#as a tall girl myself she has the RIGHT to be as tall as kaz IF NOT TALLER
six-of-cringe · 1 year
I love all six of crows fanart and everyone should make it forever, but I will note that every time I see art where Nina is shorter than Wylan I feel like I've been lightly poked in the eye
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my-gf-is-kazuichi-soda · 11 months
The two ways people mischaracterize Kaz that bug me the most
-making her an idiot in everything she does and says. Acting like she's a party animal (that's really just her trying to look cool, not really her personality! I think she would get so overwhelmed if she pushed herself that much!) who is incapable of reading books or understanding anything academic. Like, she literally used to be a studious nerd. Tell me you never played her free times without telling me you never played her free times. So she didnt know the word "horizon" (I forget/not know common words all the time so I totally get this) and made jokes/assumptions about it to lighten the mood when things were really tense (this was right after Fuyuhiko survived stabbing himself) and she snuck off with Hajime to spy on Akane and Nekomaru just to have a fun time (and also to sneak off with Hajime 😏) and when that didnt work she tried to be silly about not knowing the word horizon just to lighten the mood again. She was doing all this for Hajime, to impress him and make him feel better, and the only takeaway Ive seen others get from it is her being stupid? She has a social disability do people really confuse this for generally being dumb? Does she need to look like a stereotypical nerd just for people to get it? 😑 I have to remind myself that some Danganronpa fans can only get the most shallow reads out of characters and are ableist af.
Soudam is an interesting idea for a ship and has potential, but I think the problem is that it's often a Baby's First Rival Ship where people try to make both characters have the dynamic they did in the game and also they kiss...while still hating each other??? As if all those insults they used werent just Kaz getting jealous about Sonia and looking for a dumb way to pick on Gundham while Gundham tries to one-up Kaz's insults. No, if Kaz had a crush on Gundham she might have denial/very light tsundere qualities because it's queer and she has internalized homophobia, but once she's more out of the closet and they're in a relationship she would be happy and gushy! It would be a Sunshine and Grumpy ship! The Sonia conflict would be gone so why would they have a reason for the rivalry anymore? This would heal over the "rivalry" because they're not even competing for anything. Gundham hides in his scarf all blushy while Kazuichi just gushes about her tall hammy (lol) "supervillain" boyfriend and and his cute hamsters and she holds his arm. It's hard for Gundham to be taken seriously (not like he was ever efhdhjlfdcbhtfb) when notably scared-of-everything-that's-scary Kazuichi is sitting next to him nodding and looking at him with starry eyes or giggling and saying "nooo you're not from Hell you must have fallen from Heaven my beautiful angel! 💕" This is a bit into their relationship where she knows at this point what she can get away with saying (either that or Gundham has given up trying to convince her otherwise because he secretly enjoys this and will let her, and only her, say such things). Also a conflict they would have is how much pda they're both comfy with, Gundham would have to set clear boundaries else Kaz tries to sit on his lap and hold his hand out in public. Kaz still gets away with the occasional kiss on the cheek here and there, it helps if no one else is around when she does this. Huh, apparently I can ship Soudam as long as Kaz still gets to be a ray of sunshine. Also I can see people seething because I make Kaz a girl and this would be a "straight ship" (it most certainly would not! There is nothing straight about either of these two but whatever. I made my point).
-making her the neon green and bubble gum 2Edgy5U version of Gundham, or this but a killer on top of this (I swear the Ultimate Despair being anyone other than Junko and Mukuro was a mistake). Like, they just wanted a broody, edgy, angry/grumpy character with sharp teeth who looks cool and frowns a lot....guys Gundham is RIGHT THERE and would love to be mischaracterized like this too! Oh wait, he already is. Ironically I see this often from Soudam shippers (not all of them! But some). I guess they love Gundham so much they wanted to ship Gundham with neon green bubblegum Gundham.
EDIT: Okay rereading this I need to cool off. People can ship things however they want. I just have feels and wanted to get them out somewhere.
Hm. Maybe my issue is that I see ships as potential for character development and some people want the characters to stay the same? But I dont wanna see Kaz as staying grumpy/sad and frankly I dont wanna see Gundham staying like that either. They both deserve to see themselves better and to be able to treat other people better too
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yesimwriting · 3 years
Falling Angels
A/n this literally poureddd from me, might be bad bc recently i’ve hated everything i’ve written (my drafts are full lol)
Series Summary: Y/n is a rising star in the most famous circus in Ketterdam because of her ability to see the future. Unfortunately for her, Kaz Brekker knows more of her backstory than he should, and he’s willing to use that to his advantage. The one thing he’s not betting on? That he doesn’t know her entire story
Chapter summary: Y/n gets a visitor before getting tricked into the most dangerous show of her life. 
Pairing: SOC x reader, Kaz Brekker x psychic! sunshine-y! reader
Warning: mentions of sexual harassment, slight cursing, near death experience 
Enjoy it, because it doesn’t last. That’s what the older girls whisper, mock casualness attempting to disguise bitter undertones as I walk past them. They say this, sharp nails ready to be covered in blood as red as their lipstick, because the pile of gifts from my ‘admirers’ keep coming. Circus hands keep approaching the long vanity in the dressing room tent, tapping me on the shoulder politely to shove cards and bouquets of flowers in my lap. They don’t understand that the praise isn’t because the patrons of our performances find me more beautiful--they’re desperate for my favor. They’re desperate to know their future.
Looking at myself in the mirror, the pageantry of it all has not yet grown old to me. My hair is still in the process of being styled, my stage makeup is half done, and I am not yet coated in that golden shimmer Senia always dusts across my cheeks and shoulders. But I am more enhanced than I normally am, eyes made bright by thick coats of mascara, cupid's bow made prominent by ruby lipstick. The lip look is more daring than I’ve been before, but there can’t be much harm in change. Not when half the women here keep looking at me like I’m the saint of virginity. 
It’s not my fault that the Ringmaster thought an angelic aesthetic would work best for the fortune teller who walks around before the show, reading palms so that people can have their pockets picked. It’s not my fault people want an angel to take the stage and call people down from the audience to get a detailed reading around the crowded circus tent. I don’t pick the costumes, and while I acknowledge that mine shows the least amount of skin, the Ringmaster found a way to dress me as suggestively as possible without ruining the illusion of innocence. 
At least the flowing tulle wings that are stitched into the back of my costume are beautiful. It’s easier when I enjoy the good. 
“Y/n!” The familiar call of Senia. I turn my head, beaming. “You’re a vision, and all of those jealous girls--you can tell them to take their wrinkling faces and--” 
“Seria.” For someone so much like a mother, she often needs to be reminded that not everything needs an aggressive rebuttal. “Think about it from their perspectives--their entire existence is dependent on how sellable they are, how attractive they are to men who only want to use them. If that makes them mad at me because they feel like my youth and novelty is taking from them, then that’s okay.” She raises a fine eyebrow. “I can take a few mean words.” 
Seria purses her lips. “Okay, but I’m just as old and tired and you don’t see me trying to poison you.” 
I roll my eyes. 
“Look, it's our very own saint.” I roll my eyes, Via’s shrill voice piercing through me like an annoying papercut. “And in such a scandalous lip color--has the Ringmaster finally taken you to the ivory tent?” 
Ivory tent. It’s been mentioned to me before and always in jest. “Where he takes me is none of your business, if not being the favorite hurts you so badly ju--” 
She laughs, the sound is pure vile. “Being the favorite is the worst thing you could be in a place like this. You’re shiny and new and soon you’ll be as used as the rest of us--Seria’s use is waning, what happened to her today is proof of that. Soon you’ll have no one to protect you.” 
When she looks at me I see more pain than hatred. “I think we’d get along better if I had it in me to hate you.” 
She raises an eyebrow before shaking a cigarette from a small box into her palm. “You’ll get there, princess.” 
The nickname leaves me burning. There’s nothing more consuming than fire. “You better pray to the real Saints I don’t.” 
via laughs, lifting the cigarette to her lips and lighting it with her abilities. She walks away, turning my threat into that of a child’s. 
“She’s right on two accounts.” Seria hums, “The Ringmaster will kill you if you wear that lipstick and Ketterdam turns people like you into people like me. We could save up, pay off your indenture--get you out.” 
Seria doesn’t need to make sacrifices like that. Not for me. Besides, there’s no leaving Ketterdam for me. Not anymore. “Being like you wouldn’t be a bad thing.” I scratch my arm, see through material wrinkling as a result. “And I can’t--I can’t just leave. I’m a psychic, no Grisha can see the future. I need the facelessness of Ketterdam.” Her lips thin in protest. “And don’t think I didn’t hear what she said about you--what happened to your foot, and what’s in the ivory tent? People keep saying it, whispering it like there’s--” 
“That tent is nothing that will ever concern you. I’ve given you my guidance, and the one thing I ask is that you never ask or go to the ivory tent.” 
I swallow once, the intensity in her eyes leaving me raw. “What if he tells me to?” 
“He won’t.” Seria breathes. “He doesn’t like that for you.” 
This isn’t an argument I can have now, not with two minutes until the show starts. “And your foot?” 
She shrugs, holding up a bandaged ankle. “You get older, your ligaments like the tightrope walk less and less. I’ll be fine.” 
“You’re not tightrope walking like that--” 
“Yes, I am. The Ringmaster doesn’t know and he can’t--if I start giving him performance trouble--you don’t know what happens to the girls who can’t pay off their indenture by performing.” 
I swallow once. “You’ll be careful?” 
“Always,” she grins, “Besides--one day you’ll know enough about tightrope walking to help me on days like this.” 
The last time I trained on the mini-tightrope had proven me to be a disappointment. Still, I smile at her softly. I open my mouth to respond, but a quick tap to my shoulder silences me. 
“Miss,” a circus hand I recognize begins.
I smile politely. “Please leave any gifts on my vanity--” 
“It’s not a gift,” he mumbles, voice taut, “You have visitors.” 
Something solid pushes itself into my chest, wedging itself between my lungs. Have they found me? “I-I don’t take visitors. Not before shows, if someone wants a private reading they’re to go to my tent at the front--” 
“We’re not here for readings or any of the other lies you sell.” 
...Surprising. I let my gaze move from the face of the circus hand and towards the individuals behind him. A man, tall and dressed in business attire--hat and all. His face is all sharp angles and his eyes are emotionless. His leather-gloved hands grip the head of an intricate cane. Next to him is another tall man, dressed a little more casually, with dark curls. Lastly, there’s a girl, with oil-black hair pulled into a sleek ponytail. 
“Then what are you here for?” 
Seria, never one to leave me unattended around strange men, takes a step in front of me. “I know who you are, Dirtyhands, and I know there’s no business you could find with her.” 
What? Dirtyhands? Can people in Ketterdam ever just be normal? 
“I wouldn’t speak so certainly.” I don’t like the way his eyes narrow at Seria or the way his grip on the cane tightens. 
Thoughtlessly, I stick a hand between them, forcing Seria back slightly. “I apologize, she’s protective--always assuming the worst in people. Though considering she called you ‘Dirtyhands’, maybe that’s what you want.” 
Ugh. All I do is ramble when I most definitely shouldn’t. “Want what?” 
Eyebrows drawing together, I force myself to hold his gaze. “For people to assume the worst.” 
The response seems to confuse him. That’s okay--I’ll take anything over aggressive. “The only people I want to assume the worst are those I want to be right.” 
Okay. Dramatic was a fair assumption. 
“Seria.” Oh no. I know that voice. I know that voice too well. “They tell me you're injured.”
Seria stiffens, as does every performer when he addresses them. “Not too injured to perform, sir.” 
The Ringmaster sneers. “I can’t risk you falling and embarrassing me. Perhaps tonight you’ll make your money by spending the entire show in the ivory tent.” 
The way she hardens wrenches my gut. I press my hands to avoid reaching out for her. “I can do the tightrope.” The Ringmaster’s gaze shifts towards me. “I can do it--and I can do it well and I’ll give the profit to Seria.”
He tilts his chin, regarding me in a way a woman should never be regarded. He’s a predator and I’m a lamb that’s lost its way. Still, I hold his gaze. I don’t flinch, even when he moves to brush his knuckles along my cheek. His touch is acid. Pure, burning acid. “The wings I placed on your back are decorative.”
“I don’t need them.” Total bullshit. 
“Hm,” he breathes, letting the smell of alcohol fill the space between us, “I’ll allow it.” The Ringmaster drops his hand to his side. “Wipe that lipstick off your face before someone mistakes you for one of these common whores.” 
How I don’t throw up at the sight of him is a miracle in itself. By some small mercy, he turns and walks away before I have to respond. 
“You’re an idiot--you know you’re not ready for the tightrope.” 
“There’s a net,” I try to keep my voice light, dismissive. She remains tense. “Seria, I had to.” 
“No, you could have--” 
“It’s not fair that you’re always a shield for me. When the opportunity to shield you for once comes, I’ll take it.” Turning before she can protest, I try to walk forward. The stranger places his cane where I intend to walk, intentionally warning me that he decides when our conversation is over. Unfortunately, I used up all my patience with the Ringmaster. “130 kruge.” He raises an eyebrow. “That’s the estimated amount I’ll make tonight, unless I’m late and excluded from the show. Either make up the deficit you’ll be costing me or let me go.” 
His eyebrows draw together, shifting his expression from neutrally calloused to something much darker. “Kaz.” This comes from the girl. She takes a step forward. “Look one step ahead.”
“Excuse me?” 
“Everyone thinks you’re not supposed to look down, but looking up is just as impractical.” She pauses, expression strangely mesmerized, “Look one step ahead--not at your feet.” 
My genuine smile shocks me. “Thank you.” 
“I should be thanking you, Sankta y/n.” Her head bows, hands held together as if in prayer. 
Oh. She’s one of the religious that believes me an actual Saint. “I appreciate the sentiment, but if I was a Saint I’d be able to help people.” No matter what I do, no matter how much blood I offer, I can never help people. “And as you’ve seen--I can’t.” 
The crowd’s roaring is a different world to me. On the platform, feet away from the other wooden structure acting as solid ground, everything is different. I am now in a world where the only thing to believe in is a taut rope. The net is beneath me. I’ve seen it--I’ve checked it. 
“And for our grand finale!” The Ringmaster calls, voice billowing over an excited crowd. “Our very own angel defies death!” 
An odd way to phrase the tightrope walk. It’s never called ‘defying death’.  I had been surprised when I was told that tonight the tightrope walk would be the grand finale--I assumed it was because it featured me. I’m always the finale now. I try to move my foot off the platform but it’s planted firmly. No. I need to see Seria--I need to see who I’m doing this for. I force my gaze to the ground, panic rising in my chest. 
Instead of Seria, I see Via--her smirk apparent even from here. Spite’s a decent motivator. My foot descends off the platform, touching the tightrope cautiously. And then I move my other foot. All of me is now on this damn rope. I hadn’t been unforgivably horrible during practice, but I hadn’t been graceful either. 
Don’t look down, don’t look up--only look one step ahead. One step ahead--one step at a time. Balance. I take another step. The room is so silent there’s no doubt in my mind the sound of my bones cracking would be heard from the back row. But there’s the net. There’s always the net. I take a second step. And then a third--eyes focused on only one step ahead. 
And then the phantom of flame comes to claim me. Fire. The world around me is burning. Damning the consequences, I let my gaze fall to the world beneath me. The net--the Ringmaster had an Inferni light the net on fire. Via--that explains the look. 
I can’t fall--the guilt would kill Seria. 
Panic twists my stomach as I continue forward. One step ahead. One step ahead--the flames lick upwards, promising pain and grief all over again. One step ahead. One step--that’s all there is to it. The warmth of the fire calls to me. Burning. Burning--and one more step. This isn’t forever. This isn’t permanent--either way this will soon be over. 
There’s no miracle for me. No good grace, no wings that would let me save myself. There is only balance. 
One step ahead. And then another step. And then I see the other wooden platform. Thank the Saints. I grip the ladder of the platform as quickly as possible. The cheers mean nothing to me as I scurry down the ladder. 
I feel a sharp breeze, a Grisha putting out the flames. Anger pools in my chest as I move towards the exit of the tent. 
“Y/n.” No. Not him again. That man--Kaz, Dirtyhands, whoever he is--needs to go away. “Y/n.” I turn sharply, anger pulsing through me. My expression must be feral, because he stalls. “They didn’t tell you that they were going to burn the net.” 
The fact that he can tell--that he can see my panic and how close I came to death twists my anger into something more fragile. “No.” My posture straightens. “I need to go now, I do--I do readings after shows.”
“Y/n.” He repeats, firmer. 
My nails dig into my palms. “I’m going--” 
“I know what you are.” 
Tensing, my breathing stalls. “What?”
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shadow and bone rewatch s1e6 while drinking mid-range scotch
I wish I have a face that is as unlined and pretty as Ben Barnes' when I'm 39
Arken you dirty dirty liar
the face Alek is making at his lies that he knows are lies firstly because he knows the art of lying so well and also because he can read people very well
okay Ivan is kind of a bad bitch with his smirk at Arken's lies
alek's eyes narrowing and his little smile when Arken says 'im an entertainer' bitch I love this show
*grabs hand, pulls up sleeve, and discovers Arken's hand is full of marks indicating successful passages through the fold* 'well, that is certainly entertaining' I love this man with all my heart
him screaming is so fucking hot, is that weird for me to say
Nina being the Darkling's spy is quite interesting
Ben giving the Darkling crazy eyes when Arken owns up to his guilt is so cool
also wtf is Arken a fool trying to negotiate with possibly the strongest man in the world
kind of loved the darkness literally eating him
also love Alina learning to use her powers better when she is alone than when she is with anyone else, wish we got to see the cut in this season as per the books, ah can't have everything I guess
the camera pan to Jesper's gun at his side, amazing
god Jessie is literally so beautiful I need to see her bring Alina to the peak of her power so bad
netflix you better renew this series to let the plot run to its completion
'And where is my Summoner?' my little Darklina heart ouchie I really wish you hadn't used and manipulated her like this Alek it was incredibly fucked up especially considering you actually caught feelings
'Ivan and I won't fail you' oh Fedyor my baby, my angel, you don't deserve what is coming
Helnik literally recreating Titanic lmao stop this is a joke
I too would jump off the raft if I came to consciousness to see a gorgeous woman with magical powers with her hand on my back
omg but why is ryevost so pretty though
'I know exactly how she felt. The King's soldiers treated me the same way... I'm not myself today.' why must you do this to me, why must you fuel my darklina soulmates agenda idiocy
I don't quite think I have a problem with the Zoya Darkling relationship as much as I have a problem with the line they chose to reveal it to use with.
my drink's over and I don't know if I should have another, considering that it's 7 am
the tenderness with which he looks at Zoya and takes her hand and then when he says 'I shall relax when I have Alina' makes me believe more that the man that is reduced to tears time and again in front of Alina could in fact be the master manipulator I know him to be
god I can't wait for Zoya's character arc
'I speak six languages, it's part of my job' why is Nina literally the fucking coolest
Alina blinding the oprichniki was so hot, I can't wait to see more of her power and her ruthlessness
I know I've said it before but good god is Jessie Mei Li gorgeous
I simply cannot get over Calahan's accent lmao it's really funny
'im not afraid of you' he says to the insanely gorgeous girl with magic
'You're just a man. Like all the others.' she says and then forgets her train of thought looking at him as he strips. god I love this
not sleeping all night and then scotch is not a good idea, I think
'I promise not to ravish you' 'I hate the way you talk' her hand on his chest, his hand gripping hers, my fucking heart feels like it's about to explode
good god these shooting locations and sets are so beautiful
Alina throwing the flask at Mal and Mal going 'OI!' I fucking can't, I guess I am a
simp for childhood friends to lovers, give me more of that banter and childhood friend energy, I am thriving
wow it literally seems like they took book! Mal sl*tshaming book! Alina and made show! Alina sl*tshame show! Mal, hmm, interesting
'They would have split us up!' MAL'S LITTLE SMILE AT THIS, and the 'You wrote me letters?' Mal's nod, the Malina yearning stare, the Malina hug, 'thank you for finding me' 'always. I'll always find you.' NO MALINA YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND YOU HAVE MADE ME ABSOLUTELY FUCKING FERAL
I understand they had to split time between my ravkan babies and the crows and that is why there were several aspects that were sort of not reflected on enough but Alina's training at the Little Palace, Alina's cut, Mal's personality, a teensy bit of backstory for the crows, maybe one lockpicking scene from my boy Kaz
random note: we have far too many idols and paintings and pictures and whatnot of Hindu deities in our house apart from the specially designed temple (we are Hindus, so maybe it's not that weird but it's a little weird)
Kaz's cane is a literal star, it's so beautiful my heart wants to explode
'Why would Heleen get the Crow Club?' *literally fucking gets up and walks aways instead of answering the fucking question* I LITERALLY CAN'T BREATHE I'M LOSING MY MIND
'We won't starve' omg get you someone who packs food for you when you go on the run together hiding from your ex who wants to capture you and use your powers as a weapon against your consent
Mal looking surprised at her summoning sunlight, Alina looking cautiously at him waiting for him to disapprove or run for the hills in fear or smth like that, 'I'm sorry it took me this long to see you... But I see you now' my dumb little shipper trash heart ouch
they really said we're gonna feed you this part asian couple as the protagonists in this show in 2021 and guess what I'm eating it's really tasty I'm very satisfied as a south asian
'I can feel how much you hate sleeping next to me' 👀👀👀 BITCH SAID IMMA SPILL THE TEA AND THEN SHE DID
it's 8 am and guess what I'm getting another drink my parents have c*vid and are in govt qu*r*ntine centres there is nobody to supervise or stop me
I too say 'Why do you have to say things like that?' to my pretty crush when she flirts with me
Nina smiling at Matthias bragging about his conservative ways is my aesthetic
'No, it's not natural for someone to be as stupid as he is tall and yet, oh, there you stand.' MY FUCKING QUEEN
Matthias laughing uncontrollably at Nina saying something which isn't even that funny is a whole ass vibe
Kaz Brekker saying 'The Black General' ooh fuck yeah
isn't alcohol supposed to like kill germs? well, the amount in my system definitely will
I love my crows so much (always but this time particularly for setting that alarm in the stolen carriage)
ooh Polina recognising Inej by the knife yesss let's go writers
this Ivan Jesper showdown is all I needed from life and yet did not know about
Ivan taking off his cloak was, um, sexier than I wanted it to be
I just realised how thirsty I am going to sound in this post
'Has no one told you that keftas are Fabrikator-made and resistant to bullets, hmm?' 'Oh, I do love a challenge' LITERALLY EVERYTHING
im sorry to be pointing out flaws in a perfect show and adaptation but the line delivery on 'You robbed me of my brother, now I'll rob you of your life' from Polina was kind of weak
'You're a-' *gets knocked out with the back of a gun* LMAO we love the hints
got excited at the prospect of kaz v. zoya until I realised they will not be letting the opportunity of kaz v. darkling pass up
my goodness is Amita Suman a splendid actress
'Are you sure you added enough cloves?' literally warranting a wide ass smile from my queen Alina making my entire fucking day
for some reason, no matter how much I push it from my mind, Ben Barnes dressed up as the Darkling, dancing to 'push it' keeps coming to mind, it's absolutely ridiculous
I got somehow distracted with interviews but good things came out of that as it gave my body the time for the booze to kick in
and I would just like to say that I love Leigh for all she has given me
Alina is so fucking compassionate, I have no much love for her. I can feel her guilt and her sorrow as Mal talks of Mikhail and Dubrov
don't particularly like how the stag plotline is woven in, could have been executed better
'You're afraid you might start to like me?' *flaps furs like a bird's wings in frustration*
'I DO like you' my fucking heart you idiots
the sexual tension is so palpable and the moment is so intimate I simply cannot
that moment where you think he might let her fall despite having read the books and he doesn't and he tells her his name I- <3
people have talked about this endlessly but Freddie's little jaw tic after he says Inej because Inej is wounded and he can't physically bring himself to help her I fucking cannot
and now for one of my favorite scenes in television and cinematic history, David Kostyk throwing a book at Jesper Fahey without even knowing who he is merely because he opens the door of his carriage and says hello to him before getting knocked out by Kaz Brekker while trying to run away
Immediately followed by another, the scene with David Kostyk raising his finger to put forward his point in front of the Darkling and the Darkling trying to let him know he doesn't have to before obliging is one of my favourite scenes in the world
also sir please stop being devastatingly attractive in your glorious appearance with your face and your black kefta and cloak because all that comes to mind is Ayesha Erotica's Emo Boy and I'm afraid that is terribly inappropriate.
'No, you look great.' *literally looks down from embarrassment or blushing* MALINA RIGHTS?
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ginazmemeoir · 3 years
so i was inspired by @h00man-bean and here you go with a fic about Kaz and Inej as the Devil and the Reaper.
tagging @h00man-bean @mango-pickle @carmen-riddle @the-fault-in-our-inquilab @momo-all-the-way @gopikanyari @aadyeah @reddish-green-personality @weird-u @holding-infinity-and-a-book @dragonfairy1231 @totallyforgotyouwerehere @a-dragon-under-the-stars @taareginn
I crash into consciousness. The sound of gurgling water and rustling leaves greets me as I stand up. Strange. The last time I was alive, I had arthritis and was confined to a wheelchair. All Nina could do was slow mine and Inej’s death. I remember the last breath I drew, the last thought I had, the last time I saw Inej smile. And then nothing. Just an empty void, just – not being anymore.
I look at myself, flex my toes. It appears as if death has returned my old skin back to me, but it still doesn’t look like mine. This one is clear as if it was tended to by a Grisha tailor daily, as if the man who bore it had never worked a day. I am wearing the suit I stole from Pekka Rollins, decorated with a genuine gold pin showing a crow with a lion’s head in its claws. My cane lies beside me along with my hat. Either I am in a coma and am dying a slow, painful death as many of my enemies wished, or I have woken from a dream and nothing that I know happened, never really happened. I would rather prefer the first. Then, I see Inej.
She stands there in her captain’s uniform, the teal coat Sturmhond gave her, coupled with breeches and boots. I bet her knives are still tucked there. Her skin, still the same gleaming bronze, is now wrinkle free. Her eyes are kohl rimmed, and her ink black hair spill onto her shoulders. She looks at me with confusion, her eyes searching. “Kaz?” she asks. I move toward her, and then run. Funny how a good leg is almost as useful as a grisha crafted cane.
I clasp her hands in mine, her breath caressing me. “Inej,” I whisper “What are we doing here?”
“You’re both dead actually.” says a voice behind me. I turn around to see a Fjerdan merchant approaching us. He wears a blood red coat with gold lapels. His blonde hair is slicked back, and he walks with the cool confidence of someone who just cracked a deal. The only thing differentiating him from a Kerch businessman that I once looted is that he’s surrounded by floating rocks. Inej immediately kneels beside me, and nudges me. “Sorry but I have a bad leg. Also I don’t bow to animated turkeys.” I say as I go and retrieve my cane and hat. The Fjerdan chuckles and replies in heavily accented Kerch, “I suspect that bad leg excuse is of any use to now, Kaz Brekker. Also, please get up Inej, you look extremely out of place bowing to me in a teal coat.” Inej gets up reluctantly, and when she does, she has… tears in her eyes?
“Sankt Demyan of the Rime, thank you for protecting me.” She says, and hands him one of her knives. “Ah. How poetic.” He says, and pockets the knife. That is when I realize that we, in fact are dead. And Inej’s saints, are in fact, real. Great. There goes my ten thousand kruge. Thankfully the rest of the Crows aren’t here or I would have ended up as quite literally, a bankrupt soul.
“How many times have I told you Demyan to let me welcome the visitors? You’re hardly a gracious host, let alone a good gambler,” says a Shu woman, as she walks in behind Demyan, along with a Suli girl. The Suli girl was surrounded by floating rocks as well. She looked at Inej, and smiled at her. “And now, I would like those gold buttons of yours.” Says the Shu woman.
Inej hastened to remove her own lapel, a dragon and a fox, when the woman stops her. “I’m not talking to you Wraith, I’m talking to Demyan. We had bet that Kaz Brekker would kick him in the balls when he first arrived. I however had gone for a scathing insult. So seems like I won.” She says, and takes the gold buttons that Demyan removed (albeit while grumbling) in her slender hands. “Sankta Yeryin of the Mill, and Sankta Marya of the Rock, I- it’s an honour to meet you.” says Inej, and proceeds to bow more times than she has apologized when she was alive. I am shocked to see the way these so called “saints” milk Inej’s “devotion”. She was the closest thing to a saint that people actually had down in the mortal realm, and I would rather have kicked Demyan in the balls than let Inej bow again. But I restrain myself for the sake of my jaan.
