#as a dog enjoyer I can safely say that you should NOT teach your dog ‘uppies’
hungriesttable · 8 months
if the Sinners got a dog
(below the cut because I actually have a decent amount of thoughts on this)
Outis: one of the only (and possibly THE only) sinners committed to disciplining the dog. She’s a bit perturbed that the dog won’t reliably sit/stay on command because it tends to jump at random intervals instead (Don Quixote’s influence).
Has some belief that if she speaks in a voice that’s authoritative enough, the dog will understand what she’s saying. Is displeased when that doesn’t happen. “Why are you trying to sit on me? No.” “It’s because the dog likes you” “If she likes me she will sit politely on the ground as she is supposed to”
Rodya: She was the one who named the dog, and probably rescued it off of the street, insisting that they should keep the dog at least for a little while. Feeds the dog a bit of whatever the Sinners are having. “That’s not good for dogs!” “A little won’t do her any harm~”
Sinclair: He wasn’t sure what to make of the dog at first (it’s probably not vaccinated, and he only became sure it didn’t have rabies after a couple of days), but he’s pretty fond of it. Whenever he’s in need of company, the dog appears without him needing to say anything. It’s warm, soft, and close, and he definitely thinks of it as a family member. That being said he personally has a steep learning curve of “how to take care of a dog” (if he had one in his previous years then there was probably a butler to take care of it)
Heathcliff: I recently read Wuthering Heights. This gives me reason to suspect that Heathcliff would not be a big fan of the dog, at least at first. He’s fine with it from a distance, but protests to having to touch it (and to having it touch him). I’d imagine that it gets on his good side eventually, though, and he’d probably be one of those people who wants the dog to love him the most out of everyone.
Ryōshū: They weren’t really sure how she would react to the dog at first. She’s currently trying to teach it how to sic. Given the opportunity, she’ll examine the dog’s body. Her efforts of questionable motivation led to the discovery that the dog is missing a tooth.
Gregor: After 5.5, I think it’s safe to say that he’s the “dad with the dog he didn’t want”. He notices that the dog is repulsed by the smell of cigarettes and doesn’t smoke as actively when he’s around it.
Don Quixote: She wants the dog to be her sidekick. She’s taught the dog how to hug (ie how to jump and put its paws on her chest/shoulder), and is hoping to teach the dog how to do some advanced stunts. “Move forth, my companion, and fetch mine lance!” (Dog does nothing)
Yi Sang: The dog is his buddy. He’s a bit concerned about the idea that the dog could be involved in Limbus Company’s business, but has no problem with the idea of teaching the dog some more simple stuff (eg how to track scents and find lost people/things).
Faust: If there’s a City equivalent to a Wikipedia page on dogs, she probably read it. Several times. She wouldn’t say it, but the dog’s capriciousness often confounds her. In lieu of a microchip, she made a tracking collar for the dog.
Meursault: He and the dog share a certain special bond due to his willingness to walk, clean up after, and generally take care of the dog when others don’t feel like it. He’s not necessarily a fan of the whole “spontaneous tackling” thing, but he’s big enough to avoid being pushed over and has few other complaints about the dog. With the lack of interest in training the dog on the bus, he doesn’t see the use of disclosing what he knows about training dogs.
Ishmael: She likes the dog. Walking the dog often brings her mixed feelings, since it reminds her of the other experiences she’s had with being on the end of a guiding rope. She’s figured out that she can derail Heathcliff’s train of thought by invoking the dog, either physically or in name, and she’s greatly enjoying this ability.
Vergilius: He was dubious about the whole “dog on the bus” thing. Since Charon seems to enjoy the dog’s presence, however, he sees no point in objecting to it. He doesn’t dislike dogs, but the fact that anything bad happening to the dog could have catastrophic consequences means he’s always a little on edge around it. If the Sinners weren’t planning on doing their best to take care of it before, they certainly are after receiving some Red Gaze-brand reminders to be responsible pet owners.
Dante: Rewinding dog scratches is a small burden, but please, can SOMEONE cut the dog’s nails? They like the dog, but their clock head doesn’t seem to win them any canine popularity points. They’re both disappointed and relieved that the dog doesn’t count as a thirteenth Sinner.
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meowk9 · 2 years
How to Train Your Dog to Heel: Tips and Techniques
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If you're a dog owner, you know that dogs are full of energy and love to play. However, when you're out for a walk, it's important that your dog understands the "heel" command. Training your dog to heel will not only make your walks more enjoyable, but it will also keep your dog safe. In this article, Meowk9 will go over some tips and techniques on how to train your dog to heel, including the benefits of the "heel" command, how to start training, and troubleshooting common problems.
Benefits of the "Heel" Command
Before we dive into training techniques, it's important to understand why the "heel" command is important. When your dog heels, they walk closely by your side, with their head even with your knee. This position allows you to control your dog's movements and keep them safe from any potential hazards on your walk. Additionally, training your dog to heel will help them learn impulse control and build a stronger bond with you.
Starting the Training
To start training your dog to heel, you'll need a few things: a leash, a collar or harness, and some treats. Begin by putting your dog on a leash and taking them to a quiet, distraction-free area. Start walking forward, with your dog on your left side. Hold a treat in your left hand and keep it close to your body. When your dog starts to pull ahead, gently pull back on the leash and say "heel." As soon as your dog is back by your side, reward them with a treat and lots of praise. Repeat this process, gradually increasing the amount of time your dog stays by your side before receiving a reward. It's important to note that training your dog to heel will take time and patience. You should also vary your training locations to help your dog generalize the behavior.
Troubleshooting Common Problems
If you're having trouble getting your dog to heel, there are a few things you can try. First, make sure that you're using high-value treats that your dog loves. You can also try changing your pace, walking faster or slower, to keep your dog engaged. Another common problem is when your dog starts to pull on the leash. To address this, stop walking and wait for your dog to come back to your side. When they do, reward them with a treat and start walking again. It's important to be consistent with this, so your dog learns that pulling on the leash won't get them anywhere.
Incorporating Play into Your Training
Training your dog to heel doesn't have to be all work and no play. You can incorporate fun games into your training to keep your dog engaged and motivated. For example, you can play "red light, green light" by stopping and starting as you walk, rewarding your dog when they stop with you. Another game you can play is "find it," where you toss a treat a short distance away and let your dog go get it. When they come back to your side, reward them with another treat and continue walking.
Training your dog to heel takes time and patience, but it's an important command to teach. Not only will it make your walks safer and more enjoyable, but it will also help your dog learn impulse control and build a stronger bond with you. Remember to use high-value treats, be consistent, and incorporate play into your training to keep your dog engaged and motivated.
What is the best age to start training my dog to heel?You can start training your dog to heel as early as 12 weeks old.Can I train my dog to heel without treats?While treats are an effective training tool, you can train your dog to heel without treats by using praise and positive reinforcement.My dog keeps pulling on the leash, what can I do?When your dog pulls on the leash, stop walking and wait for your dog to come back to your side. Reward them with a treat and start walking again. Consistency is key to teaching your dog that pulling won't get them anywhere.How long does it take to train a dog to heel?Training time varies for each dog, but it can take a few weeks to several months to train your dog to heel consistently.Can I train my dog to heel without a leash?It's important to train your dog to heel on a leash first, for safety reasons. Once your dog has mastered heeling on a leash, you can start practicing off-leash in a safe, enclosed area. Watch Now: If Your Dog Could Text, They Would Say This https://youtu.be/aQIGhjKsmBw Read the full article
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elle-imagines · 4 years
Madara relationship HCs? Or anything Madara, if you feel like it, I love your writing
Sorry for the wait, everyone! I was a bit demotivated from the 0 notes on my last post, but I just realized getting things back up may take time and that is okay.
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Madara truly, truly means well (most times). He is a strong believer in tough love, and will push you your hardest when you think you can go no further. He’s blunt with you when you ask for his advice, but is more than willing to help you since you requested it. He’s the type of man to put the onus on you to make your needs known, and to say what you want directly. When he helps you, it’s in practical ways such as training you, making sure you eat, or having someone check on you when he’s busy working.
“Failing like this will only get you killed.” “Try harder.” “You could do better than that. Again, with fury.” “That’s it. Good!”
Don’t be a brat and eat what I cooked for you.”
Sometimes, he may be a bit ruthless with his words to conceal his worry. When he sees that you’ve hurt yourself from falling, or came home later than usual, it will make his heart lurch in ways he thought he could control. Those bouts of sharp anger has he scolds you, holding you tightly by the arm, are small fractures of his composure and an unveiling of his love for you. Madara would destroy everything he can lay eyes on if something happened to you.
You both have long evenings where you massage each other after a long day. Madara wasn’t open to it at first because he isn’t used to being touched on his back unless in battle. You had to be careful and allow him to predict your movements by going slowly. Overtime, he relaxed into your touch and allowed you to unknot his muscles after his training sessions.
Even if it may go unnoticed, he puts in a lot of effort to make sure you’re safe and happy. It gives him peace of mind when you are secure; it makes him feel secure. Madara’s competence assures you will be fine, and he makes sure he keeps his word with you when it comes to being there when you ask. He never breaks a promise and hopes you return the gesture.
The type of boyfriend to never understand if you wake up past 9:00AM or lounge in the bed all day. He feels each day, you should be doing something important and would definitely pull you out of bed.
Madara will indulge his fantasies and daydreams with you, something he’s only done with Hashirama and Izuna. He comes off as a doer, and he is, but he enjoys fantasizing and daydreaming about a world in an image he created. Madara will share with you how many children he would want, his wish for people to see him as a nicer man, and his distant what-ifs about settling down with you (though still fighting and being headstrong, of course).
“Where do you see yourself years from now, Y/N?” “I see. Very…thoughtful.” “Could you imagine us then?”
Very low-maintenance when it comes to the emotional aspects of things. He is a logical strategist, digesting things in his mind as it comes. If you are more demonstrative of your feelings, it would be a long road for communication between you two. Not impossible, however.
For dates, he’d regularly take you horseback riding, sake tasting, talking military arts and different village cultures over a game of shogi, and taking walks through your favorite hidden areas around Konoha. If there is somewhere you’d prefer, I’m sure he would spoil you as per usual. Never to beat around the bush, he would prefer discussions about the current social climate of Konoha or even debate about the curriculum of ninja teachings involving children. Discussing philosophy is a great gateway into learning Madara’s spirit, because most of his ideology is grounded in his military prowess, the trauma of war in his childhood, and his dreams of changing the world into a place of peace. Since the to of you are in a relationship, I am sure he knows that you stand for something and can keep up with him in these discussion, even outrun him sometimes. He enjoys when you disagree with him; the picking apart of each other’s claims over tea is an enjoyable pasttime for you both.
“A smart point, but a bit moot, dear.” “I will admit that was good judgement.” “Let’s go over there, it’s more private.”
He really values his family and home, they come first before anything. Even if he is in an important meeting with the Hokage, he would leave if notified of your distress. Because of his passion for family, he is a bit more traditional when it comes to the stages of dating. Madara would like to marry you when it comes time, and wants children whether biologically or adopted. Sometimes, you’d find him teaching village children a trick or showing them his falcon. Other times, he saves a piece of his dinner to feed stray dogs in alleyways. His compassion and idealism is not overt compared to his bouts of cynicism and bluntness, yet it sustained an agonizing childhood and unbroken tragedy. It runs deep and will be there for you and the future you two hold.
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365daysofsasuhina · 4 years
[ @sasuhinabigflash2020​​ || Day Twenty-Two: Out to Dinner ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ AO3 Link ]
[ Previous ] [ Next ] [ This piece is a sequel to Day Seventeen ]
To say that their meeting was awkward was...a bit of an understatement.
For months, both Sasuke and Hinata have lived under a rather unusual assumption: that they were each the last person left on earth. One morning they’d woken, made to address their family...only to find their homes empty. Their neighborhoods...empty.
The entire city - and presumably the rest of the world - completely and utterly empty.
And yet strange phenomena seemed to keep life running as normal. Electricity never wavered. Food in stores didn’t rot. To both, it felt like being trapped in a strange gap in time. A limbo they had been dropped into with no context, no warning.
But then, while each looking to plunder a local grocery store...they’d finally managed to cross paths, each completely taken aback at the knowledge that they were no longer alone.
That didn’t make it any easier to accept, however, the meeting standoffish and each seemingly wary and suspicious. But they’d exchanged numbers, agreeing to - should the need arise - communicate with one another.
And after a week...neither has dared bridge that gap.
Sasuke, for his part, has actually adapted to the loneliness rather well. At first he mourned his missing family deeply. While theirs had been far from perfect, having them suddenly vanish left him more hollow than he could ever describe. But after an intense two weeks that nearly saw him deciding to try and join them...he’d instead become resolute. So...he was left alone to survive on his own, was he? Then he’d do it...and do it well.
And for months he’d done just that. Managed his food supply, ensured the care and defense of his home (even if there was, assumably, no one to seek to harm it...one could never be too careful), and kept himself guarded and ready for anything.
...well, almost anything.
He’d mostly been simply scouting out parts of his city he didn’t know well, taking several large bags with him to grab whatever looked useful. He had closer places to find food. But he was there, and it was ripe for the taking.
Or so he thought.
Seeing the girl, Hinata, had startled him in a way he had in no way expected. So...he wasn’t the last. Maybe they weren’t, either. Perhaps there are more somewhere, just waiting to be found.
But Sasuke had already decided he was fine not knowing. Hinata was a surprise, and a pleasant one. But that didn’t inspire some inclination to go looking for others. He had his domain and his necessities. He was fine as he was, thank you very much.
...and yet…
Every time he checks his phone, seeing her contact information...he debates sending some kind of message. What would he even say…? They’re complete strangers. He knows nothing about her, let alone something to talk about.
And yet...he wants to. Not because he’s lonely, he assures himself. But just because he’s curious. And it’s something new. Something to break up the monotony.
So after a week of deliberation, he sends his first text.
You there?
Casual enough, right? And he manages to put the mobile aside rather than wait for an answer...which comes seven minutes later.
Sorry, was in my garden! Do you need something?
Well, no. He doesn’t need anything. Nope. Just checking in. Kinda weird, tbh.
A minute passes. Yes, I know what you mean. Odd to talk to someone after so long.
...he reaches an impasse. Now what…? How is your garden?
Good! It’s just flowers. I wanted to grow something edible, but...ran out of time. Maybe next year, if...you know.
Ah yes. Winter. The thing both of them have been dreading, wondering if any problems yet to surface may in fact rear their ugly heads. I bet you’ll get around to it. I dunno anything about plants, so...don’t ask me.
They’re not that hard to learn about. I could teach you, if you wanted?
That earns a blink. Sure.
...another awkward silence.
Can I ask you a really random question?
Okay. Just act cool. Do you want to like...meet up or something? I dunno, just seems like maybe we should at least get to know the basics about each other, all things considered. Right?
To his worry, she doesn’t respond for several agonizing minutes. Did he ask too quickly? Is something wrong?
Yeah! Sorry, there’s some loose animals in my neighborhood and one of the dogs keeps coming into my yard and digging in the flowerbeds...
Sasuke blinks. Maybe you need a fence.
Ha, maybe.
I could help you build one. I helped my dad build ours a few years ago. I kinda know how it works.
...you would?
Sure. Not much else to do, right?
There’s a brief silence as she seems to mull that over. ...okay! I’ll make you some dinner to pay you back, okay?
You don’t have to do that.
No, but I want to. It’s only fair.
Well, seems there’s no changing her mind. All right. When would you wanna start?
Doesn’t matter to me! Like you say...what else is there to do?
Nodding to himself, Sasuke replies, How about tomorrow? I know where a hardware store is, and I have my dad’s pickup. I’ll get the stuff today and head over then.
Okay! I’m...kind of excited!
All right, see you then.
...okay. He’ll admit it. He’s a little excited. Mostly because this is his first real social interaction in months. So off to the store he heads, asking Hinata for details of what she wants.
It’s not like price is an issue. Mostly just effort. And Sasuke’s got plenty of that to spare.
She decides on a privacy board fence, just to make sure the animals keep out. And he even picks up white paint and brushes for them to make it match her house. By the time tomorrow rolls around, he’s more than prepared. Boards, posts, nails, hammers, paint...he’s got it all.
They get started early in the morning, Sasuke showing her the basics and letting her help...until she smashes her thumb with a hammer. She’s then directed to painting duty, covering up the boards as he gets them tacked up.
A few breaks are taken to drink lemonade she took to making before he got there, as well as lunch. But it’s dinner she promises will be what helps make up for all his hard work.
By early evening, they’ve actually gotten it all up. Hinata insists she can finish the painting herself the next day. “For now, it’s time for dinner!”
“Don’t have to tell me twice.” In truth? He’s starving. Been a while since he’s worked that hard, but it was nice.
Inside, Hinata’s gone all out. An entire ham is taken out of the oven alongside potatoes, salad, and a cherry pie.
