#arthur havisham imagines
Snowball Fight
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pairing: arthur havisham x gn!reader
summary: you and arthur end up having a snowball fight and he actually enjoys himself for once.
a/n: thank you so much anon for requesting this. it was so much fun to write! i hope you like it! <3
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The cold breeze bit at your cheeks as you approached your friend, the snow crunching under your feet with every step. Arthur hadn't spotted you yet, as he was just leaving his lodgings, but you'd spotted him as you were walking along the path.
You probably should've called his name to get his attention, that's what any ordinary person would've done. But instead you crouched down, gathering a handful of snow between your hands, before launching a snowball at him, the compacted lump of snow hitting him right on the shoulder.
You couldn't help the quiet chuckle that left your lips as he turned around, very clearly annoyed that you'd thrown a snowball at him.
"I'm sorry, remind me again how old you are, (y/n)?" He scowled, although his pale skin paired with his reddened nose made him appear slightly less intimidating than he'd initially intended.
"How else was I meant to get your attention?"
"Certainly not like that."
"Oh, don't be such a grump Arthur."
"Alright." He simply said, before turning and gathering his own handful of snow.
You barely even had time to react before he launched a snowball at you. And you were surprised to say the least, especially considering his lips were now twisting into a grin, which was a rare look for Arthur.
"You're going to regret that." You smirked, quickly retrieving another handful of snow and sending it his way.
And before you knew it, you both found yourselves in the midst of a snowball fight, right in the middle of the street. Your stomach was beginning to hurt from laughter, and Arthur was smiling the widest you'd ever seen him.
You paused for a moment to simply take it in, your own mouth pulling into a grin as you looked at him.
"What?" He asked, puffs of cold air leaving his lips as he watched you.
"Happiness looks good on you, Arthur."
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[Main Masterlist] [Arthur Masterlist] [12 Days Of Christmas Masterlist]
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pedgito · 2 years
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— Dickensian (2015)
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decodedlvr · 2 years
everytime I see this scene; I’d imagine he’s squeezing his thighs together relieving the..pressure 🥴 just look..
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Reblogs appreciated:>
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stardancerluv · 2 years
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He makes me so soft. He deserved better.
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sashaisready · 9 months
Chapter Six
Lee Bodecker (The Devil All The Time) x Femme Reader
A year after the sudden death of your husband you find yourself at a loose end, unsure what to do next. You're also learning about your sexuality - your hidden desires and fantasies creeping out now you're no longer playing the role of the good wife. A certain Sheriff in town could be the one to awaken something in you.
Series Masterlist
Chapter 7
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Lee had gone back to the station to finish work and you had got to work cleaning yourself up. You had washed your dress which was sweaty from your time in the cell, flecked with mud from the woods and God only knows what else from yourself and Lee combined. You took a long bath, cleansing yourself of the day's deeds – not that you could wash away what you'd done.
As you sat in the bath your mind raced, wondering what this all meant, what you were going to do next. You felt guilt towards Arthur, it felt like a betrayal to do this with another man. In his house, the house he paid for and lived with you. Debasing yourself in his armchair where he had watched TV, writhing against the mouth of another man in his kitchen where he had eaten his meals.
But, Arthur was gone. He was dead. He was never coming back. Living like a nun wouldn't change that. Nothing you did would change that. It had nearly been a year now.
And he'd want you to be happy. You knew he would. He had loved you, and he wouldn't want you spending the next fifty years of your life chaste and lonely, slowly decaying in your modest home like a Knockemstiff Miss Havisham. If it had been you who died, you know you would've wanted him to meet someone new and be happy again.
Could you be happy with Lee?
He certainly made your body happy. It was as if he had discovered a key to your sexuality's cypher, decrypting and unlocking your secrets. You hadn't even really considered the possibility of Lee as a partner, what it would be like to have him come home to you, to cook and clean for him, to share a bed with him. In your mind you had ringfenced him as something physical only.
But maybe?
He wasn't perfect, you knew he had a penchant for booze and if rumours were to be believed then he wasn't a cop keeping on the straight and narrow. And before all this you'd had a nagging feeling about him, like something was wrong.
But he'd treated you well. Mostly. He had been rough with you, demeaned you during your trysts – you had wanted that of course, been aroused by it and bathed in it. But was he like that outside of the bedroom too? Would he disrespect you? Treat you meanly? After years of Arthur's careful affection you're not sure you could handle a man being cruel to you. Despite your stubbornness and occasionally getting carried away with your enthusiasm, you are still quite fragile underneath.
But God, imagine that type of sex for the rest of your life. The thought was dizzying, enticing. Entire weekends spent in bed with Lee, endless orgasms and exploring every sexual curiosity you had stifled with Arthur. It made your head spin.
You laughed out loud at the madness of your thought pattern, getting ahead of yourself as always. You didn't even know Lee and here you were fantasising about a life with him. This was so typically you. The man was divorced, and it was pretty rough going according to the town's whispers, he might not even want to get married again. He might be content with the bachelor life and occasional casual flings with local bored housewives to keep him satisfied. Or maybe women who charged for their services. You would bet good money that you were one of many women he'd taken out in the cruiser for non-police business.
You sighed, sinking into the bath with your eyes closed, your fingers on your temples. All you could do was ride this out and see where it went.
Lee couldn't get you off his mind.
He was distracted back at the station, making silly mistakes with his paperwork and losing his train of thought. He just kept thinking about the way you'd felt wrapped around him, the sound of your moans in his ears, the mischief on your face as you dripped with his cum.
You were something.
He was thrilled by the duality of you, how innocent and proper you seemed on the surface and then how utterly filthy you were behind closed doors. He liked that nobody else knew what you were capable of, even in their wildest dreams.
It was all for him.
He thought about taking you out in the town, looking pretty on his arm as everyone saw you together. Having a nice dinner and looking respectable, then taking you home and leaving you a quivering mess drenched in your own bodily fluids. Maybe settling down together, him coming home from work to enjoy a home cooked meal and then you sucking him dry as he watches the news with a beer.
Okay, the respectable element may be questioned now that everyone had seen you kicking and spitting at him at the library – but you could work on it.
They'd all be so impressed that he saved the lonely, slightly quirky widow – charming her and making her the Sheriff's nice little wife.
He liked you, too. Not just your mouth. Or your body. But you were sweet. Polite. Also you clearly had a fiery streak within you which kept him on his toes. A nice little wife is fine and all, but he didn't want to get bored, either. And you certainly wouldn't do that.
He wasn't sure what would happen next exactly, but he knew this wouldn't be the end of it. He'd make sure of that.
Your next shift at the diner came around quickly. You were nervous as you stepped in, tying your apron on and surveying the scene around you. You were grateful that it seemed to be a quiet day with only a few customers milling around. Gina had greeted you with more of a smirk than you would've liked, but she didn't say anything about the library.
There were a few whispers here and there, but nobody was saying anything to your face. And you were used to the whispers, after Arthur. As much as the town loved its gossip, they were also cowardly – doing it in the shadows, too meek to say anything to anyone directly. You kept your head high and pretended you hadn't noticed it, your smile plastered on and your tone sunny. They wouldn't get you down. And you'd give Hell to anyone who tried.
You hadn't heard from Lee. It had been a few days. Probably best to have a bit of space as you still didn't know what it all meant. Still, part of you was disappointed he hadn't called or stopped by. You knew it was silly, he didn't owe you anything, you weren't a couple.
But you couldn't help it.
