#ashe ubert deserves better
tidbi-t-art · 11 months
I just finished playing the black eagle run, and I have many thought about Ashe.
Spoilers for chapters 17-18
Not even Dedue or Dimitri, I would have expected even the slightest comments at the least but there was nothing >:(
And that alone strengthens my theory that Ashe feels like an outsider in the blue lions. Each of the blue lions are part of a pair or groups, ex. The Faerghus Four, Sylvain and Felix, Dimitri and Dedue, Annette and Mercedes, the only people I feel he really connects to are Dedue and yes he’s got sweet supports with the others, but he’s rarely seen talking with many of the blue lions throughout the academy phase. He’s an orphan, adopted into a noble family that was killed by the church, the one thing meant to protect him, and even in his house he was alone.
Ashe is found often in the green house or the cathedral, which is heart wrenching to think about. The greenhouse is his comfort place, he feels safe and content working with the plants. But the Cathedral, the place of worship in the monastery, the house of the goddess, Ashe has a tumultuous relationship with his faith, Christophe was killed by the church over false accusations and when Lonato tried to avenge him, he too was killed by the Church. The two people who took him in and treated Ashe as family after years on his own and shunned by society were killed by the very thing meant to protect him.
Ashe’s trauma is barely mentioned at all through the story, only through Ashe and Dedue’s supports, yet Ashe had nothing to say to Dedue in that battle? The one character he actually speaks to during a battle is Yuri, TWICE may I add, yet they don’t have supports in fe3h?! I am still bitter about that. Yuri is the one character who knew Ashe when he was a child, yes it probably wasn’t as deep as Yuri and Bernadetta, but come on, even something is better than nothing.
And yes, I know they have support in three hopes but my point still stands-
Ashe is such a complex character, and it sucks how much he is overlooked, one of the first big plot points of the game involves him damnit!
Anyway, sorry for the rant, I have many feelings about Ashe
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asha-mage · 10 months
My roommate is playing Three Houses for the first time and that means that of COURSE I am being possessed by Dimiashe feelings again, especially because they are doing Azure Moon first.
And you know what gets me most about Dimiashe? What drives me insane into the small hours of the morning? It's the fact that, on Silver Snow and Verdant Wind Ashe leaves. He turns his back on Byleth, on his classmates, on the Church, on everything, to do what he thinks is right: to fight for justice for Lonato and Cristophe. He gives up his dream of being a Knight, he gives up his place in the Kingdom, his adopted House, the title that is now his by rights, even the friends that he fought and bleed and learned besides- all to do the right thing.
But on Azure Moon? On Azure Moon Ashe stays. And their is only one thing, one possible reason, for Ashe to remain on the Kingdom's side on Azure Moon, when on all other routes he sides with the Empire.
Dimitri the golden prince that Ashe blushes and stammers and begs not to treat him with such familiarity. Dimitri who, if all had been as it should have, Ashe would have knelt to after graduation and sworn an oath of fealty and devotion, to serve as liege man, as bow arm, as guardian, as knight, onto his death.
Dimitri who Ashe finds again after five years broken and full of sorrow and pain and lost in the dark. Dimitri, who swears and insists he is a mad man, a monster, a killer, but who all the same Ashe can not turn his back on.
Ashe is driven by an fierce fiery need to do the right thing no matter what. His defining quote is It's never wrong to have virtue, even if means being made an outcast and he follows through, siding with Edelgard on every route except Azure Moon. And why? Because on Azure Moon Ashe looks at Dimitri, scarred and near feral with grief and without Dedue to be his knight any longer, and chooses Dimitri over what is right- over justice for Cristophe, over Lonato's memory, over a future free of the church's tyranny.
Ashe's loyalty and love for the Prince who showed kindness and compassion to a commoner, who brought sweets to a foundling and street thief, is the only thing greater then his sense of justice.
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Here’s some anti-propaganda for Steve Harrington with some propaganda for Ashe Ubert in here!
Out of all the characters in ST, Steve is probably the LEAST tragic out of them all. We actually don’t know a whole lot about him and how the events of the show effect him in a deeper way. As mentioned in a reblog, a lot of stuff about Steve is fanon, one example being what his parents are like as all we know is that his dad is an asshole and his mom is very respectable, and many of the opinions expressed in the propaganda for Steve are incorrect. I won’t be covering them all but the ones I can counter well.
No one can agree on if Nancy actually cheated on Steve or if she didn’t. There are two ideas floating around in the fandom that cause a crap ton of discourse but from the very little evidence we get in the show, she didn’t cheat. Tommy.H says in the locker room that they broke up and Steve says “I think that you’re bullshit” to Nancy and leaves without saying anything else. There is no other way you can interpret that scene. The opinion that she did cheat is used by many Steve fans to demonize Nancy into making her a bad person when in reality she is a traumatized and grief stricken teen girl. The opinion is rooted in a misunderstanding of her character and as a fan of Nancy, she deserves better than being slut shamed by some fans of one privileged white boy.
Two of the four fights that Steve has gotten into where he got beaten up pretty bad happened for a reason. In the first one, Steve was being an asshole and saying shit about Jonathan’s family while also knowing his little brother is dead (we and the characters involved know Will is alive but Steve DOES NOT at this point) and also publicly slut shamed Nancy, which was not okay. The slap Nancy gives Steve and fight he gets into with Jonathan is the entire reason why he changed. Without it, Steve would still be an asshole. The second one was one he initiated to protect Lucas from being beaten up by Billy. There was a sacrifice there but Steve probably knew what he was getting into.
Steve isn’t really being bullied by Dustin. Their relationship gives off ‘older brother and younger brother’ vibes. Dustin also says in s3 that if Steve were to die, he would also die so it sounds like they would both do anything for the other.
Now in the case of Ashe, kid has it ROUGH. The propaganda given sums up a lot of my thoughts and I whole heartedly agree. He’s a teen boy who doesn’t really fit into his own house, he gets orphaned twice and has gone through the five stages of grief multiple times if you include the sorta death of his professer and the death of Dedue in his house route. But even going through all of that shit, Ashe still finds beauty and kindness in the world and it makes him an incredible character.
If we compare the tragedies of Steve and Ashe, Steve’s seems less trivial than Ashe’s. Even comparing the tragedies of other characters in ST with Steve’s, the same result happens. Steve’s tragedies are very minute compared to someone like Will, Nancy, or even Barb and she was only in two episodes and then died but continues to haunt the narrative.
Sorry this got a little long but in short, vote for Ashe instead of Steve. That is all I ask as a fan of both Fire Emblem Three Houses and Stranger Things. I don’t know how strong of an argument I made but at least I tried.
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moeblob · 5 years
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Hello, I love a boy. Happy birthday to him!
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Could you do 49 for Ashe? Because let face it the bean deserves all the hugs and love 😤💝
{YEYEYE Ashe request lads, it's an a s h e r e q u e s t. Is it unhealthy that almost three years down the line I am still in love with him? Maybe. Do I care? Lol nope. Here's your request doll, sorry that it's late}
#49- Giving them a tight hug that makes them lose their breath
{Please Let Me Pass}-Ashe Ubert x Reader
If Ashe had somehow wronged the professor in any way, this was a punishment far from fitting. He merely asked for some extra tutoring in tactical battle strategies before his class examination. Nothing too extreme since he'd never want to be an inconvenience, but the last thing he expected was to find (Y/N) waiting for him in the Professor's stead.
If they did this on purpose, then Professor Byleth was much more cruel than he'd have ever imagined. It's not that (Y/N) was incapable; no, they were the next best in line to lead the class after Prince Dimitri. It had already been well established that they would make a fine addition to any army and the blue lions were very fortunate to have them. He "admired," them as well.
Perhaps a bit too much, since concentrating on anything other than his erratic heartbeat was impossible.
"Correct again! Just remember that for this formation, you'll likely want to add more security around your cleric aside from one knight. A good bet is to station a long distance faction within reach," they said, and he nodded while jotting their words in his notebook for later. He'd been doing well, albeit so unwillingly. With each question came a new uncertainty and fear of failure. He'd constantly need to skim his book for reassurance.
"I don't know why you’re so worried Ashe. You would do well to go relax your brain for tomorrow, why don't we go grab dinner?" Their praise only worsened his condition, and he felt his eyes sting from trying not to smile. Despite it though he turned the page in his book, ready to do another practice problem.
