#ask dess
ask-the-void-group · 8 months
DELTARUNE Asriel is now welcome for Asks
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evanture · 2 years
Dess what do you think about Berdly
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if you guys wanna know what berdlys paragraph says tell me
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s-guacamolearts · 10 months
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northstarscowboyhat · 4 months
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✧˖°. Every good cowboy needs a posse ✧˖°.
Introducing Clover's friend group for the Lucky Clover AU! I'm planning to do a proper doodle page for each of them, but here's a basic run down of them all.
Dess is the newest addition to the friend group, only recently joining after a chance meeting with Clover in Snowdin. She's aloof and tends to keep to herself, causing some tension between her and the rest of the group. Clover is determined to ensure she's welcomed, regardless of her family connections to the extremely anti-human mayor of Snowdin.
GK is one of Clover's childhood friends! He lives in the Wild East with his single father, though he much prefers the arcade in Oasis Valley to any of the western attractions. He's extremely committed to the 'cool anime protagonist' bit, to the point that he actively refuses to wear glasses despite needing them.
Sandra is Clover's other childhood friend, though she lives in the Oasis Valley. Due to Clover's family connection with Kanako, she immediately latched onto them as a friend, and the two are particularly close. She's somewhat of a popular girl, but she's actually very sweet and humble.
Sage is the eldest of the group! While she isn't around as often, having more adult responsibilities and being swamped with her job, she's still an honorary member. She still lives in Snowdin with her family. She may be the oldest of the group, but she's extremely anxious and doesn't have the strength to reign in everyone's shenanigans. Please let her take a nap.
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spectacledraws · 1 year
is it ok if i can have one gaster. pllease 🥺
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Image description: digital art of Gaster, Chara, and Dess Holiday from Undertale and Deltarune. They're standing together in a black void, all smiling and making peace signs, though Dess also looks slightly disgruntled and wary as she holds Chara's hand. End description.
thanks anistarrose for the desc!! :]
I was doodlin him and these kids so here! I just love the idea of them being stuck together
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akanemnon · 1 year
I was so shocked at seeing Dess there, I adore fan interpretations of her! Hope we'll see her again.
Apropos of Dess, do you have a reference sheet for her? Would love to try to draw her!
That's exactly the reaction I hoped to get! I know it's not Deltarune Dess, but her Undertale counterpart might hold some people over. At least for the time being.
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Here's her ref sheet together with kid Noelle!
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kyuala · 5 months
como seria ser esposa troféu do Enzo?? onde seu único trabalho é cuidar se si mesma e ser rica? 😍
AIIIII SONHO DE TODAS AS GIRLIES PQP 💅🏼✨ não revisei mto peço perdão 😝
não sei se isso condiz muito com a realidade mas nossa, pensando aqui num enzo que gosta de BANCAR. que tem ORGULHO de olhar pra mulher dele e vê-la vestida da cabeça aos pés nas roupas e acessórios da melhor qualidade que ELE deu pra ela, que adora enchê-la de presentes... 💭
ele é total a favor da sua independência financeira caso vc queira, agora caso não queira... vai trabalhar sempre tendo em mente vc 🫵🏼 juro, acho que ele sente até um senso de motivação a mais sabendo que ele tá trabalhando pra te dar a vida de mimos que vc merece. ele te dá acesso a todas as contas bancárias e todos os cartões dele (e ainda dá um especial pra vc, se possível personalizado ou black 😶‍🌫️), fala pra vc usar como e quando quiser e, apesar de às vezes olhar a fatura do banco, suspirar e falar "olha o estrago que vc tá fazendo na minha vida, nena", ele adora!!!! ver que vc tá usando como se fosse teu mesmo (até pq na cabeça dele tudo que é dele é teu, então é mesmo)