Inej gives two more knives to the women, and stands beside me. She looks like a ridiculous schoolgirl, all giddy as if she had met her favourite aunts, and I catch myself falling in love with her all over again as a dead soul. Demyan soon interrupts my thoughts with that sinuous high-pitched voice, and asks, “I see you’re unusually quite today Dirtyhands. What’s the matter?” “I’m sorry, it’s just I’m wrapping my head around the concept of not existing physically anymore. Also I’ve heard you carry your belongings with you to the afterlife, so where’s all my gold?” I reply. Yeryin chuckles, her slit eyes crinkling while Marya looks at me in disbelief. Her voice, booming like a mountain echo, repeats what she, and countless others back in the mortal world, including my wife, thought each day, “Have you no honour Kaz Brekker?” I just shrug and adjust my hat.
“Anyways, ah, back to the topic at hand.” says Demyan, as he walks towards a tree. No wait, the tree. It could easily be as tall as a mountain. Five springs gush forth from its roots, and a heart is suspended from thorns right in front of a tear in it. The heart with the thorns I remember from the most epic heist of my career, involving legends and the Ravkan monarchy. The tree I do not. Inej asks, “Mind me, O great Saint of the Dead, but could you please acquaint us with our surroundings?” Wow. That’s a lot of vocabulary from a woman whose last sentence, in my memories, is complaining how the medicine she gave me smelled like rat fart. “Oh yup that’s Djel. Or rather his ash tree. Quite popular with my countryfolk.” he says cheerfully. “And we’re here in a mountain in the Sikurzoi, in a different plane of existence. For you, are dead.” he continues, with that ridiculous smile of his. Marya then steps forward, her voice slightly less enthusiastic, giving me the feel that this is all probably quite rehearsed for a while now. “You are a long way from home my loves. Kaz Brekker, you died a natural death. Inej Ghafa, you also died a natural death. Both of you were a hundred and thirteen years old, with Inej dying within a year of your death. The form you have now, is the form you chose to be remembered as.” she says. Yeryin huffs past us, her robes billowing, and hands the buttons over to Demyan, raising up her hand to his face and showing a symbol that quite contradicts with the Saint of Hospitality. “I should have expected such from you, you merchant scum.” she says. She then turns to directly address us and says, “Enough introductions though. The real reason you’ve been brought here is for another reason entirely. You see, the souls of the dead…”
I roll my eyes as the Sankta prepares for another lecture about how our “feeble human brains can’t comprehend the world.” I regret having married Inej in this moment in the afterlife though. Dirtyhands would’ve conned them by now and found a way back to the mortal realm. Kaz Brekker on the other hand, sits on the grass like a five-year old listening a story. Inej sits beside me, her coat now lying beside her in a heap and her hair fluttering open. How I wish I could’ve seen her in the open sea like that.
“…are usually brought to the other sides of the tree.” Yeryin says, waving her hands in an elegant motion to summon up a throne made out of the river pebbles and rocks, confirming that the trio were all, in fact, Fabrikators. “There, they are all assessed in context with their deeds on earth. Everything that they’ve gone through, and everything they’ve done is all taken into account by the Saint of The Book.” She then points to a woman, invisible until this point, sitting near the tree. She bends over a desk, poring over a giant ledger and surrounded by thick books. Her thick blonde hair covered her face, her glasses perched on her wide nose, and her fair, plump skin flushed. “The three of us then decide their fate in the afterlife. Those, who we decide are ‘good’, enjoy the fruits of paradise for a while and then return to the making at the heart of this world. Those, who we deem ‘bad’, are impaled on the thorn wood until they are purged of their sins. They then bathe in one of Djel’s springs, and return back to merzost.”
“Yeah but why are you telling us all of this? We get it, we’re dead, so which way are we going?” I ask the Saints. Inej elbows me once again, scolding me with her eyes. I shrug, and stand up with my cane. “Unless you have something else to tell us, I would like to take your leave. Saints.” I start to walk, when I find myself tripping over. I right myself with my cane just in time, and see that my hands and feet are bound by vines, Demyan’s hands raised up. These saints want a taste of Dirtyhands? Fine. I will show them Dirtyhands.
I see Kaz’s demeanour change. He slips into the familiar garb of Dirtyhands, his eyes cold as flint, lips slightly pursed, standing like the King of the Barrel. I get into a fighting stance, my heavy coat no longer obstructing me. I feel the presence of my remaining knives, regretting handing over the rest. I respect my Saints, but nobody, and I repeat nobody, touches my husband and escapes alive.
Marya stands immovable, her eyes gazing at something in the distance. Yeryin clasps her hands, and states, “You came here at our wish Kaz Brekker. You leave with our wish as well. No need to reach for your knives Wraith they won’t serve you here.” I feel a tug inside me, as if someone is yanking on my leash. Before I know, I am pulled back, my breath knocked out of me, and I crash into a wooden chair. Kaz suffers a similar fate beside me, and I can see his anger barely in check. “Why are you doing this to us?” I ask Marya. She glances at me, her eyes tearful, and replies, “Because we’re tired Inej Ghafa. Because you’re now, the new gods of death.”
Great. We’re the subject of a cruel joke by the Saints and are being tortured for our sins. “We don’t want anything to do with you or your jobs. Just release us and march us over to the thorn wood, I’m ready to answer for my crimes.” “Oh you silly girl, we won’t kill our scapegoats, will we? Isn’t that right my fellow sisters?” Demyan says in his ridiculously cheerful manner. That smile takes me back to the West Stave, Heleen bartering over me with the slavers, her sinuous smile each time I resisted her. I eventually did track my slavers, although only Kaz knows of their fate, for he was the one who insisted on having them. Demyan then comes over to us, and the Saint of Death’s face becomes morose. He kneels in front of us, as if pleading with us, and says, “You see, we’re linked directly with humans and grisha. Death. Hospitality. Pathfinder. Our roles were fundamental to the balance of the world, to the smooth passage of souls and justice in the afterlife. However, seeing the Starless One return back to merzost, seeing Juris merge with the Dragonqueen, has made us realize that we thought impossible, was actually just – improbable. You would certainly know about that, wouldn’t you Dirtyhands?” Demyan glances at Kaz, his eyes moist, while Kaz looks at him unflinchingly. Weren’t the Saints destined to perform their duties? Then why are they looking for scapegoats? Demyan comes back to me, his tone rushed as he blurted out his plan. “We long to be free Inej Ghafa. We too long to return back from where we came. We too long to feel.” Yeryin and Marya then float over to us. “A Saint that dispenses justice, must have suffered injustice to be accurate in his judgements. He should be immovable, yet sensitive to the souls he receives. Kaz Brekker, you have shown us the resilience and fury of a Saint.” Yeryin says. Marya then glances at me, and begins, “Jaan, you’re one of my own people, and so I hold a special place for you. The Saint that is the Reaper, who brings over the souls of the dead, must kill without remorse. Must feel for each soul with all of her heart. She must be indiscriminate in her search.” “And you Inej Ghafa have shown us that heart.” Demyan finishes, clasping my hand. “The part is yours, should you keep it. However, remember, you must take it up with free will, for handling the deceased is a far more tedious and draining task than it sounds.”
I look back at Kaz. His eyes are focussed on the ground, his brain coming up with another wild scheme. I look at the Saints with disbelief. All this time, as I, as millions, prayed to them, honouring their martyrdoms with festivals and prayers, the Saints just longed to be human. Kaz finally speaks after what feels like an eternity. “I have a question. Are the Saints willing to answer that?” “But of course. That is the least we can do for you.” says Yeryin.
“You might’ve come across two souls in your eternal career. Jordie, and Pekka Rollins. What fate awaited them?” I ask hesitantly. I am both excited and afraid of the answer the saints hold for me. Marya looks at the Saint of the Book. She rises, and comes towards us, a small register in her hands. She hands it to Marya, and returns back, giving me a not-so subtle side look. Marya searches for the names I asked, clears her throat, and begins. “Pekka Rollins, the leader of the Dimes, a gang in the streets of Ketterdam, was impaled on the thorn wood. He was purged of all his sins, and then chose to return back to merzost. As for Jordie, your brother, he did not choose to stay for long.” I look back at Marya. “His soul… was tormented. Even though he was healed with the waters of Djel, even though we helped his soul discover his unknown gift as a Grisha Tidemaker, he kept searching this garden for you. In the end, he chose to take a single bite of Djel’s fruit, and returned back to merzost, finally at peace.”
Jordie’s fate stuns me into silence. Pekka Rollins snatched our life on Earth, but even in the gardens of paradise my brother kept searching for me. My vision blurs, my brother’s destiny opening a well of sadness in me, his peaceful return to merzost the only respite offered to him. This was the place where Jordie’s soul searched for me. Where he waited and waited for me, until he dissolved back into the heart of the world. And this is where I would choose to stay for eternity, the only place that holds my brother’s peace. I look at Marya, and nod.
Beside me, Inej grasps my hand, and smiles. She then looks down at Demyan, and says, “We will take up the mantel of your duties, O Revered Saints.” I roll my eyes. It’s as if Sturmhond’s vocabulary worms it’s way into Inej’s brain each time she talks to her saints.
The saints all look at each other, then smile and open their arms. “Our powers, are then yours, Wraith and Dirtyhands.” Golden rays, the colour of sundried wheat and barley emit from Yeryin. Ink black waves surge from Demyan while a shower of dirt erupts from Marya. The three slowly disappear, probably to a much better place. The knives Inej gave to them clatter on the ground.
Inej picks up her coat, dusts it off, and shrugs it on. She picks up her knives, touching them to her forehead, and wipes them on her sleeve. “So what do we now?” she asks me. “Well we’re here for eternity, alone, at least till you go off to bring our souls. Let’s have some fun.” I say and suggestively smirk. The Saint of the Book widens her eyes in horror as she looks at us. “Oh keep it in your pants, you perv.” I say, as I give a big shout and run towards the gentle slope along the riverbank, Inej’s soft padded boots following me, as we both tumble into each other and hurtle to the earth.
9 notes · View notes
elriell · 4 years
Book Rec’s
Going to try and add a lot of less known books that are amazing and not enough people talk about, this would be too long if I talked about each one in depth, so I am going to leave my fav quotes as that tends to give me a feel for books and whether I will like them and I will link the GR page for more info! Happy reading:)
Fantasy Vibes
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From Blood And Ash by Jennifer L Armentrout    (CLICK THIS TOO)
“Death is like an old friend who pays a visit, sometimes when it’s least expected and other times when you’re waiting for her. It’s neither the first nor the last time she’ll pay a visit, but that doesn’t make any death less harsh or unforgiving.”
“Fear and bravery are often one and the same. It either makes you a warrior or a coward. The only difference is the person it resides inside.”
 “You're an absolutely stunning, murderous little creature.”
Storm And Fury by Jennifer L Armentrout
“What are you going to do if it does get worse?” he asked. “Maybe I’ll get myself a seeing-eye gargoyle.”
Demons At Deadnight by A&E Kirk   
“I launched into a graceful ninja-like front roll, then stood my ground to face the monstrous heathen, fearless in my determination to vanquish the deadly foe.
Nah, just kidding. I bolted, discretion being the better part of not getting dead.”
“We are killers,” Matthias said. Bad news. 
“Not girls. We don’t kill girls.” Good news. 
“She’s no girl.” Insulting news? 
“What? Of course she’s a girl.”
 “Want me to check?” 
“Shut up, Blake,” the rest of them chorused.”
The Cruel Prince by Holly Black   
“If I cannot be better than them, I will become so much worse.”
“If you hurt me, I wouldn't cry. I would hurt you back.”
“I am going to keep on defying you. I am going to shame you with my defiance. You remind me that I am a mere mortal and you are a prince of Faerie. Well, let me remind you that means you have much to lose and I have nothing. You may win in the end, you may ensorcell me and hurt me and humiliate me, but I will make sure you lose everything I can take from you on the way down. I promise you this is the least of what I can do.”
MM Romance
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Him by Sabrina Bowen & Elle Kennedy
“Our mouths fit together so perfectly. Every time we kiss, I fall even more in love with him, and it has nothing to do with sex or lust. It's him. His closeness and his scent and the way he soothes me.”
“I…” He clears his throat. “I’d let you do it, though.” My hand freezes in his hair. “You would?” Wes nods. “I’d let you do anything to me, Canning.”
Misfits by Garrett Leigh (Poly romance, its just so perfect ala herongraystairs!)
“Learn something. Read a book. Explore someone. Anger is just a hole where your life could be.”
In The Absence Of Light by Adrienne Wilder
“The light is a funny thing, Grant. We think it shows us what we need to see, but in reality, it blinds us. That’s why I brought you here. I wanted you to see me.”
“Morgan may be autistic, but he is a normal man with a mental condition, not a mental condition who is a man.”
The Foxhole Court by Nora Sakavic
“It’s not the world that’s cruel. It’s the people in it.”
“I'm not a math problem." "But I'll still solve you."
“Is your learning curve a horizontal line?”
“Who said 'please' that made you hate the word so much?"  Andrew gazed at him in silence for a minute. "I did.”
“I didn't think I was a personal problem. You hate me, remember?" "Every inch of you," Andrew said. "That doesn't mean I wouldn't blow you." 
Vampires, Angels & Greek Mythology
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Bloodlines by Michelle Read
“The greatest changes in history have come when people were able to shake off what others told them to do.”
“Takes a lot of tries before you hit perfection." He paused to reconsider that. "Well, except for my parents. They got it on the first try."
“No, thank you," said Adrian. "These hands don't sully themselves with fighting.”
“Everything's about my personal entertainment. The world is my stage. Keep it up- you're becoming a star performer in the show.”
Angels Blood by Nalini Singh
“Some things were worth the dance with danger.”
“You do realize this makes your wings even more unique." "Are you saying you shot me as a cosmetic procedure?”
“You ask a lot of questions for a dead woman.” “What can I say? I prefer to die well-informed.”
“You don't fear me," he said now. She wasn't stupid enough to lie. "I'm petrified. But I figure you didn't make me come all this way just so you could push me off the roof.”
Dark Lover by J.R Ward (warning OTT vamps if thats not your jazz either skip)
“Some bridges you crossed on your own, no matter who drove you to the edge”
“Vengeance was one hell of a roommate.”
Half-Blood by Jennifer L Armentrout
“Two people see each other across a room or their skin brushes. Their souls recognize the person as their own. It doesn’t need time to figure it. The soul always knows… whether it’s right or wrong.”
“It’s just words and words mean nothing. Only action does.”
“People do the damndest things when they’re in love.”
“There is a difference between love and need. Sometimes, what you feel is immediate and without rhyme or reason.”
Assasin-y Goodness
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Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers
“When one consorts with assassins, one must expect to dance along the edge of a knife once or twice.”
“I comfort myself with the knowledge that if Duval ever feels smothered by me, it will be because I am holding a pillow over his face.”
“Surely He does not give us hearts so we may spend our lives ignoring them.”
“There is no shame in scars, Ismae.”
Daughter Of The Pirate King by Tricia Levenseller
“I am me because I choose to be me. I am what I want. Some people say you have to find yourself. Not I. I believe we create ourselves to be what we want.”
“Lass, you've the face of an angel but the tongue of a snake.”
“Everyone has something dark in their past. I suppose it's our job to overcome it. And if we can’t overcome it, then all we can do is make the most of it.”
“Waiting. Not waiting. One lover. A hundred lovers. There should be no judgement either way. A woman is not defined by what she does or doesn‘t do in the bedroom.”
“Even a man who’s spent his whole life at sea has reason to fear her when she’s angry. But not I. I sleep soundly. Listening to her music. The sea watches over me. She protects her own.”
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
“No mourners. No funerals. Among them, it passed for 'good luck.”
“It's not natural for women to fight." "It's not natural for someone to be as stupid as he is tall, and yet there you stand.”
“I will have you without armor, Kaz Brekker. Or I will not have you at all.
“The heart is an arrow. It demands aim to land true.”
“Kaz leaned back. "What's the easiest way to steal a man's wallet?" "Knife to the throat?" asked Inej. "Gun to the back?" said Jesper. "Poison in his cup?" suggested Nina. "You're all horrible," said Matthias.”
The Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson
“It can take years to mold a dream. It takes only a fraction of a second for it to be shattered.”
“Taking another life, she had whispered, even a guilty one, should never be easy. If it were, we'd be little more than animals.”
“Maybe there was no one way to define it. Maybe there were as many shades of love as the blues of the sky,”
“We all have our different skills. You’re patient to a fault, which sometimes doesn’t work to your advantage. I, on the other hand, have the patience of a wet cat. Only on rare occasions does that come in handy.”
“Maybe there were a hundred different ways to fall in love.”
Circus Vibes
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Caraval by Stephanie Garber
“Every person has the power to change their fate if they are brave enough to fight for what they desire more than anything.”
“She imagined loving him would feel like falling in love with darkness, frightening and consuming yet utterly beautiful when the stars came out.”
“Some things are worth pursuit regardless of the cost.”
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
“You may tell a tale that takes up residence in someone's soul, becomes their blood and self and purpose. That tale will move them and drive them and who knows that they might do because of it, because of your words. That is your role, your gift.”
“Secrets have power. And that power diminishes when they are shared, so they are best kept and kept well. Sharing secrets, real secrets, important ones, with even one other person, will change them. Writing them down is worse, because who can tell how many eyes might see them inscribed on paper, no matter how careful you might be with it. So it's really best to keep your secrets when you have them, for their own good, as well as yours.”
Six of Hearts by L.H Cosway
“Note to self: Never try to out-trick a trickster.”
“So why not live with the magic? Be a kid again and believe in the fantastical. Life is more fun with a little smoke and mirrors.”
“We all have thoughts that we would never, ever vocalise. And people who say they don’t are liars.”
“I once read that people who have imaginary friends never reach out to touch them. There’s some part of their brain that subconsciously knows it will break the spell. That’s what it feels like with Jay.”
Amour Amour by Krista & Becca Richie
“We all traverse in and out of people’s worlds, leaving footprints. Some larger, some smaller, but there is always a mark. We can’t sweep it away.”
“Life is a rollercoaster with no volunteers. We’re all forced to take a seat and ride it out.
“I’m average. I’ve been average most of my life, but there are moments where I feel extraordinary. Invincible. Able to conquer any fear and step outside any box. There is no illusion, no fantasy. I can climb a forty-foot pole. I can fly eighty-feet in the air. I can be taller than tall. It’s a dream that I’m living. Every day. With him.”
More M/M Romance
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The Song Of Achilles by Madeline Miller
“I could recognize him by touch alone, by smell; I would know him blind, by the way his breaths came and his feet struck the earth. I would know him in death, at the end of the world.”
“And perhaps it is the greater grief, after all, to be left on earth when another is gone.”
“He is a weapon, a killer. Do not forget it. You can use a spear as a walking stick, but that will not change its nature.”
“He is half of my soul, as the poets say.”
Axel’s Pup by Kim Dare  (Shifter Romance & BDSM FYI if thats not your jazz)
"I want to screw you, and tie you up, and make you writhe from-you know all that. But I want so much more. I want the whole thing, not just a quick scene. I want twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. I want you to be mine. I won't take anything less."
Aristotle And Dante Discover The Secrets Of The Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz
“In your dream. You were looking for me.""I'm always looking for you," 
“He was funny and focused and fierce. I mean the guy could be fierce. And there wasn’t anything mean about him. I didn’t understand how you could live in a mean world and not have any of that meanness rub off on you.”
“He looked like an angel. And all I wanted to do was put my fist through his jaw. I couldn't stand my own cruelty.”
“One of the secrets of the universe was that our instincts were sometimes stronger than our minds. Another secret of the universe: Sometimes pain was like a storm that came out of nowhere.”
Shattered Glass by Dani Alexander
"Tell me something good about your life," I whispered, needing to hear that he wasn't as broken as I thought him to be.[...]"You." It was so quiet I almost didn't hear it.”
“Is he my competition?” I asked. “Everyone is your competition.” Peter lifted his hand to his eyes and began lowering it incrementally. “It goes normal human beings, crazies, republicans, my hand, imaginary characters, corpses and then, in a moment of lustful psychosis, you.” By the time he was done, his hand was below the table.
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Kiss The Sky by Krista & Becca Richie
“You’re not a pit stop. You’re my finish line. There’s no one after you.”
“People hope to touch the sky. I dream of kissing it.”
“I love the way he’s staring at me. It makes me feel more than just beautiful. I feel like I’m his. Like no one else could possibly compare to me. He doesn’t even have to say the words. I see it in his eyes. I can practically read it in his mind.”
“I’ve wanted so many things in life,” he says softly, “but you’re the one that has meant the most to me.”
Translation: I love you.”
Wallbanger by Alice Clayton
“You know those moments when everything is exactly the way it was meant to be? When you find yourself and your entire universe aligning in perfect synchronization, and you know you couldn’t possibly be more content? I was inside that very moment, and fully conscious of it.”
“The right woman for you wouldn't want you to change anything about your life. She wouldn't rock your boat, she'd jump right in and sail it with you.”
“It breaks my heart the way young girls pick themselves over, never thinking they're good enough. You make sure you always remember, you're exactly the way you're supposed to be. Exactly. And anyone who says otherwise, well, poppycock.”
Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover
“Ugly love becomes you. Consumes you. Makes you hate it all. Makes you realize that all the beautiful parts aren't even worth it. Without the beautiful, you'll never risk feeling the ugly. So you give it all up. You give it all up. You never want love again, no matter what kind it is, because no type of love will ever be worth living through the ugly love again.”
“Some people they grow wiser as they grow older. Unfortunately, most people just grow older.”
“Sometimes the spirit of a man isn't strong enough to survive the ghosts of his past”
“My grandfather used to say the placement of a birthmark was the story of how a person lost the battle in their past life. I guess you got stabbed in the neck. Bet it was a quick death, though.”
On Dublin Street by Samantha Young
“Gentlemen are gentlemen in bed. They make sure you're having a good time." "I'll make sure you're having a good time, and that you're okay with everything. I just won't be well mannered about it.”
“In truth it’s difficult to describe a broken heart.”
“Sometimes words aren’t needed for you to know a change has come upon you.”
Romance Series
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Paper Princess by Erin Watt
“My skill, if I have one, isn’t dancing. It’s my ability to believe that tomorrow can be a better day.”
“My life is mine. I live it. I control it.”
“but a clean knife still makes a painful wound.”
“Fate is for the weak--those people who don't have enough power or will to shape life into what they need it to be.”
Foreplay by Sophie Jordan
“I’m not going to lie to you and convince you that I’m someone good and shiny like your guy that’s going to be a doctor.”
“You can’t even see it. I’m the safest thing you’ll ever find”
“That's what I wanted. Something to enrich me, to make me feel better about the things in my life that I could never change."
Wait for You by J.Lynn.  (AKA Jennifer L Armentrout) 
“You are really…” “Amazing? Awesome?” He paused, brows raised. “Astonishing?” “I was going to go with bizarre.” “Well, hell, if I had feelings that might actually hurt.”
“As long as the sun’s shining, shit can’t be that bad.”
The Deal by Elle Kennedy
“Sometimes people sneak up on you and suddenly you don’t know how you ever lived without them.”
“I want to murder him in his sleep, A. No, I want to murder him when he’s awake so he can see the joy on my face when I do it.”
“And the most important lesson I learned is that I’m not a victim—I’m a survivor.”
Romance w/ Epic Plots
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The Unbecoming Of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin
“This was the boy I loved. A little bit messy. A little bit ruined. A beautiful disaster. Just like me.”
“You could start a fire with the heat between you two.""You're mistaking bitter animosity for heartfelt affection.”
“You're supposed to say, 'All I want is your happiness. I'll do whatever it takes, even if it means being without you.'""Sorry," Noah said. "I'm just not that big of a person.”
“I’ll walk forever with stories inside me that the people I love the most can never hear.”
“We are far too screwed up for a goddamned love triangle.”
“You will love him to ruins.”
The Winners Curse by Marie Rutkoski
“He knew the law of such things: people in brightly lit places cannot see into the dark.”
“Isn’t that what stories do, make real things fake, and fake things real?”
“The Winner’s Curse is when you come out on top of the bid, but only by paying a steep price.”
“The god of lies must love you, you see things so clearly.”
Obsidian by Jennifer L Armentrout (are you getting the idea I love everything she writes? because I do!)
“I've always found that the most beautiful people, truly beautiful inside and out, are the ones who are quietly unaware of their effect."
“More books." His eyes went wide. "You have, like, them books you just said you haven't read." "Doesn't mean I won't get more books."
Angelfall by Susan Ee
“I never thought about it before, but I'm proud to be human. We're ever so flawed. We're frail, confused, violent, and we struggle with so many issues. But all in all, I'm proud to be a Daughter of Man.”
“Sometimes, as we're stumbling along in the dark, we hit something good.”
“I knew from the start that your loyalty would get you killed. I just never thought it would be your loyalty to me that would do it.”
Unique Reads
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Dont Look Back by Jennifer L Armentrout
“I was stuck in a life I didn't remember, squeezed into the shell of this girl - this Samantha Joe Franco - and the more I learned about her, the more I was starting to hate her.”
“Things aren’t perfect. They are far, far from it,but they are getting there, and I wasn’t looking back. Not when there were so many good things in the future.”
Verity by Colleen Hoover
“I wasn’t heroic. I wasn’t simple. I was difficult. An emotionally challenging puzzle he wasn’t up for solving.”
“A writer should never have the audacity to write about themselves unless they’re willing to separate every layer of protection between the author’s soul and their book. The words should come directly from the center of the gut, tearing through flesh and bone as they break free. Ugly and honest and bloody and a little bit terrifying, but completely exposed.”
“No one is likable from the inside out.”
“Find what you love and let it kill you.”
Painted Faces by L.H Cosway
“We all paint on a face to show the world," Nicholas replies philosophically. "For some of us, that's quite literal.”
“I love him because he makes me laugh when I don't feel like laughing. I love him because he challenges my view of what a man is. I love him because I know I shouldn't love him and that he'll break my heart. I love him because he's a complete and total anomaly. I love him because I want to kill the sadness inside him more than I want anything else in the world.”
“You saw me, changed my life, made it better, and I’m completely fucking in love with you.”
Sorcery of Thorns by Margret Rogerson
“It was always wise to be polite to books, whether or not they could hear you.”
“Knowledge always has the potential to be dangerous. It is a more powerful weapon than any sword or spell.”
“When terrible things have happened to you, sometimes the promise of something good can be just as frightening.”
“You belonged in the library, as much as any book.”
“You unmanageable, contrary creature. You have made me believe in something at last. It feels as wretched as I imagined.”
Obviously not every book is going to suit everyone, everyone has pet peeves, and things that they won’t enjoy but hopefully this gives you some variety and I personally loved them all at some point! Pls feel free to come to my ask/chats to discuss any of them  that would make me so happy <3 this took 4 hours damn
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trassellynn · 3 years
A journey to the past
Hope I’m still on time for @weeklygrishaprompts Week 1! PROMPTS: 1. A torn garment 2. Counting down from 10 3. Hiding under the bed - OR - hiding in the closet
“A journey to the past”
Main characters:
Kaz Brekker, Original Character, Inej Ghafa
Main relationships:
Kaz Brekker/Inej Ghafa; Kaz Brekker/Original Character 
Twenty-three years after Crooked Kingdom events. Kaz and Inej are now the adoptive parents of two little orphan siblings. Kaz struggles a lot with his new role, especially with the oldest kid, who often suffers from mental breakdowns and nightmares, a scar left on his young soul by the harsh life of Ketterdam streets. One evening, Kaz is the one who has to help the child during a crisis.
You can also find on Ao3 here.