"Oh no. Compared to everyone else I have much to improve on, it will be a miracle if I ever become a knight at this rate," no sooner than the last syllable left his mouth, he felt his writing quill snatched from his grasp.
"Doubt is something we don't have room for Ubert. No more visual problems, time for a pop quiz," they said motioning for him to give up his notebook. Things were going well, but now he couldn't tell if his heart pounded from their closeness or testing fear.
"What? No, we don't have to-"
"I want to,"
"But it's easier to follow the Professor's plan"
"No, straying is good. Now give me the book," they tapped the table, urging him to slide it over.
"…please?" he tried one last time, but with one quirk of their eyebrow he relented. They tucked it under their arms delicately, and he patiently waited for failure.
"What weapon class is superior to swords?" they asked. Ashe sputtered at the question. They answer was obvious considering the weapon triangle is one of the first things any student learns. He couldn't help but wonder if it was a trick question. Compared to everything else they had studied this was simple, too simple. For the first time he cursed how mute their resting face was, letting no indication of trickery slip through. They simply waited with hands folded, and watched him with a soft gaze.
"Uhm," he hesitated, "that would be lances, yes?"
After a moment of silence their blank expression cracked into a light smile, and he felt himself reaching to fiddle with his sleeves.
"Correct," they said, and he almost relaxed until they began to pack away his notebook unannounced.
"W-wait! I need that for tomorrow," he reached for the bag, only for them to halt him with a stern grip on his wrist. His pulse jumped again at the contact, and if this were a different occasion he may have dreamed up fantasies of interlocking fingers.
"No you don't. I'm keeping this for tonight," they said with no room for argument. He couldn't fight back against them, he's never won and doesn't think he ever will. It's almost as if they knew what set him off-oh, they knew. Well that makes things all the more 'peachy,' now doesn't it. His wrist was soon free, but their next target was his hair. They tussled it affectionately, or at least that is how he perceived it.
"That was such a simple question, and it nearly made you hyperventilate. You're so much more intelligent than you give yourself credit for and tonight you are going to rest before acing that exam tomorrow," they tussled his hair almost affectionately. He couldn't focus enough to tell, with their praise ringing in his head.
"I don't- I can't?" he cast his gaze down with no better argument, "...alright. I'll trust your judgement," he relented once again, just like before. If he couldn't muster the confidence on his own then maybe stealing some of theirs would be enough. He bid them farewell, letting his heart relax and limbs go limp in the empty study hall. He was almost calm until the fast clacking of shoes on tile grew closer.
"(Y/N)? Did you forget something?" He asked as they approached.
"Yeah," hands gripped his own, and he felt warmth squeeze himself into a ball. They tucked their head next to his own comfortably despite how he did not reciprocate immediately. All he could muster was a light pat on their back, nothing in comparison to the way all energy was sucked from his limbs and breath stolen away. So gravitating that it did not last nearly long enough.
"That's for confidence. If you pass then I'll give you another!"
Oh he needed to pass. He will pass.
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mandakatt · 4 years
Fire Emblem Three Houses Fic - Dedue Molinaro - The Ways we love you
A/N: Something I wrote for Dedue’s birthday 
Characters: Dedue Molinaro, Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd, Annette Fantine Dominic, Mercedes von Matritz, Felix Hugo Fraldarius, Sylvain Jose Gautier, Ashe Ubert, Ingrid Brandl Galatea Warnings: None Word Count: 2185 Summary: Today was like any other day, and yet Dedue wondered why his classmates were acting so strangely. They were gifting him things, praising him, making things for him that catered to his taste in food and sweets, though he was positive that he didn't deserve such things. What was so special about today?
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“Hey Dedue! Look! It reminded me of you!”
Dedue blinked at the small package in Annette’s hands as she smiled up at him, so brightly that it caused a smile of his own to gently, and slightly pull his lips upwards. “It reminded you..of me?”
Annette chuckled at him softly and gently pushed the small package into his hands. “That is what I said, isn’t it?” she giggled and gently took a step back, a light blush rushing to her cheeks. “Now, I’ve gotta go meet the professor, but..I wanted to give this to you now. Have a great day Dedue!” 
He didn’t get the chance to thank her before she ran off. 
With a sigh he glanced down at the small package in his fingers and couldn’t help but smile almost fondly as he tucked it away into his pocket, and made his way into the dining hall. The air was filled with the smell of spices, that oddly reminded him of home, and yet, something sweet lingered in the air. 
“Ah Dedue!” Ashe called cheerfully from behind the counter. “Good Morning!”
“Good Morning, Ashe.”
“Did you sleep alright?”
“I did. Yes. Have you seen his Highness this morning?”
“Hmn? Oh, yes! He’s with the professor and the other house leaders, though I’m sure they’ll be done in just a few minutes.” 
“I see,” Dedue was quiet for a moment before he looked over towards the pots in front of Ashe, before looking back to him. “Ashe, may I ask what it is you are making?”
“I’m making your favorite,” Ashe smiled to him brightly and went back to stir the pot to make sure it didn’t burn. “It should be ready by lunchtime, if..if I’ve translated the recipe right.”
“Do you need assistance?”
“No! Nope!” Ashe laughed softly and looked back at him. “I promise you, I’ve got this!”
“If you are sure?”
“I am, but if I need something, I promise to come find you, okay Dedue?”
“Very well,” and Dedue gave him a gentle bow before walking out of the hall. He found it strange that Ashe was going out of his way to make Duscurian cuisine, but Ashe did promise that if he needed help with cooking, that he would come ask for his help. He supposed that was all he could ask for.
“Oh! Good Morning Deude!”
“Good Morning Mercedes. Did you sleep well?”
“I did thank you,” she smiled up at him as she got close. “And yourself?”
“I slept well. Thank you.”
Mercedes smiled up at him brightly then blinked, her head tilting back just a little to sniff the air. “Ah, it smells as if the cake I started is almost finished!” “Cake?”
“Yes,” Mercedes smiled up at him. “Ashe had informed me that he was making something special for lunch, and I tried my best to pair it with a dessert. I sure hope you like it.”
Dedue’s brows pinched lightly in confusion. He was unsure why people seemed to be giving him things, or catering to him, when they didn’t have any reason to. “I am sure that I will, Mercedes.”
“Good, I’d better go check on it. I don’t want it to burn. I will see you later, okay?”
“Of course,” and Dedue gently bowed to her as well as she made her way into the hall. He found himself a little lost in thought till a voice pulled him out of it.
“Hey! Lap dog!”
“Felix,” Dedue said softly as he turned to face him. “What do you need?”
Felix huffed at him, his arms crossing over his chest a bit. “I had asked you to train with me today.”
“Yes, this afternoon if I remember correctly.”
“Yeah, well,” Felix huffed again, running a hand through his hair. “It can wait till tomorrow.”
“I said it--”
“Apologies for interrupting. But, may I ask why?”
Felix huffed and glared at him, a look that Dedue was quite familiar with to be honest, but it was almost...soft in a way. “I simply don’t feel like training today. We’ll train tomorrow. Do  not  be late.”
“Are you unwell?”
“What?” Felix blinked at him then huffed. “No I’m not unwell. Don’t concern yourself so much with me, Lap dog. Just don’t be late tomorrow. Understand?”
“Understood.” and Dedue gave him a gentle bow.
Felix seemed pleased with that answer and quickly made his way to the training hall.  Wait. Did he not say he was not going to--
“Hey Dedue!”
“Sylvain,” he turned to face him then blinked a moment as he seemed in a rush. “Are you alright?”
“Huh? Who me? Oh yeah, I’m fine,” and Sylvain laughed softly as he reached out to gently pat Dedue on the shoulder. “Though, I wanted to swing by and say thank you.”
“Thank me?”
“Yeah.” Sylvain said with a bright smile. 
“What for?”
“Well for having the patience with me when I asked you to help me to learn to cook. Man, I still can’t believe that I made that.” and he gently rested his hands behind his head, giving him a smile. “I mean, I know I’m supposedly ‘indefensibly worthless’ but at least I can cook right? I mean, I had an excellent teacher.”
“It is because you have a talent for it. It is not anything that I have taught you.”
