#as if that's the worst thing in the world
wolfertinger666 · 18 hours
I get really annoyed when people see a weird piece of art or media(bonus points if it involves furries) and their instinctual reaction is to treat it like the worst/craziest thing in the entirety of the world. I'm sorry you people are so fucking boring and obviously don't see the creativity and love put into weirder art projects out there.
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gallierhouse · 2 days
One of my favorite things about IWTV is its critique of the patriarchal family structure through vampirism. The maker functions as both father and husband, and the maker-fledgling relationship is analogous to a parent-child relationship (the maker makes the fledging, then nurtures them and teaches them about vampirism). This is then complicated by the fact that makers are often engaged in romantic or sexual relationships with their fledglings (Lestat and Louis, Marius and Armand). So the fledgling is permanently tied to their father-husband (or if they’re lucky, just their father). So far both makers have been abusive. Lestat is violent, controlling, possessive, and also loving, dedicated, and responsible for the welfare of his two fledglings. As cruel as he is to Louis and Claudia, he fulfills his function as a father by 1) teaching them to hunt 2) protecting them from the outside world 3) enacting punishment when they defy him. I know he fails Claudia with regards to Bruce, but he doesn’t save her because he’s punishing her for leaving (he could hear Bruce’s thoughts, so he probably knew what was happening, and chose not to go). This is the classical mold of a father. Both protecter and punisher, who has dominion over his family and is justified in expecting obedience. He is a good father. Not by modern standards, but he’s a good father according to the patriarchal idea that fathers should discipline, teach, protect, and yes, control (see: daughters first belonging to their fathers then to their husbands, child abuse being implicitly sanctioned as corporal punishment, etc.). He fulfills being a father the way he fulfills being a patriarch. It’s very traditional. Similarly, Armand functions as the patriarch of the coven, which Claudia identifies as a family. He enacts his authority through violence, and demands coven members follow a strict set of rules. When coven members step out of line, he punishes them, drags them home, demands they follow coven rules, etc. (See: Lestat’s father dragging him home from the seminary, Lestat dragging Claudia home when she tries to run away, etc.) It’s not exactly 1:1 because the coven is also a cult (and I have things to say about how the coven exists to critique not only cults but the nature of theatre troupes, which are commonly abusive and hierarchical…) but Armand does function as the patriarch and acts accordingly as an enforcer. Santiago even reminds Claudia that “tender can turn to tinder,” reminding her that as while affection within the coven (or, you know, families) exists, it’s secondary to the fundamental nature of the coven, which is hierarchical, obedience demanding, and enforced by the patriarch, who, within the rules of a coven or a traditional family, is justified in enacting violence. On top of that, it’s interesting that Claudia and Louis’ crime isn’t just killing a vampire. It’s killing their maker. When Armand abuses Claudia, he reminds her about what she did to her maker, not what she did to Lestat. Claudia and Louis have committed patricide. Bad enough to commit murder, worse to commit patricide, and flout the natural order and hierarchy of the family completely. Patricide has historically been punished much more harshly than murder for this reason. It was the only crime for which a death sentence could be given in the Roman Republic, and we all know about the myths (Oedipus, Cronus overthrew his father and then got overthrew by his son, the cycles cycle, etc.) that state that patricide is the worst possible crime.
All this is to say is that a recurring idea in IWTV is that abuse within the patriarchal family structure isn’t a bug, it’s a feature. Wives and children (Louis and Claudia) are meant to submit to fathers and husbands and father-husbands (Lestat and Armand). It’s not supposed to be an equal relationship. It’s hierarchical, and if you step out of line, you “deserve” to be punished (Louis refusing Lestat sex, Louis not allowing Lestat to cheat since wives, historically, are expected to tolerate infidelity from husbands via concubines, mistresses, maids, etc., Claudia defending herself and Louis from Lestat, Claudia daring to not want to wear a stupid blue dress, Louis not going home to Armand on time, etc.). I really like the way IWTV explores this, because not only does it cue us to see Lestat’s and Armand’s actions as abhorrent and abusive, cueing us to see it doesn’t spare Louis or Claudia from the abuse. The narrative respects Louis and Claudia, but Lestat and Armand don’t, and so even as the audience roots for Louis and Claudia, they have to recognize that they’re trapped in a cycle enabled by patriarchal structures of abuse, and the tyranny of the family.
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wickjump · 2 days
I also noticed that double standarts exists too?? When It's another character displaying autistic symptoms, they're 'just silly' 'just a guy!' but when it's Ink, he's suddently the worst?? Lmaoooo why does this keep happening
There was a person who had (or has, i don't follow them anymore) who headcanon Cross as autistic, which is a very rare headcanon and a neat one! headcanons are cool!! but for some reason they also portaryed Ink in a bad light for having the same symptoms?? The Double standarts????
EXACTLY HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!!!!! YOU GET IT ITS DISGUSTING AND AWFUL. you either respect all autistics for their symptoms or you respect none of them. fuckkkkk me this is such a shit fandom sometimes
people like autism until it has any symptom or trait, any at all, that can be perceived as negative and not a quirk or silly or whatever the fuck. a meltdown, a genuine fucking meltdown would get so much hate, but cute stimming gets infantilization and silly-ization or whatever. autism isn’t silly cute it’s a disability and it’s not going to be easily digestible as a cute thing for neurotypicals all the time. god dammit
ink shows neurodivergency in a good way because he’s a bit of a dick unintentionally, and he’s a flawed character and a normal person. god DAMMIT. ink is a bit mean to people at times without meaning to, he’s sporadic and can forget important things even if it hurts others because he doesn’t mean to, he struggles with empathy and connection with others and his morals are grey but they make sense given how he views the world. but people don’t like that.
people like autism when it’s fun. when it’s digestible and easy. when the autistic person is a bit dumb and easily excitable about certain things and maybe picky about food and misses cues. they do not care about the struggles, or anything that isn’t cutesy enough for them. and this fandom shows where they stand very fucking well when it comes to how they treat ink.
anyway i love autistic ink, i love autistic cross, i love autistic error, I love autistic papyrus and classic and swap and stretch (or whatever we call him now), I love autistic dream and autistic nightmare, I love autistic dust and horror and killer, I love autistic sci and geno and fell and everyone. i fucking love autistic characters when theyre treated like normal fucking human beings!!!!
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poppy-metal · 22 hours
re: deeply ashamed fantasies
been thinking about this was art a lot recently but forcing someone to cum untouched skdgdkdgdkshsdydu like making them cum just by the sound of your voice like either praising or degrading or (ideally!) just like talking about your day DHSODHEODH like knowing they’re (art) worked up and instead of helping them just continuing to talk ESPECIALLY if you don’t know they’re doing it…. your perv!art thing has been on my mind a lot recently like he’s so desperately horny and you’re just talking and he just. cums in his pants. i could cry real tears
- ⭐️
art jerking off while you're on the phone im gonna go bananas..... just innocently yapping about your day or about drama thats going on and you dont even know on the other end art is biting his lip, palming his cock, tugging himself free and stroking - sometimes he'll tell you "hey im gonna mute for a sec - dont stop talking though! im listening." just so he can be loud - get his fleshlight out and moan as he slides it down his dick with your voice filling his ears. he loves it when you're all huffy about something because you get this whiney quality to your tone that makes his hips buck up into the silicone pussy - thinking yes, yes, yes wanna make you whine like that on my dick want you to tell me about your day while you bounce on it - cums himself stupid and when he unmutes and his voice is a little breathless he tells you its because he had to move something - you go oh okay! and continue chattering none the wiser while art lays there with his own cum slowly dripping out of the toy and onto his stomach. he really is the worst friend in the world.
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teenidlegirl · 3 days
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ❛ 𝓑𝐔𝐌𝐏 𝓘𝐍 𝓣𝐇𝐄 𝓝𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓. ❜
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ઇ ˚ ݂ ֹ ꒰ miguel o’hara 𝓍 civilian!reader ꒱ ! ۟ ׅ ♡
. ˚◞ ♡ 𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚⠀˖ ࣪ ༘ you live in a world of comic book characters, just pure fiction. however, one night you stumble upon a man dressed in a strange costume who looks exactly like those comic book characters inside your house.
. ˚◞ ♡ 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒕⠀˖ ࣪ ༘ fluff, little angst, goofiness, tension, mild suggestiveness (mdni), swearing, pet names, reader’s universe doesn’t have a spiderman, hispanic/latina!reader
( ꯭♡︎ ) ˖ ࣪ . love note ˒˒ randomly thought of this, enjoy! btw this is a repost because i originally posted this at the worst time ever. if you read this before, pretend it’s your first time again lmao.
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you heard a light thud.
shutting off the water, you leave the unfinished soap covered dishes in the sink as you step away. drying your hands with a towel before tossing it in the sink as well. anxiety flows through your veins.
what the hell was that?
you live alone, besides your white terrier luna, in this house your parents left behind for you. you rarely invite people over due to work. the only time you do is for holidays, birthdays, or small gatherings with friends. other than that, you’re alone most of the time so hearing noises sorta freak you out.
maybe something dropped like one of your books from the bookshelf in your room. it’s an reoccurring thing. but it sounded so light for a book to drop. what else could possibly fell? was it even an object?
panic settles in your bones. glancing to your left where the living room is, you spot luna peacefully sleeping in her soft, periwinkle dog bed. of course she didn’t hear it, she’s far in doggie dreamland.
very slowly and quietly, you pull a knife out of the drawer and make your way towards the stairs. the noise came from up there. heart pumping out of your chest. blood rushing through your veins. frantic breathing due to the anxiety developing in you.
is it an intruder? a robber?
fuck. this is the last thing you wanted.
you just wanted to wash the dishes in peace before going to bed. why must this happen to you?
very slowly and steadily, you make your make upstairs. gripping onto the knife tightly, palm sweaty. your room is your first destination. as you make it up top, you can hear low grumbles from there.
fuck, there is someone here.
tightening your grip on the knife, you carefully walk towards your room. hiding behind the wall, right beside the doorframe, you turn a little to catch a sneak peek of the intruder. your eyes widen in shock.
a figure clad in a suit of vibrant red and dark blue. the fuck is that? a cosplay or something? you suddenly realize how tall the figure is. way too tall since your white dresser is literally half his size, right below his waistline. this bastard is muscular as fuck. broad back and his suit outlines each back muscle perfectly as if it’s sculpted. his shoulders also broad and thick. insane fucking biceps.
this dude is fucking ripped. he can murder you with his bare hands. probably snap you in half.
there is no way you can take this fucker down.
“este chingaletta…”
oh, he speaks spanish too? pinche cabrón.
the tall figure seems to be fiddling with something on his wrist. perhaps a watch or some sort.
inhaling a deep breath, you gain the courage to confront this intruder motherfucker. whether he’s a giant or not, he needs to get out of your house.
“get the fuck out of my house.”
the man swiftly turns around to see you standing at the door. the knife in your hand pointing at him. you witness the eyes of his odd-looking mask widening.
“hey… i’m not here to hurt you.” his voice is low and a bit musky. he slowly raises his hands in the air, a sign of surrender. “just put the knife down.”
“not a fucking chance.” you snarl with gritted teeth. “get the fuck out of my house or this knife is going straight through your fucking heart.”
a sigh escapes his lips, covered by his mask. “ay mujer… por favor, i’m not gonna hurt you.” his tone a mixture of pleading and frustration.
your eyes narrowed suspiciously. “hardly believable since you’re in my fucking house.”
he takes one step forward. “please just—“
“don’t!” you yelled.
“i’m not gonna hurt you! i’m not the bad guy here! i just accidentally teleported into your house!” he matches your voice level.
now you’re confused. “teleported? what do you mean teleported?”
another sigh from him, running a run over his masked face. “look, it’s hard to explain but trust me, it wasn’t my intention to barge into your house.”
“barge?!” you say in disbelief. “you’re invading my home! you’re a fucking intruder!”
“i’m not an intruder!” he exclaims, throwing his hands up. “at least it wasn’t my intention.”
you scoff. “pinches mentiras.” you eye him up and down. “what’s up with costume? this isn’t comic-con.” you gesture at his suit with the knife.
the man stares at you in disbelief but obviously you can’t tell because of his mask. “are you serious? you don’t know who or what i am?”
now the anger is replaced with confusion.
“what the fuck do you mean?”
“you don’t…” he quickly looks at the watch on his wrist, or what it appears to look like a watch. with a few taps, tiny holographic images pop up from it.
whoa, what the fuck? what kind of watch is that?
“that figures, you don’t have a spiderman in this universe.” he taps away the tiny images from the watch and looks back at you.
your face drops in utter confusion. “spiderman? the marvel character?”
“what? no—“ he sighs frustratingly.
“i’ve seen lots of cosplays but yours is different. cool but different. which spiderman are you supposed to be?” you lower the knife down to your side.
he blinks at you. “that’s not important. and i’m not cosplaying or whatever the hell that is—“
“well, i definitely haven’t seen that version of him. kinda badass, not gonna lie. the costume is cool.”
spiderman groans, on verge of lashing out, rubbing the temples of his forehand with a hand. “for the last time, it’s not a costume.”
you quirk a brow. “right.”
miguel rolls his eyes, growing more frustrated and irritated. “i don’t have time for this.” he grumbles, fiddling with his watch again. “chingado…” the man groans out of frustration. his gizmo isn’t working.
“having issues?” you taunt.
“cállete.” he hissed, still fiddling with his gizmo.
you snort as you walk towards him. “what kind of watch is that?” you tilt your head, staring at it curiously. it’s definitely more advanced.
“not a watch, a gizmo and i made it.”
your eyes perk up. “you made it? ooo lemme see.”
as you go try to touch it, he pulls back. “don’t.”
“oh come on, stop being ridiculous.” you try touching it again but he keeps pulling back.
