#ash's pp hair
bestiarium · 2 years
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The Ovinnik [Slavic mythology; Russian myths]
Slavic and Russian folklore has several domestic spirits, such as the Domovoi and the Bannik. They could be either kind or malicious, but the most dangerous of them was the Ovinnik.
This creature resided in threshing barns, which is where the straw is separated from the edible grain. These buildings were highly flammable and therefore associated with danger and death, which is possibly where the idea came from that a dangerous spirit lives there (or perhaps, and this is just conjecture, the Ovinnik was made up by parents to dissuade children from playing there). In northern Russia, the threshing barn was located a good distance away from the rest of the farmstead, to prevent it from lighting the other buildings on fire should the barn’s furnace accidentally ignite the straw (note: the furnace was used to dry the grain).
Usually, an Ovinnik took the form of a particularly large black cat. Its eyes were red and glowed like burning coals. Other times, these spirits appeared as large wolves. In other sources, the Ovinnik is often portrayed as a human-like creature sitting close to a furnace.
It was the Ovinnik spirit who oversaw the use of the furnace: he forbade the people from lighting it on certain holidays, as well as days with a particularly strong wind. If the people ignored his warnings, he would burn the entire thing to the ground. One story, for example, is about a woman who beat flax on a sacred day and was burned to death as a punishment. In another tale, a farmer outsmarted the spirit and cast it into a burning fire, giving the Ovinnik a taste of its own medicine. But the creature survived and returned years later. Out of vengeance, it killed the farmer’s son.
Aside from burning farmstead to ashes, the Ovinnik had the ability to see into the future and could be consulted at the start of a new year. The spirit received offerings from the people, such as roosters that were decapitated and their blood sprinkled over the corners of the barn.
Although these beings were undoubtedly dangerous, they weren’t always evil. In one story, the spirit found a child who was being chased by the undead ghost of an old woman. The Ovinnik fought the ghost to protect the kid, and the two spirits clashed until the sun rose. In other versions, the spirit is sometimes called Rigačnik and this version offers protection from evil wizards. While this is a different version of the same being, its appearance differs a bit: a Rigačnik appears as a man with short, curly hair dressed in stained, torn clothing. He actively helps the owners of the farmstead.
Eventually, Christianity influenced the local folklore and mythology and the tale of the Ovinnik was among them. The Christians tried to change the public opinion of the Ovinnik by making it into a bogeyman that could only be seen during the morning service on Easter Sunday. However, people kept making offerings to the Ovinnik as a spirit of the furnace. Eventually, the Ovinnik was changed to a kind of Christian protective spirit, and that is why he forbids people from using the furnace on (Christian) sacred holidays, such as Saint Thekla Zarevnica’s holiday, which is the 23rd of September. Eventually, the Domovoy (which is possibly the most popular and well known Slavic household spirit) adopted the traits and functions of the Ovinnik and other similar spirits.  
Sources: Ivanits, L. J., 1989, Russian Folk Belief, M. E. Sharpe, 249 pp. Haase, F., 1939, Volksglaube und Brauchtum der Ostslaven, Georg Olms Verslag, 428 pp. Лисина, Е. A., 2020, ТРАДИЦИОННЫЕ РИТУАЛЫ В СОВРЕМЕННОЙ РОССИЙСКОЙ МЕНТАЛЬНОСТИ, ЕВРАЗИЙСКИЙ ЮРИДИЧЕСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ, 2(141), p.491-492. (image source: Ivan Bilibin)
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alternias-madness · 6 months
Tasteful Serving
Truly, Vicnet couldn't think straight.
A quiet sigh as he stood on the balcony of his hive, a cigarette in between his fingers as he can faintly hear the restaurant chatter below him. Thankfully his balcony was facing away from the front, so no one could see the owner smoking like this.
His eyes gazed over to his phone, thinking of that one message, what does it mean? Of course Roddie would be working right now... Right? He hasn't gone down yet to check but-
Oh who is he kidding. He scowled, placing his cigarette in the ash tray as he pushes himself away from the balcony, readjusting his clothes before walking down the stairs to his restaurant.
He ignored the greetings of his employees as he walked around aimlessly, observing the place quietly. Though it didn't take a while for his scowl to get even worse, his feet swiftly moving towards towards the other waiter, grabbing him by the wrist.
ox[]::::> Emilio, where is Roddie? His shift started hours ago. <::::[]xo
The indigo scoffs, rolling his eyes, replying casually,
Wors↟ case scenar↡o, he's dead ↡n a d↡↟ch somewhere.
Before trying to pull his arm away, before he felt the grip on his arm tighten, and as his gaze turns towards his boss, a strike of fear went through him as he stares at angry red eyes, before he frowned, scared, responding back properly,
↟o answer your ques↟↡on, ↡ haven'↟ seen h↡m, don'↟ ↟h↡nk he even clocked ↡n. Probably e↡↟her la↟e, sk↡pp↡ng work, or, yknow,
His eyes gazes away, not sure if its a good idea to finish his sentence, sighing in relief when Vicnet removed his hold on them, hand reaching to rub where Vic gripped,
↡f yer ↟ha↟ despera↟e to f↡gure ou↟ some↟h↡ng, ask M↡ssfy, she probably knows sh↡↟ ↟ha↟ ↡ don'↟. Hell, why no↟ fuck↡n message h↡m yourself?
Vic stared at the other, before sighing, lightly pushing the indigo,
ox[]::::> Get back to work. Thanks. <::::[]xo
Emilio rolled his eyes, quickly turning to grab the tray of food before quickly running out, lightly cursing Roddie due to other leaving him to do all the work. Meanwhile, Vic pulled open his palmhusk, sending a message to Roddie while he walks around looking around for that stupid blueblood of a cleaning lady, knowing her, she's probably-
He slams open the door to the back area of the restaurant, eyes scanning the area before his eyes land on a familiar tuff of neat hair, putting his palmhusk back in his pocket before walking up to the blueblood, grabbing her by the scruff.
ox[]::::> Missfy. <::::[]xo
A big singular eye blinks up cutely at the purpleblood, before giving a wide wide grin
B⨀ss! B⨀ss! H⨀w nice t⨀ see y⨀u! Did y⨀u need s⨀mething? Need s⨀mething cleaned? Need s⨀mething disp⨀sed-?
ox[]::::> Not now, Missfy, I just wanted to ask something about Roddie. <::::[]xo
⨀⨀⨀H The cute br⨀nze boy y⨀u hired, right? Yeah I haven't seen him all night which is a shame really-
Vicnet listened to her ramble for a moment longer, before sighing, moving to place her down
ox[]::::> Thank you, Misst- <::::[]xo
⨀h! Th⨀ugh last shift I think I saw him talking with a funny indig⨀ guy!
He stops, pulling her back off of the ground, with a raised eyebrow as he nods, letting her continue,
Yeah! He had h⨀rns like this- And had a bunch ⨀f piercings, ⨀h ⨀h! And had hair ab⨀ut this length!
As she rambled, her made her hands form how the horns look, and then moves her hands to around her shoulder area with a wide grin on her face, making Vic scowl,
He was cute but he tracked dirt everywhere s⨀ I d⨀n't like him all that well-
ox[]::::> Thank you, Missfy, I think I know enough. <::::[]xo
Vic growled, dropping the blueblood onto her feet, watching her fact turn into some sort of excitement before he turned around to leave,
⨀⨀⨀h! Is s⨀me⨀ne in tr⨀uble?! Can I c⨀me-?
He shuts the door behind him, keeping his emotions in check, of course it has to be that fucking asshole, Jai, who fucking else would it be, fucking with his goddamn employees... And the fact they'd stoop so low to kidnap one.
His heel digs into the floor as he stops to a halt, hands twitching, before his frown deepens, turning again to Emilio, who was waiting for a dish.
ox[]::::> Emilio. I'll be out for a bit, you keep watch. I have some business to take care of. <::::[]xo
Wh-? Aaand he's already gone, grea↟. Alr↡gh↟, ↡ can deal w↡↟h keep↡ng wa↟ch...
Roddie Lamare - @windy-trickster
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usagirotten · 2 years
Mark Ryden Develops Series of Barbie Artworks and Limited-Edition Dolls in Partnership With Mattel
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Mattel Creations' upcoming collaboration with Mark Ryden introduces Barbie to pop surrealism The latest treat for Barbi enthusiasts comes from artist Mark Ryden and toy company Mattel. Mali-boo, the latest transformation of Barbi, features ash colored face, levitating hair, a raw meat purse and a lot of pink. The pieces will appear at Mark Ryden's solo show, Pink Pop, opening on November 11th and ending on December 11th, 2022, at Kasmin Gallery.
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The show will feature sculptures, watercolor paintings, a selection of studies, as well as Barbie dolls created for Mattel's collectible platform Mattel Creations. Barbi has been Ryden's preoccupation for a while, and the exhibit will include his first-ever depiction of the doll, a 1994 Saint Barbie. The exhibition is following the ongoing Barbiecore trend, which started with Valentino's Pink PP Fall/Winter 2022–23 collection and continued with Greta Gerwig's film Barbie (2023), starring Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling.   Ver esta publicación en Instagram   Una publicación compartida por Mattel Creations (@mattelcreations) “It is difficult to define Barbie,” Ryden added. “She is a cultural phenomenon, an archetypal figure. She is a bona fide celebrity, a subject worthy for Andy Warhol to portray alongside the likes of Elizabeth Taylor and Marilyn Monroe.” Read the full article
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icebluecyanide · 1 year
Young Yassen quotes (Eagle Strike/Snakehead)
I collected some of my favourite descriptions of a young Yassen from the Eagle Strike prologue and Ash’s stories in Snakehead and I thought I might share them here in case anyone is interested:
The other man was slim, fair-haired and twitching with nervous energy. He had chosen the name of Cossack. He was just nineteen years old. This was his first kill. (ES, p. 10)
The younger man was not afraid, but he was tense and excited. (ES, p. 12)
“Your dad wasn’t sent there alone. He was accompanied by a young assassin, one of the best who ever came out of Malagosto. I understand you met him. His name was Yassen Gregorovich.” (SH, p. 195)
Curiously, your dad was in charge of his training for a time. He told me the boy was a natural. It’s funny, isn’t it? In a way, the two of you and Yassen had a lot in common. (SH, p. 196)
I had nine men, and even though John was our target we were all carrying live ammunition - not blanks. Yassen might have been able to tell the difference. He was that smart. We were all wearing concealed body armour. John wouldn't be aiming at us when we moved in but Yassen would. And we already knew he was a crack shot. (SH, p. 197)
As for Yassen, it was like some trick in a film. One minute he wasn’t there, the next he was, with John next to him. It was a ninja technique - how to move and stay invisible - and the irony was, it was probably your dad who’d taught him. (SH, pp. 199-200)
“He looked up just as a complete stranger shot him in the heart. Yassen didn’t do it quickly. I remember thinking that I’d never seen anyone so relaxed. (SH, p. 200)
“Yassen Gregorovich had plans of his own. He was halfway across the square, making for one of the side streets. But then suddenly he stopped, turned round and fired three times. The gun had a silencer; it hardly made any sound. And this time he wasn’t aiming for the chest. His bullets hit one of my men between the eyes, one in the side of the neck and one in the throat. Two of them died instantly. The third went down and didn’t move. (SH, p. 201)
“He was ten years younger than me. A Russian kid who'd got sucked into all this because his parents had died in an accident. And he’d beaten me. He'd taken out nearly half my team. I was going to be next. (SH, p. 203)
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staysuki · 3 years
ᴘᴇɴɪs ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ™️ | lee felix fic (i'm sorry)
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pairing: famous billionaire that's too good to be true, owner of a very successful company!lee felix x personal assistant!reader
genre: crack, a TINY bit of romance, satire, semi-fifty shades parody (barely)
warnings: this entire fic is one whole dick joke. don't read if you're easily put-off by childish and immature dick jokes. 18+ ??????? (there's no smut though, it's just full-on crack but centered around a penis theme).
word count: 1.5k
synopsis: you find yourself working at the very famous company named "penis heart"— your first mistake? not knowing that fact.
a/n: this is a writing practice joke inspired by a very productive conversation between BS anon and i (see #ash's pp hair tag for more context— and no, not in that way). this is also a testament on how i practice writing fics in my spare time (there's so many random drabbles like this in my secret folder).
networks: @ficscafe (i'm sorry)
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"mr. lee will see you now."
your heart sped up in anxiousness as you walked through the refined double doors, a well-kept concierge gently opening the door for your entry revealing a spacious office lined with floor to ceiling glass windows. a single desk perched in front of a lavish white couch occupied by none other than president of the company, lee felix, himself.
most sought out eligible bachelor, award-winning, young and established entrepreneur, lee felix, who had successfully started his own company that had amassed billions of income.
what he does? you don't know. you've actually never heard of this man until earlier today when your friend had hooked you up a job in his company. thank god for ryujin, but also, you were soon about to realize that maybe, perhaps, you should've done your due research before coming in here so you wouldn't have to go through the embarrassment of choking on your coffee when the front desk lady greeted you with "welcome to penis heart enterprise."
nonetheless, you were here for a job interview and you were too afraid to ask what the company is about and why in the world it's called like that. and also as to why the president of the company himself asked to see you personally for an entry-level job.
you see him gesture in the seat in front of him, urging you to sit so you complied, taking in his features up close. despite knowing the fact that he's a young businessman, you didn't expect for him to look this young. probably just the same age as you. he was wearing a crisp fine suit, his blonde hair styled in a formal way, making him look somewhat mature but you can see the boyish glint in his eyes, his adorable pouty lips, and the way freckles adorned his cheeks like stars. the initial nervousness you had seemed to wash away as he offered you a kind smile.
"good day, miss y/n, pleasure to meet you!"
"uh you too," you answered by instinct but immediately corrected the casual tone, "ah, i mean—it's a pleasure to meet you too, sir, i've heard great things."
"ah please, drop the formal tone. you can call me felix!"
you nodded, adhering to his words, though you did find it quite odd that you were being treated in such a manner. as if you were meeting as friends and not as future boss and employee.
"anyways, i suppose i shall start with the interview now, if you don't mind. i like to keep things casual so don't stress about it too much. why don't we start by you asking some questions for me instead?" he said, putting down your files on the coffee table.
"oh," taken aback by the unconventional interview method, you wracked your brain for vague questions but your curiosity got ahead of you. "if you don't mind me asking.... why penis heart? and what even—"
it was his turn to be taken aback by you, perhaps not expecting an applicant to not know what they're getting themselves into, "oh, i assumed you would've known."
you shook your head so he continued.
"well, we make penises." he said with a straight face that you would've assumed was a prank if not for the fact that he seemed deadly serious.
"come again?" you couldn't fully believe it but as you think back on the earlier walk towards his office, you recall the phallic and suggestive decor littered around the place, which checks out.
"penis hearts, we call em."
"so... you make... dildos." you emphasized.
"please, miss y/n, penis hearts."
"penis hearts."
you eyed him dubiously, "you make sex toys."
"..." he bit his lip, a bit stupored but nonetheless, replied once more, "yes."
“but not just that, we make other penis themed items too— like stationary!” he clarified.
you nodded once again. you weren't one to judge, you weren't the one swimming in money for making cocks out of eco-friendly materials (felix specified this bit clearly).
"so why is it called penis heart?"
you can tell that he was now much more delighted to answer this particular question, fully prepared to give you background story on the lore of the company, "well, you see, when i started out this company— or business idea— it wasn't supposed to be... mature. you know? like, my first product ideas weren't sex toys. it was to market phallic objects to inspire the inner child within all of us. like how even at age 32, one would still laugh at a 69 joke or draw penises on random platforms— hence, penis heart. we all have a heart for penises. but of course, we try to be inclusive here so it's not just dicks or whatnot."
"so what was your first product?"
"dick tape."
"come again?"
"you see, it's like duct tape, but dick."
curious, you were so curious. but you didn't feel like asking any further, so you didn't. at this point, you were too afraid to ask for anything more but you continued.
"then why the sex toys?"
"well, with a name like penis heart, it was inevitable to be misunderstood as a sex company so i just went with whatever the consumers demanded. the money is in the dildos."
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it has been a few months since you started working for pp heart (as everyone else liked to call it) and honestly, you surprisingly enjoy it. sure, you have bad work days but that's normal. all in all, the whole workplace environment wasn't toxic and even your fellow co-workers seemed "alive" despite working a 9-5 office job. perhaps it was one of the perks of having a young boss that has an odd way of thinking. or at least, perhaps it's that "childlike" innocence that he so adhered to that spread all throughout the building. either way, you were happy to be here.
although you were hired by felix to be his assistant (his previous one got fired because she was divulging company secrets) you weren't positioned within his office. instead you were sharing a room with the other higher ups in different cells, with your own desk moreso perched outside for felix's easier access.
you've gotten to know everyone but so far, the closest one you've gotten to know is seo changbin, the head of the board of directors. an amicable, no bullshit, kinda guy who seems to have a mindset of "here for work and work only." but despite that, you can see that he does his best on whatever is tasked, no matter the ludicrousness.
you two would even share coffee breaks together, alongside felix who insists on hanging out with his employees to boost morale. you would be lying if you say it didn't work especially since the man seemed to be a walking ball of sunshine. with the way he carries himself outside his prim office, you wouldn't think that he owns a conglomerate.
today is one of those days that felix weren't joining you and changbin in the breakroom as you shared a pleasant conversation with each other.
"so.. stocks and whatnot."
"ah yes, we are talking about business numbers and product descriptions."
