#as soon as I saw who portrayed satan i screamed
lady-charinette · 2 years
God is a Woman-
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mammons-tax-returns · 4 years
How would Lucifer, Mammon, Levi, Satan, Asmo, Barbatos, Solomon, and Diavolo react to a male MC who wears skirts (because *chants* men in skirts, it’s masculine af) on the daily? bonus if the MC wears black nail polish!
During this I imagined 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻TANGO DANCER SOLOMON and thats going into my art idea list
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Not unlike all the other boys, Lucifer is willing to risk it all as soon as he sees it.
His favorite cut of skirt is the classic a-line ones, both modest and not.
A CLOSE second goes to wrap skirts.
This is a SFW blog so I will not be going into any detail at this time ✨
Literally loses his breath everytime he sees MC, and it surprises him.
If MC isn’t already wearing the RAD skirt, he’s already offering to get him a set. Almost too eagerly?
When MC decides to not wear a skirt one day, he tries not to make it too obvious, but he’s simply curious as to why is all. Maybe a tad bit let down.
MC insisted one time that Lucifer painted his nails for him, and...
“Well, normally Asmo is the one doing that for all of us...”
“But Lucifer 🥺”
“Alright... Fine. But I’ll have to continue my paperwork in between each layer.
It’s just kinda cute to think that he would spend an incredibly unnecessary amount of time on each nail, trying to perfectly lay down the polish. Occasionally, his tongue will poke out because of his concentration.
There’s some slip ups here and there, but mentioning them will only get him flustered.
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I don’t use this word lightlySIMP SIMP SIMP
He thinks he loves MC in every skirt imaginable just as equally as the last (which, he actually might) but deep down he can’t deny that a mini skirt just hits different.
The first time he saw MC wearing a mini skirt, mammon’s initial reaction was to cover him up before anyone could see him.
However, he failed to realize that he was actually the last of the brothers to see him, since he woke up late.
But that’s just what being the avatar of greed does to you. You just want to keep what’s yours, no matter what.
But considering his jacket isn’t as big as Lucifer’s or Solomon’s, he ended up just holding it up against MC’s lower half and stood in front of him.
It took the coaxing of MC and the snark comments of his siblings to make Mammon finally allow MC to walk around freely.
Looking back on it, Mammon most certainly understands why even Asmo had called him clingy.
But even now, he can’t help but hold MC a little bit closer in public when so many demons are staring at him! It just feels wrong to allow them to do that.
Cut him some slack, he thinks MC looks amazing, and he trusts him, but they’re literally in hell surrounded by demons. He just wants to keep his boy safe <33
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Levi doesn’t even realize what MC’s wearing at first.
In fact, he doesn’t realize even after their first FEW encounters.
He only notices because while Mammon was ranting to him and Satan about money, he brings up MC and his “stupid and cute but also dumb skirts”
Levi is baffled that he’s the only one that hasn’t noticed it. So, the next time he walks by MC’s room, he contemplates stopping by to talk. Right... Socialize. That.
While Levi is stuck in his thoughts, MC opens the door, presumably ready to go out to a party with Mammon and Asmo.
*fish man short circuits*
MC looks...! S-so cute....!
- thinks the third born otaku.
Because I’m big on fashion, I can kind of picture an exact skirt I feel would apply to him. Let your mind run free but I imagine a semi-sheer maxi skirt with water-like embellishments uwu
But don’t get me wrong, Levi literally loves seeing MC in skirts so anything will get him like 😳 yall know how he is
Actually starts to get more interested in feminine fashion because of MC. And one day, he purchases a long black skirt from Akuzon.
He saw a popular cosplayer wearing one, and so he makes that his excuse.
No one even realizes the change except for Asmo, who gushes over the new look, even if it barely changed. MC also notices, but only compliments him/brings it up when they’re alone so Levi doesn’t overheat.
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I was this close to typing “Satan is a man of beauty and FASHION” can you believe that
Satan... He can recognize when someone else looks ridiculous.
But he knows for a FACT. That MC very likely pulls off a skirt better than anyone he’s seen before.
Call him biased, but he sincerely loves it on MC specifically.
He likes the puffier skirts because they’re ADORBS, but for a more casual look, there’s this one asymmetrical skirt in particular that makes MC look so handsome to him.
He has no idea why men don’t wear skirts more often! Surely MC isn’t the only one that can do it!
Oh. Right. Gender norms 😪🤚🏼
Satan feels his anger crawl up his skin when he watches MC get ridiculed. And just for something he simply enjoys wearing! The nerve of demons.
He advances to “de-escalate” the situation in the most “avatar of wrath” way possible, but when he sees MC’s slumped shoulders walking away from him, he feels more inclined to follow and comfort him.
Satan gives an icy glare to the irrelevant demons, taking note of their faces, and goes after MC.
He doesn’t immediately bring up the situation, instead opting to go out on a spontaneous date to a nice café or a shopping district. Anything to distract from the situation subtly.
If his plan works out, splendid. Anything to make light of situation without even addressing it for even a day is good.
If the shopping and food doesn’t quite bring MC’s smile to his eyes, Satan will just have to be forward with his feelings for once.
“MC. I’m not entirely sure how I can get it through to you, but you shouldn’t be worrying about what some moronic, low-level demons think of you or your clothes. Much less what they say. Just be you, and make them suffer ten times worse.”
MC relishes in his words, even if the last bit sounded more like a threat than anything.
The last thing Satan would ever do is let MC even hesitate wearing an outfit that he would have had no trouble throwing on any other day because of someone else.
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Asmo screams (in a happy way)
“No, Mammon! You’re wrong. MC is NOT my personal dress-up doll! He’s my model.”
Trying to break the stigma around Asmo’s “shallow” personality, let’s get the obvious things out of the way.
He and MC shop together pretty much every other day. It’s almost concerning. And nail appointments are, of course, regular.
Yes yes, Asmo loves the skirts and wonderfully glossy black nails, but there’s still such a massive divide between him and MC. Not physically, or even relationship-wise.
He’s never met someone like MC, who is so fashion-heavy and just the right amount of self-centered.
He thinks its the fact that they’re a human and demon. But he’s seen firsthand that the line between what makes a demon so different from a human is very thin. Solomon is an example of that.
But he realizes it’s just MC. He’s simply dressing for himself and himself only.
Asmo loves himself, there’s no doubt. And it’s nice to go out and dress fancy for others. He couldn’t dream of another lifestyle.
But he has to admit that what MC is doing is working for him. He comes off as a charming sort of man when he ignores the negative comments made about his clothes.
He knows that people in both Devildom and the human realm are a little sensitive when it comes to men in skirts. And the fact that MC continues to wear them is beautiful in and of itself.
This got kind of deep out of nowhere and i apologize but Asmo deserves to be seen for more than he’s constantly portrayed as 😞
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Diavolo isn’t really thrown off that much by it at first, but as time passes, he starts to understand the appeal of skirt-wearing MC.
Barbatos has to remind him that it’s rude to stare, but he finds it almost entertaining how whipped they BOTH are for MC.
Like Asmo, he actually loves bringing him out to shop!
The only difference between the two experiences is that Diavolo has no fucking idea what he’s doing when he picks out clothes for him.
Which leads to some pretty funny/terrible clothing combinations.
No, Diavolo, MC will not be wearing a flannel top with a camouflage hi-low skirt. Put those plaid socks away.
He’s confused and even a little sad when MC continues to turn down his ideas, but he figures that he should turn this into a learning opportunity.
So he lets MC grab whatever he wants, and patiently waits for him to finish up in the fitting rooms.
The store clerk is shitting her pants at the sight of the literal future ruler of Devildom hyping MC up with the energy of a puppy retriever.
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Barbatos does an amazing job pretending like this doesn’t affect him.
He’s a classy man, he just internally loses it when he sees MC in any fancy skirt, really. From silky gold ruffles to a victorian-esc vibe, he’s obsessed.
So when Diavolo makes arrangements for an event/ball, Barbatos makes sure to, at the very least, offer to help MC get ready at the castle. He may not be the most fashion-centric but being able to spend time with MC in an extravagant get up is enough to make a demon butler interested.
Most of the time he’s disappointed because in between the seven brothers, he’d be lucky to be able to see MC at all because of how jealous they can all get.
I can imagine that even Diavolo doesn’t get to hear what Barbatos has to say about MC and his ability to make him weak at the knees.
But all it takes is Diavolo prompting, “MC’s outfit tonight... It was a sight for sore eyes, correct?”
Then, Barbatos lets a compliment or two slip out.
I can also imagine MC wearing a slightly short snd flowy skirt, and some rather disgusting demons waiting for it to get picked up by the wind, only for Barbatos to already be there, discreetly holding the fabric down and shooting them an intensely calm smile
Barbatos will always be one step ahead of creeps.
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sneaky boy is sneaky.. especially with the constant glances he gives MC.
Solomon’s favorite type of skirt to see on MC is DEFINITELY pleated. No other option.
Unlike Lucifer, if MC isn’t wearing a skirt, he makes it clear that he wishes he would’ve.
It’s in a playful manner, though! Don’t worry.
“No skirt today? Bummer. That’s fine though, I can’t expect myself to feel attracted any less.”
I imagine MC wearing a flowy skirt to some sort of event at the demon lord’s castle, and he uses his magic to make it temporarily sparkle or shine.
This mf flashy and wants EVERYONE to know that MC is dancing with HIM and no one else.
But if you ask him about it, what? What’re you talking about? Lights?? Emitting from your skirt??? While we were dancing ?¿ Crazy talk. I would never do such a thing.,.
As childish as it is, he loves to see the way it flows when MC twirls or turns.
Not in a weird way, either. It’s just beautiful to him.
So, not to be cheesy (which he WITHOUT A DOUBT is.) but he’ll occasionally just spin MC by his hand throughout the day, then catch/dip him by the waist.
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geralehane · 4 years
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an unlikely cupid
Raven and Clarke get drunk and accidentally summon Lexa the old and powerful deity who's also hopelessly, helplessly gay.
or, the one where Lexa and Clarke live happily ever after.
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If Clarke has ever learned anything in life, it would be two things. One: most ideas Raven comes up with are surprisingly idiotic, considering her brilliance. Two: Drunk Clarke never agrees with anything Sober Clarke thinks, and Raven’s ideas being idiotic is not an exception.
In fact, Drunk Clarke loves Raven’s ideas. Which is exactly how the two of them find themselves in their dorm at two-fifty five in the morning, spilling whiskey all over a wooden board Raven found in her grandma’s attic last weekend.
A wooden Ouija board, to be precise.
Sober Clarke told Raven to burn it down. Drunk Clarke giggles and snatches it from her hands, eagerly looking it over. “How do we know it works?”
“Fuck if I know,” is her answer as Raven takes a huge swig straight from the bottle, wincing at the strong burn. “We place our fingers on this small thing and hope for the best.”
“That’s what she said,” Clarke hiccups. “You ready? We ready?”
Raven’s enthusiastic nod and the splash of whiskey from the bottle notify her that everyone is more than ready. “Alright,” Clarke says. “Wait, why are we doing this, again?”
“Cause Halloween, man,” Raven loudly lets her know, nodding at her own words.
“Oh.” Clarke thinks for a minute. “True.” She squints at the board. “Is it okay that we spilled whiskey on it?”
Raven nods.
“Is it okay if I lick it off?”
Raven nods again.
So Clarke does. She drools a little on it, right in the center, but she’s too drunk to care, so she simply wipes it away.