As if you'd somehow summoned him, he strolled into the diner just as you finished that thought. Your stomach flipped as his bright eyes found you immediately and he tipped his hat to you, smiling. You felt momentarily weak, his gaze was just so penetrating. Your thought about his tongue, his hands...Before you knew it you were making a beeline to him, menu in hand despite the fact he ordered the same thing every time. You realised you were looking at him with gooey eyes and anyone could've seen, but you didn't care. It was as if he was pulling you towards him like a powerful magnet.
Gina intercepted you at the last second, her body a barrier between you and Lee.
"Don't worry sugar, y'know I always handle the Sheriff" she said sweetly, taking the menu from your hand. "And he knows exactly what he wants, so don't you worry about any o'this".
Your face dropped but you realised you had no reason to challenge her, unless you wanted to raise suspicions of course.
"Oh right...of course. Sorry Gina, I guess I just forgot today" you said awkwardly.
Gina laughed and turned to Lee as you trudged back to the kitchen. You looked back at him over your shoulder and caught him glaring back at you over Gina. His brow was furrowed, his smile had faded. Was he...annoyed? It was hard to say.
You kept an eye on him after that, looking for a rare moment Gina wasn't hovering around him to go say hello but she barely let up. If you didn't know any better you'd think she was tethered to him and could only walk a few feet in either direction. You huffed in annoyance.
Then a large group came in and kept you busy with complicated orders and substitutions and complaints about how much ice was in their drinks. It was a family you recognised but couldn't place their names. You were run off your feet, rushing around trying to keep them happy despite it being impossible to meet their ridiculous demands. Stiffed you on the tip too, of course. They always did. You made a mental note to spit in their iced teas next time they came in.
You finally got a chance to check on Lee and your face burned when you saw what he'd been up to in your absence. Gina was sitting on his side of the booth, a finger twirling in her hair as she giggled and tapped him affectionately on the shoulder. Whatever he was telling her must've been hilarious because her giggles got louder and their bodies got closer. Lee was smiling away, clearly lapping up the attention and egging her on.
You felt anger rising from within, suddenly feeling stifled by the heat of the kitchen. You pulled your apron off and flung it behind the counter as you shot out towards the front door.
"Gina, I'm gonna take my break – that last table wiped me out" you sniped as you walked by without looking at them.
"Okay 'hon" replied Gina, clearly oblivious to your annoyance.
The cool Autumn air was a godsend, you needed to get out of there, marching round to the back of the building for some privacy. Christ, what was going on with you? Were you jealous? You knew you were being ridiculous. Gina and Lee could flirt with whoever they wanted. But still, you were so angry. How dare Lee do that right in front of you?
You were suddenly struck by the realisation that Gina had probably had a trip in the Sheriff's cruiser too at some point. Of course she had. Maybe still did. She was always all over him and cordoned him off in the diner like a prized museum exhibit. She may have been with him last night for all you knew. How stupid could you be? To think you were daydreaming about marrying him. God, you really were an idiot. One of many in a rotation of loose bimbos who all thought you were the Sheriff's special gal.
You sighed, leaning your head back against the bricked wall of the diner and closing your eyes. You needed to get a grip.
"Nap time already, babydoll?" came a voice from nearby.
Your eyes flew open. Lee, of course. You crossed your arms trying to appear unfazed while your heart beat out of your chest.
"I'm just taking my break, Lee" you replied deadpan, not meeting his gaze. You could see him in the corner of your eye, his hands on his hips as he watched you.
"In that case - can you spare a few minutes for me?" he asked as he stalked towards you, his voice low and teasing.
You sighed as his hands met your waist, as much as you wanted him you couldn't fight the jealousy you had bubbling inside.
"Or maybe you could ask Gina?" you spat as you wrenched his hands off of you.
Lee laughed, unperturbed by your annoyance. "And why would I ask Gina?" he whispered, lowering his face to meet yours.
You shrugged, keeping your eyes on the ground. "Well you seemed pretty close in there.
Lee lifted your chin with a finger and did a mock gasp. "Don't tell me you're jealous babydoll?" he asked as his thumb stroked your cheek, his voice dripping with amusement. The idea of you jealous and feeling possessive of him was absolutely mouth-watering, his ego was inflating in real time.
You shrugged. "Not jealous...just...clearly there are a lot of girls around town you could have a few minutes with". You had tried to sound casual but it came out much whinier than you'd planned.
Lee laughed again and he continued to stroke your face attentively. 
"Sweetheart...don't get all pouty. Gina means nothing to me, we fooled around a few years back and she has a little bit of a crush on me is all. You're my best girl".
You blush, raising your eyes to meet his gaze. Embarrassed for him to see you like this. Needy and pathetic.
But Lee loves it. Your desire for him just fuels him.
"Yeah?" you ask shyly.
"Yeah" he responds, his voice silky. He kisses your collarbone and you gasp quietly at how good it feels.
"You miss me honey?" he asks, his hand running up your thigh, skimming under your uniform. "That it? You missin' me and feelin' jealous? Have I been neglectin' you? That's so bad of me. Need t'make it up t'you".
You can only moan as his fingers gravitate to your panties, slipping inside of you. You look around urgently but fortunately there is nobody else around, nobody really comes back here except staff and Gina is busy holding down the fort. You rest your head in the crook of his neck.
"Well, it seems she missed me" he coos, feeling the moisture on his digits as your pussy moulds around him.
"Lee..." you whine, shuddering. "I gotta get back to work" you plead.
"Uh huh..." he says gently, dipping his fingers even deeper within you. Your knees begin to crumple as you whine. "Well, I'd never keep a gal from her work".
He roughly yanks his fingers from you and you mewl pitifully at the loss.
"How about I come by and see you tonight, huh?" he asks. "After my shift? Make you feel better hmm? Help keep your jealousy at bay?"
You smile up at him bashfully, nodding with gusto.
He smiles back, "there she is".
He gives you a short, sweet kiss. "And until then, 'hon, I've got a taste to keep me going".
He lifts the hand from under your skirt and begins to suck on the fingers like he'd just finished a fine meal. You gasp, your eyes glazing over with lust.
"Mmm. Delicious" he winks, running a finger under his nose. "And I'll be able to smell you on me all shift to keep me tied over".
You stare at him with stars in your eyes, entranced by him.
He leans over to you, his voice low in your ear, "Make sure you limber up before I get there, babydoll" he warns. "It's gonna be quite a workout" he teases.
You nod rapidly, smiling at him as you turn to go back inside.
He delivers a short spank to your behind as you pass him which makes you yelp.
As you step back indoors and retrieve your apron, you can already feel how drenched your panties are.
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foundtherightwords · 1 year
The Road Forgotten - Chapter 10
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Pairing: Arthur Havisham (Dickensian) x OFC
A/N: I made Arthur bisexual and paired him with a female character in this. I know some writers have gotten flack for pairing Arthur with a female character (or reader), so if it's not your cup of tea, please walk away.
This is mostly based on the events of "Dickensian", but I've also incorporated some elements and characters from "Great Expectations". Most notably, Satis House is in Kent (as in the book) instead of in London.
Summary: A few years after his plan to swindle his sister ended in tragedy, Arthur Havisham is a shadow of a man, living in guilt and fear. When Elsie Bradford, a young woman also wronged by Compeyson, enlists Arthur's help to hunt down his former partner-in-crime, Arthur must face his demons and other strange, new feelings, to redeem himself.