“That’s where you’re wrong you know.” Sylvain huffed at him. “What was it you told me; that I saw you as a person, not someone simply from Duscur.  And  as a person, with unfathomable patience, thank you, for putting up with me.”
Dedue blinked at him, surprised to say the least before he gave him a little bit of a lopsided smile. “You are welcome, Sylvain.”
“Good, great! So…” and Sylvain gave him a smirk. “Does that mean I can ask you for more lessons later? Not today of course, but...tomorrow maybe?”
“Yes, of course. I would be honored.” 
“Good!” and Sylvain moved close, patting him on the shoulder again as he worked his way into the hall. “See you then!”
Dedue turned his head to watch him go, once again perplexed by how people were treating him today. He’d wondered if he’d done something to upset them all in some way. Or if they were simply growing tired of him. He was used to how people of the kingdom treated him; much to Dimitri’s dismay, but this was...different. It was as if they were trying to give him nothing to do today, and he found himself at a loss of what to do. 
Perhaps his Highness might be able to shed some light on--
“Dedue, are you okay?”
His head snapped up from looking down at his feet, and he blinked in surprise before he straightened himself further. “Ingrid.”
Ingrid chuckled softly. “Yes, that’s me. Are you alright? You look a little unwell.”
“I am fine,” he stated bluntly before his brows furrowed a little in thought. “I am simply...confused.”
“Confused? What about?” Ingrid stepped closer and gently tilted her head. 
“How I am being treated today.”
“Treated? Did someone say something cruel about you?”
“No,” Dedue gently shook his head. “It seems that everyone simply is...avoiding me. Have I done something that has made everyone angry?”
Ingrid blinked at him a moment then smiled softly as she rested her hands behind her back. “No. You have done nothing of the sort. Though if you are worried about it, have you asked them?”
“No, I have not had the opportunity.”
“Have they outright said that you have made them angry?”
“No,” he shook his head. “But it is nothing that I am not used to.”
Ingrid sighed quietly to that, knowing full well that she had a hand in that as well, and goddess she felt bad about it. She hoped that she could make it up to him in some way. “Well, this is where I hope that others realize that you are truly a wonderful person. I...I know I said it once before but it is words I didn’t say lightly. If I am making sense.”
Dedue blinked at her once, then slightly nodded his head. “Yes.”
“Good, I-I’m glad, and I only hope that you come to realize it yourself, despite what others may say about you.” Ingrid gave him a soft smile before nodding her head. “Right. Um….I am positive that no one is mad at you, Dedue. But, I think you should perhaps ask Dimitri about it if you’re really concerned.”
“Thank you, Ingrid. I will do that.”
“Good, see you inside Dedue.” 
“Of course,” Dedue gently bowed his head to her watching her walk into the hall. 
Him? A wonderful person? She had told him that once before, and he still found it rather overwhelming, to be considered such a thing. 
“Ah, hello Dedue,”
“Your Highness,” Dedue’s eyes snapped over to him and he stood up just a little bit straighter. “I trust everything is alright?”
“Yes of course,” Dimitri gave him a gentle smile as he stepped close to him. “Is something troubling you?”
“I--yes.” he said softly as he took a bit of a deep breath. “Do you know if I have done something to upset everyone else?”
“Upset them?” Dimitri looked at him confused. “What makes you think that you have upset them?”
“Well…perhaps upset is the wrong word. I got a gift from Annette, Ashe and Mercedes are making food special for me. Felix cancelled training, which is very unlike him. Sylvian thanked me, and Ingrid told me I was a wonderful person.”
Dimitri blinked once then chuckled softly as he gave him a gentle smile. “Well I would agree with that last statement. Though, Felix cancelling training is very strange.”
“Well then,” Dimitri glanced passed him to the door behind him then smiled before looking back. “Let’s go ask them the reasons as to why they have done such things.”
“I do not wish to burden them with--”
“Dedue. Please...follow me?” Dimitri begged him softly, and Dedue felt his heart twist at the slight pout on Dimitri’s features. 
“Yes, of course your Highness.”
When they stepped into the dining hall this time, it had changed completely from how it looked a few moments before. It was now decorated with balloons and streamers, and a hastily painted sign that said ‘Happy Birthday, Dedue!’. 
“What is--?” 
Dedue blinked, his mouth falling open just a little as he looked at the others that were gathered around one of the tables. The duscurian dish that Ashe had made was displayed proudly at the middle of the table, with the cake that Mercedes had baked just off to the side. Sylvain had his arm slung around Felix’s shoulders, and Felix looked annoyed but he had yet to shrug him off. Annette had snuck in through the back door and was standing next to Mercedes and Ingrid. 
“Happy Birthday Dedue!”
“Aw, look at him! He’s speechless!” Sylvain teased only to grunt when Felix elbowed him in the gut. 
Dimitri smiled softly. “Are you okay Dedue?”
Turning his head to look at Dimitri, Dedue felt his breath catch just a little at the smile he saw on his face, and how excited he was for this. For him. “Your highness…”
“Yes Dedue…?”
“You...will you forgive me?”
“Forgive you?” Dimitri blinked at him surprised. “Whatever for…?”
“It would seem that I thought everyone was upset with me. Avoiding me. And yet, you had gone through all of this to surprise me…”
“Yes,” Dimitri looked a little worried then. “Do you not like it?”
“It is not that. It would seem that I had forgotten today was my birthday. So, thank you,” Dedue said softly, his eyes growing a little glossy. “I am not sure that I deser--”
“Shut it, Lap Dog,” Felix snarled. “Don’t you  dare  finish that sentence.”
“I agree,” Mercedes said softly, a gentle smile on her face. “We felt you deserved it, otherwise we wouldn’t have done such things for you.”
“You deserve it, Dedue. Every bit of it,” Ashe said with a gentle smile and a light blush on his cheeks. “We...kinda care about you a lot you know.”
“We do,” Dimitri said with a soft smile. “And each of us showed you how we care about you. In our own ways.”
Dedue glanced from Dimitri to the others before a genuine, gentle smile pulled his lips upwards, and he gently bowed to all of them. “...I… thank you.”
“You’re welcome Dedue.”
“Great! I’m starving!” Sylvain chuckled softly. “Let’s eat!”
“This isn’t for you, Sylvain…” Felix huffed at him. 
“I do not mind,” Dedue said softly, that smile still on his features. “Please--”
“Well, not till you get the first bite,” Ashe said softly. “You--You have to tell me if it's any good.”
“I am positive it will be very tasty.” 
“Oh? W-Why’s that.”
“Because, it smells like home…” Dedue said with a gentle smile. “Thank you, All of you.”
“You’re welcome. Happy birthday, Dedue.” 
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claudemblems · 4 years
Being Adopted By the Blue Lions Boys Headcanons
This idea just sort of happened but THANK GOD IT DID. This helped me get a little out of my writing rut (at least for now). But gah I’m realizing how much I love writing wholesome and platonic content! Plus I’m just a sucker for the Blue Lions boys. I hope you enjoy my lengthy but very necessary contribution 💖
Sylvain Jose Gautier
If you’re younger than Sylvain, he becomes extremely protective of you. He almost feels like your big brother look at him trying to be a good older sibling unlike MIKLAN.
Once Sylvain got to know you, he didn’t really feel the need to flirt with you. He just really wanted to protect you. And you were such a kind and understanding person! There’s no way he wanted to lose your friendship with his relentless skirt-chasing.
If any man dares to flirt with you, Sylvain will keep his eyes on them like a hawk. He’s not about to let some stuffy noble take advantage of your goodness. You deserve someone who will treat you right!
If you go on a date, good luck trying to make sure Sylvain doesn’t snoop on you. He can’t help it; you’re like the little sister he never had, and it’s just his brotherly instincts kicking in and yelling at him to keep an eye on you.
You and Sylvain have a regular routine of getting together for tea and sharing gossip, laughing about what happened in class, and you even listen to his ramblings about the current girl he’s going out with or new pick up lines he’s learned.
He’d try them out on you to see how good they were, but you always sat there deadpanned. So much for helping Sylvain practice.
Felix Hugo Fraldarius
You’re friends with Felix? Congrats, you’ve just achieved the impossible.
Obviously the two of you bond over regular sparring matches. Felix helps you with your sword fighting without as much as a grumble or complaint. You just so happen to be one of the few people that don’t annoy him.
