#as if Korra didn't kiss him when he was with Asami
k8lynjoy · 5 months
Controversial LOK opinion, but Mako >>>>> Bolin
Mako gets so much hate for a love triangle he didn't even start (and all the blame, even though Korra and Asami were the ones actively pursuing him) while Bolin was out here repeatedly kissing a woman who kept telling him no.
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hadesisqueer · 2 months
Korra talking about her love life: Okay so I arrived at Republic City and befriended Mako and Bolin who were brothers. I liked Mako but Mako was dating this girl Asami and I ended up going out once with Bolin who really liked me but then Mako and I kissed in front of him and he got really upset but we all made up later and I let the whole thing with Mako. Then I ended up really getting along with Asami even though I started off jealous of her? She fought her dad for me and all. Anyway eventually Mako and Asami broke up and he and I got together. But after a while we kept arguing and arguing until one day he broke up with me. Then he kissed Asami while I was gone but I came back with memory loss and didn't even remember we'd broken up and he pretended we were still together until the end when I remember and we both broke up for good now because we didn't work. We remained good friends though. Anyway Asami and I became even closer friends and she was there for me at my lowest and at some point I started realizing I had feelings for her?? And I ended up dating her three years later.
Kyoshi: That's insane. In my case I was discovered late as the Avatar and I actually ended up working as servant for a while for the guy who was misidentified as the Avatar, a boy named Yun. I had a crush on him for a while and it was reciprocal but neither of us acted on it and the crush ended up fading —though I still cared deeply about him, of course—, partly because I subsconciously started crushing on Rangi, Yun's Fire Nation bodyguard? I didn't realize at first. But after I found out I was the real Avatar and this guy had my adoptive father killed —and I thought Yun was dead too—, I ran away from home and Rangi came with me and I ended up realizing I had feelings for her while we were running from the cops? Anyway we ended up getting together. I need to add that my adoptive father realized I was the Avatar because I randomly sang a poem that Kuruk had written for Hei-Ran, Rangi's mom. So I ended up dating the daughter of my past life's first love. Also I ended up having to kill my first crush after he almost killed her.
Aang: I... met Katara and I fell in love with her?
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stanlunter · 4 months
Bi erasure in the fandoms
There are many types of biphobia among people, but I wanna talk about the least noticable type of it, which is super common and barely gets called out. "Headcanoning" canon/implied bisexual characters (mostly female, for some reason) as lesbians.
Usually they don't even portay it as a "headcanon", but just state that they are and make everyone believe this. And when they done, people even start call you lesbophobic for calling bi erasure our, bc It's suddenly you're the one who "erase" lesbians. And the funny thing is that a lot of those who state so, haven't even watched these shows and just have "heard" that these characters are "lesbians" and the continue misinformate everyone else. And that's awful and very harmful for bi community
Let's take some examples
1. Asami and Korra
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Both are bisexual women who were in love with the same man and then broke up with him and started dating each other. Prolly the most heavily implied bisexuals ever. But what do people have problems with? Oh, they think that if a bi girl has broken up with a man, it means only that she realized she's lesbian. Not that her ex was a cheater, not that their relationship was toxic. No, they can break up only bc she had a comphet. There are no other options. And if a girl dates another girl, she's also 100% lesbian, bc bi girls are just "straights who wanna invade lgbt", right? Oh, yeah, also Korra is strong and muscle "lesbian stereotype" and Asami is "cold and lady-like" "lesbian stereotype" so yeah, It's absolutely makes them lesbians! — another example of why the stereotypes are actually harmful.
2. Poison Ivy (both in the show and in the comics)
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Absolutely the same thing as with Korra and Asami, but is also a "mean lesbian stereotype" which is basically the strongest stereotype, so yeah. Ivy dated Kite man and was actually attracted to him. She liked kissing me and enjoyed his company. The only thing that made her break up with Kite man is that he wasn't someone she saw her future with. He didn't fit her and she knew who did - Harley, her girlfriend. Even when Ivy knew she was attracted to Harley (bc she litterally cheated with her), she still knew she is attracted to Kite man and even so planned their wedding, but being attracted ≠ being soulmates, unfortunately. People also for some reason think that just bc Ivy hates men, it means she has to be lesbian. Ig they don't know there are bi or even straight girls who hate men. Like febfems (bi girls who refuse to date men for political reasons and their safety) don't exist. Like you can't be attracted to someone you hate.
And after all, Ivy dating Kite Man (and Dan Back) isn't even the main reason she's bisexual. Besides it, she was confirmed to be bisexual multipe times by many different authors. She's canon bi in almost every universe. And the way some new authors are trying to change her sexuality is a clearest bi erasure. And It's also funny, cuz if someone ever dared to turn a canon lesbian character into bisexual, everyone would immidiatly lose it. But when they do the same with bisexuals, It's suddenly being ignored. Wow.
3. Sasha Waybright
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Thankfully the last time I don't see this so often (mb bc the fandom is dying tho), but just when everyone's favourite "mean lesbian" was confirmed to be bisexual, everyone went wild... Yeah, their favourite stereotype was broken. Does it mean they started to understand that stereotypes don't define sexuality and that even mean girls can like men? Ofc not! They obviously started to say that she was confirmed as bi bc: 1. Disney didn't want to let her be lesbian 2. Mate did it only to make the fandom mad
Lmao. They really gonna believe anything but that a character can just be...bisexual. And even so, they keep "headcanoning" her as lesbian. I've even heard people who were saying she had a "comphet" and will realize she's lesbian in the future. That's not even funny, but it does make me laugh
4. Princess Bubblegum
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Oh, I love the way the whole tik tok fandom suddenly started to call Bubblegum "canon lesbian" just bc someone has said so and others have spread it up. Ig I should be thankful, that they at least recognize Marcelin being bisexual, huh?
Anyways, the thing is that Bubblegum, just as much as Marcelin was heavily implied to be bisexual. She litterally had an ex bf and for those who love calling every bi character with ex bfs lesbians with comphet, besides that Bubblegum was also in love with Finn in the episode when she turned 13. She litterally kissed him there and has said she wishes she could stay this way with him. It was directly shown throught the whole show that's the only reason why Finn's feelings are one sided is that Bubblegum is way older than him. And in the episode "Too young" it was directly confirmed. But people are still gonna call her lesbian just...bc? I don't even know why, she doesn't even fit stereotypes that much. Mb they decided to "ruin stereotypes" by it? Or mb they just decided that since6she rejected Finn (a litteral child) it means she can't be attracted to men at all? This logic is even worse. But God only knows what is in their heads
5. Yang Xiao long
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Oh, yeah, this one is usually super objectionable bc she was showing interest in men basically only in v1 and then started dating Blake. And if Blake being bi was so clear that there are basically no people denying it or bc she fits bi stereotypes, who knows, however we should remember that bisexuals don't have to have equal attraction to everyone (like Blake, who had 2 male and 2 female love interests) and they don't have to date all genders to prove their attraction.
But there are many evidences of Yang being attracted to men too.
In the whole Yellow Trailer Yang actively flirts with a man
In ep3v1 she happily gazas on shirtless men and then, when Ruby says "father wouldn't approve it" she answers (I know, I fo) – which already would be enought to confirm her attraction to men
But in the same volume, when the team decorates their room, when Yang hangs a poster with a male band of the artists she's attracted too, it was shown that she liked men as well.
Yeah, I got that both the fandom and Roosters really love to forget everything that was in v1-2, but It's a fact that Yang is bisexual as well as Blake. But wait, she's a "strong lesbian stereotype", right!!! So let's ignore a bi representation, sure!
6. Sunset shimmer
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Here's a girl, who canonically has dated a man and was officially confirmed to be bisexual by the author in Twitter. So why do people keep "headcanoning" her as lesbian? Oh, bc she's SUNSET and has flags of lesbian colors. Like "Sunset" was invented by lesbian flag, yeah. And what's the funniest thing in this perfect argument is that Sunset Shimmer was created even before the sunset lesbian flag designed!
And, yeah, I could take the "she has said that she didn't like Flash so it was a comphet/pretending" thing, but the problem is that it still litterally was confirmed by the author himself that Sunset is bisexual. And in the further show and even movie we can see clear signs of them still having a thing for each other. Like Sunset winks to him and many of their other interactions, but they can be read in a friends way as well ofc, which doesn't make her any less of canon bi!
7. Clawdeen Wolf
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Her situation is exactly like Yang's. Since not so long time ago Clawdeen was confirmed to be lgbt and there was announced a comic about her and Toralei's romantic relationship, everyone started yelling that she's "canon lesbian" now. However it was only confirmed that she's wlw, not lesbian. And wlw includes these little unknown people called bisexuals.
But why do I say she's bi, but not lesbian? Well, bc it was clearly shown in the show and the movies that she's attracted to men. Yeah, she's a bit less obsessed with them than others and doesn't have a bf, however her feelings for many of them were obvious. And it was no where near a comphet. No, she was exactly attracted to them, that's a fact. So for now, she's a heavily implied bi character who had feelings for boys and who is dating a girl, just like Yang. And calling her lesbian is kinda biphobic
8. Kagami Tsurugi
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A canon bisexual character, who's love to both Marinette and Adrian was confirmed in official synopsis for s5 and official show bible. She was shown to have a clearest attraction to Adrian and Felix, 2 men. Even if after she has broken up with Adrian (and no, not bc she realized she was lesbian, but bc he has fucking lied to her face and has broken up her heart) some people got an idea of her being a "lesbian with a comphet", this idea was destroyed again by her new attraction to Felix, another man.
However people are still gonna ignore her canon sexuality and call her a lesbian, by using "comphet" as a justification, or even by turning Felix and Adrian into transwomen, which isn't a justification to erase bi representation either anyways!
It's especially hurting since she's my favourite character I strongly relate to tho
9. Sayaka
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Omg, Madoka Magica is an anime that includes girls who like girls. Almost all of the main characters are implied to be lesbians. But you know who's being headcanoned as a lesbian the most?? That's right! The only girl that likes boys too! What an irony, yeah? Sayaka has a huge romantic tension with Kyoka and has a canon crush on her male childhood friend – Kyosuke. So we can have the only bi rep out of 5 wlw girls. Ofc this rep was taken from us, bc some people wanna headcanon (or even impose it as canon) that the only bisexual girl is a lesbian with a comphet! Sure, yeah. Again, my favourite excuse for bi erasure, nothing's new, lol
10. Utena and Anthy
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Another bisexual couple, who's coded sexuality is always getting erased. Uthena and Anthy love each other and even shared a kiss in one of the endings. The status of their relationship wasn't directly stated in anime, however everyone who has eyes can see their clear romantic and not only tension. Utena's another love interest is Touga, who was her childhood love who she was shown to have super clearest attraction throught the anime, and this attraction has no platonic explanation, so yeah, Utena ia attracted to both men and women and It's canon. The same goes for Anthy: she had strong feelings for Dios. Both characters are bi-coded and comphet was never there. People are just trying to use it as an excuse to bi erasure bc they want all wlw characters to be lesbians, that's all.