Warnings: slow burn, angst, guilt, revenge, psychological trauma, mention of prostitution, mention of suicide/suicide ideations, some violence, a bit of smut
Chapter word count: 3.1k
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Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9
Chapter 10
This wasn't how Arthur had imagined his night was going to go. Between the raid at the gambling house, the attack of the two thugs, and that bewilderingly, disturbingly vivid dream, he was drained, physically and mentally. Yet Elsie's touches had brought him back to life.
It had perplexed him somewhat to see that she was annoyed with him, avoiding his eyes, and was brisk, almost brusque, in her manner, while she was cleaning him up. He was terrified that he might have embarrassed himself, and that Elsie knew and was angry because of it. What if she didn't feel the same way about him at all? What if her kiss on his cheek had meant something completely different? He had little experience with romance. How would he know? But when she embraced him, all those fears faded away. He knew then. By her touch, he knew how she felt. And it gave him the confidence to show her how he felt.
Being with her was unlike anyone else he'd been with before. He had been with a few women, but those times had been unfulfilling or humiliating, or both. Truth be told, though, his encounters with men were the same. His physical needs might have been satisfied, but the dark void at the center of his heart remained empty, and only became more gaping, more consuming as the years went by.
But Elsie, Elsie was different. It was like returning to a home he'd never had. Every touch, every kiss, every little cry, every whispered word filled his heart with light and warmth, until it overflowed to even the darkest corner within him. It wasn't even about the pleasure, though there was plenty of it. It was more that, for the first time in a long time, he was with someone who looked at him not with pity or contempt or disgust, but with compassion, affection, and dared he even hope, love. And it was also the first time he could look at someone and not think about what she could give him, but about what he could give her instead.
But even as he felt her warm body nestled against his, a cold, insistent voice, sounding eerily like Compeyson's, was whispering at the back of his mind, She doesn't know the real you. She doesn't know how despicable you'd behaved. And you're lying to her, even now...
I've tried to tell her the truth! he wailed inside his head. I've tried, but she thought I was talking about something else... 
Excuses! Pathetic excuses! Coward! the voice mocked, sounding like his father's.
But I'll make it up to her, he thought, trying to stamp it down. I'll keep her safe, and loved...
Love? You know nothing of love, the voice continued, unrelenting, now sounding female, cold, and broken. You've never loved anyone but yourself.
He could feel the demons coming back, their claws scratching at the flimsy door to his mind. But then he heard Elsie's soft voice calling his name, and the demons backed down.
"What is it?" he said, wondering if he should tell her that she had just saved him again.
"Have you ever been in love?" she asked.
Arthur was startled. Had she been reading his mind? Had she somehow sensed what he had just been thinking? Then again, it was only natural to ask about love when they'd just finished making love...
He took a while to answer. He had never told anyone this, and even bringing up the memory was painful. But he knew he could trust Elsie.
"There was a boy from school," he said. "Christopher." It took some effort to speak his name again. "My bed was next to his in the dormitory. When I first arrived at school, I was so homesick I cried every night. He would reach out and hold my hand until I fell asleep."
He could feel Elsie smile against his chest. "Like I do."
"Yes. He shielded me from the bigger boys. We did everything together. Studied together, played together, ate together, slept together. Even after he was moved to a different dorm, he would sneak out at night and climb into bed with me. And that was when it fell apart."
"What happened?"
"One of the prefects caught him in the corridor after lights out. He didn't say where he was going, to protect me. I should have come forward. I should have taken the blame as well." So many "should haves". His whole life had been nothing but "should haves". "But I was a coward, and I kept quiet. So only Christopher was punished. He was made to stand outside in the snow for hours. He fell sick. He was sent home, and I never saw him again." He could not tell her how his father had found the letters he had written to Christopher, and what punishments he had received for them. But even those punishments had done little to alleviate his guilt.
There were tears in Elsie's voice. "Oh, Arthur."
"Afterward... it was just a string of furtive, anonymous encounters. Like the one you saw. Nothing that lasts."
"What about... women?"
Again, Arthur paused, but Elsie's voice didn't sound perversely curious or probing, only full of sympathy and understanding, and he was moved to tell the truth.
"They're worse. They look at me and all they see is the son of a cook, the black sheep, a stain on the great name of Havisham, not worth their time." It was hard to keep the bitterness out of his voice. He cleared his throat and added, "Although I have to admit, my behavior didn't exactly elevate their opinions of me. I just thought I deserved their respect, without doing anything to earn it." He knew that now, had known that for the last five bitter years, but it was only to Elsie that he could confess it. So many mistakes, and it was too late to atone for them. "What about you?" he said, to prevent his thoughts from going down that dark road again.
"Ever?" He was a little disappointed. He'd hoped she'd say she loved him. Why else had she brought it up?
"No. Not even when I was a girl. All my friends were always giggling about boys or whispering about things that go on between husbands and wives, but I'd never been interested. I guess that's why I could take the work at Mrs. Hill's. It didn't mean anything to me. Sometimes I wonder if there is something wrong with me."
Those words were hauntingly familiar to him. "Yes. I know."
Elsie lifted her head to look at him, and Arthur was overwhelmed by a sense of closeness, so much deeper than their physical intimacy that he felt a kiss would be inadequate to show her his feelings. He wanted to tell her that this, with her, was the closest he had come to being in love, after Christopher. But that, too, was inadequate for what he was feeling, and he didn't want to frighten her off. So he simply took her hand and laced his fingers through hers. That seemed enough for Elsie.
"There was this one man though, the captain of a merchant ship, who came to Mrs. Hill's to see me every time he was on shore leave," she continued. "He was kind to me. He promised to pay off my debt when he could. It was only with him that I felt... not love, but perhaps a connection. Then one day, he left for the Malays and never came back." She added grimly, "I hope he's dead."
"Because that would be preferable to the other explanation, that he'd simply forgotten me."
"How could anyone forget you?"
"Exactly." She grinned at him, then leaned down and kissed him again. As he had in his dream, he grabbed her wrists and drew her to him, only this time she was real, blindingly, tangibly, reassuringly so, from the tickling of her breath, to her hands tracing abstract shapes on his skin, to her legs entwined with his. He was certain that no ghosts or demons could get through such a fortress, and let himself get lost in her.
When he woke again, the window had turned bright. At some point during the night, Elsie had slid off of him, but her head was still on his shoulder and her arm still draped across his chest. Sleep seemed to have softened her. Her lips parted slightly, the permanent scowl was gone from her brow, and her hair was a mass of ebony on the pillow, with only a touch of pale yellow at the tip where it had been bleached. Even her restless hands, one placed in his, the other on his chest, were quiet. He had never seen her sleep so soundly, and his heart soared at the thought that she felt safe enough with him to do that. Perhaps it wasn't too late. He could still atone, with Elsie.
What they had in the next few days was as close to perfect happiness as Arthur could remember. There were no more ghosts, no more night terrors, no more talk of killing and revenge, only Elsie and the comfort in knowing that she was his and he was hers. Every little thing they did now took on a deeper meaning because they were together, from the way he poured her coffee for breakfast to the way she absently put her feet in his lap while she was reading. And their intimacy was unmatched. He had thought his desire for Elsie would diminish or at least become less acute now that they were together, but it only got stronger. He kept discovering new spots on her that demanded to be kissed or touched, her earlobes, the back of her knees, the hollow at the base of her throat, and he delighted in finding out how their bodies fitted together. He could never tire of waking up and seeing her smile at him with her eyes lit up like the sun coming out behind a grove of trees, or falling asleep with her arms around him, keeping him down like chains around his heart.