Whenever Felix takes time to rest, he likes to hang out with you. Sometimes you talk over tea, but he especially likes when the two of you are enjoying each other’s presence in total silence, reading or working on classwork. You make the silence peaceful.
You’re a strong fighter, and Felix “isn���t your babysitter”, so he doesn’t really worry about you. You’re more than capable of handling yourself out in the world. But no matter what he says, he’s become protective of you, too.
If he hears anyone spread some nasty gossip about you, he’s quick to shut them up and put them in their place. They don’t know how much of a hard worker you are or how much time you devote to bettering yourself. The last thing he wants to hear is petty gossip from some hypocrites.
Every once in a while, Felix will accompany you to town. He may whine and complain when you get distracted from items in the shops, but he truly loves seeing your eyes light up at little trinkets and pastries
If you don’t have enough money for them, he will totally buy the items without you looking and give them to you later
Ashe Ubert
You and Ashe definitely cook together, and you make the best dishes. With Ashe’s skills and your creativity, you make the most mouth-watering and delectable meals and baked goods in all of Garreg Mach. 
If you’re ever feeling particularly down, you go to Ashe for advice. His sweet and calm disposition makes you feel safe and comfortable around him. He’s one of the few people you can let your guard down around.
Ashe may not always think much of himself, but you’re there to remind him how wonderful of a friend he is! He’s helped you through your lowest points, and you can’t imagine having a better friend by your side.
Your friendship is basically you complimenting each other and saying “no u” back and forth.
Ashe tells you about his younger siblings and his dreams of becoming a valiant knight. You love to hear about his family and his ambitions. Seeing Ashe’s eyes light up about what he loves fills your heart. Ashe also loves to listen to you talk about your own passions and dreams for the future. You two would be the ones talking past midnight at sleepovers while Felix yells at you in the background.
You two are part of the universal protection squad in the Officer’s Academy. Every house leader and every student will not allow any harm to befall the both of you. You’re too precious and must be protected.
Dedue Molinaro
Dedue absolutely adores you and that’s a fact. He may have a hard time expressing his thoughts and feelings, but anyone can see he thinks highly of you.
He’s actually told you on occasion how much he admires you for not only your physical but mental strength, wondering how such a kind and selfless human being can exist besides Dimitri.
It takes most of the people of Garreg Mach by surprise when they find out that Dedue actually scolds you. He doesn’t scold you in a stern manner, but he expresses his concern for any recklessness you may display or takes the time to point out how you’ve clearly been overworking yourself.
Sometimes in his spare time, Dedue will chill with you in the greenhouse as you tend to the flowers. You’ve even managed to get him to accompany you to the fields to gaze at the array of flowers that have begun to bloom.
It’s then that Dedue tells you how he wishes you could see the flowers of his homeland. You’re quick to ask if he’ll take you there one day after the war. You want to see new places, learn about his culture. It fascinates you.
If you’re a foreigner to Fodlan, Dedue asks you to take him to your homeland as well. The two of you may take some time off after the war to just travel the world and see what it all has to offer.
Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd
Dimitri considers you one of the closest and dearest friends he’s ever had in his life. Yes, you’re even up there with Felix, Sylvain, and Ingrid!
You show Dimitri unconditional love and acceptance for who he is, despite the terrible things he’s done. Part of your understanding is that you, too, struggle with your shortcomings and loving who you are.
Your problems or dislikes about yourself may seem “trivial” compared to Dimitri’s, but this sweet boy tells you that you shouldn’t downplay the things that bother you. You have valid concerns that shouldn’t be measured as greater than or less than someone else’s.
The two of you enjoy having deep conversations about life and your inner struggles and desires. The other Blue Lions may not be as up to discussing such heavy topics, but you and Dimitri have been through enough to be comfortable talking about such things to each other.
Dimitri loves going into town with you or relaxing under the shade of a tree in the afternoon, talking the day away. It’s the seemingly mundane things he loves doing with you the most. You make every part of life bright and exciting to him.
He cares about your happiness more than anyone else in the world. You’ve been beside him through thick and thin and sees you as the most lovely and deserving person to exist. He hopes that one day he can repay you for all the kindness you’ve shown him and continue to be by your side as long as you will allow him to.
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mobagehelllocal · 4 years
OK IM COMING OFF ANON BC IM LIKE 👀👀 FIRE EMBLEM BUT OK.... bc my brain is circulating around fe and twst, what dorms do you think the three houses cast would be in? (and the girls can go into the girl school you created :))
Now! I normally don’t do headcanons, but honestly this is the type of headcanon fun that I’ll do so I’ll... probably edit my rules so I can do more stuff like this since it’s fun! I’ll do you one better and do the girls twice! I went really ham. 
For Night Raven College:
Edelgard von Hresvelg - Edelgard is in Heartslabyul because her response to being pissed off is a lot like the Queen of Hearts--she decides to topple the monarchy and recreate Fodlan. On that note, I can see her fitting Scarabia too, but closer to Heartslabyul. She’s probably Riddle’s favourite junior. Trey likes her, Cater has tried to flirt with her (Cater: “never again”). Ace and Deuce are probably intimidated by her, and she doesn’t try to get along with them.  
Hubert von Vestra - I was pretty close to putting Hubert in Diasomnia, but he’s a pretty stubborn guy and will push himself into Heartslabyul. Plus, he’s a pretty strict guy so Heartslabyul isn’t so bad for him... What’s that? You want to know who Hubert gets along with? *chuckles* oh how naive, he only sees Edelgard. I can see him getting along with Riddle and Trey. Trey more than Riddle because Trey makes great coffee. He thinks Cater, Ace and Deuce are frivolous and a waste of time lmao. 
Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd - Dimitri is in Heartslabyul because his response (”KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM”) to getting completely pissed off mirrors the Queen (“OFF WITH YOUR HEAD”). IRONICALLY, he and Edelgard are very alike in that aspect--but while Dimitri is hot anger--Edelgard is cold anger. They both have pretty terrifying rage. Pre-war, the two really did get along so hence I don’t think Heartslabyul will implode. Other than that, he’s actually a pretty peaceful guy unless completely set off. He’d be respectful of his seniors (especially Riddle and Trey), a little miffed at Cater because he’s like Sylvain. He’s okay with Ace and Deuce, but likely gets along better with Deuce. They vibe pretty well. 
Dedue Molinaro - Honestly, I could see Dedue in Scarabia too, but I figured he’d find some way to make sure he was with Dimitri. He gets along well with everyone, with their only note that he’s a pretty silent, careful guy. He gets along best with Trey because they like to exchange recipes, and Cater appreciates how Dedue is always willing to help out with the gardens. 
Ingrid Brandl Galatea - Actually might compete with Edelgard as Riddle’s favourite junior. Riddle probably likes that Ingrid is strict on herself. She is, however, definitely Trey’s favourite junior because of how enthusiastic she is with his cooking. He think that’s adorable. Cater is scared of her because she treats him like Sylvain LMAO. Ingrid probably also sees Ace in the same way. I think she actually likes Deuce and would help him where she could. 
Caspar von Bergliez - Savannaclaw has the most because I put the “punch first, ask later” characters into this lmao. Caspar being the most telling. Ironically, the Savannaclaw characters who are named are anything but that lmao. Leona is either dismissive or annoyed by Caspar’s energy. Ruggie thinks Caspar is hilarious. Jack and Caspar would probably get along really well, with Jack probably becoming more noisy/enthusiastic with a friend like Caspar. 
Felix Hugo Fraldarius - Leona and Felix might get along well, especially with how Felix dislikes chivalry. Leona, however, will be irritated if Felix kept trying to fight him--as Felix does. Felix probably doesn’t think much of Ruggie, and probably likes Jack a lot because of his strength. Jack and Felix will likely agree to disagree on underhanded techniques. Though I think Felix thinks it’s situational. Underhanded techniques in matches are a no-go, but underhanded techniques in a life-or-death sort of thing is a yay. 
Raphael Kirsten - Again, “punch first, ask later” character. He also has that hardworking trait, because he wants to help his family. Probably gets along well with Jack the most tbh. Ruggie probably doesn’t care much about Raphael, until Raphael comes up to him asking for saving tips and stuff. Then Ruggie would see him in a different light. Leona just thinks “great another one.”