“Hot,” her friend comments with a wide, sloppy grin. “Okay. Gimme those sausages, Griffin.”
“Hey!” Clarke makes two fists, hiding her fingers. “Fuck you. They are not sausages. They are magnificent.”
“As someone who bangs chicks, you’d think you’d learn to appreciate the gift from gods.”
“I’d trade them for a girlfriend,” Clarke says. “Or Cheetos. I’m hungry.”
“Quit dicking around and let’s do this.”
Clarke doesn’t voice another that’s what she said, but she makes damn sure Raven gets her train of thought when she waggles her eyebrows at her.
All Lexa wanted was to come back to her plane of existence and climb in a bathtub. That’s literally all she wanted. She doesn’t even particularly cares if there’s going to be water in it. She just likes the concept. Sometimes, humans have the best ideas.
Everything is giving her a headache that day. It’s like the whole universe with every world in it have decided to band together against her. Well. That’s Halloween for her. Despite it becoming a largely commercial holiday, no one cancelled Samhain just because humans decided they wanted to be a Joker once a year.
Vile creature, that man – and she says that as someone who’s viewed as demonic. She’s not actually a demon – that’s common misconception. She’s just an old goddess. Humans know a lot of her names, and none of them can even begin to imagine that she’s the one behind those faces, portrayed grim, evil, and, most offensively, male.
Lexa sighs. Her Hades days were certainly the most fun, but the tale’s been twisted so much she’s not sure she enjoys those memories quite in the same way. Oh well. Samhain is almost over. She can finally kick back and relax in a hot tub and maybe open up a bottle of ambrosia she saved for a special occasion. And what could be more special than a night of self-care?
Now, Lexa never considered herself particularly lucky. Mostly because Luck and her had a brief affair that did not end well, and she’s been mildly cursed ever since. Nothing she can’t live with, of course – but just a tad inconvenient. She’s certainly learned to cherish small blessings. That’s why, when she feels a tell-tale tug in her gut before being hurled back to a dimension she’s just left, she’s not even surprised. She simply whispers a quick thank you that she hasn’t taken her clothes off yet.
With that, she sighs and lets herself be whisked away back to Earth, wondering  with scientific curiosity who could have possibly found out the summoning spell.
“I’m pretty sure you’re doing it wrong.”
“This seems like a ‘that’s what she said’ moment, but I assure you, she’s never said that.”
Raven blinks. Reaches for the bottle and pouts when she finds it empty. “Who is she, anyway?”
“Fuck if I know,” Clarke repeats Raven’s words from earlier. “And I’m not doing anything wrong. You’re supposed to move this thing,” she gestures to the heart-shaped piece of wood, with a hole in the middle of it that she looks through at Raven.
“Maybe there’s an instruction or something,” Raven mutters, grabbing the planchette. Clarke resists and tugs it back, resulting in Raven’s forehead colliding with her mouth. Hard.
“Shit!” Clarke exclaims when a droplet of blood falls onto the board from her now-split lip. “Raven, what the fuck?”
Her friend only shrugs apologetically. Not even apologetically. In fact, she doesn’t even shrug. “You’re doing it wrong,” she says.
“I do everything right,” Clarke argues, taking the planchette back. “Sit and watch. And prepare for an I told you so.”
Lexa blinks when the spinning finally stops and she’s rematerialized in what appears to be a room in a college dormitory. That alone surprises her more than anything that’s happened today. Surely, a college student couldn’t have known all the steps necessary to complete a ritual.
“…prepare for an I told you so,” she catches and turns in the direction of the voice, squinting. English. American English, to be exact. Things are taking an interesting turn. She was expecting a bunch of men unsatisfied with life and recent feminist movement. Not two drunk college girls.
She comes closer to get a better look at them, and no, she’s definitely not prepared for what she sees. And what she sees is an angel. An actual angel with a bloody lip and unfocused gaze and a strong alcoholic smell. An angel with blonde tresses and bluest eyes.
Lexa can’t stop herself from letting out the smallest, softest gasp.
She’s immensely grateful for her ability to be invisible.
She’s frozen in place, eyes taking in every inch of the girl’s body when that same voice – and oh, what a voice it is! – addresses the room, husky and low. “Is anyone here with us?”
Lexa takes a deep breath, rubs her suddenly cold hands, and hesitantly steps forward, placing her own fingers on the wooden planchette and shakily dragging it to the word “yes”.
“Raven!” Clarke yelps, jumping from the board. “Raven, I did it!”
Raven, however, does not share her enthusiasm. “Yeah,” she says blankly. “I saw you move it.”
“No, see, see,” with fast slurred speech and disheveled hair, Clarke more closely resembles a maniac than a bright daughter of two respected surgeons. “I didn’t – Raven,” she gasps, happy she finally gets a good reason to pause for a dramatic effect. “I didn’t move it,” she finishes in a loud whisper.
Raven stares at her. And stares. And stares some more before she starts to chuckle, slowly at first. Soon, it escalated into a continuous giggling. “Sure, Clarke,” she manages to say. “I believe you.”
“But I’m telling the truth!” Clarke gets suddenly upset. Why doesn’t Raven believe her?
“And I’m marrying Finn tomorrow. Get real, Griff.” The planchette hits Raven’s forehead as soon as she’s finished talking.
Clarke’s triumphant yell pales in contrast with Raven’s terrified scream.
That is very, very loud. Lexa does not like loud.
Unless Clarke likes loud. Then she loves loud.
Right now, however, it’s starting to become a little extreme. So she sighs and waves her hand, silencing the girl whose name is Raven. She has to admit – watching her try to scream silently is mildly amusing.
But then it scares Clarke, too. “Who’s here? Who’s doing this?”
She sighs again. Then, she makes her voice audible so that Clarke can hear you. “You have noting to fear. My name is Lexa. I will give your friend her voice back, but only if she promises not to scream.”
After Raven’s rigorous nodding, Lexa waves her hand again, and the girl coughs, eyes wide and expression sober. “Who – who are you?!”
“Oh,” Lexa says, because she hasn’t really thought things this far. “I have many names and positions. I believe you know me as the devil, but I promise you, I’m vastly different from that portrayal.”
Raven blinks. “Did she just say she’s Satan?”
“I think so,” Clarke whispers back, and Lexa freezes again, watching the way she presses her lips together. How is she so beautiful?
“Does Satan really expect me to believe she’s, what, nice?”
“Well, yes,” Lexa speaks up. “That would be a polite thing to do.”
“Oh hell no,” Raven says. “I don’t play with demons,” she announces, despite the fact that it’s exactly what she’s been doing for the past half an hour. “If you’re nice, tell us how to get rid of you.”
Now it’s Lexa’s turn to blink. “I’m afraid that’s not possible,” she says apologetically. Then her eyes widen with realization. “Oh! You meant get me to leave this room?”
“Yeah. Exactly. How do we do that?”
“Oh, you – you don’t. I can come and go as I please now. That’s the whole point of the summoning spell.”
Clarke and Raven look at each other, eyes wide. “The what now?!”
So turns out that while Luck and Lexa are not exactly pals, Fate definitely favors her. Through a series of events that they can’t exactly deem either fortunate or unfortunate just yet, Clarke and Raven manage to accidentally summon one of the most powerful beings known to man. And that being just happens to fall head over heels for Clarke.
Raven finds it weird. Clarke finds it sweet. And Fate – well, Fate doesn’t find it impossible.
“Lexa, dear,” she mumbles around a thin cigarette while Lexa broods all over her realm, having just come back from Earth after yet another night with Clarke, full of talking and laughing and soft unspoken confessions on both ends. “Just take some time off and spend a life with that girl. She’ll join you after it’s over anyway. What’s seventy years to you? A blink of an eye. Besides, have you forgotten how fun it is to grow old?”
So Lexa sighs, fishes the best outfit she has out of her memory, and goes back to earth wearing her corporeal form and a pale blue oxford shirt with sleeves rolled up. She faintly recalls Clarke liking that.
In hindsight, waiting for Clarke in her room might not have been her best idea, but can she be blamed, really? She got used to it. She just kinda forgot she wasn’t visible all previous times she’s been there.
Clarke walks through her door a moment later, eyes on her phone. “Lexa, I’m home!” she calls out, not looking up as she kicks her shoes off. “You here? Le- Jesus fucking Christ!”
Lexa never particularly liked the man, but the profanity still makes her wince. “Hello, Clarke.”
“Holy shit,” Clarke exhales, pressing a hand to her chest and bending to retrieve her phone that fell out of her grip when she jumped in fright upon finding a stranger sitting on her bed. “Who are you? Damn it, Raven. I told her to always let me kno- wait a minute.” She stops, blinking. “I know that voice.”
Lexa feels her lips stretch in a smile. It’s an incredible feeling. “Hello, Clarke.” She repeats, rising to her feet and offering her a giant bouquet she retrieves from thin air.
“Oh God,” Clarke whispers, rapidly blinking sudden tears away. “Lexa. Oh my God.”
“Well, technically, yes,” Lexa says, “but we can skip the formalities.”
Clarke’s warm, solid body slams into hers next, and she huffs in surprise, falling down on Clarke’s bed with the girl on top of her, clinging to her. “Lexa,” Clarke sobs. “You’re here. It’s you. You’re here.”  
“Yes,” she confirms. “I’m here. It’s me.”
Clarke’s lips on hers feel better than anything she’s ever experienced, and she’s been around for a little longer than eternity. “I can’t believe I’m holding you in my arms,” Clarke whispers when they part, breathing ragged. “You’re so real. So warm, too. Is that – is that how you really look like?”
“Yes,” she gives another affirmative. “I’m not wearing someone’s body. We’ve been over this.”
“I know,” Clarke chuckles. “I’m just checking.”
She trails a finger down Lexa’s cheek, slow and tender. Lexa sees the unspoken question in her eyes. She answers with no hesitation. “I’m here to stay. For as long as you want me.”
“Then that means you’re stuck with me forever.”
Lexa laughs. “Wouldn’t have it any other way. Although I do believe it’s the other way around. Clarke, I…” she swallows, and Clarke smoothes her thumb over the skin of her throat where it bobs. “If you ever decide to end our – this, I’ll understand. But I’m afraid I’m a little different.”
“Lexa,” Clarke coos, shushing her. She’s still roaming her hands all over her body, and it’s way less sexual than it sounds. She’s simply feeling Lexa. And Lexa’s completely okay with that. “When I said forever, I knew who I was talking to you. It’s not just a word anymore.” She leans in, pressing another kiss to Lexa’s lips. “For us, it’s a reality.”
Lexa’s heart soars when she says ‘for us.’ It jumps and stops and restarts, beating so fast she’s afraid it’ll jump out of her chest.
“A reality,” she whispers. “I like the sound of that.”
“And I like your face.” Clarke squints. “You didn’t tell me you were this hot.”
“I’ve exited for millions of years, Clarke,” Lexa reminds her. “I do not have an opinion on beauty, because it is as made up as it is subjective.”
“A concept can’t be made up and subjective at the same time.”
“Let me correct myself, then. I used to think it was made up.” Her smile grows. “Then I met you.”
“You’re so getting lucky tonight, I hope you know that.” Soft lips capture hers, and Lexa gloats.
Suck on this, Luck.
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sarcastic-space-gal · 5 years
Archangel’s Bane (Part 2)
Pairing: Lucifer x Reader;
Word Count: 1370 ;
Warnings: Swearing, mention of blood;
Summary: What if i tell you that Lucifer was cast out of Heaven because of… love?
