#as i said i'm not an expert and take drawing as a hobbie
deefighter2739 · 1 year
There's something about the way you color your art that really intrigues me. It just looks SO good. There's something about the way you shade your drawings that just give me such a carefree feeling, which is something I really strive to feel when drawing something myself. If it's not a bother for you, I'd love to know how you use the colors to make your drawings look so beautiful (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠)
OMG THANKS and awww I feel so honored to get trusted for an ask like this… 🥹 Since the beginning my main focus on my digital art journey was to be good at coloring, to have vibrant, saturated and recognizable colors. And it makes me very happy to see that, while I still have a very long path, it's giving results that make me feel proud!
But enough with the storytimes! I did a little breakdown + tips on what I do when coloring. I don't follow the exact same steps on every single piece or texture I do it depends on how much time I want to spend on it but I always keep them on mind. Take them as a 'checklist'.
Disclaimer, just in case: I'm not a professional nor an art student. Everything I've learned had been by just observing, videos, inspirations and my own trial and error. This is not a guide on what everyone should do, but just a breakdown on what I do.
When I shade, I think about 6 different colors:
Base color.
The main shadow.
A strong light. Saturaded.
The highlight line. A brighter color than 3.
Ambience light. This color is a reflection of the surroundings.
One color with a different hue than the others surrounding it. May feel out of tune with the others, but I like how it stands out.
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Let's take Barbiedede for some examples and observations still feeling proud with how he came out!.
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❗ Extras:
It's cool to have a thin line of a different color where the light ends or the shadow starts. Like the yellow ❗️ on Dedede's hands, or the orange ❗ on his beak.
As I mentioned above, ALWAYS change the hue when selecting a new color. This makes it look more dynamic.
Keep in mind different surfaces work different. There's stronger contrasts and highlights on the metal than the fabric.
Avoid grays, I tend to have a hard time shading them. Keep sure every color you use has at least a little of saturation.
Learn how blending modes work and experiment with them! I personally love to give final touches with an overlay layer.
Don't be afraid of breaking rules ❗ or adding even more colors.
Coloring lineart is a great extra support for the lights!
This was for a drawing with a flat and simpler rendering, but I also apply these rules when I go for the softer and more elaborated shading. The only difference is I smooth the colors with a softer brush, and apply way more blending layers.
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If you want me to breakdown another piece or ask for other tips feel free to ask! I'm far from being an expert but I'm willing to share what I know.
Alaiganuza is a big inspiration of mine, the colors are simply fantastic and has some guides too. I also like watching Marco Bucci's videos. He has pretty interesting videos and facts about colors and how the human eye perceives them. btw I'm sorry for taking a while to answer, I've been a little busy and stressed and wanted to prepare a proper post for this ask.
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abyssalshriek · 4 months
what kind of music would your agents listen to?
I'm no expert of music, so I apologize if I'm not using proper music terminology. Also, this is long, so answered under the read more:
Captain 3: They like video game music, mainly boss themes. When listening to this music, sometimes they reminisce about the days when they were healthier and could take on real bosses. When thinking of these moments, sometimes they think of the enemies they faced as the bosses, and sometimes they think of themself as the boss.
They also like to make remixes of music, and they post their favorites online under their DJ alias. They don't intend to pursue this as a career, just as a hobby. They get a solid amount of views, with their most popular remix getting almost a million views (it has about five times the views of their second most popular remix).
They learned to expect remixes of their friends' songs (Squid Sisters and Off the Hook) to be copyright claimed, and sometimes even taken down. They still post them occasionally, though.
Their favorite song changes a lot, but when asked, they will claim its one of the Squid Sisters' songs (usually Calamari Inkantation) because they're their close friends.
Agent 4: For the most part, she prefers songs that are calmer, lower energy. She also likes listening to Marie's songs because of how close they are, and because Marie has a lot of songs that fit this vibe. It's usually songs like this she listens to when she draws.
