#ask meme: hercules
feradam · 8 months
❛ just think happy thoughts. ❜ + hércules
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Olhos como adagas e a sombra de um rosnado na beira da garganta, Adam olhou para o cozinheiro e para seu prato (ou melhor, o que restara dele) no chão, após uma briga no Granny's Red. E ele sequer estava no meio dessa vez. "Eu pareço feliz pra você?" Ergueu uma sobrancelha, respirando fundo para tentar se acalmar.
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thekenobee · 1 month
ok I'll just send you more ideas for cabin pressure x poirot crossovers as I relisten to eps
Hastings: Poirot's put me in charge of the faxes.
Miss Lemon: Are you sure, Mr Poirot? Because some people do still have fax machines.
Poirot: Yes, yes some people do. We don't though. (not sure yet what scene this would go well with)
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Never enough of Cabin Pressure x POiROT!!
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lilinyxx · 8 months
Hercules protects his friends from some mean people
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I'd rather think he'd be the mom of the group, So I did this
I didn't wanna draw angsty stuff so yeah, have memes
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Lafayette being the only capable of doing stuff rn be like:
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warriorsatthedisco · 3 months
Ooo thank you @makosharks for the tag!
Here’s 6 of my favorite movies, which suits me best?
Sooo many movies I love missing from this list (I’m sorry Stardust) but anyways pls try this out if you want! I’d love to see your movie list
@siristaci @askkit5ever @venerabledreadnought @bookwormcheerleader @theygender @blueswedishfish @angel-of-passion
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So I made something really stupid GEJSHSJDH
(Volume warning lol)
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rain-shoshana · 1 month
Okay, for the blorbo bingo: Hercule Poirot!
If anyone was gonna give me bingo it would be Papa!
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madmanwonder · 11 months
Marry Me, Damnit!
Meg towards Hercules
“Marry Me, Damnit!” Meg growled as she pulled the son of Zeus to her height, glowering at his scared face.
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firstelevens · 1 year
url song tag
tagged by the lovely @bisamwilson! thanks Mak!
F - "First Time" by Hozier
I - "If I Should Wander Back Tonight" by Chris Thile and Michael Daves
R - "Rhythm & Blues" by The Head and the Heart
S - "Son of a Preacher Man" by Dusty Springfield
T - "Thang (hips)" by Esperanza Spalding
E - "Elle Me Dit" by MIKA
L - "Location" by Khalid
E - "Emmylou" by First Aid Kit
V - "Vienna" by Billy Joel
E - "Everything Has Changed" by Taylor Swift
N - "Ne m'appelle pas" by Coeur de pirate
S - "Steam" by Leon Bridges
no-pressure tagging @jadedofmara @captaincrais @birdhapley @philtstone @apatheticjoy
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grimmusings · 1 year
⭐ (returning the favour from when I reblogged this meme)
⭐ Cassian (ACOTAR) + Feyre Archeron (ACOTAR): I just love them being bros, okay? Cassian is her biggest fan for making their High Lord the happiest he's ever been.
⭐ Hercules (Greek mythology) + Hera (Greek mythology): He hates me for this, but in my modern AUs, Herc has read his story and knows that Hera drives him mad enough to kill his wife and kids. He's scared shitless of her, and I like to torment my muses.
⭐ Castiel (Supernatural) + Aziraphale (Good Omens): Please, I need ineffable besties! Cas offers this broken stone tablet in Enochian for Az's book collection (may or may not contain information helpful for averting the apocalypse 💛).
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therealmofamorus · 1 year
Ask: Original Stud Monster Girl: Truth Serum: What is one of the kinks that you want to do with Hercules, Elsa?
“I want Hercules to breed me like I am nothing but a bitch for him to bred.” The Ice Queen replied honestly with a very perverted tone of voice.