So, if someone is gonna say that I'm "denying comphet" or any other shit like that, no, I know it exists and I know a lot of lesbians go throught it and it deserves a representation too, but in such cases the difference between comphet and an actual attraction to men is so clear and you know that.
There are also examples of the characters who had or could have comphet:
Like Apple White, who thought she supposed to like Daring just bc he's "her destiny", but she never liked him (and even in her bio she says that just bc they have to marry, it doesn't mean they're dating) and her actual "true love", who's kiss made Apple wake up was Darling, his sister. And It's an actually good example of comphet bc of the society pressure. Or Yuzu (even tho for some reason some people still think she's bi) who was said to never be in love with anyone untill her step-sister, she even lied to her friends about having boyfriends bc she thought there was smth wrong with her since she isn't attracted to men. Also Velma and etc. Unfortunately there aren't that many examples, but even with these ones the difference between a lesbian with a comphet and a bisexual girl is obvious, so yeah, you just want an excuse to erase bisexuals and turn them into lesbians and it will never be okay
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pastel-peach-writes · 1 month
Attracted | KorrAsami x Reader
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╰┈➤ PLOT: After a close call of losing the two girls who mean the most to you, you decide it's time to cut the crap and face the music, your feelings.
╰┈➤ WARNINGS: Not Proofread, No Use of Y/N, 3500+ Words
Part One | Part Three
⍣ ೋ Enjoy!⍣ ೋ
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Their stares dug into your soul and pulled out every sense of hiding and masking you've held in for the last few years. Their slight frowns, and disappointment in their colored eyes; it was too much for you to bear.
Were you so prideful in keeping your feelings secret that you'd risk losing Korra and Asami? Was it really that serious to let them think you didn't support their relationship?
You didn't know. You had no way to know.
Now the three of you were staring at each other in the courtyard of Air Temple Island. All parties eager for an answer from you.
However, just because they were eager to get an answer from you doesn't mean you had an answer ready for them.
Just now, in this very moment, you realized you had a crush on the two bisexuals. You just realized that going to bed thinking about kissing the both of them, holding their hands, and making them laugh wasn't as platonic as you thought.
You hated to admit it but Bolin was right. You hated when he was right, especially since you're often so stubborn. He was never going to let you live this down now.
But that's something to worry about in the future. Right now you needed to worry about the present. Korra and Asami are staring at you with hurt and almost distant eyes. The longer you let the silencer linger, the deeper you hurt them.
What could you even say or do in this moment? Make up some silly lie? Confess to them right on the spot? Make them think you're not accepting of their love? All three options were terrible. It was a lose-lose-lose situation.
"Uh," you nervously chuckled, scratching the back of your neck. The bright sun on Air Temple island shone into your eyes, nearly blinding you from the sight of the red-and-blue-coded girlfriends. You wondered what color you would be if you were added to the pair. "You know, I think I need to attend one of Tenzin's meditation classes. Learn how to ease up and become one with my chi."
"One with your chi?" Asami echoed.
"Yeah. If I'm so tense all the time and not noticing, obviously something is off. Maybe even wrong with me." You gave them another shrug. "I can't be one of the best members on the Krew and not be one with my chi."
Korra let out a chuckle. "'One of the best members'?" You nodded at her statement, a cocky smile growing on your lips. Korra shook her head, her smile from her chuckle staying on her face as she crossed her arms. "Who said you were one of the best?"
"Oh, isn't it obvious, Avatar?" You mimicked her stance and Asami did the same, matching the teasing smiles on your faces.
"Must not have been," Korra rebutted. "Sounds like you still got some work to do."
You could only laugh at her playful words. Although her statement was true, it was for the wrong situation. You did have some work to do. You had to work through and process your growing crushes on Asami and Korra in hopes you can get over them and have them never find out about your crush.
That should be easy. What's a little crush going to do to you?
"You're right," Tenzin said as he waved his palms over your torso. You were serious about taking meditation classes from him. You were too tense, hyper-focused on the sapphic pair. You needed mental clarity and hopefully with mental clarity comes a way to get over them.
The Airbender was using reiki, some form of spiritual healing that used energy and intention to ease the human mind and body. He decided to use the technique on you when you came to him about your stress problem. He said he rarely used this technique but given that you're a new student of his, he decided why not?
The man had his eyes closed and waved his arms and body around as if he were airbending. The only difference is that he wasn't airbending at all and in fact was getting a feel of your stress and anxiety levels. "You are very tense," he continued. "The tension lies within your shoulders and sits in your gut. Your chest, too, is tight. If you were an Airbender, you'd be blocked from your ability entirely. It would take months, maybe even years to remove this type of stress."
You heaved a sigh as the monk opened his eyes and returned to his natural standing stance. "Months"? "Maybe even years"? By the time you mastered your chi or removed most of the stress in your body, Korra and Asami could very well be married. Or even worse, forgotten about you.
It was extreme to think of those two scenarios but it's what your mind went to. You're doing this to be better for them, not to risk losing your friendship. If it's going to take years to return to the person you were before you started having feelings for them, they were gone for good.
"Well," you said as another sigh escaped your body. "We better get started."
Because of your circumstance, Tenzin decided to add airbender training to your "Stress Relief Regimen". Like he mentioned, you would be blocked if you were an Airbender but in addition to the spiritual and worldly connection, Airbenders also have a physical outlet. They use their body to navigate through the winds and courses of life. It acts as another way to release whatever your body is holding in.
It's been a few weeks since you started training with Tenzin and you can admit things are a lot better now. Well, physically. You're still blocked mentally and spiritually, but the airbending training traditions were getting easier for you. You ran into the equipment less and stayed on the balls of your feet more often. Even Jinora was impressed.
You practiced day and night while leaving space to meditate and to connect with nature in between. But the cause of your vigorous schedule to train and relax, you've pulled yourself away from the Krew. You rarely hung out with them outside of work and only said hello to them during meals. Day in and day out, you were training.
It was ironic though. You were training and practicing these techniques to become one with your emotions and get clarity on the KorrAsasmi situation but all the training seemed to be doing was making you avoid them.
You were actively running away and towards your emotions at the same time. How you mastered that skill, not even Tenzin knew.
He watched you prance and elegantly move around the spinning panels on the Airbending arena with your eyes closed and your arms in the offensive position he taught you. While you were physically correct, he could still feel a weight of heaviness and emotion rest on your shoulders and sink into your body.
Korra saw it too. That's why she was here standing next to Tenzin and monitoring your training. She knew Tenzin to be a good teacher so she didn't understand why his training kept you away from the Krew so long.
She already went through that teenage rebellion phase with him so she figured he eased up on allowing you to go out and such. Especially since you're not under his care and a grown adult. And as she watched your practice, she knew Tenzin's methods had changed for the better and the pressure lessened. So, if it wasn't Tenzin keeping you away from her. What was?
When practice was over, there was a meditation session immediately after. It wasn't a one-on-one session like you usually had with Tenzin, but actually an open session for the new Airbenders and anyone who wants to learn more about the art. In fact, it was taught by Jinora. Tenzin wasn't a part of it at all.
Korra assumed you kept your schedule busy with not only Tenzin's agenda but the other Airbenders too. To her it made sense. You're pretty much training to be an Airbender just without the bending. So to her surprise when she walked into the class and saw you weren't there, something was up.
"And you're sure they weren't there?" Asami asked as she unmade the bed for the night. She and Korra were in their room, the midnight moon shone through the window and provided natural light for the girls. Korra, just slipping on her white tank, nodded.
"Yup. Now we know Tenzin isn't keeping them away from us. I think it's them who wants to stay away from us." Korra's feet shuffled across the wooden floor, her tush melting into the mattress after she plopped.
"Come on." Asami frowned. "They're not like that. I'm sure it's something else." The paler woman sat beside Korra and placed a well-manicured hand on her shoulder. Korra only sighed again with her head hung low. "They haven't even spoke to Mako and Bolin and they're like brothers to them."
Korra shrugged. What Asami was saying made sense but there was something deeper going on. There was something you weren't telling them and Korra was killing herself trying to find out. "Does it not bother you either?" Korra's sad blue eyes struck Asami's green. "Don't you miss them? Their laugh and how they used to look at us with those eyes? Like we were the world to them. Now we barely get a glance when we pass each other in the halls or in the street."
Asami sighed. Of course, she did. She missed all of it and how you used to compliment them or poke fun. She missed watching you interact with Mako and Bolin and playing with them like they were your blood kin. She missed so much and more. She only placed a kiss on Korra's cheek and moved some hair behind the Avatar's ear. "Come on. Let's get to bed." -
"Good, now breathe while you lift your leg. Your opposite arm follows." You followed Tenzin's notes, lifting your leg and doing a fan kick while your opposite arm follows. When your arm follows, the momentum carried you throughout the move and when your leg landed on the ground, you spun around and nearly womble to the floor.
"Good," Tenzin said walking through the plush grass. "When you use that move, your weight shifts between your standing leg and then the led that lands on the ground. Because of your arm and force of the air, you spin around and when mastered, it's a great move to switch the play on your opponent." Tenzin then cleared his throat, the tops of his ears going red. "You know. If you airbent."
You gave him a slight chuckle. Almost four months into training and Tenzin still forgets you're not an Airbender sometimes.
"Sorry, force of habit." You waved him off and repeated the move, still stumbling when your lifted leg hits the ground. Tenzin instructed ways to land and poses to land into but no matter the note or correction, you continued to wobble.
"Ugh, I don't get it. I'm doing everything right. I'm making sure I'm light on my toes and transferring my weight between my legs," you complained to Tenzin as you took a swig of water.
The Airbending master interlaced his fingers and held them near his diaphragm. "Well, are you emotionally light? Spirtually, mentally?" You nodded as you wipe excess water from the corner of your mouth.
"Yeah. I mean, I think so? I mediate in the morning, evenings, and join some classes at the other Air Temple. I don't know what I'm doing wrong." You walked over to the cemented benches which were really short walls of concrete painted beige. You took a seat, crossing your legs and placing your heels at the edge of the wall.
"Hm," pondered Tenzin as he followed you to the wall. While he can admit your dedication is impressive, he can't help but feel there's something else blocking you, stopping you from achieving your greatest.
It was similar to what he experienced when training with Korra or his failed attempts at connecting to the spirit world but heavier. Almost as if you were avoiding the emotions that kept you planted deep into the ground. If you were an Earthbender, he predicted you would be one of the best.
"Tell me, young one. Is it possible there's something else bothering you? Perhaps problems with family, friends, work even?" He took a seat by you as you contemplated your answer to him.
You've felt good. The feeling of jealousy or even anxiety changed to what some would call a rock. It was as if a flat rock sheet lay on your chest and stomach. Some had a heart of gold and steel, yours wore stone armor.
You gave him a shrug and sipped your water out of avoidance. Your lack of eye contact, expression, and words told Tenzin everything he needed to know.