But of course, it wasn't perfect, not really. Unlike the days when Elsie first came to stay with him, now they avoided speaking of Compeyson and the future, wishing only to focus on each other and the present. But no matter how hard they tried to shut the door and pretend the world outside had nothing to do with them, they couldn't escape themselves. There were constant reminders of those dark clouds that hung over them still—his cuts and bruises, which were healing but not fast enough, her father's pistol, her tip of bleached hair, the voices of guilt gnawing at his heart like rats. He could forget them for a moment in Elsie's arms, but they were always there, waiting, hungry, ready.
Elsie's ghosts were still there as well, he knew. When his bruises started to fade, turning from black and purple to green and yellow, he noticed a return of her restlessness. She would no longer sit with him or read, but would stand for hours at the window or pace the room like a caged animal. That anxious, watchful stare was back in her eyes, which had resumed the sunken look of sleepless nights. For a while, Elsie's knitting was forgotten—she had other things to fill her nights now—but when Arthur woke one night to the familiar sound of her needles clicking again, he realized their honeymoon had only been a brief reprieve, and it would take a lot more than kisses and embraces to exorcise those demons.
"Go to sleep, Elsie," he whispered.
"I can't." Click, click, click.
He sat up, gently took the knitting from her, and cradled her to his chest. She let him, but her hands were plucking at his nightshirt, twitching, trembling. It pained him to see, and he put his hand over hers to calm her down.
"Tell me what to do," he said.
"Nothing." Her voice was quiet, almost inaudible. "You don't have to do anything."
"But I can't stand to see you like this."
"I'm sorry," she said. "I'll try to sleep."
But he wasn't talking about sleep, and she knew it. There was only one thing that could calm her. So he breached the subject they had been avoiding. "We've followed every possible clue. He is gone, Elsie. Perhaps we should forget this whole thing—"
At that, she sat up and shoved him away. "Don't ever say that to me," she snapped.
He reached for her hand, afraid that she might just decide to leave there and then. "But what would killing him accomplish?" he tried to reason with her. "It wouldn't bring your father back. It wouldn't cure Marianne."
"No," she said coldly. "But it would allow me to sleep at night."
"You have been sleeping," he reminded her. "When you're with me."
There was a flicker of uncertainty in Elsie's eyes. "Not for long."
His heart fractured at the idea that their love wasn't enough, that he wasn't enough. But perhaps he could still convince her...
"But what would I do if you got caught?" he said. That fear had been haunting him ever since he realized he was in love with Elsie, perhaps even before that, but this was the first time he gave voice to it, and the prospect was so horrifying that he could feel its icy fingers clawing at his insides. Elsie had once asked what he would do once this was over, and he'd thought he would do nothing. That future had looked grim even back then. Now it seemed unbearable, the idea of life without her.
Elsie looked at him. He could see that the flicker had turned into tears, and the fracture in his heart widened.
"I will try to return to you," she said. "But I can't promise that."
A wild idea occurred to Arthur. "If we find him, we'll go together," he said.
"No!" She grabbed his hands. "I won't allow it."
"What else is left for me?" he said, echoing her words.
She hesitated. "You have to take care of Marianne for me," eventually she said. "I can't see her again, but I will rest easy knowing that you're there for her."
She must have been thinking about this for a while. On the one hand, he was glad that she trusted him enough to leave her sister in his care. On the other, he wasn't sure he could face Marianne again if Elsie was dead.
He placed a hand on her stomach. "Perhaps you can plead the belly."
Elsie laughed then, an actual laugh, without a hint of mockery or hysteria in it. She wiped at her eyes with a corner of her chemise. "Are you honestly offering to get me with child, so I could get away with murder?" she said. Then she saw the desperation in his face and sobered up. "Even if I plead the belly, I would only escape the noose. I would get sentenced to transportation, and that is a fate worse than death. Besides—" She looked down, her hands plucking at the sheet. "It's not going to happen."
"I'm not going to get pregnant. I can't." Still keeping her head down, she explained, "I—slipped up, in the first year I started working for Mrs. Hill. There were complications. I almost died. And when I recovered, the doctor said... Mrs. Hills was delighted, of course. A whore that doesn't have to worry about pregnancy? It's her dream come true."
"Shh." Arthur couldn't listen anymore. Her calm, quiet voice was like a knife twisting in his heart. He tried pulling her to him again, but she shook her head impatiently.
"Why are we discussing my death as though I'm going to kill Compeyson tomorrow? We don't even know where he is!"
"Please, Elsie." He kissed her, a lingering, desperate kiss. "Forget about Compeyson. I'm willing to find work. We can move to the countryside, somewhere close to Marianne, and leave all this behind..."
She touched his face, brushing her thumb lightly over the cut under his eye, and gazed at him with such love and tenderness that he felt his heart breaking, the pain of it choking him. Then she dropped her hand and turned away from him.
"I can't. I'm sorry."
There was nothing left to say. Intolerable despair welled up within Arthur when he realized Compeyson had poisoned another good thing in his life, without even having to touch it. By a twist of fate, Compeyson had brought Elsie to him, and now Compeyson was going to take her away again. Perhaps Elsie was right. Perhaps the only way to stop all this pain and misery was to kill the source.
"You're never going to stop until you find him, are you?" he said.
Arthur's conscience fought with his heart. He could say nothing. He could suggest they go to some clubs he used to frequent with Compeyson or track down some mutual acquaintances. They would all be fruitless, he knew, but they would allow him to stay with her for a little longer. He could lead her on chase after wild goose chase, until he could think of another way to convince her to give up the pursuit or until she was tired of it, or perhaps until she was tired of him. But he loved her too much for that. He would not let her become another "should have" in his life. And if giving up the truth was what it took to bring her peace, then he would give it up, even though it could mean losing her. It would be his atonement.
So he took a deep breath and said, "There is one person we haven't talked to that may have some knowledge."
Elsie turned back to him. Some of the dull, dejected look in her eyes was lifted, replaced by a spark of interest. "Who?"
"My sister."
Her mouth fell open in shock. "Your sister? You never told me you had a sister!"
Now was the time to admit the truth, but Arthur hesitated. Perhaps... perhaps he could tell Elsie a half-truth. Perhaps there was no need for her to know everything. Perhaps he could hold on to her for a little longer. Finally, he settled for "We no longer talk".
"Why? And why would she know something about Compeyson?"
"Because she was engaged to him."
Chapter 11
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over--and-out · 2 years
yup, kinda angsty but i saw a tiktok with the audio "i wish you were a girl" and i rlly thought it would fit arthur.
imagine this, arthur and his friend (he/him obvi) are in love but they're both too afraid to say anything even tho they know the feeling is mutual. One night they're both together just talking and reader is curing arthur's wounds bc he got beaten up, they're so vulnerable that for one and all they kiss in tears, they need each other so they just let it go until arthur just spits "i wish you were a girl"
u can give it the ending u want tbh, up to you. if i come up with another idea then i'll write it. bye bye! ♡
Maybe Someday
Arthur Havisham x Male!Reader
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Summary: You figured Arthur had learned his lesson, realized what he did was wrong. Yeah what he did was wrong,, but not wrong enough to deserve this...