Leonie Pinelli - Leonie is primarily here because of her tenacity. She definitely gets along well with Ruggie, and they share tips on how to save money/reuse items. Leonie’s likely to hang out with Ruggie the most, when he’s not with Leona. I think Leonie is pretty 50/50 with him. Like she can respect him, but she might not agree with everything he thinks. Definitely gets along pretty well with Jack though. 
Balthus von Albrecht - Leona probably thinks “why did I get a third one?” He probably doesn’t do to well with Leona because Balthus is a very loud guy. Ruggie definitely thinks he’s amusing, and is shook when Balthus admits about his debts and his need to pay back. Another one for the “Ruggie-senpai how do you save money” (I’m also a part of this club). Also gets along well with Jack. (Jack can try to deny it but he’s actually a person who is easy to get along with.)
Mercedes von Martritz - The most terrifying Octavinelle member. The Donna of Octavinelle. Look, Lorenz is terrified of her. She can still see the Death Knight as Emile, her little brother. She mothers the whole of Octavinelle, and Azul probably pretends he doesn’t like it but actually enjoys it. She can out squeeze Floyd, and now Floyd is probably also a little terrified of her. Jade finds it all funny. 
Ashe Ubert - Honestly considered Ignihyde and Diasomnia from this boy before I ultimately chose Octavinelle. He fits in with the Octavinelle trio with his skill sets, but unlike them--Ashe is only mean to the people who he thinks are deserving of it. He uses his skills for good, and he’s a very Robin Hood character if you think about it. Also Ashe in a tux is sending me, help. Floyd probably enjoys threatening him with squeezes. Azul and Jade appreciate Ashe’s honest hard work, and probably enjoy it even more when he’s willing to use his skills to get back at others. He’s definitely one of the lead workers at Mostro Lounge--when people know he’s on schedule to cook, Mostro Lounge is flooded and Azul is happy. 
Yuri Leclerc - Yuri, Azul and Jade on the same side is terrifying. Like can you imagine the amount of double crossing they’d do? But here’s the thing, Yuri is also incredibly generous to those he thinks are deserving--which I think is what makes him suit Octavinelle. Yuri especially gets along well with Jade. He probably flirts with the Octavinelle trio. Azul and Jade would probably be impressed because I imagine Yuri can say what Floyd wants to hear so that Floyd would listen to him. 
Petra Macneary - I wasn’t too sure where to put Petra. I almost put her in Heartslabyul because she’s pretty strict onto herself, and I almost also put her in Pomefiore because she’s a huntress... but it’s essentially because she’s a huntress that I decided to put her in Scarabia. I figured as a huntress, she probably has that ‘deliberation’ aspect of Scarabia. Jamil respects Petra a lot for her craft, Kalim thinks she’s slightly scary but pretty okay all around. 
Annette Fantine Dominic - Annette probably wanted to be in Diasomnia, but she won’t complain and will instead work really hard in Scarabia. She’s probably Jamil’s favourite junior because he can relate to her strive to work hard and prove herself. In turn, she admires Jamil the most from the way he handles himself and Kalim. Annette enjoys her time with Kalim though, they often have small food appreciation sessions though. She also tries to help tutor Kalim, but Kalim is one tough nut to crack. 
Claude von Riegen - Jamil hates Claude HAHAHA. Primarily because Claude figured out that Jamil is definitely hiding something, and he’ll spend the rest of his high school(?) life figuring it out--much to Jamil’s despair. Jamil can at least appreciate that Claude helps bring up Scarabia’s average (with Annette). Claude and Kalim definitely get along well because they probably both enjoy parties. 
Dorothea Arnault - Um hell yeah! She’s probably a popular MagiCam cover artist, with a couple of her own original songs. She’s pretty and classy. She and Vil would definitely also get along--they’d probably exchange beauty tips and stuff. She probably would have a soft spot for Epel, because they have similar roots, but she’d probably take him aside to tell him he should take advantage of his looks to win. She probably thinks Rook is weird. 
Ferdinand von Aegir - His appreciation for beauty is Ferdi’s primary reason for being in Pomefiore. Vil probably appreciates Ferdinand a lot more than what anyone thinks because he has a fresh and sweet admiration for beauty. Ferdi and Rook are pretty okay because Ferdi would probably not? call him out. Ferdi and Epel is a bit of a 50/50, wherein Ferdi probably unknowingly insults Epel, Epel fights back, and now they get along. 
Lorenz Hellman Gloucester - Lorenz and Rook probably get along well because they both have a similar appreciation for beauty. Lorenz will be a bit confused as to why Rook likes to stalk people? But other than that, Lorenz’s position in Pomefiore is because he appreciates beauty and considers himself beautiful. Vil probably thinks Lorenz could stand to try harder at it, but as long as Lorenz is trying then Vil has no issue with him. Epel doesn’t like him, “grrr eat the nobility” (Doro is proud of her son).
Hilda Valentine Goneril - I’m going at this because Hilda is really talented in the arts. ALSO CAN YOU IMAGINE THE POWER OF VIL SCHOENHEIT AND HILDA GONERIL? TOGETHER? Oh my god, Hilda’s my favourite FE3H girl, and seeing her side by side with Vil is sending me! They’ll be so popular, like can you imagine Hilda making Vil’s accessories? Them, featuring on each other’s accounts? Match made in beauty influencer heaven. Epel would start out disliking her, but then when he sees how strong Hilda is, he’d start to like her more. Hilda just think he’s cute. She also finds Rook strange. 
Ignatz Victor - His position in Pomefiore is also primarily because of his artistic sensibilities. He’s probably flirted with most of Pomefiore just because he keeps bringing up how beautiful they are. Vil probably commissioned him once to do a painting, and Ignatz became an overnight celebrity on MagiCam. He can get along with Rook, and a little with Epel. 
Bernadetta von Varley - I MEAN. Where else would I put Bernie? She probably is shut off in Ignihyde, and is terrified of Idia because she think he’s out to get her--because whenever she leaves her room he’s also there. (In Idia’s defense, he think SHE’S out to get him because she’s always there when he leaves his room... it’s a never ending cycle with these two).
Linhardt von Hevring - I almost put him in Diasomnia, and honestly I could still put him there... but the reason I chose Ignihyde, is because I think his love for research outweighs his interest in the actual magical feats of Diasomnia. Also, if I remember from... Chapter 1? We didn’t see any Ignihyde students in the cafeteria, so I’ll believe that they all prefer to just stay in unless it’s an important event (which suits Lin very well). I can definitely see Linhardt being interested in Diasomnia though. He’s probably sleeping buddies with Silver. 
Constance von Nuvelle - I almost put her in Heartslabyul BUT THEN I REALIZED! Constance is basically Ignihyde personified. She’s more Ignihyde than Idia himself LMAO. Like she’s all quiet, and shy during class, but when she retreats to Ignihyde’s dark dorms--she’s loud, bossy and generally unlike them all. Idia gets a whiplash whenever he sees the 180. Ortho thinks she’s fun. 
Sylvain Jose Gautier - Okay honestly, I almost put him in Pomefiore, but then I realized how much Diasomnia suited him more. LISTEN, everyone would be convinced that Sylvain is definitely Pomefiore material, only for everyone to be surprised when he’s put in Diasomnia because of how smart he actually is. Though he acts a little bit like the black sheep of Diasomnia because of how unlike them he is--he’s definitely going to stun a lot when he comes out with really high grades. Malleus would be impressed. Lilia would just know. Silver is asleep. Sylvain and Sebek... I can see Sylvain having no issue with him but not the other way around.
Lysithea von Ordelia - OF COURSE I’m going to put Lysithea in this house. She’s the little spitfire and darling of Diasomnia. I can see Malleus being really fond of her. In Lysithea’s pursuit of knowledge, I can imagine Lysithea would bug Malleus a lot for help--and Malleus would genuinely be pleased that this tiny little human bothers him so much. He’d love to teach her. Lilia would probably tease Lys often, but would always help her when she needs it. Lys would fight Sebek, and is pretty neutral to Silver.
Marianne von Edmund - Marianne thinks she deserves to be in this house because of her bloodline, and it probably makes her very sad. Lilia probably realizes what she feels and does go out of his way to cheer her up. Lilia probably pushes her towards Silver a lot though, because Silver is a pretty low maintenance friend. Marianne and Silver would also get along really well because they both get along well with animals, and spend a lot of time just sitting in the middle of a forest somewhere--just doing that. Marianne is probably scared of Malleus (and knowing her situation, Mal probably won’t push). On the other hand, Marianne is the one person Sebek can’t fight.  