“don’t touch it.” he scowls.
“sheesh, protective much?”
miguel rolls his eyes and you can definitely tell this time. “don’t you understand the concept of not touching what’s not yours?”
“i’m trying to help you, tonto.”
he scoffs. “you can’t help. you don’t understand how this works, mamona.”
now you roll your eyes this time. “fine, whatever. have fun struggling with your stupid ass watch.” you walk away, leaving the spiderman guy in your room.
━━━━━━━━ ִ ۫ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ۫ ݂ ━━━━━━━━
not even 10 minutes, the spiderman guy heads downstairs and joins you in the kitchen. you continue washing the dishes you abandoned earlier. as you stack up the last dish, you head footsteps approaching. turning around while drying your hands with a towel, you see him standing on the opposite side of the kitchen island.
“couldn’t get it work, huh?” you taunt, smirking.
“cállete.” he scowls.
luna awakes from her slumber, stretching out in her little bed then hopping out of it before she starts barking at spiderman.
“¡ay!” he exclaims, startled by the barking. “can you tell your dog to stop barking?!”
“nope.” you shrug, making him groan. “she barks at people wearing masks so… if you want her to stop, you know what to do.”
he mutters something before deactivating his mask. it disintegrates, revealing his identity. immediately and like mentioned, luna stops barking.
holy shit. he’s handsome as fuck.
chocolate wavy hair. eyes with hues mahogany. the sharpest cheekbones you’ve ever seen on a person, let alone a man. very, very plump lips.
“oh shit, you’re hot.” you blurt out.
miguel stares at you with wide eyes. hints of reddish pink on his cheeks, feeling warm. heart skipping a beat. “uh… thanks…?” he averts your gaze, trying to conceal his bashful face.
“damn, you’re the most attractive spiderman cosplayer i’ve ever seen.”
a groan escapes his lips, pinching the bridge of his nose with a hand. “chingado contigo… i’m not a cosplayer, i’m actually spiderman.”
you snort. “right, right.”
“is the gizmo not enough proof for you?! or the fact my mask disintegrated?!”
you ponder for a moment. sure, the watch is heavily advanced. watching his mask disintegrate is definitely a phenomenon. holy shit - is this guy really spiderman? at least a version of him?
“okay, fair points.” you awkwardly clear your throat. “so… you’re actually spiderman?”
“yes.” he shoots you an unimpressed look, clearly fed up with your oblivious attitude.
“which one?”
you raise a brow. “spiderman 2099? as in the year 2099?” you fold your arms over your chest.
“as unbelievable it sounds, yes.” instinctively, his eyes immediately glance down at your chest for a moment. your cleveage sticks out more with your folded arms. the cups of your nightdress hugs it perfectly. fuck, why did he look? yeah he’s a man but miguel feels like a pervert. he hopes you don’t notice.
you did but you don’t care. you don’t sense creepy vibes from him. just a dude who happens to be spiderman from the future or some shit.
“so you’re from the future?”
“technically yes but from a different universe.” miguel watched your eyes pop out in surprise. he groans internally, knowing this was coming soon.
“a different universe? what the fuck is this ‘rick and morty’ shit?” you huff.
his brows furrowed in confusion. “wha— no, listen. yes, a different universe. there are an infinite amount of universes of spider people called the arachnohumanoid polymultiverse.”
you stare at him completely dumbfounded. “that is literally the most nerdiest shit i’ve ever heard.”
miguel frowns. “well, that’s what it’s called.”
“stupid name.”
his expression falls flat. “your opinion is irrelevant.”
“it’s a fact, stupid long ass name. change it when you get back to wherever the hell you’re from.” you turn away, opening the cabinet to grab something.
“you’re annoying.” he sounds irritated.
“i am but i’m truthful.” you grab a container of conchas you recently bought. you set it on the island then head over to the coffee maker near the fridge. “quieres algo? un concha, café?”
he observes you with a dumbfounded expression. “you’re offering coffee and sweets?”
“well, you’re practically stuck here until who knows how long so…” you pour coffee in your favorite mug. “do you want coffee or not?”
miguel remains silent for a moment. taken aback by your generosity. nobody has ever treated him with such kindness or even ask him what he wants. it’s true, it’s uncertain when he’ll return to his universe. he’ll have to remain here for the time being. for some reason, he doesn’t mind staying here, with you.
“uh… si, pro favor.” he said sheepishly.
you grab another mug and pour coffee inside. once both mugs are filled, you turn around and slide his mug across the island.
“gracias.” miguel grabs the mug and brings it up to his lips. a low hum of approval as he tastes the warm, delicious liquid. normally he prefers black coffee for work but this one is acceptable.
you two talk for a while over coffee and sweets. miguel explaining the multiverse. talking about the spider society and its origins. his universe and life. everything seems so fascinating yet bizarre. apparently spiderman, or a shit ton of versions of the comic book character, actually exist. that’s a total mindfuck. part of you believes this could be a dream, hence why you pinched yourself several throughout the conversation. but, it was real. he was real.
“after all this time, you never told me your name.”
he takes a sip of his coffee then carefully placed on the counter. “miguel o’hara.”
you respond with your name, taking a sip of your coffee and a bite of your pink concha.
as the night progresses, you and miguel talk for hours. learning more about each other. miguel still finds it strange how things change drastically. he accidentally transported to a universe that has no spiderman. accidentally transported into a random woman’s house and being accused as an intruder. now having coffee and sweets with the woman he just met, having a genuine conversation.
part of him is still concern about how or when he’ll return to his universe. if his gizmo will ever be fixed and work properly again. but considering the environment he’s in, warm and cozy, miguel isn’t in a rush. in fact, he enjoys your company. it’s been a while since he actually sat down and had a genuine conversation with someone. back in his universe, he doesn’t have anyone. but in this universe, he does.
and he likes that.
maybe being stuck here won’t be so bad.
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© teenidlegirl. don’t steal, plagiarize, or translate my work. ♡
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what's the best and worst things about running this blog?
The best part is the genuinely sweet and kind asks I get--particularly the ones saying the blog existing helped them in some way, either by helping them process a situation they submitted, or by giving them a framework to more confidently analyze their own actions in everyday life. It makes me really happy that that's something I had a small hand in creating! It makes me feel like I've had a positive impact in the world, even a little bit.
The worst part is days like today where multiple posts are on fire and I am the behatted dog sitting in the middle.
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raviosnumber1fan · 3 days
My Linked Universe cooking headcanons
Good cooks:
Wild: is somehow the greatest cook in the world and also the worst. His food is either a top tier gourmet meal blessed by the goddesses or a dubious pile of mystery meat and rocks. He can eat just about anything and honestly say it wasn’t that bad. The others both fear and admire him
Decent cooks:
Sky: Picked up a few things when working at the Lumpy Pumpkin and can make a few other simple dishes.
Twilight: Knows how to make Yeto's superb soup and learned a handful of other dairy related foods from working with Fado around the goats.
Legend: Use to enjoy cooking with his Uncle and continued to do so after his death as it reminded him of him. Can't do anything complicated but by far the second best cook below Wild.
I mean it's a solid 50/50 chance on whether or not it'll be edible:
Warriors: Every meal he ate in the war was provided for him and before that he lived in a lower upper class household where there was always someone around to cook for him. He will burn any dish if left in charge of it for longer than two minutes.
Four: Always had a trusted adult that would cook for him(first his dad and then his grandpa) so he never really learned how to cook. He's better than Warriors but that is not saying much
Wind: Can't cook and knows it. He is entirely unashamed of this fact and has burned several dinners to an unidentifiable hunk of black coal. Can make some pretty decent Sushi though
Absolutely do not consume anything they make. It might actually kill you:
Time: He was raised by a tree, of course he doesn't know how to cook. He can and will somehow manage to set fire to a dish just by looking at it too hard. Malon has attempted to teach him several times but quickly learned it was in everyone's best interest not to let him near the kitchen.
Hyrule: Do not eat anything he has remotely had a hand in preparing. He grew up being taught you never throw food out no matter how old and this is a philosophy he lives by. He doesn't believe in expiration dates. Four once saw him use a piece of meat he swears had fur on it. He is not allowed within 10 ft of the cooking pot ever
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anonymous-dentist · 3 days
Or: a PJO AU
Cellbit hasn't been a demigod since he was eight years old staring a snake woman in the eyes in downtown Manhattan. It's been almost ten years since then, and he hasn't bothered with the gods since. (Good riddance.)
But then, of course, Richarlyson.
And then, of course, the spiders.
Oh, the spiders...
So now Cellbit has Richarlyson in the back seat of a stolen car with Pac and Mike on either side of him, Felps riding shotgun and shouting insults at the dozen or so dog-sized spiders chasing them down the highway. They're just under five minutes away from where Cellbit vaguely remembers camp being, which means Richarlyson is just under five minutes away from what is going to be the worst day of his life.
(Cellbit never got claimed, thank the gods. Mike says that he doesn't believe in divine authority, so he won't recognize whoever his parent is. Pac is long-claimed by now, but this also isn't his camp or pantheon. And Felps is... Felps.)
Richarlsyon has his headphones on, and he's watching The Lorax on his tablet (also stolen.) This is probably why the spiders are chasing them, but Cellbit doesn't have the heart to take it away from them.
Spiders... eugh. Of course, it just had to be spiders.
Cellbit watches a spider lunge for the driver's side door via the side mirror.
With a grimace, he takes one hand off of the wheel and slams his door open with his free hand.
The spider goes flying, and it's immediately run over and squished into a spider-shaped mass of goo on the road.
"Ewwww," Pac complains.
Cellbit wrinkles his nose in agreement. He pulls his door shut and stabilizes the car and tries not to think about how the squished-up spider is going to reform in a second and come after him and probably, like, murder him in his sleep after he drops Richarlyson off.
(The downside of refusing to associate with the gods for a decade is a distinct lack of celestial bronze weaponry. Except for...)
"Keep an eye out for a sign," Cellbit tells the others. "It's... strawberries? Something about strawberries."
The car jerks as a couple of spiders leap onto the trunk and start hissing.
Cellbit swears and sharply turns the car to the left, sending the spiders- and Mike- flying.
Mike shouts, and then he screams as a spider jumps up onto the window next to him.
"What the fuck?" he yells. "Pac!"
"Got it!" Pac cheerily says.
With only a little hesitation, he unbuckles his seat belt, leans across both an unbothered Richarlyson and a freaked-out Mike, rolls the window down, and stabs the spider through with the blade of his gladius. The spider screeches and dissolves into dust.
One down, so many more to go.
Pac grins and sits back in his seat. He ruffles Richarlyson's hair as he does so, retracting his sword back into his watch and re-buckling his seat belt.
Cellbit turns his attention back to the road. No signs yet... but it's also been ten years since he's been in New York, let alone at camp. Things could have changed. Things probably did change, and probably not for the better. Maybe the campers lost the war. Maybe the Titans won (but probably not considering the world hasn't been destroyed in the years since 2009.) Maybe Bagi-
"Delphi Strawberry Service," Felps hums. He looks at Cellbit. "Is that it?"
Cellbit answers by jerking the car so hard to the right that everybody inside, himself included, is pulled to the side. He grits his teeth and tries to stay as upright as he can.
(Why is he the only one who can drive, again?)
The car pulls onto a familiar gravel road. There's a tall tree on the hill ahead of them. Even through the windows, Cellbit can smell the scent of sweet, fresh strawberries and bonfire smoke. There are people on the hill braiding flowers.
The spiders continue giving chase. One must manage to puncture one of the tires with its fangs, because one of the lights on the dashboard goes red, and the car starts to wobble and slow down.
Cellbit groans and presses his foot to the gas. "Nooo, come on!"
They're so close! He can see the Golden Fleece waving in the wind.
He can also see a very large statue of a woman towering above the treeline. She looks... familiar. In a bad way.
Cellbit shudders and tears his eyes away from the statue. It's none of his business, anyway; he's just dropping Richarlyson off, and then he and the others are leaving before they're noticed.
Another tire is popped. The car stops.
Finally, Richarlyson takes his headphones off.
"Where are we?" he asks.
Cellbit tries to smile at him through the rear-view mirror.
"We're going to summer camp, remember?" he attempts.
Richarlyson- six years old and too smart for his age- does not appear to be too happy about that statement. Makes sense, he didn't want to leave California in the first place. Cellbit doesn't blame him; the weather is much more tolerable there than it is in New York.
The car shakes as spiders start climbing it. They start trying to break through the windows using their evil little spider legs and their absolutely horrifying spider fangs: enormous pointy things oozing a purple liquid that bubbles as it hits the glass.
Cellbit bites back a whimper. They're so big...
Pac's mouth narrows. He presses the button on his watch and only flinches a little as his gladius pops out of it.
Mike steels himself. He clicks his seat belt off, and he picks his bag up off of the floor and puts it in his lap- ready to run.
Felps, though, smiles wide and turns around in his seat to look at Richarlyson.
"Are you ready to run again?" he asks.
Richarlyson is good at many things, but he's best at running away from his problems (just like everyone else in the car), and the killer spiders are definitely problems.
So Richarlyson nods and clutches his tablet to his chest. He should really leave it behind, but...
"On the count of three," Cellbit tells everybody.
He takes his seat belt off and gets his backpack from the floor by his feet. He checks his boot and lets out a tense breath. Okay. It's there.
"Um," Cellbit says.
The spiders manage to crack the back windshield. Richarlyson gasps and rushes to take his seat belt off.
Pac yanks his seat belt off and grabs the door handle. His eyes flicker between the spiders and Richarlyson and Mike and Cellbit and Felps, though they linger on Felps for just a moment too long to be normal.
(Oh, Pac...)
Cellbit shoves the door open and jumps out of it, pulling his knife from his boot and stabbing it right into the abdomen of the closest spider.