"yes this is how normal people talk in office jobs."
the conversation carried from productivity to simple day-to-day banter. although you've gotten close, none of you have ever really decided to take a step further into a friendlier relationship (at least promoting "work friends" to "outside of work friends") until today, that changbin had finally decided to brave that next step.
"so... y/n.."
"yeah?" you inquired, sipping on your coffee as you munched on a chocolate muffin.
"you see, i was wondering if you had anything to do today after work.. since it's friday and all."
you pondered on it for a bit, thinking whether you have anything to do but you shook your head, not recalling anything. you can see joy spread in his face as you said so.
"that's great! cuz you see, i was wondering if— oh, you have something over here—" changbin went to reach for your face but was stopped by a hand grabbing his wrist.
you both look up to see a smiling felix, though his eyes held a bit of mischief. "sorry, i wanted to see y/n in my office for a bit." he greeted, placing changbin's hand down on the table. "is that okay? am i disturbing anything."
as you started to stand up , looking curiously at felix, wondering what he needed, your peripheral caught the view of changbin sighing in disappointment as he looked away, "you're the boss." he replied with an unusual snark but felix's smile just grew wider, urging you to follow him.
he closed the door behind the two of you as you entered his office, you hear him mutter saying something about how maybe he should get your desk positioned inside his office instead.
"what was it that you needed from me?" you asked, breaking the silence.
felix just turns, his demeanor now much more serious, intimidating almost as he stepped closely in front of you, making you corner yourself on the door behind you.
he immediately reached for your face, wiping some chocolate from the corner of your lips, licking his finger clean afterwards. the sight probably making you cream your underpants in that instant.
"nothing, i just don't like anyone touching what's mine."
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roanniee · 3 years
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Quite The Thin Line
Word Count: 4k ( I might have gone a little overboard? hehe)
Warnings: Swearing, Enemies to Lovers, Gender Neutral Reader, Maybe OOC Goshiki?
A/N¹: thank you so much @rosesandtoshi for allowing me to participate in this!
PPS: If you have any requests, please ask! I'd love to write more here!
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To be an Ushijima means that there will be a lot of expectations placed upon someone. As the younger sibling of Ushijima Wakatoshi, the expectations placed on you only made sense.
There was only one problem.
You are nothing like your brother. You are his complete opposite. Your excellence was on Academics rather than sports. You are a scholar, choosing the company of books and anything that is of academic roots over anything that would leave you sweating and exhausted.
Growing up with books as your constant companion, socialising was not your thing, and making friends was difficult.
Finding real friends was even harder, since most of the people you encountered have been more interested in using you to get a chance with your brother. All those experiences have left you hiding deeper into your shell, not wanting to meet new people and be used again.
You sat down beside your brother in the cafeteria with a muted sigh. You had been allowed to leave early after finishing a short quiz. As such, it was only you, your brother and a few other people in the cafeteria.
"You are troubled," Wakatoshi stated, looking at you with his piercing green eyes. You wanted to ignore him and stay in your little bubble, but you knew your brother and you knew that he was more stubborn than a mule.
"I have run out of time to choose a club," You replied, fidgeting with the sleeves of your school uniform. Clubs are mandatory in Shiratorizawa, and none of the clubs are appealing to you as you don't know anyone enough to be comfortable with them. You knew it was only a matter of time before the cafeteria gets packed with people but before you can even formulate a plan to sneak away into the comfort of the rooftop, your brother grabbed your arm gently.
"Stay. I want you to meet the team."
"Can it not wait until later, Onii-san?" You gently asked as you leaned back on your chair.
"I want you to meet the team before I bring you to the gym."
Your eyes widened at that. You have seen your brother's strength. You have seen Shiratorizawa's games through the screen. The last place you wanted to be in is a place where balls are always flying around at speeds and strength that would break your arm off.
"What do you mean 'bring me to the gym'?"
Before your brother could answer, the rest of the volleyball team walked in, bright red hair and dip dyed ash blond at the very front of them. You knew who they were, of course. Along with their games that you have watched, your brother had sent you photographs of his closest friends all throughout his years at Shiratorizawa. They just never met you before, especially since you have been hiding at the rooftops or your dorm every lunch time since school began.
"Ushi- Oh? Who's this?" The dip dyed male asked, causing eyes to turn to where you were sitting. If it was possible, you would've hid behind your brother. From where you were sitting, you could see the redhead narrow his eyes before recognition flashed in them.
"Hey, you're Ushijima Y/n!" The redhead stated with a gentle smile. Just like you, they had never met you nor seen you since your brother never showed them any photographs of you by your request. However, your brother has spoken fondly of you. you are, after all, the only sibling he has, and if it weren't for your mother's strict ways, he would've spoiled you rotten.
"I am." you stated with a shaky smile, mainly due to the stares you've been getting, something your brother noticed. Of course he did. You have never been stared at this much in all your life.
"Could you please stop staring at them? You're making them uncomfortable." Wakatoshi stated, causing many of the stares to look away. The stares of the rest of the team stayed however, and you were ready to run. You looked at your brother and practically sprinted out when he nodded at you.
"They're so shy, Wakatoshi," Tendou stated as he sat down on the seat you vacated.
"Not shy. Just cautious,introverted and easily uncomfortable," The ace said as he frowned, knowing that it was his fame that pushed you into your shell. Despite having a hard time with socialising, you used to be so bubbly and carefree, smiling at just about everything. An overall pure, kind-hearted soul. That all changed when he became one of Japan's top three under 20 aces, when you first felt the betrayal of a friend that used you to get close to him.
He hated that he had caused this to you, but you told him to never stop reaching his dreams on your account, because seeing him happy makes you happy and proud.
"I was hoping that they'd be comfortable with you before afternoon practice."
"Why? What's with afternoon practice?" their libero asked with a raised brow.
"I knew that today was the last day to choose a club, so I signed them up to be our new manager."
You know that your brother means well. He always did. Despite being only 2 years older than you, he is your pillar, the only constant person in your life. He doted on you, he made sure to be there for you. He, for the lack of a better term, adored you.
But that didn't mean that he could just go and sign you up for something you did not want to be in.
The gym is a deathtrap. But, since he signed you up and it was the last day to choose a club, you have no choice now. You could only hope that no stray balls get thrown your way, or the fact that you don't end up surrounded by intimidating players most of the time.
It took you only two weeks to realise that the team weren't serious like your brother.
They're dorks. Secret nerds. And it was this reason that you slowly began to open up to them.
Tendou loved shonen jump, and you've seen and heard him talk about it every practice. Semi is a music nerd, his bag full of music sheets and songs that have been composed to their halfway mark. Yamagata knows everything about seafood, from how to catch and cultivate them to how to prepare them. Reon is a nerd for sci-fi films, and would randomly spout facts about various films during breaks. Kawanishi knows everything there is about drinks, which is ironic as he's still underaged. But you found it adorable when his eyes lit up whenever he talked about how he found a new cocktail that he'd like to try and make. Shirabu, much like you, is a scholar. And with him, you found a kindred soul. Despite being a year older, he was your confidant, the one you talk to about various books and literary works that you've read over the years.
All in all, you got along with the team.
All but one.
Goshiki Tsutomu is your fellow first year student. Yet, you can never seem to find a bond with him, which interfered slightly with your manager duties.
You were there to help the team, yet you can never approach Goshiki without him glaring at you, and you're getting sick and tired of it quickly. While you were never a confrontational person, your patience was running thin. It was only a matter of time before you snapped.
Turns out, today was the day.
Goshiki glared at you again, and you have had enough. The gym practically stopped when they saw you walking over to Goshiki, who was deliberately trying to ignore you after glaring at you for the 5th time in the past 30 minutes.
“Okay, what is your problem with me?” You asked, hands on your hips, glaring back when he looked at you with a glare.
“I have no problem with you.” He said before nonchalantly going back to tossing the ball and spiking it. The loud sound didn't even bother you, too caught up in trying to figure out why the outside hitter didn't like you much. You really wouldn't care, but it has been interfering with your job as their manager, and THAT annoyed you to no end.
(Plus, he was cute, although you'd never admit it."
“You clearly do, seeing as you have been ignoring me or glaring at me since I became the manager. So what is your problem with me?”
You watched as Goshiki took a deep breath before facing you, the glare still on his face.
“I just think that a powerhouse team like Shiratorizawa doesn't need a manager like you. It's useless and pointless.”
The gasps that left the other team members' mouths and the glare on your brother’s face didn't escape your notice, but all you did was nod and walk away.
“It's fine, Onii-san” You said to your brother as you grabbed the empty water bottles to refill them, deliberately leaving Goshiki's out.
“Goshiki. That was too much. Do you even know the things Y/N does for the team?” Shirabu stated, eyes narrowing in disbelief when Goshiki looked away with a simple “whatever.”
When you walked back in, you placed their water bottles back in their respective places before grabbing the clipboard that held your other tasks for the day. When you saw that they were done, you sat down and grabbed your chemistry book to start up on your homework, ignoring the way your lips wanted to smirk when you saw Goshiki pick up his empty water bottle and walk out while gritting his teeth in irritation. You looked up when you felt stares on you.
“Did you not refill his water?” Reon asked.
“No. Why should I?” You said as a mischievous look made your eyes glow slightly. “He himself said it's pointless for the team to have a manager.”
A wave of shock passed through the team, seeing as no one expected sweet and introverted Y/N to be so petty. Wakatoshi opened his mouth to chastise you, no doubt about being petty, but Coach Washijo, who had been quietly observing the entire time, stopped him.
“Let them. They have the right to do so, and it's about time the boy learns to respect others rather than just a few.”
You laughed, a rather jovial sound, and it was quickly followed by Tendou's cackling and Yamagata’s snickering.
“Oh god...I can smell chaos brewing already.” Shirabu stated from where he stood between Kawanishi and Yamagata.
“Let's just hope it dies down soon.” Kawanishi replied with a cringe.
“Speak for yourself. This is prime entertainment.” Yamagata replied, still snickering under his breath.
Much to Yamagata's joy, it didn't die down.
In fact, it got worse.
While you never strayed from your duties as the team's manager, you let Goshiki deal with his own messes, unless it's something that could affect the entire team.
He spilled his water? He cleans it up.
His water ran out? He can fill it up himself.
He was sweaty? He can grab his towel from the bench on his own.
The only time you actually help him is during practice games and official games, not wanting to ruin the team's reputation.
His retaliation?
Him proving that the team doesn't need a manager by doing your duties for you.
Picking stray balls up after practice? Done before you could even think about it. Some deflated ones were even inflated by him.
Grabbing the bags of snacks and medical supplies for a game? He's already off carrying that while carrying his own things.
You honestly don't know if Goshiki was doing all this to make you angry...
Or make things easier for you.
Being a manager may look easy, it most certainly was not. You have to check the equipment after every practice, making sure the nets aren't broken or that the net poles are still functioning properly. The balls need to be put away, all inflated properly and ready to be used for the next practice. You also had to make sure that none of the team overwork themselves and cause any self-inflicted injuries. There was also you reaching out to other teams that the coach chose to coordinate possible practice matches, and collecting statistics and information for both the team and Coach Washijo.
Plus, you also had to make sure that the guys' practice vests and jerseys are always clean. Which isn't an easy task, considering that the people wearing them were all teenage males that are still going through puberty.
In short, no matter how good they smell before practice, they stink after it.
Nonetheless, you liked it. It lessened the burden on your shoulders, and if Goshiki wasn't being so childish, you would've thanked him.
Perhaps you were being childish too, with how petty you have been, but your reasoning was that he started it first.
You have nothing against Goshiki. Truly. He was adorable, all sparkly eyed and so eager and determined to be on par with your brother. In fact, if he hadn’t been an ass, you could say that you even liked him. Yet, for some reason, you pissed him off to the point that you just became rivals.
Rivals in what? You don't exactly know at this point, as it has been months since you were placed in Goshiki's enemy list. All you know is that you are in it, and that you don't see yourself leaving anytime soon.
Today was not a good day for you. You had exams all day and ended up staying up late to study as well as work on a project that was due the day after tomorrow. You can feel a cold coming, and the only thing you wanted to do was to shut the world out and sleep. But you couldn't. Today was also laundry day for the guys, and a practice match with Seijoh to boot. You couldn't slack off with your duties today.
So despite your headache that's been present the whole day along with your exhaustion, you walked into the gym, ready to help out. No one was in yet, so you immediately began to set up, ignoring your body's plea to rest. Letting your body go on autopilot, you continued what you're doing while humming a tune, not noticing that the team has been watching you.
Before you became the manager, your duties had been split between the assistant coach and the janitor. Now that you took over the position, you don't have many people helping you, as you don't want to bother anyone with the things they were all doing.
So for once, the team saw nearly the full extent of your job as their manager. They watched as you floated around, checking equipment and how inflated the balls were, before you disappeared into the club room and walked out carrying the still warm practice vests and jerseys and began folding them. You can feel your head pounding, but you just shook your head after rubbing your temple and continued with your job.
“Y/n?” The sound of your brother's voice made you jump slightly, making your headache worse and your head began to spin.
“Huh? What is it?”
“Are you okay?” Wakatoshi asked.
"Yeah, just a headache." You said before you finished folding and began walking out, hearing the Seijoh bus coming. It was clear that it wasn’t just a headache, not after they’ve seen you stop a few times to control your breathing, rub your temple and sniffle. Before you could take another step, your head spun even more and you crumpled on to the floor.
“Woah... Are you okay?” Yamagata asked, helping you up.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a headache. I'm okay." You said as you bowed in thanks and grabbed your clipboard, making your way out to greet Seijoh and lead them in. Your team wasn't convinced, because you sounded like you were trying to convince yourself rather than tell them a fact. But, they knew they can’t do much, as you were just shy of being just as stubborn as Wakatoshi.
You can feel worried glances your way, but you shook them off as you ran around to accommodate both teams since Seijoh didn't have a manager.
When you returned from fetching water, you collapsed on the bench, sweating profusely. Shirabu placed his palm on your forehead, a worried look on his face when he felt how warm you were, despite the cold sweat that beaded on your hairline.
“Hey, you're burning up and you're having cold sweats. You should go and rest.” Shirabu's words caught the attention of the others.
“I'm fine. Besides, I have a job to do.”' You said as you weakly pushed him away before trying to stand up to continue helping.
“Y/n please stop and rest.” Your brother said, but you stubbornly shook your head.
All this, Goshiki watched from the sidelines.
Goshiki has never hated anyone. Really. He's never. Sure, he gets annoyed, but the kid has a heart of pure gold and is always there to help his senpais and is usually friendly enough to his batchmates.
Until he met you, the only person that his idol, Ushijima Wakatoshi, was paying attention to and doted on. The attention and doting he wanted from his idol. It's not like he can blame Wakatoshi. You are Shiratorizawa's manager and his little sibling after all, and older brothers tend to pay attention to their siblings and hover around them protectively.
But he can't help but hate you, not when you steal Wakatoshi's attention all the fucking time.
Him getting his own water, cleaning his own mess and getting his own towels were difficult enough for him during practice. Seeing you do all your duties while obviously sick and exhausted made him realise that maybe, the team needed you unlike what he initially stated.
That maybe, that made you worth the attention he craved from your brother.
And maybe, just maybe, you were worth his attention and respect too.
Which was why he stepped forward and picked you up bridal style, a surprise to anyone in Shiratorizawa that was watching.
“Shut up,” Goshiki said as he carried you and laid you down on the bench, using his bag as your pillow and his jacket as your blanket. “Rest, Y/n.”
“But my job…” you protest as you tried to get up, only to be pushed back down by Goshiki.
“I'll take care of it. But please. Rest.” Goshiki said, running his fingers through your hair gently, his blunt nails scraping through your scalp. The gentleness of his fingers lulled you to your much needed sleep quickly.
Goshiki looked at you as you rested, wondering what exactly changed within him. When he first met you, he was infuriated. Infuriated with the way you were so introverted and would hide behind your brother but when you smiled, you lit up the room. Infuriated with the way you try so hard, and how helpful you were. Infuriated with the way you could look so effortlessly gorgeous and how you don’t notice him or smile at him like you do with Shirabu or your brother and-
Goshiki blushed as his eyes widened at the realisation.
Dear lord, he didn't hate you like he originally thought.
He had a crush on you. (possibly even more, but he doesn’t want to think that far ahead yet,) A crush he terribly showed by treating you so poorly.
He walked back to the court, the blush still evident on his cheeks.
“Oh~? Little Goshiki-kun is blushing?” Tendou teased.
“Are you alright, Goshiki? While I am thankful that you got them to rest, You never tried to get close to Y/n before.” Wakatoshi asked.
“U-uh I'm fine. I just realised something.” The first year replied with a cringe. Kawanishi looked at his kouhai and raised a brow.
“Wow... Took you what? 8 months to realise that you like them?” The dark ginger haired male asked, and both he and Shirabu actually cackled when Goshiki blushed even more and looked at the floor. A hand fell on his shoulder, and the dark haired first year tensed up and squeaked, knowing exactly whose hand it was. When he turned around, he found Wakatoshi looking at him with a stony look.
“Y-yes, Ushijima-san?”
“We are going to talk, you hear me?”
“Yes sir.”
When you woke up, it was to the feeling of someone trying to lift you up. You opened your eyes and found yourself looking at Goshiki who was hovering over you. He blushed as he backed away with his hands up.
“I-I wasn't trying anything, I promise! I just...wanted to carry you to your dorm without interrupting your sleep.” Goshiki mumbled as you slowly stood up, your headache gone after a much needed rest.
“It's fine,” you said, and a slightly awkward pause covered the two of you. You looked around and blinked when everything had been put away, and that it was only Goshiki and you left in the gym. “I slept through the entire match?”
