#ask keev
chipthekeeper · 5 months
Keeve Trennis for the bingo!
Keeeeeeeve my first and dearest high republic blorbo can’t wait for your fall from grace 😬
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acecasinova · 1 year
Hullo!! This is so late but for the ask meme if you're still doing it? :D
🌹🍁🌺💫 for Lazarus and Keev? :D
ABSOLUTELY I'm always down to talk about my kiddos lol~
🌹 Where in the world does your OC feel most at home? Is there any reason why? If it’s not the place they were born, where were they born? Is there a certain somebody that makes them feel at home where ever they may be? What does home mean to them?
Lazarus: Man. I don't know if he's got a place like that. The closest is probably when he gets to nap as a wolf, curled up under a tree or maybe on Eurydice's lap, but he's SO guarded and on edge that he doesn't get to feel like that much. We just got confirmation that he was NOT from Barovia, just somewhere on the Material Plane, but not sure where bc his grandfather wasn't exactly forthcoming lol. Eurydice most of the time- she let him squat in her orphanage's barn and never tried to pressure him too much, but she DOES sort of hover and fuss in ways that he doesn't like (but so many people do that rn). Home is somewhere people don't judge him.
Keev: It used to be his family's kitchen at home, but.... He hasn't actually been back since the accident (being declared dead, buried, and then deemed an undead abomination even though you're NOT (technically) undead, just barely connected to the living sort of puts a damper on going home.) And knowing that his parents knew he'd die if he became a wizards' apprentice but didn't fight the assignment bc it was an honor for their family, makes it a LITTLE soured. But really, any time he gets to cook feels comforting, or, failing that, just spending time w/ his twin sister. (She's sort of his whole world) Home to Keev is comfort. Protection. A warm place to let down your guard- a hearth.
🍁 Where does your OC go when they need to have some time to themself? Would they ever have their own “comfort corner” filled with all the things they like? Do they have a favourite spot outside that feels like its theirs and theirs alone?
Lazarus: Usually he just f-cks off to the woods outside Valaki lmao~ The hayloft in the barn is also a usual haunt for him- it's where he sleeps and hides the stuff he's found/stolen, and where he goes when he doesn't need to work off excess energy (Q has also added some decorations, like a large stop sign her fey prince gave her) In the forest there's definitely an area with more scratched up trees that he frequents for working off energy, hunting small animals, and just climbing up trees to nap or sulk lol
Keev: Right now, he and his sister are on the road too much- they don't have a 'base' outside a magical shelter, so it's difficult to make a place feel like "his". But he does like journaling and pressing flowers, so that may count as a "comfort corner" as he doesn't remember anything after they passed the magical barrier outside their home country. He'll just turn invisible and slink off if he gets overwhelmed, but most times right now he doesn't want to be too far from his sister.
🌺 What does your OC do to calm down when they’re scared or after a nightmare? Do they have any special comfort items or need to be reassured by a specific person? How do they handle this if they’re alone?
Lazarus: Depends on what's scaring him TBH. Most times, he'll just bolt, maybe drop some Darkness and then start jumping through shadows, but LATELY the source of his fear has been Kindness and Strahd, which has been.... tricky, and he's been freezing up as part of him wants to run and another part instinctively wants to obey. After the scare has passed, he usually has a lot of pent up energy and he gets aggressive or needs to let it out somewhere, like just running, hitting something, or scratching up a tree if he can't pick a fight
Keev: So much stimming! Usually he seeks out his sister to tell her about it and just not be alone, because he's had quite a few meltdowns and panic attacks recently from his claustrophobia and other recent fears, and since his magic is tied to fear and reacts to it, it can be dangerous. If he's alone, he tends to just withdraw and curl up to ride it out as best he can
💫What is your favourite fact about this character and why?
Lazarus: ....okay so I JUST found out he was literally MADE from pieces of the rest of his vampiric family, then basically "jump-started" by a great old one, which is WILD- like what a way to have a biologically connected vampire den??? And I love that bc the DM just casually dropped that at the end of last session and reminded us that he mentioned that Laz' arms are different skin tones sdfghjkl;??
Keev: He's agnostic even though he's literally met several gods because he's seen them be fallible and doesn't think they've proven themselves more worthy of worship than anyone else. Also in his ideal world, he could be a paladin who draws faith from other people and their inherent goodness (But he's not very confident in his martial abilities as he was trained classically in arcana and now dealing with shadow magic)
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ct-hardcase · 1 month
Or: Why I Ship Terekeeve, Why You May Want To Also, and Why Cavan Might Also Be Heading That Way
First, this is predicated on me being a sucker for friends to lovers. To me, this thread can simply be boiled down to “I like their friendship, think they have chemistry, and want them to kiss about it” and that can be that.
