#arv says
[ @sour-herba-sandwiches asked: ]
ok so two things.
imagine being straight? lmaoooo /lh
Multiverse exists. yeah.
thanks man. appreciate the support. (assuming you’re not?)
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necrophiliak · 2 months
I found you via tumblrs orbit system and you sounded kinda nervous about your ocs, so I’m gonna appear in your askbox and shout “yaaaay ocs!”
a idk if its nervousness per se and more just a combo of hope tht ppl will like+care abt them and me being awkward/not knowing what to say (but 40k ppl have been super nice ive never actually had ppl care abt my ocs before outside of my close friends ToT and they arent into 40k)
anyway. um yeah. ty tho 🥺 i rly appreciate it
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nyxi-pixie · 2 years
only talked abt this in rbs before but it lives in my brain and i need to fully DISSECT
tv and movies and books etc dont need to be endlessly hopeless and end in despair to be good!!! you dont need gratuitous violence and death and misery to have character arcs or plotlines or a good narrative!!! in fact, over using that shit can makes writing predictable and lose meaning!!!!!
if everyone expects certain characters to just be sad all the time and never have anything go right theyre not going to be shocked when more bad shit happens. it can totally negate the emotional value of the characters struggles if they Never have any wins. (even super tragic characters we usually start by seeing them doing well?? and then descending to shit??? not just starting shit. shit through the middle. and shit at the end. where tf wld the story be. u cant have an arc if its flat😭)
interrupting character arcs with death can be a good strat to emphasise the sadness of a character death OR it can just make the writing seem wasted which is what happens in most cases
killing off every character isnt shocking its boring.
AND HONESTLY. SAME FOR STEVE IDC IF PEOPLE SAY HE HAS TO DIE TO COMPLETE A CHARACTER ARC. DEATH ISNT THE ONLY CONCLUSION FOR EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER. like if he dies thats fine but saying its the only valid progression for him?!??!?! stupid take.
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cyberdragoninfinity · 2 years
I'm sorry but WHAT is happening in Duel Links??
*CRACKS KNUCKLES* ALRIGHT im certain other people could explain this better than I could (bark at me if any of this is wrong,) but, an attempt at a quick rough tl;dr of it:
so like. an important thing to note with DL is that like..... the in-universe explanation for Duel Links is that it's one of Seto Kaiba's new VR Next Evolution of Dueling Ego Projects, which like, ok sure, he Makes Those, but what's a little alarming with this one is that technically (almost) none of the characters In The Game are actually Those Characters Specifically, they're AI recreations of them with their original self's memories (that's already a lot, right out the gate.) (I say "almost" everyone because I think it's implied DSOD Kaiba and maybe Mokuba actually Are them because it's Their Game and they're always product testing it, there might be others though)
anyway another thing with this situation is that, uh, Most Characters in Duel Links Do Not Know They're AI. They just assume they're the original guy, that's just them! Hanging out in this cool new Duel VR! But then sometimes you DO get characters who actively are aware that they're just code in a video game (Yami Bakura and Bruno 5D's both comment on it), so you have this really interesting ecosystem of duelists who Are aware they don't really exist, and duelists who are None the Wiser. absolutely batshit.
and sure this is all well and fine with like, DM and maybe GX characters, ok sure it makes sense Kaiba would be recreating notable duelists of that era, but i cannot stress enough He Is Also Making AI Recreations of Dead People. DL very much takes place post-manga, post-DSOD. But Yami Yugi is There. Yami Bakura and Yami Marik are Very There. Manga Pegasus is there. Seto "I Will Never Learn to Come to Terms With Grief" Kaiba is actively raising the dead in his little VR card game simulator so they can live forever and there's a 50/50 chance they'll be FULLY AWARE that they died. JESUS.
There's also the hulking elephant in the room of Duel Links Has Been Including Characters From Series Kaiba Has Nothing to Do With For Quite Some Time Now--and a lot of those characters are like HEY. WHERE THE FUCK ARE WE. like I SWEAR someone from either Zexal or Arv-V was actively like "hi what the hell is KaibaCorp" so like...Kaiba's branding is ALL OVER THE VR WORLD EVEN IN THE WORLDS HE DIDNT EXIST IN. It's painting this absolute off the rails picture of Seto Kaiba trying to create this virtual multiverse of The Best Duelists From Every Timeline Living or Dead, and half the guys he's pulling in at this point are like *spawns into a perfect recreation of their hometown with no real idea of who did this* "what in the goddamn."
like guys from zexal/arc-v are actively IN GAME like trying to figure out why this VR world exists and who created it. It's absolutely wild and fascinating to watch. excited to see what happens when they add VRAINS world next month?!?!? idk anything about VRAINS really but it's probably going to make the DL lore even more bananas.