"Inej!" Kaz entered the room with the grace of an ox, but he immediately froze at his place and shut his mouth when he saw his wife glowering at him. She pressed the index finger against her mouth, nodding at the sleeping baby girl she was cradling. "What?" she asked, moving her lips without letting a sound out. "The boy," Kaz whispered. "He's having another crisis..." Inej sighed: “If I put her down now, she'll wake up” she whispered back. “Please, go to him. You can handle it.” “He doesn't like me!” “This is not true,” the woman replied. “You take part to impossible heists everyday, Kaz. You can help a child to calm down.” “I would gladly take part to an impossible heist right now, rather than this!” he grumbled, walking out of the room. What was he supposed to do? At the age of forty, he went, almost out of nowhere, from no children to two. Before he could realize it, he was a father. Rani, the little girl, wasn't a big deal, she was actually a quiet, cheerful kid. But Adhyan, her brother, who was eight and had already faced the cruelty and the dangers of Ketterdam streets... Kaz stopped himself in the middle of the aisle, his hand firmly clenched around the handle of his cane. Inej's voice in his head told him to go ahead and enter the room where the boy was hiding, but he turned around and went to the kitchen instead. “Aenya?” A tall girl around twenty, with long dark hair and a curvaceous appearance, was standing in front of the window, eating a cold waffle. She turned her head, staring at him. Her eyes were the same color of Fjerdan ice. “Uncle Kaz?” she replied, raising an eyebrow. “What is it?” The man nervously ticked the tip of the cane on the floor: “It's... it's Adhyan. It's happening again...” Aenya sighed, shaking her head: “Kaz... I cannot use my powers on that kid every time he has a crisis. It is not a real help, to him, it's just... a temporary manipulation of his feelings. It's not fair, nor healthy.” “You don't need to use your magic. You can simply talk to him, and...” “And what would you do, should you find yourself alone with the kid?” the Heartrender interrupted him. “Inej cannot be omnipresent, nor do I, nor does any of us. You must learn how to help him by yourself.” Kaz bit his own tongue. He hated everything of that situation. He hated feeling so scared, he hated asking for help and showing things weren't under his control. It was easy, to him, to be Kaz Brekker, Dirtyhands, the Bastard of the Barrel, the King of Criminals in Ketterdam. But to be a father... Ghezen, that seemed to be the most impossible of the heists! “That kid hates me,” he finally replied. “Or he's afraid of me, or both. He doesn't like having me around. With Inej he's completely different. Last night, before sleeping, he called her “mama” for the first time. While with me... he barely talks. I'm not made to be a father.” “No one is,” Aenya said, swallowing the last piece of her waffle. “And Adhyan doesn't hate you at all. Maybe he doesn't feel completely comfortable with you, but it's understandable, since you're not doing much to appear less scary and distant.” Kaz opened his mouth, but the girl didn't give him the time to reply: “Go to him. You must try, at least. If you don't succeed, you can call me.” The man sighed, raising his dark eyes to the ceiling, but then he said: “Accepted.” He was sure he would have needed Aenya's help soon, but he didn't add any kind of comment, he didn't want to risk to annoy her and make her change her mind. He walked to the kid's bedroom, trying to suppress that unpleasant sense of anxiety rising in his chest, and he slowly opened the door, taking a peek inside. There was no sign of Adhyan, except for a nervous whisper coming from under the bed. Kaz cleared his throat, cautiously entering the room. “Adhyan?” he called. “It's me. Kaz.” The whisper stopped for a brief moment, but it soon started again, louder and angrier. Kaz approached the bed and knelt, looking under it: the kid was curled up, his hands pressed against his ears, his eyes closed, his lips moving frantically. He was counting down from ten, again and again. He did it every time he faced a crisis, but he had never told the reason, nor to Kaz, nor to Inej, nor to anyone. Brekker sighed and sat, his back against the side of the bed. “What am I supposed to do?” he thought. “What would Inej do?” The answer wasn't so difficult to guess: Inej would have talked him, quietly, kindly and wisely. Dirtyhands could deal with wisdom, but he still had to work a lot on quiet and kindness. Which words could he offer? Which words... A sudden idea stuck into his mind. “Which words would I have needed to hear, when I was a lonely kid in the streets?” He closed his eyes, his thoughts wondered back to his painful past. “I was about you age when I started living on the streets. I wasn't alone, at the beginning: there was my brother, Jordie, with me. We only had each other, like you and your sister. But Jordie, who was the oldest, didn't protect me like you did and still do with Rani. I mean... it wasn't his fault... but I cannot help to think that... if he had been like you...  maybe things would have been different... maybe I would be different... maybe I would be better...” He suddenly realized silence had fallen into the room. Kaz opened his eyes: Adhyan was sitting in front of him, his legs crossed. A tiny kid he was, with soft, black curls and dark skin; his big, brown eyes were fixed on him, a sparkle of interest and curiosity enlightened them. “I didn't even hear you coming out from your hiding place,” the criminal said, a little smile on his lips. “You're silent like mama Inej.” “What happened to Jordie?” the kid asked. Dirtyhands straightened his back, sighing: “We both fell ill: Jordie died, I survived. And from that moment... I could only rely on myself...” “I'm sorry,” the kid replied. “It's okay. Now I'm here and I'm no more alone. There are Mama Inej, Uncles Jes and Wy, Uncle Matthias, Aunt Nina, Uncle Kuwei, your cousins, the Dregs... I have a family. I just hope you and your sister are happy to be part of it.” For the first time, Adhyan smiled at him: “We are.” Kaz smiled back, then, he nodded at the sleeve of the kid's white shirt: “What happened? Did you tear it while hiding under the bed?” The child nodded, lowering his glance to the floor: “Yes... I'm sorry... do you think... mama Inej will get angry for this?” Dirtyhands shook his head, standing up: “Nah, it's not a big deal, it can be fixed. What about you? Do you feel better?” Adhyan nodded timidly: “A bit...” “Would you like... some waffles? I just hope Aeny hasn't eaten them all...” The little boy giggled: “But there's a lot of batter! If she has eaten them all, we can make others! It's not a big deal!” Kaz couldn't help but let a little laugh out: “That's true. You're very smart.” Adhyan stretched his little hand towards him and, after a little hesitation, Kaz took it with his, bigger and gloved. “We must give a waffle also to mama Inej.” “That's a good idea.” Hand in hand, they walked together out of the bedroom.
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thegreen1969pontiac · 5 years
L’appel Du Vide Chapter 4- Midnight Coffee
                                          Eventual Dean x OC
Summary: When Hope’s sister is killed in a less than a normal house fire, and Sam, her sister’s boyfriend, disappears with his brother after her death they’re her number one suspects. When the cops declare the case cold she begins her hunt for the Winchester boys. She follows them in hope for some evidence pointing to the death of her sister, but will she find more than just the cause and the killer? Will she find out more than she wanted to?
Warning: creepy guy, very minor sexual themes, language, crappy writing
Word Count: 2434
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I've got to admit, the Winchester boys seem to be the hardest to track men in the USA, well, besides my uncle. They seem like ghosts. Sam showed up to Stanford about four years ago, he came on an almost full-ride scholarship and no family to help him move in on moving day.  He was a smart guy, he was top of his class in almost all the schools he was forced to move around to. His dad, John, was a marine. They originated from Lawrence, Kansas, Dean was born January 24, 1979, which seemed to just rip me apart even more seeing as Jess was born the same day in 1984. But John Winchester seemed to disappear the date his wife, Mary died, November 2, 1983, just a year after my sister was born, and to the date the day she died.  Two November 2nd both involving the Winchester boys. What was this some family cult that killed the women of the family? What the hell? After asking the professors at the university, it seems that Sam was pretty normal. Quiet, courteous, polite and intelligent, but nothing out of the ordinary.
After all of this, there was only the date of the deaths that pointed to murder. I needed to find someone that my sister knew, someone who would know what kind of man Sam was. My sister mentioned this guy, he brought them together. This guy named Brady, Jess mentioned him once or twice he wasn't a close friend of hers just someone she met at a college party at one point. If you can imagine there was a shit ton of Brady's at Stanford University, after about 12 hours of driving Theo from frat house to apartment, it wasn't until maybe the 23rd Brady that I finally found the one that knew her. Brady was a successful kid it seemed that he had a job all lined up for him at Niveus Pharmaceuticals, a company that seemed to profit off the sickness of others. But I guess in his mind it would get the bills of Stanford University paid, he was a charismatic young man I could see why Jess let him set her up with Sam. He asked me to come in,
"Are you Brady? Did you know my sister Jessica Moore?" I ask already feeling tried from asking the same question over and over again.
"I'm Brady, yeah. I knew her, I heard what happened. Who are you?" He asked in almost an accusatory manner.
"I'm her sister, I go by Moore. May I sit?" I say already losing patience with the rich and snotty Stanford kid.
"Oh, yeah, yeah of course. Sorry for your loss."  He rushes out.
"I'd just like to ask some questions if you wouldn't mind, just for some closure." I come up with my excuse, it's not for closure though it is for knowledge.
"Yeah, yeah, what do you want to know?" He asks he gestures for me to sit down on the Italian leather coach that he probably paid way too much for.
"My sister, she had a boyfriend, What was his name again? Was it Smitty?" I ask playing stupid, I need to confirm his name, get some information on this sick son of a bitch.
"No, his name was Sam, Sam Winchester. I actually introduced the two." He smiled to himself almost proud that he introduced the two to each other.
"Yeah, good for you. Did you know Sam well? I didn't see him at the funeral, I just wanted to check up on him you know, help me understand how he is dealing with all of this," I stated, "I mean do you know where he is, I couldn't find a single record of where he could've gone after the fire." I smile, playing the victim wasn't ever my role.
"I don't know where he is now but I heard that he went on a road trip with his brother right before the house went down," He says, "I think I might someone who does though, her name is Becky Warren, she and her brother were friends with Sam when he was here. I really hope you find him though, but hey, I gotta get to lacrosse practice so..." He leads off, how did I know this douche would play lacrosse.
"No, I totally get it. Thank you for your time." I say and stand up, I walk out of the house and head to the address. I finally get to the house that is owned by the Warren family. There are only two cars parked in the driveway. I walk up the driveway and am at the door when the door swings open an I'm met with a frazzled looking girl.
"Are you Becky?" I ask blocking her exit from the house.
"Yeah, look, I have to get going I have class in like 10 minutes." She tries to move around me but I move in front of her again,
"Look, I need to know where Sam Winchester is and I was told you could help me if you could just give me a general idea I will be out of your hair," I say,
"I don't give out my friend's locations to strangers so why don't you piss off." She said and made a move to go around me but this time a grab her jacket and push her against the door frame.
"Yeah, well I don't usually arrange funerals for dead family members but it seems like we are all having a bad year," I growl at her,
"So I am going to ask you one more god damn time, you are going to tell me where my dead sister's boyfriend is or I swear to God I will make you and your brother's life the most miserable they can be, so you can know how I have felt every god damn day since I heard my baby sister was killed in that fire." I hiss out at her.
"I don't know okay, he only texts me so often." She whimpers, "The last I heard he was in Ohio." I smile and let her off the doorstep.
"See, that's all I needed we didn't need to get all nasty. Now lets hope we don't see each other again shall we?" Yeah, we can only hope, right? I turn on my heel and walk to Theo.
A suburban Ohio town has been dealing with the murder of one of their own Steven Shoemaker died in a strange way, the obituary said it was a stroke. But his eyes basically burst out of his skull. Death although seems to follow these boys so why not take a look. Toledo, Ohio was quite the apple pie life town, it was full of high school sweethearts and minivans, but under all of that sticky sweetness, I could tell that there were some underlying skeletons in the closet of the gingerbread house town. Driving there wasn't much of an issue after running on only alcohol and granola bars for about three weeks, it is nice to have a change to coffee and diner food. The food that was eaten along the way to Ohio made me feel like crap but the coffee was always warm and the diners mainly stayed open for 24 hours. That's where I am now, sitting at a 24-hour diner with checkered tiles and bright red seats. The coffee on the table no matter how much I want to say it was black and sound like the badass, it had two creamers and three sugars in it. I was researching the town on my lab top, when the sun peeks its way from behind the family houses I'm heading down to the coroners to get a closer look at the body of the victim. Its been around two days since I had a decent shower so I decided to pack up early and make myself not look like the sleep deprived, alcohol smelling, mess that I am.
The hotel life had been abandoned, motels were now my realm. I can't tell if it is because I don't trust myself to be in high places anymore or if I just don't believe in the normal life anymore and I'm punishing myself to shitty, never cleaned motels that look like they could also be pimping out prostitutes to each room. After the shower, I dress in some of my best clothes that I packed, a black pencil skirt and a white button up that I tucked into the skirt letting my collar bones show, I put my hair up in a professional up-do and grabbed the brown leather jacket that kept me warm in the cold weather. The only new things I needed were shoes and I ended up going to one of the many stores at Toledo's main street and just as the store was opening managed to grab a pair of classy black heels. The coroner's office would no doubt be open now and I just needed to complete the facade with a small pen and notebook. Instead of putting in my contacts this morning I left my glasses on, the blood shotness of my eyes were slightly hidden by the glass.
As I parked Theo in the parking lot of the office I see a black 67' impala sitting across the street. The license plates reading Kansas. I hold my breath, there is no possible way that I would find the boys in the first place I stopped. As I put on the heels from inside my car I saw two tall men walking out of the hospital, the stairs looked old and white, One of the men was no doubt, Sam Winchester, I quickly walked up to the boys ready to walk right up to the evil son of a bitch that murdered my sister and start beating the living hell out of the tall man. But the man next to the puppy dog man was intimidating, he was tall and wore a dark brown leather jacket over his blue flannel, he stared me down like a piece of meat and I knew that I could barely take down one of the two Winchester's and if this was Dean there would be no way in hell I would be able to take down either of them. As I walked closer to them and as they passed me I tried to identify every possible feature so I would be able to know who they were the next time I saw them. As I went up the stairs and they walked down I paid careful attention to which car they got into, and not at all to my surprise I see they get in the Impala with the Kansas license plates, I make careful note of those as well. KAZ-2Y5. God, that won't be hard to forget.
As I get inside the hospital building I walk quickly down to the coroner's office and although I hate wearing heels I like the way they make the clicking noise on the tile floor. The office does look like its open but I can't imagine that the sleazeball looking nurse that sits at the desk seemingly counting cash is the doctor I'm looking for. I tap on the door,
"I'm sorry are you Dr. Feiklowicz? I'm doing an article for the paper about death and I was wondering if I could get some details." I say smiling, I see him rush to put some bills in his pocket, I put it together in my mind and guess that it was the boys that gave the money to him. Why the hell would they pay to see their own murder victim, what kind of sickos are these freaks?
"I'm sorry, he won't be back for an hour, is there something I could help you with?" He says smirking. I can feel him looking me up and down and I can feel my inner head just retching at even the thought. "Oh, that's too bad, is there any way that I could see the body on my own maybe, I just am going to be taking notes." I hum out,
"I'm sorry I will have to ask for some identification before I can let you in, you said you were with the press?" I curse myself, I smile and nod,
"Of course, let me just get out my-- Oh, shoot I think I left my key card at the office, can I just give you my ID?" I ask falsely reaching for the key card that I did not own.
"Well-- I really do nee--" I smile and begin to take off my jacket leaving me in my skirt and blouse that although classy, seems to work on the idiot in front of me, I hold it in my hand arms crossed and stare innocently at him.
"Please, I really need to get some notes, I have to get these back before my boss gets back, he is so mean to me and I might lose my job," I say making myself tear up, I guess playing Ophelia in middle school paid off well.
"Well, I guess. Can I see your ID?" I hand it to him, he takes it and I see him try and make an effort to brush my hand with his own the action almost makes me sick to my stomach.
"Hope Moore, that's a real’ pretty name. A pretty name for a pretty girl," He says trying to woo me with his horrible pick up line.
"Actually I go by Moore." I let my sickly sweet facade drop that time letting him know that I do not want him to call me that again.
"Yeah, sure."
He leads me back into the room and he pulls the sheet off, after seeing my sister I don't think I will be so upset with dead bodies anymore. I ask him about the death and it's said that something bizarre happened that his eyes burst inside his skull, the creep nurse said that there has never been something like that to happen during a stoke. I thank him for his time and he seems to be wanting to ask me something but I rush out of the morgue and get back to finding the Winchester boys.
 I drive around town hoping to see the same black car and when I finally find it I notice that there are many other cars parked outside the house as well.
I grimace, funerals suck.
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demondetoxmanual · 7 years
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This is what it looks like when the #spnfamily is dead set on fulfilling your one and only dream.
On Sept. 21st 2016 I was once again hit with sadness. I cried again and needed to vent. I wrote a post about my feelings and how upset I was that I would never be able to attend a convention with J2 attending. [see post]
A couple hours later my tumblr messenger alerted me of a new message. A message that changed my life.
@ladyroche: “Melanie, I want to help you. Every fan should have the experience and you have many supporters already...” Our conversation(s) went on for hours and, over and over again I explained to her that, if I can’t afford it myself, I have no business going to a convention. Thousands of other fans can’t go because they can’t afford it either, so why should I be given that chance? Why should anyone, but myself, worry about bringing happiness into my life and making sure my dream can come true? Those were just a few of the questions I sent Juli. But no matter how often I said I don’t deserve this and I have zero rights to be granted this one wish, Juli told me... “we [@ladyroche, @lipglosskaz, @electricmonk333] think that, if anyone deserves this, then it’s you. You deserve this and we will get you and your daughter to HousCon.”
I wasn’t convinced... neither of me being deserving of this, nor that anyone would actually be generous enough to support this massive quest. And yet, these three girls proved me wrong. After the first negative reply to Juli’s post, I suggested to call it quits and take the post down. Her answer was short and demanding: “Hells no, we are not taking the post down ever! We are taking you to Houston and placing you in the arms of J2 <3.”
I stayed pessimistic and made sure every donated cent would remain in my PayPal account so I could return it - in case the hate would become too much for me to handle.
Once it all started, Juli kept saying: “It’s happening, baby!” [gleefully quoting Danneel Ackles] - the second my daughter and I were on our way to the airport the quote rang in my ears and I found myself crying tears of utter joy, excitement and anxiety.
By now, most of you have seen the panels on YouTube and gif’ed the hell out of every scene that took place. So, there is not much left to say about that part.
What I do have to say is, that I have never felt so loved as I did during the con-weekend. I was given the opportunity to meet all these amazingly kind and lovely people I’ve only ever seen/talked to on tumblr. Of course, the first person I saw was Kaz ( @lipglosskaz ) - her beautiful smile woke me from a needed nap after arriving at the hotel. After I hugged her silly and spotted Sim ( @electricmonk333 ) at the front desk and patiently waited for her to finish her conversation with the lady there until I could finally throw my arms around her, hugged her long and proper, kissed her head (she’s tiny!) and felt the need to never let go. I’d like to mention again (since some people already did), that the wonderful and very talented Sim won the video contest at HousCon. When they announced the winner, and her name was heard through the speakers I couldn’t believe my ears. I mean, we all crossed our fingers and hoped she would win... but when she actually did I cried so hard I couldn’t calm down for a very long time. Sim walked up the stage to answer a couple of questions about the video and in her speech she mentioned things that just made so happy. I’m very proud of her and happy for her and I... yeah... she was the one who had to calm me down because I was just so damn happy for her winning the contest. I have no idea how, but I managed to record the whole thing - I need to upload it. Or send it to her. It was beautiful. Just like her face. xD
These two cuties, Maja and I got to share a room... best time ever! Because that way I was able to hug them whenever I felt like it. I bet Sim was annoyed with me though. I constantly worried about her... don’t hate me, please. I just love you, Ms. Frosty. Letting Sim go, on Sunday evening, however, was a sad moment. Simply because I’m not sure if it was the last time I’d ever get to see her. Saying goodbye to Kaz was just as sad... even though we didn’t mean to wake her (we had to leave Monday 5am), Maja and I couldn’t help ourselves to give her one last hug and smooches. Let me tell you all a secret: that woman is just as beautiful in the morning w/o make-up as she is all prettied up. Not fair. :P
I love you two with all my heart and I hope that we will meet again. I miss you!
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Then Michael (@itsokaysammy) happened and the weekend turned into an emotional hug-fest. I’ve hugged him so many times I lost count. But that’s just what happens with cuties like him. You see ‘em, you hug ‘em, you get addicted. Whenever we saw each other I all but attack-hugged him, there was no escaping each other. I always loved him, but now, where I had the chance to actually see him face to face and talk to him, witness his honest smiles and bubbling with nerves of excitement... I just love him so much. ^-^ *kisses* (I’ll never forget how surprised Sim was when she realized how tall Michael is... xD So cute.) I miss you!
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Another victim of my many hugs was the most adorable Kylie ( @sammyhale ). We never really talked on tumblr before. But, once we got to talk for the first time I fell in love with her. She’s so kind and loving and gives amazing hugs. I am beyond happy to have met her and got to spend time with her. She is a perfect mix of cool and shy and sweet. If you don’t love her, well.. you’re just wrong. xD I miss you!
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There is one special person, without her I would have not even made it to the airport. This, of course, is not the reason why I love her so much. I love her because she has a heart of gold. She is smart, cute and cares so much it should be illegal. You know what all you’ve done to get Maja and me to HousCon - without you, especially without you, my dream would still be a dream. For that, I’m grateful. But I love you for being a wonderful friend. Thank you, Ally. ( @greatwallofsam ) No, I’m not crying right now. You’re crying. You’re perfect and precious and I miss you!
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After one of the panels, Kaz introduced me to Destini ( @crabackles ). That was, by far, the most precious moment of all the introductions I’ve been through during HousCon. She looked familiar, but I couldn’t place a name to her adorable face - so I kept quiet. I treated careful with everyone after all. Because, let’s be honest, many folks would’ve rather not seen me at the con or at least knowing I’d not be able to go. She, obviously, was not one of them. I figured that the second Kaz introduced me with my tumblr URL. Immediately, Destini’s face morphed into a shock-surprise-squee-like-cuteness. “Oh my god. That’s you? That’s you! I LOVE YOU!!!! You are so amazing.” At first, I turned around, checking if she was talking to/about someone else. She’s a pure delight and I’m so happy I got to meet her. *kisses* I miss you!
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The last person I got to meet, on Sunday, was the absolutely funny Sarah ( @jensenscomedyelbows ). She all but tackled me into a crushing hug and we fell on the bed in our room. “We made sweet love”, was her explanation of how we finally met! No bodily fluids have been exchanged. I promise. Though, it was a close call. The two of us got along perfectly and I had many interesting and joyful conversations with her. She might have fallen in love with me. The feeling is definitely mututal. I miss you!
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Now, let’s get to the part where my dream became reality. ;)
With thanks to all the amazing people I got to spend the weekend with, I wasn’t as nervous as I thought I would be when the time came to see J2 in person for the first time. While the fundraiser for Maja and me was still running, and we weren’t sure if we could reach the goal, I was set on getting a Sunday ticket only, just so all the expenses could be covered. But someone (don’t worry Ainhoa & Juli, I won’t tell anyone it’s you) made damn sure that Maja and I would get the full weekend experience in form of copper tickets. However, do to a mistake by Creation regarding Sim’s seat, her whole group (which included us) was upgraded to Gold tickets (w/o autographs) before the whole shebang even started. I was crying in happiness for Sim, when they told her she would be upgraded. Though, once the lady said Sim’s group would be upgraded I couldn’t control my emotions any longer. I was shaking and crying and close to passing out. Never in a million years would I have expected this. Not ever. Not me. But it did and with this ‘luck’ we were able to access the famous Gold Panel. My heart was racing and my belly flip flopped so hard I wasn’t sure if I’d die, faint or get sick... or all of the above. Then, when Jared & Jensen were announced my knees felt weak, my hands were shaking and I mentally prepared myself for a face-dive to the floor. That didn’t happen though. Quite the opposite. The second these two dorks entered the stage, a wave of calmness washed over me, followed by an everlasting rush of happiness, with a sidedish of “OH MY GOD... IS THIS REALLY HAPPENING?! AM I HERE? IS THIS STILL ONE OF MY DREAMS?!” It wasn’t a dream, it was as real as it could possibly be. Once this realization kicked in, my hand shot up and I was ready to ask a question. Which wouldn’t have been a question. I wanted to give a shout-out to the people who made it happen, who made it possible for Maja and me to be there. Unfortunately, I wasn’t picked.
However, at the J2-photo-op I had the opportunity to talk to Jared for a short moment. I hereby apologize to the people in line, I really couldn’t help myself. I told him that the #spnfamily donated, so my daughter and I could fly in from Germany. As soon as the words were out of my mouth he pulled Maja into a giant hug and squished her long and proper and said “Dankeschön for being here.” I might have been a tiny bit jealous. Not out of jealousy, but because I know my kid, I revealed to him that Maja really doesn’t like being hugged. He said he was sorry and hugged her again. xD She let it happen and smiled at him. It was too cute. Another thing Maja doesn’t like, at all, is having her picture taken. That’s why it was a huge surprise to me when she decided to be in the photo op after all. Two minutes before it was our turn. ;) If she doesn’t initiate it, she will be grumpy and pull a face during every picture. Which was, why she decided to purposely pull a grumpy/annoyed face in the pictures. For the time of my short conversation and the Jared-Maja-hugs, Jensen was mostly blocked by Jared’s large frame. Like, seriously. The guy is so tall. And pretty. I had to force myself to take my eyes off of him and greet Jensen. He, too, was too pretty for his own good and all smiles and kind and thenI explained to them what Maja wanted to do for the photo. They seemed excited and comfortable with it. Thank god. Only when we got to pick up the photo did I see that Jared pointed at the grumpy German kid. ;)) And... why the right side of my neck was tingling and felt so warm. *blush*
In our Jared-Op, Maja wanted to be annoyed again. But before I had a chance to tell Jared, Maja walked up to him and handed him a gift. Gummy Bears, duh, of course. Again, he thanked her in German and I was a little surprised at that, because our J2 op was a few hours prior. For a short moment I had forgotten how smart Jared is and that, apparently, he has the memory of an elephant. “Of course I remember. You were here earlier. Dankeschön again.” Jared said. Well, that definitely made my day. If it was possible to love him any more, then this would have been the moment for it.
I will remember and cherish these moments forever. They were both so kind and sweet to my daughter it was magical.
Saying goodbye to all the wonderful people I met, all the great friends I made, was heartbreaking and I’m still crying because I’m not sure I’ll ever see any of them again. But amazing memories have been made and I will carry them in my heart forever.
When I first began looking for flights, checking air fares for every German airport and making sure I’d get the best deal I also compared regular roundtrip flights to jaw flights. To my surprise, the jaw flights came up with the same price as the regular round-trips. Which was, why we didn’t have to return to Germany on January 30th. Instead, we took a plane to NY - for a 6 days layover.
Why NY? Why 6 days? Because there is a person in NY who I love more than anything and with everything I’ve got. My wifey. Some of you might know her. The fic-reading yous know her... or, you have seen the posts I’ve mentioned her in. I’ve known her for about 4 years. We read each other’s stories without knowing who the person behind the many words was. At some point she was looking for a beta and I offered to help. And so our friendship began. I have never trusted anyone with my writing, other than her. We beta for each other, we brain storm together. But other than our mutual love for writing we simply get each other. A wonderful and deep friendship has been built over the years and, even though some days are so busy that we don’t get to talk, our thoughts are always with the other one. We never met before, and yet, it always felt like we have known each other for decades. We share personal things that neither of us would mention to anyone else. Early on I told her about the possibility of a jaw flight and the second I had messaged her about it she started making plans. Spoil us rotten, was one of them. And boy, did she spoil us. Maja and I had the greatest of times with her and her hubby... and their cute cats. They took us out for lunch, dinner, to the arcade, Statue of Liberty, Times Square, meet family members and the highlight of it all: she invited us to Disney’s Aladdin on Broadway. I have never seen anything like it and Maja’s jaw dropped left and right. The musical was absolutely amazing and getting to experience this wonderful show side by side with my favorite person on planet earth... well, let’s just say I’m slowly dehydrating because I’ve been crying so many happy tears within the past two weeks.
My beautiful wifey is an avid reader and one of the most talented writers (she writes more than those fanties we share in the fandom) I know. For weeks my daughter and I tried to come up with a gift to bring her. I know she would have liked something to remember us by, something to keep forever, something from our hometown. Unfortunately, our hometown is kind of sucky and we didn’t find anything worth bringing. I had to think it over and then, at HousCon, Megan Padalecki happened. Megan, as well as her parents were at HousCon promoting/selling her latest book. And I knew right away: What better gift to give a reader/writer than a signed book? As I greeted all three of them, Sharon Padalecki noticed that I wasn’t from Texas - or the US for that matter. So, I told her that I’m from Germany and that’s when Gerald’s interest spiked up and I talked to him about their vacations in Germany and the Autobahn... and how we both love the no speed limit. “The next time you’ll go 170 on the Autobahn you’ll remember me”, he said with a bright smile. I did, on our way home. I promised Megan to wear two seatbealts... but, since my car only has one for each seat I couldn’t keep that promise. Don’t tell on me. Fun fact: Three times I almost bumped into Gerald Padalecki at the hotel, because my legs were a little too fast. Not to mention when Sarah and I were in the elevator, it dinged open and he stood outside.. asking which way we’re going. He needed to go down - we up, so the doors closed. I said to Sarah: “So, that was Gerald Padalecki.” She looked at me like I have two heads...she had no idea who didn’t want to ride in the elevator with us until I pointed it out. ;)
Anyway... Megan signed the book for my wifey and my day was made. A few hours later Maja grabbed her pocket money and got herself a book as well... and, it shouldn’t be surprising - the elephant memory runs in their family - Megan remembered me... even remembered my wifey’s name.