That being said, there are also thematic reasons that make the ship appealing to me, and, given recent developments with Terec’s character, make me wonder if Cavan may also be heading that way. For certain, I think that an emphasis is being placed on the two of them having a close friendship, and that this has mattered for their stories, and will probably matter down the line.
[Long post under the cut]
To get there, let’s define some beats in their personal arcs/storylines:
Keeve (Phase I): Getting over imposter syndrome/lack of confidence, realizing that her heroes aren’t infallible.
Keeve (Phase III): Desperately trying to hold herself together, lead the team.
Terec (Post-Drengir): Wants their own mind/to be their own self.
In Phase I, though Keeve expresses initial annoyance with Terec (and Ceret), she falls into an amiable dynamic with them almost immediately. After their first mission together, Keeve bandages Terec, and cares about how much they’ve been wounded. Though this is because Keeve is a good Jedi and would do this for anyone, Keeve also leaves her hand lingering on Terec’s shoulder for a panel longer than it takes for her to bandage them up.
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Afterward, it’s implied that Keeve, Terec, and Ceret become frequent mission partners for the next few months (and issues) as they work to defeat the Drengir. The next big terekeeve moment comes when the Jedi undertake a mission to take on the Great Progenitor. After a skirmish at the beginning of the issue, Keeve splits off to find Avar, and Terec volunteers to go with her. 
After they separate from the group, Keeve recognizes Terec and identifies them by name, which they seem pleased by.
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While Keeve may have identified either twin correctly before this in the timeline, this is the first time the reader sees Keeve correctly identify them or Ceret. Thematically, I take this as an early nod toward Terec’s individuality, which I believe this is supported in the next few pages, due to the following:
Keeve and Terec stumble upon the root mind, to which Terec says “I think she knows, Keeve Trennis.” 
Terec and Ceret, until this point, use “we/us” to describe themselves, as they share a mind, and the first time someone notices either twin’s usage of “I” comes later in 2021’s Issue 10, when Terec is about to get husked by the Nameless, and Ceret can no longer feel them in the Force:
Ceret: “I have lost them.”
Nooranbakarakana: “I? Since when did they say I?”
Ceret: “Terec is gone. I…am alone.”
Avar: “Gone? What do you mean? Ceret—is Terec one with the Force?”
Ceret: “I will…we will attempt to re-establish connection.” 
However, Issue 8 marks its first usage in the 2021 comic. I’ll come back to this, but keep a note that the first time Terec refers to themself as “I”, it’s around Keeve. 
I think that Terec referring to themself as such around Keeve in this scene is significant, both in that they trust her, and (though this next part is speculation), shows that Keeve plays a part in Terec realizing their wanting a sense of self.
Keeve then undergoes a major part of her own personal arc when Terec asks whether they need to call the others for help, and she responds: 
“No. We’re enough. We’ve always been enough.” 
Though this is a conclusion Keeve was long coming to, I still think it’s meaningful that she reached that conclusion with Terec at her side.
Later, the two are sent undercover to infiltrate the Nihil together, and while the two are preoccupied with the plot, they get a moment alone together in the Nihil stormship. Keeve nicknames Terec “Ter”, and while this seems like an alias for the sake of the mission and to fool the reader into thinking they’ve defected for real, put a pin in that for later. She also rests her hand on their shoulder as they get pulled in by the Nihil’s tractor beam.
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The two infiltrate the Nihil and make a fun team to watch as a battle couple, but while that’s part of why I ship them, it’s not a substantive part of the analysis. 
Afterward, Terec is subdued by the Nameless and begins to get husked, while Keeve shrinks away. Though this is mostly a response based on fear for Keeve, she does lean on them for support one final time:
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After the pair is rescued by Avar and Sskeer, we don’t get much else from Phase I that isn’t Keeve caring about both Terec and Ceret; though her sadness and frequent visits to their bedside shows the growth of her friendship with both twins since the first issue. Terec and Ceret wake up and save Keeve, which does a lot to show both them being damn good Jedi, but also equally her friend as she is with them.
At this point, between Phases I and III, I’d argue that despite the bond having been intact (or at least, until the Dregir incident) between Terec and Ceret, there are enough moments between just Terec and Keeve that solidify a dynamic and trust between those two specifically, as opposed to Terec, Keeve, and Ceret as a trio or Keeve and Ceret’s friendship (though I cherish those dynamics too!).
I also want to check in on how the two characters compliment each other’s themes:
Though Keeve describes Terec and Ceret as living legends at the beginning of the comic, she quickly falls into a peer to peer dynamic with them. She doesn’t have to idolize Terec and Ceret; they’re her friends and mission partners, as opposed to Avar and Sskeer, both of whom she idolizes and then sees their flaws.
We don’t really get Terec’s desire for individuality as strongly in Phase I, but as I mentioned earlier, I think that Keeve is the first person to really facilitate that, either in them, or as the audience sees it. 