ANYWAY. ALL OF THAT SAID. NOW WE HAVE MAXIMILLION PEGASUS DROPPING IN-GAME OMINOUS SENTIMENTS it's kind of a culmination of all of the aforementioned shit. Duel Links Pegasus (an AI recreation of manga!Pegasus, who is fully aware A.) that's he's dead and B.) that there's multiple worlds and timelines crammed into this Virtual Reality) has a conversation with Paradox (an AI recreation of Paradox the Bonds Beyond Time Yugioh Movie Bad Guy, who, for all intents and purposes, fully believes he's the real dude and he wants to kill-die-explode-murder Pegasus SO BAD) breaking down that "hey, this place unites different histories, and if you kill me duel monsters won't cease to exist. Anyway, I'm not real! Ohoho! This world holds threads of tragedy, Paradox-boy!" <-- (not verbatim. but i wish it was.) Meanwhile Paradox is having a sputtering breakdown right next to him. This is a video game to play yugioh the trading card game.
like. it's just absolutely wild. konami could have just said "hey heres yugioh characters from every series. whatever" but no instead they threw in a bunch of mild psychological horror and inter-series friction and existentialism and it's a freemium video game that i have 600+ hours on on steam. yugioh duel links !
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sandwichboyfriend · 2 years
Arven's taste
Arven was making sandwiches as you sure didn't know how to make them yourself. He was making enough to share with the pokemon.. and Koraidon he supposes. Arven was glad that you had decided to bulk buy the ingredients, so he could just make the sandwiches.
He was finishing up the last sandwich and a weird thought occured to him. How would he taste like? Many thoughts were going on in his mind.
You caught him thinking deeply, and shook him by the shoulders a little. "Hey Arv, what's on your mind?"
Arven's face flushed in embarrassment, having gotten caught in his thoughts "Ah it's nothing important. Don't worry about it lil bud."
"Well, if it's on your mind it can't be not important, so spill it, big man." You countered.
Arven sighed, "I was just thinking about how I would taste, y'know. It's a bit stupid."
"Oh! I can help with that." You piped up, overly eager.
Arven's face went red, as he imagined you kissing his lips. He had a crush on you since you helped him with Mabostiff, and only realized it quite recently. You were so strong, and capable, but couldn't make a good sandwich for the life of you, so he always swooped in, and made them for you. He loved making sandwiches for you.
While he was lost in thought again, you had grabbed two slices of bread, and put them on his hand, and took a soft bite.
This immediately pulled him out of his daydream, and he pulled his arm back immediately. "What the hell, (Y/n). That wasn't what I was talking about."
"Oh sorry." his best friend looked at him rather apologetically, "What could I do to make it up to you?"
Arven mumbled something into his hand.
"Say that again?"
"You could um, you could kiss it better." Arven was beyond embarrassed he had said that, he looked away and tried to hide behind his hair.
You grabbed his hand softly, and raised his arm a bit, giving it a small kiss. This was very embarrassing, but your friend had asked for it, so you complied.
Arven's eyes got wide, he didn't think you'd actually do it. Seeing you were equally embarrassed, and going on the adrenaline rushing through him, he assumed you liked him as well.
"You um you didn't taste me the way I had hoped." Arven felt himself get a bit confident as he spoke, "would you like to try again?"
The wheels in your head were turning, wondering what he meant by that. "Um sure."
Pulling you into his arms into an embrace, was not what you had expected. Even less so when he got closer to your face. From where you were, you could see how pretty his eyelashes were. the prettiest shade of cream and grey. It reminded you of pepper (the condiment).
He looked at your eyes and then down to your lips, as if asking for permission. A small nod was all he needed, and kissed you gently. There was a lot of yearning behind the kiss on both ends, it felt both like an eternity, and not long enough when it ended.
"I.. wow. I didn't know that's what you had in mind." You were slightly breathless, and flustered you had gotten a kiss from your long-time crush, and not only that, but he initiated it.
"Yeah sorry, I don't know what came over me. Just forget that ever happened if you want. We can just be best buds, I'm okay with that." Arven had slumped his shoulders, and went back to finishing the sandwiches.
"You misunderstood me, Arven. I like you, like a lot." You spoke up from behind him, grabbing his hand, "I just didn't expect you to reciprocate. I love fighting pokemon, and being able to have a picnic with you afterwards. It's the time of day I'm most excited for, everytime."
Arven couldn't help but feel a soft fluttering in his stomach, absolutely enamoured with the boy in front of him, speaking so dearly of their time together.
"-boyfriend? it's totally okay, if you say no."
Arven was so lost in thought that he didn't hear what they had asked. "I'm so sorry, I got lost in thought Can you repeat that?"
You were so patient with him, and he loved you for it. "That's okay Arvy. I asked if you wanted to be my boyfriend. Nothing has to change, except we kiss sometimes."
"Oh my god of course! We're boyfriends now! Hear that ma, I got a boyfriend!" He yelled at the sky so happily, and held your holding hands towards the sky, as if to show Sada.
"You're such an adorable dork."
"You asked me to be your boyfriend. No take backsies." Arven was beyond happy, and he was excited for this to be their first picnic as a couple.
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wyverndollface96 · 2 years
Arven x Reader: Painful Loss
If you have not gotten to The Great Crater of Paldea, skip this story to avoid any spoilers. You would think Professors Sada and Turo had left Arven behind when he was really little (until he first got Maschiff; now Mabostiff), but until the moment came that Arven knew the real truth; taking place in Area Zero.
You had met with whom you though were Professor Sada and Professor Turo, but it seems these two were both AI copies of the original professors. You were told the original professors died protecting Koraidon and Miraidon’s lives. You wondered if Arven should know why he hadn’t seen them in such a long time, but he was busy with fending off the paradox Pokémon outside the lab.
