#as long as sasuke is happy
10sokii · 9 days
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just girly things 🌸✨
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sassykinzonline · 11 days
walking around my room going "itachi itachi, itachi itachi" to the tune of migos' versace
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naruhinaluvrx · 8 months
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Sasunaru Month Day 31-Free Prompt/Halloween
Surrogate Boruto SN family for Halloween this year
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panharmonium · 1 year
well, after a little break, we picked up our naruto rewatch again with the beginning of season 10 (it’s so good.  SO GOOD), and since all i want to do is sit here and talk about how good it is, i figured i’d try to do that while simultaneously catching up on some overdue fandom correspondence.
when i was watching last night, i kept thinking back to a conversation i'd been having with @professor-of-naruto after they sent me an ask about how naruto started off as an ensemble show and then became solely “the naruto show,” and i STILL owe them a full response about that, but i’m going to consider this post my attempt to talk a little about it, because season 10 is simultaneously one of the best examples of “ensemble show” that naruto ever pulls off AND the scene of one of the most frustrating crimes of “the naruto show” that it ever commits (in my opinion; your mileage may vary).  
but before it reaches that frustrating point - season 10 is unbelievably well-constructed!  EVERYBODY is doing something important and relevant to their character arcs, and the plot is moving fast, and the world is expanding in fascinating ways:
first of all, there’s the fact that the season starts off with young ninja from a totally different village, all of whom are deeply concerned about their missing teacher, and then shows us their confrontation with team 7 and later naruto himself - instantly expanding the world and humanizing the leaf’s [former] enemies and forcing the audience to widen their perspective and confront the idea that ‘hang on, people in other villages are just like people in the leaf; they care about their friends and families and comrades the same way; and HMM, what sasuke did to bee was really bad actually; is it fair to expect other nations to just sit around and accept it; would we expect one of our favorite characters from the leaf to do the same”
the political tension created in the first episode by tsunade’s absence and danzo being named hokage creates a compelling new dynamic where the leaf is being “led” (ruled) by someone who doesn’t have the confidence of the people or the support of the jonin assembly, which then forces kakashi to start making hokage-level decisions covertly (aka taking down the foundation agents sent to spy on naruto, openly instructing a subordinate to lie to the hokage, smuggling the nine-tails out of the village, engaging in diplomatic relations with a foreign kage), which dynamic continues to escalate when danzo loses the trust of the other kage and said other kage decide that kakashi should act as the leaf’s representative, which later, despite tsunade’s recovery, is a dynamic that continues to push and and foreshadow throughout the war to the eventual conclusion of kakashi actually becoming hokage at the end of the story.
SAI’S ARC.  how he witnesses naruto taking that beating from karui; how the editing later cuts from naruto crying at the raikage’s feet to sai sitting in the forest thinking about naruto telling him to “stay out of this,” and his decision of “no.  i can’t just sit still, either,” and how he then goes straight to sakura to tell her that he still doesn’t know team 7 all that well and he’s not very good with emotions, but he does know that that naruto’s been suffering, and that they’ve all been relying on naruto too much, and that he doesn’t know what promise naruto made to her, but “it’s really no different than what was done to me.  it’s like a curse mark.” how he tells her that he doesn’t think it’s right that sasuke has caused naruto and sakura so much suffering, and he’s not going to sit silently by and let it continue -
and how that then PERFECTLY intertwines with the konoha 12 discussing the situation, and shikamaru - newly matured shikamaru, shikamaru who took down an akatsuki member, shikamaru who lost asuma, shikamaru who used to be so lazy, shikamaru who used to be so allergic to responsibility - entering the tent and agreeing with sai and saying that they’re not kids anymore.  they have to act.  they can’t let sasuke start a war between nations...so many people will die...him asking for sakura’s consent - 
and how THAT perfectly dovetails into sakura’s arc - her ENORMOUS decision, which none of them are even aware of yet - when she says she wants to be the one to tell naruto that they’ve decided they can’t protect sasuke anymore, but what she’s really decided is that SHE IS GOING TO KILL SASUKE HERSELF, because she’s the one who put naruto in this position by asking him to promise to bring sasuke back, and she can’t stand to make him suffer anymore, so she’s going to take the burden off his shoulders and suffer herself instead -
this is happening against the backdrop of naruto’s petition to the raikage, which is a) the set-up for the raikage’s eventually decision to let naruto join the war many seasons later, b) the set-up for the raikage voicing his support for kakashi as hokage after danzo flees the summit, and c) the visual parallel for us between sai and sakura discussing naruto’s suffering and us simultaneously seeing him down on his knees, crying in the snow
and THIS is all happening against the larger backdrop of the five kage summit, where we’re introduced to MORE characters from an even WIDER world, and each kage and their attendants have their own unique personalities and we’re once again thrust into this new perspective of being asked to humanize and care about previously unknown entities who have always been considered potential antagonists, if not outright enemies
and the five kage summit brings back gaara and our old friends from the sand, which is important not just for the way it highlights the difference between new and old ways of thinking/generational changes, but because whoops, suddenly sasuke is crashing the five kage summit, and as soon as gaara hears about this, he leaves the summit room and goes to confront sasuke and tries to HELP, in his own way, which is brilliant and so effective on a storytelling level because gaara fought sasuke during the chuunin exams, and back then gaara was the one who was out of his mind with rage and pain, and now their positions are reversed, and gaara wants to save sasuke from that same fate, not just because it’s what naruto would want, but because gaara himself was saved in much the same way
but unfortunately gaara is butting up against the lowest point of sasuke’s arc, as sasuke tips over into something truly disastrous, and his descent is (magnificently!  deftly!) illustrated NOT through his behavior towards danzo (which is never depicted as unjustified) but through his behavior towards TAKA, who notice that he’s not acting like himself (suigetsu: “gee, and this is the guy who kept telling ME not kill anybody?”) and whom he then systematically, one by one, abandons, betrays, or outright sacrifices in the service of his goal, when all they’ve ever done is aid and protect him. 
in other words: the worst thing sasuke does, in this story’s eyes, isn’t breaking the law; it’s abandoning his comrades.  his lowest point in the narrative isn’t communicated to us by his rebellion against authority, but by his betrayal of his friends.  SOMEHOW THIS SOUNDS THEMATICALLY FAMILIAR -
this betrayal then flows seamlessly into new character development for the taka crew - for suigetsu and juugo, whom sasuke abandons to die or rot in prison, and for karin, who finally sees firsthand that sasuke is using her and that he doesn’t care whether she lives or dies as long as he gets what he wants - which turn of events pushes karin into the arms of the leaf, where she’s technically a prisoner, but where she’s still healed by sakura and carried by kakashi, and where she comments internally on how everyone’s chakra, even that of her cell guards, is so warm and different from sasuke’s... (i’m frothing at the mouth here at how well all of this with taka was set up and how it just falls apart later aGUGHHHHHH)
and these are hardly the only things going on in this season - i didn’t even touch upon the way kakashi and yamato are told the truth about itachi (this was something!!!!!  it needed to be something!!!!!), or even the brief confrontation between “madara” and yamato, because when obito first pops up on naruto’s windowsill, it’s yamato who strikes first, and yamato who says “you’re in my territory now,” and obito just laughs at him, and i cannot handle how well this sets up him being captured, interrogated, and used by obito later (if the story CARED enough to CARE about it, i mean; i just - !!!)  