Moving into Phase III, one of the biggest developments for this situation is the instability in Terec and Ceret’s bond, and the theme that Ceret is clinging to the link between their minds, while Terec craves independence, creating a source of conflict between the twins. Though, for most of the run, they still can sense each other’s thoughts and still have the bond, they move more as two different people as opposed to a unit. 
Another one of the more notable terekeeve moments happens in Issue 1, as Keeve is about to be husked by the Nameless, and Terec hears/senses that she’s in danger. Breaking military formation, they dive-bomb into the atmosphere and straight at the Nameless to kill it, stating that Keeve can’t give up. 
Additionally, Terec stops calling Keeve “Keeve Trennis”, here, like both twins did previously, and starts simply calling her “Keeve”. This disparity continues throughout the rest of the run.
On the same mission in Issue 2, the plot is mostly moving (though Keeve expresses concern for Terec before confirming their survival). Notably for Terec, they an implicit “I/me” to refer to themself for the second time, and again, in response to Keeve:
“The Nihil berserker has been shot. Am attempting to alleviate their discomfort.”
Issue 3 has Terec and Ceret blatantly defy Republic orders to help Keeve save Sskeer and jump to the Occlusion Zone. This confirms that all three are still close (and, while mostly unrelated to terekeeve as a ship, shows that Terec and Ceret will cooperate with each other for Keeve’s sake). The plot mostly keeps trucking along through Issue 4 (though we get confirmation that Terec still calls Keeve only by her first name, and that Ceret is still referring to her as “Master Keeve Trennis” or “Keeve Trennis”, for context). 
Issue 5 has most of the main cast hitting intense emotional peaks, but relevant to this meta, explicitly outlines Terec’s desire to have their own mind, and Ceret’s contrasting fear of losing Terec. Keeve learns that, though she can bring Sskeer back down to earth (metaphorically speaking), he’s not alright.
Though Issue 6 mostly keeps the plot and exposition moving, Issue 7 contains what I’d argue is this run’s biggest terekeeve moment. 
First, Terec uses “I/me” a third time when reassuring Keeve that they’re alright after the Yacombe child lashes out at them (“The Force protects me, Keeve.”). This marks the third time out of three that they use “I/me” to respond to Keeve specifically.
After the situation with the Yacombe child unleashing her powers, Goonral Monshi dies, and the group takes a moment to rest after nonstop plot since the first issue. The team breaks into smaller groups at the funeral pyre, but notably, Keeve and Terec split off alone. While this thread has mostly been on the substantive/thematic reasons I think Keeve and Terec work as a couple, I do want to point out that this scene has framing that could be seen as romantic (or at least intimate) with the two sat closer together than they’ve been on the page together in a while, and the moonlight/firelight framing them. 
After an exchange about their current circumstances (we’ll get to that in a moment), Terec states that “We will take the first watch.” while Terec is still referring to themself with “we/us” pronouns during this run, this is no longer a rule, and notably, they’ve just referred to themself using “I” in this issue a few pages ago, and hadn’t used “we” for themself since. While this hasn’t been explicitly stated (and creds to @deusexvalerate for this observation), I think that this context means that Terec was referring to “we” as in “themself and Keeve”, but Keeve was too involved in her own issues to catch that. 
On the note of Keeve being caught up in her own emotions, though the audience has been aware of Keeve’s feelings for a while due to flashbacks and her internal monologue, this is the first time she’s expressed them out loud to any of the cast. Terec and Keeve have been friends throughout the two comic runs, and have raised each other up before, but Keeve demonstrates a deep trust in them here, a trust that she hasn’t placed in anyone else in that group. When Keeve expresses her insecurities, Terec argues back that she has been a good leader. 
Finally, remember that pin I asked you to put in Terec’s nickname from Phase I? Terec dropped to a level of familiarity with only using Keeve’s first name earlier in this run (and repeatedly in this conversation). Keeve using an old nickname for them feels notable here, especially given the intimacy and trust of the situation.
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The plot keeps moving along for the next few issues, and doesn’t really give us any moments I’d say are concrete ship fuel between Keeve and Terec in Issues 8-10.
However, in a very significant moment for Terec, they close the bond with Ceret during Issue 9. Though it’s been a strong theme in their story until this point, this is the first time they admit their desire for their own mind out loud. This also marks the first time they’ve used “I/me” for themself while not speaking to Keeve, which I assume will continue through the duration of Tempest Breaker and thr 2025. While Terec and Ceret seem to come to an uneasy understanding, I’m sure that any tension will get developed further during the aforementioned works.