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None of this would have been possible without the genorosity of: [in order of incoming donations]
Juli, Alain St., Kathleen v.W., Tony K., Sim, Anna B., Kathie M., Nancy R., Kristina B., Yvonne Ch., Brett T., Kaz, Steph C., Catherine R., Andrea B., Charlene F., Samantha M., Mia P., Paula Ch., Ann-Chrstine P., Sally B., Ainhoa, Ally, Emily R., Taresa K., Mirijam M., Katherine H., Dorota W., Sarah J., Kenedy A., Laurie St., Kerry D., Melissa B., Stephanie G., Beatrice B., Bronwyn D., Catherine M., Erica M., Sally B. Jessica G., Sandra K.
Without Juli’s determination and optimismn I would have nothing to write about and nobody to thank for. All of this, is because of her love.
Thank you. Each and every one of you. Thank you for letting me live my dream, for giving me happiness... thank you for the millions of tears I’m still shedding.
Thank you #spnfamily.
I miss and love all of you!
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slytherinskyler · 7 years
Night out with the Crows
“Inej, you are not wearing that!” Nina barged into Inej’s hotel room closet, where Inej held a knee length, loose, puffy black dress.
 "Yeah, I know, it’s horrible. But I don’t have anything else. I’m not really dressing up much on my ship,“ Inej said mournfully. “Life is easier when you live with a bunch of pirates and the only thing that matters is how well you can punch somebody.”
 "Ok, well, you’re lucky to have a friend like me then. I got this for you when you were gone. Hopefully it fits.“ Nina revealed a box that she had been hiding behind her back.
 Inej took the box from Nina and gave her a smile. “Thank you. I’ve really missed you, you know.”
“I’ve missed you too, Wraith,” Nina said fondly. “Now open it.”
Inej carefully pulled the lid off the box. She had been worried about what she was going to wear tonight. The Dregs were holding a party at some hotel, and the whole Ice Court team was going. Inej had only seen Nina since she docked in the harbor that morning, so it was the first time she was going to see Wylan and Jesper in six months. Also Kaz. She was oddly nervous to see Kaz, even though they had been writing letters to each other throughout her voyage. She wondered what he’d think of her, of how much she’d changed. Hopefully, she thought, he would still like what he saw. 
In the box, Inej revealed a  shimmering, gold dress. She gasped at the breathtaking ripples and patterns of the gold silk. Tiny rhinestones fell like a waterfall down its front. 
“Nina, it’s perfect!” Inej jumped up and hugged her best friend.
“I’m glad you like it, sweetie. I’m gonna go get dressed myself, but head over to my room when you’re done so I can do your hair. I’ve missed your hair.” Nina sauntered out of the room but paused at the door. “So has Kaz.” She winked and twirled out.
 Inej descended down the stairs of the hotel and waited in the lobby as Nina left to quickly snag a cookie from the kitchen. Nina was wearing a tight, short, ruby dress, and she knew that it would get her what she wanted from the dishwasher. Inej caught sight of her reflection in one of the lobby’s mirror. She almost didn’t recognize herself. She hadn’t gotten dressed up this nice in a long time, and it was kind of weird. Honestly, she preferred leggings and a tunic.
 "Let’s go,” Nina mumbled with an entire cookie stuffed in her mouth. They walked out into the warm summer night of Ketterdam and started making their way to the party, giggling and smiling with their arms around each other the entire way.
 Kaz stood away from the crowd with Jesper and Wylan, observing the rest of the Dregs as they shouted and laughed, wild and loud as always. He would have preferred to see Inej for the first time somewhere more quiet, where they could properly catch up. He was anxious- no Dirtyhands didn’t get anxious- interested in seeing her. Kaz turned to listen to Wylan and Jesper’s sickeningly sweet and charming conversation to distract himself from unwanted thoughts of Inej.
As soon as Inej walked in the door to the ballroom she was bombarded by Dregs. All of them hugging her and patting her on the back and telling her her ship and crew were legends around Ketterdam. She felt quite overwhelmed but also happy and a little nostalgic. She realized how much she had missed her makeshift family here in this dysfunctional city. 
But then she spotted Jesper and Wylan, and joy washed through her. She ran to the couple and threw her arms around Jesper.
“Inej! How are you? Life has been dull without the Wraith around!” Jesper pulled away to grin at her and looked her up and down. “You look good. I bet you looked even better with your knives killing slavers on that ship of yours. You have to tell me stories!”
“Of course, of course. I’m planning on staying here for a while, so we have plenty of time.” Inej smiled at Jesper and turned to Wylan.
“Hey, Inej,” Wylan’s blue eyes twinkled at her.
“Hey, Wylan,” Inej hugged and looked up at him. “How’s your mother?”
“She’s doing really great. She’s living with me and Jesper right now and its been really nice.”
“That’s amazing. You keeping Jesper busy?” Inej smiled slyly. 
“Yeah, he’s turning into a blooming pianist.” Wylan laughed and met eyes with Jesper.
“Oh you flatter me, love,” Jesper said smoothly, causing Wylan to blush. 
Nina soon joined them and the group’s old chatter began, Jesper and Nina flirting, Wylan with a few sassy comments. Inej took a moment to look around. All she saw was a blur of suits and sparkling dresses, but suddenly her eyes fell on him, leaning against his cane, looking straight at her.
When Kaz saw her, he swore his heart stopped in his chest. 
There she was, his Wraith, suddenly the only thing in this room, the only thing that mattered in the whole world. She seemed to be glowing, dimming everything around her. She was beautiful and strong and confident. She was Inej, and he had missed her desperately. 
He met her eyes, and he saw…something…in them. His chest pounded, and adrenaline raced through him. He fought to get himself under control. The Dregs are watching you, he reminded himself, and took a deep breath. She was drawing nearer now, and he wanted to run. He wanted to stay. He wanted to hug her. He wanted to call out her name. Everything was jumbled, everything was mixed up. But then she was suddenly right in front of him, and there was instant clarity. 
“Hey,” she said softly, looking up at him. He could tell she was different than before she left. Not in a bad way, just different. She radiated confidence…and maybe pride? 
“Inej.” Kaz smiled, a thing he saved for special occasions. “It’s nice to see you.” 
An hour later, Inej found herself sitting across from Kaz in an armchair, retelling her stories from the past year. They had only briefly been able to say hi when they first saw each other, as the rest of the Dregs had soon mobbed them. They brought her some champagne and made her explain what she had been doing for the past six months, and she hadn’t been able to get away. She briefly saw Nina and Kaz talking behind the crowd, but people shifted and they were soon out of sight. Eventually, the Dregs had started some drinking game, so she was free for a moment. She had found Kaz leaning against a wall in the back and they had gone into an adjacent room to the ballroom.
“You’ve accomplished a lot, Inej.” Kaz looked at her and Inej was surprised to see that he was proud of her. That meant a lot coming from him. 
Inej smiled and opened her mouth to ask him how his latest business ventures were going when she heard the chatter from the ballroom lower and a slow song come on. She got up and peeked around the door. People had started to fill the dance floor with their partners.Her eyes followed the sound of some laughs and saw Jesper and Wylan in the middle of the floor. Wylan seemed to be trying to teach Jesper how to dance, although Jesper was much too gangly and tall for it. Both of them were looking lovingly at each other, unashamedly adorable. 
Inej searched the crowd more for Nina. She found her with her arms wrapped another girl. They swayed with the music, talking easily. Nina was smiling. Inej felt a rush of happiness for her. Inej had seen her only once after she had buried Matthias in Fjerda, and she wasn’t in a great place. But recently Nina’s letters had started to sound better, talking about the strides Nina was making with Fjerdan and Ravkan relationships, the prejudices she was slowly erasing. Inej was really proud of her and couldn’t wait to see what she would accomplish. 
Inej felt a touch on her shoulder. She turned around to see Kaz standing behind her, gloveless. His face was stony, determined. 
“Kaz, are you okay?” Inej said hesitantly, looking up at Kaz, who was clearly at war with himself. 
Kaz paused, taking a deep breath. What was going on?
“Would you…would you like to dance with me?”
Inej looked taken aback. 
Kaz felt adrenaline racing through him. Did I just ask her that? Do I seriously think someone like her would dance with someone like me? 
He braced himself for rejection as she just looked up at him, eyes wide. But slowly, so slowly, a smile began to creep along her face. He felt warmth spread through him as it always did when she smiled that smile. 
“I’d love to,” she said softly, and placed her hand on her shoulder. Kaz’s heart raced in his chest and he felt short of breath. He hesitated, but led her to the center of the room. They started to sway. Kaz knew the steps from years of observation, but he still felt awkward and uptight. After Inej locked her arms around his neck though, he sighed, releasing the tension. She met his eyes and he saw his happiness mirrored in them, causing him to brush his hand through her hair. It felt like silk running through his fingers and made him feel feather light. She gasped softly, laying her head on his shoulder. The familiar water started to rise inside him, but he fought for control, fought to stay in the moment with Inej. After a few deep breaths he calmed, and the water receded. 
By now the song was over, but they did not release each other. He put his arms around her and pulled her to him, taking in the sweet smell of her hair and the glow of her skin. 
“I missed you,” she whispered, pulling him out of his trance. 
Suddenly, a new, loud song came on in the other room. Cheers erupted from the Dregs. Inej giggled and pulled away from Kaz. They grinned at each other and entered the ballroom to have some fun with their friends. 
Later that night, when most of the Dregs had either passed out or gone home in preparation to pass out, Kaz, Inej, Nina, Wylan, and Jesper stood outside the hotel.
“Waffles tomorrow then?” Jesper asked, his arm around Wylan. 
“Absolutely,” Nina smiled. “Then we need to actually catch up. This party was fun, but it didn’t leave much room for talking.” 
“My house is open for that,” Wylan pitched in.
Everyone turned to Kaz, expecting his input. “Ok, but also I have something to ask you all.”
The group exchanged meaningful glances. “It’s not another job, it it?” Jesper asked warily.
Kaz shrugged his shoulders. “What can I say?” 
The group burst into laughter. Suprisingly, Kaz joined in with a smile.
“Saints, Kaz!” Nina and Wylan said at the same time. There was more laughter.
“All right, well I guess I’ll see you guys tomorrow,” Jesper took Wylan’s hand and started to turn away. “By the way, Kaz, I haven’t agreed to whatever you’re thinking. Also, it’s great to see you Inej.” He waved, the couple turning away and walking towards the Van Eck mansion. 
Nina hugged Inej and nodded at Kaz. She departed with promises of future girl’s nights with Inej and a little tease at Inej and Kaz’s relationship. Inej smiled after her and turned to Kaz. 
“Do you want to stay in the Slat?” he asked roughly.
“I thought you sold my rooms?” Inej tilted her head. 
“Of course not,” he scoffed.
“If that’s the case, I’d love to,” she said, the second time that night.
Kaz smiled. Wow, this is a record for him, Inej thought with a smile of her own. They turned and started making their way to the Slat, sharing companionable silence the whole way.   
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meetmyinnerdemons · 7 years
150 questions tag
@prettyboialec @here-and-now9 have fun girls
1.Who was the last person you held hands with?
My baby sister
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
Not totally but I’m pretty shy now, I used to be different
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
Nobody specifically
4. Are you easy to get along with?
Pretty much, not with strangers but if I know a person it is easy
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
Ask @prettyboialec or @here-and-now9
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
Uhm.... Well, I have this type... Black hair, dark or blue eyes, tall
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
Wohooo, Benedict Cumberbatch, byyyotch
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
Not at all, but just with my friends
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
My mum
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
“Should I go already?”
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
I have one, “Super Psycho Love” by Simon Curtis
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
I love it <3
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
Not really, it happens very rarely
15. What good thing happened this summer?
I lost some weight
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
I’ve never kissed anyone
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
I barely see that person but when I do, yes :)
19. Do you like bubble baths?
I love!
20. Do you like your neighbors?
Barely know them
21. What are you bad habits?
Keeping dirty dishes in my room
22. Where would you like to travel?
America, London, Spain
23. Do you have trust issues?
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
My morning coffee and jumping into my bed in the evening with my bubble lights on :3
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
Uhm.... everything?
26. What do you do when you wake up?
If it’s school day I get out of bed immediately, if it’s not I check my social media, read fanfictions or just nap some more
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
I’m pretty fine with my skin
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
Myself. And my best friends
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
I don’t have ex, I have no-one
30. Do you ever want to get married?
This is complicated. I do but I know I won’t
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail?
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
Oh! Benny Batch and Misha Collins! Or Emeraude Toubia and Rose Leslie
33. Spell your name with your chin.
JMju,l,kaz (well, it’s Julka XD)
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
I like going to the gym, ice skating and swimming
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
I hate TV so yeah
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
I have and I currently do
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
I never talk first in those situations
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
My type, so dark hair and dark/blue eyes, tall, sweet and gentle, trustworthy, maybe likes tv shows as much as I do
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
Shops with food and make-up
40. What do you want to do after high school?
I’d like to be a psychologist
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
Not everyone
42. If you’re being extremely quiet what does it mean?
That my depression strikes again
43. Do you smile at strangers?
Very rarely
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
Bottom of the ocean
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
During the week compulsion to go to school, during the weekend... My mum. I’d stay there for the whole day if she didn’t
46. What are you paranoid about?
Spiders, strangers, loneliness
47. Have you ever been high?
48. Have you ever been drunk?
Kind of
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
Multiple times
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
Oh, everything
53. Favourite makeup brand?
Rimmel, Golden Rose, Wibo
54. Favourite store?
I don’t have one
55. Favourite blog?
I like the ones I follow
56. Favourite colour?
57. Favourite food? 
Sweets and chips (like Lays chips), peanut butter
58. Last thing you ate?
A sandwich with peanut butter
59. First thing you ate this morning?
A sandwich with Nutella
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
Yes, for... recitation? A long time ago tho
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
62. Been arrested? For what?
63. Ever been in love? 
Yes, twice... no. Thrice.
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
There wasn’t any
65. Are you hungry right now?
Nah, I’ve just ate
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
67. Facebook or Twitter?
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
69. Are you watching tv right now?
70. Names of your bestfriends? 
Justyna and Agata
71. Craving something? What?
*humming* Find me... somebody to love...
72. What colour are your towels?
Blue, pink, white
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
Two plus my white bear
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
I’m sure I have 2
75. Favourite animal?
A wolf and a puppy
76. What colour is your underwear?
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
80. What colour pants?
Dark blue
81. Favourite tv show?
Sherlock, Supernatural, Shadowhunters, Game of Thrones
82. Favourite movie?
1000 words, Pitch Perfect, Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
Never saw
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
Never saw
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
Didn’t see that movie
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
87. First person you talked to today?
My mum
88. Last person you talked to today?
Also my mum
89. Name a person you hate?
I don’t hate people but with Steven Moffat I’m close
90. Name a person you love?
No, not gonna do this
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
M O F F T I S S (Moffat stronger, Gatiss is too cute to destroy his sweet face)
92. In a fight with someone?
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
Many, like 15 maybe or even more
95. Last movie you watched?
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows
96. Favourite actress?
Emeraude Toubia, Rose Leslie, Amanda Abbington
97. Favourite actor?
Oh God... Benedict Comberbatch, Martin Freeman, Mark Gatiss, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, Jared Padalecki, Stephen Amell, Grant Gustin, Kit Harington, Richard Madden, Robert Downey Jr, Matt Daddario, Harry Shum Jr
98. Do you tan a lot?
Kind of
99. Have any pets?
No, sadly :(
100. How are you feeling?
Like shit
101. Do you type fast?
Very fast, but I make mistakes while I’m on my phone
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
Do you want me to make a list? Give me... a year
103. Can you spell well?
 Yes, very
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
I miss my first internet friend and my second crush
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
Yes, I have
108. What should you be doing?
Getting my shit together
109. Is something irritating you right now?
The whole radio silence from Sherlock’s crew, the fact I have to read 650 pages book and... yeah.
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
111. Writing or drawing?
Both, totally, but I write more
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
I don’t cry in front of people
113. What was your childhood nickname?
Julson. My internet friend used to call me like that
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
115. Do you play the Wii?
116. Are you listening to music right now?
No :/
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
118. Do you like Chinese food?
If it’s without those black mushrooms
119. Favourite book?
I have so many... I love John Green tho
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
Not at all
121. Are you mean?
Rarely, but I always try to be nice
122. Is cheating ever okay?
NO! Cheating is NEVER okay
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
Hell no
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
125. Do you believe in true love?
Yes, but not in my case. I mean others? Yea, true love exist. But not in my life
126. Are you currently bored?
Who am I, Sherlock? :D
127. What makes you happy?
Lack of troubles, music, good tv show, nice fanfictions, food
128. Would you change your name?
Maybe, I’m not a big fan of mine
129. What your zodiac sign?
130. Do you like subway?
There’s no in my city, sadly
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
Ooooh, man, been there done that. We’re not friends anymore (his fault)
132. LGBTQ+ right supporter?
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
“Something lately drives me crazy Has to do with how you make me Struggle to get your attention Calling you brings apprehension Texts from you and sex from you Are things that are not so uncommon Flirt with you you're all about it Tell me why I feel unwanted?“
“Super Psycho Love” Simon Curtis
134. Can you count to one million?
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
Out of context but “I didn’t see” (well, I did and that person knew that, I can’t come up with anything better now)
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
Closed, I hate open doors
137. How tall are you?
5′8 like Robert Downey Jr <3
138. Curly or Straight hair?
I love curls <3
139. Brunette or Blonde?
Dark hair, always
140. Summer or Winter?
141. Night or Day?
142. Favourite month?
December, because Christmas
143. Are you a vegetarian?
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
145. Tea or Coffee?
Coffee, I hate tea
146. Was today a good day?
Not really, I feel like shit
147. Mars or Snickers?
148. What’s your favourite quote?
“Remember there’s a light and it never goes out”
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
I watch Supernatural, well... :D
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it somewhere, what’s the first line
“I have some interesting papers here, Watson - said my friend, Sherlock Holmes, when one day we were sitting at the fireplace - and I really think it’s worth for you to check them”
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gaypretzle · 3 years
this one is my longest , it's call running against the moon
Blackness, it was all I could remember then loud, deafening claps of thunder, the crackling of fire above me, then the pounding of 80 or so paws running away, the beats of their paws growing fainter and fainter until I couldn’t strain my ears any longer to listen for the sound of the paws, I was alone. When I finally opened my small, soft blue, almond, eyes and rose from the dry grass I had been laying on for 2 weeks since my birth ,when my pack catered to me and my parents’ every need, I would now be alone for the next year of my life. Little did I know My first steps alone by myself would be the best ones in my life. After I took those steps I bounded down the hill to the river below, and drank the fresh, clear, delicious, sweet, water and watched the salmon swim up river and remembered that my pack hadn’t taught me how to hunt, I howled in anger, distress, and hatred once I had calmed down I figured I could teach myself because hunting is born, raised and fed like a fire in my blood. I decided to practice on a salmon, I aimed carefully and pounced into the river headfirst, grabbed the first moving solid object I could feel and swam to the river bank with the object between my sharp teeth when I got out of the river the warm spring air slowly drifted through my soaking wet, smoky grey, pelt, it felt amazing and when I opened my eyes I dropped the object from my teeth and looked at it ,I had caught the fish! Excitement, joy, happiness filled my body. I used my razor sharp claws to slice the fish open. The salmon’s eggs spilled out of its dying body, I took a bite of fish. It was delicious I ate the rest of the fish and its eggs, leaving nothing behind but clean bones. I wandered around and rolled in the lush, soft, green, dew coated grass happily hoping these feelings would last forever. I got up from the grass and began trotting to a dense, overgrown, forest. As I entered the forest it seemed not dense and overgrown but just perfect, I began scouting for a large den preferably on a not too steep cliff that overlooked a widely populated hunting ground with a variety of animals and a river where salmon was plentiful. After 1 long year of looking I found exactly what I had imagined, the perfect den. Now to create a pack, I searched from the highest mountain peaks to the lowest valley points and found my 5 pack mates and a messenger owl(including me as the fifth) , A bright eyed, female, 1 1/2 week old, white pelted, pup named isla, a tall, male with blood red eyes, 1 year old, matte black matted pelt with a crest like ridge that went from the end of his long tail to his scruff, and a small triangle of grey fur on his chest, named Shadow, a yellow eyed, hazel colored male with a swishy tail named Rex, a grey eyed, tan and white pelted male named Kaz, and a matte black pelted female with a crest like ridge that was smoky grey, almond shaped sharp blue eyes, a long irish setter like tail that was slightly marbled with smoky grey, the tips of her paws were snow white with vicious grey claws and white razor sharp teeth that had a very light red tint on the tips, her pelt was soft and silky, she had a small, brown, very tattered, bag, she was named Nash, After the pack was created the roles had to be put into place, Isla became the gatherer, Rex became the scout, shadow the lead hunter, Kaz the secondary hunter, Nash the alpha female, and lore the messenger owl. I now had a pack to look after, A pup to teach, and a male alpha to find. The first thing my pack did was learn their alpha’s howl, so I being the alpha howled, it was a loud, strong, furious, courageous, howl, Shadow has second to howl, then Rex, then Isla. “Alpha'' Shadow spoke strongly to me “yes Shadow, also watch your attitude'' I replied without missing a beat, “may I take Isla down to the hunting grounds to teach her?” He asked kindly, “I am going to take Isla to the ‘herb forest’ to teach her how to gather” I spoke “May I go with Kaz then, Alpha?” he asked “yes” I spoke quietly, “what?” said Rex, Kaz, and Shadow, “LEAVE AND DO YOUR JOBS NOW!” I roared at them
Kaz was the first to dart away, Shadow ran after him quickly catching up and surpassing Kaz, Rex now on the other parts of the outlook, I spun on the spot and looked at Isla, she was trembling, I slowly walked over to her and nudged her, she smiled happily, then before Rex could say anything a large hawk swooped down, attempting to take Isla. I jumped into the air and caught the hawk not hurting it. The hawk snapped its beak at me and loosened itself out of my grip and attacked me, cutting me, giving me gashes on my silky black pelt matting it with blood, then the hawk darted at me. Everything went black, Isla noticed and howled, seconds later the whole pack was there. After 3 hours I woke up, to my left was the hawk “w-w-who k-k-killed i-it?” I asked stuttering slightly “Me” Shadow spoke calmly, “will you come with me” Shadow said to me “everybody stay here” I ordered “yes Alpha” said Kaz, Rex, And Isla. I followed Shadow down to a still, clear, lifeless, 3ft deep, lake “look” he said I looked and I saw myself but I had a large scar over my right eye “is there anything you can do to fix it” I asked “maybe” he said “take off the bag” he said “ok” I said, he walked over to a bush and pulled out metal sift like net and a sharp rock with a handle and walked back over to me “lay in the lake” he said to me, I hesitated but agreed and laid in the lake. He set down the net on the beach and walked into the lake. I closed my eyes. 2 hours later he said “open your eyes” “ok” I said when we walked out of the lake I waited for it to become still, when it did I looked and saw my fur was now much shorter except for the long piece of fur covering my right eye and ridge “I love it” I darted as fast as I could back to the den“ look!” I said “wow!” said Kaz, Rex, and Isla. “everybody come here” they came “I will be having a competition” “there are only three competition" “Kaz, Shadow, and Rex” “ and the winner will become the male alpha” I said. “The challenges are simple, be the first male to kill a bull elk singularly, then you must call to me, the last to call will be eliminated, last wolf standing becomes the alpha male” I finished “now let the challenges BEGIN” and Rex, Kaz, and Shadow all darted in different directions, minutes were passing like seconds in my head after 10 or so minutes I heard a howl, it echoed through the valleys, it was deep like the wind’. This howl wasn’t from my pack, I saw a young pale tan wolf emerge from behind a large tree then an older wolf with a sleek yellowish tan pelt trotted in front of the young one. I speed walked over to them “hello” said the older wolf “hi” I replied “would you like to join my pack?” I blurted out “I’d be delighted to, can my son, 2 daughters, and wife join too?”he said “of course” I said. His wife was a beautiful white wolf with crystal blue eyes and a kind voice her name was lily, their daughter was an off-white silver eyed beauty with a flowing piece of fur on her head, her name was rose noire, their son was named Rally, the father was Alex, and their second daughter was a deep sleek black with a dark grey ridge and long piece of fur shaped like a crescent over her left eye, she had sharp almond shaped misty red eyes and a sharp attitude, her name was Alice. I took them up to the den and asked what position they wanted, Rose Noire took the position of the fisher, Lily took kappa, Rally became a watch guard with Rex, Alex became a gatherer like Isla, and Alice became the beta. Suddenly I heard Shadow’s howl then Kaz’s howl Then Rex’s, I ran down, gave Shadow the male alpha position and ran back. When Shadow returned to the den carrying a large bull elk in his mouth, he set it down near the den and began walking towards me as I nuzzled Alice who was larger than me looked like a male, Shadow growled threateningly at Alice first the at me I stood up and barred my bloodstained teeth at him, Alice did the same “who is this thing” he asked his voice low “nobody” I said “ who is this thing” he said again raising his voice “nobody” I said matching his volume “WHO IS THIS THING”
he roared with his eyes closed, but I did not answer when he opened his eyes I was gone and so was the rest of the pack, we were long gone already on the other side of the valley. Once I had found a new den, a large cave, I covered our scent, covered out the light, and started a fire to keep us warm, I burnt, pine and other scents to ward anything away, a coyote wandered into our cave and begged for life when he saw we were wolves “you can live here as long as you do our hunting” I said to him, he accepted and laid down with us beside the fire. The next morning I heard loud scratching at the closed entrance, but our coyote was still here, I sent the coyote out to see who It was moments later the coyote screamed but didn’t run back in the den. I bolted out of the den, ready to fight whoever killed our coyote, I saw shadow he looked rugged and hurt but I didn’t care “what do you want” I snapped “s-s-sorry alpha” he cowered “don’t call me that you, you, thing” I said “What do you mean” he asked “YOU’RE A LONE WOLF NOW” I roared “besides Alice was crying after you called her ‘this thing’ last night” “who’s Alice” he spoke “the girl you called ‘this thing’” I said “that wolf was a female?!” he asked “yes” I snapped rudely “please give me another chance” he begged “ok”I said smirking “there will be slight changes to the pack members’ jobs” I said “I don’t care if I’m not alpha, Kaz can be the alpha for all I care, but please I want to be the lead hunter” he pleaded “this can be arranged” I said “Kaz”, I called and he bolted out of the cave “yes Alpha?” he asked politely “You will be the new male alpha” I said “I cannot thank you enough alpha” he said “you may call me Nash now” I said “ok” he said quietly. Once everybody was back at the old den it became night and everybody was fast asleep except me and Alice “What are we doing?” she asked quietly but still very excited “to the hunting grounds, I am going to teach you to hunt at night”I said “Does Kaz know?” she asked “no” I said and we both snickered and ran down the hill into the hunting grounds both of us like pieces of night moving around we skidded to a stop before we fell into a deep, clear lake, we ran around it and continued to the grounds where before we could stop we hit a tall, black, silver eyed, wolf with a white chest and underbelly, with streaks in his tuft of fur on his head, I quickly jumped up and playfully pounced on the wolf “hello Nashy” said the figure “hello Jack”I said “who is this?” Alice asked “my older brother” I said “ you have an older brother?!” Alice asked amazed “of course I do, Ali” I said to her “might this be your daughter?” asked Jack “no” I said but perhaps you’d like to meet my pack” I spoke with a smile, “sure” he said “you can come and meet them” I said “of course” jack said . When we got back to the den Alice ran to go sleep with her parents and I slept with Jack. The next morning Kaz slept in late but shadow and Jack woke up early and greeted each other kindly. I woke up and crept into the den quietly to wake up Kaz so he could meet Jack as he walked out he saw Jack and went to greet him “hello you must be Jack'' Kaz said “I am, so you must be Kaz” “you know, Nashy here talked a lot about you” said Jack “really?” said Kaz “yep” Jack said. Then Jack pulled Kaz aside and spoke to him in a low voice “you treat my sister well or you’ll regret it” Jack threatened when they came back I had fallen asleep again so Kaz woke me up “Leave me alone! I’m tired!” I said, raising my voice and he let me sleep. 2.5 months passed like hours and I now had 7 pups to take care of 1 was a runt but I would make sure she survived. 5 weeks later my 7 pups had their pelts: Ruby had bright blue eyes and a snowy white silky pelt, Luna, the oldest, had a bluish , purplish black flowing pelt with crescent shaped tan splotches and light purple eyes, lilac, lilesto, and Lola all had tan, scrappy, fur and brown eyes, Melanie had pale blue fur and green eyes, and Ashley, a runt, she had silvery eyes like jack, and a black pelt with an even deeper black ridge and no
white whatsoever, even though Kaz was entirely white as was the rest of his family and I had white you could barely see all of my family had at least a small portion of white on their pelts. The next day I was preparing to take Isla to the herb forest when I heard the sounds of Ruby, lilac, lilesto, Lola, and Melanie taunting Ashley and Luna but when I went over to see what was happening, they were just playing together. So I asked Luna what happened , “Ruby and her group of meanies were picking on Ashy so I stood up for her and the were mean to me” she said “I will have your father talk with ruby and the girls, ok” I said softly “ but for now you and ash can come with me” I finished, and we left to go down to the hunting grounds. As we padded down to the grounds a flash of off white flew past us, then again. It stopped in front of us, it was a pup. It had thin heavily matted fur and many scars, it had sharp claws and it’s eyes were silver except for it’s left eye which was blind from a scar, “hello?” I asked nervously. but it only replied with a grunt. “Hello?” I asked louder and less nervously “what?” it said in a low almost growling voice. “You're on pack territory” I said still a bit nervous “I don't care” it replied “well you should” I said shedding the nervous voice and sprouting a more confident one. “Why should I, packie” it asked “well we could kill you if we wanted to”I said growing more confident but it just rolled it’s eyes and bounded away towards the small lake shadow cut my fur at. “HA WIMP” I barked happily only to see a wall of the off-white fur running at me, going full speed. I managed to yelp before crashing to the dewy morning grass, my head hitting last with a thud, then a sudden coyote-like howl struck my ears like nails against a chalkboard, then many yelps. I woke quickly to a body next to me “what happened“ I groaned, “that scum happened“ shadow spat, sticking his snout in the air. face turned from sour to panicked in seconds “kaz, get Nash, isla, Rex, lily, rose, Alex, rally, and Alice to safety, i got the runt” shadow said to kaz. Kaz picked me up after rounding up everyone as fast as possible, darting in and out of trees to get us to safety. Shadow helped the runt up and took off after kaz then he stopped dead in his tracks and bolted for the den collecting my pups and chasing back after kaz.