this is all i mean when i say that naruto is at its best when it’s an ensemble show.  all of this happens in just the first six episodes, but every single character who appears has something important going on in their own story.  everything that they do connects to something else, and every move they make affects the plot.  every time someone appears on screen, you care about what’s happening with them - because something IS happening with them!  everything is intertwined, and all of it matters.  this season is woven together so well - it’s hard to stop watching.  
that isn’t always the case later, though.  after naruto appears on the scene of the sasuke/team 7 confrontation (aka the point where the show attempts to make a “naruto is and has always been Everything” retcon that i will never forgive them for), the story starts leaning harder into the “naruto is the only one who can save sasuke and oh yeah do everything else too” message, which is eternally frustrating to me, because the original message of the story was always “teamwork is more important than anything.  all of us are necessary to succeed.”  itachi literally chides naruto, “you can’t do everything on your own.  never forget your friends,” but then the show keeps creating situations where only naruto can Do the Thing and the other characters’ sole purposes are to sit back and monologue about how amazing he is.  
i understand that this is a silly thing to complain about when the story is in fact titled “naruto,” but i do still feel frustrated about it sometimes, because i think an approach like this makes for a weaker story.  there ARE ways to tell a naruto-centric story and have it be incredible - eg, the pain arc is all-naruto, all the time, and i have zero complaints about it, because everything naruto is able to do in that arc makes sense and is completely appropriate for who he is and what his strengths are.  he should be able to use sage mode and toad summons - those are powerful inheritances from his own teaching lineage that he worked incredibly hard to master.  he should be able to resist the nine-tails transformation - he has help from his own father’s spirit, as well as a lifetime of experience living as a jinchuuriki.  and - crucially - he should be able to save the day in the end, not because he’s a super skilled ninja with godlike powers, but because he’s able to compassionately connect with nagato on a personal level and lead him back to the light.  
that is naruto’s true power.  it’s not about him being the strongest fighter, or the smartest strategist, or the most skilled shinobi in history.  his special ability is precisely what kakashi called a “remarkable gift” in season one: “[naruto] doesn’t need much time, or many words, to make friends with everyone he meets.”
that’s why i think the pain arc is an example of “naruto-centric” done right, and that’s why i love how war arc!naruto is able to befriend kurama/the other tailed beasts and use the nine-tails’ power.  those things are so, so appropriate for who he is and where his strengths lie.  but there are other points in the story where naruto is showcased for things that don’t make as much sense or haven’t been earned (as an isolated example, the six-paths magical powers stuff was too much for me) or where he’s highlighted at other characters’ expenses (what happens to all those amazing intertwining arcs of season 10 by the time we hit the end of the story?  why do so many of them falter or disappear?)
it’s not enough to make me dislike the back half of the show - i love it right up until the last episode, my frustration with the ending notwithstanding.  but i do think the shift in focus from “ensemble show” to “one-man band” becomes a bit more dramatic after S10, and the overall story after that point is much weaker than it could have been (even though i still think that a lot of what it achieves is amazing).
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beemuh · 2 years
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let’s go kill the kages
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rachielynne728 · 2 years
Hi Guys, Happy Hump Day 😘🥰❣️
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wuakdd · 4 months
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.. i need a bigger shelf
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leewritestoomuch · 3 months
Naruto Characters Accidentally Calling their Girlfriend their Wife
Fem reader (or if you want to be called wife)
Characters: Naruto, Sasuke, Shino, Kiba, Shikamaru, Choji, Neji, Rock Lee, Kankuro, and Gaara.
(Masterlist is up now) also I’ll be adding Sai to this in the morning
Naruto Uzumaki
He’s talking to some new people and enthusiastically pulls you to his side, a large smile on his face, and he says “This is my wife! Y/N!”
You can’t hide your shock, not fully at least. He’s never called you his wife before. I mean, he’s said things like “you’ll be my future wife, right?” As he giggles or something.
But you are in a state of shock that he introduced you that way.
Nonetheless, you’re happy.
If the person makes a comment about how young or cute you two are for a married couple, he’d realize. Likely, he’d respond a little oddly, stuttering, but recovers and just full sends with the claim you’re his wife.
Sasuke Uchiha
If he’s with you, you’re gonna be his wife anyways. He didn’t get with you until he was sure of that, because it took him a long time to realize he felt that way anyways.
So he calls you his wife with full confidence, before realizing his mistake. However, he doesn’t care too much to correct himself or anything.
Because you are gonna marry him right? (He’s actually really nervous to propose, but he won’t admit that.)
People would probably just believe him immediately considering just how serious he is about you to even be with you.
When you confront him about it later, he’ll ask you if that was okay, explain it was a mistake, but he’ll probably comment on how he’s dating to marry anyways so… you might as well be his wife.
You can probably expect a proposal soon.
Shino Aburame
I can’t fully see this happening tbh. However, let’s say that it does.
He’d probably over explain himself to the person he referred of you as his wife too.
Not that he doesn’t want you as his wife, but you haven’t said you’ll be his wife yet. So he can’t call you his wife. That’s how he sees it.
He’ll probably think he messed up and upset you, so you’ll have to explain it was cute.
Once you explain to him, he’ll see your point. Maybe with some reluctance to lighten up on himself.
He’ll be happy you want to be seen as his wife though.
Kiba Inuzuka
Realized his mistake, but he could not be bothered.
He will keep on as if there is no mistake. As if you are legally married.
He’ll be upset if you correct him in front of people.
It’ll turn into a bit of an argument if you correct him in any way other than sweetly.
Because what the big deal???
If you leave it alone, and talk to him later, now he’s nervous and stuttering. But he’ll likely comment on how he knows you want to marry him so you might as well be called his wife.
Shikamaru Nara
Immediately realizing what slipped out his mouth.
Does he really want you to be his wife? Well, of course he does. But that’s a lot for him to accidentally spill out to some strangers you’re both meeting.
They don’t know he made a mistake, because you roll with it.
Later, he’ll try to avoid talking about it, but if you bring it up, he’ll say it was a mistake, don’t take it so seriously.
If you seem down about his underwhelming response, he’ll likely have an actual talk about his future with you to reassure you that he was just being an idiot when he said that.
Choji Akimichi
He forgot you’re not his wife.
I think Choji would just love you so much that he would simply treat you like a wife. To the point he forgets, you’re not his wife.