You were stuck emotionally and he had a hunch it was about the Avatar and her girlfriend. And perhaps the fact that they weren't your girlfriends. Tenzin wouldn't have come to that conclusion if it wasn't for his older sister, Kya.
One day, Kya came to visit and Tenzin told her all about your training and dedication to the craft despite not being an Airbender. When Kya observed your practicing, she could tell immediately you were struck with something emotionally tolling. Something you took Airbending techniques to work through but ended up avoiding.
She did the same thing with Waterbending when it came to a crush of hers.
Also, Kya overheard the Krew express concern and longing for you. More specifically, she saw the faces of Asami and Korra and how their eyebrows knitted together in hurt and confusion. It was the same face she wore when she found out Lin liked Tenzin.
"You need to talk to them," Tenzin spoke. "Avoidance or whatever you call this dance of yours isn't going to better your ability to meditate or to perform such exercises. In fact, it'll stifle your chances and ruin whatever you have left of your friendships." With a deep sigh, Tenzin put a hand on your shoulder. "Take this from someone who focused so hard on training that he almost lost his family. Isolation is not the key to working through hard emotions. You have to work and realize it's not going to be easy."
When your eyes met Tenzin's, you could see his brows downturned as if he was frowning with them. His eyes glossy yet held this certain look in his eye, as if he saw you as his own. His family.
The look stirred a certain guilt in your stomach. It was the same guilt you felt when you watched the Krew interact while you purposely lingered in the shadows. In hopes of bettering yourself, you ended up self-sabotaging.
"Hey!" Bolin chirped as he strode over to you and Tenzin. You quickly blinked away tears and looked at him with a smile, responding with a greeting. "We're going out to dinner tonight. You coming?"
Dinner was nearly normal. The five of you, the Krew and yourself, went to this fancy-ish restaurant where they served everything from Water Tribe food to Fire Nation goods. They also included the more modern dishes that Republic City had to offer.
It was like nothing had changed when you first ate. Everyone was chipper, happily munching on their meals, and cracking jokes like no time had passed between your group.
But then, just as you were almost done with your meal, the mood switched. A metaphorical cloud full of darkness and heavy rain washed over your booth and wind dared to blow you away from your seat.
Korra sighed, putting down her eating utensil and putting her hands on the table in an interlaced fist. "Okay, we have something we need to talk to you about." You barely looked at her to continue. "You've been kinda distant lately and we know it's not because of your training. Tenzin was adamant in easing the intensity of his training schedule, especially now with the new addition to the family and the new Airbenders."
You shrugged for what felt like the fiftieth time today. "I'm taking my craft really seriously. Is that a crime?"
"No," Asami said in a calmer tone that Korra could've given the sass you had in your sentence. "But it worries us. Especially now that you're not even attending Avatar duties anymore. We're a group and we need you. We're empty without you."
You threatened to scoff but instead shoved down the urge with another bite of your food. "I don't know what you want from me."
"Your training was supposed to help you ease up and not be as stressed but it looks like it's doing the opposite," Mako spoke. "You're distant, eat meals alone, and I've never seen someone train so hard for Airbending when you're not even an Airbender."
"Okay, so what? Look, it's my training, my schedule. You guys don't have a clue of what's going on with me so just drop it. Okay?"
Bolin glanced around his table of friends. Nervously picking at his pants, his eyes landed on you and gazed into your eyes. With a tone soft and gentle, he spoke. "So, something is going on."
You sat up a little straighter, eyes on the brown wooden table in front of you. You didn't realize you said that out loud. All that work of being alone and trying not to talk about your feelings nearly came undone with one measly slip-up. "No. Drop it."
"No, we don't want to drop it. What's going on? We can help you." Asami reached a hand out to you but you just snatched your hand away.
The Earthbender at the table sunk down in his seat. He knew what was going on now. He doesn't know why he forgot the last genuine conversation you had just a few months ago.
Your crush on Korra and Asami were eating you alive. What was supposed to be an outlet became a distraction. A distraction from the possibility of hurt, rejection, and loss. If he remembered this earlier, he wouldn't have suggested this confrontation dinner.
The only person who could help you in this situation is yourself and Bolin could see you didn't want that. Not anymore at least. You were perfectly fine losing your friends if it meant the protection of your relationship and feelings.
Although, it's a bit counteractive letting your friends slip away just to avoid a blowup over emotions you couldn't control. Bolin wasn't going to let that slide.
The Krew's been in messy romance drama before. What's a little more? They've prevailed over three times and they could do it again.
"I'm sorry," you took money from your pants and placed enough to cover your meal on the table, "but you can't help me with this. I'm sorry."
Following your departure, Bolin followed you out of the restaurant. Your friends exclaimed and called out for the both of you, but you were too far to hear and well Bolin, he was on a mission.
You stumbled behind yourself as Bolin took hold of your wrist and snatched you back. Your eyes met his, the orange-yellow lighting of the restaurant shining through the windows and making the sidewalk glow.
"You don't have to do this," Bolin spoke in a whisper. "You don't have to hide and pretend you're something you're not just to avoid rejection."
You pull your wrist out of his grip, your brows knitted defensively. "I don't know what you're talking about. I'm not avoiding anything."
"Please, I've seen it multiple times before. I lived it. The crushes you have on Korra and Asami won't change anything. They won't be weirded out or throw you out of the friendship if that's what you're worried about." The green in Bolin's eyes sought out to comfort you. As before, he kept his voice gentle and nurturing. "Crushes are scary and can leave you vulnerable but you shouldn't avoid your feelings because of it. You'll end up holding things in, the hurt turning into resentment, and the resentment turning into hate."
The Earthbender's palm found its place on top of your shoulder. Like his eyes, voice, and now touch, Bolin comforted you. His words, though similar to Tenzin's, had more meaning. You've seen Bolin get rejected before and heard horrific stories but he never let the embarrassment get to him. He learned, grew, and eventually got the partner of his dreams.
You patted his hand. "That means a lot. I'll try, okay? I can't promise it's going to be a good try, but I'll try and face my feelings instead of avoiding them and letting them turn into something ugly."
Bolin smiled, the joyous expression reaching his eyes. "Good. You won't regret it and you'll always have me to lean on. Don't forget that." Before you could say anything else, he pulled you in for a bear hug and lifted you off the ground.
Maybe Bolin was right. Facing your feelings head-on would make them less scary and who knows, maybe Korra and Asami would get a confession out of it.
To Be Continued. (Last part coming soon!) | Part One
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since i've talked a lot about how i dislike Catra, here are some of the other fictional characters that i dislike:
(warning: long post ahead, also spoilers for steven universe, the dragon prince, ocean waves, the legend of korra, and kipo and the age of wonderbeasts)
1. Lapis Lazuli (Steven Universe)
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i think this one is pretty obvious. there were a bunch of characters in SU who were let off the hook after doing terrible things, but Lapis is the one i disliked the most.
she started off as an interesting character, her trauma after getting caught in a war and stuck in a mirror for ages was sympathetic and pretty well-written but like Catra, i think the writers coddled Lapis too much.
this is evident with her relationship with Peridot, where she starts off blaming Peridot for something that wasn't her fault and destroying her prized possession when she tries to make amends. but Lapis expresses concern for Peridot ONCE and now they're besties.
and after that, Lapis becomes toxic and demanding, causing Peridot to constantly walk on eggshells around Lapis so as not to hurt her feelings. and finally, Lapis just takes the barn, Peridot's HOME, off into space because she couldn't agree with Peridot's decision to stay and fight the Diamonds?? i'm not mad that Lapis didn't want to fight the Diamonds, i fully understand her trauma, but did she have to take the barn with her? what part of that was necessary??
i think all of this would have been fine if Lapis was held accountable for her actions, but she wasn't. she doesn't even do the bare minimum and Peridot immediately forgives her. sigh. at least they didn't make Lapidot canon.
2. King Harrow (The Dragon Prince)
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i don't hate this character as much as I hate some of the others on the list but i do think that he was kind of a shitty king. he literally decides to starve his own kingdom in order to help out another kingdom. and this is framed as the right thing to do?
it's a tough choice but Harrow's people were depending on him, and he decides that his own people should sacrifice their winter rations for another kingdom. scummy move, i do not like him. Viren may have been self-serving and manipulative, but he was right to try and stop Harrow from doing this.
3. Rikako Muto (Ocean Waves)
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god, i fucking hate this bitch. worst ghibli movie ever honestly. the thing is, like Catra and many of the other characters here, Rikako would have been an interesting character if the writers just made her an antagonist.
but no, she's supposed to be the love interest while being a selfish and manipulative brat. she is rude to everyone unless she wants a favor from them. she uses people to her advantage and screams at them when they try to resist. Rikako is the most interesting character in this movie, which sucks because she is also the most insufferable character.
the singular most hilarious scene in this movie has to be when Taku is fondly reminiscing about the interactions he had with Rikako, and since she was nothing but a little bitch throughout the entire movie, we get a super emotional flashback, accompanied by a soft score, of all the times she was manipulating and verbally abusing him. would have been funnier if it was not unironic. i do not know what the creators were thinking.
there was no chemistry between these two characters, their relationship was unhealthy as fuck, but they still get together by the end because.. amatonormativity. and because Taku had too much chemistry with his male best friend and they didn't want the viewers to think that he might be queer.
4. Bolin (The Legend of Korra)
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it's crazy how everyone and their mothers hate Mako for cheating on Korra and Asami, but absolutely adore Bolin who sexually harassed his coworker. Bolin forced a kiss on Ginger while she was tied down on set, after she had already rejected him multiple times and said that she was her doing her job.
i see so many people saying that Bolin was a green flag and a better choice than Mako, and i seriously wonder if we watched the same show. i don't condone cheating either obviously but how do you call out cheating but completely gloss over sexual harrasment? Bolin legit acts like a manchild who doesn't understand consent and because the show frames this as "comedy", the audience thinks it's cute and funny.
at least Mako faced the consequences of his actions. he got dumped by both Korra and Asami, some of the other characters called him out on his actions, and he actually turns into a much better person by the end of the series.
oh, don't forget that Bolin started working for the literal fascist in s4. and he acts all dumb about it and argues that Kuvira was like Korra which,, what the fuck? he literally sees Kuvira torturing people and it still takes him a long time to stop working for her. he was a bit like Entrapta in that case, the writers made him too oblivious and stupid in order to justify him aiding a fascist.
