#as always tumblr posting format for gifs >>>>>>>>>>> twitter's
petorahs · 1 year
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jesus christ the quality. anyway stills !!
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holygroundsound · 1 year
i know a lot of fellow former twitter users are a bit confused by this app, so here’s some hopefully helpful tips!
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this is what you should see at the bottom of the screen when making a new post
the first button (Aa) lets you change the size of your font into a bigger heading or subheading, or even make your text a cursive or times new roman type font
it also lets you make these bulleted lists! to use it, just tap multiple times until you get the setting you want
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tap this button to add links, then just type the site name in the box and hit return. for example: http://heresalink.com
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these are where you can add gifs, pictures, and music! for pictures, just tap the icon and select what you want, then you can press and drag to move it around or drag to the trashcan to delete
gifs are very similar to twitter - type in what you want and scroll through the options
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GIF by taylorsnationblog
music is also similar. type the song you want and tap on it. podcasts also work!
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this button is for polls! tap and add your silly little answers. the duration can be a day or a week
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this button lets you make a “cut” in your posts which is basically a “read more” button. got a long post you don’t want cluttering up everyone’s dashes? click here!
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lastly, this button lets you set content warnings! specifically this is for “mature content”, but when you click mature you can specify whether its due to drugs/alcohol, violence, or sexual content
this can be helpful to clue people in to potential triggers but PLEASE ALWAYS TAG YOUR SPECIFIC TRIGGERS ANYWAYS.
Other Helpful Tips
“highlight” your text by pressing and selecting like normal to unlock a bunch of cool formatting options including bold, strikethrough, and colors
hitting the three dots next to the post button lets you access a bunch of post settings like queuing posts, scheduling posts, saving drafts, making posts private (PLEASE NOTE: you cannot unprivate posts after, but you can share the link), and choosing who can reblog & who can pay to promote your content
CONGRATS you’re now ready to make better posts like a tumblr pro
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1K notes · View notes
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Hello friends and fellow sleuths!
the holiday season is nearly upon us again, and with that comes... presents! once again we're bringing you the Secret Sleuth Holiday Gift Exchange 2022!
what does this mean? this Gift Exchange will be an exchange of fanworks between fandom friends. this is an open exchange, which means it is not ship or character specific, and gifts can be made to cater what interests our participants.
by signing up, you will be committing yourself to creating something fun for your assigned Secret Sleuth based on the form filled out below. but shh... remember it’s a secret! any contact you have with your SS after you receive your assignments should be anonymous or through the exchange admins, to help keep the integrity of the exchange.
what can i make? we have outlined what gifts will be acceptable for our exchange here:
fanfiction (1500 words minimum)
graphics/gifsets (2 image minimum)
icons/header sets for twitter/tumblr (4 item minimum)
playlists (15 song minimum, appropriate cover art, and linked)
fanvid (2 minute minimum)
moodboard (8 panel minimum)
if you have other ideas, check with us to see if they are appropriate! we're always open to new things!
how do i sign up? using this form -- please provide as much detail as possible, so we can match you with the best possible Secret Sleuth and to help them create a gift perfect for you!
what’s the timeline?
14 October: sign-ups open for 3 weeks
4 November: sign-ups close
6-11 November: all gift assignments will be delivered in this time frame
2 December: check-in #1: we'll check in to see how you are doing with starting your gift - we will also begin scheduling reveal dates!
16 December: check-in #2: we'll check in a week before the deadline to see if you will be finished on time
23 December: all gifts must be completed & drafted, ready for posting
24 December: gifts will be posted starting on this date, with 5-10 revealed each day until we complete all gifts (during check-ins, sleuths will coordinate with their exchange admin to schedule which day they will be revealing!
what's new in 2022?
extra time: you will have an extra week to create your gift this year, with 6 weeks total between the date of your match being assigned and the submission deadline
extended gift reveal schedule: rather than posting all gifts within a 3-day window, we will schedule between 5-10 gifts to be posted on our blog every day from 24 December until we have revealed all the gifts
assigned gift reveal dates: once we've gotten matches and assignments set, we'll work on scheduling which day you'll post during our check-ins. this will help not to overwhelm people consuming your content and ensure it doesn't get buried in the tumblr tags / ao3 listing by other content
you will have the option to submit your gifts to the blog for us to post during the exchange time frame (good for those who might not have a tumblr themselves) or you may schedule your gift to be posted during that time frame (with the blog tagged and appropriate exchange tag used!) more detailed instructions to follow!
please remember this is an exchange, you’re expected to fulfill your end of the commitment when you sign-up and we want to create quality content for the holiday season and bring joy to all involved! if you do not think you can provide a high caliber gift in one of the acceptable formats, we would ask you not sign-up, but you will still be able to enjoy all the fruits at the end of the event!
follow us here @secretsleuthexchange or on Twitter @ssgiftexchange and track our tag #secretsleuthgiftexchange to keep up with the event!
please reblog and spread the word!
xoxo Secret Sleuth Gift Exchange team
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skylitcreations · 1 year
After much trial and error, I think I have an idea of how I want to move forward.
I'm thinking of letting this be a personal blog since I enjoy tumblr's various posting formats and always liked how fandom stuff is shared here as well as the fact people can't snoop into every little thing like they can on Twitter. Man, that shit would make me paranoid on who was okay to follow or not or if someone might see my likes and that's stressful af no matter what the content is.
I'm planning to make a generic art account for all stuff that wouldn't need any major content warnings (like age gap, abuse, gore, incest, etc) so that people can still keep up with my art without having to worry about dealing with possibly triggering content. That and what I really want to sell are more generic items that most any age can enjoy and that parents feel comfortable with their kids having. I might do limited runs on my other accounts for ship-centric merch that would belong on my personal.
While I can draw porn and sometimes enjoy it, I don't really want that to be my focus cuz it's not what I have the most fun making. However, I do plan to still make nsfw content at times, I'll just be keeping it to appropriate blogs and not centering my marketing around it at all.
At the same time, I do not plan to hide who I am and what I enjoy as I'm not trying to deceive anyone. This isn't an attempt to try and hide among antis or anything like that because screw that. That and I want people to have a chance to make an informed decision on if they want to buy my stuff or not. If they go to my pages, I'll make it clear that I have other blogs for the darker content I enjoy and if they don't vibe with that, they don't have to buy my stuff.
I'm still thinking over all the smaller details but what do you guys think? Any suggestions on how to improve this, warnings, or ideas on where to go are all welcome. I just wanted to get what was going through my head written out so others can know what's up.