If you comment on it, he’ll think about it and probably be like ohhhh right.
He’ll apologize, but more than likely you’ll just say it was cute.
I can see him calling you wifey.
But if he’s gonna call you that, he’s gotta get you that ring. He’s planning on it as yall speak.
Neji Hyuga
You two are waiting a while before calling it official. Plans of marriage are far off.
He’s a little too traditional to jump at marriage quickly.
So when he accidentally calls you his wife, it was to Hiashi. He went pale. Paler than usual.
Later, depending on how exactly that went, he’ll probably be in his head.
Let’s assume for this though, that Hiashi approves of you completely.
Hiashi made a comment, rather he meant it badly or not, Neji will take it the wrong way. Realize he jumped too far.
You’ll have to tell him you find it cute, and rather his uncle approves of you two or not, you’ll be his wife someday :)
Rock Lee
It COULD be an honest mistake.
But let’s be honest,
It’s Lee.
He calls you his wife to your face, to other people, hell, he’d shout it from the roof tops.
So it’s not an accident. He meant it. He will one day make you his wife, so why would he not call you his wife now!
If you have any reserves about being called his wife before actual marriage, he will pout and be upset. He won’t understand.
But, once that’s over, he’s crying and begging for forgiveness.
Please tell him it’s cute that he wants to marry you, even if you do want to have a talk with him about not assuming roles you don’t officially have.
He might correct his mistake, might not. Depends.
He’s a confident speaker, but that threw him off a little bit.
Likely you were a strong shinobi or something and he was trying to give you credit where it’s due, but it didn’t go as planned.
When you too are alone later, you’ll bring it up likely.
If you tell him you thought it was cute or sweet, he’ll turn bright red like his hair.
He likely won’t go on calling you his wife or anything. Maybe in private.
But he’s not ashamed of it. After all, he’s strongly considering marriage.
Called you his wife to his siblings while you were over for dinner.
Temari is not letting him live it down.
“Hey, I think your wife is trying to get your attention.” “I don’t know, maybe ask your wife?” “What about your wife?” From then on out.
He’s frustrated because it was a mistake, BUTTTT honestly, eventually he’ll make some snarky comment about how at least he’s closer to marriage than she is. Then he probably harps on Shikamaru a little bit in defense for his own comment.
(He approves of Shikamaru tho, if he’s being real. He just thinks it’s a little funny)
As long as this is before a certain point.
He decides to call you his wife to your face.
He’ll call you that to tease you now.
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lilacqiqis · 5 months
A/N:Uwaaa first actual post on this blog!! I'm excited and hopefully you guys (3 people) will like it <3-Mod Lilac
Hair playing (ft. Naruto, Kakashi, Hinata, Itachi, Sasuke. GN!reader)
tw: none
More under the cut
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🌙 It's no shock that Naruto loves being affectionate in every way possible, having his hair played with is one of his favorite activities!
🌙 Pat your lap and he'll get the signal instantly, rushing up to you and putting his chin on your thighs with that iconic smirk.
🌙 Give his scalp a few scratches, it's comforting to him. His hair is oddly soft despite him seeming like he has a shitty hair routine... Wonder what his hair care routine is? "Heheh, I don't really have a routine... I just dip my hair in the hot springs and call it a day!" Maybe the hot springs has some kind of magic imbued in it?
🌙 Sometimes, Naruto will play around with your hair. He's a goof, and ends up messing up your hairstyle or tugging too hard... He'll apologize with a crooked smile, so don't get too mad at him <3
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🌻 Kakashi doesn't mind it when you play with his hair. It's nice, actually. Reading his book while you run your fingers through his gray locks... It's a peaceful moment he'll cherish.
🌻 He'd also like if he was pressed between your thighs while you played with his hair, so do the man a favor and indulge him a little. It's nothing inherently sexual... Kakashi just likes your thighs.
🌻 He loves falling asleep on your lap while you mess with his hair. Perhaps you can take his vulnerable sleeping state to pull down his mask... Nope. He'll catch your wrist and stop you before you get the chance to. Perhaps he has a special sixth sense for that...
🌻 Sometimes, Kakashi will tie your hair for you (if it is long enough to tie). It's a small act of affection, but it's sweet regardless. He isn't exactly one to play with your hair often, but sometimes he'll grab a strand while you're talking and twirl it between his fingers.
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🦋 Hinata is such a sweet girl, letting you do what you want as long as it makes you happy. And if playing with her hair makes you happy, then she's more than willing to sit down and let you run your fingers through her hair.
🦋 She doesn't mind at all if you randomly play with her hair, she's glad you like her hair so much! Who wouldn't though? Her hair is silky and long, absolutely gorgeous. She takes extremely good care of it and her hair has a soft scent of lavender.
🦋 If you ever asked, she'd help you do your hair. Hinata enjoys brushing your hair, but if you prefer it messy she's fine with that too.
🦋 Tie her hair and do different hair dos! She'll love it, a pink hue on her cheeks as you braid or curl her hair. Even if you suck at it, Hinata will try to compliment you regardless on your skills.
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🌹 You want to play with Itachi's hair? Go right ahead, darling. If it makes you happy... Itachi is happy too. He'll untie his hair and crouch down to lay his head on your lap, letting you do as you wish.
🌹 The look he gives you while you run your fingers through his strands is so... Soft. He enjoys your touch, being as touch starved as he is. He'll run circles on your thigh with his hand, giving you the sweetest smile.
🌹 Let him pamper you as well, he loves taking care of you and making you feel good. Itachi will return the favor with soft kisses as he motions for you to lay in his lap.
🌹 King of scalp massages, the way he runs his hands through your hair is comforting, he doesn't care if your hair is crunchy either the man persists. Please don't tell him no, he's just so eager to make you comfortable and happy, it makes him twice as joyful. But if you really don't like it he'll stop, not wanting to go against your wishes.
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🌱 "What? No, don't touch my hair."
🌱 Proceeds to get mad when you say it's okay. Sasuke really expects you to pressure him so he can pretend he hates it 😭. If you do pressure him however he'll grumble and say "Fine. I'm only letting you do this because you'll just keep pestering me."
🌱 Acts uninterested as you play around with his hair, but he is ecstatic on the inside. He won't admit that ever, not even to himself, but this makes him feel extremely comfortable.
🌱 I don't see Sasuke as the type of person to play with your hair, and he's probably refuse if you asked him to. What a spoiled boy... Don't worry, he'll get more soft as time goes on.
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skyahri · 3 months
How They Found Out |Naruto Boys X Reader| HC
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Characters: Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki, Shikamaru Nara, Kakashi Hatake
Summary: How your relationship ended up being revealed.
Warnings: Naruto's is short af because he's an open book. Deal with it. NSFW themes. Mentions of sex and being caught. Part Two
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Sasuke Uchiha
You'd been together for about a year at this point. In the beginning, you'd agreed to keep it hush-hush until you'd figured things out.