A/N: Hi everyone! This is the second part of Archangel’s Bane! Thank you so so much for the lovely comments, i’m really glad that you liked the first part, i hope you will like this one too! As always, feedback is much appreciated! Here is the first part Archangel’s Bane . Here is a Lucifer one shot: Pay me a Visit In Heaven . Love you all xo xo.
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“Do you think this is gonna work?”  Sam put his hands on his hips as Dean scanned the table where all the ingredients were displayed.
“I don’t know Sam, nobody ever tried to do this” Cas was right beside him, a thoughtful expression on his face.
“Awesome” Dean stated with a fake smile on his face.
“Alright this is the last one!”
Rowena entered in the library while her red curls twirled in the air, carrying a huge bucket and placing it on the table with a satisfied smile. Dean, Sam and Cas decided to call her as soon as they found out that in order to free this being they needed to perform a spell, and even if she wasn’t fond of the idea, as much as the others, she ultimately decided to help them. After all, Lucifer did terrible things to her, as to everyone else in the room.
“I have a question” Rowena suddenly spoke up “How did you even find this spell?”
Castiel sighed heavily.
“That was not easy. As far as I knew there wasn’t any information about all this story, because God wanted to keep it ‘confidential’. But I guess that even him needed to make some notes about where and how to use this power. The question was where?”
“Luckily, we have been able to find this” Sam turned around and took a strange, round tablet in his hands, holding it tight.
“Look like an Angel Tablet” commented the witch.
“How do you know about the Angel Tablet?” Dean looked a little shocked, as much as the other two.
“Oh boy, I know many things!” she winked in his direction with a smirk, earning a scoff from Dean.
“Anyway, as you might know, in order to read these tablets, you must have a prophet who can translate them, but fortunately, we managed to keep all the notes Kevin had done in the past with the others tablets and we ultimately decrypted the content, and found these ingredients” Sam explained holding in his hands all the notes about the spell.
“Well done boys, I’m actually quite impressed”
“However” he continued “we need a specific ingredient, that we don’t have”
He looked up from the papers and found his brother’s glare upon him, expectantly.
“Which is?” Dean asked.
“Well, uhm, we need...”
“Yes?” his brother urged.
“Archangel’s blood”
“You have to be kidding me” Dean responded in utter frustration, as Cas looked away from him with an irked sigh.
“That could be a problem” Rowena pointed out.
“Well, no shit”
“There’s only one archangel available” Sam kept looking down, his voice just a mumble.
“How? How can we even do that? Oh, hey Satan, just wanted some of your blood to release a thousands years old, powerful being, that you used to love, in order to kill you once and for all, along with your other three brothers” the others kept listening to Dean in complete silence.
That wouldn’t be easy, but the situation was desperate, Lucifer was out there in the world, probably ready to start another apocalypse. Whatever was the price, they should have at least tried.
“Dean I understand what you’re saying, but I can’t see any other possible option. I mean we tried everything in the past months and nothing was able to stop him. This is the chance we were searching for.”
“Sam is right” Cas spoke up.
“I can use a spell to trap him, but it won’t last for too long”
“We just need the time to take some of his blood, and then we are done. We can do this” Sam looked at Dean with hope in his eyes.
His brother stared at Sam deeply for few moments and then spoke up again.
“Then let’s do this”
The plan was simple. As much as taking blood from Satan could be called simple. Rowena prepared the seals and painted them shaping a sort of circle and placing some lit candles around. Dean would have summoned him, Sam was already near the circle, ready to take the sample of blood, and Cas was near Rowena with his angel blade tight in his hand. The bunker’s dungeon was embedded in a dim light, creating a chilling atmosphere all around, as no one dared to utter a word.
“Rowena are you ready?”
“I am”
“You should pass me this recipe” Sam suggested.
“I don’t share my magical knowledge Sam, try again” she smiled at him as he left out a chuckle.
“Alright let’s begin”
The witch opened up her arms looking down at the bowl of mixed herbs in front of her and started.
“In nomine magni, dei nostri Satanas
introibo ad altare, Domini Inferi”
Rowena tossed a match on the herbs as the bowl suddenlly went on fire, a bright red fire, which quickly turned black and then extinguished.
“Hello Sammy” a too much familiar voice spoke up “My old roomy!” he said with a happy voice which sounded even more creepy.
Everyone turned around and found Lucifer standing there, in the middle of the room.
“Lucifer” Sam whispered.
He wiggled his fingers in his direction with a smile.
“Missed me?”
“Ma do eh!” Rowena shouted.
“Oh come on!” Lucifer said.
With that, the circle went on fire, encircling Lucifer as he quickly changed his demeanor.
“What do you want?” he asked dead serious, his eyes flashing red for few moments.
“We need some of your blood” Sam responded bluntly.
Sam was already going to get it when Lucifer spoke up again.
“OK hold on there, cowboy!” he pointed at him “You have at least explain to me why do you need-ARGH!”
Dean out of nowhere, sprinted towards him and took the blood sample from his arm, catching him off guard.
“I’m going to peel of your skin and eat your soul Dean Winchester!” Lucifer shouted.
“We should keep him there, if we need him again for the spell” Dean stated while running out the dungeon door together along with the others.
“I don’t know if the circle will resist any longer” Rowena pointed out.
“Then let’s do this now”
They all nodded and ran in the library where all the ingredients were already displayed to perform the spell.
Rowena approached the table as she poured the thick red liquid in the bowl.
“Quick Rowena!”
“These things take time, don’t rush me!” she shouted out in frustration. Lucifer loud screams resonated from the dungeon making everyone even more anxious.
“OK here we are”
“Mannen ob ervet
larthe ulli sonnthe
okket mir arvas
yortu re!”
A white light started spreading in the room as a strong wind encircled the guys. It grew stronger and stronger, forcing everyone to hide behind the walls, when suddenly everything stopped and the light started disappearing. The room fell quite.
Dean was the first one to squint behind the wall, soon followed by the others. As soon as they met eyes with her, their mouth opened in awe.
The legend told about a beautiful woman, but she was far beyond that. The first thing they thought was that they never ever in their lives seen such a beautiful creature. Words couldn’t describe her, there is no human word, no language or image that can portray her solemnity. She stood there in the middle of the library, like an ancient Greek marble statue. Superb and deadly. The most holy and severe glare that would ever meet their eyes was right in front of them. It was almost difficult to keep eye contact with her. It was like looking into the sun and into a dark deep celestial hole at the same time.
“Are you Y/n?” Sam slowly took a step forward towards her.
“I am” she responded looking deeply at him.
“Where am I?” she asked, a little confused “How did y-”
She was interrupted by a quickly approaching sound. Footsteps. The lights in the room started flickering, the bricks in the walls trembling.
“It is the end for you Winchesters, I will smite you al-”
Lucifer appeared at the door behind her as she turned towards the sound and saw him. They made eye contact and the expression on Lucifer’s face changed instantly.
At first he couldn’t even recognize her, but he was sure. That was her.
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absolutelyabby23 · 7 years
Where’s Princey? (Sick Roman) (Prinxiety)
Pairing: Prinxiety (Romantic), Slight Logicality if you squint
Summary: (Hurt/ Comfort) Roman is sick but can’t let the other sides know in order to keep his princely image. Everything is normal until Virgil starts to worry and looks for Sir Sing-A-Lot.
Word Count: 2,049 (Sorry it’s so long, I had a lot of fun and a lot of time since I am sick myself)
Warnings: None that I can think of. Some sadness and mentions of loneliness and illness. Please let me know if I need to add anything.
Author’s Note: Feel free to send me prompts for one shots or headcanons! I love to write Sanders Sides.
Everything was spinning and blurry. His head was heavy, his nose throbbed, and his ears ached. Roman stumbled out of bed to his full length golden mirror. He could almost imagine the glass shattering as his appearance came into focus. Pale and sweaty, his nose red and running, Roman was obviously sick. Suddenly, there came a knocking on his door.
“Hey kiddo! It’s breakfast time! I made your favorite breakfast pasta!” exclaimed Patton in his usual cheery voice from outside of the room. “Logan wanted Crofters but I figured I’d surprise you instead!” Roman chuckled to himself, if you could call it that. A rough gasping noise came out instead, crackling painfully in his throat.
“I am truly sorry Patton but I’m going to be rather busy today,” rasped Roman, trying his best to sound regal and like his normal fabulous self. “Thomas needs a lot of video ideas soon and you know I can’t bear to let him down.”
“Oh okay kiddo,” sighed Patton. Roman winced at the very apparent hurt tone that his friend displayed. He knew Logan and Virgil could cheer him up but his heart broke at the thought of hurting his friends. If only they knew the real reason he couldn’t attend breakfast. Perhaps just this once he could make an appearance. Reeling, he stumbled to his makeup table. Nothing a little foundation can’t fix! Right? Putting all of his passion and creativity into his looks didn’t help. His hair still swung messily in front of his face, very greasy and stringy, much to the prince’s disgust. The makeup couldn’t hide his tired eyes or the apathetic expression he couldn’t force himself to ditch.
There was no denying, Roman couldn’t leave his room. He was Thomas’s ego and elegance, the embodiment of grace and beauty. Beauty could not take a sick day. So he never did. The others thought he was incapable of coming down with illness. However, this was so far from the truth. Long nights and adventures in his kingdom left Roman fatigued and susceptible to even the slightest bug. Whenever he was under the weather, Roman simply claimed to be brainstorming and locked himself in his room. That way the others wouldn’t worry. He could still be brave. He could still be a valiant hero. He could still slay. In their minds, he’d always be beautiful. And there was no point in ruining that reputation now. Not when the people he loved and the fans he adored would be watching.
He could see it now. Thomas tweeting that a video would be late because creativity had failed him by falling down on the job. The last time he had been gone, after Thomas’s audition, Logan had to take over and Patton was burdened by caring for him. At least he could bear to let Patton see him then. But with an illness? He couldn’t miss again. He would never do that. Perfection or nothing. So until he was healthy again, he would be nothing.
A low growl interrupted his thoughts. A dragon witch perhaps? No, just his stomach. That pasta had sounded absolutely divine and he could’ve grabbed some cold remedy while he was out. But he knew that this was the price he paid to uphold standards. He was already weak anyway. What harm could a little hunger do?
Meanwhile, Virgil had just woken up. Patton and Logan both knew better than to wake the anxious side up early. He was already sleep deprived as the situation stood. Patton knew to reheat breakfast as Virgil meandered into the kitchen. Looking around, he felt his pulse start to race. Listening to his instincts, he knew. Something was wrong.
Virgil had never really bothered with getting along with Roman. They fought and teased each other in videos but ignored each other in the mindscape. Perhaps it was a mutual treaty… or a fear of what could be. But after he had revealed his name and Roman seemed to sympathize with him, the two became closer. Just a smile or a Disney joke here and there. Perhaps a meme war or help with makeup. Virgil would never admit it, but he had begun to care for Princey. And that’s when he started noticing the disappearances.
For days at a time, Roman would stay in his room, not talking to anyone. Lately these had become more frequent and were quickly becoming disturbances to any calmness that Virgil possessed. Patton and Logan existed long before Virgil became a light side. Perhaps they would know something. The two spectacled sides were lounging on the couch, Logan wrapping his arms protectively around Patton who was snuggled into the logical side, a small frown on his face.
“Have you guys seen Roman?” Virgil asked, trying to hide the growing worry in his voice. Logan didn’t even turn around before offering his reply over the small and soft whimpers of the man he was comforting.