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11 notes · View notes
stormblessed95 · 2 years
Hey Stormy! Random question incoming: I have always wondered about the back end of Tumblr since I don’t post or accept asks. 1.)When you block an anon, are you blocking their account, their device or their IP address? If it’s the IP address you’re blocking then wouldn’t they be able to just change locations (like leave their home) and be able to see your posts again? 2.)Do you have stats like Twitter where you can see the impressions of your posts? 3.)Do you get more options unlocked when you reach a certain number of followers kinda like instagram influencer accounts? 4.)How are some seemingly big accounts limited to a certain number of images per post while for others it seems like they can post unlimited images/videos on one post? 5.)What’s a feature(s) that you would love tumblr to implement to make your experience 10 times better? What’s an existing tumblr feature(s) that you want abolished for better user experience? Just breaking up the recent annoying jkkr anon asks with some random tumblr questions lol.
Hi! 1) Blocking a tumblr regularly means you block their account. Blocking from anon in your inbox means you block their IP address. So yes, in BOTH cases, the person blocked could get around the blocking by going somewhere else. Logging into a different account or see my posts simply by googling me and not logging in at all. Lol but it adds a major level of inconvenience for them to do so and then I can just block again if they send anything else. This is what the anon options look like in my inbox other than just "answer."
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2) Nope!
3) also no
4) I think @wingzie or someone tried to explain this to me a while ago. But I got confused. It has something to do with settings somewhere I think? Idk lol tumblr still confuses me sometimes and I work mostly off the mobile app which probably makes it harder lol
5) Let me embed more links, images and videos. Give me more color font options. Formatting things easier would be nice. Give me a better search function and a way to search through my posts to find things easier PLEASE
6) I have no idea! The limits put on posts would be nice going away i guess, similar to my answer for 5. Lol
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Thanks for the asks!! ❤️❤️❤️
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ilaiyayaya · 1 year
I Hate Twitter So Much
Ok so now Twitter is pretty much dead to me, soooo here I am, tbh I probably should've made another account here a long time ago, Tumblr has always fit my personal preferred use of social media far better than Twitter ever has. I used to have a Tumblr years ago but that was a very long time ago, and I deleted that account precisely because I was moving to Twitter, but now that place is a hellhole so I am returned. I didn't really use Twitter very much anyways so it wasn't really much of a loss, the only social media I've really used substantially in recent years is Discord, so I'm mostly just using this as an opportunity to spread out to more platforms again instead of staying within my small bubble that I've kept to for the last 3 years.
I spent over 2 years being a NEET, during which time I pretty much didn't talk to anyone outside of 2 close friends, I effectively went silent on all social platforms, and even in online games I played I started exclusively playing solo (which tbf, I do a lot of the time even when I'm not a shut-in, but like, the reasoning for why I was doing it was different). I only got out of this period of my life when I got a job at the beginning of this year which forced me to leave my house, even now after over half a year, while I'm doing a lot better I'd still consider myself to be recovering from that period of near complete isolation. Speaking anywhere online is extremely anxiety-inducing for me and often literally makes me want to vomit after saying even the most inconsequential things, and while I've been improving in that regard it's been an extremely slow process, and to me this blog is hopefully going to be a major stepping stone into going back to how I used to be.
Really, I'm just gonna be using this the same way that most people normally use social media, which really shouldn't be that weird or special, but it is for me. Also a lot of the layout of this blog right now is not final (believe it or not, Rune Factory 3 "My mother is telling me to get a good job but my heart is telling me marry rich" screenshot is not planned to be there forever I know it's very sad), I'll slowly figure out how I want it to look over time and change it accordingly. I've already prewritten a couple of blog posts for the next couple of days that way I have no excuse not to at least post something, but after those I'll probably write most of these just on a whim whenever I feel like it, about really anything I feel like talking about.
Now let's hope the formatting on this doesn't look shit on the actual page 🙏
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Also I know tags exist, I refuse to use them for this post, if someone wants to find this one they gotta search hard for it, it's like a fun little scavenger hunt and the reward is Misaka_Spin.gif!!!
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risingpilots · 2 years
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I posted 3,494 times in 2022
15 posts created (0%)
3,479 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 31 of my posts in 2022
#hush ke - 9 posts
#hello??? - 3 posts
#tik tok - 2 posts
#martin scorsese - 1 post
#dog ear - 1 post
#me rn - 1 post
#what a world we live in - 1 post
#indigenous - 1 post
#native american history month - 1 post
#idk what to tag this as - 1 post
Longest Tag: 113 characters
#it sounds like she just learned those terms from stan twitter and is trying to fit in with them to sell her music
My Top Posts in 2022:
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My spotify wrapped for this year
6 notes - Posted November 30, 2022
I am officially 23 years old
6 notes - Posted July 17, 2022
Here's an article and indigenous warrior women. Some of these women were two-spirit and queer.
I think my favorite story in here is about Gouyen who killed the man who killed her husband.
39 notes - Posted November 23, 2022
150 notes - Posted November 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
There's this thing on tik tok that is interesting to me and it's the cooking videos. Like the ones where someone will share a quick and easy meal that they make.
And its usually really simple. Like maybe chop up a few vegetables and put some meat in a pan. Or just let something simmer for a bit. Or I saw this one video and a lady just cut a bell pepper in half and put an egg in the hole with the seasoning.
And the comments on those videos are always along the lines of "that's not quick and easy" and complaining that they chopped something or used a skillet. And that the commenters idea of a quick and easy meal is just eating cheese out of a bag or a pb&j or just a plain quesadilla. Which are all valid things to eat btw. There are some days where I will just make a sandwich.
But the thing that interests me is that the comments are always based on what the op does in the video. Its never about how much things cost. And that makes me realize that a lot of those ppl just refuse or don't know how to cook something simple. And I think part of that comes from wanting to follow the directions to a T. Which when cooking food... you don't really have to do.
Like you don't have to buy fresh vegetables. They sell frozen ones. They sell diced up frozen chicken. They sell minced garlic in a jar. I've seen things like fish and chicken already seasoned up in the pack, you just gotta cook it. Like...obviously cooking isn't for everyone and sometimes we just don't feel like it. But there are like easier alternatives out there to make an actual meal and not just having to eat bagged cheese all the time.