The two robots then initiated a battle with you, which was a breeze to you since you had your party Pokémon at stronger levels. You defeated them both, then Nemona, Arven and Penny entered. “(Y/N)!” Arven called out. “What’s this?!” Penny asked. “Did you already beat all the baddies without me?!” Nemona asked. Arven then looks over at the AI robotic copies of his mom and dad, took a few steps forward and asked demandingly, “Ok, out with it, both of you…who are you, really?!” You all watched the two robots as they were twitching funny. AI Sada said, “Th-thank you…for…everything… The time machine…has finally… They have…finally…been stopped…” “You’re really not…my parents, are you?” Arven asks. “Oh…,” AI Turo says, “Look…how big you’ve grown… So…p-proud of you…our…” As Arven listened, his expression changed into shock. Then AI Sada said, “….Sorry…you were alone s-so…long…Arve-” “M-Mom?! Dad?!”
The system had failed and the time machine detected a threat. That’s when the robots apologized before bringing out Koraidon and Miraidon. You let yours out, too, to battle them since the rest of your Poké Balls, along with Penny, Nemona and Arven’s, were locked.
When the two opposing legendaries were defeated, the robots had finally told the truth about Sada and Turo’s deaths to Arven before bidding farewell and disappearing into the eye. Arven felt heartbroken watching the robots of his own mother and father go; after hearing he was now an orphan. You looked at him; he had tears streaming from his eyes. You then placed a hand on his shoulder. “Arven…” you spoke calmly to him. Arven looks at you, then you wipe his tears away with your hand and tell him, “I’m so sorry about your mom and dad.” “Are you feeling okay, Arven?” Nemona asks. “Poor guy.” Penny said.
It was silent for a minute, but then Arven pulls you in for a hug and quietly cries in your shoulder. You rubbed his back as he cried. That’s when Nemona and Penny decided to join in to comfort Arven. You all had been hugging until Arven calmed himself. You all broke apart, then you pull a tissue out of your backpack and dried Arven’s tears. “Let’s head on out of here, okay? I’ll make us some sandwiches if you’d like one.” you tell him. Arven slowly nods, saying, “I could really use one.” “We’ll let you guys be if that’s alright?” Penny says. “Yeah,” Nemona said, “we’ll go our separate ways while you two relax.”
You all leave Area Zero; making it back up to the crater’s exit and out the gate. Nemona and Penny went their separate ways while you and Arven set up a picnic. You both made your sandwiches and got to eating. Arven sat beside you rather than across the table from you because he felt lonely. Knowing his own mom and dad died, he seemed hurt. But being around you and Mabostiff made him feel better.
“How are you feeling now, Arven?” you asked him in a gentle tone. Arven took a sip of his soda before answering, “Fine, sort of. But I’ll get there.” You nod, gently patting Arven’s back. Arven looks at you and cracks a small smile. He then hugs you again, saying, “Couldn’t have been through it all without you. I appreciate you being there.” “Of course, Arven.” you said, rubbing his back as you hugged him. You both had spent the entire day with each other. Including his Mabosstiff and your Koraidon and Miraidon.
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silkscream · 2 years
it’s missing arvin hourssss if you’re open to a req!! the towns in the midst of a heat wave and arvin can’t get over how you look licking a cherry ice pop on the tailgate of his truck
goddd i miss him sm. you know that humidity is getting the best of him, but he's trying real damn hard to be productive out in the garden pulling weeds so the summer vegetables can thrive.
meanwhile, you're sitting pretty on the open bed of his truck in your halter tank and matching shorts, sprawled under the western sun. you like watching arvin work -- you like the way the veins in his arm flex when he grips the earth, like how when he wipes the sweat off his brow his dirty white tee hitches up just in the slightest to reveal his happy trail. you like those momentary looks he gives you, knowing full well that his eyes are scanning your bare legs before nodding at you casually like he isn’t fully smitten. the twinkly sound of the neighborhood’s ice cream truck’s jingle makes your ears perk up.
“you want a lemonade or somethin’, arv?” you beckon after him once you get to your feet.
“‘m good, baby,” he gruffs, fixated now on some sort of carpentry project in the garage. pouting, you skip your feet less than a block to get a treat, batting your eyes generously enough for the teenage clerk to stammer over his words and fuck his counting over a handful of coins. ultimately, your warm face makes him give in, so he lets you off the hook and lets you buy the little girl in line behind you an ice cream, too. he’s bewitched after you wink goodbye.
arvin doesn’t notice your return, which makes you roll your eyes. and you’re not one to be needy, anyways, so you crank up the radio to drown out the sounds of manual labor with doo-wop, and you suck on your cherry ice pop. it’s refreshing, it really is, but what’s more refreshing is the moment arvin looks up to see you in the bed of his truck blooming like a flower with carnation-red lips. 
“is it getting all over me?” you pout. “or do you want some?”
“i want something, alright,” arvin mumbles under his breath. “you tryna put on a little show for me, pretty thing? chrissake.”
“father benjamin says not to say the lord’s name in vain.”
“fuck father benjamin.”
you giggle, pushing the red popsicle deeper into your mouth until liquid dribbles down to your chin. you struggle to clean yourself up, cupping your palm to collect the excess as arvin stares.