“...I think you went a little overboard,” Sasuke observes, perking a brow as she blushes pink.
“I just...w-wanted it to be worth all you did today. I still don’t think it’s enough, really…”
“It’s fine. Like I said, it was something to do. If anything, I should be thanking you.”
The pair stand at an impasse before Hinata relents with a giggle. “Okay, okay...we’ll just call it even.”
Hinata, as it turns out, is a really good cook. Before Sasuke realizes it, he’s overeaten, having had two full plates of everything and feeling miserable.
“No room for pie?” she teases.
“Ugh, no…”
“Well, you can just t-take some home, then. Have it for breakfast tomorrow!”
He just nods, knowing he can’t tell her no. But he does help tidy up and put things away. “Think I might have to help you build fence more often if I get to eat like that.”
She flashes pink again, clearly pleased. “Y-you can come over any time! I guess just, um...give me a little warning.”
“Sure. Let me know if you need help with anything else.”
“I will! Thank you again.”
“Back at you.”
...an awkward silence blooms between them.
“Well, I...guess I’ll say goodnight…?” Hinata offers, sounding more like a question.
“Yeah. Have a nice night, Hinata.”
“You too, Sasuke. Drive home safe.”
“Not like there’s much traffic to worry about,” he counters with a grin.
“Still -!”
“I will, don’t worry.” Giving a wave, he returns to his father’s truck and revs the engine, headlights flicked on. The drive is quiet, and by the time he gets back to his house, the silence - after such a full day - is almost suffocating.
He stares up at the house he’s grown up in, seeing how dark all the windows are. How quiet it is. So, just to ward off the feeling, he shoots Hinata a quick text to let her know he made it back without incident.
Glad to hear it! Goodnight.
Considering his phone for a moment, he can’t help but wonder when would be long enough to wait to see if he can head back. Was kinda nice to go ‘out’ to dinner. He’s not much of a cook, himself. Enough to get by, but nothing like what they had.
He’ll just have to wait and see.
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     I swear I tried to get this done last night but oof, my brain was not cooperating OTL I had a rather stressful day, BUT things are looking better today! So I’m gonna try to get at least one more drabble done today, if not more, cuz I am...very behind. I’ve just had a lot going on irl that makes sitting and writing difficult.      ANYWAY! This is more of the very random “last people on earth” verse I started with day 17. Our two stranded strangers are starting to become friends, seems like! No idea if I’ll do more of this for the rest of the challenge, but it’s a neat idea to explore. I just...don’t have much in way of a plot for it xD But hopefully it’s enjoyable nonetheless!      On that note, I’m gonna try to get another piece done. But thanks for reading this one, and I’ll see you guys later!
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fenixfoxtrot510 · 4 years
Smacking me across my mouth didn't teach me to stop cussing; Just to not talk around you.
Threatening to abandon me in a parking lot when I was 6 or 7 didn't teach me to be grateful for what I have; just taught me that there was only one parent in the house that it was safe for me to go shopping with. That I should never go anywhere alone with you.
Throwing away the things I owned didn't teach me how to keep my room clean; It just taught me that I shouldn't waste my allowance on anything other than junk food that I can eat in the car on the trip home from the store and that chores are a waste of time when my incentive for it could disappear at any time.
Threatening to smack me around when I didn't do chores(cause what's the point when I wasn't allowed to keep the things I bought with my money?) didn't teach me any valuble life lessons about being a functional adult; It just made things that should be routine and turned them into something to dread.
Taking my house key and hiding it somewhere I couldn't reach; Then yelling at me for losing it when I finally broke down and asked you for help looking didn't teach me anything about keeping my key in my bedroom or backpack. Just made me an anxious and frightened wreak wherever I can't find something as an adult.
Telling me you'd give me something to cry about if I didn't stop crying didn't help with or teach me anything. I already had something to cry about in the first place and you only threatened to make it worse because it was what? Annoying you? Not that big a deal to an adult? Not that big a deal to someone without autism? Not real because children aren't self-aware enough to feel things like emotional distress? Made up crocodile tears for attention?
What the hell were you even trying to teach when you made taking me to the doctor when I felt sick and hurt sound like a threat? When you ask the doctor how long it'd take me to get over an infection on my own and they glared at you and said a month and told you to get the antibiotics and pain killers for me. And you fucking got angry at me in the car for not being able to tough out an infection for a month till it went away on it's own? I had an infection on my lung and it hurt to breath but you were mad at me cause I wouldn't stop crying till you took me to the hospital and now you had to buy pills so I could get better in a week? Frustrated that you had to spend money we didn't have just so I wouldn't suffer needlessly? I'm always in pain now and I don't know how to explain it to a doctor or if I even should because my perception on what is or isn't a doctor's concern is so fucking warped from your shitty ass concern for our lack of health insurance over your concern for own child's pain?
And I grew up thinking that I wasn't abused because you never beat us black & blue or called us shitty names. The only time you did give me a black eye was when I screamed at you to "leave me the fuck alone" when I was 17 and in the middle of a panic attack cause you wouldn't get away from me. You were worried sick and demanding to know what was wrong and I was begging you to go away cause I already felt like I was dying and you had me cornered. I couldn't calm down with you in my face and you refused to leave me alone because I was freaking out and you were trying to help. That was the first time you smacked me for cussing since I was 6 or 7 and you hit me too hard. Neither of us knew what to do after that. So you just went with your first worst and respose and told me that kids in foster care had it a million times worse and I bolted away to my room the second I could and cried under my bed till I fell asleep. I hid for hours after that and later you cried and hugged me when you saw how bad the bruise was and swore that it was just a reflex and that you didn't mean to hit that hard but I know better than to cuss and you're were just so sorry that you hit me hard enough to bruise. Said that I should have just told you what was wrong so you could help. Only I didn't know what was wrong. I didn't know what was happening or why I felt like I was going to die. All I knew is that I needed you to go away and you wouldn't. And I believed you about foster care cause of all the news stories about kids in cages on tv while I was growing up.
I never thought I was abused because you never starved us or made us sleep on the floor or in dog cages. I grew up thinking that it wasn't abuse because you constantly said how much you loved us and talked about how smart I was and you took us places to do fun things. You always tried to get us what we wanted for Christmas or our birthdays aside from that one year you gave me a mop and told me to clean the kitchen as a joke. I thought that is wasn't abuse cause you didn't try and force your beliefs on us. You told us that we were smart enough to decide for ourselves what was right or wrong; if we wanted to join a certain religion then it was our choice. Told us that we could do anything we set our minds to if we just worked hard enough. All you ever asked of us in school was to try our best. And you drove me out to a farm in the middle of nowhere to pick out a kitten when I was in first grade and Oreo was my best and closest friend the next 12 years.
You did love us just as much then as you do now but it was still abuse when you hurt us in ways different than the abuse we saw on tv. And I felt like absolute shit when I realized that I didn't love you all that much when I was 11 or 12. I felt like I was a horrible kid but I was right to feel that way, even if I didn't understand that you did do wrong by me then.
And now after a second heart attack, you don't remember anything.
You don't know why my older brother hates you and refuses to talk to you. You don't know why my little sister constantly acts out the way she does even though she's a perfect honors student and graduating early this year. You don't know why I never ask you for anything or why I moved 6 states away after I graduated high school.
Your proud that I'm so independent but asked why I don't even lean on you a little bit as an adult like my step-siblings do. You don't do any of that shit anymore because there's so much media now a days about the correct way to treat your kids and you don't remember how you treated us before. You just remember that you ALWAYS loved us and want what's best for us.
I want to get to know the new you. I do. But I don't know how to trust you. I never learned how to trust you with my feelings, my interests or my pains. And it hurts.
It hurts so bad when I try telling you some of the little things you don't remember; and you just look so goddamn heart broken and you don't want to believe you'd ever do that. You just cling to me crying and I can't do anything but cry too because I can't trust those arms you wrap around me. And that's just the small stuff. The one time I told you something big you insisted that it had to be a nightmare I had cause it would be absolutely impossible for him to have ever threaten ditching me on the side of the road. And you still sobbed and clung to me over hearing that "nightmare."
I know your trying to make it up when you sometimes send trading cards and other little things that I used to like. But I can't find any enjoyment in them now. Not after you took what I loved multiple times an threw it away. It's nowhere near the same as what I had as a kid. Those cards came with a sense of accomplishment because I earned them myself. Just having you give me them to me as an adult feels hollow and reminds me of the past pain of my accomplishments being thrown away.
I don't know what I'm trying to say with this. It just hurts. It hurts it hurts it hurts. I can't trust you. I don't know how. The only real lesson I've learned from you is that I shouldn't trust you. And I don't know how to explain all of that without you having a 3rd heart attack. I don't want that. I don't want you to be hurt but I'm hurt so bad that I can't just forget it all like you did. And like every other time in my life I can't trust you to help me with my pain even though you are different now.
Everything just hurts.
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sayeyav507 · 4 years
How to Crate Train Your Puppy
Knowing how to crate your dog is great.
Knowing how to organize your schedule to succeed is great.
But how you can do both? https://puppyhealth225.blogspot.com/2020/07/it-is-important-for-your-boy-to-choose.html
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Today I have something...
... that will make you feel like you are an expert dog trainer.
In today's post I am going to show you exactly step by step how to crate train your puppy. This method can be used for crate training an older dog as well.
And for those who are wondering what can I do instead of crate training for a dog then the answer is to use a separate room which I will cover in a separate post.
Crate training your puppy is the most effective, fool proof and humane method to train your puppy, especially if your goal is to train your puppy in seven days!
Some believe crate training a dog to be cruel or barbaric. However, if you will evaluate crate training from a dog's viewpoint, you will find that it actually meets an innate desire for a safe place to call his own.
How does crate training helps your puppy?
It is in their genetic makeup to want a secure and sheltered area to rest. Many times in the effort to create their own "den" a puppy or dog will curl up in a box or under a low table. Crate training can help to satisfy this very natural instinct in your puppy, and will provide you with several benefits as well.
Offering your dog its own crate meets your pet's instinctive needs and allows you some control in housebreaking endeavors. Moreover, crate training is a form of dog obedience which will benefit your canine.
So understanding what makes a good crate for your puppy would be your first step.
The most effective crate is one that is just barely big enough so that your dog can lie, stand and turn around. If you give the puppy too much space it will destroy the den concept, and will give your pet the option of soiling half of the crate and still having a clean area in which to rest.
Once a crate has been purchased, you will want to give your puppy or dog time to investigate. Just leave the crate on the floor with the door open until your puppy becomes used to having it around. Placing dog treats and a towel might help your puppy gain an interest in exploring the crate.
After your puppy is familiar with the crate, close your dog inside the crate for ten to fifteen minutes. Stay right there with your puppy perhaps even putting your fingers through the wire of the crate.
Your puppy needs to be assured that this new environment is safe and secure. After ten or fifteen minutes open the door and let the puppy stay or leave at his will. This should be done several times that first day getting your little one accustomed to his crate.
The crate is to be his safe space and should never be used to punish your puppy. The time in the crate should be as enjoyable as is possible. Toys and treats can help to establish this setting of harmony and peace.
Crate training helps you teach your little one not to use the bathroom inside. Dogs instinctively desire to keep their den clean. Dogs do not want to sleep in a soiled area and will do all within their power to hold it until they are taken to their designated potty spot.
If you have a crate that is the proper fit for your puppy he is going to do all in his power to refrain from using the bathroom until you let him outside. Crate training makes it a simple way to schedule regular trips to his designated potty spot.
You may be wondering:
"Which is the best location to place the crate"
It is important to determine the crate's ideal location. You need to put the crate in a location that will remain consistent. This may be a high-traffic area where your family spends a lot of time, but you may also want to provide the dog with some rest time removed from activity, especially at night. Dogs are social animals and some breed even more so than others.
They enjoy being near their family so that they can see what is going on around them and can feel like a part of things. This is very fulfilling to a dog. Since being in a crate should be a positive experience and they should want to spend time there, you don't want to stick them away in a quiet room or out of the way place in the house. They will feel punished, excluded and isolated; and that will not make for a serine, happy puppy.
Here is the deal:
Make sure you place the crate in a busy area of the home where they are able to see and hear what is going on with their family. Usually kitchen or living room areas are ideal locations for a crate. Keep in mind that you would like this area to be free of uncomfortable drafts, not too close to a heat source (radiator, fireplace or vent). You will want to avoid direct sunlight. As much as you are able to give the location of your crate should be neither too hot nor too cold.
If your puppy is very young, you may want to consider moving the crate into your bedroom at night, or placing them in a portable carrier or second crate. The very young puppy has just gone from being with his mother and perhaps siblings to being alone. This can leave them stressed and feeling abandoned which will result in whining and crying. You don't want to make the mistake of putting the puppy in bed with you as that will confuse him as to who is the alpha - him or you. But, neither do you want him to feel frightened and alone.
A puppy will get great comfort and a feeling of safety and security being able to sleep near their family, especially during those first few days in a strange new place.
It isn't essential you have them sleep in your bedroom with you, but it may be beneficial. After a few days, begin to move the crate slowly to where you want them to sleep as they have time to adjust to their new environment. Simply move the crate further away every few nights until you have removed them from the bedroom and where you want them to be.
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Some ideas of the proper toys and bedding to place in your crate would be tough chew toys. There are many benefits to leaving two or three tough chew toys in the crate with your puppy. It will provide your puppy with something to occupy their minds and keep them from becoming bored.
It will give them an alternative to chewing up their bedding, which could be detrimental to their health. It reinforces that being in the crate is a time for some of their favorite things, thus making the crate a happy place for them. It also will help reduce the likelihood of your puppy chewing on your belongings.
It is important to be aware that soft stuffed teddy bears and easily chewed squeaky toys should only be given to your puppy under supervision and never left in the crate. They will likely get destroyed, but your puppy could inject pieces causing intestinal blockages.
How long does it take to crate train a puppy... ?
The most important thing about crate training is to follow a strict schedule so that your puppy becomes accustomed to routine! If this sample schedule is adhered to you will be well on your way to having your puppy potty trained in record time!
Adhere to a 24-hour schedule. To house train your dog in 7 days, you need to meticulously follow a schedule. This will establish a routine for both you and your dog. Your puppy needs to go out first thing in the morning, after meals and play times, and before bedtime. Each moment should be accounted for.
This is a sample routine for someone who is home all day.
Make sure to give your puppy a bathroom break during the night.
You probably wondering...
... How long can a dog stay in a crate.
The maximum time you are able to leave a young puppy is four hours so with a very young puppy you will need to set your alarm clock for every two to three hours. After the alarm goes off take your puppy out of the crate and give him a chance to relieve himself in his designated potty spot. Then quietly put him back into the crate.
Older dogs can wait longer, but you need to make sure they do not go in their crate overnight, or all that hard work in the day time is basically undone. During this time do not fuss or even speak to the puppy except to give him his potty instructions - the same words and same tone as during the day. You don't want to give him the idea that night-time is play time.
What's the bottom line?
A crate is an ideal place to keep your belongings safe and secure and your puppy safe and secure while you are away. Another thought is that a crate is also the most secure and convenient way to transport your dog as it will keep him protected while in the car and is a necessity for airline travel.
As with anything, a crate can be abused. You may be tempted to keep your puppy there throughout the day or to use it as a way to punish him. This will just undermine the training process and perhaps make your puppy hate the crate when it should in fact be his haven!
When you are crate training all feedings initially should be done inside of the crate. Make sure you leave the door open while you are feeding your puppy. The association with food will make it a great place for him.
Your puppy needs you as the owner to be consistent in your routine but also in the words you use to instruct him. Just as you will want to use the same phrase with the same exact inflection when teaching your puppy his designated potty spot; you will also want to use the same phrase and same inflection when instructing him to get inside of his crate. You need to choose the same word each time.
A command such as "crate time" or "get in your Kennel" with the same exact hand gesture will help him to understand what is expected of him. When the puppy goes in say the command, and when you feed him at meal times say the same command. When your puppy obeys give him a treat to show him your pleasure. It is best that your puppy not associate his crate with being alone.
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So in the early days of training make sure that you or someone familiar is able to be with him as he acclimates to his crate. Those early days can also be benefited by keeping a puppy journal. It may sound impractical to keep a journal of the times your puppy needs to go potty, but it may in fact prevent unwanted accidents to have a written documentation of his successes and his accidents.
A regular feeding schedule will help to insure a more regular bathroom schedule. Remember it is critical to not punish your puppy for accidents, teaching your puppy to eliminate outdoors is a process that takes patience and time.
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juliabohemian · 4 years
have you started hiking due to the pandemic?
let’s talk about hiking etiquette...
I’d like to preface this by saying that I have been a naturalist for about 30 years. I have been a birdwatcher and native wildlife photographer for about 20 years. I volunteer with a number of CA based organizations. I photograph and educate people on local wildlife in the Southern California area.