"Wait, you meant on three!?" Pac screeches, tumbling out of the car and swinging his gladius at the nearest group of spiders.
"Yes!" Cellbit snaps. "What did you think I meant?"
He rips the knife out of the spider, panting heavily from both fear and exhilaration. The edges of his vision are red and dripping with blood, but the spider simple crumbles into dust at his hands.
Mike stumbles out of the car, Richarlyson in his arms and his bag on his back.
"I thought you meant after you counted to three!" Pac shouts.
He spins in a neat circle and manages to decapitate two spiders at once. They dissolve, but two more spiders take their places immediately.
Mike takes off down the road towards the hill, grumbling about Richarlyson's weight as he goes. Richarlyson starts talking about Mike's weight in return, and there are spiders.
There are spiders.
Oh fuck.
Knife's effects be damned, Cellbit screams and jerks backwards in sheer terror as a spider scrambles onto his side of the car. He falls onto his ass on the gravel and scoots away, eyes wide. His hands shake and his vision flickers back into something resembling normalcy and he can't breathe- fucking spiders, of course they're spiders! What else would they be? Fucking spiders, of course!
"Cellbit!" Pac cries.
"I've got him," Felps says, finally getting out of the car.
He calmly raises his arms above his head and stretches. As he does so, he walks around the side of the car and crouches by Cellbit's side.
"These things suck," he tells Cellbit, voice so low that Cellbit is convinced that only he can hear it. "Let's just run away."
There's just that smallest hint of magic in his voice, but Cellbit isn't worried about it. No, he's used to it. He's known Felps basically since he ran away, he's more than used to it.
His body stands. Cellbit only comes back to himself as he's approaching the hill, Felps and Pac close behind.
He skids to a stop just in front of the camp borders. He can seen Mike and Richarlyson already safe on the other side, and he can see a group of campers gathered around them and attending to Richarlyson, whose fake tears are convincing enough to get three or so campers to give him all of their flower crowns and chains.
Pac crosses the border and shivers. He immediately runs to Mike's side, clicking his gladius away and taking Richarlyson from him.
Felps stops next to Cellbit.
"Come on," he whispers. "The spiders, man."
Cellbit gulps. He feels all tingly; the statue of the woman stares angrily down at him, furious over his very existence.
A spider hisses, entirely too close to Cellbit for his comfort.
He yelps and rushes across the border, and it feels like his first breath of fresh air in a decade as he does so.
He hates it.
Felps follows, sticking close to Cellbit's side. He smiles and waves politely at the campers staring at the two of them.
Or, well. Staring at the air over Cellbit's head.
One of the campers, a taller boy with messy brown hair and a blue bandana loosely tied around his forehead, looks positively befuddled. Why?
"Don't get any bright ideas," Cellbit warns the campers. "I'm not staying. None of us are."
Richarlyson raises a dejected hand. "Except for me. They're abandoning me..."
He bursts into a fresh round of crocodile tears. Most of the campers coo and gather around him and Pac and Mike; Cellbit watches as Pac steals the watch off of a girl's wrist, and as Mike snags a solid handful of golden rings from several different campers. (Nothing ever changes.)
But the boy with the bandana keeps staring at Cellbit.
Slightly unnerved, Cellbit shuffles closer to Felps, who ignores him and looks up at the statue with his hand acting as a visor over his eyes.
"Oh, look. The Athena Parthenos," he comments. "When did that get here?"
He nudges Cellbit in the side with a grin. "Look, Cellbit. It's your mom!"
"No," Cellbit firmly says, completely ignoring the various puzzle pieces clicking into place in his head. "I don't have a mom. Now, come on, we need to take care of the..."
He trails off as he turns around and sees the gaggle of spiders pressed up against the camp's barrier hissing and quivering and oozing.
His voice trails off into a whisper: "...spiders."
He can't help it. He drops his knife in shock, and, as he does so, an ice-cold needle jams itself into the side of his brain.
Cellbit immediately drops to his knees and scrambles to pick the knife up. He wipes it on his jeans, holds it, looks at it, loves it.
His reflection in the blade is clear. The glowing golden owl symbol floating above his head is even clearer.
"Told you," Felps says.
Cellbit reaches back and smacks his leg. Felps kicks at him. Cellbit smacks him again.
Richarlyson starts crying again. This time, he sounds serious. (He is only six...)
Cellbit sighs and stands, carefully tucking his knife back into his boot as he does so.
As he raises his head, he's met with the boy with the bandana standing only a foot or so away from him with his hands in his pockets.
"Hey," he says, "so if you don't want to stay, keep away from the training grounds. The Athena cabin is down there, and I... well, let's just say the head counselor is gonna want to see you."
He winks, and he walks off to join the other campers.
The Athena cabin's head counselor... who? If he's, then... oh, fuck.
Cellbit grabs Felps' arm and looks up at him desperately.
"Kill the spiders," he begs. "Please. We need to get out of here."
Felps pats the back of Cellbit's head reassuringly.
He smiles. "No."
And then he goes to squeeze through the campers to get to Richarlyson, who immediately brightens upon seeing him.
Cellbit looks at the spiders. He looks at the- what did Felps call it?- Athena Parthenos. He looks at the campers.
He looks at the hill as there's a scream from it, a screechy: "What the fuck? Are those spiders?"
The boy with the bandana looks up at the girl on the hill and offers a wave. "Bagi! Hey! I thought you were training?"
"I heard screaming," the girl explains. "I came to help."
She has a sword in one of her hands and a shield in the other. She's gotten her nose pierced in the last ten years. She looks... happy.
Quietly, Cellbit starts backing away. If he can make it into the woods and then run, he might be able to outsmart the spiders before they can catch him.
The girl looks at Richarlyson. She looks at Pac and Mike and Felps.
And then she looks at Cellbit, and she drops her sword.
Yeah, no.
Cellbit turns on his heel, and he books it into the forest.
He hasn't been a demigod in ten years, and he sure as hell isn't going to start again now.
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daenysx · 20 hours
hi hello gorgeous <3
Can i request a James x fem reader who calls him shortly after she leaves for work because she fell hard on a pavement and scratched her knee and elbow and hurt her wrist and he comes to get her and finds her crying on the pavement and poor thing is so worried for her and takes care of her?
(This exact thing happened to me today but only i was going to a final and i sat and cried but only difference is THAT I DO NOT HAVE JAMES POTTER Im sobbing)
hi baby, i hope you're okay!! thank you for requesting, here's our perfect fictional boyfriend for you, i hope you enjoy <333
james potter x fem!reader ♡
james drops the plate he has in his hand on the counter. are you crying? you sound like you're crying and that's literally his worst nightmare.
"baby?" he says quickly. "what happened? are you okay?"
your voice sounds muffled through the phone. james hears you take a deep breath before speaking. "i fell."
"where are you?" he asks, panicking. "are you okay?"
you try to walk out of people's way as you speak to james. your unoccupied wrist hurts very much and you feel something warm in your sweater.
"i couldn't get to work." you say to him. "i'm in front of the flower shop next to the park now."
"i'm coming." he says, grabbing the car keys. "10 minutes, okay? can you wait for me?"
"yes." you say. "don't rush, i'm fine."
you don't sound fine but james is sane enough to drive carefully. he prays to traffic fairies for empty roads, he can see the florist' shop in almost 9 minutes. he sees you next thing, you're sitting on the edge of a pavement with a small tear on your jeans.
he parks the car with half a mind, rushes to your side. your eyes look puffy, cheeks blushed with adrenaline and possibly pain. you hold your wrist in your other palm, james can see a tiny bit of blood dripping from your knee.
"angel." he says, cupping your cheeks. "are you okay? does it hurt too badly?"
you don't answer, instead you put your head on james's chest and cry slowly against him. you called your boss while waiting for james and thank god she's nice enough to tell you to take the day off. james holds you, the street is not too crowded and people prefer using the other side of the pavement. you cry your embarrasment and hurting on your boyfriend as he gently tries to calm you down.
"we need to see a doctor." james says before kissing your forehead. "your knee looks bad."
"it's not actually that bad." you say, sniffing. "it's just a scratch. my wrist hurts a bit."
"angel." he says, he uses his trying-to-be-convincing voice. "please don't be stubborn. they can at least make sure nothing's wrong."
"i'm fine, jamie." you say, using your better hand to dry your tears. "i'm mostly crying because of embarrassment. can we please go home?"
you're looking at him with widened eyes and james has nothing else to say. "but if you still feel pain we will go to a hospital, okay?"
you nod obediently. james helps you stand up, he takes your bag on his shoulder. you hold his hand as he leads you to car. he makes sure you're okay before sitting on the driver' seat.
he holds your hand the entire way. your tears are almost gone, you're not hurting anywhere badly but your body feels sore. you dream of your warm bed and a cup of hot tea. james's thumb rubs the back of your hand. you look at his face, his side profile is something out of heaven. you squeeze his fingers, he gives you a perfect smile. "i'm gonna take care of you so well, you'll feel better than ever." he promises you sweetly.
"i know, jamie." you say. "thank you for picking me up."
"please, angel." he scoffs. "in what world i'm leaving my girl alone in the street when she falls?"
you bring his hand to your lips to give him a little kiss. his heartbeat fastens. he's gonna give you the nicest doctor treatment when you get home. he'll probably be stuck to your side until you get sick of him.
the smell of home has never felt better. you go to the bathroom first thing, james comes after you. "let's get you out of these clothes."
"been waiting for that, haven't you?" you tease. james deserves a few jokes, he's been worried too much.
"since the minute you left for work." he says. he helps you until you are left in your panties and your little tank top.
"baby." he whispers when he sees your knee clearly. he makes a pitiful sound. your knee is scratched and it looks a bit bloody. your wrist feels better but it's definitely gonna need ice. you show james your elbow, it has a tinier scratch too. james starts cleaning up your knee first with you sitting on the closed lid of the toilet.
"tell me if it hurts." he says. he has big hands but he knows how to use them gently. you don't make a sound when he cleans up your knee. "do you think we can use the cream we got for my hand on your scratches?" he asks. james once hit his hand on the sharp side of his locker in gym and he had to use a cream for his scar. you think it might be work for you. you nod.
he cleans up your elbow too, you're thankful none of your little scars need wrapping. james brings the cream and he applies it on your skin. you both wash your hands when james finishes up. he takes your dirty clothes from the bathroom floor before leaving.
"i think i need ice for my wrist." you say. "can you get me an ice pack, handsome?"
"of course." he says. "go to bed, sweetheart, i'll be right back."
your entire body relaxes when it hits the bed, you are careful when you settle down but still it feels so nice to be home. falling down in the street is something so suddenly happened, you think it's funny how you can remember the exact moment and the embarrassment you felt on the pavement. it's okay, though. it's normal.
your hero comes back with an ice pack. he sits on your side of bed, takes your wrist to his free hand softly. he presses the ice pack on the slight swollen skin. you let out a shaky breath.
"does it hurt?" he asks, his brows raised.
"no, just cold." you answer. you're gonna be okay.
james kisses your forehead. his hand still holds the ice pack. "are you hungry?" he asks. "can i get you anything?"
you shake your head. "i just wanna sleep, jamie. get under the blanket?" you ask with a hopeful look and a gentle voice. two things james can never resist.
he joins you under the blanket. he has to be the big spoon to hold the ice pack still on your wrist. he kisses your head affectionally. "do you feel better?" he asks. it doesn't hurt to be sure.
you nod. "i'm fine, promise."
sleep comes easily, especially when james draws shapes on your arm with his free hand. you love the occasional kisses he brushes on your head. he holds the ice on your skin until it starts melting, no matter how freezing it is against his hand. it's nothing more painful than seeing his girl cry.
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Try to make sure that you're building a life for yourself that isn't outcome oriented. The worst thing in the world is spending years that you'll never get back barely putting up with your own life in the pursuit of a relationship, or a job, or a degree only to have it slip through your fingers, or wind up poisoned and empty because it could never be good enough to justify everything you gave up to get it.
Explore the city you live in. Make friends. Have little adventures. Try new hobbies. Make time for the things that you love. Learn things for the sake of learning things. Do your best to have experiences and gain skills that will keep serving you even if you break up with that person, or leave that profession, or have to give up on that project.
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kylermalloy · 2 days
Attack on Titan is a layered, multifaceted story that deals with many, many ideas—prejudice, propaganda, power, love, truth…I could go on. But more than anything, it’s about war. Attack on Titan is a war story. In that sense, it’s no surprise at the number of scenes that utilize fight, either as a concept, action, or just the word itself. It’s a story about fighting.
Or is it?
(It is. But it’s not about the fight. I’ll get there.)
The pivotal moment of the story occurs in season 3, when our characters go from fighting a war they don’t understand to fighting a war they do. The war itself hasn’t changed, nor the world, but now they know what they’re up against. But I’m not here to talk about that pivot—I’m here to talk about the narrative choice that was made a few episodes before that, and the thematic importance of that choice.
I’m here to talk about Midnight Sun.
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The choice between Armin and Erwin has long since been a topic of debate amongst AOT fans. Whether it was the right choice, how happy or unhappy it made viewers, why exactly the choice was made, and so on and so forth. I’ve always found it to be a very simple yet effective piece of storytelling—one that walks a very fine line of displaying a core story theme and honoring the characters involved.
Interestingly, Levi, who’s historically a follower and not a leader, is the one to make this very important narrative choice. It was carefully designed, too—everything he’s witnessed so far in this season has led to this moment, and this very important decision he’ll make.
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Now of course, as with everything, there’s a Watsonian and a Doylist reason for this decision to bring Armin back and not Erwin. Levi’s role in the choice is primarily a Watsonian one—he was one of the closest characters to Erwin, and he was the one to see Erwin struggle in his last moments before the charge.