Warnings: abuse, mentions of abuse, violence, blood, wounds, alcohol consumption, drunk Arthur, treating of wounds, internalized homophobia, ANGST, spoilers ahead, crying, I mean absolute sobbing, mentions of nausea, Compeyson (he's one of those that needs his own warning,) Arthur is kind of a dick, intense emotions, don't take the warnings lightly please
Author's Note: I am LIVING for this request and all the angst involved in it, please- and guys if anything is triggering for you then please don't force yourself to keep reading. I am once again saying, please don't take the warnings lightly. Take care <3
Arthur was exhausted. All he'd done was drink, but the bed underneath him felt like heaven. He let out a giddy smile, his face pressed to the sheets and his fingers fisted into the blanket. Sleep was about to take him, and he wasn't about to fight it.
He couldn't tell when it started, or even when it ended. He could just feel the snap of the leather on his back ripping his shirt and breaking skin. His body frozen, unable to move as tears quickly sprung to his eyes. His fingers tightened their grip on the blanket, knuckles turning white and he lost the breath in his lungs at each crack against his back.
Arthur didn't know how long he was laying there, his blood thin from the alcohol and soaking the back of his shirt. His tears soaked the sheets below him, Compeyson long gone and Arthur was at least thankful for that.
He could barely move when he did finally decide to get up, a hiss leaving his lips at the sting on his skin and immediately the blood pooled on his back flooded downwards and onto the floor while he stumbled to the window. He stood as he picked up a quill, scrawling some messy handwriting onto a piece of paper and he folded it up with blood smudged hands. He picked up a lit candle, not even caring if it was the proper wax stick he needed, he needed this note done fast damn it. He let the crimson wax drip off of the candle, onto the paper before he pressed the sigil stamp to it and held it there till the wax was dry.
Arthur's vision was blurry beyond compare, his steps wavering as he made his way to the front door. Before he knew it he was out on the street hailing over a small boy.
He didn't even notice the looks he got, the nobleman Arthur Havisham standing on the street in his undergarments with blood all over him.
The boy ran over to him, hesitant until Arthur pushed a few pennies into his hand. "Take this to the (L/n) manner, tell them it's urgent... bring him here." Arthur's words were slurred, cut off as he abruptly turned and walked back inside. He barely made it inside his room before he collapsed.
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"Mi'lord, there's a ring for you."
You looked up with furrowed brows. "Who is it?"
"Didn't say, sir. Just a boy with a note for you, says it's urgent."
You gave a wave of your hand. "Go ahead and send him in, and can we get some tea and a sweet for the boy?" She nodded to your words, giving a small curtsy.
A few minutes later, she let the young boy in and you smiled softly as you gestured to the tea and sweets. The young boy looked around and rushed to the sweets, grabbing a handful before quickly setting the letter on your desk. "He said it's urgent." He picked up the tea and began to drink.
Your brows furrowed as you stared at the wax for a moment, trying to place where you knew the stamp from.
Finally you just ripped open the note and read it.
"Follow the boy.
Your heart dropped.
"You said I needed to follow you?"
"Yes, Mi'lord."
"Lead the way."
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When you got to the run down house, you Immediately walked inside to look for Arthur. When you bursted into his room, he was hunched over the side of his bed. You could see the way he flinched harshly, his head whipping around to gaze at you. He was terrified that Compeyson had arrived before you could. When he noticed that it was just you, his lips pressed into a thin line and a scoff escaped him as he turned back around.
"Oh my God, Arthur..." Your voice trailed off and you dropped the blood stained note that he sent you, your steps quick as you rushed to him. "What happened?" You set your hand on his shoulder, gently pushing it so he could turn and give you a better look at his injuries.
"I..." He stopped. "Compeyson, he..." his brown eyes flicked up to look into your (e/c) eyes. His body wavered and he flopped into you, leaning into your stomach. "Can you help?" His words were slurred, slow with his voice scratchy.
"Of course I can help, Arthur. Just... I need you to take your shirt off for me okay? I can't fix it if your shirt is in the way." Arthur nodded along to your words, laughing softly. He smushed his face into your shirt, reaching up so that his fingers clenched into the back of it.
"Of course, of course." He pulled away, taking the bottom of his shirt and lifting it off. You could see a bruise on his stomach, fresh and trailing up the left side of his chest. "That good enough?" His head tilted, almost flopped to one side and his blonde curls stuck to his forehead.
"Yeah that's good, Art." He made a face at the nickname, his nose scrunched up in distaste. "Don't call me that."
"I've always called you that, what's so different about it now?" You rummaged around the room and looked for some medical supplies, finally finding some towels and a bowl to fill with water. You found some bandages and trudged back to Arthur who was trying to pour himself another drink.
"Nuh uh, no you don't." You took the glass, pulling it out of his reach and he scoffed.
"What the hell?"
"Drinking isn't good when you have open injuries." You gently touched his back, drawing a wince out of him and you quickly apologized.
You began to wipe the blood off of his skin to try and see the wounds more clearly. The thin crimson liquid smeared and stained his skin but you were finally able to see the split flesh.
Without missing a beat you began cleaning, drawing winces and hisses from Arthur's lips. "Do you want to talk about what happened?" Your voice was soft, not pushy. You noticed the way Arthur's shoulders tensed.
After a long moment, when you'd reached the point of thinking he wasn't going to talk, he finally said something. "If you must know, Compeyson took advantage of the condition I was in at the time." You pulled the towel away from his skin, brows furrowed in worry at what he was insinuating. "I must have said too much for his liking so he... he beat me." His voice cracked on the last sentence, eyes going watery.
You didn't know what to say for the longest moment. You settled on wiping the remainder of the blood off of his back, grabbing the bandages to wrap him up. When you'd drawn a blank on what to say, Arthur continued and his voice was wavering. "I was drunk and vulnerable so he ripped the leather strap off of my luggage and he beat me with it." A small sob escaped him and you rushed to comfort him, rubbing his shoulders and moving in front of him where your hands cupped his jaw and your thumbs wiped away tears. "And all because I said something to Amelia that he didn't approve of. I said too much." He avoided looking at you, kept those dull and sad sunken in brown eyes glued to the ground out of shame; shame that you were seeing him so vulnerable when he was the great Arthur Havisham.
You used your pointer finger to tilt his head up to look at you, your thumb rubbing across his chin where the smallest bit of blonde stubble was beginning to grow. Immediately his eyes met yours, your free hand pulling a chair close for you to sit down. Once you were eye level with him, your hands went back to their place on his jaw.
"You didn't deserve that." You tilted your head to capture his gaze when he tried looking away again. "You don't deserve this, Arthur. Whatever is going on, let me help. I'll go with you to talk to Amelia, we can-"
You didn't get to finish your words.
Because his lips were now firmly pressed against yours.
A small noise escaped you and Arthur didn't hesitate to tangle his fingers into the hair at the nape of your neck. You quickly recovered from your shock, leaning into his touch and melting into him when he pulled you closer. He jerked you forward, pulling you out of your chair and your hands rested on either side of his hips on the bed. Your eyes began to water from the emotions bubbling up and escaping you and you could tell the same was happening to him.
A drunken confession that sober Arthur Havisham wouldn't have the bravery to do.
All the frustration inside of the Havisham was bleeding out, seeping from every limb while he clinged to you as if you were the lifeline keeping him safe. And you were.
Ever since you had both shared that kiss in the Havisham courtyard as young boys, you knew everything would be different. It was different, Arthur's father had begun to treat him differently you noticed. You weren't allowed around as often and Arthur was due to be wed to the Madame Dorey who was way too old for him. He refused, pitched a fit over it and stormed out until the next morning. Now it was quite obvious why he did so.
He had fallen for you, and he had fallen hard. As if he had flung himself face first into a well containing nothing but you and you alone, and he had doomed himself from that moment forth.