That being said (all the Boogaras take a drink), in light of the recent pandemic, droves of people who ordinarily don't set foot in the wilderness (and probably shouldn’t) are now flocking to hiking trails to get some fresh air. Sans masks, of course. Because everyone knows that germs only live in urban areas.
And I have observed a number of behaviors among these people over the past 6 months. There’s not a whole lot I can do about it. I guess I am hoping that someone will read my words and pass them on and maybe someone else will glean something from it.
1. Do not feed the wildlife. 
Outside of using bait to catch a fish or hanging bird feeders on your patio, there is no reason for you to be feeding wild animals. In fact, there are even limits to how much you should be feeding birds. 
This rule does not exist to annoy you, or to ruin your fun plans, or to violate your personal freedom. It is a very important rule. I have seen local wildlife populations fluctuate enough to know what happens when wild animals are fed. They develop an expectation. They become aggressive. There’s overpopulation and, eventually, disease. Not just disease for you, but disease that can be transmitted to humans and other animals.
Don't feed the animals. Don't give bread or processed food to the ducks (because it's actually terrible for them). Don't feed the squirrels. Don't feed the deer, raccoons, rabbits or bears. If they dig through your trash, that’s on them. But don’t serve it up for them on a silver platter.
Today, I actually had a man tell me that since squirrels have never been aggressive towards him, he does not believe that feeding them is a problem. And besides, he's an animal person. Animals like him! I wish I had it on video, because he was standing right next to a sign that said do not feed the squirrels. 
Where I live, feeding the wildlife is a finable offense. Unfortunately, people rarely get caught doing it.
2. Cyclists, yield.
Earlier this year, I actually watched a middle aged man throw a tantrum because he had to swerve very slightly to avoid hitting me. I had my tripod set up on a paved jogging/bike trail. The trail is easily 9 feet wide. It was broad daylight and he could see me from 100 feet away. I wish I had THAT on video too.
Cyclists, please make absolutely sure that the trail is approved for bike traffic before you use it. And even if a trail is approved for bikes, that doesn’t make it safe for bikes. Conditions on a trail can change, seasonally. Sometimes there is a lot of vegetation. If a hiker has to step off the trail and into a potential rattlesnake area, just so that you can pass, it is not safe for you to use at that time. A trail is not safe for you to use if your using it might endanger hikers.
Hikers and pedestrians have the right-of-way. Always. Without exception. It’s actually the law. Do not ring your bell or yell “on your left!” as you are barrelling down the hill directly at us, and expect us to dive out of the way. 
I understand that cyclists want to be able to “enjoy” nature too. But if your enjoyment of something results in ruining it for someone else, you might need to reassess.
3. If you want to listen to music while hiking, wear earbuds. 
Please. I don’t care if it’s Bach. I don’t care if it’s Tom Hiddleston, reading my grocery list. Other people don’t go hiking to listen to your music. Why? Because it’s yours. You’re not in your car or in your room at home. Other people can hear it. It’s almost like you are but a single individual in a world full of other living things that have needs and desires entirely separate from yours.
I personally come out into wilderness to listen to wilderness sounds. Why? Because the sounds help me know where things are, so that I can take more pretty pictures. If I can't hear the wildlife because of your music, that's a problem.
It’s really easy, in 2020, to listen to music with earbuds. Countless devices are pocket sized. There is no excuse.
4. Dog owners, leash your dogs. 
First of all, you should always check first to make sure your dog is even allowed on a trail before using it. If I had a dollar for every dog I’d seen on a trail that said “no dogs” I could probably buy my own private trail somewhere. If a trail isn’t marked safe for dogs, do not bring them.
If you are hiking in a wilderness area with your dog, it must be on a leash. I don't care how nice or cute or old your dog is. You have no idea how it will react when confronted with any number of things that it might encounter out in the wilderness. Not to mention that some hikers have allergies to dogs, or anxiety, or might just startle easily when your pet comes running at them and tries to jump on them.
I can’t even count all the times I’ve been lining up a shot of some wild animal, only to have it frightened away by a dog...doing what dogs do. It’s totally reasonable for a dog to want to chase a rabbit or a bird. It’s a dog. Which is why dogs have owners, and why there are leash laws.
5. Dog owners, pick up after your dogs.
Pick up your dog’s poop. Do not leave it for other people to step in. Just because you are out in nature does not mean you don’t have to pick it up. Coyote poop is nature. Dog poop is not. I can easily tell the difference between the two. 
Do not put your dog’s poop in a bag, tell yourself that you’ll come back for it, and leave it there forever. I frequent the same trails often enough to recognize a bag and know how many days it’s been sitting there. You’re not fooling anyone. And don’t assume whoever “maintains” the trail will pick the poop bag up for you. Many trails are maintained irregularly by volunteers. And they should not have to pick up your dog’s poop.
6. Do not fuck with the animals.
Don’t interfere with any animal in any way that might alter its sleep cycle, its ability to eat, its likelihood of being eaten, its ability to mate, its access to shelter etc. Don’t harass animals. 
A few months ago, I had to stop a guy from throwing a stick at a rattlesnake that was blocking the trail. Snakes do not care about people. They want nothing to do with us. Give them wide berth. Do not harass them. You have no idea how they will react or what they will do to protect themselves.
A good start would be educating yourself on what animals are native to your area BEFORE going out into the wilderness. But that’s a lecture for another time.
7. Parents, be parents.
A wilderness area is not the same as a public playground. For one thing, it is far more dangerous. Thus, it is not a place where you can just let your kids run free and not bother to supervise them.
If you take your kids hiking, you are absolutely responsible for their behavior and their safety. When I see a kid screaming, throwing rocks, running off trail and chasing animals, I always look to see how their parents (assuming they are even nearby) are reacting to their behavior. Children are children. They are going to do these things. It is the parent’s job to say “no, that is not appropriate” and then to explain why it is not appropriate. Model appropriate behavior.
Parents with kids...while hiking, stay together. If your kid is out of your line of vision, they are too far away from you. Stay on the trail. More experienced hikers can scramble up boulders and down inclines. Your child probably shouldn’t. Do not throw rocks or sticks, or use sticks to hit anything. Do not throw things into water. Do not rip branches off of trees or move large stones. You might be interfering with an animal’s habitat.
Bonus complaint:  
If you go out into the wilderness to have alone time with your significant other, to film yourself doing intimate things, or to shoot portraits of any kind, assume that it’s possible you will be interrupted at some point. You are still in a public place. You didn’t pay to rent that area. You do not have a guarantee of privacy.
You may have noticed that all of these have something in common. 
Just like the refusal to wear a mask, these behaviors all demonstrate a failure to evolve beyond egocentricity. That means, they demonstrate a complete lack of awareness that one’s actions affect other people, and that we aren’t simply entitled to something because we want it.
Model empathy for your children. Teach them about ecosystems. Teach them that the world is made of up of living things that are all connected in some way. Teach them basic science. Lots and lots of science. Educate them on their local wildlife. Know what is dangerous and why. Familiarize yourself with laws that are relevant to you. Be teachable and open to input from more knowledgable or experienced parties.
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tournesolia · 5 years
Chaos Lineage Yuma Chapter 10 Translation
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Place : Scarlet mansion – Living room and dining room
Yui : (Everyone gathered in the dining room because it's time for supper, but...)
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Reiji : …
Shu : …
Yuma : …
Yui : (No one says anything...)
Kino : Aah-aah, that atmosphere sucks...
Reiji : Kino, be quiet and eat
Kino : Okaaay
Yui : (The atmosphere completely changed now. It got tense... The silence is heavy)
(It must be because Yuma-kun and Reiji-san are holding grudge against each other...)
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Yuma : … Thanks for the meal. Hey, if you finished eating as well, let's go back
Yui : Ah, okay...
Reiji : Wait, Yuma
Yuma : … What ?
Reiji : Please don't go near the dungeon. If you don't want us to doubt you, refrain from acting as you please
Yuma : Oh, shut up... You didn't have to bother reminding me, I already know !
*Yuma leaves
Yui : W-Wait, Yuma-kun !
*Yui runs after him
Reiji : …
Scene change : Scarlet mansion – Corridor
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Yuma : Damn, that Reiji guy... ! He's noisy and persistent !
Yui : Reiji-san is being cautious, so... He's maybe trying to get you to comply with his rules
He has a strong memory about the supreme ruler implanted in him, right ? He's feeling upset because of that...
Yuma : … A memory, huh. You're right
Reiji did nothing wrong. It's that bastard who made us like that
Sorry for getting irritated. Even if I know, getting sermoned makes me mad
Yui : (W... Well, they originally didn't get along...)
(Still, I hope we can at least do something about the atmosphere)
Scene change : Scarlet mansion – Kitchen
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Yui : It seems no one is using the kitchen... That's good
(I came here while Yuma-kun's sleeping. Will he get angry when he wakes up ?)
(But I still want to make something for him to enjoy)
Hmm... There's ham, cucumber and jam. How about making a sandwich ?
??? : What are you doing here ?
Yui : Kyaaa... !?
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Yui : Reiji-san...
Reiji : It seems Yuma is not with you. Did he went alone in the dungeon to see those rats ?
Yui : T-That's wrong. He doesn't have the intention of doing that
Reiji : He doesn't... I see. You seem to have a strong attachment to him
Yui : Well...
(I can't say that it's because we're lovers. He won't believe me and he will suspect us even more)
Reiji : Don't deny it. It's all right to be honest... or that's what I would like to say
The one who is worthy to own the lady known as Eve is me
Yui : … Reiji-san, please. Don't stand in my way...
(He's blocking the way out. I can't get out of here...!)
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Reiji : So you aren't going to obey me to the very end
It doesn't matter at all. You only have to give your blood to me as a proof of your subordination
Because if I take possession of Eve, the supreme ruler's throne will be mine
Yui : Why do you want to become the supreme ruler so bad... ?
Reiji : What a foolish question. As the eldest son of the Scarlets, it is necessary for me to take the throne
Yui : Necessary... ?
(I guessed it right. Reiji-san only follows what his implanted memories dictates him...)
(He only thinks that he has to fulfill his duty as the eldest son. But--)
(Being at the mercy of those fake memories and hurt everyone... This is not what Reiji-san himself wished for !)
Reiji : I overlooked it until now, but...
I am the one worthy of Eve's blood, not Yuma
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Yui : That's wrong... You are only being manipulated by fake memories right now !
Having to reach the peak even if it means taking lives... You are only following that obsession
This is not your true intentions !
Reiji : Silence
Yui : … !
Reiji : If you won't obey me, I will have to discipline you. Now, behave yourself
Yui : (… ! He's going to suck my blood !?)
No... Reiji-san, stop...
Yuma-kun... !
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Yuma : Stop !!
*Yuma pushes Reiji away
Reiji : … !
Yui : Ah...
(Yuma-kun... He came...)
Yuma : You bastard... What were you doing to her !?
Reiji : It's obvious, isn't it ? I was teaching her once again who should reign above all
Yuma : Teach her ? Was it necessary to use your fangs for that ?
Sucking her blood won't make you the supreme ruler ! Are you stupid for rushing too much !?
Reiji : I beg you pardon ?
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Yuma : That's true, no ? You tried to suck her blood indecently
Where are your usual manners !?
Reiji : I don't want to hear this from you who lust insatiably for blood
Yuma : What did you just say !?
Yui : Now now, you two... !
Reiji : … You are like a guard dog. You spoiled my enjoyment
Pardon me for the intrusion. We shall talk some time later
*Reiji leaves
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Yui : Reiji-san...
Yuma : Hah, piss off !
Yui : (Reiji-san... He's impatient to fulfill his duty as the eldest son)
(Which means becoming the supreme leader...)
Yuma : … Hey
Yui : Ah... Yuma-kun, thank you
Yuma : You... Stop acting on your own !
You aren't safe even inside that mansion ! Those Scarlets are targeting you !
So don't separate from me and wander around !
Yui : O-Okay... I'm sorry
(I wanted to cheer him up but I made him excessively worried...)
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Yuma : Geez... What the heck were you doing here ?
Shouldn't we stop giving food to the prisoners for now ?
Yui : Indeed, I wasn't going to do that today. I thought about preparing something for you...
Yuma : Ha ? For me... ?
Yui : We're in such a situation recently, so I thought that if you eat something delicious, you would feel better
But if I stand in the kitchen, it would be natural for Reiji-san and the others to find it suspicious. I guess I made a mistake... I'm sorry
Yuma : No, I mean... You made me worry. It was bad for me to shout at you...
Aaah... Then, I'll keep watch so make me something. It's more safe if we're together
Yui : Eh... ? Ah, okay
(Yuma-kun isn't angry anymore ?)
(But he's staring at me so I'm a little nervous...)
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Choice 1 : Focus on cooking (black roses)
Yui : (For now, let's focus on cooking. Spreading butter on bread...)
(… Ugh, I'm worried about his gaze after all. I-I'm nervous)
Yuma : … Hey, you're limp. Are you okay ?
Yui : I-I'm okay !
Choice 2 : Talk when cooking (white roses)
Yui : I'll immediately prepare something for you so wait a little, okay ?
Ah ! Should I use some of the vegetables we harvested ?
Yuma : Should I check ? That's a good choice. Is that a sandwitch ?
Yui : Yes. It's a ham and jam sandwitch. You like it, right ?
Yuma : Yeah
– End of choices
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Yui : (When he stares at me making something, I'm somewhat embarrassed...)
(It wasn't like that when we cooked together, and yet...)
Yuma : What ? Are you silent because you're nervous ?
Yui : Eeeeh !? That's not it ?
Yuma : Haha... Your overturned voice isn't convincing
*Yuma gets closer
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Yuma : Anyway, I came out to fix your bedhair. You got some stray hair sticking out
Yui : Eh ? It tickles a little... !
Yuma : Ah ? I just touched your head. You're so sensitive. Well, I already knew that
Yui : (He won't stop at all ! And it really tickles a little...!)
Then I won't make you a sandwich
Yuma : Don't make such noises for me... *kiss
Yui : Hyaaa !?
Geez, Yuma-kun, are you playing with me !?
*Yuma hugs her
Yui : Eh... ?
What's wrong ? You suddenly hug me...
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Yuma : Nothing... I feel greatly at peace like that
Kou immediately came when he smelt something from the kitchen, joined by Azusa
And Ruki watched the scene with a wry smile... I was just thinking about that kind of thing
Yui : Yuma-kun...
Yuma : … I think again about when I confronted Ruki. And when I threw Kou and Azusa in jail...
How can I smile about those peaceful times I spent with my brothers when I actually threw them into jail ?
Yui : … Don't say that
Even I remember. I miss our daily lives so much...
That's why we shouldn't lose. We can't give up until everyone regain their memories
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Yuma : You... You're saying what you have to say as usual. But... you're right
We'll absolutely get back to our daily lives. Even if someone gets in our way...
Yui : Indeed...
(Reiji-san and Ruki-kun will surely get in our way...)
Yuma : Hey, turn this way
Yui : … Okay
Yuma : I'll make sure to bring us back to our daily lives. I promise... *kisses her
Yui : (It's as if he transmitted his feelings to me from the lips...)
Yuma : Haa... It's not good. Your scent is getting stronger. I can't hold back
You haven't enough with just a kiss, huh ?
Yui : T-That's because... I'm happy... when you do that...
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Yuma : Damn, you talk me into it. Hey, expose your shoulder. I'll suck from here
Yui : O-Okay...
Yuma : You're terribly honest, aren't you ? Well, we both can't endure it. *sucks blood
Yui : Yuma-ku... Ah...
Yuma : *sucks blood
Yui : (His bloodsucking... is gentle but more intense than usual..)
(Could it be... Yuma-kun shares the same feelings as me... ?)
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A gap had been created between
the Scarlet brothers.
And it's as if there was an invisible
wall between Yuma-kun and
Ruki-kun... his real brother.
In this situation, where no one else
regained their memories, it was as if
we didn't have any allies aside from
each other.
I just felt that the pain given by
Yuma-kun's fangs dispelled my
overflowing anxiety.
Scene change : Scarlet mansion – Living room and dining room
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Shu : … Zzz... Zzz...
Kino : He's sleeping agaaain. Shu ! Come on, wake up !
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Shu : Hmm... You're noisy...
What do you want... ? I was sleeping comfortably...
Kino : You can sleep soundly despite the situation where the supreme ruler may be decided very soon, huh
Shu : It has nothing to do with me
Kino : You're unmotivated as usual. Ending up only sleeping... What a blessed life you have
Shu : If you have something to tell me, hurry up and do it
Kino : My my, don't be hasty. I have not much to say. I just think you're kind
You took Yuma's defense against Reiji, right ?
Shu : … I didn't mean that
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Kino : Is that so ? Doesn't it feel like you always care about him ? Well, either way's fine
However, I can say that Yuma will betray your feelings
Shu : What do you mean ?