Levi outright tells us his thought process after he makes the choice. After Erwin had let go of his dream, his struggle, which was as much a burden to him as a drive to continue forward, Levi thought it cruel to being him back into the world just because humanity needed a devil. It’s a human decision, and Levi made it for someone he cared deeply for.
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But from a Doylist perspective, there’s a thematic reason as to why Armin was chosen and not Erwin. Obviously Levi, as a character in the story, is not thinking of what Erwin’s and Armin’s respective dreams are narratively representative of. Levi, in making his choice, didn’t so much as pick Armin as he didn’t pick Erwin. He was letting Erwin go, and he wasn’t thinking about what that would do to the story.
But I am!
Levi has been witness to both Erwin’s and Armin’s dreams, and he’s smart enough to place those dreams within the context of the war they’re fighting.
He asked Erwin explicitly what he would do when his dream was fulfilled—once they got to the basement in Shiganshina and learned the truth of the world. Erwin said he didn’t know.
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Conversely, when Armin talked with his friends about after the war, he spoke of the sea. Of exploration beyond the walls, of seeing the wonders he’d only been able to read about. Unlike Erwin, he knew exactly what he would do when the fighting ended.
Now, does this mean to imply Erwin would’ve been useless after reaching the basement? Of course not. Had he survived, he would have continued to lead. But thematically, his purpose in the narrative was to drive the fight forward at any cost. We see this over and over—from the first expedition outside Wall Rose to his last charge against the Beast Titan. That’s what he represents, and that’s what his dream led to.
Armin’s dream, though, extends beyond the fight. He only cares about winning the war in that it will allow him the chance to explore and experience the wonders of the world.
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Choosing Armin over Erwin, thematically, represents AOT’s fundamental view on war and fighting. The drive to win is not nearly as important as hope for the future. For after the fight is over.
Armin has always found solace and hope in things other than the war that has defined his and his friends’ lives. He dreams of the ocean. He worships his friends. He lives, as he tells Zeke in the final final final season, for the small moments with them. “Maybe I was born to race Eren and Mikasa up that hill.” That would be enough for him, even without his grand dream of the sea.
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I genuinely think this choice is the closest thing AOT has to a thesis statement. This story shows us a plethora of messy situations to which there is no clear-cut solution. It displays a huge range of perspectives and philosophies without telling us what is good and what is bad. (Although it does, very specifically, tell us that genocide is bad, Eren!)
This choice in Midnight Sun, though, is more than a choice between two characters for survival. It speaks to what is most valuable in a world that seems to always be trying to kill you.
What good is winning the war if you don’t have something to hope for beyond that?
In other words, there’s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it’s worth fighting for.
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beloved-blaiddyd · 2 days
LOCKED AND LOADED [Yandere!Wanderer x Reader]
Prompt: The world is about to end. How will you grieve when you're forced to be with a miserable man until the last second? [Dedicated To: @mixed-kester for the Alone Together Event]
Content Tags: yandere!scaramouche "fluff" oneshot (yes, there are no other parts:]), major persona 3 spoilers but you DON’T need to know the game before reading this since everything is explained, improper use of a S.E.E.S evoker /j, Scaramouche is so normal about you, UNRELIABLE NARRATOR, major character death/s–
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V. Acceptance.
"Where the hell are you, (Y/n)?"
Standing near what should have been the front doors of his university was a short man with dark purple hair. He leaned precariously against them, his head tilted upward as if the sickly green moon's ominous pull was nothing to be afraid of. Gekkoukan University's nearby dorms– fraternity and sorority houses included– are not usually this silent. Instead of people, coffins were aligned perpendicular to the ground.
The wanderer glanced at his watch with mild interest. He had been waiting for a while now. Your guest hoisted himself up, circling the ground with the tip of his shoe. The baseline of his attitude had always defaulted to irritability and passive-aggressiveness. The vertically aligned hour-and-minute hands do not placate it. The timing itself makes it worse.
It's December 31st, 2009, 12 AM– the Dark Hour.
With a harsh sneer, he pocketed his hands. You usually have the door to the Velvet Room open to him whenever. What's the big deal? Were you seriously THAT mad at him? Really? He didn't do anything to warrant this "pettiness". He had never known silence as much as this moment.
You should've accounted for the hostility that proceeds on the "off-chance" he did arrive early.
His tone darkened, his bloodied hands gripping his S.E.E.S evoker tightly.
"If you don’t show up, I will cleanse the world of human emotion all by myself"
You shook from afar, afraid of how he wouldn't hesitate to make his threat a reality. He had already taken so much– you were beyond mad at him. You were terrified. Wronged. Abused. You didn't want to step into the light. Much worse, step into his shadow.
The worst thing evil can do is to turn you into one of them.
He clutched the bloodied yellow scarf in his hands tightly.
Why did this happen?
How did things END up like this?
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IV. Depression.
You took a deep breath and charged forward.
You don't trust [Wanderer] ever since Ryoji told him about the impending apocalypse.
Seldom do you leave the Velvet Room. You weren't hiding in the Velvet room months before the end of the world was imminent. When April had only reached its fourth day, there was nothing you wanted more than to spend time outside. So ignominiously innocent. You did not know who [Wanderer] was and how much effect he would have on your life at the time. You were just tired of the ongoing stream of uneventfulness.
And now here you are, berating the protagonist in full.
"[Wanderer], why is Ryoji missing?! US ATTENDANTS CAN'T FIND TRACK HIM ANYWHERE!!!"
With a fistful of his university uniform, you yanked him by the collar. Your eyes were livid as you reeled your composure. This wasn't what you had in mind when you were "isekai"d into a video game. Out of any game, why did it have to be Persona 3? And out of anyone that could be a protagonist, why did it have to be HIM?!
You thought this would be a grand affair... Whatever they spun in anime back when your reality existed were pure lies. Where are the scenic views? The mountains? The grasslands? This plane of existence you're forced to sit through for eternity was far from the RPG fantasy people would hope for. No closer you could ever be to paradise.
In fact, this man is threatening to ruin said paradise.
[Wanderer] pulled your hands away forcefully. His glare was not that different from yours. "Why do you care about him so much?"
"Oh, I don't know! Maybe it's because his death means forgetting everything?!" You clenched your empty fists. "You know damn well what happens if he dies! You'll lose all the help you can get to stopping the Fall!"
Such a heavy weight on your shoulders but the protagonist doesn't care. This may be a turn-based game– but it wasn't based on you. If it was, you wouldn't be screaming your heart out at him! You wouldn't be an NPC. Hell, you'd probably be a better protagonist than him.
You closed your eyes, took a deep breath, and sighed every stress out of your system.
"Listen—" You rubbed your temple. "You need to start forming bonds. Social links. Support system. Confidants. Whatever you want to call it. You were supposed to have the answer by now as to what life is for."
[Wanderer] remained silent throughout your spiels. His facial expression alone was enough to infer immense disinterest. You were mindlessly doing your job. There will be no tirade or physical aggression that can convince him that you believe in your assertions with full conviction.
"Do you want to see him?"
"Yes! Of course. Knowing you, you're—"
"Tempted to kill him because you think I want the world to end?"
That's where you're wrong.
A nihilistic man can have other reasons to commit murder.
"But if he's missing, you can forget about him, right?"
"What on earth are you talking about?!"
[Wanderer] turned around. "Meet me later, you know the time."
"I'll show you where Ryoji is."
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III. Bargaining.
He doesn't recall the time he was brought into this world like you had.
Puppets are malleable. Memories are easy to overwrite when your body is held together by white wood and "khemia". His past evades him.
Maybe it's better this way.
He took you to Chagall Café. Although it was your first time out in a long while, he had no qualms about ignoring your questions. He feigned deafness as you asked about the news, his college life, friends, or anything related to what was happening in 2009. And he even ignored your humble request to buy the cheapest coffee for you. Instead, he bought you a chocolate frappe.
"For Elizabeth's cutest little sibling." He said, sarcastically copying Elizabeth's tone as he sharply handed the drink. "Wouldn't want everyone's darling to get a caffeine addiction."
Thanks, asshat.
Of all his offensive behavior— he really spent more money just to insult you. You shook your head and accepted it. It's the most expensive one on the menu too. What dedication to being a hater. But before you could open your wallet, he shot your payment down.
"Just take it." He smirked. "Look at you, paying me back for treating you poorly. Are you a masochist?"
You immediately shoved your money back in. "You still bought me a free drink, so really, who's the loser here? Prick."
[Wanderer] laughed heartily before he pulled out his battered codal, which had underlined texts for provisions he deemed important. There was a momentary softness in his gaze that disappeared in an instant.
But that's the only conversation he planned on having that evening. He did mention he'll drag you out in his study session so you weren't too shocked by it. Instead, you sat and awkwardly people-watched. The world you came from and this one were identical. You got through your old 2009 just fine— it's just that Tatsumi Port Island was not a real location from your original Japan.
Your memories about the video game Persona aren't very clear since you reincarnated in the game, but the red band [Wanderer] wore on his sleeve affirmed that he is the leader of S.E.E.S. It's nice to know that someone like him has the potential to become a leader.
[Wanderer] appeared wholly immersed in his studies.
Maybe he wouldn't notice if you looked around—
He immediately grabbed your hand. You yelped slightly as you noticed the iron grip he had.
"Where are you going?"
Don't leave him.
He squeezed just a bit more tightly.
"W-What the— I'm just going to the bathroom." You felt a shiver down your spine as you shared his gaze. There's a dull coldness to it you couldn't quite place, as if he had been a witness to injustice, sevenfold.
You quietly sat back down. He still hasn't let go of your hand.
"Good riddance." He muttered.
"If it isn't [Wanderer]!"
You turned around, yanking your hand away.
It's Ryoji.
You stood up, gawking.
"W-Woah, are you okay?" Ryoji asked, hurriedly approaching you. While you were frozen in place, [Wanderer] looked at his empty hand, feeling your warmth escape his fingertips.
G-Good… he's still alive.
You thought [Wanderer] killed him.
[Wanderer] is the wildcard, and that's a terrifying factor to consider. He hasn't shown any interest in humanity. Knowing his past has not increased any hope on your end. Everyone else in his eyes are insignificant insects.
He has the power to end Ryoji.
He has the power to end this world.
Locked and loaded.
Ryoji's eyes softened. "Wait, I think I know a beautiful face like yours from somewhere… You must be [Wanderer]'s attendant, (Y/n), right?"
You blinked.
"Wait, how did you…"
He chuckled, taking and placing a soft kiss on your gloved hands.
"I have my ways." Ryoji winked.
"Don't touch them." [Wanderer] sneered.
Ryoji stood up straight, unfazed by his threatening tone. You took a moment to examine his appearance. He had a lot of white clothing and a big yellow scarf around his neck. Just below his left eye is a mole. On the surface, he appeared quite human, but everyone seated at this table was aware of his true nature.
He is the 13th arcana. The appraiser.
You and [Wanderer] have every right to be wary.
"I'm Ryoji Mochizuki. It's nice to be officially introduced to you, Mx. (Y/n)."
"Ryoji Mochizuki…" You tasted the syllables.
"Oh? Who knew hearing my name from your lips makes it sound so wonderful."
"C-Cut it out, you don't mean that." You said, a little flustered.
[Wanderer]'s gaze fixated on you, stewing in his concoction of envy and misery. His fists were clenched beneath the table, knuckles turning white. With narrowed eyes, he watched as you continued engaging in conversation with Ryoji. His laughter was grating his ears. He couldn't bear the sight of you engaging with another man, especially someone as flirtatious as him.
Ryoji, sensing [Wanderer]'s distress, shot him a casual glance. To top the look, he paired it with a knowing smirk. He made mental notes of the man's clenched jaw and tensed shoulders.
"You seem a little on edge, [Wanderer]. Finals coming up?" He feigned innocence.
"It's December, and I'm not on edge." He scoffed, trying not to make his gritted teeth evident. "Don't you own a calendar? Finals are in March. To think a pea-brain like you managed to transfer to Gekkan…"
"Right, right." Ryoji smiled, closing his eyes. "Then it must be my proposal you're thinking of."
You stiffened; [Wanderer] did not.
"I know, Mx. (Y/n)." He started. "I know you're not too keen on the idea of killing me. My existence is the affirmation of the Fall. None of you— sorry, I forgot (Y/n) is from the Velvet room— I meant none of them will live till Spring… Or perhaps it's more accurate to say they'll forfeit the will to live."
"… I-I'm sorry." Ryoji buried his face in his yellow scarf. There's a certain tremble in his voice that truly emphasizes his sorrow. "Just as all living things die, the flow of time cannot be hindered. But there's comfort in killing me. If you do… you won't have to suffer for the coming days."
If [Wanderer] kills Ryoji, Tartarus, the Dark Hour— the burden of everyone's memories will all disappear.
But [Wanderer] can retain his.
He's not originally from this world after all…
However, should he let him live, the rest of S.E.E.S's life will continue until everyone's inevitable demise.
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever."
[Wanderer] rolled his eyes, diverting his eyes back to his notes. "Everyone will die soon, who cares? I've heard your spiel several times already. You need to get more entertaining material."
"[Wanderer]!" You scolded him.
Your eyes widened in disbelief at [Wanderer]'s unwittingly casual jabs at the apocalypse. You wanted to ask him if he was even listening, but the truth will disappoint you. A cold sweat formed on your brow.
Ryoji's smile crooked into a hopeless one.
"You depend on (Y/n) too much."
[Wanderer] froze. "What did you say…?"
"You have a group of people around you, eager to establish a bond— eager to be friends with you. You have met Junpei, Yukari, Mitsuru, Akihiko, Fuuka, and many others– but you don't consider any of them as your friends." Ryoji shook his head. "Instead, you spend your time with just (Y/n). Never anyone else. Just them. To the point that I think it's unhealthy."
"I don't care for humans." He replied immediately.