“you’re fuckin’ killing me, doll.”
“huh? i’m mindin’ my own fuckin’ business,” you chuckle. “if you’re so desperate for a break, just take one, vinny.”
he sighs, looking back into the garage as he wipes his face with his t-shirt. he does it deliberately -- arvin isn’t one to show off, but he knows what makes you tick -- as he exposes his bare midriff and the defined lines of his abs.
“think i might take a cold shower. think you might need one, too.”
before you can register it, arvin takes a few steps closer to you just so he can kiss you on your neck, lick you down to your chest where he can lap up the sweet slick of the cherry ice pop that had melted and dripped onto your skin without you noticing. you gasp at the feeling and immediately feel a fluttering in your core.
“you’re getting it all over your hands, angel,” he gives you a low chuckle, lips right near your earlobe. “better clean you up, huh?”
it takes less than two minutes for the two of you to walk back into the house to turn on the shower -- water running cold -- but he doesn’t even bother to get you into it. instead, he’s quick to strip off your matching set along with his t-shirt and jeans, whiplash overcoming your senses when he’s got you leaning over the bathroom sink with his mouth licking up the sweat on your neck.
he loves you like this -- submissive and bent down under him with his hand around your throat while the mirror starts to fog up from your desperate pants. the moment you feel him slide into you from behind, your skin feels like it’s on fire, which may be counterproductive considering the heat wave both of you are trying to escape, but both of you are too busy riding the throes of ecstasy to care.
it’s so much -- the feeling of his thick cock, the sweltering heat, his fingers in your mouth. 
“fuck, honey,” arvin grunts into your shoulder. “most beautiful woman i ever seen. shit.”
you moan back unintelligibly. maybe it’s the heat, the sweat, the pheromones working on overdrive, because arvin doesn’t expect to be this close so fast. he’s got your hair balled up in his fist as he thrusts into you, a much more fulfilling workout than the damn yard work consuming all his days.
when he does cum, so do you. your thighs nearly give out, actually, shaking from the impact of him being so deep that the coil inside of you breaks completely. your stomach aches in inferno, but you suppose the pain is worth it if it’s always going to be this honey-sweet.
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pokemenlovingmen · 1 year
Speaking of ace(sex repulsed ace) how about an x reader with arven were the reader comes out as ace?(trans+gay reader ofc, he/they/it btw! :D)
Btwwww before anyone claims this,,,,, I’ll be,,,,,,, “🐾🦴 dog bone anon” :3
Hi dog bone anon!! With all the ace transmascs I’ve been getting in my inbox it’s pretty clear I’ve found my target audience—and they’re all just like me fr fr.
I’d love to write this coming out story with our favorite sandwich man! I love writing about the queer experience, at least the experience I can say I’m familiar with. Ace acceptance rules :)
A Bit of News — Coming out as ace to Arven
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🥪 — Okay point and laugh, give him the olympic medal for jumping to conclusions, when you said you had something “important you wanted to talk privately about” he automatically assumed the worst.
🥪 — Unbeknownst to you, he might actually be even more nervous than you when you sit down to talk. He doesn’t do well with sudden news.
“So, Arv… uh, I don’t know how else to say this. But I talked it through with some friends, and you’re my boyfriend, so you deserve to know. I’m… asexual. Y’know…? I really hope it’s not too disappointing to hear… I mean, I don’t want this to change anything about our relationship, but if it’s something that makes it harder to stay together because you’re not comfortable with it or it’s too restricting for you, I understand.”
🥪 — He blinks. You stare at him, biting your lip nervously.
🥪 — Oh, wait… that’s all?
🥪 — He lets out a massive sigh of relief and smiles at you.
“Oh, that’s it? Phew! Sorry, I kinda got nervous there that something really bad had happened. That’s a load off my mind.”
“So, wait, you’re… not upset about the asexual thing?”
“Huh? Why would I be upset about it?”
“Well, it kinda interferes with a big part of a lot of relationships and all…”
“S/O? Do you really think we’d be here, having this conversation, if I was just in it to get you in my bed? There’s probably hundreds of guys out there I could look at and go ‘oh man, he’s so hot’, but there’s only one of you. And I’m not saying I don’t find you hot or anything—but ehh, that’s besides the point—it’s just that there are a billion other things that I like about you past your body. And that’s a billion other reasons to stay with you.”
“Arv, Arceus, you’re too good to me… so you really don’t mind?”
“Definitely not. It’s gonna take way more than that to get rid of me!”
🥪 — After your talk, though (and the deep kiss and wonderful cuddle session that followed), he’s probably got some questions. I imagine he’d be the type to repress his own sexuality for a long time to begin with, so be doesn’t exactly know much about the rest of the LGBTQ+ community. He wants to know more, both to be involved more in the queer community, and also to establish and respect a comfort zone for you!
🥪 — He’s always very polite when he does have questions to ask and always reminds you that you don’t have to answer if it makes you uncomfortable. But it’s a lot easier to talk about your sexuality, the way you express it, how you figured it out, how it makes certain things feel, when you have Arven there being so genuinely curious and wanting to learn about these things.
🥪 — You can also tell when he did research because he’ll be confirming some really silly facts about the community with you the next morning (i.e., asking you if you really like cake to confirm the memes he saw online. He sorta conducts himself like a confused grandpa trying to be supportive but not really knowing what to do, and you tell him so. He hates you for saying that. >:| ).