Kissing you that day in the courtyard was the greatest mistake he'd ever made in his life.
It made him different.
It made him a freak.
It made his father hate him.
It made his father push him out of the will, forced him to be only a fraction of the Havisham he once was.
Arthur hated you for it.
Arthur Havisham hated you almost as much as he loved you, but at the same time he couldn't bring himself to love you. As so, he retracted his bravery and the cowering lion bared it's face once more in place of Arthur's. His spine slackened as the alcohol took it's toll on his body and overworked his mind into a drunken haze.
He could feel bile travel up his throat before your lips chased the feeling away, the one sole medicine to every ailment imaginable. His deep brown eyes met yours, yours that were filled to the brim with unspoken words and yet praises upon praises of love. Arthur wanted to soak up the praise all day long, lay in it and bathe in it as if it was the sun and God knows your love was worth miles more than the sun. Your smile could outshine the ball of fire in the sky and your presence transformed Arthur into Icarus the moment your gaze met his. Like Icarus, Arthur felt wax burning his skin to the bone and soaking into his flesh in the form of shame for who he was. He wished he could preach tales about what he felt for you, preach it to the world as if you were a Bible in which he dreamed of spreading open the pages to memorize every word. He'd commit sacrilege and march himself to the ends of every continent ten times over if only he could bring himself to say what was on his mind and as if you could read his thoughts, you smiled at him so sweetly and so full of love that any train of thought going on in his pretty little head was quickly thrown off the rails.
He was going to tell you, he had to. He could no longer be that scared little boy that his from the crack of his father's belt, the boy who disappointed his father with how overgrown his ego was.
Arthur's voice was gravelly and slurred, feverish with the pain and the drink burning him to his bones and when he spoke his words were spat out with a venomous poison. "I wish you were a girl." With those words, cold as ice, he flopped the rest of the way onto the bed, as dead to the world as your heart now was, ripped out of your chest and into a million multifaceted pieces until it was ruthlessly shoved back in. The most immense pain you'd ever felt.
In the end you'd realized this was the most you'd get out of Arthur Havisham.
A stupid, silly little confession.
One that his behind the cowering lion that shoved Arthur down until he'd eventually reach his breaking point.
Sadly that breaking point was not to come today, and Arthur remained the coward he'd been.
You'd hoped you'd be able to see the day he was able to free himself of the shackles of his own doings. While he spoke those words that destroyed you in many ways, much in which you couldn't even be able to describe, the words in his eyes were clear as day.
Arthur was always good at lying.
You'd just hoped that some day you could hear the words spoken out loud, no longer a mirror of the emotions you carried reflected in his beautiful sunflower eyes.
Maybe someday.
Maybe someday.
This came out a lot shorter than I'd imagined but a lot more poetic- I'm also sick so I'm terribly sorry if this doesn't make a lot of sense. I hope you all enjoyed it!!
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ladyfogg · 2 years
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I posted 3,933 times in 2022
502 posts created (13%)
3,431 posts reblogged (87%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 469 of my posts in 2022
#joseph quinn - 255 posts
#eddie munson - 248 posts
#eddie stranger things - 217 posts
#eddie munson x reader - 216 posts
#eddie munson x female reader - 209 posts
#eddie munson x you - 176 posts
#joe quinn - 172 posts
#stranger things - 71 posts
#strangerthings - 40 posts
#arthur havisham - 31 posts
Longest Tag: 110 characters
#if i had caught covid pre vaccine because there were no precautions i firmly believe i would not still be here
My Top Posts in 2022:
Eddie Munson Fics Masterpost
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Between the oneshots and two multi-chapters series, I figured it’d be easier if I put everything in one place for people to find. I am keeping the masterposts of the multi-chapter fics for taglist reasons and such. 
Please note I am NOT taking requests, imagines, or prompts. 
The Audition - Eddie hears you singing in the shower and begs you to join his band. PG-13. 
Your Love - Vecna’s curse is upon you. To bring you back, Eddie plays your favorite song, helping you fight to get back to him. PG-13. 
Fantasy Section - You drag Eddie to the library to check out the newest fantasy book only to reveal you have a much naughtier plan in mind. 18+.
Lover’s Lake - A fun, innocent trip to Lover’s Lake turns into much more once you playfully suggest skinny dipping. 18+
Sleepover - After a late night of studying, you decide to sleep over at Eddie’s for the first time. Things take an interesting turn when you’re woken in the middle of the night by an aroused, but sleeping, Eddie. 18+
A Little Push - (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) Tired of watching you and Eddie dance around each other, Steve and Robin are determined to get you two together, even if it means slipping you some very special chocolates. 18+
Hands-On Experience - You’ve been bartending at The Hideout for months now, more than a little interested in the guitarist from Corroded Coffin. When you finally get a chance to talk to Eddie, he’s too cute to let get away and you suggest having some fun together. 18+
Multi-Chapter Fics
We Live for Love - Eddie is recovering in the hospital where you’re volunteering. The whole town may have shunned him but you refuse to do the same. 18+. Complete
Who Wants to be Lonely - After the ground splits and sends you hurtling into the Upside Down, you come face-to-face with the notorious, and injured, Eddie Munson. Lost and hunted by otherworldly creatures, the two of you have no choice but to stick together if you’re going to find your way home. 18+. Complete
Impulse - Tired of doing what everyone expects, Eddie convinces you to ditch school and do something impulsive for once. However, your impulse isn’t what he’s anticipating.18+. Ongoing/Standalone Chapters
Eddie Thoughts & Headcanons 
Virgin Eddie, Virgin Eddie 2
Eddie’s Fav Color
Eddie + Plus Size Women
Eddie Being Alone, Eddie Being Alone 2
Eddie Having No One to Talk To, Eddie Having No One to Talk To 2
Eddie’s Thoughts on Prom
Eddie’s Thoughts on a Threesome
Eddie Doesn’t Miss School
Eddie Being Super Stoned
Other Joseph Quinn Characters
The Arrangement - (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) Drowning in problems of his own making, Arthur Havisham seeks the aid of the one person in the world who knows him better than anyone else. But what will it cost him this time? (Dickensian) 18+, Complete
Windswept - (Part 1) (Part 2) Still getting over his breakup with Ruth, Tom notices a familiar face has returned to Cornwall. Lonely and unable to sleep, he shows up at your trailer late one night. But as eager as you are to have him in your bed, you’re not interested in only being his distraction. (Make Up) 18+
Words of Advice - (Part 1) (Part 2) Months after being so spectacularly rejected by Lauren, Ralph finds his interests being drawn to the pretty new maid. Having no idea how to approach you, and not wanting to repeat mistakes of the past, he seeks advice from everyone and anyone who’ll provide it, which is probably not the wisest decision. (Timewasters) 18+
790 notes - Posted July 12, 2022
Who Wants to be Lonely Masterpost
Who Wants to be Lonely (Complete)
Fic Summary: After the ground splits and sends you hurtling into the Upside Down, you come face-to-face with the notorious, and injured, Eddie Munson. Lost and hunted by otherworldly creatures, the two of you have no choice but to stick together if you’re going to find your way home. Eddie Munson Fics Masterpost. Please note I am NOT taking requests, imagines, or prompts.
Fic Rating: 18+
Pairing: Eddie Munson/Female Reader
Warnings: Slow Burn, Eventual Smut, Language, Violence, Violence, Angst, Blood/Slight Gore, Season Finale Spoilers
Fic Song: Who Wants to be Lonely by Kiss. Full fic playlist on Spotify.