"You're human too, [Wanderer]." Ryoji shot back. "You're made of blood, bones, and flesh."
[Wanderer] fell silent. What Ryoji said was true, and yet…
"Am I?" He laughed.
The sound was hollow and mechanical. Deprived of genuine mirth. It did not sound forced, yet his eyes were dull.
Perhaps he lived as a puppet for so long that the idea of being human has yet to reach him.
Ryoji shifted, uncomfortably glancing between you two. The tension was palpable despite the cafe's peaceful ambiance. Ryoji cleared his throat softly.
"I should leave…" He trailed off, voice slightly wavering. His eyes darted around, scrambling for words to say. "But, um, before I leave, I just want to say again that you need to give it some more thought, [Wanderer]... It's a big deal… Just…"
Ryoji sighed. "Remember to make your choice to spare or kill me by December 31st. I'm glad you're having fun but don't get too distracted with (Y/n). I'll be waiting."
That being said, his footsteps reverberated loudly in the otherwise still room as he turned and headed for the door. He dared to turn back as he grabbed for the doorknob and saw you two sharing a look that he couldn't determine if it was one of contemplation or displeasure. He hurried out and the cafe door shut behind him.
"Happy?" [Wanderer] bitterly asked.
You paused for a moment… then grinned.
"Tsk, what are you laughing at, worm?"
"Nothing, nothing!" You shrugged. "I just thought that for a guy with a stick up his ass, you're cute when you're jealous."
That riled [Wanderer] up in an instant.
You do not know the full extent of his envy's filth.
"I am NOT—" He stopped, realizing how counterproductive it would be. "Whatever. I don't care."
"Shut up and finish your damn chocolate!"
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II. Anger.
Before you know it, it's April.
"Seriously, you three, I'm bored as fuck! Can't I just take a stroll outside?" You yelled, waving the heavy persona compendium in the air as your sisters ignored you.
It hasn't been long since you reincarnated, so your right to go outside isn't as liberal. Given the impending threat of an apocalypse, the Velvet Room attendants are especially overprotective.
"(Y/n), dear sibling, watch your mouth! You mustn't let Igor or Nameless hear you speak so vulgarly."
Taking a good look at your new "siblings", you've noticed how almost everyone was present. Margaret sat elegantly on the sofa while Theodore & Elizabeth were doing their best to calm you down. It's almost rare to have all three in one place. The three oldest were busy-bodies who had more eccentric matters they devoted their attention to. Including rapping and dancing, though neither performances are good for your senses.
"If boredom plagues you, then you should try teasing Theodore." Elizabeth yawned. "He's easy pickings."
"Sister!" Theodore pouted. "Shouldn't (Y/n) focus on studying how fusing works? It would be a better use of their time…"
"The day (Y/n)'s new wildcard learns the value of social links might just be the day miserly politicians become generous." Elizabeth shrugged.
You paled, tugging her sleeve. "Oh fuck… Am I screwed?"
She gave you a lopsided smile. "I may be your new sibling but that does not mean I am obliged to resolve your problems, (Y/n). Learn to solve this on your own."
Theodore coughed.
"Please, stop scaring them, sister Elizabeth. It's not their fault this new guest is a cruel arbiter. I fear there will not be a second of groundless joy in store for them…"
"You're not helping me relax either! Motherfucker. Can't you two speak normally?"
"Settle down, all of you."
The four of you stood straight as Igor tilted his chin up. Though you've gotten used to his bloodshot gaze, it had a way of prickling your skin this time around. With his signature smile, he closed his eyes and snapped his fingers.
"Our guest is about to enter."
"W-Wait, RIGHT NOW?!?"
Before you could react, the room transformed into what appeared to be a large elevator. The walls were barred and creaking noises began to subtly make their presence. A floating door materialized, and soon, opened.
Dark purple hair and eyes, short frame, soft face.
You blinked.
"Wait, no way…"
You know him.
Of course, you know him.
"Everyone, meet [Wanderer]."
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You decided that you two should reintroduce yourselves and forget that the past ever happened.
For now, you had been gifted with a vital role: being the protagonist's attendant.
According to your Igor, your role is to assist your guest in fusing personas. He had chosen you specifically in advance as you are his "anima/animus figure". Initially, that job was for Elizabeth. However, your beliefs, your intuition, your emotions— they're in perfect tune with [Wanderer]. Igor expects you to facilitate their spiritual and psychological growth and implore them to interact more with others.
Which, based on that alone, sounds like this puppet just hired an unpaid therapist.
"What do you want?"
Since you became [Wanderer]'s attendant, you've started to have thicker skin. He will always make his crankiness known each visit. You're slightly grateful for it, for how else would you know patience otherwise? Though his personality rubs you the wrong way, his strength does have merits you cannot ignore. Even Belladona, the Velvet Room's devout singer, had sung praises for his mettle. There was one line that struck you about her song, something about him being like a puppet with a beating heart unbeknownst to himself…
Which is why you thought you might as well try to see if you could convince him to take you out sometimes.
"What, like a date?" [Wanderer] scoffed then smirked, a light blush on his face. "Are you really that desperate?"
"No, eww—" You rolled your eyes. "I meant it literally. Igor and the others wouldn't let me go outside unless I'm with someone they trust."
He looked away and covered his mouth, his shoulders trembling slightly.
"Like a child?"
"Yeah, yeah, shut the fuck up." You deadpanned, your pride slightly chipped. "Like a child or whatever you want to see it, as long as it gets me out of here. I just want to see the world before it all…"
You paused.
Better not to bring it up. You're not sure if Igor told him yet.
[Wanderer] raised an eyebrow. "What's in it for me?"
You shrugged. "Is money not enough?"
He paused.
"You've got to be kidding me— Fine, what else do you want?"
His eyelids lowered, hissing slightly. "Evil expects evil from others, huh? I wasn't trying to think of anything more, but now that I think about it…"
"Oh, great."
"… I can take your request," he pointed at you. "But only if you join me in the library. Anywhere else, especially loud places like clubs, I'll send your ass back."
That's a no-brainer.
Though you've missed the peculiar sight, [Wanderer] had a small smile on his face as you shook hands. The two of you had become nearly inseparable since then.
Worryingly, he's closer to you than other humans.
The only relationship he needed was with you.
And with what little time this world has left, you hope you could have a last cup of coffee with him…
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I. Denial.
Your reality crumbled. What a START.
Your family, friends... all gone. No one was left. You convince yourself you "deserved" this punishment for smoking a life away with dreadful workloads, no matter how untrue it was. When the world burnt down, you were sent into a darkness you had not known before.
The person in charge of your reincarnation process told you that for the next few minutes, you and a selected companion will see your lives flash before your eyes in a void— and it will not necessarily be a comforting sight.
But you woke up relaxed. In an abyss filled with broken mirrors meant to depict your character to pieces, you donned a plain expression. There was not an inch of you that grieved for what was lost. Similarly, you had no care for how you were being transmigrated to another realm. Though you had grown accustomed to this isolation, humanity always struggled with silence. There was ringing on your fingers. When you unclasped your hands, you saw a pointed shard. Curiously, you clenched it. But no matter the tightness of your grip, no blood came out.
Your breath fogged up the glass. You wondered why that Memokeeper told you that you deserve to live on. You thought your life was rather unremarkable.
Makes sense. You thought to yourself. I'd rather pride myself on a boring life with integrity than an ambitious yet fraudulent one.
「Assignments. Commute. Study. Review. Assignments. Commute. Study. Review. Was that all your life was...? Then tell me, little (Y/n), why does the mirror in front of you appear distorted?」
And so, you gazed forward. Your reflection stood tall, larger than your life, and it beckoned you to come closer. This "(Y/n) (L/n)" had the opposite of a Cheshire grin- perhaps a caricature- perhaps an accurate depiction. Wearied of yourself and wearied of the sycophantic students around you. How unhappy are you to see yourself as someone like this? Are these the emotions you wish to be preserved? Is this the memory you want your world to be remembered by?
「These memories must be corrupted. Someone must be tampering with them. I do not think you lived a miserable life.」
I can't answer your questions either. But I think that reflection is who I am, because sometimes...
"I wish I had never been born at all."
Your lips were parted, but no sound came out. You resonated with those words, but they did not come from you. The voice was dark, hopeless, and alone.
When you were being sent off, you thought no one was around to greet you. There was another man. He had short hair and purple eyes- an incredibly rare sight in your world. This man seemed to be gazing at his reflection as well. You needn't know how he saw himself. The emptiness in his eyes did not differ from yours. He, too, was masking isolation as independence with an intense fragility. The dread he inflicted upon you was the closest you've ever gotten to facing your own perceived "weakness".
His memories were a mixbag. Some were filled with domestic bliss, but the anger in his heart triumphed more. He had friends but thought himself betrayed. His heart was constructed through a system of evasions, and he was a specialist in self-deception. This man knew little of emotions but had an abundance of it. It's no wonder he refused to sacrifice the artistry of his vengeance against humanity. You can sympathize with how he could not attach himself to those around him. He was burdened with malicious knowledge. Fakes. Lies. Insincerities. A class of his own.
However, he had a sin you cannot empathize with. A trait you can read that you're certain he had never noticed about himself.
He was a sickeningly beautiful man with a peculiar innocence.
He looked like a man who truly did not live in the real world.
This man did not feel real to you. He felt made-up. Fictional. His aura of flawlessness appalled you. Though you shared the same sentiments, you thought him dimensionless.
Yet this is supposedly your first meeting.
「Is it? Where have you seen him before? Can't you remember, dear (Y/n)?」
No. No, I can't.
「... What a shame. Worry no more, little (Y/n). Close your eyes. When you wake up, you will meet your new reality— new realm— new family.」
You nodded and agreed to a higher existence you did not believe in. Unlike others, you were a little bit more incapable of trusting a living soul. But there's no other choice.
Life is ordinarily far from anyone's control in the first place. Why bother fighting? If following can make her fuck off, it doesn't matter.
Nothing matters.
Is that…
Before you closed your eyes and accepted your fate, you could've sworn...
He looked at you with a crooked grin.
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「Thou art I... And I am thou...
Thou hast established a new bond...
Thou shalt be blessed when creating
Personas of the Universe Arcana..."」
"Hmm. Strange… Is that truly the order of the story?"
A woman stared at you.
Not (Y/n) (L/n).
She smiled wryly.
Hate might empower you for a short while, but it comes at the cost of consuming you whole. Should a shard or any surface reflect [Wanderer]'s face, he would understand what he had become. However, it's too late. He had made his choice and stomped away any remorse he could have. When all is said and done, he alone will spread the ashes. He alone will stand. A blank slate.
[Wanderer] spent his life looking for scapegoats and ended up removing his responsibility.
What a sad, sad puppet.
What a poor excuse to justify an entire apocalypse.
A poor excuse of a man.
"THE ARCANA IS THE MEANS BY WHICH ALL IS REVEALED." She muttered softly. "And you have been reading your story in REVERSE. Perhaps this is the only way this world can attain SALVATION. The chronological order is not a slice of life. You did not have a disagreement and decided to start your relationship over again. Life is far more WICKED."
"Read it again, but from DENIAL to ACCEPTANCE. The proper way to GRIEVE DEATH."
With great reluctance, she took the five cards laid on the table and placed them in an upright position.
"Let's see if you'd rather ACCEPT the truth or live in DENIAL."
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Mixed-Kester can now message Wanderer [prior to 12/31/2009]
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Vampire's Kiss | Chapter Three
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Pairing | Vampire!Jungkook x Reader
Word Count | 4,4k
Warnings | +18, trouble for MC is not over, use of a dating app to look for someone, Jungkook is absolutely cute and sexy, kisses, fluff
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⤷ Summary | Humans have finally unveiled and accepted the centuries-old existence of vampires, in a modern world people share their lives with these peculiar and mysterious creatures, but it is not all roses.
Will two souls belonging to such different species be able to be together?
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➢ Author's Note | Hi, guys! ❤️
I apologize to all of you who have waited so long for chapter third to arrive, I'm really sorry, but life has been really hectic and I'm also working on many other stories, so I hope you enjoy the chapter now 😭💕
Let me know what you think, I always love your comments ❤️
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Taglist: @katherine-kookie @peterstarkchrishiddleston @reallygenerouskoala @btsuga-d @angelicsmilesworld @jimincrystal @velvet-stardust2002 @ke1k029 @kylafox09 @pantara @takemeaway5402
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You're going to kill Park Jimin.
It's been a whole week since that party and you're still spinning in your head his words, which had the effect of making you even more depressed.
“In truth ... they specifically told me that they don't believe our relationship, they will only believe it when we go to their house for lunch.”
The idea of spending time with them again haunts you, Jimin had said one evening. One.
Yet, you still have to help him, because his parents did not see passion from both of you, you were blatantly fake in their opinion.
Well, kudos to Father and Mother Park, you certainly don't lack the nose like bloodhounds!
But why at their home of all places? Are they going to secretly feed you to their servants? You shudder just thinking about it. They are certainly up to something, Jimin repeats to you that you should stay calm, but it is easy for him to talk. You are nothing to them, just a dirt stain on their perfect son's shirt.
You must be eliminated somehow.
But the worst thing about all those days spent thinking and agonizing between you and you is the wrong idea that Jungkook may have gotten about you.
Shit, he's just a guy you met briefly at a party, so why can't you get him out of your head?
You always think back to the way he held you close, to his cautious and sweet look whenever he tried a more direct approach with you... and there they are, the damn butterflies! They don't leave you alone for a moment, your wormy little brain even dares to loop back his last words, before Jimin cursed Park ruined the atmosphere.
You roll over on the bed hugging your faithful stuffed animal you've been carrying around since childhood, gazing into his inane black eyes, you sigh.
“What should I do, Little Sunshine?” but the teddy bear, predictably, does not answer you.
