#arvin russell masterlist
yichuuonvenus · 7 months
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!!I am a dark fic writer so if that scares you please do not go any further!! - Love, Yichuu
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Peter Parker Ethan Landry Tom Riddle Coriolanus Snow Walter De Ville Loki Laufeyson Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen Arvin Russell
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All Things End Masterlist
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Part 1
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galatially · 2 years
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𝑎𝑟𝑣𝑖𝑛 𝑟𝑢𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑙
𝑛𝑎𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑛 𝑑𝑟𝑎𝑘𝑒
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make you mine 1
No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as dubcon/noncon, age gap, possible abuse, alcoholism, and other possible triggers. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Your father is strict but his authority is challenged by the boy in town and the man at his door.
Characters: Arvin Russell, Lee Bodecker
Note: you know what, why shouldn't I?
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me <3
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Asking for more or putting ‘part 2?’ is not feedback.
Love you all. You are appreciated and your are worthy. Treat yourself with care. 💖
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You keep your head down as you near the store. That group of boys is smoking at the corner again, their stained white tees and dusty old flannel jackets smell of sawdust and oil. Your daddy always tells you not to talk to strange men and except for him, they're all strange. 
"Hey, doll, where you in a rush to?" One of them flicks a cigarette away as he breathe smoke behind you. 
You hurry up as he whistles, "yeah, walk faster, girl. Wiggle them hips." 
"Quiet," another hisses and you hear the heavy thump of a slap against his shoulder, "ain't no way to talk to a lady." 
Footsteps rush after you and before you can reach the door, it opens, the bell jangling above as one of the men pulls it back. You look at his boots, grimy, laces fraying, slouching around the ankles. His other hand dangles by his side, cap folded in his grip. 
"I'm really sorry about Jethro, miss, he's got a real nasty mouth," he says, "you alright?" 
You nod and say nothing as you continue inside. 
"You're scarin' her, Arv," another man calls over, "look at her shaking in her shoes." 
He sighs and lets the door close between you as he turns back to respond. His words are muffled as you take a basket and flit into an aisle. Mr. Canavan is behind the counter, flipping through a newspaper as the radio crackles. You pick out the few staples running low in your pantry and add on a bottle of rum for your pa. 
"Afternoon, miss," Canavan greets in his piggish snort. You return the sentiment as you wait for him to tally up your order. "How's your daddy?" 
"Good, good," you answer as you peek towards the window. The men cross the street and disperse, some still walking in pairs. 
"He got a thirst?" he comments on the bottle. 
"Doesn't he always?" You count out the money and hand it to him. 
"Yeah but he usually takes care of that down at Hal's." 
"Lost too much on the table last time," you shake your head as he gives you back the change. 
He packs up a paper bag and you thank him, sliding it off the counter. It's heavy and makes your shoulders ache. You shouldn't have waited so long. 
You push the door open with your hip and turn, nearly colliding with another. The same man chuckles as he puts a hand on your elbow to keep you from toppling. You bite your lip and his eyes fall to his touch, dropping his arm guiltily. 
"Sorry, miss," he says as he sweeps back a curly lock that droops down his forehead, putting his cap over his hair to hold it back, "didn't mean to scare ya." 
"It's fine," you nearly whisper. 
"I wanted to say sorry again for my friends, if I can call them that. They don't see ladies often and they forget their manners." 
"Really, it's okay," you insist with a squeak. 
"Nah, it isn't," he counters, "but I told 'em to leave you alone." 
"Oh, thank you," you look past him. 
There's a pause. Awkward as he digs his heel into the ground. He chuckles and rubs his hands together. 
"That looks heavy, can I help ya with that?" he asks. 
You look at your armful. You don't know if you should. Would he be mad if you say no? He hasn't been mean. 
"Just halfway," he offers, "not tryna creep on ya or nothing, I'll just walk you to your corner." 
You press your lips together. Your daddy wouldn't see him at the corner.  
"I really feel bad about those other jerks," he continues, "so least I can do is carry your groceries." 
"Okay," you utter. 
You stand stupidly as he grins at you. You catch a glimpse of his dark eyes and crooked smile before your eyes return to the ground. He gently reaches to shift the bag out of your arms and lifts it easily. He steps back and you feel his gaze hanging over you. 
"Which way am I goin?" he asks. 
"Oh, uh," you point past him. 
He turns and waits for you to come up beside him before he starts off. He's shorter than the others but his shoulders are broad. He's still got a couple inches on you, though he's much trimmer. You catch up and focus on keeping pace with him. 
"I'm Arvin," he says. 
"Um," you breathe and muster your name in return. 
"I like that. It's pretty. Hope you're husband wouldn't mind me sayin' so." 
"Husband? I'm not–" 
You stop at the corner as you wait for several cars to pass before crossing. A brown and white cruiser rolls past and you watch the bumper disappear down the next street. You continue on as Arvin kicks a pebble unwittingly. 
"Not married?" he finishes for you. 
"I live with my pa," you answer. 
"Course. You must be young then." 
"I'm grown," you insist.  
You hate how your daddy teases you in the same vein, especially when he has friends over. It felt worse coming from someone nearly your own age, or looks to be. 
"Ah, just wonderin'," he assures. 
You're quiet as you carry on. You know you shouldn't still be at home. Lots of girls in Knockemstiff marry before they finish school. You haven't even had a date, not a kiss, or a look in your direction. 
"Just up here," you point to the next corner. 
He nods and carries on, stopping at the end of the street as he turns to you, "you sure I can't walk you all the way?" 
"My pa wouldn't like that." 
"He loves you, huh?" 
"He's my pa," you shrug and reach for the bag. He hands it over reluctantly. 
"I hope I see ya around. I work down at the mill. For Mr. Haroldson. Case you're wonderin' where to find me." 
"Thanks," you hug the groceries. 
He gives a tight-lipped smile. Disappointment twitches in his cheek. 
"See ya ‘round then." 
"Maybe," you answer as you turn away. 
You continue down your street. Halfway, you look back. Still watching you, he waves and slowly walks back the way you came. You spin back along the old country road, houses speckled over flat fields. You pass the rusty old brown truck at the edge of your pa's property, the sheriff's cruiser parked closer to the shed. 
You didn't expect company tonight. It must've been the same cruiser you saw at the corner. Your dread bubbles up but you quickly tamp it down. The sheriff always makes you nervous. He's talkative and you're... not. 
As you go inside, you hear your pa grumbling. You put down the groceries as the screen door clatters and take off your tweed jacket. You hang it as you step out of your boots. 
"You know we miss you down at the station," Bodecker's voice nears as his footsteps lurk, "there she is." 
Before you can retrieve your haul, he has it in his arms, "how ya doin', baby girl?" 
His usual pet name makes you squirm. Your pa says it's just him being nice. You never say anything against it. 
"I got it–" 
You try to take the bag but he holds it away from you. 
"Nah, what kinda man would I be, let alone a sheriff, if I didn't help a lady?" 
He winks and turns away from you, leading you past the doorway of the front room. You peer over at your father as he scowls and gulps from a can of beer. The sheriff likely brought the appeasing six pack to ease his presence. 
"What's for dinner tonight?" Bodecker asks as he puts the bag on the counter, peering inside. 
"I'm making a meat pie," you explain as you go to the fridge, "be more than enough for company, if you like?" 
"Now, how'd such a sweet thing like you come from that old coot?" He smirks over as you take out the beef wrapped in brown paper. 
You shrug and take the cutting board from against the wall. He doesn't move as you set up around him. You hate how his eyes follow you. Every time he's around. 
"You don't gotta work?" You ask as you reach for the bag. He pushes it towards you as he steps closer, looming over you. 
"I'm off duty for the night. Think I might indulge with your daddy," he reaches into the bag, his belly brushing your elbow as he lifts out the rum, "good brand." 
"Pa likes it," you step away as you search the cupboard. 
"You're old enough, you could join us after dinner–" 
"I don't like the taste and my pa don't want me drinking," you kneel to pull a pan out from the drawer. 
"Good habit not to take up," he clunks the bottle on the counter and rests his hand on the neck, "that boy you were walkin' with, he your friend?" 
"Boy? No, he was being helpful is all." 
"Was he, now?" He comes closer as you stand, "I know that boy, he ain't helpful." 
You glance at him. His blue eyes cling to you and you don't miss how they wander to the top of your blouse. You put the pan down and turn to grab your apron.  
He comes up behind you and takes the string, tying them tight as you wince in surprise. 
"Well, you're young. I'm sure you're fixing to find a husband soon. I'm just lookin' out for you." 
"I'm not looking for a husband," you draw away from him, "thank you, sheriff." 
"Well, your daddy won't live forever. Who's gonna take care of you, then?" 
You face him and frown, "I don't wanna think about that, sheriff, and I got dinner to make." 
"I'm sorry, baby girl, I worry about you. How long have I known you? I can't help it." 
"Thank you, sheriff, for worrying, but I'll be just fine." 
He tilts his head, bemusement sparkles in his vibrant irises, "I'm sure ya will be, baby girl… very fine." 
He sidles away and you return to the counter, pulling a knife from the block. The sooner dinner's on the table, the sooner you can go hide. 
You clear your plate first, dinner’s made less appetizing by the sheriff and his leer. Your father doesn't help as he drinks more than he talks and you're left to entertain Lee's comments about your cooking and the same blouse he'd seen you in a dozen times. 
As you stand, the sheriff slurps from his beer and watches you. His lips shine as he puts the can down and smirks, "baby girl, you mind gettin' me the ketchup?" 
You swallow and nod, "certainly, sheriff." 
You turn and carry your plate into the kitchen, clunking it down on the counter before pulling open the fridge. You take the glass bottle of Heinz and return to the dining room to set it down.  
"Pa, you need anything?" 
"Dammit, Marcy, leave me be. I told ya… patrol's been busy," he waves his hand at you dismissively, your mother's name giving you pause. Lee hesitates as he twists off the metal lid. 
"I… pa, I…" 
"Is this what you're gon' do? Pester me?" Your daddy slurs, "'cause what? She was only being nice, ya know? I was too, I couldn't say no–" 
"Jack," Lee reaches over and pats your father's arm with his knuckles, "ain't there a game on soon? That old radio still work?" 
Your father blinks drunkenly and scowls. He shakes his head and hiccups, swearing as he tries to drink from his empty can. He tosses it so it bounces off the edge of the table. 
"Course it does," he sneers. 
"You got twenty on the home team?" Lee goads, "I should lock ya up for gambling." 
"Ah shut up," your father glowers into a dark chuckle, "it's you that's gon pay me fifty anyhow. Can't lock a man up for winning." 
"Ah sure, Jack," Lee stands and claps your father's shoulder, "come on. We’re missing the first." 