Kino : Actually, I heard something interesting from the prisoners. Let me share it with you, especially--
Chapter 10 : End
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hypmicscenarios · 5 years
Chance Meeting (3)
A/N: I know I said 3 parts but I dont know how to control myself so four! again, 3rd part is also on AO3.
Eventually, your one hour was up with the dogs. It had went by so quickly! You looked down at yourself and then at Riou, chuckling. You had been here way too many times, so you were prepared. When you guys walked out,you dug in your bag and pulled out a lint roller. You smiled as you held it out in front of you,”here you go, I knew this was going to happen,”you said. Riou took it, getting all the hair off, then handing it to you. Once you guys looked clean again, you placed it in your bag.
“Ah, we can go to a cafe,”you said, starting to walk. “Its a nice place and the waiters are very friendly there,”you said. Seconds later, you heard a bell. Before you could react to what was most likely a bike trying to get through, you felt a hand around your shoulder, being pulled next to Riou. Your eyes landed on the bike that had zoomed by, but you were more focused on his touch. “Oh, thank you,”you said, offering a small smile as he moved his hand away. “Its my duty”, he replied. Then, he moved to the other side of you. Him being too considerate wasn’t helping the love you had already held for him. It may have just been his natural instincts...but you were falling for them. You were weak and you figured you should stop yourself before you fell too in love and he didnt reciprocate your feelings back.
Riou rarely went out to any cafes or restaurants. He considered himself an acceptable cook, so he made all of his meals, coffee, tea, everything. To be honest, he had never eaten at a restaurant after he became Ex-navy. He certainly hadn’t expected that his first time coming here again would be with L/N. When they arrived and sat down, his eyes just stared at the menu.
“Do you need help? Youre looking at it like its some difficult math problem,”you said, seeing the way his eyebrows only went lower and lower as he stared. He answered back,”I make everything myself...so I havent been to a restaurant or anything of the sort in years. Dice tries to make me, but I offer to make his favorite dish, then he forgets about it.” This caused you to chuckle,”oh, I see. I guess they didn’t have restaurants on a ship. But sometimes I think you should take a break from cooking your meals everyday. But I suppose the whole purpose of it is more to spend and enjoy time with someone, than to merely go and eat food.”
Riou blinked and asked a question bluntly,”so you’re enjoying your time with me?” This caught you off guard but you replied with a smile,”well, yes. This is me paying you back for saving me, but I completely forgot about that, Im just having a lot of fun.”
“With me?”,Riou asked, simply for clarification, but it made you laugh again. “Am I with anyone else right now? Of course its with you,”you responded. Even if he was like this, you still loved this part, you loved every part of him that you’ve encountered so far.
Riou didn’t know exactly how to take that. Even in the navy, everyone always praised him for being a good soldier, doing things to perfection. He did hangout with his other mates and it was a fun time, although he never drunk too much. However, hearing it was fun to just hangout with him, was something that Riou hadn’t heard in a while, except the occasional comment from Dice.
“What would recommend from here then?”,Riou asked. You smiled and said that you would just order for the both of you, first asking if he was allergic or extremely disliked anything. He wasn’t and the things in the meal didn’t match up with his dislikes.
You spoke,”I also come here a lot and I get stamps. Today will complete another card and that means the second person’s meal is free. Everything seemed to match up perfectly, dont you think?”
Riou nodded in agreement.
The food soon arrived and you did your best to try to keep the conversation alive and going. Of course, they were some silent moments between the two of you, but they weren’t bad. In fact, you feel quite comfortable during the silence when you two just focused on your food. Your smile didnt seem to fade. Maybe it was because you felt so safe around him. He wasn’t a man of many words, but you could tell he listened intently to some of your stories.
“Yeah, one time my dog was trying to chase a bird out the window, but he hit himself, so I had to hold him like a baby and kiss his head. He’s really too spoiled,”you said. You looked at him for his response and you only smiled wide when Riou put on a small smile and spoke,”I think it just shows that you’re a very kind owner, he should be very lucky.” You blushed and looked down,”yes...he should.”
The waiter soon returned with your checks and you guys were free to go as soon as you pleased. You both got up and started to walk away. Digging in your bag, you pulled out some perfume. “Ah, this is for my dog. He tends to get upset if he smells other dogs on me, so I use this to get the scent off.” Riou nodded,”that makes sense. You cant bring him to the cafes?”
“No. I did try asking once but they said no, for valid reasons of course. And while he is super cute. I dont know...hmm...I guess I just want to give all the dogs my love! I think I have magic hands, they love my rubs,”you said as you held your hands out and laughed. “You do?”,Riou asked.
Without thinking, you moved your hand up and ruffled his hair, then pulling it away,”O-oh sorry...I was just trying to demonstrate,”you said, hoping he wouldn’t be too troubled. Riou turned his head away from yours and spoke,”its fine. You do. Have magic hands, that is.” He said. Just why was he getting flustered like this? No, he wasn’t a dog, so he shouldn’t have felt anything from that, but he did.It was all too confusing and he thought about it until they arrived at their place.
“Oh, thank you for today. I know you didn’t have to come and maybe you didn’t want to, but Im glad you did. I had a lot of fun. I hope you did too,”you said with a smile, standing outside your door.
“To be quite honest I was hesitant on coming. I dont normally go out. But you shouldn’t worry, I think I enjoyed myself, or no, I did,”he said, nodding, and quickly heading into his apartment because he didn’t know what to say. Did he have to think about it? No, he knew that he liked his time spent with them….he just wasn’t used to this feeling of enjoyment. Each day, he had only been living through the motions, same routine, not breaking it, because that's what it was like in the navy. Today, he broke out of that routine, and he was quite scared about how good it felt to break his routine.
You closed your door and smiled as you picked up your dog, twirling him around, telling him about your day,”it was so great and I didn’t think we talked that much but we did! Do you know he cooks? Thats amazing, the only thing I can cook decently is ramen and curry you know this.he even smiled! He….aaaa…”,you squealed silently and fell on your couch, chuckling as your dog, who probably didn’t understand a word you said, was just happily licking your cheek. “I missed you too you fluffy goofball,Mwah!”,you said, kissing the top of his head. The rest of the night, all you could think about was him. And the smile never left your face.
For the next few days, Riou could not keep you out of his thoughts. It also didn’t help that he had told Dice about his outing with you, because the other wouldn’t have stopped pestering him. The one statement that he kept recalling was Dice saying,”If they asked you out again, would you go?” And the answer to that was almost yes, before it turned into a maybe. Its not that he enjoyed….well he at least wouldn't admit it...but it wasn’t a horrible time. He didn’t feel the need or pressure to keep a conversation. Although they didn't say it, he could tell that they didn’t mind the silence either. It was just….comfortable. The whole day was comfortable.
The next time he saw you was at the grocery store again. He saw your eyes peer into his basket and then you posed a question about his meal that day. “I was just thinking of making some spaghetti. Nothing too fancy.”,he responded. At least, he thought it was, but you made it seem like he was a chef.
“Spaghetti?? That's amazing. I dont even think I could cook that. I think the only noodles I can cook to perfection are these,”you said, holding up your basket filled with ramen noodles. Riou stared at it and asked a question,”is that usually what your meals consist of?” You thought for a moment,”well...no. I can also make curry. Sometimes I cook some chicken and just have chicken and rice….otherwise its microwaved meals or going out to eat.”
Riou became a bit concerned that no vegetables were mentioned. “If you dont mind, you can eat some of my spaghetti. I usually end up making it for two, but I just save it.” This is what you definitely heard, but your mind switched the words around,”so like, eating it at your place or?”, you said. His eyes went wider and you could tell thats probably not what he meant…”o-or I dont have to go over-”
“Its fine. You can come over.” he said, without even thinking about it. What did he just say? Invited them over? No, it wasn’t what he had in my mind at first, but once they said it, he just went along. Besides, it was in his nature to feed people and teach them how to eat healthily. That was all. Or, thats what he tried to convince himself. Nothing more, nothing less. Though, his excitement would definitely show later on with the amount of care he put into making this regular old dish.
You, on the other hand, were freaking out on the inside. A smile came upon your face as you spoke,”so...I suppose you can just knock on my door when its ready?”, you proposed. Riou nodded,”yes, I can do that. Dont make your ramen. Although, later on, I can teach you how make such a meal even healthier if thats what you must rely on.”
A small giggle came out of your mouth,”enhance ramen? I would definitely love to know how. Then, I’ll see you later, have to go walk my dog and feed my dog.I’ll look forward to it,”you said and waved him off, Riou simply waving back, then putting his hand down, his palm up, now looking at it. A small smile came on his face as his hand curled up into a fist. Why was excited? Another person to try his cooking? Well, he had to built up his reputation a bit with his cooking, so he needed to make this good to fit their expectations of his cooking, and he would do exactly that.
“Paw, give me paw,”you said as you sat on the couch, treats in your hands. When your dog gave you his paw, you smiled and gave him a treat,”good boy,” you praised and kept doing this until you heard a knock at the door, your corgi going to bark at it. You opened the door and saw Riou standing there, your dog sprinting through your legs and jumping on him.
“Oh my, Im sorry, he gets excited when he sees friendly faces again,”you said with a chuckle. Riou shook his head,”its fine,”he said, bending down and picking him up. Riou let him lick his face a couple times before he held him away from his face,”nice to see you again too.” You smiled and held your hands out,”I’ll take this little bugger from your hands,”you said, placing him down on the ground. “I’ll be back soon baby, dont wreck the place,”you said, as your dog looked at you confused.
You didn’t really put any makeup on….okay maybe you put on a bit of foundation. The dark circle curse was always on you and never went away, so you had to do something about it. Honestly, you were a bit nervous going over to his place. You knew you were going there and most likely going to get exactly what you expected. But. It didn’t hurt to fantasize a bit.Maybe you guys could get a bit closer. You were entering someone’s home after all. That was kind of a big deal. It meant the person trusted you.
Riou’s place was already tidied up, so he didn’t really need to do much. He only focused on the meal, which was already finished and set up on the table. He opened his door and held his hand out, letting you in,”the food is on the table, you can sit in one of the chairs.” You looked in and bowed your head slightly,”thank you for letting me into your home,”you said, then walked in, looking around as you took off your shoes. His was….way more neat than yours. And, it was quite simple.  There weren’t many decorations, except some picture frames spread around, a plant or two.
Finally, you walked to his table and your eyes shimmered at the sight and smell. It already looked incredibly delicious,”woah...you made all of this?”, you said, mostly in a surprised rhetorical way, but he responded with,”yes, I did.” You chuckled,”Im excited to try it. Definitely ten times better than the ramen I would have made,”you finished and finally sat down. Riou, however, grabbed your empty plate and placed the noodles, along with the sauce and meatballs on top of it.
The meal was absolutely delicious. You told him that plenty of times over dinner. Riou didn’t know how to handle so many compliments at once. And you were the one keeping up the whole conversation that he eventually felt like he wasn’t contributing enough. Only once did he ever try to have a romantic relationship with someone, but they said despite his looks, he was just dull and boring.
“L/N-san, you…..you dont feel troubled that you’re the one talking so much?”, he said, caving into an insecurity he had thought buried deep down inside of him. Your answer though went far beyond his expectations. You had remember him saying something similar, but you still spoke from your heart, a smile on your face,”what do you mean? Its not like Im talking to a rock. You comment when you feel like it, I can tell your actively listening and not zoning out, even if we didnt talk, your presence is quite comforting, and this food warms my heart, I can tell you put your feelings into it. I dont think a rock could do any of that,”you said with a chuckle.
His eyes went wide and then he smiled a bit, chuckling,”youre quite interesting.” You were taken aback by his smile yet again. It was absolutely precious to you, but you responded,”me? Interesting? Im not the one whose ex-navy and probably has a bunch of badges in his honor. Or can cook like Gordon Ramsey. Or whose as kind to feed the homeless when they need it. You underestimate yourself.”
Riou’s smile faded, but there was still that gleam in his eyes,”thank you for that. Dinner is over, did you want to leave?”,he asked. Some small part of him wanted to continue the conversation...but he didn’t want to keep you. You didn’t want to go as well.
“Do you have any Sake?”
Be bold or Go home.
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mygiantesslove · 6 years
Christmas Eve at My Cousins Feet
Christmas Ends with her Ass and Feet
Christmas Day 6:50PM
The night went on and Jake's Family enjoyed a delightful Christmas dinner while he was in the back of Bianca's Panties kissing her ass. While Jake was "kissing up" to her booty Bianca lay on the couch and read a new Victoria's Secret Lingerie catalog, sat down on a hard wooden chair, sat down with her legs crossed on the floor and then played some game with Trixie, Jennifer, and Samantha where she jumped around a lot. you didn't know what she was playing because you were trapped in her underwear, but every time she would jump up, you would be shifted around to another part of her rear end. sometimes under her asscheek, sometimes on top of her bumcheek, and sometimes in between her asscrack. that was the least fun for you but Bianca had a Blast!
After Christmas Dinner Bianca ate so much food, that her stomach was filled up to her esophagus and she had to make room in her intestines. she felt a rumble in her tummy and thought to herself.
"Sorry Jake, but this is the kinda stuff you're going to have to get used to if you're going to be my Perfect Shrunken Slave."
Pft, poot
Bianca unclenched her anus the smallest amount possible and released the build-up of gas that was growing in her bowels.  No one else heard what escaped from Bianca's large intestine but you were the unlucky soul who had a front-row seat to a teenage girl farting on you.
"Awww Gross.  I can't believe she farted on me."
While you were distracted by the smell Bianca noticed her lackey miss a kiss on the minute and slammed her butt down in her seat to get her cousins attention back to her beautiful ass.
"OW! jeez Bianca, give me a break after the noxious wind you released on me."
After about ten minutes (10 kisses) the smell went away and the scent of Bianca's perfume on her skin came back and it was easier to smack your lips on her cheeks again.  It was getting very trivial and annoying but you did it so Bianca would stop butt-crushing you and avoid the night of being Anal vored by her.
The next few hours went by pretty slowly with you counting the seconds until you had to kiss her ass again. However, for Bianca, it went by pretty fast and she wished you could crawl all over her panties and kiss her all over her booty.  Towards the end of the night you forgot about kissing Bianca's glutes for only a second and in retaliation, she slammed her butt down on the hard wooden chair and you were squished and compressed into her buttcheeks.
Christmas Night 11:45 pm
The night went on and pretty soon everyone was becoming tired and sleepy. Aunt Michelle let out a long yawn and said
"Okay everybody its time to hit the hay.  You can finish whatever you're doing tomorrow but right now everyone needs a good rest."
Bianca went back to her room dressed in her cute pajamas and then took you out of her ass and dropped you on her bed.
"Ya know, I should Punish you more for those two instances where you forgot to kiss my butt, but I'm feeling generous today and it is your first week as my foot slave so I'll go easy on you since my butt isn't the main area you'll be worshipping.  But that doesn't mean you won't get to experience other places on my body (giggles seductively).  it all depends on how well you perform as my slave and how much enjoyment I get out of what you do for me."
The more duties Bianca gave you as her servant, the more you regretted coming back to her and serving her like a goddess.  but it was too late now, so you better make the best of it and not let the things she says bother you.
"Okay, Jake. I want this to be fun for you so why don't you pick the pair of socks you'll be sleeping in.  Think of it as picking a sleeping bag for a camping trip.  Except you have to bunk with my barefoot."
Bianca showed you different colors of pairs of red, grey, black, white, rainbow, black and pink, blue and pink and one worn out pair that was white with blue stars and moons, purple flying birds and orange fireworks. that pair had a few holes in it and it looked like Bianca had worn them for a few years.
"Uhhhhhhh, I'll pick the gray ones."
"Grey?  That's a boring color. Maybe I should pick these myself from now on?  You shoulda picked the blue, purple and orange ones they're my favorite.  Start taking notes Jake, you're going to have to know a lot of minor details about my feet, so I would start now if I were you.  It might seem trivial to the average person but this is your job now and I expect you to know where every line on my foot is by the end of the month and where exactly I liked to be massaged the most."
You took a mental note of what she said but that was the whole reason why you didn't pick them in the first place.  Because you had a feeling even though they were washed you would still be able to smell some funkiness from them from years of being worn in all the footwear she owned.
"Now Jake.  I want you to give each of my toes a kiss before I go to sleep.  I want you to do this every day and night from now on and if you forget I'll squeeze you under each toe you forgot to press your lips against.  This is a new task you will have to learn and I still have many more tricks to teach you."
Bianca spoke to you like you were a pet dog or something but you did go and kiss each toe so you can't argue much there.  If you were really going to be Bianca's obedient foot slave you had to try your hardest to like her feet so you don't go crazy by being owned by a spoiled teenage brat (albeit a hot one) who got whatever she wanted.