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elliotthezubat · 4 years
[[cont from part 123]]
 Justin: *rubbing his arm* *he looks uneasy*
oriko: is everything alright?
Justin: "Just considering something from today's meeting..." *forces a smile*
Justin: "I can start dinner prep if you want? Or did you need something?" *He reaches for his glass--and accidentally knocks it over*
oriko: ah!
Justin: "Oh no..." *reaches down for the glass...his hand shakes...he falls on his knees*
oriko: justin! *runs over to him*
Justin: *pulls off his earbuds, throwing them away*
oriko: !!
Justin: *holding his head* "My faith is being tested..."
oriko:..............*hugs him*
Justin: "..." *starts tearing up*
oriko: im here.....
Justin: *slight wheeze* "...Ever since I saw that...clone or doppleganger or whatever it was..."
oriko:....*holding his hand* why dont i make dinner tonight? you should rest...
Justin: "O-Okay...Could you do me a favor? There's a recipe book from the Church..."
ruby: hey commander, do you ever smile?
Burns: "...The last time I did, a baby started crying."
ruby: can i see? pleeeeease?
Burns: "..." *sighs* "..." *super awkward smile*
ruby: o.o;;;;;;;;;; o____o;;;;;
dia: erm.....
Burns: "D-Don't cry, please."
dia: commander, did something happen?
Burns: "..."
{Burns, 8 years old: *reading his Bible*}
{child: if you keep frowning like that, your face is gonna get stuck like that. FOREEEVERRRRR! hehe!}
{Burns: -_- "Shut up--I'm trying to enlighten myself..."}
{child 2: you're so boring, leon. its like you were born an old man!}
{Burns: "Just because I'm serious about this and you aren't just means I'm mature."}
{child 2: whatever!}
Burns: "Serious people get things done. That's all."
ruby: =n= well that's no fun at all! all work and no play isnt any good for anyone.
Burns: "I can have fun! I do fun things..."
ruby: then let's all go to the park! it'll be awesome, right dia?
dia: um...well...
Burns: "Very well--I have finished all scheduled tasks before this evening."
ruby: yay! i'll go see if anyone else wants to join! *runs off*
dia: sir....i do apologize about her...
Burns: "What do you expect--she's a child, after all."
dia:...actually, she's a year older than pearl...
Burns: "Hard to tell. As well, at my age, everyone looks like a child..."
dia: myself included...
Burns: "...I suppose so."
dia:....well, we should be going, then.
Burns: "Hmph." *follows*
Saria: "Now measure out another cup of flour..."
lzumi: *doing so*
Saria: "Oh, Zarya, that recipe doesn't need lemon--"
Zarya: "It helps speed up the yeast."
izumi: really?
Zarya: "Yeah, Mom does it all the time..."
Saria: "...I don't think--"
Axel: "Oh, it smells so good, bully girl!" *holds up a high five for Zarya*
Zarya: "..." *ignores him*
zeke: i dont think calling her 'bully girl' helped much, bro.
Axel: "She did help beat the crap out of Izumi."
Duncan: "And me!"
izumi: i-it's fine, really.
stephanie: woow thats loootsa sugar!
Kanin: ._.;;; "This may be a mistake...Maybe less sugar on that one--"
stephanie: usually mommy keeps sugar in baggies in her panty drawer.
Asher: "...That's not sugar. At all. AT. ALL."
stephanie:...........so it's flour?
Asher: "...It's dr--"
Monica: "Shut up and let Zarya do her thing--she's a whiz at this shit."
Zarya: "..." =\\\=;
stephanie: ooh! cherries!
Duncan: "This is a trainwreck waiting to happen--not least of which because I see only two people who know how to cook."
Kanin: "I can cook."
Duncan: "Two people."
Kanin: -_-#
lei-lei: *CHOP* i can help! i used to help mom and dad with the restaurant all the time!
Saria: "O-Oh, you can...?" *looks back down at her plate...sighs*
lukas: could i try some?
Saria: "S-Sure!" *offers one to Lukas* "Let me know what you think!" *smiles*
lukas: *nom* !!! this is really good!
Saria: OwO "Th-Thank you, Lukas!"
lukas: o-of course. 7//7;
*a cough is heard in the doorway*
Kazue: "..." *shambles inside*
amelia: !!
Asher: "Yo. You're supposed to be resting."
Kazue: *holds up a sign* <I needed the walk. What're you doing?>
Duncan: ("For crying out loud, they're still doing the sign thing...")
-izumi explains-
Kazue: "..." <Did you add the lemon juice?>
Zarya: *nods*
Kilik: *whistles* "Yeah, you did some damage to the house..."
Black Star: -_-# "I know, I know..."
tsubaki: *sigh* i just got off the phone with the insurance company...
Black Star: "Do they cover acts of God?"
-in a small town, a young woman places flowers by two graves-
woman: hi mom, hi dad....it's me again.......i've been fine......amanda and her friends have been hassling me as usual......im ok, really.....
*behind her is an old church...then it sounds like part of it falls down*
woman: !! *looks* ........(im probably imagining things....) well.....im going to head back home now.....i'll be back soon.....i miss you both so much.....*walking away*
*eyes follow her*
creature: *observing her*
Pumpkin: *pushes the Creature's head down* *watching the woman leave*
Tezca: *checking his map*
-in the distance seems to be an old temple-
Tezca: "Jeez, that's seen better days..." *walks up*
-a shadow seems to follow him-
Tezca: *singing softly to himself* "And they go bitty-bounce-bounce..."
Tezca: o___o "My early warning system is tingling..." *looks around*
Tezca: *eyes bulging* "GAK! H-Hey, yourself!"
-a very tall woman with dark skin is hugging him-
???: <you got a bit taller than when i last saw ya! how've ya been?>
Tezca: *wheeze* <Oh, you know, doing the Death Scythe thing, going on a walk-about, looking for leads on an investigation-->
???: oho? <is that right?>
Tezca: *nods* <Yeah, we had some Kishin Worshippers pop up in Death City--real mess. I swear, that city is like a magnet for crap luck.>
Monica: -_-# "We don't need a freaking escort home..."
yolanda: i know, but there's not much we can do about it, im afraid.
Lorenzo: "Just be thankful they had us do it and not some weirdo." *nudges Monica's head*
Youta: .~.; "Y-You really shouldn't poke a student--"
Monica: *swings at Lorenzo*
yolanda: this is a frequent occurrence between them, trust us.
Lorenzo: *ducks--and slams Monica down onto the pavement*
Youta: D8> "This is normal?!"
Zarya: "Wait for it..."
Monica: *flips Lorenzo over, tossing him into a car*
Youta: Q~Q *hides behind Stephanie*
stephanie: i dont think the car is too happy.
Monica: "Ha! Getting slow in your old age, bro?!"
Lorenzo: *gets up--and pushes the car along the street at Monica--*
Monica: O_O "WAIT--"
Endeavor: *steps out of a nearby cafe--* "..." *pulls out his phone* "Hello, auto insurance? Yeah. Again."
Cho: *escorting Lei-Lei, Hibiki, and others* "Hmm...Your grandmother was DWMA, right?"
hibiki: yes.
Cho: *nods* "She was a fierce fighter. Many of us wish we could be so polished and driven." *touches the facial burn marks*
hibiki: yeah....
Axel: "How did you get burned?"
zeke: *hushed* dude!
Cho: "No, it's fine. I was on a mission and was infected by a combination of spontaneous human combustion and venomous magic."
hibiki: yikes....
Cho: "I had to play dead for awhile in the hope of finding the co-conspirator, but she's fallen off the radar."
Spirit: *driving back Izumi, Asher...and Amelia, Kanin, and Duncan*
Duncan: *squished in the back-seat* >n<
amelia: thank you for driving us home, mr albarn…
Spirit: "You're welcome--can't have you all out on the streets without some additional supervision."
Asher: *looks out the window* "This kind of crap keeps happening around here..."
amelia: makes you wonder if this really is a safe place to live....
Kanin: "...Sometimes it's the only place you got."
izumi:.....why dont we listen to some music?
Spirit: "Good idea!" *turns on the radio--*
*loud heavy metal starts*
Giriko: *carrying Anna--and knocks on Justin's door* "Yo, priest!" *he's also holding a plastic bag*
oriko: yes?
Giriko: "Oh--hey there." *holds up a bag* "Got those ingredients."
oriko: ah, do come in. justin...isnt feeling that well, and he's resting right now.
Giriko: "Jeez--he sick or something?" *sets down the groceries, then sets down Anna*
oriko:....would you like some tea? something to eat, perhaps? ^^
Giriko: "You got any juice for Anna? I can start chopping up the vegetables..."
Kazue: <Please stop yelling--my family will be here shortly.>
preston: oh~?
*the lights go out*
lukas: eh?
Saria: "EEP!"
*footsteps are heard, darting around*
lukas: saria!
Saria: "Right!" *transforms*
Yafeu: *transforms as well*
lukas: ... !!!
*a masked figure is in front of Lukas, swinging an arm whose sleeve hides their hand*
lukas: who are- !!! KYA!
???: <hey! whos pants are these?>
lukas: >////~////<;;
???: *tosses the ring from a kyoketsu-shoge at Preston's hand, landing it around Yafeu's barrel*
Saria: ._.; "Lukas! On your left!"
lukas: !!
???: *is attacking with...an umbrella?*
lukas: what's going on?!
Kazue: *claps their hands, and the lights come back on*
*the ninja-esque figures all have kabuki masks on*
lukas: !!! G-GIVE MY PANTS BACK! >///<;
???: *looks* "... ... ..." *small squeak, looks away*
'old man mask': oh? these are yours? sorry dude!
Saria: =\\\\=;
Kazue: <Family...>
'onna mask': we're the Kotori Family Kabuki Troupe.
Saria: "Kabuki? Kazue, you're from a kabuki troupe! That's so cool!"
Kazue: =\\\\=;
Yafeu: *transforms back...and reaches for one of their masks*
young boy: ehehe. ^^;
-onna mask removes said mask-
girl: really kazue, you make us worry with these endeavours of yours...
Yafeu: *looks back and forth* "...Okay, I can see it."
'fox mask': .......
Kazue: <I merely am applying my skills to actual combat and the safety of the innocent...>
young boy: hey, big bro, is kazue in trouble?
Oni mask: *arms crossed* "Big time."
Kazue: "..." *throws a smoke bomb*
'fox mask': oh no you dont.
Kazue: *already reaching for the window*
Yafeu: *coughs*
-something grabs their leg-
Kazue: O_o "Uh--"
-'fox mask drags them back with....their own arm??-
Saria: "Oh! The fox is a whip?!"
Kazue: <LET GO, SADAKO!> >~<
Sadako: *GLARE* you know what father would do if you got yourself killed, dont you?
Kazue: "Wouldn't be my problem if I was dead already!"
Sadako: *GETS RIGHT IN THEIR FACE* He would cry. that's what.
Young lady: ara-ara, Sacchan. you're quite spirited, arent you? ^^
Kazue: "..." *frowns, looks away* "I never asked you to come here. Family is nothing but a nuisance--"
Kazue: "?!!!"
preston: !!!!
lukas: y-yafeu!
Kazue: "Who even told you that you could touch me--"
Saria: "..."
girl: please, lets calm down everyone.
Kazue: *grunts* <In case you haven't noticed, I'm injured, so it's not like I can travel back easily...>
young lady: we're not forcing you to come home, you know.
girl: right, we just want you to be safe.
Kazue: "I'm alive, aren't I?"
girl: well, yes.....
lukas: yafeu, are you alright?
Yafeu: *wipes his eyes* "I'M FINE!"
Saria: "M-Maybe we should all take a deep breath and pause? Um, if your family came all this way, I'm sure they're tired and could use a rest and maybe something to eat?"
girl: well, we're staying at the white water inn, why dont you come with us?
preston: why that sounds just lovely, but i need to make a call first.
Saria: "Y-Yes, and we were supposed to get an escort first due to the Kishin Worshippers..."
*the door opens*
Akane: "Apologies--Clay got us lost again."
clay: =~=;
Akane: "...Did we come at a bad time?"
young lady: oh my~ such a handsome man.
tsugumi:......for some reason, im feeling jealous.
Anya: =u= "Well, given the luxury you are experiencing, I'm not surprised~"
mio: *sweatdrop* (these freaking rich people....)
ao: i see your ego is gaining weight like your calves.
Anya: (ʘ言ʘ╬) "HOW ABOUT I SHOVE MY FOOT UP YOUR BACKSIDE?!!!" *rolling up a sleeve*
tsugumi: come on now, dont fight!
Duncan: "The corner is fine..." *grabs his bag*
stephanie: hey moni, can i stay the night? mommy said she's going to be at a party tonight. ^^
Monica: "Just need to ask the 'rents first...Hey, could you distract them? If they saw Lorenzo and I like this, they'd drop a brick."
yolanda: i'll make sure to wear protective headgear.
Monica: -_-# "Just keep them occupied before Mama sees us, or she's going to--"
Lorenzo: OwO; *tries to run--*
Zarya: "Yikes."
Lorenzo: X___X
Monica: @~@
Blair: *riding an airborne pumpkin home* ^w^ *lands--only to be surrounded by more hooded figures* OwO; "Nya?"
guard: good afternoon, ma'am.
Blair: "Hi? Can I help you?" ._.;
guard: just checking on things here.
Blair: "Oooooooh, because of the nasty Kishin worshippers hanging about?"
guard: aye. *hands her a list* by the way, lady maaba recently updated the list of rogues to be on the look out for.
Blair: "Eh?" *looks over it* "Oh, no--this just keeps getting longer...I could check the club again."
Kid: *sips water* "..."
shiori: is kid better?
Kid: *weak smile* "A bit--thank you. How are you feeling, Shiori?"
shiori: *hug*
Kid: "..." *wipes his eyes, hugs her*
shiori: kid get better soon?
Kid: *nods* "I will--promise."
Tezca: "Then Enrique said, 'The only thing I don't swing on are vines, so you're on your own!' BWA HA HA HA HA!"
Quetzal: GRAHAHA! <oh man, still the same old jokester, eh, lil man?>
Tezca: <You know it!> *opens another bottle* <You should see his stand-up routine! Shame he didn't come--but he saw the hotel and just crashed.>
Quetzal: <his loss.>
Tezca: *looks at the treetops* <Things been quiet here, or you having problems?>
Quetzal: <eh, same old problems a god can have, y'know?>
Tezca: <I hear ya. I mean, I don't know from experience, but secondhand. Those slash-and-burn jackals giving you any trouble?>
Quetzal: <now and then, but nothing a good ol' snake eyed glare to scare 'em off. and of course theres those land developers....>
Tezca: <??? Still? You got a name of one of them?> *sips his beer*
Bellhop: *pushing a food service cart* =_= ("Damn Death Scythes get to live the high life...I hope this one at least tips...") *knocks on the door*
*the door opens...revealing Enrique in the jacuzzi*
Enrique: "GOH!"
Bellhop: O_o; <The Death Scythe is a monkey?!>
DWMA Engineer: *stretches* "Why'd the boss call us in? I want to get home--Frank's said he was making chicken mole tonight!"
worker 2: i'unno.
*footsteps are heard descending down the hanger's steps...*
worker 2: ??
*then he trips, as the giant H-beam he is carrying gets stuck in the stairs, knocking him down, each step, one after the next...*
Engineer 1: ._____.;
'H-Beam': -A-;
*and the tall boss lands on his face*
???: "..." *groans* "You could've told me I missed that step..."
Engineer 3: "Oh, God, he's delirious--he's talking to his hentai beam..."
Engineer 4: "Is that like his 'body pillow' or something?"
-the beam then transforms-
'beam': well maybe you should watch where you're going! >n<#
???: *grunts, sits up* "Why you got to be so mean? I'm the one running this outfit!"
Engineer 1: "D'aw, she's not a beam--she's a weapon! She's so tiny and cute like my niece!"
'beam': O__O## *throttling engineer 1* I'M A _GUY_ YOU BEEFBRAINED SACK OF DICKS!!
Gen: D8< "HEY! No punching them in the head--we need their brains!" *pulling 'Beam' loose*
Engineer 3: D8> "GET A MEDIC!"
'beam': *flailing and growling*
Engineer 1: Q~Q "Ow...Am I still pretty...?"
Gen: "Hakuno! Do I have to put you back in the smelting pit?!"
hakuno: 7n7 *grumble grumble*
Gen: *groans* "I guess the meeting will have to wait until morning for Sora to get to the infirmary--BUT I WANT YOU ALL HERE BRIGHT AND EARLY TOMORROW MORNING TO START DIGGING THE TUNNEL!"
Everyone: "..." ._.; (" 'Tunnel'?")
Sora (Engineer 1): >~< "I feel something leaking in my brain..."
*it's getting dark out...*
Hyde: *sneezes* *wipes his nose* "Ugh...Is it getting colder out?"
Ragnarok: "No, moron--it's summer."
ochako: maybe you're feeling sick?
Hyde: *sniffles* "How can _I_ get sick when I'm a va--va--va--...vivacious darling?" ^^;;;
ochako: .....*shrug*
Ragnarok: "..." *grabs a thermometer off the convenience store rack* "Bend over."
kyouko: dude!
Master: *wiping the counter* *spots a customer in the corner* "??? We're closing up..."
*someone is outside, staring in...*
miranda:....*reaches for the phone*
Customer: *seated, not looking up...looks nervous*
Master: "...Hey, you okay--" *reaches for the customer--*
*a brick is thrown through the window*
miranda: !! uncle!
Master: *grabs a tissue box from the table--and throws it out the window, beaning the person outside in the face*
Assailant: "ARG!" *falls back*
Master: "Miranda, call the pol--"
miranda: !!!!
Customer: *breaks a chair over Master's head*
miranda: *grabs a broom and attacks the customer*
Customer: *twirls a butterfly knife before stabbing at Miranda*
miranda: *dodge*
Customer: *keeps attacking...their hand has three eyes on it...*
Person Outside: *rubs their face, a huge tissue box-mark on their face* "Bastard..." *grabs another brick, walks inside...*
miranda: shit!
Person Outside: "Hee hee...Language!" *aims the brick--*
Person Outside: "???" *looks down*
Master: *has them by the ankle--and flings them into the wall*
miranda: *jabs the customer in the gut with the broom handle*
Customer: "UMPH!" *drops the knife*
Master: *picks up the broken leg of the chair, aims at the Person Outside*
Customer: @~@
miranda: kishin worshippers, are you? well you can kish-my ass. *POW*
Customer: X____X
Person Outside: *dazed* "Lahngeege--"
Master: *bashes the Person with the chair leg upside the head*
Yafeu: *sulking, looking out the window*
dormmate: hey, you ok, man?
dormmate: oh, you want to talk about it?
dormmate: ah.
dormmate: well, maybe their relationship with their family isnt that good.
dormmate: hmm...
dormmate: how bad was it?
dormmate: jeez.
Monica: *lying in bed...then tosses and turns with a grunt* "URG!" *tosses off the sheets*
-sounds like mom is cleaning up downstairs-
*the room has some rock posters, a guitar on its stand in the corner...*
Monica: *listens...* "Pst. Steph?"
stephanie: yeahsies?
Monica: "We're breaking out."
stephanie: oooh! sounds fun!
Monica: *opens the window* "Just be quiet heading down."
stephanie: ok.
*the fire escape is below...Monica carefully heads down the ladder...*
yolanda: zzzz....
Monica: "...Wake her ass up."
stephanie: *inhales*
Monica: "???"
stephanie: hey yola-
Zarya: *groans, holding the pillow over her head* <Too loud...>
yolanda: hnn? *rubs her eyes*
-footsteps coming up the stairs-
Monica: "Me? Never! Steph just woke us all up with her snoring!"
stephanie: but you said we were busting out?
Monica: *throws a pillow at her head*
mrz ramirez:......two weeks.
Monica: "SHIT!"
mrs ramirez: *opens the door*
-la chancla'd-
Monica: X___X *falls back*
Zarya: O_O;
shinra: =~= what day is it?
maki: according to the calendar, July 8th.
shinra: it feels like it's been over a month already...*yaaawn*
Arthur: *has a long Merlin-style beard*
shinra:......im not even gonna ask.
Kid: *sits up in bed* "..."
stocking: *still sleeping*
Kid: "..." *strokes her cheek*
stocking: nnn... =///=
Kid: "H-Hey..."
stocking: mmm? *rubs her eyes* hey kiddo.
Kid: "..." *hug*
stocking: morning.
Kid: *shaking a bit*
stocking:...*holds him*
Kid: *nods* "Really..."
stocking:.....*holds him close to her chest*
Kid: *closes his eyes, relaxing a bit*
Akane: *looking around Deathbucks* "So the two just started attacking?"
Master: *head bandaged, ice on his head*
miranda: yeah. the one had this as a tattoo....*shows her drawing of the kishin emblem*
Akane: "I see...We've had similar reports from last night."
Akane: "It may be best to take the day off for repairs while we investigate--"
Master: "We don't close."
miranda: uncle...
Master: "We have customers waiting for us, and we can't let some punks intimidate regular people..."
Akane: "...We can find someone to take over the shop while you rest."
Tezca: *yawns...he's somehow on top of a palm tree*
quetzal: <hey lil man! sleep ok?>
Tezca: "..." *looks down* "..." <I don't know--how did you get so small now?>
quetzal: <hang on a sec...> *she transforms into a snake like creature with wings and flies up to him*
Tezca: ^w^ "Hello." QwQ "Can you help me down?"
quetzal: <yep, hop on!>
Tezca: *carefully gets on* >~< <I hate these heights...>
-at a certain community collage-
student: hey, did you see all those crows hanging around the church this morning? so creepy!
student 2: i bet amakusa had something to do with it, her parents are buried near there after all.
-the young woman sits at a desk-
student 3: well speak of the devil. literally!
woman: .....
*a professor walks in*
Professor: "Okay, okay, settle down--we got a minute before class starts."
*alarm goes off on the Professor's phone*
classmate: hey, misaki, dont let tiffany and her cronies get you down.
*the tree branches outside the window sway a bit...*
misaki: im fine, really...
Professor: "And we now begin. Amakusa, please collect homework in your row."
misaki: yes, sir.
girl: careful, sis, she might put a hex on you!
girl 2: lol! good one penny!
Professor: "Are you in high school or college? Focus on classwork, or I'll mark you as absent."
Kazue: =n=
Death the Kid: Asher: *looks behind Kazue* "...You know your family is still following you--"
Kazue: "I KNOW!" *smashes their sign against the wall*
sadako:...no we're not. im a tree.
Asher: "...I am finding this way too amusing."
lukas: -_-;
Saria: *has her sweater pulled up over her face* *groans*
lukas: hey, are you alright?
Saria: "...I made a mess in the kitchen. Again."
hibiki: want us to help?
Saria: "...Do you have a mop?" TT~TT
Zarya: *noms on a muffin*
Monica: *has a footprint on her face* -_-#
Chuuya: "Oh, Tolstoy--surprised to see you here."
leo: good morning, mr nakahara.
Chuuya: "Hey. I was just dropping off Sonia and Miyuri--" *turns--and they are gone* "..." D8
sonia: hello, uncle pushkin.
miyuri: *HUG* HIYA!! ^^
Pushkin: "UMPH! Aren't you getting stronger..." ^^; *trying to pry Miyuri loose* >~<
katya: i take it your dad's nearby? he still owes me a drink-off.
Pushkin: "Ha! He's so tiny the beer would go to his head immediately--"
Chuuya: OnO# *staaaaaaaare*
ayako: and makarov's even smaller than him!
leo: please dont cause a fuss.
Motojiro: *spins by in a chair* "Hey, Chuuya! Good to see you--"
*the chair disappears down the hall--before a crash is heard*
leo: D8> motovya! are you alright?!
Motojiro: *rolls back into the room...like, literally rolling* "Just dandy!" *bounces up* "I fixed it!" *hands Katya a gun magazine*
katya: nice.
Motojiro: "Oh, hey, girls!" *holds up a hand to Miyuri* "High five?"
miyuri: *head tilt* *holds her own hand up* hi! ^^
leo: *sigh* <honestly, you should really be more careful, i worry...>
Motojiro: *taps his hand to hers* ^^; <I mean, I was in a rush. It's not like anything blew up this time-->
ayako: aw the fucking coffee machine blew up again!
Pushkin: "Language! We say 'the freaking coffee machine blew up again'..."
Motojiro: "Darn--I should have known we weren't ready for unstable molecules in the brew...Chuuya, I'm going to need a hand."
Chuuya: "What, for a coffee machine?"
*something slithers out of the kitchen*
Motojiro: "No, that." *picks up a broom*
Vampa: *looking through the newspaper* <It's getting so you can't even burglar in peace!> *slaps the paper* <Now we have...'Kee-shas'? ...The hell? I love her music! Why would she have a cult?!>
peppino: *squints* <i think it's 'kee-shin. not sure what that is, either.>
Vampa: <It's like you need to speak another language to understand this...>
Vampa: "???" *looks around--then down*
peppino: ??
Youta: >~< "Ow...S-Sorry!"
Cho: "..."
*...is that an airship floating over the suburbs?*
hermine: *shaking*
*it looks like a rope is lowering...*
Valentine: "Get behind me, Hermine. You too, kids..."
eugenie: big sis val? what's going on?
Valentine: "I don't know..."
*the person is descending down the rope--then falls on the last bit of it in front of Eugenie*
eugenie: ??
Lucien: *face-plants into the garden* "..." *muffled* <Owie...>
eugenie: !!!!!!! <UNCLE LUCI!!> *HUGS*
hermine: *sigh of relief*
Lucien: *sits up, a bunch of flowers stuck in his mouth* "PHOEEY!" *looks* <EUGENIE!> *hug*
Benedetto: *already has a stick* <Should I attack?>
hermine: <lucian, it's so good to see you, at first i thought you were-...>
Lucien: <What? ...Oh, no, no! Mr. Fitzgerald told me to bring the newest model over, and, well...Surprise?> ^^;;;
hermine: <i see. well, do come inside. i'll get something for you to drink.>
edouard: <would you please keep it down! im trying to finish reading this chapter!>
Lucien: <Good--> *coughs* <Ugh, my tongue tastes like dirt now...> *spits*
Valentine: ^^; <Edouard, we have a guest...>
edouard: *looks up*
Lucien: ._.
edouard:....*small grunt of acknowledgement before his eyes return to the page*
Lucien: "Fair. I'm not sure we ever really met before...I was sent abroad when--"
Valentine: *pat pat* "He wouldn't care if you explained anyway."