You don’t miss how the sheriff shifts his grip and lurches your father out of his chair. He gives him a nudge toward the front room and glances back at you. You should be grateful for the redirection, yet the leer in his eyes only makes you nervous. You know he’ll be wanting thanks for that for a long time to come. 
“How about you bring some of that rum out with dessert?” Lee smirks as he follows your father towards the den. 
You don’t mention that you didn’t have anything planned for dessert. He doesn’t wait for you to say so. He chuckles and teases your dad again about the wager. 
You’ll have to come up with something. You might be able to spare enough for cream puffs. Those were always ma’s specialty. 
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hederasgarden · 4 months
Lewis Pullman Characters Masterlist
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Outer Range
My Favorite Mistake (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Explicit l 1.8K)
Half the reason you’re in the middle of nowhere Wyoming is because you’ve always been bad at choosing men. You expect Rhett Abbott will be no different.
Show Me The Ropes (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Explicit l 1K)
Rhett’s talents with roping and knot tying translate well in the bedroom.
The Trouble With Books (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Explicit l 1.2K)
You and Rhett discover a surprising new kink together.
I’ll Be Your Fantasy (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Explicit l 2.4K)
Sequel to The Trouble With Books. Rhett helps you play out a new fantasy.
Can’t Keep My Hands To Myself (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Explicit l 1.5K) Rhett’s a handsy drunk, not that you mind.
Cowboy Trouble (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader x Rip Wheeler | Explicit l 3K)
When your boyfriend loses a game of poker, Rip Wheeler claims a night with you as the reward. 
Take The Weight of Me (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Explicit l 570)
You go to Rhett when you don’t want to think anymore.
I get on my knees, but it ain’t to pray (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Explicit l 700)
In the darkness behind the bar, you find yourself on your knees, ready to take everything Rhett has to offer.
Learning to Ride (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Explicit l 300)
Rhett teaches you the proper way to ride a bull (and him).
Oasis (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Gen l 650)
When you reach your limit, Rhett’s there to help.
Need You Now (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Explicit l 650)
After the rodeo, Rhett shows you how much he wants you.
Take Me to Heaven (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader x Arvin Russell | Explicit l 700)
If heaven’s a place you’re certain it can be found between Rhett and Arvin.
Take a Breath (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Explicit l 250)
You and Rhett experiment with breathplay.
Hiraeth (Rhett Abbott x OC | Gen | 400)
A strange hole on the Abbott farm upends Mae Collin’s whole world.
Stand By Me Masterlist (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Ongoing | Explicit)
When a local ranch hand’s attention evolves into something more sinister, Rhett Abbot becomes an unlikely source of comfort and protection for you.
Small Mistakes New Beginnings Masterlist (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Ongoing | Explicit)
After you fall pregnant from a one-night stand with Rhett Abbott, both of your lives change forever.
Jealous Rhett
Rhett and Cowboy!Jake Crossover
Being Rhett’s Housewife
Teasing Rhett
Practical Magic AU
Top Gun
One Shots
All The Right Moves (Robert “Bob” Floyd x Reader x Natasha “Phoenix” Trace | Gen l 1.8K)
Your day takes a turn for the better when you meet not one but two cute Navy Pilots at the hospital. 
Follow the Leader (Robert “Bob” Floyd x Reader x Natasha “Phoenix” Trace | Explicit l 883)
You and Bob love it when Phoenix takes charge.
Eager to Please (Robert “Bob” Floyd x Reader | Explicit l 400)
You learn pretty quickly that Bob is eager to please, but he still manages to surprise you with a request. 
Catch a Fallen Star (Robert “Bob” Floyd x Reader | Mature l 350)
Mermaid!reader x Sailor!Bob. He’s the only survivor from the ship that broke apart on the rocky shores of the island last night. Well, there were others, but your sisters took care of them all too eagerly.
No Wingman Needed  (Robert “Bob” Floyd x Reader x Natasha “Phoenix” Trace | General l 700)
When Hangman realizes you like Bob and Phoenix he tries to help.
The day Bob earns his call sign
A night of absolute devotion and attention with Bob
The Astronaut's Wife AU
Bad Times at the El Royale
Little Games (Miles Miller x F!Reader l Explicit l 1.4K)
Miles knows it’s wrong to watch you but he just can’t help himself. 
Saving You (Miles Miller x F!Reader l Mature l 1K)
Miles has done a lot of bad things in his life but saving you isn’t one of them.
You Can Check Out Any Time You Like (Vampire!Miles Miller x F!Reader | Explicit | Ongoing)
Your life changes the night a mysterious stranger rescues you, but you'll soon learn that salvation comes at a deep cost.
Sleeping Beauty (Miles Miller x F!Reader l Explicit l 820)
Sometimes it’s easier for Miles when you’re quiet.
Press Play
The Small Things (Harrison Knott x Plus Size!Librarian!F!Reader | Mature | Ongoing Series)
A chance encounter on the first day of your new job leads to something wonderful and unexpected
♡Main Masterlist♡
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waitimcomingtoo · 2 years
Fire Meet Gasoline
Pairing: Arvin Russel x Reader
Synopsis: when you see your ex boyfriend in public, you ask the closet stranger to pretend to be your boyfriend
Requested by @xtom-darling-x17
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Arvin wasn’t one to offer help to people, much less a stranger, but you had caught his eye. He stood by his car after filling his tank with gas and watched you stare at the gas pumps with a puzzled look on your face. He had seen you pull into the gas station with such confidence, but that was all gone now that you had to pick the right pump to put in your car. Arvin debated driving away and letting you figure it out by yourself since after all, he didn’t even know you. But after watching you hesitantly reaching for the diesel for the third time, he decided to speak up.
“Need help miss?” He asked as he approached you. You stiffened up at the sound of his voice and took an instinctive step away from him.
“No. I’m fine, thanks.” You replied without looking at him.
“You sure about that?” Arvin asked as he watched you hesitantly pick up the diesel pump.
“Said I don’t need any help from the likes of you, all right?” You said again. “Just leave me alone and go on your way.”
“Sorry miss. Didn’t mean to trouble you. Just noticed you was putting diesel in your car, is all.” Arvin said and raised his hands in defense.
“Diesel?” You paused and looked down at the pump in your hands.
“Yeah, darling. That right there is diesel.”
“Psh. I knew that. I like diesel.” You lied and brought the pump over to your car.
“Oh, my bad. Didn’t know that. Can I ask if you also like your car blowing up?” Arvin asked sarcastically.
“Excuse me?”
“Diesel will clog your fuel system and keep the car from startin. If you push the gas pedal too much, whole car will burst in flames. Seen it happen right in front of me once. The guy barely made it out alive.”
“Oh.” You froze and looked down at the pump in your hands.
“Could help you out, if you like.” He offered again.
“No thank you. I said I was fine.” You repeated, in a kinder tone this time. Arvin nodded and took a step back as he watched you put the diesel pump back. You looked between the other two pumps for a minute before hesitantly grabbing the one in the middle.
“Um….” You hesitatingly looked to Arvin to see if you were about to make another fatal mistake. He shook his head and held up one finger to let you know you needed pump number one. You gave him a tight smile before putting back the pump in your hand and picking up the first one. You put the pump in your car and just stood there until Arvin put his hand over yours to squeeze the pump. You felt the gas flow out and looked at Arvin with an embarrassed smile.
“Thanks.” You said quietly.
“No problem, doll.” He chuckled and felt his face flush from how close you were.
“Sorry I was short with you before. I have a hard time trusting men sometimes.” You admitted without looking into his eyes.
“Yeah? Seems we have that in common.”
“I just didn’t know if you were gonna fill my car up and then try to get me to repay you or something.”
“Repay me?”
“You know. With a kiss or something.”
“Darling, I’m no gentlemen, but I’m no villain either. I’d never try and get you to do something you didn’t want to do. Just saw a pretty lady struggling and wanted to offer my help. That’s all.” Arvin assured you, and you felt yourself believing him.
“Oh. Well thats very nice of you. Sorry I was rude.”
“No need to be sorry. Got a sister back home and I hope she’s half as vigilant as you are. Can’t trust nobody in this town. Especially not the men.” Arvin said and looked around the gas station.
“Don’t I know it.” You sighed. Arvin noticed the sadness in your voice and gave you a long look. He hadn’t seen you around before, which was strange since he thought he knew everyone in town. You were awfully pretty and the fact that you were a little mean to him made him like you even more.
“My names Arvin, by the way.” He told you.
“Y/n.” You smiled warmly at him.
“Nice to meet you, Y/n.” He returned the smile.
“You too, Arvin. Thanks again for the lesson.” You replied. You finished pumping the gas in your car and watched as Arvin returned the pump so you would know what to do next time.
“I’m really smart, by the way.” You said after a beat of silence.
“Huh?” He laughed in surprise.
“I’m really smart. I’m a school teacher down by the church. I went to college too. And I was the top of my class.” You told him, adding something every time you thought of a different example of your intelligence.
“Is that so?” Arvin asked, still confused what point you were making.
“I’m just telling you this so you don’t think I’m some dumb damsel in distress. I’m usually very smart but my daddy used to fill my car for me and never taught me how. He said it wasn’t a lady’s job to do it.”
“Well where’s your daddy now? Cause somebody needs to stop you from blowing yourself up.” Arvin chuckled.
“He don’t speak to me no more.” You said quietly, making Arvin feel guilty for poking fun at you.
“Oh. Sorry to hear that.” He said sincerely.
“It’s fine. I know what to do now thanks to you.“
“It was no trouble, darling. And next time, use this pump. Stay away from the diesel.” Arvin said and tapped the correct pump.
“I will. Thank you.” You smiled at him before looking over his shoulder. Arvin watched the way your smile dropped and the color drained from your face.
“Oh shoot.” You whispered.
“What’s wrong? Look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Arvin frowned and looked over his shoulder to try to find what you were looking at.
“My ex boyfriends just pulled up.” You gulped and pointed. Arvin immediately felt curious to see what kind of guy you used to date to see if he had a chance with you. When he saw a man in a red and white pinstripe shirt and white pants coming out of a flashy car, he cracked an amused smile.
“That candy ass used to be your boyfriend?” Arvin couldn’t help but laugh.
“Hush. He’ll hear you.” You whispered desperately and tugged on Arvins shirt to get him to stand in front of you.
“How come he’s dressed like a candy cane?” Arvin genuinely asked as he used his body to block you from your ex boyfriends view.
“I mean it, Arvin. Hush up.” You whispered harshly.
“Whats got you so wound up, baby doll? Did he take the breakup hard or something?”
“Truth is, he used to beat up on me.” You admitted. “It took all the strength I had to leave him. If he sees me right now, I’m scared of what he might do to get me back.”
“He beat on you?” Arvin looked over his shoulder again and felt his hands ball into fists. He found your unwillingness to be seen funny before, but was furious now. He looked at your ex with a clenched jaw and took a protective step in front of you.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be telling all this to a stranger.” You apologized, making Arvin look at you like you were crazy. He put his hands on your shoulders and rubbed up and down to try and calm you down.