The joy of having a small teenager to do with whatever she wanted hadn't left Bianca yet. looking through the spaces in her toes, you could tell by the look on her face, just like a little girl who got everything she wanted from Santa.  Bianca unraveled a pair of grey socks from her dresser and then dropped you inside them. the familiar sight of her massive toes creeping in still scared you, but you were getting used to it and it wasn't as bad as when she first wore you in her old dirty green and red Xmas socks that smelt so bad you didn't know it was humanly possible for girls feet to stink like that.
Bianca went to sleep with a live human trapped in her sock and to her, this was the best Christmas ever.  However for you being forced to explore a teenage girls body as well as the rest of your family's bodies, being eaten alive, puked up and shat on, dodging about 10 women's shoes to avoid being crushed and given horrible torture from your younger cousin's feet and butt for 2 days straight. I think it's safe to say That this is easily the worst Christmas you ever had and hopefully the worst you will ever have.
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petnews2day · 2 years
'Paw' your dog a pint at Golden Ball of Longton Pub with the help of Meera Puppins
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/dog-news/paw-your-dog-a-pint-at-golden-ball-of-longton-pub-with-the-help-of-meera-puppins-3/
'Paw' your dog a pint at Golden Ball of Longton Pub with the help of Meera Puppins
Meera Jethwa aka the magical nanny for puppies, is the owner of Meera Puppins puppy training and socialisation services in Penwortham.
The 34-year-old business woman has also founded Socialisation Sundays to teach puppy owners about proper interaction and has been working with the Golden Ball of Longton Pub – twice winners of the Lancashire Tourism Award for Dog Friendly Business of the Year.
Dressed as Meera Puppins, once a month, usually on the second Sunday, she takes 10 puppies up to 12 months’ old on a fun walk with their owners to help interact them better with other furry friends alongside easing problems they may be experiencing such as anxiety.
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Meera Puppins with one of her students – Frank
As if all this wasn’t a treat in itself, our fur-legged friends can also have their own roast dinners in the pub afterwards.
“I love training puppies. It’s not just about letting puppies play with each other it’s about familiarising them with real world environmental factors such as traffic and noise.
“During lockdown, puppies were not able to socialise, which has caused many of them to be anxious around other dogs and people and unsure of how to behave in different situations, including how to behave nicely in the pub.”
What is the biggest general misconception when it comes to socialisation? “People think you have to wait until they are vaccinated and then put them with a load of others dogs but this isn’t the case.”
Follow the leader!
Meera, who also volunteers at a greyhound shelter and previously adopted one until they found their furever home, added: “With the weather warming up, there’s never been a better time to visit a dog-friendly pub. By founding Socialisation Sundays, my aim is to help puppies, and their owners, to feel confident in real life situations, using positive training and socialisation techniques.
“We begin with a stimulating walk down to a nearby nature reserve, so the puppies can experience sensory and environmental socialisation.
“We play fun and positive games that help to keep the puppies calm, and safe, especially around the wildlife at the nature reserve. After the walk, we head back to the pub for a delicious lunch or a refreshing drink.
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Weather in Preston: This week’s forecast and into the weekend (June 13-19)
The walking group outside the Golden Ball in Longton
“Dogs are very welcome inside, and I set puppy owners up for a successful pub visit through my exclusive Pub Perfect Pooch guide which they can access at anytime.“I founded Socialisation Sundays because I wanted to provide a real-life socialisation opportunity, that would enable puppies to build their life and social skills, as well as bringing puppy owners from my local community together in an enjoyable way.”
Although cute, Meera says people should resist the urge to give dogs a cuddle without asking their owner’s permission first.
“People expect every single dog to be a social butterfly, but this isn’t always the case. Therefore, you should ask the owner first if their dog is okay to pet as you wouldn’t go around hugging people you don’t know so why should it be any different?”
Puppies that have turned into “terror teens” (13-22 months) are also catered for, with the next class earmarked for Saturday, July 9, in Worden Park.
This little guy wanted his 15 minutes
Booking for all classes is advised. For further information or to book a place CLICK HERE:
Good boi!
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Inky Terrors Of The Past Chapter 3- Trust In Me
A.N: The Third Chapter! an big thanks for my friends for helping me out with half the writing! i feel so glad that i had help with this one. I hope you ALL enjoy this long but amazing chapter! and a big thanks for my friends who helped me out with this I am so glad to have them! the people who have helped me out are @ask-coldarcherbendy, @ahrifoxtailgoddess, @ask-soul-bendy, and my friend on DA https://cake-a-tron.deviantart.com/
It had surely been an while since the encounter with the ink demon as an few days maybe have passed or more. it was raining hard outside the old studios as the already stained windows drip on the outside. Jess looked out the car door at the studio wondering if she should do this. she sighed and told her aunt no "are you sure jess? this is your only chance to even see if he's there" Jess shook his head "no.. besides he's had an good reason to stay there for that long probably just... helping cleaning up the place" she said as her aunt nodded and started up the car again. the ink demon watched as the car drove off. he made an few moaning noises as he went back down trying to find something to do today. he hadn't been down in the angel's area for quite some time now and besides he needed to report to Joey to what happened to Sammy at some point. he wondered where his 'creator' along with that mockery of himself were doing at this point. He chuckled wondering if there already bored of life.
As of now the older man, the little demon along with the tall wolf were in the safehouse way down below playing an nice game of cards. Henry stretched in his chair, carefully keeping his cards from being visible to the wolf and demon playing against one another. Bendy was watching both of them with an poker face, "I bet i'll be the winner this time!" he said as Boris watched the two curiously for a moment before speaking to Henry “Got any jack’s?” Henry looked up “Go fish.” he replied. Boris took a card off the table and then placed two fours down. “ya Got any queens?” bendy asked, he and the older man were losing by about 3 pairs. the wolf nodded “Yup.” The queen of hearts was passed over to bendy. the toon smirked to himself placing the queens down. "beat that" bendy said as Henry made an chuckle as Boris made an fake whine "aw no fair all I have is a pair" he smirked "an pair of ones and another pair of ones~" both Henry and bendy blinked as the wolf chuckled "alright! ya won six games in a row ya have to be cheating at this point!" bendy said with an angry tone as Boris chuckled "who's laughing now eh?" he said smirking. Henry silently stared remembering the corpse that he saw on the upper floors "hey Henry ya alright? dog caught ya tongue?" Boris said smirking "heh no just day-dreaming" the three played another game and after an while the three were busy chatting with Boris just rambling on "hey let's get some music playing!" bendy said walking over the radio and placing it on the table as he sat back down and started looking for an tune "hey keep that one on, I loved that song" Henry said as the song that was playing now was an very famous song called 'take me home, country roads' the music was enjoyable as Boris twirled his fingers around "hey this is actually really good music, much better than the cartoon songs on here" Boris said as bendy folded his arms behind his head relaxing "yeah nice choice of music Henry" bendy said grinning as the older man took an breathe of relief. despite all the shit that he and the toon saw it was nice now to hear some comforting music as he slowly hummed to the song "take me home... west Virginia... country roads" he said silently while sighing he wondered what his daughter was doing back home oh how much he missed her now but for now the three sat there listening to the song playing lost in the track's thoughts. An few more hours passed as Henry was looking at himself in the mirror and at an picture that he had with the others "heh look at me then" he looked at the mirror seeing his current appearance "oh look at me now" the claw cut he had on his cheek had healed now barley showing an scar. while his green vest had showed several cuts and tears and holes through it and the ink that was on his hand slowly spread it was to his elbow now but it seems that the toon's magic kinda must of been keeping it at bay from spreading faster. he looked at his bread and scratched it an bit seeing how thick it grown in same with his hair turning an more darkest brown than usual. "heh man I look old" he said as he yawn "alright guys i'm heading off to bed you two don't go cause any trouble" he yelled to bendy and Boris "alright Henry!" bendy said "don't let the bed bugs bite!" Boris said chuckling as Henry rolled his eyes and head off to bed. meanwhile deeper into the areas the ink demon was roaming tired after facing that blasted witch again as it made an hissing sound and went off to one of the only clean rooms in the upper floors being done for today as it made one last check before going back up. ---- Henry woke up hours later not sure if it was morning or midnight still as he stretched and looked at the clock glad that it was morning "there we go glad that we have some sort of knowing what it's like outside" he said as he walked out heading to the only other room in the safehouse as bendy was telling Boris all about the things that he and Henry did again not that the wolf was complaining he really did'int have anything else to do. Henry smiled knowing these two were happy but still they had to find an way out of here "Ay rise and shine old man!" Bendy smirked from across the room as Henry entered the space "sleep well?" he asked him as Henry nodded "did you two get any sleep?" he asked "kinda" Boris said making an smile "heh well good cause we got some ground to cover up" bendy made an sad frown "It's safe in here, out there we could die!" Boris nodded in agreement, his ears flattened hopelessly, "he's right hen, even though that ink demon hasn't been seen for an while it's not wise to head on there not fully healed yet" boris said giving the older man an 'you know i'm right look' as Henry sighed again "You're not exactly ready to go out there either, Henry, look at ya!" bendy said yelling an bit. Henry groaned in annoyance "Bendy, we cannot stay here forever. There's not enough resources to last all three of us a lifetime let a lone a week! And remaining in the one place isn't going to find a way out, we need to go... I need to see her again" bendy's angry face dropped remembering that Henry did have an sort of family back outside the studio. Boris then blinked realizing the lever was not there as he made an fake innocence whistling sound "come on let's g-" he went over to see the lever not there Henry looked over to see Boris whistling "Boris..." Boris smiled while bendy then smiled brightly and pulled out an banjo and started playing it "welll hey there partner! looks like your missing an lever! what do ya say Boris? wanna help this old sheriff find this man's missing lev-" one of the banjo's strings hitted bendy square in the face as Henry had to hold in his laughter "well... that's the 10th banjo this week" he made an fake frown and angry face "BORIS! I TOLD YA WE NEED M O A R BANJOS B O I" Boris wheezed while punching the table as Henry laughed. "come on Boris where are you hiding it?" Boris whistled again after he was wheezing still "i-I don't know w-what's your t-t-alk-pffff-ing about" he chuckled and had to hold in his breathe from laughing "i'm not hiding anythinggg" he said sinckering as bendy was laughing his tail off "or are you holding it hostage until I make you something to eat" he still was whistling "hmm" he only gave Henry an grin. Henry sighed while smiling "I thought so, let's see what we have" Henry said as he walked off letting the two toons laugh it off.
he wondered what they had then he noticed bacon soup "ummm hey Boris! how's about an few decades of bacon soup worth to ya?" he said loud enough for the wolf to hear "three cans should suffice!" Boris said back as Henry picked up three cans of soup before looking at the bone he chuckled "Call yourself an wolf all you want your just an big old puppy" he said to himself chuckling and going back to the kitchen cooking the soup "your an great cook Henry! how ya manage to cook that good?" bendy asked "well when your in the army you learn an thing or two" Henry said smiling as he placed the now cooked bacon soup on the table near Boris as he gave him an toolbox with the lever in it "enjoy your meal from chief Henry Jarvis" Henry said with an chuckle as Boris started eating the soup "so bendy do you still remember how to aim and shoot?" during the days and possibly weeks they been here Henry decided to teach the little devil how to aim and fire an gun. The toon nodded as he aimed Henry's revolver and made an shooting motion with it "yup! just like ya taught me Henry!" the demon said with an big smile as Henry nodded and made one last check around noticing the disturbing collage of character posters torn up and stuck together to create an amalgamation of a creature. They didn’t look very happy. Henry shivered but payed no mind to it as he walked up to the door and placed the lever in "well guess this is goodbye Boris, come on bud" bendy sighed and went next to him “You won’t be able to come back if you leave”, Boris’ rough voice startled the two as he stood next to them. He’d apparently already finished his meal. 'How fast does he even eat?' Henry thought to himself “Is that so?” Henry asked knowing there was a reason he didn’t open the door. “Yep. Because I won’t be in here to let you two back in”, the wolf’s words were kinda unsettling, but also reassuring at the same time. Henry and bendy wasn’t going out by themselves "yay! Boris your coming along with us?!" the little devil asked with an happy smile the wolf nodded "sure, someone's gotta keep ya out of trouble bendy" he said with an smirk as the demon payed no mind and hugged his friend "aw yeah! the three stooges are back together!" Henry blinked "... the three stooges really?" he asked "hey it's an better group name than any" Boris said agreeing with the team name as the door opened "well here it is. don't wander off you two" Henry said as bendy and Boris nodded as they head on out.
The Trio head on forward keeping an eye out for anything "wonder if we'll find Alice soon" Henry said as Boris looked off "oh you'll find her alright..." he silently said "what was that?" Henry asked the wolf as he shook his head "it was nothing, hey what's that station up ahead?" the wolf asked "looks like an place to hide" bendy stated "it does look like that... but why is it there?" Henry said as the two shrugged "best not to question it right now" bendy said as the trio kept walking "looks dark up ahead, let's find some light" Henry said as bendy picked up an flashlight "found some!" he said as Henry grabbed it "nice find bud" the trio entered the darkness "don't worry guys, i'll make sure the light is on us all so you or Boris won't get scared" Boris scoffed "i'm not that scared of the dark" Henry pushed the light away ".... okay maybe an little" the wolf said as Henry smirked "that's what I though" as the three were walking Boris went ahead and made an stop motion as he looked around. the trio could hear footsteps either above them... almost like it was right on top of them. "did any of you hear that" the demon and wolf shook their heads quickly as Henry smiled slightly "yeah, me either" he said as they kept walking. they got out of the dark as the door behind them closed "shoot, dead end doesn't look like there's any way through, got any ideas guys?" Henry said as bendy think about how to do this "I got one give me the flashlight" Boris said as he opened the vent "you sure?" Henry asked and the wolf just smiled "trust me, I know more about these than you or bendy do" the demon pouted "hey I can understand them!.... half the time" the wolf chuckled "see ya on the flipside" the wolf said as he crawled into the vent. bendy and Henry waited "so um Henry?" bendy asked him "hm? what is it bud?" he asked his friend "well um... what is your daughter like?" Henry smiled "well she's an lot like me, artistic, kind, caring, and well also an lot like you in a way, an big example is that she likes to pull pranks" bendy smiled "i think me and her can get along just fine!" Henry smiled and patted the demon's head "i'm sure you and her would" the doors opened "alright Boris!" bendy said clapping as Henry smiled "well i'll be damn Boris.... Boris? hey you alright in there?" he asked in the vent.
Boris rotated around awkwardly, “Yeah, quite peachy actually”, he shifted uncomfortably. He was stuck, “I may have underestimated my size, I can’t go backwards. You two head through the door, I’ll meet you guys on the other side!" Boris said as Henry nodded bendy however was not all too well on leaving his friend behind for an short while "you better be alright when we regroup Boris!" bendy said as Boris made an laugh "I make no promises!" the wolf said as the noises of crawling in the vents seem to have echoed. Henry and bendy were now alone again "come on buddy, let's go" he said as the duo walked off. the two slowed down as they entered, being overwhelmed by a huge room that was far from empty. In the center of the room was a towing concrete pillar, ink cascading down the sides into the vast inky pool beneath. It was like an extreme water feature, except with ink instead of water. On the pillar was a decorated banner, which proudly displayed the supposed title of the area.
The banner was completed by the ridiculous amount of plushies, big and small, of the cartoon’s three main characters, Bendy, Boris, and Alice, which were scattered everywhere. All around Henry there was at least one jumbo toy. "woah...." bendy said amazed of what he is seeing the same with Henry kinda “wow... I don’t remember any of this…”, Henry affirmed to himself. He looked up the height of the concrete pillar, noting a round disk, supposedly meant to be a halo, hanging from the ceiling above. The scale of it made him feel dizzy, and he forced himself to look away. Bendy was admiring the plushes of himself and Henry noticed the cutouts shivering "there's too many..." eh said as bendy looked at what he was seeing "hey old man it's fine! we haven't seen that tall lanky me for an while now! i bet he given up on us!" Henry sighed it had been an while since they saw the other bendy Henry could only hope that bendy was right but oh how wrong he will be later on. the two walked up the stairs and into the room Henry groaned "why is there always something blocking the door?, gotta be an way through" Henry said as bendy sat on a stool "don't see what else to do, that toy machine Shawn made always had problems someone keeps stuffing doll heads in it" Henry had an idea "hey bud, I think i know how to make an path" after minutes of repairing the toy machine the path opened. Henry noticed an blob of ink on a table near an tape and decided to mess around with it noticing it turned to an older model of the ink machine he left it be after reading the tape "Shawn flynn wonder how's he's doing in a hellhole like this" he said to himself as the door opened "well let's go Henry! time's a wasting!" Henry chuckled "alright alright i'm coming" he said clearly as the two went into the room there the lights went out "alright... not freak-" Henry was cut off by The little screens came to life, and Alice’s face as she was presented in the cartoon appeared on them, completed with a little cheerful song. Her theme song.