*a VW van drives along a dusty road...behind the wheel is a rather hippie-ish looking woman...in the passenger seat is a woman whose style looks, for lack of a better description, Louisiana*
hippie: *humming along to the radio*
"Louisiana": =n= "Ugh, why the desert...I was fine with that little Great Isle bungalow..." *nudges the driver* "Come on, Sarah--why Death City? Why can't we stay near the water~?"
sarah: hnn? hey come on, kate, i was in the zone.
Kate: "Yeah, and then you get another 'vibe' and suddenly it's, 'Pack up, Kate--we're on the road again!" Pfft!" *pouts*
sarah: hey, this 'margaret' said she needs our help. she kinda reminds me of you, honestly.
Kate: >\\\\>; "Fine...Wait, reminds you of me because I'm precious and adorable, or because she's got money?"
Kate: "GAH! You're no help!"
*her seat then falls back, knocking Kate backwards*
Kate: "...I thought you fixed this seat."
sarah: .....im gonna need to pick up more duct tape, then.
Kate: *points up a finger* "You're getting me a new bathing suit! And finding us a pool!"
sarah: that's fair.
*they pass a sign: 'Now entering Death City Limits'*
Kamui: *sneezes* "Ugh..." *he looks really uncomfortable before shivering*
mt lady: you better not get me sick!
Kamui: "It's not my fault--I thought it was supposed to get warmer in summer, but I swear, I keep getting chills."
Rin: "What's up, Unagi?" *waves*
unagi: good morning, okumura-san. i was going to deliver some textbooks to your brother, but apperantly he's not in yet.
Rin: "??? Weird--he wasn't home this morning. I thought he left early..."
Patty: "And this is the fountain. And that's the art gallery. And that's where we tilt the painting to make Kid come running."
mrs noto: i....see... ^^;
Yumi: "I'm sorry, Mrs. Noto--I'm sure this can be overwhelming. But things are a lot more cozy than appearances suggest."
mrs noto: <it's fine, just a bit different than what im used to.>
Yumi: *nods* <If there is anything we can do to make your stay more comfortable, please let us know.>
*children can be heard playing behind the corner*
mrs noto: ??
Patty: "Hey, kiddos! Say hi to Takeru's mom!"
shiori: *looks up*
Yumi: *picks up Shiori* <This is my youngest, Shiori.>
shiori: bah!
mrs noto: <oh, she's precious!>
Yumi: <Thank you.> *smiles* <She's so smart and such a happy baby.> *bounces Shiori*
shiori: *giggles*
Patty: OwO; *does not understand the language...*
mrs noto: so how old is she?
Yumi: "Almost 2 and a half."
*a soccer ball flies towards Iris*
iris: *dodge* EEP!
-it lands in the net-
Vulcan: "Good try, Iris!"
iris: sorry, im not really good at this 'goalie' thing. ^^;
Relan: "You're still doing better than Arthur-- ??? Where did he--"
Arthur: *in a suit of armor at the other goalie net*
lisa: -_-;
Relan: "You're up, Shinra." *passes the ball*
shinra: hup!
Arthur: *standing still*
tamaki: *looking from the window*
Akitaru: "Looks like they're having fun out there."
tamaki: mm...
Akitaru: "Hey, you up for something to eat? I needed some help with the tacos."
tamaki:....maybe later....
Akitaru: "A'ight. Holler if you need anything."
*Deathbucks looks a little busier...but all the employees look...super-serious?*
*a bunch of CIA agents are serving the drinks*
ox: wow, this is, um....
Harvar: "It's a bunch of cops."
DWMA CIA Agent 1: "Order up for...'Hugs and Kisses'?"
ox: ??
DWMA CIA Agent 2: "That says 'Qx,' Adrian."
Adrian: "What the hell is 'Qx'?"
ox: wait a sec- *raises hand* it's 'Ox' actually.
Agent 2: "...Like the big blue one?"
agent 3: paul bunyan has nothing to do with this. -_-;
Harvar: "Can we just have our orders already? Mine was the--"
Agent 3: "Hiver? Someone named Hiver?"
Kunikida: *walking down the stairs* "Don't dawdle--we can't be late for this appointment." *pulls out his car keys*
dazai: oooh, can i drive? owo
Kunikida: "I don't know--can you?" *rolls his eyes, opens the door* "Now hurry: I made sure to park here last night so we wouldn't be delayed--"
*there's Kunikida's van across the street...and there's Kunikida's van's bumper on the sidewalk in front of them...and Kunikida's van side mirror in the road...and there's bits of glass from Kunikida's van's window*
dazai: .....new paintjob?
Kunikida: D8 "WHAT THE FUCK?!!!"
*there's a VW Van that is parked in front of Kunikida's van...or, rather, rammed into it and stayed there parked*
dazai: !!!!! dear god......look at how cute this stick figure family looks!
Kunikida: *SCREAMS, before marching up to the VW Van* "When I trace their tags, I'm going to wring their neck-- ...This van has no tag." *looks it over--then spots two people sleeping in it* "HEY!" *slams his fist on the side of their van*
???: zzzzz....
???: *grunts* *sleep-talk* "No, Armand, it's not my bundle..." *snores*
Kunikida: "Dazai, pick this lock."
dazai: *cracks knuckles and finger waggles* you got a hairpin?
Kunikida: "..." *opens his journal, pulls one out*
dazai: thank you~ *click*
???: *yawns...opens her eyes and looks up at Dazai* "... ... ..." *nudges the other one* "Sarah, we got company. Cute company."
sarah: wuzzuh?
dazai: en chante, madame~<3
Kate: "Bonjour, mon brave homme. Vous avez des cheveux uniques - un nageur, peut-être~?"
Kunikida: "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY VAN?!!"
sarah: too loud....*yaaaaawn*
Kunikida: "..." *grabs Sarah by the arms, starts shaking*
Kate: "...Say, you ever tried swimming as far as your arms can go, then get so tired you think you'd end up drowning?"
sarah: =~= hey, easy, my leg hurts.
dazai: if i could drown with such a lovely lady, i wouldnt mind at all~<3
Kate: =\\\w\\\= "You charmer." *then she opens her eyes* OwO "LET'S DO IT RIGHT NOW! DROWN WITH ME!"
dazai: OwO erm...
sarah: um, kate, my leg?
Kate: "One sec, buddy--I'm making the score here."
Yosano: "What's all the commotion-- ...Kunikida, why are you shaking a woman with an injured leg?"
Kunikida: "... ... ..." *wicked grin*
sarah: wha?
Kunikida: "Doctor...This woman needs healing."
Yosano: "..." *pulls out a meat cleaver*
Kate: "--then we get pulled down by the undertow and become like Prospero, one with the sea, for all eternity, FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER."
sarah: soooo...is this, like, gonna be covered by my insurance?
Kate: "That's what the university said. But they're kind of pissed you drove off--I didn't know you were teaching summer classes."
sarah: i kinda forgot.
Student: -_-# "It's been 15 minutes, Katrina--let's leave."
Student 2: "How did Professor Ossoli get tenure?!"
student 3: i dunno, she's just weird like that.
Student 4: "I'M NEVER GOING TO PASS THIS SUMMER!" *headdesk*
Yosano: "Well, you're back in decent condition." *hands Sarah her bag--when some books fall out* "Ah, nuts--sorry." *picks one up* "??? 'The Dial'? You read Sarah Ossoli?"
sarah: oh yeah. that's me.
Yosano: "... ... ...YOU'RE _THE_ SARAH OSSOLI?!" O\\\\O "AUTOGRAPH THIS!"
sarah: ok. *does so*
Kate: "... ... ..." *holds out a hand* "That'll be 20 bucks."
*a paper airplane hits Shiemi in the forehead*
shiemi: >,<
*seems to be a message on it*
shiemi: *looks*
Message: "Can we talk on the rooftop?" *it has an arrow pointing to the door*
shiemi: *looks around*
shiemi: ._.;
Amaimon: *points up*
stocking: *aHEM*
stocking: *GLARE*
Amaimon: "...Upstairs at lunch." *runs*
stocking: -~-; you ok, shiemi?
shiemi: y-yeah. thank you, ma'am.
Rin: "I don't trust that little crap--you want me to follow him?"
shiemi: i suppose if it would make you feel better. ^^;
Rin: "Definitely--better than letting him try to kidnap you again."
shiemi: ...say, have you seen yuki at all?
Rin: =n= "No--and it's ticking me off!"
shiemi: i just hope he's alright...
Rin: "Yeah...He doesn't even have his phone on--goes right to voicemail."
shiemi: you dont think...something terrible happened to him, do you?
Rin: "..." *raises his hand*
LK: shiemi: ??
Rin: "May I be excused?"
stocking: um, sure, just be back before class, ok?
Rin: "Thank you! Come on, Shiemi!"
Yukio: *staring down*
*he has blood samples in front of him*
{Todo: "We're not so different, are we?"}
Yukio: "I'm nothing like that...I'm not..." *clutches his eye, groaning in pain*
-knocks on the door-
Yukio: "?!!" *covers the vials with a tarp* "Y-Yes?"
voice: you ok in there?
Yukio: "Fine--just busy testing something."
*in Class A, at the teacher's desk, is what is obviously an Aizawa robot...*
Aizawa-Bot: O___O *buzz* "You all disappoint me. F's for everyone."
mina:....teach? are you....ok?
Aizawa-Bot: *buzz* "SHUT UP, PRESENT MIC."
Bakugo: "...Are you really this stupid?"
jirou: hey teach, what's 420 divided by 0?
*its head blows up*
jirou: heh, paradoxes, works every time.
Aizawa: *watching from the hallway* "...It was a valiant effort."
Mei: OwO; "Sorry about that...The next one will be super-better, promise!"
*an eyeball lands at Momo's desk*
momo: .___.;
ochako: *playing amazing grace on a kazoo*
Aizawa: *re-enters* "Well, so much for my 'snooze button.'" *brushes the remains of robo-him away* "Okay, pop quiz."
kaminari: *raises his hand*
Aizawa: "What?"
kaminari: when's camp?
mina: *raises hand* shouldnt we be on vacation? it's july after all.
Aizawa: "In light of the increased number of villain incidents globally, numerous Quirk-based Pro Hero schools have been using a year-long school structure. If you don't like it, go transfer to the exorcist or meister-weapon classes."
sero: dont they also have summer classes too?
Aizawa: "Yes, because there has also been a global increase in demon attacks, Kishin attacks, curses, economic downturn--...You're all just asking questions to take up the rest of class time to avoid this quiz, aren't you?"
kaminari:...........how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
ochako: *stiffling laughter*
Aizawa: "Kaminari and Uraraka, go stand in the hallway."
Rin: "Have you seen this glasses man?" *holds up his phone, with a photo of Yukio caught mid-bite eating his sandwich*
woman: um... ._.;
Rin: "His name is Yukio, and he tends to have a fan club of really persistent fangirls after him. Also, he likes reading and taking care of the sick and infirm. He kind of looks like me, only with glasses and more handsome. You seen him?"
woman: im just....waiting on my coffee. ^-^;
Rin: "Did you see him ordering coffee?"
Stein: "Okay, that'll be all for today. Miss Mjolnir is still out of town, but she left homework for you to finish. And don't forget my policy for next time when I say 'no talking in the back row.'"
*the back row is full of scalpels*
student: Q_Q;;;;;;
Axel: "...I miss Miss Marie already."
Saria: *reading through another recipe book*
janine: ah! you must be marie mjolnir, ay?
Marie: "I am, yes?"
janine: pleasure to meet ya, the name's Janine McBride. *extends hand*
Marie: "Likewise." *shakes her hand* "Is there somewhere to get something to eat and talk first about the mission?"
*alarms go off at a bank*
Guard: "Freeze!" *aims their gun*
thief: ok. *shoots an icicle at the gun*
Guard: "AH!" *drops the gun as it sparks in their hands*
Thief 2: *in the van* "MOVE YOUR ASSES!"
thief 3: *jumps onto the van* LET'S MOVE!
Thief 2: *hits the gas* "Did you get it all?"
thief: yeah, this is gonna keep us supplied for years, hehe.
Thief 2: "It better--you wasted all that cash on gacha already..."
thief: shut your ass, frank!
*up ahead, in the middle of the road, someone short stands there, just staring*
thief 3: dafuck?
Thief 2: "Meh, sucks to be them..." *honks the horn*
*the person in the middle of the road isn't moving...*
thief 3: good thing im wearing goggles, haha!
*the person holds up a hand and--it expands*
thief 3: eh? owo;
Thief 2: *slams into the airbag, drooling* X_______X
thief: FUCK!
*the person walks quickly on short legs to the back of the van--then rips the back doors loose*
thief 3: oooowwww....bad time....to be on the truck...
Person: "Excuse me? I don't think this belongs to you." *tosses the door*
thief: ?!
Person: *steps in* "I'm making a citizen's arrest. Come along quietly, please, mister?" *holds out a hand*
thief: how about go fuck yourself?
Person: "..." *grabs Thief 1 by the nose, pulling them down to eye-level* "You know what? Now I'm angry..."
thief: ovo;;
Bank President: *catches up to the van* "There's their van, officer! Go get--"
*Thief goes flying out the back of the van, sliding along the asphalt*
Person: *exits with the bags of money--and dumps the bags on top of the Thief* "The others are in the van. Well, one is on the van. I think. They may be dead."
*loud footsteps are heard running up*
thief 3: help....please?
???: "See? You left another thief up there!" *picks up Thief 3--and shoves them into his gut*
thief 3: *SCREAMS*
Person: *fast walks on tiny legs* "I'm sorry, Mr. Fat Gum. But the Bank President seemed super-worried about his money!"
atsushi: dazai, i think they left, you can come out of the trash bin now...
Dazai: "No, I'm fine. I live here now."
atsushi: dazai.....
Dazai: *pops up, a banana peel on his forehead* QwQ "Don't make me go."
kirako: ^^;
*a bird is chirping in a tree--before what looks like a tree branch clutches it, dragging it down*
Pumpkin: *stares at the bird*
-footsteps are heard-
Pumpkin: "!!!" *hides in the bushes*
misaki: *walking home*
Pumpkin: *staaaaaaaaaaare...still clutching the bird*
misaki: ....
{classmate: hey misaki! want to hang out after class?}
{misaki: um.. s-sorry, not today...}
{Classmate 2: "Got a job or something?"}
{classmate 3: yeah, a job putting curses on people maybe.}
Pumpkin: "..." *pushes closer in the bushes--*
Bird: OnO# *BITE*
misaki: ?? *turns* h-hello?
Pumpkin: "Ow!"
misaki: !!! h-hello??
Bird: *flies loose--at Misaki's face*
Pumpkin: "?!" *falls back*
misaki: AH!! *falls back*
Pumpkin: "... ... ..." ("Coincidental...") *stares through the bushes*
misaki:....*gets up, brushing herself off*
Bird: *has flown away*
Pumpkin: ("Damn...Now I got to find something else for that beast to eat...") *stares at Misaki* "... ..."
misaki: ...i should probably head home now.....*continues walking*
Pumpkin: "..." *when her back is turned, reaches out...*
misaki: ......
Pumpkin: "..." *hesitates* ("What is wrong with me...")
Amaimon: *has set out a blanket, a picnic basket, various foods--and a bucket full of worms*
-the door opens-
shiemi: ....
stocking: hey.
Amaimon: "Oh. Hello, Mrs. Niece. I thought the veggie girl was coming alone?"
Rin: -_-#
stocking: we're here to make sure you dont try anything stupid.
Amaimon: "I never would--after all, I'm in your classes now, right?"
*something is slithering from the picnic basket, reaching for Stocking's shoe*
stocking: ?!?!? what's in the basket?
Rin: "Why do you have questions for her?"
Amaimon: "Because of those super-power plant attacks. Are you a fairy?"
shiemi: um...no?
nee: *pokes head out from her bag* nee?
Amaimon: *stares at Nee* "No, see, that thing? How are you keeping that thing around that long?"
shiemi: well, nee is my friend.
Amaimon: "I think you got some super-power mojo. Let me take a sample--stick out your tongue." *holds up a tongue depresser*
shiemi: ._.;;
Rin: "Permission to punch him?"
stocking: *gives amaimon a look*
Amaimon: "I'm serious. There's something different about her summoning than the others." *twirls a hand around* "Whole kind of aura off of her or something."
shiemi: well, i do work with plants a lot...maybe it's that??
Amaimon: "Or maybe you charm the plants." *holds up a potted plant* "Talk to Henrietta here."
shiemi: ok...hello, henrietta.
Henrietta: *doesn't say anything, because Henrietta is a plant*
Amaimon: "...Well, so much for that--I guess I got that wrong." *hands Henrietta to Stocking*
stocking: -_-;;
*The "dessert" is gnawing on Rin's head*
Rin: "...Shiemi, I'm glad he's not stalking you anymore, because otherwise, I would kill him."
shiemi: ._. um....rin?
Rin: "I KNOW." *tugging on "dessert"*
Axel: *stabbing into his meal--with a kunai-hand*
Asher: "..." *pushes their lunch tray away* "That's just gross."
zeke: you think that's bad? you should have seen when we first discovered our abilities.
Kanin: "??? What happened?"
Axel: "Well, we were playing in the vacant lot behind our family's garage, throwing rocks at each other..."
zeke: i think i may have thrown a liiiittle bit hard.
Axel: "No kidding! The rock hit me, and my arm starting hurting--but I looked down, and instead of an arm, it was this weird metal-knife thingie!"
{Axel: *has now turned completely into a kunai* .w.; "...DUDE! YOU COULD TOTALLY THROW ME!"}
{Mom: *calls out, not looking away from repairing a motor* "Put some ice on it."}
Axel: "We threw each other into the trees for an hour before Dad found us."
zeke: he wasnt too amused.
lei-lei: wow!
Saria: "??? You weren't scared at all? I had a bad reaction to transforming..."
{*it sounds like someone fell down the stairs*}
{greg: ?? sweetie? is everything alright?}
{Saria: "Ow..." *tries to get up--and keeps falling down* "..." *looks down...* "... ... ..." *SCREAMS* "MY HANDS!"}
{*even her legs look transformed*}
{saria's dad: !!! *calling a doctor*}
{Saria: *rolls over, crying*}
{greg: easy, bugbear, *picks her up* you're going to be fine!}
{Saria: *sobbing wildly, swinging nothingness--before a leg re-forms...and ends up kicking Greg in the knee*}
{greg: -RK- >~< i-it's ok. *places her on the couch* ok, breathe, iiiin, and out...}
{Saria: *panting, trying to calm her breath--then the whips start glowing, and turn back into limbs* "Wh...What’s happening?"}
Saria: *looks down* "I-I didn't handle that well..."
lukas: ....
genny: i couldnt even imagine how scary that must have been.
Monica: "Ha! That's just some pansy-ass wimpy shit. 'Oh, no, my hand transformed!' You never saw nothing as bad as what I saw."
{Teacher: "I said 'Sit down'!" *slams Monica down into her chair* "You're not excused!"}
{Monica: "GRK!" *looks up, glaring*}
{classmate: criminy, ramirez...}
{classmate 2: someone should put a muzzle on her.}
{Monica: "Let go of me! I'm done sitting here!" *struggles to get up--before she swings at the teacher--*}
{Teacher: *dodges--and slaps Monica across the face*}
{classmate 3: yoooo holy fuck!}
{classmate 4: *starts filming*}
{Monica: "... ... ..." *tenses up, holding back tears--before she tackles the teacher, brings up an arm--and slams it down--*}
{Teacher: *dodges--as a blade just cuts the side of his face*}
{-several classmates are screaming-}
{Monica: *staring, as her entire arm is a machete* "... ... ..." *griiiiiiiins* "I got it...I finally got it!"}
{classmate 5: *passes out*}
{Teacher: *SCREAMS, crawls away*}
hibiki: good lord, ramirez...did you kill the guy?
Monica: "Did I say Mr. O'Hara died? No? Then he ain't dead--...unfortunately. But I got expelled and got to transfer to the DWMA."
izumi: i bet your mom wasnt very happy about that... ^^;
Monica: "... ... ...You always know what to say to get me to shut up, Albarn..." *nervously sips her tea...*
preston: and you, miss zarya?
zarya:............*transforms her fist into a nailbat* they had it coming........
Axel: OwO;
Monica: "..." *slight shrug*
Stephanie: *pats Zarya's shoulders* "And look how good it turned out! We're all together here like one big dysfunctional class!"
yolanda: *sweatdrop* <-<;;;;
Asher: "...Huh."
{*there's a tonfa lying in Asher's bed...Asher should've been at school an hour ago*}
{-knock knock-}
{cassidy: asher, are you in there? this is the third time this week you've been late, you know.}
{Asher: *silent* "..."}
Asher: "I skipped school that day...and was 'missing.' Easier than explaining it to the parental unit."
cassidy: and as you could imagine, i was quite livid afterwards...
Spirit: "Ha! That takes me back...This one time I used my weapon ability to--" *stops, realizing who he's talking in front of* .w.;;;; "...I was a young stupid kid. Emphasis on 'stupid.'"
cassidy: ??
Spirit: "That was before I moved to Death City and started at the DWMA...Then met...him."
cassidy: him being....?
Stein: "May I borrow a cup of sugar?"
Spirit: *LOUD SHRIEK, falls back in his chair*
sachiko: how did you-
Stein: *holds up a spare key* "Thanks for letting me borrow one."
lukas: ...saria? are you feeling alright?
Saria: >~< "I-I can't get this recipe right. I've been racking my brain over it--" *head-desk*
lukas:.......are you sure that's the only thing bothering you?
Saria: "...You mean the weapon thing? Or...What?"
lukas: well....i-i dont know, but if you want to talk about anything, you can talk to me. we're partners, right?
Saria: "..." *wipes her eyes* "S-Sorry, I know. Thank you..." *forces a smile*
lukas: of course. now, for the recipe, it's important to determine the key ingredients.
Saria: "Right. Um...Souffle needs cheese...That's a lot of options, though."
Yafeu: *thumbing through mail* "???" *opens an envelope, pulling out photos*
preston: ??
Yafeu: "...HOLY MOLEY, JORGE GOT TALL!" *holds up a photo of some children in front of the orphanage*
preston: ah, i see.
Tezca: <Then he fired a shot--right at my head.>
quetzal: <yeowza!> *takes a sip of her yerba mate*
Tezca: <Yep. Of course, I wasn't in it--I used a spare for target practice with him.> *slices up a mango* <Ugh--this always makes my hands break out in hives...>
quetzal: <then why are you still eating it?>
Tezca: <Life is full of suffering to get to things you enjoy...> *nom* <...Thank goodness I wear a mask.>
quetzal: GYAHAHA! <you crack me up, lil man!>
Tezca: <That's one of my many talents--one reason they haven't fired my ass yet...If another Kishin Worshipper gets loose, I think I'll be--> *draws a finger across his neck, imitating slicing off his head*
Yukio: *holding a key...shakes a bit before he opens the door, revealing--*
Pheles Manor Maid: "???"
lilum: ....siiiir? you have a visitor.
Mephisto: "Oh, is the mail carrier? I have been waiting days for that delivery of the rare Asakusa variant and-- ..." *chuckles* "My, my, my, this is unexpected~"
Yukio: "...Sir Pheles. I would like a word. Alone."
Rin: *dialing* "...Damn it, he's still not answering." *hangs up*
Rin: "...Shiemi, how about I walk you home--then I can call whenever he gets back to the church or the dorms..."
Rin: *walks with her* "...I know it's been a weird day, but you've known Yukio long enough--I'm sure he can take care of himself on this..."
shiemi: yeah......
Rin: "...Has he said anything about what he's working on? He keeps running off for lab work."
*Deathbucks looks pretty busy...despite the glass window being shattered*
Jacqueline: ._. "Oh, gosh, what happened?"
kim: probably some rude customer or something.
Master: "Welcome." *his arm is bandaged*
DWMA CIA Agent: *staring at Kim*
kim: ..... haha, wow golly, i just LOVE abiding by the law! dont you? ^^;;;;
Jacqueline: ^^; "Yes, indeed..." *awkward shift to a chair*
Harvar: *walks in* "??? What happened--"
CIA Agent: "FREEZE!" *body-slams Harvar*
Master: -_-# *picks up the Agent by the collar*
Master: *throws the Agent out the door*
ox: um...... ._.;;;
Master: "...How about free fries?"
Harvar: @~@ "With ketchup...?"
ox: ok, what in sam hill is going on?!
Master: "We had an upset customer that the DWMA says is related to the Kishin."
kim: !!!
ox: s-seriously?
Jacqueline: "Are you okay? I mean, your arm is injured, but..."
Master: "Just stubbornly refuse to close for the day, so they sent the cops over to 'help.'"
kim: ....screw it, we'll help too.
Jacqueline: *nods*
Harvar: @~@ "Why..."
ox: we'll help too, but first i should get some ice for harvar and make sure he doesnt have a concussion.
Master: "The freezer in the back has some."
Amaimon: "Big bro, we're home. Rui came over for snacks."
*looks empty inside*
rui: ??
Amaimon: "Huh...They must be out or something..." *opens a cabinet* "This is where he hides his special cookies...Dig in."
*sounds like murmuring in another room--then a door slam*
rui: !!
Yukio: *storms out, covering his eyes*
Mephisto: "Don't be a stranger, Yu-Yu~"
rui: um....mr okumura?
Yukio: "???" *looks through his fingers* "Oh, Rui...Hello." *looks away from Amaimon* "I-I have an appointment..."
rui: ??
Amaimon: "Why were you visiting Big Bro, little guy?" *nom* "Workplace complaint?"
Yukio: "...Does Stocking know you two are here?"
rui: i dont think she does? why?
Yukio: "...Then you shouldn't be here--leave, before she finds out you came."
rui: um-
Amaimon: "Hey. I invited Rui--this is my home, too." *taps his staff on the ground* *staaaaaaaaares*
Yukio: "...I'll remember this in class." *turns to leave*
rui: oh jeez. .~.;;
Amaimon: "He probably just has low blood sugar." *offers a cookie to Rui*
Sansa: *tapping his fingers on the desk, staring at a map* "...I just got a bad feeling about that building, ever since the bar was shown in the city blueprints..."
takigi: hmm....
Tsukauchi: "Then there are the reports about that 'stapled' man." *shows a photo...his skin looks discolored*
officer: freaky.
Sansa: "But lately there has been little action in that building. We even tried thermo readings: if there is anything left in the building, it's likely roaches."
*the phone rings at Patchwork Labs*
valentine: hello? patchwork labs, nurse valentine speaking.
Stein: *sitting at Spirit's dinner table*
valentine: -_-;
Spirit: "He's been here all afternoon, flipping through photo albums, taking our snacks--"
Asher: "...What the hell is our teacher doing here?"
Stein: *waves at the kids* "Yo."
izumi: hello dr stein.
Stein: "Hi. I was catching up with your father about the old days. He ever tell you how he got the nickname 'Puddles'?"
izumi: um.... ._.
Asher: "...Go on."
Master: "I appreciate all your help--the customers responded well, especially in light of all the chaos the last day."
*Ox has a set of phone numbers on a notecard*
kim: no problem!
Harvar: *nods*
Jacqueline: "If you need anything, please call us--we're happy to help!"
Master: *nods*
Inka: *walking around--and spots Assault* "...Okay, Ritsu, what's his deal? He's been staring at the wall for an hour. Is he still stupid after the head injury?"
ritsu: *shrugs*
Assault: *staaaaaaaare*
{girl: *locked into a steel cage* LET ME OUT! PLEASE! I'LL DO BETTER! REALLY!!}
{Hood: *holds a stick to a fire nearby...walks up to the cage*}
{Boy: *doubled over, freaking out, looking more animal than human...*}
{girl: *sobbing* BROTHER! PLEASE! TELL THEM TO STOP!!}
{Boy: *pant..pant...* "..." *covers his head*}
{Hood: *shoves the stick into the cage--*}
{girl: please! i'll get stronger!! i will! just give me more time!!}
{*her clothes catch on fire*}
{girl: *SCREAMS*}
{Boy: *covers his ears, presses his head into the ground--and lets out an animalistic roar*}
{Hood: *to the others* "Let this be the example. And let us welcome our new brother...Assault."}
{girl: *sobbing* PLEASE DONT LET ME DIE!!}
{*the boy's screaming dies off...he stands...Assault stares blankly at the girl*}
{girl: *SCREAMING*}
Assault: "..." *gets up, walks past Inka--bumps into Ritsu* "...Sorry."
ritsu: it's fine.
Inka: -.- "Still trying to bump into pretty ladies, perv?"
Assault: "..." *keeps walking*
Tachihara: *sits at diner table* "Ugh, that could've gone better..." *his sleeve is ripped, he has a black eye* "Dad, can you order me some ice?"
hirotsu: already taken care of.
Waitress: "Okay, some ice, a cola, and some tea for the father and son. And you, ma'am?" *looks at Gin*
gin: raspberry iced tea and a steak.
