#as Bruce drives a sword right through his heart. like YEP THAT'S SOMETHING THAT HAPPENED!!!!
psalmsofpsychosis · 5 months
real talk though; if i could surgically remove the Bruce & Alfred scenes out of Gotham TV and make an entire separate Batman project out of them i would, because they're so distinctly different from the rest of the show and from the common Batman comic narratives, it floors me everytime. If we take the whole show as a body, the heart is placed in Bruce Wayne and it bleeds into his relationships with people, but most importantly with Alfred. It's such stark and exciting constrast to how Batman comics generally portray Bruce Wayne or the Batman persona; Gotham!Bruce is so tender and bare and transparent, heart beating and bleeding so close to his skin, you can see when it taints through his shirt, and his moments of absolute irrational sentimentality are not played cheap or like missteps in a planned protocol rational persona, they're utterly sincere and every emotion he expresses is as integral to his character as his moments of analytical calculation.
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agent-shield-blog · 7 years
The Dark One (1/3)
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After a meeting Hela, the readers life turns upside down, after she goes after the ones she loves who have wronged her in the past.
Pairing: Reader X Loki Featuring: Reader X Loki X Tony Stark Father X Avengers Warning: Very graphic, blood, fighting, graphic death, swearing. Notes: A quick warning, this story gets really dark really fast. If you are looking for a lighter happier fic, this is not it. Please be advised there is some swearing, a lot of fighting and blood, and graphic deaths. Please please please be advised! 
One of the first things your father had ever taught you was never to make plans. Fate laughed when you made plans. But you didn't really take his warnings to heart. You loved to make plans. Your life was based on one master plan. You shouldn't have been surprised when your life got turned upside down. After all, you had been warned.
Your day started out as a normal day. The blinds slowly lifted up in your room, exposing the bright sun into your dark room. You turned over in your king-sized bed and did your best to block out the light but then the overhead speaker began to play ACDC, and at that point, you were up. Once out of bed the music stopped, and you prepared for your day. First a quick snack before a run outside.
You ran downstairs and searched the fridge for something to hold you over until you got back. When you closed the door, you turned and saw your father drinking coffee at the island, while reading a newspaper. You smiled as you finished your protein bar and gave Tony a hug.
"Morning pops."
"Morning kid. Going for a run?"
"You know we have a perfectly fine track downstairs, so you don't have to run in the snow?"
"Nothing like some fresh air, not that you would understand spending your entire life in your lab."
"I don't spend all my time in the lab." You laughed at Tony and waved goodbye as you headed towards the elevator.
Once outside you decided not to take too long of a walk. It was colder then you had anticipated, but you weren't going to let Tony say I told you so, and cave into using the indoor track.
You had been out for about thirty minutes when you were nearing back towards the tower. You were running when you heard a small cry of pain come from the alleyway. Now you had never been graced with powers or grew up as an assassin, but the others had made it their job to teach you how to fight. So when you heard the cry of pain, your instincts told you to check on this person. You grabbed the pepper spray off your keychain and had your phone ready to call the Avengers, and walked further into the alley. Once near some trash cans, you noticed women hiding behind them; she was bleeding out fast. You kneeled down next to her and attempted to help.
"What happened? Your bleeding everywhere we need to get you to a hospital." You attempted to put pressure on the wounds, but nothing was working. The women then grabbed your wrist and moved your hands off of her. She then stared at you. Her long black hair was disheveled, and blood covered her face, mixing with her black eye makeup. A smile curved across her face the more she looked at you.
"May I see your hand?" Taken back by her sudden coolness in the situation you didn't know what to do. You shakily gave her your hand thinking she just needed someone in her time of need. She grasped on hard and began to close her eyes. You were about to reach for your phone with your free hand, but she quickly took that hand as well. Suddenly you felt a bolt of electric shock through your veins. You jumped back in pain and promptly examined your body.
"What the hell did you do to me?" You screamed at the women, but to your shock and horror, her body was nowhere to be found. All that was there was a large sword. You didn't know why but you felt so drawn to it. You slowly picked it up and examined it in your hands. It was like nothing you had ever seen before.
You searched the alleyway for a few minutes before coming to the conclusion that the women really was gone. You had a lot of blood covering your clothes and hands. Walking out in public all bloodied and a sword in your hand was probably not a good idea, being the daughter of Tony Stark and all. You took out your phone and called Happy.