"I’m the cutest little angel, sent from above, and I know just how to swing,
I got a bright little halo, and I’m filled with love…
I’m Alice Angel!"
The song continued, and about halfway through, a spot light clapped on, showing a door at the back of the room that was located behind the glass. "Henry.. I don't like this... maybe we should turn back?" bendy said shivering as Henry gulped
"I’m the hit of the party, I’m the belle of the ball, I’m the toast of every town,
Just one little dance and I know you’ll fall…
I’m Alice Angel!"
Hesitantly, the two moved forward, their minds screaming to stay still. As the song neared its completion, it began to distort, ringing alarm bells in Henry’s head. He went to back away, tripping over something.
"I ain’t no flapperrrrrr I ain’t aint aint, I’m a clas-classy dish, b---- this g-girl siiiii-sing,"
bendy gulped "h-Henry!" he said as Henry pulled his leg free "come on!" Henry said as he grabbed bendy and ran... Except they were going the wrong way. the two were facing the glass again.
"Th-this gal can can can can grant your ev-evry w-w-w-ish…-"
Before Henry could register he was looking in the wrong direction, a ghastly figure slammed herself against the window, completing the song’s final lyrics. "I'M ALICE ANGEL!!!!" she screamed and slammed the window after bendy and Henry also screamed as the entire room went black. "HOLY MOTHERFLYING COW IN A FUCKING HANDBASKET YA BITCH! NEARLY GAVE ME AN HEART ATTACK!!!" Bendy said yelling bloody murder. Henry then heard the sounds of bendy jumping into the ceiling as the older man struggled to get up. just then, a sinister cackle echoed around Henry as he screwed his eyes shut, wanting badly to wake up and find it all wasn’t real, that it was all just a dream. A looming presence made itself known, and he flinched as a hand caressed his cheek, its touch cold and… wet? "I see you there~~~" Henry gulped silently "an new fly in my endless web~~~" the figure rubbed it's hand on Henry's cheek "come along now~~" the figure gave an fake kiss to his cheek "let's see if your worthy to walk with angels~~~" the figure made an sinister laugh as Henry opened his eyes to see no one as the lights were finally back on, he touched where the figure had touched his cheek. for once he was terrified of what happened. "b-bendy?!" he looked around and saw the little toon fall onto his laps they both blinked "s-s-so c-can w-we g-go now?!" bendy said as he nodded. Henry panted as he and bendy made it out of that creepy room where they got jumpscared by the so called “Alice” angel “god damn it buddy! why did’int you warn me sooner” bendy panted “I was trying to old man! but ya did’int listen like always! I told you we should of stayed back in the safe house!” he said as the two blanky argued until they just dropped it and kept on walking. the two reached two ways “shit…. god damn it with more puzzles” he said as two paths stand before the two one being “DEMON” and the other “ANGEL” there were two paths to chose and both looked like they lead into the same hallway. “hmmm well what do we do? flip an coin?” Henry asked his friend “why are you looking at me for?! i'm not bob ross!” Henry had to hold in his laughter “which way do ya wanna go?” he asked the toon again as he made an thinking processing motion “hmm… how’s about…. umm…. demon!” he said pointing to the demon room. Henry looked mildly surprised he was sure he would of picked the angel path “are you sure?” bendy nodded “yeah and besides i'm a demon too! I don’t know it just feels like something’s important in there” Henry shurgged but nodded “alright, time to get covered in ink again” he said groaning an bit as the two made it to the demon path hearing the sounds of the angel path’s door closing. the room was covered in thick dark ink there was an small but large box near an broken vent hole but they did’int pay any mind to it “hey what’s that?” bendy asked as they saw an stained ink covered tape “don’t know, let’s see what it has to say” Henry said as they played it. Henry was shocked to hear the voice of joey drew himself “there’s nothing wrong with dreaming! Wishing For the impossible is human nature! that’s how I got started just a pencil and a dream!” Henry stared clenching his fist silently “we all want everything!without even having to lift an finger! they say! you just have to believe!, belief can make you succeed! belief can make you rich!” the voice slightly changing “belief.. can make you powerful” Henry made an frown face as he glared daggers “why with enough belief! you can even cheat death itself! Now that.... is a beautiful… and positively and silly though…” the tape ends and Henry just stood there not feeling any emotion “Henry? you alright?” Henry sighed “no…. i'm honesty…. just don’t know anymore… come on.. let’s go…” he looked to see the door with ink webbings “huh?” he tried budging the door open but couldn't “what?!, bendy quick see if the-” bendy tried opening the metal gate “shit…. god damn it!” Henry said kicking the box away revealing an small pathway to the other path “Henry! i'm getting bad vibes in this room! it’s feels like something’s here with us!” the presence got stronger and stronger and more… demonic “quick buddy! in here!” Henry said as bendy went in the small pathway with Henry following quickly. they made it to an more cleaner room that had Alice angel stuff in it” Henry quickly blocked off the grate with an metal box and slammed it shut the two panted “that… was close… ugh where are we now” Henry said getting to the couch not noticing the tape as he accidently pressed an button as he and bendy looked both shock and kinda neverous to hear the voice of an disbelief Susie Campbell “Everything Feels like it’s falling apart!” Henry stared eye wide at the tone of her voice “when i walked into the recording booth today i saw Sammy there with … that Allison” he noticed the tone of vemon in her voice from saying that name “who’s Allison?” Henry asked himself as he and the toon listened again “apparently I did’int get the memo! Alice Angel will now be voiced by miss Allison Pendle…” he could of sworn he heard her sobbing in her last sentence “a part of me died when he said that.. there’s gotta be a way to fix this!!” the tape turned off leaving Henry to his own thoughts as bendy stared too shock and actually afraid of what happened now to Alice he flinched an bit hearing the word “fix this” repeat in his head “h-Henry… c-can we go now?” Henry nodded “sure bud… let’s get out of here” the two walked out of the angel path room and headed off to where they need to go. The Duo walked out of the room heading onwards passing another station "i'm getting the feeling that there's gonna be more of those things around" Henry said as bendy nodded "yeah but we can tak-" the duo was jumpscared by another bendy cutout that peeked over which bendy quickly shot it with the gun an loud BANG echoed into the area as Henry glared at bendy "really?!" he made an scared smile "j-j-just m-making sure the trigger works" he said chuckling in a scared tone. the two heard fainty the sounds of someone in pain screaming "My EyEs!" Henry and bendy both looked confused now but decided to not see what it is and head on. the two were then nearly scared to death by Boris leaning on the other side "what took you guys so long?" he said yawning "Boris! you scared us to death" he said as he chuckled "yea, what else is new? heard some screaming but i knew you guys could handle yourselves" bendy pouted "I did'int scream!" Henry payed no mind "I don't suppose you found any way to protect ourselves with?" Boris wiggled his eyebrows and held up an old but strong gent pipe "does this answer your question?" he said with an smirk as Henry took it "this will do nicely" he said as the three than went back to walking. "wow why did Alice not get noticed that much?" Henry said actually feeling kinda bad now "an lot happens in thirty years Henry, it all went to hell after you left" he said as bendy nodded "yeah... big time.." he said to the older man as Henry was left to his thoughts 'did joey really have nothing when I left? just what exactly is going on here?' he thought to himself as they reached an closed door "well looks like we got an two levers to open, Boris you handle that one i'll find the other, and bendy you stay here" bendy pouted "hey i can be helpful!" Henry sighed "we don't really know the full limitations of your powers YET and don't give me that unlimited nonsense, i can take care of myself if there's one of them alright?" bendy sighed "Fine...." Boris patted the demon's shoulder "ey it'll be alright pal" Boris said giving Henry an nod as he nodded back and walked off. he found the lever but it was by an poster of three toons he stared at the poster "the butcher gang?" Henry said to himself as he walked closer to it. He jumped when the poster opened revealing an broken unintact version of the leader Charley as it snarled and jumped out falling with an bang as it got up but Henry was quick as he bashed it 3 times with the pipe as it staggered clumsily if Henry wasn't in danger he would find this funny. An shot rang out towards the piper clone's head as it fell "you alright old man?" Bendy said to Henry "thought I told you to stay with Boris?" Henry said as bendy helped him up "you know me Henry I'm not one for following rules" he said as Henry pulled down the lever. Boris saw the grate opened "hey it works!" boris said as the two walked over "hey hold up" henry said as he walked off seeing an room that wasnt seen before as he noticed an tape playing it revealing an conversation with wally and thomas he blinked "well this is interesting" he said listening to it "listen pal! if you think im going to be doing your job and mine? im outta here!" the tape ends as henry kept walking on about he sees the ink machine being lowered again he wondered where it was heading as he turns around and stops dead in his tracks, there ahead in front of him was an broken station as he walks closer and closer to it he started hearing whispers in the ink as he saw an message in where the door should be with an message 'FEELS FAMILIAR?' henry now mildly creeped out and walked off regrouping with bendy and boris who were at the elveator waiting for him "had an moment there hen?" bendy said as the older man nodded and went inside as the lift went up by itself "your so... interesting so different.... i have to say i like those who are different~~ come see me... level nine.... just follow the s c r e a m s" boris bared his fangs as he held his friend close to him "what's up with her?" henry asked "it was someone you knew..." boris said to him as he did'int want to speak any further about it as they made it to where they need to be. "come along now~ there's an whole twisted world out here~~" the trio marched onwards "im getting an bad feeling...." henry said as they stepped on the tile as the doors swung open causing boris to go on ahead "hey boris wait up!" bendy said going after him with henry following "come on pal! what seems to be..... the big..... idea....." his eyes went off-model as he stared at what he is seeing. henry also looked shocked "no.... no no nonnononno-N O!" bendy said holding his head "it's not real it's not real! IT'S NOT R E A L!" bendy said whimpering as boris hold him "henry, you go on ahead i need to make sure he doesn't see anything else in this room" he said as he pushes bendy out making sure he's out of the room before heading back following henry as the two carefully walked on the makeshift bridge. "look at them... it took so many of them to make me this beautiful.. anything less than perfect w a s left b e h i n d" boris shifted an bit as henry held him close "don't worry... im not gonna let her touch you too" he said as they heard something else "I h a d to do it... she made me..." They finally made it to where they need to be and they both stop dead in their tracks, there stood an mostly intact charley strapped onto an table being fried. when the 'angel' noticed them she stops "look at you two walking around together~~ makes you two look so c u t e~~ but... now what do i do? do i make you two fight to the death? tear your hearts apart to my delight~~ how's an girl to chose?~~" her face then changed to one of anger as henry got an good look at it. it was torn up and slashed and her horns looked like they were forceally attacthed to her hair as her halo was broken. her gloves and shoes seem to be gone and her dress was stained with stitched tears and ink along with an scar running down her neck. "take this little freak for instant! he crawled into my room leaving his tainted ink trailing down my door! it could of touch me! it could of pUll MeBACK!" she then turned her expression to one of fear "do you know what it's like living in the dark puddle?" as she ramble on henry stared sadly at the trapped charley he seemed to be mostly intact but his leg was removed and there was cuts and burns on his body both he and boris felt sorry for him "i will not let the d e m on touch me again!" henry took notice to that now interested. "I'm so close now.. so a-almost p-perfect...." she looked at an coffin as Henry and Boris also looked "because now I don't have any... d I s t r a c t I o n s... yes I will spare you two for now... better yet! I'll even let you assend and leave this place" they were relived when she decided to spare them... not soo much with being their little errand boys. Before they left Henry saw the Charley reached out weakly trying to say something "RuN... D-DOn't T...TrUsT" the angel took notice of that and snarled slamming the button shut with the metal wall replacing the glass as Charley kept screaming as Henry and Boris walked off sadly. The two made it outside of the room as "Alice" spoke
“There are so few rules to our world now,” Alice continued, “So little truths”
“You got that right” Henry heard Boris say under his breath. The wolf had a very displeased and scared expression.
“But there is one rule we ALL know and respect down here” she went on talking her tone changing “Beware the Ink Demon. Stay out in the open for too long and he will find you”, her words sent shivers down Henry’s spine, “If he sees you, you’d better hide. If you don’t, well… It was nice seeing you again...” the speakers cut off and it was just Henry and Boris, though neither of them went to speak. They looked at the buttons for the different floors "where did bendy go?" Henry asked "let him go around, he needs to cool off some steam" he said with Henry nodding "yeah your right... I think I can handle this for now" he said holding up the wrench "Boris if I need you I'll call the lift over alright?" the wolf nodded "alright have fun fetching stuff" he said going into the lift and leaning on the wall as Henry left. 30 minutes later after only collecting 3 of them so far he struggled to find what he needed "where the heck is-" he shut himself up when he saw an dark inky aura filled the room as his heart began thumping as he quickly looked for anything "hide in the station, he won't find you in there" he heard Alice saying on the speaker he didint know if that would work "you can trust in me he will not see you.. Would an angel ever lie to you?" He went out the station when he saw the aura getting darker and his heartbeat getting faster and hid in it. The Ink Demon wandered down the hallway, right into Henry’s line of sight through the small but long square hole in the door. His movements were almost drunk, and he walked with a slight limp on his left leg. Henry examined the foot from afar, failing to see any major cause, until he really focused, it was tiled outward ever so slightly. even though it wasn't the bendy he knew that was with him he still felt like it was bendy in a sense almost he stared with an sad look "What happened to you…?" Henry said as he watched the broken creature walk down the opposite hall, dragging his clawed glove along the wall as he went about. He could hear the demon's breathing from afar as he stared watching him go off. after making his way down more he began to see something that alarmed him. another creature walking in the glass. it looked mildly humanoid having an robotic hand on one hand and with an projecter on where it's head is. Henry stared both curious and terrified of what he is seeing "dear god...." he said as he watches the creature's head opened revealing an set of sharp teeth and.. what seemed to be an human skull too near it? "oh god...." Henry said as he watched the projecter creature go off into the darkness. after finding the gear and putting it in the box back on level 9 he again marched off to find another thing.... with an plunger "out of all the things she could of gave me... why the heck an freaking plunger?" he said to himself as Boris chuckled "I think it suits you" the wolf said sinckering as he rolled his eyes. after an half hour he was on his last valve panel he then heard an very distorted voice "H E N R Y...." it did not sound like the toon or the angel.. 'oh shoot....' he said in his head without an thought he swung the plunger closing his eyes and before opening them he blinked. the plunger was now plunged on the ink demon's face "........." they both stared at eachother as the ink demon flipped Henry off and went back into the ink puddles the plunger dropping as Henry picked it back up quickly grabbed what he needed and ran off. after many many hours of finding and fetching Henry was beginning to grow annoyed "HOW MUCH STUFF DO YA NEED LADY?!" Henry yelled now angry "it's best not to anger her Henry...." Boris said now with the older man as they looked for the extra thick ink. They already found some though it was on one of the butcher gang members same with half the other stuff. they trek through the halls looking and listening for anything. this whole place was an deathtrap in reality. the ink webbings increased now as Henry and Boris silently stood there now freaked out "please tell me there's another station near by.." Henry said as Boris shook his head "n-nope.... q-quick! hug the walls and keep quiet!" he said as they stood close to the walls as possible Henry not knowing why. instead of the ink demon it was an distraught bendy.. that was not in a very happy mood as he was in his inked state trailing his hand across the walls Boris and Henry was confused 'since when did he made those webbings?' Henry though to himself he must of that whenever bendy was really angry but not angry enough those more darker webbings appeared. bendy made an pained and angered growl as he went through an ink portal. Boris and Henry made an sigh of relief as they marched onwards. after bringing the extra thick ink to the box henry stopped when he heard her say "have you seen those grinning demons cutouts?... let's remove them shall we?~~"
meanwhile bendy having an sixth sense now heard what the 'angel' said. he dropped an tortured beaten fisher as he growled the red seals brighten an lot as his fangs grew darker ".... NOT..... THIS.... T I M E" his body morphed and changed as his stability dropped to 23% his height growing up to at leash 10 feet though not his official height it was only an limited time he can stay in his unstable form due to the seals burning his every need to turn back. he lifted his head up and roared loudly made an loud echoing roar as the true ink demon was now unleashed. his dark blue spines glowing as his forked tail swayed.