“He said he’s busy Virgil. Too busy for Patton as it would seem. I think it would be best to leave him be for now,” Logan said, a sharp edge to his words as he enunciated each syllable in passive aggression.
“Aren’t you guys worried though? He’s been missing a lot,” Virgil inquired, hoping to get more information from the other two. Patton looked up and shattered the anxious side’s heart with a sad smile that would have even Satan himself sobbing.
“He seems to be fine Virgil. And if not he can save himself. That’s what heroes do r-right? He’s a big kiddo now. No need for Dad anymore,” Patton mumbled. Virgil wasn’t going to stand for this. Sure Roman could be hot headed and self centered at times, but he would never hurt Patton. Not like this. Something was definitely wrong.
“Roman?” Virgil asked as he knocked on the prince’s door. No response came at first. Roman was in a fitful sleep on the other side. Nightmares of writer’s block, unsubscribes, and disappointment filled his head.
“No! Please don’t go! I can do better! Please don’t leave me alone!” moaned Roman in pure, unadulterated agony. Panic filled Virgil as the adrenaline kicked in. Without further questioning, Virgil summoned as much power as he knew how and was able to appear inside of the room.
“Too much effort…” he mumbled, slightly dazed, before snapping to attention at the sight before him. Roman was thrashing around in bed, his crown pajamas showing signs of increased sweating, pleading with an invisible audience. He was at a loss for what to do. He began to approach the bed when Roman violently sat up, breathing heavily, not noticing his dear friend beside him. However, horror filled the romantic side when he saw the object of much of his affection peering curiously at him.
A high pitched scream filled Virgil’s entire being as Roman dove under the duvet. Virgil certainly did not miss that sound but he was more concerned about his friend rather than his current lack of hearing.
“Ro… hey Princey are you okay?” asked Virgil, trying to sound calm and rational with a hint of caring. Patton and Logan were much more equipped for this. Roman tantrums were not a force that Virgil knew how to stop. But wait… was that Roman… crying?
They say that nobody looks beautiful while crying, in fact most everyone can pull rather ugly faces while upset. But as Virgil pulled the covers away from Roman, he swore he had never seen something so majestic. Perhaps it was just the effect that Roman had on people, or maybe Virgil had gotten too fond of the prince. Nonetheless, Roman looked like a lightning storm. Intense and calm. Fearful yet wonderful. Oh God, what was this man doing to him?
“Please go away,” whispered Roman, sniffling and trying to hold back a cough. “I don’t want to burden you. I can conquer this.” He turned his face away, sheltering his heart from Virgil’s exit. Probably his final exit. There’s no way that Virgil would ever talk to him, ever love him now. Roman was weak and foolish, not the brave arrogant role that he often portrayed. Roman suddenly felt a surprisingly warm hand clasp his own clammy hand. The other hand turned his face and he was met with a shocking pair of iridescent eyes.
“I know you can. But that doesn’t mean you have to do it alone. You’ve been so brave for so long. But you can be brave and sick too Roman,” whispered Virgil in a calm and reassuring voice. That voice saved for protecting Patton from spiders and Logan from distressing deep sea documentaries at midnight. Now it was meant for him. To save him from his worst fear.
“I’m so alone Virge,” the creative side sobbed. “How could anyone love me now? I’m selfish and I’m awful. I’m letting down Thomas. I’m letting down the fans. I snapped at Patton. I call Logan names. I’m awful to you.” Virgil said nothing for a minute.
“You’re not selfish Ro. You’re thinking of me and the others now. You’re causing yourself to suffer so we don’t have to deal with you. That’s delusional. We want to help. You just have to let us in.” Virgil wrapped his arms around the other side, not caring about the health repercussions. “You’re not bad Roman. And that’s why I love you Princey,” Virgil said softly, pressing a kiss to the other man’s forehead.
They sat for hours just talking and holding each other. Roman opened up about his fears, his perfectionist tendencies. Virgil listened and softly argued that it’s okay to be imperfect. People still love imperfection. Even anxious emos with attitudes. Virgil was able to convince the prince that even sickness, wouldn’t make him less of a hero. And he was definitely still fabulous. The fans, Thomas, and the sides would love him no matter what happened.
“Come on Ro. I think it’s time you got the care you need,” Virgil said as he pulled the other side to his feet. Virgil guided Roman into the living room, where Patton and Logan sat watching a documentary on veterinary clinics. Patton gasped when he saw Roman. The moral side leapt to his feet and enveloped the still pale and shaking Roman in a loving, fatherly hug.
“Pat I’m so sor-” Roman began but Patton cut him off.
“It’s okay kiddo. I think it’s time we got you some soup.” Roman couldn’t hide the wide grin that spread across his face. The two sides bounded towards the kitchen, leaving Virgil with Logan. The logical side broke his deadpan to offer Virgil a small smile of appreciation.
“You did good Virge. I guess my hypotheses about Roman were correct,” Logan smirked knowingly.
“More than one?” asked Virgil, noticing the blush that warmed his cheeks under his foundation. He glanced back at Princey laughing with Patton in the kitchen and felt his heart skip a beat. Did Logan know?
“I figured that something with Roman was not in correlation with his usual behavior. I wanted to address it but Patton insisted that we let Roman do his work. I love Pat but he can be too trusting at times. My first assumption was that he would not listen to me or Patton. This was correct. My second assumption being that the solution would involve you.”
“And why is that?” stuttered Virgil.
“Because we were simply meant to be!” sang Roman in a still hoarse voice behind him. The creative side winced at a voice crack and then swept Virgil off of his feet in an amazing feat of effort from the sick side. He kissed his chemically imbalanced romance while Patton squealed at his OTP getting together and Logan complained about Roman stealing his dramatic metaphorical thunder.
A day later, Virgil was sick as well. Roman snuggled next to his sneezing boyfriend who glared at him in a teasing manner. There were no more secrets to secure a reputation. Virgil was right. Nobody hated him like he thought they would. He wasn’t a failure. He no longer felt alone and knew he could count on his friends. Sometimes even the hero needs a helping hand. They just need to know that it’s okay to ask.
Taglist (let me know if you want to be added!): @monstercupcake61176
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prettypincher · 7 years
She Sets the City on Fire
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Request: A Sebastian smthye imagine with the reader being small and a part of new directions (I'm 4'9"1/2) and they are secretly dating and he sees some carry the reader during a performance and he gets jealous so he sings she sets the city on fire or closer (in front of new directions) and then he kisses them saying she's is his girl(?) -Anonymous
Pairing: Sebastian Smythe x Reader
Notes: PRETEND FINN IS NOT WITH RACHEL RN. Hope you like it!
“Babe.. babe.. baaaaabe!”
*record scratch/freeze frame*
“Hi. My name is (y/n) and this is my boyfriend Sebastian. I’m currently trying to study for the big history test coming up and someone is not being very helpful.” 
“Sorry, babe, but I can’t help the fact you’re incredibly gorgeous, you look completely adorable when you’re concentrating and the whole.. situation we have working here isn’t in fact.. working.”
“Yeah. I should probably elaborate. I’m in a club in my school-McKinley High-called Glee. You’ve probably heard of it. We’re called the New Directions and are currently in the middle of a legendary battle with Seb here’s glee club from a neighboring school, the Warblers. Somehow this little idiot convinced me that it would be a good idea for him and I to date.”
“I don’t know, babe. Even if I were the one to convince you, it was pretty easy.”
“Whatever, Warbler. So, now we’re hiding it from our teams because we don’t want any unnecessary drama between the already feuding clubs. Dating in secret definitely has it’s perks, but Sebastian doesn’t exactly like the fact that he can’t ‘flaunt’ me around in public. His words.”
“I just want to be able to show off my best girl like any other sane guy in this world. I don’t really care what your.. friends think of us as long as we can be together. It would be so nice to be able to take you out without having to always be on alert or driving over an hour away.”
“I know, honey, but I don’t think I’m ready to hear what they have to say. Especially Santana and Finn.”
Sebastian scoffs. “Finn? Why would you care what Finn thought? I’m sick of him always hanging around you. It’s time he realizes that you’re mine a-and taken and.. mine.”
“Aww. Is someone getting a little jelly there, baby?’
“No! I just.. want people to know you’re mine.”
“I know, Seb. We’ll tell them soon. I promise.”
“Ok. As long as it’s soon. I’m tired of sneaking. Although, it is kinda hot isn’t it, babe?”
My cheeks turned bright red. “Seb, hush! We don’t talk about that!”
-The next day-
“5! 6! 7! 8! And step! And step! And spin! And drop! And step! And-hey! Guys we have to focus if we want to win at Nationals and beat those wiry Warblers!”
The high and slightly squeaky voice of Rachel Berry rang through the auditorium as she directed the glee club and led everyone through their respective steps.
“Rachel. We’re working really hard and I just think that everyone could use a little break,” Tina tried to reason with the diva, but when does reason ever work with Rachel Berry?
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know my passion for this team and club was too much for you. I just want to win. Us! I want us to win.”
Everyone tried to hide either their annoyance or amusement at their female lead. Most failed.
“Ok, Rachel. You win. Let’s run it again.” “Thank you. 5! 6! 7! 8!”
The first notes of Taylor Swift’s You Belong With Me reverberated across the auditorium and the stage came a live with song and passion. Mr. Schuester gave me the ‘role’ of Taylor with Finn as respective love interest. Go figure.
The glee club did a wonderful job of playing out the events of Taylor’s music video. Too good of a job. At least according to Sebastian who was hiding in the back of the first floor. He watched as his girlfriend was paraded around the stage portrayed as a love struck girl who had the hots for the exact guy he wanted her to stay away from. As (y/n) stole the stage, Finn held up the newly added male vocals. Sebastian could start to feel the anger and jealousy seeping into his veins. He was about to rage. At the end of the performance, Finn and (y/n) strutted up to each other and demonstrated a stage kiss. You know. The thing where the guys brings his hands up to girl’s face and places his THUMBS OVER HER LIPS AND KISSES HIS FINGERS! Sebastian was mad. He stalked out of the auditorium and made his way to the glee room where he knew everyone would be going after the performance. It was time.
The voices and laughter of the members of McKinley High’s glee club were nearing closer and closer. Sebastian recruited the instrumentalists for a very special performance. She Sets the City on Fire by Gavin Degraw began playing as the New Directions came into sight. (Y/n) was at the front of the group with Finn not far behind. They stopped in their tracks when they saw Sebastian standing in the middle of their choir room.
“What’s the devil doing here? In our school? In our practice room?’
“Hello to you too, Santana. I’m here to serenade my girlfriend so if you all could take a seat.”
“GIRLFRIEND?!” Everyone was very confused including yourself, but everyone surprisingly listened and took their seats.
“Everybody knows she's a perfect ten
And I'm hanging on tight til the whole thing ends
Cause New York sky don't get much brighter
She sets, she sets the city on fire.”
Sebastian walked up to the group and pulled (y/n) onto her feet. 
“Somebody told me if I'm not careful
Well, this one's gonna roll me
I got my hands full and this one's gonna own me and control me
I'm so mystified
She caught the last train last night, left another note
Saying "see you next time; miss me if you don't"
You look good in your bed; til we meet again
You went through my head and nobody told me so.”
The New Directions were all very confused. How could their sweet little (y/n) fall for such a cold-hearted jerk?
“Everybody knows she's a perfect ten
And I'm hanging on tight til the whole thing ends
Cause New York sky don't get much brighter
She sets, she sets the city on fire
She sets the city on fire
Burns like a million lighters
I'm going up, I couldn't get much higher
She sets, she sets the city on fire.”