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
Bonus Chapter
805 notes - Posted July 11, 2022
A Little Push - Part 1
A Little Push
Fic Summary: Tired of watching you and Eddie dance around each other, Steve and Robin are determined to get you two together, even if it means slipping you some very special chocolates. (Part 2) (Part 3) Eddie Munson Fics Masterpost. 
Fic Rating: 18+
Pairing: Eddie Munson/Female Reader
Warnings: Sex-Pollen-ish (so dubCon because of that), Aphrodisiac, Language, Filthy Smut, Friends to Lovers, Masturbation, Unprotected Sex, Creampie
Fic Song: N.I.B by Black Sabbath
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A/N: This fic is for a buddy of mine who had the original idea, so shout out to Ollie. For your years of support, I give you this fic. Also right now it’s just the one part but I kind of want to do a second one? We’ll see.
See the full post
899 notes - Posted July 31, 2022
Fic Summary: After a late night of studying, you decide to sleep over at Eddie’s for the first time. Things take an interesting turn when you’re woken in the middle of the night by an aroused, but sleeping, Eddie. Eddie Munson Oneshots Masterpost. 
Fic Rating: 18+ (Minors DNI)
Pairing: Eddie Munson/Female Reader (Reader is 18)
Warnings: Friends to Lovers, Language, Canon Divergent, Grinding, Masturbation (Female), Oral (Male Receiving), Unprotected Sex (no condom, reader mentions being on the pill), Creampie, Pretty Much Utter Filth
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A/N: Into the trash I go. Don’t know where this came from but, oh well! Enjoy!
See the full post
1,151 notes - Posted July 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Windswept - Part 1
Windswept - Part 1
Fic Summary: Still getting over his breakup with Ruth, Tom notices a familiar face has returned to Cornwall. Lonely and unable to sleep, he shows up at your trailer late one night. But as eager as you are to have him in your bed, you’re not interested in only being his distraction. (Part 2) Fics Masterpost.
Fic Rating: 18+
Pairing: Tom Grant/Female Reader
Warnings: Language, Friends to Lovers, Flirting, Established Friendship, Unrequited/Unresolved Feelings, Smut, Angst, Unprotected Sex, Oral (female and male receiving) Fluff
Fic Song: Windswept by Moonfall (It’s such a good sad song, highly recommend listening)
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A/N: This one is for @delving-verilly​. Hope you like it, hun! Also, I needed to give Tom some love because he is absolute boyfriend material and deserves all the good things.
See the full post
1,360 notes - Posted August 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Rules: shuffle your ‘on repeat’ playlist and post the first ten tracks, then tag ten people 🎶
Tagged by @ghosttotheparty
time of our lives - tyrone wells
stuck in the middle with you - stealers wheel
do you hear the people sing? - les mis movie
i am arthur havisham - debbie wiseman
just dance - lady gaga, colby o'donis
for whom the bell tolls - metallica
sweet dreams (are made of this) - eurythmics, annie lennox
zombie - the cranberries
warriors - imagine dragons
ride the lightning - metallica
several these songs i haven't listened to in weeks, idk why they're on here. maybe the time i listened to stuck in the middle with you like 200 times in two days is throwing off the rhythm
tagging: whoever wants to do this:)
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gothicwidowsworld · 6 years
Arthur Havisham #1
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Being secretly betrothed to Arthur. when his father's will is revealed he starts to change. He became a different man, one you would not want to spent time with especially on account of who's his new company consisted of. However no Lady could possibly break an agreed engagement, so you wait. Hours, weeks, Months for the man you knew and loved to return.
Gif Source
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Okay people, as of now, I have the biggest crush on this man and I don't care we have a 10 year of age gap!
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HIIII sooo i have a little request for arthur havisham
like, his boyfriend is an artist, he paints and writes so how abt him finding some sketches and poems that his boyfriend did for him but was too shy to show him? i think it would be adorable <3
Did You Draw This?
Pairing: Arthur x Male!Reader
Summary: You've been secretly drawing your boyfriend Arthur for a while now and you've been too scared to show him your drawings, until one day when he finds one of them.
A/N: So I'm not sure if this is good or not because I've never written Arthur as a happy character before lol and also this is my first time doing a male reader so I hope it's okay. This was such a sweet idea!
Also, I wasn't sure how to incorporate the poems part without it sounding out of place so I hope it's okay that I just did the sketches.
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You couldn't help the small smile that graced your lips as you looked down at your latest sketch of Arthur in your hands.
You wanted to show him, especially since you'd been secretly drawing him for the past month now. You must've had at least six different drawings now, and everytime you saw him you had the urge to show him what you'd drawn.
But to be honest, you were worried he might think it was strange.
You took a short breath before slipping the image away in your coat pocket and entering his room.
He was sitting on his bed, a glass of wine in his hand. "(y/n), could I speak with you a moment?"
"Alright." You said quietly, keeping your hands at your sides as you waited for him to continue.
You noticed the hint of a smile on his face as he pulled out a slip of paper from his nightstand. "I believe you may have left something here after your last visit."
Your heart almost stopped beating when he presented a drawing to you, one of your drawings. "Oh, well you see...that...that is...I can explain...I just-"
"Did you draw this?"
You nodded, nervously wringing your hands together. "Yes, yes I did. I apologise."
He chuckled, turning the image around now to look at it himself. "There's no need to apologise, I'm flattered."
"You are?"
"Yes! Honestly, I'm just surprised you'd even think to draw me in the first place."
You couldn't help but sigh at that last comment. "Arthur, why must you always put yourself down? You're a truly wonderful man and I've been drawing you because of that reason."
"Do you have any more drawings? Or is it just the one?" He suddenly asked, looking up at you.
"I...have a few." You confessed, revealing your latest sketch from your pocket and handing it to him as you sat down beside him.
You noticed a small smile grace his features as he looked down at the drawing, and it made your heart flutter as you took him in.
"Your smile really is incredible." You found yourself saying quietly, more to yourself than him.
"Thank you." He said, turning to look at you. "For the drawings, it really means a lot to me."
"Yes, of course." He smiled, bringing a hand up to rest against the side of your face. "You're amazing."
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[Main Masterlist] [Arthur Masterlist]
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eddiemunsonboyf · 2 years
So I’m officially taking request for Arthur havisham x male!reader and Joseph Quinn x male!reader (of Eddie x male!reader)
I’ll do smut,slight angst and fluff.
So send in requests 😁😁😁😁
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rocknrollbabe14 · 2 years
I’m gonna ask a couple dumb questions lol.
First, can anyone help me in getting a masterlist compiled of my works? I need one to where I can click on the link and it automatically take you there. Any help would be greatly appreciated since I’m new to the tumblr scene.
Second, I have started watching “Dickensian” (Joe plays Arthur), “Timewasters”(Joe plays Ralph) (I can also write Tom from Make Up) and have debated writing and taking requests if anyone wanted to read them or submit requests. Trying to gauge an audience. These of course won’t be written until I finish my current requests.
Third, I am still taking requests for Eddie and Joe. I appreciate everyone’s support for all my works. It means so much to me ❤️🥺
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stardancerluv · 2 years
Been swamped with working during the holiday season.
New chapters coming for…
(chapter 25…coming soon!)
Blossoming of a Shy Violet
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(Chapter 15, coming soon!)
A Time to Love and to Fight
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(Chapter 4…coming soon!)
Can the Past Save the Furture 2, 3
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And…a new AU story with Prince Paul.