🥪 — So speaking of the classic asexual “I’d rather have cake” meme, you find him baking you cakes with alarming frequency because he thinks he’s being funny.
🥪 — Overall, this really doesn’t alter your relationship with Arven much. You’re still his handsome and perfect boyfriend, which he’ll make known anytime you like. He already loved you so much and like he said, hearing you are ace changes none of that.
“Anyone who would only want you for your body is insane anyway, S/O. Really, only your body? I’m mad at anyone who would think like that and they’re just hypothetical people, like, you’d have to be the dumbest person in the world to get with someone as perfect as you and think your body is the only thing that’s worthwhile. Even if I was disappointed about you being ace, there’s literally hundreds of other things about you to love that mean way more than sex ever could.”
“You’re getting worked up about this.”
“I just—I love you, okay?? And I’m getting upset thinking there’s anyone that would treat you like that!”
“Yeah, you really showed those hypothetical people what for. You tell ‘em, Arven.”
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I was looking to do some drawing practice and couldn’t decide what. then I saw that you guys had some pics uploaded on here :]
also had a lot of stickers sitting around! I didn’t even realize I had this many
(let me know if you want me to take your drawing down)
they are for (in order) @uva-academy-vio / @bbleague-crispin / @the-drayster / @elite-amarys + a tiny @ribesrubrum !!! Thanks for being nice to my silly !!!
I also wanted to test out these brushes more lol. also sharing for fun: I did these all on one layer. I know. I’m insane. wanted the real life drawing experience™️
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myloisarat · 8 months
Never meet your Idols
Fred and George Weasley had begun using the saying "as Viktor Krum" when in need of a comparison. They had started this when having to endure multiple off-key renditions of songs about the seeker, not that they minded, Ron had a way with words that easily summed up his feelings. Anyway it just so happened that the prodigy was supposedly coming to Hogwarts, so if by any chance the pair happened to run into the guy all they had to do was casually drop the saying. Both glowing with malicious glee at the thought of having a go at explaining where they'd picked up the phrase.
The two knew Harry thought it slightly unusual from their common overdone jokes, but he had yet to learn the full extent of Ron's affection, the absolute abundance of ways in which a mere hi from the seeker could make him overcome with embarrassment.
Harry was aware Ron admired Viktor Krum, he thought you had to bloody stupid not to notice, yet he didn't see to what an extent his best friend admired the seeker. Apparently enough for Fred and George, known for their outrageously amazing pranks to think that a mere meeting with the guy was enough. No offence to Harry but he was oblivious, ridiculously so, it could possibly be genetic or maybe due to his lack of quality social time as a child, either way he wasn't great which was perhaps why he missed Ron's obvious celebrity crush.
George and Fred Weasley grinned wide, too wide. As Fred slung an arm around Viktor hyping his little brother up as Viktor smiled curtly and nodded along. George politely said "Banana Fritters" to the fat lady before guiding Viktor Krum inside as Fred stifled giggles. The group of three walked toward Ron who was hunched over a game of Wizard Chess, pondering his next move while some poor 1st year boredly stared out the windows.
"Hello dear brother." the twins cried in unison,
"Busy." Ron grumbled without looking up.
"Sorry Vik he can get like this sometimes." Fred said cheerfully causing Ron to look up,
"Who's- Bloody Hell!" He cried, eyes as large as saucers.
"You better not be pulling my leg"
"Hellœ" Viktor Krum said, politely "Sœ you are Ŕon Weasley".
Ron stopped and sputtered going brighter than the crimson couch on which he lay. "If this is a joke I'm afraid I'll have to be taken to Madam Pomfrey." Ron cried.
"No joke." Viktor replied chuckling softly with an outstretched hand. Ron glanced downward staring at the hairy, calloused hand in front of him, motionless. Fred and George snickered from behind the two.
"Ello arv you okae." Viktor asked concern making his accent more prominent.
"Fine, mate." Ron wheezed out becoming a brighter shade of red than thought possible. "Gooď" Viktor replied smiling still
"Your brothers tell me you love a game, they said your a fan of Wizards chests, right" Ron nodded while smiling awkwardly as his heart beat at an alarming rate. Viktor walked toward Ron putting a beefy arm around his shoulders as he walked them out of the room to who knows where. Before the two left the room Ron threw a glare toward his brothers, getting stuck out tongues in response.
"He loves us for it." Fred said through a grin.
"No doubt about it." replied George.
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melon-hellion · 9 days
MELON! HELLO THERE! I love LOVE the new look!
I see you've added WINDBREAKER to your lil' event list... *curls mustache*
If I may....
Selfship: Me x Hayato Suo (I need him carnally - I shall brat him and he shall tame me. It's a symbiotic relationship.)
Fashion Aesthetic: IRL? Tired adult (aka t-shirt and jeans) In my soul? I have no idea what it's called. I like floral prints (especially dresses/skirts), fall colors, a touch of dark academia... I dunno I'm not a fashion person.
Couple dynamic: Oh man, this is a new self-ship, still figuring it out, but I will say I love my slowburns of friends to lovers. Wanna peel back his layers like an onion. Nice girl x gentleman who's kind but also emotionally distant (at first). I want him to ruin me.