5. Kipo (Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts)
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okay, so Kipo is a little different from the other characters mentioned here because she's not problematic by any means. quite the opposite actually, her main personality trait seems to be that she's kind to everyone.
and that's fine, it's on par for most kids show protagonists, but Kipo is such a deeply unflawed character that she just becomes so boring. she has no character growth throughout the series, except for developing her fighting skills as her wildcat form. and even that comes easy to her, she masters it in one episode. her "flaws" are very surface level, like being clumsy or kinda awkward.
she is unbothered by almost everything, which is the most baffling in that episode where she discovers that she was the result of a science experiment done by her parents. you would expect some sort of mixed emotions there - confusion, hesitation, resentment even? nope. she's just excited and happy that her parents put her life at risk by experimenting on her.
and the show insists on reminding us every five seconds that "hey! Kipo is a GOOD person, she's the KINDEST human being ever and the ONLY person who doesn't love her is the EVIL VILLAIN". shit like this just turns me off so much. just SHOW me how nice Kipo is, instead of making every character gush about her niceness. SHOW, don't tell, for god's sake. besides, even if a person is kind and wholesome, it's unrealistic for EVERYONE to like them.
and the funny thing is that this show has other interesting characters! Wolf, for example, was a really complex and flawed character who is still fundamentally a good person. Hugo was a sympathetic villain who got a pretty decent redemption arc. so it's not like the writers didn't know how to write interesting characters, they just wanted to make their protagonist a Mary Sue.
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sapphic-agent · 6 months
"If I was surprised at anything, it may have been that it seemed like people were less willing to let her make mistakes than they were with Aang."
I hate Bryke's guts, but the one thing I will agree with him (Bryan) on is this.
I've gotten heat from Aang stans for saying this, but for me Korra will always be a better written character for me. Not because Aang's childish and optimistic and naive or anything like that. That doesn't matter to me. Hell, it's not even for his actions during DOBS or EIP or Kataang. Sure, those things aren't great, but they aren't the issue with his character.
It's not about Aang's actions, it's about how Aang's actions are treated by the narrative.
This is nothing new obviously, I've said this before. Many times. Aang kissing Katara in EIP is treated as him messing up his chances with her, not because he forced something on her she didn't want. The kiss in DOBS doesn't even come up again in the show (and when it did in the comics, Aang blew up and nearly melted her face off so-). I've spoken enough about his holier-than-thou attitude in TSR too and how his message of forgiveness is perpetuated as the right one.
It's one thing that is 100% better in LOK; Korra is held accountable for her actions, by the narrative, the other characters, and herself. A big part of LOK is Korra acknowledging her actions and making the effort to change and be better.
A great counter to Aang repeatedly crossing boundaries with Katara is in Reunion when she warns Asami about trusting Hiroshi and Asami calls her out on giving unsolicited advice. Korra immediately backs off and tries to apologize when she sees that she upset her.
Now compare this to Aang's behavior in TSR or EIP.
And before anyone says it, I know Korra's older. I also know Asami reconnecting with her father is different than Katara wanting to kill Yon Rha. I get all of that.
But honestly? That doesn't matter to me. Because when you're talking about fictional characters- especially character progression and development for the protagonist- addressing flaws is important. Accountability is important. Especially when it comes to how they treat the people around them (love interests like Asami and Korra probably being the most important).
This is what solidifies Korra's character development as being better than Aang's for me.
However, I do think it's because of this framing (and the fact that she's a woman, but shh) that Korra gets more hate. Her flaws being addressed also means that they're constantly apparent. The audience is always aware of them. Whereas Aang's worse actions tended to be brushed over or excused. Or the context of those mistakes were maneuvered to make the audience feel bad for him instead of the one affected by his actions (EIP EIP EIP EIP).
So yes, Bryan, people were more willing to let Aang make mistakes because you and your bestie failed to actually address them
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dalekofchaos · 6 months
Context for choices 1, 2 and 9
My little au on if Aang never left
For my Zuko/Azula as prodigies. Basically they are both naturally gifted Firebenders. Zuko faces Ozai in combat, but Zuko faces Ozai. As Ozai is about to finish Zuko, Zuko hits Ozai with white flame and then Ozai declares Zuko the victory and he gains his father's respect. Eventually Zuko and Azula are at a sibling rivalry, trying to outdo each other and even trying to kill each other for their father's approval and to win the throne. Ozai puts their ambitions to the test. Whomever captures Ba Sing Sei, Northern Water Tribes and the Avatar first becomes Ozai's successor.
This video better explains it
Asami as Amon
Asami witnessed the brutal murder of her mother, but it wouldn't be by just any benders. It would be the Red Lotus Society.
Zaheer planned to finish the job, but Toph came to the rescue.
the spirits would take pity on Asami and gift her energy bending and Asami would use her father's wealth to master Chi-Blocking and use their wealth to fund and arm the Equalists.
Amon or in this case Asami wins at the end of Book 1. Tarrlok is still captured by Amon, when Korra sees him and they chat, he tells the whole story of Amon as it happened in the show to her and everything. Like it goes in the show. Korra and friends go to confront Amon at the arena where Tenzin and his family are about to lose their bending. But they don’t because she gets there in time. She accuses Amon of being a bender, as per Tarrlok’s story. Amon doesn’t unmask. And he isn’t a bender. Tarrlok lied to get Korra to confront Amon so that he could capture her and he could hopefully save his own skin for the service at least. They fight. Amon takes Korra’s bending in a big demonstrative way. So all the crowd can see what comes to any benders, especially The Avatar who stand against him. Then the reveal happens. Asami is Amon.
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Art by nikoniko_808
In order to get her bending back and learn how to give others their bending back (yeah, Korra wouldn’t get it back at the end of Book 1 because consequences? What’re those?), Korra has to go on a quest to learn her bending(her masters would be Toph, Katara, Izumi and Tenzin) in the Spirit World to understand everything. Korra does not cry about loosing her bending because she realized she’s still The Avatar and has to go to The Spirit World to get her bending back, to help everyone get their bending back and stop Asami
Throughout the series, we would meet Kya, Bumi, Izumi, Eska, Desna(Eska and Desna would be Korra’s siblings in this universe, because fuck Unaloq) Opal and Kai. We have the same romance between Bolin and Opal and Jinora and Kai. We would also meet Varrick and Zhu Li, because they are comedy gold. They would all help in the fight against Amon and the Equalists.
In Korra's venture to the Spirit World,
she would still see Wan’s story(because that’s the only thing I liked about Book 2) and I think in her journey in the spirit world she would see Asami’s story, in which her family were victims of the Red Lotus society and Asami learned to take bending away in the spirit world. Not only that, we would find out that Asami would be bonded with Vaatu. Asami is the darker Avatar.
Before she leaves The Spirit World she connects with all her past lives to ask what she should do about Asami. Korra has her Aang moment where she has too has to decide what to do like he did with the fire lord, only this time there's more to it than just stopping the bad guy. It’s about the person she loved. She can restore everyone’s bending by reversing Amon’s convergence, but she can't do that so long as the avatar spirit is split. And as long as Asami is part avatar, she can go into the avatar state. That's still pretty damn dangerous even with only water and blood bending. Korra realizes the only thing she can do to stop Asami? Love her.
After her journey to relearn her bending and journey in the spirit world, Korra travels the world to gain allies. From the Fire Nation, Earth Kingdom, Water Tribes and Air Nomads. Korra unites the world against Amon and the Equalists.
In the final fight, Korra defeats Amon. She exorcises Vaatu from Asami, thus ending the dark Avatar and stopping Amon’s convergence. She reverses what Asami has done and uses it to restore everyone’s bending. So she has to come to the hard part. Amon makes it clear, no matter what, even without the ability to energy bend or without Vaatu, Amon will never stop, Benders will never be safe. Korra shows Asami what she was denied. Korra loves her and forgives her. Asami gives up and accepts whatever punishment.
During Book 3, Asami would work with Korra in stopping and killing the Red Lotus society. However, when Zaheer is stopped. He is left at the mercy of Asami and for everything he’s done and turned her into. Asami kills him.
Book 4 happens. Asami's redemption is rebuilding Republic City and using Future Industries to repair the damage she's done as Amon. Blah blah blah Korra stops Kubira blah blah. Asami earns her redemption and the love of the krew and more importantly Korra. Ends with Korra and Asami venturing in the Spirit World and ends with a kiss.
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crowentity233 · 1 year
Don't Tell (part 2)
Mako x Reader (secret relationship)
Part 1 Part 3 Masterlist
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Mako x Earthbender reader
You being touch starved for years suddenly have an intense crush on mako after he put himself in danger for you and the safety he provides following the attack. You both keep your relationship under wrap from the krew. You both don't want to deal with everything that follows them finding out.
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You woke up in a warm bed. Mako was like a personal heater. He laid on his stomach with his arms folded, laying his head on the pillow that was over his hands. His back was covered by his tank top. You both decided not to take kissing any further. It was an unspoken understanding that one night of realization didn't warrant that kind of celebration, not this early. He wanted to keep you wondering about his body. It was a torturous type of pleasure.
He rolled over and wrapped his strong arms around you. You melted into him. It was one of the best night sleeps you've had. The first night in a long time, having someone hold you while you fell into slumber. Your dreams were etched with happy moments.
Mako woke up to a warm side to the bed that was normally cold and empty. He had taken time away from dating. As his arm healed from the shock of the spirit energy, his mind and heart healed too. He kept a distance but, slowly each joke that you told about the couples, like if they ever came up for air, or if they could get their tongues any deeper down each other's throats, it made him laugh just a little harder each time. When the group would joke that he was your other half when playing games that required pairs, it slowly got more painful as you rolled your eyes and denied it.
He had taken time to reflect on his relationship with asami and korra. He came to terms with the fact that it was the fact that girls never saw him as anything but a street rat, so when he was actually viewed as 'wanted,' he couldn't decide on anyone. He was a people pleaser to an extent that was to his own detriment. It was a foreign thought that someone wanted him, and two people wanting him was an overload to his system. Hurting one over the other was horrific and yet impossible to not do. He had come to an understanding that trying to please too many people would only cause him pain. He had to make decisions and be committed. As committed as he was to protect Bolin when they were kids. He promised himself he wouldn't be the young boy on the dirty street he once was, he was now a man of honor that would find one woman and dedicate himself to her even if it hurt someone else's feelings.
He kept that in his heart as you won it over. Each time, you playfully slapped his arm and smiled sweetly to him. He kept honor in his mind. Each man that Korra or Asami pushed you towards stayed engraved in his mind as a comparison.
Then when you talked about your date. He just 'happened' to take mental note about when and where you were going when you discussed it with the others. He knew the area wasn't safe at night from being an officer and staking out the area regularly at night.
Mako didn't want to stop you, but I just wanted to make sure you were safe, so he kept an eye out on the café just to make sure you were okay. He saw the entire situation unfold unknowingly to you. He notified the other officers when you were being chased.
He made sure to be there to pick up the pieces if anything happened, and when it did, he jumped into action, having your back. He just wanted you happy and safe.
Mako breathed in your scent with his arms around you. It was a reminder that yesterday was not just a dream. You were still here in his arms. He kissed the top of your head. "Good morning."
"Good morning." You buried your face into his chest. The smell of firebenders smoke still evident on him. Your heart fluttered.
The door of Mako's apartment suddenly burst open. "Mako!!! It's time to get up." Bolins voice boomed across the room. Opal was attempting to keep him from bursting into the bedroom.
You hopped up out of the bed and hid behind a shelf. It's just in time for Bolin to come barging in. "Mako, what are you still doing in bed? We have to go get your putt putt, buddy. So we can go play."
