captainkirkk · 6 years
In Which Everyone Knows About One For All
(Submission by asdmabel)
 i stalk your blog sometimes. i’m easily distracted. take this. guess at which point i got distracted
“You know, it’s not really a surprise that all Might chose you for his successor,” says Asui. “I mean, even if you can’t use One For All yet, you’re still really similar to him.”
Izuku doesn’t even have a moment to process what she’s said before he’s blushing. “Ah, um, not really!”
“No, she’s right,” adds Kirishima. “I mean, you both have the same smile, or am I just seeing things?”
Asui nods. “It’s not the same smile, but you get the same feeling from it, right?”
This is it. Izuku’s going to blush hard enough to manifest his absent father’s Quirk and breathe fire. He’s just going to die now.
“With how flashy One For All is, and being connected to All Might, you’re pretty much set for popularity as soon as you graduate,” Kirishima sighs. “My hardening’s useless for flashiness.”
“No, it’s a great Quirk!” Izuku finds himself exclaiming. “You can save loads of people with it! I mean, it has to be better to have a strong Quirk and be able to use it well than to have a flashy Quirk and be useless at applying it.”
Aoyama groans theatrically. “Marry me, Midoriya. We can have a horde of children that kill themselves with Quirks that don’t fit their bodies.”
“Aoyama, you said that aloud,” says Ashido.
“Je veux mourir,” he sighs. “Bury me with a thousand bombs filled with glitter.”
“Speaking of bombs and flashiness, you can’t get better than Bakugou, right?” says Kirishima, saving Izuku from thinking of a response to Aoyama’s proposal.
Asui ribbits. “But his personality is awful. He won’t be popular.”
Kacchan, who had been gazing out of the window with a worse scowl than usual, immediately begins to yell. “Fuck you, frogface! I’ll be the most popular out of everyone here!”
“My point is proven,” she croaks.
“According to the curriculum we obtained yesterday, Eraserhead, Thirteen, and All Might were supposed to be teaching this class,” says the actual, literal, dark void portal wearing a nice suit. “Where is All Might?”
Sincerely, Midoriya Izuku would like to ask, what the heck?
 “We were told that All Might was going to be here. Where is he?” another villain says. This one has way too many hands to be considered healthy, frankly.
Nobody responds. Izuku swallows down the nausea.
“After all of the trouble we went to, and all of the people we brought along,” the hand-villain groans. “If you give us the kid with One For All, we’ll call it even, and we won’t hurt anyone else.”
“Stay together,” Aizawa growls. “Don’t separate. Thirteen, get them out. I’ll hold them back.”
Aizawa holds out a hand, silencing Izuku before he can even speak. “I know. All Might sees something in you, so don’t waste it trying to fight when you’re not ready yet.”
Bakugou charges in, aiming for the black mist in a suit, and everything turns into chaos.
“Which one is All Might’s?” Hand-Villain asks.
Asui – no, Tsuyu – steps forwards, even as Aizawa yells at her to stop, to run, to do anything but put herself in more danger.
“Maybe it’s me,” she croaks. “Really, it could be any of us. We’re all All Might’s students, so even those of us that hate to lie can answer the same way.”
The villain reaches out, cups Tsuyu’s face in his hand, and murmurs, “Then answer this. Do you have One For All?”
Tsuyu blinks, then clearly says, “Yes.”
“What are you doing, Tsuyu?” yells Izuku, only to be completely ignored.
“Ah, Eraserhead is so cool,” laughs Hand-Villain. The sound isn’t mocking or bitter, but rather, Izuku thinks, that the man sounds genuinely amused.
It’s terrifying.
“You’d do anything to protect your students, right?”
“Don’t touch her!” Izuku finds himself screaming, launching forwards to attack the villain. “Smash!”
His fist connects with hard muscle and leathery skin.
The Noumu.
It moves away, and the Hand-Villain wraps one of his real, attached hands around Izuku’s trembling wrist, holding up his ring finger and pinky. Normally, Izuku would try and break free. It would be easy, with how loose a grip the villain has on him, but he just can’t make his body move.