As the song went on, the glee club actually started listening and watching. The whole time Sebastian was staring into (Y/n)’s eyes and twirling her around. He looked like a love struck little boy who had fallen in love with what he thought to be an angel. He looked.. kind.
“New scene, next block
She'll be jaywalking right across while the cops talk
Make you feel like a boss when your eyes lock
And you can't stop staring endlessly
She got the whole thing figured out; hits me where it hurts
And I know I might be swinging at a curve
I don't mind it, though, when the lights are low
She can hit the notes wearing my T-shirt.”
Sebastian ended the song with the chorus and everyone was either deep in thought or their jaws were on the ground. Sebastian then began speaking.
“Hello, New Directions. If your public school brains hadn’t caught on yet, (y/n) and I are dating. We’ve been together for 5 months and I felt it was time everyone knew.”
The choir room then exploded with yells and screams. Everyone was upset at because not only did (y/n) not tell them she was dating, but she was dating Sebastian Smythe-glee club enemy #1 and who Santana called Satan.
“Guys, guys! Calm down! This is exactly why we-I-didn’t want to tell you. I knew you’d freak out and basically forbid me from seeing him. It’s just.. I know he hasn’t been on your best sides.. ever, but I really, really like him. As in more then I’ve liked any guy before. He’s kind and caring and apparently overprotective and I love him. I just hope you can support me in this and trust that I know what I’m doing.”
All was quiet among (y/n)’s friends. For about three seconds.
“But (y/n), he’s the enemy!” “He has caused nothing but trouble for this team!” “Do you not remember all the insults and threats that came from his own mouth?!’
A loud whistle pierced the shouts and hollers of the enraged glee club, effectively silencing all the voices in the room.
“Excuse me. I’m still quite confused as to what’s happening here. Our little ray of sunshine, (y/n), has chosen the devil himself as her lover. That's complete bull!”
“(Y/n) was trying to say that she cares about all of you just as much as she cares about her own happiness. Actually more! She was scared to tell you because she didn’t want to disappoint any of you, but I’m telling you that there is nothing you have to be disappointed in her about. I love (y/n) with my whole heart. No one has ever made me as happy as she does. She’s loving and passionate and the cutest little alto I have ever met. She completes me and makes be want to be a better person.”
“And he’s gotten better,” you jumped in. “Sebastian has been nothing but swoon worthy throughout our whole relationship. Just a bit annoying sometimes.”
“Hey! I have been a great boyfriend!” “Yes you have, dear, but everyone has their own faults.” “Whatever,” Seb scoffed.
Everyone was watching Sebastian and (y/n) with mild interest and disgust.
“Guys, please. I’m a big girl. I’m not a baby like you all treat me.”
“We know that, (y/n). We’re just shocked you chose our competitor who has continuously tried to demolish us to date,” poor Finn muttered.
“I think they’re cute.”
Eyes widened and stared at Rachel as the seemingly traitorous words slipped from her mouth.
“What? It’s not because Finn has a puppy crush on (y/n). I know she doesn’t like him like that. Obviously. But haven’t you been listening to what they’re saying. They love each other. Who are we to get in the way of that?”
For once everyone agreed with Rachel’s statement. The last bits of resistance drained from the room.
“OK. We’ll support your relationship as long as you know one thing. If you’re doing this to mess with us, hurt our team or just screw up like every guy does and hurt (y/n), you’re are going to suffer. Do you hear me? I will make you want to have never been born, much less have ever met us,” Santana threatened.
“Message received, but my intentions with (Y/n) are completely- ok mostly- innocent. I genuinely love her and I wouldn’t do anything to hurt her. Ever.”
“Fine. Then we give you our blessing. Treat her well.. or you’ll regret it.”
“Ok, Santana. Thanks for you approval,” you tried to calm her.
“Thank you all for your cooperation. I was just ready to let everyone know that this angel is mine. I want her to wear my jacket, go on public normal dates with me and not have to hide anything.”
“I love you, my Warbler.”
“I love you too, my angel.”
“...you were a little pitchy in areas.”
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kitten1618x · 7 years
GoT Afterthoughts 7x07 The Dragon and The Wolf (Jonsa Edition) SPOILERS
So here we are -the finale. I’d like to bitch about how badly we’ve been ripped off by D&D, but I don’t want to be repetitive. lol We begin our episode outside the walls of Kings Landing. It looks like the Unsullied have abandoned Casterly Rock for a display of power and muscle, and are quickly joined by the Dothriaki -whooping and hollering in a most obnoxious way (I truly dislike them). Jamie and Bronn watch from atop the ramparts for some lively “cock banter”, ya know, since D&D are epic writers and such. Side note: I love how they slowed down Dany’s theme song here. At least the musical score is never disappointing. We get a nice aerial shot of Euron’s huge fleet, as what’s left of Dany’s sails towards KL. Jon, ever a Northerner, is NOT impressed with KL.  Stay true to your roots, Jonny boy. Suspiciously (not really), Dany is absent. Gee … I wonder if she’s planning on a flamboyant dragon-styled entrance? The Hound goes below deck to check if Bones is resting comfortably. The box is quiet -must have been that Dramamine they gave him to counter his seasickness. Nope -he’s awake, and clearly feels their hospitality leaves something to be desired. Side note: I wonder if Jon inquiring how many people live in KL is a foreshadowing of a future disaster there? Remember that there are casks of Dragon fire buried everywhere beneath the city. I’m almost positive that will come into play next season. We jump quickly to Cersei in the Red Keep who’s been informed that Dany isn’t with her entourage. How much you wanna bet that Cersei’s thinking the same exact thing I wrote above? She informs Ser Gregor that if anything goes wrong, he’s to kill the silver haired bitch first, then her brother and then the bastard who calls himself King. Now we’re back with the entourage, and we get a bit of a history lesson about the dragon pit ruins, and Jorah says something I perceived to be very important (as well as synonymous of Dany and her conquering Targ ancestors): Jorah: Dragons don’t understand the difference between what’s theirs and what isn’t. Land, livestock, children. CONQUERORS! We learn how over time, with entrapment, the dragons withered away to nothing, small as dogs. This particular part didn’t serve any purpose, other than to reunite the original brotp3, Pod, Bronn and Tyrion. We see that they all still have a fondness for each other -and perhaps a foreshadowing that Bronn will be switching allegiance soon. The Hound and Brienne also have a surprisingly friendly reunion, as they bond over their adopted daughter, Arya. I’m glad they brought her up, and I’m so very excited to see a Hound/Stark girls reunion next season! So, we’re in the Dragon Pit now, and truthfully -this entire 20 minute scene was utter garbage, and I’m pretty pissed that they wasted nearly the entire finale on this flaming dumpster, tbh. Clegane bowl is coming. Cersei is annoyed with Dany’s theatrical entrance (and truthfully, the extra-ness of it all was kind of lame). I guess it was necessary to put Drogon in the dragon pit? But when he flew away, let’s be honest -his wings would have sent those canopies hurling away and knocked everyone on their asses, too. Euron’s a dick. Tyrion attempts to open the floor for Jon, Cersei is her usual snarky, skeptical and extra self (I fucking love her), and finally Sandor releases Bones, and ……  the Dramamine must have kicked in? Time for a jump scare! Bones charges Cersei and is yanked back just in time. The Hound cuts him in half, but he keeps on coming until Jon does his sales pitch demonstration (how sad do you think Kit was that they made him do this terrible scene?) of fire and dragon glass (thanks Davos, for your assistance). Euron peaces out -all but throwing up deuces upon his hasty exit, but not before propositioning Dany. Cersei agrees to the truce -tell me honestly -did you all REALLY believe her? She suddenly became so reasonable, which is schiesty as hell, if you ask me. She throws some shade at Dany, and asks Jon to stay neutral. Cersei specifically evokes the honorable Ned Starks name, insinuating that she can trust the son to be as honorable as daddy dearest. Did this jump out at any of you? Because of course Cersei does know that Ned was honorable -yet, she also knows that he had forsaken that very honor in the end, for his daughters -at the request of Sansa (per Cersei) to save his life (and probably hers) which was all for naught because Joffrey was a cunt, as Sandor would say -but you get the point to this clunky run-on sentence, right? And not only that, but he LIED to everyone, and especially the people he loved and cared about (his wife, best friend, family) to save the life of his nephew -and he went to his grave with that secret. So what am I saying? Honorable Ned wasn’t above lying for the greater good, or to protect the ones he loved. Does that put some things in perspective for you? Back to our story (however shitty it is for the time being) Jon declines. Choosing this moment to back Dany, and again “figuratively” bending the knee to her -this time publicly.   Side note: Dany’s face in this moment. She’s so smitten with Jon. Cersei basically tells everyone to fuck off, and exits stage left. Brienne attempts to slap some sense into Jamie, uttering two words that stop him dead in his tracks: FUCK LOYALTY. This isn’t about honor and following whomever you’re loyal to -it’s about humanity. Did she appeal to his better side? Methinks so. Now everyone takes the time to belittle Jon for doing the very thing that they haggled him about for the entire season. But Tyrion the KING of bad ideas this season, has yet another -he’ll go talk to Cersei alone. He magically warps to the Red Keep, somehow making it through the city and the castle without being murdered for the hefty price on his head, but …. that D&D logic, tho. He and Jamie say “goodbye” one idiot to another (hey, you guys said it -not me), and as foreboding music drones in the background, the standoff begins. But, so I guess that Jamie and Tyrion decided to let bygones be bygones? And to one of my favorite scenes of the episode -my God, Lena and Peter SLAYED THIS SCENE! After the accusations fly, Tyrion tells Cersei to have him killed -the Mountain reaches for his sword and begins to unsheath it, but the order is never given. Cersei looks torn. Perhaps she isn’t as heartless as she tries to portray? Perhaps a tiny part of her does have affection for her little brother? Or maybe she just doesn’t want anymore Lannisters to die? I’m not entirely sure of her motivations, but she certainly looked gorgeous in this scene, though. After Tyrion collects himself (and likely wishes for a clean pair of shorts), he downs a goblet of wine and pours his sister a cup. We know now that he does regret killing his father (despite deserving it), and that Tyrion really doesn’t want to see the end of his family. Is he lying? Doubtful. He loved her children as she did (except for Satan incarnate, Joffrey). He realizes that Cersei is once again pregnant, and somehow appeals to her better senses …. And I’m just here SCREAMING at the TV: why do you all believe her??? This is Cersei -the son Tywin always wanted -but with a vagina (oh, the irony)!! We jump back to the Dragon Pit where Jon is back to brooding as he shuffles through some dragon bones. He lets his disappointment in the turn of events known, as Dany decides to join him. She tells him she respects what he did (is that what we’re calling it now? did ya’ll see her face when he announced his allegiance with her? It’s cool Dany -I “respect” Jon snow sometimes when my hubby isn’t around, too 😂) and then begins telling him how the end of the Dragons is what really spelled the end of her house. The dragons made them extraordinary -without them, they are just like everyone else. (BINGO). This leads to Jon complimenting her -she’s not like everyone else and her family hasn’t seen its end because she’s still here. Dany follows up that she can’t have children -in case you missed that last episode Jon, when she said the Dragons are the only children she’ll ever have, and then you nodded your understanding when she point blank asked you if you understood. Remember? Oh, are you just double checking? Okay my son, carry on …. *So this is important: J: Who told you that? D: The witch that murdered my husband. J: Did it occur to you she might not have been a reliable source of information? (Because clearly it’s occurring to Jon). D: You were right from the beginning. If I’d had trusted you everything would be different. J: So what now? D: I can’t forget what I saw north of the wall, and I can’t pretend that Cersei won’t take back half the country the moment I march north. So -let’s do a bit of reading between the lines here, shall we? What we know now: Dany fully trusts Jon, when she didn’t before. When Jon asks her “what now?” It’s pretty clear that he’s unsure whether or not he can trust her to prioritize the NK and his army over Cersei and the Iron Throne. And her answer lets him know that he’s in the right with his suspicions. J: It appears Tyrion’s assessment was correct, we’re fucked. You sure are, Jon. Better think of something quick -because apparently just “bending the knee” may not be sufficient -and you do need those dragons and army. As if by cue, Tyrion returns -Cersei and her entourage in tow and she agrees to help and delivers one of the most epic lines of the evening: “perhaps you’ll remember that I chose to help with no promises or assurances from any of you.” YOU LIE LIKE A RUG CERSEI, BUT SLAY YOU UNAPOLOGETIC BITCH -I LOVE YOU!! Now I want to ask if ANY of you caught the look that passed between Jon and Tyrion here? Admittedly, I didn’t on my first watch -but it’s plain as day. Remember it -I’ll return to it later, because I actually think it may be important. Now we take a ravens POV, flying through the heavy snow towards Winterfell. Sansa sits irritatedly tapping her message from Jon on her desk. She’s not happy about the news she’s received. Seems like Jon finally decided to write home and let her know he bent the knee. You broke up with the North in a text message? Really Jon?   