“No, no it’s okay, darling. I don’t mind the story. Just mind the characters.” Arvin assured you before giving your ex another angry look. He didn’t want to lose his temper in front of you, but the thought of this pretentious guy beating up a school teacher was making his blood boil. He could feel his face getting hotter the longer he looked at your ex and the urge to beat him up got stronger.
“I know this is a little crazy to ask, but would you mind…” You started to ask but trailed off.
“Mind what?”
“Nothing. Forget it. Never mind.” You shook your head.
“Just ask me, darling. Worst I’ll say is no.”
“Would you mind doing something to make him think we’re together? Like kissing me or something?” You whispered through an embarrassed smile.
“Oh, so now you do want me to kiss you? I thought you were mean to me because you didn’t want me to try and kiss you.” Arvin smiled teasingly. He knew the gravity of the situation and was trying to calm you down a little so you wouldn’t be freaked out.
“I know what I said before.” You rolled your eyes. “But this is important. If he thinks I got a boyfriend, he’ll leave me alone.”
“I see. And you want me to pretend to be your boyfriend?”
“Just until he’s gone.”
“I think I can manage that.” Arvin shrugged before pulling you into a kiss. He slipped and arm around your waist and pressed you against your car to kiss you, taking your breath away in the process. You didn’t feel time moving as you kissed him but did feel the fear leaving your body. After spending the last eight months thinking all love ever did was break and burn and end, you felt it begin again. When you pulled away, you looked into Arvins eyes, no longer feeling like he was a stranger.
“Well I’ll be. Didn’t think I’d be seeing you ever again, toots. What are you doing here?” Your ex asked, making you and Arvin jump in surprise. You’d been so engrossed in each other that you hadn’t heard him walk up. Arvin could feel you shaking so he tightened his grip on your waist and shifted his body weight forward in a threatening way.
“What are we doing here? At the gas station? Take a fat fucking guess, dip shit. We’re putting gas in her car.” Arvin scoffed and looked at your ex like it was ridiculous to ask. You let out a shocked laugh and turned your face to the side to try and hide it. Your ex noticed the way Arvins arm was around you and his eyes darkened.
“I’m sorry, who the hell is this?” He asked you, the anger in his voice giving you flashbacks to worse times.
“Arvin Russel. Y/n’s boyfriend. And you are?” Arvin asked and held out a hand. You could tell this bothered your ex to hear you had a new boyfriend and felt your power come back to you. His face turned white as he looked at Arvin in shock. You tightened your grip on Arvin and looked up at him with a loving smile to really sell your story.
“Chuck Greenwood.” Chuck said and hesitantly shook Arvins hand. Arvin made sure to squeeze Chucks hand hard enough to make it hurt as he shook it.
“I didn’t realize you had a boyfriend.” Chuck said to you as he pulled his hand away from Arvin.
“Well I do.” You shrugged and leaned in Arvin. Chucks eyes brewed with jealousy as he watched the two of you.
“I guess I would’ve known that if you ever answered my calls. Must be too busy moving on. Which you did pretty fast, one might say. Didn’t realize you were such a quick girl.” Chuck said in a condescending tone.
“Fuck you, Chuck.” You scoffed, taking everyone by surprise.
“What did you just say to me?” Chuck raised his voice.
“Believe she said fuck you, Chuck.” Arvin repeated with a shrug.
“Yeah. I did. I don’t answer your calls cause I don’t want to hear your nasty, agitating voice no more. And I moved on fast because I knew the entire time that I was with you that I wanted something better for myself. So as soon as I got away from you, I went and found better. And you don’t get to be mad about that.” You stated. You weren’t shaking anymore but Arvin still kept his arm securely around your waist.
“Who do you think you’re talking to?” Chuck growled and stepped up to you.
“You.” You said and shoved him back. Chuck stumbled back in surprise before clenching his fist. Arvin got ready to fight, but you were one step ahead of him. You grabbed the diesel pump and aimed it at Chuck like it was a gun. Chuck was immediately disarmed and held up his hands.
“You don’t scare me no more. Especially not when you’re dressed like a candy cane.” You said in a low voice. Arvin smiled proudly that you used his insult and leaned against your car to watch you.
“Now get lost before I spray you.” You added and held the pump up higher. Chuck ran away from you, tripping over his own feet before getting into his car to drive away.
“Where did that come from?” Arvin laughed in surprise once you were alone again.
“I have no idea. But it felt really good.” You smiled in excitement as you put the pump back.
“I bet it did. I’m proud of you, darlin. I hope you’re proud of yourself too.” Arvin smiled fondly at you.
“You know, I am. Thanks for your help, Arvin. I couldn’t have done that without you.”
“You’re very welcome, miss. But I think you could’ve gotten along without me just fine. What’s the story with him anyway?”
“He works at the mechanic shop my daddy owns. I don’t have any brothers so Chuck was like a son to him. Was even gonna pass down the family business to him. When I finally told my parents how he’d been treating me…”
“They took his side?” Arvin asked, hoping the answer was no. Instead, you gave him a sad smile and nodded your head.
“My parents said all men were like that. Told me to suck it up and marry him anyway so that we’d have someone to give the family business to once my daddy was gone.”
“I’m sorry, darling. That’s no fair. No fair at all.”
“I know. And that wasn’t even the end of it. When I told my daddy I broke up with Chuck, he told me he never wanted to see me again. Haven’t spoken to him since.” You said with a sad shrug. Arvin frowned and felt the urge to pull you into a hug and tell you everything would be okay. Since you were still pretty much strangers, he just put a hand on your shoulder and gave it a squeeze.
“My daddy wasn’t a good man either. I know it hurts.” He said in a soft tone. You looked into Arvins eyes and could tell this was not an emotion he was used to exhibiting. You gave him an appreciative smile and put your hand over his.
“Something else we have in common then.” You smiled coyly.
“Maybe we should go out sometime. You know, see what else we have in common.” Arvin suggested as a blush painted his cheeks. You noticed this and felt your heart flutter in your chest. For the first time in a long time, you trusted someone new. You took a pen out of your pocketbook before taking Arvins hand and writing your number on his wrist.
“This is my number. I promise I’ll pick up.”
“I promise I’ll call.” He grinned as he read over the number.
“I should really get going. But it was very nice to meet you, Arvin.” You smiled warmly at him and unlocked your car. Arvin opened the door for you so that you could get in, convincing you further that giving him a chance was the right thing to do.
“Was nice to meet you too, doll.” Arvin smirked as he shut your car door for you. You gave him a wave and started your car before pulling away.
“Wait a minute.” Arvin called out and jogged after your car. You stopped the car and rolled down your window to look at him.
“Aren’t you gonna kiss your boyfriend goodbye?” He smiled coyly as he leaned down to your window. You playfully rolled your eyes at him before leaning out the window to kiss him. You knew it was crazy to be kissing a man you just met, even for the second time, but it felt right.
“Goodbye. I mean it this time.” You laughed and pulled away.
When you got home that night, your phone rang before you even had a chance to set your bag down. Your heart skipped a beat as you went over to answer it.
“Hello?” You said into the phone, hoping to hear Arvins voice again.
“Hey.” Arvin replied. “So am I gonna have to wait until the next time you need gas to see you or are you free tomorrow night?”
Tag List 🏷️
@awesomebooklover17 @thebookwormlife @imanativeofswlondondahling @serendipitous-amor @tom-hollands-wifey @20fandomfangirl
@lavender-writer @whatareyouhidingpeter @takenbyheartstrings @ultrunning @imyourliquor-youremypoison @andreasworlsboring101
@letsloveimagines @peterparkoure @a-villain-vying-for-attention @justcallmehitgirl
@jackiehollanderr @maryjanee23 @geeksareunique @emmamarshmellow @unbelievableholland
@flixndchill @sovereignparker @every-marveler-ever @undiadeestos @caelestii-e @eridanuswave​ ​ @fiantomartell @solarxmoonchild
@canyouevencauseicant @illwritetomorrow @thehappygrungelife @saysomethingspiderman @smilexcaptainx @quaksonhehe @kelieah
@seasidecrowbar @lovelessdagger @electraheart-3174 @unbelievableholland @yourtypicalhotmess @horanxholland
@thesuitelifeofafangirl @marshxx @heyheycharlatte @nooneinvitedfascistbarbie @tomshufflepuff
@maybemona @alexxcorona113
1K notes · View notes
websterss · 3 months
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ONESHOTS: ‣ Fooled. ✻ ‣ If Only. ✻ ‣ Quirks, Smirks, and Bad Words. ‣ The Last Dance. ✻ ‣ The Swear Jar.
REQUESTS: ‣ A Little Bit More. ‣ How To Break A Girl's Heart ✻ ‣ Te Amo. ‣ The British Ranch Hand. ‣ There’s No Crying in the Club. ✻
IMAGINE: ‣ The cast teases you and Tom.
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IMAGINE: ‣ Trying to help Todd control his noise. ✻
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REQUEST: ‣ Venus and Mars. ✻
IMAGINE: ‣ Finding Arvin getting beat up behind the school buses.
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miela · 1 year
Tom Holland Masterlist
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All my writings for this lovely lad
♥ {smut} | ☁︎ {fluff} | ➻ {angst} | ☾ {dark} | ✿ {platonic}
if one-shots, drabbles, or headcannons are part of a series they will be in the series masterlist.
↪ dividers by firefly-graphics & cafekitsune
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Beautiful Stranger | { x Stunt Double! Reader} ☁︎
❥ When you're invited to your best friend's wedding, you keep running into someone who saves you from your loneliness...and clumsiness.
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Shattered Memories | { x Stark Daughter! Reader} | ☁︎ ♥ ➻
❥ After Peter sacrificed his identity for the sake of the world, five years go by before he finds you back in his life again.