“Smash?” Hand-Villain says softly. “I found you, One For All.”
The ring finger lowers, and-
“I am here!”
He’s safe.
Iida had taken a nomination from his brother for his work experience, while Uraraka had chosen Gunhead. Honestly, though, Izuku’s most confused by Todoroki choosing to join his father. Then again, Endeavor is strong. Even if Todoroki can’t learn much about working as a hero from the guy, he can at least develop finer control of his right-hand side.
Gran Torino has been, well, a unique teacher, in Izuku’s opinion. Then again, Eraserhead had started the year by saying that if Izuku couldn’t control his new Quirk by the end of the yea, then both he and All Might would be out of UA. Thankfully, that was a bluff. Probably.
Something crashes into the train, and Izuku can barely breathe when a hand grips around his entire body. Full Cowl does nothing, but maybe if he plays dead? No, that won’t work; his heart is pounding with anxiety and it’s affecting his thought process.
The Noumu carries him to Hero Killer Stain.
“Let’s see what you’re made of, then.”
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pitviperofdoom · 6 years
agh i JUST realised that in toshinori and izuku's conversation after the stain fight, where izuku says that he fought harder because it was his friends in danger, it perfectly ties in with the canon fight against all for one because all might gets his final burst of strength from afo threatening izuku and asdfghl i don't know or care if it was intentional but aaaaaaaaa
This was absolutely not intentional but thank you for pointing it out!
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asdmabel submitted: may i please have a second opinion on how heartbreaking it is that izuku thought that all might was going to hit him again
y’know i don’t think i ever noticed?? that he thought he was gonna get hit again???? (probably bc i read it through tears) i was blissfully unaware but now i know and everything hurts
but it’s ok!!!! instead of hits he gets hugs, and that’s what’s most important 
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phemiec · 6 years
asdmabel replied to your post: “phemie I saw your comment about watching fma:b and so curious who your...”:
i think they use “him” for envy in the show a lot and envy doesn’t correct anybody on that? though I might have missed something...
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astriiformes · 7 years
the best way to get him to do something is to tell him he can’t do it. he’s guilty of a terrible crime and hopes he can redeem himself. he turns tail and runs when things look bad. he's grunkle stan
....................it’s true but you shouldn’t say it
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fexalted · 6 years
@asdmabel said: MULTIPLES!!! OF!!! THREE!!! MULTIPLES!!! OF!!! THREE!!! MULTIPLES!!! OF!!! THREE!!!
hahaha why am i not surprised
posting it like this bc readmores on ask posts sometimes don't work on mobile? and this is gonna get super long, so (also warning for talk of self harm / child abuse)
3 is a fic where ford, post-bill betrayal, uses the copy machine to make a clone of himself that can perform the surgery to put the metal plate in his head. it's in 2nd person (bc i'm incapable of writing anything else), and in the clone ford's pov
Ford opens an eye, squinting against the overhead light. You shut it off so he doesn't have to strain to see you, and he blinks groggily, taking in the room around him with a bleary gaze before settling on you.
You're about to tell him that the surgery went well, everything is fine, he's going to be okay, but Ford speaks before you do, shattering what little composure you have with one word.
"Stanley?" he breathes incredulously, his voice weak and cracking.
You're not sure if you have a heart anymore but you feel like it just stopped regardless. He's delusional, clearly the anesthesia hasn't worn off completely yet, and he's mistaken you for your—his—brother.
"I... I'm—" you start to explain, but stop suddenly. Ford's eyes are hazy and unfocused but hopeful, and you find you can't take that hope away so quickly. You might as well let one of you believe that Stan is actually here for you.
So you clear your throat and put on your best impression of Stan. Which, admittedly, is not very great; you're a little out of practice.
"Y-Yeah, Ford. It's me. It's Stan."
"Stanley," he says again, softer this time, more like a sigh. He reaches out for you and you flinch back, jerking your hands away instinctively before he can notice the number of fingers on them, and his face just crumples.
