she snatched her prize. She swatted his chest, wound her arms about his neck.
The squeal of metal on metal bounced off tile walls, announcing the oncoming train. A gust of wind whirled her silvery brown locks. Despite the mundanity of it all, the thousands of people about to step onto public transportation, the moment felt like a movie. A bona fide blockbuster. The ordinary suddenly extraordinary.
Fingers brushing his, she took her bag, speaking between kisses. "I love you. We'll talk soon."
The McKeldin Exhibition Center seemed a blunt, bulky building for the Atlantic Legal Society's twenty-fifth conference, a number Y/N would've considered celebratory. Four stories of concrete, cold steel, muscular exterior. A once modern design that now represented an idea of the future that, if the first five months of 1990 were to go by, wasn't bound to happen.
The registration attendants were friendly and professional. But Y/N wasn't a member of the guild, so she was directed to a line at the other end of a vast, airy hall. The additional hundred dollars she'd paid to attend included extra exercise. A gilded stripe ran along the top of her name tag, like she was a flake of gold to pan for, from which extract a membership fee.
Goodie bags contained the usual swag. A pen with the organization's logo, two legal pads, a folder to hold her notes. At the bottom were a blue stress ball and a gavel pinback button, which she'd pin on Sylvia back at the office. The young intern had received so little recognition in her short life that it'd thrill her.
White tablecloths and serving trays covered the tables in the reception area. Y/N maneuvered to a buffet to the right, snapped a napkin, two cheese and pepperoni skewers, and a paper cup of goldfish crackers. Munching away, she took the temperature of the room.
Lawyers and attorneys general, magistrates and judges swarmed, chatting and laughing, giving handshakes and back slaps. Legal secretaries and paralegals circled up to chat amongst themselves. Judging by overheard introductions, their origins stretched from the Eastern Seaboard all the way to Chicago.
Y/N recognized a former Gotham District Attorney, a lawyer from one of Shaw & Associates' satellite offices. The passing years had salt and peppered his hair, too. The city's newest criminal court judge was on the premises, one Henry Jake. An upset after an affair with one of his legal aides, his promotion from magistrate had been splashed on all the front pages.
He appeared eager to continue the scandal, proceeding to flirt in the way of men who like to wield their authority. A palm on the forearm here, an unwanted compliment there. It made Y/N want to chuck a stress ball at his head.
She stirred powdered creamer and irritation into a styrofoam cup of coffee, noted the restroom sign on the left wall. A woman in a floral shower curtain of a dress approached with tiny steps. Said she'd never been to a big city before, took a sip of Lipton and pushed her plastic glasses up the bridge of her nose.
"I'm Flossie Barteux, but all my friends call me Flo." The red stripe on her nametag denoted her as a fresh recruit.
"Nice to meet you, Flossie." Though maintaining distance, Y/N spoke with warmth. "I moved from the Ozarks to Gotham ten years ago. The lobby has some brochures. I think there's an aquarium on the waterfront, a couple museums, too. You should take advantage while you're in town." Then she gave a friendly nod and excused herself to the Industry Auditorium to sign up for presentations.
Whistleblower protections sounded interesting, considering past capers; she made a note to review Gotham's statutes for the next. Tips for wage and hour investigations filled an entire notebook. The presenter droned on in one agonizingly long sentence. It was impossible to keep up, even in shorthand. Y/N's fingers grew so fatigued she dropped her pen. It took several tries to regain the ability to make a fist.
When the conference broke for the evening, Flossie hopped in the same revolving door as Y/N and suggested dinner at a chain steakhouse across the street. A good number of attendees already stood in line.
To be honest, she could've used a break from the whole thing. But she didn't want to hurt the woman who sorely needed a work friend. She put their names on the waitlist and browsed chalkboard specials. Listened to Flossie's story of how going through probate for custody of her granddaughter had led her to the legal profession.