She also likes songs she can sing along to. Like Captain 3, she has no intent of pursuing this as a career, but she did get singing lessons from one of her friends for a while.
She does listen to pop music, too. When listening to mainstream music that doesn't have Marie in it, her go-to is Off the Hook. She was actually a little starstruck when she first met them. No one noticed because this nervousness was indistinguishable from her normal nervousness around strangers.
Her favorite song is Tidal Rush. The first time she saved Callie was one of the few times, before she started treating her mental health, that she felt truly happy with and proud of herself, so this song is nostalgic because of that.
Eight: Her tastes lean more towards mainstream music. Partially because she likes how it sounds, but also because she thinks it helps her immerse herself in Inkling culture. She thinks it helped her with learning the language, too. She will listen to songs in any language.
She isn't a musician herself. Many of her friends (the Captain, Pearl, Marina) tried teaching her some, but she never took anything far past the basics. She will still happily try playing music, uncaring of how good or bad it sounds. She will help the Captain write song lyrics using her experience with poetry. The Captain rarely posts these because neither of them can sing very well.
It might not be her favorite to listen to, but she will always say the Calamari Inkantation is her favorite song because of how it changed her life. Her favorite to listen to is Now or Never, with her preferred cover changing a lot.
New Agent 3: They say they will listen to anything. Really, they will listen to anything with lots of energy. Slower songs, or even songs with some calmer moments, aren't their preference. The Squid Sisters gave them an early preview of Wave Goodbye, and they smiled and said it was good, but they struggled to pay attention to it.
They like the music that plays in Turf War. They've learned to recognize them all by name as soon as a match starts, even the ones they aren't as a big a fan of.
They're favorite band is Damp Socks, and they may have (unintentionally) been rude when they met Off the Hook because they kept asking about the band they collabed with, rather than stuff relevant to them. Off the Hook didn't mind, though. They were glad the rising stars they worked with were getting attention.
They want to learn an instrument, but they can never settle on one, often going back-and-forth between the handful they own. They are best with the drums, but they worry it isn't as impressive of an instrument, so they don't play it as much as they should.
(Bonus) Little Buddy: Little Buddy hasn't worked out their tastes yet. When they are in control of what song they listen to, they decide in the first two seconds whether or not they want to hear the whole thing. Agent 3 still hasn't figured out what the pattern might be to what songs they will and won't give a try.
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lavenoon · 2 years
PLEASE tell us more about the Accidentally Undercover AU I am OBSESSING over it now I must know more, I am in love with it 🙏
Oh dear I really just posted it and ditched you guys huh gdhs
Hi I'm back from my evening event and will ramble some more! I've been shooting ideas at @lulu-libellule who also made it all even more fun than it was initially, hehehe
So there's not much of the fnaf plot gonna happen - like virus and Afton n shit, I'm not going there, it's really just for fun
But! There is of course some sort of timeline, and there's three stages/ arcs basically. First pre-reveal, then the messy bit where they all figure it out (though not at the same time), and then post-reveal
Pre-reveal is mostly just what I described in the intro post, they're all stupid and I have a bunch of interactions I wanna draw for it. They're so, so incredibly oblivious it's so much fun. Picture this:
Moon recounts the night at work, the moment of victory when he managed to trip Robin up, giving him a headstart and resulting in a mild inconvenience (think something bruised, at worst sprained) for them. Sun simply nods along, agreeing on principle but honestly, he's just already thinking of how Y/N seems to have had a really bad day at work, limping in while cursing under their breath, so he's really thinking of doing something nice for them before leaving for his own shift (: No dot connecting happening
Or Sun's kind of accidental crafting hobby (he's an expert, he's not half-assing his cover story) carrying consequences for Moon, too Robin: Taking the "eyes on the back of your head" a bit too literally, no? Dusk: What are you talking about? Robin: There's. There's a googly eye stuck there. With glitter I think Dusk, internally: SUN I SWEAR TO GOD
The reveal itself is pretty much the only part I've planned to include angst - self doubt, frustration, and somewhat betrayal too for all of them. Messy, and not too thought out yet, but it'll be a whole thing!
