#as if i dont work closing shifts smh
roaringheat · 1 year
Trying not to jump the gun and expect today to be shit but it's my sister's bday and i'll have to spend the whole day around her and our dad who both treat me like shit
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gothamcityprince · 2 years
so far the worst part about having covid is the complete inability to sleep while being exhausted
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luna0713hunter · 7 months
I just found your blog rn and I immediately fell in love with your works(especially sukuna ffs).
I love the way you write sukuna and reader's relationship.
And if ur ok with it, may I request a sukuna x reader angst? Maybe where reader is a sorcerer and she got badly injured and got into a almost death situation during a fight and sukuna is smh guilty for it??
You can ignore this if u want to<3
Author's note : Hi hi ( ꈍᴗꈍ)oh my gosh im so happy to hear that!!!thank you so much darling!it makes me super happy
Mhm,i love the smell of fresh angst with happy ending in the midnight lmao. I'll gladly write it!! Hope you enjoy this,Cookie-chan!
Warnings : Sukuna Sorcerer au!,angst,injury and blood,happy ending!
You knew this would happen,and you were happy to rub it in your idiot boyfriend's face with a big "i told you so."
That is,if you make it out alive.
The curse before you lets out a loud noise, something akin to cackle,as it watches you with it's multiple eyes. You glare,but even you know it's lost all heat;with blood oozing out of each part of your body,you can barely even keep your eyes open. Your body feels weak,and all of your joints hurt like hell. Your eyes drift to where you broken phone is laying and you just hope that your help signal has gone through before it was damage for good.
"ah," you mumble as you spit a mouthful of blood on the ground below; watching as it drips down on your hands, "today sucks. Its all Ryo's fault."
Your hazy eyes turn up and you watch as the curse dances around;each one of it's disgusting eye spinning around wildly as it looks at you with glee.
The son of a bitch is having fun killing you.
"you're lucky, y'know," you giggle slightly from how slurred your words sound; the blood lose making you lightheaded, "If Ryo was here,he would've torn you to pieces. But, he's an idiot."
Because he really was; starting that morning with the message from the higher ups about your new mission, you had told Sukuna that it would end badly. You had told him more than twice that something smelled fishy;that the higher ups were out to get you. But Sukuna,had dismissed your worry,and with a small scoff had said you're paranoid. At least,now with you dead,he would be proven wrong.
You grin maniacally at the thought;serves him right.
Leaning your back against the tree,you watch with bleary eyes as the curse steps closer;you dont even care. You're too tired to fight back. So you just sit there, thinking about all the things you'll miss;your friends and family,that one bakery with those delicious coconut buns,your boyfriend Sukuna,and most of all-
"i never got the chance to hear him say i love you..."
Maybe out of everything, you'll regret not dating your boyfriend sooner.
You're so lost in your thoughts,that you dont notice the sound of the curse has been faded away. And when you hear a small shriek,and hurried footsteps running your way,you just close your eyes and drop your head. You're fully expecting the curse to rip out your heart,when gentle,but frantic hands,take hold of your bloody cheeks and raise your head slightly. With a pained groan,you open your eyes just enough to see a heap of pink,and a familiar pair of red eyes.
"yeah,yeah babe. Its me," his voice is steady,like always,but you can hear a small undertone of worry and it brings a smile to your lips.
"told ya..."
The hands on your cheeks rub at the corner of your lips to wipe away the blood.
"yeah,i know. And I'm an ass for not believing you." You feel yourself shift,and with foggy mind, realize he has lifted you up in his arms, "I'll make it up to you. Promise."
You giggle and rub your head against his chest;his scent already soothing your mind.
"can i have those sweet buns then?with hot chocolate?"
"whatever you want. First, let's get you fixed up yeah?"
You mumble your agreement and close your eyes. And when you wake up the next time,its to a tray full of your favorite sweet buns and a warm mug of hot chocolate.
Your boyfriend embraces you tightly,and kisses your forehead.
"i love you."
And maybe getting almost killed,was worth it after all.
P.S : I love coconut buns and im currently craving some so i had to add them lmao.
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llamagirl28 · 11 months
Hello! More of a technical ask here but I saw an ask where you said that we can get closer to morgana later even if we distance from her now and I am wondering how is that achieved. Is it like an
"if(relationshipValue>number) get this text
else get this other text"
Or does it have more to do with the reaction to a particular scene (ex: you said smh and Morgana will remember that and talk about it later in the story to mend the relationship)
I dont know if I explained myself well but thank you for this game, i love it a lot and I cant wait to read more of it^^
Yes, so!
Mordred's current relationship with Morgana is actually kept track off through a string value that sums up how close/distant you are:
"close" - your relationship is all well and dandy
"lukewarm" - your relationship is tense at times and there's some difficult emotions involved but you try to make it work
"distant" - your relationship is distant, cold and tense
(Chapter 5 - the first half of which is available on Patreon/Kofi and aiming to be publicly released next month - showcases how the relationship looks in each of these states)
So, as to the possibilities of improving the relationship: it'll be, most likely, a gradual shift that could start happening after chapter 6. There could also be pivotal moments that cause a more drastic change. And it can work the other way around too - a non-distant relationship deteriorating.
As to how these incremental changes would be tracked, probably a numerical variable that gets increased and once the scale tips over, the string variable gets updated.
Anyway, hope it makes sense the way I explained it!
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gastlives · 1 year
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hello Weld,
i guess those things are smarter than we thought
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ok i ran out of uploading images smh so ill just copy n paste text
The Director took the hand of a uniform inside the helicopter, stepping inside, and Weld followed her up, refusing a helping hand.  The helicopter shifted slightly with the addition of his six hundred pounds of weight.
holy shit
“There will be more.  We’ve got a lead on a young man who could be joining as a new member, assuming we can get close enough to him to make the offer.  I trust you know your classifications?” “I do,” Weld nodded.  He’d memorized it as a rhyme, as suggested by his old boss.  Maybe that had been the intention from the start: Mover, Shaker, Brute and Breaker. Master, Tinker, Blaster and Thinker, Striker, Changer, Trump and Stranger.
well good to note on
wtf is a TRUMP and a Stranger tho let me see what guys had been classified as master and shit before htis..
Thinker: Tattletale/Lisa (7) Tinker: Bakuda (6), Armsmaster, Kid Win (4), Leet, Uber (probs), Dragon Master: Canary (8), Skitter/Taylor (5)
dont remember much from the others also god damn canary is a high ass master maybe bitch is a changer
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(wait uploading image worked??) oh u get two…
Brute/Changer: Weld
funny that they were only for villains before
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welp now we know how that went
Tinker/Mover: this guy Striker: Clockblocker (7) Vista: Shaker (9)
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crazy ass high shaker
guess ik what shaker might entail…
its kinda funny
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wow kinda fucked up
Shadow Stalker: Breaker 3 | Sublabels: Stranger 2, Mover 1
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man couldnt hookwolf hav died too
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not the pure….
fucked up theres 2 nazi group offshoots now ig its better than one big one Hookwolf: Shaper 4, Brute 7 Purity: Blaster 8, Mover 4
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at least coil is separate from undersiders 3 whole masters tho.. maybe grue is a master of daaarknesss? who knows im guessing theyre calling bitch and regent the sociopaths
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im guessing thats labyrinth
Labyrinth: Probably Shaker 12
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oh hey its the fancy schmancy school that taylor wanted to be transferred to..
also while i was searching grue called shadow stalker bloodthirsty yea no wonder the group could bond over their shared dislike of her if taylor's still yknowar yknow around
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oh no wonder hes heavy as shit
i remember they mentioned he had the mark on his heel or smth wonder if its the thing that faultline mentioned prooobably
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man how nice it wouldve been if taylor got that :/
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thats… yea
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me when they turn me (a ward) into a marketable plushie
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power microagression
having more rogues sounds cool i think taylor probably coulda become that if yknow things
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you were a meme……………….
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yea yea we get it
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well looks like some of them are still recovering from endbringer shit… this is going grea.t..
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damn this is not going well…
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ok so u wont be mean to kids i see
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poor weld
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is this arc like a … ward pov kinda thing or smth?
anyway shadow stalker almost KILLED flechette kinda rude
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so thats it kinda cool to share classification w The Scion i guess lucky bich
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me when im blasting
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well u dont have to do all that for Sophia…
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probably cuz she likes being violent
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memurfevur-archive · 2 years
Rank all of your trolls from greatest to least in terms of boob strengthitude
Sotian (this one's cheating they can literally shape shift)
Ripjaw (big buff fish monster, 'nuff said)
Arceel (man was literally made from stone)
Keraunos (they're a legendary pokemon sorry i dont make the rules)
Rutaci (we've all seen the meme)
Hyanna (casitt watch out oh no he's got ear pods in he cant hear us--)
Descryer (she and Hyanna are tied)
Ashter (he got it from his dad)
Khorne (mostly in beast mode)
Ateleo (well... even though he's a grandpa, he's still a faurux)
Avonis (kairos would judge him so hard for closing the trunk like that)
Omnius (kulsots making heart eyes)
Ptillo (look she can do a lot of things... 😳 )
Tikani (probably evenly matched with ptillo)
Lupini (mostly flat in the tiddy department but he also has cyborg super strength so he can make it work; he's also tied with the above two)
Piomor (former orphaner so he's got some strength)
Retepa (tbf she could deceptively kick ass easily. also she can make her boobs magic if she wanted to)
Expyno (his tits arent as big as ashter's, sadge)
Qortez (speed is more his strength)
Masuni (top surgery gave him nonexistent super powered boobs)
Julian (too flat chested, could probably knock you out with his hips though)
Farlow (have you met this man? he is beanpole twink overlord)
Leroux (his face is meant for the stage, not his tiddies 😔)
Liahne (shes doing it to prove stygia on a dare)
Virtuoso (why would you make me think about a grandma trying to shut the trunk of a car with her tits smh shaking you)
Keonin (she has no boobs sorry)
Acapha (this man is too exhausted to even try)
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foxend · 6 years
tiny hiatus  //  mar 23rd - 31st
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                 i know my activity is pretty low on weekends bc thats what my manager has me working lately  ( which SUCKS bc we’re pretty busy but gotta get this bread  )  but i’ll be at NO BRAND CON the 29th - 31st  ,  & even though we have free wifi  :  whenever in the past i bring my laptop to a con i never even use it  ,  so i’m letting it stay home this time around  !!  you might see me pop in to post cosplay photos  &  some tiny updates  (  especially now xander mobus is a guest  ---   so i’ll try to get a photo with him as ryuji  !!  )  but all ic content on tumblr will be put to a halt  !!  i’ll probably be active rp wise on discord but it’ll definitely be spotty  &  slow bc i probably won’t have enough time to focus until we’re back at the hotel for the night  .  i’ll rb this closer to the date as well  ...  i work straight from the 23rd  -  28th  &  i’m generally very low activity whenever i work bc i’m exhausted  .