169 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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i've started watching the last leg because you speak so highly of it, and i'm obsessed. my current thoughts are:
-you're right, adam hills would be amazing on taskmaster. -i cannot believe they had boris johnson on. like. i saw it happen and yet its so bizarre to me. -adam and alex doing impersonations of josh made me choke on my sandwich laughing why are impressions of him always so funny -i've only seen josh on taskmaster and hypothetical, but the more i find out about him the more it feels like im looking in a mirror (english, short, unruly hair, scared of balloons, wearer of plaid shirts, strange hand gestures, sits on one foot etc) -adams many attempts at accents never cease to amuse me. i think my favourite so far is "i'm absolutely devasted... and slightly south african" from the greek financial crisis bit. -live shows normally make me anxious because you cant cut out awkward moments but i genuinely love when you can hear one of them (usually alex tbh) still giggling at a joke in the background even when they move onto another section. -i feel like now they've definitely gotten into their stride but i do miss the early series "what the hell are we doing" vibes (i really want to watch the og 2012 series but i get the impression that thats lost forever.) -i spent five series waiting for the sofa's awkwardly positioned armrest to catch someone out, thanks alan davies i knew i could rely on you to comically sit on thin air
sorry this is so long, i've completely fallen in love with this show and i feel like i could go on forever. anyway basically yeah thank you so much for making this show accessible and talking about it because now my entertainment is sorted for at least the next month.
This is an absolutely lovely message, thank you for writing it! First of all, never apologize for dropping something like this in my inbox (or ask box, or whatever). If you like something I like, I love hearing about that! If you like something like that and it’s because my blog got you into it, telling me that gives me all the fun of getting to talk about things I like, plus I love knowing this blog is helpful in spreading good things! Genuinely, that’s awesome.
Also, just in general, I am the last person to whom anyone should apologize for writing something that's too long. Every once in a while I'll see a post on Tumblr that's tagged "long post" and is shorter than my average one, and I remember that I was not built for the Twitter generation. I actually work as an editor in real life, where I make sure all writing is tightened up and concise, and then I come on here and do not give one fuck about that. I love seeing others do the same.
- With Franke Boyle already cast, Adam Hills may have moved into the number one spot as my dream Taskmaster contestant. Not because he’s my very favourite comedian who’s never done Taskmaster (I mean he’s up there, just not quite number one), but because of all the comedians who’ve never done Taskmaster, I think he has the personality that would be most suited for the format. And by “personality suited to the format”, I mean obsessively competitive, with a penchant for showing off at every opportunity.
- It’s hard for me to justify how much I enjoyed their Boris Johnson interview, because I realize that’s an actual issue. “Comedy washing” politicians by putting them on entertainment shows that make them seem more fun and palpable, and to raise their public profile. Boris Johnson in particular did a bunch of that for he rose through political ranks, the big one being Have I Got News For You. My best justification for The Last Leg’s Boris Johnson interview is that they were only in their second season when they had him on, a weird late-night talk show that hadn’t gained traction yet, so they can’t have contributed much to his publicity. But still, it’s something they’re guilty of in general at times. With other members of Boris Johnson’s family, and Sayeeda Warsi, Alastair Campbell, a few others. Now that I think about it I guess the interview that Alex Brooker did with Nick Clegg in 2015 counts as that, even though I thought that entire interview was very well done and I enjoyed watching it.
Disclaimer aside, the Boris Johnson episode was really interesting, though. Really weird that they got him on when they were so new to it, new enough so he raised their profile more than they raised his, which is kind of a defense from comedy washing. I loved watching the three hosts find different ways of responding to him. Adam Hills getting excited about the opportunity to try to show off journalism skills, which he sort of did okay but then messed up a few times. Josh Widdicombe just awkwardly looking from one of them to the other, like he couldn’t believe it was happening. And Alex Brooker just entertained that the man with funny hair from TV was in the room with them.
The Nick Clegg one was done better. I enjoyed the tension between the politician trying to seem fun among comedians, and the comedians trying to be intellectual enough to justify having the Deputy Prime Minister on their show, and both sides clearly having no confidence in their ability to do that to the other side’s standards. But Adam pulled him into some good back-and-forth, successfully hit a couple of things that he’d swung at and missed in the Boris Johnson episodes (to use a sort of clumsy sports analogy). And when they sat down for the actual interview, I thought Alex did a genuinely good job of asking questions well and making him respond properly. It’s still probably not good that it happened. But it did, and it doesn’t add to any damage done if you or I watch those episodes now and enjoy them. I don’t think Nick Clegg is exactly poised to make a big comeback on the strength of how human and engaging he seemed on that one episode of The Last Leg in 2015, and any comebacks from Johnson will not be fueled by that.
- Okay, sorry about the above paragraphs, I did not mean to go negative in a post about a show that I, by and large, very very much like. Josh Widdicombe impressions! Josh Widdicombe impressions are funny and do not in any way contribute to the collapse of British civilization! Have you seen this compilation of Josh Widdicombe impressions, put together by someone on Reddit? It’s really entertaining. Adam’s entire repertoire of Josh impressions consists of putting a hand on his hip and saying “Pret a Manger”, it’s great.
- The number of weird little things about Josh Widdicombe is a bit amazing. The leg sitting thing combined with the hand gestures. The inability to sing or do accents, but sometimes he gives it a go. The fear of anything that makes a noise. The plaid shirts are lesbian appropriation that I do not mind one bit. By which I mean it turns out my sexual orientation is "mainly attracted to women, can make an exception for men who look enough like lesbians".
- All of Adam Hills’ accents end up a bit South African, no matter how they start. Including when he’s imitating Australian people, and does a weird thing where he sounds like an English person pretending to have an Australian accent, and it still ends up South African. Also great.
- The element of their show being live does add to it at times. Especially in early episodes, when none of them were quite used to it yet. I used to be unnerved by how often it would feel like Josh was making eye contact with me, until I realized there was a screen right above the camera that showed what it was filming, and he kept self-consciously using it as a mirror. Fucking adorable. I mean all of those early episodes were adorable. Just Adam Hills desperately trying to capitalize on this chance of finally getting his own show and wanting to make it run smoothly and well, and Baby Josh and Baby Alex pretty much spent the first eight-ish seasons just like:
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Oh, and I love how much Alex Brooker's inability to stop laughing on cue it on display in the live format. Which is also on display in this compilation, by that same Reddit person, which I'm sure you'd like if you haven't seen it. Highlights how sometimes a joke will just completely take Alex apart, and he doesn't seem to have a lot of control over how fast he puts himself back together, which can be a problem when Adam's trying to read the next autocue bit so the show can stay on schedule.
I've looked around for the London 2012 episodes before, and they may be lost to history. I am glad the Rio 2016 episodes were out there, though. Those are some of my favourite episodes of the whole show, they were all on top form during the actual Paralympics. It's too bad they had to change things for Tokyo; I hope they get to go to Paris and do that again.