By the Light of the Silvery Moon
(working title)
Chapter One…coming soon!
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Worse than Death | Steddie (Steve Harrington x Vampire!Eddie Munson)
Prompt: Castle
Words: 1542
Fandom: Stranger Things
A/N: Vampires and castles hnng. It’s a very similar start to one of my other vampire AU’s but oh well. There’s sexual tension, but nothing happens.
Summary: Alone in the castle, Young Lord Steven Harrington gets a visit from a pale stranger on a dark and stormy night.
The Harrington Castle used to be filled with color and light and music. Parties thrown for any occasion they could think of. Portraits of a perfect family lined the walls of the staircase, telling the history of the Harringtons with their cold stares and stiff postures, along with paintings of landscapes and horses and flowers. The wallpaper was a bit much. Emerald green with dark floral patterns everywhere, faded over time like everything else in the castle.
Steve Harrington, the only child and the heir to the estate, roamed the halls alone. His parents were traveling to visit a relative in a distant country and taking what’s left of their servants with them. They never said how long they will be away. 
When the young lord was studying with tutors, he had never paid much attention to the lessons, let alone read any of the books assigned to him. Now, with nothing to do around the castle besides taking the only horse that his parents had left at the stables on the grounds of the estate, he had also resorted to reading those books. That was how desperate he was.
One night, it seemed as if the heavens were angry as a sudden thunderstorm rolled in over his estate. A part of him wondered if his parents had somehow angered someone and fled to escape their wrath and leaving him to deal with it. This would not have been unheard of when it came to them.
He had been checking the windows, making sure they were all shut tightly. It was another thing that his parents left him to deal with. The castle was in need of maintenance and many servants had left due to the working conditions. If the windows were broken, then it was the stables, it was the kitchen, the old carriages, and even the gardens overrun by weeds and invasive plants.
Steve heard a window shutter slam open, letting the cold air and rain in. He ran over, grabbing the two wooden shutters tightly. Before he could shut them, there was a figure below in front of the castle just standing there. The thunder snapped him out of his trance and he closed the window firmly before pacing down the stairs to the front doors.
As he approached the doors, the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. He couldn’t tell if it was the electrical charge in the air due to the storm or something else entirely. There were three firm knocks, prompting him to rush over and open them.
The most beautiful man he had ever seen was standing there, long dark locks soaked along with his white blouse, with the first two buttons undone and exposing his collarbone, and brown trousers that cling onto him like a second skin. His big round eyes blinked at Steve expectantly, staring intently as if casting a spell on him. Lightning struck across the sky behind him, but Steve’s mind was not clear enough to tell if it made him look angelic or demonic.
“Oh, you must be freezing to death,” Steve said, snapping out of yet another trance, opening the door wider without a second thought. “Come warm up by the fire while I find something for you to dry off with.”
The pale stranger smiled. “Thank you, my lord,” he said smoothly.
Steve led him over to the nearest large fireplace, stoking it with a pick, before rushing out to get towels and a dry set of clothing. The stranger’s brown eyes followed him as he left before turning his attention to the room. It was lined with ceiling high bookcases and portraits of horses grazing wide pastures and a painting of a scowling old man who he assumed was one of the previous lords of the estate.
The stranger was pulling off his blouse as Steve walked in, the soaked article of clothing landing with a wet slap. Steve paused, his eyes tracing the strange inked patterns imprinted on his pale skin. He spun around as the stranger moved to untie his trousers. He heard the trousers drop, too stunned to turn back around. He didn’t even hear the stranger approach until he felt his breath tickling the back of his neck. A pale sturdy arm reached around and grabbed the towel and bundle of clothing from Steve whose hand was frozen in place.
“Thank you,” the stranger said close to his ear, sending a shiver down his spine.
“I… I never asked your name,” Steve managed to choke out.
“Edward Munson, my lord.”
“Harrington. Lord Steven Harrington.”
Edward hummed, his cold nose brushing the side of his neck before pulling back. Steve could feel his body vibrating with anticipation, hearing Edward dry himself down and pulling on his spare clothes. A finger ran down his spine before both hands took a hold of his waist.
“Tell me, Lord Harrington, are you the only one here?” Edward asked, his thumbs moving in hypnotizing circles.
“Yes, I am the only one here,” Steve found himself admitting, his brain feeling fuzzy as his senses were being filled with Edward Munson.
“Hm, all alone.” 
Something in Steve twisted as Edward said this. Yes, growing up in this castle, he had the servants, the nannies, the tutors, the cousins that occasionally visited, but inside he always felt lonely. It was suffocating being trapped in this massive castle where ghosts made good use of the space more than the living. After a moment, he finally regained control over his limbs, using it to turn in his spot to face Edward.
“My lord,” Edward began.
“Steve. Please, call me Steve,” he almost pleaded.
His name rolled off his tongue as if it was a prayer, sending a pleasant shiver through him. Not many call him by that name. Nannies and servants who knew him since he was a young boy would call him that in private, but never in front of his parents and the rest of the family. It felt different having this handsome stranger say it. Like it was their own little secret, someone who was not associated with his family.
“Steve Harrington,” Edward melodiously, his lips curling into a wide smile as he maintained eye contact with him. He bared his teeth, revealing two abnormally long and sharp canines reflecting the light from the fireplace. “You’re a pretty thing, aren’t you?”
Steve preened under this sudden praise, leaning into his touch as Edward caressed his cheek. He didn’t know what had gotten into him that would cause such improper behavior. He knew that if his parents were here, throwing a fit would be an understatement and they would speed up his arranged marriage. Worse than death, he always thought.
“Is it?” Edward asked, startling Steve from his musings. He hadn’t realized he had spoken out loud. “Worse than death?”
“Well, to be trapped in a marriage with someone you do not love, to be forced to carry out duties that only serve the families’ reputation and not the individual’s happiness. It all sounds like a prison. When I was young, I was foolish to believe that I had a choice to marry someone I loved and travel the world together.”
“To say it is worse than death, though. Do you not fear death?”
“Everyone does,” Steve said, frowning.
“Life is short and death is forever. Forever grows boring… when you’re alone.” There was a strange look on Edward’s face that Steve could not decipher. It disappeared as quickly as it appeared, replaced with a curious glint in his eyes. “Tell me, my dear, have you ever been in love?”
“Once,” he admitted, “But it was not to be. I am glad it did not work out, in a way. It would have been a shame to have such a precious friend in my life, only to ruin it by bestowing unhappiness onto them and taking their free will. We loved differently. Some flowers cannot grow in the same soil, I think. What about you?”
Edward shook his head, his curly dark hair brushing against his broad shoulders. “No, never.” He stepped closer, as if there were any space left between them. “But I would like to.”
Steve inhaled sharply, feeling his heart pounding against his ribcage like a wild animal desperate to escape its confinements. In a way, so was he. This man could very well be his first step of gaining that freedom. He leaned forward, their lips brushing softly until Edward pulled away. Steve felt the air sucked out of his lungs.
“I do think it is time for bed. You look awfully exhausted,” Edward said.
“Yes, yes, you’re right,” Steve found himself saying, his body feeling heavy as he swayed in place. 
Before he could help it, his eyes closed and he felt his body helplessly falling to the ground. The exhaustion was so overwhelming that he didn’t think that there would be anything that could wake him beyond what his body deems as an apt rest.
That is, until he felt a sharp pain on his neck as if he was stabbed by two needles. He gasped awake, eyes locking onto those hypnotizing round eyes that belonged to none other than Edward Munson.
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