"Happy, I need you to come pick me up."
"What's wrong what did you do."
"Okay I didn't do anything, but I will warn you it's going to look really bad when you get here." You could hear him sigh into the phone.
"Send me your location, and I'll be there as soon as possible."
Within minutes Happy had pulled the car around to the alleyway. You hopped into the car with the sword and motioned for him to drive. You could tell by the look on his face there was some explaining to do.
"I'll explain, but you can't tell my dad."
"You know your dad is the one who pays me right. And also pays me to keep him updated on you."
"Happy please."
"If you killed someone I'm telling your father."
"I didn't kill anyone!" You then went into a quick explanation. You didn't know if he believed you or not, but at this point, you didn't care. All you wanted to do was get the blood off and figure out who that woman was.
Once you had gotten into the shower, you were quick to wash away the blood. You watched as the liquid slowly traveled down your skin and circled the drain. Your body began to shake uncontrollably for reasons to you unknown. Maybe it was still in shock from the day's events. You had no idea.
You grabbed the soap off your shelf and began to lather it on sharply, making sure to get rid of any blood you may have missed. As you went to put the soap down, you began to feel dizzy. You tried your best to turn off the water from the shower and get out, but it was too late. You slowly dropped into the tub and lay there letting the world go black around you.
Water was hitting your body fast and hard, but to you, it all felt numb. You rubbed your eyes and grabbed your bearings. You slowly stood from your spot on the bathtub floor and reached up to turn the water off. Everything around you felt numb. Your emotions were gone, and for some reason, your conscious state felt like a dream.
You walked into the closet next to the bathroom and were met with a flood of clothes. Without a care in the world, you picked out a top and some jeans and quickly put them on.
Once back into the bedroom you noticed the sword again and felt drawn to it, almost like it was calling to you. You walked over and picked it up, carefully resting it in your hands. You brought your left pointer finger towards one of the sharper edges and lightly applied pressure to the sharp and edge, drawing a little drop off blood. You watched as it trickled down the sword.
You walked out of the bedroom and aimlessly wandered the hall until you reached the elevator. You mindlessly pushed the button towards the lab. You waited patiently for the doors to open and when they did your legs carried you to Tony and Bruces shared lab, with the sword in hand.
You quietly entered not drawing attention to yourself and picked up some prototype for a gun that Bruce and Tony had been working on.
Bruce was the first to acknowledge your presence in the room. You paid no attention to him as your eyes were drawn to Happy having a conversation with Tony. Anger and hate were slowly growing inside of you every minute you looked at the three men. But the one who made the hate flow through your veins the most was Tony. Still paying no attention to you Tony and Happy stood there talking. You placed the sword down on a table next to you to allow for a better shot. You drew the gun up and aimed.
What happened next was all so fast you couldn't quite keep up. You remember someone pushing someone out of the way and shouts for you to stop. Others soon rushed into the room to assess and help, but it was too late. You were too far past gone for any of them to save. No, you didn't need saving this time, no this time they would need a little help.
You managed to escape through one of the underground tunnels Tony had insisted on making. Little to his knowledge it would be used against him.
You walked outside and were met with the rush of cold air. It was lightly snowing, but it was enough to get stuck in your eyes. Had you not felt so numb, the cold would have probably bothered you. You recalled an old spot your babysitter used to take you and felt drawn to it. You remembered complaining to Tony that you did not need a sitter at the time as you were old enough to get on without one. However, he liked to have someone keep a close eye on you.
You continued down the path until you made your way to a large rock. Much to your surprise, there was already someone already on the boulder. You climbed up and joined the person who was taking great care of observing you. You patted away the snow before sitting down next to the dark covered figure.
"Do you know why you are here (y/n)?" you shook your head no as you looked up to the sky. Of course, you couldn't see anything. Even if it wasn't cloudy, the light pollution squandered any chance of you being able to look at the stars. "You were given a gift many would kill for. You are unstoppable, together we are unstoppable. If you are up to the challenge, we shall rule all the galaxy." You turned now to the figure and extended your hand out waited for the man to take it. Finally, he extended his out and gave a brisk handshake before standing. "Time to get to work." You stood up and met Lokis eyes. You could see the insanity, twinkle in the back of his pupils and it gave you excitement. The Avengers and Tony would soon know what pain was, for its been a long time coming to them.