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thekenobee · 2 months
thinking about Poirot/Cabin Pressure crossovers, I am just very delighted by the one the show itself gave us: Hastings teaching Poirot the one man went to mow a meadow song on a car ride and Martin and Arthur teaching Diego the engineer the same song on a car baggage truck ride. esp for Poirot it was such an adorable thing to have that if I hadn't seen it, it would sound more like something made up for your crossovers than an actual thing in the show
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Cabin Pressure + Poirot (Part 5 of many) Tis be my favourite scene in the series! Was rewatching it with a friend who's also a Cabin Pressure fan and we both SCREAMED I'm so Glad you're enjoying the crossovers<3
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lilinyxx · 8 months
Could you draw having our main four (Hamie, John, Laffy, and Mulligan) having a sleepover? I think it would be funny!
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I would love to think that the curly boys would tie each other's hair while one of them is playing with the other
And Herc would call everyone if they want to get some drinks
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donttalkaboutmemes · 2 years
Hercules (1997) Sentence Meme
Under the cut you will find 150+ sentences from the 1997 version of Hercules to use for your enjoyment!    
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1.      “Long ago in the faraway land of ancient Greece, there was a golden age of powerful gods and extraordinary heroes.”
2.      “What is the measure of a true hero?”
3.      “Will you listen to him? He’s making the story sound like some Greek tragedy!”
4.      “We are the muses, goddesses of the arts and proclaimers of heroes.”
5.      “Look at this. Look how cute he is.”
6.      “He’s strong! Like his dad, hm?”
7.      “I haven’t seen this much love in a room since Narcissus discovered himself.”
8.      “He won’t hurt himself. Let the kid have a little fun.”
9.      “How are things in the underworld?”
10.   “They’re just fine, y’know? A little dark, a little gloomy, and hey, full of dead people.”
11.   “Unlike you gods lounging about up here, I regrettably have a full-time gig.”
12.   “You oughta slow down. You’ll work yourself to death.”
13.   “If there’s one god you don’t want to get steamed up, it’s Hades.”
14.   “Let me know the instant the fates arrive.”
15.   “The Fates are here and you didn’t tell me?”
16.   “Memo to me. Memo to me, maim you after my meeting.”
17.   “Hold that mortal’s thread of life good and tight.”
18.   “Is this kid gonna mess up my hostile takeover bid or what?”
19.   “We’re not supposed to reveal the future.”
20.   “My fate is in your lovely hands.”
21.   “In eighteen years precisely, the planets will align ever so nicely.”
22.   “Got a little riddle for you. How do you kill a god?”
23.   “Let’s just kill the kid and get it over with, okay?”
24.   “He has to drink the whole potion! Every last drop!”
25.   “For so many years we’ve prayed to the gods to bless us with a child. Perhaps they’ve answered our prayers.”
26.   “You mean if he finds out.”
27.   “If. If is good.”
28.   “Hey, you need an extra guy?”
29.   “That boy is a menace!”
30.   “He’s too dangerous to be around normal people!”
31.   “He didn’t mean any harm. He’s just a kid. He just can’t control his strength.”
32.   “I’m warning you. You keep that freak away from here!”
33.   “You shouldn’t let those things they said back there get to you.”
34.   “They’re right. I am a freak. I try to fit in, I really do.”
35.   “Sometimes I feel like I really don’t belong here. Like I’m supposed to be someplace else.”
36.   “If you found me, then where did I come from? Why was I left here?”
37.   “This was around your neck when we found you. It’s the symbol of the gods.”
38.   “What’s your hurry? After all these years, is this the kind of hello you give your father?”
39.   “Didn’t know you had a famous father, did you?”
40.   “You wanted answers, and by thunder, you’re old enough to know the truth.”
41.   “Why’d you leave me on Earth? Didn’t you want me?”
42.   “Only gods can live on Mount Olympus.”
43.   “If you prove yourself a true hero on Earth, your godhood will be restored.”
44.   “Exactly how do you become a true hero?”
45.   “You sure this is the right place?”
46.   “Nymphs. They can’t keep their hands off me.”
47.   “What’s the matter? You never seen a satyr before?”
48.   “I need your help. I want to become a hero, a true hero.”