Before you knew it, it'd been more than six months since your first date, and it was still secret. You enjoyed the privacy of it, but didn't enjoy hiding things from your friends.
So you decided to stop actively keeping it a secret and instead allow things to come out naturally.
But that was six months ago and still no one knew.
Sasuke hated PDA and no one had asked either of you about relationship stuff, so it was still quiet.
That is until today.
You two were victims of Narutos' lack of boundaries and awareness.
It was late at night, about 11pm, you were in Sasuke's apartment.
He was drilling into you, his hands holding down your legs and mouth connected to your neck.
You were too busy enjoying the all encompassing feeling of him fucking you, and he was too busy ravaging you to hear Naruto enter the front door.
Suddenly, the bedroom door swings open. Narutos face very quickly goes from his usual happy-go-lucky to a horrified, dramatic look.
Sasuke is quick to cover you with the sheets before he yells at Naruto to get the Hell out.
Naruto is already way ahead of him, bolting straight out the front door and to God knows where.
After that, it wasn't long before the whole village knew. Honestly, once Gai found out, there was no one who didn't know.
Naruto Uzumaki
Find out? Ha! There is no finding out because he immediately told anyone and everyone the second you agreed to a date.
If he did somehow manage to keep it quiet, it really wouldn't be long until it got out.
Hes just so... excited to be with you.
He likes showing you off like a prize. He likes going on dates and holding your hand and loudly proclaiming that you're his.
You don't mind, of course.
Shikamaru Nara
You two lay around together most days. A while back, you shared a kiss, and it very VERY slowly escalated from there.
It was almost six months before you actually had sex.
Mostly because he'd somehow rationalized kissing was "just something you guys did" and didn't require any extra thought.
The sex was amazing. Slow and passionate, just like you'd expect from the lazy Nara.
And so things continued on like that. A relationship had formed, but it was never something either of you talked about.
You liked his parents and they liked you. You'd help his mom with dinner some nights and played Shogi with Shikaku. They didn't question your relationship either.
Things stayed on the down low for almost eighteen months before someone finally brought up something regarding his romantic life.
"So, Shikamaru, who was your first kiss?" Choji asked one night in the bath house.
The question caught him off guard since he wasn't usually included in these types of conversations. (They mostly assumed he wasn't interested in women, or something like that.)
"Hm? Oh, Y/N."
Cue the silence. Then total chaos.
"What?? When was this?" Kiba asked.
"I don't know... sometime around the solstice last year."
That sparked a lot of questions from his friends, only some of which he'd answered.
The guys relayed all the information to the girls the next day, where they then went and hounded you for answers.
Despite all of your friends knowing about your relationship, nothing changed between you and Shikamaru.
You just stayed... whatever it is you were.
Kakashi Hatake
Gai, Kurenai, and Iruka all had their suspicions about you two but had nothing to back it up. It's been years at this point, yet they still come up empty-handed.
That is, until Kakashi’s students decided they were interested in his love life, and began to poke around.
It's after the war; Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke are fully grown adults, but something is just so tempting about reverting to their youthful days of trying to spy on their sensei.
Kakashi is all for it, partially because he's glad his students are getting along again, and partially because he's grown tired of keeping secrets.
This is something he discusses with you, and as he predicted, you're completely on board.
You gradually make yourself seen with Kakashi over the next week- leaving the Hokage tower with him, getting dinner with him, and even allowing him to walk you to his apartment.
The kids watch all of this happen, but there's no evidence that actually proves anything, just like Gai sensei had told them in the beginning.
So they continue to stalk you two around the village. They're better at it than when they were little, but it's still pretty easy to spot them.
At the end of the week, when you're sure all three of them are watching, Kakashi kisses you in front of your front door.
You watch as they all zip away, surely off to meet up or possibly report back to your friends.
You and Kakashi can only laugh.
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sassykinzonline · 10 days
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my gay farm full of gay chickens that hopefully one day my older brother will join me in running....
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moumouton4 · 11 months
Their Reactions When You Return From A ( Long ) Mission || Naruto characters x reader 4
A/n : Yeah you've guessed it right ! It's headcanon time again. And it took me ages again but damn it was so good. I hope the length isn't a problem as I tend to write a lot... and there is a lot of characters as well... 21 👀
Naruto Headcanons series : 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6
Warnings : Contains both fluff and smut ( under the cut, breeding kink, mention of jerking into clothes, mention of wall sex, sex in the shower, oral male receiver, boner ) 18+ READERS ONLY and wrap it before you tap it
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Word count : 3830
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Sasuke Uchiha : It’s not only been a week since you left for your secret mission. It was so secret that only you and Tsunade knew when you’d probably come back. Sasuke didn’t like this passion. He was careful not to tell you, but he went to see Tsunade and insisted at considerable length. Justifying himself by saying that he was your fiancé and that he had the right to be kept informed. She didn't accede to his request and he left in a rage. Though as he was blowing off some steam at the training grounds, trying to release all the tension he felt knowing you were out of his protective zone, he felt your chakra. He raised his head, looking around and suddenly he saw you. A huge weight lifted from his heart and he made his way towards you. You turned around sensing him as well. When you locked eyes you couldn’t help but run to hug him. At first he didn’t move nor said anything though after a moment to compose himself he stroked gently your hair saying “I’m glad you’re back”
Naruto Uzumaki : He doesn’t hold back when he sees you again. It could be after a month, a week or a day he can’t help but spread his feelings out in the open “Y/n ?!? Dattebayo ! Is that you ?!?” he screamed from the other side of the street, rushing towards you. His body collided with you as he effortlessly lifted you from the floor, and started twirling again and again. His eyes shined bright as he was looking at you. Giggles and genuine laughs escaping his lips as he hugged you tighter. He was so happy to be with you again - he forgot literally about how much he craved a huge bowl of ramen. He just wanted to spend some time with you and recharge his batteries with the person he loved the most.
Yamato : He didn’t really like it when you were called without him on a mission. Though he knew damn well that you were a fierce and resilient kunoichi. So instead of being stressed all day he decided to prepare your return. So that he’ll be able to celebrate it with you if he wasn’t himself called for a mission. He prepared a whole schedule for that day. Helping you take a nice and soothing bath, then help you prepare for the night, go on a date, and give you a good massage - as much as he could - once you were back in your shared home. Each time you leave like this makes him discover a new depth of his love for you. Hopefully he knew when you were going to be back home. So when the day came he prepared a nice outfit for you and the most important, a warm bubble bath with scented candles. Though when he saw you coming home he knew he’d had to reschedule the date for the day after. He helped you in the bath and almost chocked when you asked if he could join you “O-of c-course Princess. Here l-let me just” he undressed and sat behind you in the bath, his cheeks tinted with a rosy colour. As he held you close he couldn’t help but marvel at how soft and warm you were. He ended up being the one falling asleep first in the bath.