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bakugou thoughts pt 2001847471 :)))
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- if u go to the park, and somebody is like, walking their dog n the animal barks at y’all??? bakugou is barking back. mans full on squares up, n barks at the dog until it backs off
- he rarely gets into shows/series, but when he finds one he likes, he’ll only watch the first few episodes and then make u watch the rest with him. he’ll always say sum “if i dont watch with you, then i gotta make extra time for your needy ass. ‘m prioritizing my fuckin’ time. it doesn’t mean anything, shut up.” ...... he’s lying. it does mean something. it means he wants to share the things he likes with u
- pls he’s so smart, and generally pretty aware, but sometimes he’ll just do something so duMb. like, u kno that thing that happens sometimes with hair?? like, when it sticks to ur fingers and no matter what u do, u can’t get it off?? bakugou is literally breaking his wrist a foot away from u, shaking his hand back and forth and cursing soooo loudly. u just gotta go up to him and gently remove the hair from him like “oh honey- no.”
- peanut gallery comments. lots of them. mans will sit fully dead silent, not talking for the whOle day, but the second u do something embarrassing?? like trip??? suddenly he has a LOT to say ..... smh men
- animals just always like him. its absolutely unexplainable bc he’s so loud n moves super suddenly,,, but the amount of street animals that follow him home is ridiculous. srsly. sometkmes he even has other people’s pets trying to follow him home
- respects absolutely no one n that somehow strangely makes him the most respectful u’ve ever seen??? like- he hates everyone the exact same so u won’t ever catch bakugou in an act of discrimmination
- he can’t draw at all but if u asked him to draw something, it’ll be the same skull every single time. it’s a good skull, but it’s soooo obvious he learned how to draw it from a tutorial in the midst of his emo phase
- will fully make fun of others for baby-talking around their s/o, n then just fully go home n look at you like “tired.” “hungry.” “kiss.”...... like okay baby man, maybe try putting a full sentence together before u start trying to run your mouth. hypocrite.
- probably sleeps like the dead. contrary to popular belief, i absolutely do not believe he’s up at every single noise. man’s could sleep thru an explosion, im sure of it. that being said tho, it’s probably actually hard for him to turn his brain off n fall asleep. he prob goes to bed so “early” bc he has to wind down for a good hr or two until he’s ready to actually sleep
- he’s got a vendetta against salespeople. like, if his phone rings with some bullshit about a product? if somebody, god forbid, tries to walk up to your door? fully frothing at the mouth annoyed. will chew out any employee who’s too underpaid not to listen to him
- eats like an absolute animal. no rlly, its bad. holds his spoon with a fist and digs at his meal like its the gold rush. the worst table manners you’ve ever seen rlly
- he gets sorts antsy if he sits for too long, so he’s always off doing random shit. like, u’ll look out the window n he’s just like, raking the .3 leaves from ur driveway, probably trying to guess where the wind will be so they wont blow back
- ik this with my heart and soul okay,,, bakugou has never had a conversation with u that wasnt from exactly .2 meters away. like,, if he’s comfortable, then he’s just close all the time. like he’s waving his hands around and yelling and you just have to take his face in ur hands and go “im literally right here. ily but pls tone it down for the sake of my hearing.”
- very much guard dog behavior when y’all go out. absolutely will not leave ur side for even a second, like, at a bar or during a concert. even if u go to the bathroom he’s like, leaning against the wall and waiting right outside the door
- gets absolutely bitchy about your phone blowing up while you’re hanging out. its not that he’s suspicious that ur, like, cheating on him, it’s just that he doesnt understand why u’d even leave ur phone on in the first place since he always has his turned off when ur around. if he gets annoyed enough he’ll fully take the phone out of ur hands, say sum “yeah, you don’t fuckin’ need this anymore. you’re done with this.” n toss it across the room while he kisses u senseless
- tbh his ultimate love language is 100% playfighting. v much would go heart eyes if u even seemed like u might try n wrestle him. obvi u dont win, but his favorite is how u laugh while he pins ur hands above ur head
- he sneers at other angry people. will fully, fully sit there like “jesus christ, they need to calm the hell down. annoying as shit- fuckin’ loud too.” ....... -i. who’s gonna tell him
- silent conversations with ur eyes. no rlly. if y’all are with friends and somebody says something questionable, bakugou is immeadiately turning to u, eyes hardly even shifting but u just know he’s hurling insults in his head
- he doesnt realize his own strength sometimes. like- he knows he’s strong, but if u ever open a door n ur like “woah, careful, this is heavier than it looks” bakugou is .2 steps behind u practically ripping the damn thing off it’s hinges. he’ll look at it, huffing like he doesn’f even understand the issue
- he rlly likes when u call him by his name. pet names are fine, but he srsly is super soft for the simple stuff. like when u look over at him, all excited, smile wide like “hey katsuki, u gotta see this! c’mere!”
- his road rage is severe. no rlly. bakugou drives like every day is a race n he’s one win away from going formula one. you’re pretty sure that the only reason he passed his license test is bc the instuctor was too terrified to tell him no
- bakugou probably does that thing where if you’re sitting on the counter top, watching him cook, he’ll stand between ur legs. hands on ur thighs or resting on ur hips while you tell him about your day
- can’t explain this one, but he doesnt kill spiders. he takes them outside. says sum “they eat ticks, idiot. what- you actually want a fuckin’ blood disease? Hah? ‘m not gonna kill it. motherfucker’s gotta earn his keep before dyin’ just like the rest of us.” while he v gently picks the spider up into his hand and walks it outside
- ik that his one cheat food is sugary cereal. like, he’s a health freak, but the one thing he can’t help but make a concession for is sugary cereal on the weekends
- he’ll sometimes get in this over-stimulated mood where everything pisses him off, n the only thing u can do is leave him alone. u learn this quick bc his anger doesn’t discrimminate and if u push him even after he tells u what’s up?? pls bakugou will lash tf out. at u. like, ik y’all like to write it but that whole “it’s okay- it’s just me. just look at me.” thing does not work with him,,, u literally gonna get merc’d if u try
- he’s probably a guy who’s gonna be super big on passing touches. like he drops his hand on ur head when he passes, or bumps his shoulder into urs when he laughs. no footsies tho. too sappy even for him- pls if u tried to initate that he’d crush ur toes under the table aHAHAHA
- feeds every street cat he comes across. is probably super fond of the ones with a bunch of scratches/scars on them. he’d die if u knew, but one time u caught him feeding a scratched up calico n going “bet u beat his stupid ass, right? that’s my girl. we always win, huh?”
surprise suprise,, my brain rlly never shuts the hell up about this man
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corpsedaydream · 4 years
hi i love ur work so much and i had a request! corpse and reader are dating and she isn’t necessarily what fans think his type is. she isn’t really goth and doesn’t watch anime so when she sees corpse talking about e girls and goth girls and all that stuff she feels left out and like she isn’t who he wants to be with, and when he’s streaming with her (she’s also a youtuber), he’s like talking about an anime show and reader feels left out and the whole live chat is just saying how she doesn’t belong there and that corpse could do so much better ect. so she has a breakdown in the bathroom and he reads the comments about her and gets upset and defends her which ends with him cuddling the fuck out of her and kissing away her tears idk just angst with a fluffy ending please i’m desperate 😔✌️💗
ooooooooooof i put myself in all the feels writing this and now i’m meant to just go to sleep like i’m not feeling some type of way smh
but!!!!!!!! i like how it turned out hehe, hope u enjoy
word count: 1.5k
beach baby
Your freckles were a lot more prominent lately, but that was always something that happened during this time of year when summer was quickly approaching. As much as you felt a little insecure by the the little marks that were dotted all over your body, it came hand in hand with the excitement of being able to do all of your favourite things that just felt better to do in summer.
You were a beach baby through and through. Growing up, you lived in the one house your whole life that was right by the beach and when your family went on holidays, it was always to a holiday house that was by another beach. You could swim before you could walk or talk. When you did learn how to walk, your parents realised they had to keep an extra close eye on you at the beach because you’d always run down to the waves, not realising the danger in your toddler years. When you watched The Little Mermaid for the first time, you begged your mother to turn you into a mermaid so you could live a life under the sea. When you were a kid getting picked up from school, your after school activity was going to the beach. Whenever the school swimming carnival rolled around, it was always you who got nominated to do the races. When you were a dramatic teenager and found out the boy you liked kissed someone else, you went to the beach and wrote his name in the sand just to watch it get washed away by the sea.