Tachihara: "Oh, and chicken tenders and onion rings-- ...'Father and son'? Wha?"
hirotsu: thank you, ma'am. *sips his tea*
Waitress: ^^ "You're welcome, handsome. I'll be back with your orders." *leaves*
Tachihara: *thinking...thinking...light bulb!* "I DIDN'T MEAN ANYTHING BY THAT! That was a 'dad' slip!"
gin: sure tachihara, sure.
Tachihara: "SHUT UP, GIN!"
hirotsu: try not to slouch, its bad for your posture.
Tachihara: "Yes, sir." *sits up...then headdesks* "FUCK!"
hirotsu: language.
shinra:...huh, apperantly there's been sightings of some kind of creature hiding out near vulcan's place.
Akitaru: "Since he left, he's been trying to update security around the junkyard." *sets out a plate of cookies*
shinra: do you think we should investigate it?
Akitaru: "I would ask Vulcan--he's taking this personally. But he's also exhausting himself, so I think some gentle insistence will be key."
Vulcan: *loud bear snore*
lisa:.....i'll go with.
Akitaru: "You and Shinra will definitely provide muscle. I think you should bring someone else too, though."
shinra: how about viktor? or petra?
Akitaru: *imagine spot...*
{Viktor: *looking through mushrooms while someone jumps Shinra and Lisa from behind*}
{shinra + lisa: ack!}
{Petra: *yelling angrily while Shinra and Lisa cover their ears--and get attacked from behind*}
Akitaru: "...Take Petra."
*the sun is setting*
Harvar: *looks over at Ox* "You okay?"
ox: y-yeah...just a bit uneasy...
Harvar: "Was it about what happened at Deathbucks, or something else going on?"
ox: a bit of both i guess.
Harvar: "..." *sighs* "You think maybe you are moving on from Kim or..."
ox:...*sigh* i dont know...
Harvar: *looks at the phone numbers* "You got a lot of digits back there...Maybe you need to get your feet wet."
ox: i guess.
Shinoda: *jogs back into the house* "Hello--guess who just jogged around town? Oh, and I have the mail." *hands it to Setsuna*
setsuna: *looks*
*looks like mail for Mana, Mono, Shotaro, Emine, and Nea*
setsuna: mail call!
nea: oh goodie~!
Shotaro: *runs in on all fours like a dog*
Emine: *shoves Mono aside*
mono: ah! grr, you jerk!!
Shotaro: *rips open his envelope--and a kunai falls out* "???" *picks it up* *sniffs* "?!!"
*Nea's seems to be a box*
nea: oooh~
Shinoda: "Expecting something?"
*Mana also received a box*
mana: *looks*
*looks like a tacky Coney Island photo album with pics of Yoh in it--and a "I Heart LA" shirt*
mana: -_-;
*Mono has an envelope*
mono: *opens it*
*it's...military-style dog-tags?*
mono: !!
{???: "Yohei, Mono--you're on patrol."}
{mono: yes sir!}
{Yohei: "Sure you can see over the fences, squirt?" *hair tussle*}
{mono: >n< of course i can!}
{???: *smiles* "Yeah, yeah, get going, goofballs." *their dog-tags flash in the light* "I'll be back after the R&D meeting."}
Shotaro: "??? Mono? You there? Emine just asked you a question..."
mono: eh?
Emine: *aims a water cannon at Mono* "My new toy arrived in the mail."
mono: >n<##
Tool: *grabs it* "Nope." *tosses it into the backyard* "Take it outside..."
Yohei: *already looking at the dog tags* "..."
chie: .....
Yohei: "...Mono...These numbers..."
Dr. Sasaki: *washing dishes at the cabin*
ManBearFix: *tied to a chair, a bowl of porridge in front of him* -n-
*and someone is outside, looking through the window at Mimeca...*
*they seem to be bleeding...oil?*
mimeca: owo;
*they come to the door--and break through it*
mimeca: OxO;;
ManBearFix: "WHAT THE FUCK?!"
Dr. Sasaki: "..." *wipes her hands, approaches...*
???: *twitching* "Help..."
Dr. Sasaki: *spots robotic limbs on them* "...Bring them to the lab."
mimeca: .w.;;;
ManBearFix: "WHAT?! You're probably just going to rip 'em apart!"
Dr. Sasaki: "Better than a slow death..." *uses an extra arm to grab her med-kit from a shelf*
Viktor: *looking at the junkyard from afar with infrared binoculars*
shinra: -_-;
Petra: "...When you said you lived in a junkyard, I didn't realize it would be this level of 'junky.'"
lisa: let's just get this done with...
Viktor: *steps forward--*
shinra: WOAH!
Petra: "?!!! DUCK!"
*a giant log swinging on ropes is coming towards them*
lisa: almost forgot about that one!
Viktor: "Forgot what--" *standing up with a mushroom--*
Viktor: *goes flying*
shinra: *winces*
???: WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?
Petra: "?! I thought the junkyard would be abandoned..."
Viktor: *stuck in the tree, George of the Jungle style*
???: criminy, cant a guy scavenge in peace?!
-it looks to be some sort of possum man?-
shinra: welp, seems we found what we were looking for.
Petra: "??? Huh? Shinra, did you have those talking animals from China follow you?"
shinra: i dont think so.
???: *notices lisa and petra* *ahem* ladies~ *wink*
lisa: -_-#
Petra: "..." *grabs a stick, rolls up a sleeve, aims...*
lisa: alright you sonic the hedgehog looking motherfucker, who the hell are you and why are you here?
???: yikes, hostile much?
Petra: "You better talk fast--you're on someone else's property, and stealing is a sin."
???: alright alright! jeez miss snooty-pants! the names argit, and im just looking for anything worth selling down in sewertown.
shinra: sewertown?
Viktor: *dazed* "Ugh, that place...I hate that shortcut..."
shinra: ??
Petra: "You're not from the Nether, are you?" *tenses up on the stick*
lisa: alright then, 'argit', what exactly do we do with you now?
argit: well i can think of a few things~ hehe~
lisa:..... *TENTACLE SLAP*
argit: YEOW!!
Petra: -_-# "Let's just tie him up and check for other traps."
argit: for the record, no, i dont go near that place. place gives me the willies...
shinra: well this was a waste of time.
argit: rude.
Petra: "Are there others, though? A perimeter search may be worth it."
argit: lady, if there were others here, i would have sniffed them out by now.
Petra: "Really? That nose actually good at sniffing things out? Too bad it didn't clue you in on your own stench, sewer dweller."
argit: HEY! i'll have you know that im not just a pretty face. im also something of a 'dealer' and 'info broker'.
Viktor: *snaps back to attention* O_O; ("AW, CRUD.")
argit: ?? oh, hey vik.
Viktor: OnO#
Petra: "..."
*everyone turns and stares at Viktor*
shinra: how do you know his name? we didnt tell you any of our names!
argit: like i said, im an info broker, i know stuff, shinji.
shinra: it's shinra.
argit: yeah whatever.
Petra: "Yes, real reliable information." *eyeroll*
argit: *to lisa* so sweetcheeks, you related to that octopus girl that was with that creepy bird man?
lisa: ..............
shinra: GIOVANNI?!
argit: yeah, that guy.
Petra: "...I say we torture him."
Viktor: "For information?"
Petra: "That too."
argit: OwO;; aw fuck.
"Zack": *hanging up Christmas lights in the old Mafia storehouse* "That look pretty enough?"
hachi: it looks dumb.
riko: it really brightens things up.
"Zack": *sticks out his tongue at Hachi* "I think they're neat!" *grabs one of the poles from the second floor and slides down* "How's the kitchen looking?"
Sheep: *dragging a pressure cooker*
girl: still in progress. *looking at a checklist*
boy: we got the pulley system set up!
*someone's approaching the back door...*
Sentry: *looking through binoculars outside* "!!! We got company..."
girl: !!! *her arms become katana blades*
*the door opens, revealing someone carrying...grocery bags?*
*they pull down a hoodie, revealing a dorky hat and...lifts in their shoes?*
Chuuya: "..."
girl: oh, its just dad. *her arms change back to normal*
Chuuya: -_-# "Stop calling me that."
Sentry: "Did you bring soda, Pops?"
"Zack": "Did you make sure to get gluten-free snacks?"
Chuuya: *hands a bag to Hachi*
boy: thanks for bringing that grammer-phone.
Chuuya: *pulls out a record* " 'Gramophone.' And you're welcome." *hands it over* "Keep the volume low--can't draw more attention here."
boy: oh cool, van halen!
Chuuya: *opens his bookbag, emptying some books and toys* "And I got the medicine."
riko: thanks. we've finished putting the blackout curtains over the windows...
Chuuya: "What about the power generators? They working?"
riko: yeah, tink's been working nonstop.
'tink': *flashes a peace sign*
Chuuya: "Um, right...That just leaves finishing the plumbing."
Tachihara: *scribbles something in a notepad, pockets it...* ("...What are you doing, man...") *passes a run-down playground*
boy: pass the ball over here, bro!
Bro: "Here it comes--" *kick*
boy: haha!
Tachihara: "...Hmph." *walks--and the ball hits him in the back of the head, knocking him face-first into the grass*
boy: oh shi- dang!
Bro: ._.; "That one was too hard...Sorry, mister!"
Tachihara: *lifts his head up, bruised* *GROWLS...*
boy: WAH! RUN!! *grabs the ball and makes a break for it*
Bro: *follows*
Tachihara: =n=# *brushes himself off...sits on a swing*
Gin: "Kuniko? Have a moment?"
kuniko: yeah? whats up?
Gin: "This may be awkward, but..."
kuniko: ??
Gin: "I...never had a sister growing up, so, um..."
kuniko: and?
kuniko: um...ok sure.
Gin: "GREAT! ...What do you like to do?"
kuniko: well, there's a comic and game store i like to hang out at.
Gin: "Oh, that sounds fun. I'd like that."
Dr. Sasaki: *speaking into a recorder* "The subject seems to be bionic...I see some damage to the ribcage. Even with self-repairing parameters in his programming, whatever did this to him must have been quite powerful."
*the "subject" is lying in Mimeca's bed*
mimeca: *staaaaaaare*
ManBearFix: *still tied to a chair, rocking himself down the hall, up the stairs--and falls on his bear face* "FUCKING CRAP-APPLES!"
Subject: *bolts up awake, reaches out--and grabs Sasaki by the neck, eyes red*
Sasaki: *CHOKED*
mimeca: D8
Subject: *panting...calms down, releasing his grip* "Wh-Where am I?"
Sasaki: *collapses to her knees, gasping for air*
ManBearFix: *drags himself by the teeth into the room* "Yo, Mimeca! Who's Optimus Prime there?"
mimeca: *goes over to him*
ManBearFix: *looks at Mimeca* "This son of a bitch hurt you?"
mimeca: *shakes head*
ManBearFix: "Good. The doc dead yet?"
Sasaki: *GLARES*
Sasaki: "I was rebooting the subject. He seems to be techno-organic. I was about to log into the prison database to ascertain his identity and see what international police records show--"
ManBearFix: "Oh. It's Luke."
mimeca: *nod nod*
Luke: "...Yes? I'm Luke. I only just learned that after having my memories wiped--"
Sasaki: "How do you know him?"
ManBearFix: "I smashed his ass with a giant robot! I even broke his motherfucking spine!"
mimeca: <w<;;
ManBearFix: *covered in red laser dots* .w.;
mimeca: *stands in front of manbearfix, taking on mana's appearance*
Luke: "!!!"
{A series of flashbacks from the Robo Tournament and the I-Island Confrontation}
Sasaki: "...I'm lost."
Luke: "I-I know that feeling..."
ManBearFix: ^^;;;; *picks up Mimeca* "Let's chat--maybe you can tell us what Fear Factory is up to since you left..."
*past a bamboo forest is a facility...someone with a distinctive collar around their neck looks at the surroundings*
Scientist with the Collar: "..." *passes a hand over some bamboo*
*guards are patrolling*
"Collar": *gestures to one guard* "I'm just going to the waterfall. Or is that not allowed anymore?"
guard: ??
Guard 2: *shrugs* *speaking Mandarin* <I don't see a problem. She gets too far, and she'll be--> *imitates a head exploding*
guard: <right...>
Guard 2: *speaking English* "Go ahead. Be back by the time of your meeting with the Boss."
"Collar": *nods...* *walking away...*
{*Collar is choking on her own blood...*}
{*feathers fall...a toothy grin and mad eyes stare out through the darkness*}
{*a hand is offered to her...*}
Collar: *looking at the waterfall...and a village behind it* "..."
-children are playing with an older gentleman supervising-
Child 1: <I got another letter!> *waves it*
child 2: <oh cool! let me see!>
*inside are some photos of palm trees and beaches*
Child 1: <I hope teacher gets back soon...>
Kafka: *looking over files with a calculator*
Walter: *playing a game of checkers with the kids*
goethe: *staring up at the ceiling*
Hans: "??? What's wrong?"
Hans: "Oh. S-Sorry. ... I could read to you, if...that would help?"
goethe:....i'd like that.
Hans: "..." *pulls his head to her lap, takes up her book* "'The Chrysanthemum Robe would be resplendent...'"
goethe: =w= *nod nod*
Hans: "'Or so the princess thought. Really, she has never seen the robe, only heard the sweet words of her tailor...'"
goethe: *closes his eyes and smiles, just listening to her speak*
Hans: "'She always wanted to be seen as beautiful, but she was failing to see her own beauty within...'" *strokes his head*
iris: *looking out the window*
{sakura: look what i found! *holds up a photo album*}
{Hibana: "Been exploring again, Sakura?"}
{sakura: mhm! and look! *opens the book*}
{rose: is that sumire? she looked so young!}
{Hibana: "HA! Her eyes are still the same!"}
{sumire: oh? ah yes, that takes me back. *smile*}
{rose: who's this next to you?}
{sumire: that's sister Plumeria.}
{Hibana: "???" *looks at Plumeria's face* "...Huh."}
{sumire: she...returned to the flames, a long time ago...}
{Hibana: "..." *frowns* *picks up her chemistry books* *looks down* "???"}
{iris: *staaare*}
{rose: ?? who is this?}
{sumire: this is sister iris. she'll be living with us from now on.}
{iris: ....*looks at the floor*}
{Hibana: "... ... ...OH MY GOSH SHE IS SO ADORBS!" *glomp*}
{iris: !!!! OAO }
{Hibana: "HELLO, NEW SISTER!"}
iris:....*small smile*
shinra: you arent asleep yet?
iris: !! oh!
maki: hey, you're ba- ._.
argit: -__-#
maki: what the fuck is that?
shinra: long story.
Viktor: "I got new chemistry books!" *they are covered in garbage*
Relan: "...I knew it--rat people do exist."
argit: i aint no fuckin rat!
Relan: "EEK!" *pulls back*
Akitaru: "What's all the yelling after curfew?"
maki: looks more like a possum mixed with a porcupine.
argit: you got any booze here?
Takehisa: "Depends on who is asking."
-lisa explains-
nozomi: well, i suppose that solves the mystery then.
argit: yeah yeah, woo-hoo. seriously, is there no fuckin alcohol?
Vulcan: "Checks out, what with the sewer pipeline nearby." *sets out a can in front of Argit--a can of root beer*
argit:.... -_-# what do i look like, a 5 year old?
lisa: you said you had info on giovanni, right? so start talking.
argit: hey, i dont just give out info for free, toots. y'gotta pay up. usually i take cash, but i can think of...hehe...other, payment methods~ *wink*
argit: X_< OW!
Vulcan: *takes back the root beer* "Well, you're not getting any of this, you perverted jackass!"
Saria: *seated for breakfast, reading through books*
greg: morning, bugbear. ^^
Saria: *small grunt, still reading through the books* "..."
saria's dad: ??? you feeling ok?
Saria: "Hmm?" *looks up* "Oh! ...Sorry. Just trying to read..." *yawns* =-=
greg:....if there's anything bothering you, you can tell us.
Saria: "I-I know...Sorry. I didn't sleep well, and I'm worried about the cooking contest at school, and I can't find the right recipe..."
saria's dad: hey now, even if you dont win, whats important is that you at least tried and had fun, right?
Saria: "I-I worry I'm not trying hard enough..."
greg: oh, saria...*hug* whatever happens, your father and i love you, no matter what.
Saria: "..." *hug* TT~TT
shinra: *adjusting his tie*
Akitaru: "We're going to be short on people, and he is one of the few who isn't usually out in the field."
Viktor: "Not to worry--if there's an emergency, I know how to call you." *holds up a 1980s cell phone*
-and so…-
Pan: *carrying the casket* "..."
Takeru: *seated in a wheelchair, his leg stump elevated*
Arthur: *looking serious*
asako: *weeping*
Huang: *pats her shoulder*
Ogun: *inhales* *announces* "Soldiers...Salute." *leads the salute*
gwen: *does so*
shinra: *salutes*
Arthur: *salutes*
Takeru: *struggling to lift his arm*
Pan: *holding back tears as he and others carry the casket*
iris: *praying*
Hibana: *watching*
honda: cant believe shinmon didnt show up to at least pay respects. disgraceful.
Hibana: "Typical...I don't think he ever liked Arg recruiting the 7th."
gabriella: commander tennouji isnt here either...although given the current reputation of the 3rd...
Hibana: "...Can't really throw stones about that, either."
honda: in any case, i have a bad feeling about all of this.....
*the pallbearers set the casket down, ready to be lowered...*
shinra:.....*looks around*
*it looks like a lot of Shinra's former classmates are also present for the funeral...quite a gathering from people outside of Death City*
shinra: .....*spots burns and dia*
Burns: *watching the casket...approaches*
shinra: *looks away*
dia:....i see kotatsu isnt here....
Burns: "I'm not surprised."
shinra: *grips fist* (screw you, she's having a tough time enough as it is.......)
Burns: "It's already hard enough for members of the 4th to hold it together...It's time to let him pass."
*someone has set out the dirt to take to toss into the ground*
argit: *taps foot* uuuugh, booooring! hey vic, got anything to kill the time?
Viktor: "Want to see my new spores?"
argit: ...i meant something actually fun. what're ya even doing with these bozos anyway?
Viktor: "I was assigned here by Haijima Industries to monitor the 8th in hopes that they could acquire the supernatural power coursing through the feet of Shinra, at which point I could extend my research to the limits of human knowledge to undercover the truth behind SPH and thereby determine how to reverse the potential apocalypses approaching our world as planned by a group of white-cloaked weirdos that plan to turn the Earth into a second sun, killing us all in the glory of their imaginary god. ..." *holds out a bag* "Jelly bean?"
argit: .....sounds like a bunch of loonies.
Viktor: "No kidding." *pulls down a welder mask, grabs a torch*
argit: this is why i dont buy into that crap...you still work with that eyepatch guy?
Viktor: *slaps a hand over Argit's mouth*
argit: !?!?!
Viktor: "Ix-nay on the Oker-jay!"
argit: *muffled* <how come?>
Viktor: "No one here knows I know that guy!"
argit: <so? you and i are the only ones here!>
Viktor: "So the walls can have ears! And what if Tamaki heard?"
argit: who?
Viktor: "The girl in the bedroom?"
argit: oh.
Viktor: "Yeah--so button your...are these technically lips?"
argit: ..more of a snout, really.
Viktor: "Then button your snout." *lets go*
Haumea: *crosses out a photo of Arg*
ritsu: what's our next move?
Haumea: *holds up photos of Burns and Akitaru* "Tease out the next Pillar..."
Benedetto: *picks up a stick swings it* "En garde!"
edouard: >~<;;
Cervantes: "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" *runs up, leans down...and adjusts Bene's posture* "Like this. That is how to strike the enemy!"
Dumas: -_-# *sets out a children's book*
marquis: they seem to be having fun. ^^
Dumas: "I wish it was quieter..." *looking through the books* "How about this one?"
Axel: "--then I heard he threw up."
preston: heavens!
Asher: "Hmph. What'd he think would happen?"
izumi: what's going on?
Asher: "Zeke started talking about worst 'go to the infirmary' stories."
izumi: oh jeez.
izumi: ._.
Akitaru: *sits down...*
Death the Kid: ((Honda, pouring drinks for the commanders))
honda: *pours him a drink*
Akitaru: "Th-Thanks..."
Burns: *studying Akitaru*
Hibana: *holds out her glass* "Think Ko Paat can handle the commander job?"
honda: i think so. he sure knows how to keep his students in line, thats for sure.
Hibana: "...Was Arg in his right mind towards the end? I mean, the talk about seeing Hell and all..."
honda: hard to say....
Huang: "If the school is to continue to function, it will need support from the other brigades. Those present, anyway."
-in another room-
nozomi: h-hey ogun....how are you holding up?
Ogun: "...Just trying to keep it together, you know?"
nozomi: that's understandable.....i-if there's anything i can do to help at all....
Ogun: *nods* *forces a smile* "Th-Thanks...Glad to know there's someone to talk to."
shinra: we're here for you, man. *offers fist bump*
Ogun: "..." *bump*
Arthur: *spots someone*
iris:......!! i know! we should have a party!
shinra: a party?
iris: *nods*
shinra: good idea! we could watch movies, play games, eat snacks!
Ogun: "Heh...That could help..."
Arthur: *approaches Gwen*
gwen: ..........
Arthur: "Hey."
gwen:.....*tearing up*
Arthur: *offers a tissue*
gwen: *hugs him* i dont want to do this anymore!! *sobbing*
Carin: *glaring at Selim* "Can you not wipe that stupid grin off your face..."
Arthur: "..." *hug, pat pat*
selim:.....*head tilt*
Carin: "The Commander is dead, and the Captain--er, new Commander--Feh, whatever. What a shitshow..."
gwen: so many people keep dying! morgan....the commander....im so scared! i dont want anyone else to die!!
Arthur: "..." *nods* "I know. It's a reality of life..."
juria: *leaning against a wall, away from everyone else*
Kishiri: *standing with Vivian* "Asako is really taking it hard."
vivian: hnnn~ i really wish i knew how to help! maybe trip to the hot springs?
tao: warm food always helps me feel better!
Kishiri: "Sound good...When my granny died, it was a family trip we took..."
vivian: awww, torry!
juria: tch- i dont get why everyone's being all weepy about this. the old fart was gonna kick the bucket sooner or later.
Kishiri: *frowns* "He was murdered--that's pretty tragic, though.”
juria: ....
*seems Pan is not here...*
tao: ?? where is your new commander, miss oni?
juria: how the fuck would i know?
Yumi: *walking through a hall...spots Pan alone in his office* "???"
pan: ....oh, mrs death. salutations...
Yumi: "Hello. I wanted to thank you for the eulogy you delivered today."
pan: of course...*sigh*
Yumi: "...I also wanted to say that you have Death City's full support. The 4th has been an important institution for up and coming firefighters."
pan: right....im glad the DWMA has helped us out as well.
Yumi: "If you need anything, you have our number...I am sorry for your loss. I know it can't be easy."
pan:...you know, a part of me has always wanted to be a commander...i just didnt think it would be like this.
Yumi: "..." *takes a seat* "He was commander for a long time. Since you joined the 4th?"
tamaki:.........*stomach gurgles* .....*sits up and exits her room, with the blanket around her*
Viktor: *talking in the kitchen* "--then the watermelon went--" *moves his hand like a rocket flying through the air* "--SPLAT!"
argit: ha!
Viktor: *opens the fridge* "Want another one?" *looks into the hall* "Oh, hey, Tamaki."
tamaki:...hungry....*goes to get some cereal*
Viktor: *pulls out the milk carton* " 'Kay. Argit and I are going to work on something in the backyard."
argit:....so is he like a hikky-somethin?
tamaki: *walks over to the table....but trips on the blanket and falls, hitting her head on the edge of the table and gashing herself a bit* ......*whimpers*
argit: HA!
Viktor: "??? Oh boy..." *helps her up*
tamaki:....*her forehead is bleeding*
Komori: *walks in* "..."
argit:.....how many people you got hiding here, vic?
Viktor: "Quite a bit--we got a lot of space here."
Komori: *writes* <Tamaki, your forehead is bleeding. Let's bandage you up.>
tamaki:...*whimpers and nods, weeping*
Komori: *stares at Argit* "..."
argit: jeez, what a fuckin crybaby.....the fuck you lookin at?
Komori: <An asshole.>
argit: D8<
Viktor: ^^; "Let's all take a deep breath and calm down..."
Komori: <Is that your nose, or did a truck run over your face?>
argit: you callin' me roadkill, bitch?!
Komori: <I'm calling you a bitch, bitch.>
argit: OH THAT DOES IT! *fires quills at her*
*quills diverted--and pin Viktor by the shirt into the wall*
Komori: "..."
Viktor: Q_Q;
argit: ...well shit.
Komori: <Insult my patient again, and the damage will be so severe you'll be thankful I am your doctor.>
argit:...*crosses arms and pouts* *grumble grumble*
Komori: *nod* *guides Tamaki*
misaki: *walking through the graveyard* .....
*a crow has landed in a tree behind*
misaki:......*takes a seat*
Crow: "CAW!"
misaki:....why hello. *pulls something from her bag* would you like some bread? i was going to have this for lunch, but i probably dont need it.
Crow: "..." *flies down, lands at her feet* "..." *head tilt* *small caw*
misaki: *small smile* it must be nice to be a bird. you dont have to worry about things like fitting in or social status....you probably have plenty of friends with similar interests as you, so you probably never feel lonely......look at me, talking to animals about my problems. ^^;
Crow: *pecking at the bread*
*it sounded like a twig being stepped on...*
misaki: h-hello?
Crow: "...CAW!" *flies at something behind the tree*
misaki: ah-
Crow: *flies away...with a very long stick*
misaki: .....you probably have a family to go back to.....*sad smile* maybe they're right about me....im not meant to fit in with regular people....
Pumpkin: *behind the tree--missing an arm now* -_-### *holds his fingers in his other hand...and snaps them*
Crow: "ACK--"
*the arm swings back, knocking the Crow down*
misaki: ah!! *runs over*
Crow: *lands in the grass, dazed* @^@ "CAW?"
misaki: you poor thing. you arent hurt, are you?
Pumpkin: *the arm-stick is attracted back to his other hand, as he re-attaches it* "Damn winged monstrosities..."
Crow: *stands up, wobbling slightly...looks dazed*
misaki: *checking for any injuries*
*seems to be fine*
Crow: *flaps wings while on the ground*
misaki: *sigh*
Crow: "...CAW!" *flies at the tree again...*
Pumpkin: "Pain in the--?!!!"
Crow: "CAW!" *claws at Pumpkin's face*
misaki: ah! *runs over* wait!
Pumpkin: *knocked down* "AH!!" *swinging his arms*
misaki: !!! oh goodness!
Pumpkin: *freezes* ._.
Crow: *freezes* "..." *pecks once more at Pumpkin, before landing on Misaki's shoulder*
misaki: *reaches a hand out* are you alright?
Pumpkin: "..." *backs up*
misaki: i-it's alright, im not going to hurt you.
Pumpkin: "..." *silent, just staring*
misaki: *smiles* my name is misaki. what's yours?
Pumpkin: "What? Wait for what?"
misaki: i- uh..um.. w-well...
Pumpkin: "...Hmph." *he looks worse for wear after the crow attack*
misaki: i-if i said or did anything to upset you at all, im very sorry. im not...very good at talking to others.
Pumpkin: "...I've noticed."
misaki:....im sorry. i'll just go home now...
Pumpkin: "Wait!"
misaki: *looks back*
Pumpkin: "...Pumpkin."
misaki: ??
Pumpkin: "...Lord Pumpkin."
misaki: i see....it's nice to meet you, lord pumpkin. *smiles*
Pumpkin: "...You are by yourself."
misaki: ??
Pumpkin: "I've seen you...alone..."
misaki: oh....well, i dont have many friends. i mean, yes, i do talk to some people at school, but i dont feel particularly close to any of them...
Pumpkin: "You're here often. Because..."
misaki: ...my parents are buried here...
Pumpkin: "...I gathered as much...How..."
misaki:...they died in a car crash.
Pumpkin: "...I see."
Pumpkin: "I'm...sorry."
misaki: i-it's fine. im used to it.
Pumpkin: "It's not..."
misaki: ??
Pumpkin: "...fair."
misaki:.....are you alone?
Pumpkin: "?! What?"
misaki: s-sorry! i-i mean- w-what i was trying to say was-
Pumpkin: "I-I'm--"
misaki: do you have a family?
Pumpkin: "...No longer."
misaki: ....oh...
Pumpkin: "..." *nods*
misaki:.....do you have anywhere to stay?
Pumpkin: "And you...?"
misaki: i live not too far from here. *points toward the woods* my family's home is that way....
