#ashwinder fanart
ephemerasnape · 6 months
Comic! Paying the Piper
So pleased to present the following illustrations for my fic Paying the Piper. Oswald and his dynamic with Elisabeth have been captured so well in this! The comic is SFW but the fic is not.
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This comic does an amazing job oversimplifying the basic premise of the first couple chapters.
✸ Paying the Piper
Ashwinder Scout x OFC The newest shopkeeper in Hogsmeade is met with an unpleasant surprise when a handsome young Ashwinder shows up at her door demanding payment.
ETA: I've made a video of this comic!
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silvyadrakkon · 4 months
Why Lyssa Always Wears Vests and Ties
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Alternate title: Why Lyssa Should Prolly Stop Wearing Vests and Ties
For many reasons.
The “Post Now” on my poll won out by about three people, but I finished the second page sooner than I thought I would. So everyone can be happy.
I’m trying to remember why this dumb scene popped into my head. Maybe it’s because I was trying to rationalize why my girly is always wearing her vest when many of the other MCs forgo them. (The real reason she wears it is because I like drawing it lol.) Like Lyssa, I live for hand-me-downs, but hand-me-downs are often a little worn by the time I get to them. I lose so many buttons.
Alternate ending bonus panel if Lyssa had been wearing her vest and tie.
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I flipping hated Ashwinder/Poacher Soldiers in particular. Executioners were annoying, but at least you could kind of ignore them for a minute. Soldiers were always. Getting. In. THE. WAY!!! Wasted so many scout-intended purple spells on them.
Part 2:
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teadarka · 28 days
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Not written enywere that ciminals can't exchange flowers and good time at hogsmead.
© 2023 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Developed by Avalanche Software.
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theepicmirroregg · 8 months
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a little Poacher fanart 😁
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okeydokeylackey · 3 months
Ashwinder Executioner... Unmasked?!
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original image under the cut, i drew over it kinda? idk you can look at it lmfao
@beany122 posted a meme with the og image in it and my brain immediately went "there's no way that man doesn't kinda look like the Rock under the mask" which turned into a 30 minute sketch which turned into this so. yeah. whoo.
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kaminari-taimei · 5 months
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Strega Putryd, the Ashwinder
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narmothewraith · 10 months
I don't often make things of clay especially busts but I really lied the idea of an older, a bit of a gentleman ashwinder, so here he is :)
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captainsphinxart · 7 months
yo back with some shitty hogwarts legacy fanart again. Aurors/teachers Amelia and Sebastian taking a walk after a long day of work.
So in my personal headcanon about my MC and Sebastian, after finishing their studies they begin their Auror formation and then work for a few years on various missions and investigations. They quickly become some of the Head Auror's most trusted agents. They live in a small flat in London.
Ever since the events of the game, the Ministry had put the Ashwinders' activities under surveillance. Without their leader they were just a bunch of disseminated Dark wizards. However during their many investigations on dark wizard activity, Amelia and Seb came across more and more frequently the name of Hector Rookwood, Victor Rookwood's younger brother. He was gaining popularity among the Ashwinders and planned to reach his brother's status. He also had darker plans... However Aurors struggled to locate him.
Then, Amelia meets Yana at the ministry, a Hogwarts student on her way to her trial for underage sorcery. Amelia learns the girl used magic to defend herself and a passer-by from Ashwinders while taking a walk in the countryside of Hogwarts.
Amelia and Sebastian had heard of similar attacks in this region and linked them to Rookwood. Thanks to the help of the Head Auror and Professor Weasley, now headmistress, Amelia and Seb obtained positions as respectively DADA and Magical Theory professors in order to investigate undercover. They also had been wanting to settle a bit and this was a good opportunity.
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seaweedpad · 11 months
I know the Quidditch Tournament was weeks ago, but exams were being a jerk 🙄.
Anyway, here's a fanart for Slytherin's victory in Harry Potter: Magic Awakened's Quidditch Tournament 2023 in the Ashwinder (Asia) server featuring my two OCs. Congratulations to us snakes for winning first place. (Click for better quality)
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Fan art without the congratulations banner and background under the cut.
Luna Korrey (Left) and Mignonette Talis (Right)
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thedutchgirl · 3 years
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Didn't feel like writing, so I'm going to draw! Belongs to my story: a Change of Feeling on Ao3.