I don’t have any concrete predictions for how Terec and Keeve’s relationship will develop going into the future, but right now, Keeve is in an insecure place due to Sskeer’s betrayal, and I suspect she hasn’t recovered from her insecurities about leading a team quite yet. Though Keeve feels strongly about Sskeer, she probably won’t confide in him about her feelings for a while yet, and though she’s created a strong bond with Lourna, their trust is still tenuous. Of her close relationships, it seems natural that she’d turn to Terec, given that she’s done so on multiple occasions before this.
As for Terec, they have to learn what it means to be their own person, now. As much as Keeve trusts Terec, they also had their sense of self affirmed by her, and trusted her to the point where all three times we hear them refer to themself by “I” (or some variation thereof), it’s around her. Especially since they probably won’t be able to confide in Ceret about their newfound split, at least not for a while, they may turn to Keeve for support. 
In terms of how their relationship develops, I hope it continues along the same lines that it has previously, and they continue to grow platonically closer. Originally, that’s all I thought it was going to be canonically, but between the sheer vibes (and content) of that Issue 7 page, and the fact that Terec now has their own mind, the massive factor that would potentially make a romance awkward to write just came down. Additionally, Cavan’s no stranger to a slow(ish) burn—look at Vildar and Tey from thr 2022—and the fact that they’re close could develop in a romantic or platonic direction. If we assume that there was an endgame that he’s planning with Keeve and Terec, there’s the possibility that it could have been planned from the beginning of Phase I. Finally, we have reasonable certainty that Keeve is leaving the Order. While I don’t think the catalyst for that will be a forbidden romance, it’s both a factor to pile onto why Keeve may want to go, and a way to either break her and Terec up at the end of Phase III, or provide a new direction for them to go in.
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soneakyr · 6 days
What has always get me about Avar's arc is how it reflects the way she perceives the Force. The Song of the Force and Avar are strongly intertwined, to the point that when Avar begins to see herself as a one-note song, the Song begins to be distant and discordant.
Her way to see the Force, as a song that unifies all living beings, reflects how she sees herself as a part of something greater, a community. She is part of the Jedi and part of the song itself, and that is her greatest strength
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Avar knows that, and she recognizes that she can't find the Tibanna alone, she needs the help of all other Jedi who are with her and of whom she is part. If she can't do it alone, they can together for sure
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When she becomes Marshall, the Hero of Hetzal, she puts her new role in front of being a Jedi, because, while being Jedi is a being part of a larger community, being a Marshal/The Hero is something that is only on her, it's her role and she is the only one who can do that.
She doesn't listen to the Force, which for her is a call to the community she is part of. To fulfill is role she becomes selfish, to the point of defeating the one who still loves her, because she can't ask for help, otherwise, it would be like admitting that she has failed in what she thinks is something only she can do. But even then, Avar has her back, because people still care about her: Maru, Keeve... The Song is still there, even if she doesn't listen to it.
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The fact is that Avar doesn't want to listen, that would be admitting her personal failure. Not the failure of the Jedi Order, but her personal one. She chased Lourna because she wanted to prove, to everyone, that she was right. Even after the fall of Starlight what keep drives her is her selfishness, the idea that asking for help would make her fail again. She is not able to face her failure because she can't fail as a Marshal and she has to do that alone. She is afraid to admit she wasn't enough.
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Only when she faces true isolation in OZ does she begin to change. The Song breaks not only because she is alone, but because she is further away than ever from the Order she had always relied on. Because even when she didn't want it, she was still part of that community.
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Isolation is what made Avar realize how much being a Jedi means being part of a community, part of something greater. But even there, she needed Belin to remind her that even if she was part of something greater she didn't need to be great, she just needed to be Avar, to try
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It's only when she finally reaches again for that community she still familiarly hears echoing in the Force that she finally hears the Song as it always has been. Returning to Coruscant was not only returning home, to Elzar but returning to be Avar, a part of the Song.
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Thank you for participating in my Ted Talk.
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bikananjarrus · 2 months
Top 5 favorite female characters in star wars? I'd also love to know why they're your favorites if you want to explain it🫶
mariiii thank u 💜 this was really hard asdfsldjf but i tried! these are not in order of fave to least fave, these are just my top ladies <3
hera syndulla
light of my life, stars in my sky 💚 i just love her dedication to the rebellion, her endless hope, her stubbornness but willingness to learn, to grow. and of course, she's the best damn pilot in the galaxy!
2. rey skywalker
also the light of my life lol 💛 i love her kindness and her wonder at the world around her so so much. she's tenacious and brave but just still so kind in a world that hasn't been kind to her. i'll never forget what i felt like seeing her in tfa the first time.