Post-reveal on the other hand. That's gonna be stupid fun again, because now all three idiots are in on it and cover for each other. Their organization would shame them forever if not outright fire them for being so damn stupid if they learned their cohabitation was an accident, so they simply don't mention it to anyone.
Leads to fun moments when the presumed rivals start defending each other -
someone: Dawn dropped out of today's mission, said something personal came up Y/N, who begged him to stay home to wait for the plumber to fix some pipes bc they have a meeting with someone high up they can't cancel: he mentioned a funeral someone: oh, huh. my condolences later: Sun: Y/N. what funeral would we go to Y/N: IDK I PANICKED
Someone happens to ask Dusk what funeral they went to, he deadpan replies "our grandmother's", no one asks again
Also Moon will never let Y/N live it down once he realizes they lied about pretty much all their scars to make them sound cooler than they actually are, because for some reason being a literal secret agent isn't cool enough for Y/N. They almost regret making up all those dramatic stories. Almost.
Gonna stop here for now so I still have stuff to talk about when my brain isn't quite as mushy, but super super giddy that people like my silly little au idea!! I just love identity shenanigans with a focus on differing dynamics so so much, so I had to make that a reality, glad to have people with me on the ride <3
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x-other-souled-x · 10 months
Syscourse on this website is so fucking stupid but I can't look away, its entertaining as much as it is frustrating.
Yall are so fucking stupid, anyone can talk shit about anyone, anyone can say whatever they want, talk shit get hit, whatever.
Its not a "boundary" for others to talk freely, if you don't want to associate with people then dont. Block them. Move on. Stop flinging hatred to others.
And anyway someone blocking you isn't you winning an argument.
If you get blocked its more likely it's because you're annoying or a pest or keep saying the same shit over and over and expecting people yo just give up and say "you were right all along, I renounce my personal expereinces to you, oh wise tumblr user who is an expert on everything life has to offer! Woe was I to ever beleive I could possibly have an opinion or life expereince different from anyone else, I had forgotten we all must suffer in exactly the same ways!"
Yall REFUSE to take your safety and health into your OWN HANDS and use the fucking block button and live comfortably in your little circle jerk bubbles and then COMPLAIN about it. Shut the fuck up whiney little kids.
One day when you grow up you're gonna realize none of this fucking matters. You'll get the care you need if you fight for it and it's not fucking endos online or even genuine fakers using up ""resources"" (guys fakers don't go to the doctor, duh, no I'm not arguing that bc even if they do they don't last long OR if they do then they have something ELSE seriously wrong they need treatment for, ppl don't just pay thousands of dollars for FUNSIES omg.)
It's not them, its the prohibitive nature of healthcare systems around the world who don't give a shit about you as far as your wallet goes.
Why don't you focus your fight on the actual target, the ableist and restrictive nature of much of healthcare around the world. What ever happened to mad pride? Why are yall fighting your siblings like this? It's stupid.
Here I'll help you out, go from here, learn a little.
Go outside make friends who aren't entrenched in online discourse and life your fucking life. Touch grass. Choose better battles and stop wasting your time making your PEERS lives miserable for no other reason than you need to feel good about yourself.
We can help each other if we dont just keep tearing each other down for no reason.
No instead yall just bitch and complain and whine and ATTACK OTHERS over stupid shit like wether or not someone can use an anime character's name if they introjected said anime character. Or the mere existence of people different than you. Fucking inane behaviour. Get a better hobby for fucking real.
I stick my head in from time to time because I think it's funny to see a bunch of kids whine about things that they can step away from at any moment. Except it makes me sad to see yall waste your time making dedicated syscourse blogs and other dumb bullshit youre wasting your time on. You're not changing minds, you're fighting for grains of rice on the dirt floor.