- I miss the awkward impractical sofa. I hoped they'd have it back by now, having switched to a much more reasonable seating arrangement during COVID. Go back to being weird and impractical, guys.
Again, I'm really glad you've enjoyed it! This show has its ups and downs, and legitimate criticisms of it (from the same criticisms that could be leveled at any light entertainment/talk show that can be formulaic at times, to some more serious stuff, I was really unhappy with their post-queen death episode), but my God, it is so much fun! I just really, really like all three of those people, and that can carry the show through just about anything. Positive aspects of the show can also range from the lighthearted (three comedians with very good chemistry having fun together) to something deeper (they make fun of people lauding Important Disability Representation, and rightly so because there's a lot of inspiration porn bullshit that needs undercutting, but also, it is genuinely important disability representation, drawing attention to para sport athletes who otherwise wouldn't have mainstream coverage, and once in a blue moon we get genuinely touching moments related to that). The Last Leg at its best is this genre of TV show at its best.
Again, thanks for that, I will always be happy for an opportunity to talk about this show. And it makes me very happy to know I got someone else into it, that's awesome!
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n7viper · 2 years
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I posted 7,039 times in 2022
That's 7,039 more posts than 2021!
342 posts created (5%)
6,697 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 6,845 of my posts in 2022
Only 3% of my posts had no tags
#art - 2,806 posts
#dragon age - 2,385 posts
#other - 1,527 posts
#mass effect - 1,319 posts
#shepard - 745 posts
#lavellan - 443 posts
#cullen - 315 posts
#garrus - 307 posts
#solas - 293 posts
#hawke - 229 posts
Longest Tag: 134 characters
#for the piercings - i wish i had some artistic talent because i would die to see her with some extra piercings i can't see in the game
I sent 3 gifts in 2022
My Top Posts in 2022:
my friend just sent me this video and I just -
those are some pretty crazy rock formations
51 notes - Posted September 12, 2022
Random OTP Asks
I scraped a random assortment of questions from this mega post so that I could answer them in a very self-indulgent way. I didn't originally number them, and it turns out I ended up with an odd number. Sorry to all Increments of Five enjoyers out there.
Who is always horny and will have sex, at any place and at any time?
Who slides their arm around the other’s waist?
Who tops and who bottoms?
Who acts tough but actually is really submissive?
Who is louder in bed?
Who does some crazy stunt to try and impress the other and who ends up driving them to the ER after it backfires?
Who likes to give the other hugs from behind followed by a kiss?
Who causes the tomfoolery and who has to try and stop the tomfoolery?
Who’s ready for marriage first?
Who wants kids first?
Who’s the first to break down because they’re going to be parents?
Which one has more insecurities? Over what?
Would they hate-fuck if they were mad at one another? If they had a falling out?
Which one stubbornly tries to pretend they aren’t sick?
Who initiates PDA the most in public?
Who is your OTP’s unofficial/official child?
Who pulls the other closer while sleeping?
Who likes to sit in the other’s lap?
Who still blushes when their partner compliments them?
Who asks the other’s father/father figure to marry their son/daughter?
Who sleeps on which side of the bed?
Who would be a lovey dovey drunk?
Who do they ask to be their bridesmaid(s)/best man/men?
Who distracts the driver by being a bit too provocative in the car?
Favorite canon moment of them?
Least favorite canon moment of them?
Which one fixes up the other one’s outfit in the morning (adjusting a tie, putting hair in the right spot, etc)?
What theme would their wedding be, if they were going to get married?
See the full post
76 notes - Posted September 16, 2022
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A few months ago, I was l lucky enough to receive the most amazing commission of my girl from the lovely @lilithkb (LilithKBArt on Twitter) 💖
I have been absolutely obsessed with this since I got it back. The amount of detail that Lilith put into this blows my mind. I love the tweaks that they made to the armour to make it more Mihri, the colours that we worked together on to make it more meaningful*.
I'm never good at words when it comes to these things because I feel like words can't really convey the love I have for this. If you're on Twitter, please go give them and their amazing art some love!
*green is Mihri's favourite color! However, I tend to associate her with turquoise for some reason. The armour colors are a lovely blend of both of us.
78 notes - Posted September 4, 2022
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I was lucky enough to snag a commission slot from the lovely @jentrevellan, so you know I had to get a bust of Mihri 💖 I can’t get over how she looks in her little dress, and the FLOWER CROWN! Thank you again, Jen! 💖💖
160 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Cullen's pretty sure he's gonna go grey by 35
722 notes - Posted May 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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mosscloakenthusiast · 2 years
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I posted 1,342 times in 2022
That's 1,342 more posts than 2021!
29 posts created (2%)
1,313 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 129 of my posts in 2022
#empires smp - 6 posts
#empires x hermitcraft - 6 posts
#grian - 5 posts
#tma spoilers - 5 posts
#mythicalsausage - 5 posts
#oli orionsound - 4 posts
#rendog - 4 posts
#third life series - 4 posts
#bdubs - 4 posts
#bdoubleo100 - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 119 characters
#listen i need xb ‘constantly trying not to swear’ crafted to interact with mythical ‘always making an innuendo’ sausage
My Top Posts in 2022:
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See the full post
125 notes - Posted November 12, 2022
[in reference to the what is empires hermitcraft recap video] “-think of it as an empires breakdown, which is coincidentally what i’n having right now”. -- pix pixlriffs
132 notes - Posted November 6, 2022
okay okay wait okay im trying to make this make sense
- im running with my Personal Theory that only winners remember the life series, and those who don’t win remember in flashes kinda??? with exceptions for Really Strong Emotional Connections (ethubs, scarian, ranchers) - and scott is just playing dumb because he’s like that. he’s coy .  - so that’s why like impulse recognises some people but not others?? maybe?? look im trying
- hermitcraft has modern technology (twitter, youtube, grumbot), empires does NOT
- following ren’s universe theory: this is the empires universe, other worlds include afterlife, empires s1, and possibly like fwhip’s hardcore world - hermitcraft universe includes all the prev. hermitcraft worlds (hence scar being all like “is this a past hermitcraft world”) and possibly some people’s hardcore worlds
- something somehting parallel universes parallel people means that the two falses cannot coexist, presumably neither can the gems, and pearl got a god fit  - following whatver oli orionsound has going on, everyone has like one Soul/center point that their characters deviate from? e1!sausage, al!sausage and e2!sausage clearly are linked, similar building styles; e2!joel has some preliminary knowledge about e1!joel; and clearly hc!pearl is linked to e!pearl (santa pearla)
- some worlds (such as like jimmy’s challenge videos, the life series TO AN EXTENT) dont create a new deviation on the soul, they just teleport a previously existing one from somewhere - clearly e2!jimmy and hc!tango were pulled into double life for example
look im trying so hard to make this make sense Help Me make this make sense feed me your hyperfixation rambles please lets talk about the lore of these wet cats
135 notes - Posted October 27, 2022
jack manifold perfectly uses the multi-pov format of the dream smp to create a villain who’s motives are clear and who you can genuinely root for while understanding what he’s doing is Bad in this essay i will-
137 notes - Posted November 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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1,355 notes - Posted October 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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soonhoonsol · 4 years
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Welcome to soonhoonsol’s gif tutorial!