3. leia organa
the og!!!!! i loved leia as a kid, but my love for her has just grown and grown over the years. above all, she is a character that represents hope, which hope and love are really what sw is all about! i love that she's sassy and sarcastic and a little rough around the edges, but capable of such tenderness and kindness once you get past her walls. she's lost so much, but she never gives up 💗
4. sabine wren
she's literally just SO cool!!! i love her creativity and expressiveness, her boldness. i like that she's a bit arrogant and wicked smart and has made mistakes in the past bc of it. but she's doing everything she can to make up for those mistakes. she's just so unashamedly herself, and i really admire that about her 💜
5. jyn erso
i love a woman who's a bit of a mess haha. talk about sharp around the edges and stubborn! she's a fighter and i just love her scrappiness. but i also love that, even though she's built up these walls to protect herself and to make sure she can't get hurt or let down again, she's still willing to let people in. she WANTS to let people in, wants to belong. and i just love her willingness to have an open heart after everything she's been through 💚
(and if i was breaking the rules and giving a bunch of my other faves i would say padme and ahsoka and depa and avar and keeve and zeen and qi'ra and--)
ask me my top 5/top 10 anything!
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marsandvenus1 · 1 year
Top 10 Internet Marketing Strategies for Business in 2023
In the rapidly evolving digital landscape of 2023, businesses need to adopt effective internet marketing strategies to stay ahead of the competition and reach their target audience. In this blog, we will explore the top 10 internet marketing strategies that businesses should implement in 2023 to boost their online presence, drive traffic, and increase conversions. 
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Search Engine Optimization (SEO):
SEO remains a fundamental pillar of internet marketing, and in 2023, it continues to be as crucial as ever. By optimizing your website and content with relevant keywords, meta tags, and high-quality backlinks, you can improve your website's ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs). This will increase organic traffic to your site and enhance your online visibility.
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Engaging and valuable content will always attract visitors and keep them coming back for more. In 2023, creating high-quality blog posts, articles, videos, and infographics should be a priority. By sharing informative content that addresses your audience's pain points, you can position yourself as an industry authority and build trust with your customers.
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With billions of active users on various social media platforms, SMM is a powerful tool for businesses to connect with their target audience. In 2023, leveraging platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn can help you engage with customers, build brand awareness, and drive traffic to your website.
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Video continues to dominate the online space, and in 2023, it's an essential part of any internet marketing strategy. Creating engaging video content can captivate your audience and convey your brand message effectively. Videos can be shared across multiple platforms, expanding your reach and increasing user engagement.
Email Marketing:
Despite the emergence of newer marketing techniques, email marketing remains a highly effective method for nurturing leads and retaining customers. In 2023, personalized and targeted email campaigns can boost conversions and improve customer loyalty. Be sure to provide valuable content and offers to keep your subscribers engaged.
Chatbots and AI-powered Customer Support:
In 2023, businesses are embracing chatbots and AI-powered customer support to enhance the user experience. Implementing chatbots on your website can provide instant support to customers, answer frequently asked questions, and even guide users through the purchasing process, improving customer satisfaction.
Graphic Designing:
Visuals play a significant role in internet marketing, and in 2023, graphic designing is more important than ever. Eye-catching graphics and branding elements can leave a lasting impression on your audience. Keev Marketing offers top-notch graphic designing services that can elevate your brand identity.
In 2023, internet marketing strategies play a pivotal role in helping businesses grow and thrive in the digital age. By implementing these top 10 internet marketing strategies, including SEO, content marketing, SMM, video marketing, and more, you can enhance your online presence, attract more customers, and ultimately drive business success.
Consider partnering with a reliable digital marketing agency like Keev Marketing to leverage their expertise in SEO, SMM, website designing, website development, graphic designing, and other essential digital marketing services. Embrace these strategies, adapt to changing trends, and watch your business flourish in the competitive online landscape of 2023.
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keeve-trenniis · 2 months
hi!!! top 5 high republic characters for the ask game? 💙
Hello!!!! Im gonna cheat and put two characters on the same level bc I equally never stop thinking about them so
1. Keeve Trennis (no surprises there hahaha!) and Silandra Sho!
2. Kantam Sy! Non binary parent teacher to the Starhopper padawans I love youuuuu (fr I think daily about the flashback in midnight horizon of Kantam meeting Lula for the first time its so frikin cute😭)
3. Matty Cathley my BELOVED she has never done anything wrong in her eNTIRE LIFE (I have a specific colour of sticky tabs that mark all the moments in path of vengence that made me cry that specific involve her)
4. Avar Kriss my first love sgshsjjskd I latched on to her so hard when I read LOTJ for the first time (I also latched on to Jora but we don't talk about how that went💀)
Honorable mentions bc I have too many favourite kids: Elzar Mann my favourite disaster hes trying so so so hard I adore him, if we're including the high republic cinematic universe then Master Indara has recently skyrocketed into my favourites list, Reath Silas is my besties favourite character so that makes him like my son in law right?, Rooper Nitani precious baby girl who sees the force as cOLOURS????? THATS SO FRIKIN COOL?????????, and last but not least Lula Talisola aka the original baby girl who needs to be protected at all costs I miss her sm (@ the publisher of the thra comics make them easy to get hold of in the UK damnit)
Ask me about my top 5/10! My ask box is open!!!