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115 notes · View notes
hollandsfavbabe · 18 days
Tom Holland Masterlist
includes peter parker and other characters
*= smut
❀= favorite
Tom Holland
-By Your Side 
in which y/n tries to help tom improve at roller skating as several obstacles get in their way of having a good time
-It’s All For You
in which y/n is up for an oscar and is supported in every way by her boyfriend tom
-Spider Terror 
in which y/n and tom face one of his biggest foes: a fellow spider
-Movie Night*
in which you and tom decide to take advantage of your very first movie night all alone
-That’s The Tea
in which tom finds out his girlfriend has no idea how to make tea
in which y/n helps to break tom’s fear of vulnerability by comforting him after a bad day
-Popsicle Pairs
in which you and tom decide to enjoy more than just popsicles until your son intrudes
Peter Parker
-Where Do We Go Now ❀
in which the death of y/n's father leaves her determined to bring him back and her boyfriend peter determined to save her
-Peter’s Precarious Polyjuice Potion / Part 2
in which you and peter are forced to take extreme lengths to protect your secret relationship with the help of your shape shifting powers
Arvin Russel
-Family Line
in which y/n teagardin is forced move to West Virginia with her brother and in the process, finds a boy who might just make everything alright
-Gold Rush 
in which you and arvin’s secret relationship is discovered after a steamy movie night
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parkerpeter24 · 2 years
hello angel, what do you think of numbers 16 and 18 from prompt list 3 for our boy arvin russel? please and happy new year!
angel 🥺
pairing: arvin russell x reader
winter blurbs 2.0 ❄️ | 2.0 masterlist ❄️
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it had been a week of you living at the russell house after your parents decided to split up. lenora, your best friend had been kind enough to provide you with a roof over your head. emma was a very supportive lady and you needed that sort of environment to overcome the fact that your parents were going to legally part ways. sometimes she would hold you when you cried because the pain of seperation was nothing new to her. it reminded the old lady of the time her son went to war and she longed for any information of his whereabouts.
sometimes you cried at nights alone in bed while everyone was asleep. you stayed in under your blankets and pressed a hand over your mouth to muffle your own sobs.
on monday you finally went to school with lenora. after a whole week of missing school, your friends were happy to see you but gene dinwoodie and his gang were constantly teasing you about your parents’ situation.
you couldn’t face the humiliation as you rushed out of the school halfway. you walked the whole way back, sobbing and wiping the trail of tears that covered your face every once in a while.
you assumed no one would be home because emma mentioned that earskell would be driving her to the grocery store across town to get some stuff for her special meal on lenora’s upcoming birthday.
but you were proven wrong when you saw arvin standing on the porch next to his uncle’s rocking chair, smoking a cigarette.
he stood up straighter, putting out his cigarette as soon as he saw you.
you never really saw arvin around the house, just carrying groceries for emma and helping repair something around the house but you were almost sure you had spent more time in the house in a week that you stayed there than he did in eight years.
“what’s wrong?” he pointed to your tear stained cheeks and red eyes.
“nothing.” you replied, walking inside the house to avoid a conversation.
you thought he wouldn’t care any further but he followed you inside, “kids at school bothering you?”
“it doesn’t matter really.” you said, placing the books you were carrying on the dining table. you saw arvin disappear into the kitchen and felt bad about talking to him rudely. he was just being nice.
you were about to follow him into the kitchen but he came back with a glass of water. you took it from his hands, flashing him a little smile, and took a sip of water.
“if you want i can beat ‘em up for you.” he shrugged so casually it made you laugh.
after that day arvin and you became friends too and you noticed a lot more of him in the house. you noticed him helping lenora and you with homework, being in kitchen– even if he didn’t work much– with the three of you, eating at the table with everyone. you also noticed his room was right next to the one you were staying in.
after almost three weeks of living with the russell’s, you found a letter in the mailbox addressed to you. it was your mom’s. it was quite early in the morning, you hadn’t gone to school with lenora and you were sure no one was home so you carried the letter to your room, got under your covers and tore it open, reading it.
she had apologised for their constant bickering in that letter and asked you to stay with her once the divorce was settled. you sniffled, placing the letter at your bedside table.
the sudden knock at your door caught you off guard. arvin’s cap was the first thing you noticed as he entered the room partially, “everything okay?” he asked, voice deeper than his usual pitch. you probably woke him up.
“y-yeah, everything is fine.” you wiped your face with your sleeves.
“we got thin walls.” he said, entering the room fully now, “is everything okay?”
you nod your head, “mama sent me a letter, calling me back.”
“you don’t want that?” he rubbed his eyes, walking closer and sitting at the edge of your bed, close to your feet.
“to leave here?”
you weren’t sure how to answer that. you wanted to go stay with your mother but something was holding you back too. you wondered if it was emma’s sweet nature, or getting to stay with lenora, or if it was arvin. the possibility made your heard flutter.
instead of saying any of that, you just chose to go with, “it won’t be the same without him there. my daddy.”
arvin placed a hand over yours, which was nervously fidgeting in your lap. he held it and looked into your eyes, “it’s gonna be alright.”
those words felt like everything you needed to hear. you nodded, giving him a smile. the two of you sat there in solitude until arvin’s words cut through the silence, “can i sleep with you?”
you could feel the drowsiness in his voice. instead of wording an answer, you simply lifted your blanket, inviting him to lay with you.
you two laid down, arvin hesitantly placing an arm around your waist. you shuffled closer to him, wrapping your arm around his shoulder until his head chin was resting over your head and your face was nestled into his chest.
you were enveloped in arvin, “oh, you’re so warm, don’t even let go of me.” the brunette mumbled, reading your thoughts. his eyes were closed and expressions the definition of calm when you looked up to read his face.
maybe arvin russell was the only reason you wanted to stay.
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taglist | masterlist ✨
taglist: @httphollands @the-girl-in-the-chair @annathesillyfriend @spideyspeaches @prancerrparkerr @usergarfields @theglitterymess @quaksonhehe @lowkey-holland @starlight-starks @piscesparker @incorrectsourwolf @wildxwidow @blankspaceblankday @kelieah @arvinsvintage @parkersdahlia @raajali3 @tommyfroggie @ellabellabus07 @hollandstyles
214 notes · View notes
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Hello again!! Just thought I'd update the characters that I write for! Here is my main masterlist! If you don't see someone listed you want to request a fic for, just send me an ask and I'll let you know if I write for them! copy and pasted from my 'recording live' main post, soon to be up!
my favorite characters to write for are marked with ***
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Bang Chan***
Lee Know
For the K-POP groups, I'm not like deep in the fandoms - I listen and love their music, but I'm not deep in it (a little deep in the Fandom of Stray Kids, but y'know). I didn't list BTS because I don't really listen to much of them.
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Peter Parker***
Bucky Barnes***
TASM! Peter Parker***
Pietro Maximoff***
Kraven the Hunter*** (this man is so fine, bad boys need love and shit just fuck me-)
Dave Lizewski*** (Kick-Ass is owned by Marvel)
Natasha Romanoff
Wanda Maximoff
Miguel O'Hara
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Jason Todd*** (Titans)
Dick Grayson*** (Titans)
Gar Logan*** (Titans)
Conner Kent (Titans)
Damian Wayne
Barry Allen (The Flash series)
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THE HUNGER GAMES (2012-2015)
Finnick Odair***
Peeta Mellark
Cato Hadley
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please request for Bradley Bradshaw, I fucking love that man-
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw***
Jake "Hangman" Seresin
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SCREAM VI (2023)
Ethan Landry
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Stiles Stilinski*** (Teen Wolf 2011-2017)
Void! Stiles*** (Teen Wolf 2011-2017)
Richie Boyle (The Outfit 2022)
Mitch Rapp (American Assassin 2017)
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Spencer Reid***
Luke Alvez
Matt Simmons
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Wednesday Addams (No smut!)
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Eggsy Unwin (The Kingsman Series 2015-)
Robin Hood (Robin Hood 2018)
Jimmy Keene (Blackbird Series 2022)
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Five Hargreeves***
Ben Hargreeves
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Tobias (Four) Eaton
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Theodore Knott***
Mattheo Riddle***
Remus Lupin
Regulus Black***
Lorenzo Birkshire***
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COD (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare)
Simon “Ghost” Riley
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THE LAST OF US (2022-)
Joel Miller
Tommy Miller
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Dorn*** (Bad Boys for Life 2020)
Owen Hendricks (The Recruit 2022)
Derek Hale (Teen Wolf 2011-2017)
Seth Clearwater*** (Twilight 2008-2012)
Benjamin (Twilight 2008-2012)
Seth (Day Shift 2022)
Tyler Rake*** (Extraction & Extraction 2 - 2020 & 2023)
Arvin Russell*** (The Devil All the Time 2020)
Luke Marrow (Purple Hearts 2022)
Tangerine*** (Bullet Train 2022)
Ken Sato*** (Ultraman: Rising 2024)
Luke Castellan*** (Percy Jackson and the Olympians 2023)
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© asterias-record-shop
88 notes · View notes
may i pls request an arvin fic with prompts 38 & 42😭🥹🤍
Hey love I hope you like it! I'm sorry it took a little while but I absolutely loved this I thought it was so so cute. Anyways I wanted to say thank you for supporting me for so long, you were one of my earliest followers and it means a lot ❤️ Also as an aside, there are 4 more summer of love prompts left in my inbox, those will be out shortly too. Let me know what you think, love u xx
The Hookman
38 - Making s'mores
42 - Getting scared while camping
Pairing: Arvin Russell x Reader
Warnings: None
Summary: You take Arvin camping for his birthday
Regular Masterlist
Summer of Love Prompts
Summer of Love Masterlist
Arvin didn’t care much about his birthday, he never bothered planning any sort of celebration or party, he found it all unnecessary. He loved to celebrate your birthday though, and your anniversary, and Christmas, any opportunity to spoil you really. You liked spoiling him too, but he always appreciated the gesture much more than he cared about any of the actual gifts. He just wasn’t a very materialistic person, which is why this year you’d decided to give him an experience for this birthday instead of any physical object.
You would have loved to fly him to some exotic location and have some big romantic weekend, but you couldn’t afford anything like that. So you went with something much simpler, camping. One of your friends offered the perfect spot for a romantic getaway, it was secluded in the woods, perked on top of a large hill with a great view, and less than a mile from a massive lake. You were overjoyed with the find, and the same friend helped you make a list of everything you would need. You proposed the idea to Arvin and he was excited, spending the weekend alone with you was his ideal birthday really.
Although he was a little reluctant to let you plan the trip and pay for it, you wouldn’t budge on the matter, and he was forced to concede eventually. He did double check your packing list though, just to make sure you hadn’t missed anything essential. Once you were both sure you had everything you’d need you loaded it all into his car and headed out. It was about an hour drive, and it was a bit difficult to navigate the truck to the campsite, but the view was worth the effort. You were surrounded by a circle of trees, the forest was buzzing and everything smelled fresh. Below your campsite you could see the corner of the lake, and in the middle of the campsite there was a makeshift fire pit born from the hundreds of campers who had been there before you.
You attempted at first to unload the car and set up the tent yourself, insisting Arvin relax, but there was no way he’d let you do it all yourself. So you two put up your tent and piled your things inside. By the time you had your campsite all set up the sun was starting to set, and both of you were getting hungry. For your first night you’d decided to pre pack some sandwiches for dinner, so all you had to do was gather a bit of wood and start a fire. You two snuggled up next to each other in some folding lawn chairs while you ate and watched the sun go down.
“This is incredible,” Arvin hummed contently before he looked over at you, “You know I think this is already my best birthday ever.”
You flushed, “Well it’s not actually your birthday until tomorrow, but thank you. It’s really nice out here.”