As a nice anon asked me how I make my gifs, I thought it’d be cool to create an in-depth tutorial :) Perhaps this can help some others enter the gif-ing world too!
What we’ll be using for this tutorial:
Software: Bandicam, Avisynth, Photoshop CC 2018, Topaz Labs
File Format: .mp4
Operating System: Windows
Disclaimer: This is just my method. Every gif maker works differently and has different preferences. What works for me may not work for you, and that’s completely okay!
Let’s get into it!
1. Find the best quality video you can find
This really depends on the content you want to gif. For variety shows, music videos or photoshoots, any video of [1080p] should be sufficient. Try not to use anything below 720p.
For stage performances, fancams tend to have higher resolutions [1440p, 4k]. Use these if your computer can handle it. If not, usually 1080p works fine. The best option would be to download .ts files, which provide clearer and less grainy videos.
For Seventeen, you can get .ts files from The Rosebay on Twitter :)
2. Screen recording
As a Windows user, I don’t have a built-in screen recorder on my laptop. So, I use Bandicam, which is a free screen recording software. The only con to it is that it has a watermark.
To combat the watermark, I always have the boundary box a little bigger than the video itself so that I can crop it out of the gif.
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This is what the recording would look like:
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Just record the scene(s) that you want to gif so your video file doesn’t end up too large! Your recording should be in .mp4 format.
(You may use pure .ts files in Avisynth but it never worked well for me so I usually screen record the .ts video and move on)
You can find your recorded videos in Documents > Bandicam.
3. Avisynth
I followed THIS tutorial to download Avisynth. This software is really helpful if you want sharp and clear gifs! I recommend to follow the steps in the tutorial as the below method stems from it.
- Once you have downloaded it, open up your recorded video from Step 2 and watch it. Take note of the duration you want to gif. (e.g. from 00:01 to 00:05)
- Drag your video file into normalwebrange.bat. On Windows, you can find this in File Explorer > Local Disk (C:) > video. For other .bat files, you may check out THIS tutorial.
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- In the pop-up box, key in the start time for your gif (e.g. 00:00:01). It has to be in hh:mm:ss format. Press “enter”.
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- Key in the end timing and press “enter” again. A resizer should pop up in an Internet Browser. I found that Firefox works best for me.
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- In the resizer, you may indicate the size of the gif you’d like to make. You can also click and drag the video to resize and frame it to your liking. You may refer to THIS post for Tumblr dashboard sizing.
(These are some common gif sizes for stage performances):
1 gif - 540px by 540px (square)
2 gifs - 268px by 350px
3 gifs - 177/178px by 250px
- Under “Preprocessor”, select “debilinear” for the second box. For the first box, you may pick between qtgmc 30 (same frame rate as video) or qtgmc 60 (doubles the frame rate; smoother).
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- You will also see “fast” or “slow” options. These are just how long the video will take to render. “Fast” will give you slightly lower quality as compared to “slow”, but usually is good enough.
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(You can see that his features are sharper and more defined in the “slow” gif as compared to the “fast” one.)
- Copy the code in the white box. Navigate to the scripting window (it should have popped up with the resizer) and paste the code at line 17. Type a “#” before qtgmc on the same line. This will prevent the software from lagging.
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- Click on the inverted triangle at the bottom of the screen. Your video will now appear in the scripting window. Drag the slider to the intended starting point of your gif and press the “home” key on your keyboard.
- Drag the slider again to the intended ending point of your gif and press the “end” key on your keyboard. This blue area you see is the duration of your gif.
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- On an empty line (I usually go to line 8), place your cursor there and click “Apply” in the mini pop-up window. Afterwards, remove the “#” from line 17.
- Go to File > Save or press Ctrl + S to save the code. Close the scripting window. The video renderer will pop up. When it’s done, it will automatically close by itself.
4. Using Photoshop and Topaz
I’m using my school license for Photoshop 2018, but if you don’t have that, there are plenty of cracked versions for free. I don’t have any to recommend though so I’m sorry about that :(
I followed THIS video tutorial to download Topaz plug-ins for free. I use Topaz DeNoise (the most helpful) and Clean, but you may use others if you’d like :)
Alright, let’s dive in to the steps!
- Open up Photoshop and go to File > Import > Video Frames to Layers.
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- A pop-up will appear. You can find your deinterlaced Avisynth video in File Explorer > Local Disk (C:) > video > temp > video.avi. Follow the settings in the picture and click “OK”.
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- Go to Window > Timeline to open up the timeline. You should be able to see your gif spread out in frames. If you press the play button, it should play like a video.
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- (Quick optional step I learned from THIS tutorial) Go to Image > Canvas and set the Resample option to “Bicubic (smooth gradients)”.)
- Select the first frame of your gif in the timeline. Shift select the last frame. Go to Window > Layers. Shift select these layers as well.
- With everything selected, click the 3 lines at the top right corner of the timeline. Select “Convert to Video Timeline”.
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- At the top of the screen, select Filter > Convert for Smart Filters. Your layers will condense into one layer. Don’t worry, your gif is fine.
- Now it’s time to sharpen the gifs. Go to Filter > Sharpen > Smart Sharpen. Play around with the settings to your liking!
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- If you’ve downloaded Topaz correctly, it should appear under Filter > Topaz Labs. If a pop-up asks you for an activation key, you may use THESE to activate it for free.
- Go to Filter > Topaz Labs > DeNoise and/or Clean and play with the settings until you’re satisfied.
5. Blurring
If your gifs have captions/logos that are distracting, you’d want to blur them out. Don’t be like 2018 me that blurred out the logo frame by frame; it’s very tiring. Instead, using this method from @scoupsy‘s tutorial, you’ll save lots of time.
- In the Layers tab (Windows > Layers), select the “New Layer” icon. It should be blank.
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- Select the Brush tool. Make sure the “Hardness” setting is below 20%. This will blend the blurring nicely into the gif.
(For the sake of this tutorial, I will be blurring out the Bandicam logo to show you.)