e mesmo sabendo que vc pode muito bem usar o dinheiro dele pra comprar o que vc quiser, ele ainda AMA de paixão te presentear. aniversários, datas comemorativas, até em dias que aparentemente não têm nada de especial ele chega com um mimo pra vc, seja aqueles buquês gigantes de rosas vermelhas (ele é fã desses), jóias caras ou roupas de grife (é defensor de que vc merece apenas do melhor) ou coisas menos caras mas mais focadas num valor sentimental, como um disco que contém a música de vcs, um quadro da sua paisagem favorita que viram na lua de mel e muitas vezes até se aventura com coisas diferentes, como a vez que ele te deu uma caixa de sabonetes artesanais que ele mesmo fez, todos com fragrâncias que o lembram de vc. ele é muito fã mesmo de presentes que vêm do coração tbm e ele presta atenção, viu? muita mesmo, em todos os seus detalhes. cada presente dele parece que ele deu uma lida completa na sua alma
e como ele não é bobo nem nada, às vezes ele gosta de receber um agradinho em troca também, né? quando vc compra alguma coisa que ele julga ser exorbitantemente cara ou quando vc gasta mais com os outros do que consigo mesma (tipo a vez que vc jurava que sua amiga tava precisando muito de ajuda e a ajuda foi tipo, gastaram mais de mil reais num restaurante pq ela tava triste e vc achava que ela precisava sair de casa). aí ele vai dar uma risadinha soprada pelo nariz, balançar a cabeça, falar que vc não tem jeito mesmo, né? é incorrigível, tá toda mimadinha já pela forma como ele te trata como rainha... talvez vc precise fazer por merecer um pouquinho agora, sabe? pq seu homem precisa de um agrado também... e vc obviamente mais do que concorda, já se ajoelhando no chão em frente a ele mal ele termina de dizer as palavras (mas é tudo leve e uma brincadeira acordada entre vcs gente pelo amor de deus jamais acho que ele faria isso tipo real ☠️ é só pelo conceito da fic)
também ADORA investir em vc em outras áreas e gosta de acompanhar os resultados e te incentivar. ele tá pagando um curso pra vc? nossa, vc é tão inteligente... que tal dar uma aulinha demonstrativa pra ele? ele comprou livro de receitas, aparelhos novos pra cozinha e te deixou livre pra gastar e pegar o que quiser no mercado? vai ficar todo caidinho de amores quando a primeira vez que vc tenta algo já transforma em um jantar romântico pros dois como forma de agradecimento a ele. ele te pagou uma viagem pra fazer sozinha pq confia muito em vc e acha que vc merece relaxar, mesmo que ele mesmo não consiga te acompanhar por causa do trabalho? te pede fotos, vídeos e atualizações a cada hora do dia pra ver seu sorriso e vc se divertindo. ele paga seu crossfit, seu yoga, seu pilates que vc faz bem madame de dia de semana às 3 da tarde? poxa, dá uma voltinha pra ele quando sair do banho pra ele ir acompanhando seu progresso também... 👁️👁️
agora se tem uma coisa que derrete o coração dele e o desarma de qualquer coisa na hora é quando vc usa o dinheiro dele pra mimar ele. ele fala e fala e fala que não precisa se preocupar com ele, tudo que ele quer ele já tem (lê-se: você) e o que mais ele precisar ele mesmo arruma, é um cara simples, não precisa de muita coisa. gosta de gastar com vc justamente pq recebe mais dinheiro do que consegue ele mesmo gastar. mas sempre que percebe que mesmo assim vc insiste em presenteá-lo regularmente, também presta atenção em todos os gostos dele e todos os comentários que ele faz sobre o que gostaria, mesmo que por cima, e depois aparece com algo personalizado e sob medida pra ele... mulher, ele fica com um sorriso bobo no rosto o resto da semana, coloca a mãozinha de lei no peito sinalizando o quanto ele tá tocado e, claro, te recompensa mais ainda da forma que vc desejar 😇
bônus: é fã número 1 de te levar em eventos importantes e red carpets e acredita fielmente que vc é a pessoa mais linda, gostosa, bem vestida, inteligente e interessante de todo o evento e vai falar pra todo mundo isso e vai te fazer se sentir bem assim mesmo. amamos enzo maridinho que é praticamente um sugar daddy 💘💝💖💗💓💞💕
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kamiraaah · 2 months
Crying and begging for we to start referindo to gramma bucchi as vovó bucchi 😔😔😔
✨️Vovó Bucchi ✨️>>>>>>>>>>>> Gramma Bucchi
All posts of Grandma Bucchi shall have the #vovó bucchi
You're welcome 😚
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desultory-novice · 1 year
“Changing Times...”
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(I love all eras of Kirby, old and new. But the rush of tragic backstories must have been an adjustment for the animal friends.)