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keevmarketing01 · 2 years
How To Calculate Your Digital Marketing Budget | Keev Marketing
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When you’re unsure about your marketing budget, you can always use a marketing budget calculator. There are many tools you can find on the internet. A Digital Marketing Agency budget calculator will ask you how much you’re planning to put aside as your marketing budget and then allocate funds accordingly based on your business goals. If you don’t want to use a digital marketing budget calculator, you can always hire Keev Marketing to plan your marketing budget. Keev Marketing understands the market better than any other marketing service company.
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chipthekeeper · 2 months
chip 💙 top 10 high republic characters?
oh god okay now this is much more manageable. again in no particular order mostly:
Keeve Trennis
my fucking number one guy Emerick Caphtor
Elzar Mann
Avar Kriss
i guess i get to say Yord Fandar now
Keven Tarr
Ty Yorrick
Vernestra Rwoh
once again feels as if i'm leaving off a ton of faves (didn't even get to phase 2.......) so i'm gonna drop this and run
ask me my top 5/10 anything!
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acecasinova · 30 days
31 and 35 for Keev :D
Ahhh Keeeeeeev~
31. What’s your favorite part of playing your PC?
For Keev.... The mean, drama rp loving part of me loves when he got overwhelmed or had to roll on his magical panic attack tables, because that poor boy was NOT winning his fights against Fear,,,, But he's also so fun when he'd get relaxed enough to play around and act like the baby brother with his twin sister lol (he might be a very sweet boy, but he's got a mischievous streak in there)
35. If your PC was a dating option in a farming simulator (a la harvest moon or stardew valley), what kind of items would they like?  
Truly the genre Keev should have been in lmao~ You could woo him with cooking ingredients (hello egg a day) or flowers. He might even accept weeds, but the big ticket gift would be sunflowers~
(I think he might ask for, or maybe give you recipes in return, as well)
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hyukcieee-main · 5 years
hey so since its summer is there any type of fic you wanted to read ? any storyline that you just feel like you want to see be developed into a full fic maybe? i'm just asking some of my fave authors since i need inspo - also you can recommend your fave fic atm? if not its fine - stay lovely!
awwwww i just busted the biggest uwu i can believe i’m someone’s fave pls i might cry also saw that you sent this to @/caiuscassiuss and my mind exploded, that’s a person with talent right there
i don’t have any particular storylines or plots that i think should come to fruition so i’m sorry about that baby but i’m going to throw out some of my favourite tropes and just things that i wish i saw more in fics ??? if you get me ??
it’s pretty obvious with what i have written that i’m a huge fan of best friend’s sibling and fake dating bc of my series as well as brother’s best friend bc i like seeing the different dynamics that come out of those situations. i’m very much a sucker for misunderstood characters so i like seeing fics with good character development and progression where you can peel back the layers much like an onion as a fave would say 
some general genres that i would love to see more of would be fantasy i have a fic rec for this although it isn’t nct so i won’t be including it and mystery, particularly murder mystery- i grew up on old murder mystery shows like murder she wrote so this genre will always have a special place in my heart. something that is more prominent in my taste for anime is a psychological thriller. i don’t know what it is but there is something i really enjoy about that genre. 
now for some fic recs! 
basically anything written by @stormae special mention, her fic chiaroscuro (yukhei) will always be special to me bc of the overall beauty of it but it was also the first nct fic that i read. she doesn’t write for nct anymore but i reread her fics over and over. her blog rn is art and fashion and more classical and im in love 
next is @agustdomain in particular the donghyuck fic, take me to outer space. it’s an actual masterpiece very much like chiaroscuro but in an entirely different way. i actually read them one after another and it was a good afternoon cried a whole lot tho. also the jaemin fic is one of my absolute favourites. 
fics i’m currently reading are @hyuckiebabie ‘s bad intentions series which has me in love with idea of arsonist!donghyuck and also @neocultvretechs ‘s silver dollar, golden flame series. it’s a doyoung series and honestly i can’t get enough. this next one was mentioned by @caiuscassiuss and it’s @jaextapose ‘s 1-800-chaos. it’s such a unique take on a misdial and again like all of these, the writing style is amazing. 
i hope this helped! i didn’t really know how to answer this but here you go darling!
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ct-hardcase · 6 months
7 14 21
Thanks for the ask!!
7. Your favourite ao3 tag: Since I'm usually searching for pairs/characters/media rare enough to not be able to be super picky about tropes, this one's hard. I do enjoy the "canon-typical [x]" tag in Star Wars, since (especially in the genres/characters I read for) this generally means some fucked-up canon aspect is about to be taken to its logical extreme and we're all along for the ride.