"Sorry w-I must have over slept. Hey, why don't we stop at the café we can get those paw print pastries, and you can get a new fire ferret charm for Opal."
"But what about your date?"
"Not my date. I'll surprise her with one. I can ride with you guys, so I'm going to leave my keys to my bike on my nightstand." 
"Mako, you're acting weird, but I love surprises. Let's go." You heard bolin say as the door closed, and you waited for the footsteps to be gone before making your way to the parking lot. Makos clothes still draped across you loosely.
You hopped on his bike and raced to your apartment, which surprisingly wasn't far and the opposite direction from the café buying you time. You ran up to your door and quickly got dressed, a simple green long duel split tunic with black tight pants and a belt around your waist.
You hid makos clothes under your pillow and ran to your couch pretending to read like you've been doing it all morning. You hear a knock at the door. You open it and find a pawprint shaped food shoved in your face. Bolin held it happily.
"Isn't it so cute! Look, and Mako got the fire ferret Keychain for you, too."
"Good morning, everyone. Yes, it's adorable, Bolin. Thanks, guys." You grab the food and take a bite.
"So we're going to putt putt first, and then we're going to watch the new mover at the probending stadium." Bolin wrapped an arm around opal and walked back out, leading the group. You walked next to mako, hoping you had hidden mako's bike well enough. No one seemed to notice as you walked past. Opal's bison waited as everyone got on and took off to the putt putt course.
You got situated and watched the people become smaller. "Opal, I'm so jealous. I wish I could have a furry friend to fly me in the air. You're a good boy, Juicy." You pet
the fur that you could reach from where you sat. "He is a good boy. I'm more jealous of you. I could have used earth bending with my family."
"Yeah, your brothers seem like the type that you would need to have bending to survive living with them." You laughed sure of their teasing of the young Opal.
"Yeah, they were brutal for a little bit, but we straightened out." She giggled as Juicy landed at the course.
Bolin and Mako hop off. Opal jumps off Bolin catches her. You smiled happily at the couple. You took Makos' hands as he helped you down. Your hands lingered for just an extra moment while Opal and Bolin were preoccupied with each other. Makos eyes lingered on yours as he pulled his hand away. He searched, still making sure this morning wasn't just a false memory.
Your lips were sealed in the presence of the others, but your eyes spoke clearly. Your gaze dropped down to his lips, then back to his eyes. He smirked, knowing that you remembered the way his lips melted into yours just the night before.
"Are you two ready?" Bolin turned, and you two quickly turned away from each other.
You stared at your nails. "Just waiting for you two to get done playing tounge tennis. Who won the match... never mind, I don't want to know." You laughed, walking towards the entrance. Mako followed you, chuckling.
"We didn't even kiss this time." Bolin said.
Opal giggled. "Someone needs a boyfriend. Speaking of, I take it your date didn't go well?"
"No. A bunch of gang members showed up, and he ditched me to fight them on my own. I dont need a man to fight for me, but it would have been nice to have some backup."
"What a gentleman..." opal trailed sarcastically.
"Are you okay?" Bolin asked freaking out. He knew what the gangs were capable of.
"I'm fine. I got away." You smiled thinking about the other parts to the story you left out.
"Mako, you would've stayed to fight them off." Opal smirked, baiting you for a reaction.
"I don't need him too." You spoke simply and not like you were offended by the thought of her pushing mako into you romantically.
Opals eyebrows knitted together, not getting the expected over the top heated reaction but brushed it off.
You grabbed your golf club, and Mako grabbed his. His fingertips trailed your back as the couple grabbed theirs. You blushed as his hand gripped at your hip. He pulled his hand back as Bolin paid for the round of golf.
Mako rolled his eyes playfully, landing his eyes at you. He smirked, knowing you were enjoying the secret that you shared only with him. His eyes lifted back to the couple as they led the way to the first hole.
"Alright, the first hole is here." Bolin dropped his ball on the tee and got ready to hit. He hit the ball a little hard, but it came back and landed in the hole. Opal put hers down next and hit the ball perfectly in.
You bent down, placing your ball down on the tee. You lifted back up and hit the ball. You were a little gentle but made it.
Mako lifted his brow and lips into a smirk as you lifted back up from retrieving your ball. He could tell already you were purposely teasing him as you flicked your hair back up from your bent position, making sure to catch his eye.
The other couple was standing and looking over the next hole strategizing together. the first hole was always the easiest, so strategies were needed from here on out.
You watched as Mako hit the ball perfectly. His fingers touched his lips. He held his hand out to you, teasing you with a wink after making sure the others were still distracted.
Your back was to the pair, so they couldn't see your reaction. You giggled, silencing it with your hand cupping it over your mouth.
The group completed the holes and got to the last hole. You and Mako had been very safe but playful the entire time, never being noticed. Opal was about to hit. She lined up her shot and took it. If she hit perfectly, she would win. If she hit more than twice, then it would be up to Mako to win. She took the shot. It was perfect she had hit a hole in one. She cheered. Bolin caught her and spun her around.
You took your shot and made it in a few hits. Mako made it in two swings.
"Alright, love birds, I hate to interrupt, but what's next?" You laughed at the two.
"Well, I figured you wouldn't mind if I took Opal to go get some things for the mover tonight. We can meet at the front of the stadium."
"That sounds good to me. I need to go back home and change my clothes for the mover. I don't think this really suits the night." You nodded to the pair you returned your club and walked to the sidewalk at the other side of the building, waiting, hidden from the group.
Mako slowly returned his club and kept a slow pace to make sure they had left his view as they walked in the opposite direction. You grabbed Mako's arm as he passed by. You pulled him to lean his hands on the wall, standing in front of you. You lifted your chin, looking up at him. He was so close to you. One of his hands grabbed your waist as the top of your back leaned on the wall.
"Soo?" He asked.
"Thrilling." You spoke softly and leaned up to his lips. "We should have been doing this all along."
Mako smirked, kissing you quickly. He straightens back up and starts walking away. "I have to go to the station, but I'll see you tonight."
"Okay, I'll see you tonight." You ran up to him, stealing one more kiss, then turning the other direction towards your apartment.
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ac3-76 · 3 months
Legend of korra headcannons🐌
warnings: brief mention of drinking(kinda alcoholism), other than that nothing
(Most of these are in a modern setting)
Wing Beifong is a motorcycle guy and posts Aushen Ride type videos
Varrick is a coffee addict and he has awful coffee breath
Korra got a stingray tattooed on her upper back. the tail goes down her spine and the wings(?) are on her shoulder blades
If Formula 1 is a thing in their universe, Future Indistries is one of the og teams
Asami would have future industries make a feminine car for the races taking place in Women's History Month (march)
And for the cars used by the drivers outside of March there'd be something feminine on it, like a lip stick kiss mark
She started it because she wanted a more feminine touch in the sport to show that you can be a girly girl or a girly person and still enjoy and partake in something that's traditionally masculine
I feel like in general she uses her cars to bring awareness to things occurring in society
When Bolin got paid for the Nuktuk series one of the first things he bought was a high quality gaming set up that he had his eye on for years
Now he streams him playing video games and makes a fair bit of money from it
Sometimes the others will play games with him and make apperances on his streams
the fan favorite is Asami because she has the best builds in Minecraft and the best strategy in Call of Duty
Mako likes to watch Criminal Minds and other law/criminal shows to see if he can figure out where it's going and solve it before the characters do
Wu photoshops everything that he posts and is very active on all social media platforms
when Korra went on her own for 6 months after Zaheer tried to kill her, she started drinking because it made her sleepy
she didn't have to be awake and deal with her hallucinations, and when she slept it was nothing, no dreams, no nightmares, just hours of being away from her trauma
being with Toph in the swamp for a couple of weeks(or days?) was the start of her recovery from becoming reliant on drinking to avoid dealing with trauma
Opal collects cool rocks and crystals she finds in the places she travels to
She gets them as gifts for her mother
Also because she's an Air bender and thus follows the air nomad life style, she's always sure to say thank you to the land for allowing her to give the rock to her mom
Huan has had his art in museums and has sold some pieces to well known rich people
He gives most of the money to charity
Mako sleeps on silk sheets only
he was fine with cotton and other cheaper materials until he became Wus bodyguard
Wu insisted he sleep on silk sheets after Mako told him that he had never slept on silk, and now Mako needs silk sheets
Korra's had the same black 21 oz hyddroflask since she was 15
she refuses to buy another waterbottle
it's also covered in stickers
Bolin got Pabu a bed that was specially made for Pabus size, weight, and measurements
Kinda like the one Princess Anneliese had for her cat, Serafina, in Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper
Korras favorite thing to do when she sees a book or something with words is to ask how much spice in it
She's at a restaurant with Asami, they just got the menu, Korra picks it up and displays the front cover to Asami before asking "Booktok girlys before I read this how much spice is in it?"
She thinks it's the funniest thing ever
Wei and Bolin stream and play video games together, Wei has very severe anger management issues when it comes to video games
Not punch a hole in the wall bad because Su got mad at him the one time he did punch the wall, so he's practiced restraint, but still pretty bad
Su has a wax warmer for the scented wax cube things in every room of her house
She makes sure the scent is changed every week, and it has to be the same scent throughout the whole house
Tenzin avoids using social media and most technologies, as do the air nomads and monks, but Kya did get Tenzin to allow her to make a social media account for the air nation
it's mostly run by Jinora and owned by Kya on Kyas phone
it's used to spread information about the air nation, their culture, beliefs, customs, history, etc.
Lin wears boxer briefs
Asami has endometriosis
Mako doesn't handle spicy food that we'll, which is odd considering he's a fire bender
Wei's really into photography and always has a compact camera on him
His favorite compact camera is his Panasonic Lumix TZ95
Wings not super into photography but knows his way around a camera because Wei has rambled on about cameras and angles to him so many times
Wing also has to take pictures for Weis Instagram so he's had training on how to use cameras from Wei
Korra goes through a lot of interest that last for a couple of months, one of those interest was wood working/carving
Korra made Jinora a wooden claw clip for her birthday once
it's the only claw clip Jinora has and she loves it
Makos biggest guilty pleasure is cross stitch and other embroidery styles, but mostly cross stitch
Bolins bed has an uncountable number of pillows on it
After Korra and Asami come back from their spirit world vacation, they decide to travel the world
They both only ever traveled for world saving business, and even then it was earth kingdom and water tribe areas only
So they spent the next year or two traveling the world to see it in a tourist way and not a fighting war way
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kingwuko · 6 months
I'm rewatching rememberances & oh my GOD people cant tell me that the writers weren't writing wu with gay coding in mind 😭 I was at the part where Mako said "i had to realize who i was without a lady in my life" and Wu was like "i know what that's like" and then everyone silently looks at him for 2 seconds? and then he hesitates and is like "only because im absolutely swimming in dames they all love me 🤭". obviously the writers couldn't explicitly have their LGBT characters confirm their identities because of nickelodeon but its so blatant and extremely possible that wu is actually gay and hits on women and talks about them constantly (even though hes really weird about it) as a way to overcompensate. and when you think about it the character he has the closest relationship to is...Mako😭
I have SO MANY FEELINGS about remembrances. Normally 'flashback episodes' are kinda just filler, bottle episodes. But something about remembrances just HITS DIFFERENT.