Little Finger does what he’s always done -acts like he’s on everyone’s side while sewing his seeds of doubt and dissension. For those of you who were waiting for the crypt scene payoff: here it was … While discussing Jon’s “reasons” for doing this, he drops the bomb that the Dragon Queen is rumored to be very beautiful. Why? My guess is he’s wondering if Sansa has the same subconscious affections for Jon that he displayed in the crypts. S: what does that have to do with anything? LF: Jon is young and unmarried, Daenerys is young and unmarried. S: you think he wants to marry her? (the thought obv never occurred to her, due to her reaction). LF: An alliance makes sense. Together they’d be difficult to defeat. He was named KitN, he can be unnamed. S: Even if I wanted to (she doesn’t) Arya would never go for it. Shut down AGAIN, LF -Sansa isn’t going to turn on Jon. So, he switches gears back to Arya, thinking that’s the key to driving a wedge between her and Jon and setting the crown on Sansa’s head -get Arya out of the way. He continues his little mind game, encouraging Sansa to play along, and by the scenes end, we’re made to believe she’s fallen for it and is on board. Really -unbeknownst to him, he just planted the solution to Jon’s birthright situation in her lap (when it’s revealed). Unite the North and South by marriage -together they’d be difficult to defeat …. hello Jonsa season 8! And we’ve warped back to Dragonstone. They’re planning their strategy to head to Winterfell. Jon suggests that they sail together, and Jorah thinks Dany would be safer flying Drogon. Of course because she’s hot on Jon -she’ll take his suggestion -especially since we ALL KNOW the Northerners will NEVER see her as an ally. But she’s all: I’m going north to save them, not conquer them. 😏 So many nervous glances here amongst all the men … The meetings over, and Theon catches Jon and Davos as they pass through the throne room (anyone else curious about what they may have been talking about?). Okay, and OMG, another important conversation with so much hidden in the narrative! (I may paraphrase a bit here) T: What you did in KL, you could have lied to Cersei about bending the knee to Daenerys. You risked everything to tell an enemy the truth. But …did he? J: We went down there to make peace, and it seems to me we need to be honest with each other, if we’re going to fight together. See above. T: You’ve always known what was right. Even when we were all young and stupid. Every step you take  …it was always the right step. J: It’s not. It may seem that way from the outside, but I promise you it’s not true. I’ve done plenty things I regret. T: Not compared to me you haven’t. Clearly, he’s referring to betraying the Starks. J: No. Not compared to you. Clearly he has no intention of betraying his family like Theon did -although I do believe he intends to betray someone. T: I always wanted to do the right thing. Yada yada. It always seemed like their was …an impossible choice I had to make. Stark or Greyjoy. Confirmation here. Jon’s angry. He’s angry that Theon betrayed their father -who although may not have been his true father, he treated him like a son-better than Theon’s own father -sound familiar? J: Our father was more a father to you than your own father ever was. T: He was. J: And you betrayed him, betrayed his memory. T: I did. J: But you never lost it. He’s a part of you, just like he’s a part of me. Jon may as well be having this conversation with himself next season! Well - at least parts of it. T: But the things I’ve done … J: Its not my place to forgive you for all of it. But what I can forgive, I do. You don’t need to choose. You’re a Greyjoy and you’re a Stark. *I love this little nugget, because I feel like it gives credence to my Wars of the Roses meta theory -that Jon will combine both sides of his heritage/houses into one. Although, the deeper meaning behind it, is he’s allowed to be both without betraying the other. And …. he will always be a Stark. The conversation continues with Theon explaining that Yara tried to save him -she needs him now. And Jon gives Theon his blessing to go get his sister: “So why you still talking to me.” This scene with Jon was truly beautiful, with true healing quality for Theon. A little bit of old Theon emerges when he doesn’t stand down to one of Yara’s men and takes a hell of a beating (damn, he really is a Stark -can’t keep my babies down!) and succeeds in rallying the men behind him. Not for him -for Yara! We return to Winterfell where a very forlorn Sansa stands upon the ramparts in her and Jon’s “spot”. Is she thinking of him? I believe so -but that might just be my pesky shipping goggles. Sophie Turner has looked exceptionally beautiful this season -like bewitchingly so. She’s always been lovely -but damn. Shaking off her sadness: my skin has gone from porcelain, to ivory, to steel -she steels herself for what must be done, and orders the guard to have her sister brought to the Great Hall. We flash to the Great Hall. Arya is escorted in, as Sansa and Bran sit like they’re about to judge her. Arya and LF share a “fuck you” stare, and Arya asks Sansa if she “really wants to do this?” Sansa replies that honor demands it, and after Arya’s “get on with it”, Sansa rattles off charges, and then flips the script on LF, leveling the charges on him. Haha! He blinked so hard, I thought he was about to fall over! As Sansa annihilates him with charges, he stumbles with excuses, but all 3 Starklings gangbang his ass, and he’s done for. Using his own lessons and words against him -the student has surpassed the teacher. “I am a slow learner, it’s true -but I learn.” SAVAGE. MY QUEEN IS SAVAGE. And with a nod of Sansa’s head, and despite his resorting to crying and begging, Arya slits his throat before he even realizes what hit him. For all his scheming, what was his legacy …? I would have liked to see him go out with a bit more fight -but maybe that’s the point. BY THE WAY -I WANT FUCKING RECEIPTS!! I TOLD YOU ALL MY GIRLS WERE PLAYING HIM!!   To the Starks, who fought to make it back to Winterfell and each other -family is everything. They’re a united front. We jump back to KL for the last time this season. Jamie is going over battle plans with the Lannister soldiers. Cersei dismisses them and asks Jamie what he’s doing- he tells her that he’s planning his expedition north. Cersei resorts to her usual cruelty: “you really are the stupidest Lannister.” She tells him it was all a ruse, and Jamie’s not happy about this. After accusing him of conspiring against her and telling him that Euron didn’t really tuck tail and run, but instead went to pick up the mercenaries she purchased with the help of the Iron Bank, Jamie finally grows a pair! He pledged to ride north and he intends to. Cersei’s last bit of treachery is FINALLY the straw that broke the camels back! Cersei threatens his life -reminiscent of her earlier scene with Tyrion. Jamie calls her bluff, and again she doesn’t act on it. And as our hero leaves for the North, Winter has finally arrived at KL. (Told you better things were in store for my Golden boy … can he really be TPTWP?)!! We head back to Winterfell -Sam and Gilly have arrived and Sam seeks out Bran. Not gonna lie -this part confused me a bit, because I thought Bran was all knowing ….yet, he asks Sam WHY he’s come to Winterfell. Also -it’s Sam who informs him that Jon isn’t a bastard. Also -why has Bran told this to Sam, and not his sisters? Unless he has? And we just haven’t seen it? Like the Starks conspiring against LF? Makes me wonder of the other things that may have happened offscreen this season, too …. Bran does what he does and goes back in time to witness Lyanna and Rhaegar’s marriage -Roberts Rebellion was built on a lie. Jon’s real name is (barf) Aegon Targaryen, and he’s never been a bastard -he’s the TRUE heir to the Iron Throne -all of this over boatbang, sucking all the romance out of the coupling and painting it in an ominous light -just as I suspected. Remember when I told you all that CONTEXT was everything, and that there was a reason we found out about Jon’s parentage prior to boatbang -and the reasoning behind overlapping R/L’s wedding wasn’t to depict this EPIC romance, but to instead imply incestuous overtones and foreshadow the future Targbowl? Yep. That’s about it in a nutshell. But, more about boatbang towards the end -as well as my suspicions … We return back to Winterfell, where our Starkling sisters are perched upon the ramparts. Here they confirm their bond, both understanding the true strength of the other, and that despite each others quirks -they love one another and will take care of each other ….just as their father would have wanted. “When the Snows fall and the White Winds Blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives.”  Despite their losses, the Starks are a pack, and they will endure. Lastly, we shoot to Eastwatch, where everyone’s favorite ginger is perched atop the lookout post -probably daydreaming of Brienne. A horn blows as the NK’s army has finally reached the wall. Viserion, gorgeous blue eyes shining soars through the air with the NK on his back, and shooting flames to match his eyes -the wall begins to crumble. We see people getting caught up in the destruction -hopefully not Tormund, because I’ll fucking riot, as the wall falls and the dead march forward into Westeros. Winter is here. Okay, so back to boatbang. Aside from the basics I outlined above -let’s break the scene down. Jon stands before Dany’s door. His expression is troubled. He heaves a heavy sigh, then he lifts his hand to knock on the door -yet he hesitates before actually knocking. Why? After Dany bids him entrance, Jon closes the door and we see Tyrion emerge from around the corner. Unless he’s been stalking Jon -he has perfect timing. Why is this? Could it be that Jon was just with Tyrion? Could that look they shared at the Dragon Pit mean something? Could Jon be the means as to which  Varys suggested Tyrion find a way to make Dany listen? Tyrion’s expression doesn’t look like jealousy to me -he looks concerned, worried even. Has he conspired against his queen, knowing how smitten she is with Jon, to stay the course and maybe feels guilty because he knows she’s falling for Jon and he’s playing her? Have secret discussions been going on offscreen, like with the Starks, only to be revealed later? You’ve kind of gotta wonder this season … Look, whether or not you subscribe to the undercover lover theory or not, you’ve got to admit that there’s been a lot of oddness surrounding this rushed romance. Two episodes ago, Jon was ready to hightail it out of Dragonstone and never look back (and he didn’t, although Jorah did), and we’re suddenly supposed to believe he’s smitten? I guess If I shipped them, I’d want to believe that -but what about Jon’s odd behavior? The fact that while Dany has literally poured her heart out to him, yet he’s managed to share absolutely NOTHING personal with her is a HUGE damn red flag to me. Not.One.Damn.Thing. Could he be attracted to her? Sure. She’s quite beautiful and he’s not blind, but it seems that D&D have been hiding little clues within the narrative -they’ve also managed to successfully sabotage this relationship before it even got off the ground -with the parent reveal last season. The way I see it, is we’ve got a strong case here, and a 50/50 chance that this is all for show and Jon’s actually LISTENED to Sansa -that he’s being smarter than father and Robb, that he’s NOT a Northern fool -and he REALLY does know how to play the game. All this talk of Ned, and honor? OR, he is truly a damn fool and Jon Snow really does know nothing …. I just can’t stand by this. If I’m wrong, fine -but everything screams at me that that Jon knows Cersei was lying, or just doesn’t trust she’ll follow through. Jon knows that  once Dany figures that out, she’ll probably want to go back south with her dragons and armies -pledging himself to her clearly didn’t work (as witnessed by her words at the Dragon Pit) -but clearly she’s smitten with him …he’s seen her heart eyes. What’s a sure-fire way to get her to commit to the war and assisting the North in fighting? Why, committing to her man, of course. So, back to analyzing the sex scene. There was no lead up -no first kiss, no tender caresses -just a closed door and then BAM two naked (damn Kit, daaayum!) people. Dany seems to have taken the aggressive stance on top. Jon  flips her into missionary, and before he thrusts, STOPS -again, like at the door, he’s hesitating as he looks down at Dany, regretful -like he’s not sure he should do this -NOT because he doesn’t want her (he IS a man, after all), but because he’s feeling guilty about what he’s about to do (to her), as she stares up at him all dreamy-eyed and awestruck, and he doesn’t feel the same way. Make no mistake that I do believe he likes her as a person, but love is not reciprocated here. He heaves yet another heavy sigh, with this same haunted expression, and then pants as he steels himself to go on -seemingly forcing himself to continue, squeezing his eyes shut as he kisses her. All I heard in my head was Arya saying “get on with it”. This was not romantic epic love. Jon didn’t look at Dany like she hung the moon. We’ve all seen the way he’s looked at Sansa -
Vs. a very intimate moment with the woman he “supposedly” has fallen for?