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- Paint over the captions/logos. Make sure this is on the blank layer!
- Duplicate (Right Click > Duplicate) the gif layer and drag it so that it’s on top of the blank layer.
- Right click on the duplicate layer and select “Create Clipping Mask”.
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- Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur and play around with the settings until you’re satisfied with the level of blurring. Click “OK”.
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6. Flattening & Colouring
- Once you’re done with sharpening and/or blurring, click on the 3 lines on at the right corner of the video timeline and go to Convert Frames > Flatten Frames Into Clips.
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- Topaz layers and blurring will take some time to render so you can just chill for now~
- When it’s done rendering, click again on the 3 lines and go to Convert Frames > Make Frames From Clips.
- Convert it back to the gif timeline by clicking on the 3-box icon at the bottom left of the timeline.
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- Select the first frame of your gif. It must be the FIRST.
- Scroll to the top of the layers and select the layer at the top. Any other layers you add should be on top of this layer. VERY IMPORTANT!!
- In the Adjustments Tab (Window > Adjustments), there are many different things to play with. There’s a high chance you won’t use everything, but here’s a few of my favourites.
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Levels - Adjust the brightness and contrast of your gif in depth.
Hue/Saturation - Useful for changing colours, or switching it to black and white.
Color Balance - Tweak the colours to your liking.
Colour Lookup - Comes with built-in LUTs that you can use as a preset. Great starting point for colouring. Saves time too. You can even download plug-ins for this. 11/10 tool.
Selective Colour - Adjust the vibrancy of specific colours.
- Colouring is completely up to the gifmaker. Go crazy go stupid :D
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7. Exporting
We’re almost to the end!
- Set the timing for your gif.
If you used qtgmc30, the best timing would be 0.04s / 0.05s / 0.06s.
If you used qtgmc60, the best timing would be 0.02s / 0.03s / 0.04s.
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- Once you’re satisfied with everything, go to File > Export > Save for Web (Legacy).
- Follow the settings in the picture below:
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- Tumblr’s gif limit is 10mb per gif. Check the gif size at the bottom left of the pop-up window. Make sure it’s below 10mb; the smaller the better.
- Click “Save”. Choose where you’d like to save the gif.
- Done!
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And that’s it! You’ve successfully made a gif! Good job you :D
I hope this tutorial was helpful! Please leave some feedback if it helped, or if you have other methods you’d like to share :)
Lastly, if you have any questions, feel free to send in an ask or DM me!! :)
Good luck and happy gif-ing :’D
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hidengifs · 2 years
Important Information !!
Welcome to Hiden Gifs, a subsidiary of Hiden Intelligence™. This blog is dedicated to posting gifs of characters and scenes from Tokusatsu!
Guidelines on How to Submit Requests, Usage Guidelines, and Other Important Notes are Under the Cut
Requests Status : Working
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Usage Guidelines 
No credit is needed to use the gifs on this blog.
Please don’t claim gifs as your own and don’t repost entire gif sets.
Please don’t use my gifs on posts dealing with any kind of discourse or negativity, whether it’s fandom or not. 
Although no credit is needed it’s always appreciated!
Request Guidelines
Requests must be sent through the ask box!
Please try to make requests as specific as possible. This makes it easier for me to satisfy the request (especially for series I’m not as familiar with).
All requests are tagged #requested for ease of finding them.
About Tagging 
Content Tagging 
Content warnings such as flashing lights, blood, etc. will be tagged as one word (ie: #cw flashing). Block these tags if you would like to not see specific content.
Character Tagging
I tried my best to include tags for both (first/last) and (last/first) name. However, for some sets with a lot of characters, it’s more likely tagged with the (first/last) name format.
For characters with no last name, the character tag is just their name, the series is not tagged with it. 
Other Things to Note
Any reblogged posts are from my other blogs.
I kind of need to update this (this is more for me)
If you would like to find me elsewhere, I’m @braveandsnipe on tumblr and twitter!
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thegleeacademy · 3 years
Can you explain how the whole online part works for students? Dash stuff unless it's f2f or a video call isn't them actually seeing each other right?
This is a good question, and one that isn't really answered in the grpc, it's just always been how things are here and nowhere else. OOC, the dash stuff that you're talking about (stuff that is on the dash IC, like public dash posts) is to make it easier to rp and write through plots. Not everything requires a full length para, sometimes it's easier to just do the talking part, action isn't so much a necessity.
IC, there are a bunch of different types of posts, I'll just explain them all:
paras & lazy f2f: These are face to face interactions. Paras are self-explanatory, a lazy f2f is a face to face interaction with just the talking parts and a gif to show tone. Personally, I tag these as int: f2f and I tag my paras the same so it's obvious that these are my face to face interactions.
dash posts: These are the posts you're asking about in specific, the kind where someone has posted something with words and a gif and tagged it with tga:starters. These are online, social media posts. Like this; you've messaged me on social media and I am replying. Think of it like a conversational post on Facebook or Twitter. We add gifs to help add tone, so that ooc you can tell which emotional direction someone is speaking in and because of that, I've made it so that they can see each other ic. It's not a video though, it's basically the same as it is OOC; the character writes their words and then records a short clip with no sound to go with it, like Snapchat. So dash chats are like a combination of Facebook/Twitter and Snapchat. This gives the fullness of words and tone. I've morphed with the times.
text posts: Anything that says DM or TEXT is a text like a cell phone. If you're adding a gif, the other character can see the gif when they read your reply. Though I'd say in private texts, it's more realistic to put meme gifs in randomly than to reply with their own face gif every time.
ask inquiries: Every character is running their own Tumblr blog here, but it's not called Tumblr. It's the school's private social media network that works just like regular social media but it has a cap on it so that you can't talk to anyone outside of The Academy. You can also attach a short video clip to these in the form of gifs, like dash posts. These are just like normal asks on Tumblr, it's someone asking to get to know someone. It's common for people to send asks to each other, you could almost call this an ask smut rp. These can be commented on and replied to and it is recommended that you do!
media posts on social media: These are pictures, videos, etc. These are posted to the school's social media site in the same formatting as Instagram, except that we're on Tumblr OOC here so you can tag your posts to make albums like Facebook. These can be commented on and replied to and it is recommended that you do!
You can take advantage of the tagging system to organize your blog, but you can also take advantage of it in the same way that you would Tumblr; begin interactions with someone because 'your character was in the tags' and saw a post.