49.   “Two words. I am retired.”
50.   “Haven’t you ever had a dream? Something you wanted so bad you’d do anything?”
51.   “I trained all those would-be heroes.”
52.   “I had a dream once. I dreamed I was gonna train the greatest hero there ever was, so great the god’s would hang a picture of him in the stars.”
53.   “Dreams are for rookies.”
54.   “A guy can only take so much disappointment.”
55.   “I’m different from those guys. I can go the distance.”
56.   “I’m too old to get mixed up in this stuff again.”
57.   “Hold it! Zeus is your father?”
58.   “Rule ninety five, kid. Concentrate.”
59.   “I am ready. I wanna get off this island. I want to see battles and monsters, rescue some damsels. You know, heroic stuff.”
60.   “Big tough town. Good place to start building a rep.”
61.   “Sounds like your basic D.I.D, damsel in distress.”
62.   “I like ‘em fiery.”
63.   “Remember, kid. First, analyze the situation. Don’t just barrel in there without thinking.”
64.   “I’m a damsel. I’m in distress. I can handle this. Have a nice day.”
65.   “Rule number fifteen. A hero is only as good as his weapon!”
66.   “Not bad, kid. Not exactly what I had in mind, but not bad.”
67.   “Is Wonderboy here for real?”
68.   “Next time don’t let your guard down because of a pair of big googoo eyes!”
69.   “Did they give you a name along with all those rippling pectorals?”
70.   “You know how men are. They think no means yes and get lost means take me, I’m yours.”
71.   “Thanks for everything. It’s been a real slice.”
72.   “I’ll be alright. I’m a big, tough girl. I can tie my own sandals and everything.”
73.   “She’s really something. A pain in the patella!”
74.   “I thought I smelled a rat.”
75.   “I gave it my best shot, but he made me an offer I had to refuse.”
76.   “So you took care of him, hm? Dead as a doornail. Weren’t those your exact words?”
77.   “I’m about to rearrange the cosmos and the one schmeil who can louse it up is walking around in the woods!”
78.   “We made him a mortal. That’s a good thing.”
79.   “One town, a million troubles.”
80.   “Stick with me, kid. This city is a dangerous place.”
81.   “Don’t make eye contact. People here are nuts.”
82.   “Trust me, kid, you’re gonna be just what the doctor ordered.”
83.   “It seems to me that what you folks need is a hero.”
84.   “Have you ever saved a town before?”
85.   “Don’t you pea-brains get it? This kid is the genuine article.”
86.   “We need a professional hero, not an amateur.”
87.   “How am I supposed to prove myself a hero if nobody will give me a chance?”
88.   “Jeepers, mister, you’re really strong.”
89.   “Stirring performance, boys. I was really moved.”
90.   “Two thumbs way, way up for our leading lady. What a dish. What a doll.”
91.   “Get out of there you big lug, while you still can.”
92.   “I hate to burst your bubble kid, but that ain’t applause.”
93.   “Lead with your left! No, your other left!”
94.   “I don’t think we covered this one in basic training!”
95.   “My favorite part of the game. Sudden death.”
96.   “You gotta admit, that was pretty heroic.”
97.   “I wonder if maybe I haven’t been throwing the right curves at him.”
98.   “See, he’s gotta have a weakness, because everybody’s got a weakness.”
99.   “I need someone who can handle him as a man.”
100. “Hey, I’ve sworn off man-handling.”
101. “That’s what you got into this jam in the first place.”
102. “You sell your soul to me to save your boyfriend’s life. And how does this creep thank you?”
103. “You give me the key to bringing down wonderbreath and I give you the thing that you crave most in the entire cosmos. Your freedom.”
104.  “You haven’t proven yourself a true hero.”
105.  “I’m afraid being famous isn’t the same as being a true hero.”
106.  “Look inside your heart.”
107.  “You wanna go to Olympus, don’t you?”
108.  “I seen ‘em all and I’m tellin’ you, you got somethin’ I never seen before.”