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Nope. I may be wrong about undercover lover, but I think that there was so much more than meets the eye here. Buckle up babies -we survived season 7 and boatbang. Season 8 is ours and Jonsa is STILL endgame. It is known. 😘
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joan-frias · 4 years
A Gohan x Videl Fanfiction
Continuation of last chapter's last scene
VIDEL: Or, do you want me to tell him instead?
GREAT SAIYAMAN: No! Don't tell him.
VIDEL: (shocked) So, you really are Gohan!
VIDEL: I just thought to give it a shot... You blew it up yourself.
GREAT SAIYAMAN: You were just bluffing?
VIDEL: (nods) Uh-uh.
GREAT SAIYAMAN: But... how did you get the idea?
VIDEL: Because of your voice.
GREAT SAIYAMAN: I tried to change it a little.
VIDEL: Oh come on, Gohan! It's not that different.
GREAT SAIYAMAN: Oh... I guess you're right...
VIDE: And the way you fought with the zombies, back in the baseball field. I'm pretty sure you're not just the awkward guy you portray in school. You're someone else. Also, I remember these Saiyaman thing started when you also started going to our school... But, you're not really the Golden Fighter?
GREAT SAIYAMAN: I told you. It's not me.
VIDEL: Whatever... let's talk some more, but not here.
Videl goes out of the room.
GREAT SAIYAMAN: Oh man! What had just happened?
The Great Saiyaman returns to Orange Star High School, and after landing at the rooftop he sees Videl who has been waiting for his arrival.
VIDEL: I figured this is where you land.
GREAT SAIYAMAN: Well... you figured that out... (nervous laugh)
VIDEL: It's okay. You can transform now. No one is here.
The Great Saiyaman transforms back.
GOHAN: Shouldn't we head back to the class first?
VIDEL: Let's talk first.
GOHAN: But the teacher might get mad at me-
VIDEL: I said let's talk first!
Gohan is startled. Videl looks at him angrily as she tries to impose her determination on him.
GOHAN: O-kay… Whatever you say.
VIDEL: So... why do you do this?
GOHAN: Well... it might sound funny, but it's fun to be a superhero.
VIDEL: You like 'fun' too much, huh?
GOHAN: Not... not really... (blushes)
VIDEL: I agree. Being a superhero is fun. But, why do you have to put on that costume?
GOHAN: I don't want anyone to know it was me. So I asked Bulma to make me this costume that I can use if I need to be a superhero.
VIDEL: Wait! Bulma as in Capsule Corporation?
GOHAN: Yes...
VIDEL: So that explains it!
GOHAN: What do you mean?
VIDEL: The blasts you used during the zombie fight! It's embedded on your costume. Gosh! It pays to have rich friends.
GOHAN: It was actually my father who is her friend.
VIDEL: Son Goku?
GOHAN: (shocked) How'd you know that?
VIDEL: I did some research... you are the son of Son Goku, right? The previous World Martial Arts Champion?
GOHAN: Yeah... I didn't know you were able to search that information.
VIDEL: It was in the World Martial Arts archive... But, what happened to your father? Why did he retire that early?
GOHAN: He's dead.
Videl was a little bit taken aback.
VIDEL: I'm sorry to hear that... but...
VIDEL: It gave me an idea.
GOHAN: What idea?
VIDEL: Let's fight at the World Martial Arts Tournament. Surely, it would be a sight for the children of two world champions, the past and the present, to fight with each other.
GOHAN: Ah... I don't think I could do that.
VIDEL: If you don't then I will tell everyone that you are the Great Saiyaman.
GOHAN: No! Please don't do that!
VIDEL: Then, join in. You won't go home empty handed anyway. The winner will go home with ten million zenies. But of course, you won't be able to do that since for sure, my dad will be the winner again this year.
GOHAN: (to himself) And you're sure about that, eh?
VIDEL: Probably the best you can get is the third prize, which is three million zenies.
GOHAN: How about the second place?
VIDEL: It's five million zenies, but do you think I will allow you to win over me?
Gohan just grimaced.
VIDEL: So, are you gonna join, or you'll let me tell everyone you are the Great Saiyaman?
Gohan does not answer.
VIDEL: I'm going down now.
GOHAN: Wait!
GOHAN: Okay... I'll join the tournament with you.
VIDEL: Good! Oh, and by the way. How do you fly?
GOHAN: It's a technique that I learned since I was young.
VIDEL: It's not because of your costume?
GOHAN: No… Why did you ask?
VIDEL: You have to teach me how to fly.
GOHAN: Okay...
Videl turns around, ready to go back to the class.
GOHAN: Wait!
VIDEL: (turns back at him)What?
GOHAN: (embarrassed) Can you… help me make an excuse?
VIDEL: (smiles mischievously) Can't you just tell them you have a bad stomachache?
GOHAN: (grimaces) Do you have a less embarrassing reason?
Videl laughs at him. Gohan just looks at him, getting more embarrassed with each passing moment.
VIDEL: Okay… let's just tell them you were stuck at the restroom and you can't get out.
GOHAN: Oh I know! I got stuck because of the earthquake.
VIDEL: Earthquake? There was an earthquake?
GOHAN: (looks away) Ahm… a slight one… probably because the school building is kind of old.
VIDEL: Okay, then let's just say that you got scared of this 'slight earthquake' and you scrambled out of the room. Then you hid in the restroom and got stuck. Then, I heard you screaming and saved you, that is why you are with me.
VIDEL: (laughs) Why? You don't want the others to know that you're not the goofy weakling you want to portray in school, right?
Still laughing, Videl turns his back on Gohan. This time, she goes ahead leaving Gohan at the rooftop.
GOHAN: I think the bad stomachache is better.
Gohan follows Videl.
The Great Saiyaman recalls what happened earlier as he flies back home to Mount Paozu.
GREAT SAIYAMAN: What shall I do? What if Mom does not allow me to join the tournament? Should I make another disguise instead? Hmn... Maybe I'll ask Bulma about it.
He turns around and flies to West City instead.
Gohan goes to Capsule Corporation and meets up with Bulma. He is still wearing his Great Saiyaman suit, though his helmet is now off. Trunks is also around to join them.
BULMA: So you've been blackmailed.
GOHAN: I guess that's how you put it.
BULMA: This girl... she's so tenacious. I might even think she likes you for snooping around like that.
GOHAN: (blushes) I don't think that's the case...
BULMA: But what are you planning to do? Follow her order and join in the tournament?
GOHAN: I don't know... My mother might not approve of it.
TRUNKS: How about you become another superhero? You know, someone with a different costume.
GOHAN: I don't know. (to Bulma) What do you think?
BULMA: I don't know. Everyone already saw the Great Saiyaman. He has gained some following after what happened in the zombie incident. I'm not sure they will forget about him that easily.
GOHAN: Then I guess, I have to go join in, right?
Vegeta goes in and joins them.
VEGETA: Then I'll join too.
VEGETA: This tournament you said, whatever it is. I'll join, too. Before, you've proven to be stronger than me. Now that I've trained hard and you slacked, it's time to test who is the better fighter.
TRUNKS: Yay! Dad and Gohan are going to fight!
GOKU: (voice over) Then I'll join, too!
GOHAN: Huh? Dad!
At King Kai's planet, Goku is standing behind King Kai, his hand on the kai's shoulder making him able to communicate with those on earth.
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GOKU: Hi guys! It's been so long, hasn't it?
GOHAN: Dad, it's you! How have you been doing?
GOKU: I'm good!
GOHAN: So, is it true that you can join the tournament?
GOKU: Yes. Fortune teller Baba can make me come back. It's a reward for me for helping during the fiasco here in the check-in station.
VEGETA: Kakarot, you better not be fooling us around.
GOKU: I'm not, Vegeta. Expect me to be there.
TRUNKS: Uh... Who's that?
VEGETA: It's Gohan's father. We'll finally settle things between us.
BULMA: This is great! Gohan, I'm sure your mom will be happy to know that your father is coming back.
GOHAN: Yeah! I guess I have more chance to join now.
BULMA: But I remember, you can't join wearing that helmet. It's prohibited in the rules... Hmn... How about we do a little revision on your costume?
TRUNKS: Or maybe just eliminate everything?
BULMA: Oh, don't be silly! It's nice... Wait! I have an idea.
Bulma goes out of the room but comes back not soon enough.
BULMA : Here!
Bulma hands Gohan a white bandana and dark shades.
GOHAN: Alright! (puts on the bandana and shades) This is perfect, Bulma!
TRUNKS: (to himself) Now it's become worse.
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BULMA: I think Krillin will be happy to know that Goku is coming back. He might as well want to join the tournament.
GOHAN: Oh, right! I will go tell him. Bye guys!
BULMA: See you at the tournament!
Gohan leaves.
Gohan flies to the Kame house to see Krillin.
During the last seven years, Krillin has let his hair grow, diverting from the bald monk image he always had before. Also, he's now married with Android 18 and they have a daughter named Marron. They live with Master Roshi since after the wedding.
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KRILLIN: Really? Goku will come back for the tournament?
MASTER ROSHI: So Goku is coming back? It's been a while since we last saw him.
KRILLIN: Should I go, too?
GOHAN: Yeah! Why don't you join?
KRILLIN: But with Goku and you and Vegeta, I don't even stand a chance.
GOHAN: Oh, come on! There would be prizes for the top five.
ANROID 18: How much are the prizes?
GOHAN: I think it's 10 million zenies for the first, 5 million for the second, 3 for the third, then 2 and 1 for the fourth and fifth.
ANROID 18: Go for it, Krillin! I'll join, too.
KRILLIN: Should I?
MARRON: Yes, Papa! Beat them and win!