He has left without deigning you another glance, perhaps seeing you there with Jimin he must have thought of who knows what, they know each other and must know of your best friend's reputation as a womanizer.
You violently plant a hand in your face, long ago to fuck Jimin it was enough to be his acquaintance, it wasn't necessary to get up to girlfriend status, you may have said Jimin is just a friend ... but in someone else's eyes there may still be a possibility that the two of you are some sort of fuck buddies.
Besides, why else would a human like you willingly accompany a vampire like Jimin?
You feel like screaming like crazy, you don't just do it because you sense your phone ringing in the darkness of the room.
You try to compose yourself, imagining it was a business call, but it turns out to belong to your best friend.
You stare at the phone screen with tears in your eyes almost.
<<Ellen!>> you shout, on the other side your friend whines, <<My sweetest Ellen! You called at just the right time>>.
<<You scream like that again and I'll block the phone in your face!>>.
You ignore her empty threat and begin to tell her what happened with Jimin and about the meeting with Jungkook, omitting nothing. By the end of the explanation you are out of breath and your eyes are glazed over, why do you have to feel that way about a stranger? What is happening to you.
<<Let me understand... Jimin asked you to be his fake girlfriend and this Jungkook, whom you described as more handsome than a normal vampire, flirted with you for at least half an hour or so and then left offended?>>.
You frown, <<He didn't flirt with me! He was just being nice...>>.
You hear a laugh stifled on the other end of the line, <<I used to say the same about Shawn and look at him now, chained to me in the sacred bond of marriage>> a smile escapes you… actually it doesn't sound bad.
<<What should I do?>> you ask more to yourself than to her.
<<Uhm... you said he works with Seokjin, right? Isn't Seokjin the creator of Vampire's Kiss? Maybe he's on that site too, try looking for him... and maybe contact him, they even created a very convenient app!>> you widen your eyes. Sure! That could work...
<<But what if he doesn't want to hear from me? I mean, he didn't leave on the best of terms, surely he must have thought of something strange>>.
<<Take your balls out and look for him! You said you felt something different next to him, right? Don't let such an opportunity pass you by, what you felt doesn't happen to everyone ... and for your sanity and mine too, put your mind at rest once and for all>>.
You nod, she has a point, then you hear her stifle a shriek.
<<Wait a minute! ... You said that just looking at him turned you on-!>> you close the call in half a second, redder than a tomato! There, that thing you might as well have avoided revealing it to her, even if it simply slipped out of your mouth without realizing it ... such a thing has never happened to you, neither with humans nor with vampires, that was a detail as embarrassing as it was surprising.
You make a decision and install Vampire's Kiss on your cell phone, the app's simple and intuitive screen allows you to enter your account right away, go to the purple heart with the magnifying glass and search for Jeon Jungkook.
The results are immediate and the search leads you to no less than five users, but only one is the one that immediately hits you like a bouquet of soft flowers in the middle of your face.
He is right there, posing for a photo taken in the middle of a summer day, not at all concerned about possible sunburn, and you smile instinctively at his caption, which is short and absolutely adorable.
So your impression was right, this is a good guy. You zoom in on the photo and look admiringly at the sunlight softly shining on him, he is also smiling and without thinking about it you take a screenshot, do you look crazy? Probably yes, but your chest tightens at the idea of not being able to see him every day.
It's really crazy... it's just a stranger.
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But you and this stranger have one thing in common. The two of you are desperate for love, to the point of signing up for a dating site to find it, your finger trembling, undecided whether to press your purple heart to follow him and thus engage in conversation with him or just drop everything and move on from your lightning-fast meeting at the party.
You turn off the phone with a sigh. Even if you wanted to try, you are nothing compared to him. You would only have wasted his precious time.
“But seeing you there, under the moonlight, I-”
You shake your head violently, it's no use daydreaming, he didn't even finish the sentence. That only indicates one thing, that it was not meant for you two to continue the acquaintance, period.
Suddenly an annoying noise starts from your stomach, you cast a glance at the time -- 2:11 p.m., you haven't even had lunch and there is nothing edible in the fridge, in short, the typical life of a single career woman. But below the house there are several small stores open 24 hours a day that sell noodles and allow you to cook them immediately after purchase. Yes, you would have graciously taken advantage of their services, that is also the beauty of living in Korea, every place becomes home.
You turn on the light and look around for your shoes, heedless of the eyes burning at the sudden impact.
Next mission: don't starve.
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You look thoughtfully at the shelf stuffed with packages of noodles, there are all flavors and colors, but maybe you'll have to buy some instant cook rice too to satiate your stomach more, and speaking of your stomach, you hear it growling once again.
Ungrateful, why doesn't it give you time to think?
You grab a packet of spicy chicken-flavored noodles on the fly, then reconsider -- better two.
Excited to eat, you jump merrily without looking over your shoulder, like the clueless fool that you are, you feel your head collide with something sharp and immediately see the stars in the middle of the convenience store, a stifled moan escapes your lips and you squeeze your eyes shut trying to chase that pain away, being interrupted by another unexpected moan of distress.
You turn back to the source and notice a boy behind you, head down, you can just make out a wonderful mass of dark, wavy hair.
You blanch, your own flushes of pain sidelined. Did you hurt him? Medical bills are fucking expensive.
"I-I'm sorry! Did I hurt you very much? I didn't want to, believe me."
The boy makes a strange noise, as if he has suddenly held his breath, then slowly his head rises and you find yourself going wide-eyed.
In front of you Jungkook in casual clothes and a jacket far larger than his own size is holding his chin with one hand.
“Gosh, you knocked me out,” he chuckles with difficulty, removes his hand and you see a red spot take shape on that area of smooth, soft skin, “I didn't think I'd find you here....”
You're frozen, you can't utter a single word, the only thing that assures you you're still alive is the slow pulsing of the bump on your head, but is this guy made of granite or what? A very sexy granite, of that there is no doubt.
"I didn't... I didn't think so either” for the simple fact that not even twenty minutes earlier you looked him up on a dating app, then clandestinely saved his picture like a poor desperate spinster.
"Are you okay? I think you were the one who got the hardest hit,” he asks worriedly, out of the corner of your eye you notice how his hand tries to rise, but he instantly lowers it, you gloss over the incident by waving yours away.
"No, absolutely! I'm fine, I'm so sorry, I'm stupid,” you mutter to yourself, feeling guilty.
You see him looking around carefully, “I'll get you some ice, wait here!” not even time to tell him to let it go, it vanishes in an instant.
You lower your eyes to the packages of noodles, “This happened because I never buy real food, right?”
You both find yourselves so seated face to face in front of the convenience store, you're uncomfortably pressing ice on what appears to be quite a bloody good bump. Jungkook just stares at you with that innocent look on his face, is he seriously a vampire?
You take the floor, trying to fill that uncomfortable silence, deliberately ignoring the palpitations of your heart, “Does it still hurt?” you point to his chin, which seems to have returned to normal coloring, in fact he denies it.
“It's okay, for us vampires pain is momentary, we heal quickly.”
Okay, now what?
There, meeting him was not some kind of miracle, but a curse.
"Um... you look different, I mean... with these clothes you look normal, no wait! I mean you look great even without clothes, No! T-those elegant clothes! But you look fabulous even like this, really!” you stumble over your own words and god, you want to hole up in some dirty hole on top of a remote mountain. You look great without clothes, really?!
“Hey, hey, don't worry, you look very good in your normal clothes too,” he smiles amused, then changes his expression, “Did you have a good time at the party when I left? I apologize for how I left you, I don't usually go to parties and I don't know how to behave,” he explains, his voice sounds colorless, different from the sweet voice he used before and even during your first meeting.
Something has been bothering him and you even know what it is, or at least you think so. You shouldn't worry about it, but you like him and want to clear it up.
You take a breath, “Jungkook, I don't know what you thought seeing me there with Jimin, but I assure you we're just friends, there's no romantic or ... well, sexual interest,” you just want to calm him down, but evidently your words have the opposite effect, because he whitens starting to gasp.
“Oh god, I made you feel like a lowlife, didn't I?” he puts his hands to his face shaking his head, “I'm just an idiot, you don't have to pay attention to me,” he complains with his forehead pressed against the surface of the table.
"You didn't make me feel like a lowlife! I just wanted to make it clear that I didn't lie to you, I was really there to accompany Jimin” maybe it's best not to specify the plan that brought you there that night.
But the boy continues to shake his head, at times in despair, “I never thought you had lied to me or anything...” he raises his eyes to you fearfully, “I was just... disappointed, your knight for the evening had returned and my company therefore no longer needed, that's it, I was disappointed and envious,” he chuckles exasperatedly, most likely at himself.
You feel the same pleasant grip on your heart as a smile makes its way across your features. Should you tell him?
Maybe it's not such a bad idea after all, you would have loved him even in case of rejection, he seems like a really good person.
“I'd like to tell you a secret...” you start by saying and immediately come back with a straight back, in his eyes you can glimpse ill-concealed curiosity, “I too felt disappointed... my real knight left that night, leaving me with one of his underlings,” you sigh sadly.
“That knight may have felt he was in over his head in that situation,” he says embarrassed, but you shake your head.
“He shouldn't have left me there, it's his duty to make sure I'm okay!” you don't know where all that courage came from, you just feel it's the right thing to do.
He tilts his head to the side, biting his lower lip with what you identify as a canine, the soft scarlet skin drooping under his pressure, but not tearing. Images and thoughts of what he could have done to you with those luscious lips of his leap into your head, adding to all the erotic dreams you've had over the past few nights, they always knocked treacherously, but you let them in willingly.
“Even this knight has a secret to confess” he leans toward you, enough to breathe your own air just inches away, you remain in awe of his deep irises, where you catch a vermilion flash, “Wasn't the moon beautiful that night” you begin to cough because of your own saliva, you didn't expect such a statement, not from someone like him toward someone like you. You beautiful? Is he really saying that? The darkness must have been to blame, the moon cannot be darkened by a mere human, he must have seen wrong.
But wait… vampires see in the dark as nocturnal predators, don't they?
A grin from him surprises you and you also understand the motivation behind it, after all, the rush of excitement your body undergoes is not ignorable. Now you also have confirmation that vampires perfectly sense a person's emotional and physical changes.
You try to compose yourself, bringing a lock of your hair behind your ear, he remains firm in his position.
“I like you, I've done nothing but think about you, do I have a chance?” his bluntness amazes you in no small part, he is showing much more courage than any other man who would have gone around us instead.
You swallow, not knowing what exactly to answer, so you try with resolving one of your doubts, “Y-You know I'm human, right?”
It seems a silly thing to ask, but it's very important to you that he knows what he's getting into, you two have different rhythms and abilities, you don't want him to feel stuck in a relationship too different from the ones he was used to with women of his own kind.
But his eyes soften, you feel you can also calm down.
“Of course, I knew right away...the sound of your heart beating is something I couldn't give up, your skin is warm and it warms mine,” he takes your hand between his, the ice falling to the ground from your shock. Doesn't he care about that? “Can we at least try?”
In that instant you realize that you cannot give up on him so easily, you nod contentedly as your eyes glaze over, incredulous that such a thing could have happened to you.
From that moment you continued to go out every day, especially at night hours, as he wrote in his profile on Vampire's Kiss, he loves to take walks under the dark sky and he also took his dog, Bam, with him from time to time. You, who usually prefer cats, found no difficulty in falling in love with that handsome, hyperactive dog, so similar to his daddy in both physique and character.
You and Jungkook are now hand in hand at the seashore, neither of you speaking, simply listening to the sound of the waves calmly crashing on the shoreline.
You see him lying comfortably on the sand, heedless of the grains that go to hide in every fold of his comfortable clothes, without much thought you follow his example.
It is nice to gaze at the stars like that, but turning your head in his direction you find yourself thinking that the best show is there by your side.
Unlike you, he has never looked away from you, you have literally found the boy of your dreams, “What is it?” you ask with a laugh in your voice, he doesn't answer right away, settling on his side.
“I feel a little confused,” he replies, frowning a little worriedly.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean I love this beach at night, but the only thing I can think about is you next to me, it's a little confusing to me, now whenever I come here without you, I'm sure I'll be thinking about you nonstop.”
You watch his face engulfed in darkness, yet you can make out the brightness of his eyes; he is a nocturnal predator, you lift yourself up on one arm to get a better look at him.
“Who says you'll come back here without me?”
He inhales sharply, “Don't say such things, don't make promises you can't keep, baby,” he hisses an inch from your face, he has never called you that. Sometimes you forget that he is an adult vampire, much older than you. You like being called that by him, with Jimin it's a game... with Jungkook it's something more intimate.
"Why, Jungkook... Have I been giving you a lot to think about these days?” you are literally talking on his lips, clenching a fistful of sand tightly, the urge to kiss him is becoming more and more pressing, but he shakes his head, pulling away suddenly.
“You always make me think a lot of things, but no ... you don't have anything to do with it, it's just that all my relationships have ended one way,” he laughs without humor, “That is, with a broken heart, mine. It's funny coming from a vampire who doesn't have a heart, isn't it? Or at least, not as alive as you humans',” he explains with a look up at the sky. No, you can't believe it, it's impossible that there is someone who can leave such a boy.
"Are you so convinced that this will also apply with me? If that's really the case, then why have we come to this point?” if he believes it will end badly, why the hell did he invite you on all these dates?
He shrugs, “I've never dated a human girl, I look good with you! I would never say otherwise, but...."
Sighing, “You're afraid,” you finish for him, “But you know what? I have never dated a vampire guy, yet I want to give myself and him a chance, even if it ends badly, with him now I want to think it will be okay."
Silence falls between you, you return with your back to the sand, unsure of what just happened.
Perhaps you have both gone too far in such a short time? Oh... maybe he wants more space for himself, that's why he talked about going to the beach alone, your lips begin to tremble.