Hapi - If she can summon magical beings with her sighs, then I can see her in Diasomnia just so that Malleus and Lilia could watch out for her. I can definitely see her bantering with Lilia, and just chilling with Silver. She probably... gets irritated with Sebek actually. They fight each other a lot with the use of petty insults lmao. Sebek does not appreciate it, but Lilia finds it funny so he sometimes eggs on their fights haha. 
Special Thought: Byleth/s are probably Diasomnia graduates. 
For The Garden Academy:
House Cosmos
Mercedes von Martritz - Mercie’s ability to remain positive in the face of all the things she was faced with is the primary reason I chose this house~
House Zinnia
Dorothea Arnault - Because Dorothea is kind to those she knows deserves it. I think I see her very similar to Cinderella, except a tad bit more jaded. 
House Eglantine
Constance von Nuvelle - it’s the House of Sophistication! Need I say more? I do believe that Eglantine suits Constance the most, especially for the sake of her noble house. 
House Anemone
Petra Macneary - Her interest, and general curiosity--plus willingness to learn more about the world is why I thought she suited Anemone the most. 
House Rose
Bernadetta von Varley - I chose this because she shares a love for books with Belle. I think, like Belle, she uses books as a form of escapism. 
House Jasmine
Lysithea von Ordelia - her desire to be independent and seen as an adult capable of making her own choices was the primary motivation for this placing!
House Sage
Marianne von Edmund - Marianne’s preference of interacting with animals, and her love for religion is the primary reason why I chose House Sage~! 
House Peach Blossom
Ingrid Brandl Galatea - because she understands the importance and weight of honor. And also because I think in Peach Blossom, she could learn that she could gain honor by remaining as she is. 
House Water Lily
Annette Fantine Dominic - Annette is honestly a lot like Tiana--determined to prove herself through honest hard work! 
House Chrysanthemum
Hilda Valentine Goneril - As the House of Artistry, I think Hilda would love it here because she’ll be allowed to pursue the one thing she enjoys--creating accessories~! 
House Thistle
Edelgard von Hresvelg - placed her here because she’s a lot like Merida, wherein she wants to choose and create her own path. 
Hapi - Honestly, I put her here because of her distaste for authority. She’s very, openly critical about what she thinks is wrong. 
House Hibiscus 
Leonie Pinelli - Ironically, House Hisbiscus shares the same belief as Savannaclaw which is tenacity. Since I chose that house based on Leonie’s tenacity, I decided to keep with it. 
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tidbi-t-art · 4 months
Ashe and Christophe
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Ashe Ubert x Reader [Wishes]
Premise- A special take on the goddess tower event in FE3H. Also a feelz dump because this poor boy deserves to have a moment of peace.
Warning: Plenty of fluff, feelz, and one soft boi below the cut.
Part : (2/2)  {Previous}
Words: 3777
Next year never came. Neither did the year after that, or the one following. Instead there was war, strife, pain, and loss. For five years he was on his own, but that changed on the anniversary of the millennium festival. Five years ago, he made a promise alongside his classmates to reunite, and despite everything that had transpired it was fulfilled. He had his doubts when he first encountered Gilbert on the way to Garreg Mach. The monastery was deserted when they approached. The ever-stoic Gilbert appeared doubtful as well, but news of a nearby battle lit a match of hope in them both. By the goddess he needed it more than ever. When they arrived at the scene, the professor alongside his highness were locked in combat. One-by-one his old classmates appeared to fight. He never expected them all to end up like this, but to now know for certain that they were alive was enough. After Gilbert shared what had happened to Dedue while they traveled, he did not know what to do. Mourn? Worry? Now he could have some peace. Ingrid, Felix, Annette, Mercedes, Dimitri, Sylvain, professor Byleth…(Y/N). Everyone somehow survived despite all their scars and finally he could see a glimpse of the light at the end of the tunnel.
“Ashe? What are you doing up here, it’s late,” His thoughts were broken at a new voice. One that he hadn’t heard in years yet knew like the back of his hand. When he turned around in his spot overlooking the monastery a familiar sight from years ago greeted him. Albeit so, said visage wasn’t the same as he remembered.  
“Nothing much…just thinking. It’s been so long since I last stood here,” he said. Compared to the last time he was alone with her his voice had matured. Him as a person? Not so much. As he twiddled with his gloves, she moved next to him to also admire the view. She stood confidently at his side and was just as beautiful as the last time he saw her.
“You’re telling me. I remember when you couldn’t even reach the top bookshelves in the library, and now you might give the professor a run for their money,” She reached to ruffle his hair with a lighthearted giggle, and his chest filled itself to the brim with a familiar warmth. Oh, her laugh. Her sweet, chime-like laugh. How long had it been since he heard it? How long had it been since he was this flustered?
“H-h-hey! I’m not the only one who’s grown. Before this you could not cast a single thoron,” He tossed in a teasing remark of his own, and it hit right on it’s mark. She froze and crossed her arms into a pouting stance. He found it endearing until her brows pressed together. Those lips he loved to see pulled into a grin were taught as her posture caved in slightly.
“Well, war kind of forces you to learn I suppose,” She mumbled out, and he felt as if there were suddenly miles of distance between them.
“Yeah…that is true,” Memories of his own struggles resurfaced for a moment. Fighting, visiting his siblings, traveling, mourning, and scavenging for survival all reappeared. Those of not only recent times, but some from early childhood crossed his mind as well. He did not need the professor to teach him how to pick locks; no, desperate times called for desperate measures long before enrolling.
“It’s peaceful here. If I close my eyes it’s almost as if I’m back during our academy days,” He said, and it appeared to capture her attention. She perked out of her entranced state, and the distance seemed to close just a smidge.
“Do you wish we could go back?” She asked him, and a lump caught in his throat. Of course, he wanted to go back. Back to before he lost his family and his friends, but that’s not how time works.
“If I say ‘no’ then I’d be lying haha. I enjoyed being a student here, even though the graduation was a bit speedy,” his laugh was half-hearted, and he knew she could tell. To damper her mood was the last thing he wanted to do. He instead hoped to show her that things would be alright; that they would be alright. Yet, something in him couldn’t lie to her.
“D-do..you?” He internally cursed himself for stuttering, “wish you could go back, I-I mean,” old habits die-hard. She paused, almost as if she were uncertain what was the right answer. It was either that or staying up late into the night had gotten to her. It was hard to focus with the chilly night air nipping at his skin.
“Yes…and no. I’m proud of who I am now despite the things that I have done. I think we are working towards something good. I just have some lingering regrets, you know? There are things that I wish I did differently,” when she spoke it was as if she looked through him, not at him. He assumed that this was a question she’d asked herself many times, and in that moment, he wanted nothing more than to embrace her. They were close enough that he could sense her warm breath on his skin, and their hands so tauntingly near. Just…some sort of comfort. He wanted to offer something. Anything.
“Oh really, like what?” He blurted out unconsciously, “I-I m-mean if you’re c-comfortable telling me. I don’t mean to pry,” Why was he tongue-tied now of all times? Wasn’t five years of rehearsing this reunion enough preparation to not embarrass himself?
“You’re fine. Trust me, that’s nothing compared to what Sylvain has asked me so far,” she clasped his forearm in reassurance. What had Sylvain asked her about? No, it wasn’t his business to gossip.
“For one, I wish I paid attention to the professor’s lectures more, specifically defense day. They were right, you really can’t rely on ward spells to protect from long-range,” as she spoke her left hand reached to clasp her right wrist. It intrigued him, and she must have noticed his drifting gaze. Albeit apprehensive, she slowly rolled up the sleeve of her coat to reveal an old scarred-over arrow wound. As it was his area of expertise, he could see that it had healed from a poison affliction as well.
“That looks painful…” He whispered, and she pulled her sleeve back down. What had she been through? Was it anything like he had? Worse?
“Seems I had to learn the hard way haha,” she then leaned up against one of the many pillars aligning the walls “and uhm, I suppose I regret that we left here so soon”
“Here? “He asked and gestured to the tower around him.