Mako saying "I realized I had to figure out who I was without a lady in my life." will forever replay in my brain... Wu's response to it is so fucking funny I laugh every time. "I know what that's like." says the guy who has not been shown on screen to successfully interact with a woman besides grandma Yin. Sure buddy.
Also I will never get over the fact that Wu says the words "I was born that way" like WAAAAAT. You cannot tell me the writers, who were in the process of crafting a subtle sapphic story for endgame korrasami, wrote those words without knowing the implications. CMON.
And listen Mako's entire story is about his past relationships, like BARELY touching on the larger story. He just sat down for 10 minutes explaining to Wu that he's single and he and his exes are just friends. Why Mako. why. why did you need to explain that to WU.
And the fucking. homoerotic sparring of it all. @buckybarnesss always calls it 'the intricate rituals of male touching' lmaoooo. Every time Wu gets in Mako's face, clutching his arms, close enough to kiss... I'm just like. can I reach into the screen and nudge their faces together. Just a little nudge is all it would take. Look:
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The writers and animators fucking KNEW what they doing. There's no way they didn't. its such a gay episode.
and lets not forget the sapphic side of things in that episode. Asami's like "I thought you might be cold so I brought you some hot tea." To KORRA. Korra, who grew up in the FRIDGID SOUTH POLE and is also a FIREBENDER who could warm herself up easy. Gurl.
and like. even outside the queer coding in this episode, it's just delightful. the fucking little chibi popups in his flashback. Yin implying that Bohai cheated on her in scenario as convoluted as Mako's love triangle. Tu dropping the most accurate and eloquent assessment of Mako's issues in a single sentence: "it seems like you're so afraid to disappoint anyone that you end up disappointing everyone." TU. WUT. WHEN DID TU GET WISE. Tu and Wu high fiving.
In conclusion. Remembrances is top tier Wuko content. It's way more than a flashback filler episode.
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asura22zoro · 7 months
In Mako's defense, I don't think we should blame the whole love triangle fiasco solely on him
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www . reddit . com/r/legendofkorra/comments/j42qua/in_makos_defense_i_dont_think_we_should_blame_the/
A lot of things came into play for that triangle to happen but it just so happens that Mako's need to NOT disappoint anyone (but ending up disappointing everyone) is a huge factor.
Let me just point out that whenever Mako initiated a kiss to either Korra or Asami, it was never while he's "officially" dating the other. If anything, it was often the girls who would kiss him first while knowing he's dating the other, which they both know that it is their fault too.
In Book 1, he just simply confessed his feelings for Korra while also pointing out the fact that he couldn't act on those feelings because he's dating Asami (whom he also has feeling for but possibly not to the same degree as with Korra). But Korra kisses him anyway.
In Book 2, Asami kissed him first at her warehouse when the guy is simply cheering her up and saying he believes in her even when she doesn't believe in herself. At the time, he just broke up with Korra. Sure, it was pretty recent and he's trying to not dwell too much into that by busying himself with police work but can you blame the guy for giving up trying to put up with Korra's spitfire?
Then of course, we know what came after when Korra and Mako saw each other again and Korra's memory was wiped.
Now, notice how Asami pretty much didn't try to make a move on him again after that? Even after he and Korra broke up the second time (for good)?
I think Asami pretty much realized that Mako's too not into disappointing anyone and too emotionally awkward to pursue a relationship with again. Because not only would it be awkward but going from one girl to a other twice could ruin their dynamic as a team as well as her friendship with Korra, both of which she cherish.
So, yeah, both girls ended their romantic relationships with him. (Or in Asami's case, the possibility of it.)
And this sets up to what I like most about their relationship with each other after, especially in Book 3.
Now in Book 3 starts between three of them with Korra and Asami witnessing how Mako treats their interactions like a land mine, like any moment some hard feelings might come up, and how much he wants to avoid that from happening.
Hence why he declined Korra's offer to have him live in Air Temple Island and both ladies' help with the investigation.
What Mako doesn't realize is that there's zero to no hard feelings between the two because they pretty much had an idea that both of them made a move on him while he was dating either one of them.
Asami for sure knows that Korra kissed Mako in Book 1 and Korra probably had an idea that something happened between Asami and Mako while she was away and felt embarrassed that she kissed Mako right in front of her and everyone who knew about their break up. Probably why she laughed when Asami admitted that she DID kiss him.
Because both women knew they had feelings for Mako and that the dude also reciprocates those feelings and thought "Yeah, that was awkward but maybe we can bond over that fact instead of being at each other's throats because we're also at fault and if there's a female version of bros before hoes, Mako is that emotionally awkward hoe and we won't let his people-pleasing ways get between our vibe."
( or I would put
So they both poke fun at Mako's awkwardness to loosen him up. None of that "you hurt her and you hurt me, and now you're gonna pay for it" revenge plot. I guess Mako picked up on that during their airbending performance because he wasn't uncomfortable around those two since. And I guess Mako finding out that they got away safely from the Earth Queen's airship and out of the dessert reassured him their team dynamic is still intact.
The Korra-Mako-Asami love triangle is not exactly what I would call toxic.
Fucked up? Yes. Messy? Yes. Toxic? No.
Maybe it would be toxic if, say, Mako actively pursued both women while he was in a relationship with either of them without any inhibitions or conscience to stop him from acting out his feelings for both. Like, literally cheating on them.
Instead the canon love triangle is just a clusterfrick of three developing young adults emotionally stunted by dead parent/s, becoming a parent, parental issues, and basically being sheltered for more than a decade in the middle on an icy nowhere with limited contact to the outside world.
reddit comments
Ngl I chuckled at "Mako is that emotionally awkward hoe" lmao.
After reading some of the comments... people still don't get it. The point isn't that Mako is innocent, he is far from it. But so many people just pretend like the girls didn't have an active part in the drama, especially Korra. ALL three are to blame, even if we say not equally, then Asami is still the one carrying the least of it.
If the writers had given more spotlight to Mako or at least equally as much as they did to Bolin, it would've been more apparent but I think Mako's core flaw was that he was often very indecisive in anything that wasn't bending related (he was acknowledged as talented af by Amon), or keeping his brother's ass alive. We see him mostly going with the flow, which is a problem.
But in the end he without a hesitation decides that he is willing to sacrifice himself to bring Kuvira down by overloading the spirit bomb.
As for his stick in the butt. It's for a reason. He watched his parents get killed by a firebender (missed opportunity to make him conflicted about his talents as a firebender imo). He and his brother were oprhaned and became homeless and he sacrificed a lot to keep Bolin alive. They joined a gang and I would assume that he carried most weight there, since he wanted Bolin to retain more of his innocence than he did. Their life, for Mako, didn't start turning upwards until they got to leave the triads and move into the probending scene. He shielded Bolin from a LOT in those years more than likely, just to allow him to remain his cheerful self.
So basically, Mako sacrificed his own innocence so Bolin could have his. Him being less animated, more no nonsense and more serious, makes sense because he HAD TO BE to keep themselves alive.
( I edited a few parts that I disagreed with out
so people wouldn't assume I agreed with those takes
to be frank the b2 breakup was due to their mutual flaws not incompatibility neither of them were ready for a relationship with anyone. it was asami and korra who were incompatible with each other while makorra overcame those mutual flaws
I never really thought of korra and asami as becoming friends until b3 ( before you go but asami said she liked korra you dont need to be friends with someone to like themq
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ask-bolin · 6 months
i'm kinda new here, so do you still do imagines? if so.. imagine bolin crushing on a female "player", like a girl who gets all the boys, resulting in a situation where he thinks they're dating but sees her with another guy, kinda like when he sees korra kissing mako. but here the girl realizes he's *the one* and a sweetheart and not like the other guys, and runs after him, bla bla, sweet ending. if you want, of course <3 if not, ignore this haha
Author: Welcome, and yes I do! This is a fantastic request, sorry about the wait.
There she was, the most desired girl in Republic City, here at the same party as Bolin. She was always so popular, especially with the boys. Somehow, she always knew just what to say. It was especially obvious now, as she made a whole group of them laugh at a joke she just told.
She saw Bolin and made her way through her audience. Bolin tried to hide the fact that he was blushing, and quickly composed himself.
"Come on, Pabu," Bolin said to the fire ferret on his shoulder, "let's keep it together," and Pabu chittered in agreement.
"Hi," she said with a smile that melted Bolin's heart. "You're Bolin, right?"
"Y-y-yeah, that's me. Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you, too! Asami sure throws a great party, doesn't she? I've heard you've been on all sorts of crazy adventures with her."
Bolin gained some confidence. If she was truly interested in his stories, he had plenty to share from all around the world. Much to his surprise, she was very entertained with what he had to say, and when she shared about herself, Bolin became absolutely enthralled.
Before Bolin knew it, the party was coming to an end.
"I had a great time," she told Bolin in a tone that made him feel like the most interesting person there. Then, she gave him a kiss on the cheek. Bolin froze, but she only laughed and said, "Hope I see you at the next one," and walked away confidentially.
It took Bolin's friends to finally bring him down from the clouds.
At the next social event, and the one after that, the pattern repeated. Bolin found her at the center of the attention of another group of boys, and her eventually spotting Bolin, then ending the night with a kiss on his cheek.
Bolin was able to put it together, she laughed with him like she hadn't with others, she shared more with him than with the other boys that followed her around, and of course, the kisses. Bolin felt silly not realizing before, but all the signs must be true, they were official.
He wondered how long they must have been dating and figured he had fallen behind on some boyfriend duties. Bolin thought the best way to catch up was with a surprise bouquet of flowers. From their conversations, he knew she would likely be enjoying lunch nearby, so he made his way, like a good boyfriend.
It didn't take long to find her, but when he did, he immediately wished he hadn't.
There she was, the most desired girl in Republic City, here at the same eatery as Bolin. Except this time, she was enjoying the presence of another boy, side by side at their table, hand in hand, lips on cheek.
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Bolin's brain shut off, but his body decided it wanted to be anywhere but here, and he ran off, leaving the flowers to fall to the ground.
In the commotion, her attention was captured.
"Who was that?"the other boy asked.
"That's my friend," she answered, wondering what had upset Bolin so much. It couldn't be the fact that she was with another boy, was it? She hung out with plenty of boys and had a nice time. Well, not as nice a time as she has with Bolin, she realized. But the boys themselves were nice, but again, not as nice as Bolin. They were all sweet, though, that's why she was friends with so many of them. Well, none of them were sweet enough to surprise her with flowers... "That's my BOYfriend," she announced to the world as much as to herself, and ran after Bolin.
She found him sitting under a tree, broken hearted. "Bolin, I'm so sorry I never noticed before," but he couldn't bring himself to look at her.
"Notice what?" he managed to say in a monotone voice, "That I'm a fool that makes a huge assumption based on a small, kind gesture?"