6 is the note of cut parts from other fics! which means i get to share the original ending i had started writing for make me believe again!! :D
...which i maybe shouldn't be so excited about, considering the subject matter, oops. in the initial draft of the fic, stan had also self-harmed in the past, and this ending was attempting to address that. i didn't get super far with it bc it was giving me some hard mood whiplash and i couldn't figure out how to fix it, but here it is anyway
"Hi, I'm Steve Pinington! Are you sick of bandages that are hard to remove? Then what you need is the Rip Off!"
You turn to Stanley, eyebrow raised, your expression a cross between confused and amused. "Steve Pinington?"
"Look, I uh, I couldn't use my real name, okay?" he explains, rubbing the back of his neck as his face and ears turn red with embarrassment. "Anyway they're not even supposed to be playing this anymore!"
"Please tell me that mustache is fake."
"Unfortunately, it isn't."
"Oh my god," you say, unable to stop a laugh from bubbling out of you. "How is that thing real? You couldn't even grow peach fuzz when we were teenagers!"
"Yeah, well, a lot of things have changed since then, haven't they?" Stanley snaps, and your laughter dies instantly. "Sorry," he adds a second later. "Just wasn't really in a good place back then."
You bite your tongue, your heart sinking. He wasn't just embarrassed, he was uncomfortable, and you just made things worse. And right after the two of you had started to truly patch up your relationship, no less!
You guess you both have more to talk about than you thought.
And you know you shouldn't ask what kind of place he was in then, but you're concerned and you need to make things okay again and he's rubbing at his arms and if you don't ask now you never will, so—
"Stanley," you start, hesitantly. "You don't have to answer this, but... The scars, on your arms. Are they...?" You can't seem to get out the final words, but thankfully he seems to get where you're trying to go.
"Some are from fights," he says. "A lot are, actually. You make more enemies than friends when you owe money to the wrong people. But, uh, some of the scars... I made."
Your heart shatters. "Stan..."
"I stopped, though!" he says quickly, before either one of you gets too emotional. "I stopped. I've been good about it, too. It's why I don't hide 'em. Feels like it helps to see how much they're healing or somethin', I dunno. Thought it might help you to see 'em, too. To know you're not alone, y'know?"
"I think seeing them has worried me more than anything, honestly," you say. "But I appreciate the thought behind it. I'm glad you're doing better."
"Right back at ya," Stanley says.
You don't ask him why he hurt himself. You don't really need to guess.
9 is a fic about stan and his conflicting feelings about filbrick (aka, the fic where i throw all my own dad issues). it's a bit of a mess bc i rarely have the energy to write in it so let's just skip to the end where ford gives stan a hug
"It wasn't your fault," Ford says. "You were just a kid, Stan. You didn't deserve any of that, and I'm sorry."
"Oh," you choke out, and you think you're crying? Your hands are shaking and there's a lump in your throat and your vision is blurring and yep those are definitely tears on your face. "Oh," you say again. Welp, this is embarrassing. You quickly try to scrub the tears from your eyes so you can save face in front of your brother, but Ford takes your hands and pulls you into a hug instead.
"I'm sorry," Ford says again, voice wobbling slightly. "I should've stood up for you back then. I should've protected you like you always protected me."
"That's—" you sniffle against Ford's shoulder, which is rapidly becoming soaked because of you. "That's not your fault, either. You were just a kid yourself. You got your fair share of it too."
"I know," he says. "I just..."
"It's okay."
"It's really not."
You try to laugh and end up making some sort of pathetic sob, half-stifled and choked off before it can escape your throat. Another sob slips out before you can hold it back, then another, and then you're all but bawling like a baby into your brother's sweater, while Ford rubs your back in gentle circles and you cling to him with a tight, trembling grip.
and last but not least, 12 is my brain trauma au fic, which i've already sent you a very stan-focused part of, so here's a smaller, still stan-focused bit (i promise this fic is actually about ford at least half the time shdksjdk) that i am very happy with
So maybe your grip is a little too tight when you take hold of both his hands, and maybe your voice is a little too loud and panicked when you tell him to look at you and breathe, but he listens, and he looks, and he breathes. And you grab his glasses and the two scrapbooks off the nightstand, and you flip through the pages together in silence.