Rock Lee : Lee doesn't know how to measure out. He doesn't do it in everyday life, so with you ! His one and only ! The apple of his eye ! He's absolutely incapable of it. You were only gone for the day, only a few hours, but it already seemed too much for him because when he saw you arrive he pounced on you. Almost tackling you to the ground. This time you took the initiative and inked your feet so as not to end up on the ground like when you offered him the flowers "Y/nnnnn ! My plum ! My darling ! My love ! You look even more refreshed than this morning ! Even more combative ! Your strength shines through with every step you take..." he ranted for a long moment before calming down and taking you gently in his arms. He nuzzled his cheek gently against your shoulder, as you played with his ebony hair making him purr like a cat. So cute !
Sai : He didn't know he could miss someone so much. He thought he was ready for any situation thanks to his root training, but no. His heart clenched in his chest as he watched you pass through the Konohagakure gate, after 5 very long months. He saw your friends hug you, and before he knew what he was doing, he was running towards you. His arms encircled your waist and pulled you tight against him. You could feel that he was trembling as he held you under the strong emotions running through him - your friends stepped aside to give you some privacy. You gently rubbed his back to calm the overwhelming feeling he was experiencing, helping him to take a long breath "I can't... I'm so happy to have you back. It's so strange" ( "it's so strange" as in to be this happy ) he murmured the last part with uncertainty in his voice. Now all he wanted was to be able to cuddle with you while he drifted off to sleep.
Sasori : You’ve missed him so much while you were on your mission, but you knew things weren’t going to happen the way you always dream they will. When you entered your shared place he didn’t even acknowledge your presence. His face still turned towards what he was crafting. Even if you know he wasn’t really vocal on his feelings it still hurt a bit. But as you were about to go mind your own business you heard his groggy voice behind you "I hated waiting for you to come back" And just this brought a huge smile on your face. You walked back towards him and kissed the top of his hair. A Sweet and gentle smile appeared on his lips as he softened slightly, feeling his heart swell with love. Maybe it was time to take a little break and lie in bed with you… maybe you could tell him about your mission. 
Shikamaru Nara : Usually very calm and relaxed, Shikamaru couldn't help the trembling of his knee or the way his foot was bouncing on the ground. After 2 months you were finally back and he just missed you so much. He couldn't even catch a break and take a nap. He had to keep himself busy with work until he wore himself out and fell down from exhaustion. Today you were coming back and he couldn't stop being so excited to be with you again. When he saw you standing there he thought first he’d manage to wait for you to greet your friends first and let you walk up to him. But he couldn’t, his legs took long strides, with one arm he pushed Naruto and pulled you against his chest. You lifted your head up and looked behind you to see who it was, even though you had an idea when you heard his voice "Even when you just returned, you can't help but be troublesome, woman" You quirked an eyebrow at him making him swallow hard "I'm o-only joking" After all you always knew how to trouble him.  
Gaara : From the moment you left, he was worried and concerned about you. He was always thinking that the worst could happen. At night he usually slept very badly when you weren't there. Knowing that you were far away, and on a mission on top, was enough to keep him up at night. He wanted to be informed of your whereabouts but was always afraid you'd take it as a lack of trust. So he waited. And then one day you came back as beautiful and radiant as the day you left. He, usually so reserved, even in the privacy of your house, rushed over to you and engulfed you in a bone crushing hug. His eyes widened and he quickly stepped back to check for any wounds. Then, once satisfied as he saw nothing, he took you back into his arms. Blushing deeply at his public display of affection. He hid his flushed face against your neck, taking the opportunity to place a few kisses and whisper "I'm so glad you're safe"
Utakata : He was quietly doing his laundry by a river when he felt a presence behind him. He was immediately suspicious, tensing slightly at the thought of anyone coming near your shared house. His sharp ear listened to every sound. And then suddenly he felt arms grab him from behind. He quickly gripped them and pinned the person to the ground. When he heard you giggles as you met his belligerent gaze, his eyes widened. He froze an instant, his hair dangling above your face,  and you took the opportunity to steal him a kiss. He blushed furiously and released his strong hold on you. A small smile appeared on his face as his eyes swept across your face. He saw a small scratch and instinctively ran his finger over it. A hint of protectiveness rose in him at the thought that someone might have hurt you. He got up from you and helped you to your feet, as calm as ever. There was so much he wanted to do, to take you in his arms, to kiss you tenderly, to talk to you, to listen to you talk, but all he could do was stand there frozen. You understood his internal struggle and took him in a gentle embrace, which he was grateful for. He reciprocated your affection and left a long kiss on your hairline "I've longed for you my Love"
Iruka Umino : It has been almost 3 months since you left on your mission. As he was closing his classroom he wondered, like everyday if tonight you’d be back. but as he neared the gate of the school he saw a figure he recognised. When your eyes locked he feels tears well up in his. He rubbed his eyes as he ran towards you and took you in a oh so gentle embrace mirroring the depth of his love for you. His body shook slightly as he held you with all his strength. He really missed you a lot, and he felt so sad when at night he couldn't cuddle up with you. His voice was really quiet when he said “Can I be the little spoon tonight ?” He looked down at you and see you nodding at him, granting him something he craved since so long he stammered “T-thank you, t-thank you so m-much”
Tobirama Senju : When you finally came back from your 5-month long mission, you thought your husband would at least show you some excitement or at least some happiness to have you back. You knew how he was and tried not to give much importance to it. Though when you said that you missed him you only heard him growl from his office. “Okay…” you thought. You saw him slightly turn around and quickly check out for any noticeable injury you may have got. When he saw nothing he turned back on his paper. Frustrated, you told him that you were going to take a nap. He could sense the sadness in your voice and he just wanted to slap himself for this. So he waited until he was sure you were fast asleep and he joined you. He lied behind you and pulled you against his body, breathing in your scent “I hope you know damn well that if I proposed to you it’s because I care about you. I love you like crazy. Even if I’m too much of a dumbass to show it to you the way you’d like me too” He held you a lighter tighter hoping that even if you were asleep your subconsciousness would catch a hint of his love for you. But little did he know that you were widely awake and widely smiling, eager for the perfect moment to come to tease him with that.
Deidara : The only thing he was able to think about while you were away was you. when you came back you saw lots and lots of clay statues in your image. it took your breath away. there were at least a dozen "Welcome back my Muse ! Be here at home !" he advanced towards you, eager to embrace you. When he pulled back he explained to you what he had decided to do with all these statues. They'll be used in a major Akatsuki act. He couldn't help but sneer, "The explosion of an entire village! They've been made to believe in statues of a goddess to decorate the village, but he can't be bothered to-" he stopped suddenly and crashed his lips against yours. In the end, he preferred to spend time with you, just the two of you, and not talk about the missions that were coming up. 