Favorite flower: Tulip! (any color)
Anyway, no rush to get to this! Also it's late I should be in bed so forgive me if I missed anything. XD
Hi, Arv!!! Thank you for coming to my little party. Welcome, welcome.
Wind Breaker yes omg omg I wanna scream about it all the time!
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See You Later - The Band CAMINO
The day has been spent walking leisurely through the shopping district. The sun shines through canopies of leaves and wooden awnings, beaming down on you and Suo to warm your cheeks.
He links his pinky with yours, smiling and nodding at all the shopkeepers who greet him. People can’t seem to look away from him, and you can’t blame them. He’s beautiful.
And yet Suo… Suo only has eyes for you. He buys a bouquet of summer flowers for you, gently teases when you get all bashful and giggly, and pulls you close when you shield your face in the petals.
“Ah, ah, no hiding,” he chides, kissing your forehead before tilting your chin back up to properly look at you, his thumb just barely brushing below your bottom lip. “There we go, that’s much better.”
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Melon’s Garden Party🌷
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arvandus · 5 months
arv! happy monday lovely! did you and dabi do anything exciting for his birthday? spare no details pls! :3
Happy Monday to you too! I really had to think about this all day, haha! I think it's because with where his character development is at in canon and in my Touch fic, I don't honestly see Dabi as being someone who would want to celebrate his birthday, at least in the beginning. In the beginning, I don't even see him. He avoids socializing at all costs in favor of isolation.
BUT, I can tell you how I see it developing over time, as he gradually heals and opens up (in his own Dabi way of course).
Year after year I don't see him during his birthday. Until one year, that just... changes. He does come by, and at first I'm surprised that he's on my doorstep. He doesn't say it's for his birthday, and he doesn't expect anything. And he definitely doesn't want me to draw attention to it or make it a big fuss. But he doesn't want to be alone, either. So, instead, he hangs out at my place. I make us dinner, he watches TV, and later we cuddle and watch a movie (he's a fan of horror flicks, much to my chagrin; he loves it cuz I hide my face against his side and cling to him). He stays the night and leaves the next day as if it were any other day.
It'll go on like this for a while, turning into a tradition of sorts. He shows up without explanation, and I cook us a meal together. We keep each other company, and he leaves the next day.
Eventually, over time, I'll get brave enough to bring out a small single serve cake. No candle, no songs. We'll share it together, just eating in silence. This happens the next year, and the year after that.
Then finally, one year, it'll have a candle. And he'll stare at it, his eyes rooted to the flickering flame, and finally blow it out.
I think that night will be very special; probably skip the movie in favor of much needed intimacy between the sheets. Eventually, in the future when most of his emotional wounds have healed over into invisible scars that match his visible ones, and he has a stable job (although it wouldn't be anything high paying or impressive), he'll stop me from cooking for him and instead tell me to get dressed. He'll take me out to dinner to celebrate, even though it's supposed to be his day. But it's his way of making up for lost time, of showing his gratitude in a way that his words can't. He'll order a cake and put a candle on it, then push it towards me.
"Make a wish." "But it's your birthday..."
"Yeah, and this is how I wanna spend it. Make a wish."
"Why don't you make a wish?"
"Because I already got everything I wanted."
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asks-n-trolls · 11 months
This doesnt have a title it's just the Xavier drabble. blushblush shyshy
Lmk if there's any triggers I should tag please!!
Characters: Xavier, Arveil, Sedris
Xavier thought there was no lonelier sight than that first sunrise, but a few dozen sweeps worth of them brought a whole new meaning to the word that clawed at the walls of his solitary confinement. He wanted nothing more than to reach out and be with those he loved again, but the second he got close to the door of his bedroom he felt this dreadful sharp pain, then flashes of that night came rushing back. 
Another quiet night in his room although now it looks much bigger, he’s trying to fall asleep but as soon as his eyes close, and he feels himself drift off to sleep he’s brought out of it by the distant sounds of a record start to play in the foyer and two all too familiar voices having a hushed conversation. Arveli and Sedris, two ‘servants’ Xavier’s ancestor had tasked with watching over him in his absence. 
He can’t recall what they were talking about, all he recalls is the embarrassment that washed over him when they caught him eavesdropping. They laughed it off and even invited him to join them in celebrating…what was it. A milestone maybe he couldn’t remember, but one thing he can't forget is how he felt that day. Happy. Truly happy, like he belonged for once, right here right now at this moment; Caste, Ancestry, Status. None of it mattered. He had friends - family that loved and cared for him. Everything felt in its place for once. His heart beating faster as he finally let himself be free, laugh and enjoy himself without the fear of an overbearing family monarch telling him he was being an embarrassment. 
It felt like hours had gone by. Xavier almost couldn't remember why he wanted to sleep so early to begin with, why rest when there was fun to be had right downstairs, but just as quickly as the fun started it began to come to an end. 
There it was again, the sharp pain in the pit of his stomach that was growing increasingly hard to ignore. He had let himself get swept away by the music and laughter, he had overlooked his very past due feeding time. That’s what he was trying to do, sleep it off. Deep down he knew it wasn’t possible, he knew he'd wake up at sunrise again and call that sketchy ‘doctor’ to drop off another shipment of blood, ill-gotten no doubt, but for now more than anything he was focused on leaving and getting as far from them as he could. 