"No, you're not a fool," she said as reassuringly as she could. It was not a tone that Bolin had heard from her before, as she was usually so confident and charismatic. It gave him hope that she was telling the truth. "I'm the fool for not realizing that you're... you're the one!"
That turned his hope into realization, and he looked up at her. Her eyes sparkled like he had never seen before and it melted away his despair. Bolin stood up and held her hands in his, "But, how, why?"
She explained everything she had originally missed, and how it all made sense to her heart when she put it together.
"Well," Bolin said, "I would love to try this again, if you would?"
She answered his question by putting her hands around his face, and bringing her lips to his in a truly passionate kiss.
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wilcze-kudly · 10 months
More weilin propaganda because they've been giving me feels again
Im a big proponent of Wei and Bolin getting together incredibly, painfully slowly. It takes ages for them to realise that they have feelings for the other and then even longer for them to actually confess to one another.
I imagine that Wei falls first and he is incredibly angry about it. He probably got a little crush on Bolin when team Avatar first came to Zaofu, but didn't really realise it. He's definitely not happy about it and really tries to go : 'no actually i hate him.' I imagine he would also feel awful for having feelings for his sister's boyfriend.
I like the idea of Bolin in a slow burn romance because in the show he gets together with whichever partner incredibly fast. Since it often also feels like Bolin is sorta forcing the relationship to happen, I would like to see how he would be when falling in love with someone slowly and unintentionally.
Since I see Bolin having strong comphet + internalised homophobia vibes, I can also imagine him just. Not realising that hes falling for Wei until hes like deeply infatuated. (You know, typical straight bro activities totally include staring at your homie's lips and wondering if they're as soft as they look and how they would feel upon your own.)
The 'flirting but not acknowledging the actual feelings stage' would last forever. These two are absolutely the types to tease the other to no end. Wei's cocky and competitive and Bolin can definetly match that energy when with the right people.
Because Bolin is so comphet he cannot even fathom the idea of being into a guy, I could see him making a lot of ' i could kiss you rn, bro' or 'we'd actually be a good couple. You know, if you were a girl.' type jokes. Wei is dying here and also being 'oh god. I've fallen for an idiot. A straight idiot.'
I want to see Bolin being so confused about the feelings he's having about Wei. I want to see Bolin having an 'oh. Oh no' moment and panicking.
I could see him going to Asami and Korra, his cool bisexual big sisters, who are like ' welcome to the club lmao'. I could totally imagine them trying to boost his confidence and encouraging him to ask Wei out. (You know miss Asami 'lemme take this guy i just hit with my motorcycle to Kwong's Cuisine' Sato would hook her boy with the fanciest suits and reservations at expensive restaurants.)
Give me Wei and Bolin awkwardly bumbling through semi-dates. Bolin being too embarrassed and nervous to make a move and Wei being too proud and stressed to do the same. Give me everyone around them being like. Please. Just Get. Together.
Give me the teasing that becomes oddly intimate or awkward. Give me the slow breakdown of personal space between them. Give me the longing.
The painful slow buurn.
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How exciting! I did every Friday for all of 2023!
WEEK 1 -- Set The Stage (Will Byers/Mike Wheeler, Stranger Things (TV 2016), T-rating, 504 words)
There's only a couple more hours until opening night starts. And everything's ruined.
WEEK 2 -- Birth Of A Star (Sansa Stark/Ygritte, Game of Thrones & ASOIAF, G-rating, 365 words)
Ygritte longs to steal a maiden’s kiss.
WEEK 3 -- Fine By Me (Raul Cocolotl & Kat Elliot, Wendell & Wild (2022), No Rating, 417 words)
Raúl hears a terrified scream in Sister Helley's classroom and comes running.
WEEK 4 -- Pure Imagination (Artemis Crock/Dick Grayson/Wally West, Young Justice (Cartoon), T-rating, 459 words)
It's good to have their boyfriend-not-boyfriend finally home.
WEEK 5 -- Where Secrets Lie // First Light (Charlie Bradbury/Gilda, Supernatural (TV 2005), T-rating, 600 words)
Charlie abandons what remains of a normal life in search of the one she loves—a good fairy.
WEEK 6 -- Who Are You // Eclipse (Korra/Asami Sato, Avatar: Legend of Korra, M-rating, 700 words)
Asami loses Korra inside the Fog of Souls. She must get her back.
WEEK 7 -- Trapped In The Dark // Earthshine (Kim Possible/Shego, Kim Possible (Cartoon), T-rating, 700 words)
"Come on out, Kimmy… let's finish this."
WEEK 8 -- You're Not Alone // Nuclear Cluster (Faith Lehane/Buffy Summers, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV), E-rating, 1000 words)
Faith accidentally gets sent to another version of Sunnydale. A really messed up Sunnydale.
WEEK 9 -- Sea & Sun (Valerie Frizzle & Ms. Frizzle's Class, Dorothy Ann & Wanda & Arnold & Ralphie & Carlos & Keesha & Tim, Magic School Bus, G-rating, 765 words)
It's a never a normal field trip with Ms. Frizzle. This time, and to everyone's excitement, they head to the beach!
WEEK 10 -- Celestial Bodies (Baelfire | Neal Cassidy/Captain Hook | Killian Jones, Once Upon a Time, No Rating, 603 words)
In their final moments, Neal decides to reconcile with an old friend.
WEEK 11 -- Tree Of Life (Eris | Discordia/Bia, Eris | Discordia/Hesperides, Ancient Greek Religion & Lore, M-rating, 300 words)
Eris steals a golden apple, intending to disrupt one of the weddings happening on Olympus. Someone disrupts her.
WEEK 12 -- Filled With Clarity (Derek/Odette, Swan Princess (1994), G-rating, 564 words)
While they're still young, Derek realizes Odette is not what she seems.
WEEK 13 -- Deep End (Damian Wayne & Colin Wilkes, Damian Wayne/Colin Wilkes, Batman Comics, T-rating, 256 words)
As much as Colin would like to think this was forever, he wasn’t dumb—Robin wouldn’t need him eventually.
WEEK 14 -- Cold Object  (Diedrich/Vincent Phantomhive, Kuroshitsuji | Black Butler, M-rating, 1123 words)
"Mine at last. Just like I have always wanted."
WEEK 15 -- -Against The Flow (Matsuoka Gou/Mikoshiba Isuzu, Free!, G-rating, 324 words)
Muscles. Men. Meetings with the Iwatobi Swim Club. That's all Gou is supposed to care about.
WEEK 16 -- An Eternal Summer (Jane Bennet/Charles Bingley, Pride and Prejudice (2005), No Rating, 448 words)
Mr Bingley refuses to leave Jane's side long while she's ill.
WEEK 17 -- What Comes Next (Kaneda Shoutarou/Shima Tetsuo, Akira (Anime & Manga), M-rating, 793 words)
When their enemies get the jump on them, It's his turn to save Kaneda.
WEEK 18 -- Didn't Mean It (Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III & Toothless, How to Train Your Dragon (Movies), T-rating, 423 words)
Hiccup doesn't want Toothless to think Hiccup is mad at him. Even if the workshop nearly got set on fire.
WEEK 19 -- How Far We've Come (Søstre | Sisters/Prinsesse | Princess/Prins | Prince, Den lille Havfrue | The Little Mermaid - Hans Christian Andersen, E-rating, 576 words)
Because of the prince and his princess, her sister no longer lives. This cannot be.
WEEK 20 -- Comedian's Night (Dick Grayson | Robin/Red X, Teen Titans Animated Series, T-rating, 987 words)
Robin investigates trouble in Jump City's local performing arts center and gets the unlikeliest backup.
WEEK 21 -- The Devil You Forgot (Coraline Jones/Wybie Lovat, Coraline (2009), No Rating, 1489 words)
Eleven years later, Wybie and Coraline return to the Pink Palace Apartments, unlocking their memories.
WEEK 22 -- Yes, Sir!! (Starlight & Sweetheart & Melody & Bright Eyes & Patch & Clover & Bon Bon, My Little Pony Generation 1.5: Tales (Cartoon 1992), G-rating, 339 words)
Sweetheart never learned to roller skate. The other ponies teach her and encourage Sweetheart to overcome her fear.
WEEK 23 -- All The King's Horses And All The King's Men (Ygraine de Bois/Nimueh, BBC Merlin, M-rating, 472 words)
On the eve of King Uther's long-awaited marriage ceremony, Nimueh convinces her lover to flee.
WEEK 24 -- Where The Flowers Grow (Higa Hiromi | Shadow/Oka Shokichi, SK8 the Infinity (Anime), T-rating, 566 words)
In the middle of his break, Hiromi gets an unexpected visit from Manager Oka.
WEEK 25 -- Sink Or Swim (OceanGate Titan Submersible, RMS Titanic, Logitech F710 Wireless Gamepad, Mysterious Banging Noises Coming at 30 Minute Intervals, Angry Spirits of the Working Class Poor on the RMS Titanic, Yacht-Destroying Orcas, Ever Given Container Ship, Titanic 1997's Director James Cameron's Evil Twin, Metal-Eating Bacteria in the Atlantic Ocean, US Coast Guard, OceanGate - Fandom, No Rating, 589 words)
Alright… who did it? Who went ahead and broke it?"
WEEK 26 -- Can We Kiss? (Daisy Duck/Minnie Mouse, Mickey Mouse and Friends, G-rating, 241 words)
For 'What Makes You Happy! Day… Minnie would like to ask Daisy something.
WEEK 27 -- Reporting The Scoop (Kururugi Suzaku/Lelouch Lamperouge | Lelouch vi Britannia, Kururugi Suzaku & Lelouch Lamperouge | Lelouch vi Britannia, Code Geass, T-rating, 1631 words)
Lelouch exposes Suzaku's bullies to the entirety of Ashford Academy without Suzaku's knowledge. It doesn't go over well.
WEEK 28 -- On The Edge (Julie Grigio/R, Warm Bodies (2013), No Rating, 493 words)
While bleeding out, Julie asks R to do something unthinkable for R. But he will. For her.
WEEK 29 -- The Sand Ocean (Kiba/Tsuma/Cheza, Wolf's Rain (Anime), M-rating, 999 words)
After a narrow escape, Kiba lets his pack rest before their journey begins again.
WEEK 30 -- An Old Friend (Margot Robbie's Barbie/J. Robert Oppenheimer, Barbie (2023) & Oppenheimer (2023) Crossover, T-rating, 1037 words)
Oppenheimer remembers Toni's little doll when she was fifteen. But never how remarkable it was.
WEEK 31 -- Gotta Go Fast (Daria Morgendorffer, Jane Lane, Jodie Landon, Michael "Mack" Mackenzie & Brittany Taylor, Kevin Thompson, Angela L, Daria (Cartoon), No Rating, 390 words)
The reception hall for Lawndale High's senior prom has a 24 hour go-kart track across the street. Pandemonium starts.