NSFW starts here :
Kakashi Hatake :  You have just returned home. You decided to put your clothes in the washing machine and take a quick shower before going to see Kakashi. You wanted to surprise him with your return, invite him to a date and maybe end the evening at his place. Though it looked like it wasn't going to be quite like that. You heard a knock on your door when you opened it and saw a smirking - well you guessed - Kakashi behind it. He entered your apartment and closed the door behind him, still facing you. He lowered his mask and kissed the top of your head sweetly. You'd been together long enough for him to feel perfectly at ease with you. When you explained that he could go and get something to nibble on while you went to take a shower before probably going out to eat with him later. He let you walk alone towards the bathroom. He sighed softly, running his fingers through his hair as he stood up. He knocked gently on the bathroom door and when you gave him permission to enter he asked "What do you say we start with the shower and then go eat mmh ? Let me relax your muscles from the stress of your mission" And that's what you did. You let him relax you as he held you against the shower wall.
Minato Namikaze : It had been a month since he'd last walked the Konohagakure pavement while he was on his mission. Suddenly he stumbled onto you turning the corner of an adjacent street. He accelerated, calling out your name. When you turned around, you saw your boyfriend coming towards you at the speed of light. As his body made contact with yours, he instinctively pulled you against him. He wanted to do so many things all at once, hugging you, kissing you, touching you… sweeping you off your feet and taking you home “I missed you dearly Y/n. Please can we go home” he said as his lips were hovering over your neck. Gosh he just wanted to suck a hickey there. When you nodded eagerly he took you bridal style and jumped on a roof before taking you home just like he craved all that time. He was going to show you just how much he missed you… All. Damn. Night.
Itachi Uchiha : As he safely comes back after his 2 month-long mission he just wants one thing, you. Being apart all this time, not being able to intertwine with your body, it wore him out more than the mission in itself. When he sees you again he can’t help but feel himself twitch in his brief. Though despite his growing need he doesn’t want to impose himself on you. He only arrived 5 minutes ago and he doesn’t want to seem rude nor only interested in you for your body. Even if at the moment it was what he craved the most. As you felt him hard against you, you couldn’t help but smile knowing how much he was able to refrain his needs. Though it didn’t mean you agreed with that. So you rolled your hips against his and he gasped, his eyes widening “I- hhh… thank you. I’m going to take good care of you”
Hidan : Bro is just so fucking horny. Like you both parted ways to go on missions with your respective teammate since only a day and he was already jerking off thinking about you. Like damn chill. When he came back he excused himself deeply before Jashin, as he couldn't do his usual prayer. He couldn’t afford to spend any more time not inside you. I’m not saying you should hide - it will only make it worse - but he is going to look for you everywhere. Just thinking about one thing bending you over any furniture item or just pinning you against the nearest wall and fuck you. His voice sends shivers down your spine as he nibbles on your neck “I can’t promise I’ll be gentle but I’ll make sure you like it as much as me” he said gently rocking his clothed erection against your core.
Neji Hyuga : He's always very calm and measured. He knows he can control his body, and has been trained to do so. Well except when it comes to you. Your separation although not so long - 3 weeks - seemed to painfully put his endurance to the test. But for you he didn't want to crack. For him, cracking meant giving in to his desires and jerking me off. He saw it as a failure not to be able to control the growing need he felt between his legs every time his thoughts drifted to you. However, the day you found each other he felt blocked. He was somehow ashamed of wanting you so much. As he took you in a gentle embrace he kissed your temple and whispered "I-I feel... sighs I need you" he finally confessed. When you whispered back that he could have you any way he wanted. He let out a shaky breath. This time, way more at ease to guide you to your bedroom.
Orochimaru : He's having a hard time letting you leave the safety of his cave. But he always knows exactly where you were, because he sent people after you to make sure nothing happened to his precious pet aka you. So he knew exactly when you'd be back. He pretended to be surprised when you came home that night. But his joy and delight were real when he saw you. He took you in a possessive hug. His arms wrapped around your waist as he pulled you against his chest. And took a deep breath of your perfume against your neck. The need between his legs growing with every second "Welcome back home pet. You smell as delicious as always" He then made sure you were alone and undisturbed for what he'd wanted to offer you. Because whatever he'd decided to do, he was going to do it with you and without interruption.
Madara Uchiha : He has needs okay. And as a Uchiha, well he needs to breed. So you not being there for a few weeks was enough for making him even more unpleasant towards some people. Of course those insistent thoughts about you were mostly for your own good. But he couldn't go against his genes. So he let his balls fill with milkies for you, wanting them only to be for you. So naturally when you came back, he made sure you both shared an amazing evening and an amazing - and light - meal before ending the evening in style. He made sure to make you cum over and over again before he sped the rhythm of his thrusts. His sharingan woke up in his eye as he said between ragged breaths “Come on tell me you want my heirs” making you moan even louder. This was the only thing he needed to pour himself into you.
Hashirama Senju : He felt hot as he sat at his Hokage desk. He was ashamed to be in such a state of fluster with images of you running through his mind. He ran his hands over his eyes as if that would take his mind off the sight of your body moving on top of his. Of the curve of your breasts and how you tossed your hair to the side. Gosh he was painfully hard and he didn't even know how he was going to get through another day without you. His head jerked up when he heard several knocks at the door "C-come in" and he tried to hide his inner turmoil as much as possible. But when he saw you enter he instinctively got up and rushed to you to take you in his arms. You smirked when you felt his bulge against your thigh. He looked at you with desperate eyes as if asking if you could help him. And you did, locking the door and leading him back to his chair before kneeling in front of your man "Y-Y/n p-please" he whined. He swore the relief he felt was incomparably strong. Your return was truly a gift from heaven.
Genma Shiranui : He misses you all the time. He also wants to fuck you all the time. He is this close to go to your house and sleep in your bed… and maybe jerk off in your panties. But he didn’t, preferring to wait for your return. He just wanted to give you the best he could, maybe even fuck you all night long. Even if that meant he’d have to be horny days and days before you come back. When you actually do he is going to make the best out of the week of rest you have after. And you’ll be so grateful to have a complete week because you’re going to struggle with walking for a day or two. He is going to start off slow. Making sure you get used again to his size. Once this done, he is going to pound you into the next century and your cervix will have a clear memory of that night forever “Don’t tell me you want to stop already ?” he said, the words sliding off his tongue like honey. When you shook your head he smirked “Yeah that what I thought” and he kept railing the heck out of you. That night you came 6 times. Oof 😫
A/n : I hope you guys liked it ! 🍠🥩 Again my requests are open 🧀🍗
Taglist : @foxxymunson, @cl0vr, @ilovemanypeople, @glossy1pearl, @jane57sstuff
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brighteuphony · 4 months
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Got a bunch of Sasuke-centric asks, so here we are!
Sakura has some complicated feelings about Sasuke.
In my AU, Sakura was born to civilian parents who didn't really want her to become shinobi, even though that had been her dream for as long as she could remember- and it was no secret in the Haruno household that they were hoping she'd drop out, or at the very most, be career genin.