Your life had always involved the beach and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Whenever the idea of falling in love with someone popped into your mind, you always thought it would happen with the beach involved in some way. And there had been a few surfer boys you’d had flings with, but none stuck. They never really made an impact on you.
But Corpse had.
The two of you were an unlikely pairing, the absolute definition of opposites attract, but it worked.
You’d met at a mutual friends house by chance and there was an undeniable spark from that very first moment.
“Sitting under the moon is a lot better than the sun.” The two of you had found yourselves in a light hearted argument that very first night. After getting introduced and realising there was a pull between you both, he had eventually grabbed your hand and brought you to come sit up on the rooftop with him.
“What? No way, dude.” You shook your head and laughed, he was everything you weren’t but all you wanted. “The moon is so pretty,” You agreed with him, “but the sun makes you warm and it’s so pretty when the sky is all blue with a couple of cute, white fluffy clouds. That’s the perfect weather to be out and about.”
“If you like going out and about.”
“You don’t like going outside?”
“Nah,” Corpse hesitated, contemplating on how honest he should be with the girl he’d just met but was feeling so comfortable around. “I can’t handle the world sometimes, you know?”
“Yeah, I get it. If someone came up to me and said you can spend your whole life under water as a mermaid but never be able to come back on land, I’d seriously consider.”
“Even after meeting me?” The tone shifted back to the playful flirting and you were grateful for it.
“Shut up and admire your moon.”
“I will, after all, the night sky is far superior.” He was holding firm in his opinion.
“I think it’s all really pretty.” You said honestly, and it was the truth. You were just as hypnotised by a moonlit sky with stars sparkling as you were with a daytime sky.
“I think you’re really pretty.”
He’d had your heart from that moment.
You’d actually gone to the beach today and spent a solid few hours there with friends and it had put you in such a blissful state. Making the drive to your boyfriends place so enjoyable, because you were also very excited to see him.
He’d left the door unlocked when you messaged him saying you were on your way. So when you arrived you let yourself in, shutting and locking the front door behind you, knowing Corpse was streaming and you were going to join him.
“Hi.” You whispered, opening the door to his office, not knowing if you should let your presence be known to stream yet. You always felt a little nervous when it came to his fans. The first time you joined him in a stream, all you could concentrate on was the amount of messages that stated how you were exactly wrong for Corpse. How you were the opposite to who he should be with. From there, it only progressed. You saw the hate comments and negative things that some of them had to say about you and it hurt.
“She’s here!” Corpse announced, so at least it was known to them that you would be joining him at some point, they had some warning and you hoped it meant you would receive a warmer welcome. “Hey, baby, get over here.” He opened his arms and you sat down on his lap, greeting him with a kiss before you both brought your attention back to his stream.
“Hi guys!” You greeted the stream, cautiously looking over the influx of messages, waiting for something negative but it seemed they were asking you about something. “I can see you guys asking, but I don’t really know what you’re talking about...” You trailed off before looking at Corpse. “What were you talking about?”
“Oh...” He started, “we were talking about an anime. (Y/N) isn’t really into anime, guys.” He laughed and you smiled but you could feel the anxiety start to build, you just knew this was going to cause a wave of hate to you.
“Hey, I loved Sailor Moon and Pokemon when I was a kid.” You attempted to make a joke, thinking it would gain approval of his fans but it only caused them to react worse.
The chat started moving faster, messages of,
‘LMAO of course she doesn’t know what we’re talking about’
‘Did she really just say Pokemon? She’s fucking basic’
‘What a fucking dumbass’
‘Dump her ass Corpse’
‘Ugh why the fuck did she come?’
‘Fuck off (Y/N)’
‘Corpse you can do so much better’
You could feel the tears welling up, each comment being another jab and you knew you had to leave or you would cry right there and they’d all hear just how they had gotten to you. Quickly, you got up, ignoring Corpse calling after you and trying to reach for you to bring you back to him.
Making your way to the bathroom, you washed your face in an attempt to calm yourself but it didn’t work at all. So instead, you sunk to the floor and let yourself cry. You couldn’t understand why they hated you, you loved him so much for exactly who he was, just as they did. Couldn’t they be happy if who he was with made him happy? Negative thoughts were swirling your mind. They were getting to you.
“(Y/N)?” Corpse cracked the door open, his face full of worry as he stepped inside the bathroom. “Oh, baby, hey, hey,” He was by your side in a moment, his hands finding your sun kissed cheeks as he left a kiss against your head before finding your vision. “I saw what they were saying. They’re wrong.”
“But what if they’re not, Corpse?” You couldn’t help but to argue back. “You deserve someone better for you.”
“Stop it, stop right now.”
“No, I mean, look at us... We’re complete opposites.”
“And so?” He responded. “Do you love me?”
“Yes, of course I do.”
“That’s all that matters.” He told you, and you knew he was right, it was just the hate comments were really playing on your mind.
“Is it, though? Don’t you want someone else?”
“No. Fuck no.” He wrapped his arms around you then, he knew you really needed reassurance right now and he was going to give it to you. “You’re fucking perfect, baby. My beach baby, I only want you.” He told you, bringing you onto his lap once more, only now you were on the bathroom floor. You wrapped your legs and arms around him, needing to be close to him.
“Please don’t leave me.” Your voice was barely audible when you’d whispered that but he heard it and it crushed his heart to know it was his audience that had made you feel this way.
“I won’t, ever.” He assured you, he was cradling you with a force now, ever so slightly rocking the two of you back and forth. “You don’t ever have to ask me that, I’m not going anywhere.”
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wherethewordsare · 4 years
Sweater Weather- Mutual Pining for Jay’s 400 Follower Bingo!!
He’d found it after a movie night, draped over the back of the couch. He held it up to confirm and yep. There was no mistaking the hood and the bulky black sleeves. It looked like it may have gone through the dryer about twelve times too many and the zipper pull was barely hanging on. He let his thumb rub against the hem of the sleeve, shaking his head. Jaskier tucked the hoodie under his arm as he pulled out his phone, smiling to himself. 
u left ur hoodie
its cold and everything how do u forget that
ur worse than ciri smh 
Just hold onto it, I’ll grab it next time. 
And I am not worse than Ciri. I’m not the one who’s left his phone in the Denny’s bathroom at 2am…. Twice…
Last month. 
shhhhh :P
Throwing his phone down, Jaskier went to his closet. He was going to just hang up the hoodie and Geralt would get it eventually. Honestly, he was going to put it away. But then he pressed his face into the shoulder and sighed.  
This was wrong. He should just hang it up and return it when they saw each other again. He wasn’t about to let this silly little infatuation with Geralt ruin a perfectly good friendship. Especially not over a stupid hoodie.
Unfortunately, Jaskier's self restraint had taken the night off. Before he could stop himself, Jaskier was sliding his arms in, zipping up the front and crawling into bed. One night of indulging wasn’t going to hurt anyone. Even if it felt like his chest was splitting open. He shifted a little under the covers, burying his nose into the collar as he drifted off to sleep. They had been through so much together since they met in high school, wasn’t Jaskier allowed this one little thing, just this once?
i still have ur hoodie
u want it back cause we could like meet up for coffee 
we could go to the nag :) 
He snapped a picture of the hoodie and a travel mug in his passenger seat, sending it off. 
Can’t today. :(
Parent teacher meetings and then Dad wants us to help him fix the roof.
I could use my hoodie today, it’s cold… 
omgl finally
thought id have to do it
Jask… no. 
:/ fine then
see if i try to be helpful again
jk jk
dont die
I dont wanna do handywork :3 
Geralt had been right. It was cold, and Jaskier had forgotten his own jacket at home. He frowned down at the hoodie and sighed. It was only because it was chilly. Nothing else. He tried to ignore how it still smelled so strongly of Geralt. He walked around the gallery wrapped in Geralt’s hoodie, the front unzipped and his hands buried in the sleeves. 
hehe crispy leaf time
the cold is coming 
Yes, Jaskier. That’s how seasons work
u know what that means~
Geralt did not in fact, know what that meant but he soon found out. He was in the middle of typing when a picture came up with the caption “stolen hoodie weather :3” with Jaskier curled up on his couch at home, snuggled up in the black zip up hoodie Geralt only remembered leaving there early last Spring. 
Something in his stomach flipped and he looked around to make sure no one was watching him. Why? Why would it matter if someone saw him? It was just Jaskier.
He frowned and started typing again. He stopped and erased it, fighting down the small smile that was starting to tilt the corners of his mouth. 
You kept it?
Way to go, Geralt. That was really fucking smooth. What was he supposed to mean by that?
unlike u :(((
abandoner of hoodies
some of us appreciate the gift of comfort geralt
Geralt felt like his brain was melting. That thing in his stomach seemed to purr with satisfaction at the idea of Jaskier wearing his hoodie. It was petty and ridiculous and oh no, Geralt couldn't take his eyes off the way the black material framed Jaskier's collarbone. 
No. No no. This way lay madness, he told himself. He would simply get the hoodie back and that was that. 
hey when do u wanna do our next movie night
its been like
7099039 years
Geralt hesitated for a moment. He had never hesitated when it came to Jaskier. They had known each other for far too long. 
Sure. My turn to pick?
not if u choose a history documentary
Spy movie?