14: Write and share the first sentence of a new fic. Just that: Of a new fic? Huh. credits for this idea go to @deusexvalerate—the concept has not left my mind since she first sent it my way.
As she and Terec surveyed the rooms of their...liberated Nihil strikeship, Keeve took a few calming, Jedi-like deep breaths, trying to center herself in the present.
21. Can you accurately predict how long your fics are going to be? If you can, what's your secret?: Generally yes, but my secret is "I usually write one-shots". The multichapter I'm working on right now is something I'm vaguely thinking might end up in the 12k range, but I could see it giving or taking 2k.
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dyad-of-fate · 2 years
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Another prompt was a family picture so meet Pepper, Lup and Keev. Can you spot Biff?
(Technically there is one more sister but I ran out of steam to draw her)
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I’m still very excited for lula and keeve despite my misgivings about the high republic as a whole
(Keeve and Lula, for those wondering)
That’s cool. I honestly forgot about both.
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wizardimpersonator · 5 years
Tell me your top five fun facts about one of your OCs!
oh shit oh fuck this never notified me oh god uhhhhhhhh
let’s Yell about me boy Vaerik
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Little bit of background info: Anyone who’s unfortunately been following me for the past few years knows I’m very attached to an Angel OC of mine named Carius. Vaerik here is basically her reincarnation! He’s very much aware of this and really wants to live up to her history (and by extension Xerdi, who Carius is also derived from). Vaerik really do try his best, my man.Facts:1. Vaerik is hilariously clumsy. It’s not even the endearing sort of clumsy, he just knocks shit over or falls flat on his face and it causes problems. He’s probably tripped up stairs at least a few times.
2. He’s also a terrible liar. Poor boy tends to panic easily and whenever something is awry he can’t think fast enough to get himself out of any holes he’s dug for himself. Cue him stammering out the first thing that comes to mind, whether it’s sensible or not.
3. Vaerik loves the ocean! No one’s really sure why, considering neither Xerdi nor Carius had any affinity for it. He’s been known to straight up dunk himself in the ocean for a solid week (my Angels don’t need to breathe), much to the chagrin of anyone who wants to talk to him at the time. His best friend Cygnet hates when he does this because where the fuck were you dude I was looking everywhere!!!
4. Bet y’all never saw this coming, but Vaerik is left handed! I say this because I am left handed and I project it on a majority of my OCs. He writes decently well; not chickenscratch but not exactly flowing script either. He likes to write little notes and reminders for himself since he’s a bit forgetful.
5. Lastly, if Vaerik were to sing, it’d be apparent that he’s very much a tenor. Singing is a big thing for my Angels, so it’s important for him to know, I guess. Pair him with Atali’s guitar and you’ve got yourself a good duo—that is, if you can get Atali to go anywhere near Vaerik to begin with.
Thank you for sending this ask, it’s not often I get to talk about my dumb characters!
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littleladymab · 2 years
Fic request NUMBER TWO!!! This time for @keeve-trenniis with some Thalias/Samakro “slow dancing” 🥰🥰
I think a lot about DistantStorm’s fic “Lows.” that shows Thalias grappling with real bad depression after the end of Lesser Evil. Also, there’s a lot less dancing in this than there could be, but there IS a lot of gentle touching, so you know, we still win. 
Thalias loses track of how much time she sits at the vanity in the hotel room -- her thoughts a gentle susurration of noise as she stares through her own reflection into something else beyond it. What started as a spiral turned into a bottomless pit, and she allowed herself to be drawn into the middle of it without sight of land.
It's only the firm knock at her door that finally draws her back out of it, a line finally cast to pull herself to shore.
She rises to her feet, more on autopilot than anything, and answers the door. 
Samakro stands in the hallway in his new white uniform, honor chains draped across his chest, hand raised in preparation to knock again. "You are here," he says, relief and not surprise coloring his voice. "I was worried." 
Thalias' brain jumps back to the present with startling force and she covers her face with one hand, using the other to grip the door. "I missed the ceremony," she groans into her palm, realization dawning.  
"You did." 
"I'm sorry, I didn't--" She cuts herself off as he reaches for her, a soft brush of the pads of his fingers against her forehead. 
He tucks her loose hair behind her ear and shrugs, hand falling away. "It was boring anyway." 
She doesn't know if she's irritated or not. At herself, at him. Some confusing mix of the two. "I should have been there to celebrate with you." 
Samakro -- or, well, Mak'ro she supposes -- gives another shrug and holds up the bag that he's got gripped in one hand. "We can celebrate now." 
Thalias startles, looking from him to the bag of food containers, then back to him. Fond, amused, and more than a little exasperated, she steps aside to let him in. "Did you ditch your own promotion early?" 