So Sakura never really had anyone to believe in her and had to go into the academy (late!) as a civilian-born, meaning she was automatically behind in development (and status) compared to the clan kids. (I headcanon that until the Academy, Sakura didn't ever spar with anyone, versus clan kids who had probably learned how to wield kunai before they knew how to walk).
So Sakura worked hard and did her absolute best to get the barest minimum that clan kids were afforded by default. Unfortunately, her best, without the resources/opportunities, just wasn't good enough. And Sakura knew it. Academically, she was brilliant, but that's not enough to be a good shinobi. And somewhere deep down, Sakura (at the very least Inner Sakura) knew it.
It's why I headcanon that she developed such a violent temper. People who are secure in themselves don't have such explosive, uncontrolled outbursts- it's why she picked on people like Naruto, who was probably the only person below her in the pecking order (maybe Tenten? But they're equals I guess). It's why she's so quick to anger and usually has those responses OUT of combat- it's because that's the only place her violence is actually effective.
It's also why she's such a teacher's pet- she needs validation from others to try and fill the gaping void.
So when Sasuke appeared on the radar, and everyone wanted him, so did Sakura. Because if she got him, she would do something that no one else- clan-privileged and better- could do. In fact, she staked most of her identity (her hair, her diet, her clothing) on it.
None of this was conscious. She really did have a crush on Sasuke, but the seed of it was born from a very misguided desire to prove herself on an even playing field.
After all, she didn't have a clan upbringing/resources to teach her how to find self-worth and actualization through her skills (she went home, and her civilian parents praised her for things that absolutely didn't matter in shinobi reality, amazement that she could throw a kunai! how good her grades were! and how cool it was that she could jump high!)
(and Kakashi absolutely didn't help, lol), so she defaulted to what she knew- which was being a regular girl with a regular crush.
Now, as an ~adult, she's come to the painful realization that her love for Sasuke was just a goalpost. Ironically, she set her sights on someone who would inadvertently feed into all of those insecurities, and because Sakura didn't love/believe in herself, she accepted Sasuke's abuse.
She also understands that she ran into the Chidori/Rasengan deathmatch of her own stupidity, but she just can't forgive Sasuke for leaving. For never owning up. 'Cause that's just coward behavior..
Basically, Sasuke's cruelty was just a reflection of her own self-loathing, and unfortunately, Sakura just wallowed in denial and ended up paying a hefty-ass price.
So if she ever sees Sasuke again? Honestly, she doesn't know whether she wants justice or revenge. It's complicated.
Whew- that was a text dump....
Once again, thank you so much to everyone for all the interest and asks! I'm so happy we can all share Naruto rotbrain together.
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sweet1delusi0ns · 25 days
Playing with naruto boys hair ──☆*:・゚
Slightly suggestive (kankuro ofc)
Characters: Naruto🦊,sasuke🗡️,Itachi🥀, kakashi🍃, kiba🐺, shikamaru🀄️,shino🪲,neji🎋,Lee🥋,choji🍥,gaara⏳,kankuro🪆
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He loves attention so honesty he is down for anything. Weither your petting his head or braiding it he will always rub into your hand like a little puppy😭 he doesn’t beg for you to play with his hair but he never refuses the offer~
You were braiding his hair while he slowly fell asleep, thinking he was already asleep you started to talk to yourself “ ugh your so cute with your fluffy hair” you whisper “tsk, and you think it makes you look like a hedgehog, a cute hedgehog if anything~” then you can hear him giggle and turn a soft pink “oh my god your awake?!” “Hehehehe…yeahhh” “thanks y/n~”
He thinks he’s so tough and mostly it is but when he gets all soft with you late at night all he wants is to cuddle and for you to play with his hair. He just lays on your chest and when you don’t start playing with his hair he will clear his throat in a very dramatic way!
“AEhemHHHH” “…yes?” “Well? Arent you going to…?” “Huh?” “Play with my hair y/n!!!” “Ohhhhh! I knew that I just wanted to hear you say it~” “Y/N!” You giggle at his neediness 
Straight forward, to the point, just “play with my hair.” And that’s it. He can be very timid but most of the time he’s not ashamed to ask for things!
“Y/n? My darling?” “Yes?” He sits down infront of you “can you play with my hair?” You reach down and kiss his hair softly “of course!” And you drag your fingers through his soft hair you ask “anything else baby?” He whimpers softly at the head massage “I love you y/n…” you giggle “I love you too!”
Every time you see his hair down it’s just an urge to go up to him a play with it, it looks so soft honestly! You never have before but one day after he takes a nice shower and walk out with his hair down and freshly dried you just had to ask!
“Why are You staring at me y/n? You think I’m that handsome?~” he teases “well you are handsome but I’m just looking at your hair” “ah why?” “It looks so soft!” “Oh!…want to touch it?” He walks over to you bowing his head in front of you while giving you cute puppy eyes. You reach for a strand of his hair and just as you thought it was soft as silk! “Oh my god what conditioner do you use babe?” He giggles while sitting down next to you, not moving his head away from your loving hand. You sat there playing with his hair for hours!
He always sees how excited akamaru gets when you pet him so he kinda wondered what if felt like, but he didn’t want to be weird so he didn’t know how to ask. So he didn’t ask!
“What’s up kibaa?” “Hey y/n!!” He lays down on your lap which he does often but this time he did something different “can I have your hand y/n?” “Of course puppy!” He grabs your hand and immediately places it on his head waiting for you to get the hint. “Uh? Heh what are you doing…OHHHHH you want me to play with your hairrr how cutee!!” “Shut up y/n!!! Gosh cant a guy get some pets without being teased.” You laugh at his response. But you gladly gave him all the pets he wanted! (Akamaru was jealous)
Similar to kakashi, you rarely see his hair down so once you saw him relaxing in bed with his hair down you couldn’t resist
You crawl in bed with him which Suprisingly he didn’t realize, but once you started playing with the ends of his hair he opened his eyes to look at you “uh, what are you doing dear?” “Playing with your hair” “w-why?” “Because I Love You?” “Hm, Ok……can you brush it out while your at it? It’ll get frizzy and I’m to lazy to deal with it” “of course! But only if you don’t whine about it” “be gentle and I won’t whine!” He closes his eyes waiting to feel the brush softly dragging through his hair (for now on he always asks you to brush his hair)
He doesn’t mind what you do to him as long as your happy! I feel like his hair gets frizzy in humidity and your happy to take care of it, kind of like shika. Except he asks you to help not because of the frizz he just secretly likes your hands on his hair
He walks up to you after a fresh shower and hands you a comb, detangle stray and a normal brush. You look up at him a little lost just to see his hair poofy and slightly curled “…do you want me to do your hair?” “Yes I don’t know how” (he does he just wants you to do it) “hm Finee, cmon sit in front of me” you took very nice care of his hair which he appreciated so much. Now most of the time when you play with his hair it just turns into you playing salon with him (LOL)
I’ve said it before he loves it when you play with his hair but he will never ask. Normally he just sits next to you and play with his own hair until you do it for him. He thinks he’s so sneaky when he does it but in reality it’s so obvious he wants your attention
He’s currently braiding the ends of his hair which he never does so you knew what he wanted already “neji what are you doing sweetheart?” “Just braiding my hair” He looks up at you with a small smirk hoping you caught on “oh ok!…may I help?” “YES” “…” “uhm I mean…sure!” He’s not smooth at all but let’s just pretend he is- he just lays on his stomach and let’s you do whatever you want to his long hair. You can put it up in a bun or maybe a ponytail, whatever you pick he just likes the attention!