Henry had to hold in his laughter as he watched the ink demon being annoyed with seeing his cutouts broken "WHO DA FUK KEEPS BREAKING MAH C U T O U T S ? !" the angry demon said as everything was cut off by an loud echoing demonic roar as Henry went pale knowing that roar ".....no..... not that state...." Boris having also hearing that roar whimpered. Henry and Boris quickly made their way back to level nine just then an loud voice rang out the Angel had an angered expression on her voice as she ordered the two to purge the incoming butcher gang as suddenly an loud search rang out "we really need bendy now" Henry said with Boris nodding as both searchers both normal and normal along with the tainted butcher gang clones started to surround them. Henry and Boris made some work on them but more started to show up. just then an loud demonic cry sheered out of everyone's ears as an unstable bendy lurched forward attacking the searchers and clones as he growled and snarled beating every single one of them to 'death' Henry and Boris stared with their eyes opened wide with shock as they watched the unstable demon destroy and devour the inky creatures. after an while they were all gone. bendy was growling as he panted and turned his head forward looking at the two as he made an few clicking noises as he stumbled back tired as the seals on his feet and hands began to burn as he made an roar of pain. as Bendy suddenly collapsed to the floor with a shriek. It was another heart attack as the seals burned more increasing the pain he had in his chest as he held it hissing and snarling in agony. The webbings distorted and cracked around its surroundings. The unstable demon writhed on the ground, his tail flicking madly as his heart reacted with the burning pain. It pained Boris and Henry to watch, Henry knew the beast before him was the same demon he knew and drew all those years ago. "We have to wait..." Boris said to Henry Along with the emotional pain came the physical to the unstable demon as Boris and henry's own hearts began to react in a sadden manner. The unstable demon snarled even more loudly as he vomited an inky blood like substance. Both gasped in response keeping their distance still, henry's ears rang with the pained cries of the Ink Demon who in turn had begun to change Slowly. The beast began to shrink, gaining features that had been concealed by ink. Large amounts of the liquid fell away from the body of the broken unstable demon, till eventually the true ink Demon had shifted into the lovable toon that had been with them this whole time until this very moment. “Bendy…” Henry said sadly. Soon, the heart attack ended with the pain fading from the little devil. The dark, cracked, distorted inky veins that covered the walls faded off, trailing back towards the curled up demon on the floor. He trembled, and continued to choke and groan, still clearly hurting both mentally and physically. the older man hesitated before moving towards him, fatherly instincts kicking in even though bendy was older than he assumed he still had an soft spot for kids, it almost reminded him of how jess was when Linda left them. he knelt down beside him, and gently picked him up into a hug. Bendy tried to resist, but was too exhausted for it to be effective. He continued to shiver, whimpering, inky tears rolling down his face. He refused to try and look at Henry and Boris, refused to see their expressions, and was thankful that the retired animator just simply held him "I.... hope I didn't scare you all... too much... heh...heh..." bendy said weakly coughing "buddy... how..." Henry asked as bendy made an weak smile "I don't know how I was in control but... I'm kinda glad I didn't hurt you or him...." he said as it was Boris's turn to comfort him as Henry letted go allowing the two to have an brotherly moment. he glared when he heard the speaker rose up again "shhhhh so silence... like an welcoming grave~~ I like the silence... don't you?~~~~" Henry shook his head "what in god's name happened to this place.." Henry said blanky as Boris brought bendy back to the lift as Henry turned his attention back to the door confused on what she meant by inky dark abyss. he noticed the broken axe and threw it in the box. the machine opened up and showed an Tommy gun Henry grabbed it and held and aimed at random barrel and shoot it the bullet going straight through having both sides of the barrel dripping ink Henry blinked "now THIS can come in handy..." he said to himself as he made his way back seeing an button on the lift that was not highlighted before "level 14.... well let's see what w-" he turned around to hear bendy coughing "Henry he's lost an lot of ink... we gotta find some extra thick ink again" Henry now worried for bendy's safety nodded "you two stay there and I'll try my best" he nodded and held bendy close as Henry walked off leaving the two to their own thoughts. Henry marched through trying to find what he needed and he noticed an inky aura emitting "shoot..." He said as he hurried. He finally found an needle full of extra thick ink "L O O K I N G F O R S O M E T H I N G ?" he gulped and silently turned around and quickly turned back there was the ink demon he quickly silently pulled out the knife ".... as a matter of fact.... yes..." he could of sworn he heard it walking closer and closer when it was close enough he turned quickly and stabbed it flinched when he heard it giving out that inhuman like roar of pain as he pulled the knife out and ran like hell with the ink demon giving chase while letting out an angered roar. Boris heard Henry screaming bloody murder as he was running back to the lift... with an angry ink demon giving chase he quickly opened the lift's door as Henry jumped it and slammed it on the doors as it closed with the ink demon snarling as the lift went up to an random level far away from the ink demon's grasp. he injected bendy with the thick ink "bendy... please tell me why do you always just run off from us? it's like you don't want us to know about your-" bendy snapped at him "it's. nothing." Boris shook his head "bendy you have to tell him" Henry raised an eyebrow "tell me what? that my creation's wrists and feet are burning up?! bendy we just want to he-" bendy growled "you REALLY want to know?! YOU THINK THIS IS AN DESIGN FAULT?!" he said pulling out his glove "IT'S NOT HENRY! IT'S A FUCKING PENTAGRAM SEAL! ON BOTH MY HANDS AND FEET! YA REALLY THINK JOEY WOULD DO T H I S?!" bendy had inky tears shedding from his eyes "HE THOUGHT MY UNSTABLE FORM WOULD COME OUT AGAIN AND RUIN EVERYTHING! OH HOW FUCKING WORST HE MADE IT! EVERY DAY THESE SEALS BURN WHENEVER I USE MY FORMS! I HATE IT AND IT'S GONNA BE THE DEATH OF ME!!" Henry stood there shock "let's just hurry up and get this over with...." the toon said pressing the button for level 14. Henry stared trying to take it all in 'was joey preforming rituals to make bendy stable?!' he clenched his fist just what the hell happened here did it really went that bad when he left 30 years ago? they made it to the darkest inky depts of level 14 as the trio made it out "you sure you don't want to stay in there Boris?" Henry asked as he shook his head "no i-" he was cut out by an loud seerching noise when Henry picked up an random ink heart Henry looked confuse and suddenly froze when he saw the same creature from before walking out of one part of what seems to be an maze "shhhhh.. there he is... the projectionist sulking in the darkness, be sure to stay out of his light if you don't want any trouble that is, just bring me back what i need" Henry stared as he walked down with the other he saw an stained old tape and played it shocked to hear Norman's voice "now im not looking for trouble it's our duty as us projectionists to stay in the dark" as Henry listened he began to realize something that creature WAS Norman he felt his heart break when he listened more to it "even when i'm right behind them" Henry clenched his fists sighing. after what seemed like hours and finding an strange valve Henry and the other two were heading back. just then an loud screech rang out "shoot! run!" the three ran while the projectionist gave chase roaring. bendy turned to his ink state and tried fending off the projectionist and all three were shocked when the projectionist's projecter opened up like an mouth and bit down hard the sharp teeth digging into bendy's inky body as he roars in pain. Henry without thinking shot Norman with the tommy gun more than 10 times. the projectionist stumbled and screeched in pain as Henry shot him 6 more times as his old friend stumbled about while falling to the ground using his hand as supports to keep his balance. Henry felt so sorry for him and pulled out his axe and walked over "i’m sorry Norman... you did'int deserve this.... none of you did" he closed his eyes and slammed the axe down on Norman as he released an unholy inhuman cry of pain as Henry kept slashing him with the axe 7 more times as Boris held him "Henry! that's enough!" Henry did'int realize it but he was crying. he knelt to the ground and kept saying "i’m sorry... i’m so... so sorry Norman..." he had tears running down his eyes as Boris comforted him. bendy watched now in his toon form holding his side as he watched everything unfold he stared with saddness on the projectionist's unmoving body.
it wasn't long after when they made their way back up Henry wanting to be alone right now as he wandered off. Seeing that the room that was flooded with ink before was no longer there curiously got the better of him as he went to check it out there stood an room with an book on bendy and an tape he felt like it was important so he pressed play and was shocked to hear "me?!" he sat there on the chair listening to it "only two weeks into this company and already it's gotten interesting, joey is an man of ideas... and only ideas, when i agreed to start this whole thing with him I though there would be an little more give and take, instead i give and he takes. I haven't seen Linda for days now. still, someone has to make this happen, whenever in doubt just keep drawing Henry. On the plus side though.. i got an new character that i think everyone is gonna love" the tape ended leaving Henry to his own thoughts as he blinked. He then walked back up taking the long way as he passed by an couple drums and piano that were oddly placed at the wall he went through them in a odd order when he was about to leave he heard footsteps coming from behind the walls he listened closely and his entire face dropped. "we have all been waiting but now... He will.. Set... Us... FrEe" Henry instantly backed up and fell backwards clutching where his heart is breathing heavily. "Jesus...." He stood up and walked back to nine seeing that the speakers were off and the door was slightly opened. He told Boris and bendy to wait by the lift. He went to the door and went inside the lair. He was Highly aware that it was awfully silent. he neared the torture room, Henry noticed that there was no sign of no one he blinks wondering where were they. "hello?" he called out as He entered the room, finding the tables empty. He looked toward the balcony, and it was also devoid of any people. The silence was deafening, but gradually a subtle sound made itself heard. It was a song, And it was coming from the locked coffin above him. the retired veteran animator climbed the flight of stairs, staring across the room at the large coffin-like box. It had changed almost, the chains that had been pulled across it had fallen away. They were broken. The singing was definitely coming from inside the giant casket, and Henry hesitantly approached. “Um… hey Alice?”, he called quietly, “I um...have the hearts you wanted... where ar-“ he was cut off by an demonic voice “Behind  You” Henry froze as the song ceased and became a whisper, and a looming presence towered him. He slowly turned around, instantly wishing he didn’t. The supposed 7 feet tall angel hovered over the space, her huge black distorted inky wings flapping gently. she shook her head in a displeased manner “Are you Snooping around my little errand boy?” She asked, her voices deeper than before, “You should know better than that, Henry Jarvis…” Henry stared with shock in his eyes "How did…”, He stopped himself from finishing his question deciding to jump to another question an more important one on that matter “just.. Who are you really?!” The 'angel' gave an sinister chuckle “Don’t you know, silly? I’m Alice Angel!” she said with an twisted smile while spinning around, but Henry knew better than that, his frown grew angrier “No… No you’re not the real Alice!”, He corrected her while forming an angry frown “Tell me what you did with the real Alice!” the angel stared with her eye glaring “You’re making an very dangerous choice, Henry”, the angel's face formed an angry scowl, her single pupil becoming an silt like pupil, “I highly suggest you keep your damn mouth shut before somebody gets themselves hurt really... really bad” she leaned closer her voice growing softer "don't you trust me?" Henry glared ignoring her question "Is she in here?” Henry gestured to the unchained box, “Have you locked her away?!” he gripped on the axe ready to hack her to pieces if what he said was true. “S t o p” the ink Angel let her arms fall to her sides, lowering her head to a terrifying angle. Henry however wasn't done he glared more “Not until you tell me what happened!”, Henry knew he was risking his very life by interrogating ‘Alice’,  “What did you do to her?! DID YOU KIL-” He was cut off by her tone changing. “I SAID STOP!” she screamed, gripping her head in her clawed hands. Ink began to climb the walls. Henry had over stepped the boundaries more than he intended, “I did nothing to her!” she raged, her many voices now more demonic, distorted and broken. "I WOULD NEVER HARM HE-" she was met with an shove to the ground as Henry didn’t believe a word she was saying, and moved to open the box, the angel’s desperate pleads and confirming his suspicions.
Inside the giant coffin was indeed an angel... an broken and hurt angel, her clothing was torn and ripped as claw marks and stab wounds were on her body both old and recent as one of her horns were broken. She was bound to the back of the box by weak chains, and her once glowing halo was shattered in a blacken colorless almost an hopeless. She looked up slightly weakly in response to the coffin being opened as her halo turned to an color of both white and yellow and Henry gasped loudly, revealing an cut up face. She simply said a single word in a weak whisper “R u n” Henry turned around and saw the angry false angel as he gulped, deciding he didn’t want to die just yet. He forced himself to leave the chained angel’s position, narrowly avoiding one of the clawed swipes slamming into the floor. he could hear the angel's terrifying banshee snarls “I will not let you take everything away from me!” the false Angel cried, “I will not let you undo everything I’ve worked so hard to achieve MY perfect beauty!!” Henry practically fell down the stairs and fled down the hall, well aware that a very angry angel was in pursuit. He raced back to the elevator, calling out to Boris and bendy "OPEN THE GATES!" Boris and bendy knew already and letted Henry in as the lift went up instantly the angel screaming in anger. "jesus old man what did you do to her?!" bendy said as Boris gulped "your not gonna bel-" the lift suddenly passed by the ink demon him and Henry staring at eachother before an loud banshee cry rang out as the ink demon then had an surprised look as he reached out trying to stop the elevator but the lift went down quickly the trio screaming "DID YOU REALLY THINK YOU CAN JUST LEAVE?! NO I KNOW WHY YOUR HERE HENRY! YOU WILL NOT STOP WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE NOW COME DOWN AND BRING ME BACK MY BORIS!!!" bendy snarled "HEY NO ONE'S TAKING MY BROTHER AWAY FROM ME AGAIN!" bendy said baring his fangs as he snarled as Henry and Boris tried to find an way to stop the lift "BETTER YET! I'LL TAKE HIM FROM YOU ONCE. YOUR. D E A D!!!!" the lift crashed and Henry blacked out.
an pained headache was all that Henry had now as he struggled to open his eyes after the lift crashed with all three of them in it. when he did he saw Boris quickly shaking him with bendy also in a dazed. he can hear the angry snarls of the toon as he notices the false angel walking towards them. “b-Boris…. b-behind… y-you….” the wolf quickly turned around and he and bendy now in his raged inked state the both of them tried fending off the false angel. Boris yelped as half his ear was torn off and he bashed the ‘angel’s’ head in with the pipe as bendy snarled and started biting her but was knocked out by her impaling his own chest and being slammed in the head. Boris quickly slammed her down and got slashed an bit on the chest as he weakly crawled over to Henry reaching out with his hand as Henry tried reaching back. but the false angel grabbed Boris as Henry hears the wolf saying “H-HENRY!!! HELPP MEEE!” his screams echos as "alice’’ takes him away into the darkness as Henry drips an tear down weakly saying "im sorry Boris......" he then loses conscious as his body was giving into the wounds.
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Safe Running Tips
*Trigger Warning* assaults, violence and possible trauma triggers
I had a bit of an incident the other day while running, so I thought I’d write about it here and also post some tips on what helps me stay and feel safe when running.
First off, I guess it goes without saying that running with someone else is probably the best way to stay safe. But I really prefer running on my own. I don’t have to worry about whether or not I’m slowing the other person don’t and I don’t have to worry about having to converse. Added bonus of D.I.D. is you never really run alone anyway. Plus, right now with the Pandemic, it may not be the best idea. There is a local running club in my area where 5 people have all tested positive. So maybe right now you’re running on your own, or that is just how you’ve always preferred it - in either case, here are some things that I do to keep myself safe.
So I was running down and up a small hill, I noticed at the top of the hill by a stop sign that a car had been sitting there for quite some time. He had a good 30 seconds or so to turn on to whatever direction. There was no need for him to wait to make it up the hill. So that was the first thing that I thought was odd. I run with music, so I turned it on pause and kept going. Normally, where the car was sitting, I would have turned left as that was the route I had planned. If I had turned immediately to the left, it would have placed me right next to the passenger side door. I wasn’t sure if there was one or two people in the car, so I chose to cross to the opposite side of the intersection before turning left. The driver left his brights on the whole time so I wasn’t able to make out the plate number but because of the headlights, bumper and colour I was able to figure out at least what type of SUV it was. As I turned left, I noticed his window was down. It was 5:30AM so still pretty dark. I couldn’t see into the vehicle but as I passed, the driver called out “good morning”. It was definitely a male voice. I didn’t respond. To me, it didn’t sound like a friendly greeting. It sounded like it was meant to intimidate. I kept running in toward town, knowing I was about a mile our before there would be more lights and houses. The SUV stayed at the stop sign for at least another 90 seconds before leaving. There was no traffic for him to be waiting for. There was no obvious reason for him to be behaving the way he was. Some people reading this may think that this is just paranoia, but it isn’t. Especially as a young female witnessing this behaviour, people need to understand that this behaviour is not only not normal, it is also not appropriate. I asked my Dad if he would ever behave this way toward a lone female running in the dark, and he said absolutely not. If it had been a woman’s voice that came from the car, you know what? I would still have been concerned, but I would not have felt nearly as threatened.
Anyway, now that you have the background, here are the tips that I find help me feel safe, both preventative and also if you do find yourself in an altercation or tricky situation.
1) Don’t run at night, alone or in the dark, or on secluded rules. I guess I don’t really follow this rule. I probably should, but these are all things that make running most enjoyable for me. However, there are things that I do to offset that danger:
I share my planned routes with the people in my household. I have maps of all my routes. I leave a note letting them know when I have left and approximately how long it will take me to get there. I also have google location sharing to both the people in my household so they can see live wherever I am during my run. I run with a lamp and I am always aware of the name of the road I am on as well as nearest intersections.