:0 promise?
yes pls
Should I bring wine?
Wait, no that would be a very bad idea. 
:) you know it
bring the good shit
eskels secret one
i know you can find it 
It’s called “google” Jaskier. Even I know that. And I will see what I can do.
same time and place as normal right
It’s a date.
Geralt felt as though his soul had left his body when he had hit send. Had he lost his entire mind? He was in the middle of typing a follow up, trying to word the best way to dismiss his complete and total departure from sanity when the little dots popped up then disappeared then popped up again.
It’s a date. :)
Jaskier nearly slammed the door back into Geralt’s face in shock. Geralt was standing in the hall, bottle of wine in one hand, movie and carry out in the other. Then there was the shirt. Jaskier had actually helped him pick it out. The black button up, the sleeves rolled up and was his hair actually combed back? He looked good. Jaskier swallowed hard. He looked really damn good. 
But that wasn’t even the weird part. No, the weird part was the way Geralt’s eyes widened when he had opened the door. He recovered quickly though, nodding at Jaskier as he stepped in. 
“Didn’t think you’d let the apartment be cold enough you’d need to wear a hoodie.” He smirked, setting the bag down on the table before going right into the kitchen. 
“Comfort, Geralt. I’m telling you, I just don’t think you appreciate it enough.”  Jaskier followed him in. It was routine for them, the way Geralt got the wine open, Jaskier grabbed plates and silverware; the way they bickered and snarked, barely suppressing laughs through barbs. 
The coffee table was littered with cartons of orange chicken and fried noodles. Geralt set his plate down as he leaned back, slinging his arm across the back of the couch. He had to smile at the sense of deja vu that struck him. Casino Royale wasn’t just a comfort movie for them. It had been their first movie night nearly fifteen years ago. 
By now, they could practically quote the entire thing, make quips at Bond’s smugness and only just sit through that one scene without wincing. At least that’s what they told themselves. 
Now they watched as Bond and Vesper reconnect outside of that fancy English rehab center. Jaskier chorused him as they both rolled their eyes and sighed at Bond’s shitty lines about little fingers. 
“God he’s the worst.” Jaskier took a sip of wine, making a gagging sound. 
“Quantum still exists.” he chuckled. 
“Valid!” Jaskier set his wine down. 
Geralt leaned over as Bond delivered his next line, syncing his tone and dropping into a soft gravelly murmur. 
“Whatever I am, I’m yours.” It was supposed to be cheesy and ridiculous but Geralt found that it felt far too honest. There was truth to them that he couldn’t think to deny now.
Jaskier nearly choked as he looked up, his eyes going wide. Geralt watched as he leaned into his personal space. Time felt like it stuttered to a halt in that moment, Jaskier inches from him, still draped in his hoodie. Geralt wet his lips anxiously. The tension between them felt like a powerline pulled too tight; everything seemed to crackle with it. 
Whatever he was going to say was lost the second Geralt closed the distance, pressing his mouth to Jaskier’s. It was nearly magnetic and there was no pulling away. Geralt’s hands strayed down to Jaskier’s thighs without his realizing it. There was no way he could stop himself now. He’d wanted this for far too long to just let it go. Part of him would mourn the loss of his oldest friendship, but that was Tomorrow Geralt’s problem. 
Jaskier’s arms wrapped around him, pulling him closer as Geralt tugged Jaskier into his lap clumsily. 
Geralt had to break the kiss first, pulling back gasping for air and pressing their foreheads together.
“Jask… Wait. Wait,” Geralt choked. He had to tilt his head back to get his words out as Jaskier dipped back in to start kissing him again. “Shit. Jaskier…” He already sounded wrecked to his own ears. His hands were on Jaskier’s hips, thumbs rubbing soft circles against his sides as he looked up, eyes searching. “Are you sure you want this?” 
He needed to hear it. He needed to know he was allowed to have this. It was one thing to say it would be Tomorrow Geralt’s problem, but it was another to actively throw away the best friendship he had ever had. He had spent too long pretending they could be just friends for it to fall apart like this. 
Jaskier crowded in closer and it took everything in him not to just give in to it because fuck that felt amazing. There was an easy smile across his lips that made Geralt feel like he was starving. 
“Geralt, I swear to the gods, don’t you dare start questioning this now,” as open as his face was, his voice trembled slightly. It was then that Geralt realized that Jaskier was practically vibrating under his palms. It was instinct the way he wrapped his arms around Jaskier’s middle, pulling him closer. “I’ve been wanting this for at least a solid decade.” 
Geralt blinked hard as he gaped up at Jaskier. 
“Are you really that surprised, Geralt?” Jaskier hummed, leaning back down and pressing a surprisingly chaste kiss to his cheek.
“Hmm. Maybe not.” He found himself chuckling, trying to breathe around the bubble of light that was threatening to fill his entire chest. He caught Jaskier’s mouth again, his hand coming up to slide into his hair, holding him close. 
It was hard to tell who had deepened the kiss further but the laughter died on his tongue when he felt Jaskier roll his hips down into his lap. Suddenly everything was too much and achingly not enough. The hoodie slipped down Jaskier’s shoulders and what little attention span Geralt had left zeroed into that same spot along Jaskier’s collarbone. 
Pulling Jaskier closer, he made a trail of graceless open mouthed kisses along his jaw and down the firm column of his neck, his teeth raking over the spot with careless abandon. He was rewarded with a soft keen and Jaskier squirming in his arms. Long dexterous fingers wound into his hair, cradling his head as his own found their way up the back of Jaskier’s shirt. 
“Geralt-” There was a tug in his hair and fuck shit yes. He must have made some kind of noise because he felt Jaskier chuckle fondly. “Geralt, as much as I am enjoying this,” he gasped, back arching as Geralt nipped just below his ear, “Bedroom. Now.”
There was no arguing with that tone nor could he bring himself to find anything to argue about. Geralt tilted his head back up, Jaskier’s lips crushing in against his, taking every last remaining shred of doubt away. He felt his body switch to autopilot as he scooped Jaskier up from under his thighs, pleased at the way his legs wrapped around him automatically. He carried him easily, stopping only for a moment to pin Jaskier to the wall to adjust his grip under him, long enough to flick the lights off. 
Jaskier snorted, pulling away. “So considerate.” He teased. Geralt gave him a playful swat on his thigh and the chuckling was cut off by one of those delicious keening noises. 
Geralt half stumbled, half marched to where he knew Jaskier’s bedroom to be, blindly pushing the door open with his foot. He let himself bask in the heat of Jaskier’s body pressed to his, taking his bottom lip and biting it. 
The reality of where he was came crashing down on him and time was doing that thing again, slowing down as someone else with his hands kneeled against the side of the bed, letting them both tumble back into ridiculously lavish sheets. Years of habitual teasing were only tamped down by Jaskier’s insistent fingers making quick work of the buttons on the front of Geralt’s shirt. 
“You just had to wear this one, didn’t you.” Apparently not everyone was so distracted not to tease. “Do you know how hard it was not to just pull you into my apartment and kiss that ridiculous face of yours?” 
Geralt gave a wry smile. “Do you know how hard it’s been for fifteen years, being your best friend and thinking I would never get to kiss that beautiful face of yours?” 
He had to bite the inside of his lip as Jaskier’s whole face and neck flushed brilliant pink in the low light. 
“Geralt!” he practically whined and Geralt couldn’t stop from laughing softly at that, bending back down to kiss him again. He decided he couldn’t help himself, not really. 
This was too good. If he could just bottle this moment and tuck it away for every rainy day for the rest of his life, he would.  
“I guess I’ll just have to make it up to you now.” Geralt hummed happily. He shifted, the hand under Jaskier’s thigh moving to tug his hips flush with Geralt’s as his other hand moved to cup his face. “As long as you’re okay with that.” 
Geralt was pretty sure they were too far gone to ever go back, but even now, he had to make sure.
“Geralt Roger Eric…” Jaskier groused. “If you do not come back down here and kiss-” his words were muffled by Geralt’s mouth, his tongue sliding over Jaskier’s bottom lip and swallowing whatever ridiculous threats may have been lobbed at him. 
He found that kissing Jaskier had been easier than breathing. Before he knew it, Geralt was pulling back to pull off his shirt but his hands froze. He cursed under what breath he had left because the view of Jaskier under him, lips kiss bruised and shining, the needy look in his eyes, and the way his hair was pushed in every direction nearly undid Geralt completely. 
He snapped back to work, stripping out of his shirt and pushing at his jeans, letting them slide away. 
“C'mere you gorgeous thing.” Geralt murmured softly, pulling Jaskier to him before rolling, his back pressed up against the headboard. 
Jaskier shimmied out of his own jeans before straddling Geralt’s thighs, letting his fingers trail up the planes of Geralt’s chest, a stray fingernail grazing over his nipple, making him groan. Jaskier only grinned, leaning in, and nipping at Geralt’s neck. 
All Geralt could do was groan and tilt his head back, his hands sliding over Jaskier’s back. He was just aware enough to realize when Jaskier started to work his way down his body. Looking down, he watched in complete awe as nimble fingers hooked into his boxers. 
The first touch of Jaskier’s mouth to the jut of Geralt’s hip had his blood singing and he could only drop his head back against the wall. He hadn’t realized how achingly hard he was until Jaskier was biting down gently on Geralt’s upper thigh making him jump. 
There was a low chuckle from somewhere around his groin and then there was a sharp tug on his boxers. Jaskier wasted no time getting a hand around Geralt’s cock while he still playfully nipped at Geralt’s hip and thigh and abs. This was how he was going to die, he thought absently as he let his hand move to the back of Jaskier’s head. He let his fingers tangle there, tugging gently and Jaskier seemed to get the message though he could feel the smirk against his inner thigh. 