“You did. It's fine though. Uhm…” he trailed off, looking at anywhere but you.
“What is it, Goshiki?”
“Can I...walk you to your dorm? I kind of promised your brother I would.”
You blinked, wondering why but just simply nodded your head.
You both slowly made your way out of the gym and towards the dorms. Once you are outside your dorm doors, Goshiki gently held your wrist to get your attention.
“Uhm...I'd like to apologise.” Your fellow first year stated, a grimace and a shy smile on his face.
“For what?”
“For treating you so poorly. I know it's been...8 months since I met you and I know I've been horrible to you, and for that, I apologise profusely.” Goshiki said, looking more than ready to go down on his knees to apologise to you.
“I'll forgive you, on one condition.” You said, crossing your arms in front of you. “You tell me exactly why you hate me.”
Goshiki smiled bashfully as he rubbed the back of his neck.
“It wasn't necessarily hate…” the wing spiker started to say. “It was more of...jealousy. I was jealous that Ushijima-san was paying more attention to you. Which is...stupid.”
You blinked.
Before you laughed, making Goshiki whine.
“Hey! I'm trying to apologise here. Stop laughing at me!”
“Sorry, sorry.” You said, snickering slightly, noting how cute he was while pouting. “It is kinda stupid. Does that mean you don't hate me anymore?” You asked, eyes looking at Goshiki with a hopeful look.
“No, not anymore.” Goshiki said, hesitating slightly before speaking again. “Because I realised that I never hated you in the first place.”
You froze, before you looked at Goshiki with wide eyes.
“Turns out...there is quite the thin line between hate and like.”
“Shouldn't it be hate and love?”
“I don't quite love you,' Goshiki said. 'Not yet at least.”
A beat of silence settled between the both of you, until he stepped forward and lifted your face up by the chin to meet his gaze.
“Will you give me the chance to make it up to you, to fall for you and make you fall for me?”
“Only if you promise not to break my heart if I do.”
In the next few weeks, a few changes occurred.
One, you now have a lot of help with your duties as the team's manager.
Two, you have constant shadows, making sure you are taking care of yourself. Some of the team even went as far as bringing snacks with them for you.
And three, you now have planned dates with the aspiring, upcoming ace, Goshiki Tsutomu, much to the shock of many Shiratorizawa students.
...after you made sure that your brother didn't kill him, of course.
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©Roannie 2021 Please do not plagiarise or repost my works.
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itsthe-grim-reaper · 4 years
The gross skull is back with moreeeee smmmmut!!! content! One braincell and it says: pp! poosy! I have the brain! Of agoldfish ! here’s the drabble! Hope you like!
(If the format is weird, it’s because I write on mobile. Sorry! ♡^▽^♡ )
☆ Summary: Racer Au! Matsukawa takes you into his car and uses his smoke to his advantage. You think it’s hot. ☆
Female Y/N
Matsukawa Issei
Car s*x
Partially Clothed
Size kink
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♡o。.(✿ฺ。 ✿ฺ) ♡o。.(✿ฺ。 ✿ฺ) ♡o。.(✿ฺ。
✿ฺ) ♡o。.(✿ฺ。 ✿ฺ) ♡o。.(✿ฺ。 ✿ฺ) ♡o。.
The sleek, navy blue exterior of his racing car never prepared you for what was to lie inside.
He was always a fan of cars, ever since you met him. Matsukawa knew them from the inside out. You watched him go from a simple 1 on 1 street race in your teens to now racing at 26 years old with the big guns in Tokyo.
When he asked you to come outside of the bar you were visiting with friends, you didn’t expect him to be legitimately out there. You thought he might have forgotten you through the curtains of fame that had been drawn over his eyes. He lowers his sunglasses once he sees you.
Your heart skips a beat as his eyes draw lines over the clothes you’re wearing. It’s not particularly revealing, just a simple blouse and a skirt you threw on last minute to go have fun, but it felt like he was trying to undress you with his eyes.
Once he’s done getting a good look at you, he walks around to the driver’s side and gets in. As with all of his cars, the back windows were tinted. It was too dark to see through into the backseat. The car starts, the engine purring and the front lights turning on as Matsu rolls down the window and nods for you to get in.
And so you do.
You never anticipated for him to pull you into the back after closing the window and to kiss you hard in front of that bar. To tease your hair with a hand. For his fingers trail down your leg as he presses you against the seat.
“You’re gorgeous, babes.” Matsukawa hums, taking off his sunglasses and setting them in the passenger seat. “Beautiful.” Your eyes can barely follow his hands in the dark as the inch down your body. He leans forward and brings your hips up to meet his as he leans forward to kiss you.
“Mmm, only cause we’re in the dark.” You reply, his response being a faint frown. He kisses the edge of your jaw before moving to grab a cigarette.
The sound of a spark, and a small flame appears followed by the ember being lit. “Not because we’re in the dark.” He retorts, closing the lighter and taking a deep inhale. It lights up your face, the end of the cigarette.
“See, I could see you just fine and I still want you.”
It’s your turn to frown. “Now it’s dark again.”
“It’s not that dark.”
He’s back to kissing you, the taste of smoke lazily drifting into your mouth. You want more of the taste, you decide, bringing him closer. It was Matsu. He only breaks the kiss for another drag, again the ember giving way for him to have enough light to unbutton your blouse. He taps out the ash onto the tray in the center of the console, using the other hand to unbutton the top of your shirt. You assist him, a smile on your lips that disappears with the dark.
“You smirkin’?” A theoretical question that you couldn’t answer when your focus is pulled elsewhere as he palms your breast. A distraction, nonetheless. You weren’t as sensitive as other girls your age spoke of, but it didn’t mean that you didn’t feel a slight sensation.
“You want me, doll?”
You swallow down your fear of being caught. They couldn’t see through the windows right? Right? You nod.
You watch the ember bob in the dark as he unbuckles his belt, stroking his fingers vertically along the outside of your pants. You tense at the feeling of coldness of his hand as it slips into your panties, turning so he has better access to rub against your aching pussy. You throb at his touch.
His unused hand goes to his mouth, and the light of the cigarette moves. Another drag, and smoke is blown into your mouth as he kisses you again.
Your lungs burn with nicotine as he fingers you for what feels like forever, the movements sounding sloppy from the wetness your pussy was giving him.
The smell of smoke begins to fill the car in a haze.
“Pretty baby, moan for me.” You feel Matsukawa’s cock slap up against your lower stomach. That felt a lot bigger than you expected, and you feel fear stir inside of you as the ember reveals the outline of the monster in the dark.
That..was massive.
“Holy shiiit.” You reach down and begin to stroke its head gently, listening to his faint grunts of satisfaction. “Fuck, you’re..you’re huge, Matsu. I..I don’t think I can take it.” It had to be at least 10 inches of pure cock. That thing was huge!
But the sound of that just made you more wet. Could you fit it? Would it..? The thought of it makes you have a double heartbeat.
��Sure you can, hun.” His teeth glint and the thrusts against you. Hard.
A moan escapes as the condom wrapped length slides so well against your clit.
You didn’t even notice that he had put one on, so focused on every other sensation. You almost didn’t care. You hear faint chatter outside the car and grip onto his arm, almost a plea. Another thrust and Matsukawa starts to create ruthless rhythm against your sore, dripping cunt.
Only growls and grunts escape him, a sign that he was in the moment. Focused. He was racing, sure. Against his own feeling for sure. He already had this one. The Matsukawa Issei won. He just had to take it. The medal was within grasp, the money in the bag. He just had to take it.
Another drag of the cigarette and he smushes it out on the center console.
That’s when he pushes inside of you.
He couldn’t get too deep, because even with 4, 5 inches in his fat cock stretched you so far. But as deep as he could, he goes. Your moans are addictive, even more so than the nicotine on his lips.
Just short thrusts into you make your head spin on its axis. More smoke is blown into your mouth as his hips roll into yours, the wet noises filling your ears as your eyes keep closed tight.
“Y/N..your pussy...” He manages. He isn’t very talkative for such a hotshot.
Matsukawa filled you to the brim, his full length failing to fit fully inside. The tight feeling gives way to him increasing speed.
The dial in his mind’s eye clocks up in the numbers.
40 mph.
Your foreheads knock together and he drives himself just a little deeper.
55 mph.
“Feels..feels good..” You manage. He’s 6 inches in.
75 mph.
The car shakes with every thrust. You feel him pulse inside of you.
95 mph.
He’s so deep. You can’t think.
120 mph.
Without warning, he finally stills inside of you, moaning loudly as he came. Matsukawa claws at your sides, gasping and giving a low guttural groan as he finishes. He pulls out, listening to your moans as he watches himself nearly fill the condom.
His fingers replace his length that was once in your aching pussy, swirling inside of your gut. You cover your mouth to keep quiet, feeling hitting that spot where it feels you just might—
You shudder and cum for what felt like the 100th time around his hand, and he continues to finger you through it. Your moans die down into pants as you come to. Your head was in the clouds as your sweaty bodies mingled for the moment.
The car smelled of sex and cigarettes, and you hear the distant beat of a song you can’t recall.
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I can just imagine Orfeu getting a fine for bringing Blue and Haru into a store with a no pets policy. Imagine Blue’s panic. “Master got this fine because of his stupid pets, he is probably angry, oh no would he take a toe for this? Would Blue and Haru get hurt? This is so bad ahhh”
Sorry, I’m just feeling especially sadistic today.
CW: implied sex work; implied and fear of amputation; pet whump; dehumanization; it as a pronoun; conditioning; low self-esteem;
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“H-h-haru, Haru, Haru” He heard Blue’s screaming getting closer through the house. Blue opened the door and nearly jumped over Haru “HARU!”
“W—w-w-a…” …Closed his eyes. He was… getting a bit better at this. Bit by bit. Deep breaths.
“We need to, to, to m-make money!”
Haru just stared, still lost.
“We got a fine”
…Still, no clue. He frowned a little, as Blue frantically shook his head, starting to walk in circles, pulling strands of hair.
“I-i-it’s a p-punishment! In money! B-but w—we don’t have M-money! L-last tim B-b-lue got one it paid it toes! “
…Haru’s eyes widened. Paid in toes? What the ever living hell? But… Blue didn’t have those toes so it happened. Blue shoved a paper into his chest. He gasped a little taking a look.
“S-see? H-how much c-c-ash money we need? C-c-can you read it?”
…He made a seven with his hands, than a five.
“Is… IS that much money? Is that the p-price o-o-of toes? C-c-can we b-b-uy toes?”
Haru shook his head. Deep breaths. Too much info at once. He looked down at the paper again.
“M-m-m-m-as…” Closed his eyes, breathing, breathing, breathing “…ter”
“no, no, no, no we can’t ask! He will pp-p-pay the m-money and ask for the-, the t-t-toes… We need to pay…”
…What he meant was… This was to Master. But… the cause was… taking its pets to somewhere illegal. So it was their fault…
Haru looks at his toes, curling them up. He wants to keep them!
“A—any ideas f—for… g-g-etting money?”
Haru shivers. How? They are pets! They can’t work outside of their Master’s home. They don’t have anything to sell – except for their underpriced toes – they can’t… Can’t do anything… Except…
…Well. Not sing. That’s for sure. He tries to gesture, hoping Blue understands. They haven’t showed many signs for him but… He seems to get onto them pretty fast.
“Oh, a-a-, g-guitar? O-or music stuff? Y-y-you c-could play?” He nodded “B-b-ut we don’t, d-don’t have a-anything like that…”
…It was true. If only… he wasn’t such a fucking failure. If he could sing… they could solve this.
“S-s-sell l-lemonade!” Blue darted, probably remembering a cartoon they watched earlier. It would be nice but… Haru had to remind Blue that the materials belonged to Master. And so did they. All the money would be his.
“Oof.. Right… Hm… W-we c-could get a sponsor! A VPN w-with 90 days f-free trial i-if t-they a-acess the link i-in the description and t-t-ype in Haru&Blue!” Blue smiled, cradling Bonnie around. Haru… Wasn’t even sure what the hell he just said “O-oh. W-we d-don’t have a c-c-channel. D-do sponsors a-accept p-people h-h-holding carboard signs…”
…They both came back and forth with terrible ideas. Eventually they just sat at the floor, legs crossed, staring ahead. Haru had a thought, on the back of his mind… That he really, really, really didn’t want to consider. But he had to.
…They could do what Master does. Blue’s eyes widened hearing that suggestion. He hugged his own legs onto a hug. Haru stared, quietly. He didn’t want that. He’d… Almost prefer the toes.
…He didn’t realize the tears were falling until his body started to get shaken by the sobs.
 …Orfeu found the two of them sitting crossed legs in front of each other in bedroom rug, the fine he’d gotten earlier in the middle, like some sort of weird ritual. They were crying, both of them. Okay. Fucking weird.
“Are you two crying because we got a fine?” He asked, unsure what to do.
“W-w-w-w-e c-couldn’t think of, of a w-way to pay it, M-master…” Blue whined miserably, twisting Bonnie around.
“…I’ll pay for it, what are you talking about”
“NO!” Blue darted, then shook its head “I-it means, n-n-o, p-pplease, let us, us t-think more… W-we can f-figure a way to pay in m-money instead of, of t-t-toes…”
“Toes?” He frowned.
“S-s-sorry!” Blue screeched.
He looked at Haru, whose face was red from crying, tears silently flowing down, in quiet resing.
‘Prefer to lose toes. Please. I don’t want to work the way Master does. Please’ he sniffed ‘I can’t. Please. Don’t know other way to make Money.’
…It took him a moment to wrap his mind around the… Situation. Sometimes, they seriously bugged him. 
Well, they could make money by joining the Olympics, they clearly been practicing jumping into conclusions.
“…The fine is for me” He sat on the floor, as both of them flinched “…Not for either of you”
“B-b-but… w-w-we c-caused it, is, is f-f-or taking y—your d-dumb p-pets into-“
“Into somewhere that isn’t allowed, yeah. I was very much aware of that when I took you two there. It’s my responsibility. And none of you are dumb” he took a deep breath “…And even if the fine was for you, I wouldn’t want your toes… Or any body parts. I won’t hurt either of you”
…Why the toes, even. What would he even do with toes? He figured some IF’s bullshit had happened about it. Blue had missing fingers and missing toes… But only the fingers had been addressed in videos. Did that fucker seriously hurt Blue like that over a fine? 
…Haru leaned against him, nuzzling. He pulled him closer, letting him hide his face and… cry. He tried to control his anger for now. He wasn’t angry at them of course, but, they could assume so if he let that show. Deep breaths, calm voice.
“Remember what we talked about before? Don’t assume you’ll be punished. Ask. I won’t get angry at either of you for asking, never”
“S—s-s-sorry…” Blue whimpered “W-w-ill… b-b-e punished for assuming…?”
“…No” He smiled, hoping it was somewhat reassuring.
…Blue whimpered a bit, and leaned closer, wanting a hug too. Orfeu pulled him, knowing this could earn him a bite… But no. Not today. He just leaned his head, closing his eyes for a bit.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Saturday 9 January 1836
7 ¼
11 ¾
No kiss ready in 1 5 having dressed A-‘s blister - sent off by John Booth before breakfast my letter written last night to ‘Mr. C. Illingworth 40 Coney street York Post paid’ - very sore - she tired and went to bed again at 8 - fine morning F34° at 8 20 am went out into the farmyard - Mr. Husband there - the 2 pavions come - Mr. H- ordering the farmyard road to be cambered (raised in the middle) 2 in. - I said one quite enough - Robert Mann and one of his men in the farmyard all the day, spreading Engine ashes carted by Mark Hepworth from Haigh’s mill and setting curb stone against the farmyard road to pave up to, and helping the masons (2 men and a boy) with the caping stone on the farmyard and wall finished tonight - Mallinson and his boy here - making Listerwick cabin door (of larch board) setting locks on to saddle room table drawers - glueing blue room chairs - putting a 3rd trestle under Swiss model-table in the drawing room and other jobbing - 2 sawyers cutting up larch poles into boards and 2 oaks loss 2 or 3 cuts each log - Wood and Robert Mann’s other man making 2 trenches at the foot of slippery clay (opposite the house and near rock work) - to hold it up - the trench to be filled up large lumps of scale and form an abutment for the clay to push against - came in to breakfast at 8 55 - A- came in ¼ hour - Had Washington - shewed him Mr. George Bates drawing of water wheel - told SW- not to receive the old church pew rents after today - I meant the sexton to receive them - with SW till about near 11 - then out again all the day till came in at 5 10 - twice at the Lodge - in the farmyard with Mallinson - with Wood opposite the house- and with John Booth planting broom on the ledges in the cascade bridge wall opposite the house - 4 broom plants taken from the bottom of the walk - came in at 5 10 - sometime in the drawing room about the model - dressed - wrote and sent this evening letter to AB- under cover to Mr. Salter Tea dealer, 6 Dorset street Manchester square London PP’ advertisement in last night’s Herald - Lady’s maid or lady’s maid and housekeeper aetatis 30 no objection to the country - wrote to ask with whom lived last in what capacity - if a good dress-maker and hair dresser and getter up of fine linen - if accustomed to take the charge of an establishment and what wages asked - dinner at 6 ¼ - coffee A- and I ½ hour with my father and Marian - skimmed over last night’s paper - looked over the botany of Spain in the Encyclopaedia of Geology and wrote the above of today till 9 ¾ having had Marian upstairs 10 minutes or ¼ hour to say it was fixed for Jane to go to York on Monday if well enough, and if she could have a place in the mail - George to go outside to escort her - went to my aunt at 9 ¾ for 40 minutes - pretty well tonight - did not get up till after 5pm - very fine - thick and hazy in the afternoon from between 3 and 4 and at 4 ½ could not well see to work - F31° now at 10 50 pm - on leaving my aunt dressed A-‘s blister that put her clean linen on -
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cheswirls · 4 years
we come from the ashes (we leave under fire)
aight so now that im fully immersed in psycho pass again its time to drop the different routes of the sa psycho pass au. i think sabo and ace are just enough complex characters with different drives that they could fit into multiple roles in a pp au, so this is jus a fraction based on whats spoken to me. also, theres like, a touch of popular fanon characterization here and there but instead of far-off fanon its could-be-implied-from-canon fanon. regardless this is entirely to my taste.