“Yeah. You probably don’t remember but we stayed up here the night of the millennium ball,” she said followed by a longing sigh. The wind blew once again causing her to shiver, and he immediately moved to unbutton his own coat.
“Remember? How could I possibly forget? I stepped on so many girls’ feet that night, it was a disaster” When he handed it to her, she hesitated, but still took it much to his delight. That’s when it felt as if they were young again, and that trademark snigger of hers arose.
“You weren’t too shabby from what I saw,” her chuckles battled against the loud whistling of the wind. His coat hung over her shoulders, and it was clearly not her size. Yet, it flattered. Everything she wore did. His clothing suited her so well that he wished it were a sight he’d see more often.
“R-really? But I even tripped on you!” He choked out. Why did she always have to tease him?  
“So? That was one of the best dances I could ask for…I had a lot of fun with you Ashe. It’s not often that we get a moment of peace as you know,” She pulled his coat tighter around her, and tied the sleeve in place around her front. Moonlight beamed into the room which caused their shadows to intermingle. He remained silent as she swung her arms around her front and pushed off the pillar to approach him.
“Ah forget it. We have more important things to think about right now than memories,” his own frown grew evident at her defeated tone. He wanted to think about those memories. They had a future, and he needed to show her that. He needed to help before it was too late.
“W-would…would you…” he hesitated. Was this the right move?
“Would I what?” She asked. Her head tilted to the side, and her tired eyes scoured him. Yes, this was right. It had to be.
“Would you like to finish our dance,” He extended his arm out to her. For a moment she appeared confused and took a step back. The dim light revealed her off guard disposition, but it disappeared as he took another step forward.
“Now? Like this?” She breathed out in skepticism. Maybe he shouldn’t have done this? It’s been so long, what if he wasn’t the one that she needed now? What if…no. Her hand hovered out vaguely from her side. He was almost there.
“Y-yes. I k-know it’s not the best time. I…also know you could get a much better partner. Someone who won’t step on your toes,” his nerves made his voice tremble “but I also t-treasure the memory of that night, and if you’ll have me then I’d love to dance with you again,” There, he said it. Despite the tremors shaking his form it was a small success. The soft grin she gave him only proved it, and his legs shook.
“Of course I would, but are you sure? It’s been so long, maybe you have three left feet this time,” She reached for his hand and gently kicked his foot. He did it.
“Please. Nothing would make me happier,” This time he leaned forward and grasped her other hand. She eagerly took it and led him to the same stance as before. His shoulders shook in anticipation, or was it from anxiety? He might not have three feet, but he sure danced like he did.
“Well now how can I say no to that? Same song?” She asked.
“I-if it’s no trouble, then yes. I would like to hear it again,” and just like that he was sixteen again. Yong, promising, and of course cloddish.  
Wise men say only fools rush in
But I cannot help falling in love with you
Shall I stay, would it be a sin?
If I can’t help falling in love with you
Her hum tendered his heart. Her laugh made him giddy. Her smile never failed to brighten his day. As he held her in his arms these are the thoughts that filled his head. Unlike the last time they were together he could not bring himself to let his mind wander. He wanted to. For so long he was haunted by possibilities of the unknown. There was so much uncertainty that at one point he did not know what calm felt like. Until…now. For once he didn’t feel as if the world was crumbling beneath his feet.
Like a river flows
Surly to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Somethings are meant to be
What was this feeling? He couldn’t tear his eyes from her countenance. At some point she managed to wiggle her way deeper into his arms. Her head laid against his shoulder as they swayed, and he could feel the vibrations of her voice against his neck. Could she hear his pulse? If so then it apparently wasn’t an issue. Shakily he pulled one of his hands to lace it into her hair. Was this okay? Her unexpected move to wrap both arms around his waist supported it, and he readily wrapped his other arm around her shoulders.
Take my hand, take my whole life too
For I can’t help falling in love with you
She’s not gone. His family is safe, and his friends are back. For so long it was like war stuck him into a void where there was no escape. They might not be in the clear just yet but that’s not what matters. He no longer has to wonder what could have been or think that he failed his loved ones. This time he can do something. He can still protect them and fight for what he believes in. The goddess willed him to return and he couldn’t be more grateful for what met him. There was still a chance for Fargus, for Fodlan, and there was still a chance for him to right one of his own regrets. As he clutched her tighter to his form it was like he transcended to a new chapter of his life. One where things won’t turn out in shambles.
Like a river flows
Surly to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be
The coat he had given her slipped from her shoulders, startling them both. The noise caused her to pull back in shock, but with a sheepish shrug from her they continued. This time he twirled her and had to suppress laugh when she stumbled mid-spin. Who’s the klutz now? He wondered what it would be like to spend the rest of his life like this. Working in the day and returning to a loving family. His dream was to become a knight, but what about beyond that? If he were to survive this war…then what? He spun her again, and in doing so she pulled him forward. What was she thinking?
  Take my hand, take my whole life too
For I can’t help falling in love with you
For I…can’t help…falling in love with you
Suddenly a chord struck within him. He had spent five years yearning to relive this moment; this feeling. This was what he missed. She was his chance at the future he desired but didn’t deserve. Before he could tell himself otherwise his lips were already against her forehead. She didn’t reject it to his joy. Her skin was soft despite it seeing so many battles, and as he pulled away, he couldn’t bring himself to meet her gaze. Instead he rested his own forehead against hers.
“Ashe?” Her sickeningly indulgent voice broke the silence. That’s when his eyelids felt like lead. What…oh goddess what did he just do?! His heart skipped a beat at the realization, and he pulled her away at forearms length. Surprise was evident on her face, but he was certain that his own mortification stood out on his own.
“Oh goddess, I-I-I’m s-so sorry! I don’t know what c-came over me! I completely understand if you’re angry, it’s just that today has been full of so many surprises, you know? I l-let it get the better of me, and self-control has not been my best friend lately- “
She pulled him back in for a rough kiss, and after a moment he gladly recuperated. It was obvious that neither of them had any experience as her teeth clinked against his own. It was short, unrefined, and Sylvain would most likely laugh at his lack of finesse. When they broke away, he noticed that her hands had cupped his chin, and his own clung to her waist.
“wha…?” How did breathing work again?
“Ashe, it’s alright. You are alright,” Her lips parted with every breath she took. Hands gripped his face gently, and one of her thumbs traced the freckles adorning his cheek. What did he look like right now?
“You’re…not upset with me?” He said, shame evident in his voice. He never wanted to touch her without her consent. If this broke up the friendship that they just renewed, he wouldn’t know what to do.
“Of course not, you goof. Do you have any idea how much I missed you? I thought my feelings were obvious!” Her voice grew louder at the declaration. She loved him.
“You…love me?” His eyes bugged out when she nodded, “I never thought I would be so lucky. From our time as students to this day, when I am by your side, I’m given hope for the future” The thoughts he had been holding back for so long rolled off his tongue. He was finally being honest with himself.
“Ashe, are you saying what I think your saying?” Her words came out incomprehensible yet clear as day.
“Please, before you do anything please let me finish,” He clutched both her hands within his own tightly to steel himself. She ogled him in the same disbelief he felt when she appeared on the battlefield earlier that day.
“I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I want to be there for every important moment. Every smile. Every hardship,” he breathed a quivering sigh, “I know I’m just a commoner and nothing special. I know I don’t have a crest or a prestigious family legacy. And I’ve done things I’m not proud of. But if you’d be willing to look past all that…I also know that we’d be great together,” This was it. There was no going back, and he honestly could say that he had no regrets. One glimpse at her starstruck expression melted him. The moon shone valiantly on them both, highlighting her features. Everyone else was long asleep, and he did not want to go another day where he would wonder which of the people he loved would disappear.
“What I mean to say is…I love you and I want to marry you,” Silence. The grip she had on his hands was tense. He didn’t have a ring, but she knew he was serious. The crease in her brow showed that she was deep in thought.  
“Before I say anything, are you sure? We have such a long road ahead of us and spending it with you would make me so happy. So, so, so happy. It’s just that…” her voice trailed off.
“That?” he repeated.