“Yeah it is,” he agreed, tracing his hand over one of yours, “We should get out the s’mores before it gets too dark.”
“Don’t you wanna save those for tomorrow?” you frowned, “I mean I didn’t bring a cake or anything so that’s kind of our only dessert.”
“I’m sure we’ll have enough for tonight and tomorrow,” he hummed, “Plus it’s my birthday trip, I think I’m entitled to some s’mores if I want them.”
You rolled your eyes and pushed yourself out of your chair, “I’ll be right back.”
You returned with graham crackers, a bag of marshmallows, several Hershey’s bars, and some metal skewers you thought would be perfect to roast the marshmallows on.
“Yummy,” Arvin hummed, ripping into the marshmallows and throwing one into his mouth.
You carefully placed one of them on your skewer and dipped it into the fire, “They’re so much better roasted.”
“They’re delicious either way,” he said with a mouthful of marshmallow, making you crinkle your nose.
“It’s rude to speak with your mouth full Arvin,” you scolded playfully.
He laughed, “Oh I forgot, you fell in love with me for my good manners,” he placed another marshmallow onto his skewer and shoved it into the fire, “Did you ever tell ghost stories when you were little?”
You knit your brows as you tried to remember, “No, I don’t think so. There was rumor that one of the houses in town was haunted, but that’s the closest I can remember.”
He nodded, “Lenora and I used to tell them to each other,” his hand slipped over your leg, squeezing your thigh before he continued, “Not just when we were camping, but that always made them scarier. They’re so cheesy, I can’t believe I used to be scared of that shit…”
“That’s cute Arvin,” you laughed, “Do you remember any of them?”
He rubbed the back of his neck, “Uh, I don’t know, I haven’t thought about them in a long time.”
You pulled your marshmallow from the fire and began assembling your s’more, “Could you try and tell me one?”
“You wanna hear a cheesy ghost story?” he chuckled.
You nodded, “Of course, I like it well you tell stories, your voice is nice.”
He blushed and bit his cheek, “I suppose I probably remember enough…”
“Yay!” you cheered and leaned back in your chair, “Well get on with it.”
He let out a low hum as he pulled his burning marshmallow away from the fire. He blew it out, the marshmallow was nearly black, “It starts with this criminal, a murderer I think. I don’t remember exactly what happened to him but basically he loses his hand and it gets replaced with a hook. So he’s this hook handed killer, and he was always going after pretty young girls,” he glanced over at you, “It took years to catch him, and when they finally did they hung him. So he dies, but since his soul was so twisted it couldn’t rest properly, and he came back as a ghost. Now he wanders all over the country looking for more pretty young girls to kill. Oh!” he cracked a big smile, “And he especially likes girls with (y/h/c).”
You rolled your eyes, “I can’t believe that used to scare you.”
“That one didn’t scare me, it scared Lenora,” he defended, “I used to tell it better.”
Arvin kept trying to recall more and more details about the story while you finished your s’mores. You were almost certain that he was making it up just to try and scare you. You humored him, nodding along with whatever new details he added, laying your head on his shoulder while he talked. You two continued like that until the fire started to sizzle out. Arvin volunteered to fully extinguish it so you could get comfy in your makeshift bed.. Inside the tent you’d laid your sleeping bags on top of each other to provide a bit of padding and brought a pile of blankets to keep yourselves warm. You wanted the tent to be as comfortable as possible so you’d brought more than a fair share of blankets and pillows.
“Fires good,” Arvin promised as he crawled into the tent, zipping it closed behind him, “You look comfy.”
You smiled, “I’ll be comfier once you’re in here with me.”
“I’m coming,” he promised as he began stripping his clothes.
He got down to his boxers and crawled under the blankets beside you, “Ready for bed kitten?”
“I’m pretty tired,” you snuggled up to his chest.
“Me too,” he wrapped his arms around you and pressed his lips to the top of your head, “Thank you for planning this, I love you.”
“I love you too,” you cooed back.
He held you close to him until you fell asleep. Admittedly it was more difficult than normal, it was harder to drift off without your comfy mattress under you. Snuggling up to Arvin helped, but you already knew you wouldn’t be sleeping as deep as you normally would. Sure enough you found yourself waking up shortly after you drifted off, Arvin was already deep asleep, but you were suddenly uncomfortable. You rolled over so your back was against Arvin’s chest. He scooted closer to you and you closed your eyes in hopes of drifting off again.
When you fell asleep the second time you were able to fall deep enough into sleep that you started to dream. You would have hoped to have some sort of sweet dream about you and Arvin, instead you were struck with the hook man. In your dream he came stalking up to your tent, ripping it open and yanking you from the inside. Luckily you were woken up before anything too gruesome could happen, the sounds of the wind grazing your tent had drawn you back to reality. Arvin was still sleeping soundly, his face buried in your neck, his lips placed against your bare skin. His tight grip helped to relax you after the bad dream. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes, sinking back into him with a smile. The adrenaline started to die down and your pounding heart relaxed.
Until the wind picked up again. This time it was more than just the wind, you heard some sort of awful, high pitched screeching that made your skin crawl. Arvin stirred but didn’t wake up. You sank under the blankets, pulling them up to your eyes, which were darting rapidly around the tent. The screeching sounded again, you tried to calm yourself but your mind was already getting irrational. Really you knew it was just a stray branch or the car, but you couldn’t help picturing the hook man from your dreams. Stalking you outside the tent, running his hook over the car, getting ready to tear you away from Arvin and murder you.
With a small squeal you flipped to face Arvin again, “Arvin,” at first your voice was quiet, still unsure if you wanted to wake him, “Arvin,” this time you were a little louder, pushing against his chest, “Arvin!” you snapped suddenly, just in time for the wind to pick up once more.
He groaned, reaching up to rub one of his eyes before he opened it, “Something wrong baby?”
Your cheeks flushed, suddenly feeling embarrassed that you’d woken him up, “I, uh, I had this kind of weird dream.”
His lips tugged to a frown, “What about?”
“The hookman…” you uttered shamefully.
He smiled and started to chuckle, “Really?”
“Yes!” you fell onto your back dramatically, “Then I woke up and I started hearing this screechy sound, it's freaking me out.”
“I’m sorry baby, I’m sure it was just a tree or something though,” he wrapped his arm around your middle and pressed his lips to your ear, “Or an owl, or anything. We’re in the woods, there are weird noises sometimes.”
“I know,” you groaned, “It’s just nerves.”
He nodded and moved right up next to you, “Well just come here. I promise it was normal forest noises, but if it was a hookman, I would protect you. You’ve got nothing to worry about, you’re always safe with me.”
You snuggled back to his chest, wanting to feel him close again, “Promise?”
“Course, I don’t care if it’s the hookman or the devil himself,” he mumbled against your forehead, “I wouldn’t let anyone hurt you, I love you too much for that.”
“I love you too Arvin,” your cheeks flushed and you smiled, “It’s probably after midnight now.”
“You think so?”
You nodded, “Yeah, so happy birthday.”
“Mmm, thank you baby,” he yawned and leaned in for a quick kiss, “I’m about to pass out again, but you can wake me up if you need me.”
“Of course, thank you hunny,” you cooed sweetly, “You always know just what to say.”
He said nothing, simply pressing his lips to your head again before sleep overtook him.
@niallsvirgosun @roseke​ @namoreno​ @zspideyy​ @emistrash​ @andreagf956​ @tomsirishgirlx​ @peachyafshawn​ @agbspidey​ @nj01​ @sleepybesson​ @misshale21​ @prancerrparkerr​ @raajali3​ @ellabellabus07 @minjix @inthegetawaycarwithtaylah @graciexmarvel @lnmp89 @mcushvft @s-we-e-t-t-ea @liltimmyst @gloomynigvts @cest-la-vieve @afro-hispwriter
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galatially · 2 years
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3 notes · View notes
multifariousqueer · 2 years
Multifariousqueer’s ✨masterlist✨
Omg y’all I can’t believe it’s finally here!!! It’s not finished bc I’m thinking abt writing for Lo’ak from Avatar but still!
fluff= ☁️
angst= 💙
Nathan Drake
YandereNathanDrakexfem!reader 💙
Summary: Yandere Nathan Drake headcannons
Sober!CherryxReader: Nightmares ☁️
Summary: the reader comforts Cherry after a nightmare.
Arvin Russell
Arvin Russell x Small!reader ☁️💙
Summary: The reader is small and they want to have a business but they need help from a certain guy. READER IS BLACKCODED!!!!
feels so good(Shurix Black!fem!reader) 🦋
Summary: Shuri and the reader have some fun ;)
Passings and Precautions(ShurixBlack!fem!reader) 💙
Summary: Grief takes a toll on all of us. Even the reader.
All that remains(ShurixBlack!fem!reader) 🦋
Summary: You feel ignored by Shuri so you decide to get some revenge.
Request: Jealous!ShurixBlack!Fem!reader 🦋
Summary: Shuri being jealous over a problem SHE created.
Shuri headcannons(Black!fem!reader) ☁️
Summary: Headcannons abt our fav 🤭
Peter Parker
I’ll do anything Professor(Professor!Peter Parker xcollege student!reader) 🦋
Summary: you need to get your grade up and there’s only one way how ;)
Yandere Peter Parkerxreader 💙
Summary: Peter doesn’t wanna share you with… other Peters?
Romeo and Juliet(Peter Parkerxfem!reader) Unfinished 💙
Summary: Inspired by the classic tale, this puts you and Peter at a crossroad.
Peter Parker x Pilot!reader 💙
Summary: The readers a pilot and Peter is scared shitless
Breaking up with Yandere!Peter Parker 💙
Summary: you’re breaking up with Peter but he isn’t having it
Finding Peter’s abs 🦋
Summary: You discover Peter has something up his sleeve(or should I say...shirt)
Thigh r!ding with Peter 🦋
Summary: You and Peter go for a ride
Pheromones: Peter Parker x Reader 🦋
Summary: Peter can’t get enough of your scent mixed with his.
Peter Parker Date night Alphabet☁️
Summary: Basically head cannons about your dates but in ✨alphabetical order✨
Coming soon!
Miles morales smuts and imagines
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waitimcomingtoo · 2 years
Just Like The Ones I Used To Know
Pairing: Arvin Russel x Reader
Synopsis: you and Arvin celebrate your first Christmas together despite Arvins reluctance
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“You’re home!” You cheered as Arvin trudged through the snow covering your driveway.
“I am home.” Arvin chuckled in confusion. “What are you doing out here, doll? It’s freezing.”
“I’m building a snowman.” You said as you stepped to the side to proudly present the snowman you’d been building.
“A snow what?”
“A snow man. Haven’t you seen one?”
“You mean that creepy little lumpy thing the Wickerson boys built on their lawn?” Arvin asked as he rubbed his hands together to warm them.