And yes actually you CAN step away from the internet at any moment and do something else with your life. Even if you're chronically bedridden, read a book, write a story, draw a picture, watch some movies, play with dolls, whatever, just take a fucking break.
I'm turning off reblogs and blocking anyone who screenshots this to argue**. Seriously, get a better hobby. Live your damn life. The opinion of a STRANGER ONLINE shouldn't make you shake and get so heated that you can't think of anything else. L
You WOULD feed the trolls and you do.
(**with one exception, if you want to agrue about the prohibitive costs of health care and provide resources that dont cost thousands, because it would actually help people)
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unhonestlymirror · 2 years
Hello I wanted to ask you for some advice I got a comment saying that they wanted to commission me but I’m a traditional artist and I don’t know how that would work? And I have never been commissioned before so I don’t know how that would work
Hello dear,
I can't say I'm such an expert in comissions myself (van-del if you're reading this I'm sorry xd).
Since that person, I suppose, asked you about a digital comission, not just a comission - the first thing I'd done in your place is telling straight-forward that you are experienced mostly in traditional art. (but if that person didn't clarify then it's much easier to lead them to a favorable field for you.)
(Oh damn, I've seen so much threads about taking comissions but where are they when they're so needed?! xd)
Of course it's preferable to have a comission card(?) I guess, it's called so. But if you're LIKE ME don't have any - no need to panic! Ask about:
How many characters your client wants to see in ONE drawing (in two drawings separately - two prices)
PAYMENT METHOD. This is the most important point. Find out what online money receiving services work in your country - and what the commission is (not a drawing haha). PayPal, Ko-fi, Boostie, ByeMeACoffee, Patreon - and many others. It is better to plunge into jurisprudence and economics than to find out later why the client sent money - but they did not come. However, if the client can pay in cash, that's even better. Just don't forget to wear a long black coat and a hat.
It's preferable to mention in advance what you WILL NOT DRAW - usually people write "porn, furry, mecha, complex backgrounds", etc. For example, I don't draw bicycles, because they remind me of that jerk in a hurry who broke my brother's nose. Remember, that no one can force you to draw something uncomfortable for you money can but i didn’t say it
Ask in details about characters: their age, race, gender, hobbies, behavior, appearance, do they wear accessories (you can rise the price for too much details), their profession, their lifestory - for better understanding.
Usually artist set different prices for "just head / three quarters / full length" of a character. From cheapest to the most expensive.
Ask about what should happen with them on a drawing: they can stay still like manekens or being in a move. If you are confident enough in your abilities - specify the angle.
If something happens to them - specify in what place. It can be a park, a shop, a car interior, a palace - the complexity also increases with the background. Let your client know upfront if you don't draw complex backgrounds.
When you have discussed everything in detail:
If your client is not your close friend, it is advisable to require an advance payment (about 50%). And it is advisable to draw up an agreement in which you undertake to return this prepayment, if during the sketching you suddenly did not want to continue working.
It's time to discuss a deadline. My honest advice: "time you think it will take" + "one week". The overestimation of one's strength is real.
You draw a sketch. You DON'T put in much effort, but you make the future drawing understandable enough. Because your client can change their mind and say "oh, you know, i want them not sitting in a cafe but dancing. with glow sticks". - and you have to put in a lot of extra effort.
Remember: if you discussed all the details - and then you lost all desire to draw this - you are not an asshole if you tell your client "i won't do this". You are NOT an asshole if you drew a sketch, lost your desire, RETURNED THE PREPAYMENT and said "I won't do this". It's your own work.
You start drawing the whole comission. You put effort.
If you're starting to realize "+ one week" wasn’t enough - tell your client about the delay and offer them some additional extra drawings to make amends. If you draw them before the commission, send them first. Show your client "nobody's forgotten, nothing's forgotten".