And by dawn, the look of blank fear in your brother's eyes has been replaced by exhaustion and guilt and shame. He slumps against you, forehead pressed to your collarbone, and through the cracks in his voice come whispered apologies—for waking you, for scaring you, for forgetting you—and you drape a protective arm around his shoulders and shush him and tell him it's alright. He remembers again, and that's all that matters.
You have weathered your first storm at sea.
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incorrectbnhaquotes · 7 years
midoriya izuku is an heir or page of hope while all might is a knight
i swear to flippin god i actually made midoriya an heir of hope (and bakugou an heir of rage)
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cross-wired-freak · 7 years
you don't follow nathan furst on twitter do you
I don’t, and it’s a crime that I haven’t already
‘scuse me while I go do that
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lily-sinful · 6 years
asdmabel replied to your post: finally, a shirt that advertises to the world that...
at least it’s not underage bs!!! :D
len, just.... don’t
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thesnadger · 7 years
asdmabel replied to your post “Hey kids don’t wait to get your flu shots because I did and whoa-ho-ho...”
i am reliant on herd immunity because i cannot get my shots TT.TT
Hey kids don’t wait to get your flu shots because this flu sucks and also some people rely on herd immunity.
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busket · 7 years
asdmabel replied to your post: ok im so glad i did the giveaway like that im...
wait we were allowed to do an entire rp along??? now i just feel like a bit of a weirdo
lol you probably wouldn’t be able to do an entire RP, but im just enjoying ppl responding like: “trick or treat!” i say, holding out my bucket! my costume is so and so from this game, i made it myself and you are impressed
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pitviperofdoom · 6 years
just made a character page on the yuts tvtropes page; if anyone can add pictures and more tropes that would be nice. sorry, i just wanted to. yeah. sorry
!!! Oh my gosh!!!
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scribefindegil · 7 years
asdmabel replied to your post: feel like i should wear a thematic necromancy...
i actually only own one pair of jeans! Barold would be disappointed in me
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fexalted · 7 years
3, 6, 7, 16, 17!!!!!!
3. Do you prefer canonverse or AUs?: a mixture of both? like i prefer aus set in the canonverse as opposed to a completely new/different setting
6. What’s the last thing you read that made you laugh?: this by @pinesbrosfalls! i love sibling banter hahaha :’D
7. What’s the last thing you read that made you cry?: i think it was the night waves, the stars talk, the years alone know by @mythomagically-delicious. i’m not often brought to actual tears over fics but that one hit me so hard ;A;
16. Describe your WIP that currently has the highest word count: it’s my take on @radioactivedelorean’s brain trauma au, with some amnesiac stan mixed in. i’ve been writing it since may and i can’t stop adding scenes to it before i’ve even finished writing other scenes pls help me
17. Describe a fic that is still in the ‘ideas’ stage: au where stan admits to ford that he messed with his science project, allowing ford time to fix it and win the scholarship. so ford goes to west coast tech and stan stays in new jersey and neither of them turn out to be very happy where they are but they keep in touch with phone calls and letters and their relationship doesn’t deteriorate as horribly as it did in canon
fanfic asks
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luchia13 · 7 years
asdmabel replied to your post “How do people not pet dogs when they come over with their tail wagging...”
i mean if someone is with the dog and says "please don't pet my dog" it's a good idea to not pet the dog. the dog will later receive pets, but the human the dog is attached to doesn't have to feel weirdly invaded
Are you feeling okay, @asdmabel? I’m sorry that you’ve had bad personal experiences with this situation. I hope you and your dog are doing alright.
kisachanlove replied to your post “How do people not pet dogs when they come over with their tail wagging...”
its been so long since ive seen a personal post by u!!!! nice to see the content remains the Best hahaha.
^^^^This is why.
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do you think that todoroki has different coloured armpit hairs under each armpit
why would you make me think about this (the answer is yes)
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