“It’s not creepy. It’s a holiday tradition for when it snows.” You laughed and packed some more snow onto your snowman.
“How do make it look like that?” Arvin wondered as you rounded off the sides of the body.
“Go put on a better jacket and I’ll show you.” You winked at him, sending a flush through Arvins face. He leaned in to kiss you hello before going inside to get his thickest jacket. When he came back out to the lawn, you threw a snowball that hit him in the chest.
“What was that?” Arvin looked down at his jacket in confusion.
“Um…a snowball?” You laughed at his confusion.
“Oh. How do you do it?” Arvin wondered.
“Just grab some snow and mash it together until it’s a ball.” You explained as you formed another snowball. Arvin watched carefully and copied your movement before holding up a snowball of his own.
“Like this?”
“That’s perfect. Then you can throw it-“
You were cut off by Arvin decking you in the face with his snowball. You fell backwards and fell into the snow as your legs flew up in the air.
“Oh my God! Baby! I’m so sorry.” Arvin gasped and ran to help you up. You laughed as he pulled you out of the snow and brushed the snow off of your face.
“I’m okay. I’m great, actually. Because you just had your first snowball fight.”
“It was fun.” Arvin smiled now that he knew you were okay.
“I’m glad you liked it. Now come on. Help me with the snowman.” You tugged on his sleeve and pulled him over to your snow man. Together, you added the middle and head to your snowman so that it was nice and tall. You watched Arvins face light up with joy as he built the snowman and as happy as it made you to see him smiling, it also made you sad. You knew this was probably the first time he’d ever built a snowman and wondered how many other happy Christmas memories he had missed out on. You made sure to let him do the most of the building of the snowman so that he could get the full experience.
“I think he looks pretty good.” You said as you picked up a small wooden box from the ground. The words “snowman kit” were painted on the box in your handwriting.
“Why do you have coal?” Arvin wondered.
“For the snowman. He needs his eyes, smile, hat, and nose.” You explained as you placed the eyes and mouth on the snowman’s head. You handed the top hat from the to Arvin so that he could add it on top.
“Wait, wheres the nose?” Arvin asked and looked in the snowman kit box.
“This is the nose.” You smiled in excitement and pulled a carrot out of your pocket.
“This is a carrot.” Arvin deadpanned.
“Yes. But it’s also a nose.” You booped Arvins nose with the carrot before putting it in the center of the snowman’s face. You then took your scarf from around your neck and wrapped it around the snowman’s head.
“There. He’s perfect.” You said and stepped back to look at the snowman. Arvin stepped back as well and wrapped an arm around you to admire your work together.
“He’s a little funny looking.” Arvin chuckled, making you laugh as well.
“I know. That’s why he’s perfect.” You smiled and wrapped your arms around Arvins torso. He hugged you tightly as snow began to fall down and stick to your nose and eyelashes. He didn’t know why, but he felt oddly emotional as he stared at the snowman. He’d always wanted to build one as a kid but his parents were never well or willing enough to do it will him. Now that he had finally done it, he felt his inner child gleaming with pride.
“So what do we do now?” Arvin smiled and looked down at you.
“Now we drink hot chocolate and eat the cookies.”
“What cookies?”
“The ones I put on the oven before you got home. Come on. They’re probably ready by now.” You grabbed his hand and pulled Arvin inside. You shed your coats and gloves before going into the kitchen to check on the cookies.
“Oh no. They’re ugly.” You frowned when you pulled your cookies out of the oven.
“They’re not ugly, darling. They’re just a little misshapen.” Arvin quickly assured you when he noticed that you were genuinely upset.
“This one looks like a turd.” You said quietly and pointed to a cookie.
“Yes, it does. But I bet it tastes delicious.” Arvin said and took the cookie off the tray. He blew on it before taking a bite. You watched Arvins face lose all its color once he tasted the cookie and he looked at it in disbelief.
“What? Is it bad?” You worried.
“Is this snickerdoodle?” He asked with a mouth full of cookies.
“Yeah. I found a recipe in one of the old cook books.”
“The recipe on the purple index card?”
“Yeah. How’d you know?”
“That was my mommas recipe. She used to make these when I was little. Made em every Christmas.” Arvin smiled a little as he looked down at the cookie. He took another bite and could practically hear his mom humming while she baked cookies.
“Does it taste the same?” You asked hopefully.
“It does. Wow, darling, biting into that made me feel like a little boy again.” Arvin said before finishing his cookie. He kissed the side of you head before taking another one.
“Aw. Arvy warvy.” You gushed and wrapped your arms around him.
“Told you not to call me that.” He chuckled and swayed with you in his arms.
“Then what am I supposed to call you?”
“My name, maybe.” He teased.
“Where’s the fun in that?” You teased back and took a cookie for yourself.
“Thanks for making cookies, darling. And for letting me help with the snowman. I had a lot of fun.” Arvin said in a soft voice as he looked down at you.
“Of course, Arvie. I’m glad you helped me. I like doing Christmassy things with you.”
“I know I haven’t been very festive this Christmas, doll. And I’m sorry about that. This time of year just makes me a little sad.” Arvin admitted as he cupped your face in his rough hands.
“You don’t have to apologize, honey. I know Christmas makes you miss your momma. It makes me miss my folks too. But Christmas is a time to remember happier times. And if you’re up for it, I made of list of things we could do to remind us of the reason for the season. After all, it’s our first Christmas together so I want it to be special.“ You said as you took a folded up piece of paper out of your pocket. You handed it to Arvin and held your breath as he read over it.
“Hang our stockings by the chimney with care? The hell does that mean?” He chuckled. You let out an excited squeal before running into the living room. When you came back, you had a stocking that you had knitted for Arvin as an early Christmas gift.
“Look! I made you one. It has an A on it so Santa knows it’s yours.” You said proudly as you handed Arvin his stocking.
“Darling, Santa isn’t-“
“Shhhh! He’ll hear you.” You quickly hushed him.
“Right. Sorry.” Arvin chuckled and shook his head with affection.
“Come on. Let’s hang them up.” You said as you pulled Arvin by the hand into the living room. He put the radio on the holiday channel and lit the fireplace while you hung up your stockings.
“See? Doesn’t that look so much better?” You asked once you stepped back to admire your work.
“It looks great, darling. Santa will love them.” Arvin humored you. You playfully rolled your eyes at him before wrapping him in another hug. You swayed to the music for a while until your tiny little Christmas tree caught Arvins eye. You can taken a tiny tree from the backyard and decorated it with as many ornaments as it could hold to serve as your Christmas tree. Arvin felt guilty for having a real tree for you and felt deterred to fix that.
The next day, Arvin stopped by the Christmas tree farm and picked out the biggest tree he could find. He got home before you did and quickly set it up in the living room. Just as he started to put ornaments on it, you came home.
“Oh, hey. Welcome home, darlin.” Arvin said when you came into the living room. You were staring at the tree in awe for a minute until a childlike smile broke out in your face.
“You got us a Christmas tree? A real one?” You gasped and reached out to touch the pine needles.
“Well it’s our first Christmas together. It needs to be special.” Arvin echoed your words from the day before.
“But how? It’s Christmas Eve.”
“I love it. It’s beautiful!” You gushed and jumped into Arvins arms to thank him. He hugged you back before handing you a box of ornaments.
“Want to help me decorate it?”
“I would love nothing more.” You gushed and accepted the box. You and Arvin spent the evening decorating the tree together and taking occasionally taking breaks to drink the hot chocolate Arvin had made. You looked over at Arvin every so often to make sure that he was having a good time. When you saw the childlike smile on his face, you felt at peace.
Just a week and a half later, it was Christmas Eve. You and Arvin spent the evening on front of the fireplace with your warmest blanket draped over your legs. You admired your Christmas tree as you told Arvin about all your favorite childhood Christmas memories.
“Do you really believe in Santa?” Arvin asked as he stared at the crackling fire place. You smiled softly and out a happy sigh.
“I do. I believe that the whole season is magic. The lights and the cookies and the snow - it’s all so magical. And that magic has to come from somewhere. So even if there is no jolly old man in a red suit coming down our chimney, I believe he’s out there somewhere granting wishes and making miracles. Something about Christmas makes me feel like anything is possible. And I think as long as I believe in Santa, all my Christmas wishes will come true.”
“What are you Christmas wishes this year?” He looked down at you with a soft smile.
“This. Being here at home in front of the fireplace with somebody who loves me. I asked for that every year. And this year, Santa gave it to me.” You said as you rested your head on Arvins shoulder.
“You think Santa brought us together?” He chuckled.
“I know you think it’s silly-“
“No. I don’t.” He assured you. “It’s a miracle a pretty lady like you ever looked my way. A Christmas miracle, even. It was snowing the first time we met, remember?”
“I do. You helped me get my car to start.” You smiled at the memory.
“Good thing I saw you in that storm. You could’ve frozen to death.”
“Uh huh. But I didn’t because of the kindness of a stranger.” You sighed happily and snuggled into Arvins side.
“I wasn’t even gonna go out that night. Something told me I had to, though.”
“Not something.” You corrected. “Someone. Jolly old Saint Nick.”
“Right. Must’ve been.” He laughed shyly and pulled you closer.
“What did you ask for this year, Arvy Warvy?” You asked as you looked up at him.
“I can’t tell you. If I tell you my wish, it won’t come true.” Arvin said with a cheeky smile.
“Hopefully you were a good boy this year. Santa just may have granted your wish.” You said through a yawn. You fell asleep on Arvins shoulder within a few minutes and Arvin carried you to your bed.
On Christmas morning, Arvin rubbed the sleep out of his eyes while you excitedly tugged him into your living room.
“Come on! You have to see what Santa brought you!” You grinned as you handed Arvin his first gift. Arvin chuckled and accepted the gift before kissing the side of your head. You clasped your hands under your chin and watched with excitement as Arvin tore off the wrapping paper. Inside was a shiny red tool box with brand new tools inside.
“Aw, thank you darlin. I love it. It’s perfect.” He smiled before leaning in to kiss you.
“You’re very welcome.” You smiled when you pulled out of the kiss.
“Got something for you as well.” Arvin said as he sheepishly pulled out a small, poorly wrapped package.
“Aw, arvie. What’s this?” You asked as you tore it open. Inside was a small jewelry box. You looked up at him before opened up the box. Inside was a delicate heart shaped locket that looked like Arvin had made himself. You gasped softly and opened the locket up to find a picture of the two of you.
“One of the boys at work said he knew how to work metal. I asked him to show me how to make that for you.” Arvin sheepishly admitted as he secretly hoped you loved it.
“Oh, Arvin.” You said softly as you looked up at him. He gave you a shy smile before looking down at his lap.
“I’m sorry I can’t afford real jewelry with diamonds and pearls and all that because that’s what a girl like you deserves. I’ll be able to afford it one day. And then I’ll replace this hete necklace with a real one.” Arvin promised you.