If your client, after your presentation of the full work, says, “oh you know, I don’t want this at all” - that is, behaves like an asshole - you have the right not to return the prepayment and to tweet what a jerk this person is. (this will be impolite, but you will have the right to do so)
Not to overestimate your powers is just as important as not to underestimate your work! Ask yourself how much you would pay yourself for your drawing - and set that price. Do not get fooled by "why is it so expensive" whiners - if a person does not want to pay, they simply will not.
That is, I think I told everything important. Hope it helps and wish you good money! ☺️
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4aloysius-porteu · 4 years
i really wish i hated you || tsukishima kei
masterlist | chapter 1 | 2 | 3
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pairing: tsukishima kei x f! reader
sypnosis: It was an accident that (Y/N) met a certain tall, blonde male; a memory she isn't fond of remembering, but it is where it all started. And ever since, she magically makes her to his path. The image of the bespectacled man dwelled in her mind more than she thought. Tsukishima pushed away his softer emotions and denied their existence, or at least that's what he told himself. But then, he couldn't believe that this girl he labeled as a clumsy, unlucky creature who smashed his glasses is slowly bringing these strange emotions back to him. She might be irritating and dumb sometimes, but he couldn't get himself to completely hate her. Either that destiny was stupid, or he was blessed or cursed. 
genre: fanfic, fluff
wc: 1039
warnings: mentions of injuries such as being hit with a ball in the face
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It was the graduation day of the 3rd years in Kitagawa Daiichi, which marks (Y/N)'s last day of being a junior high student. The ceremonies ended well and she bade goodbye to the few people who accompanied and treated her nicely for some times.
Since it's still early, she went back to her apartment, changed her school uniform to casual clothes and went to the park. The fresh spring air blew gently as people went by while the kids play different kinds of sports. The nearby gyms must be filled with scary adults, huh? She settled down on an unoccupied bench and brought out her pencil and sketch pad. And there, she started to sketch everything that her eyes can see. She continued doing do for several minutes, until a soccer ball rolled to her foot and a bunch of children came near her. She kicked the ball lightly to them to avoid unnecessary interaction and go back to her drawing, but they won't get the message.
"Nee-chan, come play with us! It must be boring to be stuck with that assignment." A girl with pigtails said.
"It's not an assignment. It's my hobby." She corrected.
"Yet you look so gloomy while doing it." A boy commented. "Why don't you play soccer with us? Bet it's more fun than that!"
She sighed. Can you please just leave me alone?
She stared at them with dead eyes in an attempt to get away from their request, only to be stared back with those large puppy eyes that annoyed the hell out of her. She hate kids and they are asking the wrong person.
"Please, nee-chan! Let's play, let's play!" They came closer and pulled her sleeves.
"I-I'm sorry kids, but I don't know how to play soccer so can you let me go—"
"You don't know how to play soccer? Uncool."
"Huh, now you think you're good at it? Did you know that you suck at passing? You can't even score!"
"What did you say?! Take it back!"
They started their little childish fight. They got louder and the commotion they attracted people's attention, which is another thing she hates. "Fine, fine! I'll play with you, so stop quarreling!"
They immediately stopped as if everything was an act to make her agree, "Really?"
"You heard me."
"Yay! Let's go to the goalpost over there, onee-san!"
She took her sketch pad with her before she let them drag her to a small soccer court steps away from where she was seated. I hope the basics I know can help me.
They kicked the ball towards her, waiting for her next move. She's actually embarrassed because kids can be very unforgiving if they see someone mess up.
"Alright, let me clear things first. Onee-san isn't an expert to this sport, so don't go hard on me when I fuck up, okay?"
"What's fuck up?"
"I'm sorry, it's only a word I made. I meant messed up."
"It's okay, as long as you play with us!"
"So... here I go."
(Y/N) lifted the ball up with her foot, let it bounce twice on her right then left knee, once on her right and left elbow, and thrice over her head before dropping it to the ground. She was surprised that she managed to do it perfectly until she met eyes staring at her in awe.
The boys gasped, "That's so cool, nee-chan! How do you that?"