Harry is left in the dark by his friends. After a couple of weeks without a word from the magical world, Harry receives a letter from R. Singulier. After this letter, Harry finally starts to think for himself and the world he is in. Because what does he know about the Dark cause and what does he know about himself and his friends? Are they really on Harry's side, or are they fair-weather friends?
Follow Harry with a start of a new friendship and maybe a change in feelings.
Harry Potter X Rabastan Lestrange
Link is below..
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ephemerasnape · 2 months
Fanart - Victor Rookwood and Oswald
Just wanted to be present these two amazing pieces done by the lovely @horizontaldancer!
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I will use this one at some point for an audio I have planned.
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Our boy Oswald.
We're very lucky to have so many talented artists interested in dark wizards!
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silvyadrakkon · 2 months
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Commission for @ephemerasnape of Oswald the Ahswinder Scout. Thanks for commissioning me!
This cute lil guy would prolly be friends with non-chicken Morgan lol.
Commission Post
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blxck-cxffee13 · 4 years
28, 36 and 45 please 🥰
28) If someone were to draw a piece of fanart for your story, which story would it be and what would the picture be of?
If someone wants to do art of “House” I will not stop them. Pick a scene, any scene - including upcoming ones ;) - and I will be the happiest of campers.
36)  What’s your favourite genre to write?
Hmmm... Given the overall body of my written work - and I’m including RPs in this - I tend to write a lot of angst. And romance. So probably those two? But both my Criminal Minds fic and House have a fair amount of mystery in them, so apparently that’s a thing I enjoy writing as well?
45)  What is your all time favourite fanfic?
The problem with this question is that I’ve had too many linger with me over the years to just choose one. I also sometimes only remember scenes from a story and those scenes still haunt me even though it’s been 15 years since I’ve read them. Some stories that I loved when I first read them - and still remember now! - don’t hold up as well when I reread them now. I recently reread “An Army of Snapes” over on Ashwinder, for example, and I remember loving it when I first read it, and while I do still enjoy it, I don’t feel like it holds up as well now? I think it’s just that I want more out of the stories I read these days if that makes sense. “The Ring” by Ms. Figg over on ff.net is another example of this. It was written pre-HBP, and reading it now with current knowledge... It’s still good, but some of the actions seem really OOC for the character now and that makes it harder for me to enjoy. Also, she had to edit some of the scenes out of the original because of ff.net’s ban on prawn a few years ago. There was a particularly memorable scene about Severus wanking that didn’t get to stay, and I was bummed that I didn’t get to reread that XD I’ve also been out of the loop for a while now on more recent stories, which really doesn’t help. I have a rule that I don’t read while I’m writing because I’m always afraid I’m going to inadvertently copy what I’ve read, and I want my ideas to be my own, you know? I know there’s loads of brilliant stuff out there, and I do have plans to read again once my current project is finished. Maybe then I’ll be better suited to answer this question.
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theepicmirroregg · 5 months
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Her flipping off the new 5th year ! 😆
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ironsoftie · 8 years
So a while back (I’m talking a good few months back) I got inspired to write a short fic based on fennethianell’s fanart of Newt Scamander. I may have taken her idea of a scarred Newt and ran with it a bit. Below the cut is the rest of the fic. Enjoy!
Newt has scars. They’re spread over his body and are outmatched in number only by his freckles. Many of them he’s gained from earning the trust of his creatures, others simply from meeting them. While the creatures he seeks to protect are, in fact, mostly harmless, they don’t always have a good impression of humans before him. Which is why attempting to approach and possibly touch them can be a tedious- even sometimes painful- process.
Once, a clabbert had bit him for moving too suddenly after Newt had lured the tree-dweller close to him with a small dead bird. He had been trying to get a better understanding of the clabbert’s pustule and how it flashed when the creature sensed danger. Only in doing so, he had slipped on dead leaves on the forest��s floor and his hand moved closer to the creature quickly as he attempted to right himself. The pulsing colors in the middle of the clabbert’s head was the only warning he received before the reptilian monkey-like creature had latched it’s sharp teeth into his forearm before using him as a springboard to launch itself back into the tree it had been nesting in. Newt didn’t blame the poor creature. He should have watched his footing more closely after all. The animal was just protecting itself as it saw fit from an unknown threat.