KRILLIN: Okay... Hey Gohan, don't tell Piccolo, okay?
GOHAN: Why did you say that?
KRILLIN: So that I'll have a better chance to be at the top 5.
GOHAN: I don't think that would be fair.
KRILLIN: By the way, what's with the costume?
GOHAN: Isn't it nice? (does his Great Saiyaman poses)
KRILLIN: I don't know...
GOHAN: I'll go now. See you at the tournament!
Gohan flies away.
Gohan informs Piccolo and the others about the tournament, and that Goku is coming back for the day.
PICCOLO: Then, I'll join, too.
GOHAN: Great! How about you, Dende?
DENDE: Oh, I'm not born as a fighter.
GOHAN: Okay, then. Train very well, Piccolo.
PICCOLO: You, too.
Gohan flies away.
Gohan is flying as the sun is about to set in the western sky.
GOHAN: Who else should I go to? Hmn... I don't know where Tien is... Yamcha... I guess Bulma will just call him.
He decides to head back home.
GOHAN: I'm sure mom will be very happy to know that Dad is coming back. And Goten! He'll finally see dad for the first time. That will be awesome... But, will mom allow me to join the tournament? How would I convince her to let me join, too?
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Gohan's family is having dinner when he tell Chi-Chi that Goku is coming back for the tournament.
CHI-CHI: What! Your dad is coming back for a day? Did you hear that, Goten? Your dad is coming back! You'll finally meet him at last!
Goten stares at her mother unperturbed.
CHI-CHI: Oh my! Goku is coming back after seven years. Surely, he hasn't aged a bit. That's how it is in the afterlife, right? I sure look old compared to him... I need to go to the salon and have some treatment.
GOHAN: Uhm... Mom, can I enter the tournament as well?
CHI-CHI: Gohan, you have to go to school, remember?
GOHAN: But... the prize money is 10 million zenies...
CHI-CHI: Ten million zenies? Gohan, you have to join! Imagine how much money you and your dad can win. We could get any scholarship for you and Goten.
GOHAN: But, I'm not sure, Mom. I haven't trained for a while.
CHI-CHI: Then take a leave at school and train. This is more important. You can go back to school after.
Gohan is overjoyed.
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CHI-CHI: Oh my! Goku is coming back and you two will win the first and second prize. After all these years, something great is happening in our lives again.
Later that night as Gohan and Goten are lying down on the bed, they talk about the upcoming tournament and Goku's one-day visit.
GOHAN: Goten, do you want to help me train tomorrow?
GOTEN: Sure!
GOHAN: Okay, so you have to wake up early.
GOTEN: I will... uh... Gohan...
GOTEN: Is Dad really coming home?
GOHAN: Yeah... you'll finally meet him.
GOTEN: I know...
GOHAN: Are you excited?
GOTEN: Yes...
GOHAN: I'm pretty sure he'll be surprised to meet you. I'm not sure he knows about you already.
GOTEN: Mom said I look a lot like him when he was young.
GOHAN: You know what? I do think you kind of look like him a lot. Your hair, especially.
GOTEN: Do you think... he'll like me?
GOHAN: Of course, he will! Dad will surely be overjoyed.
GOTEN: Is he really that strong?
GOHAN: He is... He is the strongest, but he knows how to appreciate stronger fighters. He's kind and he treats his opponent as his equal even though most of the times he's obviously stronger... I missed fighting with him...
Gohan looks at his brother who is soundly sleeping already. He smiles.
GOHAN: Goodnight, sleepy head.
He goes to sleep as well.
Gohan and Goten are up early to start Gohan's training for the World Martial Arts Tournament. They are both on their training gi – Gohan with his blue gi and Goten on his orange gi, which is similar to Goku's except for the blue long-sleeved undershirt he's wearing.
GOHAN: Okay. First, I'll turn into Super Saiyan.
Gohan focuses all his energy and turns into Super Saiyan. Then he does some shadow boxing to warm up. Goten is watching him on the sideline. Gohan stops after he feels like he's already warmed up.
GOHAN: I guess I'll start the real training now.
GOTEN: You mean you haven't started yet?
GOHAN: That was just for warm up. Now, can you help me?
GOTEN: Okay.
GOHAN: But first, help me pick up some stones.
The two brothers pick up stones and piled them together on the ground.
GOHAN: Now Goten, stand right here.
Gohan makes a mark on the ground beside the pile of rocks. Then he positions himself a few feet away from Goten.
GOHAN: Then throw the stones at me.
GOTEN: Are you sure?
GOHAN: Yes. Just throw it as hard as you can.
GOTEN: Okay.
Goten throws the rock as hard as he can. Gohan is surprised at how strong the throw is. He was almost caught off guard that he merely dodged the stone. It hit the rock formation behind him, and it exploded with the impact.
GOTEN: You dodged it! You're really good, Gohan!
GOHAN: (nervous laugh) A-hehe...
GOTEN: Next one!
GOHAN: Wait, Goten!
Gohan moves a little farther from where he is standing, then draws a line just like where Goten is standing.
GOHAN: Throw it here next time.
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GOTEN: Okay... but can we transfer the stones there, too?
GOHAN: Yes, of course.
Gohan and Goten transfer the stones.
GOHAN: (on his mind) Goten is strong! If I wasn't able to dodge that stone earlier I would have been finished!
The two brothers settled on their position. Gohan is now a few meters away from Goten.
GOTEN: Here I come!
Goten throws the stones one after the other. It was a fast pace he followed, and Gohan had a hard time at first. Along the way, he was able to follow the pace which was a great training for his reflexes.
GOHAN: Good job, Goten!
GOTEN: Can I also do what you do?
GOHAN: What do you mean?
GOTEN: Like that... (points at Gohan) Can I change into Super Saiyan, too?
GOHAN: Of course, you can. But you see, it takes a lot of time and training to be able to transform into-
Gohan is not able to finish his statement as Goten suddenly turns into Super Saiyan.
GOTEN: Now we're both Super Saiyan.
GOHAN: G-Goten... H-How... did you become... a Super Saiyan?
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GOTEN: I don't know... I just turned like this when Mom and I are training together.
GOHAN: Mom? You're training together?
GOTEN: Yes. Once, we were training and then, I turned like this. She got mad and said I should not turn like this because it's bad.
GOHAN: (on his mind) So Mom has been training Goten for a while now? It seems like Dad's passing has changed her a lot.
GOTEN: Now I can throw the stones faster.
GOHAN: Ah, Goten. Do you want to spar? You know what's that, right?
GOTEN: Yes! Trunks and I do that sometimes when I go to their house to play.
GOHAN: You and Trunks? Wait... can Trunks also turn into Super Saiyan?
GOTEN: (nods) Uh-uh...
GOHAN: (on his mind) Wow! To think that it took years for me and Dad to turn into the legendary Super Saiyan... If I don't train hard then these kids will easily surpass me.
He looks at Goten with awe. The younger Saiyan just looks at him, waiting for his next instruction.
GOHAN: Come on, Goten! Let's spar!
The two of them started sparring.
Videl's class is already ongoing when she noticed that Gohan is still not around.
VIDEL: Gohan seems to be very late today.
ERASA: Maybe he's not going to school.
SHARPNER: Maybe he's sick or something.
But Videl has other ideas.
VIDEL: (to the teacher) Ma'am, is Gohan not going to school today?
TEACHER: Oh yes! Gohan asked for a leave from school starting today.
VIDEL: May we know the reason?
TEACHER: He said he's taking care of some important matters.
ERASA: Oh… So Gohan will be out for a while? That is so sad...
VIDEL: (on her mind) That goof! Did he think he can escape from me just like that? Well, you're wrong, Mister! I'm going to get to you no matter what!
Videl goes to the school registrar to ask for Gohan's address.
VIDEL: Hi Ma'am... Well, I was wondering if you can help me.
REGISTRAR: What is it?
VIDEL: You see, my classmate Gohan, we have a school project together. But he suddenly went on leave from school. Now I need to get to him to get our project, but I don't know his address. Can you give me his exact address so that I could go to their house?
REGISTRAR: Sure. Wait here. I'll look at his records.
After a while the registrar gave the address to Videl.
VIDEL: Thank you so much, Ma'am.
REGISTRAR: You're welcome, Ms. Videl... oh, can you say hi to your father for me? I'm a big fan.
VIDEL: He-he... okay, sure.
Gohan and Goten are still sparring while on Super Saiyan mode. Goten proves to be strong enough to be a challenge to Gohan. At one point, Goten seems to be overpowering him. There's no other move left for Gohan but to fly.
GOTEN: Hey! That's not fair!
GOTEN: You can't fly!
GOHAN: But... Wait a minute. Don't tell me you can't fly?
GOTEN: I can't. So don't do it. It's not fair.
Gohan goes down.
GOHAN: But... how can you not fly? You already turned into Super Saiyan.
GOTEN: Is that bad?
GOHAN: Not really, just unusual. It's like you learned how to run before you learned how to crawl... Okay. I guess I need to teach you how to fly.
A hellijet suddenly arrives in the vicinity.
GOTEN: Who is that?
GOHAN: I don't know...
GOTEN: That's not Grandpa's.
Gohan suddenly remembers something.
GOHAN: Oh no!
GOTEN: What is the matter?
GOHAN: Goten, one of my classmates ask me to teach her how to fly. I guess I'll have to teach you together.
GOTEN: Oh... okay.
GOHAN: But... you can't show her how strong you really are. Especially, you can't turn Super Saiyan when she's around.
GOTEN: But why? Because it's bad?
GOHAN: Let's just say she's not used to that thing.
Gohan transforms back to his usual form. Goten follows suit.
GOHAN: Let's go meet her.
At the Son Residence, Videl knocks on the door. Chi-Chi answers and talks to her.
VIDEL: I'm looking for Gohan. Is this his house?
CHI-CHI: It depends on what your intentions are.
VIDEL: What?
CHI-CHI: Look, Miss. You seem to be a decent girl and not just someone who goes around following boys. So I don't know what you're doing here looking for my son who is obviously very busy.
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VIDEL: Are you thinking I'm after your son?
CHI-CHI: Well, then why are you here?
VIDEL: That's... that's not how it is!
CHI-CHI: Oh really? You're not here to date my son?
CHI-CHI: You impolite chick! How dare you talk to an older woman like that!
Gohan and Goten arrive.
GOHAN: Videl!
CHI-CHI: You know this girl, Gohan?
GOHAN: Yes, Mom. She's my classmate. She's the one who told me about the World Martial Arts Tournament.
CHI-CHI: Oh, I thought she's here to ask you out on a date.
Gohan grimaced.
GOHAN: So Videl... how did you find my address?
VIDEL: I asked the school registrar... kind of a long story... I found out you're taking a leave from school. You told me you'll teach me how to fly.
GOHAN: Yeah... I will teach you with my brother.
Videl looks at Goten.
GOTEN: Hi! I'm Goten.
VIDEL: Hello! I'm Videl.
GOHAN: So, is it okay for you to skip school?
VIDEL: Don't fuss over my studies, Gohan! Let's just go and teach me how to fly.
GOHAN: O-kay... I'm just asking. Let's go to where we were training earlier.
Videl nods.
GOHAN: We'll go ahead, Mom!
CHI-CHI: Okay! Lunch will be ready in a bit.
The three leave for training.
CHI-CHI: Gosh! That girl has some attitude. I hope she doesn't give my son a hard time... And do I have to cook lunch for her? Oh, whatever!
Chi-Chi goes back inside their house.
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