"Please teach me too, onee-san!" The girls jumped.
She smirked a little. Don't tell me they suck at this more compared to me that they think this basic move is already cool? I might have fun.
And so they played for the next minute and she taught them the proper basics. There were times that she'll trip and they'll laugh at her first before helping her up and did the same to them. She was thankful that they weren't the demon kids she thought. But they would step on her shoes that will test her patience.
They were kicking at random directions that (Y/N) had to chase the ball everywhere. Very tiring, but she had to keep up since their stamina won't run out any soon.
"Protect the goal!" The other kid shouted.
It was her turn to score. "Get ready!" She warned and aimed to the goal.
But a mistake happened.
"Excuse me! Watch out!"
She kicked the ball way too hard and it didn't go to the direction she aimed at. She internally cursed as I ran to warn the person on the ball's direction, but it was too late. The ball hit him square in the face. She stopped running midway because of sheer embarrassment, but she had to help him.
"I-I'm sorry! I'm very sorry!" She apologized, stammering, "I didn't see you right away, are you okay?"
"Do I look okay to you?!" He replied in an irritated voice. He winced in pain as he covered his face, particularly around his eyes. She just noticed that he was wearing glasses and she realized how painful the impact must be.
"Tsukki! What happened?! Are you okay?" His friend rushed to his side.
"I-I was playing with the kids and accidentally kicked the ball to his direction, please f-forgive me..."
"Accidentally? You looked like you intentionally kicked it in my way! Do you even know how to aim the ball right? If you can't then you should stop playing the damn sport!" He spat.
She was so ashamed and mad at the same time. Everyone was looking at her and she wished that the ground would eat her alive in front of him, yet her feet froze on the spot. She knows she did something wrong, but he doesn't need to diss her like this.
"I'm sorry if I'm bad at soccer sir, but I didn't intentionally send it your way and I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience I've caused." She stated and bowed.
She went back to the field without daring to look back at his face to forget what happened. She was about to talk to the kids when...
"Hey." The blonde male called, "You broke my glasses."
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The first part might be bad, but a story gets better as it progresses.
©4aloysius.porteu.2021. please do not repost, copy, or edit. plagiarism is punishable by law.
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zu-is-here · 3 years
Hi Zu!
Do you like doing handicrafts? Like sewing, knitting, scrapbooking, anything like that.
Well, the past still counts! As for me, I've hated shopping since forever, it exhausts me to no end. Window shopping, on the other hand, suits me much better (x But I do that just as rarely, because I need someone to walk with, it's extremely uncomfortable to be alone outside, and I don't have anybody to ask here.
You're right, that's the same logic as it was with all the toys 💞 I guess I was quite lonely as a kid as well, so I did my best to comfort those around me, people and things the same.
I mean, I guess? That's Broomie here, isn't it? His/theirs ability to move and react is an interesting and important detail indeed, thanks for pointing that out for me; although it reminds me of an animal a bit more than anything else. Definitely not a base for a sentient monster-like being. Uhhh, I keep making my own life more and more difficult (x But at least this one is fun.
I'd say anime adaptation is just as good. Or, well, not anime but donghua, that's the right term. It also has the manhua (like manga but Chinese) and drama adaptations, and those are great as well! Adaptations are much more censored, and the drama strays a bit far from the original plot, but that didn't ruin anything at all.
Well, thank you for letting me support you, and for supporting me in return 🌻 Cooperation is a part of what makes the whole thing work, after all.
It is a hit of inspiration, the first few lines... Or the last few, sometimes I write poems from the end to the beginning (x Then it's either more waves of inspiration or trying to twist words and meanings patiently. To be honest, for me the first way works better. Maybe I'd need to polish my improvisation later, but all in all that's faster, more convenient. Sometimes I need to wait for months to continue a certain poem, but at least I'll be satisfied with the result for sure. Forcing the lines is a bad idea, that's what I'm doing with prose, and look how miserable that makes me. Poems are something safer, I'm resting while working on them. Oh, another important things! When I'm writing a poem, there are times when I've no idea what it will be about in the end. Words just want to be written and spoken, so I oblige. Well, I'm not an expert at drawing, but even I can tell you're doing an awesome job! By the way, not sure if you ever mentioned it, but do you use any references? Like for anatomy or perspective or anything at all.