Xavier tried his best to excuse himself, one hand placed on his stomach almost as if he was trying to calm it down somewhat, but it just grew angrier with him, sending more pain into his side causing him to trip on the very third step of the stairs, he would've fallen head first into the next step had it not been for the railing. Arveli rushed over, concern clear on her face as she ducked under his arm, careful to not disrupt his balance as she wrapped her arm around him from the other side. When she was sure she had a good hold on him, Arveli stood to get full height, taking the brunt of his weight up with her. It was there when he turned to thank her that it happened. 
Darkness. Ears ringing and the warm feeling of something dripping down his chin. The pain subsided, he felt strength return to his arms and legs, it was only then that he even realized he was holding on to something-no, someone they felt heavy, and their arms moved as if they were trying to push him away, but he could feel them grow weaker. Xavier's heart began to beat quickly as he grew increasingly scared, too scared to even open his eyes, yet he did and there she was. He didn’t know how long he was standing there holding her still, all that was certain was that she wasn’t moving anymore. Xavier didn’t know what to do, what to say, this is something a simple sorry couldn't fix. Sedris shoved him to the side and held his sister in his arms, placing a hand over the bite mark in her neck, trying to keep what little blood was left inside. Sedris screamed for Xavier to get help, but when he looked up, he was already gone. The door to his room slammed close. Xavier collapsed to the floor, out of breath and horrified at what he had just done.
He leaned against the door, hoping it would stop anyone from getting that close to him again. For everyone's sake.
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cookieek · 6 months
So, like many others I sat down to watch the recent hbomberguy video, and watching it has made me think back to about how I’ve handled my folklore inspiration for wayward.
Notably that I ended up taking heavily inspiration from the illustrations by Katarina Strömgård in Per Gustavssons (2006) ”Sägenresan” when it came to the designs for the skogsrå, Snurra, and the sjörå. (Pictured bellow, Strömgårds illustrations to the left, my sketches to the right)
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I did not do this with the intent of plagiarism, I know that I mentioned getting inspired by illustrations from a folk lore book in one of my authors notes for Wayward and that I did share Strömgårds illustrations of the troll drawing that inspired snurra and the sjörå on the red shoes discord and mentioning that I used them as inspiration (I could only find me mentioning the illustration for the skogsrå on the discord server when I went looking, I had to find the actual picture from the dms with another person in the server). However I do feel that I might not have been clear enough about this inspiration, and that looking back I, possibly out of some form of laziness, did at the very least not do enough with the characters in my sketches to visually distinguish them from the designs pictured in Strömgårds work, especially when it comes to the Skogsrå.
I doubt that Strömgård will ever see this, but that doesn’t mean I don’t feel bad about it, and I’m planning to edit the posts that features the characters to link to this post in order to give proper credits to the artist who was at the heart of those designs. Sägenresan and it’s illustrations has been with me since I was a child, it’s hard not to feel disappointed in myself, and I am sorry.
If you’re curious about Strömgårds work, then I recommend looking at her website (where she’s got coloured versions of some of the books illustrations for a recent web project under the same name as the book by Gustavsson!):
She also has an instagram under the handle strmgrd!
I should at this point also note that unless I was taking inspiration from stories told by my mom or just general ideas of folklore that I’ve heard while growing up, a big source for the folklore bits in wayward which I talk about in the authors notes for the chapters is Per Gustavssons (2006) “Sägenresan”, though I did not always reread the stories from it in question. And though I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned that the herbal magic in wayward was inspired by stories from a childrens flora book, I figure I should be more clear and reference to it as Bissa Falk och Lena Kallenbergs ”Barnens flora” and ”Barnens flora 2” (both of my copies of these books are missing their copyright page so I can’t say their specific release date for sure, but I do know the original editions seemed to have been published 1982 and 1983 as those are the dates given to the first editions of the work on Libris, Alex.se and worldcat (though worldcat only seemed to have the first book of the two and the edition which collects the books into one)). When I get the time I’ll try to go through the authors notes for Wayward to make sure these are given their proper credit, and I’m sorry for not doing that before. Also, when I’m already on the topic, please don’t take Edda using real life herbs in for the healing magic as health advice, and if you decide to get into herbal medicine then I beg you to be safe about it, understand it’s limits and just go to the doctor of you’re dealing with something serious. There are many quacks out there, many dangerous ideas and ‘cure-alls’ that at best doesn’t work and at worst are actively harmful. Saint john’s wort will not cure your cancer.
Finally, when I’m already here I should also mention that an notable inspiration for even considering the regency au that eventually became “A Lord and Lace” was sboochi’s Bridgerton inspired Regency au drawings. I realised I was never really open about that and that made me feel a bit scummy, I’m sorry.
I’m sorry that this isn’t the fun superhero au synopsis, but when this landed in my mind I really felt like I had to say something about it. I’ll try to get the synopsis out soon, I am still sick, but it seems to be on it’s way out, I hope, either way I hopefully will have that post out sometime next week. And again, I’m sorry for my sloppy work.
I hope everyone nonetheless have a good day.