“Nuh uh. This is a real necklace. And I love it more than anything you could buy in a store. It’s beautiful, Arvin. I love it.” You assured him.
“Do ya really?” He asked hopefully.
“Of course I do. Help me put it on.” You requested and turned around. You held your hair up as Arvin fastened the necklace around your neck. Once it was one, you looked down to admire it.
“It’s even better when it’s on. Thank you, Arvie. It’s the best gift I ever got.” You said as you threw your arms around Arvin. Arvin hugged you back for a long time, internally ecstatic that you liked his gift.
“I think Santa left a little something in your stocking too.” You said once you pulled out of the hug.
In his stocking, you had slipped in a brand new lighter, a pack of cigarettes, some baseball cards, and a candy cane.
“Wow. Santa was really nice to me this year.” Arvin chuckled as he lit up a cigarette with his new lighter.
“You must’ve been a real good boy.” You coyly shrugged.
“Thank you, darlin. This may be my best Christmas yet.” Arvin thanked you again, feeling like he could never thank you enough.
“This Christmas ain’t done yet. There’s one more gift Santa left you.” You told him as you went to get a present you had hidden behind the tree. Arvin looked at your curiously as you handed him a square shaped present. He unwrapped it and found an old photo album inside.
“A photo album?” He asked you.
“I found it in the attic that time we went to visit your Uncle Erskill. He said I could keep it.” You explained as Arvin began to flip through the pages. Each page was filled with picture after picture of him as a kid with his parents. He relived memories he had completely forgotten about with each page he turned.
“Said it was your mommas.” You added in a soft voice. Arvin teared up as he flipped to the last page, which had a picture of his mom holding him in front of a Christmas tree. The next page was blank, giving Arvin an idea.
“You still got that Polaroid camera?” He asked you.
“I do. Why?” You wondered as you pulled it out of a drawer. Arvin took the camera from you and brought you over to the mirror that hung in your living room.
“Here. Smile.” He instructed as he put an arm around you. You smiled at your reflection as Arvin snapped a picture. When it developed, there was a photo of the two of you looking on the mirror and smiling with your Christmas tree in the background.
“Aw. It’s the first ever picture of us.” You gushed and gently touched the picture.
“Let’s put it in the album so we can remember our first Christmas together.” Arvin suggested. You smiled happily as you helped him slide the picture into the last page of the photo album, right next to the picture of him and his mom.
“Did you get your wish this year, Arvie warvie?” You asked him as you rested your chin on his shoulder. Arvin looked at the pictures side by side and felt tears of happiness come to his eyes for the first time in his entire life.
“I sure did, darling.” He sighed happily. “I sure did.”
Tag List 🏷️
@awesomebooklover17 @thebookwormlife @imanativeofswlondondahling @serendipitous-amor @tom-hollands-wifey @20fandomfangirl
@lavender-writer @whatareyouhidingpeter @takenbyheartstrings @ultrunning @imyourliquor-youremypoison @andreasworlsboring101
@letsloveimagines @peterparkoure @a-villain-vying-for-attention @justcallmehitgirl
@jackiehollanderr @maryjanee23 @geeksareunique @emmamarshmellow @unbelievableholland
@flixndchill @sovereignparker @every-marveler-ever @undiadeestos @caelestii-e @eridanuswave​ ​
@fiantomartell @solarxmoonchild @canyouevencauseicant @illwritetomorrow @thehappygrungelife @saysomethingspiderman
@smilexcaptainx @quaksonhehe @kelieah @seasidecrowbar @lovelessdagger @electraheart-3174 @unbelievableholland
@yourtypicalhotmess @horanxholland @thesuitelifeofafangirl @marshxx @heyheycharlatte @nooneinvitedfascistbarbie @tomshufflepuff
@maybemona @alexxcorona113 @theonly1outof-a-billion
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websterss · 2 years
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REQUEST: Can you do an imagine about Arvin x black reader (darkskin reader) and they’re secretly dating cause of racism in the town and his family finds out and he says that he loves her.
WARNING(S): Angst, fluff, mentions/talks of racism, forbidden love.
PAIRING: Tom Holland x fem!Black!Reader
A/N: Reposting old fics!!! Hope you enjoy it! Feedback is always welcomed!
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You couldn’t quite remember how long you and Arvin had been sneaking off together. It was a plan agreed on by the both of you. Rules you both made to make your lives easier. Nothing was ever going to be easy…so long as Arvin’s heart beat for yours. The thought alone always made you shake your head. Two halves that met under rather difficult circumstances. Arvin told you it was destiny, the way you met, the way you fell, the way you loved each other. Yet in your mind your love for each other was due for a reckoning. A doomed love story in the making. The love was a blessing, but the hate and the judgment you didn’t want to receive was the dooming. Questions and doubts clouded your thoughts every evening while you lay in bed. The ‘what ifs’ and ‘we can't’ bellowed in your head like a train on tracks. Roaring loudly. Telling you to get out before your life was over.You didn’t want to get out though…You wanted to stay, stay with Arvin, stay for the love, stay for the reckoning, stay for the change. You wanted to stay for the long run. That was the making you wanted to create. Not whatever every white man or woman had to say for it in this town. These folks didn’t know the way you had to live, how you had to think about everything you did when you left your house. They had it easy, they could live easy, get married easy, love easy. Everything was so damn easy for them it made you mad.
You pulled back the curtain keeping a lookout for the familiar roar of the engine of Arvin’s car you spent so much time in. You stepped back from the window and smoothed out your dress. Your mother would kill you if she caught you leaving her home with a wrinkle. No daughter of hers was going to look like she didn’t at least try.
“Y/n, tell me you’re not leaving with that boy again?” Your mother walked in the living room area with a hand on her hip.
“I am mama.” You looked up at her.
She sucked her teeth, shaking her head. “All he’s gonna do is bring you trouble.” Your mother wasn’t always so fond of the idea of you being with Arvin. She didn’t need a boy like Arvin messing up your lives.
“No he’s not. Arvin is good, mama, he always means well. He goes to church!” You tried defending him.
“Everybody goes to church, girl!” Your mother chuckled. You smiled then glanced down at your shoes.
Arvin’s car could be heard outside. You glanced up at your mother with a nervous look, just like you did every time he came to pick you up in the middle of the night. If it was daytime, that would have been riskier, too much sunlight, too many people with judgmental eyes. You wouldn’t be able to handle it all.
Your mother sighed sensing your anxiousness. “Just be careful alright, don’t be home late.” She walked up to you to adjust the collar of your dress. “Tell Arvin I say hello.” She pressed a kiss to your temple and gripped your hands tightly.
“I will mama.” You smiled at her to reassure her worries, her concerns. She watched as you opened the door and walked out. You gave her one last glance and descended down the three steps on your porch and onto the dirt.
Noticing you approaching the car, Arvin quickly put out his cigarette and got out of the car walking over to your side. You squealed as he spun you around a bit in his arms. Arvin’s favorite time was affection time. Any given moment or chance to shower you with kisses and physical contact, he’d take it. Nothing was going to stop him from denying you his love.
“Hi darlin’.“ He chuckled as he dug his face into the side of your neck. “I missed ya.” He sighed deeply, tightening his embrace on you.
“Missyatoo…Arvin,” You mumble out as you let your hands rest on his back. “Arvin.” You looked up, staying still. “Arvin, I can die if I don’t breathe ya know?” You chuckled as he instantly loosened his grip on you.
“Can’t have ya dying on me. Too darn pretty to be in a casket.” Arvin caressed the side of your face. You could feel your cheeks get warm.
“You always say that.”
“Cause it’s true.” Arvin smiled. “Darlin’ ain’t nobody in this world that is as pretty as ya.” He leaned in to press a tender kiss to your lips.
“And there ain’t nobody in this world that says it like you do.” You giggle. “Let’s get going.” You began looking around you watching out for any onlookers or night walkers. You relaxed your shoulders when you saw no one. “Oh and my mama says hi.” You smiled.
Arvin quickly opened the door for you and waited till you got in and situated to close it. “Hello.” He grinned.
Then he got in himself.
The engine roared to life waiting to get its gas going to start the fifteen minute ride to the woods.
The only place where you and Arvin could be. Where no racist soul was bound to find you two showing your devotion for each other.
Once Arvin reached your spot. He quickly rolled up the windows and took the keys out of the hole. You smiled when he beckoned you over to him. Finding your place on his lap. Nothing sexual ever, only the tenderness of the pads of his fingers slowly tracing invisible designs across your skin. You closed your eyes as he printed kisses on you. Leaving behind that lingering feeling of his lips.
You opened them back up to stare at the man you’ve grown to love. To call yours, your partner.
“Do you ever get tired of it?” You broke the silence.
“Spending time with ya? No.” Arvin chuckled as he leaned forward pecking your cheek causing you to smile.
“Not that.” You playfully hit his shoulder pad covered by that jean jacket you loved on him.
“The hiding…” You trailed off.
“Yea darlin’ but you know what will happen if-”
“If everyone finds out, I know, I know.” You frowned, you smoothed out the edges of your dress, trying to remove any wrinkles. Arvin tilted his head to try and catch your eyes. “I…I just wanna be able to hold your hand. In public ya know…not in the woods, Arvin.” You sniffled. “I get…I get that people will have their own opinions, or do terrible things, but….” Arvin frowned, reaching up to wipe away your tears. “How long can we keep this up?” You shook your head.
“Hey now, none of that sad talkin’ now.” He cupped your face. “Darlin’ fuck what any of those no good sons of bitches have to say.” He pressed his head against yours. “And if they do say somethin’, well then I’ll find the right time, and set em’ straight.” Arvin jokes.
“Arvin…” You halfheartedly laughed, shaking your head. “Violence isn’t the right way to go about this.” You touched his hand on your cheeks. “What would your sister say, or even your grandma?”
“I’ll set them straight to….” He paused then smiled, causing you to relax.
“It ain’t funny!” You exclaimed, punching his arm.
“Ouch.” He furrowed his brows then chuckled. “Alright, I’m only kidding darlin’.” He turned your chin to look at him. “But I’m serious, I’ll beat the crap out of them assholes who got somethin’ to say about you...about us.”
“Wouldn’t do you any good beating someone up for nothing…” You smirked.
He raised his brow confused. “They don’t know about us silly…” You chuckled when he rolled his eyes. “You’d look like a fool.”
“That does it, come here.” Arvin grunted playfully as he turned you over on your back, you thought that was all he was going to do, but the surprise came when he started tickling you. 
“Arvin…no stop!” You laughed trying to remove his hands off you.
“It ain’t funny, eh?” He teased as he continued running his fingertips across your sides. 
“No…” You laughed. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Your laughter filled his ears like music. Arvin stopped his tickle assault and hovered over you. You took a deep breath trying to control your heavy breathing.