He also LOVESSSS attention, love and care no matter what! He would just jump onto you and beg for you to pet him! Which you always do, especially after a long day he lovesss ittt
“Y/n-Chan! Please! I would do anything just for you to play with my hair!” You look at him for a while just to soak in his pouty lips and puppy dog eyes, but you took to long to respond so he took it as a no apparently. “PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLE-” “YES LEE OK!!” “YAY!” He tucks his head into your hand so you could hold onto his face while playing with his hair, also so he can stare at your beautiful face with love in his eyes
Now this boy has a lot of hair, it’s a like a blanket! So sometimes you just cling to his back and bury your head into his fluffy hair. Other than cuddling into his hair you also love playing with it. One time you put them into two pig tails and he looks ADORABLE! He didn’t take them out the whole day
“Your sooooo CUTEEE AHHH” He is currently twirling his hair which you put into a cute ponytail “ya think so y/n?” “Mhm!! But let’s try something elsee” you take the band holding his hair up out gently as to not put any hair out, then you dragged both hands from his scalp all the way down his hair which made him shiver. You grabbed two pieces of his hair from the front of his head to put them into two buns. After that you took a look at his cute face. “Oh my gosh you look like a cute little bear!” “Ha little?” “Yeah your just a silly little guy!” Which made him blush. He loves moments like this
He is very timid with any new form of physical affection so when you suggested playing with his hair he was a little shy but also confused, why does she want to touch my hair? Is it because it’s red? He didn’t understand but was willing
“I’m ok with you touching my hair I’m just wondering why?” You smile at his curiosity “it’ll feel good sweetheart, I’ll give you a nice head massage~” he likes massages so that comforted him a little. Once you made contact with his hair he felt a little less anxious. “Feel good?” His eyes softened while he turned drowsy “yes…thank you” he fell asleep not to far into the massage, but now you know any time he has trouble sleeping you could put him to sleep by playing with his hair
I’ve said before he LOVES his hair, you rarely get to touch is. But he will let you touch it if you pull it play with it which he does like but never admits it
“Why would I let your touch my glorious hair!” “You let me pull it last night?” “SHUP UP?!” Teasing him is always fun so you get a laugh out of it, but you do really want to play with his hair “no serious let me play with it! I promise you’ll love ittt~” “Ughhhh fineeeee” he mumbled while he sits on his knees infront of you. Once you actually started playing with it He visibly relaxed “told you you’d love ittt” “I don’t love it! I just…yeah fine you win I love it”
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arsonicversed · 2 years
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you give and give. you are a gentle heart, broken but still standing... always lending a hand for those who need it, expecting nothing in return. you deserve someone taking your hand and kissing your open palm, the hands which have selflessly helped so many others.
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eith0r · 6 months
Team 7 x gn!Reader ♡
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!Sfw and nsfw! Aged up!
- Ramen dates
- poor boy is touch starved
- you guys didn't kiss for a really long time because he was scared of it
- it basically feels like you two are friends but with more cuddles
- he doesn't let you go on missions alone, he just doesn't wanna lose you to
- overprotective
- "hey pokie" read it in jirayas book
- he's inexperienced but he absolutely refuses to be bottom
- everything he knows about sex is from Jiraya and Kakashi
- he loves blowjobs, ofcourse receiving
- he has absolutely no idea what he's doing but he's not gonna show it
- every time you would put his clothes on after doing it he would get horny
-he can go for hourse and he will go for hours
- around 15 cm, pretty average
- "You're so pretty"
- he would accidentally call you slut without knowing what it means but after you told him what it means he told you sorry thousand of times
- he doesn't look like he would care much but as soon as you're near someone else you're fucked
- he wants you to sleep at his place as much as you can
- Sasuke needed some time to get used to being affectionate but once he was used to it he wouldn't let you go
- You're gonna be his house wife no matter what your gender is
- he's not really romantic but he tries
- he loves seeing you in his clothes, he won't show it, but he loves it
- "babe/baby"
- he marks you up everywhere. Bites, hickeys, spanking marks
- the first time he was actually really gentle, after that he was rough tho
- he loves when your loud for him
- he doesn't want others to hear you but if someone flirts with you or something like that he will male you scream out his name
- reverse cowgirl. He just absolutely loves how your ass looks like that, bouncing up and down as you move
- 17 cm and really thick
- "you little slut, want ne to make you scream, hm? Make everyone hear that your taking my dick so well?"
-she's really romantic and loving
- picknick dates or watching the sunset together
- she loves to cook with you
- she panick as soon as you get one single bruise or even just catch a cold. She will always take care of you
- she loves when you're willing to try on her dresses or let her do your make up. Ofcourse she wouldn't force you if you're uncomfortable with it but she still would be happy
- Sakura would hit anyone who says just one bad thing about you
- "sweetheart, you're so beautiful today"
- she's a switch
- she would gladly peg you
-she always tells you how good you're doing
- you two have some hickeys from each other
- you two have vanilla sex, if you both agree to it tho you guys would experiment
- she's not particularly loud, she does praise you a lot
- Sakura was the first women you ever saw naked so ofcourse you got flustered. She was flattered by it and just giggled
- if you're able to produce sperm you two would try for a kid, ofcourse only later on
- "sweetheart, you're doing so good, it feels perfect"
- he loves teasing you
- he would have you sit on his lap like a plushie while he continues to read his book
-he loves to pet you and he loves to be petted
- he would show you off to everyone
- You're one of the only people who get to see him without a mask
- he would just kiss you in public with his mask on
- he always gets you little presents
-he loves to be the little spoon
- he has matching clothes with you
- he's really romantic and he would anything for you
- "my kitty, how are you?"
- he would force you to read out his book while he does everything to you that stands in the book
- he's gentle but if you just say the words 'rougher'/ 'harder' once you're gonna get destroyed
- he teases you and edges you for hours before actually fucking you
- he has the best aftercare
-he would make you wear his mask or blindfold you
-he loves doggy and lotus a lot, it all depends on his mood
- 19 cm and really thick
- cockwarming while he reads
- "wanna ride me again kitty?"
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