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"Arven? Arven please answer the phone! This is the third time I've tried to call you, just to get voice-mail. Your friend returned to the Academy saying you both separated following the battle with the third Titan. Just... just call me right away, alright sweetie? Love you."
Sada did her best to calm her breathing. Arven never stayed out late without giving her a heads up. It was something they agreed on- a way to make sure he was safe and she wouldn't worry too much following-
Following the events of last year.
One Year Ago...
Sada was busy at work inside her lab at the lighthouse, currently on video call with Professor Augustine Sycamore regarding possible links between Terestalization and Mega Evolution. Arven was away on the Treasure Hunt, no doubt having the time of his life.
"Whats strange is how it only works here in Paldea, unlike Mega Evolution. Augustine, is it possible that-" Her Rotophone began ringing, flying out of her pocket and in front of her to reveal the caller ID.
[Incoming Call: Arven][Accept/Decline]
"I'll talk to you later, Augustine. Arven's calling."
"Au Revoir, Lucina! Say 'ello to your son for me!"
She chuckled and nodded, ending the video call before answering the phone. "Yes, Arv-"
Her blood ran cold at the wail her son let out. That wail was one of pure terror and anguish. "Arven?! Arven where are you?! What happened?!" Sada asked, already rushing out the door.
"W-We went into the Great Crater to l-look for Uncle Clavell and something a-attacked us! Mabosstiff is really hurt and h-he's not moving!!"
The professor cursed under her breath. He went to Area Zero?! Alone?! Entry to the Great Crater was prohibited for most students, but Arven was allowed only if accompanied by either herself or Clavell. And seeing as Clavell was currently in Area Zero and he was calling her, the boy certainly was alone. Sending out Aero, she did her best to keep her son calm. "Arven, sweetie, I need you to stay calm for me, okay? Where in the Crater are you?"
The sound of sobs came from the other end of the phone as he struggled to catch his breath. "R-Research Station One. I'm h-hiding inside." He finally managed out, hiccuping and sniffling. "Okay. I'll be right there. Stay inside. I'll stay on the line for as long as I can."
He whimpered in response. Aero took off, the Aerodactyl seemingly sensing the urgency and moving as fast as he could. Sada still felt it wasn't fast enough, pleading to whatever higher power would listen that this was just a nightmare, that this was just something her mind had cooked up. Her fears were confirmed when she saw her son run out of the research station towards her as she landed. He was still a sobbing mess, Mabosstiff's pokeball in his hands as he collapsed into her arms, sobbing and apologizing and begging her to save Mabosstiff. Her heart shattered at the sight of her child like this. Helping him onto Aero, she pocketed Mabosstiff's Pokeball and climbed on, the pair quickly soaring out of the Crater towards the nearest PokeCenter. Her son hugged her waist from his spot behind her, his face buried in her back as he continued to sob.
He ended up crying himself to sleep sometime after they got the news at the PokeCenter that Mabosstiff had been stabilized, but that they couldn't get anything else to work. Nothing they tried seemed to work. She sent out an email to Director Harrington about what had happened and not to expect Arven back at school for a bit. Currently, she was digging through old textbooks on Pokemon biology to find possible remedies to Mabosstiff's condition. Sada had already emailed several other professors in hopes one might be able to suggest something- anything- to help.
She never wanted to see Arven in such a state ever again.
She's shaken from her thoughts as Arven entered her office, yawning. "Sorry I'm late, Mom. My phone died-"
He's surprised when she hugs him tightly, trembling. "Thank Arceus you're alright..." "Mom? Of course I-" He stops, realizing why she's acting like this. Hugging her back, he rubs her back. "It's okay, Mom. I'm safe. I'm safe..."
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anaskinnystyle · 10 months
Some tips to not binge !!💘
(i guess you could say tips?)
Feel your collarbones, feel the bones. if your not showing yet, tighten up your chest/shoulders and feel them. that, right there, is a reason to not binge. imagine how many more days, WEEKS until there showing more, more boney, more deep in, until your ribs are showing, your spine is showing, your shoulder bones are showing.
give it time. it’ll work.
i personally like working out anytime i feel hungry, doing a couple sit ups or whatever or the urge to binge.
i also like cleaning my room, making my bed, vacuuming, or organizing my dresser.
taking a shower helps alottt!! TRUST.
GROSSPO. works like a charm (for some)
Sometimes meanspo works, i know some people think it’s cringe and stuff but it works for me. i’ve always been bullied for my weight and stuff ig that’s why i now have a ed 😍😍
I want you to think to yourself for a minute ••••
why are you doing this?
what made you want to do this in the first place?
why did you want to fast/⭐️arve in the first place??
why did you want to lose weight.
what made you want to look thin and small and fragile and beautiful.
you’re almost there. don’t give up just because you can’t see the results yet.
YOU got this. you only have yourself in this. DONT give up just because of something (the feeling of hunger) that last only a couple minutes. You got this lovelies :)
i also wanted to say, i wouldn’t wish this on anybody. all body’s are beautiful, ALL. just not mine lol. and the reason i post like this, is because i know what it’s like to wake up every day and hate what you see. to envy others. it sucks and it’s draining. and knowing myself, i come up here to find tips and thin$pos, and i know others do that too and i’d be pissed off if somebody didn’t help me knowing their doing the same thing. So please
don’t report
just block.
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