WEEK 32 -- Ten Years Later (Rafe McCawley/Danny Walker, Pearl Harbor (2001), M-rating, 1544 words)
In the middle of the night, Danny comes to Rafe. Once when they're kids and once before Rafe leaves for England.
WEEK 33 -- Broken Mirror (Princess Bubblegum/Marceline, Adventure Time, G-rating, 458 words)
Marceline accidentally knocks over Bonnibel's newest invention while cooking spaghetti.
WEEK 34 -- Mall At Night (Gregory & Wirt, Over the Garden Wall (Cartoon & Comics), No Rating, 1104 words)
Wirt and Greg end up accidentally locked inside after closing hours.
WEEK 35 -- Found Family (Ellie & Joel, The Last of Us (TV & Video Game), T-rating, 774 words)
"I can't believe you're in prison."
WEEK 36 -- Portal Fiction (Non-magical Fionna-world Marshall Lee/Gary Prince, Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake, (Cartoon 2023), E-rating, 1297 words)
Fionna goes missing. Marshall Lee and Gary finally meet and theorize about where she's gone… while in bed.
WEEK 37 -- How Do You Use 'It'? (Cornelius/Thumbelina, Thumbelina (1994), G-rating, 579 words)
During a journey in the nightfall, Cornelius encourages Thumbelina to inquire about their world and ride his pet bumblebee.
WEEK 38 -- Under The Night Sky (Chris Washington, Rod Williams, Get Out (2017), No Rating, 355 words)
"What the hell did I tell you, man?"
WEEK 39 -- Blood Is Thicker Than Water (D. J. Tanner & Stephanie Tanner, D. J. Tanner & Michelle Tanner, Kimmy Gibbler & D. J. Tanner, Full House (US TV), M-rating, 1151 words)
Stephanie ends up in the car accident with Gia when D. J. doesn't stop her from leaving. Nobody survives.
WEEK 40 -- Spine In A Twist (Cassia/Milo/Atticus, Pompeii (2014), No Rating, 944 words)
As everything ends, Milo finds comfort in the two living souls he belongs to.
WEEK 41 -- An Empty Grave (Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion, The Witcher (TV), T-rating, 1016 words)
Geralt barely survives against Vilgefortz. Jaskier looks after his recovery in Brokilon, washing Geralt's wounds and despairing.
WEEK 42 -- By Candlelight (Jet Black & Ed & Ein & Spike Spiegel & Faye Valentine, Ed & Ein, Cowboy Bebop (Anime), No Rating, 1136 words)
A group of lousy ship-jackers end up on the Bebop. They're screwed.
WEEK 43 -- Torn Veil (Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter, Hannibal (TV), E-rating, 1074 words)
"Chasing shadows in the middle of the night, Will?"
WEEK 44 -- I Can't Tell (Dimitri/Anya | Anastasia Romanov, Anastasia (1997), G-rating, 821 words)
Anya slips on an icy patch of road on their way to Paris and hits her head. The dreams afterward feel familiar.
WEEK 45 -- By Any Other Name (Lottie Turner/Etheldreda Bloodworth, Harry Potter: Magic Awakened (Video Game), T-rating, 200 words)
A rose is a rose, and Etheldreda feels something blossoming once again in her heart… if she had as such.
WEEK 46 -- Sand Of Time (Obi-Wan Kenobi & Leia Organa & Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa & Luke Skywalker, Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi (TV), No Rating, 814 words)
Out of the middle of the Jutland Wastes, on Tatooine, Leia and Luke happen to meet.
WEEK 47 -- A Form Of Distraction (Peeta Mellark/Finnick Odair, The Hunger Games, M-rating, 1640 words)
With tensions rising, Finnick decides to get Peeta alone for a little bit.
WEEK 48 -- Nebulous Roads (Alphonse Elric & Edward Elric, Edward Elric & Alfons Heiderich, Fullmetal Alchemist (2003), T-rating, 630 words)
Edward nearly runs over the man who holds a resemblance to his younger brother. Meanwhile, Alphonse wakes up.
WEEK 49 -- Fool Me Once (Asha/Star, Disney's Wish (2023), G-rating, 300 words)
Asha discovers the little star from the heavens she wished on… is actually a boy.
WEEK 50 -- A Promise To Break (Hakoda/Zuko, Avatar: the Last Airbender, E-rating, 1622 words)
Hakoda expects a diplomatic visit from the Firelord may mend some broken ties between their nations. Perhaps foolishly so.
WEEK 51 -- Among Any Option (Madeline Usher/Verna, The Fall of the House of Usher (TV 2023), T-rating, 100 words)
"What do you think, Madeline? Hmm? A kiss or a kill?"
WEEK 52 -- Imperfect Sign (Felix Catton/Oliver Quick, Saltburn (2023), M-rating, 587 words)
Instead of leaving when he poisons Felix, Oliver stays.
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messymosaic · 1 year
What would you say is the most interesting thing about Makorra's relationship development throughout the show?
Mine would be when Korra thinks about jumping off the cliff and killing herself after losing her "identity" as the Avatar. They do end up getting together & being torn apart in Book 2 (Bryke really hate happily ever afters if it isn't THEIR ship which just shows how pathetically childish they are & always will be)
Mako KNOWS Korra is absolutely broken after losing her bending but refuses to leave her 🥺
Korra tries to distance herself from him, thinking now that she's not The Avatar, he's better off without her. Which is very interesting as we see the consequences of her being raised & trained to be The Avatar since she was a baby.
Korra doesn't know who she is without her role as The Avatar, which is sad af even if it's understandable, given all we know about her backstory. Mako knows who she is without her role and is the most important character to Korra.
Mako's development could've been leagues better than what we got but unfortunately Bryke didn't have Elizabeth Welch to piggyback off of to make any of these characters really feel fleshed out. Hell, Asami could've easily been a villain turned hero which would've been a million times better than being basically a glorified background character that just so happens to be part of Team Avatar.
Anyways, I got carried away lol btw the Makorra Discord link is expired. Can you give a new link so all the Makorra survivors, myself included, can have a new place to call home?
First of all, this whole essay writing energy you've got going on? I LOVE IT. This is exactly the kind of passion we want over at the gc.
Second of all, that cliffside scene is a chef's kiss of a moment. I would blabber about it, but for brevity's sake, you can find my thoughts on the scene here.
Thirdly and finally, your question is a thinker. I find Makorra's relationship as a whole to be interesting- spelling out how and why requires a whole separate Tumblr post. (This is me saying you inspired me to write an essay. Give me 3-5 business days. Follow the account to get notified when it's up. )
P.S. If you need more incentive to join, "Asami should've been a villain" is a hot topic on the gc. So hot it turns up like three times a year.
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m0use123 · 2 years
Asami couldn't understand why her girlfriend didn't want to sleep in the same bed together.
But every night, without fail, she got.
Korra:- Alright Sami, night, see you in the morning.
Asami:- wait ... you're sleeping in the spare room again?
Korra:- yeah, I'm pretty tired, look, I'll see you in the morning Sami, night.
And with that, the Avatar all but ran out of the living room.
Desperate for some form of explanation, Asami contacted both Senna and Master Katara. To her surprise she received a book and a letter posted to her from the southern water tribe a week later.
Asami opened the letter first and read:
Dearest Asami,
After receiving your letter about Korra, Katara and I thought you were ready.
We have enclosed a book that the partners and loved ones of every Avatar since Wan, has contributed in writing.
It is time that it was passed on to you, in the hope that it will help you love, care for and protect the most powerful being on the planet.
The only rule is that the Avatar must never know of it's existence, this is purely observational and to help the next generation.
We truly hope you find this useful for a long, happy life with Korra.
All my love,
P.S. I think you will find your answer in the chapter on sleep.
With her interest peeked, Asami set the letter aside and ripped open the book's protective paper wrappings.
She scanned the contents page and skipped to the chapter devoted to sleep.
The book must have been a gift from the spirit world, because it was light, the same size as a typical paperback and the pages were never ending.
As she skimmed each page, Asami came across names of Avatars so far back in history, she had never heard of.
She sighed with relief therefore, when she finally found a name she recognised.
It was written by Rangi, talking about Avatar Kyoshi, apparently the toughest Avatar in history suffered with nightmares, Rangi spoke about sitting up with her girlfriend, and creating kids stories aloud to eachother until the Avatar crashed from pure exhaustion.
Asami kept skimming, past Roku, she slowed as she recognised Katara's writing, explaining about Aang's sleepwalking habits. He also started talking in his sleep when the pressure became to much for him. Even Tezin, Kya and Bumi had written the odd paragraph about their father over the years.
At long last, the heiress found entries from Senna and Tonraq about a much younger Korra often having sleeping problems.
My, Korra is having a bad night again, she's been tossing and turning violently for hours, she crys out in her sleep every half hour, I've scanned the book and can't find a similar situation anywhere, Ow spirits help us.
Asami's heart clenched at the thought of a six year old Korra, too afraid to sleep, what made it worse was that a handful of pages later senna would be explaining about Korra's sleepless nights after her poisoning.
A few pages later and Asami found a section written by a babysitting Kya.
Grinning Asami closed the book and ran through the Sato mansion to find a meditating Korra in the garden.
She approached with a massive grin on her face.
Asami:- Why didn't you just tell me you suck your thumb in your sleep.
Korra chocked on her saliva as her eyes shot open.
Korra:- Sami, I don't know what you're talking about.
Asami:- Korra, I know, you don't have to hide it anymore. I except your company in bed tonight, no exceptions.
Korra just gaped like a fish as she watched Asami skip back up to the house.
. . . . . .
Later that evening as Korra was nervously slipping down under her girlfriend's silk sheets, feeling incredibly nervous.
Korra:- Just, don't laugh okay? Please don't mention it to anyone either?
Asami raised a well manicured eyebrow.
Asami:- I'm insulated you don't trust me baby, but yes, I promise to both, now please, we have a big day tomorrow, get some sleep.
The young CEO, kissed the Avatar's burning cheek, switched off the lights and snuggled down for sleep.
Asami woke first as the first rays of the sun filtered into her bedroom.
She turned to face her girlfriend and nearly squealed outloud at the cute sight.
Avatar Korra, saviour of the whole world many times over was sleepily sucking her thumb.
Her forefinger was hooked over her nose and she had her thumb stuck upto the hilt in her mouth.
As she watched the offending digit moved slightly in and out as the powerful force actually 'sucked'.
Unable to stand it anymore, Asami giggled and pecked her girlfriend's forehead, causing her to wake up.
Korra smiled sleepily around her thumb, until she realised what she was doing and sat bolt upright and hurriedly removed the digit, drying it on her PJ top.
Korra:- well that was embarrassing, sorry.
Asami:- Don't be silly, it was cute.
Korra:- come again? (She raised a questioning eyebrow.
Asami:- I said you were cute baby, and you gotta deal with it.
Korra turned crimson as her own words were used against her.
. . . . . .
Later that night, just before bed, Asami started writing her first of many entries into the 'Avatar hand book' grinning like an idiot as she enjoyed passing on her wisdom.
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