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gaelstudies-blog · 5 years
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1. Don’t beat yourself up about how fast you read or how you focus
I have a bad habit of thinking back to my childhood and remembering how quickly I could get through books. I could get through 2 or 3 in a day with little difficulty. And now I’m lucky if I can get through a book in a week. But remember that what you’re reading and how you read changes all the time. It’s likely you’ve progressed into more challenging and longer works, and it’s also likely that your brain is wanting to understand it deeper than you did as a child. Sometimes life gets in the way and we lose the ability to focus on specific things for long periods - and that’s okay! And sometimes, depending on our mental health or disabilities, we might not have that ability - and that’s okay too. But that doesn’t mean you’ll never find a method of making it work. It’s accepting and understanding your limitations and seeing what you can progress at. Accepting these things can help remove some of the stress that we build up and associate with reading. Stress can be a big factor in how we can focus.
2. Structure time into your day or week to read
You don’t need a completely structured timetable for each and every day (or you can if you want!), but giving yourself a minimum amount of time to read each day or week can be a great way to get yourself on track. If you’re struggling to hit a specific time each day, don’t be afraid of lowering it. Or breaking it up. You can set 30 minutes to read each day but that doesn’t mean you have to do it all in one go. You could break it into five or ten minute chunks here and there. You could also consider giving yourself a weekly goal instead. An hour or two of reading each week might not feel like progress, but being dedicated to returning to reading can help your mind focus on it and it’s likely you’ll end up progressing past it.
3. You don’t have to finish books
If you’re not enjoying reading something, unless you absolutely need to read it for an assignment, don’t force yourself to read it. Instead take a step back and find another book to work on instead. It doesn’t count as a failure to not enjoy something and want to read something else. It might suck if it’s a book you were looking forward to, cost a lot, or you want to work on reading goals but it’s okay, I promise you. And if you’re having to read it for an assignment break it up with reading something you enjoy also. Try and remove the association of reading with stress and unpleasant reading material.   
4. Set reasonable goals
I see people on Twitter being like “I want to get back into reading so I’m setting a reading challenge of 100 books for the year”. Whilst yes, some people do occasionally manage it or manage close to it a lot of them don’t. A lot of them get stressed about the challenge ahead and give up or feel like a failure. Be realistic, and set a low number at first. You can always go past it! But don’t just set yourself the challenge of ‘read more’ because that doesn’t mean anything. Give yourself a numbered goal that’s also timed. E.g. a book a month or twenty books in a year. This way you can feel motivated when you’re managing to progress the goal and accomplished when you succeed. 
5. Use Youtube, Goodreads and Tumblr as motivational tools 
There are lots of Youtube channels dedicated to talking about books, some of them can offer great advice and recommendations. I find that when I watch these videos I get really motivated to read and often pause their video to focus on something I’ve been meaning to read. Tumblr blogs also can post cosy aesthetic pictures of books, libraries, and reading spots that can put you in the mood. And there’s plenty of people happy to give book recommendations. Using this can help you find something you would be really interested in reading and you can join the community and get support and more. Goodreads also recommends a lot of good book suggestions, and you can read reviews - remember that reading reviews (and this post!) counts as reading. Get involved in different reading communities where you can support one another, chat about books and more. You’ll find that you’re likely to return to reading more frequently when you’re associating it with fun and friendships. Make your own videos and posts, you don’t have to share them but it can be a great way to think about what you’re reading and put yourself in the ‘I want to read’ mindset.
6. Struggling with focusing on fiction? Try non-fiction 
If you’re struggling to find good non-fiction books to read, and find that these aren’t keeping your interest - that’s okay! Think about your interests and see what non-fiction books are out there about your topic. These might take longer to read because of how packed with information they are, but you might find that you’ll be so interested in a topic that you can focus on it a lot better. And you might get more motivation from being aware that you’re learning something. 
7. Be aware of your surroundings
Is it really noisy around you? Is your TV, laptop, phone etc in your view? Try changing up your environment. Put electronics away, find a quieter place to study or alternatively try some music on in the background, you might have to experiment with what music you put on but this helps me focus with my reading and writing. And I know others who say the same, but likewise what works for some people (or a lot of people!) might  not work for you. Try experimenting with your ideal environment and you’ll find that you can focus a lot better.
8. Don’t read books just so you’re not missing out
It can be easy to want to read something because lots of people are talking about it and you want to join in. But if it’s not something that you’re actually interested in, it might be worth giving it a miss and focusing on things that you’re actually more interested in. Although in saying that, sometimes it can be a good idea to push ourselves to try something out of our comfort zone and you might be pleasantly surprised! Just remember point 3.
9. People have different capabilities
This might seem like an obvious one, and it’s one that we definitely all know, but we can still find ourselves comparing anyway. Some people can get through books quickly and have multiple books on the go at once. Others get in the habit of starting a new book every day. Whatever your style, it’s progress. With your eyes reading even just a page a day (or less) you are progressing. You are doing great! Some people have to use different methods if they want to engage with reading: audiobooks, Ebooks, etc and these definitely count. Take pride in your reading even if you’d rather be at a different level. Things take time to learn and you might find there’s people that look to your posts about reading (which you should make as a motivational tool!) with envy. 
10. It doesn’t have to be a book for it to count
I sometimes beat myself up because I haven’t read a lot of books in the past year. But then I remember reading 100 or so articles for university assignments and classroom lectures, I remember books I’ve flicked through to find important chapters to read. Those count! These count towards progress and are definitely beneficial. This post counts as reading! So don’t be afraid to put newspapers, homework reading materials, and longform blog posts into your reading count. Words on a page are words on a page regardless of what format it’s in.
You’re doing great, no matter how much or little progress you’re making, have faith in yourself.
Photo credit: XPLAI studio (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
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How do i post something ive written in hopes of a lot of people reading it?
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Formatting. Short paragraphs > long paragraphs. If I see that someone’s written something that’s one long paragraph, I don’t even bother trying to read it. It’s an immediate red flag that the person is either lazy or has no idea what they’re doing. Make the writing easy to read. Give it a correct structure. 
Aesthetic. There are a lot of fics on here, and not all of them are good. Make sure you have a header, or even just a simple and relevant gif or picture, that will make people recognize your writing or at least intrigue them enough to give it a shot. Ever hear, “Don’t judge a book by its cover”? Well, that’s bullshit. All we do is judge books by their covers. As awful as it sounds, I’ve literally passed on fics because people had made headers that look like they were created in Windows Paint. But, in my mind, I’ve translated that to them not having a good creative eye, so then I assume their writing is going to be just as bad. 