Part 2
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serenity-sweet13 · 6 years
Gotham S2E20
Harvey Bullock is asking the real fucking questions. How in the world does it take a putz like Harvey Bullock to ask the real fucking questions!? Of course they fucking shredded everything! 
Okay, as a Georgia resident, when I hear “Pinewood” I think of the Walking Dead studio, so yeah “bad guys come in and monsters come out” is kinda perfect, cos the actual studio may or may not be where the Sanctuary set is, so it’s kinda like a parallel with Negan.
Yeah, Harvey? This is never gonna be over--- whoops there’s only 5 seasons, right? No, seriously, how the hell are they gonna wrap this mother up?
Ed’s been loose for like an episode and a half now and... okay, I’ve pulled the “got lost” excuse and I’ve done it better! That’s... kinda pathetic, dude. Ed, buddy, nothing but love, but you need to start lifting and work on your excuses.
Also, what the hell is with all the Catholocism in Gotham... and wow, Father, that attitude is fucking priestly of you. Yeah, I can see it, though. Hey Jim? If you’re ever out of something to do, I bet there’s about 200 years worth of allegations in all these fucking Catholic churches. Whoop! Did I get too real too fast there for a second? TOO BAD!!!
Seriously, Oswald, you need like a stuffed animal or something if you’re just gonna monologue.
I can’t fucking believe BD Wong was at DragonCon and I just fucking now started watching Gotham.
Oh my god no! Harvey Bullock is the Uncle Friend! He definitely does not want to be in charge and he definitely should not be in charge! “Halloween costume”!? Excuse me. As a dedicated cosplayer... Yeah, weirder and weirder. Okay, that logic is sound - “If he bleeds, he can be beaten.” Great, Harvey, now you have a goddamn mob like in Beauty and the Beast. Nice going, putz.
Gotta love ChaGood Little Shit Bruce.
“He’s right, you know!”
Oh god Gilzean... I feel so fucking bad for this guy. He is the legal definition of “putz” and everything keeps fucking happen. OH GOD HARVEY WHY... They have Medieval Times in Gotham!? Oh god Tabitha don’t tell me you believe this fucking horseshit. Yep, Jim. “Ancient assassin, my ass!”
Guys, stop digging up fucking dead people.
Oh god that evokes imagery of fucking Pigeon Man.
Bruce, you at least need to be buying this girl hella level desserts. Chocolate is the way to a girl’s heart.
Selina, you’re a ChaGood little shit too. I love her relationship with Bridgit. Girls supporting girls is a fucking mood. GOD BRUCE BROKE OUT THE BETCHACAN’T???? Argh, the best way to get these two little shits off their back pockets is imply something can’t be one. Tell them “betcha can’t”... of course she already knows a way in.
SERIOUSLY WITH THE CATHOLIC IMAGERY! Key, crowbar. Yeah, hey subtitle people? Those aren’t mice squeaking. Those are rats. They’re still cute little rodents, but they deserve the dignity of you getting it right. Oh, Harvey... It’s not grave robbing... It’s... um... archaeology? Is it old enough to be archaeo--- nah, you’re right it’s grave robbing. Unless it’s in the line of duty... evidence retrieval and like that, right?
Dude, Jim, there are better prop swords at fucking Party City.
He gon stab her. Yep, he totally gon stab her. Tabitha that is not an intelligent thing to do. Now you’re gonna die and Barbara’s gonna go another two tons of crazy! Do we want that? No. Ewwwww these two are way closer than siblings should be. Like, Are You Afraid of the ------ oh who the fuck let this family fucking have dogs!? oh yeah, he gonna stab her. No he doesn’t remember. I mean, he kinda remembers, but not really. Oh fuck he does remember.
Yep, he fucking stabbed her. I didn’t even KINDA see that coming - that was a goddamn given.
Thank God for Netflix.
Seriously, I want to know how this girl straightened her hair. Did Bruce get her a straightener? Did Alfred give Bruce a straightener to give to her? Hair doesn’t just do that, especially not with a goddamn beanie like that!
Okay, Jim Gordon and Ed Nygma have the actual best outerwear I have seen since Alucard and Aoshi Shinomori.
Carjacking in the name of righteousness! I dig it.
Maybe I should be making YouTube videos where I read all this shit out. I have a goddamn melodious voice. Wow, when I talk nice about myself, I swear a lot.