“Jungkook... maybe I'd better go home,” you murmur, rising slightly again in search of your bag and shoes, but a hand on your arm stops you instantly.
"What? Why?” he stares at you like a lost puppy, unable to understand your intentions.
“Maybe I rushed you too much, I'm sorry,” you try to wriggle your arm still in his grip, but all you get from it is an imprecation from him that makes your eyes go wide, he has never cursed in front of you, and before you can say anything to him you see his figure descend entirely on you, just like the vampires in the old movies, with only one difference, at that moment he is not interested in your blood.
His moist lips make contact with yours without hesitation, you accept them willingly using your free arm to anchor yourself to his blemish-free neck, you close your eyelids inhaling his wonderful scent, crushing his weight on you as if your very life depended on it, he lets you do it by filling your lips with numerous small kisses in the mold, your heart threatens to melt under all that tenderness and you note with happiness the softness of his lips that taste like cherries, not resisting you lightly grasp a flap of his lower lip between your teeth, savoring it on your tongue.
His shoulders shake and he releases your arm from his grip so you can sink a hand into your hair, this encourages you to do the same with his, enjoying his little moan. Jungkook with an extra bit of resourcefulness deepens the kiss, tapping his tongue against the seam of your lips, which you open willingly to his passage.
You kiss him as you've never kissed in your life, in your chest a soft warmth pushes to bring you to accept him in his entirety, your eyes moisten from that almost suffocating instinct, it has an effect on you that you can't even imagine. It scares you a little, but that is bearable if it means keeping his taste alive on your lips.
He separates from you slowly, “I've been dying to do this,” he whispers an inch from your noses, you take a big breath.
“So it's okay?” you whisper, you don't want barriers between you two, it's hard enough to accept the fact that you are not yet an actual couple.
He brings his head to your chest, resting his ear exactly over your beating heart, then nods.
“I think I've lost hope, every woman I've had wanted different things from me, mainly money and sex, then there were the ones who wanted to own me in everything... I've just come to a dead end after all these years, it's not easy for me to open up now.”
Gently you stroke those locks from which only a sweet floral scent comes, “Jimin said you never attend parties like that.”
“It's not easy for me to stand by and watch couples who are doing much better than me,”he look up with huge eyes, almost as if you want to express something very obvious, “I'm a very envious guy, you know?” you burst out laughing, sounding like a child, and lean slightly toward him to print a tender kiss on the tip of his nose.
He looks surprised and awkward for a moment, then returns to hide his expression.
“I'm talking seriously, and you go and do things like that,” he mumbles, shrugging.
“You're so cute,” you whine, he lets out a grunt.
“A little human talking like that to a vampire much older than she is.”
A question mark the size of a house makes room in your mind, “I've been wondering this for a while... how old are you?”
You hear him smiling at you.
“S.e.c.r.e.t,” he punctuates nicely, before lifting himself up on his arms and planting another soft kiss on you, “I'll tell you my age, if we're good together.”
You arch an eyebrow, “On Vampire's Kiss you wrote twenty-five, so I already know how old you are,” you say in an offended tone.
He shakes his head, “Twenty-five years I've been living in Seoul, baby.... We vampires tend to fake our age so as not to scare you humans."
Oh dear. He always has an answer for everything!
“All right, how long would you be willing to make me wait?” he clearly pretends to think about it, his expression too theatrical, but you let him. You find that side of him really adorable and would never try to change it in any way.
“A hundred days, a hundred days and you'll know who you've decided to spend your life with,” he chuckles, wrinkling his nose, nodding in agreement.
“A hundred days.”
You both don't know each other very well yet, but already hearing him say such a sentence sent your heart to heaven, and the butterflies in your stomach to a valley in bloom.
How much more can you like Jeon Jungkook?
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darkstaria · 7 hours
Yandere Batfam - Soulmate Soul Animal AU
Chapter 2:
Chapter 1.
Taglist: @moonchild-artemisdaughter @jjsmeowthie @madine11-blog @xxrougefangxx
Screaming, you rushed up. Breathe!
In, out. In, out. Blood raced.
With a shuddering breath, you sighed. You became aware of a presence at your pillow. Glancing, you locked eyes with your second robin. Well, you called this bird a robin, but it was barely that.
The bird was covered in black feathers, with the exception being bright red that covered its head and a small part of its chest. It hardly resembled a robin anymore. This one, you referred to as Hood.
Hood gave a little chirp, hopping over to your lap. It settled down, providing a reassuring weight. You started petting it, just a little. Hood could always tell when you had this particular nightmare.
You didn't have nightmares often, but if you did, it was always the same one. It started simple, an unlucky mistake leading to the meeting of a soulmate (which was nightmarish enough). Your brain never really elaborated on the meeting, as if it couldn’t quite comprehend what it could be like. Instead, the horror appeared when you met your own soul animal.
It was impossible to meet your own soul form until you've met a soulmate, as the animal orbited those you were bound to. Many a novel has been dedicated to those discovering that their soul has taken some unfortunate form, and their journey of self-acceptance. One particular novel you were fond of had the protagonist learning to accept that their form was a snail.
But… in the nightmare, your form wasn't that of a snail. It wasn't the form of a snake, a grasshopper or even a turtle.
It was a robin.
A little, fluttering robin. In green. In yellow.
In red.
You always awoke after that.
You continued petting Hood. Pet pat, pet pat. It always let you have little leniencies like this, after your nightmares. You appreciated it.
For you, a robin was the worst form your soul could possibly have. You had tried previously to logic yourself out of this fear. What was so bad about being a robin? You had four of them already; they weren’t so bad, albeit annoying. You just couldn’t… stand the idea.
It reminded you of the blood on your hands. The sight never really left you. The bodies of soul animals didn't remain, they disappeared just as the soul did after death. The fact both comforted and reassured you. You didn't have to bury the body, but you also didn't have anything to mourn.
You had made a small grave anyway.
You cried. Just a little. Hood gave a small tweet of distress, raising itself up to you. You took the offer, picking the bird up and cuddling its face. Just a little.
You felt sick.
You two stayed like that a while, two souls sheltering from the world. You wondered if your soulmates ever did a similar thing with your soul form. It was times like this that had you considering reaching out. You brushed aside some feathers on Hood’s chest, revealing a faint, scarred Y.
Maybe not.
A scutter of wings could be heard from your kitchen. You groaned, lifting Hood off your lap as you slowly got up. Who was it this time?
Bleary eyes blinked, you slowly made your way over. You were joined by Hood, as it made itself a steady weight on your shoulder. Hood was always a little too heavy for you to carry about easily, but you decided to be kind by not complaining this time.
Staring into your kitchen, it took you a moment to understand the sight in front of you.
A robin darting about, as a bat watched from the top of your fridge. It was a typical image for your home, but why..
Why was the robin… purple? And, was that bat a little smaller than usual?
Oh, no.
Strength left your legs as you crumbled to the floor, just staring at the two with an empty gaze. Hood squawked in alarm, fluttering off your shoulder.
You had two new soulmates.
~ ~ ~ ~
Somehow, Spoiler and Orphan (you later figured out their identities, none of your soulbonds were subtle) weren't your first surprise bond. No, that dubious honor belonged to the fourth robin.
You had been a little exhausted after a long day being tormented by Wing’s affections. Occasionally Wing has rather clingy days, and it becomes impossible to leave the house. It had only gotten worse after the second robin’s demise. You endured.
As a result, you were sleeping in. That is, until the sounds of high pitched peeping noises stirred you from your slumber. You slowly awoke, your eyes meeting bright green.
“Aaagh!” You shrieked, jumping back and falling off the bed. “Owww.” Groaning, you slowly sat up, taking in the situation.
There was a baby bird. On your bed. “What…?” You muttered. The bird didn't have many feathers, but the ones that it did have were a mixture of black and green. It was this fact, alongside the bird being a robin, that made you register exactly what was going on.
“Ohh my god.” Your head was in your hands. That was how done you were. Most people stopped getting soulmates at one. Sometimes there were bonds of two, maybe even three. Having four bonds was already rather extraordinary (which is why you pretended all your robins were the same one), but now there was a fifth.
Well, at least the baby bird was cute. You reached out, extending a finger to pet it, when it snapped at you. With its beak and everything.
Since when were baby birds aggressive? All your other soulmates were older than you so you never got to care for any of them. Now you finally have one, and it snaps at you.
Turning away from the bird, you mean to sulk a little, but get interrupted by the Bat fluttering right in front of you. You blink, and the next second it's perched right by your new soulmate. You stare, eagerly anticipating a conflict.
The baby bird stares at the Bat for a second, before making an adoring noise and resting under its wing.
Suffice to say, your initial relationship with Robin didn't start off perfectly. It did seem to warm to you within a few weeks though, so you didn't feel too bad about it.
In all honesty, you were more concerned about what the existence of a fourth robin would mean for the third. Would it be a smooth transition? A simple bestowing of the title like it had been for the first and second robin?
Or would it be tainted with blood, another robin bleeding out in your palms. You shuddered.
You didn't want to find out.
~ ~ ~ ~
Adjusting to two new additions to your bond was a little strange. All your bonds so far had been birth ones, formed at the start of your existence (with the exception of Robin, which formed when Robin started his life). Spoiler and Orphan were delayed bonds, also known as fated bonds. They started later in life, generally after significant events, but they can just randomly pop up too.
Were you going to get a new bond every time Batman trained a new vigilante? Was being a vigilante a requirement? That has some odd implications for you, actually.
You didn't really want to become a ‘hero’.
Enough of that. A few days had passed since the emergence of your two new bonds, and you suspected that the rest of your soulmates had found the change to be about as surprising as you did.
You could tell, because for the first time in a literal month, you were alone! No bat watching from a corner, no bird fluttering around you. Just you, and complete, lovely, isolation.
Honestly, it was so quiet you were a little unnerved. You had gotten so used to the constant chirping and fluttering of wings.
As a result, you've left the house.
You enjoy a nice walk, taking in the sights you usually rush over. Settling into a coffee shop, you treat yourself to a cookie. It was fun just to enjoy the atmosphere for once, without the paranoia of having what occasionally felt like a literal flock of birds following you around.
You've almost finished your drink when a shadow falls over you. A lean man stands before you, clutching a coffee to himself as if it contained the secrets to life. You blink.
“Sorry, I was wondering if I could sit with you?” He gestured to the cafe, and you noticed all the other seats were occupied. Huh, you were so busy being infatuated with your current freedom that you didn't even notice.
“Ah, yeah that's fine.” You replied, giving a small smile.
He smiled back, settling down and pulling out a laptop. Your time passes in simple peace, him on his laptop, and you on your phone. A scuttering noise drew you away from your scrolling though, and you looked up to see a familiar scene.
A blue bird had landed on the man’s coffee, shaking it as if it was trying to knock it over. The laptop man was fighting back though, doing his best to preserve it.
“Ah.” You muttered, staring. They both turned to look at you, exactly at the same time. It was a little creepy.
“Apologies for disturbing you.” Coffee man said. The blue bird jumped off the coffee, turning to you.
“It's alright. Is that your soul animal?” You replied, watching the bird hop closer.
“Ah yeah, he is. My family can be annoying about my caffeine intake sometimes.” There was a pause. “He seems quite interested in you, though.” There was a question in that statement, and you had the inkling that this was leading up to something you wouldn't like.
“What type of animal is it? I can tell it's some type of bird but..” The bird had reached you now, hopping onto your raised hand.
“It's a raven…” The man continued on, starting a tangent about raven facts, but you were too distracted to listen. Instead, you were fixated on the bird that was nuzzling your hand in a very familiar manner.
A bird that wasn't a raven. A bird that recognised you.
A bird that was a robin.
You felt like both laughing and crying. Here you are, celebrating finally getting some space from your soulmates, and you meet one? How ridiculous. This was a nightmare.
You need to leave, immediately.
You stood up, your chair making an awful screech as you did so. Coffee man looked a bit surprised, as you peeled Wing off you and handed it to him.
“Sorry about that.” You smiled. “I had some extra bird seed on me from feeding some birds today. Perhaps your soul animal could tell. I've got to be going though, maybe I'll see you some other time.” And with that, you start marching out the shop.
Maybe your behavior was suspicious, but you really couldn't afford to stick around. All it took was for one of your soul animals to appear on you and the game would be up. He’d instantly know that the soul animal would have appeared from your side of the connection. It would be over, the efforts of years upon years.
You couldn't let that happen.
“Wait!” A voice called out, the tapping of footsteps following. You swung back around, meeting the gaze of your soulmate. He extended a card to you.
“This is my number, perhaps we can text in the future. I know we didn't really talk, but I enjoyed your company.” He smiled. It would have been a nice scene if the sight didn't make your gut twist.
You took the card.
“Oh! And before I forget, my name’s Tim.”
You answered back, giving your name.
You prayed that he assumed the shakes of your body were due to the cold.
And that's the second chapter! Woohoo! Hope you all enjoyed it, since the third chapter is already half way done! I'm rather excited for it haha ^ ^
As always, feel free to reach out!
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visualtaehyun · 3 days
Love Sea 🌊 is here and I'm being so normal about it! Entirely normal! Totally didn't already write half an essay on pronoun predictions back when the intro trailer came out or anything haha...