His torso, on the other hand, was a mess of overlapping scratches and burns from various encounters. An angry kneazle mother had once clawed up his spine with her sharp paws after one of her babies had fallen off his shoulder when he had sneezed, leaving behind small shiny scars there in the process. There were more marks from blast-ended skrewt resting low on his waist, and his right shoulder held a patchwork of scars from some grindylows whose long fingers and strong suckers had attached on before he had been able to swim away while taking a dip in the lake back in his days at Hogwarts. He had burns across his ribs from when an unfrozen ashwinder egg had slipped from his hold and singed him before he could get it under control to properly freeze it.
Another scar ran jagged across his calf from an illegally obtained crup that a wizard had brought into muggle London. The small creature- similar in looks to a jack russel terrier- had slipped its owner’s garden and had been attacking the neighbors. Newt had managed to jump between a small muggle child and the crup, but in doing so placed himself right before the dog-like creature’s jaws. His ankles sported more bite marks from a dugbog he hadn’t seen while looking for flobberworms to thicken a potion with while in North America. He had made the mistake of stepping on one of its ends before the creature twisted and started attacking what it could reach. His thick boots were mostly to thank for keeping the damage to a minimum, but from that day forward he knew to keep an eye out for the little creature.
Newt knew he could in fact have done something to heal the various injuries with magic before they had a chance to scar, but he wanted to wear his marks to as a reminder of every encounter. He truly loved the network of marks and scars across his body. Every experience was something dear to him. A new mark meant a new addition to his book- and that. That meant a possible chance at keeping the magical creatures he adored so dearly safe.
Newt had recently headed home to visit his mother on her request. It was only a matter of time before he broke away from her to go see the hippogriffs she bred really, bowing while making eye contact before entering their territory. Quietly, once they had all bowed back he began to muck the yard without magic. Some things he just preferred to do this way and besides, this way he could keep the chance of spooking the creatures around him to a minimum. He used an old pitchfork and wheelbarrow to collect and dump the hay and waste into as he worked his way around the area the hippogriffs usually stayed in.
As the sun crept higher and higher into the sky however, the sunlight beat on him until he had to tug his shirt over his head to relieve some of the oppressive heat. He laid his shirt over a railing where supplies were set out before dragging bales of fresh hay into the yard, meticulously laying out the soft down. Once he finished, he swiped the back of his hand over his forehead to keep the sweat from dripping into his eyes, wiping that off on his trousers before surveying his handiwork. In doing so he noticed a young hippogriff watching him from not too far away. In fact, he was quite sure that this hippogriff had been following him around the entire time he had been out there.
Keeping eye contact Newt slowly lowered himself to the ground to sit with his legs folded and held out his hand, palm up, towards the hippogriff. Surely enough, the creature moved towards him, head tilting curiously as it approached Newt.
“Go on then.” Newt said through a lopsided smile, “I don’t bite. Promise.”
The hippogriff’s eyes moved back to his before nudging the rest of the way forward into his palm. His beak was warm and solid against Newt’s fingers.
“There you go. See? Not so bad now is it?” he gently brought his hand around to the top of the hippogriff’s beak, telegraphing his moves as he slowly stroked back into the short feathers where the beak ended.
When the hippogriff nuzzled further into his touch, Newt became bolder, stroking further along it’s jawline to its neck. His face broke into a serene smile, and the next words slipped out as though it was simply a passing thought in his head rather than an actual spoken word.
The rest of the day passed by smoothly, with him cleaning what need to be cleaned and restocking what was starting to become low. He brought out some dead ferrets for the hippogriffs to eat for dinner from an underground cooler, and stayed with them until the sun was beginning to sink behind the hill his mother’s house rested on. He picked up his shirt from the railing as he put away the tools he had used, and slung the loose shirt back onto his body. He bade the hippogriffs goodbye with another bow and made his way to where his mother was surely waiting with a verifiable feast for him to come up to. She always told him he was too skinny whenever he would drop in for a visit. If he was being honest though, he was mostly looking forward to going upstairs and checking in on his briefcase. He has just recently managed to get a niffler into the case and he wanted to check in and see how it was adjusting before heading to bed. But first, dinner.
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ephemerasnape · 8 months
Poacher Executioner Fanart 🍇🔞🥵
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OMG Guys... @theepicmirroregg has done it again, and blessed us with an amazing illustration of Poacher Executioner. (18+, NSFW)
But this fanart is extra special, and bears a lot of resemblance to a certain scene in my x reader fic, Last Man Standing.
👀 👀 👀 View the full image now here. 🔞
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