also these aren’t full scenarios so some of them will cut off at odd moments!! they arent intended to be like outlines, jus my rambling thoughts. ill put a read more under the first one, theres 4 in total rn
route 1: e!sabo (former i) and i!ace [i: ace, lami | e: sabo, law, rayleigh, monet] -sabo is an inspector before ace at a young age (before turning 20) -sabo ends up being a well-rounded member of the team and soon becomes crucial to the overall success of missions -something happens that forces sabo’s hue to take a nosedive, and every little upset pushes him deeper, until his crime coefficient is so high the bureau is forced to remove him from the line of duty -knowing sabo’s innate prowess for the job, he’s placed in protective custody and forced to undergo mental therapy; however, this has the opposite effect, spiking his crime coefficient to almost unseen numbers (600+) -he spends three months in custody under observation, but as the number fails to drop, two key things are observed: 1, sabo is eerily calm for the most part, remaining near emotionless on the outside as a result of a coping mechanism learned through the attempted therapy, and for the most part functions like normal, aside from his absent personality; 2, the most part is there because sabo has brief psychotic breaks, most lasting mere minutes, but the recoil has him down and out of it for almost a full day, like someone with intense manic depression after an episode -knowing they can’t afford to lose a talent like sabo, and understanding the risks, the bureau brings him back under their care as a latent enforcer; aside from his shift in personality, and his lack of authority, sabo enters back into the life he had known before his crime coefficient skyrocketed -enter ace, three years after sabo’s reinstatement -ace and sabo are relatively close in age, but unlike sabo who joined the bureau of public safety immediately upon graduation, ace has a few years more of life experience under his belt before becoming an inspector -no one knows his ambitions or motives, and ace is careful not to let it slip, that he’s striving to uncover the situation that led up to his little brother losing his life -on ace’s first case, lami pulls him aside to say she was taking law, and wanted him to handle sabo and circle around; she warns ace not to let sabo overstep, because the power went to his head; ace asks ‘what are you trying to say?’ and lami tells him if he loosened sabo’s leash, the chain would snap off -sabo and ace, despite being in each other’s care, don’t mesh well together at first; sabo is intent to do things his own way, and is constantly berating ace for doing what he thinks is a second-rate job; the last thing ace wants is a latent criminal constantly correcting his choices and challenging his authority, but he just can’t seem to win with sabo -the first time ace witnesses one of sabo’s attacks is the same night he breaks from lami’s advice, letting sabo separate from him and monet to box in their suspect, monet makes a noise of disapproval when she sees sabo moving away, but when ace asks why, she only eyes him critically and says he’d already made his choice -they continue forward when lami contacts them through the comms, noting their target dot had stopped on the map and asking if ace had them in custody yet; ace admits he and monet were still on their way, so it was probably sabo, and lami cuts him off with a ‘sabo is alone??’ -shit, lami says, and orders him to get a move on, and to remember that they needed this one alive to link the motive to a previous case; her and the two enforcers with her would meet them there, already heading to the fixed location -it’s a frenzy to race to their destination, and ace notices along the way that his baton was missing from his person; monet mentions sabo must have taken it without his knowing, and ace opens his mouth to deny it, but he doesn’t get the chance to when they come out in an open area and find sabo burying the stolen baton into their culprit’s stomach -it’s clear that sabo had taken his time in brutalizing the person already, an when ace shouts over, asking what he was doing, mentions that sibyl’s judgement wouldn’t be enough, so he was doing it his way; ace immediately has problems with this, but him and monet are on an incline, a wide space still separating them from sabo, and his options are limited to pointing his dominator when it’s clear sabo has no intention of stopping, and hoping for the best -except, the best doesn’t happen, because sibyl scans sabo’s crime coefficient at way over 500 and still rising, and before ace’s eyes transforms into a lethal eliminator; sabo looks up, as if sensing this, and freezes as he’s met with the sight, with the dominator trained on him; it’s enough for the person under him to start squirming to get free, and ace doesn’t want to kill sabo, that wasn’t his intention by any means, but it wasn’t like there was a safety feature on dominators, so there was nothing he could do -but he could, because there was still a trigger, and as their suspect claws their way halfway out from underneath sabo, ace makes a decision, quickly pointing the dominator down as he fires, so that it hits their target instead of the enforcer; the person combusts, sabo drops his makeshift weapon and collapses to his knees, and ace’s dominator reverts to its usual state without a target to lock on -sabo still looks haunted, and its worse now that he’s absolutely covered in blood; he starts gasping for breath, curling his arms around his stained suit jacket, and falls completely as his legs give out; his hands shoot out to catch himself, but they keep slipping on all the blood on the ground, and at that moment ace doesn’t see a latent criminal, he sees someone his age looking utterly terrified, so he holsters his dominator and makes to move to help -but monet holds him back with an arm over his chest, watching sabo with a stern expression; ace looks at her incredulously and she tells him to wait in a stern tone, holstering her own dominator to activate her comm and alert lami -sabo’s panic attack has dissolved from breathing at this point, and he’s crying hysterically, one hand clenched in his hair; ace stands still and watches as lami’s group appears on the same platform, level with sabo, and take in the situation very quickly; monet releases him but he doesn’t move forward, and down below, lami ushers for law to stand in front of sabo, holding her dominator level with his chest -the read on the enforcer forces the dominator into paralyzer mode, and law sidesteps just as lami fires, ‘its time to sleep now’, so that it hits sabo instead, cutting off his hysterics as he sags fully to the messy ground  -ace realizes then that there was a trick in the system, because when she had pulled off was not unlike what he had just done with his own dominator, delivering the judgement to a different target than the one scanned; lami later admits she’d learned it from the chief inspector upon insistence of the bureau head, for situations like these, because still in moments when it seemed like sabo was too far gone, the public safety bureau still considered him and asset they couldn’t afford to lose -ace isn’t suspended for his actions, but reiju makes it very clear he was on thin ice, and he and lami aren’t on speaking terms just yet; in the lull between cases, with their only lead splattered all over a back alley, ace opts to visit sabo in medical; he had a peculiar situation, the medic ward tells him, sabo up and about around 18 hours after being paralyzed, a little longer than usual, but not behaving like it by any means; sometimes he would fall unconscious, other times he was awake but completely listless, his eyes open but unseeing, his head refusing to rise off the pillows; the ward admits the enforcer would be like this for another half day, maybe longer, though his crime coefficient had dropped down by almost 150 points; when ace asks what that made it now, its with a chuckle he’s told sabo’s range is still exceedingly high, almost at 600 -ace keeps coming back, viewing sabo from behind the glass, until he starts to regain some function; when he responds to a question while having his iv changed, ace convinces the ward to let him take sabo the tea they were bringing in; sabo eyes him critically when he walks in, but ends up thanking ace when he reaches out to take the steaming mug; ace settles into the stool beside the medical cot and sabo lets him be, not questioning his presence, not until ace starts asking questions -but sabo’s anger at being asked why quickly dissipates, his body not able to keep up with the intense emotion, and he shrugs in lieu of an answer, drinks his tea; but ace isn’t leaving, and after a while and an empty mug, sabo admits he was trying to get their suspect’s crime coefficient to rise above 300, because he didn’t like the idea of bringing them in and locking them in a cell when there was a slim chance they could recover, after what they had done -ace is horrified by this, and it must show on his face, because sabo shrugs; that’s just how he is sometimes, he admits; his mind falls into a black pit, and he can’t escape, and when it’s finally over it takes forever to feel like himself again -ace admits lami had it out for him because he killed their suspect, and the laugh sabo produces in response is gruff; she’ll get over it, he says, she’s always like that, he says, she’s not a hard person to piss off, he says; ace asks suddenly why their relationship was so tense, and sabo shrugs, saying him and lami used to be tight, but then he became like this, and she no longer thought society had a use for him
route 4: e!sabo and e!ace (both former i) [i: ace, sabo | e: katakuri, kuzan, shinobu, rebecca] -this is the one i think would be the most fun, but ultimately wouldn’t advance anywhere, with both being latent criminals and being bound by what the position entailed -in this case ace, whose own emotions had always fluctuated and took a toll on his higher-than-average crime coefficient, falls first, driven to near despair when sabo is almost fatally injured during what was supposed to be a routine roundup -sabo had taken an enforcer and was forced into close-quarters combat, and before he could subdue whatever had caused the enforcer to rage, his crime coefficient dips enough for the stunner to paralyze him (thru the enforcer using their own dominator on sabo upon identifying his elevated psycho pass); left with very little option to struggle, sabo is lethally injured and left for dead before backup arrives -ace’s crime coefficient spikes when confronting the scene, and he doesn’t hesitant to kill the enforcer before rushing to sabo’s side; unfortunately, as sabo is rushed to emergency care, his absence does ruin to ace, whose number refuses to fall as his hue grows cloudier -when sabo wakes up, on a long road to recovery, ace is nowhere to be found, and the chief inspector reveals he had been arrested; sabo is frantic, only able to think of ace, and what he was going through now, and why this had to happen to ace of all people, and then of the small box he had nestled in a hidden space in their shared flat, something he would never get to use now -the bureau releases an inter-team statement that ace was not at fault for the enforcer’s demise, ruling it off with use of the dominator, but that didn’t excuse his crime coefficient from refusing to fall, and if he wanted to continue work for the bureau, had to be reinstated as an enforcer -the toll on their new life (ace living somewhere different, ace having a curfew, no longer having ace next to him every second of the day, no longer even to have him to hold at night) is heavy for sabo, and it doesn’t help that ace keeps saying it was expected, that he become just like his father after all -sabo grabs him by the cheeks and tells him to stop, please, bc that wasnt true and saying that would only make it worse, and didnt ace know how much he loved him for who he was already, and that ace was already perfect in sabos eyes; ace apologizes and promises to try better, and sabo breaks away, going on a mini tangent, saying how he couldnt handle it anymore and his hue was getting cloudy, and how ace had to do his best to get out, to stabilize, so that they could begin to return to some sort of sanity -ace promising to do that, and worrying over sabo’s declining mental state, because worrying over him shouldnt have been priority and yet sabo was fretting anyway, and sabo pulls back again to say this was the last time he would see ace for a while; when ace asks sabo admits he was getting institutionalized for treatment, bc it was the only thing he could think to do, and that he wanted ace to focus on getting out, even if he had to be demoted to an enforcer, bc at least he would be out in some sort of sense, and if sabo wasnt waiting for him then he would have to wait just a little longer -the realization of how much sabo was getting affected nearly kills ace, and the weight is heavy in his eyes, enough for sabo to see, and the ring box in his pocket is burning, and he doesnt even know why he brought it with him, bc its not like he could propose to a latent criminal anyway; ace knows what sabo going away means, and even if a thousand questions bubble in his mind, (what about the dog, what about the house, what about the bills, what ab-) he throws them all aside in favor of pulling sabo close, and holding him tight, and promising everything would turn out just fine, even if they would never live the way they used to before case x -(sabo goes home after being released to manage his and ace’s affairs, and ends up giving their dog away before fleeing to a mental facility) -sabo checks himself into a mental facility to deal with the sudden weight on his shoulders, sure that if he continued to suffer by himself he would end up in the same fate as ace -it doesn’t help, though; the facility sets him on a physical therapy track along with a stress recovery one, but the two don’t exactly work hand in hand, as sabo increasingly develops ptsd and more stress from the pt exercises -sabo spends an uncertain amount of time in the institution, and while he leaves nearly fully physically recovered, his psycho pass never regressed to where it was before he was injured -reiju, the chief inspector, comes to pick him up and bring him to the bureau; sabo asks what was going to happen to him on the car ride there, and reiju reveals she would give him a choice, and a handful of hours to think it over; once in her office, sabo finds ace waiting for him; reiju gives them a moment before settling, and tells sabo while he couldnt become an inspector again with his crime coefficient, he could settle for working as an enforcer for another division; she reveals more details re, he would be confined to the bureau’s tower, have restricted access, be limited regarding orders, be under someone’s strict command, etc etc; his other alternate was to undergo treatment in a cell in latent criminal housing, like ace had tried -sabo is given three hours to think it over, and reiju lets ace take him from the room; before ace can drag him far, he brings him to a sit-down with kuzan, shinobu, and one of the inspectors that had replaced them; its more of a reunion with the former two, with them sharing their experiences with the matter, and the new inspector saying it would be an honor to work with sabo, but would respect his decision either way, acknowledging that ‘becoming an enforcer wouldnt do anything to help his psycho pass, and was most likely going to make it worse’ -ace takes sabo to his room in the tower and they fall together on the couch; they have somewhat of a serious discussion about it all, because while ace would love to have sabo by his side, he knows it wouldnt be permanent like it used to be, because they would be on different divisions, they would most likely have separate living quarters, and their freedoms were greatly restricted; the other side is that sabo could potentially get better, and if his psycho pass recovered and was cleared, he could live on the outside again, he could be an inspector if he wanted, or he could do anything; he didn’t have to work for the bureau anymore if it was too much, whereas if his psycho pass was never fully cleared, he wouldnt have any sort of option, being confined to a cell -ace doesnt realize, but sabo has all but given up; hed spent so long in the hospital, and if that hadnt worked, how would being in a cell help any more?; he knows, logically, given enough time, things that hadnt worked before might begin to help, but he also knows that would be a long road to recovery, and right now he was only concerned with the short and easy; he dissuades ace in the gentlest way possible and reveals he would settle for an enforcer position, since the bureau would still have him, and this way he could be with ace again, as close to normal as they could get -ace doesnt know what to feel, because short term him feels gratified that he would have sabo back, but long term he knew sabo was giving up a shot at normal life again, and it killed him to acknowledge that; he doesnt react any one way or another, accepting sabos decision -reiju is much the same, taking his choice without any approval or disapproval; she makes a number of calls and system commands while sabo waits on the plush couch, and when she’s done sabo has an updated id card, badge, terminal access, a cleared desk with his confiscated items being moved to it, and funds for at least one suit; all the basics, along with one holo flipped to face his way, revealing a walkthrough diagram of a basic furnished apartment that had the potential to be his -when sabo questions the last part, reiju smiles, and puts two keys on the desk; one is the new apartment, and the other is a spare of ace’s; sabo is startled when he realizes the implications, and reiju’s smile turns knowing; she cautions him that he could always have a place of his own to escape to, but sabo doesnt hesitate to take the second key and hold it close -reiju tells him to retire for the night, and in the morning, he would report to his division’s staff room for the [evening/morning, trauma relive implications for evening, escapism for morning] shift, the same as ace’s timetable; if anything happened, he already knew standard protocol, and if anything didnt, it was more time spent unpacking to his desk and familiarizing himself with the team -ends (?) with sabo meeting sonia, who had joined the division during his absence, and lami, who he knew only in passing, and law, an enforcer he knew used to be an inspector like him; ends w sabo telling ace he hasnt given up, not just yet, but that he wanted to help people again in the meantime, even if that meant stretching out his recovery a little longer, and that ace better not have given up either, and ace affirming that he hadn’t
route 5: i!ace and i!sabo (turned e) [i: koby, sabo | e: rayleigh, law, izo, kuzan] [i: ace, sonia | e: sabo, law, ikkaku, izo] -for the most part, sabo and ace have life made; they’re married, they share a house, they’re partnered on the job in the same division, everything is as it should be -and then an incident occurs, and the first division is suddenly looking for a new inspector to replace the one that had lost, and to help close out the ongoing investigation -they end up choosing sabo, who is hesitant at first, but after getting debriefed on the case, jumps on the case; now things get a little rougher, longer hours for sabo, different timetables, multiple nights where he pulls all-nighters and resists the pull of his bed at home for his desk at work -ace becomes spiteful after being supportive for so long, almost unable to bear the stress of never seeing sabo for such long stretches of time; and their relationship becomes strained as a result, because sabo doesn’t want to move back down to a lower division now that he’s tasted the top -and then something goes wrong, and sabo comes home near dawn very awake and very afraid, and forgets that he and ace are mad at each other, and runs to him for comfort; ace stays awake with him until they both have to leave for work, never asking what was wrong, only being a soothing presence that ultimately amounts to nothing, when sabo is refused entry into the bureau for his bad psycho pass -(ace first noticing sabo’s hand shaking, and the fact that he could see his hand, that his gloves were off, was the first sign that something was very wrong. sabo lets ace hold him for a long time, try and work on getting him to breathe, and then calming him down, and then sabo bursts out crying, and ace quietly shushes him, drawing him closer, saying it was okay, whatever it was, it would be okay, they would move past it, together, because they did everything together and ace wasn’t going to leave him alone for this; this just makes sabo cry harder because he knows ace can’t follow, not with a clear mental hue, and its a big punch to the gut; ace stripping sabo of his suit jacket and holding him close, lying them on their bed, and finally as sabo’s cries become only harsh breaths, asks if he needed to skip work, take the day off; sabo doesn’t have to think long to know that was only delaying the inevitable, because his hue wasn’t going to change if he was home alone stressing or home with ace stressing -he knew what he’d been through was too much for either of them to handle by themselves, and being given one day to live in bliss and ignorance would only make the next day, when they had to return to the bureau, that much harder) -sabo and ace’s day-to-day lives are upheaved after this; sabo is stripped of his rank and authority, and suddenly instead of it being a rarity that him and sabo would cross paths at home, sabo is never home because he is not allowed to be -the bureau forces sabo to stay at a rehabilitation center and he does so for two long months, learning to control his emotions even as his crime coefficient never fully stabilizes below 100 again; after this time, before he’s released, the new division one inspector now partnered with ace pays him a visit and urges him to come back to div 1 with her, saying they could really use his help, that they still needed him, that he still had a purpose, and a chance, under sibyl -privately, sabo thinks to himself that the sibyl system is the entire reason his life is now in shambles; things would never go back to how they were, but at least if he rejoined the bureau as an enforcer, he could live at the psb and ace would be allowed to visit, as opposed to living in latent criminal housing in isolation -sabo accepts and ace tackles him they next time they meet at the bureau, nearly on the verge of tears, and their colleagues give them a minute to sort themselves; ace admits that he thought sabo still had a chance, that there was that story of an enforcer who had recovered and was able to rejoin society, and that he promised when sabo recovered enough to live on the outside again, they would both quit the bureau and live more peaceful lives; sabo has reservations about all these hopes, but he’s not in the mood for disappointing ace more than he already has, so he keeps his mouth shut -division 1 has almost been entirely restructured since sabo’s departure, but the case that had left the division devastated was still open-ended, much to his distress, but no new leads and a new distinct lack of things to follow up on leave the case virtually at a standstill; sabo vows to look into it on his own time, because it wasn’t something he was willing to let go just yet -ace catches him in the act, because ace is always watching him these days, but after sabo admits his intentions declares he wants to help too; seeing sabo willingly put himself into the line of fire again by opening the case back up does something to ace, makes him realize how much sabo is willing to push himself for others and for the sake of his job, and how that was a quality of his he’d always been in love with