“What if something happens? I love you Ashe. I want to spend my life with you no matter where we go or how long we live. Yet, we’re also fighting every day. If I were to die, then I don’t want to leave you a widow,” She had the same thoughts as him. If he were to die, then he would want her to live on happily. To enter a relationship now would be putting them both at a disadvantage, especially if the enemy learned of them. They were members of the core team and were targets. He wouldn’t let that stop him though. This time it was his turn to caress her cheek, and oh did it feel natural to do.  
“(Y/N), you have given me dreams for the future beyond this war. Married or not I will love you, and you’re right, things are uncertain right now. On the battlefield I will always worry about if you’re safe, and for the past five years I have constantly wondered if you were out there somewhere,” He shuddered as the pain he felt when Lanato passed resurfaced. That fate could have been hers; he could have never seen her again. Once again, he leaned in close enough for their noses to touch.
“I want to fight at your side and be your partner through this, so…will you be my wife?”
“Yes,” she breathed, “Ashe I would love to be your wife,” that’s all he needed. He kissed her again and compared to before it was much more tender.
“R-really!? You’re serious? Am I dreaming?” When they separated the tower filled with his nervous babbling.
“You really feel the same way about me…Sorry, I’m kind of giddy. This doesn’t feel real. To go from a life of stealing on the streets to marrying a wonderful person like you,” as he gazed at her he saw the world. He wondered what his siblings would think when they met. He could have a family of his own one day, and they could visit often. The dream left him a bumbling mess, and of course she took advantage.
“You are a charmer. Sometimes I used to wonder if you were aware of it, or if you genuinely were just a natural flirt,” there was that banter he missed. Nothing could bring him down from this moment, not even her games.
“Am I allowed to be this happy? I’m worried this could all come crashing down at any moment,” he pulled away to hold her at arm’s length.
“I won’t lie, it could,” her expression turned solemn “but let’s not worry about that right now. I’ve waited almost six years for this” she said.
“Six?” They had only been apart for five, right? She batted his arm when he questioned her. Was he counting wrong?
“I just said that you were a charmer, didn’t I? I used to thank the heavens whenever you asked me for tea, you know? Though until the academy ball it was just a school-girl’s crush,” her words caused him to blush. He knew he was dense sometimes, but this was a whole new level.
“I truly never knew. To me you were always someone just beyond reach. You were someone that I greatly admired…and soon began to cherish. I never expected you to return my affections,” he said. She turned him to look out at the tower’s view once more. She sat down on the ledge and pulled him down beside her like the last time they were here. He couldn’t help but wonder what she liked about him back then.
“(Y/N) I know I have my shortcomings, but I promise you I’ll do everything I can to make you happy.” he admitted, and she leaned her head on his shoulder. The coat she discarded before was pulled over their laps.
“I know you will, and you already have. Do you remember the wishes that we made here? You wished for your siblings’ happiness, and I tossed mine at hopes for Flayne to have some freedom,” He had almost forgotten about those.
“Well…I wasn’t necessarily truthful with mine. Ashe, I wished for you to find peace,” she said. He did sense some falsities in her behavior back then, but to think she’d do that.
“You wished for that? Truly? “He laced his fingers with hers. Luck was on his side.
“Yes. I only hope it comes true someday,” she said, her voice small.
“I…don’t know what to s-say. Thank you. As long as we’re together then I assure you that it will”
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mandakatt · 5 years
Fire Emblem Three Houses Fic - Dedue Molinaro x Ashe Ubert - It’s ok to rest
A/N: This came about because of a Writing sprint. And once I started it, I guess I had to finish it. 
Pairing: Dedue x Ashe Warnings: Sickfic, High fevers Word Count: 1008 Summary: Dedue is sure that he feels the way he does due to a poor night’s sleep, and if he can simply get back to his Dorm, he’ll be fine.
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Dedue panted softly as he rested his hands against the wall in front of him. He bit back a groan at how cool, and inviting the stone felt under his hands and he had to resist the urge to step forward and place his forehead against it. He was sure that the reason he felt the way he did was due to the fitful sleep the night before, but it was like he couldn’t shake the haze from his mind. He felt unbearably warm, yet cold at the same time. 
The latter more than the former as a shiver ran down his spine and caused his teeth to chatter. 
It wasn’t till he felt someone grab his arm that he realized that he was being talked to, and his brows rose gently as he looked down at the one next to him. 
“Dedue! You’re burning up!” 
“I… am fine…”
“No you’re not! Not when you feel like the inside of an oven!” 
Dedue was surprised at how easily Ashe tugged him away from the wall and down, to place his hand upon his forehead. He couldn’t stop the groan that passed his lips at how cool, and nice his fingers felt against his skin. 
“Now this is important. Dedue…? Are you listening?”
“I.. I am sorry, what did you say?” and he turned his eyes to Ashe, finding it hard to focus on him in general.
“Dedue, how long as your fever been this high?!”
Dedue found that he couldn’t answer him, and instead he leaned into his touch further letting his eyes flutter close. It was then as if the world seemed to suddenly pitch itself, and he felt as if he was floating. It was a strange sensation. It was as if he’d fallen into the grip of a warp spell, and it wasn’t quite yet done moving him where they needed him to be. 
“–wake soon. Till then, watch over him for me Ashe.”
“O-Of course, Your Majesty.”
Watch over him? Had he been injured? Did the warp spell do something to him that was unexpected? He felt sluggish and heavy. It was as if he lacked the strength to do anything, and a soft, confused groan passed his lips. 
He replied with another soft groan before there was a light gentle touch to the side of his face, that slowly traveled down his neck. Dedue practically moaned at how soothing, and cool it felt. 
“D-Does…Does it hurt? I can send someone to get something for you, if–if you need something?”
“Water…” Dedue croaked out softly, and slowly let his eyes open. He was so surprised at how his own voice sounded that he blinked slowly. He sadly didn’t even notice as Ashe had come back to his side, and gently pressed the waterskin against his lips. 
“I-I figured this would be easier to drink from. Here. Let me help you.”
With a groan Dedue closed his eyes as the water passed his lips, and he swallowed slowly, thankful for how his mouth no longer felt like it had cotton in it. When he was finished, he let off a soft sigh, his eyes remaining closed as Ashe helped him to rest his head once more upon the pillows under him. Licking his dry lips he spoke softly. 
“Your room,” Ashe supplied for him, and Dedue turned his head a little to be able to look at him. “You passed out from your fever in the courtyard. Dimi–uh–his highness saw to it that you were carried here, and asked that I watch over you.” 
Dedue blinked slowly, almost as if he was unable to believe what he was being told. Carried? Dimitri would have been the only one he knew of that would have had the strength to be able to carry him, and for that he felt ashamed. 
“His Highness didn��t need–”
“Hush.” Ashe scolded him gently, and Dedue lifted his eyes further, watching the young man wring out a cloth from the basin at his bedside, before bringing it to gently wipe his face. “You were sick, if I could have carried you I would have too. You need to rest now, and get better. Don’t even think that you were ever a burden. Cause you haven’t been. Not at all…” 
Dedue found that he couldn’t look away from him. “But I–”
With a gentle smile, one that he was sure that he didn’t deserve, Ashe leaned down to press the lightest of kisses to his cheek, and his eyes went wide with surprise. 
“Everyone gets sick once in awhile, Dedue. Let your friends, those that–” and he watched Ashe fidget a little as a blush rose to his cheeks. “–those that care about you. A lot. Take care of you. Okay?”
With a groan, Dedue moved his hand gently to grasp Ashe’s wrist. He marveled at how small the other man’s hand seemed in his fingers alone. Slowly he brought Ashes hand to his lips, and though they were dry and cracked, he pressed a soft kiss to his palm. 
He watched Ashe tense slightly, before a soft smile pulled his lips upwards.
“I am sorry… ” Dedue mumbles softly against his skin as he slowly closes his eyes. “I did not mean to…worry you. As long as you are here.. I am sure I will recover.” and he gives Ashe’s wrist a gentle squeeze.
“Don’t worry, you’ll be right as rain in no time!” he hears Ashe tell him with a smile that he can feel. He moans softly as he slowly releases the young man’s wrist, only to give off a soft pleased sort of sound he feels Ashe’s lips once more against his skin before that cool cloth is gently rested upon his forehead.
“It’s ok to rest, Dedue. I’ll be here when you wake up.”
Dedue couldn’t help but smile softly as he let himself slip into slumber, as that small hand gently grasped his own, and gently squeezed.
“I promise.”
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