2) Awareness: Always be alert and aware of your surroundings. This goes for day-to-day situations too. What do perpetrators look for in a potential victim? Awareness and Vulnerability. Are you looking down at your phone? Keeping your eyes down at your feet? Are you distracted? Alone? Lost? That is a checklist for what makes you a target. When I'm running I make note of the following:
-Frequent cars that pass on my route. I make note of when and what type. It helps me figure out what to expect and notice anything out of routine. I know there are certain routes I take where some cars give me a wide amount of space when they pass and others who come too close. When I see those ones coming, I make sure I have enough space on the shoulder because I will likely need it (P.S. those people also suck). This also means being aware of the footing on either side of you. The last thing you want is to have to move to the side and end up twisting your ankle in a ditch.
-houses with lights on - who is up at this time of day? Where are they located?
-People I come across on my run - usually in the morning it is people running like me. That is pretty normal, but if I see a random person just standing in the dark not doing anything? That seems odd, and has happened to me before as well. I avoid these people by keeping my distance.
3) Travel with protection (but also know the laws in your area). We aren't allowed to have concealed weapons, pepper spray or bear guard where I live. But you are permitted to have a less toxic "dog spray". It isn't nearly as effective but it could buy you valuable time to get out of a dangerous situation if you need it.
If you do end up in an altercation, here are some of the things that I would suggest. I'm no authority on the matter, but I do have some previous martial arts training that I know I could fall back on if I really needed it. There are plenty of women's self-defense courses that can teach you a number of different tactics for a variety of situations. I'm of the mindset that you don't need a huge arsenal of techniques to keep you safe, all you need is a few good ones that you know well. In an altercation, your primary goal is to get away and to safety. It isn't to "finish" the opponent. In the end it all comes down to doing whatever it takes to get to safety.
1) Never let them take you to a second location. This is one reason that I give a wide distance when passing cars that are parked or suspicious - especially vans and SUVs. If I had passed the car on the passenger side and there was a passenger who wanted to take me, all they would have had to do was open the door quickly to knock me flat on my back. From there, it would have put them one move ahead of me from dragging me into the vehicle. Do whatever it takes to not let them get you in the vehicle. If you can't get out of their grip right away, hold onto them. That way they are trying to lift both your body weight and theirs. If there is something that you can hold onto, grab it. I remember reading one child in an attempted abduction who managed to avoid being taken to a second location because he grabbed onto his bike and wouldn't let go.
2) Do whatever you can to not let them get you on the ground. I've always been of the mindset that if I can avoid a ground fight, I'd do it. In a lot of cases, it is a matter of who is stronger. And, if you're a woman, I'm sorry but it probably isn't you. So, if you can manage to keep your distance or outrun the attacker, do it.
3) In the likelihood that the attacker does manage to get you on the ground, do everything you can to land on your back not on your stomach. If they get you on your stomach, the situation is far worse and you've lost the majority if your defenses. When you land on your back, do your best to keep them from climbing up onto your chest. The best way to do that is to keep your elbows bent against their knees. This also gives you a good method to protect your face with your hands. One method to get them off balance is to bridge your hips up hard and fast and grab the arm they try to land on for balance. That allows you to sweep them off to the side, get up and move away. However, if that doesn't work, there are other methods to incapacitate. This is a good time to grab the dog spray if you have it. Another method that works both in standing or ground fighting position is to blow out their eardrum. You can do this by cupping your hand and smacking it really hard against their ear. The air should be enough to at the very least, cause a significant amount of pain to distract and give you the upper hand.
4) If you're in a situation where they grab you from behind, their intention will be to pull you backwards and drag you off balance. They will expect you to reach up and grab your hands around their forearm. And that will likely be exactly what you do. The problem comes when you focus too much on getting that arm off your throat and neck. You're not going to be strong enough to rip their grip off of you by pure muscle. So you need to get them to release it. Elbow them in the stomach really hard, smash your head back against their nose. That will hurt you too, but not enough to knock you out. If they loosen their grip enough to let you go, then run, but don't let them catch up and grab you from behind again because they will likely have learned your techniques by now. If all you've managed to do is get them to loosen their grip, then focus on tucking your chin so that they can put pressure on your throat. Grab the forearm and drive you elbows back and down to your sides. Then drop your center of gravity so that he can't pull you backward. From there, you may have an opening to slip to the side. If you can't do that, reach between your legs, grab one of his and pull it through. That movement, if don't correctly and quickly is enough to pull them off balance and on to their back. If you're more experienced, this is also a really great time for a breaking their leg, but that is more of an advanced movement.
5) As long as you can breath, you can endure. When I was in martial arts, the majority if the people I fought with were much bigger and stronger than me. Some of them had better technique and were faster. In those times, I remembered: as long as I can breath, I can endure. This one thought allowed me to slow my breathing and heart rate. It made me relax when I felt panicked or frustrated. You may end up in a situation where that is all you can do. Breath and endure. That's okay too. Do whatever it takes to get out alive. Just remember, as long as you breath, you can endure.
Another thing to remember is that most attackers are looking for an easy target. Your job is to make them realize that they made a mistake. You may be running alone, you may be female, it may be dark. These are all things that the attacker assumes makes you an easy target. What they can't anticipate is your preparedness, your awareness, your planning and even what methods of defense you have on hand. These are all things that work in your favor. If you see something suspicious or feel something is off, it never hurts to at least file a report with the local police department. You don't know if you're the only one who has had the experience, nor do you know if you will be the last. It could be a pattern of behavior that others have reported or who will start to report should it continue.
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vegannerdgirl · 7 years
Hi, i saw your post about the chicken playing piano. You are right about wild animals. But i dont think violance is only way to train an animal.. If you show them respect you can teach every animal some trick with lots of patience and treats. My rooster was pretty aggressive in the past. But now he is better than my dog. He'll do any trick willingly if you pet and give him healthy treats in the return.
I did say there are ways to train domesticated animals using positive methods. But I don’t think those methods should be used for pure entertainment purposes (for shows and movies and such), because it reinforces the idea that animals are sources of entertainment. It reduces them to the status of a “fun toy.” And I’m not talking about training dogs to sit, fetch, etc. They get a lot of enjoyment out of engaging in cooperative behaviors with their human. Some other domesticated animals enjoy that too, and others do not. It’s when the animals don’t want to perform tricks and humans force them to that it becomes an abusive situation.
But you’re right, using positive reinforcement to change harmful or problematic behaviors is a good thing, especially if those behaviors are dangerous or cause stress. Teaching domesticated animals behaviors that will keep them safe and healthy isn’t the same as teaching them tricks for exploitative purposes. Not that that’s what you’re saying, I just wanted to make sure my point was coming across more clearly. :)
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298: 28 Ways to Simplify Your Entire Life
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"The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak." —Hans Hofmann
Far different from minimizing, simplifying requires that we consciously explore what is of value in our lives and then thoughtfully edit in order for what we deem most important to shine as fully as possible.
Take for example sight. Eyesight that is. As someone who wears contacts in order to see clearly objects in far distances, when I put on a dirty lens or my lens happens to have an eyelash or spot of makeup on it, not only does it hurt, but frustratingly my eyesight is impaired. My #1 priority is to clean the lens properly in order to see. Why? Understandably, so that I can clearly, safely, peacefully, go about my day without having to actually think about the gift that is 20/20 eyesight.
Such a truth comes into play with our everyday routines, homes, and overall lifestyles. If we don't clear the clutter - literal and figurative - the quality of our lives decreases. What we love, what we value cannot grow, shine, fully blossom. Whatever the analogy is, the full growth, the full maturation, can't possibly be experienced.
Multitasking our lives not only when it comes to the tasks we do each day, has become an approach to living in the 21st century (and was as well in the late 20th century) which was applauded. In many ways 2020 has forced us to recognize how much we missed in doing so - we missed our relationships, we missed simple pleasures, we missed the gift of appreciating well-made, seasonal food, we missed the gift of truly connecting. Now that so much of what we thought we valued but did not prioritized has been forcibly taken out of our lives, are we questioning whether we lived in accordance to what we swore was true to living well.
Let's talk about clutter. What is defined as clutter for you may be different from what someone else may define or label as clutter. My kitchen for example has many tools handy, surrounding my stovetop - canisters, pots hanging, salt and spices within arms-length. For someone else, such a sight may be exhausting to the eye and look terribly cluttered when viewing my kitchen. Organizing my kitchen in such a way makes my cooking fluid, more enjoyable and simple, but that may not be the case for someone else.
More figuratively speaking, how much time with our own and only company we need will depend upon not only our temperaments but as well where we are along our life's journey. There are times in my life where I have needed far more time alone than others, and I am thankful I finally was able to find it as I needed to figure certain things out, things that I didn't even know I needed to sort through. However, once we learn the direction we want to travel, the skills we want to improve or learn, we may reduce the time alone, but I would argue, as you will see in the list today, we will always need regular alone time or as it is often described - solitude.
Since the inception of TSLL blog, simplicity has been a fundamental component of living simply luxuriously. In order to choose well, in order to invest wisely, we first need to know what is of value to each of us, and the only way to do that is to simplify our lives. (View a list of posts focused on simplifying here and here and be sure to check out TSLL's 1st and 2nd book which have specific sections focused on simplifying in a variety of areas of your life.)
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Upon recently rereading Carl Phillips' book 22 Ways to Simpler Living and a couple of other books which help me to assess how simplified I have kept my life or where I need to check-in and adjust or make improvements, I was inspired to make a list to serve as a refresher. I have a feeling each reader/listener stopping by today's post has simplified their lives in some way at some point if not multiple times throughout their lives, so today's post is a check-in so to speak. An opportunity to ensure we are each truly living a simple life for ourselves so we can then live truly simply luxuriously and find true contentment in our everydays. Let's take a look at the list.
~Tune in to the audio version for more conversation about each of the following points shared below.
1.Leave space in your day
Less work time, yet more efficient and productive work time leads to more fulfillment in your lifetime.
2. Absorb the truth that less is often more
3. Limit the time you spend in or with your inbox
write rules
streamline folders
make the view format easy to navigate
make it easy to see how many emails you have to motivate you to keep your inbox tidy
4. Have a courageous conversation about the truth behind the statement "I don't have time." aka "I'm too busy."
Instead of leading others to believe you want to say 'yes' when it is clear another priority supersedes the opportunity presented, let them get to know you and if you don't like this prioritizing of your life, have an honest conversation with yourself and make the necessary changes.
5. Understand what 'self-full' is and refrain from seeing honoring your journey as 'selfish' because it is not.
6. Stop trying to keep up with life and start living your one and only life
7. Be honest about what you allow into your life as a distraction from living fully
(which includes being vulnerable, be truly loving toward yourself and others, being truly content in your everydays, feeling an undercurrent of calm in your life which keeps you grounded and at peace with life's unknowns which reduces the worry)
8. Live a life that doesn't exhaust you, rather a life that energizes you
9. Give permission to yourself for your hobbies and passions to be priorities
It is within your hobbies and passions that we are honoring our gifts and fueling our spirit so that we might share our unique gifts with the world - either directly as we emanate joy affecting those we love or the larger world.
10. Keep good health of body and mind
11. Stop the hurry
If you find yourself hurrying, access and edit. Carl Phillips suggests asking yourself these two questions: (1) Is what I am 'hurrying about for' important to me (or the approval of someone/something else)? (2) Is the hurrying getting me closer to my goals?
12. Check your email less frequently, but more regularly
Set boundaries on your attention and time. You will reduce worry, you will communicate clearly and set expectations which do not overwhelm your life and increase your stress. In many ways you will reduce not only the stress in your life, but the stress of those trying to communicate with you as there will be clear expectations of when they will hear from you.
13. Book-end your days with walks
Long or short, go outside, take in the fresh air as it will clear your mind, help in ways you may not expect, even if you think it cannot as it brings you to the present. One foot in front of the other, just walk. Walk to work it out and calm your mind.
14. Find time to meditate daily
Sometimes meditation and praying are mentioned as alternatives to each other; however, I would argue they do separate things as they are two separate actions. Meditation is an observance of our thoughts, a stepping away from our thoughts (not stopping thinking) and letting them be without our engagement with them. Praying, based on the religious practice (should you practice one religious ideology and it is absolutely okay not to), will be unique to what you believe and is often a conversation with the higher entity. Meditation is not a conversation, but an observation. A practice of exercising the mind so that we are the master of it, not the other way around. A way to calm down, a way to let go, a way to find peace and get out of our own way.
15. Play regularly
For me, gardening has become my favorite act of play during nine months of the year (and in the winter months when I am sowing seeds in my potting area indoors). Diving into a creative project or playing with my dogs - fetch or chase or anything that brings a bounce to their steps.
16. Rest and be still
Active rest or deliberate rest as shared in detail in episode #139 is similar to #15 - playing, thus letting the mind go and not constricting or limiting where it want to go. Literal rest - a nap, not having plans and just being, taking a getaway where you aren't a tourist, but rather a traveler or lounger is a must.
17. Teach others how to treat you by modeling
When you respect your time by protecting your time without apology regarding when you are available and don't bend like Gumby to work with their schedule, you are modeling. It is when you do say yes that those who observe your practice will understand you value them, and they are more likely to respect showing up as planned.
18. Understand what tension is and when it is helpful and when it is hurtful
Good tension: when you are growing, learning something new, stretching yourself by making change or changing because you need to change to meet your goals
Bad tension: when you won't allow yourself to be who you are and instead are trying to fit into someone else's or society's box of what they want you to be
19. Turn away from the outside regularly to gain grounding
20. Savor regular small pleasures, aka Petit Plaisirs
Explore a four-part series full of more than 100 Petit Plaisir - begin with part one here.
21. Donate all the extra and unnecessary tools - exercise, cooking, technology
If you know the true mechanisms of good cooking, effective and life-long lasting fitness and how a tech device works best, fewer, not more tools and devices are necessary. Learn and eliminate.
22. Reduce your overhead
What does it cost to run your life? Whether in business or in your personal life, what is needed for a life of contentment? Most likely, to return us to #1, less is needed for a more fulfilling life. The few things you need simply need to be quality - both in make and design as well as thoughtful selection to fit well with what you know about yourself.
Go through your bills, subscriptions, regular payments. Exam how you actually use (or if you use) what you pay for. When you reduce the overhead, you clear space which gives you more choice and therefore more freedom and peace. You don't have to make more, you need to live below your means. We know this truth unconsciously, but we also need to live it.
23. Keep what works well and eliminate the mediocre
When it comes to skincare, clothing, tools and other items, be honest, invest in the best you can afford and let go of the rest. Quality over quantity - put it into daily practice.
24. Regular solitude
In episode #91 - The Power of Solitude
25. Streamline incoming information sources
Edit the podcasts you have subscribed to so you can find the ones you want to listen to each time a new one is published, be honest about the news that is informative and helpful and inspiring, similarly the blogs and online sources if you have signed up for their newsletters, do you read it when it arrives or does it immediately get deleted or passed over?. What television programs and streaming services do you actually watch?
26. Identify false needs
The Simplicable blog aptly defines a false need as "a theory that societies create to keep a population in a state of toil, distraction and complacency. [False needs] are typically abstractions that are built on top of real human needs and sold with media and groupthink." Examples of false needs - attaining a certain social status, acquiring certain material items - as small as a certain pair of glasses, to something as large as a house; competition and the need to 'beat' someone in order to feel what you have gained is of value; recognition and rewards.
Understanding to the core what false needs are is not easy, and requires each of us to be excruciatingly honest about what we actually need. I have been thinking about this idea quite a bit lately, and come to discovering some liberating ahas. I have a feeling you will as well.
27. Celebrate rather than compete with others regarding life's journey
A secure individual — secure in their life journey, comfortable with the uncertainties of life, confident they will be able to handle what comes their way as they trust themselves — instinctively celebrates rather than competes. Sometimes they may even be inspired by those they meet, but never jealous.
28. Figure out what causes you stress, thereby grabs your focus, time and energy
Be honest and then get serious about making permanent changes.
As the new year rolls around, sometimes money and weight can creep to the top of resolution lists we wish to change or improve. However, looking more closely, what are we doing in our lives that cause these two areas to be filled with stress? Sometimes it is what we are not doing - we're not removing self-deflating influences, we are not diving into what brings us joy and buoys our love of life, we are buying our way to a happy life when the contentment we seek is within. So much can be avoided by going deeper, being honest with ourselves and making simple, small changes - additions or subtractions - to eliminate such stresses on either these two areas or others that may be causing you pain.
Simplifying, as shown in today's list, is not as simple as rearranging our furniture, or editing our closets. If we choose to truly simplify, we need to be fully present and absolutely honest with ourselves and how and why we live as we do. Sometimes we may want to seek out the guidance of a counselor to answer help us answer truthfully these questions for ourselves, but largely we can do the work ourselves. We just need to remember to do the work because it does pay off wonderful dividends that will remain in our lives for lifetime.
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Clearing the clutter, brightening our view, freshening the air to welcome the beauty that our lives have the potential to reveal to us. Yep, simplifying our lives is most definitely worth it. :)
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