route 6: i!sabo and e!ace [i: lami, sabo | e: ace, rebecca, monet, law] -in this one ace is a latent criminal with a high crime coefficient and is jaded from his past with roger, believing it to be his father’s fault and his father’s legacy that drove him over the edge -sabo is an upstart at the public safety bureau, and he has just recently transferred to the division ace serves in as an enforcer -ace is brash and uncompromising, not unlike other enforcers sabo had worked with but far more difficult (this is definitely the enemies to lovers route k? k) and the best advice sabo can get from his new coworkers are don’t even try with him -but it’s unlike sabo to give up without a challenge, and so he attempts to match ace, crazy stunt for stupid tactic for idiotic, rushed plan, enough so that after a bit ace goes from being annoyed to being slightly impressed sabo was willing to put himself through so much; not that he would ever admit it aloud, though -the turning point is sabo doing a daring move on a case that saves the life of another enforcer; ace turns the thought in his head, and decides he could respect sabo’s actions in that instance, because enforcers were replaceable and technically criminals with no futures, but sabo had put one before his own life anyway, and something about that touches ace in a way he hadn’t felt in a long time -their relationship evolves from that point, where ace will stop sabo from rushing in instead of letting the inspector risk himself for his own amusement, and generally tries to watch sabo’s back when the chance arises; it takes sabo a little while and a few prods from others to notice ace’s flip, but once he starts taking it in, his view of the enforcer changes little by little -because it’s not like ace is a bad person, per se; true, he was a brute and he could be vicious and he had a temper and a tendency to snap bones before asking questions, but he wasn’t always like that; he wasn’t like that to little rebecca, who was younger than him, or any of the victims they encountered on the scene that didn’t deserve the harsh sentiment; he didn’t have the energy to be nasty and self-serving all the time, and as sabo begins to watch for it, it shows more and more -it reaches a point, ace looking out for him, where when they’re on a dangerous scene confronted with the aftermath of something horrific, and sabo descends into a panic attack and nearly loses himself, it’s ace that stays by him the entire time and helps pull him from his mind, soothing him enough that his number drops to normal -from then on, the negative outlook they held of each other disappears near entirely; sabo still finds he struggles with the memories of that day, and ace more often than not is by his side when he’s consumed by thoughts, helping to ease him out -it happens late enough one night, with sabo hunched over his desk staring at his bright computer screen, pouring over scarce documents to a tough case, that he’s startled when he’s pulled from bad thoughts by a warm hand on his shoulder and an even warmer drink being pressed into his hand; ace convinces him, after an hour of fruitless effort of turning up anything new, to take a breather, at least until the sun was out; sabo agrees, almost too tired to function, and lets ace lead him from the room and into one of the spacious lobby areas, where they both collapse onto a couch; sabo doesn’t even notice ace running a hand through his light hair until he can fall asleep, or the way he’s caged in by ace’s legs, reclined against his front -when sabo wakes in the morning he is not alone, but ace is keeping distance; he’d waved around a mug of heavy espresso until the smell had sabo roused from sleep, crouched down in front of the couch, and sabo finds his head propped up by pillows that feel cold compared to . . he’s not sure what -monet enters into the lounge when sabo is sat up and a bit more awake, and pauses to eye him for a minute, until her mouth curves into a dangerous smirk; sabo asks but she shrugs, leaving without giving him a proper answer; later, in the office, sabo finds her and law hunched together, the two looking up at the same time to fix him with knowing looks that he doesn’t know how to respond to -sabo looks around and asks where lami was, since her shift just ended, and law tells him she was in his room several floors down, revealing when she needed rest but couldn’t afford to go all the way home for it (or stubbornly refused not to) then she had a spare key to his quarters so she could sleep without leaving the psb tower -sabo is mildly surprised by this, knowing the relationship between her and law but being unaware that inspectors entered into the rooms of enforcers, previously viewing the invisible boundary between the two as much more strict -but as he begins to observe more, he finds that maybe that wasn’t the case; and his own feelings regarding it all surface when rebecca has lunch with him one day, and admits that shes ‘never seen ace act the way he does with you with anyone before’
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Shameless: The Working Class and The Addiction that Follows Close Behind
It's evident from Shameless's first episode that the Gallagher family is no one near being a wealthy family, but a very poor one instead. This family barely survives from the beginning to keep up with their house bills and pay for food for everyone. Throughout the first few seasons the family members experience cold showers, curdled milk, and more because of their class status and abandoment from their deadbeat parents. Fiona, the eldest sibling, tries her best to care for the Gallaghers the best she can, which means she must work three jobs she doesn’t enjoy just to make ends meet. One thing that the family collectively does to help with their financial problems and being under the poverty line is the squirrel fund. Which is a can where all of them chip in money into it to keep them afloat. Even young Carl and Debbie were "working as hard as they could during the summer months so they contribute to a 'squirrel fund', i.e. the money they were going to live on during the hard and more expensive winter months in Chicago" (Direct TV). 
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Picture: The can where the Gallaghers save their money.
When Frank and Monica, their alcoholic and unfit parents, steal this money, it leads the family to decide between keeping the heat on in the house or eating food. Shameless doesn’t shy away from showing the realities of the working class, because the difficulties the characters face are current realities of some American families. 
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Gif: Lip becomes angry when he discovers Frank has found and stolen the money from the squirrel fund to buy alcohol.
Direct TV says, "the Gallagher clan is truly the starkest depiction of what it really means to struggle to make ends meet." Throughout the seasons, Frank is the main character that exhibits features of those who struggle to beat addiction and work a 9-5 job. Frank doesn't work a regular job ever and often tries to beat the system that he thinks is there to hinder, not help, those in the working class. Although Frank is an unlikeable character due to his mistreatment of his kids, his character shows the reality of someone with addiction who does not have access to or can’t afford a rehabilitation facility and cannot get a job because of it. Which leads him to drink more to forgot about his financial problems.
In this video, Frank tries to explain to Debbie how to work the wealthfare system to get more money for her unborn child. This shows Frank's way of deviating from the norms and saving money unconventionally and illegally because of his lack of money and ability to keep a job. It also shows his failure to be a good father because he cannot help Debbie raise her child or give money to help with the expenses.
When Frank winds up in the hospital for different injuries, he always has trouble paying his medical bills due to no insurance and no job. This leads him to not pay for his bills and get in trouble with the government often. In order for Frank to cope with his financial instability, he resorts to abusing drugs and alcohol. Frank is a known alcoholic to the Gallaghers, which is one of the main reasons the family doesn't want him in their house. Alcohol abuse prevents Frank from being a good father to his kids. And while Shameless does portray a truthful light on the working class and the systems that work against this class, it still winds up insulting poor people who fail to achieve the American Dream because of the joking nature this show has with different issues. 
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Picture: Frank is hungover sleeping on the kitchen floor while Fiona makes breakfast for her siblings.
Specifically, within this series, the characters are portrayed as white trash often. The working class' and white trash stereotypes are displayed with these characters being dirty, criminal, lazy, and riddled with addiction (Rennels, 273). All of the characters in Shameless exhibit these qualities at least once in this show. Especially Frank, who is always hungover and wearing the same clothes from the previous day. 
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Picture: The Gallaghers are covered in dirt and appear very unkempt.
The Gallagher siblings have all been violent in an episode or two, doing things like fist fighting, and two of the characters, Ian and Fiona, have been to jail. Also, each character appears unkempt at times when they cannot dress/look appropriately, or their shower isn't working because the bill hasn't been paid. Even the regulars at the bar in Shameless come off as lazy and failures because all they do is go to work then drink at the bar and complain about their problems. Stephanie Ashe in “‘Shameless’ is the Rare Show to Accurately Portray the Working Class”, says, "If there's one connective thread in Shameless, it's that being poor and being an addict go hand in hand." (Ashe) Therefore, many of the Gallaghers start drinking and doing drugs early on in their life as a way to cope with their life circumstances.
Shameless also appears to be promoting neoliberalism, which shifts the responsibility away from the government and onto the people (Rennels, 273). Tasha Rennels says in "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo: A Cautionary Tale Starring White Working-Class People” that similarly to the family in Honey Boo Boo, the Gallagher family fails to uphold the "ideal whiteness", a privilege that is marked by wealth, rationality, and self-control (Rennels, 274). This leads this family to be considered "white others" to maintain the ideal whiteness's superiority. From their clothes, behavior, and personality, the viewers can judge the Gallaghers as working class people who would not fit in with the upper class.
In this video, there is a confrontation between the ideal white woman and a working-class woman, Fiona. In this scene, Fiona confronts a female for preventing her Black sibling, Liam, from having a lemonade stand near her house. And although the lady's action could have been racist, from this scene, she is the calm and collected person while Fiona is drinking, her hair is unkempt, and she goes to punch her. Therefore, Fiona isn't portrayed in a good way at all, even if she hit her for the right reasons to defend her brother. So, this scene can represent the division between the people of the working class and the upper class.
Both Fiona and Lip had a good chance of achieving the American Dream, but Lip ultimately fails and Fiona comes close to it. This is because after Lip receives a full ride to MIT and becomes the first Gallagher to attend college, however he eventually is kicked out of school due to abusing alcohol.
In this Season 4 Episode 4, Lip is slowly getting closer to being an alcoholic and getting expelled from college. In this clip from the episode above, Kevin attempts to talk Lip to go back to college and get his grades up so he doesn’t have to worry about paying his bills like Kevin is. Kevin warns Lip to not "end up" like him, therefore showing the bleak outlook the show has on the working class who live paycheck to paycheck.
Once he is expelled, Lip becomes an alcoholic like his father, which disappointed many Shameless fans. Ashe also talks in her article how "Though Frank is the official addict of the show, drugs and alcohol are an immovable force in the life of every Gallagher, and no one is truly safe from their effects" (Ashe). However, this makes sense when looking at the class hardships and family history of the Gallaghers, making it extremely hard for these siblings to break the cycle and fulfill the American dream. 
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Picture: Fiona abuses alcohol and buys many bottles of hard liquor. 
Fiona experiences an alcoholic addition later on in the show that completely wrecks her life and almost her family relationships. Lip and Fiona especially argue and don’t get along when she abuses alcohol because Lip was able to recover from his alcohol addiction, which makes him look down at Fiona for not doing the same. Once Fiona becomes sober, she is able to move away and start a new life. However, it is uncertain if Fiona will achieve the American dream in this place or if she is simply running away from her past life in Chicago. 
As season eleven continues, the viewers will continue to root for the Gallaghers and want a better life for them. It’s unlikely though that the remaining Gallaghers will be able to get past the working class lifestyle and cycle of addition. However, if Fiona is able to achieve the American Dream, there’s a chance her siblings will follow suit.
Works Cited:
Ashe, Stephanie. “'Shameless' Is The Rare Show To Accurately Portray The Working Class.” Nylon, Nylon, 3 Nov. 2017
“The Opposite of Billions: Shameless Brings Poverty to Prestige TV - AT&T Entertainment News.” Entertainment News from AT&T, 10 Oct. 2018,
Rennels, Tasha R. “Here Comes Honey Boo Boo: A Cautionary Tale Starring White Working-Class People.” Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, vol. 12, no. 3, 2015, pp. 271–288., doi:10.1080/14791420.2015.1053957.
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staysuki · 3 years
ᴘᴇᴀᴄʜ ʟᴏᴠᴇ™️ | han jisung fic
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pairing: bad boy ceo!han jisung x y/n
genre: (penis heart part.2), experimental fic, satire, boss x employee (secretary?? p.a.??), crack, fluff?????, one huge joke, 18+ but no smut. just dirty hokes.
warnings: currently writing this while very shitfaced. did not care to proofread or recheck. im currenlty writing this at 5am in one go. no docs or anything. just one whole tumble one-take. lez go. penis heart y/n is a different person to this y/n. they are not the same people. i've had like, a bittle of whiskey before writing this. this was posted after writing. zero quality checks. 18+ but no smut. just dirty jokes. mentions of sex toys but as a product, not used. v v bad jokes.
word count: somebody count it for me then comment it below. thanks. i ly
synopsis: happy new year
a/n: i thin ku have to read penis heart felix fic because context before this one or you can read it on its own. i dont tell you what to do. ur ur own boss. if somebody twlls me that drunk ash weites better than sober ash then i will delete rhis acount in snap 🤌. also ghis is too sjort. i wantsd it to be longer but i mentalle cant.
tags: @anyone who read penis heart. you're welcome.
you walk through the glass double doors of the peach company. what's the name of the company again? you forgot. or perhaps, the author simply couldn't think of one.
it's peach company. definitely that.
it's peach company. definitely that.
why? you ask? well, every since you were little, this company has had a huge impact on your life. peach stickers, pencils, washi tapes, peach everything.
it wasn't until you grew older and found your old collection did you realize the huge innuendo behind it all. your parents even told you how they didn't have the heart to deny your request of buying it even though they knew how dirty the context was.
🍑💦—that's the whole context.
nonetheless, you thought it was cute and subtle anyways so who cares? it's not like the products were super in-your-face like that darn penis heart products.
you hated pp heart with all your being.
dirty. crass. unclassy.
very much the opposite of the sophisticated aesthetic of the peach company. but the ceo, felix, was very hot. that's all there is to it
as you grew up, when you had the chance, you applied for peach company. they recently had a coronation of a new ceo—that's not what it's called but we'ee calling it that anyways.
with the birth of a new head (pun intended), things changed with the way the company handled things. although you weren't there to experience the glory days of peach company, you're now here to experience the rebirthing.
"y/n, we have to think of new and innovative ideas to beat the little twat." your boss, jisung, grumbled as he bit into the ends of his peach pen.
although you and your boss never got along on a personal level, you were professional enougjh to always stay by his side. it's not his fault that peach company is at an all time low. all the fresh ideas have already been made and jisung refused to make any new products that's remotely similar to penis heart.
it hurt his pride, you felt it. and as someone who used to be an avid collector of their peach products, it hurt you too.
"what about skipping past the stationary and branching into sex toys? the market is big and we've never really dipped our toes into it." you commented.
jisung thought about that, his cheeks puffing up in that cute way that you always noticed.
"but penis heart—"
you cut him off, "i don't know what's with your obsession with that company. sure, you're both in the same market but you appeal towards completely different body parts. ours is definitely superior."
"what do you suggest then? peach fleshlights?"
you nodded with slight uncertainty, "something like that?"
"it's just not good enough." he shook his head, unsatisfied with your suggestion.
it's almost been a year and jisung hasn't released a new product since he stepped in as CEO. he's desperate, but not desperate enough to compromise his standards. he wants the very best.
"look, i don't know anymore, jisu— i mean, mr. ceo. you never feel satisfied with anyone's suggestions. the board is growing frustrated and your team is literally out of ideas—"
he slammed his hands on his desk, "i don't care! it's everyone's job to ensure that we always invent something new. we can't just keep going with this pink peach, slightly anal concept. our whole 'is it boobs or is it ass' promotional debate is over! someone on reddit literally wrote an entire theory on our company! it's ass! literally!" jisung ran his hands through his hair in frustration.
you would've felt bad but it's his fault you're in this situation in the first place.
"peach love—" he started, that's the name of the company, you remember, "—is all about innocence. it's an innuendo but kids can buy our products and nobody would be none the wiser. that's our aesthetic—to help those young, impressionable kids transition to their horny teen phase. we are the sexual awakening, y/n, this is the very heart of peach love. we can't just go for a mediocre product and run with it."
you fell silent. his office felt colder as you grew tired of the same situation every day.
a part of you wished that you should've just applied to work in penis heart™️ company. you heard that the ceo was hot af.
but perhaps, the small thought of yours was what sparked a new idea.
"mr. han, what about a collab?" you sparked
"a what?"