By the time Y/N stumbled back to her hotel, she could've dozed upright. At the bar, she ordered a variation on a Sidecar, a little number called Between the Sheets. She didn't ask for permission to take it to her room. She dropped a dollar bill in the tip jar and turned towards the lobby.
It was well equipped, a fax machine and pay phone in one corner, a stand with free chocolate chip cookies to the right. In the center of the far wall stood a bookshelf, flanked by overstuffed aqua chairs. A sign was propped on the coffee table: "Please read and return!" A set worthy of Donahue's photo studio.
She stepped onto the woven rug to browse the plethora of outdated bestsellers. Self-helps with mountains on the covers, charlatans offering poor financial advice. Children's books were piled haphazardly on the bottom shelf. And right in the middle was an entire row of romance novels, the ones in which every heroine's bosom heaved and bodice ripped. Ragged covers told the tale of how popular they were, spines split from overuse. As a pre-teen, Mabel had caught her reading a few. ("Why's your face red, Y/N? Are you sick?") Amused, Y/N took the one with the deepest seams.
Forbidden Seas was a terrible if fitting title, given the coverhunk's puffy shirt. He was alarmingly muscular, as though a bee had stung him, and he desperately needed an ice bag. Long, blonde tresses brushed the careening cleavage of the woman bent over his knee. Arthur's wiry frame held a hidden strength, cleaved her tightly whenever they danced, but that position would've ended with her on the floor.
Cackling, she returned the paperback to its place, betting the hunk would be at full mast by chapter four.
When she reached her room, she stretched her arms over her head, pushed herself to her tiptoes, released a short squeal. The conference center's folding chairs had next to no padding. Soreness nagged at her tailbone, a deep-seated throb ached her rear. She could really use a bath. She checked her watch. Arthur would be calling in about fifteen minutes. Luckily, the restroom had a phone.
Pantyhose rolled down her legs, a nail caught on the reinforced toe. The star-patterned vinyl floor was cold on her feet. A claw clip kept her hair off her shoulders, spare tendrils falling to her cheeks. Steam coated the mirror as the room filled with a pleasant heat. She dabbed away her mascara and eyeliner before it could streak. She sipped her cocktail, stepped into the bath. Gave her breasts a casual squeeze and sighed out the stress of the day.
The ringer rang right on the dot.
Voice as light as a game of I Spy, she said, "This isn't reception telling me to pipe down, is it?"
On the other end, Arthur's smile sucked his teeth. "No, it's just me."
"I'm glad it's just you."
The day had gone well, he told her. One of his gigs had cancelled, but that was all right. It let him get some work done around the apartment. He'd replaced the window shade that no longer rolled up, mopped the kitchen, sorted the drawers of his desk. He'd just tuned into a movie on TMC, a screwball comedy she'd deem too silly and dislike.
When he asked how the conference was going, she told him about Flossie, how she hoped the woman's eagerness to excel wouldn't result in her being suckered into membership upgrades. That the WARN act - while a step forward - put some guardrails on the mass layoffs that'd become the norm in the last decade but didn't prevent them. And the overeager judge she was happy to never have to face in court.
"You should teach a class on how to be a gentleman." She slunk deeper into the heat. "I'm learning a lot, but I'll be happy to be home."
"You're not missing much."
"I'm missing you."
"But you saw me this morning!" His protestations didn't fool her; he was pleased as punch.  A hitched giggle, one of his many laughs she loved. "Me, too. I mean, I can't wait to see you. But don't worry. I'm fine. Talk to me more. Tell me about the hotel."
"We'll have to stay here someday. There's a bar with a player piano, and I'm having a cocktail in the bath."
"You- You're on the phone in the tub?" The sound of him puttering. A drink set on the coffee table, a middle-aged groan as he sat on the sofa. "There is one thing I can't get out of my head." Nervous tongue smacked his lips. "What were you thinking about on the subway?"
Mercury threatened to crack the thermometer. But still. She was reticent to go there. "I already told you. It was nothing."
"Come on. You were as red as my clown nose."