Selina is making me want to climb shit like I did when I was a kid. Fetch me the closest PF Chang’s horse! Stop the world... I WANT TO GET ON! Except I really don’t want to... yep, that’s why I didn’t want to be in there. That’s really fucking gross. And again, subtitle people - that is a RAT, not a mouse. Somewhere Vincent Price shakes his fist at you.
Oh god. Bruce? You might have lost your father, but now you have at least two dads. Alfred and Jim? You got Royal Marine Dad and Officer Dad. Also, Alfred? you owe Selina a big fat apology. Like, get her something really goddamn nice for Xmas. And a handwritten note. An entire Lush selection...
Oh god Ed and Cat. This is hysterical...
God, I feel the actual worst for Gilzean. This guy’s been through too much. Can somebody fetch this guy a shot and a beer? And maybe a fuzzy bathrobe and fifteen cats? Seriously, Butch needs to do a Falcone and retire into the suburbs with a bunch of cats and a knitting group or something. Again with the giant bag of weed over here!?
Seriously Oswald. You need ACTUAL therapy. Like, somewhere Allan Arbus, as Dr. Sidney Freedman with the two E’s, is looking down from heaven and shaking his head. “Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice - pull down your pants, and slide on the ice.”
Well, there’s Bruce with his co-dads again. And they both drive like bloody maniacs. AWW BRUCE YOU SWEET LITTLE SHIT AND YOU ALMOST CAUSED ALFRED TO FUCKING SHOOT HIMSELF!! You seriously sweet little shit. no. no do not split up. AGAIN WITH THIS SCOOBY DOO NONSENSE! SHAGGY FROWNS AT YOU! LIKE ZOINKS THIS IS A GODDAMN BAD IDEA! JINKIES IT’S FUCKING AZRAEL!
Who could’ve seen that fucking coming.
no fuck you Azrael fucker. You do not get to say “As you wish” - you are the wrong Man in Black.
Yep, and Ed’s loose. Oh my god and he pulled the high school escape? DUDE I COULD SNEAK OUT OF MY HOUSE BETTER THAN THAT WHEN I WAS SELINA’S AGE! I used to roll a d20 for Stealth.
Oh that elevator makes me nervous on so many levels. Hehehehehehehe that was funnier than I intended it to be.
Oh god Bruce. No. Also Alfred no. Also Azrael no. MOTHER FUCK NOT THE GODDAMN PARLOR! THERE’S FUCKING ANTIQUES IN THERE! and we get to see Alfred swordfighting... NOT THE VASE!! jeez, watch the antique telephone! And whatever that was you broke. And now the goddamn window. Oh please, Bruce, you know he’s probably fine. That guy’s British. He’ll be in good spirits and fit as a fiddle two years after he’s dead!
and Cat is stuck to the fucking ceiling. Gimme a cucumber, somebody, I wanna try something.
Oh jeez. Ed was right. That is fucking horrible. There is something very Shutter Island about all this stuff.
Also, Bruce, you’re about as sneaky as an avalanche. If nothing else, use what you’ve got. Go West Side Story on his ass and turn on every one of those car lights. It’s been known to work, right? THERE WE GO! HIT HIM WITH THE GODDAMN CAR! You lucky little fuck, being tall enough at 13 to hit the stupid pedals... are you fucking kidding me. Somebody seriously just plug this guy in the motherfucking head! YOU DO NOT GET TO SAY PREPARE TO DIE THAT IS TWICE YOU HAVE ABUSED YOUR PRINCESS BRIDE REFERENCES AND YOU GO JIM - EMPTY THAT CLIP IN THE MOTHAFUCKA!
Yep, both dads.
Oh for fuck’s sake... Where did this motherfucker come from!? Oswald, what the fuck even!? BUTCH FOUND THE ROCKET LAUNCHER! Okay, do we have one less motherfucker now?!
If you start singing, I’ll throw up.
You go Butch. Four for you Glen Coco you go Glen Coco and none for Gretchen Wieners bye!
Crikey, Ed. You SERIOUSLY need to join a gym.
Pupper is the goodest boy. Good boy catch crazy Ed. Good boy.
Oh god. Bridgit. Oh no. No no no no no. IT’S WHO THE HELL IS BUCKY ALL OVER AGAIN! NO NO NO NO NO!!!! Your name is Bridgit Pike. You were a sweet little girl and Selina was your friend and she loves you and noooooooooo!!!
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