Pumpkin: "...So, a neighbor of sort."
misaki: are you staying somewhere close by?
Pumpkin: "..." *nods*
*in the DWMA library*
Saria: >~< *carrying a tall stack of books*
*looks like someone else is also walking with books, coming from the other direction...*
genny: you sure you dont need extra help with that?
Saria: "No, no, I'm okay... *grunt* Just need one more book around the corner--"
Saria: "EEK!"
*books go flying*
genny: YIPE!!
Poe: "EEP!" *his stack of books falls, one hitting him on the head*
genny: s-sorry!
Poe: "I-I'm sorry!"
Saria: "No, I am! I wasn't looking!" .~.; *gathering her books* "Sorry, Mr. Poe..."
Poe: *gathers his books* "Quite alright...I have to hurry and get these to the Occult Club." *runs off with his books...including one cookbook*
Saria: *picks up books, including one by Sterling Rodgers: 'Serving Others'*
genny: um...
Saria: "Huh...This wasn't on my list?" *flips through* "Oh! Look at this recipe!" *it looks like a cheesecake dish*
genny: *looks*
*the table of contents show quiche, muffins, an appendix of herbs*
genny: hmm.....
Saria: "..." *smiles* "I got a good feeling about this one!" *gathers the stack* "I can't wait to try it! Let's go!" *runs to the check-out desk*
Poe: "Hello! Sorry! I was late--all that paperwork for the rare volumes." *sets them down* "I think this is all of them. Let's see...'Bohme's Masonry,' 'Lesser Key of Solomon,' 'Mrs Kiel's Rustic Home Cooking'-- ... ... ..." ._. *flips through the last one* "...Jeepers. This _is_ spooky..."
rowena: *looks* ._. oh...oh dear....i think there might have been a slight error. ^^;
Poe: *flips through his notepad* "Let's see...Yes, this one was not on the list. Hmm...Which one is missing?"
alice:.....i am kind of hungry...
Goldie: "..." *hops onto the bed*
Goldie: *nuzzle, sympathetic growl*
Meme: "It is so easy getting lost around here--it's like Death City, only more European."
mio: no kidding. even japan felt like a labyrinth to get through...
Meme: "Yeah! But we got through it, and we'll get through this!"
*ZOOM OUT, revealing they are lost in an alley*
Meme: "...Soon enough."
0 notes
trassellynn · 4 years
Fandom: Six of Crows  Rating: Mature Warnings: Horror, Blood and canon typical violence, Haunted House!AU Ao3 link here. Chapter undercut.
WYLAN. The poltergeist (Part 1) I hadn't ever been in that house. And yet, I felt like I already knew it well, when we arrived. It wasn't because of the map I had studied those days: somehow, I remembered in details the  description Uncle Karl gave of it, that single time we met. I didn't know how it was possible, since I was only a child, at that time. I didn't even remember well my uncle's face, but every single words he told me about the house was perfectly stuck in my mind. When I found myself in front of that immense manor, I instinctively smiled. “Hi,” I thought. “We finally meet, then. Face to face.” A sudden, weird feeling filled my chest. I don't know how but... I felt... I felt like the house didn't greet me back. In the same moment, Trassel started growling and a tiny voice in my head told me it didn't matter I was a Van Eck, it didn't matter my name was on the property contract. I wasn't welcome there. “You told us almost every room has a story...” Matthias had just taken Aenya's cradle in his and Nina's room, with little to no effort. He placed it next to the huge bed and fixed the little sheet and pillow. “Yes, that's what my uncle told me” I replied, holding the little girl in my arms and checking if the room was clean and tidy. People who worked for my uncle left quite quickly after his death, but they had done a good job. After days, there was almost no dust on the floor and furnitures. Matthias straightened his back, smiling. He wore the sleeves of his shirt rolled up, baring his huge forearms. “I wonder if there's a story also for this one” he said. “Oh, yes, there is!” I answered, approaching him, as Aenya started playing with my bow tie, undoing it. “It was the room of a Khaelish lady, over a century ago. She almost never went out of it. I don't know if she was willing to stay inside or if her family kept her locked.” “The second option would be atrocious” the Fjerdan commented, approaching us. Seeing him, Aenya's mouth curved in a wide smile and she immediately stretched her little arms towards him, joyfully shrieking. “Yes, love!” Matthias replied with a squeaky voice, as I let him take the baby girl in his arms. “Come to papa, love!” His blue eyes were filled with adoration, as she started touching his beard, laughing. “I'll go to check the others' rooms” I smiled, kissing Aenya's plump cheek, before walking out of the bedroom. I almost reached the staircase, when a sudden, loud thud made me gasp. I turned around: one of the paintings on the wall had just fallen. “Wylan?” Matthias's giant figure appeared in the aisle: “Is everything okay?” “Yes,” I answered, approaching the fallen painting and carefully kneeling. “This painting has fallen. It made me loose years of life...” “Be careful,” the giant said, as Aenya started to playfully bite his jaw. “Are there many splinters?” I checked the glass that protected the accurate representation of the manor. “Actually... no. Not even a scratch.” I placed the painting at its place, staring at it for a while. The glass had to be extremely resistant, to survive to such a fall. “Well... that's good,” I commented. “We won't risk to get hurt.” “Definitely.” the Fjerdan replied, kissing his daughter's forehead. I felt his concern: those days, Aenya had learnt to crawl on the floor. If the glass had broken, she would have risked to injury herself far worse than all of us. I gave her and Matthias a smile, then I reached the staircase again. Suddenly, when I placed my hand on the handrail, I felt a thrill running down my back. But it was only for a moment. I couldn't sleep, that night. The bed was quite cosy, the room was large and elegant and there wasn't any noise that could bother my sleep, from the outside And yet, I laid awake, on my side, with my eyes open and Jesper's arm around my waist. I couldn't help but stare at the closed door, as I was expecting to see it opening by moments. Suddenly, some weird, faint but clear noises started to tickle my ears. I gasped, clenching Jesper's wrist and shaking it. “Jes...” I whispered. “Jes... do you hear this?” My boyfriend grumbled, slowly moving his legs: “Mmh... what?” “These... noises...” I replied, anxiety raising into my chest. “Don't you hear them too? What can they be?” “Nina and Matthias, probably.” “No, Jes... it's not that kind of noises... it's more like... steps... furnitures dragged on the floor... voices...” Before I could finish my sentence, the portrait next to the door, that represented uncle Karl during his youth, fell, in the same way of the painting outside of Nina and Matthias' bedroom. Jes winced, as I swore behind my teeth. “What the...” he murmured. “Stupid portrait...” “It happened this morning too, shortly after we arrived,” I explained. “There's... there's something weird in this house...” “Well, it's quite old, I would be surprise it hadn't any problem... do you want me to put the portrait back at its place?” “No, no... I'll do it.” Maybe I had just been paranoic. Maybe my constant fear to be unworthy of my family's name made me imagine everything, even that a house was telling me I was unwelcome. I approached the fallen portrait, feeling incredibly naive and stupid. “I'm probably a bit nervous,” I commented, hanging the picture on the wall. As I expected, the glass was perfectly intact: uncle Karl or the ones who lived there before him had obviously found a very good artisan. I stared at uncle Karl's portrait for a while: I didn't remember him well, since the only time I saw him I was only a child, but I had a memory of a tall, skinny man, whose red hair were turning grey. I couldn't help but notice his younger self looked a lot like me: his big, blue eyes, his soft auburn locks, the freckles on his nose... Yes... we looked much alike... “Wy?” A hand on my shoulder made me wince, like I had just woken up from a long, deep dream. “J-Jes?” I murmured. “You scared me...” “Oh, you have no idea how much you scared me, merchling,” he replied. “I did... what?” Jesper frowned: “I fell asleep again, while you were fixing the portrait. When I woke up, you were still standing in front of it.” I blinked confusedly: “I... I have just put it at his place...” “No, Wy. It was about one o'clock when you went out of the bed. You have been standing there for an hour...” I looked at the round clock on the wall: five minutes past two. I froze: “How... how is it possible? I thought...” Did I feel asleep in front of the portrait, managing somehow to stand on my feet? “I cannot understand...” I murmured. Jesper placed the inners side of his wrist on my forehead, checking my temperature: “You're so pale... do you feel sick?” “No, no... I'm just... confused...” I shrugged. “Maybe I'm just a bit stressed. I feel the project on this house as a huge responsibility...” “We're here to help you,” my boyfriend smiled, kissing the tip of my nose. “Come back to bed, merchling. You need to rest, we've got a lot of things to do, this weeks.” I didn't feel well rested at all, the next morning. Jes had to call me twice to wake me up and, when we went to the kitchen, almost all our friends were already there, except for Inej and Nina. “Good morning!” Kuwei smiled. He and Inga were in front of the stove, both wearing an apron. A delicious smell of coffee, tea and pancakes was filling the room. “Tea or coffee?” the little girl asked. I let myself fall on a chair. In front of me, Matthias gave me a little smile: he was feeding Aenya, who was sat on his lap, with some fruit yogurt. “Coffee,” I murmured, rubbing my hands on my face. “Double coffee, maybe.” “You've got horrible eyebags, Wylan,” Kaz said, giving me a quick glance over the newspaper he was reading. “Did you stay awake, last night?” “I... I had a strange night... I heard...” “Noises?” Matthias asked, raising his blue eyes on me. He stopped the hand that was holding the teaspoon with yogurt in mid air and Aenya immediately grabbed his wrist, protesting with a little shriek. He smiled, approaching the little spoon to her mouth. “Sorry, love... what were you saying, Wylan?” “I heard noises. Do you hear them too?” The Fjerdan nodded: “I woke up more than once because of weird noises. I also tried to check where they come from, but I found nothing.” “Inej saw someone in her bedroom, tonight” Kaz added, making all of us wince. “But we found no one.” “This house is quite old,” Kuwei suggested, placing a plate full of pancakes on the table. “It's not so unusual to old houses to make weird noises, I heard some too, last night. Not to mention the design here is somewhat... spooky. I think it's easier to let scary thoughts influence us.” “You're probably right” I sighed, thanking Inga with a smile when she took me a large cup of coffee. I frowned a bit seeing she was looking at someone behind my back, a little smirk on her lips. “Are you okay, Inga?” I asked, turning around. She widened her smile: “Oh... oh, yes.” She seemed to be about to add something, when Inej and Nina entered the kitchen, with Trass by their side. “Good morning, ladies!” Jes greeted them. “How are you?” “Kaz told us you didn't sleep well too, Inej,” I said, taking a sip of coffee. The young woman shrugged, taking place between Kaz and Jes: “I... I think I was just tired.” She actually looked much more nervous than she wanted to show, but I decided not to force her to share her thoughts. Once we finished our breakfast, I went back to my and Jes' bedroom, to pick my painting set. That morning I had to repaint the walls of the bathrooms at the first two floors and I was quite excited, but I soon realized there was something wrong. Before going downstairs to have breakfast, I had left the painting set on the bedroom but, once I entered the room, it wasn't there any more. “What the...” I murmured, starting to frantically looking around. “Jes! I called. “Jes, do you...” I got no answer, but I didn't need it: my painting set box was on the top of the large wardrobe that faced our bed. I frowned: how did it end up over there? Maybe Jes just played me a prank... “That's so funny...” I commented, grabbing a chair and placing it next to the wardrobe. I mounted on the chair, stretching my arms to grab the box, but I soon realized I also had to raise on my toes. I suddenly felt incredibly vulnerable, in a precarious balance. And then... that sensation again, the sensation there was something behind my back. Something that was slowly approaching me. I froze, completely unable to turn around. My limbs stilled, I had the impression to be trapped into a block of ice. I could barely breathe. Light steps behind me. Rustles. My uncle's portrait fell again. And then, something cold, two cold, scrawny hands, grabbed my bare ankles, making me scream. I lost my balance and fell backwards, stiffening my muscles, expecting the painful impact with the ground. But instead, I landed into familiar arms, hitting my back against someone's chest. “Merchling!” I turned my head, so I could look into Jes' eyes. My whole body was trembling. “J-Jes...” I whispered. “There... there was...” “What, in the good name of Aunt Eva, were you doing?” “I...” I looked around, expecting to see my mysterious attacker, but there was no one in the room, except for us. And, what was even weirder, Uncle Karl's portrait was still on the wall. Was it possible Ihad  imagined everything? “I needed my painting set. Did you put it over there?” Jesper frowned, his eyes going from me, to the box on the wardrobe: “No, I didn't. Wait, I'll take it down for you. Are you okay?” I took a deep breath, nodding: “Yes, I'm fine.” The double coffee effect hadn't probably started working yet. I told myself that frightful experience had to be a consequences of the previous night. But there was something I still couldn't explain: who put my painting set on the top of the wardrobe? My suspects grew deeper in my mind the following days. And it wasn't because of the objects that kept on disappearing and reappearing in wrong places:  all my friends had started to act weirdly, they looked nervous, restless, the moved around the house like they expected to be attacked by moments. Jes was not excluded. From the second night, I noticed there was something different in his glance, I could read a pinch of anxiety in his greenish-grey eyes, especially when he found himself in front of a mirror. It was about midnight when I laid on the bed, physically exhausted but, for some reasons, not sleepy as I expected. “Are you okay, Jes?” My boyfriend, who was sitting on the mattress, his back rested against the headboard of the bed, nodded in a distract manned, his eyes fixed ahead. He didn't seem to be okay at all. I propped up on my left elbow, giving him a worried glance: “Are you sure?” Jesper shook his head, blinking: “Yes, yes, I was just thinking...” “Thinking of...?” He gave a quick nod at the mirror that had been fixed next to the wardrobe, on the left. From my perspective I could see my bedside table reflected on its surface. “Thinking of... the mirror?” “I find it creepy...” “Creepy?” I frowned waiting for an answer, but Jes shrugged, laying down: “Just an impression. Better trying to sleep, we've got so much things to do these days. Goodnight, merchling.” “Goodnight...” It wasn't typical of Jes, being so elusive, there was clearly something more about his impressions on the “creepiness” of the mirror. But, at the moment, I didn't try to investigate, Maybe I didn't want to do it because... because I was afraid. Afraid of being forced to admit that his impressions were so much similar to my impressions. And if we both felt there was something weird, something bad in that house... maybe... maybe we were right. Maybe it wasn't just an impression. Those thoughts were scary, too scary. That's why I made a terrible mistake, deciding to suppress them. I managed to sleep for about four hours, then, out of nothing, I woke up, feeling terribly thirsty. I took a look at the bedside table, swearing behind my teeth when I noticed I forgot to bring a bottle of water. Snorting, I slowly got up, rubbing my eyes and paying attention not to wake Jes, then, barefoot, I walked out of the room, going downstairs to the kitchen. The unnatural silence that surrounded me made several thrills run down my back, but I kept on repeating myself to not get impressed. It was just a house. Just a house. I reached the kitchen with no troubles and, for a while, I almost felt relieved, so relieved I didn't even feel the necessity to turn the light on. I took a small bottle of water out of the fridge and I opened it, taking a few sips. It was in that moment I heard a noise behind me. My fingers clenched the bottle so hard my knuckles almost went white. I slowly turned around. There was no one in the room... no one I could see. But I felt that presence... I felt it clearly. “Who is it?” I asked, my voice trembling. I got no answer for a while. Then, the table started to move. At its own will. I widened my eyes, almost forgetting to breathe. Yes, the table was moving. It made little movements, little sprints, hitting some of the chairs around it. Little sprints towards me. At the same moment, the clock hands started to spin, faster and faster, and the sink trembled, spitting a disgusting flush of dark water. I opened my mouth to scream, but no sound came out of it. The table moved faster, reaching me, hitting me on the stomach and taking my breath away. I lost the grip on the bottle, that fell to the floor, crashing, and, soon after, my knees were on the glass chippings. Tears ran down my cheek, my arms were wrapped around my aching stomach and the skin of my legs was filled with small, painful injuries. Before I could do anything, I felt a hand grabbing my hair, fiercely tugging them. It was in that moment I found the strength to scream. The light turned on and somehow... somehow I realized I was still standing on my feet, with the intact bottle in my hand. “Hey!” Kuwei entered the kitchen, giving me a little smile and approaching the fridge: “Are you hungry too?” I blinked confusedly, looking around: the table and the chairs were at their place and the clock hands diligently indicated it was seven minutes past four in the morning. No traces of blood on my pants, no stomach pains... “Wylan?” I shook my head, awakening from my thoughts: “I... I just went to take a sip... I should keep a bottle on the bedside table, at night...” “Yeah, the weather is so hot,” my friend commented, picking a small strawberry pastry. A doubt started to torment my mind. “Kuwei... didn't you hear anything weird, tonight?” The Inferni shook his head, swallowing the first bite of his pastry: “No, why?” How was it possible? Didn't he hear the table moving? Didn't he hear me scream? I looked at the bottle in my hand. There was no explanation on what I lived just a few moments before. “Nothing. It doesn't matter. Goodnight, Kuwei.” I went back to my bedroom, trying to repeat myself again that I had imagined everything, that my mind had played me a cruel trick, that it was just an impression. But, deep in my soul, I had already started to doubt about those words.
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trassellynn · 4 years
SoC AU: The Haunting of Kree Manor - Chapter 2
Ao3 link here Plot: The Crows spend a week in a haunted house.  Undercut, the first part of the first tale.
INEJ. “The masked figure” Part 1 We arrived at Kree Manor on Friday, late in the morning. We moored the boats at the little dock on the Southern side of the island and, after walking through a thick grove, we finally arrived at a huge garden. There were no gates,n or walls, around the house. All we saw was a large labyrinth, made of hedges with small, dark green leafs, a quiet lake, a dry fountain and many, many statues. And the manor was... it was fascinating and terrifying at the same time.  It was so big it almost looked like a castle. The walls were old and dark, but still in good conditions, and its roofs had pointy, sharp shapes. And the windows... there were so many windows you had the impression to stand in front of a monster with thousands, dead eyes. “Well,” Kaz said, registering every details with his wary glance. “Old style, looks a bit creepy... but it has a lot of potential. Painting the outside walls with lighter colours will make it more appealing. Let's check the situation inside.” I exchanged a quick smile with Nina, who was holding Aenya in her arms. The little girl was playing with her mother's necklace and seemed not to mind the scary building in front of us. “Do you think we can take a bath in the lake?” Nina asked me. “The weather is quite hot, these days...” “I don't know...” “Yes, we can,” Wylan answered, fixing the bag on his shoulder. “The first and last time I met my uncle, he told me he was used to swim every evening in the lake, even in winter. It's definitely cleaner than the sea in the bays of Ketterdam...” “Well, I bet only Kaz's soul is dirtier than the bays of Ketterdam” Jesper giggled, making Matthias nod with enthusiasm. “Do you want to enter the house or are you going to lose your time standing there and saying idiocies?” Kaz echoed, giving us a severe look. Hiding an amused smile, we reached the door entrance but, when Wylan inserted the key into the lock, a growl caught our attention, making us turn around. Trassel had taken a few steps backwards, baring his teeth, his white, large body in a defensive position. Inga and Matthias immediately knelt next to him, caressing his fur. “Trass!” “Hey, mate, what is it? What's the problem?” “He seems to dislike the house...” Kuwei noticed. “Well, I'm sure he'll think differently, when we'll turn it into a luxurious hotel” Kaz replied. “Stop losing time, now.” We went swimming in the afternoon, after lunch. We had no idea how it was possible, but the water of the lake was so clean... I mean, not a single leaf or trace of dirt on the surface. It looked like someone was taking care of it everyday, but... it was absurd, since Wylan's uncle had died weeks before and we were the first ones to visit the house, after his death. Well... at least, it was what we believed... Jesper, Wylan and Kuwei were taking a swimming competition, Nina and Matthias were... well, sharing a moment together and Inga was playing with Aenya, pretending to give her some swimming lessons or placing her on Trassel's back. I dipped my feet in the water, enjoying the refreshing sensation on my skin, then, I turned my head, calling Kaz who was still standing on the shore. He was the only one who was still out of the water and his mind seemed to be far away from there. “Kaz?” His dark eyes met mine. “Go ahead without me,” he replied. “Maybe I'll join you later.” “The water is amazing!” I said, taking a few steps ahead and instinctively looking down. I didn't meet my reflection, on the surface. I didn't even met a face. A dark shape, something that looked like a hooded figure with a white mask was staring at me. The mask had an old design and... and a creepy smile, like an ugly, empty half-moon between the cheekbones. I blinked confusedly, taking a little step backwards and... and then I found myself staring at my own reflection. “Inej, are you okay?” I nodded, without turning my head, and, for a moment, my heart lost a beat when I heard Nina asking: “Hey, who's there?” I frantically tried to individuate the masked figure on the surface of the water, but I soon noticed my friend was staring at the opposite shore. “Who?” Jesper asked. “Where?” Nina pointed at something. One of her arms was still wrapped around Matthias' neck. “I saw a figure, behind that tree.” “It was wearing a mask?” I instinctively asked, the words came out of my mouth before I could even realized it. Nina shook her head: “A mask? No. But it was a woman, I'm almost sure.” “Do you want me to go to check?” Kaz asked. “I'm the only one still on the land...” The young woman hesitated for a while, then, she shook her head: “No, don't worry. I probably imagined it.” Part of me wanted to tell my friends about the vision I had a few moments before. Part of me wanted to tell Kaz yes, please, go to check, I don't feel safe. But... I don't know why, no sounds came out of my mouth. And once I completely immersed into the water, that weird feeling was washed away. At least... until that same night.... I chose an elegant, small room for the night. It was on the third floor and it directly communicated with Kaz's. There were a large, rectangular window, with a thick curtain; a tall, antique wardrobe that I struggled to open, the first time I tried, and... in front of the bed, on the opposite wall, there was a huge mirror. Well, actually there were three mirrors, the larger one was fixed in the middle, the other two were its wings and I could move them, so I could reflect my entire figure from different perspectives. I loved it. I spent several minutes, wearing my nightgown and braiding my hair, playing with the movable parts of the mirror. And when I went to bed, after wishing goodnight to my friends, I decided to let the reflective wings wide open. I fell asleep almost immediately but... I woke up a few hours later. It was almost the four o'clock in the morning. I tried to grab the glass of water on the bedside table, when a sudden thrill ran down my back. Before I could see it, I felt there was someone in my room. I immediately jumped out of the bed, the knife I had hidden under the pillow in my hand. The temperature in the room suddenly dropped, making me shiver, silver clouds of vapour came out of my mouth. For a moment, I told myself I was still sleeping and having a very weird dream. Nothing made sense, in that moment. And then... I instinctively looked at the mirror and, without realizing it, I approached it, my legs were moving at their own will. I have no idea how much time I spent in front of that mirror, staring at myself, my fingers clenching the knife. Suddenly, something moved in the shadow, behind me. Next to my bed, a tall, dark figure raised on their feet. My heart lost a beat: it was... them. The masked person. I see them clearly, through the mirror. I quickly turned around, raising my knife, ready to fight, but... but no one was there. Was it possible I had had a hallucination twice in a day? The air was cold, around me. My skin was filled with thousands, small chills. I turned to the mirror again, I wanted to close the movable wings to hide it. A scream from my mouth: the masked person was there, right behind me. Their hand caught my shoulder and I... I could feel it, I could feel the cruel grip. Sometimes... sometimes I still feel it. My knife fell on the floor and somehow I managed to get free, running to the door that communicate with Kaz's room and almost breaking through it, calling his name. In less than a moment, I was in his arms, he had probably woken up the first time I screamed. “Inej! Inej, what is it?” My throat was like an iced, desert land. Somehow, I managed to tell him there was someone in my room. Kaz let me go, he grabbed his cane and entered my room, his eyes were dark, furious, burning flames. I felt I had to go with him, to help him to find the intruder, but my limbs were frozen and everything I could do was waiting, crouched on the floor. “There's no one, here,” he finally said, coming back to his room and handing me my knife. “I... I hadn't imagined it!” I immediately cried. “There was someone, a tall, human figure, with a white mask... they touched my shoulder, I felt it! It was real, kaz, I know that!” “Hey, hey...” he whispered, kneeling in front of me, touching my skin for a brief moment. “You're... freezing...” “The temperature in my room suddenly dropped,” I sobbed. “I know it's absurd, these spring days have been hotter than usual, but, when I woke up... it was like being in winter, and...” “Do you want to sleep here, with me?” Shivering, I nodded. Kaz locked the door that separated our rooms, then, he helped me stand up, taking me to his bed. We laid down in the same position we sleep in, when we share a bed: back to back, so no one can catch us by surprise. And... contrary to my expectations, I slept well until morning. No masked people came to bother my dreams. For a couple of days, things seemed to go better. There was a lot to do, to check, to tidy in that house, we alternated work with enjoyable activities and this helped me a bit to keep the masked figure out of my mind for the most of the time. But I couldn't help but feel a thrill every time I entered my room. I kept the movable wings of the mirror closed, I was afraid to see again that person behind me, if I dared to look at my reflection again. For a moment, I almost tried to tell myself that, maybe, the masked person wasn't real, that my mind had simply played me a cruel trick. But I soon discovered I wasn't the only one who experienced something scary and weird, in that house. Wylan complained about objects that moved, disappeared and appeared in other places, Kuwei said he heard kids' steps and voices, Trassel was often in a bad mood... one by one, we all became wary and nervous and we tried to keep our minds busy as much as we could. On the third night, I woke up again. I was afraid to see the masked figure, but, somehow, I realised everything was quiet. The glass on my bedside table was empty. I didn't remember I had drunk all the water, but I didn't mind much about it and I went down to the kitchen, to fill it again. The kitchen was on the ground floor, on the west wing of the house. To reach it from the stairway, I had to walk down the ample entrance hall, then, there were two other smaller aisles, the second one directly led to the kitchen. When I arrived at the entrance hall, my attention was immediately caught by something, or better, someone who was lying on the ground, face up, with legs slightly apart and a hand rested on the stomach.   My eyes widened and, for a moment, I almost forgot how to breathe. “Nina!” I gasped, running to my friend and kneeling next to her. “Nina, what are you doing here? Nina, can you hear me?” I frantically checked if she was hurt, if she was still breathing... and I soon realized she actually seemed to be okay, to sleep quite peacefully. When I touched her cheek again, she finally opened her eyes, letting a little moan out of her mouth and blinking confusedly. “Inej?” she murmured. “What are you doing in my room?” “Oh... I... we're not in your room...” I replied. “We're on the ground floor, on the entrance hall... can you see the entrance door?” She slowly moved her head, focusing the environment all around us, then, she simply said: “Oh...” I tried to add something, when heavy footsteps announced someone was coming downstairs. Matthias' voice reached our ears. “Nina!” he called, trying to keep his voice low. “Nina, love?” “She's here!” I replied, whispering. His blue eyes widened and his face became pale, when he saw his wife laid on the floor. “Nina! Oh Djel, oh Djel, love, are you hurt? Are you...” “I'm fine...” she lazily murmured, while we where helping her to sit up. “Take me to bed.” “I found her here” I explained. “Maybe she has walked in her sleep...” “I think so...” Matthias sighed, giving a worried glance in the direction of the staircase. “She... she walked downstairs while sleeping... Djel...” He took her in his arms: “I'll take her back to bed... are you okay?” “Yes,” I showed him the glass. “I was just going to take some water.” “Okay. Thank you, Inej. Goodnight.” “Goodnight.” I stood up, trying to ignore the uneasy sensation that was growing in my chest, and I walked to the kitchen, silence surrounded me. I poured fresh water in the glass, I drank it, then I half-filled the glass again, walking back to my room. I was at the end of the second aisle, I had almost reached the entrance hall, when silence was broken by a whisper behind my back. My heart jumped into my throat, while I slowly turned around, knowing what I was going to see: the masked figure was there, a few metres from me. The glass fell from my hand, crashing on the floor. I tried to face the terrifying apparition, but I was trembling and my throat hurt. “Who... who are you?” I rasped. “What do you want?” The figure didn't answer. They simply pointed at me, with their long, crooked finger, then they started walking towards me, slowly. I picked some pieces of the glass, throwing them at the scary vision, then I fled. Something, in my mind, was telling me to be brave, to face them and fight them. I was Captain Inej Ghafa, I had never run away from an enemy. But... but that enemy wasn't like the others. That enemy wasn't... human. The figure followed me, upstairs. It walked slowly, but it was always behind me. When I reached the third floor, I directly entered Kaz's room, locking every door and sliding into his bed. He was awake. His back against mine was somehow reassuring. “I cannot sleep too,” he whispered. “I'm ready to give a proper welcome to every piece of shit who's haunting you.” I didn't reply. I was trembling, I felt cold. All I wanted to do was falling asleep until morning. And eventually... eventually it was what I did.
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