"a collab!" you restated, more enthusiastically this time. "you said tht our brand is about the transition between pre-pubescent and puberty. maybe we can strike a deal with penis heart™️ to make an informational guidebook abojt the rough up and downs of puberty!! y'know, sex ed, but capitalism style."
he seems to be thinking about it but the thought of working with his archeneemes didn't sit right with him.
"i don't know y/n... sounds.. dumb."
but this might've been your best idea as of yet so you didn't give up.
the next day, no one other than mr. penis heart, lee felix, himself is sitting in front of your boss, han jisung. your ceo seems to be in a very hostile mood, trying his best to establish his dominance by sitting up straigjt and stretching his shoulders.
primal instincts kicking in as he tried to remind felix that he's in "enemy territory" whatever it is that jisung wanted fo call it.
"i heard you wanted to collaborate! i would love to!" felix started, his voice octaves lower than you had imagined, making your knees feel weak.
his smile was as bright as it looked on the tabloids and you felt blessed to be witnessing his visuals in person.
but now that you see them side by side, you never really noticed how handsome your own ceo looked.
"yeah, it was my secretary's idea." jisung said, pointing towards you and you did a small bow.
if you can't beat the enemy, join them.
you didn't think that felix would agree to your proposal righr away byt he seemed to be a happy go kucky type of guy. very much unlike your boss.
"so you agree..?" jisung stated carefully and felix just nodded enthusiastically.
"i mean, yeah? we're in the same market, but there's really no need for us to compete y'know? i think we coild do better if we combine our powers and unite as one team and create better products than we're capable of making on our own. jusyt let me know what you need and we're sure to help you in any way we can."
"thank you sir!" you said merrily, shaking his hand.
"what a show off." jisung grumbled beside you in protest. if felix heard it, he definirely didn't comment on it.
felix took your hands and enclosed it into his warm ones, bringing up to his lips. "i like your brain, y/n, it's very sexy. i might want to steal you for my own company."
he sent you a wink, making you giggle. although he was very charming, you knew he was simply joking because you've heard of his infamous relationshop with his own personal assistant.
although it made you imagine of what it woild feel like to have jisung as your lover, you simply shook the thought away, realizing that josung is a very serious man who cares about the company and nothing else.
he wasn't carefree or charming as felix. he was strict, scary, too serious, and often gets angered easily.
but with that, the company meeting was easily adjourned. no need for extra presentations or debates, felix agreed and signed a contraft right a way.
when felix left your boss' office, you turned to jisung right away, jumping up and down in joy. but you composed right away when you saw jisung's sharp glare boring into you.
you cleared your throat, "isn't this great, sir? we have creative liberty on the product but we get full support including materials, workers, and credits! peach love has it's loyal fanbase but we didn't really have a good year this year so we need all the help we can get. this is definielty gonna turn the company sround—"
"do you like felix?" jisung asked, cutting you off.
"huh?" dumfoudned, you asked.
"you seemed pretty enamored with him and i can see you being giddy at the corner of my vision."
he was observing you? you blushed at the thought but tried to wave it away. though jisung thought you were blushing at felix.
"i admire him as a ceo, nothing else," you clarified. but jisung wasn't happy nor satisfied with that answer.
"so are you going to quit and join his company?" his voixe had a sharp edge to it. as if you're one word away from being fired.
"n-no? i like being here." you said, rtrying to clear the stutter from your voice. yoi've never really thoughr about quitting but the faxt that this is your first tome seeing your boss so annoyed mighr change your mind.
jisung had always been scary whenever he got mad.
and he's always mad.
always to thw point that you got used to it and didn't get affected by it anymore.
but this is different.
this was a kind of anger that you've never seen before.
he stood up and stalked towards your desk. crossing his arms as he glared at you, observing whether you were lying or not.
in a few seconds, his shoulders dropped, the tension he was feeling suddenly washed away. "you're right. we haven't had a good sale this year and it's getting to me. i've seen the articles, y/n, people think i'm a failure."
tyou immediately went closer to him, carwfully taking his hand to ease his worries, trting to comfort him. "you're not a failure jisung, you're a perfectionist and there's nothing wrong with that. you're not a sell out and you value the history of this company, you would much rather release a quality product once every five years than release a mediocre one every month and i think that's a very admirable thing for you to do. not everyone could keep their dignity intact in this industry but you do. it's tough to make the calls in youe position but yoi've always been able to do it as if it's the easiest thing in thw world. yoi're doing great, jisung."
he stared into yours eyes the whole time, a certain softness spreading warmth all throught your body. today, you see each othwr in a diffeeent light as jisung let vulnerabikity wash all over him as he dropped his head, forehead touching yoirs.
it made you feel shy at first and hella self-conscious but as he caressed your cheek with his hand, you relaxed into his hands, feeling like putty as he stared into your lips but held himself back. "you're too good for me, y/n..." he whispered. so soft it seemed like he didn't want you to hear it. but in such short proximity, it was impossible not to.
he ran his fingers on your lips, his eyes never leaving the plump flesh for a second, "you won't leave me, right?"
you inhaled, his delicious scent filling your nerves, "never."
he smirked, relishing your answer as he trapped you between his arms on your desk, "good. because you're mine and mine only."
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#8 Boy-Crazy Stacey: Chapter 11
Stacey throws herself a pity party, Mary Anne’s not amused and Byron Pike is a magical child who fixes everything.
Now we have a postcard from Mary Anne to Dawn. And she spends most of it venting about Stacey. She tells Dawn that Stacey's still being a pain in the neck but she kind of feels bad for her, because she saw Scott kissing another girl. And Mary Anne's getting in touch with her wild side I guess, because she's thinking of buying another bikini from this store called If the Suit Fits, which is where Stacey got her's. Richard won't mind because he'll still be zonked out from the pot party to end all pot parties Sharon's throwing while the kids are gone.
After signing the postcard, Mary Anne throws in a PS and a PPS. The PS tells Dawn that *gasp* Stacey's been dying her hair! Bad girl! The PPS instructs Dawn to "Destroy this card in California!" Which looks incredibly funny, considering it's something so crazy to write and it's in Mary Anne's loopy script. And I don't think Dawn would take too kindly to destroying a card made out of paper, Mary Anne. That's spitting on the grave of the tree killed to make that postcard! She should have said "Recycle this card in California!" or "Burn this card, then scatter the ashes in the ocean in California!" At least that way, it won't rot away in a landfill somewhere.
Anyway, the morning after Stacey sees Scott kissing a girl who's more beautiful and has better boobs than she does, she's all mopey and sad and decides she can't show her face at the beach. After breakfast, she fakes a headache and tells Dee she doesn't want to go. Miraculously, the Pike parents are actually going with the Pike Army to the beach for like the third time since arriving in Sea City. I guess they remembered this is supposed to be a family vacation. At least this means Mary Anne won't be stuck watching the kids all by herself. Dee, completely oblivious to the drama happening between the girls, tells Stacey that's fine.
Mary Anne, on the other hand, is not too happy. While they're in their room later, she finally grows a spine (for the first time in this book) and confronts Stacey, instead of brooding about it or venting to Kristy or Dawn in a postcard. Mary Anne calls Stacey out and tells her she can see right through her bullshit:
“Thanks for sticking me with all the kids again. You know, last night you dragged me around to about a billion stores looking for a present for Scott. Then when you saw him with that girl, you practically blamed ME. You are so rude. The least you could do is apologize.”
Wow, Mary Anne! You get a gold star!
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And some applause!
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Stacey offers up a feeble apology, but Mary Anne isn't done yet, bitch! “If you actually had a headache, well, that would be one thing, but it's Scott isn't it?” Mary Anne shakes her head when Stacey admits that it is indeed Scott and now it's Stacey's turn to be mad. She apologized, dammit! Isn't that enough for Mary Anne? Geez! Stacey doesn't get why Mary Anne is still pissed off and reminds her that the boy mother's helper will probably be around, so she'll have help anyway.
But Stacey? He's got his own kids to watch, it isn't HIS job to help Mary Anne, he's just doing something nice because he sees she's got her hands full with eight kids. You're the one getting paid to do that and for the entire trip, you've blown off your responsibilities to go flirt with a lifeguard and feed him with the Pikes' food and sodas, leaving Mary Anne to cover for your ass. Mary Anne has every right to be mad at you.
Mary Anne informs Stacey his name is Alex, and Stacey responds by saying he looks like such a nerd. Did I mention Stacey is a BITCH in this book? She hasn't even met him! Mary Anne says he isn't a nerd, he's funny and nice, and as far as I'm concerned, he's a saint for constantly helping her out when Stacey abandons her. Before Mary Anne can start to chew her out again, Stacey asks, "Who are those kids, anyway?"
Mary Anne says their names are Kenny, Jimmy, and Ellie, and Alex is indeed a mother's helper and DON'T CHANGE THE SUBJECT STACEY! Stacey plays dumb about it and Mary Anne is about ready to do this now:
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Once again, Mary Anne informs Stacey that she's made her do all the work so far and Stacey, being so high on herself, denies it. With that, Mary Anne storms downstairs and Stacey chases after her, still apologizing. You're still too little and too late, Stacey! Mary Anne awesomely ignores Stacey and tells the Pike kids to follow her, as their parents beat them to the beach. Yeah, I'm sure they got an early start to make some bacon on the beach and I don’t mean the kind Homer is thinking about:
So yeah, Stacey stays at home and as the kids are leaving, Byron decides he wants to stay at home too, saying he wants to rest. Maybe it's all the eating he apparently does that's making him so tired! Stacey has him go tell Mary Anne and when he returns, he asks if they can go for a walk. Stacey says yes, then remembering she's supposed to have a "headache," says they should go somewhere quiet. Nice save. She leaves a note for everyone else and follows Byron.
They end up on the bay side of Sea City, where the water is much calmer. And Byron goes right in the water. Turns out he was just afraid of the big waves. See, girls? He wasn't afraid of swimming, just the ocean. Byron probably noticed they were freaking out over him not swimming, so he took Stacey over here to shut her up. I'm sure he wouldn't want all the BSC members discussing him in minute detail at their next meeting.
Stacey encourages him to go out further in the water and tells him it's ok to be afraid of things a little. Because if you aren't afraid, you might take dangerous chances. But if you're TOO afraid, then you'll probably miss out on a lot of fun.
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Byron and the calm water in the bay ends up calming Stacey down to the point where she decides she can go to the beach, she just has to avoid Scott. And I guess Byron is some kind of magical child because Stacey does a lot of thinking and realizes she was wrong the whole time about Scott and Mary Anne was right. He didn't LUV her, he just thought of her as a friend (*cracks up* Yeah, keep deluding yourself, McGill). And he really was too old for her. Stacey feels like an idiot for thinking her LUVed her, when they never kissed, or held hands, or went out on a date. But she decides she doesn't hate him, because he was nice to her and they "had fun.” Fetching him sodas and listening to him call you Princess is having fun? Um, ok. And he gave her his whistle!
She's still upset that Scott's probably already forgotten about her and wouldn't care if she avoided him because the next girl in line will just step up. I don't get it...is she happy she's had this epiphany or is she upset that he was a douchebag who led her on? Or both?
After lunch, Byron says he's ready to go to the beach, so Stacey brings him. And since the BSC loves comparing themselves and their issues to the ones their clients are having, Stacey says they're both scared but determined. As they arrive, the lifeguards switch shifts and Scott's part of the group that's leaving. Whew. Ok, and now Stacey says she doesn't know whether to be happy or upset.
Byron immediately goes into the (knee-deep) water with Adam and Jordan and I guess that's good enough for them. Stacey sees them and reflects on how much she's missed the kids too, since she had been spending all her time hanging around Scott. Spoken like a true BSC member. All her revelations are just coming one after the other here! Coming one after the other...I'm sure the Pikes are familiar with that, if you know what I mean.
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fortheheavenssake · 5 years
PG MM Anon Interpretation Collection- 12
77: Oct. 6
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
October 6,2019 1407 hrs CST
MM Anon
MM ANON … the Queen …… “ one can’t choose ones family “…… “ Philip loves me doing Melania” …… “I rather liked Donald “ …… “ l frightening Vlad…… “ on our day together she never stopped yapping “ … “Harry ‘ we all make mistakes “… “ the little one, she’s a fireball “ …… “Camilla says she’s illiterate “ … “ what sort of name was that!!!!!”…” What!! Christmas ‘she’ll be lucky “ … “LG ‘ that’s why it’s called the Queens speech ‘ so f#@ck them!!
Oh this is going to be fun!!😄😁😁😁
the Queen
This is a fun riddle, call it HMTQ Greatest Hits DVD 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂 An assortment of HMTQ comments!
“ one can’t choose ones family “
The old saying you can choose your friends but you cannot choose your family! In processing, strategizing, meetings etc etc, things have been on overload with madam, Harry, and BOJO, that whole political situation. There has got to be some angry frustrated emotions regarding PA, Harry having been caught up in this mess and how things have dragged on and out! All the hacking, invasion of privacy and just generally very poor choices in life by family members.
“ Philip loves me doing Melania”
I hear HMTQ has a wicked sense of humour and loves riddles and mimicry. I can only imagine her trying to do an impression of Melania Trump, her accent, everything. This is hilarious, PP Is reportedly also having that wicked British wry self deprecating or mimicking others too. Oh how l would LOVE to be a fly on the wall!!😁
“I rather liked Donald “
HMTQ gave President Trump and his huge family a real Royal welcome literally! The time spent the Formal dinner, the dinner apt the U.S. Embassy that PC and Camilla attended. It sounds like she got on well with DT, We know he takes such pride and joy in his Scottish heritage from his mum. We also know that he has great respect for HMTQ, so much so he brought his entire family with him. We also know he brought some intel/evidence with him. Thank you sir! HMTQ enjoyed him and the time they spent together!
“ l frightening Vlad
Vlad is not the vampire, it’s Vladimir Putin. I am a bit confused by this because it seems a word is missing, like l am frightening, or l like frightening, hmmm. I think l will go with, he concerns her greatly.
“ on our day together she never stopped yapping “
This is madam and their train overnight trip together. It was seen as such an honour because HMTQ is rare to invite others along on the train and/or an overnight trip. We know from the videos and photos, how hyper madam was, she cut in front of the Queen and entered the car first. During the performance she looked hypomanic, laughing non-stop yapping according to HMTQ’s words. Poor your Majesty, you were able to endure that trip!
“Harry ‘ we all make mistakes “
As a reassuring loving granny, she took his hand in hers and spoke with him. No one is perfect, yeah he screwed up a few times in life, who hasn’t? He was ensnared in a plot that had done years of planning, reconnaissance, and he had absolutely no idea what he was in, until it was too late. Kind of like quicksand, you slowly get sucked in, and the more you move and wrestle trying to get yourself out the quicker you sink and drown. God bless you, your Majesty!
“ the little one, she’s a fireball “
She is talking about Lottie, our beloved Princess Charlotte! She was trending worldwide with her hairflip her first day of school. She is a real ham for the camera, ham meaning like to have fun when her photo is taken. She has a fantastic personality and watching her grow up will be joyous. I also think Savannah Phillips, Princess Anne’s granddaughter, fits this for sure she and Prince George 🤣🤣🤣😂!
“Camilla says she’s illiterate “
We all know Camilla loathes madam, love the video where she repeatedly asks for help🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂. Sounds like her opinion of madam is in line with many others about madams skills in the writing, reading, and language usage and comprehension!
“ what sort of name was that!!!!!”
Arche🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂. I cannot believe to this day, that name, amw!! I know some think LG played a trick with this name being the same as the last Duke of Sussex eons ago!
” What!! Christmas ‘she’ll be lucky “
Madam is assuming another Christmas with the family she never had. Also that she will still be free and easy, sounds like HMTQ suggesting if she’s still free at Christmas she will be lucky. Lordy please let the handcuffs come soon, let them have their ducks all in a row and clang clang slam, locked cell, orange jumpsuit!
“LG ‘ that’s why it’s called the Queens speech ‘ so f#@ck them!!”
This whole issue of BOJO manipulating HMTQ, now today’s paper saying he didn’t really apologize he just said regret. He is willing to squat in No. 10 if there is a non-confidence vote and he is ousted as Prime Minister. He said they will have to take him in handcuffs! They are trying to sort out who would be the new PM, Brexit deadline, and if an election it would need at least five weeks. So John Bercow, Speaker of the House of Commons could be interim PM. It’s all up in the air. The Queens speech to the House is to take place October 14,2019. This is her telling LG in no uncertain terms she is duty bound to do this and refuse to be dragged any further into swaying politics on either side. Her job in weekly meetings with PM , is to be informed what’s happening, offer advice but never ever tell what’s to be done!No one else will be giving her speech except her. In a previous riddle we had something about someone else delivering her speech due to health or stress issues, l can’t recall exactly.
October 6,2019 1445 hrs CST
This is great PG such fun for us all! Love it….and love your personality shining through!😊💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
Oct 6th, 2019
78: oct. 7
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜
MM Anon
MM ANON … Calapornia Dreem-in…… “ To be ‘ or Not to be…” …… “ I made a bit of a boob”……… “ the real Mc- COY darlings “…… “ artistic lie- sense …… “ not my best work”
October 7, 2019 1305 hrs CST
Well MM ANON , This riddle looks short but very unsweeten, the usual saying is short and sweet!