And the last question. What would you like to thank yourself for today? You can name one thing, make a list, or just think about it and keep it for yourself.
Take care! *hugs*
Hi anfie╰(*´︶`*)╯
Oh I did! <3 I used to cross-stitch pictures and even do weaving on a loom, but now my only handicraft hobby is to skritch-skritch on the tablet xd What about you? I remember you mentioned that you knit *^*
I feel you x) Window shopping does sound like a better option ☆ By the way — if it's not a secret — why are you uncomfortable to be alone? You don't have to answer, I just remember you said the same thing about going to the cinema and I attributed it to the awkwardness of being alone among the companies, hope it's nothing serious (ówò) As for me, I love to be alone! Spending time with yourself and being free to do whatever you want and go wherever you want, isn't that cool? ♪(´ε` )
That was and still is very nice of you! (〃ω〃) I'm sorry to hear you had a lonely childhood, it must have felt desperate... but you're not alone now, right? <3 Hope this past lack doesn't bother you now!
That's right (*´꒳`*) Oh– I'm sorry if it was kinda inhumanly of me, it's just that it may be a good time for Gayfish's idea about Broomie being mute ☆ Hope this can help you!
Ah I've heard about the manhua term, but I thought the difference between it and manga is in the color only,,, xd Anyway, it sounds interesting, and it's worth comparing! (゚ω゚)
That's right╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
That's so unusual yet fair enough! I know how hard and painful it may be, so more bouts of inspiration for you! °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° Oh please, don't say that, it doesn't make you miserable in any way! Even in violent there's a freedom since it's part of your imagination, something that saves you when there's nothing to help you. But I'm glad to hear poetry helps you relax ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ And it's great when the creator doesn't know where his lines will lead! Like you become a mystery and then a surprise to yourself ☆ I had similar moment while drawing Lodestar comic, where I literally let Killer improvise, and it did fit harmoniously *^* And thanks a lot! (〃ω〃) To be honest, I tried to use references but they looked so weird I just quit and now I use a mirror and my eyes only, no kidding XD Even Killer I'm gonna post soon is drawn partly thanks to my reflection <3 Are there any "helpers" for poets? (・∀・)
Do you use the gratitude practice too? (*⁰▿⁰*) I try to do it every day naming as many things as possible which I'm grateful for, even the most banal ones, and right now I'm grateful for everything going the best way. And you? ☆
Take care *hugs* ♡
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Hi! If the "dear Reader" stuff still open, may I have a Jake English x (human/Female) Reader one? My hobbies are drawing, playing games, going outside, swimming... I have short brown-ish hair, blue eyes and i'm very pale, I also use squared glasses ( like him yes!!! ). My personality is very energetic, and overall happy!! Childish and a little inmature, and I have a pretty short temper... A cute love confession would be nice! I hope everything is un order
{ Yeah, and I wrote even this one.This is the second request, yep!Everyone can still send requests since one slot is still available!Even if I answered to two requests, I am not going to free all the slots.
I have anything to say, just enjoy this letter. }
Jake was not exactly an expert of romance.
He did not know how to use his words properly especially after he realizedhe had a crush over you. It was a revelation for him. Like cold water in hisface.
He had vision problem but he would never imagine he could be so blind sincehe has not realized his love sentiment toward you until now.
For this reason, he felt just like an idiot and he kept ignoring all yourpesterchum’s messages as if he was never online but he was there, full of shame.Completely confused.
He did not believe he could ever fall in love with his best friend. It was somethingthat happened only in movies. The kinds of movies he did not watch because he preferredadventure movies. There was no romance in them so now he felt lost. No onecould save him!