Tags. I’ve seen people post stories and then see that they added, like, three tags to it. The more you tag, the more people your fics will reach. I would say add at least 10 tags. But make sure they’re actually relevant and honest, otherwise you’re just going to piss people off. Do NOT tag your fic as a Tony Stark x Reader story if Tony Stark is not the love interest. 
Reblogs. I reblog every chapter of every series I do at least 5 times. Sometimes people don’t have their notifications on and Tumblr can be a real asshole. People are in different time zones and people go on Tumblr at different times. The more you reblog at various times, the less people are going to miss your story or update. But make sure you add the same tags to every reblog. (took me far too long to learn that one.)
Consistency. At the end of the day, Tumblr is a social platform to a degree and a website that has an algorithm just like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. The more consistently you post, the more you get rewarded by the platform. Do you post a chapter for a series and then not update your blog for 6 months? The algorithm will punish you. Furthermore, people have probably unfollowed you and/or forgot who are completely and won’t care when you finally write that next chapter. WRITE CONSISTENTLY. UPDATE YOUR BLOG CONSISTENTLY. 
Grammar. I am by no means a grammar expert. Neither am I going to pretend that I am one. Typos happen. Mistakes happen. But, for the love of god, at least try to replicate the style and mediocre grammar you see in books or other the fic writers on her that you admire. Proofread your chapters at least once before posting. 
Quality. OK. This one might be harsh. But, at the end of the day, if you’re writing is good... then people are going to find it and they’re going to read it. And if they’re nice, they’re going to reblog it, which spreads your writing to a new audience. If you build it (and it’s good) they will come.  
Obviously, if you ask another fic writer on here the same question, they might say something completely different. But this has always been my practice. I literally posted my first fic on here and learned as I went. I didn’t know anything. I didn’t even fully understand Tumblr yet. I just kept a writing and people responded. My audience grew slowly, but surely. I don’t even do taglists, and it hasn’t hurt me. 
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celacestial · 5 years
A reminder/A bit of wholesomeness...
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I just wanted to post a little reminder now the ego art weeks are ‘over’ (perhaps, for now 🤔). There doesn’t have to be a specific event in order for you to create stuff. These events bring people together and certainly make it easier to get the creative juices flowing, sure, and I and others are beyond grateful to Seán for hosting the event, but that doesn’t have to end. Everything you make and post can, and will, still have value for someone.
Art: Art is important. I haven’t even been active on Tumblr for a year yet (a year at the end of the month) and I’ve only been active on Twitter for just under 18 months, but I’m already getting to recognise lots of your amazing art styles, and watching your amazing growth just in the short time I’ve been here has been amazing! I love seeing what new ideas you all come up with, new styles you’re all trying, new things you’re experimenting with. I also love seeing “new” artists pop up, and getting show love to and support their work.
GIFs: Recording memorable moments as GIFs? Hell yeah! Recording positive speeches and nuggets of advice? Hell Yeah! Getting quality reaction material? Hell Yeah! Animations, or edited GIFs from the original to make something even MORE creative? Hell damn yeah! I love a good GIF of all kinds and all “skill levels”. And the creative way you guys arrange some of them to make song lyrics, for example, colour patterns, all sorts of things, blows my mind.
Edits: I’ve used many amazing as wallpapers in my time (the ones that allow permission of course) and had a laugh or shed a tear at many awesome video edits, and you’re all SO talented! And again, just like art, I’m recognising some of your editing styles as well. The way you have all learned to use transitions and new filters is amazing! It is appreciated by everyone more than you probably know.
Stories: To my shame, I don’t interact much with a lot of fan fiction, but I often read when I see in the tag or it comes up in the tag. I sometimes feel bad for that though, because I know creators like Seán can’t interact very much with fanfiction in case them doing so means it is taken as canon lol. But DAMN are some of you fantastic with words! You know your ways around a pen/a keyboard better than I could ever hope to in a million years. And I’m sure that a lot of fanfiction has probably inspired a lot of other art and creative posts too. Keep doing what you’re doing writers everywhere!
Theories: Oh boy do I love reading these 😂 And often get scared by how much Seán may have seen and the ideas he may have got looool. It always keeps my mind racing at various times of the day, gets my own ideas pumping (if only I was creative enough to actually put some of them into fruition). One of my favourite things about theories as well is how they can get a dialogue going between community members which is always fun to see the back and forth of that, and coming to an eventual conclusion (or not!) Keep it up guys! 💚
Text Posts: Share your random thoughts gamers! Any little observations about videos, about creators, about life in general. Anything you’re doing with your day. A little story you think that the community might want to hear. I love seeing little random observations in the tag, or photos and posts from people’s real lives, all of which will help us to get to know you as a person better, and bring the community together, rather than seeing us all as a bunch of numbers or lines of code. Your opinions are creative, your life updates are of value.
Memes: Tempted to say memes make the world go round 😂 Want a laugh? Have a meme! Want a joke? Have a meme! Want to make a point but can’t think of the right words? Meme it! Yeah, they can get samey, but at the same time, many people love them and will appreciate them regardless. The beauty of memes is that they are evolving all the time and it’s always fun to watch you guys using your creativity to come up with new memes, or make new takes on old meme formats and long running community jokes.
What I have liked about these Egoartweeks is that it’s kind of shifted people’s thinking. People seemed to have realised that there was a disconnect between the types of content that people regularly interact with, and these weeks have kind of given people a renewed inspiration to create anything, and a renewed wish to see all kinds of posts, not just a certain kind, which is fantastic!
The message to come out of these few weeks, is that creating because you love creating, for the love of sharing your creations with others, is the most important thing. Whatever you can post contributes to this community, and could inspire others in their ideas and creative journeys too! But what’s also important to remember is that it’s not the type of post that’s important. It’s YOU that’s important. YOU are the thing that matters. Not your follower count. Not keeping up a consistent amount of notes on every single post, it’s okay if one doesn’t get as many. What matters is your enjoyment of what you do! Don’t think that your work is any less important than any other creator for any reason. If you are having fun creating it, if you put as much time and effort into creating it as you were able and you were happy enough with the results to post it, to me that is the MOST important thing, the fact that you are making something that you enjoy and want to share that with people, it is highly appreciated, by me, by others, and by Seán and any creator you may or may not be aiming the post at, if they happen to see it.
Keep posting and interacting with what you love for as long as you love making/seeing it. Know that there will always be someone out there who appreciates who you are and what you create, even if you haven’t found your audience yet. Keep creating for as long as you want to, and don’t let anyone or anything change your ideas. Because I seriously love you guys, I’m glad you’re all here, and I hope you know the immense value that you all bring to this community and to the world 💚 Established event or not
Okay back to the Seán induced flames now 🔥
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