The weight of Jaskier between his thighs, one hand sliding up Geralt’s torso as the other stroked him lightly left Geralt breathless, his eyes fluttering at every touch. But it was when Jaskier wrapped his mouth around the head of his cock that Geralt felt like he was going to vibrate out of his skin. He bucked his hips instinctively into the hot slick of Jaskier’s mouth before he could stop himself. 
For long moments, all Geralt could do was hold on. Jaskier took him slowly, seeming to savor the newly found ground between them as he bobbed further and further until Geralt was nudging the back of his throat. He gasped, his back arching when Jaskier swallowed around him, his responding hum a little too self satisfied. 
Geralt tightened his grip in Jaskier’s hair only slightly, tugging him up. It was messy and Jaskier’s mouth was open and slick, his eyes glazed slightly with a need that left Geralt breathless. He looked debauched and it was honestly the most beautiful thing Geralt had ever seen. 
“Fuck,” he groaned pulling Jaskier back into his lap, his hips stuttering to grind up against Jaskier’s thigh. 
Jaskier pressed in close, panting slightly as he broke a kiss that had been more teeth than anything, leaning his forehead to Geralt’s. “Mm, fuck. We- Ah,” He chuckled as Geralt dipped in to kiss him again, dodging away gracefully. “Geralt, I need-” he licked his lips , taking a shaky breath. “Want you to-” 
Geralt was already nodding. He would agree to anything Jaskier asked for but the way his hips ground down against Geralt’s lap, it wasn’t hard to fill in the blanks. He wrapped a strong arm around Jaskier’s middle, rolling them gently until Jaskier was under him his knees still bracketed around Geralt’s thighs as he arched and keened.
“Under the notebook in the-” Jaskier breathed his hands not leaving Geralt’s skin for a moment, fingers greedily mapping out the lines of his back. 
“I know, you haven’t changed your hiding place since college,” Geralt teased. To his surprise Jaskier snorted under him, his head tilting back in the pillows as he laughed. It left the column of his neck exposed to Geralt and he couldn’t help himself but lean down and bite small marks into it. He was rewarded by more delicious noises endlessly streaming from Jaskier. 
He pulled away only for the time it would take to retrieve the lube before sliding back down into Jaskier’s arms and kissing him thoroughly. His hands traveled down Jaskier’s bare chest, his fingers brushing along the top of his boxers and he gave a low huff into Jaskier’s mouth. 
“Why are these still on?” he grumbled, smirking when Jaskier rolled his eyes at him. 
“Someone’s been slacking in getting me undressed,” Jaskier shot back. 
TheirThere next kiss was a mess of chuckles and grins. Geralt shifted them again, moving to get Jaskier’s boxers down. The laughter died in Jaskier’s throat when Geralt’s fingers brushed low down his back and grazed over the swell of his ass, he buried his face into Geralt’s neck. Geralt didn’t tease for long before pulling away. It made Jaskier groan and nip at his neck until slick fingers returned to his entrance, circling slowly. 
“Fuck!” Jaskier moaned, his hips already rocking back greedily. 
Geralt quietly cursed himself for letting so much time get away from him as he slowly worked Jaskier open, enjoying the way he shivered and babbled under him with every push of his fingers. When he slipped a third finger in, Jaskier bucked under him, his eyes slamming shut as he gave a shout. 
“Geralt! Fuck, dear heart, please, for the love of all that is good-” he pleaded, his hips rocking back onto Geralt’s fingers eagerly. “If you don’t fuck me soon I’m going to combust.” 
Geralt leaned down, muffling the rest of the curses that were probably coming with a hard kiss. Jaskier arched under him as he pulled his hands away. It was easy after that, letting their bodies slot together and letting himself slide into Jaskier’s tight warmth. It felt like a gut punch. It felt like coming home. 
Jaskier wound his legs around his waist, hands reaching up to thread into Geralt’s hair as he rolled his hips, taking Geralt deeper, causing them both to groan. 
“Jask.” Geralt pressed his face to Jaskier’s shoulder panting as he started a steady pace. Soon only the sound of their heavy breathing and Jaskier’s soft moans filled the room around them. 
Time around them seemed to hold still as Jaskier tugged gently on Geralt’s hair, prying him away from his shoulder to look him in the eyes. The look Geralt found there left the world spinning. Jaskier’s eyes were bright and his smile warm even as his cheeks flushed. He was pliant and open and completely wrecked and the sight of him tugged at Geralt’s chest. The words came tumbling out before he could stop himself, his hips slowly rolling into Jaskier as they moved. 
“I love you, Julek,” he murmured as he kissed him slowly. 
Jaskier whined under him, his fingers tightening in Geralt’s hair, pulling him impossibly closer. When they finally broke apart to gasp for air, Jaskier's eyes were searching his as he bit his lip around a low moan. He huffed a wet sounding laugh as a hand slid from Geralt’s hair to rest on his cheek, a well calloused thumb tracing along his chin. “Oh, dear heart,” he shifted, canting his hips to make Geralt move. The angle shifted and Geralt seemed to nudge right against where Jaskier needed him most as he arched from the mattress and groaned. 
Geralt pushed up to sit, pulling Jaskier up with him until he was in his lap. They rocked together, shuddering every time Geralt bottomed out. He gripped Jaskier’s hip tightly with one hand as his other slid between them, wrapping around Jaskier’s cock. Jaskier pushed up into his hand, swaying between his grip and his cock, they both seemed drunk on it. It was only a matter of time after that that Jaskier was crying out, Geralt’s name tumbling from his lips, his orgasm tearing through him like a whirlwind and Geralt could do nothing but hold onto him. 
Geralt steadied him, his hand holding Jaskier still as he thrust up into him, reveling in the small fucked out noises Jaskier whimpered into his neck before he too was shaking apart, spilling into Jaskier with a low satisfied rumble. 
They kissed again, lazy and sated, their chests a mess with Jaskier’s spend. He broke the kiss first, pulling back with that smile that always left Geralt feeling dazed.
“I love you, too. I love-” he didn’t get to finish because Geralt was pressing him down into the mattress again with a hard kiss, smiling. 
He was allowed. Everything that had happened seemed to catch up with him but instead of the sheer panic he had been expecting, the only thing that wrapped around him in that moment was the bright light that was Jaskier’s answering laugh. 
Everything was sore but in that pleasant kind of way after a good lay. Jaskier rolled over, pressing his nose into the pillow beside him. He smiled when he realized it still smelled like Geralt. 
Geralt. Fuck!
His hand reached out before he let himself open his eyes, wincing against the bright morning light that streamed in through his windows. The space beside him was empty.
But… Geralt had said it first? Where-? Jaskier’s heart sank, his throat tightening. He knew it was too good to be true. The moment Geralt had kissed him on the couch, he had pushed down every part of him that had screamed that he was going to end up hurt by time the sun came. 
He reached for his phone though he didn’t know who he was going to text. Essi wouldn’t even be awake yet on a Saturday. The space by his lamp was also empty. He realized he must have left his phone in the living room the night before when-
He tried not to think about how easily Geralt had lifted him up and carried him to bed. He had tried not to think about how there were now bruises on his hips that were shaped like Geralt’s hands or the trail of stinging bites that he would have to carry around his empty apartment for days. He pressed the heals of his hands to his eyes and groaned. 
“Idiot,” he berated himself. 
“Cause you left your phone in the living room and now it’s dead?” Geralt asked, pushing the door open with his foot. He was in a pair of Jaskier’s sweatpants and nothing else carrying in two cups of coffee. He looked up from where he had been concentrating, trying not to spill them. “What?”
“You’re here,” Jaskier chuckled. Something in his chest lifted and he let go of a breath he hadn’t realized he had been holding. 
“I… yes?” Geralt looked around. There was a lovely mark in the shape of Jaskier’s mouth on his shoulder and it made Jaskier’s toes curl. Geralt looked at the space beside Jaskier then at his face. He made a little oh with his mouth before he started to shake his head. “Oh! I see, hmm.” He set the coffee down gently on the side table and slid back into bed and into Jaskier’s arms. “Didn’t mean to scare you.” 
“So we’re…” Jaskier looked away, rubbing his palms over his covered thighs. “We’re okay?” He didn’t dare hope. Not just yet. Not in the bright light of day. 
“Well, that depends,” Geralt  chuckled, pulling him into  his lap easily. He leaned in and kissed Jaskier’s chin. “Yenn messaged. Something about brunch. I think they know. Are you okay with that?”
Jaskier snorted, leaning over to grab his coffee. “Essi. I told her it was just movie night. I tell her it’s just movie night every time and-” He realized what he was saying, the cup of coffee hovering just at his lips. He looked sideways at Geralt who was tilting his head and smirking. 
“The biggest gossip we know and that’s the one you decide to confide in?” He took the cup from Jaskier’s hands and set it down again before rolling them both to pin Jaskier under him. 
Jaskier squawked indignity, his arms wrapping around Geralt. He let himself be kissed and hummed happily when Geralt slotted easily back between his thighs. 
“We’re going to be late for brunch,” he sighed as Geralt’s hand slipped down to his thigh, fingers brushing gently over the marks from the night before. 
“Hmm, don’t care.” 
They ended up missing brunch altogether but neither seemed to mind. 
The weather was crisp and dry and Jaskier was bundled in the black hoodie, but now pressed against Geralt’s side as they walked into Magnolia’s. It had been easier than Geralt was expecting though he groaned as he watched several fairly large wads of cash exchange hands. 