"Of course not," he grumps. "I made a tactical retreat." 
She laughs, and is relieved to feel the spiraled nest of tension in her chest finally starting to unspool. "My mistake, Commodore." 
He preens a little, though she's certain he's not even aware that he's doing it as he sets the food down onto the dining table in the suite. "I figured you haven't eaten yet, so I took the liberty of picking up something on my way over." 
When she doesn't respond right away, he turns to look at her -- still hovering uncertainly between the door and the dining area. "Thalias?" 
It's his turn to pause, content to stand there and study her before something in his expression softens in a way it so rarely does. "You look beautiful." 
That has got to be one of the biggest lies he's ever told her. She's only half-dressed, wearing nothing but a slip and a dressing gown. She managed to do her makeup, but lost steam with her hair, and it hangs loose and unbound around her shoulders. The dress she was going to wear hangs untouched on the bathroom door, waiting until she had finished. 
Only she never did, having lost herself somewhere between putting down her setting spray and picking up her curlers. 
Mak'ro closes the distance between them, one hand settling on the small of her back and the other tangling in her hair. "Are you with me?" he asks softly, running his thumb over her cheek. 
She's not, not yet. He's magnetic, and she can feel the broken pieces of her being pulled in by the center of gravity he creates in her. "I will be," she answers, taking that half a step forward that she needs to be able to reach his lips while standing on her tiptoes. "Will you be staying the night?" 
"If you're okay with it. I can leave after dinner if you'd rather--" 
She cuts him off with another kiss, then steps back. "Stay. You said we'd celebrate." 
With a laugh, he lets her retreat from his embrace so she can investigate the food he brought. "Dinner and dancing in a fancy suite sounds like a far more enjoyable evening than the ceremony." 
"Oh? There was dancing?" 
"What do you think?" he counters with a snort. 
"I think it was a lot of politicking that I'm glad I missed." Thalias pulls a box free and breathes in the scent of the watercress and lemon. 
Mak'ro huffs in a way that might be a laugh. "After I went through the effort of ensuring you got an invitation?" His hand lands between her shoulder blades as she stiffens. "I'm sorry, that was meant to be a joke. Honestly, you didn't miss anything important."  
"I missed the moment where you no longer felt obligated to distrust me because you stopped being Ufsa," she teases, hoping that her tone comes out with the right amount of levity. 
It must, because he pushes her hair over her shoulder and leans down to leave a kiss against the slope of her neck. "You know I haven't felt that way in a while," he murmurs against her skin, and she can't help the shiver that goes down her spine. 
Thalias turns to hook her hands around the back of his neck, running her nails through his freshly-cut hair and trailing them over the collar of his uniform jacket. There's a confession in his eyes that sets her at ease, and finally she's able to smile. "Dance with me?" 
"Now?" Mak'ro lifts an eyebrow and glances down at the food. "You don't want to eat first?" 
She shakes her head despite the fact that her stomach grumbles. "Alright, one dance." 
"One dance," he concedes, and fishes his questis out of his pocket. With a few quick taps, the lights in the room dim and music begins to hum from the living room sound system. 
"You planned this," she accuses with a small smack to his chest, absolutely no malice behind it.  
"I might have looked into the amenities when booking the room, yes." He runs his thumb over the heel of her hand and presses a kiss to her pulse. Then he pulls her away from the table, into the center of the sitting room where there is nothing to hamper their movements. 
They sway together in time to the music and that's when, at long last, the final pieces of Thalias slot back into place. 
She presses her forehead to his shoulder, closing her eyes as his hand rumples the fabric of her dressing gown. "I am sorry I missed your promotion ceremony. I didn't even think to tell you I wasn't going to be able to make it." She can say it now, that she's here. Together. It was harder when he first arrived. 
"It's alright," Mak'ro says, his cheek pressed to the top of her head. "You're here, and I didn't have to commandeer a shuttle to go to Ool to see you." 
"I would have loved to see you on a civilian transport in your Commodore uniform," she laughs. 
He grumbles, because they definitely wouldn't have let him take military transport to go visit Thalias. As it is, he bent the rules a little in getting her this suite -- because technically it's under his name, a little bonus to come with the new rank. Maybe he had been expected to host an after-party to schmooze some more, but he was done with needing to please the Families. 
The first song had ended some time ago, but they still continued to dance until Thalias' stomach gave another loud rumble and interrupted the serenity of the moment. 
"Dinner," Mak'ro announces, and switches the music to something more upbeat and brings the lights back up to normal. He swipes a bottle of something dark and amber from the minibar as they pass back into the dining area, grinning as he waggles it in her direction. "Then we'll see where the evening will take us." 
The smile comes quick and easy now, and she can't help the laugh as she says, "That sounds like an excellent plan."
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