Calapornia Dreem-in
We had Calipornia in a riddle the other day. Today it’s Cala pornia .It seems that alleged tape has risen like a Phoenix from the ashes, online, but lots of disagreement on who the female is. I have ABSOLUTELY NO INTENTION of exposing myself to that. Reminds me of my old Sunday school song, be careful little eyes what you see, ears what you hear, mouth what you say..does anyone else remember that song? Dreem -in, a play on the song California Dreaming by The Mamas and The Papas, it was redone by Wilson Phillips, daughter of Michelle Phillips, Carnie Wilson daughter of Brian Wilson, l cannot recall the third member. They were great, remember Hold On! Great music. Anyhow, l digressed, Dreem,from wiki , is a sleep device that monitors, analyzes, and claims to enhance quality of sleep. It’s a miniaturized and autonomous headband that monitors the quality of sleep and then uses sound to help fall asleep faster, get deeper sleep, and wake up at the optimal time through smart alarm. End wiki.
So we have Calapornia Dreem-in, note California is spelt Cala, either way, the sirens currently flashing loudly is this alleged sex tape online. As l speculated the meaning the other day, is she doing a runner to Cali or Cala?? There are definite spelling alterations to confuse, MM ANON🤨🧐🤔.
Is someone having great difficulty sleeping from hobbies, stress, being picked on by the big bad royal reporters? Might the sleep aid device Dreem being in use, hence the addition of in after the hyphen? To clarify a hyphen is the sign here. - It is used to connect words together so they combine their meanings.
Alternatively perhaps Harry is using this sleep aid to help him sleep. We know all the things we have noticed, weight loss, scruffy clothes/shoes, look very sleep deprived, l am sure he is suffering tremendously as he serves this tour of duty for HMTQ.
“ To be ‘ or Not to be…”
MM ANON is taking us back to Shakespeare, Hamlet’s soliloquy on suicide to deal with all that has happened in his life. Has there been suicidal ideation on part of madam or Harry? Madam l highly doubt, a narcissist never goes there except by accident. We have see a slow descent in our Harry over the last two years, Wright loss, hair loss, scruffy clothes, looks sleep deprived etc etc, adding to that, the pain he appeared to be in, stepping onto that stage in SA and her grinning like a Cheshire Cat, sorry Cheshire, at his agony. I have said numerous times now but l hope upon immediate return to London he was given medical assessment and care, as well as emotional assessment and care. I pray to God l am wrong on this, but l have been concerned. He has been under stress like l have never seen, for over two years!
“ I made a bit of a boob”
A boob, slang wise has had different meanings over the generations. A boob can be a dopey goofy person, it can be a blunder or a boo boo, meaning error or mistake, it can be a term for breast. So who made a bit of a boob? I see the usage here being an error or mistake. I would say the first boob was a bootycall and then underestimating who the attacker was.
I think this could also be a cheeky reference to an alleged video online.
“ the real Mc- COY darlings
The saying the Real McCoy, goes back, at least for me, in the old western movies, not sure if McCoy was a brand of saddle, shotgun, something anyhow. So when someone says, it’s the real McCoy it means it’s 100% real or accurate. Here MM ANON has hyphenated the word McCoy, and elevated the word COY. Coys definition is, according to google, especially with reference to a woman) making a pretense of shyness or modesty that is intended to be alluring. Ok, interpretation, MM ANON is clearly telling us that any alleged sex/porn video is 109% accurate, correct and the actress in it, is her acting role, is acting very coyly. Yuck, l need a shower!🤮🤮🤮🤮
“ artistic lie- sense
To take artistic license is a common phrase meaning , again l will use google, as l want everyone to be able to understand who may not be familiar, “Artistic license (also known as poetic license, historical license, dramatic license, narrative license, or creative license) refers to deviation from fact or form for artistic purposes. It can include alteration of the conventions of grammar or language, or the rewording of pre-existing text.”
I have had a number of comments of appreciation from anons for being more elaborative as we have readers from all around the 🌎 🌍 world.
So example, a movie about Invention of the light bulb, let’s say, they add a romance to it, or drama , l hope l am explaining this clearly.
So here MM ANON says Artistic lie-sense, another hyphenated word. So madam as we well know has exaggerated EVERYTHING about herself, some may say lies. Her age, her number of marriages, not knowing anything about the BRF, fake pregnancy etc etc etc.
So , since this alleged sex video is the hot topic, l am thinking the acting would be very fake over dramatic moaning groaning etc etc, likely a person would, to cover past sins, would be inclined to lie about it, say it never happened or the great song by Shaggy, It Wasn’t Me!
“ not my best work”
Again another commonly used phrase especially, like me, l am so self-critical about how I type my interpretations of the riddles, typing, thinking of something after l have submitted it, or just having a bad day at it , l think l might have even wrote this here, this is not my best work.
Artists, musicians, creative people, common phrase!
So if there were an alleged tape, that proved real, one might use that phrase. A tv show might have been the pinnacle or the height of greatest work!
October 7,2019 1355 hrs CST
Fantastic, thank you so much PG! You make it seem so easy, yet we know there is nothing easy in doing these interpretations! Hats off to you! 😁💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Thank you MM ANON 💜💜🙏🏻💜💜 This was quite challenging, l find it’s extremely important to me, as this blog of our dear 🐼, has a worldwide readership and l am trying very hard to explain phrases, words, slang etc, as l take this work very seriously, and l want everyone to be able to understand! Also l am, by character, a very verbally elaborative individual 🤣🤣🤣😂😂. Thank you dear 💜🐼💜 for posting this. GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦
Source: skippyv20
12 notes
Oct 7th, 2019
79: Oct. 7
MM Anon
MM ANON … lets move on!!!!…… fab unfore-tunate…… pre tour panic… …a fleet-ing vengeance …… “ don’t take this personally”…… “ you have TWO choices”…… “ get your bloody head out the sand”…… “it’s crumbling around your feet”……… “ baby ‘ what baby?”…… “we’re gonna need a bigger Bank”…… 🎼” if I was a rich man”🎼
Riddle Number Two on October 7, 2019 1735 CST
lets move on!!!!
Time to move on and restart life. Put this information out, let the chips fall where they may. I am certain, based on the FIRST riddle today, that Harry is done, he can take no more. Oh my , how will this be handled, l for one would NOT want to , after several years of being a horrible person, want to be on the receiving end of Fleet streets vengeance! How will details , hundreds of them be told or explained to the public, all the things that have been kept secret, the public will perceive being lied to and paying for that wedding, her clothes etc etc etc. Never mind that, the bigger picture of the plot, the backers!
fab unfore-tunate
Fab Four, the original was the Beatles. When madam came on the scene, and video of them, working on a Heads Together, the media, not sure which, dubbed them the Fab Four. As we know their offices have separated as well as their charities also.Rumours of dodgy money being missing from the charity. They are completely separate in every way now, at least publicly, this has caused an uproar because of madam spending and the varied rumours surrounding merching, and hobbies, and other things that have been on fire today! So much beloved was Harry , everyone wanted him to have the dream of family come true. His madam is loathed, that’s putting it mildly. There is so much public distress at seeing the boys, l will forever call them the boys, break up, fight and publicly sever ties.
pre tour panic
Have unexpected security issues arisen on the upcoming tour to Pakistan of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge scheduled for October 14-18/2019?
We know security is a major issue, as in the memo it stated this is their most complex Royal tour to date. I will keep them in prayer. This tour is essential in continuing relationships building.
a fleet-ing vengeance
Remember Fleet Street, how l explained that in a riddle the other day. MM ANON, l take this as the sh** is going to hit the fan imminently, l have felt an agitation inside for several days. Will they lay bare, pun intended, EVERYTHING they have in the dossier. OH PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PULL THE HANDLE LET IT ALL SPILL OUT!! It’s time! Harry is at the end of what he can take! SO ARE WE! How this will all be done and handled l have no clue but it’s going to be earth shattering across the U.K., the Commonwealth, the EU, whilstBrexit is so precarious, and the world too. I cannot fathom how HMTQ is feeling and how and when to proceed!
“ don’t take this personally”
So who is not to take this personally? This clue mystifies me. My head is so full, is this relating to BOJO non-apology, in that he regrets what happened with Parliament? That HMTQ being tricked, she shouldn’t take that personally because he was trying to get his own agenda through, the Courts over-ruled him. Of course she is going to take this personally! She needs to be able to trust the PM! BOJO , according to the paper, if there is a noncon vote and he is ousted as PM, he will refuse to leave No. 10 unless in handcuffs. So, yes, BOJO HMTQ is taking it bloody personally!
“ you have TWO choices”…
Two choices, go quietly or a fight will ensue. l remember professionally saying this many times. Cooperate or things will be enforced. In this case confess, plead guilty or not guilty. Is arrest imminent, are these two choices?? Oh please , make it so, to quote Captain Jean-Luc Picard! Are the choices, leave the U.K. of face charges. I can’t see that totally but then again a lot of money laundering trials have brought down mob bosses.That song should l stay or should l go now? Is blaring through my head!!
“ get your bloody head out the sand”
Whose got their head in the sand on this? This is definitely PP, might he be taking a stern tone with HMTQ? Action needs to be taken imminently, the press are on the precipice of unloading a ton of very very bad things. It would be easier, although none of this will be easier, but it would be easier if HMTQ gave a public video, like Christmas Day, and as she did with Diana. If they can publicly get ahead of the media, might soften the blow. Perhaps announce a separation, then the press can go hog wild. Either way it’s going to be Annus Horibilus on steroids!!!
“it’s crumbling around your feet”…
The love and loyalty towards Harry is doing exactly that, crumbling around him. If things continue and madam resumes appearances in the U.K. or joint appearances , PARDON THE PUN🤣🤣🤣😂 joint🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 sorry, l need a laugh, this is a tough riddle and the second one of the day!the reception will be vile, also possibly dangerous, such is the loathing at this point. This is having an effect on the entire BRF . The continuing question, why doesn’t HMTQ do something. Thank God for the Cambridges.
“ baby ‘ what baby?”
Oh are we going to play ignorant know?use those fabulous acting skills. I never had a baby, never was pregnant what are you talking about all innocent? Whose baby was that in SA? His or her photo will go down in history as being passed off as a royal baby.This could also be read, as to a lover, baby( name for lover), what baby? Many many people knew it was a fake pregnancy, surrogate used but whose egg and whose male DNA was used? Was it done in SA. Or was that a rent-a-baby? This is all so seedy makes my skin crawl with disgust!
“we’re gonna need a bigger Bank”
Again with the Jaws reference🤨. MM ANON DO I GET A TREAT FIR WORKING OVERTIME DIING TWO RIDDLES IN ONE DAY?🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂This hacking lawsuit is going to cost tens of millions, however it may well possibly reveal the identities, the length of time, what they did with the information they gathered,and was it a bad actor or actors who did this. Now when l use the term bad actor, it has nothing to do with movies or tv. A bad actor has become the term used when talking about individuals who betray their country, spy, commit crimes etc, it cal also be a foreign national also. . Has that decision been rescinded, just to pay her off, she can leave go back to U.S. I don’t know, there are alleged crimes, the British people and Commonwealth who haven’t taken the time to look below for the facts still loathe her. How this will all play out without totally destroying the Monarchy l do not know.
As far as paying madam to go, there was a one time deal offered before the wedding, it was allegedly accepted but changed her mind and went ahead with the unhappy day. Is there a chance they have decided to offer again just to leave, the legal case she filed is her problem. Any potential legal problems, or illegal acts that may have been committed and money owed on taxes, all her problem. I can hardly think after all this they would cave in, I HOPE NOT!
… 🎼” if I was a rich man”🎼
I have been singing since l saw this clue. This is from the musical Fiddler on The Roof! The entire song, sang and performed by a poor beggar man living on the slums but he had a fiddle AKA a violin. The whole entirety of the lyrics are him imagining being a man of fantastic wealth and the houses he would build, the life he would live, endless time to do whatever you want, buy whatever you want, just completely unencumbered. This is how many see the royals. Harry especially has taken unbelievable backlash for his spouses extravagant clothes spending, repeated use of private jet, the perception of being preached at regarding climate change . The last straw for the media was that blasting furiously letter , that accompanied the information that he had filed in court, directed at the media after what had by and part, in comparison with the other behaviour was a positively reported visit to various countries in Africa! The last snap though, was his perceived treatment of Rhiannon Mills of Sky News when he scolded her, as some saw things, watch the video, decide for yourself!
October 7,2019 1850 hrs
Great job PG! Wow! If I could, one scenario has been they let MM go, and she is taken care of back in the US….so that might be the reference to two choices…she will NOT walk…she will face justice..in UK or in US! Thank you for doing these riddles today! So appreciated!😊💜💜💜💜💜💜
It could be any, l am exhausted after two riddles, the last one being extremely difficult in how to word things without opening oneself up to legal issues and to not offend etc etc etc. As for Fiddler on the Roof, l deliberately not bring up his ethnicity because sometimes people do not like that, l bend over backwards, metaphorically, TO NOT UPSET ANYONE or be perceived as judgemental etc. My brain 🧠 is tired, my words aren’t flowing right. GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦 I do my best, give my all, we all work together. 💜💜🐼🙏🏻🙏🏻🐼💜💜 Thank you 🐼 for creating this wonderful place💜💜💜🐼🙏🏻🙏🏻🐼💜💜🐼😊😊🐼👋🐼💜
Source: skippyv20
80: oct 9
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
MM Anon
MM ANON … fab two ‘ future Queen……future king …… also rans …… three weddings and a refusal …… Archie-bargy …… a dog with no name …… silent screaming past…… 🎼” there may be trouble ahead “🎼…… “ if I tell you ‘ I’d have to…… “…… everyone is scarfing …… (another private flight)…… Branson island … Mail on payday… … “ please boo the buggers”
October 9/2019 0105 hrs CST
SORRY l am so late, l had a rest day😊💜
fab two ‘ future Queen
Well who on earth could this possibly be referencing 🤣🤣🤣? Of course it is our beloved Cambridge’s, Their HRH Duke and Duchess! Who needs a Fab Four, when we have the FAB TWO? They are brilliant. The Royal tour to Pakistan (unless something happened whilst l slept the day away, haven’t read the news) will be a Master Class in how a Royal, representing HMTQ, conducts oneself. Catherine, HRH The Duchess of Cambridge has fully come into her own, in this role and it’s been marvellous to watch her bloom. I think some of us kind of took her for granted until we saw the horrors of the other one. She will make a brilliant Queen Consort, once the time comes.
future king
This could be referencing Prince Charles, Prince William or Prince George. Are we not blessed to live in a time with three future kings? Amazing! Given the pending Royal tour representing HMTQ in Pakistan 🇵🇰, l believe this is referencing HRH Prince William. He too, has come into his own, fabulous, loving supportive wife, they have a beautiful healthy family. Their minds are sound and are raising well rounded children. We will se William, on this tour, conducting himself above reproach, and can envision him well in his penultimate role as His Majesty, when the time comes.
also rans
Let’s head to our favourite friend google for a few definitions, a loser in a race or other contest, especially by a large margin, OR, PAY ATTENTION KIDS😁an undistinguished or unsuccessful person or thing. Now let’s just skip past the first one and jump on the second definition. Undistinguished person, BOJO fits, only because he manipulated HMTQ, but we’re not political. I know without a lot of explaining or elaboration because you have all been passengers on the Skipoy🐼 train, you know of many undistinguished deeds that are public, just you wait Henry Higgins, just you wait, sorry l jumped into a My Fair Lady song 🤣🤣😂😂, can’t help myself!
three weddings and a refusal
Three wedding and a Funeral, the write of that film, Richard Curtis, is working with Catherine on a mental health campaign, l can’t recall what it’s called just now. Anyhow this is three weddings and a refusal. William and Catherine, Harry and her, Eugene’s and Jack, whose the refusal? Are we referencing CD? She goes way back, but …..but…..but…… l am saying no more!
Is this boss Prince Louis’ name for Archie or the other Cambridge children? We know twitter calls a baby bubs 🤮🤮Or is it LG? Not joking at all about a real child but at the persona created for this infamous fauxmegnancy, fauxmegbirth, fauxmegworld, etc etc etc etc.
a dog with no name
I know , my friend, rescued greyhounds from the racetracks in America where they were , can’t say it, but used and abused, and brought them to Canada. This is a well known animal/humanitarian organization that rescues a variety of animals. The title literally, it means they want no dog to not have a name. When an animal has a name, it gives them meaning, they’re smart they know what their name is and respond to it, maybe not always the way we want🤣🤣😂😂, but they do? So who is the dog with no name in the human form , is it the victims of JE? The ones that have come forth have a name. I know there has to be many more, unnamed to us at this time. Or worse will never be known. When you see and hear VRG speak and tell of her experience it adds the real humanity factor, it takes it from words on paper or hidden abstract to literal, in your face truth! I pray for all the victims of human trafficking known and unknown 🙏🏻.
silent screaming past
Does anyone recall the documentary The Silent Scream? I most certainly do, its about abortion. I wonder who this might be about? I have long suspected there might have been several of those in the past of someone.
🎼” there may be trouble ahead “🎼
But music and dancing, MY ABSOLUTE FAVOURITE PAUR , THANK YOU MM ANON FOR THIS CLUE. Memories, Fred Estaire singing this, dancing with the unbelievablly gorgeous Ginger Rogers. Fred used to say, or was it Ginger, no, matter, he was talented, but she was amazing because she had to do everything backwards and in heels🤣🤣😂😂.Now interpretation, let’s face the music, it means face your reward but more often it’s face your punishment and own up to what you have done wrong. Here we have it, PA, it’s time for him to not dance but face the music. Sounding like an order from up top has been given, he must comply with authorities, be interviewed, be truthful! Face the music!