“Pay up, Jask,” Essi grinned. 
“What?” Geralt turned, scowling. Jaskier gave a chagrined shrug as he handed over money. “So little faith?” Geralt teased. 
“You too, pretty boy!” Lambert smirked across the table. 
Jaskier gasped beside him, leaning away “So little faith, Geralt?” The sleeves of the hoodie fell over his wrists and Geralt only smiled, pulling him back against his side. 
“I don’t mind being wrong this time.” 
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makoodlesarchive · 4 years
If you’re still taking requests; may we get a sero or kaminari version of the walking in front of your boyfriend naked fic you did of kirishima? thank you
ok i’m sorry this took so long but like i actually really enjoy writing these ahahaha i watched so many compilations of this challenge
pairing: kaminari denki x reader
warnings: implied NSFW
Tip Jar!
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‘Do itttttt!’ Mina’s text flashed up at you, ‘it’ll be hilarious, he’ll totally lose his mind’
You bite your lip and bounce on your heels, nervous energy overtaking you as you start to doubt yourself. ‘Idk’, you text back, ‘i’m so nervous. I’m just standing like an idiot in the bathroom. I cant bring myself to take off my underwear’.
Mina must have been waiting for your text, because her reply comes within mere seconds of you pressing send. ‘Dont be stupid, he’ll love it. Besides its not as if hes never seen u nakey before.’
You scowl at the phone because that’s seriously not as reassuring as she seems to think it is. All the times Kaminari has seen you naked have been when he’s actually wanted to see you naked – you’ve never surprised him like this before. You don’t think he’ll be annoyed at you for interrupting his gaming, but you don’t exactly want to take that chance either.
As if sensing your doubt through the phone, another chat from Mina pops up. ‘It’s only a prank, don’t worry about it so much! As IF sparky is ever gonna mad that he gets to see  more of you’
“Right.” you whisper to yourself, then crack open the bathroom door. Denki’s dorm room is a total mess, like always, and he’s lounging on his rumpled duvet covers totally engrossed in the game he’s playing on the small television set mounted on the wall. He either doesn’t hear you come out of the bathroom or is too engrossed in the game to pay any attention. 
‘He hasnt even looked up smh’, you shoot a quick text off to Mina, before shimmying out of your underwear.
As always, Mina replies at the speed of light. ‘NAKEYYY CHALLENGE BABY! (also pls record it bc i want another viral tiktok plssss)’
You open the camera app on your phone and set it to record, before training it right at your boyfriend. Kaminari still hasn’t looked away from the screen; his mouth is slack in concentration, and every few seconds he erupts into yells over his headset. You have no idea what game he’s playing, and no particular interest to find out – you have a mission.
You step forward, and wait until his yells of “To the left! The left!” have subsided. Then you clear your throat. When he doesn’t look up, you have to fight back a sigh. “Babe, you nearly finished your game?”
“Fuck, man, go around!” Kaminari yells into the headset. When he speaks again, his voice is significantly lighter, “Sorry, babe, this campaign just began!”
You have to work hard not to totally lose confidence, because you feel like a total idiot standing stark naked in front of your boyfriend as you film him totally ignoring you. You think of Mina’s encouragement and take a breath. When you speak again, your voice has the soft, teasing quality to it that you usually save for when the two of you are alone and intimate with each other. “Denki?”
You don’t know if it’s your tone of voice or your use of his first name, but he finally turns his head to look your way. You use a single thumb to zoom in on his reaction; the moment it seems to register in his head that you’re standing naked beside his bed his mouth drops open a little and he stares for long enough that you can’t help but shift a little self-consciously from foot to foot.
An explosion sounds onscreen, and you can hear voices yelling through Denki’s headset. That seems to snap him out of it, and he drops his controller and hurriedly says through his mic “I gotta go, I gotta go and, uh, do something-” even as he’s tugging the headset off of his head. He turns a blinding grin on you and says “Whoa, baby!” as he climbs out of the bed, but then his foot gets caught in his duvet and he crashes to the ground.
You feel the knot of nerves in your stomach unfurl as you laugh at him. You feel silly for even doubting how he would react; Denki was Denki, after all. “Are you okay?”
“You look so good!” Denki yells from the floor, tugging his foot out of the tangle of blankets and bouncing back to his feet. As soon as he’s close enough to touch you his hands are on your waist and he’s laying down sloppy kisses on your neck, “Damn, baby! What’d I do to deserve this?”
“It’s- it’s a Tik Tok challenge.” you laugh breathlessly, leaning into his touch. Your breathing hitches a little as his hands sweep lower to cup your ass and pull you closer. “Denki, wait, my phone is still recording-”
“Leave it,” he mumbles into your neck, his voice gone a little husky. In three steps he’s walked you back to the bed, and you relinquish your phone to him as he goes to set it up on his bedside table. He grins wickedly at you once he has it resting upright, pointed towards you, and then he’s diving back to you and pressing an open-mouthed kiss to your chest. “I wanna watch it back later.”
“Shit.” you moan, then clap your hand over your mouth and glance towards the phone.
Denk grins up at you from where he’s nipping at the skin between your breasts. “You can edit this part out when you send it to Mina.”
“Obviously, asshole.” you laugh as you tug him up into a kiss.
You’ll send the very edited video to Mina later. And then maybe buy her a gift because this turned out to be a really great idea after all.
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yyxgin · 3 years
oh so thé barman is coming on a double date w the other barman 😐 to our workplace (i think). the girls are pretty can’t lie,, bruv i better be working that day,, one of them (barman, i think we know it’s not our beloved electric scooter rider) pisses me off so much. the other is a little fucking sweetheart (not when he’s staring at ass, he pointed one out to me today, although it is funny seeing how he is an ass man over boobs which i didn’t think he would be).
side note: i got to ride his scooter‼️‼️ n then i was scared by my coworker calling my name out of her car window and fell off but it’s okay. i was zooming 💨
i once dated a guy who crashed his dad’s car (without telling him he was going out to drive it) and did dr*gs on another occasion while i was ft-ing him so. p sure you’re doing better than me.
my problem now is, i’m TIRED of being alone and not constantly having someone to talk to/ask to fo out with bc i feel like i’m awful to my friends bc of my shitty rota meaning if i have a day off of work like, we have to go out on that day or nothing. or, i go out before the dinner shift but have to rush back home to run to the bus stop (aggressively power walk) to get the bus in time. it’s like, i don’t wanna have to do that. plus ew sweaty n all that don’t need that before i’ve even started work yuck 🤮 rounding back to me being lonely and praying for a pretty boy,, the new kp at work is hella cute. i went to starbucks on my break and got him coffee today but he left before i got back, like 😐 getting stern words tomorrow. i’ll probably be upset (but not surprised) if he tells me he has a girlfriend. he’s sweet, only a year older than me (i like my men younger than me, if my track record has anything to do w it… OKAY BUT NOT PEDO YOUNG LIKE MY BOYFRIENDS HAVE ALL BEEN A FRE MONTHS YOUNGER THAN ME but still in the same academic year) i also have a thing for maknaes bc they bias wrecker me 😐 im awfully down bad for jungkook and hwasa and i.m. and (i’m scared of jeongin from skz tbh bc he’s too close to me in age) and bambam (ik hes not the maknae but he almost is) so on and so forth
um😩 idk what else to chat to you about but it is almost 3am so i think a goodnight is in order, my love ~ 🌻
awwh im sorry to hear that 😩😩 has the double date already happen ?? do we have any info on that ?? spill the tea bestie
SJSKS WHY IS THAT ME. i am so clumsy,, i rode my best friend's neighbour's like,, electric scooter thing and almost drove into a car and died. these things are scarily fast and i dont like it.
i- yes. you know what, maybe my ex boyfriend wasn't as bad. sure, he was into my best friend, sure, he did tell me i look ugly while wearing a ponytail, but at least he didnt take drugs <3
i totally get that :// it sucks w your work and everything, but nobody can really blame u for wanting to hang out w them on your days off.
DNSKSK how did it go w the second guy ?? so rude of him to leave before getting the coffee smh 🙄🙄 at least u had 2 then <3 also i get your obsession w younger men, i had like 3 crushes on boys one year younger than me 😩 miss girl was very desperate as u can see.
i was lowkey shocked to find out hwasa is the maknae. i totally thought it was wheein. also jungkook is and will forever be my first ever ult i can never get over that boy. jeongin is my other ult too so 🤩🤩 he is too powerful. also he's close in age too but i mean he's still older than me by 2 years so its all good. i get weirded out by groups where there are people younger than me. like enhypen and p1harmony lowkey scare me, why are there babies. literal babies. they should be at school and not getting overworked-
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huangfilms · 6 years
summary: so i found an eviction note on my door when i came home from a shift so i looked on a bulletin board in the lobby and i saw an ad for a roommate and that ad was from you, my really cute neighbor and i was wondering if that offer still stands???
requested by: a lovely anon ❤️ thanks for waiting patiently sweetheart !