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carlyraejepsans · 3 months
biscia i need to know about that dess x undyne post. please dear god elaborate.
girl who enjoys hitting people with baseball bats x girl who enjoys getting hit with baseball bats as like. a macho thing. you know that video of the british boys hitting each other with chairs? couple that with a homoerotic teenage friendship that left you both fucked up for life and a dead father and you essentially have my vision for Insane UT dessdyne doomed Yuri™
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agentravensong · 11 months
thinking about lex foster.
she has the Gift. she can pull a gun from the void. as a child, she was friends with an eldritch entity. in one timeline, she defeats an avatar/incarnation of another eldritch entity to save her sister.
but, there, that's the thing: lex has a younger sister, who is even more gifted. that sister is the lynchpin of the multiverse. and lex is her protector.
that sister, hannah, is only alive because lex, as a 5 year old, used her Gift to save her from dying before she was born. she didn't even want a sister before that moment. she doesn't remember doing it.
lex wants to be a normal teen who can hang out with her boyfriend and do stupid teen stuff. compared to hannah, she's grounded, practical. she forgets her own power, her own potential, as she grows up and has to learn to fight and scavenge to survive. but at heart, she's still a dreamer. she doesn't want anyone's pity, but still believes (wants to believe) in angels. if she had the money, she'd take the three of them to california. she'd be an actress.
her sister sometimes makes her life hell. lex will still risk, give up, anything and everything for that sister. she's been the closest thing to a mother hannah has known. but she's far from perfect. in multiple timelines, she's the cause of hannah's hurt, the one who puts her in the path of danger, however unintentionally. there is a gap in understanding between her and hannah that they may never fully close — but she keeps reaching out, keeps trying to work around it.
when lex is about to die in black friday, she wonders if she, all along, needed her sister more than her sister needed her — or maybe that's just her trying to reassure herself in her final moments, hoping beyond hope that hannah will be okay without her.
lex has the Gift. but she's not webby's favorite. she's not the Hero. her little sister is.
was lex meant to be the hero, originally? did she somehow fail in webby or the greater universe's eyes to live up to that position, requiring that her sister take it up instead? dooming hannah, before she was even born, to bearing the burden of being the one targeted by the most sinister forces in the multiverse, again and again, and the responsibility of stopping it?
or was the purpose of lex's existence always for her to be her sister's caretaker? to ensure that hannah could fulfill her destiny? to be the one to save her, from others or herself? through taking action, realizing her potential as the second-strongest foster girl (yellow jacket) or less directly, through just being someone hannah knows, can count on and believe in (witch in the web)? to play the kind of supportive role women are often pigeonholed into?
was hannah always meant to be the special one, the star, with lex as her prologue (and occasional understudy)? or was lex the original choice for the role, only for her to turn out to be... not enough? leaving hannah with the job of weaving together the pieces of a shattered universe?
either way, lex foster's existence is defined by her sister. has been since before she can remember.
and yet, though she probably wouldn't be able to say why, i don't think lex would change that. not unless she truly believed it would be to hannah's benefit. (and we all know it wouldn't be.)
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ask-the-void-group · 4 months
my kids
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evanture · 2 years
Hey Dess!
What's it like being a big sister?
I'm a trans woman and an only child, so I've never had any siblings and even being a girl is something I haven't always had. I've been feeling this odd ache over the concept of sisterhood. So I guess I just wanna hear about your thoughts on growing up with Noelle (and Kris) and being a big sister
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“It was probably my favorite feeling ever, being looked up to like that. Even now, my worst fear is probably disappointing her... One of those hard-work but super rewarding things, y’know?”
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desswright29 · 9 months
This always makes me blush 🥰🥰
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asktheluckylot · 8 months
Do you know a Dess?
A Dess (hold on it this right?) Holiday?
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. . .
You were ignored.
Clover: Uh- th-... That's a bit of a sensitive subject....
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lynxgriffin · 2 years
Do you have a theory about what happened to Dess? And what do think she looks/looked like?
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I had a different design for her in Paper Trail before we knew she was actually missing, but I decided to update it since I actually do like the common fanon that she's got dark hair like Rudy. And that she maybe looks more spunky!
And I've talked about this a little bit back on my longer theory post about Ralsei, but I'm basically still along the lines of the most common theories for her. I think she, Noelle, Kris and Asriel were all out exploring by the bunker one day, Kris and Dess decided to go deeper into the bunker where their siblings did not, something big happened where Dess basically fell into a crack in reality (not necessarily the Dark World itself, but perhaps an empty space between worlds) and Kris feels directly responsible, whether through a mistake on their part or inaction on their part. I do think that she's still alive and is trying to reach out to people but doesn't know how, particularly with those extra hidden lines in the code and the one line from Spamton. The Spamton Sweepstakes ARG brought up Dess a surprising number of times, so I think actually finding her and rescuing her will be an important subject that both resolves Kris and Noelle's backstories, and perhaps ties in with some bigger plot things!
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