“ if I tell you ‘ I’d have to…… “
This is an old saying, does anyone remember the spoof spy show Get Smart? Hilarious, l grew up watching that, about spy who goofed up, had a phone in the sole of his shoe?🤣🤣😂😂 Anyone, the saying is, if l tell you, I will have to kill you. My oh my oh my, what secrets are held, l certainly wouldn’t want to be in this position! But who is!
everyone is scarfing
William adjusting his scarf to avoid interacting with madam, has taken on a life of its own online🤣🤣🤣😂😂. We know, the entire BRF, to the public, is scarfing, the Harry, and her, l believe 100% behind the scenes, there is plenty of love and support for Harry to get through this horror!
(another private flight)
Have they taken another private flight? And to where? Necker Island?? Or points beyond? I think they any public appearance in the U.K. now would be disastrous especially for a narcissist. I wonder how Prince Harry’s appearances on the 10th for International Mental Health Day will go? I do so hope that he is well received 🙏🏻🙏🏻.
Branson island
Sir Kenneth Branson owns his own island as well in the Caribbean, he calls it Necker Island. Do you recall the horrible fire that occurred there a few years back? Kate Winslett, the actress literally went in and rescued either his mum or grandmother. No matter, this island has been a getaway for many celebrities and royals for years. Is there a connection with JE and his island?
Mail on payday
Ha ha, when the storms blows in, they will get a massive payday, of that l am certain. In public opinion, the DM comments are full of loathing and anger, they sometimes have comments that things are not appearing ie comments or they vanish. When the story(or stories, truth) are published ad revenues and sales will skyrocket!!
“ please boo the buggers”
PP voicing his approval for this to happen when a certain couple or individual appears in an official capacity or not, just do as he said!!! Now that would be above Camilla’s video begging help! Help! 🙃🤣🤣🤣
Submitted October 9/2019 0204 hrs CST
Thank you dear PG! This again looks interesting…oh what fun lies ahead! Thank you, much appreciated!😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
81: Oct. 9
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
October 9/2019 1500 hrs CST
MM Anon
MM ANON …… “ sorry, not today thank you “…… never EVER explain …… “what happens in house, stays in-house”. ……a special briefing …… another cover-up?…… … glowing anticipation …… special forces …… “unprecedented care”…… a very tired PR …… public appearance nerves …… “we’ll pay you handsomely”…… “she’ll do it or suffer the consequences”
“ sorry, not today thank you “
Jeremy Corbyn, Labour leader, has said today, that the Queen should appoint him as PM if BOJO loses a non-confidence vote. Firstly HMTQ does not appoint leaders, they are elected by the public. So sorry, Mr. Corbyn, not today, thank you.
never EVER explain
Since the Queen mum was Queen, it has been the motto of the way the Royal family has dealt with any rumours or gossip about themselves or their work. Never complain, never explain. This has an extra ever, all caps. So MM ANON is telling us , when this happen, as things unfold legally or with the marriage, there will be a considerable amount of things that will not ever EVER be explained to us. We must prepare for that. They have been playing this game a long time and are champions, the Crown never loses. So we ask ourselves how will things come out, what will happen to madam or Archie, lots of things will remain classified, this is a big thump warning us!
“what happens in house, stays in-house”.
The saying what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. In other words, confidentiality and discretion are key. So whatever may be observed or noted by staff they cannot talk about outside of the house they work in, be it KP, BP, Windsor Castle etc etc. I think LG is running a tight ship, we are nearing the destination of an endpoint in this masquerade and he wants no leaks out , no warning at all of their plans, lest their attackers use that information. Perhaps in reference to Richard Palmer?
a special briefing
Did the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge receive a special briefing regarding their upcoming Royal tour? It would be very important that they be aware of exactly everything that is planned, possible changes and security issues.
another cover-up?
What on earth could this be referencing? Is this related to PA and his connection with JE? There are some conflicting facts that l have read in different articles. The latest l read, was that New York visit, when he was at JE mansion, the purpose of that visit was to end his friendship due to JE arrests and crimes/pedophelia in Florida. Now one would think a simple phone call would suffice. At the time this first arose he denied having been intimate with VRG, the Palace statement reflected that, Met case closed. Many people feel that was washed away. Now it’s come back, he is still denying having been intimate, VRG is sticking firm with her story. And then there is that pesky photograph!!! Is there something else being cleverly hidden? I surely hope not and for HMTQ sake, l wish PA would do the right thing and cooperate. He will drag his feet l am sure, he’s done so thus far.
glowing anticipation
They say women who are pregnant have a special glow about them. Are we anticipating an announcement?? Who could it be? Princess Eugenie, to me, is the most likely candidate. That would be simply marvellous news!
special forces
Is this related to the Pakistan 🇵🇰 Royal tour? I very well think it might be, the security risk is high, we have high ranking royals, and ongoing assessment, along with tightly kept destinations and places they will visit. Safety first!
“unprecedented care”
Is this medical/emotional care for Harry after returning from Africa? Is that the type of care meant here? Or is there unprecedented care and concern expressed for HMTQ and PP through this incredibly stressful time, adding Her Speech to the House this Monday, October 14/2019. Or more concerning yet is this regarding HMTQ or PP health? I think ultimately this means, the Pakistan 🇵🇰 tour, they are undertaking their most complex tour, as per statement on the tour stated, and security and their staff are taking unprecedented care and implementing measures to ensure safety, security and a very successful Royal tour and relationship building.
a very tired PR
I am sure the Palace PR staff are beyond exhausted as madams numerous PR firms are at it, and being well paid. Tired can also mean blah, sedate, uninteresting, repetitive, and that’s what her PR is, the same fantastical stories, fabricated and dull.
public appearance nerves …
Harry will make his first official day of events tomorrow, to recognize October 10/2019 International Mental Health Day. I imagine he is a bundle of nerves given all that has happened on and since his last day in Africa. Not scheduled but l wonder if madam will gatecrash or attempt to.
“we’ll pay you handsomely”
Are they purchasing a video, l thought certain they already had it. Perhaps there is more information from past or lost years on offer, l am certain there would be no doubt if it was authentic and verifiable it would be purchased. Usually when the term pay you handsomely is used, it’s kind of like someone keeps your secret or in tv/film, it’s a private detective digging up dirt and gets rewarded handsomely for his work. MM ANON, l would love to know where some of these clues come from,,they can go many ways and some l can’t figure out!!
“she’ll do it or suffer the consequences”
They need madam to do something or appear at some royal event, but she’s terrified of the crowd, if there is a crowd, of whomever is there, what their response will be. There is to be no discussion, she must do this! I just wish l had a clue what ‘this’ was!
Submitted October 9/2019 1605 hrs CST
Thank you dear PG! Things are sure getting interesting. Again…in awe of your riddle skills! So appreciated😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
Oct 9th, 2019
82: Oct. 10
It’s Thanksgiving weekend, we have a massive snowstorm that is supposed to go until Saturday 🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
MM Anon
MM ANON ……corespondents under the radar …… “MA to MM”…… 🎼” gimme a ticket for an aeroplane”🎼…… “ my baby wrote me a letter” “ I’ve seen the contents of several”…… ‘ thank you LG.”…… “were in need of another f#@ing hole”…… Sheeran a common problem ……” drag her along ‘ your joking”… not seen’ not heard, GOOD!!!!…… Christmas 🧣 scarfs …… 🎼Back in the USA”🎼…… “friends thou hast and their adoption tried ”…(very trying!!!)
October 10/2019
1430 hrs CST
corespondents under the radar
Oh dear oh my, madam, and creepy eyes guy have kept in touch. I can only imagine the level of filth, schemings and depravity in those conversations, emails, snail mails, after all she is a calligrapher, roll eyes now. Well this is very interesting!
“MA to MM”
Hmmmm sound abbreviated, oh they’re so clever those kids, surely no one would recognize those initials and connect them back to those two!! I truly wonder what he has been up to, was he the last guest at Misha NoNoo wedding who arrived in big car, huge hat and coat, immediately surrounded by guards protecting him. Where has he been? Good gracious l have a zillion questions needing answered!!
🎼” gimme a ticket for an aeroplane”🎼
Old song, l know the song, looked on google for the performer, never heard before but they are called the Box Tops. The lyrics are all about someone desperately longing to be with their baby again, because a letter was received. l think baby is lover, not a baby baby🤣🤣. I think she’s begging him to send her a ticket to leave London !! Anyway anyhow before next week!! To avoid that public appearance? Running scare are we Rachel?
“ my baby wrote me a letter” “ I’ve seen the contents of several”
It’s lyrics from the same song as previous clue . Letters, plural, the plot thickens. I shall, out of respect for LG, assume that all of their contacts and interactions in every way shape or form, have been well monitored and documented. LG, were l wearing a 🎩 hat, l would take it off to you sir! You played her brilliantly!!
‘ thank you LG.”
Just what l was thinking and just typed. I am sure many have been thanking him, he has played the long game and has won. The timer isn’t out yet, but there is no way for her to win. I think this may be HMTQ speaking to LG. He has returned to serve HMTQ, serving her until the end!
“were in need of another f#@ing hole”
Oh dear, oh dear, how much more horrible trash about madam are they having to bury because it’s so extreme? I know there is so much that will need to be kept classified , buried if you like, for the BRF to recover. What on earth is all going on? There is so much unknown and the British people, all of us who care, are at the end.
Sheeran a common problem
Ed Sheehan, who has massive problems with his neighbors and his building things, that’s a whole other topic. Ed Sheehan , the musician, did a clever bit of humour, GINGERS UNITE🤣🤣😂😂. But in all seriousness, today is International Mental Health Day, Sheehan is a play on the word sharing a common problem. They both have experienced times of depression and feel the strong need to destigmatize it. Whilst here it’s a massive winter storm, as l type this, my power has been out for a good hour, good thing l saved the riddle and charged the iPad. BUT I AM FREEZING 🥶!
I just called the power, they said so many outages they have no idea when it will return😩😩😫😫😖😖I AM 🥶 COLD!!!
” drag her along ‘ your joking”
Prince Harry and madam are due to attend the Well Child benefit October 15/2019. I assume madam has zero or less than zero, great film by the way, l digress, interest in doing anything remotely public for fear of what could happen. Booing, throwing rotten tomatoes? This was referred to in yesterday’s riddle. Harry has been told to drag her along if she refuses to go. He is being given firm order on what he is to do. In no way, shape or form, will she be allowed to NOT attend!
not seen’ not heard, GOOD!!!!
There is an old saying, children should be seen and not heard. With madam, who doesn’t posses a gram of maternal instinct, this is her delight, she can do whatever she wants, a doll can be ignored. However l truly believe this is how the British people and people around the Commonwealth and the world are elated not to see or hear her word salad speeches. Hence the all caps, exclamation marks GOOD!!!
Christmas 🧣 scarfs
I wonder if this is going to be a gag gift, l know it has taken a life of its own online! This truly, l believe means, if madam is still around at Christmas, she will be “scarfed” from any Royal family Christmas dinners etc. A general, familywide scarfing, the ultimate! 🧣
🎼Back in the USA”🎼
Old song, classic Chuck Berry, fabulous when no computers for instruments, guitars were needed. This song is entirely about someone returning home to America, describing the sites and sounds of various places. Madam is deeply homesick and wants to go home. Yet she wants a massive celebrity life and fame. She has become infamous, history will tell of this. I think l have said this before but she may just end up in a massive, massive very expensive fully staffed home. However, the home may have locks but she gets no key to it!
“friends thou hast and their adoption tried ”
Shakespeare again MM ANON , again to my favourite , Hamlet. I will share the entire piece.
“Those friends thou hast, and their adoption tried,
Grapple them to thy soul with hoops of steel;
But do not dull thy palm with entertainment
Of each new-hatch’d, unfledg’d comrade.”
Loyal friends, keep them as close as you can. Hold onto them, deeply in your very soul. This can be healthy or a very sick relationship. This is mm and ma, they are interwoven in each other, evil purpose, money, lust, filth, disgust. The hoops of steel MM ANON has challenged us with this before. My, my, my , are these two, who have been bound by this sick relationship going to be bound by hoops of steel aka handcuffs at the end of the day?? Oh l hope so. I want all this filth gone!! Banished!
(very trying!!!)
October 10/2019 1700 hrs CST
Thank you dear PG….so sorry about the power outage….the west suffer through these often…….Then again so does the east! The joys of Canada fall/winter. I’m just sorry you are so cold. We too have snow. This riddle is now tying the connection to MA and MM….as is our new Anon…Emails, sexting, and videos. So, we can expect more on the pair! Thank you dear PG, I know it’s been a battle for you today, so much appreciated!🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
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a-vamp-and-a-half · 4 years
She grimaces, definitely not disagreeing with his statement there, coughing another puff of smoke. Doc's hiss of sympathy did not help her worry "li-ke i ate th-e wo-rlds wors-t pe-pp-er" she wheezes, immediately dissolving into coughs at that short sentence along. Oh this was not going to be fun, she never even thought about actually getting burned before. Maybe her powers had gotten stronger without her realising.
“Well, you’ve got actual burns inside of your throat,” Doc says, taking off his gloves. He winces. “The um... ash, appears to be a layer of skin that got burned away.”
Bing’s face contorts in disgust. “For real?”
“Afraid so. I... honestly, I’m not entirely sure what the best course of action here is. I never really treated any fire eaters, so I’m not too experienced in this department.”
He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. “Well, we can hardly have you drink burn cream. I know swallowing is very difficult right now but if and when you can, try to get something cooling down your throat. Cold water, cold milk, ice cream, anything soothing like that. If you can’t manage that... I guess we’ll just have to wait for your healing to take care of it. It doesn’t look bad enough to cause permanent damage, but if you can’t feed... a day, at least, I’d say.”
He nods to himself, satisfied with his estimate. 
“Yes, give or take a few hours but I’m pretty confidant it’ll be at least a day. Try to talk as little as possible, maybe use a notebook instead. I think-”
He goes over to his desk and rummages through. “Ah, here we go.”
He comes back and hands her a little notebook and a pen. “Take this, it’s new. Don’t worry, I bought a big pack of them on sale, I can afford to part with this one.”
“I think that’s it, really. One day healing minimum, if possible drink some cold liquids, and we’ll check back tomorrow morning, okay?”
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7r0773r · 6 years
On the Golden Porch by Tatyana Tolstaya, translated by Antonina W. Bouis
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On days like that, when the rain, darkness, and window-bending wind reflected the white solemn face of loneliness, Simeonov, feeling particularly big-nosed and balding and particularly feeling his years around his face and his cheap socks far below, on the edge of existence, would put on the teakettle, wipe dust with his sleeve from the table, clearing away the books that stuck out their white bookmark tongues, set up the gramophone, selecting the right-sized book to support its listing side, and in blissful anticipation pull out Vera Vasilevna from the torn and yellow-stained jacket—an old and heavy disc, anthracite in color, and not disfigured by smooth concentric circles—one love song on each side. (Okkervil River, p. 18)
What are you bustling about for? You want to show me your treasures? Well, all right, I have five minutes for you. It’s so long since I was here! I’m getting old. So that’s it, that’s what enchanted us? All this secondhand rubbish, these chipped painted night tables, these tacky oilcloth paintings, these brocade curtains, the worn plush velvet, the darned lace, the clumsy fakes from the peasant market, the cheap beads? This sang and glittered, burned and beckoned? What mean jokes you play, life! Dust, ashes, rot. Surfacing from the magical bottom of childhood, from the warm, radiant depths, we open our chilled fist in the cold wind—and what have we brought up with us besides sand? But just a quarter century ago Uncle Pasha wound the golden clock with trembling hands. (On the Golden Porch, p. 49)
A cold wind blew, and small dry flakes fell from the sky. The day was dark, empty, brief; its evening had been born with the dawn. (The Circle, pp. 64-65)
But a new spring came, through the connecting courtyards, the snows died, a cloying smell of decay came from the soil, blue ripples ran over puddles, and Leningrad’s cherry trees once again showered white on the matchbox sailboats and newspaper ships—and did it matter at all where you start a new voyage, in a ditch or an ocean, when spring calls and the wind in the same everywhere? (Peters, p. 188)
The wind was blowing, swirling, and it was pouring when he came out on the embankment. Through the veil of rain the red barrier of the damp fortress showed murkily, its lead spire murkily raised its index finger. It had been pouring since last night, and they had laid in a generous supply of water up there. The Swedes, when they left these rotten shores, forgot to take away the sky, and now they probably gloated on their neat little peninsula—they had clear, blue frost, black firs and white rabbits, while Peters was coughing here amid the granite and mildew. (Peters, p. 190)
Life roared by, bypassing him, and hurried on, like a swift-flowing river goes around a heavy mound of rocks. (Peters, p. 193)
What are you, life? A silent theater of Chinese shadows, a chain of dreams, a charlatan’s store? Or a gift of unrequited love—that’s all that is intended for me? What about happiness? What is happiness? Ingrate, you’re alive, you weep love strive fall and that’s not enough? What? . . . Not enough? Oh, is that so? There isn’t anything else. (Peters, p. 195)
The clock was ticking, fruit compote floated in a glass pitcher, and his slippers had grown cold overnight. Peters felt himself, counted his fingers and hairs. Regret flickered and passed. His body still remembered the quiet of past years, the heavy sleep of the calendar, but in the depths of his spiritual flesh something long forgotten, young and trusting, was stirring, sitting up, shaking itself and smiling.
Old Peters pushed the window frame—the blue glass rang, a thousand yellow birds flew up, and the naked golden spring cried, laughing: catch me, catch me! New children played in the puddles with their buckets. And wanting nothing, regretting nothing Peters smiled gratefully at life—running past, indifferent, ungrateful, treacherous, mocking, meaningless, alien—marvelous, marvelous, marvelous. (Peters, p. 198)
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