This is gonna be a bit meandering because it's partly my chronological notes and partly me trying to gather similar things into one category so please excuse the chaotic nature of this post lol
Disclaimer: not a native Thai speaker, still learning 🙏
Overworked secretary Mook is already my favorite 😂 She's adorable and clumsy and clearly thinks way too much! The way she frustratedly strikes through 'high voice' on her 30-step-script/plan I LOVE HER
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Sidenote: I see why Vi and Rak are besties, she's such a schemester omg ViMook are gonna be an excellent side couple! It's also such a delight to see Aya in a completely different role from Wa in Wedding Plan. :>
Back to Mook's desk though- We know that BossNoeul are gonna have a cameo as themselves during the book fair Mook mentions on the phone because we've seen them with the "Boy Next World" novel in the trailer-
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So let's take a look at Rak's manuscripts:
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1) "Love Sand" - which is the novel that Connor and his boyfriend Khom, played by Pentor in Love Sea, are from! 2) "Test Love" - specifically, the illustration looks to be from the special novel and the middle couple, Ryu and Sun. We know them from Wedding Plan because none other than Forth, who plays Palm in Love Sea, played Sun:
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Since I'm talking about him already- Palm saying ขอนั่งนะ /khaaw nang na/ (= Can I sit?) as he's literally already gettin comfy?? djshshjs this kid is so- fucking- nonchalant? overly casual? (in his speech too) it's hilarious! Also, I'm not sure if he's the best or the worst wingman ever lmao
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แล้วถ้าเกิดที่นี่มีดีสุดแค่เนี้ย พี่ก็ไม่อยากได้ที่เหลือเหมือนกัน /laaeo thaa geert thee nee mee dee soot kaae niia, phi gaaw mai yaak dai thee leuua meuuan gan/ = If the best this place has to offer is just this then I don't want the rest either. -> I love and appreciate MMY's translator but it's entirely implication if he means the drink, the bar or Mahasamut
When Mut asked if Connor's talking about a person or dog and Connor said Rak is more like a cat which he'll see once he meets him, Mut texted:
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/khun Connor phuut meuuan pom rap liiang laaeo/ = You say that like I've already adopted him/agreed to raise him.
And the word เลี้ยง /liiang/ comes up several times then-
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This one's subbed as 'take for a walk' but it's actually เลี้ยง /liiang/ again, not that Rak understands a single word anyway when Mut's speaking Southern dialect lmao Sidenote: His dialect isn't even that strong btw, especially compared to some of the folks he interacted with at the beginning of the episode. Mut and Connor are just clearly pulling one over on Rak lmao I couldn't stop laughing at Mut keeping on pulling out the dialect to get on city boy Rak's nerves! Similarly, I love that Rak clearly underestimates Mut at first and thinks he's a huge idiot and country bumpkin, even trying to manipulate Mut with his body, meanwhile Mut plays his part so well 😂
... as well as the cat/pet implication:
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He actually said 'brush your fur' lol
Here we've got an idiom that got lost in translation cause it wouldn't make sense:
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หลงตัวเอง ผีเจาะปากมาพูด* /lohng dtuua eng. phee jaw bpaak maa phuut/ = So full of yourself/such a narcissist. You sure like hearing yourself talk*. -> *it's an idiom that literally translates to 'a ghost pierced your mouth to make you talk' and describes someone who talks endlessly ผีอะไรมันจะหล่อขนาดนี้คุณ /phee a rai man ja laaw khanaat nee, khun/ = What ghost would be this handsome?
Lastly- the seagull laugh after Rak trips on the beach is so. fucking. funny!
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anubisfarm · 3 days
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Synopsis - Virgin!Harvey Headcanons.
Warnings - NSFW.
Word Count - 2.1k.
{Caffeinate Me}
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: ̗̀➛ Doctor Harvey is a virgin, with little to no experience with women. 
: ̗̀➛ He spent his teenage and adult life studying and training to become a doctor, relationships and women were the last thing on his mind. 
: ̗̀➛ So when you came to Pelican Town as the new farmer, his entire world was turned upside down. 
: ̗̀➛ You were kind, caring, beautiful and smart. Everything he had ever dreamt of in a partner. 
: ̗̀➛ From the get go, Harvey was nervous around you. More nervous than he was in social situations, and a permanent blush was strapped to his cheeks whenever you were in the clinic. 
: ̗̀➛ Harvey quickly developed feelings for you and always wanted you to walk through the clinic doors with gifts of coffee and pickles like you usually did twice a week. 
: ̗̀➛ He knew he had it bad for you when he began dreaming about you. Sweet, gentle dreams of picnic dates and laying in bed together during those cold winter mornings, wrapped up in each other’s embrace. He knew you’d just look stunning in the mornings. 
: ̗̀➛ Then the erotic dreams started. Visions of you naked and sprawled out beneath him as he thrusted into you haphazardly plagued his dreams each night. The way you would moan and whimper as he hit that spot just right inside of you had him seeing stars in his dreams, and a feeling of disappointment when he woke up with a straining and painful erection. 
: ̗̀➛ Harvey hardly masturbated, though when he woke up from those types of dreams, he couldn’t help but stroke his cock until he spurted out rope after rope of creamy, thick, white liquid. He would moan your name over and over again like it was some sort of prayer to Yoba. 
: ̗̀➛ The first time he had touched himself to the thoughts of you and his dreams, Harvey felt deep shame and guilt as his release washed over him. You were too precious to have such dirty acts done to the thought of you, but he couldn’t help himself either. The feeling of euphoria when he came was unlike anything he had ever experienced before. 
: ̗̀➛ Then when he saw you, Harvey couldn’t look you in the eyes. He was scared you would be able to mindread and see all the filthy scenarios he had put you in. All the dirty things he thought about doing to you. 
: ̗̀➛ You came for your a routine check-up a year after moving to the village. The examination was to check that your health was in good condition, and that you were as healthy as possible - Harvey’s worst fear was that you were draining yourself on that farm. 
: ̗̀➛ Harvey discussed both your physical and mental health while trying to remain as professional as possible though his thoughts were betraying him. Of course you chose the sunniest day of the year to wear the most revealing sundress he had ever seen you wear in the past year. And of course it was on the day he had to check you over. He was beyond flustered and nervous, and of course, you quickly came to know it. 
: ̗̀➛ A sly smirk had appeared on your lips as Harvey’s gaze kept flickering down to your cleavage, something that you didn’t miss. The way his mouth hung open and dried out as he spoke to you, trying anything he could to stop his cock from becoming solid at the sight of you. 
: ̗̀➛ “Is something the matter, Doctor?” You had purred, leaning across his desk further accentuating your cleavage. 
: ̗̀➛ Harvey didn’t know what to say in that moment. He looked down at your tits once more before looking back into your eyes, a look of desperation flashed across his face. 
: ̗̀➛ “Why don’t you kiss me?” You whispered, leaning further across the desk until your forehead was almost touching his. Harvey’s mind was spinning. Did you really just ask him that? Did you really want him to kiss you? You looked at him with pleading eyes and Harvey immediately closed the small gap between you, pressing his lips clumsily against yours. 
: ̗̀➛ As soon as his lips met yours, you couldn’t help the groan that left your throat. It was everything you’d imagined it to be: slow and clumsy, yet passionate and loving at the same time.  
: ̗̀➛ You kissed back equally as passionately, pouring all of your affections for the older doctor into the kiss. It was obvious to everyone but him, how in love you were. 
: ̗̀➛ You pulled away from the kiss and climbed over his desk, almost seductively until you were planted firmly on his lap. Your legs were straddling either side of his waist as you grinded down against him, his covered erection pressing against your clothed sex. 
: ̗̀➛ Harvey couldn’t help but let out a groan as you rolled your hips against his. Your tongue prodded past his lips and into his mouth, forcing the older man to stiffen up. 
: ̗̀➛ You felt Harvey tense up and you pulled away from his lips. “What’s wrong?” You asked him sweetly, your hands resting on his chest. 
: ̗̀➛ “I’ve never…” He trailed off and you raised an eyebrow for him to continue. Shamefully, he looked away from you. “I’ve never had sex before.”
: ̗̀➛ You couldn’t say you were totally surprised after all, the older doctor certainly didn’t have an aura of experience surrounding him. You just nodded your head in understanding and muttered “I’ll be gentle,” before kissing him again softly. 
: ̗̀➛ Taken by surprise at your understanding, Harvey let out a groan and let his body do the work. His hips bucked up against yours, the friction between his erection and your clothed heat felt too good for him. 
: ̗̀➛ You lifted your sundress up so it was bunched up around your waist exposing your black laced panties as you continued kissing the doctor. 
: ̗̀➛ Harvey pulled away from your lips to look down at your exposed underwear, his mouth running dry at the sight. He couldn’t believe this was really happening, and with you out of all the people in Pelican Town. There was no denying that Harvey felt lucky. 
: ̗̀➛ Your fingers pushed your underwear to the side, exposing your glistening pussy. You slicked two fingers up your folds, gathering some wetness onto the pads of your digits before bringing them up to Harvey’s lips. “Taste me.” 
: ̗̀➛ Obeying your order like he was a trained puppy, Harvey opened his dry mouth and you pushed your wet fingers past his lips. Immediately, his tongue wrapped around your fingers, sucking and licking the wetness off of them like it was the best thing he’d ever tasted. He moaned around your fingers and continued sucking on them until you eventually pulled them away, leaning down to press a kiss against his lips. 
: ̗̀➛ You slid off his lap and began to unbuckle his trousers, tugging them and his underwear around his ankles. 
: ̗̀➛ Harvey felt all the air leave his lungs the second his cock sprang free, hitting his stomach. His tip was red and leaking mass amounts of precum. It was so inviting you couldn’t help but lower your mouth down onto him, earning a gasp of pleasure from him in response. 
: ̗̀➛ Harvey’s hips bucked up even more until he was practically hovering off his seat, pushing his cock further into your mouth. The feeling of your tight, wet mouth around him felt so good and it was so much better than stroking his cock to thoughts of you. 
: ̗̀➛ The tip of Harvey’s cock reached the back of your throat causing you to gag slightly around him, tears pooling your eyes. He wanted to pull away and ask if you were okay, but you kept sucking and swirling your tongue around his tip like you were some kind of expert. He couldn’t help but let out a moan as his hips continued to thrust into your mouth. 
: ̗̀➛ After a few minutes, you pulled away leaving a string of saliva from his cockhead to your lips before wiping your mouth with the back of your hand and smiling sweetly at him. Harvey’s face was flushed red, and his own tears of pleasure were threatening to spill from his eyes. 
: ̗̀➛ You stood up and hooked your thumbs around your underwear, pulling them down and stepping out of them. Then, without hesitation, you spun around and gave Harvey a little wiggle. Taunting him with your ass. 
: ̗̀➛ He wanted to reach out and grab handfuls of the soft flesh between his fingers, desperate to feel you, but you had already turned back around and were already lowering yourself onto him. 
: ̗̀➛ The second his engorged tip reached your entrance, Harvey let out a hiss, feeling the heat as you continued to lower yourself down onto him. Inch by inch, his cock disappeared into your cunt and Harvey couldn’t help but roll his eyes back into his head. 
: ̗̀➛ You gave yourself a few seconds to adjust to his thick length before you began to experimentally move your hips. You were slow, at first, giving Harvey some time to really feel your tightness around him. Then, you finally began to bounce faster and he immediately saw stars. Harvey grabbed your hips, squeezing the soft flesh between his large hands but let you do the work. He had no idea what he was doing, after all. 
: ̗̀➛ “You feel so good,” Harvey says between pants, his hips slightly bucking up to meet yours. “So tight and warm.” 
: ̗̀➛ “Mhm,” you mumble softly, pressing your lips against his neck and sucking softly on his throat. “All for you Harvey.”
: ̗̀➛ Harvey swears his breath catches in his throat at your words, and at the feeling of your bouncing on his lap like some kind of common whore. His mind is quickly turning to mush as your hips continue their movements. 
: ̗̀➛ He looks down, watching with awe as his cock appears and disappears into your tight heat, his hips finally finding a rhythm with your own. Soft moans leave your lips against his throat and Harvey knows he’s so fucking close. 
: ̗̀➛ “Wait, Y/N… I’m going to cum.”
: ̗̀➛ “Cum for me Harvey. Please,” you beg, your voice a whisper as you gaze into his eyes. 
: ̗̀➛ Harvey gives a nod and allows himself to let go, thrusting himself up into you as his cock begins to twitch. He’s threatening to explode any minute now and he just wants to paint your insides white. 
: ̗̀➛ “Look at me when you cum, Harvey,” you demand. The older doctor nods, his eyes looking into yours. 
: ̗̀➛ You bite your bottom lip and that’s all that's needed for Harvey to finally blow his load. His hips stutter as he fucks up into you, groan after groan of pure bliss leaving his throat. He spills himself shamelessly inside of you until he’s practically dripping out of you despite his cock still plugging you up. 
: ̗̀➛ With panting breaths, Harvey presses a soft kiss of adoration to your lips. A silent thank you for taking his virginity in the best way possible. 
: ̗̀➛ You kiss back happily before you slide yourself off his lap and grab your panties from the floor, handing them to him. “I expect these back at some point,” you whisper, winking to him. 
: ̗̀➛ Harvey pulls up his trousers and underwear, and with shaky hands takes your underwear before stuffing them into his pocket with a shy expression. You offer him a sweet smile. 
: ̗̀➛ You smooth your dress down and watch as Harvey sits at his desk, eyes wide with longing and desire. 
: ̗̀➛ “I take it my check-up is all okay?” You ask teasingly. 
: ̗̀➛ Harvey chuckles slightly and nods his head. “Yes, everything is okay,” he then takes the initiative. “You should come back next week for a more… thorough examination.”
: ̗̀➛ You raise an eyebrow and smirk. “I’ll book another appointment then.” 
: ̗̀➛ As you leave the room, Harvey feels his heartbeat finally slowing down as the realisation sets in. You took his virginity and Yoba did it feel good. He was already anticipating your next meeting at his office, hoping that you will have booked another ‘health check’ for a week's time. 
: ̗̀➛ Harvey sat down at his desk chair, allowing his thoughts to run wild when a notification popped up on his computer. A new appointment had been booked with you… for tomorrow. He already couldn’t wait.
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