“I love you, Y/n.” He leaned down and pressed his lips against yours. You smiled tugging at the nape of his curls.
“I love you too Arvin.”
You savored the moment of being with Arvin. There would be days where you two would go a few days without seeing one another. That was torture enough.
It had been bad enough that his grandmother set him up with a girl from his church. She was a cute little thing, as Arvin would say, but not his type. He didn’t take a liking to the poor brunette. He couldn’t find it in himself to enjoy being with her. Not when his heart soared for yours. However, to keep you two a secret, he continued to go on dates with the girl. Much to your dislike.
No world was worth living without Arvin. He understood you like no other person did. Not even at school were they as loving as Arvin was. They’d call you names, tell you how you didn’t belong there. Telling you that dating a white man was gonna do you no good. Not that they’d tell anybody, which you were grateful for. Arvin could recall the times where he’d find you crying behind your school when he’d go and pick you up.
He’d find Lenora in a similar state at his school, but that’s another story for another time. The boys at least learned their lessons. They wouldn’t bother Lenora anymore, but the bullies at yours still bothered you. Yet unlike the way he got back at the boys for Lenora, you’d beg him not to hurt anyone for you, no matter how much they had emotionally hurt you. Although the second any of them laid their hands on you, he’d go back on his word, his promise he made, and hurt them.
“Darlin’ you know…I’d love to tell everyone you’re my girl, but it’d be too risky.” Arvin peered down at you. “There are people who ain’t right in the head, who won’t understand us.” Arvin sighed. “They won’t have it. They’ll…They’ll kill you, kill me.” Arvin sighed.
“All the more to stay a secret huh…” You smiled sadly. “I wish we didn’t have to hide. Do you ever think they’ll be a future where this will be okay?” You stared up at Arvin. He furrowed his brows at your question. Was there really gonna be a future where he could love you in public? Out in the open for everyone to see. He moved his head down to place his lips on yours.
“I think so darlin’, I really do, but we might be too old when it finally becomes okay. We’d have lived a happy long life together in secret. We’d be sittin’ in rocking chairs by then. Whether it became okay or not wouldn’t matter to us by then.” Arvin smiled sadly letting his thoughts be the answer to your question.
“I’m okay with that Arvin, just as long as I got you.” You nodded as your eyes gleamed with tears. You arched your back to press a sweet kiss to his lips.
You knew nothing good would come of this. Not as long as you and Arvin stayed together. It was a cruel world you lived in. One where no one could see two people in love, and instead see two different skin colors. One who’d have no harm come their way, and the other to receive hatred and hostility just for being who they were.
Arvin always asked you what was so wrong with loving you. Nothing was wrong about it. In fact his love for you wasn’t the problem, loving someone wasn’t going to get his ass beaten by anyone. It was the racial discrimination that you had to battle. A battle, that’s what it was…
You liked to joke around with Arvin sometimes. Laughing’ over the idea of being these warriors in love in the midst of a war. You could recall a story you read in one of your books at the library, once, about two gods. One named Venus and one named Mars. Not so much about planets but more so about two people. Two people in love with a secret.
The tale of the two was rather interesting. There was Venus, the Goddess of Love, and Mars, the God of War, but the story seemed to have relevance to your and Arvin’s situation.
Venus, who was betrothed to Vulcan, Roman God of Fire, found him to be quite dull and ordinary, which led to her having an affair with Mars. He was different. You felt that Venus pertained more to Arvin’s situation with that Anna girl, who he was pretending to be with. From what he liked to tell you, she fit the ideal image of what Vulcan was like. Although you could argue that you and Arvin could relate to the gods based on their characteristics.
Mars, son of Jupiter and Juno, was unpopular with everyone. He liked to fight, although whether he won or lost mattered little to none. He just liked trouble and wreaking havoc. Arvin felt a lot like this, struggling with his own internal battles, and finding the right time to pick a fight with someone who did him or his family wrong. He’d get a black eye for it sometimes, but he’d make sure those who wronged him would get what was coming to them. There was no doubt he was beginning to be the talk of the town.
Venus was an entirely different story. She was born in the sea. Unlike Mars, she was not into creating havoc, but caused it if someone scorned her vanity. You remembered on multiple accounts where you had begged Arvin not to pick a fight over you, or for you. Violence was the last thing you wanted in a place like West Virginia. Nothing right about it. There was no use for it, but others seemed to want violence to occur. Someone wanting to start and wreak havoc somewhere. You surely weren’t about to take part in any of it, but if you had to…you would. You didn’t think you could have something to relate to. 
Multiple love stories filled with unrealistic outcomes, unrealistic people. You strived to find a story that you could see yourself in. Venus and Mars’ story happened to be it. The idea of Vulcan wanting to expose Venus and Mars then both humiliating them in front of the other gods on Mount Olympus, stirred something within you. If you and Arvin were to be exposed or outed by someone, everything would fall down hill. The reckoning of all reckonings would occur and lead to more problems you didn’t need nor have the time for.
It was only a matter of time before something happened…before someone found out. 
After a night of fooling around. Arvin dropped you back home and made his way back home. The drive back with the radio playing some familiar tune was nice to enjoy. It was hard to enjoy the little things. He had taken up responsibilities as he got older. He made it his sole purpose to look after Lenora, to look after you. He cared so much, he found it hard to see past his inner demons that haunted him. His childhood haunting him like a second hand slap to the face. It always came back. Thoughts and memories he couldn’t forget would come back. He wanted them to go away. You didn’t go away though. He could recall the first couple times he found himself being allured by your beauty, by your quick wit and intelligence. You were a rare beautiful sight to see. He felt as though it was illegal to look at you with his own eyes. You made him nervous, Arvin was hardly the nervous type. You understood him like no one else. When he had to scream you yelled along with him. When he had to cry, you shed tears too. You were meant for each other. Despite the way things were and how things existed, he knew, in his heart, that the universe made no mistake introducing you two.
Arvin cut the engine when he made it back home. He stayed in the car for a bit longer trying to conjure up a new lie to tell his grandma, sister and uncle this time. Though they never really worried about where he was just as long as he didn’t go stirring up trouble. Though his grandma did worry occasionally.
He released a big breath and turned the engine off and headed inside. His work boots thumping against the ground of his porch. The creeks made noise below him with each step he took. Almost like the anticipation was building up slowly as he opened the front door and walked through the threshold.
When he had closed the door behind him he noticed that some of the lights were turned on. He hadn’t thought much of it, but he did notice how his uncle wasn’t asleep on the sofa bed like he usually was. He stepped deeper into the house trying to find anyone. Arvin had made a move to go to his room. He removed his cap and was going to toss it onto his bed when he halted as he had passed the kitchen. He stepped back and turned at the opening of the kitchen. All three of them lifted their heads to stare at the boy. Arvin gulped as he realized their expressions read anything but happy to see him.
“W-What are ya doin’ up?” He eyed the two women who had appeared to be looking at something on the table. “It’s pretty late ain’t it?”
His uncle was smoking a joint not giving the boy another glance.
“Arvin, come here please.”
“Something the matter, grandma?” He slowly stepped forward to the end of the table.
“Yes Arvin, something is wrong.” Grandma Emma casted her gaze down to the picture that lay on the table. She hesitated touching it, then quickly pushed it away towards Arvin. She grabbed a hold onto Lenora’s hands who hadn’t said a word. “Care to explain that?” She gestured to the picture.
Arvin finally understood what all the fuss was about. He could feel his heart pumping loudly in his ears as he slowly reached down to pick up the picture. The one picture of you he had that he took care of so much.
“Grandma-” He began but she cut him off.
“You’re seeing a-” She tried saying it but she couldn’t find it in herself. “How could you do this to us? Do you know what will happen if word gets out.” She exclaimed.
“That’s probably why he’s been goin’ out so much, he’s probably sneaking-” Lenora pointed out.
“Shut up Lenora!” Arvin clenched his jaw.
“Have you been seeing that girl all this time?” Emma looked hurt.
“Grandma please listen-” Arvin pleaded.
“I just don’t understand how this could-”
“Grandma I can explain-”
“-happen. What about Anna, huh? That poor girl…Have I taught you nothing boy because-”
“I LOVE HER!” Arvin shouted over his grandma.
She gasped as she looked at him with wide eyes. This time his uncle finally looked at him. He removed the cigar from his mouth and put it out.
“Excuse me?”
“I love her grandma.” Arvin could feel water build up in his eyes. “This girl right here.” He lifted the picture and made it face his family. “I love her so much and this is exactly why I didn’t tell anybody.” Arvin began crying as he explained himself. “Y/n and I are so scared that something terrible will happen, and I don’t know what I’d do if anything happened to her, grandma. I love her…and I don’t care if you like it or not.” He let his arms fall to his side. He was tired. The three of them shared a look then stared up at Arvin.
“Alright then…” Grandma Emma nodded.
“Alright then?” Arvin furrowed his brows. “That’s it…” 
“Alright then.” Grandma Emma nodded her head. 
“You’re okay with this?”
“We’re not happy with that fact you didn’t tell us.” His uncle finally spoke up. “But this is your life boy, do what ya want with it, and if this Y/n girl makes ya happy then alright then.” His uncle slapped the side of his forearm.
“What’d ya think we were gonna do Arvin?” Lenora asked.
“I don’t know…” Arvin breathed out.
“Don’t think too low of us boy, we ain’t bad people here. We’re ya family, remember that.” His uncle eyed him.
“Yeah.” Arvin was slowly letting his guard down again. He finally looked up to eye his grandma who was having a hard time looking at him. “Grandma?” He lifted his eyebrows at her.
“Tell us things next time, Arvin.” Grandma Emma finally looked up at him. “Your momma raised you well boy.” A smile slowly making its way to her lips. “Do you know if Y/n likes homemade Beef Bourguignon or fudge cake?” She stared up at the boy nervously. This caused Arvin to smile.
“As a matter of fact she does, Grandma.” Arvin let out a breathy laugh. “Why’d ya ask?”
“I’d like to meet the girl who makes my grandson smile so much?” Grandma Emma shrugged.
“I’ll ask her.” He nodded.
“Does Y/n like books?” Lenora seemed to ask out of nowhere. It wasn’t a secret that Lenora had a hard time making friends. Maybe this could be her chance at making one who didn’t pick on her for being Arvin’s step-sister.
“She loves them, Lenora.” Arvin smiled fondly at the thought of you reading to him on one of your nightly dates in the woods. Lenora gently smiled and nodded.
Silence fell over the four of them as they all came to a middle ground. No more arguing, no more secrets. They knew and he could relax a little more. They were going to meet you and that’s all he wanted. He was so scared of them being against the idea of him being with you, but they weren’t and it made him so happy.
“You guys will love her.” Arvin smiled nodding.
“If you do Arvin, then I know we will too.” His uncle smiled up at the boy.
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