109.  “There is nothin’ you can’t do, kid.”
110.  “It’s alright. The sea of raging hormones has ebbed.”
111.  “So this is what heroes do on their days off.”
112.  “You sound like you could use a day off.”
113.  “You know when I was a kid I would have given anything to be exactly like everybody else.”
114.  “When I’m with you, I don’t feel so alone.”
115.  “You’re already on my list, so don’t make it worse.”
116.  “As for you, you bum, you’re going to the stadium and you’re gonna be put through the workout of your life.”
117.  “What’s the matter with me? You’d think a girl would learn.”
118.  “Get yourself another girl. I’m through.”
119.   “Read my lips. Forget it.”
120.  “Aren’t we forgetting one teensy-weensy, but ever so crucial little detail? I own you!”
121.  “I know that dame was trouble. This is gonna break the kid’s heart.”
122.  “You hear that sound? That’s the sound of your freedom fluttering out the window forever.”
123.   “I can’t believe you’re getting so worked up about some guy.”
124.   “How can I come down there when I’m feeling so up?”
125.   “If it hadn’t been for you, I never would have met her. I owe you big time.”
126.   “More beautiful than Aphrodite?”
127.   “She’s a fraud! She’s been playing you for a sap!”
128.   “The point is I love her.”
129.   “I thought you were gonna be the all-time champ. Not the all-time chump.”
130.   “I would be eternally grateful if you would just take a day off from this hero business of yours.”
131.   “I do have a little leverage you might wanna know about.”
132.   “We dance, we kiss, we schmooze, we carry on, we go home happy. Whattya say?”
133.    “People are gonna get hurt, aren’t they?”
134.    “Now you know how it feels to be just like everybody else. Isn’t it just peachy?”
135.     “Is she not a fabulous little actress?”
136.     “Our hero’s a zero.”
137.     “There’s a whole cosmos up there waiting for me with my name on it.”
138.     “What are you doing? Without your strength, you’ll be killed.”
139.     “What does he need me for when he’s got friends like you?”
140.      “If you don’t help him now, he’ll die.”
141.      “Giving up is for rookies.”
142.      “I came back cause I’m not quitting on you. I’m willing to go the distance. How ‘bout you?”
143.      “People always do crazy things when they’re in love.”
144.       “My intentions were pure! I really was attracted to you!”
145.      “At least I’ve got one swell consolation prize, a friend of yours who’s dying to see me.”
146.       “I’m sorry, kid. There’s some things you just can’t change.”
147.       “Well, well, well. It’s a small underworld after all.”
148.       “You like making deals. Take me in her place.”
149.        “You’ve done it! You’re a true hero!”
150.         “You were willing to risk your life to rescue this young woman.”
151.       “A true hero isn’t measure by the size of his strength, but by the strength of his heart.”
152.       “You’ll make one heck of a god.”
153.       “I wish to stay on earth with her. I finally know where I belong.”
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xlalitax · 3 months
What My Muse Has For Your Muse's Contact Info:
my nightmare
What Their Ringtone Is:
There’s a Barbarian in the Back of my Car- Voice of the beehive
The Last Text They Sent Your Muse:
Lalita: Ugh
Lalita: no, I’m not admitting you’re right
What Image My Muse Has For Your Muse In Their Phone:
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berylcluster · 5 months
“That’s a science thing we learned today.” — Bubbles
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➫ HERCULES had listened, as intently as one of his intelligence could listen, nodding occasionally to show her he was very much interested in what she was telling him. But by the time she had finished with this, he was completely lost, that glossed over look of someone who was barely understanding by a thread. Well, truth was he got lost somewhere at the beginning; there were a lot of big words. He didn't want to seem stupid, or like he might not have been paying attention, because truth was, he really did try. She was really smart, and he - well, he was good at throwing monsters around. "That sounds... super cool. To know about! I'm a little jealous your father teaches you and your sisters about science stuff." The last bit has only a hint of sadness, but Zeus really was an asshole so was he really sad about that? Not really.
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