She pressed the cool glass to her sweaty forehead. The flight of fancy had been completely inappropriate, not to mention out of character. She knew exactly what telling him would lead to, the direction in which this conversation would race. Tacky and cheap, belonging to a $3.99 a minute hotline.
And yet. She was grateful to have a husband she could blush around, whom she could fantasize about, whom she wanted to fantasize about. Besides. It'd been a stretch since they'd last made love. Tacky and cheap might be just what the Doctor of Laughter ordered.
She let the cognac trickle down her throat. Knuckles dragged up and down her breastbone. Her forearm brushed her pebbled nipple. A drop from the faucet plopped.
"Do you want to continue this?" she asked, an eager if uncertain invitation.
"Yeah," he purred. That rasp, the one positive of his cigarette addiction. "But I'm- I'm not sure what's next."
Neither was she, not quite. The next steps felt at once natural and as if they belonged to an unread novel on a hotel bookshelf. But it was him, so it would turn out all right. They'd figured it out every time before. "Tell me what you're wearing," she said. "Or what you're thinking about. Whatever you want."
"I'm in my pajamas. Um. I found my old journal when I was cleaning. I hadn't read it for years - it has everything from when I met you. Anyway, I read what I wrote our first night together? I'd wanted to touch you so badly and-" He gave a throaty laugh. "And all I knew what to do was squeeze your breast too hard."
The recollection struck a match in all the right places. She'd wanted him, too, more than was smart after such a short acquaintanceship. There'd been something that'd set him apart immediately. Whenever he'd looked at her, her heart had skipped to a new but familiar beat. His good looks, his kindness. Passion and flair hiding beneath a surface shyness, a mask you could see through if you took an extra minute.
"You knew how to look at me. How to listen. How to be gentle." She caressed her hip absentmindedly, a movement that soon became deliberate. "And when not to be."
Her knee shifted to rest on the lip of the tub, opening herself to the warm water. "I wouldn't want you to be gentle now," she whispered, and tugged at the curls between her thighs.
"I wouldn't be." Ragged breaths tempted over three hundred miles. A muted moan that meant he was palming his shaft. Her own palm felt empty. How she hungered for him to be in her grasp. Then he asked, "What- What did you pack for bed?"
"The blue nightie you gave me. The one that ties at the neck." It was six years old but a perennial favorite for both. The approval that'd radiated from him when she'd modeled it flashed in her memory. Strokes blazed at the crease of her thigh. "I'll wear it tonight - unless you want me to sleep naked."
A husky chuckle before he pressed her. Again. "Tell me what you were thinking about on the train. I wanna know."
Fingertips dipped to where she ached for him. Lower to tease plush, squishy flesh, plump with desire. Her eyelids fluttered shut, returning to the occasions she'd pleasured herself in front of him, both when he was inside of her and out. Even on the occasions he wasn't able to get hard, he loved it, asked her to do it again. Holding her. Stealing her breath from her mouth. Covering her hand with his. His thumb taking over until she cried his name.
Fever rippling through her arteries, she tapped her slick nub, body throbbing with need. She cleared her throat. She thought she'd lost her ability to be bashful with Arthur. But dirty talk didn't come as naturally now that she was alone, not the way it did when it was foreplay. When she'd beg him to fuck her, plead for more, more, more.
Yet, she wasn't alone. Though he was afar, she was abuzz with his presence. Spreading joy and happiness to others, always entertaining his audience, he was the performer in the relationship. Tonight the performer became the audience, and she was putting on a show for one.
A show she'd drag out a bit longer. Make it worth his while. "I'm touching my clit, Arthur. Slow and soft, like your tongue. God, I wish it was your tongue. You feel so good."
He groaned. Her grip on the telephone tightened, knuckles gone white. "When we were on the train," she began. "I imagined you shushing me. Your breath was hot on my ear. I wanted you to put your hand on my skin, down my skirt." Her strokes halted while she laughed. "I don't know why. I wasn't even horny."
"You're horny now."