(A/N) i have finished!!! thank you for waiting very patiently for this,,,,, i know i haven’t been on my A game recently but thanks for not rushing me JDJSJD anywho i love you thanks for requesting! ❤️ i hope u like this !!
it was midnight and you were absolutely slumped, stressed, and kind of angry
work really kicked your ass that night
working at a 24/7 diner sucked so much cause sometimes the people would come at odd times
and there were some snappy customers
that night during your shift there was a particularly rude customer that ruined your mood so you just really wanted to lay down in your bed
but once you go to your door you found an eviction note saying that they’re going to kick you out in a week if you don’t pay your rent
right then and there you could feel all of the stress from that day form into tears
so you open your door in a haste and c r y
because??? you don’t get payed until next week??? so you’re basically screwed
but you decide to try and sleep it off because you are way too tired for this and it’s your day off tomorrow anyway
when you wake up you forget about the eviction note but you remember when you go to make coffee since it’s sitting on the counter
you let out the Biggest Sigh ever
you leave the paper on the counter and then you go down to the lobby to see the bulletin board to see if there are any roommate papers or open apartments
when you look you see something
‘looking for a roommate! contact at +xxx-xxx-xxxx na jaemin’
and you recognize the name cause hey!!! that’s your neighbor!!!
you never really talked to him before, only the few nods of the head at each other when you see each other
he’s cute or whatever
you decide you’re going to ask jaemin if you could be his roommate cause that seems better than living on your own
smh rent is high these days what were you thinking of anyway HAHA
moving on though
you go back up and try to build up the courage to knock on his door
but you don’t even know if he’s home
you knock anyway, and about a few seconds later you can see jaemin’s bright smile
angels are singing
‘did you need something y/n?’
you get snapped out of your daze
‘uh i saw the ad of you needing a roommate, and i was wondering if that offer still stands??’
and he looks confused cause? you’re his neighbor w hat??
and you see the confused look so you start to explain to him that you just got an eviction note last night and you really don’t know where else to go 
your parent don’t live in the same country as you
your friends,,,,, uhhhh ??? very m i a i guess 
and you won’t get payed until next week so you start to really beg him to be his roommate
and he can see how stressed you are so he accepts
and you just give him such a big smile and he metaphorically melts to the ground
and you really don’t even have to pack anything the whole week you move your stuff into his apartment and get rid of a l o t of things
you just found out you were a hoarder LMAO
but anywho!! 
it takes a couple more days than planned to move everything into the other bedroom 
but it’s all good
so the day you finally moved everything into his apartment he asked if you guys wanted to go grocery shopping cause his your guys’ kitchen was empt y
but you declined cause you needed to fix and arrange some stuff in your new room
and hes all like no problem i’ll just ask a friend to go with me, i’ll see you in a few hours!! and he grins and locks the door
you didn’t even fix stuff you just knocked out cold onto your bed 
anyway fast forward it’s been a few days since you moved in
it’s been a lil awkward cause you guys don’t really interact with each other
your guys’ work schedules don’t match so hes always out when youre home and vice versa
so you never really get to talk with him
but!!! by some miracle your job/school schedules do match
and you guys FINALLY talk and break the VERY awkward tension
the dynamic in your house is so much better wow
sometimes when either of you couldn’t sleep you guys would venture out or just crash into the other’s room for the night
one time jaemin’s friend walked in on you guys cuddling in his bed cause he had a spare key
his friend (jeno) asked him about it a while later and jaemin was so blatant
‘oh we’re just friends’
‘mhm sure jan’
‘shut up jee-no’
so it’s been months now
(yes i time skipped sigh)
but anyway, jeno was still Skeptical cause?? friends don’t do all that couple stuff
literally everyone Been Knew you guys like each other except for:
oh right YOU GUYS.
you guys Flirt 25/8
even when its Not even necessary like when you’re hanging out with your friends
for example you’re having a movie night with the dreamies
‘jaemin sweetie can you get me something sweet’
and he nods and goes to the kitchen only to come back empty handed
and ur all like??? jaemin wheres My Snack
he just scoffs and goes ‘what are you talking about i’m literally right in front of you’
bitch i would too the Fuck
you just snort and lightly push him on the shoulder before pulling him down to sit next to you
then on instinct he just wraps himself around you
everyone: confused
but they don’t question you guys and just watch the movie
when you say you’re going to bed and leave the couch with a goodnight to them
jeno jumps onto the spot next to him
and he just goes ‘do you like them?????’
jaemin is so ??? cause wha t you’re just really close friends!!!!
jeno just looks him in the eyes and goes ‘not even a little bit??’
‘i’m sure’
and so jaemin just sits and thinks for a little though
cause hm,,,,, maybe he does like you-OH MY GOd HE LIKES YoU
and he has an internal breakdown cause oh my god???? what??? when???
not that there’s anything bad about you!!! he just,,, as cliche as it may sound
he doesn’t want to make anything awkward with you 
and so he decides: to take more shifts and study out at the library cause he doesn’t want to think about this
what he don’t know, is that you’re in your room thinking the s a m e thing blease talk to each other
so you!!! also take more shifts but you stay locked in your room as well
when the dreamies come over one day without a warning you’re both in your rooms just minding your own business
and so when they barge in they’re all like
????? where’s the couple?????
and so jaemin goes out and hes like oh why are you guys here LMAO
‘we wanted to watch movies?? it’s friday cmon go get y/n’
and so he just laughs a little awkwardly but he goes to you anyway
he knocks and goes ‘so uhhh the guys are here and we’re about to watch movies??? wanna hang out ??’ and in his head 
he’s just wondering when everything became so awkwar d
oh right when he realized that he likes you
but anywho you open the door and he does a little half smile that makes your stomach flip in a good way
and you smile at him too
when you guys go out though,,,,,
you sit on one end of the couch and jaemin sits on the opposite end
donghyuck sits in between the both of you
‘why aren’t you and jaemin sitting next to each other like usual????’ donghyuck asked you quietly to make sure no one else heard
cause He Knew
you just give him a side eye and you tell him ‘you already know why now Shut the movie is starting’
he leaves it be but in the middle of the movie he gets up to use the restroom
and then chenle says ‘move over i like sitting by the arm of the couch’
‘no just let me sit here’
chenle is just r eally confused ‘but you always sit next to jaemin b l e a s e y/n’
and thats how you two end up next to each other
jisung decides to squish in and so you’re pressed up against jaemin
you dont know who’s more uncomfortable : you or him
the room feels s o awkward and literally everyone feels it
and so you just ‘i’m gonna get something to drink anyone else want water???’
‘i’ll go with you’ and its jaemin standing up
‘i-i um no it’s oka-’
he just takes your hand and he leads you to the kitchen and behind the corner so they won’t see you guys
‘why are we being awkward??’
and you just shrug cause?? you guys literally haven’t talked for w e e k s you dumb bitc-
and he just goes is such a quiet voice
‘i miss you’
and your heart!!! palpitated!!! the hell!!!
‘i-i miss you too’
and so he just hugs you and says Really Confidently
‘i like you, be my baby’
and you !! are about to Faint! 
‘i-i,,,,i like you too’
and when you pull back he just ! kisses you really softly 
and you’re Red cause oh this is Really Happening Right Now
you guys walk back out of the kitchen (with the drinks) but you’re holding hands
you both are just :D
everyone knew what was happening cause you Guys Aren’t Quiet
just cause they can’t see you doesn’t mean they can’t hear you !!!!
and so they’re just like ‘congrats now shut the movie is still Playing’
you guys are So gross with each other 
everyone regrets everything
but anyway!!!
now that you guys are together!!! you guys smooch
you like to smooch his nose and he just laughs every time you do that
okay but when you study for smth you do it in your room cause he’s going to distract you
he still manages to do it
he sends you the Ugliest Texts
‘when u free bb 😳‘
‘we??? live??? together???’
okay but being serious!!!
he’s such a softie and he’s so happy that he gets to wake up next to you all the time
and ugh my heart! is hurting! 
since you guys live w each other its weird not seeing each other cause your schedules don’t match up sometimes
and jaemin is so :( 
and it makes you so :(
hes such a clingy one 
he flirts at all times of the day just to get a reaction out of you
but anyway
ugh roommate jaemin ! what a concept
there’s never a dull moment when it comes to him!!
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127aliciia · 6 years
rules: bold the statements that are true and tag 15 people (italicize for somewhat true)
Tagged by: @gingerbreadjeno (i love u miss dia)
accurate representation of me doing this tag: I Am Unsure.