In the meantime, you were freaking out because Jake ignored you without areason. All your messages have been ignored. Your calls as well. Now you wereso worried because it was too strange since he always answered to you even whenhe was busy. You could never imagine you were on his mind all the time. Youwere the first thought that woke him up in the morning. This was still a secrethe wanted to keep for himself.
No, there was no way he could suffer even more.
Sick and tired to avoid you, he decided to confess you his hidden truth andhe did not care about the consequences. You would have never shared his lovebut you had to know since this situation was driving him crazy!
He already missed the adventures you and him lived together. All thebeautiful times when the two of you were admiring the sunset on a big pine while a couple of tigers were growling at you under the same tree but you andJake just did not care about them because the sight was too amazing. Or thattime when he saved your life, you were bitten by a venomous snake but Jake wasable to save you, sucking all the poison from your wounded arm. Also, when youwere the one who saved him when he risked to be eaten by a crocodile but youjust fought it using your prodigious guns and Jake had already understood youwere his soul mate but he was just too stupid to confess it aloud.
Now he found himself lost in desperation and you hated him for his badbehaviour.
There was only a way to declare his love and it was by writing a letterwhere he would open his heart to you since he did not know other methods and hefelt still too pathetic for looking you in the eyes.
“Dear [Name], 
I’ve never been good with words –I’ll never be-.
I’ve so many things to say to you and I already feel like I’m doingeverything wrong!
You surely hate me and you’ve all the rights to do it. I’m very sorry forbeing such an idiot. An insensitive idiot who is unable to take the rightdecisions or saying a simple thing like the one I wanna say you but I wasafraid you could be angrier at me!
I’m not afraid when I’ve to fight a ferocious beast but now I’m afraid likea little baby who freaks out in the darkness of his room.
Climbing a mountain with my bare hands would be easier than talking aboutit! I’m wasting your time and you would already trashed my letter but I’mkeeping on writing because I’ve no choice!
There’s no other way, it’s totally awkward since I never write but mythoughts are still so confused and difficult to express. Maybe there’s no way!
Since I’m here, I’ll finish!
I’m in deeply in love with you… Have I been too hasty? I’m following themessy thoughts in my mind and I’m not going to re-read this stuff because Iwould regret it. Sorry if I am chaotic and I’m getting off topic!
What was I saying? Holy crap!
Yes, you’re just so important to me and I’m treating you like shit, it’s unfair!It’s true that I like you so much. Actually, I love you. Now I feel an idiotand I don’t even remember the reasons but that’s it!
I spent these last days wondering about it, trying to find the proper wordsto confess it to you. I should tell it in person but then I would explode likefireworks for the embarrassment. I’m sure you don’t share my love and you’re laughingat me. I may appear like an idiot in your eyes. How many times I said the word idiot? Oh, god!
I got rid of this at least, but I don’t feel so relieved because thethought that you hate me now is even worse than keeping this secret.
What do you say now?
I don’t expect you’ll answer to this shit.
Maybe I’m pumping my own hopes, I wanna deceive myself.
 It’s better I stop writing this, it’s been too embarrassing yet.
You were just so surprised after reading this letter.
You just stared this piece of paper without even realizing what you havealready read.
Jake was completely in love with you and you could not believe it. Atfirst, you thought it was all a joke but you were able to perceive all hisanxiety in the words he wrote to you.
You were sure he was sincere and he opened up his heart to you in a way youwould have never expected by him.
He was so romantic but even so clumsy and tender that your heart melted.
You have read his letter more than one time, blushing and smiling like anover emotional child.
His sentiment was shared because you just felt the same way. Your heartbeat for him. This happiness was incalculable and precious.
You slept hugging this letter as if it was your teddy bear imagining a newlife shared with your beloved Jake. The new adventures the two of you would liveand all the places you two would discover.
This was only the first page of the story of your life together.
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