"All hot and bothered."
A grunt came through the copper wire, luring her along. Her foot pressed the tub's curved rim. Splashes of imagery knotted her belly. The play of light on his slender abdomen when he'd put on a shirt. How his biceps flexed when he'd wash his hair. The tightening of his brow the second he lost himself to euphoria. The musky weight of him on her tongue.
She rubbed herself a little harder. A steady, firm pace. "When I come I feel your cock at my back-"
"Keep talking."
"-and I have to bite my lip to keep from moaning, because I know you'll fuck me as soon as we walk through the door."
"Oh, fuck..."
Water licked at her labia with each flick of her wrist, awakening every nerve ending, cresting wave upon wave of sensation. She shoved the receiver under her jaw, lifted her shoulder to lock it in place. Cradled her breast, nipples just at the waterline Lapping, lapping, lapping. She circled the right with her middle finger, wishing her hand was as large as Arthur's, so that she could play with the left. Shivering, her knees drew together and upward, pelvis striving towards her wanton touch.
Splish, splash. Splish, splash.
A growl rumbled out of him. "I- I'm gonna come."
She was there. She was there. About to fly over the edge, her feet about to leap. Gasps caught in her throat. Half his name lost in a whimper. The peak of delight finally reached...
The phone tumbled off her shoulder and plunged into the water. Landed on the fiberglass. An unenthusiastic thud.
"Shit, shit-"
Locked in spasm, she watched air bubbles rise from the sunken plastic. It was hard to move mid-orgasm. Her legs weren't yet in the Jello stage. Hanging onto the towel bar, she stood on very shaky ankles.
She plucked the receiver from the water, shook it out over the tub. Yanked the drain and placed the handset on the rim. Fingers a blur, she dialed their home number on the bedside phone. How quickly had Arthur realized she wasn't on the line?
Had he heard any of the denouement?
Nine rings and Arthur answered, out of breath but with a laugh. "What happened?"
She covered her face. "I dropped the phone. It's ruined." It would be the one time she would pay a fee for damages.
"Oh. Well, I was just cleaning up."
The cord twined through her fingers. "Did you?"
"Good. Me, too."
"I know. I heard half of it."
Giggling, she excused herself to dry off. Pulled the clip from her hair, retrieved her nightie from her bag. She crawled between cool sheets, fluffed her pillow, pressed Arthur to her ear.
"What'll you do tomorrow," he asked, scratching his cheek.
A Department of Labor inspector would give a presentation on the Severe Violators program, a list of closely monitored companies that violated labor laws like it was a talent and never lifted a finger to change their ways. The padding to their bottom lines was bigger than the fines. She'd chatted with the inspector during a break.
"ACE Chemicals being on the list isn't a surprise. But Wayne Steel?" A sharp inhale before she yawned the rest. "I hadn't even heard of them."
"You're tired.”
"No. Relaxed. Happy. But not tired." She curled up on her side, burrowed deeper into the blankets. "This bed is empty. I have no one to press up against." Another yawn betrayed her.
At her third, Arthur interrupted. "Y/N, go to sleep." A grin in his words, like he was about to call her cute. "You need your rest."
"And why is that?"
His voice lowered to the volume of secrets. "Because when you get back, I'm going to fuck you as soon as we walk through the door."
Her eyes went wide, then she burst out laughing. A wave of dizziness swept through her. She brought the heel of her hand to her forehead. "What time'll you wake up tomorrow?"
"Six, probably. Maybe 5:30?
"Let's have coffee together. I'll make a cup at 6:15."
He agreed before she'd completed the request, said how dearly he loved her. And, yes, to her consternation, called her cute. She kept the eyeroll out of her reply. "You're wonderful, too. Now take your own advice and get some sleep. No journaling until dawn. All right?"
"All right. Have a good night. And Y/N?"
She was already fading, his lilt her favorite lullaby. "Yeah?"
"Wear your blue nightie for coffee. I’ll be in my briefs."
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