☼ appearance ☼
i’m over 5'5 / i wear glasses/contacts / i have blonde hair / i wear sweatshirts a lot (i tug them inside my highwaist jeans :-/ ) / i prefer loose clothing to tight clothing / i have one or more piercings / i have at least one tattoo / i have blue eyes / i have dyed or highlighted my hair / i have gotten plastic surgery / i have or had braces / i sunburn easily / i have freckles / i paint my nails / i typically wear makeup (not often but i enjoy dolling up i guess sjfshw leave me alone) / i don’t often smile / i am pleased with how i look / i prefer nike to adidas / i wear baseball hats backwards
☼ hobbies and talents ☼
i play a sport (does dancing count) / i can play an instrument / i am artistic / i know more than one language / i have won a trophy in some sort of competition / i can cook or bake without a recipe / i know how to swim / i enjoy writing / i can do origami / i prefer movies to TV shows / i can execute a perfect somersault / i enjoy singing / i could survive in the wild on my own / i have read a new book series this year / i enjoy spending time with friends / i travel during school or work breaks (i miss italy. take me back 🅱️ls) / i can do a handstand
☼ relationships ☼
i am in a relationship / i have been single for over a year (i wish SmH) / i have a crush / i have a best friend I have known for over ten years / my parents are together / i have dated my best friend / i am adopted / my crush has confessed to me (i had to somewhat make him confess because he was too shy even though he kissed me moments before) / i have had a long-distance relationship / i am an only child / i give advice to my friends / i have made an online friend / i met up with someone I have met online
☼ aesthetics ☼
i have heard the ocean in a conch shell / i have watched the sun rise / i enjoy rainy days / i have slept under the stars (i don’t remember it properly whsbsjs) / i meditate outside / the sound of chirping calms me / i enjoy the smell of the beach / i know what snow tastes like (sjsbdja) / i listen to music to fall asleep (it makes it easier okay) / i enjoy thunderstorms (my favorite) / i enjoy cloud watching / i have attended a bonfire / i pay close attention to colors / i find mystery in the ocean / i enjoy hiking on nature paths / autumn is my favorite season (i like the fashion. the cold?? not so much)
☼ miscellaneous ☼
i can fall asleep in a moving vehicle / i am the mom friend / i live by a certain quote / i like the smell of sharpies / i am involved in extracurricular activities / i enjoy mexican food / i can drive stick-shift / i have memorized an entire song in a day (it’s a must in the german rap community) / i believe in true love / i dream up scenarios to fall asleep / i sing in the shower / i wish i lived in a video game / i have a canopy above my bed / i am multi-racial / i am a redhead / i own at least three dogs / i am lgbtq+ (:/ unsure. i crush on girls but i can’t imagine myself in a relationship with them. and they never get any more serious than a crush)
so to summarize, i’m a basic ass BITCH
i’m tagging everyone who reads this!! have fun, go wild!! just to be sure though, i especially tag @nothaechan @renjunite @nctzeve
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sunnysidewrites · 6 years
Requested by anon: Hello (: could you write a brother!au Taeyang scenario? :)) 
holy hell guys not only have i not written in so long but it’s an sf9 piece too!!! :ooo!!!! i hope yall like it!!!! AND YES I KNOW THIS REQUEST IS ALMOST A YEAR OLD DLSJFL IM SO SORRY BUT YAY ITS HERE!!!! ENJOY MY KIDZ also pls forgive me its been way too long since i wrote smth so its not as high quality or long :’(((
warnings: a lot of soft. a lot. like a lot a lot. i want a bro tae :(
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He’s such an affectionate person, so just imagine how much love he would smother you with
Especially as an older bro?? I mean come on
Definitely the type to spoil you every chance he can get
No like,,,, he really invented spoiling
He works at the local cafe and every time he gets his paycheck, his first thought is what to reward you with for never complaining about your financial hardships
“Tae stop buying me stuff with your money!! Go treat yourself out for once!!”
“Aw you’re so cute, Y/N. Now, do you want the special cake of the day or the donuts?”
Jesus he’s so soft i wanna cry
He would go to the ends of the world just to have you smiling all the time :’(((
This boy knows no limits, I’m telling you smh
Will probably embarrass you in front of your friends LOL
Also the one your friends always gush over
And you’re like “ok i mean i know he’s good looking but he’s also my brother?? Can yall not???”
Unfortunately, you’ve had your fair share (which is putting it extremely lightly) of Phakes who use you to get closer to tae
One second you think you’re hitting it off when you’re talking about the latest single of your favorite artist and then the next you have to walk away after they ask you for the address of his workplace
It gets real tiring
And ofc, taeyang knows about this and he blames himself for it, especially when you never show any signs of complaints or other giveaways
You remain silent about it and he’s just like !!!!! :(((!!!!!!!!
So every time you ask him why he never treats himself out, he can’t help but think about how you never want him to worry about you
Because it’s so challenging finding a real friend, he always invites you to hang out with him and his group every day
You don’t mind at all though since his friends are wild but cool to be around with!!
[Insert promotion: STAN TALENT STAN SF9]
[they’re also a bunch of dorks. Stupid idiots. Loud and rambunctious. Talented and -- wait, what were we talking about again]
He’s always by your side and casually has his arm slung around your shoulders (it comes from his overprotective nature)
You can BET that whenever any one of his friends tries to talk to you one-on-one, tae’s face darkens just a smidgen
“Hey, Y/N, there’s this cool bakery that opened last week, wanna go--”
“Rowoon, don’t you have some,,, trees to compare yourself to?”
“Why do you never make any sense????”
Tae is always with you sO FREAKING MUCH to the point that if y’all weren’t related, you would surely be mistaken as a couple
Actually, it still happens even as his sibling smh
The amount of times your peers have gone up to you and asked whether you were dating tae and you’re like uM GAG HE’S MY OWN FLESH AND BLOOD
Them: oh thANK GOD. anyways what’s his phone number lol
Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh so you’re just much better off with the sf9 dudez
It also kinda Sucks since you’re tae’s sibling, tae has made it crystal clear you are Off Limits
“That means you, Dawon.”
“I didn’t even dO aNYThiNG?”
“Your jaw is gonna drop to the floor if you open it any further. dOnT tEsT mE”
You have to admit his friends are reallyyyy cute but sadly tae will kill them, and possibly you as well, if yall date rip
But in this au let’s say you do end up with one of them
Crank up that fatherly overprotectiveness by 92743972493
“I expect Y/N to be at home by 8. I know it must be hard for you, but please be a gentleman. You break Y/N’s heart, I break your bones, got it? If I find out about any assault you conducted, i wiLL RIP YOU TO SHR--”
He only wants the best and you know that better than anyone
He’s alllwaaaayyysss there for you, regardless of what he’s doing
He was once in the middle of a crazy, hectic shift at the cafe but he immediately dropped it when he found out you were crying over another crazed Tae Fan who turned their back on you (but obviously you didn’t tell him about the latter)
He could pick up that the situation was related to him every time you used the excuse of “failing a test” because you’re near the top of the class so he knew it was a lie
But he never pried it out of you bc he knows you tell him everything you wanna tell him
A lot of your hangouts with him involve dance games or anything that makes you active, but they could be as lax as sightseeing in the city
You’re always laughing when you’re with him and there’s tons of skinship
Your arms are around his waist or looped with his other arm
He loves holding you close to him bc he wants to protect you like the older bro he is
You’re not complaining though but who would lmao
Now, you know he’s good looking so you always take candids of him
Your favorite ones are the moment when he turns around and looks at you in surprise with a smile on his face and the second right after when you catch him in mid-laugh
Sometimes he takes you out to the dance studio he practically lives in and you get to see what the newest number he’s working on is
He never fails to blow you away and you can’t help but feel overwhelmingly proud of his talent and efforts
Occasionally, he would play a random dance song and you would stumble over your feet and laugh as you both spin around and have fun
Whatever you do, it’s a moment you both cherish
You really could not have asked for a better brother :’(((
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first of all, somehow i have a lot of friends who are all into 1D, and i’m not Into it beyond knowing a few bops & having some general knowledge & not being the kind of ass who thinks popular boy bands or their popcultural clout are a joke, but also im always like. loving to entertain my friends interest here lol like. a case of I’m Not Into This But I Like Seeing How You Are
and whenever there (was) some shit going down i could @ any of various ppl and ask for their in depth knowledge
my old work friend who became a regular friend too was into it and i’d actually see her in person and come in to the shift and be like. so this latest 1d scandal huh lol. and she’d be like oh god i know ughhh
as a complete segue from that specific friend—we were only Regular Friends for like a yearish and hung out outside of work maybe three times i can think of? unless u include the parking lot outside work after we got done closing. but speaking of being a goofaround i could joke the way i like to around her and just generally felt like she’s fun and a cool person to be around and for me having a friend who i know i really like for real is great and rare b/c post-college i was looking back on some friends i had and realizing some of them i just never really liked For Real and/or some of them kinda treated me in a fairly fucked up way. which is good to realize b/c its better having no friends than genuinely shitty friends, tho both suck. and nowadays i can say no to one of those ex friends trying to get back in touch w me and know its for the better
but back to Real Friends and the work friend turned regular friend—it sucks coz i left my parents home overnight and went across the state so obvs we werent in the same area anymore and like. i was kinda secretive for a while in general abt what was going on and wasn’t exactly in touch w everybody (not many ppl, rip) and in the first place i’d been cagey and i’d never actually like, told her about living in an abusive household where i wanted to die nigh constantly etc etc coz that shit doesn’t really come up organically and also tends to feel like an embarrassing secret and also like whoa you just don’t dump that on ppl! unfair! tmi! sigh
she knows i’m cagey as fuck too lol that i never actually say whats going on but its like. first it was not talking abt abuse and depression and the really heavy shit that was part of everyday life for me and i dont know who’s gonna be around for the long haul coz i didnt know if *i’m* gonna be around for the long haul. and even after leaving my parents place, by the time i was kinda more in touch w anyone again, i was also homeless, so, there’s another thing that feels like Too Much to tell ppl. nowadays i’m not so much recalcitrant about it. i had various reasons to wanna hide how shitty shit is thru the years, and w being homeless its like well i dont want some ppl to feel guilty or awkward and i dont want anyone i was friends w at my new work to know and just, etc. but nowadays im not embarrassed abt shit and i don’t care if ppl don’t like me or wanna be involved and if u fuck w me you fuck w me and if not then i’m here for myself, i’m not here to try to please everybody around me anymore especially when i dont even get basic friendship out of it in the first place
but anyways i’d tell the work friend regular friend everything but its like thats the shit u kinda gotta sit down to talk abt for the full pic and we can’t even hang out anymore and probably won’t in the future and the point is its crap to have friendships that are actually good and real that get partly fucked over by sheer circumstance. turns out abuse and siucidleness and homelessness and the like dont really do any helpful shit. and its just so arbitrary who you happen to be around and who you don’t. theres various actual friends ive made over the years where some kind of crappy separation happens just because or because of some other outside factor smh
anyways. sigh. whats it like to have longtime friends eh
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